rkcheri · 5 years
chocolate love
so, perhaps she was craving something sweet. ( while it wasn’t an everyday thing ( no, how could it be when her coffee was already sickly sweet? ) there were days when her sweet tooth was just aching to be sated with sugar ) 
surely, her trainer would throw a fit if he knew mijoo was venturing out of her way for something like this but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right? and it wasn’t like her shoot was tomorrow or anything  --  one bite ( or three ) of a delectable sweet wouldn’t do her any harm. and while she didn’t have anything in her aresenol ( she had more salty snacks, if anything ) ; she was sure someone else in the dorm had one ( at least those who didn’t get theirs confiscated by manager kyu ). they all had their own stashes, after all.
if she remembered correctly, they did have a choco pie earlier that month from the makeshift ‘cake’ they constructed for seolhyun for the younger girl’s birthday. mijoo wondered if there was any left, and if anyone would have it -- it would be seoyoung. she did have that shoot last month, anyways, and with it the goodies of the ad. with this in mind, she beelines from her room straight to seoyoung’s ; a hand at the door, pausing to knock before calling out to the other from behind the door. 
“hey, seo -- do you have any of those choco pies left?”       ━━     ﹡ 𝐘𝐄𝐍𝐀 、 
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rovalent · 5 years
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With the end of promotions, and after the rollercoaster ride that was Luxe’s journey last year, the five members get to rest for a bit.
Not all of them, and not all the time, of course, but something almost there. 
Ella will start working towards her drama. She’ll go to her costume fittings on January 3rd in order to get everything checked for the start of recordings on the following week. The drama will consist of 20 episodes ranging from 55 to 65 minutes in length. Recordings will start on a Monday, the 6th, and should go until the 9th of May. They’ll be recording around an episode a week with only short breaks for the cast and crew. The day of the release will be announced later on, aiming for the end of March. This will be an extensive project, having to record from early in the dark morning to the dark nights, depending on what they need. Expect not to have much free time at all. They’ll have a day break every two Sundays, the first being on January 26th.
On January 6th, Cheri will be notified of important news. A photoshoot has been scheduled to happen on the 20th with the magazine Elle. She’ll be having her own fashion pictorial to appear on the February issue of Elle Korea. The pictures will also be later shared online through the magazine’s official media pages. The sets and images will look somewhat like these: 1, 2, 3, 4.
On January 26th, the entire group will go perform to the military. They’ll use two songs: ‘Mini Skirt’ and ‘Like A Cat’. You can expect a positive reaction out of it.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements as explained on the idol tier page. As this is not a promotional month, you may choose any two achievements for the month’s points. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write for to collect this month’s points.
* For clarification, old threads from previous months will count towards points so long as they fulfill the requirements as explained on the idol tier page. However, at least one of this month’s requirements must be written about the schedule to gain any points for January.
The only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - DECEMBER SCHEDULE (for the January 1 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** Cheri’s fashion pictorial gives them 2 EXP. The group’s performance for the military gives 1 EXP, making it a total of 3 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page. 
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rkidolshop · 6 years
kim seolhyun | luxe | idol shop
PURCHASED ITEM(S): television drama - secondary role SPECIFIED ROLE: the heirs (krystal’s role) CURRENT DEBUT POINT TOTAL: 335 DBT COST: 30 DBT NEW DEBUT POINT TOTAL: 305 DBT
Schedule: see luxe:jan20 for more infromation regarding schedule.
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rkcheri · 5 years
as you wish
it’s no secret  --  the buzz behind royal’s newest debut group has been around for months now ever since dream knight had been filmed. but now, it was final. all the months of anticipation, of whispered rumors and the looks of suspense -- they have all come to rest because what they had all been waiting for had finally come to fruition. with their debut coming up, mijoo couldn’t help but grow curiouser and curiouser for the brother group that was soon to take the kpop world by storm. while they came from the same label, and trained together for years prior, now separated into different groups, managed by different teams, it was hard to get information. 
but the one slice of important news that had come by her was one that had mijoo immediately seeking out the male in question. finding him in the opposite side of the new company building, in one of the usual places they’d meet in whenever they trained together ( the practice rooms, of course because where else would they go when they were all trying hard to reach their dream ).
“so, it’s come to this.” she says as she enters the room. her hands wringing behind her as she steps forward until she’s mere inches beside him. “a little birdie told me that someone’s become the new leader of the newest and most awaited boy group royal has ever seen.” she’s smiling, from ear to ear as her hand comes up to immediately pinch his side. 
“doesn’t feel real, right?”      ━━     ﹡ 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐊𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍 、
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rkcheri · 5 years
someday at christmas
it’s been ages since she’s seen ariel. ( not really, she just saw her a few weeks ago at one of the award shows but that was work and this was so clearly a different type of gathering )  unlike those events, where professionalism was at the utmost priority among her and the other idol attendees, mijoo had to forgo pleasantries and stick with soft hugs and cute waves from a distance. but as christmas nears, and mijoo’s luck has thoroughly run out for the year for her to have to work through both christmas eve and day, she’s more than relieved to find a few days of down-time ( two days, specifically, two days of down-time ) to squeeze in the few christmas festivities she was invited ( and more pointedly, allotted in her small frame of time during this busy season ) to ; more than gleefully gathering the gifts she had ordered ahead of time ( having already felt it in her grainy body of bones that she wouldn’t be able to give them out in person ) and stacking them into the car before she and mason make their way to ariel’s sister’s home.
she’s only officially met the older girl a handful of times, but the fact that she was invited to something so intimate and festive as christmas at the other’s home was something that warmed mijoo’s heart. as for mijoo, her own home extremely lacked the christmas spirit due to the busyness of their schedule. it was quite unfortunate that they weren’t able to decorate  --  something, in the past, mijoo would have done the moment the clock stroke midnight on december 1st.
it’s a longer car ride than she expects, but once there, there’s no stopping her five foot four frame from leaping out of the vehicle ; subsequently ( and not at all intentionally ) leaving mason to haul most of the heavier presents while her own arms were chalked full of bags. finger pressing the elevator door open for him to enter as they rise up from the garage. her hand quickly glances at her phone, to make sure that she doesn’t get the wrong unit number as they further ascend up the building ; firmly making their way out of the elevator and towards the home. with all mijoo’s christmas cheer and fake ‘ ho , ho, ho ’ s along the way when the door swings open; she’s an elf in the making once the gifts are safely deposited beneath the tree and a glass of what she is safely assuming is eggnog is placed into her hand. with one swallow, she can’t help the warming of her stomach. it oddly felt reminiscent of home.         ━━     ﹡ 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋 、
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rkcheri · 5 years
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retouched lightly for the shoot, mijoo was enjoying the way her red hair was fading into a light pink-biege ordeal. and while it was a bit off for the concept of today’s shoot, she was told that it was fine since it was going to be out of her face and tied up anyways. when she had been approached by their manager at the beginning of the month, mijoo had been flattered. to be chosen to feature in a magazine was definitely something she hadn’t thought about. ( not really, anyways, not when girls like seoyoung, nayoung, euijin and seolhyun existed in her group ) she had been looking forward to a free month -- and while this didn’t quite make a dent into her free time, this month, she had been warmed to keep her weight in check.
( for reasons unbeknownst to her )
and mijoo just wrote it off as the creative team wanting to make sure she was able to fit whatever they were to provide her on set, well.
what mijoo didn’t know was that the concept of her photoshoot was a ‘fitness’ shoot. and for a girl like mijoo, who hated anything that required her to break into a sweat, she couldn’t believe her luck. god, really liked to play his wicked game with her. 
truly so, but in the end, mijoo knew she had to suck it up.
she should be honored to be featured, in the first place. and if they thought she looked good enough for such a scene, she was going to do her best to meet their expectations.
come january 20th, with the exception of one cheat day, mijoo was feeling good -- forgoing her usual coffee for a ‘green’ juice she had asked manager kyu to pick up for her, she arrived on set bright and early. greeting the staff the moment she had entered with a wide smile, she was led straight to hair and make up to get ready. 
it was right before she was to go change into the outfits for the shoot did they mention the concept of the day and mijoo all but felt her face try to remain in nonchalance -- but the idea of pretending to work out and being made to exercise was both as laughable and as ironic as ever. if anyone should have had this shoot -- it was probably seolhyun or even dabin, yet here mijoo was -- trying on sports bra after sports bra as well as their matching tights.
not that she had anything to be ashamed of when it came to her physical attributes, outside of her scheduled appointments with their company physical trainer, mijoo absolutely abhorred exercise and would go to any lengths to avoid it if she could. now it was no wonder why her trainer had been pushing her so hard all month. and suddenly, mijoo felt terribly guilty for sating her sweet tooth just a few days earlier. 
in the small time between the crew fixing the cameras and lights and the time after she had gotten her makeup finished, mijoo could feel her anxiousness and fidgeting build -- prompting her to begin to worry about her figure. not that she thought it made much of a difference. if it had, would they have still wanted her? there wasn’t much time to dwell because before she knew it, she was being called onto set.
if anything, mijoo would just have to suck it in and grin because in the end -- photoshop would save the day, right?
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rkcheri · 5 years
before the sun rises
it wasn’t that mijoo was a terrible cook -- no, if anything she was decent at best. but more often than not, mijoo found more ways than one to evade waking early enough to help with the breakfast preparations. today, usually would be of no exception but with the resolve of a thousand elephants, she had decided to wake up early enough that even she was surprised by the time she had gotten up at. with seolhyun being out of the dorm early and coming home way past the time anyone was awake, she had barely seen the other girl during the month. even mijoo had her own schedules, but even so she had still been able to find time to see each and every one of the other girls in her spare time. 
unlike those times, she worries about seolhyun. working on limited sleep and crunched time could do things to people and she hoped that it wasn’t weighing on the other. and while a text or two could have been well and dandy -- mijoo couldn’t rest until she made sure that seolhyun was okay. and for mijoo that included making sure that the other was eating well, too. ( after a year and a half of living with the other girl, knowing her eating habits, mijoo researched ‘til the ends of the internet for health alternatives )  preparing them just in time for the younger girl to eat a bit before she left for work that day, even boxing a few in case she decided to eat it on the way to the set. in just an hour, mijoo had a set plate and the dishes on the table; surveying her work from her end of the table as she waited to hear the other prepare for her day.        ━━     ﹡ 𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 、
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