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rovalent · 5 years ago
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              [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Aug 27                DE:CODE (디코드)               < ENIGMA > TEASER IMAGES
              #비밀 #BMil 
              2020.09.01 TUE 6PM               #DE:CODE #디코드 #CanYouFeelIt #감이_오지
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rkidolships · 4 years ago
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A.C. / Sinjae / B.Mil / Vici / Nox / Milo / Shion / Magnus / Reno
@rkseonho, @jaehyunrk, @rkbyunbaek, @rkkangjoon, @rkhongjoong, @rkwon, @rkshion, @rkmg, @rklino
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rkseonho · 5 years ago
waiting for.
@rkbyunbaek august 17th
it’s always a little weird when members in the group have different schedules than everyone else. seonho has grown so use to all of them being together that when someone has a solo gig it’s almost a little sad to him. to think the group is split off in their own paths. sure, that being said he’s more than proud of his hyungs who have achieved schedules of their own. going out and making more of a name for themselves outside of just the group. he honestly, really is proud. 
but there is just moments where he misses them. like today. he knows baekhyun hyung has his own schedule--radio dj for idol radio, so super cool--and while it’s only one that that baekhyun isn’t around, seonho still feels a little like something is missing.
thus, even after his own schedule ( typical training ) ends for the day and he finds himself back in the dorms, seonho is restless. he has had the stream for idol radio pulled up on his phone until it was over--the show runs at night and so he was able to catch the end of it and his hyung is so cool. now he was just lounging on the couch in the main room, scrolling through his phone. most everyone else was either settled down for the night and getting to it, leaving only seonho really awake and waiting for their leader. 
for whatever reason, he just wasn’t able to go to bed before baekhyun got back. 
even if his body was exhausted. 
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rkwon · 5 years ago
catch fire.
won didn’t expect at all to already be working on a comeback song. after the radio silence in april, he’d assumed perhaps they hadn’t taken off like royal hoped or that they would be focusing on luxe’s newest viral hit as long as possible. he didn’t waste a moment of april’s free time, though, visiting home when he could and spending time with his and mingyu’s family, and he’s grateful for it now. he hadn’t known they’d be thrown back into the deep end immediately, but he would’ve kicked himself if he hadn’t taken advantage of such limited, completely free time — at least, as much so as possible for an idol. ( it almost felt like being a trainee again, but hearing their song on the radio sometimes reminded him that yes, debut did happen and yes, that is your voice, you’re in that group. it still hasn’t really sunk in in the quieter moments. ) 
he’s not sure if it’s strictly true but he feels like he has more parts this time, but perhaps they’re just parts he’s more excited about than before, or the initial debut nerves being gone this time around is allowing him to enjoy them more. either way, he feels more calmly determined in his drive to perfect them early and far more comfortable in seeking help from their leader and main vocalist, laying out the lyric sheet on the floor between his legs. he should probably stand up for this but if he can’t even do it sitting down, then he dreads to imagine how he’ll sound whilst dancing. 
“do you think I was a bit flat? I feel like something doesn’t sound right.” he repeats his first line again, and then once more. “am I just imagining things or am I not on the right pitch?” 
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rkkangjoon · 5 years ago
.gute nacht
while searching for the key to the dorm, he yawned. it was rather late, but his schedule for today was finally over. his stomache was growling, he was hungry. what he was craving for, wasn’t food though, but a night of good sleep. so he headed right to his shared room, after taking off his shoes and putting them to the side. eyes half closed as he shuffled inside, before bumping his knee against the bed frame. cursing under his breath, he held his leg and made a few steps aside, just to let himself fall straight forward on the bed he believed to be his.
it wasn’t though, aside from already being occupied by baekhyun whom he hadn’t noticed until he was flopping on top of him. “oh, baekhyunnie- didn’t see you there. sorry, let me-” with a groan, he rolled off the other and remained laying on the side instead. to distract the other from the fact that he was too lazy to get up and move over to his own bed instead, he lifted his head a litle and looked at the younger male, asking: “how was the idol radio? was it fun?”
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jaehyunrk · 5 years ago
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jungjaes nice to meet you, i’m jaehyun the ‘perfect guy’ of #JSM ㅎㅎㅎ i hope you’re all enjoying dream knight! we worked really hard to film it! ah... are you all going to turn my face into memes? #dreamknight #thankyoubaekhyunhyung #jsm #theperfectguy #themoreyoulook #themoreyouarefascinated
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rklino · 5 years ago
we streaming,
while practicing for i'm fine, minho remembers enjoying it. it had been the preferred one between itself and what time is it now, but minho didn't really expect to be in a big rush to listen to it especially after practicing so many times for it. but instead, it's almost listened to in another light-- knowing that other people-- a possible growing fanbase, critics and just a bigger audience is seeing their work. it makes minho hear it in a whole different way-- and he finds himself purchasing the song digitally the moment he could.
he has one headphone tucked in his ear, twisting the other one around his finger as he listens to it on the couch. glancing up at the sound of footsteps, he lets out a soft grunt, holding out the headphone to baekhyun with a small smile. "hyung, ‘ave you bought this song yet?" he says innocently, like the sound of their pre-debut single couldn't be heard clear as day from his headphones. "it's really good-- look, see? i bought it, you should too."
he holds a carefully neutral expression on his face before he begins to crack-- a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "b.mil hyung." he says with a grin that's bordering on mischievous. "have you bought our track yet~" there's the slightest bit of aegyo onto it, something he doesn't do much-- but his mood is incredibly high today, so he enjoys the bit of comfortability he feels with the other.
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rkcheri · 5 years ago
as you wish
it’s no secret  --  the buzz behind royal’s newest debut group has been around for months now ever since dream knight had been filmed. but now, it was final. all the months of anticipation, of whispered rumors and the looks of suspense -- they have all come to rest because what they had all been waiting for had finally come to fruition. with their debut coming up, mijoo couldn’t help but grow curiouser and curiouser for the brother group that was soon to take the kpop world by storm. while they came from the same label, and trained together for years prior, now separated into different groups, managed by different teams, it was hard to get information. 
but the one slice of important news that had come by her was one that had mijoo immediately seeking out the male in question. finding him in the opposite side of the new company building, in one of the usual places they’d meet in whenever they trained together ( the practice rooms, of course because where else would they go when they were all trying hard to reach their dream ).
“so, it’s come to this.” she says as she enters the room. her hands wringing behind her as she steps forward until she’s mere inches beside him. “a little birdie told me that someone’s become the new leader of the newest and most awaited boy group royal has ever seen.” she’s smiling, from ear to ear as her hand comes up to immediately pinch his side. 
“doesn’t feel real, right?”      ━━     ﹡ 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐊𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍 、
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rkmg · 5 years ago
from the best.
♦ starter for @rkbyunbaek !
although rapping was clearly his strong suit, he still had other things that he wanted to be good at. of course, due to his love of acting and musicals, he always felt somewhat shorted when it came to his natural talents. he wished he could be as great of a singer as some of the other boys in his group, but he wasn’t born with that skill. still, he knew that it was something that could be taught and learned, even if he wasn’t going to become anything close to a main, or even a lead, vocalist overnight. honestly, he just wanted to be able to sound decent enough to realize he had potential so he could know for sure that his dream and everything that he eventually wanted to achieve wasn’t something totally impossible.
baekhyun was an incredible singer. even if they weren’t in a group together, mingyu knew he’d be a fan of his voice. he admired his leader and looked up to him, so obviously he was thrilled since he was going to be helping him learn some things. he couldn’t stop grinning as he sat with the older boy, his excitement embarrassingly obvious. “i know i probably seem really lame right now, i’m just happy and thankful that you’re doing this. i kind of gave up hope that i’d ever be able to sing, but... i guess i forgot that it’s a skill that i can work on. were you born with your talent? like... i know that you’ve had lessons and stuff since being a trainee, but when you were young, were you really good at singing then, too?”
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 5 years ago
▫︎ ▪︎  ━ s-ᴘᴏᴘ : ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 16
gahyeon is honestly excited to see baekhyun and hongjoong again. despite being from the same company, gahyeon has noticed more than anything that debut takes up a lot of time. between being friends with a handful of debuted idols, never seeing the royal boys following de:code’s debut, and watching as minhee dealt with running between debut plans and activities and filming for iqs. gahyeon is almost envious of all of them – but she doesn’t dare let it show. she’s sure her time will come eventually – but for now, she had what she had and it was more than some trainees got. so she shouldn’t complain.
when she actually gets to see them, that jealousy washes away at getting to see their faces again. de:code debuted some time ago, and gahyeon hasn’t really seen them since they were in their pre-debut group – to actually see them again in-person is exciting enough that she forgets she was ever jealous. playing games with the two is the easy part, joking around and in general enjoying their time together – it almost feels like back when they’d trained together. but actually remembering to call them by their stage names – because it almost feels wrong for her to call them by their real names. wasn’t it respectful to call them by their stage names ? she wasn’t sure – but they all got a kick out of her when she tries to correct herself, so she just doesn’t mention it again and tries to remember to call them by their stage names.
the games are played easily, as they always are – but things flow a bit more easily as they have in other episodes being that gahyeon is far more comfortable with people she knows. of course, maybe she’s learning a thing or two about how to work on a variety show like this, as well ? gahyeon’s not entirely sure – but she’s thankful nonetheless. each recording session starts with a lot of apprehension on her part, but between the guests and her co-hosts, gahyeon thinks it’s so much easier to do this while she’s able to play off of them, and they’re always there to back her up when needed. 
gahyeon is sure that she’s going to enjoy this. 
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rksecretsanta2019 · 5 years ago
Merry Christmas to @rkbyunbaek                         | from @rksophie​
i hope you like this!!! i wanted to make it a bit more angsty but i hope you enjoy reading it anyway! have a great christmas!! 💖
sophie had always kept to herself. even though she lived in a big city, surrounded by all sorts of people, she had always been on her own. she had never had many friends, not to say none at all, and the few people who came into her life knew it was better to stay away from the wizard and his daughter. it had never bothered sophie, despite her usually outgoing nature; her father had always been more than enough company, and the trips into the city with headphones over her ears and his father’s clients had kept her entertained enough. even after her father had passed away, sophie had continued her life mostly unchanged, taking over her father’s business and providing spells and potions for those who came to her in need. it was a quiet and simple life, and one she enjoyed fully.
it all changed the moment jennie knocked on her door, asking for help. barely a week before, the slightly older girl had appeared on her doorstep, clothed in a dark, heavy coat to protect her from the chilling winds, her face hidden behind a face mask. even then, sophie could tell she was someone important: her clothes, despite their simplicity, were clearly expensive and good quality, and the way she held herself, back straight and chin high, clearly denoted an upbringing considerably different from sophie’s own. had she known then that this was the crown princess standing in front of her? not at all, not until she turned on the news later that day to find reports of the apparently vanished princess. she had slowly turned to look at jennie – who, to her credit, had given her the fake name of nini – and the other’s silence and avoiding gaze had made it clear enough.
and so after that, sophie found herself housing a fugitive princess, because she had made a promise to help her, and if there was one thing sophie hated, that was breaking promises.
“you want to go to a club?” sophie asked incredulously, looking up from her dinner for the night – a nice, hot bowl of insta ramen –, and stared at jennie as if a second head had grown from her neck, eyebrows raised.
“yes! i’ve been holed up here for days now, and i want to do something, i want to dance,” jennie replied defensively, full lips pursing into a pout. sophie imagined that’s what she did usually to get her way, but it wasn’t going to be that easy to win her over.
“might i remind you, it was your idea to run away? your face has been all over the news lately, and the moment you step out of that door, you’ll be taken back to the palace,” sophie said, shaking her head at the other and going back to her dinner. “unless that’s your idea, of course,” she added before she took a bite. “in which case, i suggest surrendering willingly. i’m sure they’ll be a lot more forgiving then,” sophie ended with a slightly fake smile, finally pushing more of the delicious noodles into her mouth.
“no, i do not want to go back,” jennie said as she let out a huff. the other girl behaved sometimes like a rich spoiled girl – which was kind of what she was, really. “but you can do one of those spells you do, like, give me someone else’s appearance or modify my factions or something,” jennie continued with a smile, gums showing. it was hard to resist that smile, and sophie stared at her for a few seconds before she sighed and shook her head.
“fine, but let me finish my dinner first.” it was weird having to go along with someone else’s choices, but sophie had to admit, the other girl was starting to grow on her. … “so, how does it feel to be a blonde? do they really have more fun?” sophie asked with a cheeky smile, voice straining to be heard over the sound of the speakers. the club was full tonight, and sophie and jennie had managed to make it to the center of the dance floor and carve a little space for themselves. the other girl was wearing a white leather mini skirt, together with a printed crop top and a black leather jacket, legs covered by knee high boots. where her hair had been black before, it was now a platinum blonde, standing out in the mass of people. as she other had suggested, sophie had used one of her spells to modify her factions, making her look younger and slightly different. sophie could see through the spell, and so, to her, the other girl’s face looked as it always did, almond eyes under thick eyelashes, rounded cheeks rosy with the heat of the place. sophie’s outfit contrasted with jennie’s, the skinny black jeans and oversized top, and the platform military style boots. still, no one had denied them entry into the club.
“they definitely have more fun than crown princesses,” jennie replied, a playful smile on her lips. she was moving her body fluently, her eyes closed, and clearly letting herself get lost in the music. sophie couldn’t help but stare at her. she had never been much of a royal follower, not caring much for the monarchs, but the girl in front of her just continued to draw her attention. a princess running away from her duties seemed like the plot of a really bad, made-for-tv movie, and sophie couldn’t quite believe it was actually happening. then again, half the world couldn’t believe that people with magical powers actually existed, yet here sophie was, a fully living, breathing witch.
jennie kept moving her body to the music, the bass booming through the speakers and making the floor under their feet vibrate. sophie, softly swaying in place, just took the chance to observe the older girl. in just a week, she had noticed so much about her, and while sophie had always enjoyed people watching, jennie had just captured her immediately. she had been reserved at first, cold, almost rude, but as the week had gone by, she had started opening up, replying to sophie’s teasing sarcasm with jokes of her own, and grazing her with beautiful, rare, gummy smiles. perhaps it was the fact that sophie hadn’t had much contact with people before, or perhaps it was because jennie represented a danger and an adventure that sophie had really always craved for, but in any case, sophie had slowly but surely fallen for the other girl.
of course, there was nothing sophie was going to do about it, really. as much as jennie insisted that she wanted to give up her role and her duties, sophie knew better, and knew that this sort of rebellious phases didn’t last long and were, after all, just a phase. she would always remember the other girl as an exciting adventure, a welcome detour from her routine, but one that wouldn’t stay.
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rovalent · 5 years ago
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              [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • May 6                Happy Birthday B.MIL
              #DE:CODE #디코드               #비밀 #BMIL
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rookieskrp · 6 years ago
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After much consideration, it’s official: we’ve decided on our new mods! We went back and forth on whether we wanted one or two mods this time, but there were so many great applicants, and we lost two mods this year, so we decided to take another two on to bring us back up to our original size! With this, we should be back to functioning at top speed and we should be able to split up our workload better. We want to thank everyone that applied; we probably had our hardest time deciding who to add to the team this time, everyone was so promising and compelling. Thank you for wanting to be a part of what keeps this roleplay going, and we’re so grateful to have so many people that love this place enough to want to join us on staff. We may not have chosen you this time, but your role as a member in Rookies is still incredibly important! If we happen to need more help, we’ll keep all of you in mind, and may approach one of you without even opening applications again, if that seems appropriate.
Until then, be sure to welcome our new mod duo to the team, and give them lots of love!
MOD DOYEON ( gab - event mod ): Her main job will be helping helping Bianca with rookie, trainee and idol events alike, therefore finally freeing Bianca from the sole responsibility of running all of these events herself. She’ll be a top collaborator and driving force behind ideas in Rookies going forward, and will help implement our plans and dreams for the roleplay.
MOD BAEKHYUN ( lari - bandaid mod ): Lari will be picking up the much needed mantle of bandaid mod following Sera’s departure, and will have much of the same tasks she started with: updating every list under the sun, keeping an eye on dash, and ultimately lending an extra hand wherever she might be needed to fill in any gaps in the staff team.
We’re incredibly excited to move forward with them, and we have a really good feeling about the current state of the team; maybe, with this team, we might even see the best version of RK yet. Please support the new mods a lot as they settle into their new roles, and here’s to an RK future that’s brighter than ever before!
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rkseonho · 5 years ago
DE:CODE B.MIL & A.C  When it Rains (비가내리면) COVER
song:  ( reference ) line dist: ( reference )  posted july 5th 2020
singing with baekhyun has always been something seonho enjoys. 
singing in general is something he loves. not always, there was once a time when he could never imagine himself singing or performing. a time when he wanted nothing more than to leave the company and the world behind to continue down a more normal life style. back then he never saw himself becoming someone important. someone who could stage on a stage with his group members and actually touch the hearts of people watching. to gain fans and supporters in people he has never met. 
yes, singing has become something he really loves and finds he can speak easily through song. but there’s something special about getting to sing with baekhyun. 
don’t get him wrong, he adores and loves everyone in his group with all his heart and he couldn’t imagine being in any other group because his members are so amazing. he has a special bond with each and everyone one and them. but baekhyun is the one he truly looks up to. the have very similar abilities, but seonho always feels as if he were ten steps behind baekhyun every time they perform.
even today, the two of them set up in front of a camera and some mics to cover this ballad together, seonho can’t help but feel a strange mix of nervous and excited. he loves singing with baekyun, but he worries that the fans are going to realize how far behind he is from the older. see that their maknae isn’t up to par with the rest of the group. 
he hopes they’ll still support him as he grows--because seonho will never stop trying to catch up to his hyungs, not just baekhyun but also jaehyun and kang joon, and all his hyungs who are so full of talent and who he can’t help but admire. 
filming for a youtube video where he knows he still has a lot to do for himself is strange. knowing there are probably people who are eagerly anticipating to see a notification from de:code and that they’ll watch an comment. he smiles, looking over at his hyung as the back track starts up.
he thinks it’s okay to be nervous.
he has really reliable hyungs to lean on when he gets too nervous. 
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not-rksophie · 5 years ago
song drabbles meme - currently accepting
♫ - how people move by akmuau - baekhyun as an idol and sophie as a paparazzo
It’s cool to see how people moveHow their arms and legs go back and forthHow their rib bones showwhen they take a deep breath
sophie never imagined that this would be her job when she grew up. she had always thought she’d be in something related to the arts, what with her predilection for them, perhaps run a gallery one day, like her godmother did, or have her works featured in a gallery, like her mother did. she never expected that, on her twenty fifth birthday, she’d be walking around seoul, heavy camera in hand, following one of those boys teenage girls cried about, all perfectly sculpted body and flawless skin. alas, that is what she was doing, and she wasn’t doing a particularly good job of it. it wasn’t entirely her fault, though.
the idol in question, a young boy named baekhyun who was, actually, the same age as sophie, had been her latest appointment by her boss, and there were rumours flying about that he was involved in some dating scandal. why an idol dating would be a scandal, sophie never really understood, but it was what put food on her table and a roof over her head, so she wasn’t going to start complaining now. baekhyun, however, didn’t seem to be involved in any dating scandal - or any other type of scandal, for that matter. he had a pretty average and pretty boring life, actually: he left his apartment and went to his agency building, and then left the agency building and went back to his apartment. sometimes he went to the gym, and most days he ordered take out. one day he had gone out for dinner with the rest of his group, and that had been the most exciting day in the month sophie had spent tracking the boy’s every move. normally, after three weeks, she would have given up, gone back to her boss and told him there was nothing to be found out about the boy, and she had gone and told her boss exactly that, only to have him tell sophie she should keep on his track for a bit longer. 
and so now here sophie was, waiting at the entrance of baekhyun’s agency, at the driving seat of some perfectly non-descript black car, camera in hand, waiting for the other to appear and, yet again, go straight back to his apartment. it was cold outside, so sophie was glad that at least she could wait inside a car, heating turned up and a warm coffee resting on the cup holder. the coffee had become a necessary accessory, as baekhyun left his house early and the agency late, and sophie wasn’t getting many hours of sleep lately. it wasn’t long before the doors of the building opened and sophie sat up straight, looking for the shock of black hair that topped baekhyun’s head. despite being one of the shortest in his group, he wasn’t difficult to find among them, and sophie had gotten pretty good over the last month at spotting him pretty much anywhere. not having much to photograph, sophie had taken to simply observing the boy, learning all his tics and mannerisms. it was something sophie did almost naturally, dissecting people and noticing all their little quirks; it was, in the end, what had made her want to become a portrait photographer, the chance to capture all the little bits and pieces that made up a person and transferring them onto a single image. 
as always, there was a wide smile on baekhyun’s face as he talked with his group mates, always the mood maker of the bunch. the smile, sophie had noticed, was weirdly square, his white, white teeth just the slightest big pointy, almost like a puppy’s. his eyes, usually droopy, crinkled up and almost disappeared, and his cheeks bunched up. it was a cute smile, and sophie could see why so many girls screamed his name and fawned over him, maybe. as he said goodbye to the rest of the boys and made his way to his car, sophie followed him with her gaze, noticing how the grin disappeared and transformed into his default expression, mouth turning into a small triangle, almost, upper lip pointing up and corners pointing down. he moved easily and quickly, the oversized sweater and coat he wore making him look small and cozy. as soon as he got into the car, sophie started up his own, driving away and after baekhyun’s own vehicle. 
the ride to - yet again - his apartment was short, and after so long sophie could probably have done it in her sleep. she had wondered if there was a reason he had chosen an apartment so close to the agency, that perhaps he didn’t like driving, or that maybe the agency had gotten it for him. whatever the reason was, it made sophie’s life easier, not having to navigate seoul’s infernal traffic for long. as he parked and got out of the car, sophie stopped in the street just across, snapping a couple of shots just to have something to show her boss. baekhyun quickly slipped into his apartment building, door closing behind him and marking the end of yet another day of sophie’s incredibly exciting paparazzi life. of course, she had to stay around, wait to see if he would leave the apartment again, but knowing his routine so far, that seemed rather unlikely, and so sophie settled in for a few hours of staring at passersby and playing on her phone.
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rkkangjoon · 5 years ago
. help me sparkle
it was just a simple photoshoot, but kang joon was still excited for every opportunity he received. de:code had debuted just a few months ago, but here he was, using the powerful charm his ceo had talked about, when offering him the idol contract. of course this was just the beginning, as kang joon wanted to do even more, make his name and de:code’s name greater. for now they were just freshmeat, just rookies and their path to the top was still long ahead. but as long as things kept rolling, he would try and do his best.
summer time meant summer themed photoshoots with refreshing products like the one he was supposed to promote. it wasn’t his first time to have a solo photoshoot, but it was his first time to actually receive the advertised product to take home and promote them. for now he decided to share a few bottles with his members, before he musing how exactly he should go about promoting trevi sparkling water. so kang joon looked for another member to ask for some help. luckily he found their leader in their room.
“hey, baekhyun. could you help me take some photos for my instagram? i need to drink some trevi’s.”
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