#lunch dokyeom
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pairing: elementary school teachers lee seokmin x f.reader
genre: fluff, fluff and some more fluff. a tiny pinch of angst.
summary: as a veteran at sebong elementary school, you don't let any of your juniors get too close to you. the new science teacher, lee seokmin, doesn't seem to get the note, though.
word count: 9.6k words
rating: pg 13
warnings: use of a few profanities, mention of alcohol and illegal gambling. reader is a bit cold in the beginning. slight age gap.
a/n: SO MUCH FLUFF my body hurts but it was so nice to just write good guy dokyeom after all that angst for wonwoo. i'm sorry to any hyungwon fans who may be reading this though T_T
would love to hear feedback!! reblogs and comments are so so much appreciated <3
this is part of the boys over flowers series featuring booseoksoon + chan! this is the first instalment in that series.
It was a day of much ruckus and excitement. The teachers and students were all waiting eagerly to meet the four new teachers who were joining Sebong Elementary School that day. Children with bright cherub faces peeped from their classroom windows, some crowded in the corridors, and teachers whispered loudly, as they all waited to see the four faces of the new teachers emerge from the Principal’s office. And when they finally did, a loud, collective gasp was heard rippling through every room and corner of Sebong Elementary School. And then the bubble broke, as loud whispers and giggling overtook every other noise, as the four men smiled at the kids and adults gathered through the school. They shone brighter than the tubelights on the ceiling-
“Okay, I think you’re exaggerating, Sohee. I’m sure they don’t have 1000 watt smiles.”
“Oh, Y/N, but they do! Even an ice queen like you is going to melt when you see them. They just exude warmth, kindness, and handsomeness. They look like idols, really!”
“Now you’re definitely exaggerating. Park carefully, and don’t daydream please. I’ve been nervous from the moment I let you drive my car.”
“It’s a third-hand car. I should, in fact, smash it, so that you can buy something better. The government’s just moments away from declaring it as junk.”
“This is all I can afford, Sohee.”
“Car loans exist!”
“Bankruptcy exists!”
Sohee huffs, and you meticulously check the rear view mirror to ensure she parks neatly. Once done, (read, once Sohee has finished touching up her lipstick and her mascara, and put a few cute hairclips in her long brown hair, cute by her metrics), you both step out of the car. The heat has become harsher, and you’re a little taken aback by the sting of sunlight on your skin. But it feels good to be out again after that stupid bout of fever which had kept you away from school, and consequently, your life.
You meet several students getting out from the bus in front of the school, some smiling and already chattering with their friends, others shyly holding on to the fingers of their parents. Some of them wave hi to you, others loudly squeal their welcome backs. Your morning grumpiness is slowly wearing away, and you can feel energy bubbling in. It’s barely been the start of the year, and the little ones are very, very gradually warming up to the idea of being away from home for longer than three hours. It’s a trying time for their teachers, and you’re grateful that you don’t teach the youngest class.
On the short walk from the parking area to the school, and it’s such a miracle that Sohee doesn’t start talking about the four new teachers, because you’re frankly tired of hearing about them. It feels like they don’t exist, and even if they do, they’re going to be massive letdowns compared to Sohee’s descriptions. Sohee does have the habit of hyperbole.
But you fall headfirst into it as you slide open the door to the staffroom. Everyone stands up and greets you, as you’re one of the earliest members of the staff. You’d like to think that their greetings are out of affection, and not just respect, but you don’t mind. Majority of the staff is quite young, and people look up to you as the sunbae, and it’s a position of respect you crave and enjoy. It’s not like you’re great at showing how you love them either. You can just hope that they get to know about it from time to time, and don’t hate you for not being too affectionate.
As everyone stands up, you bow to the general crowd, and greet them back, but you’re also welcomed by four unknown faces.
Oh. They must be the new teachers.
Well, Sohee wasn’t really wrong-
Sohee immediately sparks up and begins talking about how you had really high fever, and every evening she found you lying inside your bed, covered in blankets like a burrito, messy in snot and sweat-
“Okay, that’s enough. Sohee, please spare them the details of my ugly illness.” You’re embarrassed and quite red all over, and out of the corner of your eye, you’re watching the reactions of the four new men. Sure, you may not care much about what other people think, but it’s your first impression after all. Everyone is quite vehemently cooing at you now, and the four men have confused, but concerned expressions on their faces.
Minseo comes to the rescue, when she diverts the topic to introduce the new faces to you, and you’re grateful for the first time to hear about these new teachers.
“This is our sunbae, Y/L/N Y/N! She’s one of the first teachers at Sebong Elementary School.” “Aaah, Minseo-yah! You make it sound like she’s old!” Sohee scolds, but you don’t mind. You sure feel old after the way that fever broke your immunity like a twig.
“Aah, sorry. And Y/N Unnie, these are our new joinees this year!” She gestures towards the men, and they bow. You bow in return, and take a full look at them, smiling back at them.
“Hello! I’m Lee Chan, I’m a ‘99 liner! I’ll work hard and show my best side to you, sunbae!” “Good morning! I’m Boo Seungkwan. Nice to meet you!” “Oh, sunbae, hello! I’m Kwon Soonyoung, I’m also glad to meet you Y/N-ssi!” “And I’m Lee Seokmin! I’ll work hard, please take good care of me, sunbae!” They shake your hands like dominos, and your eyes linger a second too long on the last one, the tall one with the brightest smile. 1000 watt seems about right? “I’m happy to meet you too! Let’s work hard for a long time!” You smile back, and there’s a collective Fighting! through the room, before the school bell rings, and the cacophony of kids entering their classrooms breaks the silence of the school building.
It’s lunchtime, and you’ve already forgotten their names. Sohee insists that you sit with them at the same table for lunch, but you’re not hungry enough to take lunch. It’s been a tiring day, and you just want to sip your iced americano and finish the pending work on your desk in the staffroom. Missing a week of school is as burdensome for teachers as it is for students. There are piles of things left to be done, and you assign yourself the task of finishing filling in the register with the names of the students for that lunch break. The staffroom is empty, and you’re happy to work in peace.
You’re so focused on your work that you don’t even notice when a tall man walks into the staffroom sometime in the middle of the lunch break, peeps at you from his desk at the other corner of the room, and then leaves.
It’s finally Friday, and that’s how you’ve spent the last four lunch breaks. You’re finally getting through the pile of work at a steady pace. On top of it all, the Principal has promoted you to the Head Teacher of Science Department, as the previous head’s tenure is over, and that means all the science teachers have to approve their lesson plans for this term through you and you’re also in charge of allotting field trips for scientific experiments.
That’s why Lee Seokmin ambushes you when you’re about to leave at the end of the school day. “Sunbae, I was wondering if you could perhaps look at my lesson plan once? Maybe you could go over it during the weekend?”
You halt your actions of packing your bag, and carefully take the folder from the outstretched hand of the tall man towering over your desk. “Umm, I could look through it now.”
“No, I mean! I’m sorry I didn’t know how to approach you earlier, Sunbae. I’m sorry, I don’t want to keep you from heading home, I’m really sorry-”
“Please stop apologising, Seokmin-ssi. It’s not a big deal. It’s better for me to go through it now in your presence, rather than take it home. I’ll be able to discuss it more smoothly with you then, in case any changes are needed.”
His puppy brown eyes become tiny slits as he smiles wide. You realise that his hair is draping over his forehead in black curls, and the white shirt he’s wearing reveals the column of his neck very elegantly. He does look good enough to be an idol, you think.
“Seokmin-ssi, come take a seat here. I won’t bite, in spite of what you may have heard-”
“Oh no! The kids are all praise for you. I’m so thankful to be succeeding you in the classes, because you’ve set such a strong foundation for the students. You’ve made my job a cakewalk, truly.”
“I’m just thankful that you deal with the younger ones now. I enjoy teaching them, but sometimes they can…” You smile lopsidedly, and Seokmin grins. “I’ve heard that I have a lot of patience, sunbae…” “And you have a lot of fighting spirit that we tend to have when we’ve just joined the school. You’ll manage.”
And then the conversation halts. It flows in bits and pieces, as you flip through his lesson plan and discuss changes with him, speaking from experience of having taught these same classes six years more than him. His lesson plan book is very colourful, filled with stickers from cartoons, and brightly drawn smiley flowers. Something in you makes you think that maybe he’s not just doing this as a show for the kids, but also because he likes to do it. He’s very animated in every statement he makes, hand gestures all over his face, but he quietens down when he realises you’re no longer looking at his face, and would rather just get through the work quickly. You’re not annoyed at him, no. It’s just a little overwhelming to see all this energy being thrown at you, and it makes you tired, wondering how to reciprocate it. So you just silently finish your task, and bid him goodbye. He offers to drop you home, but then you say you have your own car, so he gives you another smile and with a natural ease, hops on to his electric bicycle and rides off into the road.
Seokmin-ssi, you realise, doesn’t want reciprocation. He greets you cheerfully every morning, whenever you see him in the campus, whenever you’re making eye contact before leaving for the day, and whenever you both arrive at the same time at school. He doesn’t just say hello, but he also asks if you had a good weekend, if you had a good sleep, if you ate breakfast, if you’ve recovered fully from your cold, if you’re taking your vitamins. It makes you more uncomfortable than before, confusing you whether he’s just buttering you up as a sunbae or whether he’s genuinely this nice. It’s also a little worrying because it makes you feel like he’s trying too hard to be close and you don’t want to be a bother for him, so you hope he takes the hint. But he obviously doesn’t, because the next time you walk into the staffroom determined not to leave your desk, and instead enjoy the peaceful solitude of the staffroom to recharge your battery, you notice a very neat lunch tray sitting on your desk with a note attached on top, “Sunbae, please don’t skip your meals!” It takes you aback, and you stare at it for a good four minutes. Finally you realise you’re too flustered to eat it, and you just keep it aside and get back at your work.
When Seokmin comes back from his lunch break, he makes the mistake of looking at your desk to see if you’ve eaten, and there. He makes eye contact with your razor sharp eyes looking at him from above your reading glasses. He walks up to your desk and says, “You didn’t eat, sunbae?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I- I- just wanted to-”
“Firstly, Seokmin-ssi, I’m not skipping meals. Secondly, I don’t know if this is normal for you, but I’d appreciate it if we could be harmonious as colleagues. I don’t need you to be my mother for me and feed me. I’m an adult and I know when to eat.”
You can see him gulp and fumble, and for a second, you think you’ve been too harsh. You almost backtrack and apologise, scared that the little light in his eyes is going to go out, but he speaks faster, “I just don’t want you to fall sick again, sunbae. I’m sorry if I was too presumptuous. I’ll do better from now on.” And without another second, he turns and walks out of the room, leaving you speechless. The light in his eyes may not have gone out, but you sure were too mean. Afterall, he was just being nice to you, wasn’t he?”
So, the next week, when you’re finally on track and completed all your pending work, you walk into the cafeteria looking to take a lunch break. And you spot Seokmin sitting with Chan on one table on the teacher’s side of the cafeteria. Chan is a sweet boy, and you want to make amends with Seokmin, so you carefully walk across the room to their table and ask, “Can I have lunch with you?” You ask them both, and Chan instantly begins to clear space for you to sit down, but you’re distracted by how wide Seokmin smiles, and you know the ice has melted. He’s forgiven you, so you gently sit down next to him.
It’s a mistake. You hadn’t accounted for how broad he is, and how much he moves his body while speaking. His thighs inch closer to yours with every movement, although very much unconsciously. Even though you’re both sitting, he’s still taller than you, and it makes you shy.
You’re thankful when Soonyoung joins you across the table and you can distract yourself by speaking to him. “Sunbae, it’s so nice to see you in the cafeteria! We rarely ever see you outside the staffroom.” You smile as wide as you can, your mouth full of food. Chan joins in, “Yes, sunbae! Seokmin hyung’s been so-” “We’ve all been worried,” Seokmin interjects, and you’re hit by a pang of guilt. It is pretty natural for coworkers to care about each other. Especially since you’re their senior and they must be looking to make a good impression.
“I’ve been a little busy with all pending work. The start of the year can be stressful for us senior teachers.”
“I hear Seungkwan hyung is being put in charge of the after-school creche duty?”
“You’ve heard right, Chan. He did apply for it, and given his congenial personality, I think he’d do well if he joined the creche roster.”
“A roster? That means he won’t have duty every day?” Soonyoung asks you.
“Yes, there will be two teachers alternating from Monday to Friday.”
“Oh! Someone lucky gets two days only!”
“We try to ensure even distribution through the month,” you say. “Plus, of course, there can be others volunteering from time to time. So for example, next month, there’s a storytelling week at the creche. Sohee and I will be volunteering for that week as storytellers- that way, the ones responsible for the creche can have a week’s leave from the extra duty.”
Soonyoung and Chan nod in understanding, but you’ve noticed Seokmin is extra quiet, uncharacteristically even. “Do you enjoy the cafeteria food, Seokmin-ssi?” you ask him, speaking softer so that Chan and Soonyoung can’t hear you. It must surprise him, because he looks up at you with wide, boba eyes, and he looks more like a puppy than ever. “I do! The variety is good.” “I’m glad. The caterers recently got changed. The previous ones were seriously falling behind on quality.” Seokmin smiles and eats a big bite of rice and soup, and you chuckle at the comical way his mouth fills up.
You didn’t even think Seokmin would remember. In fact, you’d forgotten that you’d mentioned it yourself.
But he does. He doesn’t just remember, but he also brings a bag full of old picture books.
You swear your heart stops the moment he enters the hall where the after-school creche is organized and hands you the bag. “These were books my mother had kept for ages even after I’d finished reading them a million times. Thought I’d use them somehow, instead of just letting them gather dust on shelves,” he says as he smiles that pretty, wide smile again. It’s been long enough into the new semester now for you to get used to both Seokmin’s smiles, so you can bask in it. The children bask in it too. Most of the tiny members of the creche know him from the class where he’s teaching about animals, and they squeal in excitement. “Aah, Seokmin-ah, you really didn’t have to. You could’ve gone home and rested for the weekend.” His smile drops, and you mentally slap yourself. You really should take care of your words better, so you rephrase it, “What I meant is… you don’t have to do this out of your way.” “I’m not… going out of my way. I just thought I’d come and watch you, sunbae. I want to learn how to handle little children even better.”
So he sits in a corner of the hall, Byul and Jiwon sitting on his lap, while his eyes are fixed on you. You’ve taken the storytelling class two days this week, and this is your third day, so you really shouldn’t be so slippery, but something about how he’s looking at you so intently is making you stumble and fall over your words, and your pronunciation often comes out as jumbled as the three year olds sitting in front of you. You’re made even more aware of Seokmin’s presence when snack time arrives, and the kids are too distracted with the picture books to pay attention to their food and eat. Thankfully, Seokmin uses his charm and somehow gathers everyone to sit in a circle around the table. The children have incessant questions, some about the characters they met in the story, and some random questions too, like Are you married, Teacher Seokmin? It doesn’t matter that you pause in your movements to hear his response, a wide-eyed Minhyun looking confusedly at you, wondering why your hand holding his candy is stuck mid-air. It also doesn’t matter that your heart paces up when you see Seokmin glance in your direction before loudly proclaiming that he’s not married.
The parents arrive soon after that, and then there’s only a crying Byul left, who’s wrapped in Seokmin’s arms as you three wait for her father to arrive. You wonder for a second, how did you ever handle kids, because when you see how Seokmin handles them, you think you’ve done it all wrong for years. He holds her two tiny hands in his own, places her in between his legs and quietly brushes her hair while whispering more imaginary stories about the elephant Byul saw earlier in the picture book. You feel unwanted in this perfect scene, Byul going perfectly silent as she listens to Seokmin talk. But then, honestly, who wouldn’t be in rapture of this beautiful young man?
Byul’s father arrives twenty minutes later, and Byul gives Seokmin a little peck on his cheek before she leaves his arms and goes off with her dad.
“Sunbae, thank you for letting me be here! I had so much fun, and I also learnt so much from you.” You laugh, “I doubt, though. You’re such a natural with children.” He smiles, “That’s just because I have a lot of cousins. But it’s different handling kids at school. I always have to be extra-careful with them because I’m a complete stranger and not a relative.” “You’re right, and that shows in your care too, Seokmin-ah.” He blushes, and you smile as you lock up the hall and finally make your way to leave the campus. Your back hurts from sitting on the floor for so long and you’re surely glad to go home.
“Sunbae, did you bring your car?”
“Aah, no. Today was Sohee’s carpooling turn, she left early. I’ll just take the bus.”
“Let me drop you home, sunbae! It’s late already.”
You pause, and turn to look at him. His hopeful face, still radiant after the long day. And you feel that same overwhelming feeling take over you. Till now, Seokmin has only given and given, never expecting anything in return. He’s extended a helping hand without you asking for it, he’s reminded you for meals even when you’ve ignored him, he’s been nothing but kind to you. And if he’s doing this even after three whole months of him joining the school, then it can’t be just buttering tactics.
“I don’t want to get you late, Seokmin-ah.”
“I won’t, sunbae. It’s not a worry, honestly.” He bites his lower lip, his eyebrows furrowed as he asks you again, “Please let me drop you, sunbae.”
It’s been years since a man has been this kind to you. Kind enough without coming off as a creep. A part of you is wary, but something in Seokmin’s eyes makes you feel guilty for ever mistrusting his intentions.
“Alright, Seokmin-ah. Noona owes you one.”
You can see the stutter in his eyes even before you hear it in his voice.
“N-noona? Oh. Noona! I’ll drive you safely!”
And he does. Diligent, puppy-like, kind Seokmin drives you home quickly and safely. For the first time in years, you sleep with a smile on your face.
You enter the Principal’s office to find a very nervous-looking Seokmin standing next to the Principal. “Good Morning, Mr. Han. Is something wrong?” “Yes, good morning Y/N. I’ve just received a complaint from a parent, and as the head of science teachers, I’d like you to look into it once.” “Of course.”
Then you turn towards Seokmin, who is standing very upright, but you can see him nervously twitching his feet. “Seokmin-ssi, is the parent here in school, or have you received a written complaint?” Seokmin’s voice is barely audible the first time he speaks, so you take a couple of steps to be closer to him. “Don’t be so nervous. Please tell me everything so that I can help resolve this.” He looks at you, his eyes still wide, and the tension obvious in his face. But he takes a deep breath and says, “They’re here, in my science classroom.” “And can you tell me the gist of the matter?” “I… I… I had asked her daughter to not draw with crayons on the walls of the science classroom. And one time… I’d asked her daughter to bring more nutritious food to class instead of chips every single day.” He says softly, his eyes focused on the blue linoleum tiles on the floor. You take a deep breath. As you’ve grown more senior, you’ve eventually detached yourself from the classes of the youngest students, those below four years of age. So naturally, you’d not gotten into messes like this for a long time. But with your experience, you know just how to deal with such cases.
So you excuse yourself from the office and walk down to Seokmin’s homeroom, gesturing him to enter as you both walk into the classroom. It is deserted, except for a very grim-looking gigantic woman standing next to a tiny girl with even tinier braids. “Good morning. I’m Y/L/N Y/N, Head of the Science Department.” “Yes, well, I’m hoping you’d be more competent about it all rather than Mr. Lee here.”
You forcefully smile tightly and ask, “Please let me know the details of the matter.” “Where do I begin! Mr. Lee has been… very dictatorial with my daughter. First he forbids her from colouring, and then he forces her to starve herself! It’s absolutely ridiculous that a teacher can do such things!” Out of the corner of your eye, you see Seokmin shrink further away into the corner, his eyes wide.
“Based on how well I know Mr. Lee, I can’t imagine him forcing a child to starve themselves. Correct me if I’m wrong, but did he ask her to bring a different set of food for lunch, rather than chips?” “Yes, but-” “And that was purely based on nutritional concerns, Ma’am. As teachers at Sebong Elementary School, we want to ensure our students receive proper nutrition at their growing age. And I can assure you that chips are not the most nutritious food your daughter can eat every day.” “I’m a working mother-” “I’m sure you can buy a fruit or toast a single slice of bread along with a slice of cheese along with the chips, if you’re so busy.”
The woman in front of you stands speechless for a second, before continuing in her boisterous tone, “But who are you to dictate what I feed my child?” “Nobody, truly. But Mr. Lee is a kindhearted man, who cares for every child in this school, and even his colleagues and peers like me. As a teacher, he has the best interest of his students in mind, you see.” “Certainly can’t be more than that of her mother.” “Of course, which is why I’d advise you too, as would any other paediatrician, that only chips is not the diet a four-year old child should be exposed to on a daily basis.”
The woman takes a step back. Her grip on her daughter’s fingers loosen, and the child takes a step forward. “Miss, I really like the grapes Mr. Lee gave me the other day! That’s why I’ve stopped eating Eomma’s lunch!” She smiles at you, and you bend down on your knee to meet her at eye level. “Is that so? But darling, you should always eat what your mummy’s giving you. Good girls don’t skip meals, understood?” She nods her little head very seriously, so you pat her once on her head. Then you stand up again and look at her mother. “I see your daughter does enjoy eating grapes. Perhaps you could buy her some fruits for lunch.”
She tilts her head a little bit, looking fully like a kid who’s been punished for being too outspoken, and honestly you’re glad to have made that effect. Some people can be so entitled and so rude, and it leaves such a harsh impression on softer teachers like Seokmin. Which is exactly what you see when the parent does leave with her child a few minutes later, as the man, who hasn’t spoken a single word since entering the room, comes up to you gingerly.
“Noona, thank you so much. I was so- so scared.” You smile at him as warmly as you can, “Please don’t be. It wasn’t your fault at all that some parents can misunderstand even the best intentions of teachers. It’s pretty common- as time goes on, people will just find more flaws, whether it be in your teaching skills or your child-handling skills. You just need to be less nervous when things like this happen. If you ever need help in these things, of course I’m always here… as are your other seniors. But it’s best if you learn to handle these things without taking them too much to your heart, unless you see there is genuine room for improvement for you.” He nods throughout, and his eyes have become round like a puppy’s eyes again. “I will introspect, Noona.” He laughs a bit, “This honestly isn’t the first time someone’s misunderstanding my intentions. But I will try harder to be more clear and not … not be presumptuous,” he says, looking deep into your eyes, before he bows and leaves the room.
As you stand there in the classroom, alone you realise that the situation oddly reminds you of a similar conversation you had with him at the beginning of the semester. When you’d asked him to keep his distance and not interfere … all while, he was just trying to be kind. Oh god. You’d been just as rude as the parent had been today, hadn’t you? Oh dear god. No wonder he’d looked so downcast and rejected after that.
Sohee’s thousand-day anniversary at the school is coming up so Minseo’s put on a surprise party at her house. It’s not a surprise to just Sohee, but also to you. “Oh, why didn’t you let me know earlier, Minseo-yah?” “We would, but you’ve just been so busy with the end of term reports and grades that we didn’t want to bother you.” “Well, that’s not something only I’m doing. I’m sure you all were busy too.” “But none of us are head of departments, you know?” She giggles, and you know it’s not a jibe. But it still feels bad to not be able to contribute when everyone is contributing in some way or the other.
So you order a six-pound blueberry cheesecake for the party, knowing blueberry to be Sohee’s favourite flavour. And, as expected, it’s a party hit. It turns out to be the favourite flavour of a lot of people, even Seokmin, who helps himself to three slices, and you’re just glad to see them all enjoying it. There’s drinks, pizza and music playing in the background. And although the teacher community at Sebong Elementary School is not too big, you’re a lot of twenty-six people, and you’re thankful that Minseo comes from a rich family that has a big house. And yet, it feels cosy and familiar. You barely attend parties or social gatherings, and unless it’s family occasions, having been out of the dating scene for years. But this type of party seems fun to you- perhaps it’s you growing old, perhaps it’s you no longer finding staying up late exciting, perhaps it’s you realising that getting wasted is not as interesting as you used to think it was in college. So you settle for being the woman who’s dressed in a sweater although it’s barely autumn, already mentally classified as a spinster for almost everyone you meet, thirty and with no life outside of work, and you’re happy. You’re happy right now, sipping a cocktail and eating the fried chicken Minseo’s airfrying and constantly supplying to the party, celebrating your closest friend, Sohee. You know that although Sohee’s a couple of months younger than you, and definitely has a more active love life, she’s just like you at heart, and she’s the sister you’ve never had. As she gets drunk (you can tell it’s the first time in a long time by the way she’s getting tipsy even faster than she usually does), she leans over to smooch you loudly on the cheek, and you laugh and give in to her. It creates a loud wave of cheers across the room, but it’s such a warm moment. She clinks her glass with yours and rests her head on your shoulder, while raising a toast to the teachers at Sebong Elementary School. There’s another round of cheers, and then your phone reminds you it’s ten pm, and you should be heading home because it’s a school day tomorrow. The buzz feels good, and you want to stay longer, but you’re not drunk enough to forget your responsibilities. And so the party gradually disperses. You hug Minseo and thank her for organising the wonderful party, and somehow Sohee manages to stand up on her feet steadily. Seungkwan takes the duty to drop Sohee home as he lives near her house, and before you can say anything, Seokmin takes on the responsibility of dropping you home.
“I don’t want to impose-” “But I insist, Y/N Noona.” “Why do you always insist, Seokmin? I feel like I’m a burdensome sunbae, not a nice sunbae.” You try not to pout when he leads you to where his car is parked and opens the door for you. He giggles, his face red with the dopamine (and drinks) from the party. “You’re just fishing for compliments, Noona. You know I never think of taking care of you as a burden.”
Perhaps drinking that third cocktail was a mistake.
But you did drink it, so you lean over the centre console of the car and say, with a soft giggle, “If you say things like that, Seokmin-ah, people are going to misunderstand and think you like like me.”
“But I do like like you, Noona.”
You almost miss his words while waving goodbye to the other teachers standing on the pavement in front of Minseo’s house, waiting for their rides.
“What?” You spin your head so fast it gives you whiplash, and you feel like you’re instantly sober, the way you become alert instantly. Seokmin’s looking at the road as he drives into the main road, his eyes bright by reflecting the street lights. “I do, Noona.”
“No- no, you can’t. Are you serious, Seokmin-ah? Because if you are, you can’t.”
There’s a red light, and he’s looking at you, the street lights shining on his face and the gentle handsomeness of his features are glowing in their full glory. This isn’t the first time you’ve found him awe-strikingly beautiful, but right now, he looks positively angelic. His eyelashes form delicate shadows on his cheeks, and the way his hair gets swayed by the wind coming in from the open car windows makes him seem even prettier.
“Because… you’re so… young. And fresh, and beautiful. And I’m thirty, I spend my days working and my nights reading romantic classics, and I’m so boring a-and you deserve better.”
His mouth twists bitterly, and he says, “But none of that is true, Noona.”
“It is, Seokmin-ah. You barely know me.”
“But I want to. I’m just asking for a chance.”
You stay silent for a long time. In the sparse traffic of the night, you’re reach your house quicker than you’d thought.
“I don’t want you to make a mistake, Seokmin-ah. I shouldn’t be someone you like more than simply as a sunbae.”
He pauses, then replies, “If you don’t want to give me a chance, that’s okay Noona. I can make peace with it. But you can’t ask me to stop liking you, Noona. My feelings are mine.”
You don’t say anything on the rest of the journey. You don’t have anything else to say. You can’t even be harsh to him because what he’s saying is logical. You cannot take away his right to like you, even if you don’t think it’s the right choice for him. You’re an adult, he’s an adult, you both have your own opinions and choices.
It’s only when the car does reach your house that you attempt to say something.
“I feel sorry for making you come all the way to my house to drop me. Do you want to come in to eat something? I had some dakgalbi made for tonight’s dinner before I got to know about the party.”
He looks at you for a long time. You can see the wheels turn in his head, before he says, “Okay.”
Your flat is on the third floor, so you’re patiently climbing the stairs. Seokmin makes light conversation, breaking the ice, and you actively try to respond. You don’t want him to feel dejected, but you also don’t want to feel like you’re taking him to your house because you pity him after you outright rejected him.
Your efforts go to waste when you see a figure sitting on the floor in front of the door to your apartment.
Seokmin pauses behind you, as you stand stunned on the last staircase before the landing, and the man you addressed looks up at the two of you. Even in the dim light of the single bulb lighting up the stairwell, you can see that he’s very wasted. “Y/N-ah! I- I’ve been waiting for you.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, you haven’t changed, have you? Straight to the point. No hellos, no-”
“Yes, Hyungwon. What are you doing here?”
He sighs as he stands up. “I missed you.”
Your head starts to spin. It’s like you’ve been transported back to 2022, when Hyungwon had confessed to you that he’d gambled away all your money, and that he’d been doing so for the last seven months, and that was where he was spending all his evenings at instead of the evening college you’d enrolled him into and whose fees you thought you’d been paying.
Your head spins again, and you’re stumbling back until someone catches you midway before you tumble down the stairs.
“Noona!” that someone whispers in alarm in your ear, and you realise it’s Seokmin.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, not Seokmin.
Why does Seokmin, out of all people, have to see this?
“Seokmin-ah, leave-”
“Ooh, who’s that?” Hyungwon takes a step closer, and takes a drink out of a soju bottle he’s holding in his left hand. “Boyfriend? You’re still into pretty boys, aren’t you?”
Seokmin pulls you closer to him, your back nearly touching his chest. “Who are you?”
“I’m Hyungwon, Y/N’s first love. You better get out of here, kid.”
“What do you want, Hyungwon? Don’t bullshit with me about missing me. No apology, no regrets, and now you’re suddenly at my doorstep?” You carefully break away from Seokmin’s gentle clasp, and walk towards your ex-boyfriend. “You want my money again.” The lanky man in front of you grins, that fucking lazy, pretty grin you’d fallen so hard for in college.
“Y/N, where’s the love gone, jagi? Why are we talking about money?”
“Fuck off, Hyungwon. The love was gone long before I even broke up with you.”
He lifts his free hand and tries to reach out to you. “Jagiya-”
“I’m not your jagiya! Hyungwon, I’m not giving you anymore money, so you should just leave! And stop coming to me every time you want money, for god’s sake! We’re done, Hyungwon.”
The man in front of you falls to his knees, “Please, I’m begging you, Y/N-ah! I’ll get into serious trouble if I don’t repay this debt by the end of this month! Y/N, for the sake of old times-”
“Hyungwon, please don’t! I’m not giving you any of my money, no matter how much you beg.”
His hand wraps around your leg, “Y/N-ah, please, just hear me out once! I am sorry for everything I did, and I’m so willing to amend my ways-”
“Please leave, Hyungwon-ssi, you’re making Noona uncomfortable.” Seokmin suddenly says from behind you, and you walk backward down the stairs until you’re again close enough to him that you can feel his body heat on your back. It makes you feel oddly safe.
“Who are you to say anything about Y/N, huh? You don’t even know her for long, I bet! Y/N and I dated for seven years!”
“It doesn’t matter how long I’ve known her, Hyungwon-ssi. What matters is that right now, she feels safe with me, and not around you. So please leave, Hyungwon-ssi.” You don’t even realise when his hands have come to wrap gently around you, not quite touching your body, but caging you away from the man who’s looking at you both with frantic and desperate eyes. You don’t know he knows that you’re feeling safe around him, but you’re so grateful. “If you don’t leave now, I’ll have to call the police, Hyungwon-ssi.”
The man in front of you gulps. “Fuck! I’ll be back, Y/N-ah. And then I’ll see where this boyfriend of yours will be!” And he storms down the stairs, cursing under his breath, and you’re still shaking in Seokmin’s grip.
Five minutes pass before he asks you, gently whispering in your ear, “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” You slowly turn around and face him. You’re awfully close to him, and as you stand on the higher staircase, you’re eye-to-eye with him. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, Seokmin-ah.”
“No, Noona. I’m just upset thinking of what would happen if I hadn’t come up with you here tonight.”
“No, don’t be. He’s… harmless. He’s all talk and no action.”
“Has he been here before?”
You bite your lip. You don’t want to tell him things which will involve him deeper into this. He doesn’t know anything, he’s a complete stranger to it all, and yet, he is right, you do feel safe around him. But that doesn’t mean you burden him any further.
“Seokmin-ah, I don’t want you to get worried about this. I can take care of myself, it’s just Hyungwon. Like I said, he’s only bark and no bite.”
“I’ll be fine, honestly! I’m sorry you had to see all this happen.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but then he becomes silent again.
“Do you want to come in-”
“No, Noona. I’ll just leave. I won’t take any more of your time. Have a good night, Noona.”
“Seokmin-ah, pl-”
“Goodnight, Noona. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And then he walks away, and you’re left there, unarmed, uneasy and all alone, swimming in your own thoughts. You feel like you should run after him like in the movies, and stop him from leaving, but your legs feel like lead. There’s a sinking feeling in your heart and a sense of emergency, and it’s not because your ex-boyfriend came up to your door asking for money to waste again.
You don’t go to school the next day. The day after that is a Saturday, thankfully a holiday, and you can spend a day moping in regret, stuffing popcorn into your face and pretending like you’re not an adult anymore and you can live without worrying about responsibilities and keep time standing still.
It doesn’t work.
Sohee arrives to your door on Sunday morning, sunglasses perched on her head. “Where have you been, sweetie?” She doesn’t wait for you to respond and shoves herself into your flat.
“Nowhere, Sohee.”
“You’re pouting, your bed isn’t made, and I can smell caramel popcorn. Something’s up. Tell me, baby.”
She sits down on the couch, pulling you down next to her, and taps twice on your shoulder prompting you to spill. So you do spill.
You tell her every thought that has crossed your mind these last 48 hours. How Seokmin confessed that he likes you. How you’d turned him down instantly. How Hyungwon had turned up at your door and ruined the night after the party. How you’d practically shooed Seokmin away although he’d been nothing but protective and helpful to you. How you’d wallowed in regrets since then, having realised that you’re such a coward.
“Yeah, you are a coward. In what right mind would you turn down Seokmin when you’re so down bad for him?”
“Dummy. You can’t even realise your own feelings, and you act like you’re so mature. Age is truly just a number,” she sighs before digging into your bowl of popcorn.
“I don’t… I don’t have feelings for Seokmin.”
“What makes you think so?”
“He’s… he’s just a hoobae.”
“So are Chan and Soonyoung and Seungkwan. Why do you always blush when you talk to Seokmin, even if it’s over something as mundane as lunch? Why do you so often go to his classroom and aid him in his lessons during your free periods, even though he doesn’t necessarily ask for it? Why do you talk more to him than to your other hoobaes?”
You stay silent for a second.
“Y/N-ah, think carefully about this.”
“I shouldn’t think of him in this light… he’s so much younger.”
“You’re just three years older than him, Y/N! Stop acting like you’re so old!”
“Oh fuck, this isn’t about age, is it? You feel like you’re going to be to him what Hyungwon became to you? Predatory?”
You’re left silent again. Sohee understands from your (lack of) actions, and jumps across the couch to hug you. “Oh, Y/N-ah. Stop beating yourself up for that. It’s been so, so long. Stop blaming yourself for something that’s not even your fault.”
“But Seokmin deserves better, don’t you think?”
“And you deserve better than beating yourself over an ex like Hyungwon. You deserve a second chance at love too, baby.” She hugs you tightly, and you don’t know when tears have started rolling down your cheek.“I’m a coward, Sohee. I can’t get the courage to even accept my feelings.” “Then let Seokmin help you. Honestly, with the way he always looks at you like you spin his earth and you’re his god, I don’t think he’ll have any issues waiting for you to realise your feelings.” You blush and hide your face in her neck at her sly words. She’s too outspoken for her own good.
“What if it’s just a crush for him, that’ll pass soon? There’s not much about me that will keep him interested in me after a few months.”
“You’ve got to stop being so pessimistic. Again, just because one guy was stupid and decided to rip off your hard-earned money and your blind trust in him, doesn’t mean another guy will! I’ll say it again, you deserve a second chance!”
The doorbell rings right then. You get up to open the door, to find a letter on the doormat.
“It’s from the local police station.” You pick it up and show Sohee, who’s equally confounded as you are. “Well, open it, girl!”
It’s a letter stating a level one restraining order has been requested for your protection against Chae Hyungwon, who has repeatedly disturbed you while drunk, and demanded money for illegal gambling purposes.
And the request has been made from Lee Seokmin.
“So you just have to sign it and that’s it? Hyungwon out from your life forever?”
You nod, unable to reply, you’re still shocked by the letter. So is Sohee, it seems. Because all she can manage is, “Wow. Y/N, you’ve gotta marry him.”
“Seokmin, of course. If this is his level of devotion-”
“You don’t think this was unnecessary?”
“Y/N, are you for real? He’s literally looking out for you and doing what you should’ve done ages back, and you think he’s overstepping boundaries? He’s one gem of a person seeing that he’s doing all this without even you prompting him and even after you literally rejected his confession.”
You take a deep breath. She’s right. She’s so right that your heart hurts and you want to bend down on your knees because your body feels limp. How much more does Seokmin have to give you for you to be able to start giving back to him? One voice in your head chastises you. Love isn’t quid pro quo! You fight back. Fair. But at least you’ve started admitting it is love. The voice laughs at you, leaving you vulnerable.
“Well, he said yes.”
“What?” You spin your head to look at Sohee who’s holding your phone in her hand.
“Seokmin. He said he’ll meet you at the park near school. In about an hour.”
“Did you just text him from my phone?”
“I did, for your own good. Because if it were up to you, you would have overthought yourself into a hole you’d dig for yourself and not made a move at all even when he’s literally played all his cards and proved his commitment.”
“Aishh, you’re so annoying,” you playfully shove her.
“Your annoying friend just wants to see you happy,” she pouts cutely, and you laugh at the face she’s making.
“Okay, now go get dressed. You have to finish this game now, Y/N. I’ll drop you to the park.”
When Sohee drops you a little far away from the park, kissing your forehead and wishing you fighting!, you find Seokmin already sitting on a bench on a relatively empty side of the park. He looks up at you as you get closer, and you wave at him. You feel so timid, so nervous, just walking up to him, his handsomeness hitting you with full force as you see him in more casual clothes than ever before, knowing that this man, this beautiful man likes you. And he wants you, and he’s proved how far he can go to care for you, even when you’ve rejected his care.
“Noona, how are you? We were worried after you called your day off on Friday.”
“I’m sorry… I wasn’t sick or anything.” You laugh awkwardly. “Just, taking some time to ponder over things myself.”
“Oh.” He sits down on the bench, the loose end of his checked shirt gently swaying in the breeze.
“And I regret how I acted that night. I’m sorry for being so harsh-” he starts to say something, but you gently put a finger on his hand, and that makes him shush. “I’m not just talking about Thursday night. I’ve been harsh to you ever since the beginning of the year. You’ve been nothing but kind and generous to me. But… time has made me unnaturally wary and I find it so hard to accept attention or even kindness easily. Thus, time and again I’ve pushed you away, yet you’ve kept coming back. It’s true that I didn’t realise your intentions earlier, but I know, deep down in my heart, that I’ve liked you too for quite some time.”
His eyes are wide, and you move an inch closer to him on the bench.
“I thought it was silly, to have a crush on a man so obviously young like you. I’m thirty now, turning thirty-one in a few weeks. I’ll always be older than you, less energetic, more boring and to be honest, I think it’s not even age but just experience which has made me like this. And I denied myself your attention because I thought you deserved better. And I still do. You sent a restraining request to the police on my ex-boyfriend on my behalf. You… you’ve gone out of your way so many times, even when I’ve been so harsh with you. You’re the one who’s precious, you’re made out of stardust. I’m just a broccoli that’s stacked in the corner of the fridge because no one wanted to eat me when I was fresh and no one should eat me now because now I’m stale.”
“That’s a ridiculous comparison. Even Soonyoung comparing himself to a tiger is better than you comparing yourself to a broccoli.” He finally says, and you laugh before you realise it.
“Stop calling yourself old, Noona. Three years of an age difference isn’t a big deal. If the reason you’re holding yourself back is Hyungwon-ssi…”
“It is, I won’t lie. Hyungwon and I started dating when we were in college. We were so good, for so long. Until the pandemic came and took his job. That’s when he started getting into these bad habits. He took to gambling, and to stop him, I enrolled him into an evening college, hoping he’d get more productive and use the time we were stuck at home to get himself more educated and get a better job soon. It turned out he was wasting all my money on gambling, again. Every fees I’d paid to him had actually gone down the drain at a local club. And he even had the audacity to refuse me when I told him I want to break up with him.”
“Well, but he eventually did. That didn’t stop him from coming to my doorstep ever three or four months, asking for cash. Sometimes I’d drive him away, sometimes I’d give in if I was too tired to argue with him and if he was sober and dangerous.”
“Would you have given him money that night… had I not been there?”
You look down at your hands in shame. “I may have. I don’t know.”
“Do you still have feelings for him, Noona? It’s okay if you do have feelings, you know.”
“God, no. I don’t have feelings for him. It’s just that… we were together for seven years. We’ve grown up together. Seeing him in a pitiful state like that makes me sad. And I hope each time, that this will be the last time he’s at my door asking for money.” You look away, too ashamed to look at Seokmin. But he uses a hand to gently grip your chin and turn your head towards him.
“You’re too kind for your own good, Noona.” You blush at the proximity, and the gentle way he’s touching your face. “This is why I like you. Because you’re so human in a world where everyone is plastic. I don’t like you because you’re a sunbae I want to impress. I don’t like you because boys like me find older women hot. Well, I do find you hot-”
“Seokmin!” You haven’t heard someone call you hot in so long, and it makes your skin burn.
He giggles, and slowly flattens his palm to cup your cheek.
“I think the restraining order should do the trick, then. He’ll not harass you any longer.”
“Thank you. You’ve been brave when I’ve been a coward.”
“That’s what makes us a good team, Noona.”
You finally make eye contact with him, gazing into his doe-like brown eyes which are crinkled at the edges with a hint of a smile and wide with hope.
“Your eyes are so pretty, Seokmin-ah. Just like the rest of you. Especially your heart.”
“It’s pretty because it belongs to you, Noona.”
You blush harder, and turn your face away from him. “I’ll not like you any more if you’re cheesy like this.”
“But it feels good to make you blush like this. How dare you compare yourself to a broccoli, huh? You have no idea what you do to me- when you enter any room, you light it up with your aura, you make it so much warmer, so much brighter. And then a fucking broccoli?”
“Stop! I didn’t mean it to be so deep. It’s just what I ate for lunch because that’s all I had in my fridge.” He giggles again, and you giggle along with him. You realise you’ve both moved closer to each other on the bench, until your thighs are touching.
“Then you’ve got to have lunch again. No one should exist by eating just broccoli.”
“With you?”
“If you’d like that.” He cups your other cheek with another hand, and you can feel your skin on fire. His eyes are gently inching towards your lips so you slowly close your eyes. “If you’re going to kiss me, know that I don’t have much experience in that. I’ll be your hoobae in that regard, sunbae.” You hear a soft giggle, and the kiss doesn’t arrive, so you open your eyes again, just to see him blush all over. “God, you’re so pretty, Noona. I could look at you all day.”
“How about you tell me when you started liking me?”
“Umm, I think that time you came to eat lunch with us for the first time? I think it all started with me just trying to get you to eat meals on time. Good girls don’t skip meals, as I heard someone once say,” you playfully hit his chest lightly, and he laughs. “I don’t know, maybe it was before that. But that afternoon, I realised my crush on you was so serious. I was getting tingly all over every time our shoulders touched.”
“Oh! Well, thank goodness it wasn’t just me.”
“Really? From so long ago? Oh, Noona, if you’d just told me earlier…”
“Shh!” You giggle, “I didn’t even realise anything. I was just desperate to get you to forgive me.”
“But I was never angry at you. I could never be.”
You smile again, and he pulls you closer until your entire body is touching him. “So are you giving me a chance, Noona?”
“Yes. I like you, Lee Seokmin, and I’m still shocked that you like me, after everything you’ve had to see.”
“Well, I do. I like you so much that I might be seeing stars over your head every time you come into my line of sight.”
You giggle again, your insides turning to mush. “Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N Noona?” His voice is, oh, so soft, like a melody. And his eyes so earnest, like an autumn leaf. “I’d be very honoured to, Seokmin-ah.” “May I kiss you?” You feel yourself getting red with anticipation as you quietly nod your consent.
And so he kisses you. Like your very own Prince Charming, he kisses you, one hand on the back of your neck, and the other cupping onto your cheek, first gentle and slow, and then a little more passionate, as you pull him closer by holding on to his slender waist. “Fuck, Noona. You taste so sweet,” he says while taking a breath, and then attacks your face all over by placing tiny pecks all over your nose, cheeks and forehead. “I like you so much, I think I might die from it.” You laugh once again at his words, unable to say anything else because he’s effectively shut you up through his incessant kisses. When he finally moves his face away from yours, his 1000 watt signature smile bright on his face, you say to him, “Not before we have lunch together, though.”
a/n: read the stories of the other three boys here! lmk your thoughts <3
tagging: kokoiinuts
#svt#seventeen fluff#seventeen x reader#seventeen x you#svt x reader#svt fluff#seventeen fanfic#svt fanfiction#dokyeom#seventeen dokyeom#svt dokyeom#svt lee seokmin#lee seokmin#dokyeom fluff#dokyeom x reader#dokyeom x you#seokmin x reader#seokmin fluff#dk fluff#dk fanfic#simpxxstan#boys over flowers series#lunch dokyeom#Spotify
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Fans spotted jungkook, Mingyu & dk together
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Review Compilation for lunch by simpxxstan
For our second December Bi-weekly SFW Read, our Members had a wonderful time reading lunch by @simpxxstan and writing their reviews!
We hope you enjoy reading our reviews and, of course, the story itself too! Please do remember to reblog the story and leave comments or a review yourself! It really encourages writers an awful lot. 💕
Here are all of the Members' reviews:
Review by Chee 💗 @nothoughtsjustficrecs
Review by Ellie 🌸 @skzhotpot
Review by Tuss 😼 @tusswrites
Run and created by Head Librarian Chee and Head Librarian JiJi. Updated: 08/01/2025.
#The K-Fic Collection Member Review Compilation post 33#lunch by simpxxstan#seventeen fanfiction#seventeen fanfic#seventeen x reader#seventeen reader insert#svt fanfiction#svt fanfic#svt x reader#svt reader insert#seventeen x you#svt x you#seventeen fluff#seventeen seokmin x reader#seventeen dk x reader#seventeen dokyeom x reader#seventeen seokmin fluff#seventeen dk fluff#seventeen dokyeom fluff#seventeen seokmin fic
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I got a blood pressure I gotta need some fresh air
#2019#brave new world#brown eyed girls#salvation army#i vividly remember tweeting this on my lunch break in my ccar#my grand dam :( my dokyeom :((
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things svt would do to you (this is just for fun) - ot13



genre: fluff | wc: it’s jot notes | ot13 (separately) x reader a/n: self indulgent ??? you’ll never know 🤗
seungcheol - would drag you or 🥰princess carry🥰 you out your shared home
jeonghan - put his COLD feet on your leg while you’re both sleeping or relaxing
joshua - become the BIGGEST pick-me for you…
jun - feed you cat food on accident
hoshi - would tell everyone you can breakdance (you can’t)
wonwoo - drop his controller on your face while you’re laying on his lap
wooozi - forgot you were sleeping in the car and locked you inside
minghao - steals your clothes and styles it better (10000000000000000x offense taken)
mingyu - sacrifice you in a haunted house 🙄
dokyeom - shamelessly uses your toothbrush (nana tour 😭)
seungkwan - i feel like he’d get all sassy because you corrected his mental math
vernon - leech off of your spotify account and ruin your algorithm (i’d never complain)
dino - would write a SUPER long apology text because he thought you were mad at him for taking your lunch
#세븐틴#nonushu reaction#seventeen x reader#seventeen x you#seventeen x y/n#seventeen imagines#seventeen fluff#seventeen#seungcheol x reader#jeonghan x reader#joshua x reader#jun x reader#hoshi x reader#wonwoo x reader#woozi x reader#minghao x reader#mingyu x reader#dokyeom x reader#seungkwan x reader#vernon x reader#dino x reader
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♡ extra: a little fade out?
series m.list // taglist
note: stop !!! cos like ,, why did i get teary eyed writing this LOL ... enj this little extra </3 it's their first fight/fluff/slight angst vibe as a new couple !!! mwaaaa
jungkook might lose his mind.
you’re walking toward him, weaving through the crowded tables of the bustling café near campus. it’s the type of place everyone on campus flocks to between classes. it’s almost always way too loud, perpetually short on seats, and forever smelling of coffee and fries.
his friends—jaehyun, dokyeom, and hoshi—are already mid-conversation about some chemical compound’s absurd reaction time when jungkook notices you. instantly, he freezes.
his grip tightens on the edge of his chair as you spot him and wave, your smile wide and radiant.
god, you’re the prettiest thing he has ever had.
when you reach their table, you drop your bag onto the empty seat beside jungkook’s, and lean down to greet him. your hand brushes his shoulder, lingering a second longer than needed. what can you say?
you missed him and it’s been a long day.
“hey, baby,” you say softly, your voice just for him before turning to his friends. “hi, guys!”
jungkook mumbles a “hey” back, his hand barely grazing your arm before he drops it. the faintest pink rises to his ears, though, and jaehyun catches it immediately, smirking.
“... and you must be the girlfriend,” jaehyun says, leaning back in his seat as he takes you in. “shit, you are pretty.”
“shut up,” jungkook hisses.
the guys chuckle at jungkook’s instant reaction.
“that’s me,” you say with a laugh, sliding into your seat. “and you’re the nerds, huh? jungkook talks about you all the time.”
“wish we could say the same about you,” dokyeom says with a sigh. “we had to beg him to let us meet you. don’t get why he’s gatekeeping you for… i mean, you guys have been together for a month—officially i mean. we heard all about the slow burn and him being an asshole—”
“shut up—”
“we’d like to apologize on his behalf, by the way,” jaehyun interrupts. “as nerd alchemists, we tend to suck at the whole… romance part of life.”
“that’s okay. we’re happy and together now, right? that’s all that matters.” you say, turning to jungkook with a sweet smile. he nods in agreement. “also! nerd alchemists? hilarious.”
“or ‘genius goofs,’” hoshi adds, “but only on the bad days.”
“genius goofs who almost melted the lab last semester,” jaehyun cuts in with a snort.
“hey, that was one time,” hoshi protests before pouting, recalling the slightly traumatic memory. he huffs, “... fuck you. it wasn’t my fault.”
“not entirely your fault,” jungkook corrects.
you laugh, genuinely amused, as you settle in closer to jungkook’s side.
“i like them,” you say, nudging him.
“yeah?” jungkook asks, nudging you back. “i don’t. thinking of getting rid of them—”
“oh! really?” you gasp. “can i have them then?”
the guys stop themselves from bursting into laughter. you’re quick with it and it obviously throws jungkook and his stone-cold mood off… it’s right then and there where they all see it—how good you are for him. how good he has it to be with you.
“she’s funny,” jaehyun remarks, elbowing jungkook. “good choice, man.”
jungkook shrugs, the corners of his lips twitching as if fighting a smile. “yeah, she’s alright.”
“alright?” you repeat, narrowing your eyes at him with mock offense. “that’s all i am to you? you’re one to talk about being alright… what do you even have to offer me?”
“free tutoring,” hoshi deadpans, making everyone laugh.
as lunch continues, the vibe is easy. the conversation between everyone flows with teasing jokes and the occasional detour into more chemistry talk that you don’t fully understand but pretend to. it’s nice to be in jungkook’s world. it makes you feel like you’re getting to know him a little better and that’s all you really want… more of him.
as you wait for the food to arrive, you reach for jungkook’s hand under the table, lacing your fingers through his. for a moment, he lets it happen. his thumb brushing yours absently before he pulls away to grab his water.
“here,” he says casually, pushing the glass toward you.
you blink, caught off guard, but take the glass with a polite smile. “thanks.”
jaehyun leans forward, clearly amused. “so, how is he as a boyfriend? still the golden boy, or is the shine starting to fade?”
you grin, playing along. “oh, he’s great. sweet, smart, cute when he wants to be… which isn’t often… ” you glance sideways at him. “terrible at pda, though.”
jungkook blinks at you.
dokyeom snickers. “shit. classic jungkook. wouldn’t want to ruin the whole nonchalant-genius vibe, right?”
jungkook doesn’t respond, just gives a half-smile as he takes a sip of his drink.
you laugh lightly, but something about his reaction sits heavy in your chest. you keep the conversation going with the group, but the warmth from earlier feels a little dimmed now.
jungkook might lose his mind?
but maybe you might.

after lunch with the nerds, you and jungkook head back to his place.
when you arrive, the guys are already sprawled out in the living room, half-buried in blankets and pillows. the plan? a casual disney movie marathon, an excuse for everyone to lounge around and argue over animated villains.
you settle on the couch next to jungkook, close enough that your thigh presses against his, and his arm is loosely draped along the backrest behind you. it’s not nothing, but the space between how you’re sitting and how you want to be sitting feels like miles.
you try to close the distance, leaning into him as the opening scene of the lion king plays, but jungkook barely reacts. he’s relaxed, sure—his legs stretched out in front of him and his eyes glued to the screen—but it’s like he doesn’t even notice the way you’re resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“are you mad at me?”
jungkook shifts, tilting his head down to meet your eyes. “no, i’m not. why?”
“feels like you are.”
“i’m not,” he tells you softly. “did i do something?”
you shrug. “i don’t know… did i do something?”
jungkook shakes his head. “no. you okay, ___?”
call me baby, please.
you nod, lips tight, and turn back to the movie. jungkook doesn’t think twice about it.
meanwhile, the others are already engrossed in their usual back-and-forth.
“oh, come on,” taehyung groans from across the room, his hand halfway into the popcorn bowl. “you guys have to agree with me. scar is fucking gaston in another universe. it’s so obvious!”
“that makes literally no sense. gaston doesn’t have a scar on his face!” jin deadpans, tossing a handful of popcorn in taehyung’s direction.
you laugh softly, trying to join in. “i mean… he’s not wrong.”
jungkook doesn’t even glance at you.
you shift, sliding your hand into his lap and letting your fingers brush against his knee. maybe this will get his attention—a tiny spark of acknowledgment. instead, he shifts slightly, just enough that you pull away, sinking into the couch with your heart dipping into your stomach.
taehyung catches it, his smirk practically a reflex.
“yah, jungkook… seriously?” he says, looking between you and jungkook. “are you two even dating? what the fuck was that?”
“what was what?” jungkook asks.
taehyung rolls his eyes. “you know what you just did. look at your girlfriend—if i can even call ehr that—she’s clearly upset at you.”
jungkook laughs it off like it’s nothing, his expression is calm as ever.
“we’re dating,” jungkook says, voice casual, like it’s obvious.
but you’re not laughing.
and taehyung is right.
you are upset.
your chest feels tight because fuck. every touch you’ve tried today has been shrugged off, and taehyung’s words cut a little deeper than you want to admit. you force a smile, your fingers twisting at the hem of your sleeve.
“whatever,” taehyung gives up.
then, just like that… you feel alone again. like no one sees you again.
like he doesn’t see you.
the others keep talking, diving into some tangent about villains in disney sequels, but the warmth you’ve been chasing all day feels impossibly far away.
it’s late by the time the movie marathon wraps up.
one by one, everyone begins to surrender to their tiredness. the once lively room is now quiet, save for the rustle of blankets and yawns. jin and namjoon head upstairs to their rooms, while taehyung and yoongi mumble something about doing the dishes before heading to bed. jimin and hobi headed out early to sleep over at their girlfriends. meanwhile, jungkook, still half-reclined on the couch next to you, looks like he’s one blink away from passing out.
his head dips once, then twice.
his lashes fluttering as his hand absently brushes against your thigh. you watch him for a moment, your chest tightening with a mix of affection and frustration.
today has not been the best day with him.
you can’t quite put the finger on why he’s so fucking infuriating today… maybe your period is coming or maybe he truly is just a fucking idiot.
when his head finally droops forward, you carefully slip away, untangling yourself from the blanket and his loose grip. his brows furrow slightly, but he doesn’t wake. you head to the entryway, grab your jacket, and slip your arms through the sleeves with slow, deliberate movements.
the door creaks slightly as you reach for your shoes, and that’s when you hear him.
you glance up to see jungkook standing there, rubbing at his eyes, his hair a soft, messy halo around his head. his voice is low, a little groggy, but there’s an edge of concern in it.
“where are you going?” he asks, padding toward you with bare feet.
“home,” you reply, your tone light but clipped as you tug the zipper of your jacket up. “you were out cold, and it’s late. figured i’d let you sleep.”
“hey, hey, hey.” his voice softens, and before you can move away, his hands find your waist, gently pulling you back toward him. “what’s this about?”
you keep your gaze fixed on the door, refusing to look at him.
“nothing. i just thought it’d be better if i went home.”
jungkook leans in, his arms sliding around you fully now, and his forehead dips to rest against your shoulder. he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
“you said you were staying the night.”
you inhale sharply, willing yourself not to get so sensitive about this. god, what are you even mad about? actually, no. what are you not mad about?
“i did, didn’t i?”
“yeah,” he murmurs, his voice almost pleading. “it’s our one-month tomorrow…”
“right,” you pull back slightly, just enough to look at him. “hey, do you think we should just break up? we can do that, you know. it’s only a month in anyway and—”
his hold on you tightens instantly.
“what?” he stares at you, the grogginess fading from his eyes as they widen in alarm. “why would you say something like that? that’s not funny.”
“i’m not trying to be funny,” you say, attempting to sound stern. you don’t though. if anything, you just sound defeated.
“i’m not following…” jungkook says, beginning to feel a burn in his chest. “why do you wanna break up with me? do you not want to be with me anymore? i swear, i thought i was making you happy. aren’t we happy—”
“it’s fine. like, if you want to break up we can do it now. we haven’t even had sex yet and so this would be less attachment to our relationship. we can still be friends—”
“don’t,” jungkook hisses. “don’t start with your psych bullshit. ___, friends? we’re horibale at that, remember? fuck, ___… and who said anything about sex? i said i’d wait. i said it doesn’t matter if you want to wait for marriage or do it tomorrow. do what you want with it, okay? it’s yours. it’s completely yours… and so am i. me being your boyfriend has nothing to do with wanting to fuck you—okay. wait. yeah, okay, fine. it does a little but it’s not why i’m with you.”
“oh,” you murmur. “right. you’re my boyfriend.”
he doesn’t say anything right away, but the way his hands stay steady on your waist makes you feel like maybe he’s finally listening.
jungkook’s eyes narrow at the sarcasm that drips from your words, and his lips curl into a frown. he steps closer to you, eyes searching yours.
“what the fuck does that mean?”
your lips tremble as you meet his gaze, the weight of everything you’ve been holding back pressing down on you. it feels like your heart is going to burst.
"it doesn’t even feel like we’re dating, jungkook," your voice barely above a whisper. yet, you can tell by the way his body stiffens that he heard every word loudly.
for a moment, there’s only silence.
jungkook’s grip on your waist tightens, his fingers pressing into the fabric of your jacket as he pulls you closer, not hard, but just enough that you can feel the warmth of him against you. his brows draw together, eyes searching your face for some kind of explanation, but he doesn’t speak.
you feel the space between you and him—how close you are, how far apart you feel.
you resist for a moment, but the way his hands settle on you—secure and soft—makes it hard to stay distant. still, your mind is racing, the thoughts bubbling up, ready to spill over.
“why’d you drop my hand today?” you ask, voice tight. “why didn’t you hold it? why didn’t you touch me during the movie? i was leaning into you the whole time, and you didn’t even—didn’t even notice.”
“i noticed.”
you pull away slightly, just enough to see his face, and you’re almost surprised to see the guilt flicker in his eyes. he opens his mouth, but no words come out at first, and then you take a shaky breath, your eyes filling with tears.
“yeah, you did… and then you shifted away. taehyung noticed that,” you continue, your voice breaking, “he saw it... you didn’t even care, did you?”
“i do care.”
“not enough then,” you whimper. “j-jungkook…”
then, the tears start to fall, and you feel them.
hot and frustrated.
your tears slip down your cheeks as you look up at him. your fists are clenched and before you even realize it, you’re hitting his chest with your palms.
“you’re such a bad boyfriend,” you whisper, the emotion bursting from you all at once. “just break up with me if you’re gonna be a bad boyfriend!”
jungkook doesn’t pull away.
he lets you hit him, one, two, three times, his chest soft under your hands. and then he gently grabs your wrists, holding them, but not in a way that feels forceful—more like he’s trying to soothe you—to ground you.
“i didn’t mean to,” he says softly, his voice laced with regret, pulling you back to him.
he wraps his arms around you tightly, holding you close, as if trying to keep you from falling apart. his forehead rests against yours, and he murmurs softly.
“i’m sorry,” he says.
you bury your face in his chest, taking a shaky breath.
jungkook’s arms tighten around you, holding you like he never wants to let go. you feel the warmth of his embrace, but the words spill out before you can stop them.
“it’s just... it’s hard when you’re... like that around other people. you know?” you murmur. “it’s like... i try so hard to make you feel loved and important, and you just don’t—don’t react the way i want you to.”
he’s quiet for a long time, just holding you, and you feel his chest rise and fall with every breath. when he speaks again, it’s softer, raw, like he’s letting the truth spill out too.
“it’s hard for me too,” he says, his voice tight with vulnerability. “being with you... i want to be everything you need. but i can’t always figure out how to do it, especially when we’re in public, around my friends. it’s like... i don’t want to look stupid. i don’t want to mess things up, and... i’m not used to feeling like this. like you’re... you’re all-consuming, and i can’t control it.”
you pull back slightly, looking up at him, your heart beating louder in your chest. jungkook’s eyes are full of something you haven’t seen before—rawness, honesty.
“i’m sorry,” he says again, this time more quietly. “i didn’t mean to make you feel like this, ___... i swear to god, i didn’t.” he runs a hand over his face in frustration. “i know i was… distant. but it’s not because i don’t care about you. it’s not because i was intentionally trying to be an asshole—”
“why do you act like this around your friends? like i’m some kind of... afterthought?”
he doesn’t say anything for a moment, his eyes fixed on yours as if trying to find the right words. but it’s almost like he’s been waiting for this moment, for you to finally say everything he’s been too afraid to face.
“honestly? when we’re around my friends, i get this... i get this weird feeling, like i’m not good enough for you. like you’re too… perfect. you’re out of my league, to be completely honest… and i don’t know how to handle it. like i said… it’s like you’re taking over my life and i can’t control it. it’s unfamiliar to me, you know? not having control over how i feel and how things go... so i guess… i guess i push you away and i drop your hand when i shouldn’t… when i don’t even want to.”
you can feel the sincerity in his words, and for a second, the tears that had been threatening to spill fall freely. he’s so open, so raw, and it makes your heart ache.
“i’m sorry, baby,” he continues, his voice thick with emotion. “i won’t ever do that ever again, okay? i want to be the boyfriend you deserve. i want to show you how much i care about you, how much i really, really fucking like you. i’m really sorry i made you feel this way.”
you swallow hard, trying to make sense of it all.
it’s overwhelming, but it feels like he’s finally seeing you, really seeing you for the first time. as you compose yourself, jungkook takes this opportunity.
“so... can you take it back?” he asks, his voice hesitant. “please don’t break up with me.”
you sniff, wiping your face with the back of your hand, still unsure of everything. your heart still aches, but it’s a little less painful now. you look at him through watery eyes, and a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips.
“okay,” you murmur, your voice still a little shaky. “but you have to be more obsessed with me, okay? or else i’m really dumping you. got it?”
“got it.”
jungkook chuckles, a soft, relieved sound, and he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head before pulling off your jacket. he tosses it carelessly to the side, his hands lingering on your shoulders for a second longer than necessary, as if to keep you close.
“let’s go to bed. i’m sleepy... and i missed you all day,” he says, his voice low and warm, his hand now sliding down your arm to gently wrap around your wrist, giving it a soft tug. you let out a laugh, shaking your head as he starts to pull you toward the stairs.
“we were together all day, nerd,” you tease, looking up at him with a playful smile.
he groans dramatically, letting his head fall back with a long, exaggerated sigh. you can’t help but smile at the sight of him, so vulnerable and sweet in these moments.
“oh… i know,” he groans. “see what i mean? i sound ridiculous. baby, i miss you even when i’m with you.”
then, he’s pulling you closer. his fingers curl around your hand as his other arm slips around your waist, holding you snugly to his side.
his words hang in the air between you two, and it’s clear he’s not just saying it—he means it.
the way he holds you as he leads you upstairs, his gaze soft yet full of affection, is all the confirmation you need.
the way you two slip into bed and he wraps his body around you, breathing you in like you're his only source of air... it's what you've been craving for all day.
you two fall asleep tangled in each others embrace.
when you wake up the next day, you wake up to 30 individual flowers in small vases spread around his bedroom—one for each day you’ve been together.
jungkook kisses you good morning and holds you by the waist going downstairs. he's giggling into your skin, talking about how pretty you are.
during breakfast with the guys, he holds your hand over the table.
everyone rolls their eyes, dumbfounded by the pda…
except you, of course.
your eyes are completely on jungkook.
#bts fanfic#jungkook scenario#jungkook boyfriend au#jungkook fluff#jungkook x yn#jungkook x reader#jungkook established relationship#bts boyfriend au#bts fluff#bts angst
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Legal Briefs
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lawyer!Dokyeom x fem!reader 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: pwp, corporate au, 18+, non-idol au 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, riding, unprotected sex, cream pie, pet names, slight exhibitionism, oral (m. receiving), clit stimulation, squirting 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2.1k 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dokyeom is stressed out over his case, and you use your brain in more ways than one to help him relax.
AN: Thank you to @miabebe for beta reading this for me at the last minute and @miniseokminnies being lovely. This is a repost, as this fic was originally written for another idol. I have decided to edit it and make it fit Dokyeom more. I hope you enjoy it <3. Also, tagging @onlyseokmins because that's your man, duh, lol. If you want to be tagged in future fics, sign up here🤎
Dokyeom is one of the most prominent corporate lawyers in your country, and you understand how hard he works daily to maintain that reputation. You were a lawyer when you met him, so you know the ins and outs of the legalities and how stressful it can be defending clients. Your first time seeing him was at a kickboxing gym you both frequented and then on the opposite end of the court, duking it out to protect your clients involved in a breach of contract. You may have won that battle, but in the end, Dokyeom won your heart, and you left the corporate life behind to be a housewife.
You walk into the swanky thirty-floor office building, and the security guard greets you as you approach the elevator. You are holding Dokyeom’s favorite lunch, pizza with cheese sticks, secured in a heated lunch box. You also brought fruit and juice, which he has been into lately. It’s a nice day outside, and what would be better than spending lunch with your husband?
You hum your way up to the 20th floor, greeted by the receptionists as the elevator doors open. The anticipation is building, and the excitement and butterflies in your stomach are brewing as you make your way to his office. You speak to everyone that makes eye contact with you. Everyone knows you as the boss’s wife, a hotshot lawyer, giving it all up for love.
“Hi,” his secretary greets you nervously as you approach her desk. “He seems a bit stressed out today. That case with the pharmaceutical company isn’t going well, and I’m pretty sure I heard papers flying around.”
This concerns you, as it is different from Dokyeom to lose his cool like that. You thank her and tap quietly on the office door, waiting to hear his voice before entering.
“Yes?” His smooth voice makes your heart jump.
You open the door, and your eyes widen at the scene before you. There are papers and folders all over the floor. Dokyeom is lying on the sofa, his suit jacket covering his face and his arms folded on his chest.
“I take it you’re having a bad day?” You ask gently, setting the lunch down on his desk.
His face lights up when he lays his eyes on you, jacket falling to the floor as he jumps up to greet you.
“I wasn’t expecting you here,” he replies before getting up and kissing your cheek. “I would’ve cleaned up.”
“And miss all this drama?” you tease him. “Come on, I’ll help you put everything back.”
You survey the papers and put the files back in their folders. You know where everything goes because you helped him set up his file system to make his life easier. You may not be practicing law right now, but it doesn’t mean you haven’t had to use your expertise a few times to help your husband win a few cases. You initially quit your previous firm because you felt burnt out and needed a break. Then, when you got married, you wanted to spend time being a new wife and try for a family. Dokyeom supported you in all of that. He never made you feel inferior or less than for stepping away from your career to be at home. Now, it’s been two years, and the children haven’t come yet, but maybe it’s just not time, as lately, you have been missing practicing law.
Dokyeom helps you and profusely apologizes. “You don’t need to apologize,” you wave him off. But this is not like you; what happened?”
His expression changes, his eyebrows furrowing with worry. He takes a deep breath before putting the last envelope into the bookshelf.
“I am missing a critical piece of evidence, a part of a contract that proves my client’s innocence,” Dokyeom begins, clutching onto the desk. “I know who to subpoena, but the judge is being a real asshole and won’t allow me to access those documents. So my client might lose, and then they’ll drop me, which means bye to our house.”
He removes his tie and takes a sip from his water bottle, his Adam's apple shifting as he gulps. Your very frustrated husband is also very hot, and it’s taking all your willpower to stay on task.
“Listen,” you redirect your focus to his problem. “There’s no guarantee that you will lose this case, and we definitely are not losing our house. Why don’t you eat the lunch I brought, and we will figure it out, okay?”
He nods and kisses you on the forehead, his way of saying thank you that still makes you feel warm inside. You watch him take out his lunch, and you start to eat yours, making small talk about your day as you dig through the cheese sticks.
“When did you order this, babe?” Dokyeom asks, mouth stuffed with pepperoni and cheese. “You were cleaning up when I left for work.”
“I ordered it right before I came up here,” you say proudly, feeding him some of your pizza. “I got tired of eating lunch alone and wanted to see you. Looks like you needed me too.”
He gives you a kind smile that soothes your soul like a warm hug. You talk more about the case as you clear out your food containers. Dokyeom mentions that he has been trying to get the evidence to no avail for the past week. Watching him stressing himself out bothers you, as you know how hard he has worked on this case, and you want to see him succeed. His eyes were glued to the papers in front of him, skimming over everything to find a possible loophole. You can’t help but take in how handsome he looks, focused on his work, his jaw clenching as his frustration mounts.
So, you came up with an idea.
“Hey, babe,” you get his attention, removing your cardigan. “I’m going to help you relax, okay?”
He nods, his shoulders still tense up from reading over the paperwork. You move behind him, relaxing your hands on his shoulders before you massage them, making him feel more at ease. You start unbuttoning his shirt, reaching down to rub his chest while leaving kisses on his neck.
“Well, this is one way to do it,” Dokyeom hums, setting down his pen. He moves his head and kisses you deeply, his hands gracing your face softly, pulling you deeper into his rapture of love. You make a move to sit on his lap, taking off your tank top and exposing your favorite bra that pushes up your breasts just right.
“Was this always the plan?” He smirks, leaving kisses down your neck. His lips suck on your sweet-tasting skin, his tongue trailing down to the valley of your breasts.
“And if it was?” You move in front of him, sitting on his lap, and your skirt hikes over your hips. “What are you going to do about it?”
He chuckles and kisses you more, removing your bra and throwing it across the office. You lift and reach down, undoing his pants and lowering his briefs, feeling the growing bulge hardening along your slit. “No panties? Aw, baby…”
“What?” You smiled coyly. “Do you want me to leave? I can just get up—”
“W-what? No, no, it’s not that,” his cheeks turn pink in a panic. “I hate to rush, but I have to be in a meeting in twenty minutes,” Dokyeom’s breathing hitches as his hand touches his manhood, stroking his thick girth to your naked breasts and exposed ass. You lower yourself until you are on your knees, moving his hand away as you take over. You kiss his dick just the way he likes it, his legs tensing up as you take him in your mouth. His thickness takes over your mouth as you suck him good, your free hand playing with your clit as you watch him cock his head back and curse softly.
“Baby, you are so good at this,” he murmurs. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
He gently fucks your face, pacing himself so he doesn’t blow his entire load down your throat. Your eyes lock with his as you take him in deeper, drops of saliva spilling out of the corner of your mouth. Dokyeom is ashamed to admit it, but he likes it when you look like this: the makeup on your sweet face ruined with tears because you sucked him off so well. You would never tell him this, but you love how he tastes. The way his smooth cock hits the back of your throat makes you dripping wet, and if you keep up any longer, you will cum on this floor.
“H-honey,” he sputters. “I have 15 minutes. Get on top.”
You slowly take him out of your mouth with a pop, lifting yourself and positioning yourself to sink into him. You both groan in unison when you are entirely on his lap, your nails digging into the armrest of his chair.
“This won’t take long, I promise,” you mutter, giving yourself a few seconds to get used to his size before slowly grinding on him and enjoying the feeling of him being inside of you. His body tenses at your movements and his fingers massage your clit softly. You unexpectedly let out a loud moan, and he covers your mouth with his hand.
“I know this feels good, bouncing on my hard dick, but you are going to have to keep it down, princess,” he grits.
Dokyeom knows what that does to you, calling you princess as he fucks you into an earth-shattering orgasm. You’re a squirter, and he knows that, so it was unsurprising that your lower halves were covered with your essence. Your eyes never leave each other, whispering I love you and trading meaningful kisses. Dokyeom’s head rolls back, whispering songs of praise as you continue to ride him on his office chair.
“Baby, I’m close,” he whines, his hands gripping your hips. You grind on him hard, finding your clit and releasing again shortly after. Dokyeom follows right behind you, spilling deep inside of you as his head buries deep into your neck. As he slows down, he kisses you lovingly, making sure your cunt is full of his cum before pulling out. You're still trying to catch your breath when you climb off of him to clean yourself up.
“Mr Lee?” His secretary’s voice booms through the speaker, startling you both. “Your meeting starts in five minutes.”
You can see the time on his laptop, and the 5-minute reminder before the meeting stops flashing wildly on his screen. You find your bra and hurriedly put it on, with Dokyeom already dressed and holding your tank top and cardigan.
“What?” You catch him staring at you curiously.
“You are so bad.” “Well, isn’t that why you fell in love with me? Aside from me beating your ass in court, of course.”
You finish getting dressed, helping him put his tie back on, and kissing him goodbye before heading out the door. You catch a photo you missed picking up earlier, and something catches your eye that makes you stop dead in your tracks.
“Babe.” You pick up the photograph and inspect it thoroughly. “What’s the name of the judge?”
“Judge Choi,” he responds, preparing himself for his meeting. “Why?”
“This wouldn’t happen to be the judge in the 17th court, would it?
You pull out your phone and look him up, confirming your suspicions.
“Okay, I know that look,” Dokyeom comments, a puzzled look on his face. “What’s up?”
“This judge used to give me shit when I was practicing, but I always found a way to get around him,” you start. “There was talk about him being a crooked judge and being paid off by companies, but I could never confirm it until now. Look at the picture.”
You show him the photograph of the rival company at an event, pointing at the missing piece of the puzzle: the judge and the company’s CEO, arm in arm, taking a picture. “That’s why the judge is shutting you down, babe,” you confirm. “He has ties to the other guys. Judge Choi should have recused himself a long time ago.”
Dokyeom looks at you, amazed that his wife could figure out why he had this roadblock. “God, what would I do without you?”
“You’d still be losing to me in court.” You kiss him goodbye again, letting him prepare to attend his meeting. You close the door, and his secretary smiles at you and motions for you to come closer to her.
“You should be more careful in there, dear,” she advises. “The whole office heard you.”
#kvanity#kwritersworldnet#svthub#svt fanfic#svt oneshot#svt scenarios#svt imagines#ksmutsociety#svt smut#seventeen smut#seokmin fanfic#dokyeom fanfic#seokmin smut#dokyeom smut#svt x reader#seokmin x reader#dokyeom x reader#svt hard hours#seventeen fanfic#seventeen x reader
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SVT + subtle acts of love
This is HIGHLY inspired by Jana's prompt
PAIRING: seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader FORMAT: drabble/headcanon WARNINGS: none?



Guiding you with a gentle hand on the small of your back. He's definitely the type to protect you at all costs—no question about it. He’ll make it clear to everyone that you’re HIS, but still respects you deeply. While Scoups often gets portrayed as the possessive, alpha type, the truth is, he’s more of a big softie with still a touch of gentlemanly charm.
Fixing your clothes or hair. Knowing Jeonghan, who always has the prettiest hairstyle, he also pays close attention to how you look. Not in an overbearing or toxic way, but because he understands the little things—like how it feels when your blouse is unbuttoned, your bangs are out of place, or your makeup gets smudged. In a way, he becomes your personal "appearance police," always looking out for you.
Randomly giving you flowers. This man is a living uwu. We all know how pricey flower bouquets can be. With your hectic school/work schedule, receiving a bouquet always makes your heart swoon—but it's not just the flowers; it's the thought behind them. Joshua always makes sure to think of you, and with his means, why not spoil you with the most beautiful flowers he can buy?
Giving you food without asking. Remember that Teen Vogue interview where they played truth or dare with snacks on the table? Yep, this is totally inspired by that moment—Junhui was too busy mukbang-ing. But honestly, he gives off this vibe wherein whatever he snacks, you snack too. Especially after his trips to China—goodness, the amount of food he brought back just to share his favorite treats with you!
Grabbing your hand and swinging it back and forth. As an introvert myself, physical touch is something I'm deeply into. Hoshi may look loud af on TV and in stadiums, but when the spotlight and cameras are off, that's when his introverted side kicks in. He recharges with cuddles and every bit of physical touch he can get from you. He loves doing the gesture of swinging your hands back and forth when you're out in public—it's his way of channelling his energy and finding comfort in your presence.
Pulling out the chair for you. Another man that is a living uwu. With the world we're living in now, it's rare to find a gentleman like Wonwoo. It’s a small but meaningful gesture that shows he values your comfort and wants to make you feel special (bonus: he knows the gesture makes you swoon).
Writing you a love letter and hiding it for you to find. With a mind that never rests, and being in love with you only fuels his creativity. The boys joke that his song lyrics are getting too personal and too cheesy, so some of them get rejected. Clearly, the inspiration is you. So to channel his overflowing emotions, he turns to writing love letters, a practice you adore.
Humming a song to calm you down. It started when you were having nightmares while he was away on tour. Luckily, it was daytime where he was, so he was there to comfort you with a phone call. He sang you to sleep that night, and since then, he’s never stopped singing for you especially when you need him most.
Making your lunch to take to work/school with you. This man was born in this world to cook for you. That's it. He's the team leader in the kitchen department, but who can blame him? The guy can cook! He knows you need an extra minute of sleep, so he adjusts your alarm and takes care of the smallest tasks on your to-do list, like checking off "make lunch" for both of you.
Paying complete attention to you. Doesn't matter if he's in the middle of reading, painting, or even eating (especially eating), Minghao will turn his entire body toward you, giving you his full attention. He’s a man who believes in the importance of deep connection. So talking is very essential in your relationship. Whether you're ranting about work, sharing thoughts on the latest anime, or asking for fashion advice, he's always all ears.
Remembering something you told him. He has this remarkable ability to remember, which is probably a skill required when you're a big pop star. Even the smallest details of what you've shared with him are carefully stored in the file cabinet of his mind. He'll bring up something at the most unexpected moments, showing you how deeply he listens and values every word you say. It’s a quiet yet powerful reminder that you matter to him in ways you might not even realize.
Waiting at the door to come greet you when you get home. We all know Vernon and his naps, right? The boys know him all too well. That's why they couldn't believe it when you told them he's always there to greet you at the door when you arrive home (unless he's not home). He likes to nap on the couch when you're not home, so if he's napping, he'll wake up at the rattle of the key in the door. Eating? He'll run towards the door. Showering? Obviously impossible, but you'll still hear his loud voice from a distance. Baaaabe~
Giving you a massage. Lee Chan is built to make others smile, and he pours that energy into every gesture. You were the one who started giving him massages because you noticed how his Hyungs always playfully tackle him, leaving him a bit worn out. Now, giving you massages has become his way of showing care, and he does it with a gentle touch, always focused on your comfort. It’s his quiet way of returning the favor, making sure you feel relaxed and appreciated, just as he always does for you.
a fun fact nobody asked, these three boys in the pictures are my holy trinity Thank you for the wonderful prompt @creativepromptsforwriting ✨
#madewithangst writes#seventeen#seventeen imagines#seventeen x reader#svt x reader#scoups#jeonghan#svt joshua#junhui x reader#hoshi x reader#wonwoo x reader#woozi#dk x reader#mingyu x reader#the8 x reader#seungkwan#vernon x reader#lee chan x reader#svt jeonghan#scoups x reader#mingyu imagines#svt imagines#seungkwan x reader#svt
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don't be shy //csc//
summary- a variety show sparks feelings between you and your celebrity crush.
wc- 8k



You're ecstatic. Not even in your wildest dreams did you think you'd be invited to a reality show so early on in your career- especially not one as esteemed as 'one fine day'.
Having debuted only a few months ago, you had minimal expectations to begin with, but the overwhelming response from fans and your sudden rise to fame is still something you've yet to process.
It all happened so fast. Your debut stage was over in a wink and suddenly you were trending on twitter for your otherworldly visuals. Artists and idols you looked up to took to their sns accounts to praise you and your group for your talent and dedication- it was like a dream.
You never wanted to wake up.
That's how you found yourself here- in the middle of Thailand, surrounded by a bunch of loud idiots, sipping on some diet Coke as you hide under an umbrella.
You aren't sure what you expected when you received word that you were being invited to host and take part in the popular reality show- 'one fine day', with SEVENTEEN.
From what you'd heard, they had debuted just before you, and were doing just as well as you were. They seemed nice enough.
A sharp scream rips you from your thoughts, and you look up to see Dokyeom shooting across the sand, waving a pair of shorts in his hand, as a very angry short man chases him, wrapped in nothing but a beach towel.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose and slump down against the sand.
This was going to be a long week.
"tired already?" Wonwoo asks, settling down beside you, "the members are... energetic-"
You grin, letting out a breathy laugh.
"yeah that's one way to say it"
"I'll have you know, by the end of the week you'll be a part of all this-"
"uhuh, we'll see" You shoot him a playful glare, only to have your jaw drop when you see something in the horizon.
Wonwoo follows your gaze and chuckles, shaking his head.
"I see you've spotted Sengcheollie Hyung"
"that's our leader"
The first day went by in the blink of an eye. You met all the members- except Sengcheol- and spoke to them for a while, getting to know each of them before shooting began.
You'd learnt from your conversations with each of them, that Seungcheol is as responsible, strong and warm, as he is gorgeous. Each one of the members looks up to him. From the youngest to the one's just as old as him, everyone leans on Seungcheol.
Not good.
How dare he be beautiful and dependable?
Your poor heart had already set its sights on him, and you hadn't even met the guy yet.
As you walk back to your hotel with the members and camera crew, you find yourself stealing glances at him every now and then. You tilt your eyes up once more, searching for him amidst the crowd, only to find him staring at you already.
Your eyes widen.
In an instant, you lower your gaze to the floor as you turn your head away. You've been caught.
Seungkwan chatters away next to you, talking about how exciting it is to host with you, but your mind is preoccupied.
Tentatively, you look back in Seungcheol's direction, and your eyes meet his. He shoots you a playful grin, eyes narrowing as you panic under his stare.
The air stills around you, growing heated, and you find yourself unable to look away. A deep blush bubbles up your cheeks, blood rushes to your head-
Seungkwan's voice snaps you from your trance, and you tear yourself from Seungcheol's grasp.
"yeah? what's- what's up?"
"you okay? you haven't said a word"
"I'm okay Kwannie, just a little nervous"
He blushes at the nickname, but in your distracted state, you fail to notice- just like how you didn't notice the way Wonwoo worked himself up to come talk to you, how Mingyu couldn't take his eyes off of you, how Chan stuck to your side all through lunch.
You were oblivious to the men around you.
All that mattered was Seungcheol.
Reaching the lounge, you wish everyone good night, and head off towards the elevator. The doors begin to close behind you, before a hand sticks its way through and coaxes them open, revealing none other than the man himself.
You grow still, unable to speak.
He waits as the doors close.
"I don't bite, y'know" he starts, his voice gentle as he leans against the wall opposite you, "did I scare you? I promise I'm not as scary as I look"
You lower your gaze in a futile attempt to hide your burning cheeks, and he sighs.
"I'm Seungcheol- I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, you uh- kept running away"
"y/n," you mumble, glancing up at him, "m'sorry about that"
He offers you a gentle smile, and you feel your heart twist painfully in your chest. The elevator stops on your floor, which coincidentally happens to be the same as his, and you scramble out, desperate to get some air.
In your haste, you lose your balance, and fall backwards, right into Seungcheol's strong arms. One hand supports your lower back, while the other grabs the back of your neck.
It's a simple touch, really. It's a hand Seungcheol extends out of courtesy, but god the electricity it sends rippling across your skin is undeniable. You know you shouldn't feel this way. You know- but it's so hard keeping your cool around him.
Its been a day. Just one. And you've already kissed your composure goodbye. What will a week do to you?
His lips curl up into a mischievous smile and he leans a tiny bit closer,
"think you can get to your room safely? I'd be more than happy to escort-"
"sh-shut up"
You straighten up, ignoring the raging blush on your cheeks, and stomp down the hallway to your room. He grins, trailing behind you to get to his own.
"oh we're neighbors," he muses, disappearing into his room as he calls out, "g'night".
Your heart thuds as you step into your room, back flush against the door, breathing hard.
The feeling of his hands on your body burns holes into your mind, and you find yourself replaying the scene over and over, while you unpack your suitcase, while you order room service, while you undress. You can't help but wonder how his hands would feel on your bare skin, can't control the way your mind wanders to how thick and beefy his arms are.
Thoughts of him plague you all night long, and you're certain the universe has it out for you when you hear him moving things around in his room, grunting with effort to pull heavy suitcases from one place to another.
The walls were thin.
This was going to be a difficult week for you.
The next day doesn't fare any better either, when you're told that everyone needed to assemble at the beach, dressed in swimwear.
You're devastated.
Breakfast gives you no respite when the man in question sits right opposite you, donning a pair of swimming trunks and a fitted black muscle tee.
As you try to focus on your cereal, he begins to speak.
"you slept okay?"
You peek up at him through your lashes and nod, before quickly breaking eye contact. There's a long silence, and you can feel him staring.
"y/n~" Mingyu calls, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he settles right next to you.
"hi hi," you greet, grinning up at him, "ready to hit the waves?"
"oh you bet baby,"
Seungcheol clears his throat, eyes dancing with a dangerous kind of fire, and Mingyu tenses, easing his arm off you. He mutters some lame excuse and disappears, leaving you alone.
With Seungcheol.
"how come you don't talk to me like that?"
"I- I just know the others bette-"
"bullshit," he interrupts, leaning into you, "you met us all yesterday- somehow the others have earned your affections and I haven't. have I lost to them already?"
Your eyes widen. Lost? What did he mean 'lost'?
"n-no it's just that I-"
Your hesitate, unable to formulate the right words. Saying the truth would reveal your feelings, lying would hurt his. How does one proceed in such situations?
"just what?" he urges, "tell me what I'm doing so wrong you can't even look me in the eye-"
The pained furrow of his brows makes your stomach twist. Your blatant avoidance, the way you didn't speak around him, how your eyes never met his for more than a second- he noticed it all.
You stay silent, now looking up at him helplessly. He sighs, leaning back in his chair, and shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, I just- I don't know what I've done wrong"
You're about to say something, about to reassure him and tell him 'no- you're perfect, you've done nothing wrong', when Jeonghan pulls a chair up next to you.
"morning," he mumbles, a slight smirk playing at his lips.
"nice to see you finally getting along," he glances at the two of you before continuing, "see? I told you there was no need to be nervous about ddaddu-"
Your eyes widen.
"nervous?" Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan and then you.
"no! no, Jeonghan's just being funny- right Jeonghan?"
Both of them share a knowing glance before Jeonghan grins.
"uhuh I was just being silly, you know me ahaha"
You excuse yourself, shovelling the rest of your cereal in your mouth, before shuttling off down the hallway to the safety of your room.
What you fail to notice, however, is the half-amused-half-defeated look on Jeonghan's face. As you speed off, far far away, he turns to Seungcheol.
"there's something going on here, isn't there?"
"dunno what you're talkin' about"
"oh there's definitely something going on here"
Hours later, at the beach, you're cursing the gods. You failed to take into account how swimwear worked a little differently for men.
He was in swimming trunks. Swimming trunks and nothing else.
Heaven help you.
You tried your best to put on a brave face for the cameras, you really did, but god- it wasn't funny how tongue tied you got at the sight of him, how your face would grow so red your makeup artists needed to pat on layer after layer of foundation.
Today's episode was supposedly focused on a game of tag. There would be two chasers, while the rest would have to run and hide, successfully, for two hours.
After a long game of rock, paper, scissors, Joshua and Seungkwan are chosen.
They get into a little van, counting till a hundred, while everyone else runs across the expanse of the beach, searching for shelter.
You slip into a little nook behind a couple of thick trees, tucking your legs under you.
Your cameraman graciously offered to leave you alone, lest you get caught, and you find yourself all alone, surrounded by moss and forest.
That doesn't last long.
Heavy footsteps draw your attention, and your ears perk up. Surely they haven't finished counting so soon?
Pushing your body closer to the walls of the tree, you peer up at the body making it's way to you.
Pale skin, black swimming trunks, no shirt-
"oh shi- move in, they're coming"
You oblige, schooching further in as he pushes up against you.
His shoulders shield you from the side, chest flush against your upper arm as his breath tickles the shell of your ear.
"sorry," he mumbles, trying to give you as much space as the little hull would permit- which, admittedly, is not very much.
"you're good,"
Silence settles on you like a heavy blanket, heating up the skin on both your bodies.
"you've uh, got a good eye for hiding spots"
"yeah I was undefeated at tag in the second grade"
He chuckles, shaking his head.
"sorry- you're just trynna make conversation I know-" you mumble, slightly guilty.
"don't be,"
You nod, shifting slightly.
"you're so tense," he muses, eyes trailing over your scrunched shoulders, "shouldn't be so on edge all the time y'know"
Amused by your silence, he continues.
"breathe, y/n"
You suck in a shaky breath, unsure of why your body listens to his command without question.
"that's it, good, now let go for me"
His voice is soothing like the tide; it ripples through you, smoothing out your trembling nerves.
"there we go, one more time,"
Following his voice, you feel your body relax completely. For the first time all day, you've felt your body calm.
"thank you," you mutter, and turn to face him.
Bad idea.
Bad. Idea.
All the breath work he'd helped you with goes flying out the window when you see how close his face really is.
The puffs of air he let's out fan over your face, hovering over the crimson of your lips. You feel your breath catch, your heart quicken, your face heat up.
He's so close.
An inch closer and his lips would be on yours.
Before your thoughts get any further, you look away, opting to look at the width of his shoulder instead.
"uh uh, you're looking at me" he tuts as he eases your chin back in his direction. The pad of his thumb grazes your skin, and your blush burns brighter.
An amused smile twists at his lips and obviously, you're aware of how pathetic you must look.
Just as you're about to push his hand away, he leans closer, whispering-
"do I make you nervous?"
There's a pull between your bodies, a magnet drawing you closer, closer still. Seungcheol's breaths fan over your face and his eyes drop to take in the plush of your lips. You follow suit, eyes darting from his own to his lips.
It's as though time stills around you, like you've been set in glass, and he's about to kiss you, when suddenly, you hear a familiar yell.
You jolt upright, pulling away from Seungcheol so quickly he can barely process what's just happened.
Your eyes dart to his lower body, and you see the way one of his feet stick out beyond the width of your hiding spot.
In a haste, you push a finger to his lips, silencing him.
"your leg-" you whisper-shout at him, tilting your head towards the traitorous foot.
His eyes widen.
Before you can say anything more, Seungcheol grasps your hand, gently taking your finger off his lips and places it against yours. Wordlessly, he rises to his feet, shielding you with his body.
"I GOT CHEOLLIE HYUNG-" you hear Seungkwan yell.
Quizzical as ever, you glance up at the man before you, brows knitting together. He shoots you a sly wink, and whispers- "you'll win for me, won't you?", leaving you red faced and confused.
"ya got me, I'll admit," he holds his hands above his head as he steps away, in Seungkwan's direction.
The next moments pass by in a haze, like you've been submerged under water. All you could think of was the way his breath felt on your lips, the way his voice simultaneously soothed and burned your nerves, the way he protected you- giving himself up instead.
Damn Choi Seungcheol and the way he had you wrapped around his little finger.
You remain hidden for the next twenty-or-so minutes, and the game comes to an end.
You've won.
You're told that your prize is a local dinner with a person of your choosing- staff or member, and it only makes sense to pick Seungcheol. After all, you wouldn't have won without him.
Failing to notice the dejected gazes and smiles the rest of the members sent your way, you walk past them, headed straight for him.
"I choose you." you say, standing in front of him.
The way his eyes widen, lips parting in an instant, tells you that this wasn't on his bingo list. You? Choosing him of all people? Hell- he thought he fucked up big time today-
He's dumbfounded. Honest.
At the restaurant, you sit opposite one another at a table for two. Cameras surround you like endless ocean, and your table becomes an island.
You know he's thinking about today's events when his gaze flicks down to your lips. You know you're thinking about it too.
You also know, however, that this is not the place to discuss secret almost-kisses. Not when everything you do, everything you say, will be monitored.
"I'm still so surprised you chose me," he chuckles as you finish getting your makeup done.
"I couldn't have won without you,"
There's a smallness to your voice, one he hasn't heard these past few days. It's meek and soft and shy and god it's killing him. How could you be this adorable?
"oh c'mon, that was... nothing, honestly"
You shake your head, looking into his eyes earnestly, and he goes quiet. Flicking back and forth, from eyes to lips, you find yourselves sinking into dangerous territory.
The rich brown of his pupils seemed to grow darker as they held your picture within them. Each second he spent looking at you had them blowing wider and wider with something you couldn't help but swoon over.
Perhaps your feelings were being...returned?
Clearing your throat, you remember you're on camera.
"w-what are we ordering?" you blurt out.
"d'you have any preferences or would you like me to order for us?"
Your heart twists at the way he says it- 'us'.
"you can order...fo- for us" you mutter as your head drops ever so slightly, and you look up at him through heavy lashes and burning cheeks.
The corners of his lips turn upwards, into the softest smile he can fathom, and he nods- although more to himself that to you.
"how about Khao Soi? we can do that, some raw papaya salad and a sticky rice dessert to finish?"
You nod, letting your eyes skim over the way his throat moves with every word he says. As he beckons the waiter over, you can't help but notice how long and thick his fingers are, how veins trail across his arm.
And his voice- god, his voice. The deep, rich timbre of it has you feeling weak in the knees every time you hear him speak.
"-and to drink, we'll get two coconut waters," he concludes, sending the waiter off with your orders. "I wonder what the others are doing,"
"me too, I feel a little bad y'know... we should've all come together" you pout.
"yeah I can't say they're very happy to have missed this-"
You smile- "missed the food, right?"
You exchange knowing glances, your eyes having their own secret conversation, unbeknownst to the cameras around them.
Dinner flies by like a cool summer breeze, and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into Seungcheol's charms. Not only did he ensure that you were served first, he also made sure to cut your chicken into bite sized pieces, and remembered little details from your earlier conversations.
A flirty remark was thrown in every now and then, some more obvious than others, and you found yourself turning red so often, you might as well have gotten a permanent sunburn.
You talk about music and the people you look up to, the stars, highschool memories- everything. Conversation just came so easily with him.
The plates and bowls before you lay empty on the table, the cameras have been turned off, and your mics have been taken away.
Seungcheol gets out of his seat, moving to your side as he offers you his hand. You take it, graciously, and rise from your chair.
"thanks," you mumble, slightly tipsy from the blood his touch sends rushing to your head.
You step outside, trailing behind the staff members while you walk towards your hotel.
"so," he starts, when you've kept a safe distance from prying ears and eyes, "about today..."
Before he can say anything more, you shudder, suddenly feeling nervous.
He looks at you, brows furrowing, but chooses to move on anyways.
"...I uh, did I scare you? was that too much?"
"no! no I just- it caught me off guard is all"
"I seem to be doing that a lot huh?" he muses, fighting back a sly smirk. Seungcheol steps closer, shoulders bumping into yours, and you let out a surprised squeak.
Embarrassed, you turn away as he laughs beside you. A pout takes over your full lips, causing his laughter to increase its intensity.
"tha-that wasn't-" you huff out, to which he raises an amused brow.
"wasn't what? wasn't 'cause of me- wasn't 'cause I make you nervous?"
He had you figured out.
You might as well have been stark naked under his stare, 'cause frankly- there was nothing left to hide. Not from him.
Still, you make one last attempt at disguising your feelings towards him. Through deep red cheeks, flushed skin, you speak-
"you- I'm not nervous!"
"uhuh, sure you aren't, sweetheart"
Your heartbeat quickens at the petname. Surely, he didn't just-
"hey-" he snaps you out of your thoughts, "I can practically hear the gears turning in that head of yours,"
"let me beeee" you whine, nudging him away lightly with your fingers knocking against his bicep. Seungcheol brings a hand to his chest and pouts in faux pain, eyes scrunching shut.
"I'll leave you alone then," he begins to step away from you, and you panic. Without thinking, you pinch the fabric of his shirt sleeve between your fingers, and tug him back, preventing him from leaving.
You stay silent when he twists his gaze to you, and whatever semblance of mystery, of uncertainty, you'd built up comes crashing down. The gentle grasp of your fingers on his shirt tells Seungcheol all he needs to know.
The two of you walk in silence, and before long you find yourselves at the hotel, bidding people goodnight as you enter the elevator together.
"it's cute when you do that, y'know?" he says, suddenly, motioning to the nervous twiddling of your fingers.
"it is?"
"uhuh, even that little pout you make everytime you're flustered-" he brings his hands down to meet yours, grasping your fist gently. You fingers lace together like pieces of a puzzle, and he steps closer.
"mhm" Another step.
"Seungcheol," you breathe. The air feels heavy, dense with desire and want. A little voice at the back of your head urges you to step back, to stop whatever this is, but you can't help yourself.
"tell me you want me to stop- tell me you don't feel this,"
There's a rawness to his voice, something akin to desperation. He begs you with his eyes to say something, anything, he's been losing his mind over you and it hurts to have you this close but still out of reach.
"I-" you start. The elevator dings, signalling your floor, and your eyes snap to the open doors. "it's late, we should-"
"do you feel this, y/n?" he pleads, loosening his grip on your wrist.
"we shouldn't-"
Seungcheol lets out an exasperated groan as you slip out of his grasp, slowly backing away down the corridor and into your room. He watches you disappear and something inside him begins to snap.
It had been two days. Two days since he met you, but it felt like his heart had been searching for you since forever. The way you'd fit perfectly into his arms, the way your shy demeanor mellowed out his intimidating one, how easy it was to talk to you- Seungcheol knew deep within, his feelings for you were more than a simple crush.
You wake up the next day, and head down for breakfast. Avoiding the pleading glances Seungcheol sends your way, you force yourself to eat. You aren't sure why you do this- it's not like you feel uncomfortable, hell you feel exactly the way he does. So, why was it so hard to look at him?
Seungkwan and Vernon strike up a conversation with you, talking about what was in store for today.
"our hair-makeup Noona told me that we're going shopping!" Seungkwan beams. Vernon nods, shoving a piece of toast in his mouth.
"yep we're gonna buy clothes and food and stuff and I think there's a mini game in the evening"
You nod, finishing up your breakfast, and soon enough, you're all on your way to a large market place.
Bright stalls lit up the street, the smell of fresh food filled your senses, and the sun shone down, illuminating the world around you.
You had till the evening to do as you pleased.
Splitting off into groups, everyone begins to explore the market place, and you just so happen to be with Jeonghan, Joshua and Seungcheol.
If the past few days have taught you anything, it's that the twins cannot be trusted. The moment you see Joshua flash you a cheeky grin, you know they're up to no good.
A stall catches your eye, decorated with the most beautiful jewellery you've ever seen. Seashells and gem stones wrapped in thin gold wire made the prettiest necklaces and earrings, and you couldn't help but pick one up for yourself.
"see anything you like?"
It's Seungcheol. He plants himself behind you, chest pressed to your back, lips hovering dangerously close to the shell of your ear.
You freeze, holding the necklace in one hand. Before you can respond, an arm reaches out beside you and pries the item out of your hand.
"pretty," he mumbles, sending shivers down your spine.
You crane your neck to the side while your eyes search for his, and you see him staring directly at you.
"I uh, yeah it's um pretty"
Seungcheol places the piece back down, leaning into you as he reaches over the table- essentially trapping you between the display and his body.
Your breath hitches at how close he is. One wrong move- one right move- and his lips would be on yours. You don't dare to look away.
"aren't you gonna buy it?" the stall owner cuts in, "pretty necklace for pretty lady, eh?"
You shake your head as you step away- "I shouldn't-" you trail off, suddenly realising that Jeonghan and Joshua are nowhere to be seen.
"hey where'd those two go?" You set off, walking ahead to look for them- an excuse, obviously, to get away from Seungcheol. The blood rushing to your head was making you feel dizzy.
The day passes, you explore the market, eating all that you could. Taking in the new sights and smells, you feel so alive. Happiness really doesn't need much, does it?
Back at the hotel, you find yourself in your room with Joshua and Seungkwan as they try on all the new clothes they bought.
"kay this is the last one I think-" Seungkwan says, appearing in a blue Hawaiian shirt and some funny looking sunglasses.
You give him a thumbs up, turning to Joshua.
"you're done too?"
"mhm, I didn't buy too much"
You talk for a bit before they say their goodbyes, turning in for the night, and you're left alone in your room with nothing but your thoughts to entertain you.
Seungcheol's voice soothes through you and once again, you find yourself drifting off into thoughts of him. A sneaky hand slides down your body, past your sleep shorts, and you let your mind think back to him.
Day four begins uneventfully. It's a lazy morning, you order room service, read a little.
The real fun begins at night.
At 8 pm, you're ushered into the hotel bar, right by the pool. Bright neon lights hanging from the ceiling, the pool is illuminated by electric blue, and a large table- enough to seat 14- is placed in the centre.
"oh shit," Vernon comments from beside you, lowering his phone as you all take in the space around you.
A speaker comes to life from somewhere in the corner, and a distorted voice booms throughout the setting.
"night has come. prior to this evening three of you have received chits, revealing your role as the mafia."
Excited oohs and ahs leave everyone's lips as you wait for further information.
"the mafias have been allowed to meet and plan their strategy, the policeman and doctor have been chosen as well, but are not aware of each other's identity. if the mafias succeed in killing a majority of the civillians, they win. if the civillians kill all three mafia members, the civilians win. hidden in this space is a seashell. find it, and you win 500,000 won. if you don't find it- the money goes to the mafias, and they win. note- the pool is not off limits. please be seated at the table, and place your first guesses"
In a flurry of excitement and energy, you sit down. Everyone's on edge. The air is electric. A sly smile threatens to ruin your facade of innocence, but you push it down, putting on your best performance.
Earlier this morning, you, Minghao and Jeonghan had met up in your room, planning your victory.
The plan was simple. You had to tug on a couple heartstrings- use your charm to your advantage.
As long as you weren't suspected, the mafias would win.
And so, the game begins. Accusations go flying back and forth- fingers point wildly as voices raise to shocking decibels.
You watch your partners carefully.
Minghao is cool, composed, quiet- just like he usually is. Jeonghan uses his words, spreading accusations like wildfire, and the others eat it up with no hesitation.
All of a sudden, Soonyoung jerks out of his chair, rising to his feet with revelation written all over his face. His eyes widen momentarily before they narrow at the poor soul sitting opposite him.
The larger man huffs, shoulders slumping as he accepts defeat.
The game goes on, Mingyu has been killed, and the first round of searching yields no results for the civillians.
"night has fallen. mafias please select who you want to kill"
You point to Wonwoo.
The doctor fails to save him.
"morning is here- innocent civilian Wonwoo has been killed"
And again, chaos descends upon the room. Accusations settle on Woozi now, who's been suspiciously quiet according to the other members. You join in as well, agreeing with the majority, and Woozi is killed.
You, Minghao and Jeonghan share secret smiles.
The second round of searching begins and you wander off, pretending to search around.
"I can see right through you, y'know..." Seungcheol says, appearing beside you.
"nah I'm just kidding- who d'you think it is?"
"why would I reveal my cards? what if you're the mafia?" You narrow your eyes at him, backing away slightly in jest.
"cause I'm the police officer. and I think we should form an alliance-"
Hook, line, and sinker.
An grin takes over your features and you nod, "yeah I'd like that" You stare up at him, eyes wide, shining with innocence, and he melts instantly.
To him, you're intentions are all good. After all, how could you- an actual angel on Earth- betray him?
"night has fallen, mafias please select who you want to kill"
As Jeonghan and Minghao raise their heads, you mouth- 'Seungcheol- he's the police officer', and point to the man in question.
Jeonghan shoots you a proud smile before returning to crouch down on the table.
Once again, the doctor fails, and you succeed.
Seungcheol is dead.
"morning is here- policeman Seungcheol has been killed"
His jaw drops. Looking at you, Seungcheol is astonished at your effortless deception.
The third round begins and you sneak away into a closet, pretending to search. Seungcheol comes up behind you, and smirks.
"sly girl," he says, voice low and sultry, "got my guard down with that pretty face"
Your breathing halts.
"what are y-"
"oh cut the bullshit, you knew exactly what you were doing- looking at me with those eyes,"
A bashful smile plays at your lips and you take a few steps back, coming in contact with the wall behind you. He smirks, stepping closer and closer with one hand tucked loosely in his pocket while the other reaches up to brush your hair out of your face.
The contact makes your skin flush, and he chuckles in disbelief.
"fuck you're adorable-"
He leans down, lips ghosting over yours, as his eyes grow heavy.
Time, unfortunately, isn't on your side, and the round comes to an end. You pout, mouthing a quick "sorry", and leave as his arm chases your parting figure.
"night has fallen, mafias please select who you want to kill"
The next couple of rounds pass by quickly, and finally all the members are killed, save for Soonyoung and Jun.
Your victory is announced, and you head back to you rooms after a hearty dinner.
Seungcheol and you make your way to the elevator, after saying your good-byes, and for the first time, you see him scowl.
"what's wrong?" you giggle, leaning against the elevator wall.
"oh nothing nothing," he mutters, stepping closer with each word, "I've been trynna kiss this girl for a while now, but I think God hates me"
You laugh, tipping your head back against the cool metal wall, and Seungcheol stands stunned. You were just so beautiful.
After a moment of silence, you straighten up, facing him once more, only to find his gaze already fixed on you. There's sure shot desire and awe burning behind his eyes. It's clear as day.
You stare up at him, and it's as though the world stops. The same pull you felt all these days, draws your bodies closer. Like a moth to flame, Seungcheol finds himself drawn to you. He's helpless.
He stands in front of you, your faces dangerously close, and you feel your breathing quicken. One hand cradles the nape of your neck while the other finds your waist.
And his lips are on yours.
Colours blur together behind your closed eyes, fireworks go off in your head, your skin hums under his touch- it's nothing short of perfect; like a kiss straight out of the movies.
Your lips push against each other with a desperation you've never felt before, and his hands pull you closer. Seungcheol moves with such expertise, you can't help but feel your knees weaken with every motion of his body.
The ding of the elevator pries you away from each other, and you pull away panting. Your chest heaves like never before, and he shoots you a knowing glance. With his eyes he asks you- 'shall we continue?'
You rush out of the elevator, heading straight for his room. Shaky hands slide his keycard into the door and you're in.
Stepping inside, reality hits you like a truck and you pause.
"what's wrong-"
"what if someone finds ou-"
"shut up"
"shut up" he breathes, pushing his lips against yours once again, effectively silencing you. All your doubts melt away, it's like the world's forgotten.
A hand sneaks down to your lower back, pulling you closer, and you gasp. Seungcheol smirks, taking advantage of your parted lips as he slides his tongue into your mouth. You whimper at the motion and his lips quirk up.
He loved it when you got all flustered for him, but this tops it all. Once he heard the little sound you made, there was no containing himself. The little control he'd managed to retain, finally snapped, and he let himself go.
The kiss turns hotter, wetter, and you both know where this is going.
Your chest burns, you heart races, and you pull away, panting. His eyes narrow in on the unsteady rise and fall of your chest, the swollen pout of your lips, the unmarked, tender flesh of your neck.
Backing up, Seungcheol settles down, sitting at the foot of the bed with his legs spread slightly as he adjusts his trousers. He looks up at you.
"c'mere baby" his voice is sinfully sultry, fingers beckoning you over to sit on his lap.
Your feet follow before your brain does, and you straddle his thigh, whimpering when your sex comes in contact with the firm muscle of his leg.
"oh?" he teases, hands smoothing over your hips, grabbing at the tender flesh as he forces your body to work against his thigh. "wanna ride my thigh, sweetheart?"
Your head dips into the crook of his neck and you nod, feeling small under the weight of his stare.
"c'mon, you gotta look at me-"
You whine into his neck, and he shudders, grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you into place.
"uh uh, this isn't up for debate baby," he tuts, "wanna see that pretty face"
You bite your lip, stifling a moan, when he rocks your hips into his thigh. The friction of your panties and the texture of his trousers sends you spiralling into a world of pleasure. Your skirt pools around your hips as he holds you steady, now bouncing his legs ever so slightly.
He pulls and pushes you as he pleases, manhandling your body like you were a toy- but god that made you feel some type of way. How he could move you and touch you and command you with such ease, had your panties soaked through.
You needed to feel him in you. Needed him to fill you up and fuck you so good you only remember his name.
"that's it, shit" he groans, pulling you harder until your clit snags ever so slightly on the fabric of his pants. You moan, legs twitching at the stimulation, and he smirks.
"you like that, huh?"
You nod, helplessly.
So he does it again. And again. And again, until your legs spasm around this thigh, until you moan and whimper, until you come undone.
All for him.
"aw sweetheart, you made a mess," he coos, as his hands run along the curve of your ass.
"don't- fuck don't say that"
You face is beet red- if he didn't know any better he would've been concerned right about now.
"d'you wanna keep going baby?"
You nod, eyes shining.
"so eager," he grins, "here, lie down for me-" Seungcheol pushes you gently so that your body rests comfortably on his mattress, and crawls atop you, legs settling at either side of your hips.
As much as you've thought about this very scenario, as much as you've imagined how he'd be on top of you, nothing could've prepared you for how breathtaking Seungcheol looks like this.
His hair's messy, his cheeks are flushed, and the look in his eyes has you burning with anticipation. How someone could be so gorgeous is beyond you.
"m'gonna make you feel good, hm?" he murmurs, dipping his head into the crook of your neck, sucking little love bites into the tender flesh. You groan, tilting your head involuntarily, and nod.
He grins against you, lips streching in a knowing smirk. Trailing his kisses lower to your collarbones, to the swell of your breasts, Seungcheol glances up at you-
"may I?" he asks, fingers sliding under the hem of your top, splaying against your tummy.
"mhm, please"
Pleased, he lifts your top off, tossing is aside before working your bra. Deft fingers slide under your back, clicking your clasps open with ease, and suddenly, you're bare under him.
Your nerves catch up to you, and you realise that he's staring. He's staring hard. Like you're the eighth wonder of the world and he's just discovered you. Like you're the long lost city of gold and he's been searching for you all his life. Like-
"you're so beautiful," he breathes. "fuck- let me look at you"
You turn away, a bashful smile lighting up your face- "stopp"
"I'm serious, you're honestly so-" he huffs out, unable to find a word big enough to fit how he feels about you.
A giggle bubbles out of your throat and he smiles. His eyes crinkle, forming tiny crescents, as he looks down at you so fondly you think you're heart's going to burst.
He presses his face into your chest, inhaling the scent of your skin while his lips press tender kisses to your breasts. The wet smacks he leaves across your skin burn cool under the gentle breeze swaying through the room. It tickles your skin.
Feeling his lips move along your skin, your desperation only builds.
"Seungcheol," you whine, drawling out the last syllable, "hurry please"
He tuts and sinks his teeth into the flesh of your breast, your body jolts in response.
"patience," he mumbles into your skin, "patience, baby", leaving goosebumps as he speaks. A shiver wracks its way through you, uncontrollable and intense.
"oh sweetheart-"
Choosing to be merciful, Seungcheol kisses a trail down your naked torso, stopping above the waistband of your skirt.
"this okay?"
"more than okay- just god, please don't stop" you whimper, hips jerking involuntarily into his hand.
Slowly, meticulously, he dips two fingers under the edge of your skirt and drags it down, letting his nails rake over the expanse of your thighs.
You shudder under his touch, completely at his mercy.
Once your skirt is off completely, he presses a gentle kiss to the inside of your ankle, and crawls up to face your cunt.
"god you've made such a mess of these," he rasps, running a finger along your slit through your soaked panties. Automatically, your hips roll up, seeking something more, but he forces them down firmly.
One hand holds you down while the other prods at your clothed entrance. He shoots you an evil smirk, and your breathing grows shallow.
"I hope you don't like these too much,"
All you hear is fabric ripping at the seams, and your eyes widen to the size of saucers.
"wha- oh my god" you cut yourself off with a loud moan as Seungcheol licks a thick stripe up your slit.
He winks up at you, eyes flashing with pride, and begins his work.
It's true what they say about rappers- their tongues really are built different.
Seungcheol devours you like he's been starved for years, like he begins and ends with you, like the taste of you is intoxicating. His tongue dips down into you, collecting your arousal before spreading it over your clit it firm waves.
The way he works that muscle against you isn't funny. It has you yelping, whimpering so pathetically you're both embarrassed and turned on at the same time
He laves at your clit, lapping up your juices greedily as if it gave him more pleasure than it did you.
"you taste divine," he mutters, half to himself, before plunging two fingers into your aching sex without warning. You moan, back arching off the bed, hips rolling up to meet his lips.
Seungcheol flicks his tongue rapidly against your hardened bud while his fingers piston in and out of you, curling up into you- oh, right there.
Your limbs tremble under his hold and your stomach tightens deliciously, waiting eagerly for your release; with the way he works your body, it isn't far away.
"Cheollie m'close-" you gasp, hands flying down to hold him in place, lest he decide to deny you of your orgasm. He groans when you tug at his hair, sending sound waves vibrating through your nerves.
A thin film of sweat settles over your skin, coating you like gloss. Your body writhes under his touch, and within moments, you feel yourself slip into blinding pleasure. The knot in your stomach snaps, and you limbs twitch helplessly.
Seungcheol eases you through your orgasm, slurping at your folds to taste your arousal. He pulls away with a smacking sound, his chin coated in your slick, and smirks at the fucked out look on your face.
"that good, huh?"
Cocky bastard. You want to smack that stupid smirk off his face, you want to throttle him and yell and hide all at the same time- but you know he's right. It really was that good.
So, you nod, looking away bashfully, red smeared across your pretty cheeks.
"wanna see you," you whimper, when he finally rises to his feet, towering over you.
He cocks a brow at you, a challenge dancing in his eyes, and you pout.
His expression stays the same and you can't help the exasperated huff you let out.
"please Cheollie I wanna see you,"
Finally, he smiles, obliging- "there we go, that's my good girl"
You aren't sure what you expected from him, but the moment he lifts his shirt off, time begins to slow. The lean, hard muscle of his chest, the defined ridges of his abs, the sinful swell of his biceps- you were drooling.
"can I-"
You trail off, sitting up so that you're seated at the edge of the bed, your face right in his abs.
"you can do whatever you want, sweetheart, m'all yours"
You giggle, "c'mon we've known each other for all of three days,".
"a lot can happen in three days,"
"mhm, but still-"
"hey," he turns serious for a second, "if this is going too fast for you, we can take things slower, okay?"
And suddenly, your desperation skyrockets. You've needed him from the moment you first saw him, and now that the time has come, it'll take an earthquake to stop this from happening.
Eager hands rake down his torso, tucking under the waistband of his pants. He hisses at the contact, eyes fluttering closed as you undress him.
"I want this," you affirm, voice soft and sultry, "I want you."
Leaving him in his boxers, you press a kiss to his abs, letting your hands roam over his defined torso, and then a little lower. Hard earned muscle greets your touch, and you can't help the way your cunt begins to clench up.
Seungcheol has the body of a god.
"baby-" he rasps as he threads his fingers through your hair, "fuck, you're gonna make me cum just like this-"
You giggle, letting him push you gently back onto the bed. He stares you down, eyes locking onto yours, and slides his last garment off so slowly you could cry.
"hurry" you whine, spreading your legs desperately.
Seungcheol has to compose himself. He really does. The sight of you, all spread out for him, so eager for him, has his head spinning. He curses under his breath, kicking his boxers off, and crawls above you, rubbing his cock along your wet folds.
A broken whimper claws up your throat at the contact, and you actually sob when he begins to push himself into you. Two fingers couldn't hold a candle to the girth of his cock.
"y-you're so big" you gasp, tears pricking at your eyes, and for once, you aren't lying just to feed a male ego. He was huge.
Your walls stretch deliciously around his girth, and you let out a shrill cry when he pushes further. You've taken big cocks before, but this? This put your toys to shame.
"just let go, doll, that's it baby, that's it-" he soothes, sucking in shaky breaths, trying desperately to control himself.
After what feels like an eternity, Seungcheol finally bottoms out inside you, his tip kissing your cervix with ease.
"oh," is all you can manage, feeling your insides make room for him. The shape of his cock presses into your walls, and your certain you won't be able to walk tomorrow. He's thick and long and heavy, and god you feel like some cock-hungry slut, with how desperate you seem to have gotten for him.
"fuck- you're so tight-"
"pl-please move," you whimper, jaw falling open when he draws his hips back before slamming into you.
Tears spill over the dams of your eyes, staining your flushed cheeks. Your eyes glisten with desire as you stare up at him, watching how his face contorts in pleasure.
"that's it, sweetheart," he seethes, supporting his weight on his forearms, caging you with his body, "takin' me so fucking good".
The drag of his cock, in and out of your sloppy cunt is nothing short of addictive. With every snap of his hips, you find yourself craving more and more, wanting him to burn, break, bend you.
"Cheollie please," your nails rake down his back, leaving marks you're sure you'll get in trouble for tomorrow, but you don't care and neither does he. All that matters is you, him and the pleasure you feel in this moment.
As Seungcheol pounds into you, his eyes remain trained in on your face, never losing focus of what matters most- you. There's a tender adoration in his gaze, how he looks at you so fondly, like you're the prettiest damn thing in the world.
"good fuckin' girl," he groans, "keep those eyes on me."
The room fills with the smell of sweat and the sound of sex- skin on skin, moaning, panting. You'd have been embarrassed of the lewd noises slipping past your lips if you'd have had your wits about you. The walls are thin. You know this. You know this, but still- feeling as good as you do, you can't bring yourself to care. Dealing with angry neighbours is tomorrow's problem.
A hand slips in between your legs, thumbing your clit, rubbing tight circles into the sensitive nub, and your eyes screw shut.
That all too familiar knot in your tummy begins to form, and Seungcheol forces his cock into you harder. The combined stimulation of his dick inside you and his hands on you is intoxicating, and you sink into the mattress, feeling a wave of release wash all over you.
But he's far from done.
"fuck-" he moans, feeling your walls spasm and squeeze around him as you cum all over his cock, "take it for me, yeah? you can take a little more, can't you?"
You whimper, legs quivering from overstimulation, and your body jerks under him as he continues to thrust into you, using your body as he pleases.
"shh, I know baby, I know," he soothes, dipping his head into your neck, sucking deep red bruises into the skin there.
Tears pool in your eyes, you nerves scream for respite, but you can't bring yourself to stop.
You can't help it.
He grabs your thigh, hooking it over his back, and pushes into you, reaching further than before. The new position sends you reeling from pleasure, and you swear no man has ever made you feel like this.
Despite having just cum, you feel another orgasm build in your belly- this one approaching much faster than the last.
"m'gonna- Cheollie please please, gonna cum" you sob, clawing at his back as his thrusts grow sloppy and harsh.
"cum for me."
And you do, clenching down hard around his length, leading him to his own release. He fills you up, emptying white hot fluid into your greedy hole, and finally, you're satiated.
Your limbs tremble and spasm, your skin feels sticky and hot, and your lips are swollen- but you wouldn't have it any other way.
Seungcheol collapses onto you, putting pressure of your stomach, causing your combined arousals to seep out of you, trickling onto the duvet.
"let's get a bath going for you," he chuckles, lifting his body back up and walking to the bathroom.
He fiddles around with the taps for a minute before coming back out, plucking a little box out of his bag as he settles down next to you.
"for you," he smiles, pressing the item into your hand.
You pry it open, and your jaw drops.
It was the necklace you wanted. The pretty one with the seashells and gems. You turn to him, eyes glistening and pull him into a sweet kiss.
It's different from your earlier ones. The way his lips move against yours aren't as agressive, and desperate as before. This time, he seems to be showing you how he feels, showing you his sincerity- it's almost as if he's trying to ask: "will you be mine?"
You pull away, breathless. His eyes sparkle as he looks fondly at you.
"pretty necklace for pretty lady," he grins, "right?"
#seventeen#seventeen smut#svt smut#smut#choi seungcheol#scoups smut#scoups#seungcheol x reader#seungcheol smut#kpop smut#seventeen seungcheol#shameless smut#strangers to lovers#it's all kinda rushed but like- c'mon
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you heard a small beep in your sleep, and you stirred awake as a warm body slid under the duvet next to you.
‘sorry, sorry, sorryyyy’ your boyfriend whispered frantically. you shook your head and slowly moved an arm so seokmin could slide into your arms.
‘s okay’ you mumbled, your body and mind still half asleep. ‘missed you. how was work?’
‘it was good. thank you for the lunch, by the way. my coworkers were sooo jealous that my partner packs me lunch’ seokmin pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and you smiled with your eyes still closed.
‘’m glad...’
‘are you.. asleep? sunflower?’ your boyfriend’s fingertip traced light patterns on your arm as you began to drift back into sleep. you let out a low groan and nuzzled closer into seokmin’s chest.
‘tired. so so so… tired…’
‘go to sleep, my love. we can talk tomorrow’
‘mmm… but i wants to talk to you noww’ you were obviously delirious from just being woken up, and seokmin thought it was adorable.
‘i have the morning off tomorrow. we can talk then, right?’
you seemed to pause to think about it before resigning quickly. sleep had won.
‘mkay’ you yawned loudly. ‘good night, i love you seokminnie’
‘i love you too. good night’
a/n: i was looking at my masterlist n realized i didn’t have a SINGLE WORK for dk and i got so pissed at myself bc i absolutely love dokyeom so i js had to pull this up from the bottom of my drafts, even if it’s horrible
#hannyoontify.works#seventeen#svt#dokyeom#dk#seventeen fluff#seventeen dk#seventeen dokyeom#dokyeom fluff#seventeen imagines#svt imagines#svt dk#dk fluff#fluff#seventeen fanfiction#seventeen fic#svt fanfic#svt x reader#svt fluff
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morning after with svt.
suggested by anon, i wrote these drabbles and the amazing hazel wrote the texts. read these first, and then the texts. (:
texts with svt (morning after ver) can be found here.
seungcheol is too soft for his own good. whether he has feelings for you or not, he's the type to stay around for a bit and wait until you wake up so he can say goodbye properly. will probably decline your offer of breakfast though (politely, of course).
jeonghan likes to watch you sleep, so of course he stays around too. if he's not that busy, he will also wait until you're awake to leave - but differently from cheol, he will accept your offer to eat first. now, if he has schedules that day, he'll be out the door as soon as you open your eyes.
joshua is a cutie, so he stays too. he actually wakes up after you, chasing after the sounds you're making around the house. he will be the one to offer to make breakfast or take you out to eat. it doesn't matter if he has feelings for you or not, he considers you a friend? so of course he'll treat you right (the sex is just a plus).
junhui feels kinda awkward once he wakes up. he knows he doesn't like you enough to have romantic feelings for you, so the intimacy of seeing you sleep or taking a shower with you is too overwhelming. he leaves before you wake up, but makes sure to leave a little something for you before he does.
hoshi is a heavy sleeper after sex, so chances are you'll wake up first. he's more than happy to see you still beside him scrolling through your phone as soon as he wakes up. he's the type to run his mouth about anything and everything, bonding with you beyond your steamy times. he's such a darling, he just wants you to be comfortable around him.
wonwoo is quiet, the morning after. he isn't sure if he likes you like that, but he does like your company, your body, the way you make him feel... so it always hits him, after he has sex with you, that he should figure his feelings out. he stays with you for breakfast too, grateful for the way mornings are usually quiet around you. he leaves with a heavy heart before lunch though, but knowing damn well he'll come back to your bed soon.
there's no morning after with woozi, as he leaves in the middle of the night, both because he can't sleep and he doesn't know how to deal with the "aftwards", especially if he doesn't love you. he's not an asshole though, so he texts you an apology when he knows you're awake and tells you that it was fun seeing you again, and that you should definitely go visit him on his studio sometime.
dokeyom is similar to hoshi, i think. he just wants you to be comfortable around him, so he's just his sunshine form when he's around you the morning after. he also stays, for as long as he can/you will have him, but always tell you "hey, i can go whenever you want" - no, dokyeom, you can't. you want to stay. you know you do.
mingyu is the type to wake up earlier than you, take a shower (because of course he already feels at home with you), and then proceed to make you something to eat. he shyly smiles when you come find him in your kitchen. even though the relationship he has with you is mainly sexual, his mom didn't raise a player - so he'll pay you back for having him on your bed somehow.
minghao stays with you. there's this spoken thing between the two of you, where you're not truly fwb but also you're not mere acquaintances - so he's comfortable enough to sleep next to you, but draws the line when it comes to breakfast together. he's out the door as soon as he has taken a shower (alone, of course).
seungkwan leaves as soon as he wakes up, not because he wants to, but because he's most likely late for something. he definitely texts you later, thanking you for the night and promising to see you soon. might also send something to your house, like your favorite dessert or something, since he couldn't stay as he usually does.
vernon doesn't stay. if he doesn't have feelings for you he's more than grateful that you let him have his way with you and always make sure to not be a player, and that includes leaving (it's not right after though, he takes his time to calm down and if you are already asleep by the time he decides to leave, he wakes you up. he will never leave without telling you so).
dino stays because he wants to be with you. i can't see this sweet boy not falling in love or getting obsessed with you, so deal with it. will crack jokes just to see you smile in the morning, and already knows how you like your coffee/tea. his smile falters when you tell him you have plans for the day, a polite way to tell him he can't stay for too long.
#seventeen headcanons#seventeen reactions#seventeen imagines#seventeen x reader#seventeen x you#svt headcanons#svt reactions#svt imagines#svt x reader#svt x you#choi seungcheol imagines#yoon jeonghan imagines#joshua hong imagines#wen junhui imagines#hoshi imagines#woozi imagines#wonwoo imagines#dk imagines#kim mingyu imagines#xu minghao imagines#boo seungkwan imagines#vernon imagines#dino imagines#seventeen#svt
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hello shampoo (hehe cute name btw) I just read both the seokmin and seungkwan fics (bof series) and oh em geeeeeee it was so so so good. you've written the characters so well!!!! it was such a good read! super excited for chan and soonyoung's stories now!!!
HELLO!! omg thank you for your feedback💖😭 you've really made my day! i'm particularly happy that you enjoyed the characters because i personally try to work hard on making the characters have notable characteristics which feel relatable.
chan and soonyoungie's stories are en route but will take some time unfortunately 😔 i'll be travelling from tomorrow onwards for a sudden reason so i will only be able to write again once i'm back! hopefully i can make up the wait to you by creating a fun story you enjoy!!
thank you again for dropping by my account and giving this precious feedback. much love <3
#simpxxstan#it isn't you seungkwan#lunch dokyeom#i've been having bad days and your feedback really boosts my morale again 😭#thank you so much anon <3
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Crush on Music Student Jihoon
"So, I couldn't help but overhear something at lunch today," he says, his voice tinged with amusement. Your heart skips a beat as you try to recall what you might have said that caught his attention. "Oh? What did you hear?"
Jihoon chuckles softly, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Well, it sounded like someone might have been talking about me..."
— Synopsis: Where you have a little crush on the music student Jihoon. He definitively is not like the jocks from the campus, his quiet demeanor between his loud friends, calls your attention, and your friends tell you to let go of this crush once and for all. But Jihoon shows up to show you that your admiration for him was worth it. — WC: 5.8k — WARNINGS: Smut, dirty talk, praising, overwhelming, fingering, blowjob, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, public kiss, their friends having a heart-attack when they kiss, tears and sobs of pleasure, g'spot stimulation and etc.
So, here you are, finally in college. No more high school drama, no more teachers breathing down your neck, and no more petty cliques. It's like a whole new world, and you're loving every minute of it.
College is different. People here have their own inspirations, their own goals, and their own quirks. It's refreshing to be surrounded by so much diversity. You feel more mature than ever, like you're finally coming into your own.
But then there's Jihoon. Your friends won't let you forget about him. He's a music student, from the same campus, and apparently, he's got you feeling all sorts of things. They tease you mercilessly, saying you're acting like a girl in high school with a crush.
"Ah, Jihoon. He's always been the quiet type…" They say. You've noticed it too. While his friends are loud and outgoing, he's content to stay in the background, quietly observing the world around him. It's one of the things that drew you to him in the first place.
But your friends don't seem to understand. They keep trying to push you towards guys like Dokyeom or Seungkwan, who are the complete opposite of Jihoon. Dokyeom, with his extroverted personality and vibrant energy, always seems to be the life of the party. And Seungkwan, well, he's practically a celebrity on campus with his charm and athleticism.
But as much as you appreciate their efforts, your heart just isn't in it. While your friends are off drooling over Mingyu at the football games, you prefer to sit quietly in the back of the university theater, listening to the sweet sounds that emanate from Jihoon's fingers as he plays guitar or piano.
You're sitting with your friends at lunch, trying to enjoy your meal while Jihoon's group of friends acts loud and rowdy as usual. Jihoon himself is sitting nearby, quietly changing papers, which you assume are lyrics for his music.
"So, when are you going to talk to him?" Hyeson asks, a mischievous glint in her eye.
You roll your eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation is headed. "I don't know, maybe when I feel like it," you reply nonchalantly, taking a bite of your sandwich.
Your other friend, Seungjun, chimes in, "Come on, you've been crushing on him forever. He's probably too shy to come and ask you out. Or maybe he's too busy burying his face in those ridiculous scores."
ou shrug, trying to play it cool. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just enjoy his music, that's all."
But your friends aren't buying it. They exchange knowing looks before turning back to you with raised eyebrows.
"Come on, you can't deny that there's something there," Hyeson says, leaning in closer. "Why don't you just go talk to him? What's the worst that could happen?"
You hesitate, chewing on your lip as you consider the idea. "I don't know... What if he thinks I'm weird or something?"
Your friend rolls her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. "You've practically had the whole college eating out of the palm of your hand since you started to study here."
You feel a flush of embarrassment creep up your neck as she lays it all out there. "I don't know if I'd say that..."
But she cuts you off before you can finish. "Come on, Y/n. Let's be real here. You've practically dismissed every other guy in this place because you only have eyes for Jihoon. And you're worried about him thinking you're weird?"
The conversation about Jihoon continues to flow at the table, with your friend passionately expressing her opinions. But then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot Mingyu approaching. Your friend doesn't seem to notice, her mouth still going a mile a minute about Jihoon.
Quickly, you reach out and wrap a hand around her mouth, effectively cutting off her words. She widens her eyes in surprise, shooting you a confused look as Mingyu stands next to your table, likely coming over to talk to you all.
Mingyu starts talking about the upcoming football game this night, mentioning that there's going to be a frat party afterward. Your friend's ears perk up at the mention of Jihoon, and she can't help but blurt out, "Is Jihoon going to be there?"
Mingyu furrows his brow in confusion, glancing over at Jihoon who is still engrossed in his papers at the other table. "I don't know," he replies honestly. "It's been a long time since he appeared at one of our parties."
But then Mingyu's gaze returns to your friend, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "Wait, why do you ask? Does someone here have a crush on Jihoon?" he asks, his voice a little too loud for comfort.
You widen your eyes in alarm, shooting a panicked glance at Jihoon and his friends who are now looking over at your table, clearly intrigued by the mention of Jihoon's name.
Your friend's eyes widen in shock, realizing that his question may have been a little too loud. "Um, well..." she stammers, searching for an excuse.
But before she can come up with anything, Mingyu's gaze returns to Jihoon's table, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Looks like someone has some explaining to do," he says, loud enough for Jihoon to hear.
"Oh my god, I fucking hate y'all…"
As you make your way to the promised frat party tonight, your friend nudges you gently and says, "Come on, Y/n-nie, don't be mad at us. We're just having some fun."
You shoot her a playful glare before sighing and shaking your head. "I know, I know. I'm not really mad. Just a little nervous, that's all."
But your other friend chimes in, unable to resist poking fun at the situation. "Seriously, though, I still don't understand why you like him that much. He doesn't even look like he fucks."
You roll your eyes at her crude remark, feeling a flush of heat rise to your cheeks. Brushing away the thought of your recent fantasies about Jihoon, you try to play it off coolly. "Oh, please. You don't know anything about him."
But deep down, you can't deny the truth in her words. Jihoon may seem shy and reserved on the surface, but there's a fire burning beneath that quiet exterior. And just the thought of him touching you, of him fucking you, sends a shiver down your spine.
How is Jihoon's cock? Could he really fuck you like you've been fantasizing about? The image of him moaning beautifully as he sings, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the strings of his guitar, sends a wave of desire crashing over you.
You squeeze your legs tight together, trying to ignore the pulsing ache between them as you continue towards the party. Each step brings you closer to the possibility of seeing Jihoon again, of finally making your move.
But as you approach the frat house, the thumping bass of the music growing louder with each passing second, you push those thoughts to the back of your mind. Your friend's little black dress that she lent you, hugs your curves in all the right places, a departure from your usual style, but you can't deny that it looks amazing on you.
She had insisted that Jihoon would love it, teasing you about your "Jihonnie" and the potential for a romantic encounter tonight. You couldn't help but laugh at her antics, secretly hoping that she might be right.
But as you glance around the crowded place, your heart sinks a little. Jihoon is nowhere to be seen. You try to push down the disappointment, reminding yourself that there are plenty of other people to talk to and enjoy the party with.
You lean against the bar, swirling your punch in your hand as you chat with your friend. Her eyes suddenly light up, and she says something that makes you furrow your brow in confusion. Glancing over your shoulder, you spot Mingyu walking towards you, with Jihoon by his side.
Jihoon walks with his hands in his pockets, his black shirt hugging his muscular arms perfectly, while his hair falls in his face in a way that makes your heart skip a beat. Your friend takes the hint and excuses herself, leaving you alone with the boys.
Mingyu gives you a sly grin and nudges Jihoon in your direction. "Go on, hyung," he says encouragingly. "You've been wanting to talk to her all day."
Jihoon's cheeks turn a faint shade of red as he leans against the bar with a sheepish smile. "Uh, hey," he says softly, his voice barely audible over the music. "Mind if I join you?"
You feel a rush of excitement as Jihoon starts a conversation, his shy demeanor only adding to his charm. "Of course," you reply with a smile, motioning for him to take a seat next to you.
As the conversation continues to flow between you and Jihoon, you find yourselves laughing and exchanging stories about your time at college. You're pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to talk to him, and before you know it, hours have flown by.
Suddenly, Jihoon pauses mid-sentence, a playful glint in his eyes. "So, I couldn't help but overhear something at lunch today," he says, his voice tinged with amusement.
Your heart skips a beat as you try to recall what you might have said that caught his attention. "Oh? What did you hear?" you ask, feigning innocence as you take a sip of your punch.
Jihoon chuckles softly, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Well, it sounded like someone might have been talking about me," he admits, his eyes meeting yours with a shy smile.
You can't help but scoff at his comment, feeling a surge of embarrassment wash over you. "You mean Mingyu mentioning your name out loud?" you reply, trying to play it off coolly.
Jihoon laughs and nods, his smile widening. "Yeah" he says with a nod. "I guess I've been on your friends' minds lately."
You chuckle, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over you at the thought of Jihoon overhearing your friends teasing you about your crush on him. "Yeah, sorry about that," you say sheepishly, scratching the back of your neck. "My friends can be a little... outspoken."
But Jihoon just shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. "No need to apologize. It's actually kind of flattering," he says, his gaze meeting yours with warmth. "And to be honest, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now."
Your heart skips a beat at Jihoon's confession, and you feel a rush of excitement as you muster up the courage to admit your own feelings. "Yeah, I've been wanting it too," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jihoon's face lights up with a genuine smile, and he leans in closer, his eyes shining with curiosity. "Oh yeah? What have you been wanting to talk to me about?" he asks eagerly.
You feel a pang of panic shoot through you as you realize you hadn't prepared an answer to that question. You stutter for a moment, trying to come up with something to say.
Finally, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "Um, your music project! It sounds awesome," you say, mentally kicking yourself for not being more prepared.
You can tell by the look on his face that he knows there's more to it than just his music project. And as the silence stretches between you, you can't help but feel a sense of unease settle over you.
"I was expecting something else," Jihoon says with a small, teasing smirk, his voice laced with mock disappointment.
A strange tension hangs in the air between you, and you can feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You wish you had been more honest with him, you can't help but wonder if this awkward moment has ruined your chance with him. With a heavy sigh, you take a sip of your drink.
You feel the unease settling in, a knot forming in the pit of your stomach as you realize the gravity of the situation. Are you really going to lose this chance? Are you really going to ruin this opportunity?
Hell no.
Your hand clenches around the red cup with more force as you weigh your options. Taking a deep breath, you muster up the courage to speak, determined not to let this moment slip away.
"That's not what I meant," you say, meeting Jihoon's curious gaze with determination.
Jihoon raises an eyebrow in confusion, waiting for you to continue.
"No, I mean, your songs are really awesome," you clarify. "But I have one more thing to say."
You lean in closer, your lips hovering just inches from his ear as you whisper softly, "I've been wanting to do this for a long time."
Before Jihoon can react, you close the gap between you, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. The world fades away as you lose yourself in the heat of the moment, your bodies pressed together in an electrifying embrace.
Jihoon responds eagerly, his hands finding their way to your waist as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matches your own. In that moment, there's no awkwardness, no tension, only the undeniable chemistry between you and Jihoon igniting into something fiery and intoxicating.
You break the kiss, your lips still tingling with the remnants of his touch, feeling flushed, satisfied, and breathless. A sweet taste lingers on your palate as you lean against Jihoon's chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
Jihoon's breath is ragged as he pulls back slightly, his eyes locked on yours with a mixture of desire and adoration. "Let's get out of here," he says softly, his voice husky with emotion. "Before our friends have a heart attack."
You glance over at Mingyu and your friends, who are practically collapsing with shock after witnessing your kiss. Your cheeks flush with embarrassment, but Jihoon's hand intertwining with yours brings you back to the present moment.
You nod in agreement, grateful for his quick thinking, and allow him to lead you away from the crowded room. As you step outside into the cool night air, a sense of freedom washes over you, and you find yourself smiling up at Jihoon.
"Sorry about that," you say, a hint of amusement in your voice as you squeeze his hand. "I didn't mean to cause a scene."
Jihoon just chuckles softly, his thumb stroking the back of your hand as he leans in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "No need to apologize," he murmurs, his voice warm and reassuring. "I'm just glad I finally got to kiss you."
"You should have kissed me before," you tease, nudging Jihoon playfully as you walk together across the campus, heading towards the dorms.
Jihoon chuckles, his arm wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to him. "Oh, really? And risk giving our friends a heart attack sooner?" he replies with a smirk, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You roll your eyes at his response, but a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "Fair point," you concede, leaning into his side as you continue to walk. "But you could have at least hinted that you wanted to kiss me earlier."
Jihoon's smile softens, his gaze turning tender as he looks down at you. "Oh, really? And here I was thinking you were the one making all the moves," he says softly, his thumb tracing circles on your hip.
You roll your eyes in mock exasperation, swatting at his arm playfully. "Hey, I can't do all the work," you retort, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "It's about time you stepped up your game."
Jihoon chuckles, leaning in closer to press a soft kiss to your cheek. "Well, consider this me stepping up," he says, his voice low and husky as he pulls back to meet your gaze. "And trust me, I have plenty more where that came from."
As you and Jihoon approach his dorm, the air is charged with anticipation, and you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement in the pit of your stomach. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, filled with laughter and teasing banter as you navigate the familiar paths of the campus.
"So, you're telling me that you're going to make up for lost time?" you ask with a playful smirk, nudging Jihoon's side as you walk.
Jihoon chuckles, his eyes glinting mischievously as he glances over at you. "Oh, you have no idea," he replies, his voice low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine.
As you reach his dorm door, Jihoon suddenly stops in his tracks, turning to face you with a wicked grin. Before you can react, he slams you against the door with a sudden force, his hands grabbing your ass firmly as he leans in to kiss your neck.
A gasp escapes your lips as his lips trail along your skin, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. You can feel his warmth radiating against you, his strong arms holding you tightly as you cling to him, your hands gripping his biceps desperately.
With a sense of urgency, Jihoon grabs the door handle and swings it open, pulling you into his room with him. The moment you step inside, the door closes behind you with a soft click, and you find yourselves enveloped in darkness, save for the faint glow of the moonlight streaming through the window.
Unable to detach your bodies from each other, you stumble forward, your lips locked in a passionate kiss. Jihoon's hands roam freely over your body, igniting sparks of desire with each touch, while your own hands explore the contours of his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles beneath his shirt.
Jihoon's eyes search yours, filled with desire. "Tell me," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You furrow your brow in confusion for a moment before he repeats himself, his tone more insistent this time. "I want you to tell me, with words."
You feel a thrill run through you at his words, and you hold onto him tighter, your lips still brushing against each other as you melt into his embrace.
For a moment, you're lost in the sensation of being so close to him, your heart pounding in your chest as you try to find the right words to express how you feel.
And then, before you can respond, Jihoon speaks again, his voice teasing and playful. "Come on, Y/n-nie," he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I want to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want me."
You can't help but chuckle at his bold request, feeling a rush of heat spread through you at the thought of indulging his playful banter. "Why?" you ask, raising an eyebrow in mock innocence. "Are you planning to use this in your songs?" you ask breathlessly, your voice barely above a whisper as his hands slip under the fabric of your little black dress, hands find their way to your breasts.
Jihoon laughs at your response, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he shakes his head. "Who knows?" he replies with a smirk. "But I think I'd much rather hear it from your lips than write it in a song."
You roll your eyes playfully, a smirk playing on your lips. "Fine," you say, leaning in closer to whisper in his ear. "But you're going to owe me for this."
With a sly grin, you reach down and find the waistband of his pants and underwear, pulling them down in one swift motion. Jihoon gasps in surprise as his pink, big cock springs free, standing shiny and eager in the dim light.
You can't help but let out a low moan at the sight, desire coursing through you as you gaze hungrily at him. "God, I wanted this cock so bad," you whisper, your voice dripping with desire. "I've been dreaming about it for so long."
As Jihoon holds back the urge to roll his eyes at your words, you lean in closer, your breath hot against his skin as you lick a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip. He lets out a low groan, his hands gripping the hem of his shirt as he tries to steady himself against the overwhelming pleasure coursing through him. "Hmm Y/N yes!"
With a hungry desire, you take his cock into your mouth, filling your cheeks with his hardness as you work him with eager enthusiasm. Jihoon's hands tremble slightly as he holds onto his shirt, his moans growing louder and more desperate with each movement of your mouth.
Feeling your own arousal building with each passing second, you can't help but reach down between your legs, pushing your panties to the side as you slide your fingers into your dripping wet pussy. You can't help but moan around Jihoon's cock as you pleasure yourself.
Jihoon's moans grow even louder at the sound, his hips bucking involuntarily as he struggles to hold back his release. "Fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming," he says, head thrown back. With each thrust of your mouth and each stroke of your fingers in your pussy, the tension in the room grows thicker, until finally, with a loud cry, Jihoon reaches his climax, his hot cum spilling into your mouth.
As you swallow eagerly, relishing the taste of Jihoon's release, you feel a surge of ecstasy coursing through you. But before you can fully enjoy the moment, Jihoon's voice cuts through the haze of pleasure, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
"Stop," he says, his voice hoarse with desire.
You reluctantly remove your hand from between your legs, your fingers still slick with arousal as you look up at Jihoon with glazed eyes. He takes your hand in his, pulling you to your feet and guiding you towards his bed.
Your dress is now bunched up around your waist, the fabric clinging to your skin as Jihoon manages to remove his shirt with trembling hands. You can feel the heat radiating off his body as he presses you gently onto the bed, his hands roaming over your exposed skin.
With a sense of urgency, Jihoon leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with yours as he explores every inch of your mouth. You moan softly into the kiss, the sensation of his lips making you feel rewarded.
As Jihoon's hand finds the fabric of your panties and tugs them down your legs, throwing the piece away, you shiver with anticipation, your arousal pooling between your thighs. His fingers find your sopping wet cunt, and you moan at the slight touch, your body trembling with desire.
With a wicked grin, Jihoon leans in close, his voice low and husky as he begins to dirty talk to you. "You know, Y/n-nie," he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear. "I saw you all those times you sat in the auditorium, watching me play."
You gasp at his words, the memory of those moments flooding your mind as you feel a surge of heat spreading through you. "I loved knowing you were there, looking at me, wanting me." Jihoon continues, his voice dripping with desire. "I couldn't help but wonder what was passing through your little filthy mind as you watched me."
"Did you imagine me touching you, pleasing you, making you scream my name?"
His words send a surge of desire rushing through you, and you can feel yourself getting wetter by the second. With a desperate need, you arch your hips towards him, silently begging for more as you lose yourself in the intoxicating heatness of Jihoon's dirty talk.
s Jihoon's fingers sink inside your pussy, you let out a gasp of pleasure, the sensation overwhelming your senses. Your mouth opens to answer him, but all that escapes is a string of expletives as pleasure washes over you.
"Fuck!" you swear, your voice strained with desire as Jihoon's fingers move inside you. The sound of your arousal fills the room, loud and squelching as his fingers slide in and out, your wetness coating his hand with each delicious thrust.
His movements are slow and deliberate, each stroke driving you closer and closer to the edge. You squirm beneath him, your body writhing with pleasure as ragged gasps leave your lips. With each movement of his fingers, you feel yourself spiraling out of control, lost in the intoxicating heat of the moment.
And as Jihoon continues to drive you wild with his fingers, his voice fills the air with a mixture of desire and frustration. "Fuck," he breathes, his words heavy with longing. "Everyone told me to take action, but..."
But what? You find yourself holding your breath, waiting for Jihoon to finish his sentence. But he doesn't say anything else, leaving the words hanging in the air between you, tantalizingly unfinished.
You can feel the tension mounting, the anticipation building as you wait for Jihoon to speak again. But instead of words, he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, "But now that I have you like this, begging for more," Jihoon continues, his voice dripping with lust, "I never want to let you go."
The admission sends a thrill of excitement coursing through you, knowing that Jihoon has been thinking about this moment just as much as you have.
As Jihoon pumps his fingers inside you, you grip his forearm tightly, feeling the muscles flex beneath your touch. Your head spins with pleasure, and your stomach flutters with anticipation as he drives you closer and closer to the edge.
Every sensation is overwhelming, from the scent of his cologne to the intensity of his gaze, to the sound of his voice saying all those filthy things that send shivers down your spine. You're lost in a whirlwind of ecstasy, unable to think about anything except the pleasure coursing through your veins.
And then, just when you think you can't take any more, you feel yourself tensing, your pussy throbbing and clenching around Jihoon's fingers. He senses your impending release and curls his fingers inside you, sending you over the edge.
"And I promise," Jihoon murmurs, his lips brushing against your skin, "I'm going to make you feel so good, Y/n-nie. You won't be able to think about anything else but me."
You arch your back, a pornographic moan escaping your lips as you cum around his fingers, your juices coating his hand and forearm in a sticky mess. The intensity of your orgasm is overwhelming, leaving you breathless and trembling in Jihoon's arms.
"You're amazing," Jihoon continues, his voice low and sensual. "The way you moan, the way you tremble beneath my touch... It's driving me wild."
You can't help but blush at his words, feeling a surge of arousal coursing through you at the thought of Jihoon being so captivated by you. His praise is like a drug, intoxicating and addictive, and you find yourself craving more with each passing moment.
"Can I fuck this pretty pussy, hm?" Jihoon asks, his voice low and filled with desire, as he flips your clit with his thumb.
You gasp at the sensation, your breath catching in your throat as pleasure shoots through you. "Yes, please," you whisper, your voice thick with need.
Jihoon chuckles softly, a teasing glint in his eyes as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "Are you sure you can handle it?" he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin.
You whimper at his words, feeling a surge of desire coursing through you. "Yes," you moan, your voice barely a whisper. "I want you to fuck me until I can't take it anymore."
As Jihoon's tip presses against your slit, you quiver with anticipation, feeling the wet folds parting to welcome him inside. His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, his tongue teasing yours as he guides his cock deeper inside you.
You moan into his mouth as he enters you fully, his length stretching you deliciously as he fills you completely. A gasp escapes Jihoon's lips as he sinks into you, the sensation overwhelming both of you with pleasure.
With his cock buried deep inside you, Jihoon opens his mouth in a gasp of ecstasy, his breath hot against your skin. You whimper at the sensation, feeling a surge of desire coursing through you as he bites your chin lightly, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you.
As Jihoon moves inside of you, his hips rolling with a rhythm that drives you wild, you can't help but cling to him desperately, your hands finding purchase on his back as he fills you up so perfectly. The previous orgasm has left you sensitive and achingly aroused, making it easy for him to slide in and out of you with ease.
You look into his eyes, lost in the depths of his gaze, feeling a connection that transcends words. His necklace brushes against your face with each thrust, a reminder of his presence, grounding you in the reality of the moment.
Tears stream down your face, mingling with the pleasure and overwhelming sensation of having him finally inside you. It's not a dream – Jihoon is here, fucking you with a passion that leaves you breathless and shaking.
Your mouth hangs open in a silent cry of ecstasy as you surrender yourself completely to the pleasure, every movement of his hips sending waves of pleasure crashing over you. You hold onto him desperately, your nails digging into his skin as you ride the wave of sensation, knowing that this moment will stay with you forever.
As Jihoon's cock hits your G-spot, you arch your back in ecstasy, the pleasure overwhelming you as you cling to him desperately. He watches your reaction with a smirk, clearly enjoying the effect he's having on you.
But then, a sob escapes your lips, the intensity of the sensation bringing tears to your eyes. Jihoon hears your sob and responds by thrusting in the same way, driving you even closer to the edge of pleasure.
You sob even louder at the sensation, the pleasure so intense that it's almost unbearable. But Jihoon is there for you, cooing softly as he continues to move inside you, his touch bringing you both pleasure and comfort.
You call out his name, your words babbling as you try to express just how good it feels. "Jihoon, it's too good," you whimper, your voice thick with desire. "Too good..."
"Shh, it's okay," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your skin as he holds you close. "I've got you, Y/n-nie. Just let go and feel it."
As Jihoon turns you around and pushes your head onto the pillow, you let out a scream of pleasure, the intensity of his thrusts overwhelming your senses. With each movement of his hips, you feel yourself weakening, surrendering completely to the pleasure coursing through you.
Jihoon's thrusts are intense, his cock driving deep inside you with a ferocity that leaves you breathless. His hands tremble as he grabs onto you wherever he can, his moans mingling with yours.
And then, just when you think you can't take any more, you feel it – the tightening in your stomach, the trembling of your muscles as your pussy walls hug Jihoon's cock tight. He spasms with pleasure everytime you clench around him.
As you feel the wave of pleasure building inside you, you grip the sheets and pillows tight, your body convulsing with the intensity of the sensation. Jihoon continues to thrust into you with the same relentless rhythm, driving you to the brink of ecstasy with each movement of his hips.
And then, it happens – you cum on his cock, your entire body trembling with the force of your release. A long, exasperated cry escapes your lips as you convulse around him, your pussy gushing with wetness as you ride the waves of pleasure.
Jihoon watches you in awe, his own desire reaching a fever pitch as he sees you spasming and creaming around his cock. He holds himself back with every ounce of willpower he has, determined to wait until you're fully satisfied before allowing himself to succumb to his own release.
But as he feels you tightening around him, the sensation driving him to the edge of control, he knows that he won't be able to hold out much longer. With a guttural groan, he lets go, his own climax crashing over him in a tidal wave.
As Jihoon rides out his climax, his cum mixing with yours as it drips from your pussy, the sound of the messy aftermath echoing around the room. You both collapse onto the bed, spent and breathless, the intensity of your orgasms still coursing through your veins.
The room is filled with the scent of sex and sweat, a tangible reminder of the passion that has consumed you both. But as you lie there together, wrapped in each other's arms, you feel a sense of contentment wash over you.
As Jihoon plays with your hair, breaking the comfortable silence that has settled between you, he asks softly, "Are you going to continue watching me play in the auditorium?"
You smile up at him, your heart fluttering at the thought of seeing him perform again. "Of course," you reply without hesitation. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Jihoon's eyes light up with a hint of mischief as he leans in closer, his breath warm against your skin. "Good," he says, his voice filled with determination. "But this time, I want you to be in the front row, not on the last chairs."
You can't help but blush at his words, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of being so close to him while he performs. "I'd love that," you murmur, your heart pounding in anticipation.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen reactions#seventeen headcanons#seventeen x reader#seventeen scenarios#seventeen smut#seventeen#seventeen fluff#svt smut#svt imagines#seventeen fic#seventeen x you#seventeen x yn#seventeen x oc#seventeen x y/n#woozi smut#woozi#woozi x reader#svt woozi#seventeen woozi#woozi fluff#woozi angst#woozi imagines#woozi scenarios#woozi reactions#woozi drabbles#woozi headcanons#jihoon smut#lee jihoon#jihoon x reader
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2020 <> can you hear me in the silence?
word count: 2.3k TW: downbad!wonwoo, hints at cyana's past, fluff, comfort, one swear word italics are in english, bolded words are in japanese a/n: we love a downbad wonwoo moment and oblivious cyana- this pairing is always so fun to write! threw in a little sneak peak of cyana's past and what's to come...
Wonwoo felt a swirl of guilt and nausea each time he saw Cyana. Ever since that night - where Wonwoo had fainted backstage and Cyana had kindly stayed next to him through it all - he felt he owed the girl immensely. They hadn't talked at all since - Wonwoo knew he was continuing to avoid the girl - not because of his fear this time, but out of guilt. He knew he had been rude and callous to the girl since day one and regretted it deeply.
There was nothing he could say however, each time he tried to speak to her, his tongue refused to cooperate and his throat would close up. He'd end up looking like a fool in front of her, his usually charismatic self reduced into silence.
He figured he had always been better at showing instead of telling.
Cyana was woefully overstimulated and it was showing. Her eyes had glazed over, as she sat in between DK and Dino, bearing the front of all the chaos.
Wonwoo knew it had been a long day for the girl. Cyana had been paraded around Tokyo, finishing interviews and photoshoots and still making time to grab dinner with Joshua and Jun. He had seen how eager she had been to crash in her room the moment they had returned back to the hotel. It was purely because she couldn't say no to Dino that she was still awake, joining them all for late night drinks.
"...and then you would've believe what she told me." DK continued on with his story, halfway through his third can of beer. His voice was loud, as the alcohol lowered his inhibitions.
"Dokyeom-ah." Wonwoo cut in before he could continue. His voice was quiet, but firm nonetheless.
The boy in question turned his head to the corner of room where Wonwoo sat. "Oh, hyung."
"Let's lower our voices, okay?" He reminded gently, still eyeing Cyana. "We don't want to get another noise complaint."
DK nodded. "Whoops." He smiled sheepishly. "You're right."
Wonwoo turned to look at Hoshi and Mingyu as well, who had both been cackling over something on Mingyu's phone. "You two as well."
The volume died significantly, and Wonwoo could see Cyana's shoulders relax. He turned back to nursing his own can of beer, watching as she blinked out of her stupor and leaned comfortably against Dino to listen to DK's story.
Joshua would've joked that Wonwoo seemed to be stalking Cyana had it not been very true. He could see his eyes following her every move, and wondered whether or not Cyana could feel them too.
"What's going on with you?" He asked Wonwoo as they walked outside for a quick lunch.
Wonwoo frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You've been following Cyana with your eyes like 24/7 ever since our Japan concert."
He could swear he saw Wonwoo blush. "I don't know what you're talking about, man." He denied, moving past him to open the door to the cafe.
Joshua shrugged. It really wasn't any of his business, and Wonwoo always had been a little weird about Cyana since the beginning. His lips quirked up into a tiny smile, enjoying this newfound side of his friend. It was hard to see Wonwoo as anything but calm and collected.
As they sat down to order, he watched from over the menu as Wonwoo scanned the options.
"Have you been here before?" Joshua asked, confused. Wonwoo was looking at the menu like he already knew what he wanted to order.
Wonwoo glanced up before returning his eyes to the menu. "What?" He mumbled. "No."
"How'd you even find this place anyways?" Joshua wondered out loud. "Must be really popular, if you said we needed to come here." Wonwoo had approached him with the idea of going to a cafe 15 minutes away and Joshua had gladly accepted.
Wonwoo shook his head. "It's actually pretty underground." He revealed. "It took me awhile to find."
Joshua frowned. His friend was giving him more questions than answers.
Before he could ask how Wonwoo even knew of the place, the server approached them with a pad of paper, ready to take their order. "Hello, what can I get for you?"
Wonwoo gestured at Joshua to go first. Reaching for his limited knowledge of Japanese, he pointed at the pastry that had caught his eye. "I'll have one of these, please. And a latte."
The waiter nodded, looking over at Wonwoo expectantly.
"I'll have one of these, please." Wonwoo pointed to something on the menu. He paused before speaking again. "And can I take this to go?"
The waiter glanced down at what he was pointing at and nodded. "Yes, I'll have it packed up for you."
"Thank you." Wonwoo nodded in thanks as the waiter left.
Joshua kept his questions to himself as they ate, all the while eyeing the takeout container the waiter had placed next to Wonwoo. He finally gave up as they exited the cafe, his curiosity peaking.
"What's in the box?"
Wonwoo looked down at the container he was holding onto, as if he himself hadn't realized he had it. "It's their takoyaki." He explained, shrugging. "Apparently it's the best or whatever."
A lightbulb ignited within Joshua's mind. He recalled a conversation he had overheard two nights ago, as he passed by Dino and Cyana's shared room.
"I think I'd murder someone for takoyaki right now." Cyana had mumbled out, eyes closed as she recalled the flavour. "There was this cafe I went to as a kid that served the best takoyaki. Ever."
Dino had laughed at her want. "Is it far?"
"I don't know." She groaned out, upset. "Don't remember the name. I just know they had like- wooden exterior and bamboo walls." Her nose scrunched as she recalled the memory. "Very traditional Japanese."
"No fucking way." Joshua stared at Wonwoo, his mouth gaped open.
The younger man frowned at him, raising a hand to push his glasses up. "What." He gave him an unamused expression.
"Is that," Joshua pointed at the box in his hands. "For Cyana?"
Wonwoo's cheeks turned red. "Maybe."
"Oh my goodness." Joshua couldn't help but laugh at how adorable the situation was. "You're pathetic, oh my god. Don't tell me you found the cafe just by her description of the exterior."
Wonwoo's face was ablaze as they continued walking. "I google mapped the thing," he mumbled, embarrassed. "clicked on every place that sold takoyaki and checked the exterior for bamboo and wood." He frowned when Joshua only laughed louder. "Don't make fun of me."
"I'm not-" Joshua wheezed out, slapping Wonwoo on the back. "Props to you, man. That's some dedication."
"Shut up."
"Dino?" Cyana called out from their shared hotel room to the boy who was currently in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, getting ready for bed.
She was staring at the box filled with takoyaki, still steaming and hot. "Did you go out and get takoyaki today?"
Dino popped his head out from the bathroom, toothbrush still in his mouth. "Nuh uh."
"Hm." Cyana frowned, wondering who had. Shrugging, the scent of the food overtook her curiosity as she sat down and took a bite. "Oh my god." Clasping her hands together as if in prayer, she couldn't help but shiver at the nostalgic taste. "The takoyaki gods have answered my prayers." She muttered through a mouthful.
Dino let out a snort from behind her, having finished getting ready for bed. "More like the takoyaki tooth fairy."
"I am so in love." She mumbled through another mouthful, moving the box away from Dino when he tried sneaking a bite. "You already brushed your teeth, bro."
"This isn't fair." Dino pouted, flopping onto the bed. "Everything you say has been coming true recently."
Cyana frowned, realizing he was right. Just yesterday, she had lingered in front of a store on their way to a interview. A purple and white notebook had caught her attention - perfect for storing her lyrics in. That same notebook had ended up on top of her suitcase later that night - no note, no receipt. Nobody had owned up to the act when she asked during breakfast the next day.
"From how I see it-" Dino was talking, breaking Cyana out of her thoughts. "One of us messed up- bad. And they're trying to get on your good side before you find out."
She gave him a look, taking another bite of her takoyaki. "Or~" She gave him a goofy grin. "It could be my fairy godmother. Finally showing up."
Dino snorted. "Childish."
They were halfway through their North American leg of the tour and Wonwoo could tell returning to LA had done something to the girl. She was no longer participating in their antics and hangouts after concerts - choosing to reside in her room instead. It resulted in Dino having to room with him and Jun, the younger boy moping around like a kicked puppy over losing his roommate.
"Something's very wrong with her." Dino muttered one night, having had enough of everyone pretending Cyana was okay.
"You're just saying that cause she asked to room alone for the rest of tour and you're pissed." Hoshi muttered back.
"No." Dino corrected quickly, getting up from his spot on the couch. "All she does is perform, practice, hide in her room, perform, practice, hide in her room." He listed. "It's like she's in a loop."
"Give her some time." Joshua sighed, and everyone turned to look at him.
"You know something." Dino pointed an accusatory finger at the older boy.
Joshua nodded. "I do. And it's nothing that concerns us. Cyana will share when she wants to share."
Dino huffed, clearly not liking being kept in the dark. "She's my twin, hyung."
Wonwoo could barely pinpoint the sadness in Joshua's eyes, but it was there. "I know. Give her time."
Wonwoo stood up, leaving the room without a word. Knocking quietly on their manager's door, he entered to see him working on his computer. "Can we get a day off?" He asked.
The manager blinked at the sudden request. "What do you want to do?"
"There's a bookstore close by, right?" Wonwoo remembered Vernon saying something about that. "Barnes and Nobles. Can we go?"
He knew it wasn't much, but Cyana had complained a long time ago that she missed having English books to read. He figured he couldn't do much to help the girl through whatever she was going through right now, but this- this he could do.
It was half-past four in the morning and Wonwoo was still awake. It was officially their last day on tour - tomorrow they'd be flying back to Korea. He couldn't tell whether that made him happy or sad. He was relieved though - hoping that maybe being back home would help heal everyone.
Their hotel floor was eerily quiet tonight as all the members had gone to sleep. He figured it was the crash that often came with tour ending - as if their bodies knew it was finally over and the adrenaline that kept them going washed away.
"Jun?" A tiny voice sounded from the entrance of his hotel room, making him flinch at the sudden sound.
He turned, spotting a bleary-eyed Cyana padding in, her feet bare.
"Jun's sleeping." He whispered, nodding towards the boy in question, who was sleeping soundly in bed.
He watched as her shoulders fell and she perched upon the table, her legs swinging gently above the floor. He watched her watch Jun sleep in silence.
It seemed like forever until Cyana spoke, finally raising her head to look at Wonwoo.
"Are you my fairy godmother?" She whispered, and Wonwoo felt as if she wasn't really all there. Her eyes seemed to look through him, as if she was trying too hard to look at him and failed.
He knew what she meant. He simply nodded, afraid that if he tried to say something, his words would betray him.
"Did you do something wrong?" She asked next, rubbing her sleepy eyes to look at him better. "Dino said whoever gave me those things probably did something wrong."
Wonwoo thought the question was very subjective. "Do you think I did something wrong?" He asked her instead, curious.
Cyana shook her head. "No."
"I thought I'd be nice for a change." He admitted. "I felt bad. And you were going through so much."
She didn't say anything, so he didn't say anything else either.
"Thank you." She whispered, after much silence.
Wonwoo could only nod. No need, he wanted to say. Or maybe As long as it helped you - through whatever it is that Joshua won't tell us. Whatever secret he's keeping for you. Whatever happened in LA. But he didn't say any of that- Cyana looked fragile enough.
"I like this."
Her voice shook him out of his thoughts as he looked back at her.
"The silence." She clarified. "You give nice silence."
His lips quirked at the creative way she had put it. He found she always had a strange way with words, but beautiful nonetheless. "Thank you." He didn't know what else to say.
Watching wordlessly as she walked over to Jun, sliding into bed next to him and curling herself up, Wonwoo moved to get ready for bed. By the time he returned, Jun had moved, as if his body could sense Cyana's presence and moved to compliment it - even while unconscious.
He pulled out his phone and took a picture, sending it to Jun for when the boy woke up. Settling into bed himself, he mulled over Cyana's words. You give nice silence. It made him happy just thinking about it. Silence was something he excelled at- and he always believed it to be a weakness. But if his silence was nice, and if it was something Cyana needed - perhaps it was a strength instead.
#seventeen imagines#seventeen ot13#svt#svt imagines#svt fluff#seventeen#seventeen 14th member#idol oc#cyanawritings#oc#kpop oc#kpop imagines#kpop addition#kpop#seventeen fanfic#seventeen fic#svt fanfic#svt fic#idolverse#idol fic#female idol#wonwoo x oc
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snowstorm secrets


pairing: soonyoung x f!reader
word count: 2,327
genre: smut (soft s*x), fluff, praise kink, enemies to lovers
sum. a weekend getaway with friends takes an unexpected turn when a heavy snowstorm traps you and your enemy alone in a holiday cabin. however, despite the cold, you felt warm...
a/n: it's been soooo long since i wrote a fic 😭 hope yall enjoy this!
you were trudging along the hallways after your last class ended when suddenly, you heard a familiar voice calling out your name. "hey y/n!" dokyeom shouted. you turned your head and saw dokyeom waving and smiling brightly at you. just as you were about to wave back and return a smile, you saw soonyoung standing beside dokyeom. "tsk, why is that fella there..." you thought to yourself. soonyoung saw who dokyeom was waving to and immediately ran to you. "hey nerd, walking to the library? i'll walk there with you." soonyoung snickers as he teased you. "nah i don't need YOU to follow me and i am NOT going to the library. mind your own business." you rolled your eyes as you replied him. just then, dokyeom walked to where you were and asked "y/n! i'm planning a holiday getaway next week at my parents' holiday cabin. would you like to come? i'll be there with soonyoung and seungkwan, as well as minseol and aeri (your best friends). let me know soon!" he winked at you as he walked away with soonyoung.
you texted your friends after dokyeom's invitation to join his weekend getaway.
y/n: "hey guys, i heard that yall are going to dokyeom's holiday getaway."
minseol: "oh yeah! dokyeom was gonna tell you that day when he asked us but i told him to ask you after your exam. aaaaanyways, are you coming? please say yes.."
y/n: "i would love to join yall but soonyoung will be there... i don't want to quarrel with him every second 💀"
aeri: "just stick with us. we know you hate soonyoung but we will be thereee so just come pleaseee. it wouldn't be fun without you..."
minseol sent a praying emoticon, pleading you to go. you thought about it and then replied "wait yea yall are right, i'll just stick with yall and have a blast there hehe" after that, you told dokyeom that you will be going. dokyeom proceeded to add you in a group chat and sent the details of the holiday getaway.
-- saturday morning, 8am --
you woke up to the freezing weather, getting ready and preparing for the 2 nights at the cabin. ngl, you were quite excited for this short trip except for the fact that soonyoung will be there. "it would have been fantastic if he isn't going ohgod.." you thought to yourself. just then, your phone screen lights up and notifications were flooding your phone.
aeri: "hey y/n can you get to the cabin with soonyoung? dokyeom and seungkwan are going for a grocery run."
y/n: "i can always go with you and minseol"
minseol: "y/n aaa sorry aeri and i just realised we have a morning chemistry consultation over zoom with our teacher until 10am... sorry we rescheduled it twice already idt we should reschedule it again 😭 we'll treat you to lunch and dinner on monday to make it up to you! sorry......don't hate us please.."
y/n: "omg wtf with soonyoung.. alone 😭"
aeri: "shit. IM SO SORRY Y/N soonyoung happened to be the only one free 😭😭😭"
minseol: "y/n i am soo sorry but dokyeom said someone has to be there early to check if we need any extra supplies..."
y/n: "can't soonyoung just go alone"
aeri: "errr dokyeom said its better if someone else accompanies him because he's quite bad at directions 💀..."
y/n: "ohmygod. fine i'll go but keep your promise on monday's lunch and dinner."
"great, what a wonderful way to start this winter getaway." you thought to yourself. just then, soonyoung texted you asking for your address so he can pick you up. you had no choice but to send your address while you received more apologies from dokyeom and your friends on how you have to travel to the cabin alone with soonyoung. after 30 minutes of waiting, soonyoung rang your doorbell. you carried your duffel bag and put on your coat before heading out to the cold.
"hey nerd, not bringing your study materials to the cabin?" you rolled your eyes and replied "can you stop calling me a nerd? i am not one." soonyoung laughs and retorted back, "no. pass me your bag."
before you could decline him, he snatched your duffel bag from you and placed it in the trunk. you were shocked but you didn't think much about it and entered the car.
the journey to the cabin was awkward but weirdly comfortable. all you could hear was cigs after sex playing in the background from the car's radio and soonyoung casually humming to the tune at random stops. he did not make fun of you nor quarreled with you over small random things.
"oh i wish he could stay this quiet whenever i see him..." you thought to yourself as you looked out the window. it was snowing heavily outside and all you see was thick white snow blanketing over the pavements. as soonyoung drove further into the outskirts of the country, you realised how seldom you explored the countrysides. "i should definitely come here for short getaways in the future.." you thought to yourself. envisioning yourself with different getaway ideas, soonyoung broke your train of thoughts
"hey y/n. could you search up the location again. i need to make sure if i am going the right direction." you sighed and took out your phone, inputting the location into the gps. the gps started giving directions and soonyoung listened intently.
at one point, he made a wrong turn (which he did not even realise) so you shouted "DUDE you made a wrong turn."
"wait no i'm correct" he rebutted.
"nonono dude look at the gps." you told him. "huh no im correc- oh. you're right sorry nerd." his voice softer as he realised his mistake. after what seems like forever, you and soonyoung finally reached dokyeom's holiday cabin. he brought your bags in along with his into the cabin. you hugged yourself tightly as the winds howled strongly. "the snow is quite heavy" you sighed.
as you went into the cabin with soonyoung, you took off our coat and boots. soonyoung turned on the heater (which was working thank god) while you went to check for supplies. after checking and confirming with dokyeom that everything yall need is there, you sat on the couch and scrolled through your phone. just as you were about to wonder what soonyoung was up to, you realised he successfully started a fire at the fireplace. he turned back, pointed to the fireplace and proudly announced to you, "i'm kwon fire." you rolled your eyes but chuckled softly as you thought he was quite adorable.
an hour has passed and your friends were still not in sight. it was snowing so heavily outside that you could barely see anything. the way the winds made the trees move looked really scary too as you stared out of the cabin windows. you were about to ask the group chat when they were arriving but to your dismay dokyeom said that there was a snowstorm so due to safety they decided to drive to the cabin after it subsides. soonyoung saw the message and replied with a thumbs up. however, you felt nowhere close to being okay. "there's no way i'm spending the time here with this jerk...." you silently complained to yourself.
"are you hungry? i brought instant ramyeon with me. if you want some, i can cook for you. i'm cooking for myself anyway. plus they won't be here anytime soon." soonyoung asked.
"oh yea sure, thanks." you replied thinking about how soonyoung is suddenly being so nice. it felt weird but nice, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. as you texted your friends, you could smell the ramyeon which made your stomach growl.
when soonyoung told you it was ready, you ran to the dining area and started digging into your food. to your surprise it tasted good. you never knew he was capable of cooking meals. to beat the silence, he started a conversation with you.
you looked up to reply him but he snickered and said "your mouth is dirty." "huh WHER-" before you could finish your sentence, his finger went to wipe it off for you. you sat there shocked, trying to process what he just did. he laughed then went back to eating. your face turned red and you muttered a soft "thanks".
after the simple meal, you went back to the couch. soonyoung followed behind you and suggested playing a game. "2 truths 1 lie? it will be boring if we keep scrolling through tiktok anyway." you nodded as you agreed with him. making yourselves comfortable on the floor, infront of the cozy fireplace, you started the ball rolling. as yall were playing, you and him either quarreled loudly at certain times or laughed heartily at each other's truths. if you were being honest, you quite enjoy it, which was weird because you never knew you could stand him.
"your turn" you chirped at soonyoung.
"hmm.... i love tigers, i love hamsters, i love you" "LOL dude isn't this simple, it's obviously the i love hamsters one. you literally look like one but hates anyone who calls you a hamste-... wait what??" as you replied, you realised what he just said. "wait what was your last one?" soonyoung looked at you and repeated, "my last one is i love you."
before you could process it, soonyoung leaned in and smashed his lips on you. your cheeks turned red and your heart started beating so fast but you leaned in more to kiss him. he then slid his tongue in your mouth. you whimpered and pressed your body closer to him, unconsciously grinding against him. butterflies erupted in your stomach as you kept wanting more.
"soonyoung..." you whimpered. "y/n, may i..." he asked as he traced circles on your thighs. you nodded and he immediately laid you down on the carpet. making sure that you are in a comfortable position, he started undressing you and himself. as your hands explored his body, it ignited a trail of flame.
soonyoung in awe, whispered “you are so fucking beautiful. you don't know how long i've wanted you.”
“soonyoung, please i need you so bad" you whimpered as you outlined his chiseled abs. "baby, be patient let me take in your beauty first..” soonyoung left a trail of wet kisses down your body. every touch left goosebumps on your skin. as he licked your cunt, his lust-filled eyes locked with yours. soonyoung groaned lowly, leaving shivers down your spine.
“you’re so wet...” he growled. you tugged his hair harshly as he continued licking your cunt clean. “soonie please… your cock.. please fuck me” you begged.
soonyoung immediately ripped the condom packet he took from his bag and rolled it down on his cock, groaning softly. he slowly slid himself into you. “you’re so tight, so perfect for me.”
“soonyoung aahh, feels so good” you moaned as he started moving. you pulled him closer to you. he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
“baby, you’re so good for me. i love you so much” you locked your legs on his hips, pulling him even closer where your body molded as one with his.
“fuck, soonyoung faster...” soonyoung whispered sweet nothings into your ears as he caged you between his strong arms. he smirked as all he heard were your pretty cries of his name and the sounds of clapping echoing in the room.
“soonie, i’m close…” you cried out. "y/n, you feel so fucking good. cum for me please baby." soonyoung breathes out. your body arched as you reached your climax which was followed by him afterwards.
he slumped his body on you, catching his breath after riding out both your orgasms. you peppered kisses on his shoulder as you cuddled with him. it felt so comfortable feeling each other's warmth though your bodies were coated with sweat.
“soonyoung?” you called him.
“hmm?” he replies.
“i realised that i have always liked you i just did not want to believe it… on days when you don’t tease me, i yearn for you.” you confessed, face hiding in his neck feeling shy.
“y/n, i only tease you for your attention. i don’t mean whatever i say about you. you’re literally perfect. i love you y/n.” soonyoung mumbles softly as his face heats up.
“i love you too” you replied back pulling his face to you as you pecked his lips.
soonyoung cleaned and dressed both of you up afterwards. the two of you cuddled on the couch, waiting for your friends' arrival.
-- after 30 minutes --
“WE’RE HERE! i miss you so much y/n.” minseol shouted but her jaw dropped when she saw you and soonyoung cuddling on the couch. “FINALLY! i knew yall had something for each other hehe. okay guys pay up.” aeri demanded as she and seungkwan collected money from the other two.
you started telling minseol and aeri what happened as yall prepared for dinner. dokyeom assigned roles for everyone to speed up the process.
after dinner, you and soonyoung decided to sit at the porch and stargaze.
“wow the stars are so pretty…” you looked up and muttered.
“just like you” soonyoung looked at you and whispered. you blushed upon hearing his words.
“oh by the way, though i said i didn’t mean whatever i said about you, i do think you’re abit of a nerd…” soonyoung snickered.
“kwon soonyoung. stop it right now.” you curtly replied.
“i’m sorry baby but at least you’re my cute nerd.” he cuddled you as he replied.
warming each other up in the cold was the best thing ever of this trip.
"i love you soonie" you said softly, with a smile on your face.
"i love you too, my nerd." he whispered back as his voice was filled with deep emotions.
#hoshi smut#svt smut#svt hard hours#hoshi hard hours#hoshi fic#svt fic#kpopfics#kpop smut#svt imagines#svt hoshi#hoshi x reader#soonyoung x reader#kwon soonyoung#soonyoung smut#soobinieee writes!
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Seventeen fic reccs
things they unconsciously do for you (fluff) @babyleostuff
when you stop breathing during an orgasm (smut) @hoshifighting
recording booth blowjobs (smut) @whipped-for-kpop-fics
ass or tits (smut) @svtswhorehouse
pretty little freak (smut) @sunniques
this series broke my brain a lil ngl
nocturnal (smut) @sweetlemontart
have my baby (smut) @seokgyuu
brat tamer (smut) @hoshifighting
control freak with a god complex (smut) @loupetlapinn
on my knees (fluff, smut) @sescoups
7:45 pm (smut) @miupow
sweet red cherry (smut) @wifeyoozi
gym crush (fluff) @haoboutyou
whenever you please (smut) @seokgyuu
lunch (fluff) @nonranghaes
yuck (fluff) @highvern
i need me a soonie
pillow princess (smut) @hoshifighting
like a lollipop (smut) @pan-de-seungcheol
use me (smut) @highvern
drabble (smut) @berryhobii
you. always. (smut) @sailorrhansol
precious (smut) @hoshiwhore
touch starved (smut) @whslnc
pretty (fluff) @nonranghaes
what do you like about me? (fluff, suggestive) @sunglith
i love you (fluff, smut) @sunglith
pornstars do it better (smut) @seokgyuu
had me going feral ngl
gym blowjob (smut) @seokgyuu
pretty (smut) @cherryycheoll
hands of a god (smut) @seokgyuu
big dick mingyu (smut) @svtswhorehouse
daddy's home (smut) @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
best friend rule 57 (smut) @wifeyoozi
whatever you want (smut) @suhsweet
what ever you say, bro (fluff) @bookyeom
whatever you say, baby (fluff) part 2 @bookyeom
favourite toy (smut) @sunniques
size matters (smut) @onlyseokmins
rough throat fucking (smut) @miupow
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