#luxury fusion wear
houseofjsi · 1 year
Black Crepe Silk Ombre Pre-draped Saree With Corset
About: Black, lavender pre-draped ombre saree with zip closure on the side. Comes with a sequin embroidered corset with feather detailing. COLOR: Crepe Silk COLOR: Black CARE: Dry Clean Only PRODUCT ID: 364162 DISCLAIMER : This product is made to order. Product color may slightly vary due to photographic lighting sources or your monitor setting. For more info: https://houseofjsi.com/products/black-crepe-silk-ombre-pre-draped-saree-with-corset
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hippotooth · 17 days
OC Deep Dive Questions
Thank you for the tag, @theameba1436 ! This was fun to think about and answer!
I’m not sure who’s done this already or not, and no pressure of course, tagging:
@d-saster-chron-cles @dirgecomic @geckogeckogecko @sunflowergem @adorablebanite @archduchessgortash @mj-bites
Anyone else who sees this and is interested please feel free to join in too! I love getting to know the details of everyone's Tav/Durge.
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Questions/Answers for my beloved durge ~Tuatha~ under the cut
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Tua’s biggest fear is that she is unlovable and that getting close to her only brings suffering.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People being indecisive. She loses patience quickly when people dither about – particularly if someone changes a plan that’s already been committed to.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A collection of fancy perfumes, neat looking bones, a well-cared for plant.
What do they notice first in a person?
Physical threat – Tua’s first assessment upon meeting someone is how easily she could take them in a fight, if they’re armed, etc. – like Mac’s Ocular Patdown from IASIP.  
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10 – Tua handles pain easily, she’s quite used to it. She’s trained as a monk and has supreme body/mind control which she can distance herself from her body easily when anything gets too intense.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight! Tua likes to fight and is often looking for an excuse to start one. She’s a resist durge, she tries to be ‘good,’ (if only to gain approval from others) but if she feels there’s any way she can justify the bloodshed, however flimsy the excuse, she’s happy to do so.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Tua is a durge character. She never knew her mother and was bounced around between foster families in Baldur’s Gate for most of her childhood. Many of these families were abusive towards her and she was eventually taken into the Bhaal temple after killing one of them. She does not claim any family.
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell they dislike?
Tua doesn’t like the smell of cities – she gets overwhelmed and irritated by the fusion of smells you find in them – cooking odors, waste, animals, wells, smoke – all these smells individually are fine but their fusion in an urban setting offends her.
Have they broken any bones?
Many at various points, she doesn’t remember most of them.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Off-putting and intense. Tua vacillates between being very intense and smiley when trying to appear friendly or intensely withdrawn. She has very limited social skills.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
No preference! I’d say most consistently she likes transitional hours, like dawn and dusk.
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Tua adores bitter flavors and her favorite food is leafy greens. She hates the taste of fatty meat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Tua likes collecting perfumes and the fancy bottles they come in. She initially started stealing them from her victims as a trophy – she enjoyed bathing herself in the scent of her victims, being able to walk amongst the city cloaked in a symbol of her kill with no one the wiser. Once Gortash noticed this hobby he took to gifting her luxurious perfumes as well.
Tua also like keeping dangerous animals as pets, gnolls are a particular favorite of hers. She spends time researching different creatures and doing experiments to see how they may survive in captivity.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
“You like me, you really like me!!” Tua would be very happy anyone cared enough about her to throw her a party. She would probably cry.
Do they like to wear jewelery?
Tua enjoys jewelry, however, she finds it can be a hazard while fighting so she rarely wears it. She normally has some stud earrings in. She likes to steal jewelry and gift it to her lovers, she enjoys dressing them up.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Extremely messy.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Shame and longing
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Linen – breathable, easy to move and fight in, easy to clean
What kind of accent do they have?
The standard in-game accent
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kani-miso · 6 months
short analysis on es' 4th anniversary art
i do not play around when talking about es milgram
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es' kimono
es is using a black kimono. before analyzing the colors, let's talk about the history of kimonos color combination first.
short history of kimonos color combination
the first form of kimono worn in the court society was called junihitoe, which refers to a set of clothes that consist of numerous layers of robes and coats. the color combination of layers shown around the sleeves determine the level of sophistication and rank of the person wearing it.
now, let's talk about the colors
black : the black color is often used in japanese kimono to represent power and elegance. the black fabric of a kimono is often used to represent femininity and beauty in japan. the color's deep shade was originally created as an alternative for cherry blossom flowers, which were not available during winter months (source). despite es having a more masculine outlook most of the times(assertive behavior and social dominance) ,there's alot of stereotypical feminine mannerisms that balance it out, such as : crossing their legs and putting their hand inwards (from undercover), politeness (their pose in the 4th anni art), and their long sleeves on their kimono (does this even count as a mannerism, i just wanted to point it because women usually wear longer sleeves when using a kimono). es is so gender
gold : the gold color is often used in japanese kimono to make a rich symphony of colors. gold represents wealth, luxury and prosperity and evokes feelings of grandeur and sophistication . gold can also represent love.
kimono length
their kimono is a standard one. their kimono is considered very formal kimono, a black silk kimono worn over a white under-kimono and hakama (although es is not using a hakama). their sleeves can be considered long. long sleeves on a kimono are usually used to ward off evil.
their sash (previously from their robe) is placed on their left shoulder and elbow. its color is gold, the gold is a pale and muted gold .the sash on the shoulder seems to have one of those restraints on the prisoner outfits
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man that obi is pretty long.
the kimono sash, an obi, is a traditional japanese belt that holds great significance in japanese culture. beyond securing a kimono, the obi represents a beautiful fusion of art, craftsmanship, and history.
es' obi is a black obi with additional gold(?) patterns. es' obi is probably the men's obi belt because their obi belt is using a dark color which is black with a plain pattern. although, their obi belts size does not correspond with the men's obi belt. men's obi belt (kaku obi) are usually narrow, es' obi is wide. wide obi's are usually worn by women.
also, the obi pattern kind of looks like kotoko's warden hat in deepcover!
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es' overall color scheme
i'm pretty sure es' color scheme is colder than the others
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it can mean 2 things: personality-wise or physical status
personality-wise : a cold person, often characterized by specific cold personality traits, is someone perceived as emotionally distant and unexpressive. they usually come across as detached, exhibiting an indifference to social interactions and the emotions of others, a hallmark of what some might label a cold-hearted person. es isn't exactly a cold person, it's just to make them seem professional.
physical status : when your body grows cold and becomes pale-ish, that means you're in the process of dying, not sure if this is important at all (maybe to the 'victim amalgamation' theory or the 'everyone's dead' theory).
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rubberizer92 · 6 months
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🔥 Behold the epitome of tradition and modernity at the top 9 show of Latex Legends League Season 3, where contenders merge the past with the present in a luxurious display of fashion and opulence! Among them is Ali, captivating us with his blend of heritage and contemporary style. 💥👑
Introducing Ali, representing Lebanon 🇱🇧, as he graces the stage in a textured latex outfit that pays homage to the old tradition of wearing leather as a symbol of richness. Adorned with golden elements, Ali's ensemble exudes sophistication and elegance, blending tradition with modern fashion.
As Ali takes center stage, his presence commands attention, radiating an aura of timeless charm and refinement. 💢 His bold embrace of heritage and innovation sets him apart as a trailblazer in the world of haute couture.
Join us in celebrating Ali's unique fusion of tradition and modernity, and cast your vote to support his journey in the Latex Legends League. Let's honor his rich cultural heritage and his dedication to pushing the boundaries of fashion! 🎉👔
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mariatesstruther · 11 months
thinking about an au in which maria miller is a high profile celebrity or film industry laywer and tommy is her personal chef :)
it kinda got long so hey here’s a cut. mariatommy lovers pls enjoy
maria is always working herself to the bone, so much so that she’s already hired a personal stylist, an executive assistant, and two assistants for her assistant. all her clients tell her that she works too hard, deserves a break, but she honestly loves her life—she just has a little bit of an issue taking care of herself outside of her work, is all. it’s not a big deal, at least not to her. but at tess’s insistence suggestion, she hires a personal chef; apparently, she needs someone besides herself to make sure her fridge is stocked, to remind to eat when she’s not working, to remind her to drink water in the morning before coffee (and okay, tess. that’s fair.)
in comes tommy miller, one of the executive chefs from miller brother’s cuisine. together, tommy and joel have established a longstanding culinary empire: what started as a chilean-fusion mom-and-pop in austin developed into a series of high-profile restaurants all over the country, as well as a private chef gig tommy decided to start on the side. he got set up with maria through tess, a longtime celebrity client of them both, who suggests that working for her would be good for him—whatever that means. he’s heard her name a few times, just from being familiar with people business, but has no idea what he’s in for when he first shows up at her three-story luxury condo door. he’s struck first by how beautiful she is, with her flawless, glowing skin and long, flowing silk-pressed hair. he’s struck second by how smooth her voice is as she introduces himself and welcomes him in—she says it’s a mess, which is ridiculous, as the only thing remotely out of place is a near-empty glass of wine on her coffee table, sat next to two laptops and a pile of papers so big it gives him an instant headache. he’s struck third and most intensely by the fact that the only thing she has in her fridge is leftover pasta, a box of frozen tempura shrimp, and four bottles of rosé. it alarms him. a woman who works this hard and is this fucking beautiful needs more than scraps in her kitchen, he thinks. he gets to work immediately
maria’s first impression of tommy is that he looks more like a cowboy than a cook. he’s sans a hat, but he’s wearing western boots and a fur-lined leather jacket and has a belt with a western-style buckle that’s bigger than her fist. he calls her ma’am in a low scratchy voice, offers his hand when they go downstairs to see her freezer, thanks her with a close-lipped, charming smile when she offers him a glass of water. he listens intently while she explains what her schedule is like and follows her politely as she walks him around her kitchen—she tries not to blush when she realizes just how empty it is, but he doesn’t seem to judge, which she appreciates. they sit down at her dining room table, the big bulk of him swamping her luxury klarel chair, and he takes down her dietary restrictions and preferences like he is doing bible study. maria doesn’t remember the last time someone listened and dedicated their attention to her so intently—it makes her hot, and it makes her excited to be taken care of by him. he explains his plans for her first week, a specially-curated menu meant to give them both an idea of what he can offer her, and everything sounds delicious. by the time he leaves, her mouth is watering and her stomach is tight with hungry anticipation
at first maria doesn’t think she’ll see all that much of him—she assumes he’ll either be in her kitchen, leaving her to work, or dropping premade food off for her to heat up when she wants to eat. but he’s always there, the first face she see’s when she wakes in the morning and when comes home from work at night (not that she’s complaining. he’s got a good face). at first it’s to get constant feedback on his dishes for her, but then it’s just because it’s what they’re used to. he’s always asking her what she wants and what she likes, and always makes sure she gets it in record time. once, love-drunk and halfway to a food coma from a machas a la parmesana he’d made, she joked to him that he’s the most perfect man she’s ever had in her life. it makes him blush over the banana pudding he was making for her, at the time
so he stays with her for months, and then months turn into a year, and then a year turns into three. they become family, mostly because he has so much of it and she has none. joel and her and two peas in a pod, and his daughters ellie and sarah become two of her favorite little beings in the whole world. tommy becomes a fixture in her life not just at home, but in her office, too. he brings her lunches and makes extra for her assistants, who always look at him with hearts and starts in their eyes. at least once a month, he and joel cater for her office, bringing lunch for all her staff. all her coworkers joke that she should marry him, and eventually, she really does start to consider it.
once at three am, she came home from a night out with tess a little too drunk and texted him to request a southern style lobster roll. she expected him to be asleep, because he’s the one between the two of them that actually makes an effort to get some shuteye, and that she would be treated to her craving maybe the following day. but by the time she’d gotten out of the shower, however, he’d texted back a simple on my way—within the next hour, he was at her door with 5lbs of lobster, fresh-baked butter rolls (where the fuck he got fresh rolls at 4 fucking am, she had no fucking clue. she still doesn’t), and his homemade cajun seasoning mix in hand.
that night, they each eat two rolls and share a bowl of the potato chips they’d made from scratch together earlier that week. they curl up on her couch, spending the rest of the morning bouncing between kitchen nightmares and scandal. between episodes, she kisses him for the first time, and he kisses her back. the next day, she offeres him the guest room. he accepts
for @clickergossip @ameerawrites and @bumblepony ofc bc i feel like yall would vibe with this and are always keeping ME fed with your brilliant fics
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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■Inquiries: Speed ​​Star 0729-49-2634
german noble
Enjoy the elegance
No matter where you wear it, don't be embarrassed
Make up your sedan to look like formal wear
I often have the opportunity to interview users about their cars, and when I get 10 people together, one of them always says something. That is what ``simple is best''. It's true that a car that looks neat and organized is cool. However, if you make one mistake with this simple finishing method, it can end up on the same level as ``almost normal.'' If you don't proceed with the dress-up process with great care, it will turn out to be quite unbelievable.
So, how can Y32/33 be tailored so that it can be called "simple is best"? The first thing I want to think about is installing aero parts that take advantage of the normal body lines, lowering the car just the right amount, and installing a muffler set that doesn't have a large diameter but has a good sound. It is important to aim for a form that the average old man would not notice, but that would be immediately noticed by someone in the know. If you pay close attention to the quality of the details and achieve a fit that is better than the genuine parts, you should be able to get a really good fit. However, we must not forget an even more important point. That's what we call wheel choice. No matter how simple you try to make the decision, if you use bulky wheels, the overall balance will be disrupted.
This Varden Sport Schwarz is a basic wheel with a rough mesh one-piece structure, so it doesn't make a strong statement about its presence. However, when you set it on the Y32/33, you will notice that the overall shape is tighter. This is because this wheel is from SSR, which has a large lineup of wheels for competition use. Thanks to our unique SSF (semi-molten forging) process, the shape achieves a high level of balance between lightness and strength, and is truly a piece of functional beauty.
Because you can honestly feel the power that only the real thing has, you can create a natural impact from your feet that is not forced. Available only in silver, the rim has a diamond-cut finish. The rim and center cap bracelets are coordinated, giving it a luxurious feel. It is truly a wheel for adults, with high functionality wrapped in a veil of chic.
Message from the manufacturer
The delicate shape was possible because of the SSF manufacturing method.
When we were thinking of making wheels for sedans, the key words were a fusion of formal, gentle, and elegance. Therefore, we adopted this rough mesh design with 10 intersections, and the spokes are gently curved. This shape was possible because of the SSF (semi-molten forging method), and if it had been made normally, it would not have been this sharp. We have always been good at sports wheels, so their functional quality, such as strength and lightness, is outstanding. The lineup includes 17-inch and 18-inch models, so if you are a Y32/33 owner, I think you can get a sports-chic look.
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chromehearts4 · 18 days
Chrome Hearts Hat The Pinnacle of Luxury and Streetwear Fusion
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Chrome Hearts, renowned for its high-end streetwear and luxury accessories, has long been a symbol of opulence and individuality in the fashion world. Among its extensive range of products, Chrome Hearts Hat stand out as a quintessential piece that embodies both style and exclusivity. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what makes Chrome Hearts hats so coveted, exploring their design, craftsmanship, and cultural significance.
The Essence of Chrome Hearts Hats
Chrome Hearts hats are more than just headwear; they are a statement of luxury and rebellious spirit. Chrome Hearts Designed with meticulous attention to detail, each hat reflects the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship and unique aesthetic. The brand's distinctive motifs, such as crosses, gothic elements, and silver hardware, are seamlessly integrated into their hat designs, offering a signature look that is instantly recognizable.
Craftsmanship and Materials
One of the key factors that set Chrome Hearts hats apart is their superior craftsmanship. Each hat is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring both durability and comfort. The use of premium fabrics like wool, cashmere, and high-grade cotton ensures that the hats are not only stylish but also functional for various seasons.
The attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the hat’s construction. From the intricate embroidery to the precisely placed metal embellishments, Chrome Hearts hats are designed to be both visually striking and impeccably made. The incorporation of silver accents and custom hardware adds an element of luxury that enhances the overall appeal.
Iconic Designs and Styles
Chrome Hearts hats come in a variety of styles, each offering a unique take on the brand’s signature look. Some of the most popular designs include:
Snapbacks and Fitted Caps: These classic styles are adorned with the brand’s iconic logo and motifs. They offer a versatile look that can be dressed up or down, making them a staple in any fashion-forward wardrobe.
Beanies: Perfect for colder weather, Chrome Hearts beanies feature the brand’s emblematic designs and are made from cozy, high-quality materials. They offer a more understated way to incorporate the brand’s luxury into everyday wear.
Bucket Hats: A more casual option, bucket hats from Chrome Hearts are often embellished with unique patterns and logos. They provide a trendy, relaxed look while maintaining the brand’s high standards of craftsmanship.
Cultural Impact and Popularity
Chrome Hearts hats have gained immense popularity not only for their design but also for their association with high-profile celebrities and influencers. The brand’s hats are frequently seen on the heads of fashion icons and musicians, further cementing their status as a symbol of elite streetwear. This visibility has contributed to their desirability, making them a coveted item among fashion enthusiasts.
The fusion of high fashion and street culture is a hallmark of Chrome Hearts, and their hats exemplify this blend perfectly. They offer a way for individuals to express their unique style while aligning with a brand that is synonymous with luxury and exclusivity.
Chrome Hearts hats represent the pinnacle of luxury and streetwear, merging high-quality craftsmanship with bold, distinctive designs. Whether you’re drawn to their iconic logos, unique embellishments, or the association with high fashion, owning a Chrome Hearts hat is more than just a fashion choice—it’s a statement of individuality and style. With their unparalleled attention to detail and commitment to excellence, Chrome Hearts continues to set the standard for luxury accessories in the fashion world.
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flmed · 9 months
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WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE. rich white man. johann purposefully wears quiet, luxury clothes as if he were from old money family; italian suits, IWC watches, polished shoes &. cufflinks. however, if you ever meet him in his laid-back mode, he would wear navy/dark sweater &. matching scarf &. jeans .. two different people, but he feels comfortable in either styles. the only noticeable difference from posh men is that he doesn't fully shave his stubbles, even grow it out. if you really becomes close to him, at some point he can resemble a german shepherd: brooding, scary, but actually it's an exterior.
WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE. musky, petrichor with a mix of smoke aroma. nothing grand, but curated in italy to support local products because he finds marketed colognes have lost its authenticity for the user. he puts on either sides of his neck &. wrists. after he smokes, he would re-apply it therefore there's a lingered smoke aroma mixed with musky, earthy aroma.
WHAT THEY TASTE LIKE. mint. espresso. fresh bread. those are the most prominent taste if you ever kiss him. it's everything he eats for breakfast: fresh bread &. espresso. he also taste like ricola mint because he takes those to subdue his nicotine addiction.
WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE. a velvet, cascading voice; it's low, especially when he talks in german. however, when he talks in english; his accent switches to a fusion of german &. british accent, mostly whenever his accent shows when he tries to pronounce a word that has a W in the beginning, using the german pronunciation in english words that is similar to german ex. ideologie (ideology). however, when he speaks french, it will be more high pitch than usual because to get the pronunciation right &. do the "bwoah,"; russian is more tone-flat, arabic is even more deeper.
WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE. burning ember that hasn't extinguished for years; he's warm, steady, however can be dangerous when it is provoked. fire that's too hot to touch but your intrusive thoughts want to feel it. mystery that isn't solved so you're itching to solve it but in the end, would it be all worth it or you're just excited to uncover things? home, to his ex-wife; a safe place to some of people; nobody to his family. perhaps he'll be someone to your life, or just somebody.
tagged by @cartelheir
tagging. @alienateus @soleiltm @c-louise @medicbled @parieur &. anybody!!
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islamicfashionin · 1 month
Discover the Beauty of Pakistani Suits A Guide to Islamic Fashion
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Looking for stylish and modest clothing options? Pakistani suits, also known as salwar kameez, offer a perfect blend of tradition and modernity. These versatile ensembles are not only comfortable but also reflect the beauty of Islamic fashion. Let's explore some simple yet elegant Pakistani suit designs that cater to various styles and occasions.
Traditional Muslim Dress Timeless Elegance Traditional Pakistani suits often feature intricate embroidery, delicate embellishments, and vibrant colors. These designs showcase the rich heritage of Islamic fashion. However, if you prefer a more understated look, opt for simple suits with subtle details or plain fabrics. A classic combination of a solid-colored kameez with embroidered salwar or churidar pants can create a timeless and elegant ensemble.
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Casual Islamic Dressing Style Everyday Comfort For everyday wear, casual Islamic dressing styles offer comfort and practicality. Consider Pakistani suits made from lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen, which are perfect for warmer weather. Simple designs with minimal embellishments or block colors can provide a relaxed and stylish look. Pair your suit with comfortable footwear like sandals or sneakers to complete the casual ensemble.
Salwar Kameez Black Dress Pakistani Simple A black salwar kameez is a versatile and timeless piece that can be dressed up or down. Choose a simple design with minimal embellishments to create a classic and elegant look. Pair it with matching or contrasting salwar or churidar pants for a polished appearance. Accessorize with a scarf, jewelry, or a stylish bag to add your personal touch.
Modern Pakistani Suit Design: Contemporary Chic If you're looking for a more contemporary look, modern Pakistani suit designs offer a fusion of tradition and modernity. Explore suits with unique cuts, asymmetrical hems, or bold color combinations. Experiment with different fabrics like velvet, satin, or chiffon to add a touch of luxury. Remember to choose designs that align with your personal style and comfort level.
In conclusion, Pakistani suits offer a wide range of options for women seeking stylish and modest clothing. Whether you prefer traditional designs or modern interpretations, these versatile ensembles can be tailored to suit your individual style and preferences. By embracing the beauty of Islamic fashion, you can create elegant and comfortable outfits that reflect your faith and personality.
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houseofjsi · 1 year
Indo Western Outfits: The Perfect Blend of Tradition and Contemporary Designer Fusion Wear
Indo Western outfits have revolutionized the fashion world, offering a captivating blend of traditional Indian elements and contemporary Western designs. This article delves into the enchanting world of Indo Western fashion, exploring the popularity of designer fusion wear and the rise of luxury fusion wear. Discover how these outfits have become a symbol of cultural diversity and style innovation.
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The Evolution of Indo Western Outfits
Indo Western outfits have come a long way in terms of their evolution. These garments beautifully blend the essence of Indian ethnic wear with Western aesthetics. Initially, the fusion mainly revolved around incorporating Western silhouettes, such as gowns, dresses, and trousers, with traditional Indian fabrics and motifs. However, over time, designers began experimenting with cuts, drapes, and embellishments, creating a seamless amalgamation of the two styles.
Designer Fusion Wear: Redefining Style
Designer fusion wear has played a pivotal role in popularizing Indo Western outfits. Renowned fashion designers have embraced this trend, infusing their creations with innovative design techniques, artistic sensibilities, and high-quality craftsmanship. They skillfully blend traditional Indian embroidery, prints, and embellishments with modern cuts, fabrics, and construction.
These designer fusion wear outfits showcase exquisite detailing, intricate handwork, and a keen sense of aesthetics. They offer a wide range of options, including sarees with contemporary draping styles, lehengas with modern silhouettes, and innovative mix-and-match ensembles. Designer fusion wear has opened up new possibilities for fashion enthusiasts, allowing them to express their individuality and create unique style statements.
The Rise of Luxury Fusion Wear
With the growing demand for exclusive and premium fashion, luxury fusion wear has emerged as a prominent segment within the Indo Western fashion landscape. Luxury fusion wear combines the best of traditional craftsmanship and opulent materials with cutting-edge design concepts. These outfits are carefully curated to exude elegance, sophistication, and exclusivity.
Luxury fusion wear garments often feature intricate hand embroidery, fine fabrics like silk and organza, and embellishments such as Swarovski crystals or intricate beadwork. They cater to individuals who appreciate the finer details and are willing to invest in high-quality, statement-making pieces.
Cultural Diversity and Global Appeal
Indo Western outfits have gained immense popularity not only in India but also on a global scale. They celebrate cultural diversity and act as a bridge between different fashion sensibilities. The fusion of Indian and Western elements allows individuals from diverse backgrounds to explore and embrace the beauty of different cultures.
Indo Western outfits are now commonly seen at international red carpet events, weddings, and fashion shows. Celebrities and fashion influencers worldwide are embracing this trend, showcasing the versatility and allure of these unique ensembles.
Indo Western outfits have redefined the fashion landscape, offering a harmonious blend of traditional Indian aesthetics and contemporary Western designs. The rise of designer fusion wear and luxury fusion wear has propelled this trend further, creating a niche for exquisite, high-fashion creations. Whether you seek to make a fashion statement, honor your cultural roots, or simply experiment with your personal style, Indo Western outfits provide a captivating canvas to express your individuality. Embrace the beauty of this fusion and step into a world where tradition meets modernity, creating a fashion-forward path that celebrates diversity and innovation.
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 years
Head canons for my One Piece hotties: The fragrance they like to use
He likes to smell fresh, clean and of course sensual for the ladies😏 It would have notes of citrus, laudanum, sandalwood and cedar. It has a bit of a musky undertone which is perfect for date nights.
He likes a scent that would linger all day even if he needs to use his magma. He looks sharps and wants to smell good which is why he chooses a bold fusion of iced mango, lemon, and tangerine is combined with sandalwood, sage, and patchouli noir for a bittersweet end result. Bold and aromatic, for my sexy Fleet Admiral.
Ryokugyu 🌱
He would bathe himself in scents that are earthy and woody with warm notes of bergamot, pepper and amberwood. Even though he more a ‘natural’ nature guy but he likes to smell good and feels even sexier when a woman compliments him.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He likes a scent that is luxurious and expensive. His scent of choice is the next best thing: Warm and spicy, it has notes of pink pepper, rum, and tobacco. He likes his S/O inhaling his scent and sharing how much they love it.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He likes an unusual but still a sexy scent which has a woody floral scent. Leather and tobacco leaf juxtapose spicy Sichuan pepper, and rich peachy and apricot fruits are what he would go for which would give a beachy scent and vibe to him. So even when he has his S/O kissing and licking all over him, it’s not too overwhelming of a scent😝
Benn Beckman 🔫
He likes a scent that isn’t overwhelming or too luxurious for his liking. He prefers a summer scent that’s warming and a cozy scent made up of cedarwoods, cypress, and nutmeg, with woody undertones of patchouli and vetiver.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He doesn’t like a too strong of a scent because it makes him sneeze so he likes a scent with fruity and citrus top notes of apple, lemon, and plum are balanced against a hefty floral and spicy base, including geranium, sandalwood, and vetiver. Something not overwhelming but still makes him smell pretty good.
He likes a scent that he could use all the time and that’s not too overwhelming. He likes notes of clary sage, narcissus, and rosewood which are more of his style.
He doesn’t really use scent often but when he does have banquet and wears a shirt…he uses a scent combined with cardamom, sandalwood, and vetiver—with hints of tonka bean and amber. A few spritzes of this signature scent is like warming up to a nice cozy fire for that dragon daddy.
He definitely likes to smell good and the usual scents that he goes for are notes of peach, plum, peony, and violet add a sweet touch to an otherwise woody ground base of leather, patchouli and vanilla. He doesn’t want to have an overwhelming scent but more like a scent candle that is soft and gentle.
He likes a scent that stays on all night while he’s out partying and being that diva that he is. He needs a scent that would still bring in all the ladies too which is why he likes blend of vanilla, amber, tonic beans, and cistus labdanum. They’re sexy and last all night.
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klainofficial · 2 months
Gotham City Watch by Jacob & Co: Where Luxury Meets Heroism 🦇
Imagine wearing a piece of Gotham on your wrist. The Gotham City Watch by Jacob & Co captures the dark allure of Batman’s world with stunning craftsmanship and intricate details. Dual tourbillons and a bold design make this more than just a watch—it’s a symbol of power and elegance.
Explore the ultimate fusion of luxury and heroism. 🕶️✨
Official Jacob & Co product page:
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crystalconnectionshop · 2 months
Elevate Your Style with a Silver-Plated Quartz Bangle from The Crystal Connection Shop
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Are you ready to transform your jewelry collection with a piece that's both luxurious and spiritually enriching? Introducing the silver plated Quartz bangle from The Crystal Connection Shop – a true masterpiece that stands as a testament to timeless elegance and positive energy.
The Crystal Connection Shop takes pride in offering pieces that are not only visually stunning but also imbued with spiritual significance. Our silver plated Quartz bangle is meticulously crafted to reflect this commitment. The gleaming silver plating delivers a sophisticated shine that catches the light beautifully, making it a versatile accessory suitable for any occasion – from casual outings to formal events.
What truly sets this bangle apart is the incorporation of Quartz, often referred to as the "master healer" of gemstones. Quartz is celebrated for its ability to amplify energy, promote clarity, and restore balance. By wearing this bangle, you invite these beneficial properties into your daily life, making it more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a source of positive energy and spiritual well-being.
Each silver plated Quartz bangle from The Crystal Connection Shop is crafted with painstaking attention to detail. Our artisans ensure that the Quartz used is of the highest quality, resonating with purity and sparkling with inner beauty. Encased in lustrous silver, the bangle not only looks good but feels great, serving as a constant reminder of harmony and grace.
Why settle for the ordinary when you can wear an accessory that speaks volumes about your style and spiritual inclinations? The silver-plated Quartz bangle is an embodiment of elegance and positive energy, making it a perfect gift for yourself or a loved one who's in tune with the finer things in life and the deeper connections within it.
At The Crystal Connection Shop, we believe in the fusion of beauty and spiritual vitality. This bangle is a perfect example of that philosophy. Each piece is more than an accessory; it's an experience, a statement, and a source of inspiration.
So, if you're searching for a meaningful, stylish addition to your jewelry collection, look no further. The silver plated Quartz bangle from The Crystal Connection Shop awaits you. Wear it with pride, and let its elegance and positive energy uplift your spirit and enhance your style. Discover this and more at The Crystal Connection Shop – where beauty meets spirituality.
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pyoorofficial · 4 months
Coord Sets: The Hottest Summer Fashion Trend
This summer, elevate your style with coord sets for women by PYOOR, the ultimate Pakistani and Eastern wear trend for Indians. Drawing inspiration from traditional Pakistani suit designs, these perfectly paired tops and bottoms offer versatility and comfort while making a beautiful fashion statement. Embrace the season's vibrant colors and patterns with PYOOR's coordinated outfits, ideal for any occasion, from casual outings to classy gatherings. Stay cool, stylish, and on-trend with the hottest fashion must-haves of the summer. Here are some unique designs of the coordinate set that were made by Pyoor to showcase style:
1. Solid Kurta Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit 
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Check out the Solids Kurta Coord Set for women by PYOOR. This stylish outfit, inspired by Pakistani suit designs and tailored in a Middle Eastern fit, includes a kurta and matching bottoms for a sleek and comfy look. Perfect for any event, from casual hangouts to formal gatherings, stay effortlessly stylish with this elegant coord set.
2. Bahaar Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit
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Step into the spotlight with the Bahaar Coord Set for women by PYOOR, blending the charm of Pakistani suit design with a Middle Eastern flair. This outfit matches comfort and style, offering a modern twist on traditional styles. Perfect for various occasions, from casual gatherings to formal affairs, the Bahaar Coord Set ensures you stand out with elegance and grace.
3. Neem Coord Set in Middle Eastern Fit
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Introducing PYOOR's Neem Coord Set, a fusion of Pakistani suit design and coord set fashion for women. This outfit seamlessly blends traditional charm with modern comfort, boasting coordinated tops and bottoms, complex detailing, and luxurious fabrics. Perfect for any occasion, it represents cultural richness and modern style, offering a chic statement for the modern woman.
4. Neel Coord Set
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Introducing the Neel Coord Set by PYOOR, a stylish blend of Pakistani suit design and coord set fashion for women. This outfit combines traditional charm with modern comfort, featuring coordinated tops and bottoms in luxurious fabrics. Perfect for any occasion, it offers a chic statement for the modern woman, effortlessly blending cultural elegance with modern style.
5. Tulip Co-ord Set, Middle Eastern Fit
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Discover the Tulip Coord Set by PYOOR, designed with a Middle Eastern fit, blending Pakistani suit design with modern coord set fashion for women. This outfit combines comfort and elegance effortlessly, featuring coordinated tops and bottoms with complex details. Perfect for any occasion, it exudes cultural charm and modern style, making it a must-have for every modern woman's wardrobe.
6. DAHALIA Co-ord Set: Middle Eastern Fit
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Introducing the DAHALIA Coord Set by PYOOR, tailored with a Middle Eastern fit. This outfit for women beautifully merges Pakistani suit design with modern coordinated set fashion. With coordinated tops and bottoms, complex detailing, and comfy fabrics, it's perfect for any occasion. Experience cultural elegance and modern style effortlessly with PYOOR's DAHALIA Coord Set.
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The fashion radar #3
Blokette Core
First of all, what is Blokette Core anyway??? Blokette is the fusion of Blokecore and Coquette. Let's take a closer look at the phenomenon together:
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Bloke Core: Blokecore is where soccer and fashion meet. Fashion and sports have always been closely linked, so it's not surprising that this trend is now so popular. Music culture has also played a big part in this, as the two themes are combined here as well. Soccer players are mentioned in rap songs in the same breath as fashion brands. It's a similar story with designers. More and more collaborations between luxury fashion brands and sports labels are growing up. The best known of these is probably the Gucci x Adidas collaboration. The origin of the trend, however, lies with English soccer fans ("Blokes") of the 90s from the working class, whose looks migrated from the sports field to the street. And eventually became a street style phenomenon there. So it's not necessarily about hype, but rather about understatement. Not being hip, but always a little behind.
Coquette: coquette is a broad search term for hyper-feminine aesthetics that incorporate elements of youth and teenage girlhood. The imagery of coquette is considered in line with conventional attractiveness in Western society, with a large part of the community focusing on appearing attractive such as in fashion, makeup, and sometimes body type. To create this hyper femininity, for example, a lot of ruffles and bows are used. This is similar to the Lolita style to give a cute, delicate and girly impression. All clothes which are more traditionally defined as feminine, are welcome in this fashion direction.
Blokette: So Blokette takes the best of both worlds, so to speak. You can mix and match wildly! Then let's see what clothes you need for it: A soccer jersey, preferably from your favorite club is practically a closet staple. NBA jerseys or similar can also be used. Short-sleeved tops can be combined with a long-sleeved shirt made of lace. Underneath you can then go for sports shorts. But if you have already set the top to sporty, you can also wear a skirt. Here again can be accentuated with a contrast. generally I would say it should always be an interplay of the two styles. Around the ankles, can then gladly fall back on ballet basics: Legwarmers and Balerinas! But also a sporty shoe can work. For example the Adidas Samba. This shoe was originally designed for soccer and therefore fits perfectly into the concept. As accents you can tie bows on your braids or in your hair or work with pearls.
Stars like Bella Hadid or Ruby Lyn can be named as pioneers here and offer excellent inspiration.
What's behind it? I suspect that the trend is so current right now because modern feminism and the academic queerness discussion are questioning the old and traditional ideals. As a result, the discourse is being opened up to a new idea of fashion. Especially the "masculine" Blokecore is seen here as a kind of stereotypical defiant reaction of men to genderless design. However, I would say at this point that blokette has never had a gender. This subgenre is much more to be understood as a space where people connect over completely different things: Passion and love for fashion and sports. For topics that excite you, and the resulting personal and shared identity. And it is precisely this that connects people.
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clothingbrandinindia · 6 months
Discovering Style The Top 25 Clothing Brands in India
India's vibrant fashion scene is a reflection of its rich cultural heritage and dynamic contemporary trends. From traditional ethnic wear to cutting-edge street fashion, the Indian clothing market offers a diverse range of options to suit every taste and occasion. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the top 50 clothing brands in India, known for their quality, innovation, and distinct style.
Fabindia: Celebrating India's traditional crafts and textiles, Fabindia offers a unique blend of ethnic and contemporary clothing.
Biba: Known for its elegant ethnic wear, Biba captures the essence of Indian culture with its vibrant designs and impeccable craftsmanship.
Ritu Kumar: A pioneer in Indian fashion, Ritu Kumar's label epitomizes timeless elegance and luxury.
Anita Dongre: With a focus on sustainable fashion, Anita Dongre's designs exude grace and sophistication.
Sabyasachi: Renowned for his opulent bridal wear and couture collections, Sabyasachi Mukherjee is a name synonymous with luxury and grandeur.
Manish Malhotra: Bollywood's favorite designer, Manish Malhotra's creations blend traditional aesthetics with contemporary glamour.
Tarun Tahiliani: Known for his innovative draping techniques and exquisite craftsmanship, Tarun Tahiliani is a master of fusion fashion.
Masaba Gupta: Bold, quirky, and unconventional, Masaba Gupta's designs reflect her distinctive sense of style and creativity.
Global Desi: Offering a contemporary twist to traditional Indian attire, Global Desi's collections are vibrant, eclectic, and effortlessly chic.
W for Woman: Catering to the modern Indian woman, W for Woman's clothing blends comfort, style, and functionality seamlessly.
For trendy streetwear:
Roadster: A go-to destination for urban fashion, Roadster offers trendy, affordable clothing for men and women.
Voirbelle.in: With a strong presence on Instagram, Voirbelle.in curates the latest streetwear trends from around the world.
Myntra's in-house brands: Myntra's in-house brands like Dressberry, HRX, and Mast & Harbour offer stylish clothing at pocket-friendly prices.
For men's wear:
Manyavar: Specializing in ethnic menswear, Manyavar is a favorite choice for weddings and festive occasions.
Raymond: A trusted name in men's fashion, Raymond offers a wide range of formal and casual attire crafted with precision and finesse.
Peter England: Known for its affordable yet stylish menswear, Peter England is a popular choice among the youth.
Ethnic wear specialists:
Soch: With its exquisite collection of sarees, salwar suits, and lehengas, Soch is a one-stop destination for ethnic wear enthusiasts.
Neerus: Known for its luxurious silk sarees and intricately embroidered outfits, Neerus is a favorite among women of all ages.
For casual wear:
Max Fashion: Offering a wide range of affordable and trendy clothing for men, women, and kids, Max Fashion is a popular choice for everyday wear.
Pantaloons: With its diverse collection of casual wear, Pantaloons caters to the fashion needs of the entire family under one roof.
For fusion wear:
AND: Blending Indian aesthetics with contemporary silhouettes, AND's collections are versatile, modern, and effortlessly stylish.
Ritu Kumar: With her signature blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design sensibilities, Ritu Kumar's fusion wear exudes elegance and sophistication.
Designer labels:
Shantanu & Nikhil: Known for their avant-garde designs and innovative silhouettes, Shantanu & Nikhil's creations are a favorite among fashion connoisseurs.
Payal Singhal: With her contemporary take on Indian bridal wear, Payal Singhal's designs are a perfect blend of tradition and modernity.
For sustainable fashion:
Anokhi: Committed to promoting traditional Indian crafts and sustainable practices, Anokhi's clothing reflects timeless beauty and eco-consciousness.
Good Earth: Known for its sustainable and ethically sourced clothing, Good Earth's collections celebrate India's rich textile heritage while promoting environmental conservation.
Regional favorites:
Jayalakshmi Silks: A household name in Kerala, Jayalakshmi Silks offers a stunning range of silk sarees and bridal wear that embody the essence of South Indian culture.
Nalli Silk Sarees: With a legacy spanning over eight decades, Nalli Silk Sarees is synonymous with exquisite silk sarees and traditional Indian attire.
From traditional to contemporary, from haute couture to street style, the Indian clothing landscape is a melting pot of diverse influences and innovative designs. Whether you're looking for timeless elegance, cutting-edge fashion, or sustainable style, these top 50 clothing brands in India have something for everyone. So, embrace your individuality, express your style, and let your wardrobe reflect the vibrant tapestry of Indian fashion.
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