#luxa's ocs
planetrhine · 4 months
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I'm just falling in love with you
Baby, please don't be a fool
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plasticworld-moved · 1 year
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Are you ok?!
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tigirl-and-co · 3 months
Colours and Light Part 3
Morning Sun
Yippie, more unedited, stream of conscious shortficfic for my OCs! This is like the only time I write fluff lmao
Some people were very teary-eyed on waking up, eyes watering to rid themselves of collected dust and sleep. Chroma was among them. Some people forgot to take off their mascara and eyeliner before bed- Chroma was among them, too. This, of course, led to many mornings with makeup-stained cheeks and time spent washing her fur to be rid of the inky tear tracks.
Many times Luxa had thought about letting her girlfriend know when she was about to make the mistake again, but every time Luxa found a reason not to. She wanted to hasten Chroma into bed for extra cuddles, she liked the way the tear tracks looked...
But most of all, she treasured the mornings. Luxa booted up quickly in the morning, and had taken it upon herself to guide Chroma, bleary-eyed and incoherent, into the bathroom. The wolf would seat her girlfriend on a chair facing the mirror, and gently wipe away the evidence of yesterday's shows and last night's dreams.
Quietly, she would whisper and mumble, chastising the hedgehog for her forgetfulness, complimenting her vibrant quills, weaving together the fragments of last night's dreams, until there were no more smudges and all traces of makeup were gone.
Unbeknownst to Luxa, Chroma enjoyed the time just as much. Even through her bleary eyes and the cloudy mindedness that came with a slow start to the day, she admired her girlfriend. She'd stare into her sharp blue eyes, or use the mirror to marvel at how the two made so perfect a pair. Occasionally she'd think of those hands, so gentle and tender with her now, and be amazed that those same hands once fought so valiantly to keep them all alive. She felt blessed to know how soft those hands could truly be.
Burdened still by the weight of morning and unwilling to disturb the routine, Chroma said nothing, instead allowing herself a large, dopey smile, the kind of expression one can only make when they know they're safe. The kind of smile Luxa prized.
And in these peaceful moments, Luxa found herself unafraid to return it.
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crystal--planet · 10 months
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New icons for Izzy, Cecile and Luxae! Working on my character profiles on ToyHouse O:
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starwiped · 9 months
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🍥 Kofi sketch for @memedoq! Finals are over and it feels soo good to be drawing again
🍥 You can get a headshot sketch like this by sending just $6 or more here!
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An incredible commission of my girl Balina Len after her redemption from the Dark Side by the impeccable @eileenwdj​! I love everything about how this turned out--the pose, the cheeky smirk, the musculature, the outfit, the colours and the background--it’s everything I was after. Tysm Leen!!!
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silentartist137 · 2 years
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Tfw you have to pass your super-popular nemesis on the way to your unfulfilling day job
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paaatchm · 2 months
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Oc’s doodles‼️
Heh the first one is ONYX (paramedic / security teacher at the daycare kinda thing) and the second one is LUXA (silly backrooms entity) 💥
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quohotos · 1 year
what's something you would want to see in an animated adaptation of the underland chronicles?
Oh BOY where to begin?
These are going to be in no particular order...
Each trailer should have the prophecy read out in a dramatic voice. The trailer for the first one will go "And eight will be left when we count up the dead" and then a quick montage of some pretty scary shit happening but the cuts are too fast to see what's actually happening. The only exception to this is the marks of secret where the fact that the song is a prophecy is a reveal (however the song plays in full in the trailer, it's just structured different from the others)
The animation should be a little edgy. Give things hard angles, stay away from the bulbous smooth (Modern) Disney look.
Really go nuts with the bat designs. Embrace the warrior cats OC-ness of it. Let all the background bats be just as vibrant and wacky as the main cast.
Everyone's bond should sorta look like them, kinda the way that dogs kinda look like their owners. Solovet's bond should look like a total villain. Euripides should look like Vikus. I mean, Aurora's got that gold thing going on which Luxa also has with the crown. The bonds gotta look like they belong together spiritually.
The nibblers need to have more of a role before the marks of secret. Have them in the background of other shots, have them actually get lines in the jungle, see if they can be more present at the council discussing the plague, write some new scenes for them, etc. I wouldn't even be against them inventing a new nibbler character and putting them on one of the earlier quests. The audience should already know and care about them before we see them being horribly brutalized in a reenactment of a real world genocide.
Ares, and all the other bats for that matter, need to have very expressive eyes. They don't always get a lot of lines so they should still have a way to have visible presence in the scene's that they're in.
Every time the bats do that thing where they detect rats and their ears shoot up it should play a musical sting
All the underland creatures/factions should have their own leitmotif. Ripred's lieitmotif should be this uncanny blending of both the rat's theme but also with hints of the Regalians and Gregor's. After Gregor think's that boots has died in the labyrinth there should be this super dramatic and gutwrenching theme, and then all the music just stops for the rest of the movie until they reunite and then the music can come back. The most you get is like a minimalist drum and base sequence, but nothing properly melodic until we know that boots is safe.
The sequence Gregor escaping with Ares and Pearlpelt from the labyrinth should be all in one take.
Every time Gregor slips into the Rager state it should be accompanied by a recognizable sound effect sting and have it's own sound effect and muscial sting. Something like glass shattering mixed with reverb and pitch shifted down. Rager sequences should be in first person and show just how much he's dissociated from the violence he's doing. The audience just sees that split vision with all the weak points highlighted and one by one they get crossed out.
I hope they cast someone appropriately nasally to play Ripred, I think he should be a little high pitched and scrungly. However, I would make an exception if they somehow got Kieth David to voice him. I would be very unsatisfied if they cast Ryan Reynolds
I hope they cast someone with a deep voice to play Ares. He needs to be big and imposing and scary. He needs to be like the big kid at the playground. The fact that there's a more pained sensitive side to him needs to be a revelation. He needs to be a bit monstrous so you can understand why everyone sees him that way, and why he's dying not to be seen that way but has basically given up and accepted how the world sees him. I would be very Unsatisfied if they cast Ryan Reynolds. It would be fucking hilarious if they cast Chris Pratt... I would hate it but it would probably work and that makes me very mad.
I don't really care how Gregor is cast. Caleb McLaughlin would be a perfect Gregor, but he's all grown up now. He could probably still voice him but it wouldn't be the same. I do not care so long as it's not Ryan Reynolds.
Please don't have anyone call Gregor "Greg"... that just feels wrong. Well maybe Ripred would do it specifically to piss him off.
Henry needs to have a dumb haircut, like... it has to be stupid and ostentatious.
The audience should get to see Ripred from close to Gregor's perspective often. Have the camera right over his shoulder and tilted up to see just how tall this beast is.
Let us see more of the happy times that are alluded to at the start of the marks of secret. Even if it's just a montage, let us see them being normal. Let us see Gregor and Ares play that ball game and see the kids just hanging out. Please 😭
Make Gregor more talkative. There's great moments of internal monologue that could be lost in a screen adaptation, let him talk to Ares or Luxa or even temp about it.
In the code of claw Ares should go with him to the prophecy room to learn that he's going to die. Gregor should tell him about the stone knight and it can be something they share. You can even set it up with them doing the bond handshake there while laying on the floor so that it's a visual callback later (Fuck, I just thought of that and now I'm destroyed again).
I mentioned this in another post, but I think it would be cool to have Gregor get a walkman or other battery powered music player from the museum. They can have a few tunes to bond over, but eventually they have to take the batteries out to put them into flashlights.
A huge missed opportunity in the books is how basically every single human in the Underland we see is royalty or part of the military. I think it would be cool to let us see a bit more of how the regular people live. Maybe have one or two characters who aren't royal or soldiers.
Earlier entries should try to cut away from the violence, simply showing the character's reactions to the horrible things happening around them. Later entries should stop hiding it, paralleling the loss of innocence of the characters. By the code of claw Gregor and Ares, or at the very least Ripred, should be allowed to swear. There's no way you're getting that story on screen without at least a PG 13 rating, and these people just witnessed a genocide and are about to kill a bunch of people in a war. Gregor can say "Holy shit" instead of "aww Jeez" at least once. I also just think "What's your plaaaaaaan" is great but "What's your fucking plan?" lands pretty hard as well.
Don't make the underland too visible. Don't add global illumination. Let there be darkness, let there be long shadows, let us only barely see distant things. When Gregor finally gets echolocation then make the distant things visible through a strange shader... but cut out the bit where he can echolocate heat that makes no sense.
Ms. Cormaci needs to sound exactly like how she did in the audiobook, this isn't up for debate.
When the Bane calls Gregor and Ares to battle it needs to be one of the most disturbing, blood chilling things the audience has ever heard. It needs to be loud, and painful, and monstrous. You gotta see that the pup we all loved and coddled has fully lost it and become this fascist ball of hatred and murder and violence. It should cut through the audience's core and silence everything else in the scene. Just have it hold there after he's shouted, showing them locking eyes on each-other and cutting back in between the two. Yes, the Bane has completely been subsumed as a symbol of his side, but so has Gregor. He's in the black armor, he's the figurehead as well. There are parallels, y'all.
Let the Shiners be at least 20% less awful. They're funny, but let them have their hero moment where they're redeemed in the marks of secret rather than saving it for the end of code of claw.
Old Hamnet in the flashbacks to the flooding of the garden should be hot. Flashback Ripred who was there is of course also hot. He remains so in the present as well.
The narrative that Gregor is told in the first book, that the natives just let Sandwitch have the Underland because they weren't really using it... it's heavily implied that's a lie, especially after we learn about the Diggers and how they were genocided and basically expunged from history. I think there should be a direct callback to it, make this implication an explicit part of the story.
Give my girl Aurora some more lines. She goes on all these adventures and never gets to be more than "Luxa's bat".
Oh no I hit character limit for this post... uh... I have a lot of thoughts and I probably will have more in the future 😅. Probably way more than you asked for but you opened the floodgates and this was the result.
Thank you for the ask!
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pinkplasticprincess · 2 months
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Valrayne faeu by @owl-bones and @antlered-prince
Wasn't sure if we were allowed to make our OCs/Faesonas consorts to the kings or if that would be overstepping. If it is, let me know! /gen
-Goes by Luxa, Titania, or Sleeping Queen
-Married to Dream (she wears a cameo choker she commissioned of him to symbolize their marriage)
-Was originally a human witch that decided to stay in the fae realm. Still has her human magic in addition to fae magic, but she misses her cast iron cauldron and being able to touch certain ingredients due to being a fae now.
-Actually has pretty powerful magic when she's actually awake.
-Still works for the deities she served when a human witch. Loki has a FIELD DAY with the fact she's a fae now. So much room for chaos and trickery!
-Still has the same chronic illnesses that she had as a human. HOWEVER, she lost the ability for medication in any form to work on her. Pain meds? Useless. Antidote for poison? Sorry! You MIGHT be able to suck the venom out of a bite wound like the pioneers did.
-Sleeps A LOT due to her chronic illnesses but also because using her magic can take a lot out of her. Sometimes sleeps for days at a time. Doesn't leave the castle as much because of her sleepiness.
-She tends to dream about her husband while sleeping and usually wakes up in a good mood. Immediately seeks him out whenever she does wake up if he's available.
-Although medication doesn't work on her, she has a vast collection of herbs and other ingredients for magic and will personally make remedies and medicines for other fae, regardless of their status.
-Has a fox spirit familiar. He tends to watch over her while she's sleeping or takes care of certain duties for her. Sometimes just organizes her magic items, research notes, etc
-Has a couple of her own magical items, but also uses Ink as her dealer to acquire more, especially things she had to leave behind as a human
-Has beef with Error
-Wings are based off of emerald swallowtail
The hardest part of this was not the wings, IT WAS THE TULLE LAYER ON THE BOTTOM OF THE DRESS
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planetrhine · 7 months
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It's my very first (and kind of windy) fursuit friday! Scone's head is DONE! More stuff about my suit under the cut!
🍰 original head by @masksbykay
🍩 modifications by me
This is my first ever fursuit head!! I'm so excited to finally have one and I'm going to be debuting it at tff next week! Scone is a fursona of mine, who's been a concept for a few years until the end of last year, when he finally got a solid design. And this head was the perfect one to make him on.
Mods by me are the brown furs, along with some light hair and neck styling! Credit for everything else goes to my maker- she was wonderful to work with. Quick responses, early shipping, and a great deal for the quality you get. If you're looking for a starter head that isn't too much, I highly recommend her designs.
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plasticworld-moved · 1 year
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🦑 Revenge on my friend @lastlaugh 💥
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tigirl-and-co · 4 months
using like. idk. some bullshit about the ruby and tails stabilizes the illusion into reality
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crystal--planet · 1 year
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Bekir x Luxae sketches <3
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planetrhine-moved · 1 year
I really liked ur imperial ocs!! Menthol with Too Cool?
I didn't expect anyone still lurking around this blog haha
I'm glad you do!! Here is menthol is holding it together. He really is trying
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(If you want to send more suggestions, please send them to my main @starwiped!)
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hvbris · 8 months
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This is a starter call for the muses I don't use often and would love to write more! The muses in question are:
Juniper Hickory - Hunger Games OC
Brook Graham - Hannibal OC
Luxa - The Underland Chronicles
Captain J. Hook - Peter Pan
Harley Quinn - DC
AISHA 1.0 - Artificial Intelligence - fandomless OC
Wednesday Addams - The Addams Family
Clarice Starling - Silence of the Lambs
Eve Polastri - Killing Eve
Elliot Alderson - Mr. Robot
Like this post for a short starter, and please comment the muse you're interested in! I might message you to plot first.
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