#lycopersicon esculentum
the-liminal-place · 1 year
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(plain text version under the cut)
Lycopersicon Esculentum
Find nourishment in the night
of me.
At the sight of my plight:
Fighting to know,
to get going,
to flow
to flourish and grow, try
as I might, 
to reach up high like the tallest tall men
and soar like swallows, 
when all I really do is make smoothies
from my turpentine blood and groans and
my brittle ashen bone. 
Herbose (not quite), 
I am a little Tomato plant
thrilling nobody by thriving
in a pot, left
in an abandoned Ford Capri. 
I cry deep red tears at every new
headlight dawn
and settle (not quite) at eventide
like a handprint
in concrete;
fucking unwanted. 
But although I grow strong, I am dying
everyday. Starving, you see. 
In my belly,
In my heart. 
No catharsis. 
Forever raving mad, I ache
like limestone rocks in dried up lakes
after acid rain:
in my head, 
in my eyes,
in all my coquettish faux-surprise. 
I bury my uninteresting secrets and lies
with vigour, southland, 
broken-knuckles on tiny hands, 
my fingernails soiled from digging
down, down, 
in my doubled-up urn—
my word! 
Oh, my life! 
My nocturnal yearn, 
it never ceases. 
So take me now, please, in spite
of all this, despite all
my devilment
and all my shite. Because.
try as I might to be soft and stayed, 
I am deviant.
I am sharp. 
I am the knife
that cuts clean the meat
off my verdant stem 
and right through to my very own hunger 
for you. 
L. Cassidy, 2nd July 2023. 
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lazypot-kitchen · 1 year
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【Tomato Tofu Soup | 番茄(西红柿)豆腐汤】 味道鲜美、营养可佳又百搭的酸爽家乡料理汤!快来尝尝。还有爱情美丽故事传说哟!别错过 Delicious, nutritious and enjoyable sour taste and a cool homemade cooking soup! Come and try it. And have a lovely and beautiful story legend too! Don't miss it up! __________________________
【食材 | Ingredients 】
【主要的食材 |Main Ingredients】
1. 豆腐 Tofu - 2 块chunks
2. 鸡蛋 Eggs - 2 打/个beats
【主要的蔬菜 |Main Vegetables Ingredients】
1. 番茄/西红柿 Tomato - 6 个/粒 units
2. 白玉菇 Shimeji White Mushrooms - 1 包 packets
3. 香菜Coriander /or 青葱 Shallots - 适量 moderate amount
【配料方面 |Side Ingredients】
1. 玉米淀粉 Corn Starch - 适量appropriate amount
2. 黑胡椒 Black Pepper - 适量 appropriate amount
3. 盐 Salt - 适量 appropriate amount
4. 食油 Cooking oil - 适量 appropriate amount
【调味料方面 |Seasonings Ingredients】
1. 生抽Dark Soy Sauce - 2 汤匙 Spoons
2. 麻油 Sesame Oil - 2 汤匙 Spoons
3. 浓缩鸡汤酱 Concentrated Chicken Sauce - 2 汤匙 Spoons
4. 花雕酒 Hua Tiao Chew Rice Wine - 2 汤匙 Spoons
5. 酱青 Light Soy Sauce - 2 汤匙 Spoons
6. 黑醋 Black Vinegar - 2 汤匙 Spoons
【准备材料的部分|Prepare Ingredients Parts】
1.把鸡蛋打入碗中打散。Break the into a bowl and beat it well.
2. 把豆腐切片。Cut the tofu into slice.
3. 把白玉菇切半。Chop the mushrooms into half.
4. 把番茄切上十字划开。Cut criss-cross slashes on top of tomatoes. 5. 用开水烫番茄。Heating and spoiled on top of tomatoes
6. 把番茄切丁。Dice the tomatoes.
【开始烹饪的部分|Cooking Parts】
1. 打开电炉把锅热一热。 turn on the electric stove to warm up the pan.
2. 倒入少许的油。 Pour in a little oil.
3. 等油热后下番茄,炒至它出汤汁 When the oil is hot, add the tomatoes and saute them until it comes out with some juices.
4. 加入适量清水 Add the appropriate amount of water
5. 放入豆腐和白玉菇。 Add the tofu and mushrooms.
6. 在汤内加入适量的盐和黑胡椒, Add a moderate amount of salt and black pepper to the soup.
7. 然后再加生抽,麻油,浓缩鸡汤酱,花雕酒,酱青和黑醋在汤中。 Then add soya sauce, sesame oil, concentrated chicken stock sauce, flower carving wine, light soya sauce and black vinegar to the soup.
8. 倒入水淀粉液状,再淋上鸡蛋液 Pour in the mixture of cornstarch and drizzle with the egg.
9. 最后盖上锅盖。 Finally, cover the pan with a lid.
10. 汤滚后,就可关火啦! Once the soup has come to a boil, turn off the heat!
了解有多番茄的知识 More knowledge to learn about Tomatoes:
1. 如何挑选品质好的番茄 Tips to pick a good quality of tomato
2. 如何保存番茄的好方法 Steps to preserve tomatoes
3. 番茄的温馨小提示事项 Kind Notices or Attention about tomatoes
番茄的爱情小故事A Lovely Legend Story of Tomatoes __________________________
记得多多支持和关注哟! Don't forget to 按赞 Like 订阅 Subscribe 关注 Follow 分享 Share
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#AVitamini, #Besin, #CVitamini, #Çorba, #Domates, #Konserveler, #Likopen, #LycopersiconEsculentum, #Sağlık, #Salça, #Sebze https://is.gd/4uOtfH https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/domates/
Domates (Solanum lycopersicum), patlıcangiller (Solanaceae) familyasından kökeni Güney Amerika’ya dayanan, kültüre alınmış ve dünya genelinde yaygın olarak tüketilen bir sebzedir. Meyve olarak tüketilen ama aslında botanik açıdan bir meyve olup, mutfakta çoğunlukla sebze olarak kullanılmaktadır. Farklı boyutlarda, renklerde ve şekillerde çeşitleri bulunan domates, zengin vitamin ve mineral içeriğiyle besleyici bir gıdadır. Aynı zamanda antioksidanlar ve likopen gibi biyoaktif bileşikler içermesi nedeniyle sağlık için de önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
Çeşitli yemeklerde, salatalarda, soslarda ve içeceklerde kullanılmasıyla sofraların vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Tarım alanında da önemli bir ürün olan domates, uygun yetiştirme şartları sağlandığında verimli bir şekilde yetiştirilebilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, hem lezzeti hem de sağlık açısından zengin bir besin olan domates, dünya genelinde popülerliğini korumaktadır.
Domates’in Toprak Tercihi
Toprak tercihi genellikle verimli ve iyi drene edilmiş toprakları tercih eder. Toprak pH’ının 6 ila 7 arasında olması, bitkinin besinleri daha iyi almasına yardımcı olur. Ayrıca, toprağın organik madde açısından zengin olması da gelişimi için önemlidir. Ilıman iklimleri tercih eder ve sıcak hava koşullarında daha iyi yetişir. Düşük sıcaklıklardan zarar görebilir, bu nedenle don tehlikesi olan bölgelerde uygun koruma önlemleri alınmalıdır. Aynı zamanda, bol güneş ışığı domateslerin gelişimi ve meyve verimi için kritik öneme sahiptir. İyi bir havalandırma ve nem dengesi, hastalıkların ve zararlıların önlenmesinde önemlidir. Sulama düzenli olmalı ve suyu toprağın köklerine ulaştıracak şekilde yapılmalıdır. Bu koşullar altında sağlıklı büyüyerek verimli meyveler üretebilir.
Domatesin Faydaları
Domates, besleyici içeriği ve sağlığa olan faydalarıyla önemli bir sebzedir. İçeriğinde C vitamini, A vitamini, potasyum, lif ve antioksidanlar bulunur. Bu besin öğeleri sayesinde domatesin birçok sağlık yararı vardır.
Domatesin içerdiği C vitamini, bağışıklık sisteminin güçlenmesine yardımcı olur ve vücuttaki serbest radikallerle savaşarak hücrelerin hasar görmesini engeller. Ayrıca, A vitamini sayesinde göz sağlığını korumada etkilidir. Kalp sağlığını desteklemeye de yardımcı olur. İçeriğindeki potasyum, kan basıncını düzenler ve kalp-damar sağlığını destekler. Lif açısından zengin olması, sindirim sistemini düzenler ve kabızlık gibi sorunların önlenmesine katkı sağlar. Ayrıca, domatesin likopen adı verilen bir antioksidan içermesi, kanser riskini azaltmada etkili olabilir.
Özetle, domatesin içeriğindeki vitaminler, mineraller ve antioksidanlar sayesinde sağlık açısından pek çok faydası bulunur. Bu nedenle, dengeli bir beslenme planında düzenli olarak tüketilmesi, sağlığın korunmasında ve geliştirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynar.
Hastalık ve Zararlılar
Domates bakteriyel benek hastalığı, Xanthomonas vesicatoria adlı bakterinin neden olduğu bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalık, yapraklarında ve meyvelerinde beneklerin oluşmasına neden olur. Bakteriyel benek hastalığı genellikle nemli ve sıcak hava koşullarında, su damlacıklarının bitkiye temas etmesiyle yayılır.
Hastalığın belirtileri arasında yapraklarda oluşan sarımsı yeşil renkte benekler, bu beneklerin etrafında hafif sarı halkalar ve zamanla bu beneklerin birleşerek büyümesi gözlemlenebilir. Hastalık ilerledikçe, meyvelerde de benekler ve çatlaklar oluşabilir.
Bu hastalığın kontrolü için şu önlemler alınabilir:
Domates Hastalıkları ve Kültürel Önlemler
–Fide döneminde belirti gösteren bitkiler yok edilmeli. –Seralarda havalandırmaya özen göstermeli ve aşırı nem birikimi önlenmeli –Enfekteli bitki artıkları yok edilmeli –Bulaşma alanlarında 1 yıılık ekim nöbeti uygulanmalı –Hastalık, tohumla da taşındığından temiz alanlardan tohum alınmalı.
Domates Çift virüslü çizgi hastalığı, bitkiyi etkileyen bir viral hastalıktır. Bu hastalığın nedeni, Potato virus Y (PVY) ve Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) adı verilen iki farklı virüsün etkileşimidir. Bu virüsler, yaprak bitleri ve diğer zararlılar tarafından taşınarak bitkiye bulaşır ve hastalığın yayılmasını sağlar. Domates Çift virüslü çizgi hastalığı, domates bitkisinde çeşitli belirtiler gösterir. Bunlar arasında yapraklarda sararma, kıvırcık yapraklar, yaprak kenarlarında dalgalanma ve hatta çizgili desenler bulunabilir. Ayrıca, meyvelerde çatlaklar ve renk değişiklikleri de görülebilir.Domates ve patates ürünleri bir arada yetiştirilmemelidir
Domates bakteriyel benek hastalığı, Xanthomonas vesicatoria bakterisinin neden olduğu yaygın bir domates hastalığıdır. Bu hastalık, nemli ve sıcak koşullarda daha sık görülür ve özellikle yapraklar, meyveler ve saplar gibi domates bitkisinin farklı kısımlarında lekeler oluşturur. Domates bakteriyel benek hastalığının belirtileri genellikle yapraklarda başlar. Yaprakların üst yüzeyinde su lekeleri gibi başlayan lekeler, zamanla kahverengi ve sert bir yapıya dönüşebilir. Hastalık ilerledikçe, yapraklar üzerinde sarı, kahverengi veya siyah renkte nekrotik lekeler oluşur. Meyvelerde de su lekeleri ve çukurlar görülebilir, meyve kalitesi düşebilir.
Domates mildiyösü hastalığı, Phytophthora infestans adlı mantarın neden olduğu bir hastalıktır ve yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Bu hastalık, özellikle nemli ve serin hava koşullarında hızla yayılabilir ve domates üretimini olumsuz etkileyebilir. Domates mildiyösü hastalığı, yaprakların üst yüzeyinde oluşan sarımsı, yeşilimsi lekelerle başlar. Lekeler zamanla büyür ve alt yüzeyde gri-beyaz sporlar oluşur. Hastalık ilerledikçe yapraklar kahverengiye döner, kurur ve sonunda ölür. Aynı zamanda meyvelerde de lekeler oluşabilir ve meyve kalitesini düşürebilir.
Domates yaprak küfü hastalığı, Phytophthora infestans adlı bir mantarın neden olduğu bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalık, yapraklarda kahverengi lekelerin ve beyaz sporların görülmesiyle belirginleşir. Hastalık, özellikle nemli ve serin hava koşullarında yaygın olarak görülür.
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prapasara · 1 month
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The Secret Of Red เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด
เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด (คาลลิสส์)
ประโยชน์ของ เดอะ ซีเคร็ท ออฟ เรด (คาลลิสส์)
🔴 ปกป้องผิวจากแสง UV 🔴 สนับสนุนการสร้างคอลลาเจน และอิลาสติน 🔴 กระตุ้นการสร้าง Glutathione ได้สูงถึง 40 🔴 ลดการอักเสบ เพิ่มความแข็งแรงของเซลล์ผิว 🔴 อุดมไปด้วยสารต้านอนุมูลอิสระที่มีประโยชน์ต่อร่างกาย 🔴 ช่วยให้ผิวขาวกระจ่างใส และเรียบเนียน 🔴 ช่วยลดผิวที่หมองคล้ำ และลดจดต่างดำ 🔴 ช่วยชะลอการเสื่อมของเซลล์ผิว 🔴 ลดเลือนริ้วรอย ช่วยให้ผิวดูอ่อนกว่าวัย 🔴 ช่วยให้ผิวขาวอมชมพู 🔴 ช่วยกระตุ้นการสร้างคอลลาเจนและอิลาสตินในชั้นใต้ผิวหนัง 🔴 ทำให้ผิวพรรณของเราเนียนนุ่มและเปล่งปลั่ง 🔴 ช่วยลดเลือนริ้วรอยและชะลอความแก่ก่อนวัย
วิธีการทาน / วิธีการใช้
วั��ละ 1 ซอง (4 กรัม) ละลายผลิตภัณฑ์ในน้ำอุณหภูมิปกติหรือน้ำเย็น 150 มล. แล้วคนให้ละลาย
ส่วนประกอบที่สำคัญ : ปริมาณต่อ 1 ซอง / Active Ingredients : Content per 1 stick - สารสกัดจากอะเซโรลาเชอร์รี / Acerola Cherry Extract (Malpighia Glabra L.) 900.00 มก. / mg - ไกลซีน / Glycine 100.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากทับทิม / Pomegranate Extract (Punica Granatum L.) 75.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากมะเขือเทศ / Tomato Extract (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) 50.00 มก. / mg - แอล-ซิสเทอีน / L-Cysteine 35.00 มก. / mg - ซิงก์อมิโนแอซิดคีเลต 20% / Zinc Amino Acid Chelate 20% 35.00 มก. / mg - แอล-กลูตามีน / L-Glutamine 25.00 มก. / mg - กรดอั��ฟา ไลโปอิค / Alpha Lipoic Acid 12.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากส้ม / Blood Orange Extract (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) 10.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากสาหร่ายสีแดง / Haematococcus Pluvialis Extract (Haematococcus Pluvialis) 10.00 มก. / mg - สารสกัดจากข้าว / Rice Extract (Oryza Sativa L.) 10.00 มก. / mg - ดีแอล-แอลฟา-โทโคเฟอริลแอซีเทต (Provides Vitamin E 500 IU/g) / DL-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate (ให้วิตามิน อี 500 หน่วยสากล/กรัม) 10.00 มก. / mg - ซีลีเนียมอมิโนแอซิดคีเลต 1% / Selenium Amino Acid Chelate 1% 3.50 มก. / mg ส่วนประกอบอื่น ๆ / Inactive Ingredients - สารให้ความหวาน (แอซีซัลเฟมดพแทสเซียม (INS 950), ซูคราโลส (INS 955)) / Sweetener (Acesulfame K, Sucralose) - สารควบคุมความเป็นกรด (INS 296, INS 330, INS 331(iii), INS 541(i)) / Acidity Regulator - สารป้องกันการจับเป็นก้อน (INS 551) / Anticaking Agent - สารให้ความข้นเหนียว (INS 466) / Thickener - สีธรรมชาติ (INS 150d) / Natural Colour - สีสังเคราะห์ (INS 122, INS 124) / Artificial Colour - แต่งกลิ่นเลียนธรรมชาติ / Nature Identical Flavour Added - แต่งกลิ่นสังเคราะห์ / Artificial Flavour Added
- อ่านคำเตือนในฉลากก่อนบริโภค - เด็กและสตรีมีครรภ์ ไม่ควรรับประทาน - ควรกินอาหารหลากหลาย ครบ 5 หมู่ ในสัดส่วนที่เหมาะสมเป็นประจำ - ไม่มีผลในการป้องกัน หรือรักษาโรค
#สนใจสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ 🙏🙏🙏
โทร ☎️ :: 084-110-5021 Line ID :: pla-prapasara
สั่งวันนี้มีโปรโมชั่น พิเศษ‼️ #ทักมาเลย
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🚒🚒 กรุงเทพและปริมณฑล 1-2 วันรับของ ต่างจังหวัด 2-3 วันค่ะ 🚒🚒 🚒 จัดส่งโดย  KERRY EXPRESS (เคอรี่ เอ็กซ์เพรส) 🚒
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windowlomo · 2 years
Air creative collection 11.0.0
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#Air creative collection 11.0.0 update#
#Air creative collection 11.0.0 plus#
Plant physiology combined with profiling of central and secondary metabolism in leaf and phloem sap highlighted varietal differences in the response to water deficit. The physiology and metabolism of grapevine in response to water deficit was studied in the two cultivars Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon (Cs), which were shown to differ in their hydraulic behavior. Of air pollution on Seed germination, height growth, leaf growth, biomass and plants physiologicalīehaviour in heavily air polluted environment be instituted on long term basis. Threshold levels of air pollution effects to plants be determined. Stomata number, position and, if open orĬlosed on leaves of plants is a quick way of determining air pollution. Plants in air polluted environment had high stomata density underneath leaf thanĬontrol and no open stomata on the upper epidermis. Plants in air pollution had different heights, more flowers and were stressedĭue air pollution. Three months was not enough for air pollution to affectīiomass production. LeavesĮlongation is independent of air pollution. Height growth, number of flowers, plant stress and distribution and status of stomata. The air pollution affects plants as evidenced by significance noticed on Growth pattern was determined using height, which Seed germination rate results, showed that, there were no significant differences between seeds inĬontrol and seeds in test plants (P >0.05). Means were separated by use of Least Significant Difference (LSD) α = 0.05. The data was analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Kruskal Wallis and Poisson distribution in Leaf length, flower count, biomass, stress and stomata account for three months. Data collection on seed germination rate, height growth, (three as test experiments and one, control) using a raised platform containing twelve plants in To air pollution was exposed to air at selected sites along the highway. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., (1768), tomato plant that is highly susceptible
#Air creative collection 11.0.0 plus#
Pollution related to vehicle fumes by long distance away from the road plus canopies of trees The control experiment was protected from air The control experiment at NARL had similar environmental conditionsīut no significant air pollution (PM10 0.6μgm/m3). Waiyaki Highway had consistence air pollution, for the whole period of this study (averaging PM10Ĥ2.6 μgm/m3 for test sites). Which included moribund trees or plants, dark tree trunks and leaves due to air pollution. Hotspots (ICEA building, ABC Place, and Kangemi Market), had unique characteristics, This road was investigated for scientific understanding of the effects of vehicle fumes High levels of air pollution was studied with special emphasis on one of its roads, Waiyaki Smoke producing air pollutants, was examined in this study. Vehicle fossil fuel emission, as one of leading major source among Licenses: Complete Production Toolkit, Eleven LE, Structure LE, Structure LE Content, Smack! LE, Hybrid 1.Air pollution is a world wide environmental negative phenomenon, which affects global climate, So am I guessing that these are just for people that bought these bundles ? and for a second I thought that I could actually run a session in pt11 haha silly me!!!Īnyway i thought that some of those are supposed to be free, as part of the promotion avid has now (moogerfooger,tel ray, reverb one and eleven) but how do you access those? I have eleven as it was part of the the cptk but what happened to all the other plug ins that were included in my cptk purchase ? Sorry more questions then one.
#Air creative collection 11.0.0 update#
I think I mistook the avid plug-ins 11.0.0 update and the air creative collection. I guess I had a long night and I am a little tired.
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oaresearchpaper · 2 months
Tomato Nematode Diagnosis in Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
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Symptomatological studies were carried out in two tomato growing areas in Daloa to estimate and identify the associated nematode populations. Symptoms were assessed by visual observation. The soil and root nematodes were extracted by Bermann’s method and identified by observing morphological characteristics. The symptomatological study showed the presence of symptoms of plants wilting, yellowing of the leaves as well as galls on the nematodes characteristic roots. The results also highlighted diversity within the nematode population that colonizes tomato in Daloa with four genera of nematodes. The genera Tylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Partylenchus and Meloidogyne were identified. The presence of the genus Meloidogyne in all plots shows that it is responsible for the yellowing symptoms associated with root galls. These nematodes are known for their action on the formation of galls on the roots of the tomato.
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The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), Solanaceae is considered as the first vegetable after potato and the second world food resource after cereals. Its culture is adapted to very varied culture conditions. Tomato production has continued to grow in recent decades around the world; from 48 million tonnes in 1978, it rose to 124 million in 2006 (Blancard et al., 2009). In Côte d'Ivoire, the tomato sector is booming with production increasing over time. For Faostat, production was estimated at 26,235 t in 2005 and rose to 40,306 t in 2018. This crop generates income and employment for vulnerable groups and for youth (Tujague-Gibourg and Moustier, 2009).
However, tomato cultivation is faced with many parasitic constraints. Root-knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are among the most important pests of tomatoes (Bissadou, 2012). Symptoms from nematode attack are characterized by the appearance of galls on the roots and reduced growth of infected plants (Cunha et al., 2018). These pests, although less integrated in research programs, are among the most important causes of crop yield reduction. It is estimated that approximately 11% of global crop losses are caused by nematodes, resulting in a crop loss of several million tonnes each year (Gregory et al., 2017). 
The damage caused by Meloidogyne spp. lead to significant production losses in areas with favorable conditions (Castagnone-Sereno and Djian-Caporalino, 2011). In Côte d'Ivoire studies have been conducted on these worms which reduce tomato production. Nematode damage is difficult to quantify because it affects production by direct and indirect action. 
The fight against these terrestrial parasites should begin with the information about the diversity of the tomato parasitic nematodes. The present study aims to contribute to tomato production in Daloa region through the understanding of nematode species infested with tomatoes in the area under study. This will specifically involve the causes of the damage by these nematodes and the diversity of species on the tomato crop.
Source : Tomato Nematode Diagnosis in Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire | InformativeBD
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rbesjournal1 · 3 months
Phytoremediation is a cutting-edge and eco-friendly technique that utilizes plants to eliminate pollutants, including copper, which can pose risks to plants, animals, and humans. In the present study, the hyperaccumulator capabilities of the tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) in the removal of copper, zinc, iron, and manganese from the soil was explored.
Materials and Methods: The tomato plants were cultivated for 70 days in pots containing varying concentrations of copper, ranging from 250 to 1250 ppm. At specific time intervals of 15, 30, 45, and 60 days, plants of each concentration were harvested. Then the soil samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine the levels of copper, zinc, manganese, and iron.
Results: The results indicated that zinc removal exhibited a higher rate compared to other metals, with a removal rate of up to 95.79%, while copper removal reached 87.7%. Furthermore, analysis after 60 days of treatment revealed that the aerial parts of the plants accumulated more metals than that of the roots. Additionally, the chlorophyll content in the leaves decreased at both low and high copper concentrations, compared to moderate levels.
Conclusion: The tomato plant, L. esculentum indicated promising hyperaccumulator potential in the removal of copper than other metals from the soil. The current study emphasized the effectiveness of phytoremediation as a sustainable approach to abating copper pollution.
#translation #appl #research #biotechnology #biodegradation
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egzotikus · 4 months
Igazi amaránt, gabona különlegességek az Egzotikus Növények Stúdiójától. Paradicsomok - Evan's Purple Pear paradicsom
Egzotikus növények a világ minden tájáról Kínálatunkban rengeteg különleges zöldség magot (paradicsom, paprika, tök, uborka, bab, dinnye), virág költeményeket talál. - Evan's Purple Pear paradicsom - Lycopersicon esculentum https://egzotikusnovenyek.hu #egzotikus, #különleges, #növények, #mag, #vetőmag, #paradicsom
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cascadegardencoop · 4 months
Tomatoes Can Get Leggy in the Greenhouse
Leggy tomatoes    Was at the pool last week and I talked to a friend once again about her leggy tomatoes. Over the years I’ve noticed that my memory isn’t what it should be. So, I need to be taking notes when I talk to people. My friend has asked me this question twice and I now am going to write about this tomato problem.  The US love beautiful tomatoes    Tomato or Lycopersicon esculentum is…
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leedsomics · 5 months
Ultra-deep proteomics by Thin-diaPASEF with a 60-cm long column system
Recent advances have allowed for the detection of 10,000 proteins from cultured human cell samples, such as HeLa and HEK293T cells in a single-shot proteome analysis. However, deeper analysis remains challenging. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to perform a deep proteomic single-shot analysis using timsTOF HT. To achieve deep proteomics, we developed Thin-diaPASEF, a parallel accumulation-serial fragmentation (PASEF) technology featuring a thinly divided m/z axis only in regions of high ion density. Furthermore, using a 60-cm long C18 column with a particle size of 1.7 m, an average of 11,698, 11,615 and 11,019 unique proteins were successfully detected from 500 ng of HEK293T, HeLa and K562 cell digests, respectively, with a 100 min active gradient. The same system was used to analyze Lycopersicon esculentum lectin (LEL) enriched plasma and serum. The LEL method identified an average of 8,613 and 4,078 unique proteins, in plasma and serum, respectively. Our ultra-deep proteomic analysis system will be helpful for the in-depth comparison of proteins in medical and biological research because it enables the analysis of highly proteome coverage in a single-shot. http://dlvr.it/T64yg8
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sorcadh · 1 year
Manduca Sexta (Tobacco moth)
Habitat: Tobacco fields, vegetable gardens, and a wide variety of habitats.
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Manduca sexta (L.), the tobacco hornworm
The tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), is a common pest of plants in the family Solanaceae, which includes tobacco, tomato, pepper, eggplant, and various ornamentals and weeds (del Campo and Renwick 1999). Caterpillars in the family Sphingidae are known as hornworms, due to their worm-like body shape and the presence of a small, pointed “horn” at their posterior. The adult stage of Manduca sexta is a heavy-bodied moth that resembles a hummingbird, and Manduca adults are commonly referred to as hawkmoths or hummingbird moths. The larval stage (hornworm) of this species is more often encountered, as it is resides on the host plant during the day and can cause significant defoliation of economically important crops.
Prepupae and pupae: At the end of the final larval instar, the hornworm enters what is considered the prepupal stage. This stage is characterized by wandering behavior and selection of a pupation site, followed by the formation of the pupal cell below the leaf litter or soil substrate. Once the pupal cell is excavated, the prepupal stage transitions into the pupal stage as the insect’s cuticle hardens and darkens, forming the pupa. The pupa of Manduca sexta is a dark, reddish-brown color with a maxillary loop at the anterior end and a pointed posterior end (Figure 6 ) (Deel 1999). Depending on the time of year and number of generations (two is typical in most areas), overwintering may occur during this stage (Cranshaw 2004). The sex of Manduca sexta can be determined by looking for markings on the fifth instar larvae, the prepupae or the pupal case, or the adult (Willott 2003).
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Pupa of Manduca sexta (L.), the tobacco hornworm. Note the maxillary loop (right). Pupae are found belowground or deep in the leaf litter.
Both male and female adult moths feed on nectar from a variety of flowering plants. Adults are active at night, further strengthening the conclusion that larval host plants are located using chemical, rather than visual, signals (Reisenman et al. 2009).
Larval host plants include: Datura wrightii (jimsonweed), Nicotiana attenuata (wild tobacco), Proboscidea parviflora (devil’s claw) (Spathe et al. 2013), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) (Reisenman et al. 2009), Capsicum annuum (bell pepper) (Fraser et al. 2003), and Solanum tuberosum(potato) (de Campo et al. 2001).
These insects feed only on solanaceous plants, most commonly on tomato and tobacco. They have been recorded on other vegetables such as eggplant, pepper, and potato, but this is rare. Several Solanum spp. weeds are reported to serve as hosts. Adults imbibe nectar from flowers of a number of plants, and can be seen hovering about flowers at dusk.
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chappythegardener · 1 year
From Vine to Table: Must-Know Facts About Tomato Trees
Here are interesting facts about tomato trees: Tomato trees, scientifically known as Lycopersicon esculentum, are actually perennial plants but are commonly grown as annuals in most regions due to their sensitivity to frost. Tomato trees are native to western South America and were first domesticated by the indigenous peoples of Mexico. Despite being called "tomato trees," they are technically not trees but rather large, vine-like plants that can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet or more. The tomato tree is a member of the Solanaceae family, which also includes other popular crops like potatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Tomato trees produce fruits that are botanically classified as berries. They come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, and even purple. These plants require a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive and produce a bountiful harvest. Tomato trees are known for their versatility in culinary uses. They are widely used in salads, sauces, salsas, and countless other dishes worldwide. The fruit of the tomato tree is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium. Tomato trees are self-pollinating plants, meaning they do not require assistance from wind or pollinators like bees to produce fruit. There are thousands of tomato varieties available, ranging in size, shape, flavor, and growth habit. Some popular varieties include Roma, Beefsteak, Cherry, and Heirloom varieties. Tomato trees are susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests, including blight, aphids, and tomato hornworms. Regular monitoring and proper care are essential for maintaining plant health. Tomato trees are often grown in home gardens, greenhouses, and farms worldwide due to their high productivity, relatively easy cultivation, and delicious fruit. Whether you're a seasoned tomato gardener or a beginner, tomato trees offer a rewarding and fruitful growing experience. With proper care and attention, these versatile plants can provide a bumper crop of tasty tomatoes for you to enjoy! Read the full article
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natureisus · 1 year
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So this is what a baby tomato looks like
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Tomato blooms in spring.
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philodendronleaves · 1 year
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) belongs to the family of Solanaceae. The origin of tomatoes is Peruvian and Mexican regions. This plant is the most important “protective food” because of its nutritive value. This is the cash crop smallholders farmers. It contains vitamins A, C and lycopene. The growth habits of this plant are determinate(bush), indeterminate(climbing) and semi-determinate
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This vegetable has different varieties such as Cherry tomato, grape tomato, beefsteak, green varieties, roma type, better boy type, heirloom type.
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Cherry tomato
Cherry tomato plant fruit are very small size and round shaped which are used to make salads. cherry tomato is an annual herb plant. It is easy to grow and produces a harvest quickly.
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These fruits are juicy. Beefsteak tomato's colour ranges from red to orange or yellow. shake the flowers which help to pollinate the flowers, a step accomplished by bees and wind. Plant leaves are arranged alternately on the stem of phyllotaxy.
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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) belongs to the family of Solanaceae. The origin of tomatoes is Peruvian and Mexican regions. This plant is the most important “protective food” because of its nutritive value. This is the cash crop smallholders farmers. It contains vitamins A, C and lycopene. The growth habits of this plant are determinate(bush), indeterminate(climbing) and semi-determinate.
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This vegetable has different varieties such as Cherry tomato, grape tomato, beefsteak, green varieties, roma type, better boy type, heirloom type
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Cherry tomato
Cherry tomato plant fruit are very small size and round shaped which are used to make salads. cherry tomato is an annual herb plant. It is easy to grow and produces a harvest quickly.
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Grape tomato
A single plant will produce enough fruits for one family, If the plant receives proper care. Grape tomato fruits is look like a typical grapes. Grape tomato fruits are longer and oval shape. It has very low fat and cholesterol. Well-ripened grape tomatoes are too soft and red.
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These fruits are juicy. Beefsteak tomato's colour ranges from red to orange or yellow. shake the flowers which help to pollinate the flowers, a step accomplished by bees and wind. Plant leaves are arranged alternately on the stem of phyllotaxy.
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Green tomato
This plant is an unripe fruit variety. For support, the plant needs to tie the vine around the sticks as it grows. For getting more yield, pinch off suckers, and new blossoms and cut off the growing tip. Its require minimal watering
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egzotikus · 6 months
Különleges gyümölcstermők az Egzotikus Növények Stúdiójától. Paradicsomok - Óriás szivárvány paradicsom
Uborka ritkaságok az Egzotikus Növények Stúdiója kínálatában Sárga és görögdinnye, uborka és számtalan zöldség vetőmag. - Óriás szivárvány paradicsom - Lycopersicon esculentum https://egzotikusnovenyek.hu #egzotikus, #különleges, #növények, #mag, #vetőmag, #paradicsom
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