#sure just pose in front of that wanted poster why dont you
silentartist137 · 2 years
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Tfw you have to pass your super-popular nemesis on the way to your unfulfilling day job
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degenderates · 1 year
ok fuck it. ranking covers of a home at the end of the world by michael cunningham because guys some of these covers slap and some of them are the ugliest shit i've ever seen. this is the kind of post i would have used to make back in my tiktok days but there's no way im opening that app by my own will again. so mutuals read this post.
last place/ugliest cover first.
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the stock photo. literally what is going on here. the font is practically unreadable and makes no sense. the image itself looks like someone pulled it right off shutterstock. its giving my middle school vsco account. why are there three women on the front? the story is primarily about two guys and one girl. i mean there is a second female pov but she's not part of the polycule. font is clean but ugly. bye.
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the movie poster one. i have so much beef with this cover, even as a movie poster. they literally took three screenshots of the movie and overlayed them into a weird collage type thingy. why is colin farrell standing like that?? why is the character jonathan in the back?? it's giving disney channel. it's giving early 00s--in a bad way. no rights at all. 🍅🍅🍅
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the perks of being a wallflower one. i guess there was a craze for late 90s books to have typewriter font in the middle of a minimalistic cover?? i hate minimalistic, abstract covers. you could choose to tell us something about the book but no. here is an orange circle and a black circle. okay.
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the modern cover (i assume). i like the watercolor and how it's not too busy but there's still a discernable image (unlike a CERTAIN cover i just discussed...🙄). the font kind of fucks up the whole thing though. it doesn't match the vibes of the book at all. it's very new-adult-romance and just feels off. because yeah technically the book is about new adults and their relationship drama but it's not this...cute.
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the uk cover (?). the quality of this image sucks but i literally could only find it on abebooks.co.uk so. it's not bad, just really busy. the font has a shadow so it can be readable but that makes it feel even more cluttered. i like how the angel statue makes an appearance, but all the colors and how bright it is just makes it feel like a little too much.
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the color burned one. honestly while i like the vibes i'm not quite sure who this lady is supposed to be. that looks like a wing so she's probably the white angel statue, but she looks too human. and angels aren't different colors like that. i like how this is simple and black, very classy. but ultimately it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
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the grey one. this is simple, but nice. it's dark but with light shining behind the house--a nice balance of hardships but also hope, which fits the story. there's a swingset, which makes sense given the story is about growing up, in a sense. and there might have been a swingset at the actual house in the book. can't remember. the font is clean. a little sci-fi/futuristic for my taste but that's alright i guess. this is the cover i have. i guess i should be lucky it's not one of the previous ones but i really wish i had the next one...
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the first edition. look it's classy. it's gothic. the angel is there. the sky looks like it could be ohio or nyc. there's powerlines. the font is stylish but not over the top. it's not too bright. it's slaying. one of my favorite things about this cover is how it emphasizes the angel, because the book itself was written around michael cunningham's seminal short story "white angel" which i have talked about a lot on this blog. it also is in a similar pose to the actual angel statue it was based on, the black angel of iowa city (shown below). i'm a fan. i wish i had this cover soooo bad<333
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overall thoughts: most of these covers are kind of shitty lol. this book deserves better</3 if one of y'all live in the US, dont care much about covers, and want a free copy of this book i'll send my copy (the grey cover) to you for free just so i can buy the top ranked one on ebay lol. anyways if u got to the end and found this at all entertaining, tell me so. this was fun to do except when tumblr deleted the whole thing and i had to remake the entire post!!! lol!!!! and y'all should read this book because it's very good and very messy queer and i adore it deeply. <3
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Anime Attraction
3.K words
A/N: High School au. Fic with ichiro, you two slowly falling in love over the span of a 4 day convention and bonding over the fact that you’re closeted weebs. (So he would like tdd era ichiro) And again! I use neutral pronouns! hope you enjoy~
Day 1: You were very excited, happy, elated, every happy word in the book! This year, you were finally going to your first anime convention. Unfortunately, you were a bit of a closeted weeb. People knew you watched anime….just not your extreme obssession with it. Maybe extreme was too harsh for you case, but you were sure that would be the situation if they ever saw your room, filled with anime posters, merch, etc.However, those were all bought online or in stores….youve never actually been to a convention.
Online, you heard many good things about it, and that people there, for the most part, were friendly. You smiled as you got off the train, an empty backpack on your bag, besides essentials, inside an empty tote bag for you posters. You had planned for this for months. Saving up all the money you could from your allowances. Your wallet, besides money for the train and food to eat, was going to be completely emptied by the end of the day. Finally, you took your jacket off, revealing a ( favorite anime) anime shirt on your person. One of your favorites. You could never choose. You could talk about it for days. However….it was Under rated. It was also a bit old...and you were late to watch it, so the fandom dwindled down.
You were amazed as you saw many cosplays, a bit too nervous to ask for pictures, or even compliment them, but you hoped they received your compliments in spirit….something like that. It was….also really big and crowded. You got too into your head, overthinking a bunch of things, that you didn’t see the larger man in front of you, hitting his back.
“O-oh im sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” you said, bowing quickly. You looked up at the man, gulping, quickly taken aback by how pretty he was, different colored eyes, red and green. It almost seemed like he was in cosplay, but he was just wearing a naruto shirt with black jeans on, a naruto headband around his forehead.
Ichiro blinked and smiled,”no need to apologize, I was kind of standing here in the middle of everyone anyway,”his eyes went down to your shirt and his eyes sparkled,”wait….thats a (favorite anime) isnt it! Whose your favorite character?”, he asked. You were taken aback about how eager and happy he seemed, but it definitely managed to make you relax a bit.
“My favorite character is [     ],”you said, stating your reasoning,”oh- sorry….I didn’t mean to talk that long,” Ichiro chuckled,”thats fine, I love them too! For mostly the same reasons, theyre kind of cool. This is my first convention so Im excited its going off to great start, thanks.”
Oh? It was his first time as well? “Its my first time too, I came here alone, I didn’t expect to be this big, theres so many people.” Ichiro nodded,”Im here by myself too, are you here all four days?” You nodded. “If you dont mind it, we can walk around together, ah! Sorry if thats a bit too forward….”,he trailed off. To be honest, Ichiro was a closeted weeb. So he had no one to talk to, let alone drag to a con. “Oh no, Um, its fine. I would like that...even though I know everyone here loves anime….”,you trailed off, the guy, whose name you still didn’t know, finished your thought,”because theres so many people conversing and being you feel like everyone already has their own cliques and you realize youre alone.”
Well. That. Yes that. You smiled,”Yeah, its that, and my nerves and anxiety.”
Ichiro stuck his hand out,”Yamada Ichiro, 2nd year high school student in Ikebukuro. Nice to meet you.”
“ l/n, f/n, also 2nd year in a high school located in yokohama, nice to meet you”m you said and shook his hand. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Day 2:
The first day, the two of you had walked around, played games, went to panels together, learning much more about each other. You agreed to meetup at the same place in the morning. Of course, you were even more excited than you were yesterday. You were dressed in more casual clothing, but backpack was now decorated with buttons you found. Soon, you heard your name being called out and waved your hand,”Good Morning Yamada-san”, you said, greeting him.
Ichiro smiled and spoke,”Morning! Did you sleep well?”, he asked.  You shook your head in disagreement,”I barely got any sleep, I was excited for today.” Ichiro laughed,”so did I, so what should we do today?”,he said, taking out the convention program guide. “Hmmmm, theres a bunch of panels,”you said, going to the side of him and looking at the program,”how to successfully master naruto hand signs….”,you trailed off. They really….had a panel for everything.
Ichiro’s face lit up,” that sounds cool, want to go? Although I already know a couple…”,he said, and you laughed,”what? You going to become the next hokage Yamada-san?”, you teased a bit, but he went along with it, of course he did. You found out about this from yesterday. That he was like this. “I am gonna be next hokage, just believe it!”, he said.
“Thats naruto’s punchline you cant just steal it,” you said, watching Ichiro as he thought, then spoke again, very excitedly,”Im going to be next hokage, because I said so!”, he said, putting out a thumb. For some reason, it had you laughing a lot,”b-bbecause you said so? Ahahaha, well, you sure have a passion like naruto, I think thats all you need, its cute”, you said, realizing that you had just called the other cute.
Ichiro blushed and put his hand behind his back,”Sorry...I just cant be like this a lot in real life without getting teased for it, so its a bit refreshing,”he said and you nodded,, understanding completely.
“Well, lets go learn some jutstus even though they wont help against a gun but who cares, because its an anime convention, and we’re doing what we love,”you said confidently, more confident than you would expect from yourself.  Ichiro nodded,”Dattebayo, lets go!”, he saidm turning around and walking. You were really having too much fun. Being attracted to him went way over your head for now, simply enjoying the time the two of you spent together.
Later on in the day, the two of you found an anime photo booth, Ichiro dragging you by the arm towards it,”for memories!”, he said. The two of you got in and hit the naruto theme poses. Of course, you indulged him, he was cute when he got his way. And, you didn’t have to worry about poses. Instead, they gave you poses to do.
The first was a naruto sign for any jutsu, the second peace signs, the third you had to stick your tongues at each other, seeming annoyed, and the last one….got you. It was only a hug, but they way Ichiro hugged you quickly and tightly, pushing both of your faces together, eft you shocked, and you were sure the picture didn’t turn out well. Once you got out and looked at it, Ichiro pointed to last one,”its like you were trying so hard not to blink, but we’re cute, arent we?”,he said and you laughed:yea we really are”, you replied, more focused on the current pace of your heart...beating very rapidly. You paid for two copies so you could keep it. The rest of the day, you two kept up your shenanigans. It was tough leaving, but you were going to come back tomorrow and, hopefully, your heart would learn to behave.
Day 3:
The two of you sat down to eat lunch on the third day, already having gone through a couple activities.
“Theres Jiro, then theres Saburo, and Saburo is the oldest. We’re all pretty close but Saburo and Jiro always fight a lot, typical sibling stuff…..and a lot of the times it includes me. I keep telling them I dont have favorites but they never listen,”Ichiro sighed with a smile on his face. It wasn’t an exhausted sigh though, he was used to it, it was just how they worked.
You smiled as he rambled on about his brothers. It was very clear that he cherished the both of them dearly and would do anything for them. “That must be nice….Im an only child so I could never relate to these type of things. Thats why I got into anime really, theres was no one that I could play with at the snap of a finger if I wanted to-oh Im not sad about it or anything, I love anime, it was really there for me in trying times, plus the internet.”
Ichiro nodded and then spoke,”Well, you have me now too, and you can be as passionate as you want, no holding back. You have my number now and its already fun texting you when we’re not at the convention.”  He was right. After you guys left, you were quickly texting each other at home before you went to sleep. You sent each other memes,pictures, and talked about a bunch of different topics, that often you had smiling or laughing at your phone.
At that point….you knew had a crush. It was only two days but he was just so…..it was the little things really, not just the fact that you had anime in common. When you were walking through the convention center, going through a massive crowd, he told you to hold onto his jacket, so you wouldn’t get lost. Or how he quickly offered to help hold your stuff when you were buying merchandise. Or even him talking about how much he loves his brothers. Rather than weird, it was insanely cute to you.
It wasnt love per say…..well. Lets be real. You were a sucker when it came to love. Honestly, you dont even feel like counting how many crushes you had but none of those ever came to fruition.  You should just focus on your anime boys but the moment some other boy is even the slightest bit kind to you, like helping you carry books, your heart falls. Despite that though, you felt like this was different. More than just a couple simple acts of kindness.
“Im really enjoying our time here, we’re going to the cosplay masquerade today right? We still have some time to kill, want to go to the game hall?”, you asked,”then we can see which one of us is better at dance dance revolution.” Ichiro smiled and nodded his head,”Yeah! Youre on!”
After that, the two of you managed to spend all of your time in the hall. Ichiro was by a claw machine and you commented,”I suck at these things,”then looked inside, seeing what plushies they had. “I think im pretty decent,”Ichiro said, walking up,”sometimes I won stuff for saburo when I was little...he grew out of it though,”Ichiro said with a laugh.He wanted to try it.
“Good Luck Yamada-kun!”, you said, cheering him on. You were amazed by how focused he looked. “Do you want anything specific?”,he asked you. “Wait, me?”, you said, trying to clarify. Ichiro laughed,”I think you’re the only l/n here,”he said. That...kind of caught you off guard. But you walked up and placed your hands against the glass. “Ummmm, that cat in the middle is kind of cute.”
Ichiro nodded. The first time, he managed to pick the plushie up for about three seconds before it fell, but that was better than what you could do! The second time, he managed to grab it again, your eyes wide in anticipation as you followed the claw and plushie to the drop off slot. “Oh my god, you did it!”,you said, going to high five both of Ichiro’s hands but, instead of letting go, he held them and put them down,”Yeah I did! Guess I didn’t lose my skill after all.” “Yeah...youre amazing”, you said, trying to not comment on the fact that he was still holding both of your hands. God….your heart was a mess. There was no denying you fell for him. At most, it was very high like at this point.
Day 4:
Ichiro was excited to see you again. Well, half-excited and half-sad. He really liked hanging out with you. More often than not, he found himself thinking about how you look best when theres a smile on your face. So, he always did dumb things to make you smile, no matter how stupid it may have looked. Maybe it was because you didn’t think his obsession was weird. When you guys talked, your interests lined up more than he thought they would. It was perfect.
Of course, he eventually figured out that he’d want to see you, in a more romantic context, that it is. He knew his feelings towards you were different. Honestly, he even weirdly got a little bit jealous when you mentioned how hot a specific anime character was. Ichiro didn’t necessarily plan on confessing that day….but who knows how things would turn out. Yes, it had only been three days, but he felt like he knew you already. Really, you guys always messaged each other.
The conversations would go dull for an hour or so but one link to a meme and that sparked a conversation that continued for a while. It was great. He had never felt so validated.
“L/n-san! Hey, morning!”,he said as he walked up to you. You looked like you were thinking hard about something, but Ichiro didn’t comment on it.
In fact, you were. Thinking about how you wouldn’t be able to see him so frequently. It made you….sadder than you expected. Granted you could travel to see him, but it was also due to the fact that it was the last day of the convention. Here, you could be yourselves without glancing over you shoulder every couple seconds in fear that someone you knew would spot you.  It was so much fun, especially because of him!
Its for the best though….your funds were just about dried out. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw him though,”hey, good morning to you too, ready for the last day?” Ichiro laughed,”Yes and No because this has been very exciting.” You nodded in agreement,”it has, it does suck that we cant experience this everyday.”
“well!”,Ichiro clapped his hands,”lets not worry about that and focus on having fun, okay?” Your smile got wider,”yes, okay!” Ichiro spoke,”Datteba-”, then he pointed towards you,”Yo!”, you said, the two of you giggling. This had become your thing now, apparently, but you two werent used to it, hence you laughing off you embarrassment.
You went to the artist alley and exhibit hall one last time, taking a lot more pictures together than usual, even with cosplayers! Ichiro helped you out a lo with expressing that you wanted pictures with them and that was yet another thing that you loved about him. Without even asking him to do so, he just did it on a whim, and that made you incredibly happy.
A bit later, it was closing ceremonies. It wasnt much really, but anything to just spend even a little more time with Ichiro. However, that ended sooner than you expected. And you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
The two of you sat outside on a bench.
“So, I suppose this is it…”,you said. You had to get back early today anyway. Yet, you really didn’t want to. You looked up as Ichiro spoke,”no, its not it. We still have each other’s numbers, we can make it work, I-well….these past few days have been really fun for me,”Ichiro blushed, placing his hand behind his neck. Was he going to confess? If he didn’t do it now he knew he’d procrastinate on doing so forever. He didn’t necessarily have to make sure you were his in this exact moment, but his heart wanted an answer as soon as possible, before he got in too deep.
“The thing is….I want us to be more than just friends. I just….the more we talked, the more I found myself drawn to you. Like I can tell you anything. Its really easy to be myself around you, l/n, I want...to get closer. So, would you go out with me? Or not now, I mean you can think about it but...yeah.”,he said, face blushing. He had only confessed once in his lifetime and that was during elementary….he was quickly shut down.
You….couldn’t believe your ears. Did you really manage to find someone who was interested you at an anime convention. Well, you were sure there were more interesting stories but this was still way out of your league. You even thought he was way out of your league.
“I….we can date. I feel the same, about you, I like talking to you. And I think whats making me so sad is that I cant see you...not the convention part,”you said, looking towards Ichiro and seeing his grow excited. He grabbed your hands quickly and held them,”really?! Thats great.”,he said, letting go than hugging you. Oh. This was happening. It took you a couple seconds to process the hug before you reciprocated it.
Ichiro pulled away, looking down at you, a smile on his face,”when I talk with you, I feel like the happiest and luckiest man in the world. I know love is too strong of a word right now, but I want to do my best to make you happy.”
You were so flustered that you made no response, even more so when you felt his hand on your cheek and saw him leaning in. It all happened quickly. You closed your eyes and suddenly his lips were on yours. No movement, but it lingered for a moment, before he pulled away.
That was your first...kiss. You didn’t mind that it got taken by him but still….it was so much to process. Ichiro brought you back to reality,”Ikebukuro isn’t too far from Yokohama on the train, maybe we could meet in the middle on weekends, or switch up, ah, well I guess we can talk about this letter, getting ahead of myself,”he said and chuckled, which only prompted you to let out a soft laugh. He was like an eager puppy that you wanted to pet. Weird how he so easily calmed your nerves by the sounds of your laughs.
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
{Photographer! Peter Parker x Bigender! Artist! Reader}
Warnings: i dont know much bout the bigender community, and so i did my research. So you identify as two genders? I dont know what ‘genders’ exactly you’d want here, so i’ll put they/them pronouns if thats okay :)
Summary: ‘can i please get a bigender reader who goes to art school with peter, that has like, “god like abilities” and always compliments/draws/tells peter hes amazing. ((tag @give-you-the-sxn please?))
Ofc my beautiful valid child <3
A/N: i decided to change it up a bit and have the art class as a club after school instead. Also I hc that tom hollands peter parker is into photography. I hope you like it >///<
I listened to ‘youth’ by Shawn Mendes and Khalid while doing this.
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*not edited*
“Welcome class,” the teacher greeted you all brightly, “I’m glad you could make it after school today, what with all the rain and all I assumed only two or three of you would have shown up today. Anyways, you know what to do. Best get to it.” She clapped her hands, before turning her heel and moving to write on the board, writing ‘Integrated Arts Club’ in a cursive calligraphy font. That was her contribution to the club. Calligraphy.
You sighed. This was a way for you to escape the harsh reality of the outside world. Half the students in this club were members of the community, no scratch that, the majority of students were gay. There was maybe only one or two straight people apart of this club.
You took out your paints, paintbrushes, pencils, and then got your canvas from inside the supply closet where you had left it yesterday. It was your newest project, a painting of a woman in white, with bright red lips and a black dress that blended into the black background of your canvas. You were inspired by a woman you had seen one night on the streets of Queens.
Taking a seat by yourself- taking up the whole table with your paints and brushes spread everywhere- you began painting. Everything was already finished, you just needed the details. You heard the door open and close, only choosing to look up when you finished an eyelash stroke.
“Yeah, this is where I go after school. That over there is Mia- the one spray painting the poster paper- and the dude over there with the guitar is Jay. That over there is (y/n), their bigender so I’d just use androgynous pronouns for them. Over there is Ms. Burningham, our club sponsor, and the dude in the corner is Max, he’s a comic book artist. You’d fit right in, Peter.”
The voice belonged to MJ, a close friend of yours. She often helped give you inspiration, letting you paint some of her sketches to life. You heard her walk behind you, leaning down so her hair was in your peripheral vision. You looked up, “Yo, MJ.” You smiled at her, then up at the newbie.
He was short, about an inch or so shorter than you, with brown eyes and hair. He wore a sweater over another shirt, jeans, and ha a camera in his hands. He was trembling, probably nervous.
“Hey, ahh, who’s this?” You asked MJ, who looked at Peter. She leaned back against the table, her palms getting paint on them from the splatters that had fallen off your plate of paint.
“Parker- Peter. Peter Parker. Nice to meet you.”
He went to shake your hand, you lifted yours up to show him you had gotten black and red all over them, “Sorry, dont wanna mess up your hands. That camera looks expensive.”
Peter made a small ‘oh’ noise, looking down to his small Canon camera. “Yeah, it- its almost completely brand new. I sold some of my old stuff to get it. Useless stuff, shirts and books and stuff.”
“Cool, cool. Uh, MJ, could you tell Jay to keep it down over there? Can’t hear my own thoughts over his wanna-be indie music,” you said, completely disregarding the boy in front of you now. It wasn’t that you were rude, you just wanted to get this painting finished hole everything was still wet, otherwise it would make problems later on. MJ rolled her eyes, but nodded. You flashed Peter a smile, before turning to you painting.
After about a minute of silence, you heard a gasp behind you, “Holy shit- that’s really good!” You looked up, seeing Peter next to you with his camera turned on. He blushed, “Sorry! It’s just you looked so calm and pleasing, I snapped a quick photo while you weren’t looking- sorry.”
You half-smiled, standing upright, “Thanks, and it’s okay. This class is freedom of expression. Just not expression, ‘kay? As in, no swearing,” you laughed and pointed to the lady at the front of the class, her hands busy grading the Latin worksheets. Peter nodded, surprise clear across his face, “Oh- sorry.”
“Can I see?”
“The pictures, can I see? I mean, they're of me, right?”
“Oh- yeah! Totally!”
Peter pushed a few buttons on his camera, and he scrolled through some of the photos until he found yours. “Here-”
“Wow, i look hot!”
You moved closer to Peter to get a better look, gawking at the aesthetic that was put into one simple photo. You did look good in this photo. “Mind sending me this? Not just this, other stuff, too. I’d love to make a piece from these- oh, if that’s okay?”
“Uhh- yeah! Sure!”
You flopped onto the bed, curling up next to a pillow. It was cold from loneliness, making you snuggle closer to it. You looked at your nails- paint ad managed to get wedged between the nail and the skin, and no matter how hard you tried it wouldn’t wash away.
You sighed, ready to turn off the light until your phone went off. You checked it to see there was a message from MJ, asking you if it was okay to give Peter your number. You texted back, ‘Yeah. Totally.’
Three minutes later, your phone went off again and it was Peter.
Hey (y/n) its peter
Peter parker
I just wanted to know if you wanted the photos to be on a hard drive or through gmail or something?
I’m here hi
A hard drive would be nice thanks
You took a moment to change Peter’s ID to his name. About five minutes later, Peter responded with more spam
Okay cool
Yeah okay
Yeah i can do that
Imma sleep
Night peter
The next day, you bumped into Peter in the hallway, “Oh, hi Pete. Can I call you that?”
“Hi, (y/n)! Yeah, totally cool!”
“Cool, got the hard drive?”
“Yeah, right here,” Peter patted his jean pockets for a bit before pulling out a black and red hard drive, “It has maybe 20 or 25 pictures here. Their mostly just random pictures of places around Queens, hope that’s okay?” You nod, “Thanks Pete.”
That night, you went home and changed Peter’s ID to ‘Pete’. After that, you plugged the hard drive into your laptop, opening the file titled ‘images’ and scrolling through the photos. Most of them were taken at impossible angles, and you wondered how Peter was able to capture photos like them. One was at the top of a building and looking down onto a busy interstate. Another was of the stars, a bit of the background trees getting in the frame. They were beautiful. Another was of MJ, her back towards the camera, a backpack strap in her hand, looking to the left at the sky with a sunset background. You saved that image as ‘Michelle_jERKFACE.jpeg’ on your computer. The photo Peter took of you earlier was amongst them as well.
You went to bed that night with a smile on your face and ideas fresh in your mind, ready for tomorrow's Club Meeting.
“Hey (y/n)! Like the pictures i sent?”
“Holy Shii-shhh! Peter! That sentence can go two ways!”
“OH! Sorry...”
“Its fine, and yes I did like them. They were really good! How come you never joined before?”
“Never thought i was good enough.”
“Not good enough?! Peter, those photos are professional level photos. They are wonderful and beautiful and deserve to be in a museum.”
“Oh, wow, thanks...” peter blushed, looking own with a small smile on his face.
You looked at the scenery before you, trees brown and crisp from the fall air. Peter sat next to you, his camera ready to snap a picture at any moment. MJ sat opposite Peter, sketchbook in hand and sketching the trees and people. Ned was posing by a fountain as Peter playfully took photos of him. You started sketching Peter into your own book, smiling when you finished and began shading.
MJ looked over at you, “Damn, you’re gay for Peter Parker.”
You looked at MJ with a shocked expression, before looking at the sketch and at Peter, who was now out of ear shot.
“Totally,” you smiled, before both of you went back to your drawings.
“Peter,” you looked at him seriously from your spot on his bed, “Ever think about kissing dudes before?”
Peter blushed, “I- ah, um...” His eyes widened, before looking down shamefully, “Y-Yeah… more than a few times...”
You smiled, “Cool, so what? You’re… bi?”
“More pan, I look for personality more than gender.”
“Cool, same. I’m (sexuality).”
“Oh, cool!”
“Peter, where are we going?”
“Behind the school. There’s something I need to show you.”
Peter had your hand tight in his grip, pulling you through the almost empty hallways. His voice didn’t stutter, which worried you.
Finally, you made it. Peter pulled out his camera, “Stand in front of that street art Mia did yesterday.” You did just that. Peter moved your arms to move in front of your sweater, telling you to tug at it a bit and look up at the sky. He moved some hair in front of your face to cover your eyes. He knelt down, snapping the photo.
“Cool, now stay there.”
“Do you always get like this for a photo?” You asked as Peter pressed record, moving next to you, “What do you mean?”
“Nothing, um. What are you doing?”
“Its for a project. I’m gonna screenshot part of the video later. Please, this is important.”
You watched Peter as he took control of the situation, taking your (smaller/bigger) hands in is own, intertwining them as he leant up.
“Kiss me.”
You coughed, moving back. Peter moved his arms around you again, “Please?”
“The project- please (y/n).”
You slowly gave in, letting Peter wrap his arms around your waist as you looked down into his eyes, your hands cupping his cheeks softly. He leant up to kiss you softly. Both of you stayed there, afraid and unsure of how to move.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said after a while, moving away. You were quick to react, taking the back of his head and slamming it back onto yours.
He was taken aback by the action, soon melting and whimpering into it.
Yep, you were so gay for Peter Parker.
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osakaso5 · 7 years
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Toma Inumaru Poisonous Gangster Rabbit TV Part 1: The Aftermath Of The Revolution ~Toma's Side~
Part 2 | Part 3
Audience: Kyaaaa...!
Minami Natsume: Such loud cheering even after we've gotten off the stage. They're looking at the monitor excitedly.
Toma Inumaru: Mina, don't peek out too much. If they see you, they'll freak out.
Minami Natsume: I wouldn't do something so careless.
Toma Inumaru: Still, we did it! You saw it, right!? That audience! All that cheering!
Toma Inumaru: We made the whole city dance!
Torao Mido: Haha. Don't get too excited, Toma. Should I throw you a frisbee?
Toma Inumaru: Stop treating me like a dog!!
Haruka Isumi: Hmph... They're all so naive and stupid.
Haruka Isumi: I won't get absorbed in the audience’s feelings.
Haruka Isumi: ...Even if he calls me a failure, I'll surpass Tenn Kujo and Zero in my own way.
Ryo Tsukumo: Hey guys, good work.
Minami Natsume: Ryo-san.
Toma Inumaru: Were you watching?
Ryo Tsukumo: This was my adorable ŹOOĻ's battle debut! Of course I was!
Ryo Tsukumo: I even filmed some of it, look...
Torao Mido: It's shaky.
Haruka Isumi: Ah, now there's people standing in front of the camera. I can't see anything.
Ryo Tsukumo: I was fiercely battling another guy for the spot, you see.
Toma Inumaru: The whole camera's shaking. It's making me dizzy...
Haruka Isumi: Me too... Ugh...
Minami Natsume: Oh my, are you alright? Would you like some dried apricots?
Ryo Tsukumo: Watch the whole thing. Look, I won in the end.
Minami Natsume: He was saying very vulgar things as he left.
Ryo Tsukumo: Horrible, wasn't he. I bet he was some sort of insect in his past life. Comfort me, Minami.
Minami Natsume: How much will you pay me?
Ryo Tsukumo: So you won't give me any love for free...
Torao Mido: That's how it goes.
Ryo Tsukumo: Oh well. In any case, congrats on your huge success.
Ryo Tsukumo: You'll be very busy after this. You're going to be on magazine covers, posters all around town, TV, commercials, and doing lives.
Ryo Tsukumo: The whole country will be neck-deep in ŹOOĻ, just like tonight! You're going to make a hundred million people dance! What a sight that'll be!
Torao Mido: That's unexpected.
Ryo Tsukumo: What is?
Torao Mido: Seeing you happy.
Ryo Tsukumo: But of course I am!
Ryo Tsukumo: The center vocalists, Haruka and Toma. The performers who also do the chorus, Torao and Minami.
Ryo Tsukumo: You four are my greatest toys ever, better than any playset!
Toma Inumaru: Hmph, toys, huh. Well, not like I mind.
Toma Inumaru: You're just a stepping stone to us, too. All you need to do is torment TRIGGER like they tormented us.
Haruka Isumi: I'll destroy Tenn Kujo with my singing.
Torao Mido: Haha. As long as we have fun. Love never lasts, anyways.
Torao Mido: Don't you think so too, Minami?
Minami Natsume: Fufu, that's a secret.
Torao Mido: Well aren't you mysterious.
Minami Natsume: Do you want to know that badly?
Torao Mido: Nope.
Ryo Tsukumo: Now, ŹOOĻ. Let the game begin.
Ryo Tsukumo: The game to make everyone here hate you, and eventually, all idols. 
- - - -
Toma Inumaru: ...
Toma Inumaru: ...Hmm. 
Door opens
Toma Inumaru: ...Whoah!?
Toma Inumaru: Haru..! Learn to knock!
Haruka Isumi: Is it just you here? What are you doing?
Toma Inumaru: Shut up, I...
Toma Inumaru: I've got a sore neck, so I was looking for a pressure point that could fix it.
Haruka Isumi: Lame... You're like some geezer. Is Ryo-san here?
Toma Inumaru: He's talking on his phone in the other room.
Toma Inumaru: Haru, are you done with that thing? Y'know, for the live pamphlets...
Haruka Isumi: What?
Toma Inumaru: The shoot! For the pictures that'll be put on the pamphlets.
Toma Inumaru: They said they'd take some solo shots too, remember.
Haruka Isumi: Ah... I did that a while ago, I think.
Toma Inumaru: I see. How'd you pose? Also, tell me what you were wearing and where the photos were taken.
Haruka Isumi: Huh? I don't remember.
Toma Inumaru: How'd you forget!? They're the pinups used for the pamphlets of our first stage live!
Haruka Isumi: Because they've been taking so many pictures of me lately. For magazines and ads and whatever...
Haruka Isumi: I can't remember which ones were which.
Toma Inumaru: It's true that we've been busy, but they should've all had different themes.
Haruka Isumi: What a pain... They should just take all the photos in one place at the same time and be done with it.
Haruka Isumi: All this idol stuff is so pointless.
Toma Inumaru: ...Listen, Haru.
Toma Inumaru: Normally, a group that's just debuted would never be able to get this much work.
Toma Inumaru: When I made my debut at around your age...
Haruka Isumi: I'm not like you.
Haruka Isumi: And ŹOOĻ's not like your old group that didn't make it, NO_MAD.
Haruka Isumi: There's nothing for me to learn from all the idols up until now. So save your lecture.
Toma Inumaru: ...
Toma Inumaru: Is that so.
Haruka Isumi: ...
Toma Inumaru: ...
Haruka Isumi: ...
Haruka Isumi: Are you mad?
Toma Inumaru: I'm not.
Haruka Isumi: ...Liar.
Toma Inumaru: I'm not lying.
Haruka Isumi: Then why don't you say something? You're ruining the mood.
Toma Inumaru: ...I was just trying to look out for you since unlike Tora and Mina, you can be kinda awkward.
Toma Inumaru: I don't feel like giving out pointless advice, either.
Haruka Isumi: ...
Toma Inumaru: ...
Haruka Isumi: ...Wanna eat some madeleines? Or chocolate?
Toma Inumaru: No thanks.
Haruka Isumi: ...
Toma Inumaru: ...
Toma Inumaru: Sigh...
Toma Inumaru: I guess nobody ever taught you how to apologize.
Haruka Isumi: ..!
Haruka Isumi: Why should I apologize!? I didn't do anything wrong! You're just too immature!
Toma Inumaru: Yeah, whatever.
Toma Inumaru: But IDOLiSH7's center sure was cute...
Haruka Isumi: What was that?
Toma Inumaru: Nothing. You like sweets, dont you. Just eat that stuff yourself.
Haruka Isumi: I just offered you some because I was trying to be nice! I dont like them that much!
Toma Inumaru: Yeah, sure.
Haruka Isumi: You don't like sweets? But they're so tasty.
Toma Inumaru: Haha. That's the first time you've been interested in what I like.
Haruka Isumi: ... I wasn't...
Toma Inumaru: Well, it's fine. Let's just take it easy, bro. 
End of Part 1.
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Im usually not one of those people-- but here we go: I really hope the YJ team saying Jason is just a hologram and nothing more is just a trick to make his reveal a surprise. Because if it's not-- they have made a really stupid business move. Let me explain: now of what i know of animation and being a beginning animation/game design student, animation is fucking hard, there is no way i would put something like that into any sort of work I did if I just wanted it there to look nice as a prop. Jason Todd is a character a lot of people know and recognize. And they know him as the Red Hood as well. References to his Robin days are always followed by thoughts of his ressurection-- because as we all know his death was not permanent. He is a very popular character, popular enough to get a DLC spot in Injustice, popular enough to get a storyline revolving around him in Gotham Knight. Popular enough to get a knew kotobukaiya statue( i saw it at comic con). DC apparently LOVES making money off of him, and comics with him are popular enough that they keep making them. A LOT of people, were looking forward to seeing Jason as an active; even if he was not a main, part of an ongoing story or series. They had seemed to drop such a large hint in front of us in season 2. But if thats all it was? I think that the YJ staff, while im sure are eager to continue their story, have made a really big mistake. I myself may still watch the show-- but my excitement for it has been pretty much shot because a character I and many others would really like to see expanded on and represented in actual popular media has once again--been skipped over. They mentioned wanting to give more obscure villains a chance to shine-- which was why they had Sportsmaster. So if they want to go out of their way to research and invest in other villains that have thus far DONE WELL IN THE STORY-- Why-- why why why does DC KEEP skipping over Jason? I dont understand. They want to include more adult themes and perspectives now that the show will be on Netflix. Netflix who just released a VERY adult show in Castlevania, that did so well that it was renewed for a second season the FIRST DAY IT WAS RELEASED. Jason Todd's story is a pretty adult theme on its own, for people who already know it. So these are perfect conditions to introduce him. I was at comic con-- I saw SEVERAL Red Hood cosplayers. Not a single comic themed art booth was without a Jason Todd/Red Hood poster in their inventory. And I know-- because I went to all of them. And even bought a few myself. He is a popular character-- He SELLS. Consumers WANT HIM and DC stands to make a lot of money off of him. So if theyre really just not intending to include him as a character in DC's next big animation project, theyre really stupid. The creators mentioned wanting to do a season 4 and 5 as well-- I can gaurantee if they cut all hints of jason from the cast for season 3 they are not gonna get that far. From a business standpoint, with how many people are interested in the Red Hood's story, as well as the number of people who rewatched young justice and helped get it renewed on the hope that his story would be expanded upon.... A lot of fans might end up dropping the series all together. I dont mean for them to give the fans Jason Todd as a way of pandering to them-- but the thing is, if they had just intended to skip over Jason in the first place, they should not have included his hologram at all. And done what the Batman Animated series did, which was write him out completely and pose Tim as the second Robin on his own. People would have been angry sure. But it's been done before and as a really big Jason Todd fan myself, I would have understood that move a lot more than teasing the fans with a character you KNOW they are eager for and then pulling the rug out from under them. Just saying from what Ive noticed-- I really hope ya'll at DC and the YJ director offices are kidding, cuz if not-- your managing to renew YJ for a season 3 is gonna be just as pointless as your hologram hint.
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maddietrashper · 7 years
Day 4
Day 4 Hi I'm Maddie and I think I might have a bit of a control problem. I say this because it's early in the morning when I'm writing (or at least starting to write this) and I'm exhausted but I'm being stubborn and refusing to get coffee or caffeine because I don't want to build up a tolerance so that it's less effective and I become one of those people who gets caffeine withdrawal headaches or even worse a mug that says "DONT TALK TO ME UNTIL I'VE HAD MY COFFEE!" I don't know why I hate things like that so much, I don't mean to yuck anybody's yum, I swear, but if you've got "live, laugh, love" or a Bob Marley poster on your wall, know that most likely, I will not want to hang out with you. That said, I have met lovely girls who caption their Instagram pics with "be the change you want to see in the world" alongside a picture of them doing a basic yoga pose on a cliff in front of a beach while the sun sets or whateverthefuck. Just know that I'm judging you. You don't have to do anything about it, but it makes me feel better about myself which is a rare commodity for me. So this is my open letter to people of social media I guess. The short of it is: I mostly don't care and I'm sorry that I don't care. I put some effort into social media posts and wish I didn't in all honesty. The brainpower I spend on coming up with a caption could certainly be better used anyway, like to learn French or something equally as useless but more impressive to the corporate capitalist regime we all live under. But yeah, basically, I don't care about your inspirational quote or whatever. I can honestly say that I'm at least 87% sure it's not going to make me a better person, but if that's your jam, cool. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm judging you, but also please recognize that my opinion 500% does not and should not matter to you. And that's how I wish more people felt. You can judge, but know that your opinion shouldn't matter to that person. If Sarah wants to post 8 pictures of herself in a bikini with a Winston Churchill quote, who gives a shit. Judge silently, do whatever makes you feel superior and good about you, but let Sarah do her thing. We're all trying to make shit work in this hellscape of human existence and whatever you're doing to help you carry the unbearable weight of human existence is fine and valid as long as it's not hurting anybody else. So, yeah, don't yuck anybody's yum. Unless their yum is at the expense of someone else's yum in which case yuck away. This phrase has now been mutilated beyond repair. Whoops.
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indigo-sails · 8 years
Chiroptera Chapter
START "Woah, where am I?" Demetrie was waste deep in a big, golden field of wheat. --- "Hey Zoey!" "Good morning!" "Notice anything... different?" "Why Demetrie, your hair looks fabulous! I wish my bed head looked that good!" "Notice anything... else?" "To what could you be refering? OO do you have a new power?" "I'm thinking along the lines of something fluffly, drooly, barky..." "Oh you mean Ruben! He's my new doggy and I wove him so much!!" "You're dad won't let you have any pets, remeber?" "Did I say my dog? I meant to say your dog." "I don't want a dog." "Mmm, I dunno, from this angle he looks more like an oversized cat to me." "Zoey..." "Aw fine." ~Let's get him back home.~ --- "Okay so - top five favorite festivals: go!!" "Winter and summer festival, they're not even top two, they are both #1. The tourist festival brings so many cool people, world cultures within summer festial, and spring festival. Top five fav festivals: Go!!" "Fall, summer, spring, tourist, and winter! #1 basically counts for all five. It's just magical, the merry go round is my favorite of all!" "Ugh. On the list of my least favorite things; that forest. It's always so creepy." "Yeah," some sort of dream flash back, "It is." From pov of undergrowth, "It always seems like somethings watching me." shot of dog, speech bubbles in bg, "Same! I always feel that!!" "Tho sometimes,  I feel like I want to go into the-" "--RUBEN!"
"You didn't bring a leash or dog treats or anything??" "No, did you??" "What were you going to feed him??" "Pizza, of course!! RUUUBBEEEN" "H-hey! Not too far ahead!" montage of Demetrie turning round and round, creepy angle and what not. "Wait for me!" Small clearing, Zoey's stopped hands on her head. "Did you see where he went?" "No, I can't find him anywhere." Sudden shake in the under growth, both Zoey and Dem freeze. some sequence of panels and horrified faces, Ruben pops out of the bush with a tennis ball "Do they just inherintly know where to find tennis balls?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how dogs work." something alluding to a giant dark creature luming above them in the dark of the trees. -- some sort of transition. I don't want them walking back *zoey dramaticly fake crys* Good bye, sweet Ruben. -- transition "So you really don't want pets?" "Nope! No pets!" "I mean yeah... Is that weird?" "Not even something tiny? Like a fish?" "Nope. I'd probably forget to feed them. Pets take a lot of work!" "You couulllddd get a cat! They basically take care of themselves!" "No cats. No fish. Hey I'm going this way, you want to come over for some lunch?" "Can't! My dad is going to be home soon! I'm going to clean up, and then im going to convince him to let me have a puppy!!" "Awesome!! Tell him I say hi!" "Will do, take care!! -- Later that day... Dem: "So you're sure you don't wanna come over and play Final Destiny 433?" Zoe: ~"Yeah, my dad said there's a good chance he'll be home tonight, I figured I'd clean up a bit."~ Dem: "Awwww okay," Zoe: ~"Quit complaining!"~ Dem: -beep- "Hold on - it's Joey, I'll patch him through. Hey Joe!" Zoe: ~"Heeeeyyy Joeeeyyy!"~ Joe: "Hey! Are y'all going to the premiere tonight?" Dem: "Premiere? What premiere?" Joe: "Battle Force Galactic Blitztasic, it's in 4-D and they got the Hola-cube back up." D + Z: "SERIOUSLY" ~"OMGGGGG"~  Dem: "How much are tickets?" Joe: "Wait, you don't have tickets? I think they sold out already" "WHHAAATTT" ~"NOOOOOOOooooo"~ Joey: "Hold up, I'll patch Damien through. -- Hey Damien" Dame: "Joey! What's up?" Joey: "I got Zoey n Demetrie on the line - Do you have extra tickets to the premiere?" Dame: "Hmmm. What's in it for me tho?" "Cookies!" "I'll commission you an artwork!" "Am I supposed to contribute something??" -car pulls up in the window-- "Sounds delightful! I'll see what I can do. Deme, in the mean time you owe me one! ‍❤️ -click-" Joey: "I'll see what I can do on my end too." Zoey: "I'll see if my dad wants to come!" -knock at the door- Dem: "I'll... have to call you back." Driver: "Hello Demetrie, the Mayor would like to see you." -- Demetrie is in the back of a limo. He pulls up to a big house, he walks inside. "Hello Demetrie! How are you? Have you been well?" "Yeah of course! If you wanted to check up on me, you could've just called-" "Of course my boy, but where's the fun in that? I called you here for more than that, however. The Gaurd Force Cheif wants to include you on a matter of concern." "Oh" "In the conference room to you're right." -- "As you know, we've been getting more disturbances around the perifery of the forest. This morning, we got a call detailing an attack on the west end of town. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of distruction. Similar claw marks were found at two reported store break ins." Shows pictures of claw marks, windows broken, food eaten and missing. "Demetrie, would you happen to know anything about this?" little shocked, "N-no, sir, I do not." "As you can see cheif, I've already told you as much. "Of course. Well, we don't know what it is yet, but it's big..." -- Some notes for tomorrow: "Between the dream and the meeting with the towns gaurd force, I cant seem to catch a break today" "Demetrie!" Deme hearts n like DAW MA FRIENDS ARE MA BREAK /sobs "Wow, there are so many people!" "This is pretty much the only theater in town, but it looks like people came from over the hill. But any way --- That's not important right now." *clasps shoulders srs face*, "Are you prepared." "I was born prepared." *Zoey geeking out in the background* *wooping and cheering* "Guess it's time!" ----- 27 pages at this point SHots of going inside, future tech. Poster of Battle Galactic Blitztastic. Shot of Giant Popcorn Machine "Snap, I always forget how big that thing is" -- Zoey "Yeah, back in the early 3000s they competed nationally to see how big they could get it. We won, of course." "I thought I was supposed to be the history buff!" "Oh, that's right, I forgot that you're brother used to work here." --Dem Alright - let's get ready - to save - the galaxy! *something about representation and synthetics but bruh its straight up about systemic vioelne and oppression, but because robots and synths dont exist yet, it ends up being an allegory abour race. A relatively explicate one, but like, that seems super sucky. A human element is needed Joseph: "Oh yeah! Allissona Zhang is in this! I've been so hyped for this movie, having diasabled actors play disabled charachers is the only way to go." *cracks open phone screen to look up pictures of Allissona, shows Demetrie* Zoey: "Speaking of representation, have you heard the rumors that a Synth is going to be in this one?" Joseph: "What, you mean the robot?" Zoey: "No, a synth, basically a robot with a human brain, but the original human brain was rejected! It's like a person haunting a robot, so trippy." Joseph: "Nah Zoe, synths were debunked, weren't they? We've never had that kind of tech." Zoey: "Yeah, debunked by the US with the New World Council, but that's exactly what they'd want you to think." Joseph: "Dang, true, very true."
Later that night, the premiere is about to start. Zoey shows up, soft aside about her dad not making it to town. We meet more people/characters? Foreshadowing for shenannigins happinging under the facility. The Bat found its way inside from underground, the large old theater is also connected underground to the clock tower (Yes, the small town has a clock tower xD) Establishing shot of the lobby - the complex is pretty huge! There's a huge fountain of pop corn. As the movie starts, the bat peeks menecingly through the projected screen, everyone panics. As everyones leaving, Joey and Zoey rush to Deme's aide and ask how they can help. The bat squirms out into the lobby, starts feisting on the pop corn. They hide behind a counter on the far side. Demetrie runs with the rest of the crowd, then he slows to a stop. He remembers back to the guard force meeting, he feels intense pressure that he is the one who has to defend against this threat. "I'm the one... who's supposed to... protect everyone." flashback: "I've always had faith in you, Demetrie." Vaugely, fuzzily, he hears his friends calling to him, "Demetrie! Come on!" "I can't go." "Deme, this doesn't have to be your fight." "Everyone's counting on me, I feel like I don't have choice." "Demetrie... Fine. If you stay, we stay." "But-"
"We're here to help, tell us what to do!" "Do??"  "What can we do!! Did you see how big it was??" "Don't panic, let's brainstorm." "Right, right." Zoey: "How did it get in here in the first place??" Joe: "The underground tunnels, it's got to be." Zoey: "The basement has tunnels that lead to the outside??" Joey: "That or the creature burrowed it's way down." Deme: "How do we fight a bat??" Joey: "Bright lights? Loud noises??" Zoey: "Maybe we can lure it outside! Joey: "No, not outside, inside. We'll drive it back underground."
Zoey ends up being the one to distract the bat. She notices that it's sweeping along the floor, picking up popcorn. They are both in the isle near the front, it looks at her, it pauses. The bat poses no threat. Either she reaches over to give it popcorn, or she barely has time to think "Wait... popcorn??" and then the emergency sirens blare inside the theater and she snaps back to the plan at hand. "Wait, popcorn??" The alarm sirens blare, the bat screeches and takes out the whole row infront of it, zoey barely dives out of the way.
They trap them under the theater, then realize that the bat is harmless. To save them, they go either underground or sneak their way out and to the clock tower. The giant bat is trapped under some non essential support beams, and the three are talking about what to do with the bat. Zoey notices that its long tounge is snagging tiny bits of popcorn. She runs over and grabs a bag of popcorn that has fallento the ground. The bat calms down. "Zoey! What are you doing!" "No look, he's harmless. He's just hungry!" -- Bat, Demetire and Zoey are in the bell tower. "So. Now we have a bat." "I think I'll name him Ruben!" Deme face palms, "We're not feeding him pizza." shot of the tower and zoey's speech bubble, "Of course not! Duh, bats are insectovors!" END
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