#lung transplant
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captainjackscoat · 5 months ago
And gothic horror fans and aromatics and general aspecs and basically just people who are willing to help out tbh.
So, one of my best friends (who I have talked about before on here, actually) is back in hospital. And it's quite serious this time, because she's going to have to go through chemotherapy. There's a good chance she'll be in hospital over Christmas, too.
I want to do something for her. I bought her a funko pop thing but I want to do something with actual meaning. (I mean yes her Aunt got her this FANTASTIC Christmas card that made me scream with both shock and delight on her behalf bc holy shit but I want to do something from me, too).
I want to make a scrapbook or a notebook or something, of messages and photos and art from all over. I want her to know she is loved by more than just the hospital staff.
She loves Frankenstein, and her absolute favourite artist is Brightgoat. If we could get a message for her, from Brightgoat, that would be incredible and it would get her so, so excited.
If you want to chip in with a message, or with art, or anything you can, everything is appreciated :)
(Btw for those wondering, this is my formerly terminally ill aroace friend who said "The only relationship I will ever have is with my health, and it's a very toxic one")
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covid-safer-hotties · 7 months ago
Almost 10% of US lung transplants go to COVID-19 patients. Researchers are learning why - Published Aug 21, 2024
Researchers from Michigan State University and Corewell Health, in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, have made a significant breakthrough in understanding post-COVID-19 lung complications.
The study, by Xiaopeng Li of MSU, Reda Girgis of Corewell Health and Kun Li of Cleveland Clinic's Florida Research and Innovation Center, was published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and highlights the role of a gene called ATP12A in promoting lung damage and excessive mucus production following COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 infection activates this gene in the lungs, initiating progressive lung scarring that can eventually require a lung transplant. The collaboration investigated the biology behind climbing lung transplant rates among patients with post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis. Almost 10% of all lung transplants in the United States now go to COVID-19 patients, according to data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, or UNOS.
"Understanding how and why some individuals develop severe lifelong complications is critical to developing more effective post-COVID lung damage treatment," said Xiaopeng Li, associate professor in the MSU College of Human Medicine's Department of Pediatrics and Human Development.
Collaborating with Kun Li, Xiaopeng Li investigated ATP12A expression in lung samples from individuals undergoing lung transplantation. Clinical samples provided by Reda Girgis, medical director of Corewell Health's lung transplant program and a professor at MSU, confirmed elevated ATP12A levels in individuals with post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis, akin to fibrosis unrelated to COVID-19.
"At Cleveland Clinic, we confirmed COVID-19 infection directly caused ATP12A levels to increase and contributed to pulmonary fibrosis," noted Kun Li.
This discovery lays the groundwork for potential therapeutic interventions, aiming to benefit all pulmonary fibrosis patients, irrespective of their condition's origin. The next step for the researchers is to unravel how infection elevates ATP12A levels and its contribution to pulmonary fibrosis, paving the way for improved treatments in the future.
Find the (paywalled) study at either link!
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skimbradsteen · 7 months ago
Through Years of Pain
Pain of November Comes like the others Rains on Sundays, I hide beneath the covers
Wishing for a change An answer to all this suffering Sometimes I wonder If I’m stuck buffering.
One day the pain will be gone People will be sad and grieving Suffering had been so long Pain always increasing
Leaving behind all that I love For an eternal rest, And peace from above It was always for the best
Long-suffering for many years Took its toll on me Praying God would end my tears In Jesus, I know with him I’ll always be Without pain, suffering, or fears.
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onlytiktoks · 8 months ago
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bpod-bpod · 1 year ago
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Organising Lungs
Advances made towards achieving the cellular diversity necessary for creating whole lung and thymus tissue for transplantation
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Akihiro Miura and colleagues
Columbia Center for Human Development and Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, Department of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, October 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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medicalroute · 1 year ago
يأتي سرطان الرئتين في المرتبة الأولى بين السرطانات التي تنشأ عند الرجال وهي في التصنيف الثاني عند النساء. هناك عوامل مختلفة يجعل الشخص مصاب بسرطان الرئة، لكن الأهم منها هو التدخين. التعرض للأسبستوس والمواد الكيميائية الجسيمات وغاز الرادون هي من بين العوامل البيئية التي تسبب الاصابة بسرطان الرئة. الى جانب هذه، التاريخ المرضي للرئتين مثل مرض الدرن (السُّل) والربو القصبي والأمراض المزمنة في الرئتين يجعل خطر الاصابة بسرطان الرئة أعلى. يمكنكم التواصل معنا لتلقي الاستشارة الطبية وبدء رحلة العلاج معنا.
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lovelivejustbreathe · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Thirty-Five
So. I’m 35. This is another day, since I have been so very lucky to have had many, that I could have never imagined. My 35th birthday. 35 years of fighting the symptoms of the same disease and it’s many, many side effects. 35 years of living like tomorrow may never come. 35 times I thought it would be my last birthday because I was so extremely sick or my prognosis was not so good. 35…
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captainenjolras · 2 years ago
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Urgent mutual aid request!!!!
Aaron Arce is in need of funding for a double lung transplant and the expenses that will come with this life saving surgery. Blessings from Asklepios Soter, Apollon Acesius, and Hygeia the healing to his family!
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captainjackscoat · 9 months ago
Everyone wish my aroace friend luck and a speedy recovery.
At 5am today, she got the call saying her donor was ready and that a car was coming to take her to London. Now, 16 hours later, she is having the operation done for her lung transplant.
I will not hear from her again until August due to the fact she will be put into intensive care and sedated.
For those of you who may remember, this is the same aroace friend who said "the only relationship I will ever be in is with my health, and it's a very toxic one". That quote is extremely ironic now.
Wish her luck!
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drrushidesai · 14 days ago
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regenhealthsolutions · 2 months ago
Milestone in the field of lung transplantation: improvement in rejection and infection rate thanks to extracorporeal photopheresis
Researchers from the Vienna Lung Transplant Program of MedUni Vienna and University Hospital Vienna have published the first prospective, randomized and controlled study on the use of extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) in lung transplantation in the renowned European Respiratory Journal. The findings could significantly change the standard procedure for rejection reactions after lung…
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reedingisfundamental · 8 months ago
if you can “smell your own lungs” as tiktok wants me to think. does the smell change when you get a double lung transplant?
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happypoppyhaha · 8 months ago
Hello! my name is Jessica!  My life has become a tragic symphony, marked by pulmonary fibrosis and the shadow of a risky operation. I need a lung transplant that costs $4,100. I am going to update what I am collecting. The cruel reality is that my parents succumbed to COVID-19, leaving me without their support and facing this battle without their comfort.
Help this girl, please. She needs it.
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sw33t--t00th · 8 months ago
Hello! my name is Jessica!  My life has become a tragic symphony, marked by pulmonary fibrosis and the shadow of a risky operation. I need a lung transplant that costs $4,100. I am going to update what I am collecting. The cruel reality is that my parents succumbed to COVID-19, leaving me without their support and facing this battle without their comfort.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I don't have much money to help directly, but I'll make sure to spread your problem, get well soon Jessica 💕💗
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dailyworldecho · 9 months ago
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vintagesewingmachine · 1 year ago
lung transplant
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