#lupin blue jacket series
elliottjpg · 2 years
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Moar Lupin III art style OC meme!!
You can read more about Yoko Jigen here! (or send me asks! I'm always happy to talk about my children <3 )
Template by @/saapricots on Twitter (x)
Better quality pics under the cut!
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Lavender Jacket Series Jacket Overview: Jigen Daisuke
Find Yata's Overview Here: Thank you @pixelateddork for the art.
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Next on the list for the Jacket Overview series is a fan-favorite and one that I'm especially happy with.
Jigen Daisuke For his BASE PALETTE, Jigen sports his tradition getup, but it is more of the TWCFM set up of colors: his typical wardrobe as always sticks to the ashy-grayish black suit, light-blue dress shirt, white-tie and his traditional fedora which like the rest of his outfit ranges within the ash-grey tones see here (thank you screenshot recolors)
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Like many shows we have seen regarding the pair, Jigens palette is often made to coincide or at least generally fit well with Lupin’s palette, even if he often does head toward the more traditional route with his colors- the blues, the blacks, the grays and so on and so forth. While Lupin took on the more softer Lavender colors in this series, Jigen however sports, not so much a different look, but one that I believe fits well with Lupin’s as well as the Lavender Jacket series as a whole
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In LJS, Jigen’s tradition of typically wearing a darker set of colors compared to Lupin’s lighter shade still stands strong. However those traditional colors have since moved on from the typical  colors he’s most famously known for and instead now he sports colors that one may not have typically seen on Jigen outside of Part 3.
The First of the new colors presented are a Green Suit and Pants. Traditionally Green has always been a color that symbolizes many things, though the meanings of green can vary by shade similar to blue or red. For example: Bright green often symbolizes rebirth and spring while Olive green represents tranquility, earthiness and elegance. In Jigens case, Dark green or various shades of it, can often represent things such as fertility, greed, money and drive. For some shades, it also carries connotations of wealth and success but can sometimes signify greed and envy.
In Jigen’s case, the color green is often a double-edged sword; while things like  tranquility do not come easy for him until much much much later in the storyline, his drive to right his wrongs at times may also to many seem admirable at best and maybe suicidal at worst. Despite this, he still holds an elegance to him even during some of the worst times of his life which fits him strutting around in green very well.  The Darkish Red of his hat and tie also symbolizes things as well. Wine Red is a deep Red that often comes in many shades and often symbolizes traditional things like sophistication, passion, and luxury, few things that Jigen can’t afford to lose yet enjoys all the same as well while he can.
Especially passion. Throughout LJS, Jigen often finds himself being thrust into Lupin's role in more ways than he often anticipates, outside of simply just Leadership. In addition to this, he often finds himself shocked, about how often he ends up trading one vice, his alcoholism, for something better. The Act of Sex The moment Fujiko and him hook up in LJS, Jigen is often led to believe it’s the sex in which his body craves, like some new hyper-drive in his borderline dead sex-drive. While this turns out to not fully be the case, (he realizes later on down the line that its not simply the sex but the touch his body craves, not just the outcome that comes with it because Jigen usually hides how touch starved he really is) the need for sex is often a driving force between the pair. It’s why he often goes to her for "companionship"  when he’s drunk. Because, as shocking as it is for him, he had found something he finds fun, entertaining. In fact it revitalizes him, entices him, he finds that he enjoys it and it's strange because he never thought he would, especially with a woman like Fujiko, because it's also strange to him how quickly he fell into Lupin's role in the group
even down to his preference in partners.
Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States also often show that  red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy. All emotions Jigen knows well and is slowly getting to know.
And it's not just the colors that often hold symbolism. Since their creation, cufflinks and lapel-pins have been seen as a symbol of status for gentlemen with luxury gold and gemstone cufflinks seen as a symbol of wealth, power and reputation, while Lapel pins are frequently used as symbols of achievement and belonging. While not shown directly on the reference sheet, Jigen does happen to wear and own two
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In addition to being the Lupin Family Flower, The lupine flower stands for imagination, admiration, and overall happiness. Whether given as a gift or grown in your garden, the lupin brings the energy of inner strength to recover from trauma.
For Jigen it often fits all too well. But while he is not versed in the language of flowers like his partner might just be, he knows deep down that the flower means something to him. Ever since he was younger, the Lupin family, often consisting of just Lupin’s Grandpa and Lupin himself but now extending to the mains and servant’s, had been more of a family to him than even his own. The stability, while crazed and dangerous, was something that he had come to love and enjoy.
Jigen pledging his loyalty to Arsène the First, thus essentially pledging his loyalty to the entire Lupin family, was something that he never thought he would ever do again since leaving the Mafia life behind him for good. But Issei had become almost a father figure to him, let alone someone who had earned his loyalty and his admiration. And following Jigens official pledge to the Lupin Family, he has always keep on him a little piece of Lupin and the new life he was given in the form of a Lupine Flower Pin. He never wore it, but after everything that had happened during the events of LJS, he figured now would be the best time. 
The Pin always stays on his Lapel, close to his heart no matter what, where it will always stay.
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Jigen’s third and “secret” palette is often used as a joke palette in a way, but is also just another I've grown to love. 
Essentially, I had come across this palette in a Discord server I am in
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And naturally I had fallen in love with it. It had part 4 vibes but gloomy and tired and somewhat sad which seemingly worked very well. Lupin's design in LJS IS his Part 4 design but tweaked. Of course since the palette felt right I decided to give it to Jigen as sort of a “party” outfit; one that he often uses when he goes out with Fujiko, or for special occasions!
But then a friend had pointed out that Zenigata got the jigen palette in the picture set, with the blue vest and orange undershirt and green tie, and I thought of course it was funny. . . Until I realized that this image also exists
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Which fits because Jigzeni, or as we lovingly refer to the ship as Hattrick, is a ship found in LJS
It seems Zeni can’t stop stealing the gunman’s clothes How they fit him we will never know
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am-i-interrupting · 5 months
Okay first off OMG THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ME REQUEST!! I loved it and I was wondering if it isn’t too soon like what was Vox x readers wedding like from the OATSH series I’m just wondering since they mentioned Vox was wearing his wedding ring so I wonder what their wedding was like I bet velvet made the brides and grooms suit and doing a absolute amazing job and why do I see Vox crying a bit like not water fall crying but like light produce section Mist crying. also why do I imagine Vox got turned on if he saw yn getting all angry and stuff 😅 also again thank you for accepting my request
Their wedding was actually in the 60s but this is how I imagine it.
To Feel Adored | OATSH
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You wanted to continue to adjust and nitpick. You couldn’t keep your hands or your heart steady.
This was it. It was finally happening. You were getting married. It felt like a fantasy. It didn’t feel real. How could it be? How could this happen to you?
You adjusted your earrings even though they didn’t need it. It was a good thing Rosie hadn’t allowed you to hold your bouquet because you had no doubt it would be torn up petal by petal on the floor.
You gathered the soft fabric of your dress and ran your thumb over it. The dress was beautiful. Lace hugged your bust and collarbone creating an empire waist to the dress. The sleeves were long and bell shaped, cuffing at your wrists. The dress itself didn’t accentuate your curves but rather fell delicately over them.
A knock on the door.
“Come in!”
It barely creaked as it opened but your ears still turned to the sound. You saw your father’s reflection join your own in the mirror.
He wasn’t wearing his usual suit but it was similar enough. It had the same stripes in that reddish-pink color he was so found of but the base of the suit was white. He wore his stitched up at between his deer ears, his horns having grown big enough to peak out the top of it. He’d chosen his glasses instead of his monocle for the day. The rested carefully on the bridge of his nose. He smiled at you with those stained teeth of his.
“Are you ready, my deer?” he asked.
“As I’ll ever be,” you told him.
“Good.” He reached for your veil and placed it over your hair (which you’d decided to wear naturally) and face, no need for a clip when the holes for your fox ears would keep it in place just fine. “Let’s get this over with.”
He held his arm out to you. “I’m not going to die.”
“Ah, let’s not get stuck over semantics,” he said as you looked your arm in his.
He placed his hand atop of yours. You didn’t miss the small squeeze he gave it. You squeezed it back.
Rosie greeted you in the hall, Frank at her side. Rosie and Frank dressed in opposing colors. Frank dawning more light pinks instead of the usual whites while Rosie wore a nearly all black dress, the bust a pink that matched Frank but covered by a ribcage.
She finally handed you your bouquet. Irises, which reminded you of life in New Orleans, joined by red lupines and blue hydrangea. You felt yourself leaning against your father even more. Alastor held you steady.
You focused on the flowers in your hand as you walked toward the isle. You couldn’t look at anything else. You couldn’t breathe.
You just focused on the flowers and thought of every moment up until this point that had gotten you here. In both life and in death and you couldn’t believe that this was true, that it was happening, that it was real.
You took a deep breath and looked up. Immediately you were taken by his expression. Vox’s absolutely love-stricken eyes. The zap of electricity that went between his antennas, showing his rapid heart rate as your eyes met.
Then you were taken in by his outfit.
He did always look so handsome in dark colors. A dark black suit jacket hung open to reveal his white and blue stripped waistcoat, double breasted. His dress shirt beneath was black but von straws the the light purple tie he had so nicely. Vaguely, absently your registered that the purple matched the accents on your tail, ears, and hair.
He looked absolutely stunning.
You and Alastor got to the alter before you were ready. You didn’t even flinch when Alastor took Vox’s outstretched hand and used it to pull him closer before you could grab it.
“Hurt her and I will tear your soul apart bit by bit for all of Hell to hear, understand?”
“I—um,“ Vox barely even spared him a glance, too focused on you. “Yes.”
He let go of Vox and allowed him to take your hand. His own was grabbed by Rosie who was shaking her head as she pulled him to his seat.
“Was that necessary?”
You paid it no mind. You hand was in Vox’s. So delicately, he helped you up to the podium when you really needed no help at all or you couldn’t, if you could take your eyes off him.
In front of the podium, he carefully lifted the veil from your face and folded it atop your head. He let his hand carefully caress the side of your face. Then your hands joined together and the ceremony began.
It was all a blur, too focused on the man in front of you to truly process anything that was said. Just repeating the words you vaguely registered and taking the rings off of the pillow Vark held in his mouth, until the line you had been waiting for came:
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Vox didn’t have time to react as you quickly grabbed his tie and pulled him down into a kiss. He nearly fell back due the force but gripping your waist, he managed to not go backwards. You surged forward and wrapped your other arm around his shoulder and kept him close. His hands went between your shoulder blades.
You pulled away. No longer bride and groom but husband and wife.
A large meal had been made mainly by Rosie and Alastor though there were a few things you saw that you knew neither would have been able to make so someone else must have been involved. Everything had been labeled, however, with ingredients so no one who didn’t favor cannibalism would be subjected to it.
There were, of course, speeches to be made which began when Alastor stood and whipped out his microphone. Within the company of only friends and family, there was a bit of ability to let down some of those fortress walls of his, aided by the whiskeys you’d seen him take back both before the ceremony and now.
“In life, you were one of the few I cared for and in death that remains the same. However, recently I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that you have grown up and you did it without me. So, although I may no longer be the center of your world anymore, know you shall always be the center of mine and know that should anyone hurt you I will not hesitate to take the time and energy to host a broadcast so excruciating that he will deafen himself and all those in hell with the sound of his screams.”
Your rolled your eyes as the last part was spoken directly to Vox.
“You have and will always be,” Alastor reached out for you hand, “my best accomplishment and so long as you are happy, I can live a fulfilling afterlife.”
Alastor kissed your hand and squeezed it. You squeezed back.
Alastor looked at Vox as he gently placed your hand on the table and twirled his microphone before it was engulfed in shadow. A silent competition.
“Well, I know when to take a cue,” Vox said as he stood. “Now, I’ll admit defeat and say this one time that words are not my strongest skill. I am far better suited with visuals.”
Vox brought out a television. His back facing you prevented you from seeing what he was doing but you heard the click of a button before the television began booting up. Vox moved to the side.
“There was no day in my life more special than the day I met you and no day more devastating than when I lost you,” Vox said as the television flickered one last time before it settled.
You saw something you didn’t know. You saw the day the two of you met from Vox’s perspective. You had been too busy adjusting every detail of your appearance so you played the part that you hadn’t seen him glance through the window of the door and see you, stare at you for a moment before he shook himself and took a few steps so he could make a grand entrance.
“Getting to know you was the greatest adventure of my life.”
You were shown spinning around with your arms open as you spoke to him, that day you met. No words came from the television but you remembered them. Him pointing at night, leaning against you as you held him upright came on screen next.
“I will never meet another so kind—“ you in your waitress outfit topping off a costumer— “and righteous—“ you in a snow white dress, dragging a knife down a man’s Adam apple in a darkened alleyway (when had that happened?)— “and beautiful as you.”
The two of you in that bloodstained cabin. You had fallen asleep on his shoulder, cheek squished up and hair damp, curled, and frizzy. He had it wrapped around his finger.
“In life or in death, there is no one I would rather spend eternity with. No one else could ever compare to you. You saved me in ways that I can’t even explain and sparked me to life again after I died in more ways than just physically. I have lived in a reality without you in it and it caused nothing but pain.”
Vox climbing up the ladder in life, angry, snapping, alone. Vox climbing up the ladder in death with you by his side. He was smiling and dancing and waking up content with you atop his chest, hand over his heart, making sure he was alright.
“I came to the realization years ago but it remains true. I would rather not exist at all than exist without you.”
The television flickered off. Vox moved to sit down, next to you once again but he didn’t get the chance as you met him halfway with a hug. You squeezed his middle as you pressed yourself into his chest.
“I love you,” you said, muffled by his suit.
He held you just as tightly. “I love you too.” You both stayed like that for a moment.
Vox’s hand rubbed up and down you back. He looked over your head at Alastor. There seemed to be something in that brief moment, an understanding of how much they both cared about you between one another. It was gone the next moment as contempt came to Alastor’s expression.
“Let’s go sit, doll,” Vox said softly.
You let him drag you back to your seat, though neither of you let go of one another.
There were a few other speeches given.
One from Mimzy that was oddly heartwarming, about watching you grow up and getting to see you now. Of course, she had to throw in a quip about the money you and Vox had as overlords and you had to roll your eyes.
There was one from Rosie about how wonderful love could be and how she was so happy that you’d found it. She wished you both a happy afterlife together.
A couple others from very close friends but for two influential people, the wedding was actually rather small. It was intimate. Not broadcasted or recorded, not a public spectacle.
Then it was time for cake. You and Vox were both handed a knife. His arm was wrapped around your back, holding you close. Alastor summoned his microphone once again for a countdown.
“Three, two, cut!”
You and Vox both went to cut the cake but your knife sliced through faster. You turned to look at him with a smug smile.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said.
You continued to do so.
“You act like it wasn’t obvious who the true head of the household is,” Alastor chimed in.
Vox rolled his eyes with a scowl.
“Oh, come on, baby, we all knew it,” you said, forcing him to look at you as you grabbed his lapels and mocked his pout.
Vox continued to look down at you unamused. He moved to tap your nose with his knife but you were faster. You wrapped your lips around it and licked off the cake and icing mixture. You hummed, it tasted divine. Vox blushed.
“Alright, alright,” Rosie said, with her hands over Alastor’s eyes, “let’s safe that for the honeymoon.”
“Mmm, no, let’s save that for never,” Alastor said as he gently moved Rosie’s wrist away from his face.
The first song you’d ever humored Vox in with dancing played over the radio. You looked up at him as you shook your head.
“Is your goal today to make me cry?” you asked.
“It’s not the goal,” he said as he grabbed your hand, “the goal is to show you how much I adore you. Is it working?”
He began leading you in a waltz. “Yes, very much so,” you said.
You placed your head on his shoulder. You let him drag you through motion to motion. You let yourself get lost in the rhythm.
You opened your eyes and over his shoulder you saw Vark following behind his every step. You smiled.
“I think someone wants to dance,” you said, voice barely a whisper.
“Oh, believe me, it’s been a challenge not to trip over him,” Vox replied.
You laughed lightly and closed your eyes again.
A couple seconds later you felt a hammerhead begin to push your legs and Vox’s legs apart. You laughed as Vox looked down unamused.
Vark looked up at the two of you with his best puppy eyes so of course you picked him up. He was getting heavy but that was okay. With the combined effort of you and Vox, you both held him between you as you finished the dance.
All together, a nice little family you made.
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figuramacollectors · 2 years
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FULL REVEAL! - LUPIN the 3rd ELITE DIORAMA STATUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Join the waitlist and don’t lose sight of the objective… preorders open on OCTOBER 22nd AT 11:00PM JST!:
Experience the thrill of the chase with the Figurama Team as we reveal our Lupin the 3rd Elite Diorama Statue! This is your one-stop-shop for all information regarding the Lupin the 3rd Elite Diorama statue, including highlights and store exclusives that can be found in the images above, and statue details that can be found below!Our illustrious title thief, Lupin, hangs from the window of his preferred getaway car. His vibrant blue jacket juxtaposes the dark shape of his Walther P38 pistol, as trusted crewmember Daisuke Jigen shoots an explosive bullet from the other side. The cunning and beautiful Fujiko Mine takes their car drifting wildly over cobblestone, her red hair shining brightly from behind the windshield. While apples and bottles of wine tumble from crates on impact, stray bullets bend an Italian street sign and spook an unsuspecting chicken. True Lupin fans will notice that a newspaper below a falling chair pictures Lupin’s “wanted” poster, and that tarot cards flying from an impacted table hold subtle references to another much-loved franchise. Beneath the chaos lies an ultra-detailed layer of cobblestone that rests above a slice of underground rock, interspersed with sewage pipes that add a sense of realism to this explosive scene.Each 1/8-scale statue includes an exclusive A3-size art print and autographed Certificate of Authenticity by Figurama Collectors CEO Mr. Shanab, Concept Artist Daniel Kamarudin, and 3D Artist Luigi Terzi!
Series : Elite Diorama
Edition Size: 950
Size : 1/8 scale (Approximately H31 x W32 x D41)
Certificate of Authenticity : Signed by Figurama Collectors CEO Mr. Shanab, Concept Artist Daniel Kamarudin, and 3D Artist Luigi Terzi
Includes : Exclusive A3 Art Print & Certificate of Authenticity
Store Exclusive : Animated Desktop & Mobile Wallpaper
Materials : Polystone, PVC, PU, Transparent Resin
Creative Director : Mr. Shanab / Figurama Collectors Development Team
Concept Artist : Daniel Kamarudin
3D Artist/Sculptor : Luigi Terzi
Painter : Fahad Al-Duwaihi
Release Date: Q3 2023
Retail Price : $495
Non-Refundable Deposit : 20% ($99)
Payment Plan : Up to 6 months (as low as $66 per month)
Discount : Paying by PayFort or Axes Payment with a secure card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB) will take $45 off shipping costs
Shipping : Warehouses in Asia, the USA, and Europe ensure the lowest shipping rates possible
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cuddlebugsirius · 2 years
Jess’ Top 22 of 2022
I decided to do a fic rec list of my 22 top fics that I read in 2022, from lots of different ships and fandoms. We’re here to celebrate the effort that fellow writers put into creating magic for us all, fanfiction is such a massive part of my life and I think it deserves to have a spotlight shone on it’s greatness. 
[I limited myself to 1 fic/series per author, which was more of a challenge than I thought it would be 😂]
So in no particular order and without further ado...
Bring Him to His Knees - 245k+, Dramione, E Rated
Draco is on the case of a murderer, but to investigate, he needs a fake relationship - and a kink club play partner. When Hermione volunteers to take the role, both do their best to maintain the lie without letting each other know the truth: neither of them are acting.
Solntse - 60k+, Wolfstar, E Rated
Sirius, a young Russian billionaire hires Remus, who is working part time as a call boy to make ends meet. Things happen, feelings occur.
Did You Miss Me - 640k+, Wolfstar & Jily, E Rated
Though the new boy at Hogwarts University, James Potter, appears to be an adorable himbo with deep pockets, Remus Lupin and his friends instead find a horrifically dark past on Google. Did he really attack that boy and leave him for dead? Why won't he talk about his mysterious childhood best friend, "Pups"? Would it kill him to stop messing with his hair?
At least Remus got his phone back after losing it, but now he can't stop texting the mysterious number of the man who had sent it back. Padfoot is funny and charming, and Remus is NOT going to fall in love with him.
The PB to my J [AKA the one that converted Jess into a Wolfstar writer] - 270k+, Wolfstar, E Rated 
A Modern AU Marauders texting with prose fic set at University.
Mainly Wolfstar - Will they? Won’t they? (They obviously will...) And a little bit of Jily too.
A Second Look - 120k+, Dramione, M Rated
Her best friend's life was a mess and she would have done anything to make things better for him and his sons. So, when she found her former enemy in a similar situation her heart went out to him as well... and the beautiful blond baby in his arms didn't hurt his case. It was certainly enough for her to give him a second look.
oh, I’m gonna let the future in - 40k+, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Potter, T Rated
Al doesn’t know what he’s doing. Not just with the new apartment, but with his life in general, and it doesn't help that his family quietly looks down on him. It feels as if they’re always waiting for him to do something spectacular, but without actually expecting it of him. They’ve given up on expecting anything of him.
Al only speaks English, and he sings in the shower, badly. He likes tea, and he cleans when he’s stressed. He sees a therapist. He has a total of two friends, and one of them is his cousin. He isn’t smart; he’s simple.
He wishes that could be enough.
Brooklyn Heights Books - 180k+, Stucky, E Rated
A man wearing a light denim jacket over a dark blue shirt came into the shop, a box tucked under his right arm. Despite it being late afternoon, he was wearing sunglasses with bright blue lenses, and his long, dark hair was pulled back in a messy little bun. A few strands had escaped, framing his strong, unshaven jawline. The man looked into the café, smiled widely, and waved in Clint’s direction as he kept walking into the bookstore, and Steve’s mouth went completely dry.
Beautiful, was the only word to describe that smile; straight, white teeth framed by full, lush, red lips, bracketed by laugh lines and an adorable dimple in his right cheek, a charming little chin cleft just visible under the light stubble—Steve was struck literally speechless. And that was before he got a glimpse of the man’s backside. Slim hips and a round, firm-looking ass led to long, lean legs that were encased in snug, dark blue jeans.
“Guh,” Steve said, watching the dark-haired man continue on to the back of the store.
‘tis the damn season - 70k+, Wolfstar, T Rated
“Where are you going?”
Remus turns. Sirius looks delightful; wine-flush and December drizzle painting his pale, pretty face the deepest carmine red. His spindly hands are twiddling at his front, as if he doesn’t know quite what to do with them. He sniffs, and exhales corporeal ice that sends a shiver running down Remus’ spine. He’s not sure if it’s from the cold or the alcohol or… something else.
Clean - 115k+, Dramione, M Rated
Malfoy's handsome face was contoured into a condescending smirk. "No faith in that giant brain of yours, Granger?" She looked up at him defiantly. "Maybe I don't have faith in you!" she said, raising her voice. Malfoy only looked at her. "You'll find I'm very surprising." 
Second Generation - 45k+, Wolfstar, E Rated
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black spent their late teens in a happy haze of sex, troublemaking, and playing in their band, but break up in college. But when their respective children get in trouble together more than 20 years later, Remus and Sirius find themselves at odds with their very different parenting styles and dealing with a spark that was never quite extinguished.
Dreamers - 45k+, Wolfstar, M Rated
In which Sirius did twelve years and meets Remus on a creative writing workshop.
The Searching Ceremonies - 580k+, Sterek, M Rated
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
Quid Pro Quo - 105k+, Darklina, E Rated
The Slow Burn Breeding Kink Political AU
Cannibals - 20k+, Darklina, E Rated
It was very brief, the affair Alina Starkov had with her father.
Or: The Father-Daughter Incest AU
no shelter but mine - 65k+, Darklina, E Rated
“If you’re so worried about your daughter then why are you wasting your time yelling at me instead of caring for her?”
He stills. His fists clench, just once, and she can see the muscles in his jaw working, like it is taking him every ounce of will not to unhinge it, lean across the counter, and rip out her throat with his teeth.
Then he turns, without a word, and storms out the door, the tails of his black coat flying behind him like a cloak. Aleksander is in need of a nanny for his six-month-old daughter. As it so happens, Alina is the only person she likes.
Action - 20k+, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, E Rated
Jaime’s a famous action hero. Brienne is the stunt coordinator on his latest movie. She’s hated him since the moment they met, and the feeling is mutual. But there are ways to work out their aggression.
Lost & Found - 95k+, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, E Rated
When she realizes the husband she knew had departed, and she now had cold & hard mobster in his place, Sansa fakes her death and starts a new life in Wales.
And then Jon finds her.
It gets so hard to breathe (when you’re looking at me) - 57k+, Wolfstar, E Rated
When Sirius turns up at Remus' flat after the events at the Triwizard Tournament, he doesn't expect to find himself sharing a bed with Remus. Or getting so intimately involved in his life. Or to find out that they're mates and Remus wants nothing more than to push him up against the wall and make him forget his own name.
Or to feel so very complete.
But Sirius isn't complaining. Not one bit.
The Player’s Secret - 50k+, Wolfstar, M Rated
“So what’s he like? Full of it? Arrogant?”
“Yes,” he says, because he thinks that is a fair assessment. Sirius Black is full of it. He is arrogant. He’s also entitled and needy and smug. He’s talented, reckless, moody, selfish, childish, charming and sweet, and a million different other things Remus is trying to wrap his head around.
Sirius Black is hard work.
Remus Lupin is a successful documentary filmmaker who is assigned to make a fly-on-the-wall documentary featuring Sirius Black - one of the world's most brilliant footballers - as he competes in the European Championship.
All does not go smoothly.
The Same Way I Like My Coffee - 35k+, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, M Rated
Sansa Stark always liked her coffee hot and sweet. She finally found a guy that makes the sentence "I like my men the same way I like my coffee" real to her.
Jon snow has no right to be that hot.
Or: Sansa opens the coffee shop of her dreams, makes great friends and meets an unbelievably hot Jon Snow.
don’t pout, darling - 70k+, Dramione, E Rated
"when's the last time you let someone take care of you?"
"no one's ever wanted to," her whisper is delicate, sharp like porcelain glass, the edges raw and tender. she is sugar-soft, a little thing tucked into his chest, ears pressed against the heart that beats for her.
"i'll take care of you, i'm always going to take care of you," he cooed. “you're my sweet girl, my baby.”
or: a modern au ddlg fic
when we kiss: mmmm, fire - 39k+, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, E Rated
Sansa might be seeing someone casually, but thanks to Arya, Robb, and Theon, it’s Jon who’s got the inside track on how to get Sansa to take him seriously.
aka: the one where jon finds out that sansa has a daddy kink, and he uses it to seduce her away from the dating scene and into his arms, heeeey-oh!
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ttimecode · 9 months
i don't remember if i've ever actually loreposted for Any of my ships so. ig this is my christmas/new years gift to y'all HAHAHJDJEJDJ minjigen lore. rejoice !
the timeline isn't exactly set in stone or whatever but let's say minjun meets lupgang somewhere in part 1 (green jacket series) or maybe early part 2 (red jacket series).
lupin asks him to fix their car (bc it gets blown up like every other week HAVE YOU SEEN THAT THING) and usually minjun wouldn't work with criminals but because he's broke and needs the money, he agrees and that's how their little partnership began YAYY
and sure lupin could find another guy if he really wanted to but it makes more sense to stick with minjun bc 1. he's fixed their cars so many times he practically knows em inside and out and 2. the gang Knows minjun isn't the kind of guy to betray them. so there's less risk there y'know, better to keep him around!
as for jigen and minjun's relationship, i like to think they ran into each other at a bar purely by coincidence. they just spot each other and have that little "oh it's you" moment. might as well have a drink or a smoke together as business partners, right? or at least, that's what it started out as. they meet every week now. and that's how jigen had a homosexual crisis ! /j
however there's a small tiny issue. minjun doesn't want to be seen with the lupgang because he doesn't want to LOSE HIS JOB so. i imagine a running gag where if anyone (coughcoughZENIGATAcough) accused him of working with thieves. he just somehow gets away with it everytime. up until part 5 (blue jacket) bc well. i'll talk about that another time maybe HEHEHEHEHE. but this also makes his relationship with jigen a little harder, though they find a way to make things work <3 and then they kiss and make ou /J
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heyclickadee · 2 years
So…there was one time I decided that I was going to go through the entire Lupin III franchise (minus the manga, I have less than zero interest in that) in chronological release order, like a fööl. You know that one Lupin III post that goes around with Camilla, the vampiric twin sister of Jesus Christ? Not only is that absolutely an episode of the show, I’m not even sure it’s the weirdest one.
I hit something of a brick wall with Lupin III about halfway through the pink jacket era, but I have seen all of green, all of red, some of both the blue jacket series, and quite a few of the movies/specials. And there’s some wild stuff in the series, including:
1. That time Lupin and co. trick Scrooge McDuck’s humansona (he wears the outfit and swims in a money bin, this is very literal) into giving money to charity.
2. That time Lupin gets trapped by a narcotic lesbian death cult.
3. Colombo (yes, the one from the tv show Colombo) has a man adorable little skateboarding son who shows up in an episode.
4. A mafia boss hypnotizes the New York Yankees to kill Lupin and the gang with iron baseballs.
5. The completely accidental (I think) existential horror of the Green vs Red movie, in which Lupin III is an entity which moves from body to body, condemning its next victim to a life of crime and shenanigans. (This is not what it was going for but it’s absolutely what it is.)
6. Goemon gets possessed by his great-times-thirteen grandfather. Frankenstein’s monster is involved somehow.
7. Lupin crash-lands into the Bermuda Triangle and Every Paranormal Phenomenon happens over the course of the next twenty minutes. The meet aliens at Stonehenge.
8. Salvador Dali tries to turn Lupin into a weathercock.
9. An immortal gremlin man with psychic powers is collecting clones of historical figures for his human zoo on his private MC Escher Island. Lupin is hanged and shows up a year later in Dracula’s coffin. Zenigata tried and fails to keep Lupin from stealing the philosophers stone from one of the great pyramids. This all happens in the same movie.
10. Lupin gets possessed by the spirit of King Tut.
11. Whatever the hell was going on in “Musical Variation of Monkey Business.” I just…I don’t. I don’t know.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 10 months
Beautiful Creatures
Hello everyone! I had a new idea for a fanfic that I am actually excited about. I had been trying to write short things, so it doesn't consume my time and energy, but I started writing and imagining the plot in my head, and I am having a lot of fun.
The fanfic is based on the book Beautiful Creatures, the first book of The Caster Chronicle Series written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. And also it's film adaptation. But with Marauders Era Characters.
I posted the first chapter on Ao3, so give it a read, and if people like it or are interested I will keep writing and posting chapters every week.
Here is the summary:
Is falling in love the beginning... or the end? In Remus Lupin's boring hometown Hogsmeade lies the darkest of secrets... There is a beautiful boy. Gray eyes, long black hair, black rockstar clothes, chains and makeup. Sirius Black, is a boy who seems too out of place in Hosmeade. The same boy who had hunted Remus's dreams for a while now. There is a curse. On the seventeenth year, the darkness will take what it's been promised. Sirius has to prevent it. To save himself and his brother. In the end, there is a sacrifice to make. Sirius and Remus become bound together by a deep, powerful love. But Sirius is cursed and on his seventeenth birthday, his fate will be decided. Remus never even saw it coming.
And here is a little sneak peek:
Remus was tempted to look, so he followed everyone’s gaze. There in the middle of the courtyard was Albus Dumbledore. Their headmaster. Short bearded man, with white hair and blue eyes. There were very few people that Remus genuinely liked in this town. One of them was Professor Dumbledore. He was wise, fun, and open to new things. Something that the parents committee hated about him. Remus knew they were trying to make that old man retire for ages. Remus knew there was some mysteries about this town that he knew but didn’t tell.
Though students weren’t looking at him. They were looking at the boy next to him.
Remus’s first thought was that he was the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. The bloke was around sixteen perhaps. He had long black hair that reached his shoulders. Pale skin, smooth as cotton. He had breaded shoulders, muscular arms under his clothes. Aristocratic posture, almost like a prince. But he was not dressed like a prince.
He was wearing leather trousers so tight, that Remus feared with one move they would break. He had a punk rock shirt that many parents at Hogsmeade would call devilish, with men doing obscene gestures and the words “PUNK IS FUCKING SEXY”. Combat boots that could kill anyone and a leather jacket to match. Chains around his neck, piercings, black nail polish and a cigarette tucked behind his ear. Remus was reminded of a rock star he had seen in a movie once.
The foreign boy was wearing black shades, but Remus somehow could tell how his eyes were looking widely around.
That boy represented everything the respected Hogsmeade community hated. Remus was absolutely attracted to him.
So, this was Alphard’s nephew.
Remus was not the only one to be moved by this boy’s beauty. But he could tell a lot of girls were eating him with the eye. Though they would never admit that. The stranger was so different to what boys around Hogsmeade were.
The whispers amongst students died down when Dumbledore spoke.
“Good afternoon students” the headmaster said, not quite believing what he was about to say “This is a very uncommon event as we know, but we have a new student at Hogwarts” he eyed carefully at his companion “Please welcome Sirius Black”
There were gasps of horror at the mention of that name. Black. Like Alphard Black. The color of darkness. It sounded evil.  What was most strange was the way that name had some sort of power. The clouds turned darker, and the wind became cold and hollow. The sun had been replaced with a dull cold sky. Remus saw many students scream and shiver at that sight. Remus was fascinated.
Sirius’s mouth gave them an evil twist when he saw everyone’s expression.
“So, you come from that creepy mansion where your mad Uncle lives” Nick Mulciber sounded almost afraid. It was hilarious.
Sirius turned his gaze towards him but didn’t say anything.
“Mum says Alphard Black worships the devil” It was Mary who spoke next, her voice shaking “Mum says he sold his soul to him so he can do witchcraft…”
“Miss. Macdonald, please!” Dumbledore warned.
But Sirius didn’t seem offended. He seemed amused.
“Look at the way he is dressed!” Frank Longbottom added “Maybe his Uncle taught him”
“Perhaps all Blacks are crazy” Samuel Avery added with a mocking voice.
“Wow, he is so handsome!” a female voice was heard amongst the younger students. And right after, her friends shushed her.
Sirius smiled with satisfaction. Remus presumed that boy was used to be the center of attention everywhere he went.
“That’s enough!” Dumbledore spoke over the students’ whispers “Sirius is our new student, and we are going to make him feel welcome. Is that clear?”
“My mum says that devil worshippers dance around naked in the moonlight” Alice said as if the headmaster hadn’t spoken “And they make human sacrifices”
“Oh well, darling. How did you know? That is indeed our favorite activity”
Everyone was shocked to hear Sirius finally speaking. Remus noticed his voice sounded ancient, like he was from another time. He used proper English, royal English, like the one The Queen used. His voice was a bit hoarse but with a harmonic tone to it. Like he could put anyone into a trance, or he could perfectly sing opera. It sounded like music to Remus’s ears.
Most of the students were already letting out horrified shrieks or murmuring prayers. Remus genuinely smiled. He was so happy to witness this precious moment. Sirius Black was incredible.
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fakekojimo · 1 year
Been watching Lupin the Third Part 4 with a friend recently. Always wanted to dip my toes into the series and I heard blue jacket is the major common entry point for the franchise outside of Cagliostro. It's been... An interesting experience. More of a mixed bag than I was expecting. I Like the designs and the linework alot but the goddawful art direction drags it down like hell for me. Some episodes can be a ton of fun and others feel like they drag on for an eternity. A real unhappy medium between "goofy fun lupin" and "serious lupin" without the nuance to make the two co-exist with each other in a natural way. Basically, there's too much talking in my show that should be about thieves stealing shit and looking cool while doing it.
The show overall feels really low energy to me, but this scene from episode 18 was a nice little wake up call. Blue jacket is conservative with its animation, instead choosing to focus its efforts on maintaining consistency with its designs instead, but this sequence throws that approach straight out the window. Animated by Yoshihiro Kanno: these cuts are his usual bread and butter: Angular drawings accentuated by that low drawing counts on 3/4s... Just straight up raw as hell!
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My favorite color in general is blue and I started with Blue Jacket Lupin so I may be biased but I still maintain that it looks the best
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Lavender Jacket Series Jacket Overview: Gorō Yatagarasu
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OK FIRST Jacket Overview shall be given to the man whose been on my brain for the last three days because I have actually felt bad about all the torture i've put him through somewhat FIRST ON THE LIST: Gorō Yatagarasu, Zenigata's assistant and new loveable twink of the Lupin Franchise.
Now when it came to Yatagarasu I was initially at a tossup. I really did love the original outfit design he wore in PT5 and If I hadn't found a Jacket I had liked for him odds are I would have just kept him in his PT5 Outfit.
However thanks to my friends @rainymeadows-art and @curleyclown (who was kind enough to do that art for me) I had found the perfect compromise!Unlike the others of the group, his colors don't mean much in terms of symbolism and really are the result of my love for his PT5 palette, and as a result not much of anything really changes in Yata's LJS design compared to his PT5 color palette, minus a  slight color change; his base vest and pants are darker than his original, bearing with it a more deeper color along with his tie. His actual shirt has also had a color upgrade, instead switching to a light blue shirt that matches with the one featured on Zenigata’s LJS Palette change.
However the most important part of his outfit is his socks, which an eagle-eyed person might note are mismatched!
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This is because it coincides with a HC I often use for Yata based on what my Grandmother used to tell me when I was younger! The HC stems around the idea that Yata tends to wear mismatched socks whenever he’s in a good mood. This characteristic was implemented by his grandmother who once told him mismatched socks bring good luck! In LJS he mistook one of the dark purple socks he owned for a work related black one
so it's his lucky sock! A deep wine colored sock whose color can be found here!
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Yata doesn't know if he really believes in luck anymore with all that's happened in his life, but it brings him some semblance of comfort when he's having a rough time, and maybe there is something to be said about Luck with how lucky he got in all this
After all from what we've seen
it could have been far far worse
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Lupin the Third (Green Jacket to Blue Jacket)
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I got into the series since last year ago, I need to finish Part 2 so that way I can move on to Part 3
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sunnysynthsunshine · 2 years
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the primary colours character gang
can’t believe that this lot have a similar palette but they do 
Sailor Moon,Sonic, series 5 Fireman Sam (classic has it too but the navy blue depends on the era), Mario, Cutie Honey (90s civilian form), Bob the Builder,Gundam,Brisco County Jr, Oscar,Lupin (Red Jacket) and Ash Ketchum
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laresearchette · 2 years
AUSTRALIAN OPEN TENNIS (TSN/TSN4) 3:30am: Men’s Semifinals
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Leafs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Penguins (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Canucks (SN1/SNWest) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Kraken
NBA BASKETBALL   (SN1) 7:00pm: Bucks vs. Pacers (TSN) 7:30pm: Grizzlies vs. Timberwolves (SN Now) 8:00pm: Cavaliers vs. Thunder (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 10:00pm: Raptors vs. Warriors
HANDS THAT BIND (Crave) 7:00pm: A hired hand's plans to eventually take over his boss's farm are shattered when the landowner's son returns to claim his birthright.
CHL HOCKEY (TSN5) 7:30pm: Quebec Remparts vs. Chicoutimi Sagueneens
TRANSPLANT (CTV) 9:00pm: Bash faces an important figure from his past and must solve a public health crisis; hospital administration calls Devi's leadership into question; Mags doubts all of her choices; June is asked to oversee a sensitive procedure.
EIFFEL (Crave) 9:00pm:  Having just finished the Statue of Liberty, Gustave Eiffel is at the peak of his career. Everything changes the day he crosses paths with his love and their forbidden relationship inspires him to change the Paris skyline forever.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: Obsessed: A police manhunt leads to a high speed chase and a life-or-death situation for two officers; the extreme lengths one man was willing to go to and the tragic outcome of his obsession with Nadia El-Dib.
R. KELLY: HIS FRIENDS SPEAK (Super Channel Fuse)  10:00pm: R. Kelly grew up from a poor, broken home where he was abused by multiple female family members and experienced extensive trauma before dropping out of high school.
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dainty-fingertips · 3 years
i just got the absolute dumbest headcanon request idea but if it isn’t too silly for you could i request headcanons of lupin interacting with his biggest fan account / fansite 🧎‍♂️ i watched part v and laughed so hard at lupin having his own twitter account because i know it’d be inevitable he’d have genuine fans that’d find him cute + i reckon he’d be shamelessly flirty when interacting with them too LOL
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lupin interacting with a fan account on twitter hcs
I watched a couple of episodes of part v and it never really set in that lupin iii owned his own twitter account until i read that
Lupin owns his own twitter account
What has he seen
He is on his phone one day just chilling out on a train or something
He was checking out his replies on his most recent post (a selfie) (another one) (probably like the 4th one that day)
He saw the @, it was something like lupingangenthusiastt
He raised his eyebrows and cracked a small amused grin
He could barely read it but he snickered to himself anyway and liked the reply
In fact, he decided to check out the profile just out of curiosity
Most of it was just quote tweets of his posts or of other accounts
He noticed there were also tweets that included pictures of the force from Interpol
He quirked an eyebrow and kept looking through
Ayo who side they on?
The thought of the account kept poking him in the side and eventually he decided to dm them
Which is almost always a terrible idea please dont do that
But this is lupin he literally does not care
“Don’t tell anyone, but . . .” is never something you should start a dm with
Lupin pls use ur netiquette
Lupin is a millennial who never learned how to properly communicate on the internet so,,,, good luck w that
He gets a response in like 5 minutes and the owner of the acc is absolutely losing it
What did he expect
“Hey calm down! Don’t let anyone know I messaged you, alright?”
-“YES RIGHT of course”
They literally just. Talked for like 20 minutes back and forth
It was mostly about him
Even after the convo ended, he finds himself coming back to that same dm box every once in a while to boost his ego
another fun fact about lupin on twitter
he would qt interpols posts and say stuff like 'we offer our full support to our armed forces!!" and zenigata would qt the qt and say "REMOVE YOUR VPN RIGHT NOW!!!!"
he will not
he knows just enough about modern day internet slang to where he will post a selfie of him eating dinner or something and say the word "bussin" at some point in the caption
goemon loses his mind every time (he does not have twitter but he looks over jigens shoulder every now and again and sees the feed)
he will also use terms like 'whats poppin' and 'ayo' and no one laughs but he thinks its HILAROUS
he says it ironically
(it started out that way)
(he can no longer stop using slang)
him omg someone pls req some more goofy hcs of him he's so stupid
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rhymewithrachel · 5 years
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More loop doodles... I love the red jacket series
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