greenix · 18 days
(On first glance I absolutely thought your Scar was a stand-in for Stan instead of Bill, which is. Also very good sfkjsjfjd)
thank you so much!!! honestly scar fits stan as well but I was going for scarian and uh. didn't want to make them siblings,
Stan Pearl is a very fun alternative to me :)
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squisheebugdoodles · 8 months
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Started a new realm with @lunaroceanic last night and one of the very first things i did was frantically punch fish to catch a cat in the middle of the night
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grey-automa · 1 year
I was tagged by the wonderful @lunaroceanic !
were you named/named yourself after anyone?
Partially, yes. Partially, no. See, I chose my name (Grey), as it holds a lot of meaning to me. Among many things, it's a beacon of my belief that most things in life aren't black and white, but more so shades of grey. It reminds me not to bet on assumption, to be patient through confusion (my own and others), and to be okay with imperfection.
Also, my given name is based on a certain X-Men character, and my chosen name is a partial nod to one of my favorite X-Men, Jean Grey. Wasn't intended, but it is a rather fun accident.
when was the last time you cried?
It's been a couple months, but I shan't delve too deep into details.
do you have kids?
Nope-erino, buster
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Never in a day in my life.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Everyone is weird in some capacity. Everyone. There is always something that makes you stand out from the crowd. So, when meeting others, the first thing that strikes me tends to be whether they wear their Weird on their sleeve or keep it hidden from prying eyes. I hold nothing against those who wish to keep their privacy, though, as someone who is no stranger to the strange, I often prefer the company of the former.
what's your eye colour?
They seem to shift when I'm not looking. Others have told me they are bright blue or a dull grey. Some have said hazel. When I see them, I can only describe the color as that of a grim day's sky.
any special talents?
I understand things that I don't know, and I know things I don't remember. I can also make danishes.
scary movies or happy endings?
Many scary movies have happy endings from the perspective of the killer.
where were you born?
In a hospital.
what are your hobbies?
I love learning. Humans are so fascinating, marine biology is fascinating, space is fascinating, physics is fascinating, the art of weaving stories is fascinating! The world (and beyond) is overflowing with so many wonderful, interesting things. Beyond learning about whatever holds my interest in that given moment, I enjoy playing video games quite a bit, especially with friends. Ffxiv has been my main time-killer as of late.
have any pets?
Yup, my cat Bailey. She's 50% grouchy wine aunt and 50% cuddly fluffball.
what sport do you play/have you played?
Didn't do much sports, played baseball (badly) in elementary school for a little bit.
how tall are you?
5"4'. I've been told I have "pocket sized ancient chaos-god" energy. Haven't the faintest clue why.
favourite subject at school?
My answer is more so influenced by the teacher. I love to learn. Not everyone loves to teach.
dream job?
To be the odd but kind librarian of a grand library by day and a reclusive archivist recording, deciphering, and studying the secrets that mortals be not privy to by night.
tagging: @anthonypanics @zyrafowe-sny @the-paper-furler @kanobarlowe @thelastemuhunter
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lunaroceanic · 2 years
The Dumbest Scientific Report I’ve Ever Written
My good tumblr mutual and friend @ourlittlebitofnothinguniverse sent me this post, which then spurred this conversation:
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And so I did exactly that.
How Long Would It Take to Post the Entirety of Supernatural (2005) to Tumblr if You Posted One Screenshot of Every Frame Every Day?
(An analysis by Tumblr user lunaroceanic)
If one were to post one frame of Supernatural (2005) every day to a Tumblr account, starting on the day I decided to make this dumbass write-up (September 27, 2022), the entire show would be posted far enough in the future that the English language could feasibly not be commonly spoken anymore, therefore making it likely that the nuances of the English language’s word “love” may have been lost to time. Assuming this hypothetical Tumblr account would be the last remaining proof of the show’s existence, this could potentially lead to discourse over whether Cas’ confession was romantic or platonic that would persist far, far into the future.
Assumption: Supernatural is filmed at 30 fps
^Googled “typical fps for live action tv show”
Total Supernatural runtime: 14,726 mins
^calculated using IMDB episode length estimates
14,726 mins * 60 sec/min = 883,560 seconds
883,560 seconds * 30 frames/second = 26,506,800 frames
26,506,800 frames * 1 day/frame = 26,506,800 days
Accounting for leap years: November 22, 74595 (72,573.15 years)
^used this calculator
=> What if we use the Tumblr post limit of 250 posts per day?
26,506,800 frames * 1 day/250 posts * 1post/frame = 106,027.2 days
Accounting for leap years: January 12, 2313 (290.3 years)
^used this calculator
Summary of Results
If someone were to post one frame of Supernatural (2005) every day, starting on September 27, 2022, it would take them over seventy-two thousand years to post the entire show. The final frame would be posted on November 22 in the year 74595, presumably from the queue function rather than by the user themself because they would presumably be dead by then. Based on human history, I believe this is a large enough span of time for the English language to fall out of common use, and therefore make my hypothesis (that 15x18 confession discourse could persist past the English language’s lifespan) plausible. 
While exploring the titular question of this report, I decided to determine whether the same goal could be achieved if the hypothetical Tumblr user in question were to achieve Tumblr’s post limit (250 posts) every day, with each post containing one single frame of the show. Under this condition, the task of posting all of Supernatural would only take just over 290 years, and would end on January 12, 2313. While this is certainly long enough of a time span for the user to die and have to rely on the queue function to achieve their goal, I do not believe this would be enough time for the English language to be largely forgotten. It would, however, still be a comical amount of time for Supernatural discourse to be happening, so I think this condition adheres to the spirit of my hypothesis, if not its letter.
Bonus Discussion
As I said in the Methods section, I had to calculate the estimated run time of the show by going on IMDB, sorting by increasing runtime, and counting the number of episodes that had certain runtimes. From that data I created this plot:
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from which we can glean some information. Notably, the most common runtime for Supernatural episodes by far is 42 minutes, with a whopping 133 out of 327 episodes (40.7%). The least common runtimes out of runtimes that appear are 48, 49, 47, and 40 minutes in order from least to most common. An interesting fact I discovered is the fact that though the average length of a Supernatural episode is, in fact, 45 minutes, IMBD does not actually list a single episode with an estimated runtime of 45 minutes (or 46, for that matter). I was also genuinely surprised that some episodes ran for a full hour of total runtime. Also, while the myth that the show’s finale (Carry On 🤢) is in the 30s range was proven false, it is in fact on the short side at the most common runtime of 42 minutes.
Further analysis with this data could include breaking down average runtimes by seasons, contributors, presence of certain characters, or by episode “type” (season premiers/finales, MOTW vs. plotline, etc). There is also room for error, as the IMDB runtimes are just estimates, and the assumption of 30 fps was very cursorily researched. 
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
thank you @emzwolf for tagging me in this. I hope it's okay that I'm responding like a week late lol
were you named/named yourself after anyone?
not my first name, but my middle name is theresa and apparently that's after a character in a film my parents liked. I can't actually remember what the film was called (I've never watched it) but I think it might have been a czech film? and I know the character gets killed off bc that's the first thing I asked my parents when they told me I was named after her!
when was the last time you cried?
either having a breakdown over my work scheduling me for too many overtime hours without even asking me, or that one book I read recently where the ending absolutely wrecked me (both were in like july so I can't remember what was most recent!)
do you have kids?
no but I want to one day!
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i quite like using it but i don't know if i'm that good at it!
what's the first thing you notice about people?
i'm not the most observant, so i guess just whether they seem like someone i could vibe with and get on with, or someone i shouldn't quite trust
what's your eye colour?
any special talents?
i guess i'm quite creative and good at crafty stuff, but I don't know if i'm better than the average person! same with creative writing (though i did get shortlisted for a national creative writing prize once! but by national i mean scotland which isn't exactly a massive country)
scary movies or happy endings?
i guess both! i've got quite into horror movies recently, but i do like knowing that characters are going to be all right too
where were you born?
baden-württemberg, germany - though I moved to the uk when I was like 4 months old. but i spent a gap year living in the city where i was born again after i left school
what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, crafting i guess. i don't have many outdoorsy hobbies - i used to take riding lessons, but i can't afford to anymore
have any pets?
not at the moment. i had guinea-pigs as a kid, and i'd love to adopt some cats as soon as i'm able, but i'm still a student and renting, so it's difficult at the moment
what sport do you play/have you played?
i'm not super sporty - i have really bad hand/eye co-ordination which makes traditional sports quite difficult. like i said i used to ride, and i was into sailing and rowing as a kid too, but that's about it! oh, i also had ballet lessons till i was 10, if that counts
how tall are you?
i'm not actually sure and i'm on a train right now so i can't look it up - sorry!
favourite subject at school?
english I guess. i also really loved home economics, but only when we did cooking (half the time it was just classes on hygiene which was boring!)
dream job?
I really don't know! i guess i'd love to be a writer, at least part time, and then maybe do something else for just a few hours a week that involved seeing people but wasn't too socially draining. maybe something to do with history or children's books
tagging: @goblincoreinfp @freakwiththeknifecollection @faithdeans @lunaroceanic @schuerk-wie-schurke (as always, absolutely no pressure though!)
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tag nine people you want to get to know better
thank you for tagging me @lunaroceanic i love doing these !
favorite color(s): Red, Pink, Green, Yellow, Orange, Warm metals (gold, bronze, brass etc)
currently reading: been a bit since i've read anything tbh, just not enough time!
last song: if the song i'm listening to rn counts, bc i'm almost never not listening to something, is karma (ajr)
last movie: The Sea Beast (it fucks)
sweet/savory/spicy: All of the above! and especially in combinations!!! the trio is inseparable in my heart <3
currently working on: Setting my patreon up, getting a stable income as an artist so that I can actually do personal art again! making dinner tagging: @8-bitmono @wrenn-frug @wondermadeleine @astudyingfangirl @lammergeierdust @daydreamingdaemon uhhh anybody else who wants to do it!!! i can never think of who all to tag for these things ngsdkfjj
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eileenguy · 2 years
tag nine people you want to get to know better
thank you for tagging me hymn @howldean !
favourite colour: pink, yellow, violet
currently reading: textbooks and destiel fics 😭
last song: o saathi re and yeshu (from my playlist)
last movie: Stree on Netflix and The Company of Wolves on YouTube
sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury or sweet :) although I've been told that my "savoury" is most other people's spicy
currently working on: currently i have an idea for a werewolf story running around in my head so I'm researching for that (re: on a werewolf movie watching spree),
tagging (no pressure<3 also sorry if you've been double tagged): @ponthiertual @lunaroceanic @enochianribs @emoasssammyboy @johncas @killldeer @alice-pdf @girlblocker
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bloggerjuju · 4 years
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During lunch I was looking through my @redmagazine (@sarah.tomczak it eventually arrived) and I came across the @lunaroceans candle making kit and I thought it was great idea and also #somethingdifferent to do. So I went and looked it up online to see what it was all about and find out more about it. I also wanted to make sure it is #worththemoney and as you can see it is definitely worth the money. So when I read what came in the @lunaroceans candle making tin I bought 2. There are 3 different kits to pick from and so I picked 2 different kits. Each kit comes with 2 scented oils, 1 is #lavenderandgeranium & the other is #amber. In the other kit the 2 #scentedoils are #pomegranate and the other is #hibiscusandlavender. I can’t wait to try them out. The kits are also #veganfriendly and #crueltyfree and it also comes with instructions to follow. You can get 15% off your first order by simply subscribing with your email address. #lunaroceans #veganfriendly #candlemakingkit #redmagazineuk #somethingnewtotry #scentedcandles #scentedcandlesmadebyme #sarahtomczak #timetobecreative (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_w_-DuBZXk/?igshid=z1lc0e3njoif
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tiktaalic · 3 years
How much u wanna bet the thing that made John pick dean back up was the fact that the whole time dean was gone he had to actually take care of his other younger child and was like. Man this sucks >:C I wish my sonwife was here to do all this for me. Where’d I leave him again
ive actually. had a fic in wip status for awhile that's a bad boys coda where john goes to pick up sam from bobby BEFORE coming to get dean and he went to pick up sam because bobby's trigger finger was very clearly getting itchier re: john so john was like. sigh. guess i'll start "raising" my kids again. cmon kid lets go get your brother
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fluorescentbrains · 4 years
LOVE the spn angels metaphysics posting. This is sort of related but I would’ve loved it if the explanation they gave for cas’ grace running low all season (well, the last several seasons let’s be real) turned out to be because he’s had a soul, or at least the start of one, growing in him this entire time, and his grace has been feeding it. Like, in s9 when he was human he clearly wasn’t Soulless™️ the way humans who lose their souls are soulless. He still had morals and stuff so maybe an angel’s morals aren’t stored in the grace, but rather in the consciousness. “Too much heart has always been Castiel’s problem”—too much capacity for human emotion has always made him somehow Other to the rest of the angels?
Something about the “crack in his chassis” being the potential for true creation (bc prior to this hypothetical situation the only being who could create souls was god himself) and that potential being unleashed the moment he let himself feel and express the pinnacle of human emotion—love—and then being dragged to the empty directly afterwards but because he’s something between human and angel, the empty can’t fall back asleep because it doesn’t know what to do with him (like how both heaven and the empty both had claim over being Jack’s ultimate resting place in s14), so when dean comes to break him out of the empty and he gives up his grace he can become Fully Human... this is canon in my Secret Good Spn that lives in my head
oh this ties a bunch of things i’ve been thinking about together in a really cool way. yes it drives me crazy that there was a very compelling loophole in the empty deal (cas becoming human) and the possibility was like. not even brought up or discussed. and there was SO much focus on the mechanics of souls this season, all of the above could’ve just slotted right in
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
What really irks me about the way Billie was villainized and killed off is the fact that she was villainized for wanting to “become god” (an ambition she has never shown to possess previously) and to return the world to its natural order: angels in heaven, demons in hell, apocalypse-worlders back in their dimension (that doesn’t exist anymore), and all resurrected people dead again. But in the end, that’s what ended up happening anyway! Cas is back in heaven serving god as an angel, we never know for sure if AU!charlie and her girlfriend or ANY of the apocalypse-worlders are back because they only confirm that Donna (someone from this world who has never died previously) is alive again, and we never get confirmation that Eileen and Kevin get to go to heaven instead of hell when they die again. What the fuck.
Again, it begs the question: Why establish a certain set of events as a bad ending to be avoided, when that’s the ending they’re going to give us anyway???
Yeah, same. I’ve been running around and around all of these points for a month now, and still haven’t begun to understood any of this.
I still don’t know that Billie was villainized, at least in how I understood what happened. It’s not like she came out and said “I want to be the new God and everything will bend to my will” because Death has always been about preserving the natural order. And Chuck himself was the one “breaking” the natural order. We have learned over the years that there are consequences for defying the natural order, going all the way back to 6.11 and Dean’s first real confrontation with Death. Billie picked up this mantle when she became Death, and we further learned that the bigger the imbalance, the bigger the correction would need to be to set things right.
In 13.19, we learned that this was Death’s motivation for interfering in events that would destabilize the natural order, before one of the natural “corrections” could kick in and give us a “mid-sized war” or a plague or other similar cosmic reset. We assumed that Billie was attempting to AVOID having things go that cataclysmically wrong, you know? And with her view of the bigger picture she had as Death than as a lone reaper doing her job, she could see the multidimensional chaos Chuck was inflicting, and I can only imagine how chaotic her view on the natural order had become. It was Chuck who set it all up in the first place, and Billie was struggling to just do her job (that she also never asked for) while Chuck just kept messing everything up in increasingly awful ways just to force Dean Winchester to bend to his will. All this trouble, just to break this one human, and the entire universe was thrown into chaos because of it.
I saw it more as an induced madness than a true descent into evil. And we still never heard it direct from Billie that her goal was to kill God and take his power and become the new God herself... we only ever heard that second-hand from the Empty Entity. Was this ever really Billie’s goal at all?
Just like Billie sent Sam and Dean to stop Rowena from killing her reapers, to force a minor correction, it felt like her sending Jack to kill Chuck was just a next-level version of that same plan. Only because Chuck was the “author” of the universe and the one manipulating the entire plot of the story, she was playing a no-win game. No matter what she planned, Chuck found a way to write himself out of the corner.
I thought for SURE that after Jack defeated Chuck, he would return to the empty to heal Billie (because she wasn’t dead yet when the empty took her), rescue Cas, and put the Empty back to sleep as Billie had promised it, restoring all the damage done. And with the natural order restored, Billie would’ve... been content. Like... this seemed to me the only logical course of action in the finale, and yet... instead the entire story just... rendered itself irrelevant instead.
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squisheebugdoodles · 2 years
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Okay this was supposed to be an anonymous doot for my friend @lunaroceanic cuz i saw her pinned, but the site bungled when i hit send orz but i saved it before trying so now efurrybody gets to see the doot for her 83c hewwo!!!! hiiii friend hi!!!
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samdyke · 4 years
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everfaye · 3 years
Rises the Moon by Liana Flores and Ultimately by khai dreams
Thank you for your contribution
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transthatfag · 2 years
tagged by @krazeyjay (hiiii <3) to post my top 5 songs from my top 3 bands bands right now:
death spells
I Don’t Know Much, But I Know I Loathe You, Fantastic Bastards, Underneath It All, End of Life, Hate Unconditional
the wonder years
Sister Cities, Raining in Kyoto, Heavens Gate (Sad & Sober), Cul-De-Sac, Dont Let Me Cave In
earl sweatshirt
20 Wave Caps, Knight, Off Top, Veins, Huey, Mirror
gonna tag:
@guylobotomized @lunaroceanic @tornadocountrymp3 @de4dpegasus @sufferangels @gayangelsmp3 @diagnosedtranssexy @broughtyoubulletz @shrikesing @eileenguy @hauntedhannibal and who ever feels like sharing as well :)
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you've fucking MUMMIFIED lunaroceanic in fruit stickers
HGSDGDSKJFSDF YEAH,, i will admit i MAY have gotten a little overboard in fruit stickers for her hgnsdfks
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