#luxury apartments northern liberties
fiveoncanal · 6 months
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Luxury Apartment for Rent Philadelphia
Five on Canal luxury apartments located in the heart of Philadelphia’s dynamic Northern Liberties neighborhood with beautiful views facing the Delaware River and Philadelphia skyline, offer luxury living with a focus on community, convenience, and comfort.
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The Carson Luxury Apartments in Philadelphia, PA         
Are you searching for the best two bedroom apartments in Northern Liberties area? There’s no doubt young families prefer such type of living space. If you’re looking for an exciting apartment home, you can check out the website of The Carson Luxury Apartments. As such, you can find the best selections. In addition, the apartment is also pet-friendly. Well, your cats and dogs are welcome at The Carson. Let your pup burn off some energy and make friends in our spacious rooftop dog park, while you enjoy the fresh air, greenery, and views. Later, take your dog for a walk to nearby Liberty Lands Park or check out the latest pet supplies and treats at Doggie Style Pets or Unleashed by Petco. Don’t forget to familiarize their pet policy, by the way.
Philadelphia, PA
Essentially, many people are aware that Philadelphia, PA area is one of the renowned places in the world for years. Moreover, many parents rely on the quality of education the schools there have been providing for years. Then, education in Philadelphia is provided by many private and public institutions. As mentioned in online articles, the School District of Philadelphia is the local school district, operating public schools, in all of the city. In addition, the Philadelphia School District is the eighth-largest school district in the nation with 142,266 students in 218 traditional public schools and 86 charter schools as of 2014.
Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, PA
These days, the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, PA has been attracting many visitors. Even before the pandemic, the Philadelphia Museum of Art or PMoA is already popular. Basically, it is an art museum originally chartered in 1876 for the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Because of its remarkable displays, many parents bring their children there. Moreover, the main museum building was completed in 1928 on Fairmount, a hill located at the northwest end of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at Eakins Oval. Then, the museum administers collections containing over 240,000 objects including major holdings of European, American and Asian origin.
Meet the Pennsylvania dad who battled addiction to save his relationship with his son
One of the inspiring reports this year in Philadelphia, PA is about a father. Based on the news, Noah Langnas and his son Aaron encourage each other when they're out hitting golf balls. Noah Langnas shared that, "It's the most important relationship in my life.” But that relationship was jeopardized when the father said he got lost in addiction. He admitted, "I was a sales manager for a Fortune 500 company, and my second back surgery didn't go as planned. I took two pills and six years later basically woke up in rehab." Through the haze of addiction, he knew he needed to get clean to save his relationship with his son.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19130, United States
Head southwest on Anne d'Harnoncourt Dr/Art Museum Dr 53 sec (0.2 mi)
Take N 24th St and I-676 E to N 5th St 8 min (2.5 mi)
The Carson Luxury Apartments 570 N 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19123, United States
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invitation to trip
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      charles baudelaire
a sublime country, a catholic country, they say i dream of tripping with my friend, strange country, drained by northern mist, the east in the west, china in europe. its liberty given by such tender and excessive imagination, wise and delicate plants.
a country stacked, where all is beautiful, rich, calm, honest, where luxury gazes happily into order. where life is fat and honey sweet, everything exists on the expected, without turbulence or disorder. joy weds silence, even the food is poetic. everything which looks at you looks like you.
have you known the illness that takes us over in misery? nostalgia for a land you’ve never been? the anguish of curiosity? the land mirrors your skin: all is beautiful, rich, calm, honest, fantasy has built and decorated a western china, joy weds silence, in a country made for us to live, a country made for us to die.
right – you’ve got to go there to breath,  dream, elongate the hours with the infinity of sensation. a composer wrote ‘invitation to waltz’ but who will write the invitation to trip? which could be offered to the woman you love, my sister, my prettiest whore.
right - this is the atmosphere where it’d be ok to live, there, where the slower hours contain more thoughts. where the clock strikes happiness with a deeper and more resonant solemnity.
on illuminations, or on golden and dark rich leather, peaceful paintings live calmly, like the souls of the artists who painted them. setting suns colour the room with such a rich light, and are sieved by beautiful fabrics or tall ornate windows, which the lead compartmentalizes. the furniture is vast, strange, and bizarre, armed with secrets like complicated souls. mirror, metal, fabric, golden trinkets and clay play a silent and mysterious symphony for the eyes, and from everything, from every corner, from the chink in the drawer, from the fold in the curtain, a unique perfume escapes, a return to sumatra, like the soul of the apartment.
i tell you its a really heavy place, where everything is rich, clean and shines, like a beautiful conscience, like a magnificent saucepan, shines like a set of sublime golden ornaments, or a colourful ruby, the treasures of the world flow, as in the man who worked so hard he deserved all the well of the world.
let them search, search again, let them and push out the boundaries of happiness, like an alchemist designing flowers, let them offer me a billion euros for the solution to an unsolvable problem. me, i found my black tulip and blue dahlia.
incomparable flower, rediscovered tulip, allegorical dahlia. it’s there, isn’t it? in this calm and dreamy land, a life in flowers, mirrored, as if speaking like a mystic, by your own correspondence.
dreams – always dreams– the more ambitious and delicate the soul is, the more the dreams steal it from the possible. everyone carries with them their dose of natural opium, instantly potent and reborn, furthermore from birth to death, how many hours of our lives do we spend in positive frames of mind? in successful and determined actions? when will we pass through the portrait that my sensitivity has painted, the one that looks like you?
these treasures: this furniture, this luxury, this order, these perfumes, these miracle flowers, it is you. it is you again, in the vast rivers and quiet canals, these enormous ships carry you, all heaving with wealth, you are the music of sailors, you are the thoughts that sleep or roll on your chest. you carry your thoughts gently to the infinite sea, while reflecting the deep sky in the purity of your beautiful soul, and when exhausted by swell of the tide, and sated by the luxuries of the orient, your thoughts will return to their native port, like my thoughts, grown rich, that have returned to you from infinity.
------------------------ L’INVITATION AU VOYAGE
"Il est un pays superbe, un pays de Cocagne, dit-on, que je rêve de visiter avec une vieille amie. Pays singulier, noyé dans les brumes de notre Nord, et qu’on pourrait appeler l’Orient de l’Occident, la Chine de l’Europe, tant la chaude et capricieuse fantaisie s’y est donné carrière, tant elle l’a patiemment et opiniâtrement illustré de ses savantes et délicates végétations.
Un vrai pays de Cocagne, où tout est beau, riche, tranquille, honnête ; où le luxe a plaisir à se mirer dans l’ordre ; où la vie est grasse et douce à respirer ; d’où le désordre, la turbulence et l’imprévu sont exclus ; où le bonheur est marié au silence ; où la cuisine elle-même est poétique, grasse et excitante à la fois ; où tout vous ressemble, mon cher ange.
Tu connais cette maladie fiévreuse qui s’empare de nous dans les froides misères, cette nostalgie du pays qu’on ignore, cette angoisse de la curiosité ? Il est une contrée qui te ressemble, où tout est beau, riche, tranquille et honnête, où la fantaisie a bâti et décoré une Chine occidentale, où la vie est douce à respirer, où le bonheur est marié au silence. C’est là qu’il faut aller vivre, c’est là qu’il faut aller mourir !
Oui, c’est là qu’il faut aller respirer, rêver et allonger les heures par l’infini des sensations. Un musicien a écrit l’Invitation à la valse ; quel est celui qui composera l’Invitation au voyage, qu’on puisse offrir à la femme aimée, à la sœur d’élection ?
Oui, c’est dans cette atmosphère qu’il ferait bon vivre, — là-bas, où les heures plus lentes contiennent plus de pensées, où les horloges sonnent le bonheur avec une plus profonde et plus significative solennité.
Sur des panneaux luisants, ou sur des cuirs dorés et d’une richesse sombre, vivent discrètement des peintures béates, calmes et profondes, comme les âmes des artistes qui les créèrent. Les soleils couchants, qui colorent si richement la salle à manger ou le salon, sont tamisés par de belles étoffes ou par ces hautes fenêtres ouvragées que le plomb divise en nombreux compartiments. Les meubles sont vastes, curieux, bizarres, armés de serrures et de secrets comme des âmes raffinées. Les miroirs, les métaux, les étoffes, l’orfèvrerie et la faïence y jouent pour les yeux une symphonie muette et mystérieuse ; et de toutes choses, de tous les coins, des fissures des tiroirs et des plis des étoffes s’échappe un parfum singulier, un revenez-y de Sumatra, qui est comme l’âme de l’appartement.
Un vrai pays de Cocagne, te dis-je, où tout est riche, propre et luisant, comme une belle conscience, comme  une magnifique batterie de cuisine, comme une splendide orfèvrerie, comme une bijouterie bariolée ! Les trésors du monde y affluent, comme dans la maison d’un homme laborieux et qui a bien mérité du monde entier. Pays singulier, supérieur aux autres, comme l’Art l’est à la Nature, où celle-ci est réformée par le rêve, où elle est corrigée, embellie, refondue.
Qu’ils cherchent, qu’ils cherchent encore, qu’ils reculent sans cesse les limites de leur bonheur, ces alchimistes de l’horticulture ! Qu’ils proposent des prix de soixante et de cent mille florins pour qui résoudra leurs ambitieux problèmes ! Moi, j’ai trouvé ma tulipe noire et mon dahlia bleu !
Fleur incomparable, tulipe retrouvée, allégorique dahlia, c’est là, n’est-ce pas, dans ce beau pays si calme et si rêveur, qu’il faudrait aller vivre et fleurir ? Ne serais-tu pas encadrée dans ton analogie, et ne pourrais-tu pas te mirer, pour parler comme les mystiques, dans ta propre correspondance ?
Des rêves ! toujours des rêves ! et plus l’âme est ambitieuse et délicate, plus les rêves l’éloignent du possible. Chaque homme porte en lui sa dose d’opium naturel, incessamment sécrétée et renouvelée, et, de la naissance à la mort, combien comptons-nous d’heures remplies par la jouissance positive, par l’action réussie et décidée ? Vivrons-nous jamais, passerons-nous jamais dans ce tableau qu’a peint mon esprit, ce tableau qui te ressemble ?
Ces trésors, ces meubles, ce luxe, cet ordre, ces  parfums, ces fleurs miraculeuses, c’est toi. C’est encore toi, ces grands fleuves et ces canaux tranquilles. Ces énormes navires qu’ils charrient, tout chargés de richesses, et d’où montent les chants monotones de la manœuvre, ce sont mes pensées qui dorment ou qui roulent sur ton sein. Tu les conduis doucement vers la mer qui est l’Infini, tout en réfléchissant les profondeurs du ciel dans la limpidité de ta belle âme ; — et quand, fatigués par la houle et gorgés des produits de l’Orient, ils rentrent au port natal, ce sont encore mes pensées enrichies qui reviennent de l’infini vers toi."
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zmirza · 3 years
Toronto Neighbourhoods - Diverse and Cultural
From Cabbage Town to North Toronto - Toronto Neighbourhoods Have Diversity
Since Toronto itself is a densely populated community the city centre will continue to be divided into codified neighbourhoods although each one will in turn include neighbourhoods. To adapt to new neighbourhoods, the city takes large areas such as Islington-City Center West, Waterfront Communities- divided them into smaller geographic blocks designed for equal population. Toronto officially ditched 16 of its old neighbourhoods and added 36 new ones as part of a major overhaul of its city boundaries.
On the Toronto city map you will also see areas such as York-Crossstown, the West End, Uptown, Midtown and downtown. Toronto is one of the most LGBTI-friendly cities in the world with the most excitement occurring in the Church and Wellesley areas east of Yonge on Church Street, between College and Bloor Sts.
The streets of Davisville are filled with residents of the Toronto area walking their dogs or relaxing in the small parks scattered around the neighborhood. Lawrence Park North is a popular neighborhood for wealthy families looking for easy access to the rest of Toronto. Located at the intersection of Yong Street and Eglinton Avenue, this downtown Toronto neighborhood is conveniently located for a quick trip around the city center - taking the Subway Line 1 and be there in 20 minutes.
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The area in the west of Toronto is filled with delightfully quiet neighbourhoods, indigenous history and attractions that are not found elsewhere in the city. It is one of the most exclusive and attractive areas in the city, decorated with luxurious buildings, tree lined streets and prestigious private schools. It was once an industrial area but now it is one of the wealthiest areas of the city with high-end condominiums and beautiful homes.
Many areas in these areas were built as tram suburbs and contain many densely populated mixed-use streets. These surrounding cities look more like Toronto suburbs or large suburban cities than Toronto neighbourhoods per se. Some of the nearby cities are outside the official city boundaries of Toronto, but are part of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
The area known as Toronto before its merger in 1998 is sometimes referred to as the "old" city, Midtown or simply downtown. The strength and vitality of many of the boroughs that constitute Toronto, Ontario, Canada have earned the city the unofficial nickname of "city of neighbourhoods"
Toronto, Ontario, Canada is called the “city of neighbourhoods” for the strength and vitality of its many communities. The heart of downtown Toronto is the burgeoning downtown financial district, entertainment district, restaurants and Church Wellesley Village, the LGBTQ+ Toronto community. North Toronto is located in one of the fastest growing neighbourhoods in the city. Excellent schools such as Northern Secondary and North Toronto Collegiate make the area a great place to be when it is increasingly rare to find a large enough apartment or single-family home.
Again, like many other East End neighbourhoods, Danforth Greektown is one of Toronto's safest and most family-friendly neighbourhoods. Like many neighbourhoods in the East End of Toronto, Danforth Greektown is known as one of Toronto's safest and most family-friendly neighbourhoods.
Parkdale, located west of Liberty Village and south of Roncesvalles, has become a fashionable and desirable neighbourhood in Toronto's West End after losing its negative reputation. The population of Vaughan, a relatively humble suburb north of the Toronto city limits is growing rapidly and the Toronto subway line to the Vaughan metro centre is expanding from December 2017.
The 140 districts used by the City of Toronto are designed to assist governments and community organizations in local planning by providing socio-economic data on important geographic areas. David Herchansky, a professor of housing and community development at the University of Toronto, said there is "no scientific logic" regarding their location. He said that every district in Toronto "arbitrarily" combines two to five characteristics because the city cannot name all 500.
Foreigners should be mindful that there are many areas to explore and discover, and it is important to take your time looking for a home in Toronto. King West is one of Toronto's most vibrant and dynamic neighbourhoods and is a great area for those looking to experience city life and live in a condominium in a prime downtown location.
From a Cabbagetown Street it looks like a living Victorian Toronto museum with many houses that look exactly the same as the 19th century. One of Toronto's most exclusive neighbourhoods, it is also one of the least affordable, although the average home price has dropped slightly over the past year ($ 1.54 million). Casa Loma is one of the most expensive neighbourhoods in Toronto due to its exclusive real estate and proximity to downtown businesses and entertainment districts.
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dameronology · 4 years
northern downpour (poe x reader)
summary: poe asks you an important question. it doesn’t matter that it’s 4am, or that it’s raining, or that yavin-4 is freezing cold. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of shara’s death
for a little bit of background, there was a force tree from the jedi temple that shara bey & luke skywalker recovered; it was planted at the dameron ranch and poe grew up around it. it’s probably one of my fave things from star wars canon. 
- jazz
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Poe never got up in the night. You knew that much. 
Once he was out, he was out - especially since the war was over. Sleep was a liberty that had become a luxury. The galaxy was loud back then, you see. There was so much going on that neither of you wanted to nap out of fear for something happening. The ol’ saying of I’ll sleep when I’m dead had a little too much meaning. But now? Now that the sounds of TIE fighters in the distance and blaring alarms had finally faded? Poe wasn’t waking up for anyone. The entire war could have restarted around him and he’d probably tell it to fuck off. 
That’s how you knew that something was up. You never woke up to an empty bed - partially because your boyfriend was near enough comatose at night and partially because Poe would never go anywhere without telling you. He would have left a note, or a sign, or something. After everything that had happened, he wouldn’t have strayed more than six feet from you without a goodbye. It was his way of keeping you close, you figured. There had been days at the Resistance where coming back to another wasn’t always a guarantee. That fear was still evident, even if the circumstances were gone. You could feel it in the way he held you at night: tightly, as though you were the only thing tethering him to reality, as though he might slip away into his nightmares otherwise. When he’d lost so much, holding onto you with everything he had was simply a state of being.
Anyways - going on a trek through a planet you barely knew wasn’t your idea of fun. Especially not at 4am, when rain was lashing down from the skies and the only thing shielding you was a jumper you’d stolen from the pilot. The sky was pitch black, navy blue tinging at the edges as morning slowly broke. It was summer, after all and Poe had insisted on coming to his dad’s on this particular weekend because the weather was going to be great, babe, I promise! You were going to give him a bollocking for that one once you got back home. 
You’d checked every room in Kes’ house, but to no avail - hence why you were now trekking down their garden path. Poe’s childhood home was worlds away from bases you’d lived on for the last few years. It was warm and welcoming; humble but filled with love. It made sense, really. Poe was the best person you knew and it was clear that he’d come from two good people. You could see little bits of Kes in him - he had his nose and his laugh, and the same crinkles by his eyes when he smiled. Everything else, apparently, was from Shara.
Shara. The tree. 
You figured that if you were going to disappear at some ungodly hour, you probably would have gone somewhere meaningful too. 
Suddenly, you didn’t care about the rain or the fact it was cold. You didn’t care that your hair was getting wet or that you were almost loopy with tiredness. The minute you saw Poe kneeling down the tree, the only thing on your mind was being with him. He needed you, even if he hadn’t woken you up. Neither of you had a whimsical Force connection, nor any other worldly thread from him to you: you just knew. 
‘Hey, baby.’ You placed a hand on his shoulder, kneeling down him. His curly hair was soaked from the rain, eyes glassy as they stared into the dark tangle of shrubbery and leaves straight ahead of you. ‘What’s going on?’
‘Just thinking.’ Poe replied. 
Dropping down onto the grass next to him, you leaned into his side and rested your head against his shoulder. He naturally responded by bringing his arm to your waist, pulling you closer to his body. It was a little counter-intuitive given that both your clothes were soaked through by the rain, but it was the gesture that counted. He liked to hold you; to be close to you. 
‘About Shara?’ You quietly asked. 
‘I miss her.’ He murmured. ‘I know it’s been years but...I miss her.’
‘Poe, she was your mum.’ You gave his shoulder a squeeze. ‘She is your mum. And from what I’ve heard, she was pretty fucking amazing.’
‘She was.’ He peered down at you, a smile playing on his lips. 
Poe knew that Shara would have adored you. He adored you. After losing her, he’d never quite felt settled. He always felt like he was looking for something, as though he were seeking out the final piece in a puzzle he didn’t even know he’d been doing. It probably goes without saying that you were the part that completed it; the person finally made him feel whole after far too many years of soul searching. 
If he were able to, he would have gone back in time and found you earlier. He would have met you earlier, made you his earlier. The fear of losing you in the way he’d lost his mother was so unbearable that the idea of not having spent every possible second with you terrified him. But, you were here with him now - in the rain, under the glow of the distant moon. 
‘She’d be proud of you, Poe.’ You said. ‘You’ve achieved so much. You made commander and then general, you led the entire freaking Resistance to success and you finished everything that she started.’
‘I always thought of her when things got tough.’ He quietly admitted. ‘Y’know those missions you were just...done? When it made you second guess if things were worth it?’
‘A little too well.’ You replied. 
‘My ma was the thing that got me through it.’ He explained. ‘She finished the fight and she got to go home. That’s what helped me pull through.’
‘It worked.’ You said. ‘We’re home.’
Poe returned your smile, gently leaning down to brush his lips against yours. Truthfully speaking, neither of you were sure where home was in a physical sense. It was wherever Poe was, really; it didn’t matter if you were here, or in your apartment on Coruscant, or in the thick jungles of Ajan Kloss. As long as he was next to you, that was all you needed. 
‘It’s funny, actually - you listed all the things I’ve achieved but you missed the most important one.’ He broke the silence between you. 
‘Yeah?’ You quirked an eyebrow. ‘What’s that?’
‘You.’ Poe replied. ‘Winning the war was important to me but none of it would have been worth it if I didn’t have you on the other side.’
‘Poe.’ You softly murmured, hand ghosting over his cheek. ‘I love you - also, that’s really fucking cheesy.’
Despite the tears in his eyes, he grinned at you. ‘I know - and I love you too.’
You stayed like that a few moments, simply holding onto each other as the rain lashed down on you. Nothing else around you mattered: it was you and it was Poe. That was all either of you needed. Come hell or high water - good times and bad times, war and peace, rain and sun - you were the thing he was going to hold onto. His parents had taught him a lot but above all, they’d shown him what love was. It was fighting together; growing together and having one another’s backs. Then, you’d taken that definition and you’d taught him a little more. 
‘You should have this.’ Poe pulled away from you for a moment, reaching around his neck. ‘I should've given you this ring a long time ago, actually.’
‘Are you sure?’ You took it in your hands, holding the silver ring for a moment. It was small, but you knew how much it meant. 
‘My mum left it behind for me to give to the right person.’ He said. ‘I think she’d kick my ass if I didn’t give it to you.’
Undoing the chain, you gently moved the ring off of it and slid it over your hands. The fact they were wet from the rain made the gesture smooth - but it fit. It fit perfectly, snug on your ring finger. It looked right too, as though it belonged there. There was so much history in the small piece of jewellery, and you and Poe were about to add more meaning to it. It was a feeling you couldn’t quite describe. You got a lot of that with him. 
‘I should probably verify that this is a proposal.’ Poe continued. ‘I just...I guess I should have led with that.’
‘It fits.’ You held your hand up to him.
‘So that’s a yes?’
‘Yes, it’s a yes!’ You lightly shoved his shoulder, pulling him into another kiss. 
‘I did have a speech planned.’ He murmured against your lips. ‘About the world, and you and me, and destiny and-’
‘- Poe.’ You cut him off. ‘You don’t need to say anything. Whatever you feel, I feel it too. I get it.’
‘So you’re feeling cold too?’ He wrapped an arm around you waist, pulling you closer. 
‘The rain is romantic though-’
‘- just kiss me, Dameron.’
tags: @cherieboba​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Flashback: Muslims cheered 9/11 attacks (video)
Many Muslims celebrated on 9/11. Many continue to celebrate. Some even want a huge mosque at Ground Zero. Never forget. Never submit.
More below the fold:
Mirror these vids as they may be wiped from history in the future.
Muslims cheered in “Northern Virginiastan” too:
The area also includes two luxury apartment high-rises that erupted into cheers when the World Trade Center fell on 9/11. Law enforcement has dubbed them the “Taliban Towers.” Investigators routinely find posters and computer screen savers celebrating Osama bin Laden as a hero.
Down the street is a Saudi charitable front for al-Qaida once run by bin Laden’s nephew. The U.S. branch of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood is in the same office park. Farther down in Alexandria is the Saudi madrassa that’s graduated several terrorists, including the al-Qaida operative who plotted to assassinate President Bush.
Agents on the ground working the inordinate number of terror cases in the area say it’s no less than the base of operations for the bad guys in America
They cheered in Jersey City too – home of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers. From a September 18, 2001 Washington Post article:
In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.
The FBI in Boston, via WKRG, reported:
…the office received tons of phone calls from people who feared more attacks and others reporting suspicious activity.
Many of those calls came from concerned and angry Americans reporting Muslim’s celebrating over the destruction of the twin towers and damage to the Pentagon.  The calls were logged, reports were made and there were “stacks and stacks” of them…somebody in the office began labeling them “Happy Muslim Calls.”
Dan Rather told David Letterman about Muslims across the Hudson cheering (longer version here):
CBS News report - Sept. 16, 2001, clip reporter Pablo Guzman:
"one that an investigator told me, quote, ‘was swarming’ with suspects, suspects who I’m told were cheering on the roof when they saw the plane slam into the Trade Center. Police were called to the building by the neighbors and found eight men celebrating, six of them tenants in the building."
More evidence from 2001: Woman Calls Howard Stern Show on 9/12
Now deleted NY Post column from 9/15/2001, yet archived:
Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attacks in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New York- ers that it would be wrong to take their anger out on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.
More via Death of the Grown-up: “They Called Sept. 11 a Glorious Event for Islam”
Akbar S. Ahmed, currently the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University in Washington, D.C., and formerly the first Distinguished Chair of Middle East and Islamic Studies at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD?
On p. 149 of his 2003 book, Islam Under SIege: Living Dangerously in a Post-Honor World, Ahmed describes a trip he took to Cleveland, Ohio in October of 2001 to deliver the annual lecture of the Ibn Sinna Society.
He writes:
The night before my event, my host, Dr. Zia Khan, invited about 60 professional Muslims — Arabs, Iranians, South Asians — to his home. …
When I stated that Islam had suffered a major setback after Sept. 11 (for a grossly un-Islamic act of violence), that every Muslim was in the dock as a result … I was challenged by some Arabs and Pakistanis. They called Sept. 11 a glorious event for Islam. The taking of innocent lives was justified, they argued, as Sept. 11 was the continuation of a full-scale Islamic war taking place against Israel, which is backed by the United States.
I heard a similar debate when the Muslim Council of Britain hosted a dinner for me in London in July 2002.”
More confirmation from law enforcement in NYC at the time:
Kerik: Trump Correct, New York Area Muslims Were Celebrating After 9/11
In an interview with One America News (OAN) on Tuesday, former New York City Police chief Bernard Kerik confirmed Donald Trump's claims that Muslims in the tristate area were celebrating after the September 11 terror attacks.
"We had a number of reports of people celebrating," Kerik said. "I remember Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. There were some in Queens. There were also some in Patterson, New Jersey and Jersey City." Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani also confirmed Trump's claims of jubilee in the Muslim community in an interview with CNN on Tuesday morning
Three men who celebrated as the Twin Towers crumbled are facing deportation, The Post has learned.
The men, described as illegal immigrants from the Middle East, were arrested Tuesday afternoon in a white Chevy van near the Meadowlands based on a tip from witnesses who saw them “cheering” and “jumping up and down” in Liberty State Park after the attack, a source said.
It seems a story kept from U.S. media was the fact that news media were threatened with death over the video images of Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks and news media submitted. Read about that here including The Associated Press on Wednesday protested to the Palestinian Authority about threats against a freelance cameraman who filmed Palestinians celebrating terror attacks in the United States.
Muslims also started referring to the hijackers as the Magnificent 19:
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Related Posts: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say
AP Video: https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk
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onemilliongoldstars · 6 years
a crown seldom enjoyed - chapter four
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To maintain the fragile peace between north and south, Clarke of House Tyrell is sent to live in Winterfell as an act of faith between the two kingdoms. There, she is put under the protection of the first queen in the north, Queen Lexa of House Stark, Daughter of Wolves. A woman draped in steel and silver, wolves at her heels and rumoured to be a manifestation of the fury of the old gods; Clarke refuses to be awed be her quiet violence and cold smile. Instead of fostering unity, the meeting of the wolf and the rose lights a spark that spreads through the rest of Westeros, threatening to burn it to the ground.
clexa game of thrones au
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Book 1: Chapter Four
Lady Clarke is something of an enigma to her. As her bannermen had drifted away, back to oversee their smallfolk and livestock, bored of the new arrival to the castle, they had stopped hosting feasts every few evenings. Instead, they eat at a long table in her private quarters several times a week. The lady had inched closer to her up the table, until she was only separated by a few people. At this proximity, Lexa can freely observe her without being accused of playing favourites, and she takes the time to watch the noblewoman. Her time is so taken up by affairs of the kingdom that she sees Lady Clarke only at mealtimes and occasionally catches glances of her across the courtyard. Aden provides her with regular updates, but he is more concerned with what they did rather than what the lady is feeling. At the very least the letters from her mother have stopped, which leads her to believe Lady Clarke did what she asked and wrote her.
The fair haired girl sits a few seats down the table from her, and has been pushing her food around her plate for as long as Lexa has been looking. Though she has fire when she and Lexa converse, Lady Clarke appears drawn and sad whenever Lexa catches sight of her at the table, or in the castle. Whenever she thinks no one is looking. According to Aden, Lady Clarke has managed to befriend Octavia and a woman from the blacksmith’s forge, but she cannot seem to find any happiness in Winterfell. Lexa imagines it must be very different to Highgarden, having never visited herself, and though she grew up in the cold of the north, eating rabbit and venison, she wonders whether Lady Clarke had a childhood different to her own.
“- and so, your majesty, the crop supplies will simply have to last until next year.” Beside her, Titus is talking, and she gives him a sage nod, as if she is listening.
Around the table, close to her feet, the direwolves sit. Honor is at her side as always, Patience lounging upon her feet. She lives up to her name, happy to wait for Lexa to toss a bone her way, rather than fight over it as her siblings Valour and Liberty are doing in the corner. She clicks her tongue and the two wolves break apart, still growling. Valour, victorious, snatches his bone up to gnaw it in the corner, while his sister whines and settles near Lexa’s chair. Faith, she has noticed, is at the other end of the room, closer to Lady Clarke’s seat and though she sits a good pace back, she is clearly watching the noblewoman closely.
The time drags on, Titus monopolising the conversation despite all polite attempts to dissuade him, and Lexa is so focused on Lady Clarke that she barely realises the sun is long set, the night drawing its dark curtain about the castle. With a slight clearing of her throat, Lady Clarke looks down the table at where Lexa sits at its head and says, quietly.
“I hope you’ll excuse me, your majesty. I am very tired.”
“Of course,” Lexa stands as Clarke does and it causes a flurry of movement around the table as everyone hurries to follow her lead. Lady Clarke stares at her in surprise, and Lexa tries to cover her embarrassment by nodding her head when the noblewoman curtseys. “Good evening, Lady Clarke.”
“Good evening, your majesty.” Lady Clarke steps uncertainly around Faith, eyeing her with caution, but the wolf merely watches her go with big, blue eyes and Lexa feels similarly enamoured, somehow unable to pull her gaze away from Lady Clarke’s departure. It is only when the door is shut behind her that she falls back into her seat, the rest of her table hurrying to do the same.
“How rude,” Titus mutters below his breath, and before he can say anything else, Lexa asks him.
“Titus, how is negotiation with the Iron Bank going?”
“The Iron Bank, your majesty?” Titus blinks at her in surprise. It’s not often that she wants to talk to him about their relationship with the largest bank in the known world, across the sea in Braavos, and he almost bites her hand off at the opportunity.
When their meal is over she stands, nodding to her guests and thanking them for their company. She watches them leave her quarters, but instead of retreating back into her chambers she steps out into the corridor. Lady Clarke’s plate had been left full, and the thought of her going to bed hungry and lonely drives her onwards until she is in the warm, cosy kitchens of Winterfell. The smell of the kitchens is warm bread baking, and wood fire, and a great meat stew cooking. It is as familiar to her as her own name- as the child of a lord for most of her life, not the heir to a throne, she had spent much of her childhood between the courtyards training and the kitchens begging for scraps. Her Master Cook Leanne looks up and at the sight of her frame in the doorway clears her throat. The rest of the kitchen staff startle up at the sound, and offer her hurried bows as she moves inside.
Leanne waves a hand at them. “Carry on,” Meeting Lexa’s eyes, she smiles and bobs a small curtsey. “What do we owe the pleasure, your majesty? It’s been some time since you visited.”
Lexa thinks of tugging on Leanne’s apron strings and feels a pang of heartache. “It has, I’m sorry.”
Leanne shakes her head, goes back to kneading bread as they talk. “You’re busy now, your majesty. What can I do you for?”
She hesitates, wondering how to explain. “I am… concerned about Lady Clarke.”
“The Tyrell lady?” Leanne’s eyes run over her, curiously. “Yes, she sends back everything I give her almost untouched. I’ve tried everything- venison, beef, mutton- she’s havin’ none of it.”
“She is sad,” Lexa only feels comfortable admitting this to the woman she has known for so many years, with only loyal ears around her. Though it is no crime for Lady Clarke to be sad, there is something telling about her concern for her feelings. “I think she’s not eating because of it.”
“Mayhaps you should try to make her happier then, your majesty.” Leanne suggests, with a raised eyebrow and Lexa sighs.
“I'm trying my best but I can't do that if the girl starves to death.” She casts a hopeful glance to Leanna, whose eyes run up and down her curiously.
“You want something to give her.”
“Please,” Lexa’s shoulders sag with relief and Leanna thinks for a moment, kneading the dough beneath her hands with rigour.
“Lemon cakes oughtta sweeten her up,” She gestures to one of the kitchen hands, “Freddy, a plate of lemon cakes and a cover.”
“Yes, that's a good idea,” Lexa can feel her lips turning up in a smile.
“I'll have Freddy take them up your majesty.”
“No,” The word is out of her mouth before she can stop it and under Leanna’s gaze she feels compelled to continue. “No I mean, I can do it.”
Leanna’s eyebrows shoot up and her chest rises as it does when she's preparing for a lecture. “You certainly may be capable of it your majesty, but it's not your job to-”
“I know, I mean-” She draws in a deep breath, “I want to.”
Leanna looks at her for another second, before nodding and reaching for the plate to pass into her arms. She accepts it gratefully, fumbling for a moment until it is steady and making her way to Lady Clarke’s rooms. They are up the spiral staircase, at the very top of the east tower. Lexa chose them personally, as the warmest rooms in the castle they offer the most protection from the northern winds, the hot springs warming the walls. A luxurious suite of rooms had been set up for the Lady of House Tyrell, with heavy fur pelts and beeswax candles set about the rooms. At the top of the stairs, Lexa find Octavia Snow stood beside the doors. The girl plays with her dagger absent mindedly, until she spots Lexa and startles to attention, sliding the dagger back into its scabbard on her thigh.
Lexa hesitates, unsure how to approach the girl. She is well trained, and keen to prove herself- or so Indra says- but most valuably she owes Lexa her life, and so it was on Indra’s recommendation that Lexa had appointed her to protect the Tyrell girl. Though the castle is safe, there is many who still bear ill will to the southerners.
“Your majesty,” Octavia bows so low that her nose almost touches the ground. When she leans back up again, her eyes flicker curiously to the platter in Lexa’s hands. “Can I be of service?”
“I…” She isn’t sure how to explain herself, isn’t quite sure how she even arrived here, but the platter is heavy in her arms. “I brought these for Lady Clarke. I was hoping you could deliver them to her.”
“Deliver them to her, your majesty?” Octavia’s brows are furrowed, obviously unsure why Lexa would walk all the way up these stairs to not give her gift in person.
“I must… attend to other matters,” Before Octavia can see any further through her mask, Lexa shoves the platter into the girl’s arms, and marches back down the stairs at a pace that brings sweat rising to the back of her neck.
The mare before her is a docile, gentle beast. With a coat speckled with brown and white, and a long mane and tail, she looks nothing like her lithe, white mount from Highgarden, but as Clarke circles her thoughtfully, she admits that there is something in the horse’s stance and gaze that is pleasing to her. The mare whickers softly, and she smiles, pausing near her head to stroke a hand down her long face, laughing when the mare nuzzles at the folds of her cloak and mouths at her hair.
“She’s hopin’ for an apple,” The stable boy supplies, and Clarke’s fond smile doesn’t leave the horse. There is something about her that is warm and comforting in the heart of the frozen north, and she rubs at her nose apologetically.
“I’m sorry I can’t be of any help, perhaps next time.”
“Is the mare acceptable, m’lady?” The stable master asks gruffly and she nods once, deigning to look over at the tall man.
“Perfectly acceptable,” She admits, hands reaching to rub between the mare’s ears. “She seems to be of great stock.”
“She is,” The stable master reassures her, patting the horse’s flank affectionately, “Bred from one of the queen’s own warhorses.”
“Really?” She is impressed despite herself, gazing down at the horse’s strong legs and back. The mare doesn’t like her inattention and swings her great head around to nuzzle at her ears and face again, snorting. Clarke laughs, rubbing at her nose again. “Alright, you impatient beast.”
She nods to the stable master, “Have her saddled and ready for me promptly, I’d like to see how she handles.” Glancing back at where Octavia waits a few paces away, she rolls her eyes and adds, “And I suppose you ought to have a horse saddled for my guard, as well. It doesn’t seem fair to make her keep up on foot.”
Octavia gives her a painfully false smile and says, her voice too sweet. “Very kind of you, my lady.”
They wait as the horse is readied, Clarke sending a boy running to her room for her riding gloves and a warmer cloak, and the activity around them bustles, horses led out into the courtyard, saddled with fine leather and gleaming as if they have just been newly brushed. Clarke watches them all, her annoyance rising as the boy returns with her cloak and Octavia helps her shrug into it. As she pulls on her gloves, she catches the arm of the stable boy rushing past and has the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen at the sight of her.
“Boy, where is my horse? I asked for her to be saddled an age ago.”
“I- I’m sorry, m’lady, the horses are being- I mean to say, not your horse but other horses-” The boy stumbles and trips over his words, his cheek darkening under her unimpressed gaze.
“Spit it out,” She demands, after listening to him garble for a few moments, but the voice that answers her comes from behind, and is infinitely smoother.
“I apologise, Lady Clarke, the fault is mine.” Clarke turns, so startled that she almost jumps, and her breath catches in her throat at the sight of the queen behind her. Queen Lexa is dressed in a dark jerkin, embroidered with silver wolves, and diamond pins glitter in her hair, keeping it pinned neatly out of her face. Her cloak sits about her shoulders, dark with fur lining its edges, and a single dagger strapped to her side are the only weapons Clarke can see. To her side stands Aden, who is smiling at her welcomingly, but his friendly presence is sharply contrasted by Lady Anya, gazing down at her with cold eyes from the queen’s left. Several direwolves linger at her feet, in grey and black, but the white wolf is nowhere to be seen.
“Your majesty,” Clarke bends her knees just slightly, her curtsey more of a dip than anything else, and keeps her eyes on the queen. Though their interactions have been few, she isn’t sure how to act in front of the queen in light of the lemon cakes Octavia had delivered to her only a few days ago. It had been startling, and Clarke had almost wondered if they were poisoned, before tossing the ridiculous thought aside. The gesture, though thoughtful, had sat strangely with her and she’d eaten the treats with a mixture of delight and disgust that made her stomach curdle. Despite her initial joy at having her favourite meal presented to her, further thought, alone in her tower, had left her wondering at the queen’s kindness and by morning she had almost convinced herself that it was a plot to undermine her in some unseen way.
Regardless, since their conversation in the library, the icy tension between the two of them had eased just slightly.
“I called a hunt, you see,” The queen is explaining, and Clarke forces herself to focus. “It will have kept the stable boys all very busy. You there,” She calls out to one of the stable boys pleasantly, and the lad snaps to instant attention, bowing so low that he almost prostates himself in front of her. “Fetch Lady Clarke’s horse at once, it is the priority.”
“Of course, your majesty,” He takes off at a run and Clarke watches him go in amazement.
“You are welcome to join us on the hunt, Lady Clarke.” Lexa offers, kindly and Clarke startles at the words, her brows creasing.
“Oh I- no, no thank you. I do not enjoy hunting,” Her nose wrinkles a little, “While I appreciate the boar on my plate, I take no pleasure in seeing it run down and slaughtered before my eyes.”
The queen’s mouth seems to twitch in amusement, but she bows her head before Clarke can fully read the expression. “That is fair.” Her attention turns away as Clarke’s horse is led out. “Ah, is she to your liking?”
“Yes,” Clarke admits, reluctantly, unable to stop reaching up to touch the mare’s nose when the animal immediately begins nuzzling at her cloak and hair in search of treats. “I’m afraid I’m as empty handed as I was before,” She tells the horse, who ignores her entirely.
There is a soft laugh, and it takes a moment for Clarke to realise it is coming from Lexa. It seems almost incongruous to her personality that she should laugh so beautifully, and the thought makes her cheeks flush.
“I think she is searching for this.” Lexa produces an apple from the pouch at her side and passes it over into Clarke’s surprised hands. The mare whickers and immediately begins to crunch at the treat, spraying juice everywhere.
“Thank you,” She offers, haltingly and the queen simply shakes her head, turning as her horse is brought forward.
“It will do him good not to have any further treats from me,” She looks at the horse with an affection that Clarke has not yet seen before. “The stable master is always telling me I shouldn’t feed him so,” She rubs at the horse’s flank tenderly, “Or he will get so large he’ll look like a broodmare.”
Clarke smiles despite herself, and nods. “I think she appreciates it.” She says, as the mare finishes the apple and immediately begins searching her for more.
“Unfortunately that is all I have,” Lexa swings herself onto her horse, and Aden moves forward to place a hand on the horse’s flank.
“If Lady Clarke will have me, I think I should like to accompany her on her ride today, sister. If you will excuse my presence from your hunt.” Something passes between the siblings, an expression that Clarke can’t quite identify, before Lexa nods.
“If Lady Clarke would like your company on her ride, I think we can do without your skills.”
Lady Anya snorts from her place on her own horse, and Aden gives her an irritated look. Clearly, his absence will not damage the Winterfell stores too much.
“What do you say, Lady Clarke? I can show you the ruins of the old Holdfast, where the stained glass window still stands.” Aden offers her a charming, wide smile and she can’t help but nod at the sight of it. Aden beams, “Excellent, I will get my horse and we shall be off.”
“We shall,” Clarke watches him go with amused amazement, before she turns back to the queen. “Happy hunting, your majesty.”
“Thank you, Lady Clarke,” The queen dips her head in acknowledgement, clicks her tongue, and her horse falls into a quick walk, wolves trotting along by her sides. At the sight of her leaving, Lady Anya follows behind, and the rest of the mounted knights and squires, and Clarke is left in the eerily quiet courtyard.
“Why my lady, you must learn the rules of this game or you will lose all of your family’s fortune,” Raven Reyes grins at her from over the table, happily scooping up her winnings from their game of dice and Clarke regards her with annoyance, glowering at her smug expression.
The inn is warm and spinning just slightly, filled to bursting with the folk of Winter Town. Clarke is grateful for Octavia’s presence at her side, her hand on her sword, because she can feel the gazes of the smallfolk lingering on her, the leering of some of the men, and the women too. They watch her jewels, the movement of her silk dress and the purse at her belt, and it is only the crest of the queen at her side that keeps her from being robbed at knife point, she is sure. The mead in her blood keeps her from worrying too much about it, instead she is frowning at the blacksmith’s apprentice from across the table, watching her gold be scooped away.
“Another game,” She demands, her speech slurring just a little, but Octavia is at her side in an instant.
“No, my lady,” Octavia insists, “It is long past time that we returned to the castle.”
“Come on Snow,” Raven gives her a smug smile, “I’m paying for a new cloak with this money.”
“You don’t need a new cloak,” Octavia snaps, furiously, and Raven rolls her eyes.
“Wealth is not about need, it’s about want- isn’t that right my lady?”
“Exactly,” Clarke agrees, absent minded, as she collects the dice to roll again. They fall from her palm with a clatter, but Octavia snatches them up before either woman can see the numbers. “Snow-” Clarke begins to protest, but Octavia cuts through her firmly.
“I am insisting, my lady.” She cuts a pleading, furious gaze at Raven and the blacksmith sighs, world weary, but her eyes dart out to the side and she seems to see something that Clarke cannot, because she nods.
“I’ll accompany you back to the castle,” She tells them as Octavia ushers Clarke out of her chair, a hand catching at her waist when she sways. Chivalrously, Raven steps up to her side and offers her an arm, but Clarke looks at the way she leans on her cane and shakes her head.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” She tells her, sharply and takes the girl’s arm to wrap it through her own.
There is a beat of silence between the three and beneath the mead Clarke feels vaguely ashamed that the two would look at her with such astonishment at the sight of a kind gesture. To cover her flushed cheeks, she starts to push their way out of the tavern and into the cold night air.
Her thick cloak keeps her warm, Raven on one side, leaning against her, and Octavia on the other and they walk in silence for a few moments, before Octavia asks.
“Why are you coming back to the castle, Reyes?”
“Perhaps I couldn’t get enough of her ladyship’s company,” Raven offers, offering a flirtatious smirk Clarke’s way, but the Tyrell lady only shakes her head, amused. She has long grown used to the blacksmith’s wiles. “I left a boy looking after the forge, I’m working on something new.” Her voice grows in excitement, before dropping again. “But I’m sure the damned creature will have let it gone cold in my absence.”
“What are you working on?” Clarke asks, with interest, and Raven looks at her curiously.
“I wouldn’t have thought a highborn lady would want to know about my work,” She tells her, surprised, but when Clarke’s expression doesn’t waver, she presses on. “I’m working on a new mechanism for our crossbows- a lever that will pull back the bowstring back rather than having to crank it. It will make reloading it faster.”
“But,” Clarke’s voice wavers just slightly, “Crossbows are only used in war, we are at peace now.”
“There’s always a threat beyond the Wall, my lady,” Octavia tells her, quietly.
“And peace can only last for so long,” Raven says, adding darkly, “Winter is coming.”
Octavia echoes back the Stark words, and Clarke feels a chill run down her spine, before Raven speaks again, naturally easing the dark tone back to something more cheerful.
“What are your Tyrell words again, my lady?”
“Growing strong,” Clarke says, and the words seem to warm her core. “They’re for the roses that grow around Highgarden.” The silence of the two women on either side of her, and the warmth that talking about her home brings ushers her to continue, “There are roses everywhere, sometimes the climbers grow through the windows and into the castle. The water smells of roses and the dancers who come to Highgarden wear dresses made of their petals.”
“Dresses?” Raven interrupts, “Made of petals? Sounds damn cold to me.”
The words pull a laugh from her as they pause for Octavia to hail the gates opened, and she explains once they move into the courtyard, “The weather is far warmer down in Highgarden. One needn’t even wear a cloak in the summer, and the dresses are rather more… revealing that they are here.”
“I can imagine,” Raven gives her another flirtatious smirk and she laughs freely. “You’re near to the sea, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” She answers eagerly, “You can get on a pleasure barge down the Mandler and be there in a day.”
“A pleasure barge?” Raven’s eyes light up with interest, “Perhaps we should visit Highgarden Octavia.”
“Of course that would spark your interest,” The guard rolls her eyes, before adding darkly. “I want nothing to do with the sea.”
Instead of teasing her, as Clarke has seen her do before, Raven only hums her understanding and untangles her arm from Clarke’s, giving a flourishing bow. “Thank you for your company, my ladies, but here I shall have to bid you farewell, for I can see that the boy hasn’t kept the forge alight. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Clarke calls after her, laughing still and Octavia accompanies her into the castle. They walk in silence down the corridors, empty but for a few guards. Torches burn in the sconces in the wall, lighting up their way and Clarke feels dizzy and heady and certain that Reya will have to persuade her very kindly to get out of her dress, rather than simply sleeping in it.
The sound of footsteps is their only warning that they are not alone, before they turn a corner and find the queen walking towards them, talking quietly to her measter. Clarke feels Octavia straighten beside her, and her own footsteps stutter when she meets the queen’s surprised gaze. By the time they have met, the queen has schooled her features back into a pleasant mask of neutrality, but Clarke’s own mask doesn’t seem to be slipping into place as well as it usually does. They pause beside each other and Clarke bobs a curtsey, grateful of Octavia’s hand on her waist when she wobbles just slightly.
“Good evening, your majesty.”
“Good evening, Lady Clarke,” Queen Lexa echoes, curious eyes jumping over them. “You are up late.”
“As are you,” She answers, and feels Octavia stiffen beside her. The queen’s measter raises his eyebrows, dark eyes sweeping down her form with suspicion.
The queen only smiles though, tilting her head and saying with almost a sigh. “Matters of the country do not work to the beat of the sun and moon, I am afraid. Have you been… out of the castle?”
Clarke opens her mouth to answer, but Octavia’s elbow nudges her harshly and she shuts her mouth with a click, as Octavia says. “We’ve been for a walk around the battlements, your majesty.”
“I see,” Lexa’s gaze sweeps along them both again, and suspicion lingers at the edge of her gaze. “As always, Lady Clarke, let me know if there is anything I can do to make your stay here more enjoyable.”
“Actually, I-” The words spill from her mouth before she can stop them, the mead loosening her tongue enough, “I would like something to draw with. Some parchment and charcoals, if the castle has them.”
“Draw with?” The queen blinks at her in surprise, “I see. Of course, I’m sure that could be arranged.”
“Thank you, that would be… excellent.”
“Of course,” Lexa nods, the surprise bleeding away to be replaced by another smile. “I will see to that, goodnight Lady Clarke.”
“Goodnight, your majesty.”
The next morning, charcoals and parchment are delivered to her room, as requested and Clarke thinks of the lemon cakes. Overcast and rainy days in Winterfell keep her in the castle, but she entertains herself by dragging Octavia across half of the castle in search of a place in which the light is strong enough to draw by. Having the charcoals and parchment within her grasp make her fingers itch to sketch, and when the thin light streaming into her room proves unsatisfactory, she searches for another place to draw.
Measter Titus stumbles upon her in the hallways, and upon her insistent questioning eventually recommends the library between clenched teeth, clearly eager to see her on her way and out of his line of sight.
When she first steps through the thick door of the library tower, she thinks that she will find it deserted. Unlike Highgarden, where their proximity to Oldtown and luxurious library leads to scholars frequently descending on the castle, there is only Measter Titus in Winterfell, and so the library has been empty the few other times she has entered. Today, however, she startles as she walks to the table in the middle of the room and realises that it is occupied by a familiar figure, bent over scrolls and parchments.
The queen looks up just as her feet falter to a stop, and her surprised expression makes it clear that she had not heard them enter, so wrapped up had she been in her studies.
“Lady Clarke,” She does not stand, but offers a small smile and Clarke feels some of the tension ease from her shoulders.
“Your majesty, I’m sorry to have disturbed you.”
“Please, you didn’t,” Her eyes flicker down to the goods held in Clarke’s arms, close to her chest like a babe, and her smile grows, her expression warm. “You received the parchment and charcoals.”
“I did,” She looks down to them, somehow unable to face this soft, kind version of the queen. “Thank you, I’m very grateful.”
“I meant it when I said we wanted to make your time here comfortable,” Lexa tells her, quietly and Clarke nods again, “What were you looking for in here?”
“A place to draw,” She answers, honestly, and tilts her head to a large window, through which the daylight streams, “I was thinking perhaps there, but there is no surface.”
“Allow me to move this table closer to the light for you.” Lexa nods at the table she is using, and Clarke’s eyes widen, her stomach flickering with some unfamiliar feeling at the offer.
“Oh no, I couldn’t let you-”
“Nonsense, you must have somewhere worthy to test out your new equipment,” Over the sounds of her protests, Lexa beckons over Octavia and together the two of them lift the old oak table. Clarke can tell it is heavy by the way they strain and stumble a little to get to the window. She follows, feeling helpless and still protesting the move.
“But you were using this table, your majesty, I can’t take your workspace.”
“Well,” Lexa glances down at the parchments spread over the library table, and hesitates, seeming uncertain for a moment. “I will use one end, and you can use the other, if you do not mind?”
“No, no of course not.” The atmosphere between them is tense, just as it always has been, but the queen’s unexpected kindness has thrown Clarke into disarray, unsure how to respond to this strange side of the woman she thought she had come to know.
They sit together in the otherwise quiet library, working silently side by side. It takes a while for Clarke to truly forget that the woman is there, intensely aware of the sound her charcoal makes against the parchment, but as Lexa continues to work steadily, making notes from parchments, she begins to forget about the ruler on the other side of the table. There is a quiet camaraderie about the scratching of quills and charcoal against parchment, in a room where only the books and Octavia can see them, and Clarke soon finds herself lost in her work. It has been a long time since she was able to draw anything, and the peaceful activity reminds her so intensely of home that she feels a pang of loneliness in her heart which she tries to press away.
After a while, she begins to sense eyes upon her. When her gaze flickers up, she sees the queen’s fingers begin to scribble again, her cheeks darkening. For a moment, she gazes at the dark, bent head, and wonders whether she was imagining things, but when she turns back to her sketch again, she finds that after a while the sensation of being watched returns. This time, she keeps her charcoal moving, but glances at Lexa from beneath her lashes and finds the queen’s eyes set on her paper, watching with fascination as the image takes form beneath her fingers. She continues for several long moments, allowing her image to take a true form, and when she is happy with it- and is sure the queen’s eyes are about to fall from her head- she looks up and offers.
“Would you like to see it?”
“Oh,” Lexa flushes furiously, her cheeks heating at being caught and says, “I’m sorry Lady Clarke, I shouldn’t have been staring.”
“It’s alright,” She answers, honestly, and pushes the parchment her way. As if against her volition, Lexa’s eyes flicker to it. “You may look if you wish.”
“Thank you,” Tentative fingers reach out to pull the parchment closer, and the queen looks at it for several long moments, her eyes taking in every last detail, before she finally says. “It’s wonderful. Is it Highgarden?”
“Thank you,” She tries to ignore the way her cheeks warm under Lexa’s praise. “It is, yes.”
Lexa looks down at it again, her mouth opening as if she means to say something, before snapping shut again. She is silent, eyes roaming over the image. “It is an excellent likeness.” Their eyes meet for a second, and when the queen slides the parchment back across the table she says, quietly. “It is good to be reminded of home when you are far away.”
The words touch somewhere deep in her chest, and Clarke has to tear her gaze away, afraid that the queen will see the emotion in her eyes. “Yes,” She agrees, softly. “It is.”
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webberslive-blog · 6 years
View our exclusive gallery of one bed, two-bed Apartments & Homes for rent in Center City & Northern Liberties with decorated hardwood floors, bathrooms, and kitchens.
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uneven-boots · 4 years
Discover what colours suit the home
Use of colour offers the developer a huge range of opportunities to implement his imaginative dream. Whatever is the size of your level, it can be visually raised with the help of colour setting. All the richness as well as selection of colours can be given the 7 colours of the basic range that adhere to each other.
Red, orange, yellow, eco-friendly, blue, dark blue, violet are colourful colours. White, grey and also black are achromatic, i.e. colourless.
Every colour generates particular associations, as well as choice for a specific colour is constantly individual and depends on characteristic attributes of the personality. It is popular that there is no accounting for tastes. Some people have highly established colour assumption, others do not. You should have focused on the fact that some colours or their combinations are aesthetically calming as well as set one's mind to rest, some convey the feeling of joy, some reason virtually physical pain and others have a dismal result. Of course, when you select the colours of the setup, it is best to consult a developer.
When you select the colour setup of this or that room of your home, you need to take into the account various factors: if the windows face the north, it is better to prefer warm colours, if it is the south, then cool colours will be appropriate. Various other variables are the top quality of lighting due to the fact that the colour reflects the light, as well as the type of area (whether it is a kitchen area or a drawing-room, a kids's room or a research). Saturated, brilliant colours are the most appropriate for the setup of a drawing room or a dining-room.
White and also blue (related to cleanliness and water) benefit the shower room, however are not suitable for a kitchen area; for an attracting space and also a cooking area you 'd much better pick yellow or orange colours, cozy as well as soft tints of red and white. Besides do not forget the specifications of the room - intense walls visually decrease the quantity of space, while dark ones broaden it. As an example, red, orange as well as yellow can aid make a massive area with little furniture look smaller as well as more comfortable. When you choose the wall surface colour, keep in mind that furniture, soft furnishings and drapes are to be in harmony with the wall surfaces. If furnishings upholstery, covering on the trestle-bed as well as curtains are formed, it is better to make wall surfaces plain. Combination of colours is to be come close to attentively, do not rely upon opportunity. For example, it is better not to combine red and also green, since it is challenging to regard this mix, particularly if these colours are given up equal proportions. Intense yellow can be an excellent background for any colour (in China collections of porcelain were constantly displayed versus a yellow history). Stencil looks well on a yellow wall surface. Eco-friendly improperly matches all colours, besides numerous tints of the very same colour.
Many peoples connect red with wealth, luxury and charm. It is perceived as a sign of enjoyment, loud interaction, hassle. Well-matched tints of red appearance well in the hall, cooking area, kids's area, drawing-room. If the room is embedded in cool tones, "patches" of red will certainly make it extra comfortable.
Orange is connected with the gold orange. And also this suggests heat, vivacity, delight. The interior of a cold north space can be embedded in orange tones.
Yellow is a very "cozy" colour. If your room is located on the northern side, a wealth of yellow in the inside will generate the perception that your areas are "pleasant", bright, even if as a matter of fact, sun rays are unusual guests in your home. Psychologists assume that yellow appropriates for individuals who have an energetic profession as well as can easily adjust to any kind of environment. At the same time, yellow can irritate, every little thing depends upon a specific colour.
Eco-friendly is considered to have a calming effect as well as be good both for eyes and also spirit. Most likely, it happens, because this colour is the closest to nature. Without a doubt, the canvases of old painters, where eco-friendly colours predominate, "heal" the souls. Environment-friendly is likewise taken into consideration to be the colour of traditionalists, maybe because it was favoured in Victorian England. Eco-friendly looks great in the interiors of huge and also light rooms. In the setting of the workplace, we advise that you make use of dark colours of dark blue as well as eco-friendly. Numerous tints of dark blue reason various feelings. Blue is the colour of the sky, space, air, liberty. Deep blue conveys a feeling of calmness.
Navy-blue casts sorrow, some peoples consider it to be the colour of mourning. Psycho therapists advise utilising dark blue for a bed room. Some individuals are extremely fond of fierce, others hate it. Violet is thought to be a "magic" colour - indeed, it hides some enigma. Maybe, the colour of the night skies generates such organisations? Musicians think that violet has something agonising and sad in it. It is better to utilise light colours of violet in living quarters, as deep and bright colours of violet bring about tiredness.
Grey is the "global" colour, it harmonises with nearly all various other colours. Possibly, it is the preferred colour of developers, as it has lots of tints and also is an excellent history. It is calm and also neutral, nevertheless, it is far better to use it in combination with various other colours, due to the fact that single grey can appear boring.
Lastly, black and white. 2 posts, 2 deeply symbolic colours, two extremes, but when incorporated, they highlight and color in each other, and thus develop elaborate standards. Both colours are elegant, "global" and never go out of style. We can claim that they are beyond fashion.
Black marvellously shades in any kind of colour and also makes it more meaningful. A verandah or a hall, if they are well-lit, can be completed with beaming marble panels. Black seems to diffuse the borders of the room. In a bathroom, you can use black mirror-like ceramic tiles. Yet take into the account that black soaks up light; abundance of black is possible, just when there is a lot of illumination.
Everyone likes white, it is the colour of quality, cleanness, coolness, related to cheerfulness and wellness. White is essential in small poorly-lit rooms. In a shower room without any daylight, white tiled wall surfaces will show the light of the light, increase the illuminance of the area and also aesthetically "draw apart" the walls.
Naturally, there is a terrific selection of all potential colour colours. Of greatest importance is your desire to discover that very mix that represents your vision of the indoor setting. If the colour is appropriately picked, it can stress the benefit as well as conceal the issue. Unleash your dream. Remember concerning colour properties, when you choose the setup. We have already pointed out that it is necessary to take into the account area of the space with regard to principal points. If the room faces the southern, chilly colours can predominate in the setup; if it is the north, select warmer colours. Tranquil scheduled colours are an excellent history for precious and pricey points. As an example, strong furnishings and a stunning image will look terrific versus a light grey history. The colour of the walls need to necessarily match the colour of the furniture upholstery and floor topping.
In the cooking area, it is far better to make use of light tones of walls in mix with light furniture. If you desire contrast, it can be created by bright dish ware on the shelves, brilliant curtains, a pattern.
A bathroom, lit by just electric illumination, looks finest in brilliant tones. It is recommended to make use of white, pastel, light tints of yellow, eco-friendly, blue and pink. Hygienic engineering pipes as well as joints are to repaint the same colour. In entrance halls, passages as well as halls you can use contrasting colours for wall surface ending up. The ceiling can be "drawn down" if its colour is numerous colours darker than wall surfaces. You can utilise wallpapers with straight red stripes. The same impact can be gotten to if the ceiling and the 30-40 centimetres of nearby wall surface area are covered with lighter paint.
The ceiling can be "lifted" if it is painted white, much better with a light blue colour. You can likewise repaint or paper the wall surfaces approximately the ceiling without slats if horizontal red stripes of cozy colours dominate the wallpaper pattern.
Saturated cozy and also dark tones or wallpapers with big pattern add to aesthetic minimisation of large rooms. If the area is long as well as slim, it is much better to paint longitudinal walls in lighter tones, and cross-walls in darker tones. After that the room will seem shorter and also lower. It works if one wall surface has a different colour. A little area can be aesthetically expanded, using light, but cool colours. Light eco-friendly, silver-grey and light blue will aesthetically increase the area. In tiny rooms, it is unwanted to have dark furniture, dark curtains as well as carpets with dark tints. It is better to repaint the doors in light tones white, light grey as well as ivory. Flooring with a light colour looks extra enjoyable than a dark one. So, make your choice.
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fiveoncanal · 30 days
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Monthly Special - Get Up to 2 Months!
New construction luxury apartments for rent in Northern Liberties. Monthly Special: Get up to 2 months on select units! Call for more details! +1 215-948-4858.
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Highlights of a World Cruise
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Go on the adventure of a lifetime and travel across the globe with a world cruise! If you want to fulfill your bucket-list dreams and you’ve got some time on your hands, there’s nothing quite like going on a hundred-day (or more) cruise around the world.
Picture this: You. Unpacking once. In a different place, city, or even country, every other day. No flights. No work. No deadlines to meet. Just you and your cruise.
So, what do you have to look forward to? Well, apart from all of the luxuries and conveniences of being on a floating resort, filled to the brim with restaurants, activities, and entertainment options (yep, we’re talking about your cruise ship), there are also the multiple destinations that you’ll be visiting along the way!
We have listed some of the highlight destinations to discover during a world cruise.
Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is considered as one of the modern wonders of the world – a man-made engineering marvel! The Canal cuts right through the heart of Americas to provide an easy water transition between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Cruising through the Canal provides the perfect backdrop for Panama’s eco-tourism, history, and the beauty of this environmental playground.
Greek Isles
As you embark on your world voyage, the jewels of the beautiful blue Mediterranean – the Greek Isles will be one of the highlights. Each island sports its own distinct Greek culture, unique sights and sounds, ready and waiting for you to explore. Santorini and Mykonos provide stunning sunsets and traditional white and blue cliffside panoramas, jump right in to the beautiful beachfronts, amazing night life and history of Rhodes, or be bedazzled by Crete’s magical scenery. There’s no doubt about it, you’re bound to fall in love!
New York
If your world cruise takes you to the US of A, one of the spotlight destinations is the Big Apple. Times Square, the Empire State Building, Central Park, the Guggenheim, The MET, Rockefeller Centre, Greenwich Village, Brooklyn Bridge and Lady Liberty herself are all ready and waiting. New York City is also home to the most enthralling and exciting shopping experiences on Earth. Here you’ll find every major fashion mogul and up-and-coming designers, alongside some of the most hard-to-find and anywhere-but-here shops in the world. Shopping there can be extremely dizzying, with big names such as Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, New York Vintage, and Bloomingdales set to dominate your cruise holiday. Lucky you have a cosy cabin ready to pack away all your new “souvenirs”!
French Polynesia
There are many island destinations throughout the world, the Maldives, Hawaii, and the Caribbean to name a few. However, the charming islands of Tahiti and Bora Bora have for centuries been described as a paradise on earth, and rightly so. With their laid-back tropical vibe surrounded by oceans of blue and lush tropical trees and jungle, spectacular fish-filled lagoons shimmering with brilliant corals, they have captivated thousands with their siren song. Get ready to cruise into the Pearl of the Pacific and relax into your own paradise.
Easter Island
Few ships will sail into the vast oceans and touch base at Easter Island, yet these remote and picturesque islands will leave their footprint on your heart for a lifetime. The mysterious, undeniable beauty of the Moai statues speak volumes about the island people’s ingenuity and unique culture, a vast expanse of history and of distance conquered, and provide a fascination appeal for any true explorer.
Galapagos Islands
An excursion to the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador are home to Earth’s “living museum and showcase of evolution”. Charles Darwin explored these once deserted islands to discover animal adaptations that would go on to form his revolutionary theory of evolution. Fascinating age-old land tortoises, blue footed boobies, bright red crabs, brilliantly coloured marine iguanas are just some of the impressive creatures that you will see. Should your cruise take you here, you are in for one unforgettable adventure.
If you want to walk among fields of emerald green, watch the wind play over swathes of purple heather dotted over with white stone cottages, listen to ancient legends of fairies and sprites, and tall stories that have stood the test of time, then Ireland should be on your bucket-list. Explore the rich Celtic heritage of Dublin’s fine city, the Ring of Kerry and the Cliffs of Moher’s dramatic formations and more. While you may not see everything that a country has to offer, you will definitely get a taste of the high-life and somewhere to return to.
Your world cruise may give you a mesmerising experience as you cruise north to sight the Northern Lights and fjords of Norway. Considered as one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Norway’s glaciers and icefields are complemented by enchanting fishing villages and the arctic-inspired architecture of its charming cities. It’s a once in a lifetime spectacle.
There are so many different countries and uniquely Asian cultures on offer it’s hard to know where to begin. From China’s Great Wall to Thailand’s tantalising and fragrant cuisine, Vietnam’s UNESCO Heritage-listed historic city of Hoi An to Singapore’s electric cityscape, there’s the orangutan of Borneo, Malaysia’s paradise island of Phuket and Japan’s delicate cherry blossoms… and so much more to embrace when your world cruise touches base.
A world cruise showcases many countries, sets your bucket-list rocking as you find new places to add to it. We have only touched on a few of the beautiful locations you can look forward to. All we can say is, relax, enjoy, and be sure to bring your camera!
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milesawaylove-blog1 · 8 years
Top 5 Dream Destinations
After recently booking 2 holidays for this summer, it got me thinking about how many places in the world I would actually like to visit. And there’s a lot. This summer I’m heading to Corfu on a couples holiday and I’m SO excited to visit the beautiful Greek island. I’m also going to a little town between Marbella and Malaga with my Mum, Sister and some family friends. Considering I had never been abroad until last year, I definitely caught the travel bug when I visited Tenerife last year. The prospect of going somewhere completely new is really exciting to me, and I can't wait to travel in the future. Here are 5 destinations that I would loooovvveeee to go to!
1) The Maldives
I honestly can't think of anything more relaxing than staying in a luxury hotel hut thing in the middle of the Indian Ocean with nothing to do all day apart from jet ski and sunbathe. Pure bliss if you ask me! Also someone told me that it’ll be gone in 30 years due to sea levels rising :-(( so it’s a must, but its SO BLOODY EXPENSIVE!
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2) New York
I’ve wanted to go to New York since I was about 10, anyone that knows me will know that I’m literally the biggest lover of being a tourist so going to New York would make me as excited as a kid in well, New York I guess! Lots of people have said you get up mega early and go to bed really late to cram everything in but that doesn’t even bother me. I’d want to see a show on Broadway, go on the boat ride to the Statue of Liberty, walk through Central Park, go to the MET, Times Square, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Centre... the endless list goes on. But of course the shopping in NYC is incredible so I would also like to go to Macy’s or Sephora or something and cry at all the stuff I can't afford cos I just spent all my money on getting there.
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3) Italy
I say Italy quite loosely as it would be amazing to travel around Italy as it is such a beautiful country. My Grandad always goes on about it as he’s half Italian you see, so he always says to me “Oh Ems you must go it’s in your genes” and I'm thinking well that logic all though probably not quite right, is hard to argue with lol. I would love to do Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence, Lake Como and Garda, and even go over to Sardinia. The scenery for one is just ridiculously magical, but also THE FOOOD OMG. Pizza, Pasta, Gelato.. you name it I want it. I’d be interested to see if the pasta is as good as the one I cook at uni, but you know probably not cos I’m like SUPER experienced now.. HA just kidding get me the fresh tagliatelle ASAP PLS !! 
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4) Iceland
Iceland is a bit of a random destination but I would love to see the Northern lights and go to Blue lagoon; the only place where it acceptable to wear a bikini even though you are surrounded by snow. Husky rides are also another must as they are so damn cute and I’d go purely to give ‘em all a cuddle afterwards. Plus I've heard that the nightlife in the capital, Reykjavik is pretty good and the festival scene isn't too shabby either!
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5) Rio de Janeiro 
Rio really stands out to me for the vibrant culture. The annual carnival looks like so much fun, it’s five days of one massive party, yep 5 whole days of street bands and samba. And of course I would love to go to Copacabana beach and climb all the way up to where the Christ the Redeemer statue is as the view looks mind boggling, and if my 60 something Great Aunt can do it, so can I!
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Theres a bloody big world out there and I can’t wait to explore different parts of it, although I know this pretty exhaustive and it’s gonna cost a load of money that I don’t have, so better get saving! LOL JK saving money at uni is a myth. Anyway, writing this post has made me both excited to travel but also a bit depressed ‘cos looking at all these amazing places is giving me a major case of holiday blues.
Thanks for reading!
Em x
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myphillyrealty · 7 years
43-townhome development planned for Northern Liberties
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Liberty Square will bring 4-story townhomes to the neighborhood
A local developer has unveiled plans to break ground later this month on a 43-townhome development called Liberty Square in Northern Liberties.
PRDC Properties has announced that it is building close to four dozen luxury townhomes at 600 N. 5th Street. The 4-story townhomes will range from 2,700 to 3,100 square feet and hit the market starting at $699,000.
Liberty Square is the latest planned project from PRDC Properties, which recently finished up the conversion of the nearby Transatlantic building into a 41-apartment building and the restoration of the historic Lincoln apartment building in Washington Square West. Architect Shimi Zakin of Atrium Design Group is working with the developer again on Liberty Square.
A one-story warehouse was demolished to make way for Liberty Square. The walk-up townhomes will be a mix of 3- and 4-bedroom properties, each with 10-foot-tall ceiling and roof terraces. There will also be some community green space within the development.
And although each home will have a one- or two-car garage, PRDC Properties said the development was designed with walkability in mind. CEO David Perelman noted its location on N. 5th Street, which means homeowners will be just across the street from the new mixed-use development that will include a Target and Yards Brewing Company.
With the groundbreaking set for the end of May, the first set of homes should finish construction in early 2018. The whole project is expected to deliver by late 2019.
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Target picks Northern Liberties for next small-format store [Curbed Philly]
from http://philly.curbed.com/
The post 43-townhome development planned for Northern Liberties appeared first on MyPhillyRealty.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Posh, quiet and populated, Neuilly-sur-Seine is a suburb on the western border of Paris.
While the area itself remains low-key it is within walking distance or a swift Métro ride from sights, museums, and parks that the whole world knows and loves. The 17th, 16th and 8th borders of Neuilly-sur-Seine, where Arc de Triomphe, Musée Marmottan, Parc Monceau and more are at your fingertips. And when the day ends, and you've got your culture, food, and nightlife, you can retreat from the busy city and to your peaceful home from the Seine. Discover the best things to do in Neuilly-sur-Seine.
1. Folie Saint James
A neat symbol of Ancien Régime excess exists on Rue de Longchamp, a path from the river.
The mansion and park are the roses of Claude Baudard de Saint James, treasurer of the French Navy during the reign of Louis XVI. They were planned by François-Joseph Bélanger in the late 1770s, and a guide from Saint James, an architect for his architect was “Do what you want provided it is expensive”!
There’s a fine Palladian mansion fronting a park with a Doric under a man-made grotto. The house and its park have recently come through a two-year revamp, restoring them to their 18th-century splendor.
2. Local Sights
Although Neuilly-sur-Seine is a great place to live for low crime, fashion boutiques, dining, and upmarket atmosphere, there are still plenty of tourists immersed in it. But on a casual walk around the area, you’ll find enough to keep you enthused for a while if you’re interested in its past.
Château de Neuilly was Louis-Philippe I's favorite residence during the July monarchy but was destroyed during the French Revolution in 1848 and the vast land was divided into seven boulevards and nine streets.
At 52 Boulevard dArgenson is the last remaining wing, integrated into a monastery in 1907.
3. Arc de Triomphe
If the weather is good, you can easily walk east of Neuilly-sur-Seine along the Boulevard de la Grande Armée to one of the iconic landmarks of the world. The Arc de Triomphe, if you don’t already know, is a titanic triumphal arch modeled on the Arch of Titus in Rome.
It was begun in 1806 and finally inaugurated 30 years later to honor the French people who died in the Revolutionary War and Napoleon’s various campaigns. Get up close to view the reliefs of the battles, check out the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and go to the roof to gaze down each of the 12 radiating avenues.
4. Musée Marmottan
Under ten minutes by taxi through Bois de Boulogne, Musée Marmottan is a paradise for Monet lovers. It started as an exhibition of furniture and art from the First Empire, and all of these items from the time of Napoleon Ioi are wonderful.
But in the 1960s, son Claude Monet, Michel donated his father's collection of paintings and overnight, the museum has more works of this artist than any other attraction in the world. Following later donations, there are now over 300 Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings to dazzle you, by luminaries like Renoir, Gauguin, and Sisley.
5. Trocadéro
Another world-famous scene is close by, and you will feel regret for not going down Trocadéro on the right bank of the Seine. Here on the terrace of the Palais du Chaillot, you will get what most agree is the final view of the Eiffel Tower.
Day or night it’s a superlative place to be, but don’t be surprised if you have to wait or jostle for a decent photo opportunity.
The building you’re standing on, together with its gardens below, was completed for the Exposition Internationale in 1937: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted at this time in 1948, and there are also four different museums to look at inside.
6. Louvre
Around 15 minutes door-to-door on the Métro Line 1 is a titan of world culture. The second-most visited museum in the world is a fortress-turned-royal residence that is absolutely replete with art and artifacts from any number of periods and parts of the world.
If there’s a specific civilization or movement that holds your interest, you will find something relevant and fascinating to study here. But there are two specific works that you can’t leave without seeing: Delacroix’s stirring Liberty Leading the People and Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.
7. Champs-Élysées
One of the essentials for beginners in Paris, the Avenue des Champs-Élysées runs diagonally from Place de la Concorde and Place de Charles de Gaulle. Like a scene etched in people's imagination, the appeal of Champs-Élysées is simply there and capturing the picture.
The avenue is enriched by shops for leading luxury brands, but for most people, the setting of the Arc de Triomphe, the ending line of the Tour de France and the memory of parades and events of historical importance will win hearts and imagination.
8. Parc Monceau
Up there with the most beautiful parks in the city, an English-style park and winding roads and rolling lawns instead of a French geometric building. The park is set for a cousin of Louis XVI, who was slashed during the Terrorist Dynasty.
In the end, it was in the hands of the city and became the first public park created by Baron Haussmann. There are lots of glimpses from an earlier time though. At the northern entrance is a building dating from 1787, which used to be a toll gate as part of the Wall of the Farmer's General.
And inside there’s a classical colonnade and a pyramid-shaped ice house built for the original owner.
9. La Défense
  The city's future commercial district is located on the other side of the Seine and was planned in the 1960s as a way to keep modern architecture out of central Paris. You are so close that you can jump over a bridge in an hour or two.
And, standing on Charles de Gaulle Boulevard, as well as the unmistakable Arc de Triomphe to the east, to the west you will be able to see the Grande Arche, which has been here since 1989.
It’s the work of Danish architect Johan Otto von Spreckelsen and is a 110-meter-high rectangular frame made from reinforced concrete but clad with glass and Italian Carrara marble.
10. Musée Jacquemart-André
Édouard André and his wife Nélie Jacquemart were prolific art collectors in the 19th century. Funded by a huge bank inheritance, the couple made annual trips to Italy and shortly before gathered one of the richest Italian art collections in France.
And all are located in their magnificent mansion built to order in 1875 by architect Henri Parent.
The Italian Museum inside has paintings of Canaletto, Botticini, Donatello, Uccello, and Botticini, but you can also poke around couples of public apartments, private apartments, and winter gardens.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Nancy
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-neuilly-sur-seine-709282.html
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13 Best Places to Visit in the United States
With a lot to find within this nation, it can be hard to know how to start in regards to planning for a trip. Cities, a few famous for others and history understood for glamour or fun, provide a wide array of places to people. Together the Eastern Seaboard, New-york along with Washington, D.C. provide two distinctively distinct city encounters. Together the West Coast, San-francisco and Los-angeles are equally Hotspots for vacationers. From the Southwest,” Las-vegas attracts the desert to lifetime, and also the Grand Canyon reveals off among nature’s finest inventions. These are only a couple of locations, but destinations for almost just about virtually practically any sort of traveler can all be found all around the nation.
New York
New york is unlike any other city on the planet, plus yet one which has to be experienced to be valued. For firsttime people, walking the roads may be just like walking through the movie series, together with famous internet web sites at each turn, by the Empire State Construction , to Rockefeller Plaza, the Chrysler Building, Central Park, timessquare , 5th Avenue, Broadway, also needless to say, that the Statue of Liberty.
Sight see daily, simply take while in the day at a Broadway show, work punctually to shopping, and curl up and reminisce over an excellent meal. That is New York. With a lot of to see and perform in even a weekend or each day, this really can be just actually really a city worth seeing repeatedly.
  San Francisco
This enchanting and scenic westcoast city may be the best escape destination for families, singles, or couples. Roads that are enchanting famous web sites, amazing views, and dining are a part of what makes San Francisco such a excellent destination for a go to.
Have a cruise to San Francisco Bay, excursion Alcatraz, driveway across the GoldenGate Bridge, drift around Fisherman’s Wharf, or jump to a street car to learn more about the town websites.
Autumn or summer is a fantastic time to see, however, the climate is light and also some time of the year is fine.
  The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is one. Gazing out to an horizon across the cliff walls along with also an depth below will be just one of many highlights of any trip at the USA.
Seeing the Grand Canyon, at the Southwest, can readily be achieved on each tour from Las Vegas, Phoenix, plus some bigger cities within the area, or incorporated in to a bigger driving trip by Arizona and surrounding countries. An train trip out of Williams, AZ is just another method.
You are able to stop by the east rim of the Grand Canyon, that’s typically the most visited & very widely used department. The path into the northeast rim is closed in winter because of snow.
  Las Vegas
This city of lights at town carries yet one that’s been bringing visitors for years, and a exceptional allure. Tremendous hotel complexes, together with a myriad of what to see and do in any given season, have left this kind of destination which attracts everybody, from want-to-be newly-weds who are come here in order to state their promises, to families who only need to hangout to a pool.
Entertainment options are endless, with several of the top celebrities of the audio industry calling Las Vegas and playing with packed crowds.
Whenever you’ve had your fill of this city, there’s plenty to research from the surrounding area, with the Grand Canyon, Death Valley National Park, along with Hoover Dam all within easy day-tripping space.
  Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. is Your United States capitol and home to a Number of the Most Well-known Websites and national Prizes in the Usa, by the WhiteHouse and the Capitol Building into the Smithsonian Temples.
This city must really be on the trip of this East Coast of everyone. From the spring, the Cherry Blossom Festival can be actually just really a gorgeous time to see, once the trees are in full blossom.
Once the summer temperatures have cooled enough to produce walking outside very snug, fall is a time as well as the dash of the summer months has now passed. In the winter, the audiences are smaller, and also the town is more magnificent after a snow fall.
  Los Angeles
Southern California features a culture its own, and Los Angeles is the epicenter of the place. The town has ever been connected with glamour, with all the suburbs of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, also bel-air controlling popculture.
You will find all sorts of vacation possibilities from the LosAngeles region. Hollywood is essential for movie fans, families have come to experience neighboring Disneylandand sellers may discover loads of chances.
If you’re interested in finding a laidback shore scene, then go to Venice Beach. For an appealing all-natural history adventure remember to go to the Page Museum along with La Brea Tar Pits to watch fossil remains of ancient creatures that roamed this area 40,000 decades back.
Orlando, that for some tourists is interchangeable with Kissimmee, is about the theme parks; Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios, also Sea World . Families flock to such attractions that are massive, and children think it’s great, making school holidays the funniest moment to go to. Summer and christmas holidays are busy.
But adults may love the shopping, dining, in addition to the parks, golfing, and sun. Orlando is famous together with all sorts of home rentals and hotels offered in the region.
The metropolis is situated in land however within easy day-tripping space of the coasts along with the favorite Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic Coast.
  New Orleans
New Orleans is like no additional metropolis that is southern. The combination of civilizations, together with powerful Spanish and French influences, is much more reminiscent of this Caribbean compared to United States of America.
Cajun and Creole cuisine, jazz music, and also the design of this French Quarter place this city apart and also make it a ideal spot for an extended weekend escape. The highlight of New Orleans’ calendar season is mardigras , when fancy costumes and bizarre floats light the roads, music might be heard anywhere, and also the parties seem endless. If audiences aren’t your thing, you might need to steer clear of this period . June to November is more likely and thicker to storms and storms.
Place on the beaches of Lake Michigan, Chicago is a superb summer destination, together with both some gorgeous shore and parks. However, shopping and cultural attractions, in addition to its own arts, allow it to be a very favorite destination.
The Gorgeous Mile, together Michigan Avenue, could be the town’s most famed area, together with luxury luxury stores and museums, together with famed buildings and superb architecture.
A number of these tourist highlights comprise Millennium Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, Navy Pier, as well as the perspectives out of your Willis Tower SkyDeck.
Phoenix can be a huge city which brings large variety of northerners. Surroundings and the town, including a lot of townships, Mesa, and Scottsdale, are famous specifically because of their golf hotels and spa.
Phoenix can be a superb destination for golf, relaxing, shopping, and chilling from way of a pool. Can be found neighboring and in town, providing quick access for mountain biking or hiking trails. October to April is very agreeable in the event that you would like to spend some time out doors, although summer temperatures may be high.
Savannah could be your small town, with trees at old mansions, the parks along with also a beachfront area with candies stores and shops in historical buildings.
The pace is slow, and also the folks are more all friendly. It’s simple to say that Savannah is a city where folks revel in and live life, as opposed to an area. The town centre is small enough you can walk.
This really can be really just actually a city you may see a day, where you may wish to linger, however the type of place. Nearby are several gorgeous shores in Tybee Island along with Hilton Head Island, both that are accomplished by car in well within one hour.
Boston is a city of history. The famed Freedom Route leads beyond a number of the town’s most famous and historical sites, making surfing and sightseeing throughout the town exceptionally simple.
Picturesquely situated together with ferries Boston features a charm that is exceptional. Contemporary skyscrapers stand adjacent to centuries-old properties open community spaces, such as Boston Common, supply the city a quaint, smalltown feel.
The town hosts the renowned Boston Pops Orchestra, and features a strong cultural and arts landscape.
Corner of this usa could be Seattle’s lovely city. Inspired by water and also snowcapped hills, the town is similar to Vancouver, Canada, using an energetic, outdoor oriented populace along with innumerable things to see and perform.
Crucial beaches from the community incorporate the impossible-to-miss Space Needle, the vibrant Pike Place Market, and the water front. Within easy day-tripping space of this city are amazing shores, the Hoh Rain Forestmountain landscapes, all waiting to be researched.
Even though wintertime find more rain the town is still really just a wonderful place to go to at any given time of the year and has a mild climate.
  13 Best Places to Visit in the United States
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