#lunaris lectures
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
do you like women.
Women 👍
Women 👍
Women 👍
//Yeah, I like women, but I'm demi (also, you still did not send a tilde (~))
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
That's like me and Solaris being Arceus and Giratina. we don't talk about it much b/c we don't want that to be our one defining feature, and we don't want the worship that comes along with those things. We're just ordinary people in the end.
I wish people would see me as someone more than just a hybrid.
Yes, it is a part of who I am and I have long since accepted it, but I do not want to be defined by just one attribute. Especially one that was always out of my control.
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thelightofmeridian · 7 months ago
Jour 5 : mode de vie
Vendredi, enfin (= week-eeend) ! Ce soir, c'est une partie de l'annexe Mode de Vie qui vous est révélée (l'autre partie est toujours en relecture mais le principal est déjà (annexe Royaume de Metamoor > chapitre 3.)
Les ouvrages datant d'avant le règne de Leryn Escanor (an 0) sont pour la plupart rédigés en ancien métamoorien. Son utilisation étant limitée à certaines classes sociales ; notamment la noblesse ou encore les érudits, la Reine Solen Escanor choisit d'instaurer une nouvelle loi qui révolutionnera les habitudes du royaume, rendant alors accessible le savoir à tous, toute classe sociale confondue. Dès l'an 1170, le lunari ou métamoorien moderne (très semblable à l'anglais) devient la langue officielle du Royaume, écrite et parlée.
Le royaume de Metamoor utilise une monnaie appelée le lumin. Sa valeur varie en fonction du matériau qui le compose.
—  1 Lumin d'Or (Lo) = 100 Lumins d'Argent (La) — 1 Lumin d'Argent  (La) = 100 Lumins de Cuivre (Lc)
Alors que l'utilisation des lumins d'argent et de cuivre est plutôt courante, les lumins d'or sont réservés aux échanges de grandes valeurs.
Récemment, une forme de transaction plus moderne et dans l'ère du temps a fait son apparition. Il s'agit des billets, fait en papier de cristal souple. On les reconnaît notamment par leurs propriété de transluminence ; c'est-à-dire la capacité du papier de cristal à laisser passer la lumière. Par mesure de sécurité, ces billets révèlent leur véritable valeur à travers des lunettes aux verres spéciaux (verres de cristal pur)
— 1 billet aux reflets rouges/orangés = 10 Lumins d'Argent — 1 billet aux reflets verts = 50 Lumins d'Argent — 1 billet aux reflets jaunes/dorés = 200 Lumins d'Argent — 1 billet quasi transparent/étincelant = 5 Lumins d'Or (500 Lumins d'Argent) rare.
Le système éducatif de Metamoor est public et gratuit, obligatoire de 8 à 16 ans et accessible à tous sans distinction de classes sociales avec :
— Premier cycle (8 à 12 ans) — Second cycle (12 à 16 ans)
Plusieurs options sont disponibles à la fin du second cycle :
— Poursuivre à l'Académie avec une année de préparation intense (tronc commun) suite à laquelle une offre est faite à l'élève selon ses résultats scolaires — Études supérieures ailleurs qu'à l'Académie (qui est localisée à Meridian) avec possibilité d'étudier dans les autres régions du royaume — Apprentissage dans un domaine précis sous la tutelle d'un Maître   — Arrêt des études pour travailler, se mettre à son propre compte, fonder une famille, voyager, profiter de sa liberté ; sans aucune justification à fournir puisque l'école n'est obligatoire que jusque seize ans.
L'autre partie du Mode de Vie regroupe les MOYENS DE TRANSPORT avec les voyages à travers un portail (pour vous donner une idée : inspiré directement des portails en pierre de la série Wheel of Time) puis les classiques transports par voie terrestre (à pied, à cheval), maritime (navires à voile, canots/barques, ferrys, bateaux de transport) ou dans les airs (montures volantes, navires/bateaux volants) ; les MOYENS DE COMMUNICATION ainsi que la RELIGION principale du royaume le Culte des Eléments (eau, terre, feu, air) chacune dépendant de la Lumière.
On se retrouve ce week-end, bonne soirée et bonne lecture ✨
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piltover-sharpshooter · 4 years ago
Bullet pointts of the Leona and Diana story
Even by the age of 14 Diana was questioning the Solari faith, not going against it, but rather trying to challenge it. She's been scolded repeatedly for this, and I assume this lack of respect for someone who merely wants to comprehend the religion deeper is what later on has her reject that faith (As someone that went to Catholic School, I can relate)
And even young, Leona had Diana's back.
Leona has both parents alive (apparently they are sunforgers), and two siblings Aidonel and Kespina
The embers of their interest in one another seems to be that Diana finds Leona to be compassionate, and Leona finds Diana cunning and smart.
Diana helped Leona to improve in the oratory, but they did it through letters, since Diana doesn't want Leona to be discriminated against just for interacting with her.
There doesn't seem to be any type of homophobia in Targon (or at least the Solari) since Leona was approached by another girl to go to the festival together, and noone reacted badly to it
Leona has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to ask Diana out.
Ironically enough, it seems that Diana helping Leona how to speak more concisely about lectures might have inadvertently help question her own views on the sun and moon.
But it also shows Leona's own lack of interesting in challenging faith. She's read and been told that darkness is evil, so when Diana tries to challenge that idea, Leona just shroughs and goes "It’s not about why; it’s never been about why. It just is. Why do you think I need to go deeper than that when it’s widely known already?"
When Diana again tries to question faith, she was punished for it. Again, this probably later on has her reject a faith that hurts her (again, Catholic school so I can relate)
Diana gets angry at Leona because she thought that Leona was just talking to her to try to convert her into the faith.
Leona's parent seem the caring but strict, so perhaps Leona feels a lot of pressure to overachieve.
Both girls apologized
And indeed, the officially kissed.
The story ends with a hymn that is "Broken and Lost to the Solari" which confirms that at some point the Solari and Lunari were closer to each other as it mentions "And from their union, we emerge, Made of twilight and dawn, Encircled by their love"
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
You're welcome! Enjoy!
Giratina mail! A bunch of gender affirming clothes in whatever style you prefer delivered by a giratina in human form
My sister Solaris made these for you hope you enjoy
- Lunaris (@solaris-arceus)
!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUU!!!!!!!
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shadowjinx626 · 3 years ago
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For @soemthingsparkly and @lovingtrashtheorist
In this post, I've already said that Huey doesn't really have a set goal in the third season like Dewey and Louie in the previous seasons.
So here are some other issues I've notice with Huey's arc.
The Junior Woodchuck and Huey's flaws
I remember the creators said that Huey needed to embrace the chaos side of his family. Which is weird because that was never an issue with Huey. Huey himself even lectures Donald for not binging accepting of their family (something I feel iffy about) in the Quack Pack episode. Huey also was angry at Bradford in the Let's Get Dangerous episode when the guy was calling out the dangerous things his family had caused. So, even in his own season, this flaw wasn't something that Huey needed to overcome.
I also noticed that the writers added newer flaws for Huey in the third season. Like when Huey had an issue with fighting Steelbeak, which is weird because him and his family has been fighting bigger bad guys than the rooster. Why is fighting suddenly a big issue now? Would had make sense if this was in the first season, but this was in the third and final season.
If there was one major character flaw Huey has (that I felt should've been dealt with) is being co-dependent on the Junior Woodchuck. Through out the majority of the series Huey would reference the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook and the Junior Woodchuck rules. The Junior Woodchuck is a major part of his character and he knows everything about it. Which makes it weird that he never of the failure badge until the first episode of the third season.
The writers had Bradford use the Junior Woodchuck against Huey, but I wasn't really convinced. When I compare Huey in Let's Get Dangerous to how he was in The Last Adventure, Huey was upsets when Bradford was calling out the things the ducks had done in the past.
I know that I said that being a Junior Woodchuck is a big part of Huey's character, but for some reason I felt like Huey still wouldn't had listened to Bradford even after finding out that Bradford was the First Junior Woodchuck. This may be due to the fact that Huey's "goal" was never finding out who was the First Junior Woodchuck.
And speaking of Bradford...
Huey's Villain
The writers want to give Huey a villain like they gave Dewey and Louie. But there is a difference:
Who is Dewey's villain? Don Kanarge.
Who is Louie's villain? Doofus Drake.
What Don and Doofus have in common is that they have already interreacted with Dewey and Louie way before the third season. Meanwhile Bradford and Huey first interaction was in Let's Get Dangerous special, which was half-way through the final season. Bradford and Scrooge have interreacted with one another since the beginning of the series.
Another thing that Don and Doofus have in common is that they're both side villains. They are not the major villains in either seasons. Magica De Spell was the major villain of the first season. Lunaris is the major villain of the second season. Magica and (for some reason) Lunaris targets Scrooge. Bradford should've stayed as Scrooge's villain. Not Huey's or Webby's or any other of the kids' villain.
The writers also want to make a parallel between Huey and Bradford, but to me it felt surface level.
I know that the writers wants me to think that Bradford is Huey's foil. Saying that Bradford is someone Huey would've become if Huey went too far for his desire in logic and order. Which is something I don't agree with, because Huey as a whole loves adventures. From the beginning he had no issues with it, not even in season two.
Huey is a control freak, but this is mainly due to his dynamic with his brothers rather than trauma. Huey had absolutely no issues with the adventures and the destruction him and his family have caused until certain episodes after Let's Get Dangerous and during the final.
(Although, there were two other characters that defiantly had issues with the adventures way before the third season. That was Donald and Louie. I feel like Bradford have far more in common with them than with Huey.)
Whatever the writers wanted to do with Huey and Bradford became pointless in the end.
Bradford ended up having no affect on Huey's character. Huey went back to being co-dependent on the Junior Woodchuck, his view on the Junior Woodchuck and his family didn't really change. In the end it didn't really affected Huey's character.
I feel like the writers could've give Huey a villain to overcome without it being Bradford. Who was not only Scrooge's villain, but he was then turn into Webby's villain as well?
Webby's Arc
The writers had Bradford manipulate Huey into getting Webby to get the Papyrus. But it didn't matter anyways because Webby still ended up getting the Papyrus without Huey being involve. Rendering Huey's segment pointless in the final.
At this point I think it's pretty obvious that Webby's arc ended up overshadowing Huey's. Funny enough, Escape from the Impossibin actually foreshadows this issue.
Escape from the Impossibin started out with Huey. I thought it was going to end with Huey learning a lesson, but then the episode shifts focus into Webby.
That basically how the Last Adventure went. It focuses on Huey then shifts focus onto Webby.
Why did it shift towards Webby? Oh because the writers decided to write in May and June who are Webby's clones. Oh and also Webby is actually April and she's Scrooge's clone.
Did we really need a whole twist of Webby being Scrooge's clone? I thought we were all fine with her being Beakley's granddaughter. I know people tried to defend this twist by saying that Beakley was the real found family for Webby and not Scrooge, but then why? Why did we need to change dynamics at the last minute.
It seems to me that the writers (who wanted make Webby into a memorable character as shown by here) shift focus from Huey to Webby. This not only resulted in Webby's arc feeling like it came out of nowhere (and possibly damaging her character), but it resulted in Huey's arc being overshadowed as well.
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kawaii-mango · 4 years ago
Friction, Part 2
Summary: To combat the seemingly ridiculous story about her whereabouts over the past decade, Gyro hits Della with some cold, hard facts.
Gyro entered the storage closet and leaned against the door. He took a deep breath and as he exhaled he slid to the ground.
Thankfully, Della’s leg was a simple enough fix because he was going to need all of his strength to mentally process her return. He still couldn’t believe it. It was really her! After all of these years! Della Duck was back safe and sound!
He looked back and forth at the components of her prosthesis that were in his hands.
But how?
Surely one pack of OxyChew couldn’t have sustained her all these years. That is, if she were really in space this whole time.
Despite Scrooge and his recovery crews’ best efforts, no sign of the Spear of Selene was ever discovered in space, or even on earth for that matter.
No debris. 
No crash site.
And yet she has a limb that’s made entirely out of parts of the ship?
He sighed. “Pull yourself together, Gearloose.” He told himself. “You still have a job to do, so just grab what you need so you can get back and get answers.”
With that said, he stood up and searched the supply closet for what he needed to make his repairs. (Also, he made a note to tell Manny or the other intern to order some materials that they were running low on.) Once he was done, he exited the closet and ascended the platform to return to his station.
Before he reached the top of the stairs, he could already hear Della complaining. From what he could make out, she was mumbling something about fish. However, once she locked eyes with him, she just scoffed and turned her head. He rolled his eyes in response as he returned to her side to start working.
“So, what have you been up to?” He asked, breaking the silence between them. “Searching the galaxy for a new species to terrorize?”
“No!” She retorted, not looking at him. “I was stuck on the moon.”
“Uh-huh.” He responded. “Well you’re not stuck now so how did you get back?” From out of the corner of his eye, he could see her features softening.
“Well it wasn’t easy.” She said. “I spent much of the time fighting a mother moon mite that kept stealing parts to feed her kid, but I finally got the ship rebuilt! But then I saw that it ran on GoldTech. Who comes up with a gold-powered rocket?! Honestly?! So I had to go out and search the moon for gold, and guess what? THERE ISN’T ANY GOLD ON THE STINKIN’ MOON!! But anyway, that’s when I met Penny, Lunaris, and the other Moonlanders and they gave me more than enough gold to fix my ship and get home.”
“I see.” Gyro said. “And I see that you’ve become quite the fabulist too.”
Her head snapped up. “What do you mean by that?” She asked, her eyes narrowing.
He returned the scowl. “Oh come off it, Della. This is your worst lie yet!”
“But it’s true!” She asserted. “I mean, sure, some parts are a little out there and I wouldn’t believe much of it myself if it hadn’t happened to me, but why would I lie about this?!”
“I don’t know, cold feet about being a twenty-something single mom to triplets?”
“I love my kids very much, thank you!” She said. “And I spent every moment on that rock doing everything I could to get back to them! Being a parent means caring about others and sacrificing for them, but you don’t know anything about that! If I had known that I would be separated from them as well as the rest of my family for ten years, then I would’ve never gotten on that rocket!”
As Gyro’s words echoed off the walls of the lab, everything had gone quiet again. Too quiet. In fact, it was even apparent that the headless man horse below had stopped sweeping, perhaps to prepare himself to once again intervene on his boss’s behalf, yet Della did nothing, too stunned to even move or speak.
“That little stunt you pulled ten years ago affected more than just your family.” Gyro said. “Look around. This is all who works for the scientific research department for McDuck Enterprises now. Just me and two unpaid interns. In fact, there were several company-wide layoffs as Mr. McDuck devoted more and more money towards your rescue efforts.”
Gyro took her limb and moved to his workbench. “Until he was stopped by his board before the company went bankrupt.” He added as he continued working. “And those were just the financial repercussions. Your brother took off with the kids and didn’t speak to Mr. McDuck again until just recently.” Della remained silent but looked away.
“So the next time you want to lecture somebody about caring for others,” he pushed her repaired prosthesis into her hands, “take a good look at the woman in the mirror.” Without another word or a second glance, he walked away.
Sure enough, Manny was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. He pretended to look busy or at least preoccupied with something else.
“Manny, make a note.” Gyro said. “We need some more braided sleeving. Stainless steel. One-and-a-half inches. Also, we need 6-”
He was cut off as a brown and white blur sped past him. Seconds later, the elevator arrived and it was soon gone again.
After a beat, Gyro continued, “I’ll give you my full list later, but for now, I need you to go and grab the other intern. I think we’re done here for today.”
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ramblingguy54 · 5 years ago
Small Moment But Powerful AF
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...and Louie...
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I need you to see the angles I can’t.
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I won’t let you down mom!
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This was such a lovely callback to Timephoon’s grounding scene, where the camera angles put Louie into a real state of symbolic solitude when he harshly got lectured by Della, but this time around it’s uplifting between her and Louie’s very moving/cute interaction here. Della can clearly see not only how anxious he looks, but how bad Louie truly feels about playing a part in indirectly endangering their family’s lives again with destroying the communications satellites, during The Richest Duck In The World’s plot line. She isn’t gonna be hard on him this time because he’s not just looking at it as another innocent scheme, like Louie did before. There’s a lot of deep regret on his face before she comforts him, in letting Louie know that she needs him to be apart of this family, as well, for stopping Lunaris’ plans of killing their family and conquering their Earth. 
It can also help to look at this as Della’s way of saying, “It’s okay, Louie. I’ve originally started this problem, by letting Lunaris manipulate me into helping create an army of ships.”. It kills two birds with one stone basically and I love that so much. Also, the added touch of her rubbing his hair was very adorable.
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visionofnoxus · 5 years ago
❀ - to grab my muse by the jaw and force them to meet your muse’s gaze
// There we have it. I hope it pleases you and provokes thougths. Please do comment and give feedback.
"With me, Ra’Horak!” Leona ordered, raising her blade above her head, the blessed blade shining light into the dark passage way. “We will enter this shrine and end this conflict once and for all today” She declared. With a determined step, her bodyguard following close behind, the Avatar strode down the tunnel that was carved into the mountainside. Steps had been dug to the stone, the pathway snaking forward, descending and ascending as it traveled inside the mountain. Finally, torchlight ahead marked the end of their path, Leona bracing herself for the encounter with the arch heretic. It was time they’d put an end to this. With this thought in mind, she stormed up the final steps, entering the open cave that was the entrance into the Lunari shrine, lips already starting to form Diana’s name for challenge.
Her amber colored eyes went wide with surprise as she witnessed their opposition however. Instead of Diana and a handful of her cultists, the Chosen of Sun and her warriors were met with a cohort of Trifarian Legionnaires. Their great weapons gleamed ominously in the torchlight, the closed helmets and blood colored tabbards making the Noxians look like a wall of dark gargoyles, barring the Solaris’ access deeper into the cave complex and to their foe. Gritting her teeth, Leona eyed her opposition, taking in the new situation. She did not know how the Noxians could be here, nor why. Ra’Horak behind her were waiting, thirsting for a fight. Such was the effect of zeal on most men, and the Solari were not immune to this. It granted them ferocity and resolve, but there was a worrisome feeling radiating off the noxian warriors. They were calm. Ready to fight and alert, but at ease. And Leona had seen enough wars and fighting to know how most skirmishes between heavily armored knights and more lightly equipped warriors ended. Her followers were good, more than good. They were excellent. But something about these Noxians gave her a vibe they were veterans of many battlefields. And Noxus had plenty of wars on which to bloody their troops. If the Solari wanted a swift victory, and one that’d not rob them of strength to complete their true goal, Leona would need an angle. A trump card.
Her eyes shot up to look at the iconography depicted on the walls. This was a Lunari shrine built into the mountainside. There was a very real possibility her power was greatly diminished. Additionally, while scanning the cave’s edges and carved pillars, she noticed the tiniest glimmer of something. Swallowing a curse, the woman fixed her gaze back on the Noxians. Not only the warriors. There were several assassins hiding in the shadows, no doubt ready to pounce at the first chance. Which led the valkyrie into the next logical question: Why had they not sprung the trap?
“Leona, the Chosen of the Sun. The descriptions do not do you justice, my lady” A smooth voice called from behind the line of noxian steel, two of the large warriors stepping aside, making way for an older man clad in long arms coat, the feather shaped polets on his shoulderguards clicking with each step. Long silver hair reached to his shoulders and a dark iron breastplate underneath the coat gave out that this man too was a soldier. “And you are the raven general” Leona asserted with a tense voice, her eyes narrowing. “The tyrant of Noxus”. She’d heard of the new leader of the empire. Seeing the man approach so boldly, Leona chose to match him, stepping forth, motioning for her warriors to remain still. The two stood head to head, the valkyrie easily match and more in physicality to the general.
“I am not a tyrant but one of three” the noxian corrected her, but the Solari wasn’t having any of it. “One tyrant or three, that is Noxus’ business. But you lowlanders have no business in Mount Targon’s territory” She asserted glaring at the man. “And this matter is strictly ours to deal with”. Now it was the old raven that spoke, his voice turning cold and strict as opposed to the earlier levity. “These mountain ranges do not hold Targonian settlements and are at the very best on the very outskirts of your realm” The man spoke in lecturing note, as if talking to a brazen child. “Do not take me for a fool. We have been invited to this temple and that is a courtesy I assure you our host does not extend to the Solari” He finished, ever so slightly nodding at the crescent moon icon above. Leona was taken back by the insolent speech, drawing breath for an angry retort when the man rose his hand as if asking her to quiet. “My lady, I ask that you consider the lives of your subordinates before trying to insult my intelligence in the future. As long as the situation remains as it is, your subjects’ lives are in my hand”. 
There was a surge of anger in the ranks of Ra’Horak, but Leona understood painfully well the wisdom of the man’s words. Additionally, the Noxian had something unsettling, unnatural about him that hid just below the surface. The Avatar sensed it, but was unable to pinpoint the exact source right now. Swallowing her pride for the sake of her followers and the quest they’d taken up, Leona spat out her reply: “What do you want, Noxian?”. 
The general offered her a minuscule nod of approval in recognition of her choice. The man stepped closer and Leona cursed the underground location they were in, for she’d liked nothing else than to scorch this outsider. “I ask the Solari to leave and return no sooner than tomorrow. And I demand a glimpse into you” the Grand General explained cryptically, his left hand reaching up and seizing her jawline. In that very moment, Leona made her choice. She’d smite down this man right now for the insolence of laying a hand on her, and consequences be damned. But that thought was wiped away the very second it formed, the surprising strength of the man’s grip forcing her to stare into the Noxian’s eyes. 
And at that moment, the blood escaped her face. The crimson colored irises of the general stared into her eyes, and she felt something vile and unnatural connect them. The gloved hand touching her face and those inhumane eyes, they pulled at something within her, the divine essence of her goddess rising to shield her as the Noxian peered into her soul. It was few seconds that this contact lasted, such was the ward of her god, but for Leona it felt much longer. She saw memories of herself and of what must have been him. There were the slopes of Targon, then tall towers built of stone and decorated with iron. Her childhood home, then rows and rows of faceless warriors clad in red and black, marching to war. The steps leading into the temple dedicated to her Goddess, and suddenly just a field of carnage, ravens feasting on the fallen in some faraway land. Flashes back and forth, Leona’s mind barely had time to understand each picture. And then the offending hand was gone from her skin, the man’s eyes just a shade of bronze. 
Leona took a step back, shaken. The Solari had fought men and monsters, stared down creatures most people had not heard of. But this thing she’d just met was something dark and primordial. And she had no idea what it could be. “Thank you for your cooperation. Now, a single night is what I asked. Please leave” The general spoke in polite and respectful tone, but his eyes were as cool as and harsh as the coldest night on Targon’s highest slopes.
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crescentmoonhills · 5 years ago
A Death’s Life
Ch. 1
23rd of Blood Moon, 768 Lunaris year.
In the ashen desert of the northern eclipse continent in front of two hundred thousand army, a single beautiful lass is standing straight holding a shining sword. The wind blows against her sleek silver hair making it flow beautifully as if the world itself is trying to emphasize her exquisiteness even more. Her body covered in shining white adamant plate armor stood firm against the ground unwavering, unswerving, and unyielding. There the hero, Elena von Dämmerwacht gallantly points her sword forward.
A sword. That’s right, a sword. An elegant double edged sword that looked so beautiful it was as if the day and the night itself resides in its body. A sword that is known all across the eclipse continent for its ability to cut a colossal dragon’s scale as if a hot knife through butter.
The Equinox.
Long ago the humans were plagued by the endless wars against demons and their evil gods. The helpless and powerless humans were trampled and treated as livestock to the demons. In their grieves, they plead to their gods for a salvation.
The gods, Sol and Luna, pitied them and lend the humans a part of their souls in the form of a sword. A sword that could cut even the gods themselves. A sword made in the sole purpose to confer judgement to the gods who had defected from the Astral council. And only those of purest heart could wield it.
And that legendary sword of judgement is pointing towards a tall and slender man riding on top of an ashen horse.
A man wearing a giant white wolf pelt over his shoulders which size clearly disproportional to his body. A great black horn sprouting from the left side of his forehead signifies that he is anything but human. His left arm looks as much as the night skies itself rather than an arm. His tiny face half covered by the wolf pelt looks like nothing but a young child. With only his clear and deep blue eyes visible on his pallid face. The blue eyes that seemed to penetrate the soul itself which is peeking through his unkept pitch black hair looks troubled for some reason.
That man is none other than me.
*time freeze sfx*
That’s right. It’s me. You must be wondering how I got here. Well it all started in summer 19- Psych! You thought I was going to use the overused comedic time freeze intro those western sitcoms and movies often used. Jokes on you, this isn’t western, nor it is a movie...
Sigh~ I should get a life for real.
Yeah, anyway, it might sounds cliched but I’m a reincarnated person. Yep, I died once in a planet called earth and now I reincarnated in another world. I already forgot my pasts for the most parts. It’s been like a couple million years since I’ve been reincarnated so no surprise right.
Oh yeah, I haven’t told you my name yet. I’m Death. Yeah, no kidding. I’m one of those so called evil gods the humans often prattle about. Not that I’ve done anything to them but, I am responsible for the deaths of a lot of people y’know. I am the god of death you know, I mean that’s like literally my job so you can’t blame that on me. But the humans sure thinks otherwise and they dubbed me as one of those evil gods.
So yeah, when a lot of people called you “evil god” it’s no surprise that a hero will come and try to cut your head off of you.
And one of those so called heroes is always some OP cheat people who preach about justice whenever they got the chance. Ironically they never even bothered to hear your opinion on the matter. So much for Justice amirite?
What was that? Oh, you think I’m scared of these heroes?
Nah, it’s just that...
Right, listen here. When you live for like a couple millions of years as an evil god, you’re bound to experience things like these like countless of times. It happens all the time y’know. And the most troublesome part is that they won’t stop. If you kill one another hero will pop out in the next decade or so. So it’s a really troublesome matter to me.
Why won’t they just leave me alone or something?
I’m just doing the task given to me by the council. Why won’t they understand. I mean if you wanted me to quit I would gladly do so. If you’re ok with a bunch of undeads going around on your garden or something then be my guest. I’m literally death. What did they expect when they tried to get rid of me.
Seriously this is ridiculous.
And this girl in front of me. Stop babbling will you. I’m so sick of this that I don’t even have the mood to listen to your lecture about justice and peace. God help us all. Wait, I am a god though. Sigh~
“— and for that purpose you have to pay for your sins and accept the divine judgement sent by the gods delivered with my own hands. May—“
“—the stars of Iustitia lead you to a righteous path in the afterlife.”
Elena’s eyes widened in shock as I said the exact same thing she wanted to say.
I don’t have any precog powers but y’know, the hero’s speech never changes for as long as I can remember it anyway.
“Wait— what?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I’m sick of hearing the same shit for every single decade. Can we just get this over with already?”
While she seemed confused at my statement she readily assumed her battle stance ready to fight any time.
“Wha— hmph, fine. If that’s what you want then I will gladly serve your judgement you fallen deity.”
“Yeah, you know what? Just tell me what you want and I’ll gladly do it. Just don’t bug me anymore, got that?”
She got even more confused as she realized that I was trying to parley with her instead of fighting her.
“What nonsense are you spouting about? You as the god of death should be dethroned from your kingdom of demons and should be eliminated. For as long as you live you will bring about more deaths to this world. Now that you’ve heard what us humanity wanted there’s no way you’ll agree—“
“Okay then, I agree.” I said boldly.
“Wha—!!” she froze in her place.
“I quit from my job as a god and as the ruler of the eclipse empire. Happy now?”
“You’re lying!! There’s no way you would just agree to that! And I’ve never heard of a god who quit his ‘job as a god’? That’s ridiculous!!!”
As I was getting annoyed by her constant protests I start grabbing my horn.
And I break it off my head.
“Whaaattttt!!!!!” screamed Elena, aaaand she fell to her knees.
“Damn it kinda hurts y’know. Well with this I am no longer the god of death. Now will you let me go?”
Horns signifies a god’s divinity and roles. It might sounds weird for gods to have horns but that’s how it works in this world. As the sun god Sol has four yellow horns, the moon goddess Luna has two grey horns. And I, the death god has a single black horns with red circles around it. Although I only have one horn it was quite a big one among the gods. But yeah it was nothing to brag about.
“You— You? Eh? What just? Why??!!!”
Aah, I seemed to have broken a young girl’s mind. Umm... not in a sexual way please. But hey, she’s the one who told me to quit and she’s the one who got confused. Women. I could never understand them.
“What? You just told me to quit, so I did. And now you’re confused?”
“But I didn’t thought that you would actually quit!! I mean a god quitting that’s just absurd!!”
Yeah, now that I think of it of course she gets confused. I mean anyone will get confused if a god just quit his ‘job’ in front of them. Oh well, after working for a couple millions of years it’s not that weird for someone to quit their job.
“Anyway, I just quit my job so what now? Are you going to let me go or you still planning on fighting me?”
“Hmph, even if you quit that still doesn’t change the fact that you killed countless of people before. And for that you shall be delivered judgement.”
Not going to back down, eh? Elena and the army behind her all puts themselves on guard.
“Sigh~ why won’t they just let me be? Like seriously.”
Elena’s purple clear eyes are focused at me fully intended on taking my life.
“Okay. Do as you wish but know this little girl. I am the god of death if you decided to fight against me...”
I stopped my words and sends a glare through my eyes for some dramatic effects. What? Don’t judge me, it makes threats more you know... threatening.
“A lot of people are going to die y’know.”
Crap, that was so uncool and anticlimactic. So much for dramatic effects, a child won’t even fell for it. Heck, they’ll cringe at it instead.
But then, the hero Elena, and the whole two hundred thousand knights trembled greatly in the spot. It was as if their souls are grasped by Death itself.
Well, they are facing me and I am Death so that’s a bad analogy anyway. But wow, can’t believe it worked.
“Guh— fine, we will return for now. As long as you don’t cause any trouble afterwards, we will not disturb you anymore.”
Ooh, seems like she realized that she and her army are in danger if they continue to antagonize me. Well I don’t want to kill anyone outside of my job so it’s a good thing for me too if they backed down.
“Dämmerritten! We shall return to the capital!”
And just like that they marched back. The lass seemed reluctant to leave me though. But then again, they let me be for once so be it.
Hmm, now that I’ve quit my job, I wonder what should I do?
Well there’s a lot of things I’d like to try out since I’ve came to this world but I’m practically aimless right now. And the other gods will probably hunt me now since I’ve quit my job without even noticing them. But yeah, so be it.
For now, let’s start with being an adventurer, yeah? Yeahh, that sounds fun.
Alright, off to the human world it is.
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
He shorted the electricity. I'm fixing it now.
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ncumenia-archived · 6 years ago
1) He’s one of the few that Ernye will trust. (Unless he’ll try to murder her while rping AHAHAHAH )2) I’d like to imagine him cuddling the tamus and sleeping onto their soft fur. Sometimes he would try to steal one of them, but Ernye always lecture him because “Shuriman environment is not good for them!”3) If their friendship gets stronger probably Ernye would give him a little Lunari artifact as a sign of friendship.I didn’t know what to write-
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ramblingguy54 · 5 years ago
@sophfandoms53 I’m basically very neutral with all of this. I certainly don’t agree with anyone who thinks Della was outta character in this episode, but much like Louie, she’s looking at all the angles of how to lecture him in her own unique way so much that they’re both forgetting the most important one. They’re so wrapped up in their anger at each other for the hurtful things they’ve said it needs to be addressed.
Further discussing about what happened with The Spear Of Selene 10 years ago.
Della keeps dancing around the subject because she’s afraid of how Louie deeply feels after that vicious bitter statement he threw her way back in Timephoon. That isn’t a healthy approach in parenting for a kid who’s sitting on a mountain of insecurities about it at all. Dewey and Huey may be affected by The Spear Of Selene tragedy in their own rights as well, but the reality of it is, Louie arguably is suffering the most. He feels isolated from everyone’s talents in the McDuck family and Della still hasn’t put that together or talked to Uncle Scrooge, yet, about why Louie is acting out so much the way that he does. Della’s trying to figure out how to be a parent on her own, which is why I’m sure Scrooge hasn’t said anything yet because he wants to see how this will play out, which given Frank’s indication of his answer to a Tumblr ask today about Richest Duck In The World, that approach isn’t gonna end well. This is eventually gonna blow up by Moon Invasion, once Della’s past comes back to haunt her. While Lunaris may have manipulated Della into giving her the plans for building more ships, as we’ve seen in today’s episode, she is on a whole other level of smarts from Louie and should’ve been extra careful. I understand why Della trusted him so easily because she’s been without social contact for a decade on the Moon, but still to be that openly trusting isn’t practicing what she preached to Louie about being careful not to hurt her family. Now, to be fair, Della doesn’t know that yet, but still she’s made another terrible mistake that Louie is certainly gonna be beyond pissed at her for causing their family more trouble and pain, yet again. Louie’s been getting dressed down plenty by her, but when Moon Invasion arrives, the spotlight is gonna shift to Della’s actions next, causing real awful friction for Louie/Della’s chemistry.
Here’s what I loved the most about today’s episode.
Della and Louie are a lot alike in their stubborn behavior/cleverness, which is exactly the problem that needs to be solved when the Moon Invasion happens.
We all know that Louie backstabbing Scrooge, in Goldie O’Gilt fashion, is gonna piss her off in the follow up episode. Louie wanted to start this company because Della played a huge part in inspiring him to do so with being able to see all the angles like her, besides Scrooge obviously. Della tried to give a message to Louie about if he wanted to be apart of this family, then he had to stop these bad ideas like Louie Incorporated or else things would get worse for him. Della made it perfectly clear of her hatred toward Louie Inc., but still hasn’t put it together that it wasn’t just another harmful scheme. It was Louie’s way of idolizing/loving her. By shutting down that dream, in a poetic way, it shuts down Louie’s love for her, too. Louie has been trying to earn his mother’s love because Della hasn’t had a real sit down to talk to him about all his emotional baggage and where it stems from, too. Della is afraid of how Louie might feel, so she tries to go for a subtle approach, but Louie is getting the wrong impression from it. He feels like starting the company and getting Della to be apart of his scheme, since Glomgold’s speech about schemes being akin to a family has warped his perspective about what real “love” is, on top of that trauma he feels from the past decade.
Louie feels like since he’s so different from his bros, he has to work harder for it to earn Della’s affection because he’s not into the adventuring spirit. Even though that’s far from the truth though, as Della made it clear how much she loves him, but that’s just it. Della is too insecure, like Louie, to tackle the much larger issues at hand here that could destroy their relationship.
It’s a two way street for their complicated chemistry, people. We need to please try our best to be understanding of all the angles of where Della and Louie both are coming from. I understand some of these certain frustrations of feeling conflicted about Glomtales, but there is a lot of nuanced foreshadowing going on here.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. =P
Some of y’all clearly don’t know what parenting is or what it’s like to be punished for something and it shows.
Reality Check: Parents aren’t always nice.
Parents and their children get into arguments.
Kids get punished.
It’s part of growing up.
It’s part of life.
Deal with it.
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zingmagazine · 7 years ago
A Visit With Mary Obering
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Mary Obering in her studio
On a recent visit to Mary Obering's home and studio, it felt like I was stepping into a movie set of another era, an era when artists occupied Soho’s industrial loft spaces to ply their trade and exchange ideas.
Mary's loft is a sprawling space with large plants and plenty of natural light, picture perfect in its representation of what I imagined life to be in 1970s and 1980s Soho. And that is perfectly fitting, as Mary Obering was in the thick of the scene in the 1970s, rubbing elbows and offering critique at dinners and studio gatherings with the now famous minimalist and conceptual artists who she also counted as neighbors.
I was invited to visit the artist within her domain to discuss her career and the current show on view at Marisa Newman Projects in Koreatown, “Mary Obering: Selected Works 1983-1987.”
The artist greeted me warmly in true southern style but with an openness that seemed to betray the behavior of a woman who was born in 1937 and bred into upper class southern society in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Mary found her way to Soho in the 1970s via Denver, Colorado where Carl Andre first saw her work in a group exhibition and suggested that with her talent she belonged in New York City. In this new environment, Obering embarked on a path of pure abstraction, influenced not only by painters such as Mark Rothko and Josef Albers, but also by what was happening around her - close friendships with Mary Hafif "she's a great painter," and Donald Judd “I really miss Don,” and other giants of this time.
In graduate school at Harvard, she studied Behavioral Psychology under B.F. Skinner. The scientific mindset and curiosity developed under Skinner later led to her interest in physics. While living an artist's life in Soho, she would also attend lectures on the subject and studied textbooks by Richard Feynman who created a widely adopted pictorial representation system for the mathematical expressions representing the behavior of subatomic particles, also known as Feynman diagrams.
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Mary Obering, Analog, 1983
“Influenced by the movements of geometry and abstraction” these diagrams also caught Obering’s artist eye: “I was interested in that field and did a good bit of reading about it. I didn’t participate that actively in the area. But it interested me as an abstract and somewhat geometric art-maker, and those diagrams inspired me to do those works," "those works" being her “Event” paintings - two of which are included in the exhibition at Marisa Newman Projects, “Event, October” (1987) and “Muon Maker” (1987).
It seems natural for an abstract painter to find an affinity with scientific diagrams - each are distilling complex information into simpler forms for the sake of communication. These paintings of Obering’s, along with another series depicting abstract forms of the sun and moon, were part of a new development in the 1980s of engaging in the natural world. From the macrocosmic cycles of sun and moon, Obering goes beyond micro into the realms of the natural that are no longer observable without the assistance of highly sophisticated technology. To a realm where abstract schematics are necessary for human comprehension. This being right in her wheelhouse, Obering picks up on the formal nature of these abstract diagrams and with her painterly concerns elevates this mode of communication to high art, using her sense of color and training in gold-leafing to accentuate the action of molecular collision. The end results are honorific abstract paintings in homage to the fabric of life itself.
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Mary Obering, Frasi Lunari I, 2004
Later on, after finishing in the studio, we traverse to the bedroom hallway where Obering shows me a series of paintings on paper from the early 2000s featuring the rising moon as observed from her kitchen window in Puglia, Italy (where she spends part of her year). It seems that her fascination with the natural world continues.
With a final farewell, and kind invitation from Obering to return again for a glass of wine, I’m off back onto the cobblestones of Wooster Street, head full of cosmic wonder and imagined scenarios from Mary’s extraordinary life in that loft.
—Brandon Johnson
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
Meet Vega's new kitten Sprimkle of Ranibow
<Attached is a photo of a very happy looking Vega holding the very happy looking calico sprigatito over her head. This is the first time everyone notices that the parts of a Zeraora that should be blue are a bright electric green on Vega like her eyes>
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solaris-arceus · 9 months ago
I love being a jack of all trades, I fixed the electricity
Also have a photo of my niece <attached is a photo of Vega sitting in a high chair enjoying some berries>
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