Ohh i loved the Satan hcs 💘💕❤️💘💕❤️ Do you have any soft mammon hcs?
i always have soft mammon hcs
-Mammon treats any and every gift his s/o gives him like it’s made of pure gold and hoards just about anything his s/o has given him in a box in his room somewhere, that he moves constantly because he doesn’t want his s/o to find it and think he’s weird. 
-Also it doesn’t matter what it is that his s/o gives him it could range from a flower which he learns to preserve just so he can put it away, or a silly key chain they got as a joke, if it’s from his s/o it goes in the box. 
-We all know he has trouble expressing how he really feels at times, by going off some of the recent chapters, there’s times where he just randomly lets out all the feelings he’s been holding in. Like he and his s/o are chillin and all the sudden he’s just “I love you, I love your smile, your laugh is better than any sound I’ve heard in my life, I get lonely when you’re not around.” 
-He is always ready to drop everything for his s/o, even when he’s busy all they have to do is tell them that their either lonely or they need him and he is on his way without a second thought. 
-The type to panic when seeing his s/o cry because he wants do anything to make them feel better but he doesn’t know how. He does his best to reassure him he’s there and not going anywhere while trying to figure out how to see them smile again, does he offer them food? Keep comforting them? Offer to take them out somewhere? Tell a really bad joke? He just tries whatever only stopping when he sees them smiling again. 
-His s/o might say they need something casually, it might not even be to him, but no matter what they always find what they need or wanted sitting in their room. It’s obviously Mammon’s doing but he refuses to admit it. 
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Hey, can I request a headcanon for when mc(while crying) confronts Lucifer and satan? (I felt really sad when they didnt react at all and I felt like they didn't really care) I mean when belphie killed mc I think Lucifer or satan didnt really show what they were feeling were they sad? angry? The game actually never talked about the aftermath with the other brothers too so I kept thinking how they would react. It's fine if you don't want to do it but if you decide to do it thank you 😊😊😊
MC Confronts Lucifer and Satan over the Belphie Issue
((Spoilers for lessons 15/16 and possibly 17?))
AN: Love the angst ;3 Mentions of injury and death. I’m sorry if you wanted all the brothers but this got pretty long when I was writing just Luci and Satan. If you want the others, I’m aiming to reopen requests again soon, so feel free to send them in then!!
I wrote these on two different days so I’m sorry if my writing style varies a tiny bit between them. When I’m in a good flow, like I was for Satan, it feels a lot smoother than when I’m making myself write ;u;
- Lucifer was definitely worried but reluctant to show it. He’d gotten over the whole thing very quickly and decided not to fawn over you like his other brothers. It was mostly because he didn’t want you to be overwhelmed, but also because the memories of Lilith hurt as much as they comforted him.
- He’d been annoyed at Belphie in the moment but got over it. After all, he was the one who locked Belphie up in the attic. It may have been to protect him but... it wasn’t worth it in the end up.
- He’s not one to visibly carry regrets so he pretends to let it go. Lucifer acts like he always has - a little cold, dedicated to Lord Diavolo and RAD. He was distant from you and from his brothers, and it was... frustrating, to say the least.
- He ends up snapping at you and that’s what breaks your last thread. You’d done poorly on a test about a week after everything happened, and instead of offering any comfort as per usual he calls you into his office and tells you he’s disappointed, your grades were better before.
- Lucifer is too wrapped up in his own pride to admit he’s concerned, and hasn’t spent enough time getting to know you to recognise that you might actually have reasons, and damn good ones. I mean, who can do well when they’ve got someone who killed them in cold blood a few days ago glued to their side constantly.
- You whirl on him, furious, and start yelling, let a few things slip out about the whole event. “My ribs still hurt when I look at him, how am I supposed to focus?” You’re too busy calling him out to notice he’s frozen in place, staring at you, still frowning but the veil over his concern was slipping steadily.
- “You... remember?” he asks, trying to regain his composure as he runs a hand through his hair. He levels you with a glare, brows twitching. You hadn’t told him anything about that. Why? “As far as we were aware, it was an alternate version of you that Belphie...” He sighs. “You’re angry at me for something I couldn’t have been aware of.”
- You pause, anger and guilt battling it out. He was right, you’d never told them, and there was cause for confusion with everything surrounding the event. At the same time, no one even asked or bothered to check up on you except for Belphie himself. Lucifer stays still, waiting for you to figure it out, and doesn’t chase after you when you walk out of the room. You take that as a sign - sure, you may not have done it in the best way, but you did open up and he chose to ignore it.
- He doesn’t react until he asks you and Belphie to go together to Lilith’s room, and when Belphie’s back is turned, you glance up at him. His expression is torn, he’s not looking at you but notices you’re watching him and doesn’t turn away from it, just pats your shoulder or back. He’s hurting too, but he’s going to try to be better for you after this. He watches your expression often when the two of you are together, and he might not ask you to talk about it, but he’ll hand you a cup of tea or ask you to go run a message for him so you can escape the uncomfortable situation and get some fresh air.
- Satan doesn’t react simply because he isn’t sure how to. He’s about to blow up when he sees you at the top of the stairs and it dissipates. He’s more curious than hurt or delighted about the whole thing - you’ve just come back from the dead, he saw you in Mammon’s arms and then you were somewhere else? He’s trying to figure it out because thinking about anything else - that it could’ve been permanent, that they could’ve lost you, that you’d been off with Belphie trying to help him all this time and were killed for it - hurts too much right now, so he turns it into a game, something he needs to figure out, something to play detective on.
- Personally I headcanon that Satan has a lot of Lucifer’s memories from when he was an angel, so his feelings about Lilith come from that connection, and he heard a lot of stories about her when he was developing as a person with the brothers. Lilith indirectly was a large part of his growth because of her influence on the other brothers, so he does feel similar to Lucifer when he hears you’re one of her descendants and share some of her memories and have even communicated with her.
- He does wonder if you had any memories from the incident or if it was an entirely different version from you, but doesn’t want to prod you in case you’re uncomfortable. Instead he waits, remains normal as much as he can because if he starts to ask you about it he probably won’t stop and he doesn’t want that.
- On top of that, his other brothers are clinging to you constantly. Even Lucifer is in your presence more often, and he’s worried you’re overwhelmed by all the attention and that it might feel dishonest because its your connection to Lilith that brought them closer rather than their own connections to you.
- He makes a joke some day when he passes you about it all, and that’s when you snap at him. He hadn’t read you right, hadn’t deducted that you were upset because he was forcing himself not to pay so much attention to you. It takes him by surprise and he almost gets angry until he sees your hands shaking and any rage shatters. His smile is almost sad when he looks at you again.
- Satan isn’t one to keep things to himself once he’s figured them out, so he tells you everything. That he didn’t meet Lilith personally, but remembers her through Lucifer so well that he feels like he did. That he didn’t want to overwhelm you, that he’d hoped you’d come to him if you felt he had something to offer you right now. That he was sorry, because maybe he should have reached out, but he wasn’t sure what he was doing just yet and he was unconsciously waiting for an outside force to kick him into action.
- Overall, Satan reacts pretty well, he’s just keeps it all to himself. He’ll reach out more in future, and keeps a closer eye on you. He learns your tells for emotions unreasonably fast and figures out ways to help when you’re upset or angry or lonely or bored. However you feel, he’s there for you, just make sure to reach out for him too - he can only get so far on his own.
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gastropodpapa · 4 years
Hey can I please request a headcanon for the om brothers about who's more of a ass or boob guy? Thank you so much 😊😊😊
Well, if I’m being totally honest I have to say I subscribe to the idea of the guys kind of having an ambiguous attraction to certain body parts esp in regards to MC, and this is mostly to facilitate the fact that MC is meant to be a stand-in for a player/OC who could be anyone from anywhere and of any gender/body type. Not every iteration of MC is gonna have tiddies, for example, and while I know MC is not their only potential partner esp considering they’re all thousands of years old I still don’t want to overshadow MC. If you’d like, I can make a post about what I think they might find attractive, just not specifically ass vs tiddies. Especially being that this blog is more aimed towards masculine and gender-neutral content as opposed to fem content.
That being said, Asmo is an ass man simply cause I’ve seen him talking about how much he loves butts more than once.
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(part 1) Hey can I please get a match up? I'm an infp-t I do everything last minute (eg I study the night before) but I still somehow end up getting an A I LOVE animals my fav are dogs crows and bats I enjoy drinking tea and listening to music(I don't really have a preference)I'm a fashion freak and I have trust issues(even if I know someone for more than 6 years I always expect the worst from them and wouldn't be surprised if they end up hurting me) I really like being in the nature.
(part 2)I like thunderstorms & cloudy climate & I love the beach The most intimate moment I can spend with my s/o is taking a walk on the beach in late evening with the moonlight shining down upon us Im really into supernatural stuff & believe in the unknown.I overwork myself if I have a important exam I end up breaking down & I don't eat or sleep until the exams are over & end up looking like a skeleton if I don't do better than my friends I feel depressed and im quite harsh on myself
(part 3)Im a Leo,bi & I don't show my true feelings to other people I like writing poems & I don't express my feelings well even though I care for someone I'll never say it out loud I don't really like dating for fun (it's fine if other people like that it's just not my cup of tea) I would date a person who I'm actually going to marry in the future. I'm really sorry for such a long description🙏 & sorry that you had to read all of that😅 thank you so so so very much & I hope you have a good day
I match you with...
You’re someone that tends to push yourself to your limits just because that’s how you’ve always functioned. That doesn’t always mean that it’s easy to be you or to do what you’re doing, but you’ve gotten into a habit and once you’ve set up one of those it’s hard to turn around and change your mind on the subject, none the less. You’re passionate, and that’s something that not everyone can say in this world today. 
You like to feel a certain way and look a certain way, and it has to be in order or you feel a lack of control. If you hold the cards, then nothing bad or unexpected can happen and that’s your comfort zone. All that considered that is why you need a partner in your life that understands this fear and empathizes with it so much so that you never have to worry. Jumin can to in first because you sound like a really perceptive person and the little things matter to you. 
Jumin is no-nonsense kind of guy too, he wants to commit, but he’s not been able to find the right person given his status in life. That changes when you come around him and make him feel alive again. You’ve got a good heart and he can tell that you fret over everyone but yourself, so he’s going to be that person that puts you first and reminds you that you deserve a moment to be selfish and yourself. He will spoil you rotten if you let him, and he’ll be the first to make you take a break and just... breathe. 
You share many of his more niche hobbies, so that’s going to be exciting late at night! Spooky stories? Hell yeah. He would love nothing more than to enjoy an evening with you around the world if you’ll let him into your heart, just as he’s let you into his. 
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deathbyaphelios · 4 years
I don't really what you're going through but I saw your ask from one of the people that I follow & I just wanted to tell you that I really love you as a person & no one deserves what youre going through & don't let anyone change who you are & what you think of yourself please be strong for the people that you care about it will get better soon & please don't do anything bad to yourself If you need anyone to talk to I'm always here & there are many other nice people on Tumblr too you are loved
It’s a nice thing for you to go check up on me because of the asks you’ve seen coming from me. :) In all honestly I’m not used to that at all so it makes me feel all weird but it’s always pleasing to hear that so I thank you with all my heart. Sincerely ♥️
I’ll keep that as a nice reminder :)
Thank you for your kindness ♥️
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smiles-advice · 4 years
Hey I just discovered you and you seem really nice, the thing is I'm awkward af and I really want to over come my social anxiety and talk to people so if you know any discord servers where I can talk to people who are like me can you please tell me?
Hiya doll,
I’m also super interested in finding new people to talk to, which is why I made a new server! So you could come and join mine, you don’t have to be interested in gaming or anything.
I’m in one with some lovely people but I’m not sure if it’s active or open to new friends.
If anyone has any servers, please tell me!
Lots of love to you 💛
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simpfortheseven · 4 years
Hey I hope you're doing well please take care of your health and also feel free to not do this request if it feels like too much but if you don't mind can you please do a hc for the om brothers when mc is sleep deprived and needs the bros to cuddle her to fall asleep? Thank you so much!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Obey Me: MC who is sleep deprived, so the bros cuddling them to get them to sleep/MC asks for a nap and cuddles
Yall know what time it is. Its time for me to finally answer at least one of my Asks that have been sitting here for a long long time. Im sorry for thw wait^^ I finally got into therapy, So im feeling a lot better💖 Im also sorry this took so long, my school recently went online due to ✨rona✨ so I forgot to answer this. Anyways! I wrote about a gender neutral MC for this and there are no triggers except lots of cuddling and soft touches.
Did this for the lovely @luminouslydark ^^
After getting done with his work at around 1am (early for him but ya know), He went by your room to make sure you didnt go to the attic check on you
He found you tossing and turning, which surprised him a little. Hadnt he sent you to bed a few hours ago?
You heard him open the door, and looked at him softly. "MC, youre supposed to be asleep."
"I cant sleep," You said softly. "I.. Can you hug me? Just until I can fall asleep?"
The dark haired demon was surprised. You were asking him for cuddles? He wasnt normally asked for that.
He didnt complain, however. He went over to you, wrapping his arms around you. His hands found their place around your waist, gently holding you against his chest. You could hear his heart beating, soft and rhythmic. His warm embrace and the soft beating of his heart eventually lulled you to sleep.
This man, oh boy.
We all know he bursts into your room whenever he wants. Well one night, he decides its a great idea to run into your room at 1am to talk about how great it would be to make money off of 'those dumb videos humans are always watchin'!'
When he runs in, it scares the hell out of you (hA get it). You jump up, which makes Mammon jump to.
"Hey, Human! Youre supposta be asleep!"
"Thats hard to do when crazy people like you always run in!"
"Jeez, ok ok. im sorry,"
"It will take more than an apology to make it up to me." You open your arms, looking up at him tiredly.
Lets just say that he went r e d. This man, hes just a blushing awkward mess. "Uh- Well, I mean, of course you wanna cuddle with The Great Mammon!"
He sat next to you wrapping his arms around you all flustered. His heart was rapid, which made you smile. You let your eyes close. The avatar of greed however stayed awake, not caring how tired he was. He wanst going to miss a moment of holding you.
The purple haired Avatar of Envy tended to play video games late into the night. Of course, he found a new game on Shteam (i dont know what its called there), which means he had to download it on his phone and to run to your room to tell you about it (You got the yucky otaku to leave his room, Congrats!)
He burst in the door, "MC!! WAKE UP!!" You were already awake, so you sat up. Hw was a little surprised you were awake. "GUESS WHAT??"
"What is it, Levi?" You asked curiously.
"A NEW GAME CAME OUT, ITS GOT -bla bla game stuff-!!!"
"Oh that's awesome, Levi!" You smiled at him sleepily.
"Right!" He smiled happily. "I want to play it with you, can i?"
"Hm.. I'm really tired, Levi. But you can cuddle me and play at the same time if you want?" You knew you wouldn't be able to get him to cuddle if you said it was because you couldn't sleep.
He awkwardly sat on your bed, your head finding a place on his chest as he "played his game". In reality, he was just internally screaming.
Getting the avatar of wrath to cuddle you to sleep was easy enough. You knew he would most likely be up late reading, so as you carefully climbed over his mountains of books to reach his bed, you sat on his bed.
This shook the blonde demon enough to make him look up from his book.
"MC? What are you doing?"
"Satan, i'm super tired and can't sleep.. Could you cuddle me?" You asked quietly.
"Ah," He nodded, scooting over a little and patting the space next to him. "You need to sleep, MC. Its imporant to your health."
You laid with him, letting him wrap his arms around you. He kept reading ad you slept, his soft heartbeat helping you drift off to sleep.
Spa day had alwags been a great way to relax for the two of you, spending time with you always helped Asmodeous relax. But maybe you started relaxing to hard.. You started to fall asleep while doing face masks.
"MC!" the strawberry blonde shook your shoulder. You bolted awake. "No wonder you looked so dreadful! You havent been sleeping, have you?"
"I havent been sleeping well, no," You said quietly.
"Then this calls for some beauty rest!" He scrubbed off the face masks before making you lay down in his huge bed. He of course laid down with you, cuddling you and playing soft binaural beats to help lull you into a deep rest.
Beel and Belphie
The oranged haired demon had (once again) snuck to the kitchen. You had wandered down there looking for him, part of your tasks with lucifer and you could always count on Beel to sneak you a piece of whatever you ate. Soon enough, you saw him eating out of the fridge.
"Beel?" You went over. He didnt turn, just handed you a slice of pizza. "Cmon, you know Lucifer will kill us both if you eat all of it."
"I know," He said, turning to face you. "Im just so hungry.."
Before you could speak, a voice chimed in from the doorframe. "You guys are to loud," Belphie was there, cow pillow in hand.
"Oh sorry," Beel said. "MC, lets go eat in my room." you nodded, Beel leading you towards his room. It was only after you were already laying down did you see Belphie had followed. You tilted your head, but Belphie just plopped down ontop of you. Beel put his arm around the two of you, eating his pizza quietly.
After you finished your slice, you could hear Belphie soft snoring.
"You should sleep. You look tired. And dont worry, I'll get Belphie up in the morning." Beel said, nodding at you. Being sandwiched between them, you didnt have much of a choice. You slowly drifted off, Belphies snoring lulling you to sleep.
sorry this took so long and they kinda suck ;-;
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gtpgrima · 4 years
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Redraw? Down below!
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Guess the dumbass who decided to "draw now, check card later" and messed up? That's me! (o˘◡˘o)✨✨✨
I'm very happy with the result though!
I also forgot to check the space so... Uh, yeah. I couldn't draw the rest. *SCRATCHES HEAD*
I just wanna mention these people (who I would like to see this first, haha) either I've talked to before or had left comments in my previous drawings! Thank you! ♥️ @ohbae-me @lamentingintheuniverse @oheyfox @luminouslydark @harunayuuka2060 @inb4belphienaps @pen-observing @useless-homosexual @tipsymelonnn
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Why can't we date our precious angel boi Simeon!!!😭 the fluffy alphabet hc was so delightful to read💘💘💘💘💘💘
thank you <3 but also i agree, LET US DATE THE ANGEL BOI PLEASEEE 
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Not an ask or a question but here's your reminder to drink water and take good care of yourself bought to you by this cute cat(^˵◕ω◕˵^)
Thank you so much!! This reminded me to get a drink ;u;
Everyone have a good day!! Drink water regularly and make sure to stretch!
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
Ahh the Lucifer angst (well not really angst but kind of fluffy?) Hc got to me because I have a scar too and even tho I do not hide it it was quite awkward for me to tell people where I got it from lol (don't worry I don't self harm anymore and I hope no other person does it too) but I just wanted to drop by and say I really love your hcs💕 if you don't mind me asking who are your top 3 fav om brothers? Mine are mammon/Lucifer, asmodeus and Satan (ik it's four but it keeps changing lol)
tw: mentions of self harm (just in case)
Thank you for being okay with sharing that story with me! I hope you’re doing well even now! :) And thank you for dropping by just to say that you liked that Lucifer angst hcs about his wing scars-- I’m glad it could resonate with you. 
So it looks like we actually share a lot of faves! :)
My top three brothers are: (1) Lucifer, (2) Satan, (3) Mammon. As you can probably tell from my masterlist, Lucifer is leagues above everyone else when it comes to favorites. Mammon has the 2nd most content on here because I find him easy to write and also because my friend who co-runs this blog with me is in love with Mammon, so there’s that. And Satan is definitely irl boyfriend material for me but I’ve always been a sucker for fictional men with good character development. 
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Some Things Can’t be Forgiven
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Nightmare Headcannons for Lucifer, Satan, and Mammon A Lovely Request From @luminouslydark​  Author’s Note: I’m so glad you enjoyed that large flower patch! I worked quite hard on it. So, I’m happy to hear that others enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy the way this smaller patch of flowers blooms as well! :D 
Lucifer - A soft knock on his door caused the eldest demon to sigh as he reluctantly pulled himself away from his paperwork. The male was ready to scold one of his brothers for bothering him, only to stop the second he saw your puffy eyes and trembling figure.
- Lucifer let you into his room right away pouring you a cup of chamomile tea. Hopefully the scent alone will calm your nerves if you’re not up to drink something. Though he will be a tad insistent that the tea will help.
- Once you’ve calmed down a bit. That’s when he’ll ask you what’s wrong. When he hears you having nightmares about Belphie. His heart drops. He loves all his brothers dearly and wants to say that none of them will ever hurt you but your welcome to devildom wasn’t exactly welcoming.
- The avatar of pride will take it upon himself to make you feel safe again. He’ll forbid Belphie to be alone with you and ask, tell his brothers to keep an eye on you if you two are in the same room.
- If that reassurance wasn’t enough. I can see him letting you sleep on his bed for the night. As much as he’d love to join you and hold you close, he can’t. Sadly he needs to finish his work first but once his work is over. 
- Later in the night you’ll feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you protectively while he whispers a promise that no harm will come to you under his watch.
“Rest well Y/N. I swear to you, that as long as you’re living with me. I won’t let a hair on your head be harmed.”
Satan - The blond was perplexed when he saw you huddled by the library’s hearth in the middle night. He was gonna quickly grab what he was looking for and leave, until he heard you sniffling. Concerned, he’ll gently tap your shoulder, apologizing profusely when you recoiled from his touch.
- When you explain yourself, he nods in understanding, hand on his chin as he assesses the situation. Flashing you a genuine smile. Satan offers you his hand and asks if you want to be distracted from the dream or talk about it. He’s read a few human psychology books so he mentally references them while trying to help.
- Whichever you choose he listens to every word you say carefully and holds you close if you allow him. When it’s all said and done though. You find yourself laying on the sofa or resting your head on his shoulder as he reads aloud to you.
“I’m truly sorry about that incident. I know it’s only words but I hope they’re enough to comfort you.”
- This boy was gonna make himself at home in your room until he heard quiet sniffles behind your door. Now his new plan was to bust into your room and protect you from whatever is making you cry. Did a lesser demon manage to sneak in? Was it one of his brothers? Either way, they’re getting an ass whooping for messing with his human!
- Seeing you alone calmed him down but it didn’t completely make his concern disappear. Did you want to go back home again? He understands that life is different here but in his own way he’s trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
- “Y/N?” his voice was unusually soft as he sat himself on the foot of your bed. The fear in your eyes broke his heart as his thoughts clouded with reasons why he was the cause of this. 
- When you explain to him your nightmare about Belphie. He was ready to burst into his room and fight him. If you don’t want them to fight. Then he’ll at least lecture his younger brother, steam practically coming from his ears.
- Though that would have to wait until morning. He doesn’t have the heart to leave your trembling form alone. Shyly he’d ask if he can bunk with you he’s reasoning being “As your first it’s my job to protect you. You can’t have bad dreams with the great Mammon around!”
-  When you agree, he’s a blushing mess but seeing you smile through your tears is worth it.
“Don’t worry human. I’ll protect you with everything I’ve got. It’s my duty as your first after all.” 
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gtpgrima · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet with Lucifer, Mammon and Solomon!
Wow. This is like half the alphabet when combined. Hahaha! The chaotic big bros and the "shady b*stard" are loved. Thank you @luminouslydark, @fluffimemes and @beyondyourdreamss for your asks! We surely love fluffy boys. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
I hope you all always have a great day, stay healthy and safe, and there's no need to worry since English isn't my first language either! ♥️
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Warning? I combined the asks to avoid confusion and repetition.
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C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Not so much when awake but he's definitely a cuddler when asleep. He'd practically roll over to trap you with his weight, there's no way you're slipping out of his hold; unless you wake him up, but often it'd just lead him holding you even closer.
If you consider it "cuddling," he'd sometimes call you so he can hold you close for a moment (maybe you'd indulge into a silent slow dance?) and it will be just you and him in the middle of his enormous room, arms loosely around each other, nose touching and exchanging loving smiles.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He's not expressive via words since he'd rather keep his thoughts to himself. It makes his actions difficult to understand as they're zealous in comparison.
It'll take you a while to figure out what he means to say in correlation to what he's doing, and if you don't dedicate your strongest braincells in observing him, you'll end up confused for a while.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Handholding with Lucifer is the definition of calm, peaceful and intimate - that is if you convince him to remove his gloves, first of all.
He won't engage to PDA in public because he has a reputation of a whole realm to keep, so if you find yourself held in a crowd, consider it one indication of his increasing (and undying) love for you.
In public, in his own devious ways - he'd demand you sit next to him and hold his hand as he works on his papers, he'll be much faster on it you'd notice.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
His reaction is "rational" at best. He'll ask what happened but that's it.
He'd quickly patch your wounds while lecturing you about being alert and careful at all times and informing him (or his brothers) if you feel unsafe somehow.
It's an extended lesson unless you plead for someone's help to save you from his piercing glare. There's something quite deadly in his glinting eyes that while you're sure aren't exactly fixated on you, is somehow related to what happened to you.
You couldn't help but wonder until you finally realize that some of your classmates (who were more or less the cause of your misfortune) had been missing for a while now, oh well.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He would only joke around in private most of which are positively comfortable. He'd shower you with teasing compliments, gentle kisses and and dirty jokes - lots of it.
He's often forced to join his brothers' chaotic energy (and he often intentionally or not fuels the fire which makes it even worse, much to his dismay and their entertainment) so he wouldn't go his ways to prank you, he has enough of that with six (6) bastards he considers family after all.
Needless to say with just you, he can be soft and delicate with his guard down.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Soft and sweet or deep and intoxicating? Choose your fighter! It can only be one if you like, or both; it's magical either way.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The first time you fought and your firm declaration of staying by his side despite the disadvantages of being with him and understanding the consequences of it, hit his senses like a ton of bricks rendering him speechless.
He was too elated to speak after that so he promptly left you (confused, because it was still the middle of an argument?) because he surely has to weep in his room in the purest dark, imagining the blessed light forming somewhere around him that's your silhouette.
God, how he's fallen in love no words can explain.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Oh, the utter horror of possibly choosing between you and Diavolo, with his brothers threatening to to join the agonizing options (lmao, isn't this close to what's happening tho? Poor peacock boy) makes him stop in his tracks and collapse in the nearest furniture refusing to move for a while.
Please assure him you'll stay and support him no matter what. He'll die from stress and anxiety alone, and he can't leave you either; Diavolo will haunt him even down to his grave, his brothers will be the wild animals they are, you'll be in inconceivable danger, so hell no. If he has to pray to Him for what's best for all of you and everyone else, he will.
What's his pride going to do against him if it means keeping you and all the most important people in his life, yes? Maybe it's time he'd allow his heart's desires overpower his stupid sin.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
(To put it simply because it will take a few years of explaining IN DETAIL...) He'll not hesitate to repeat the "Lilith history" or lead another war if it means keeping you safe in his arms, try him.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
"My Love Will Never Die" by Claire Wyndham. (It's a Lucifer soundtrack, S04E10.)
Listen to it, you're free to sue me if you think otherwise! ~(>_<~)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He wouldn't actively offer comfort because he sucks at it. Duh, feelings?
He'd leave many things to help cheer you up though. Snacks, drinks, the newest volume of your favourite manga? He'd probably rent the carnival to take you there for a day.
Really, just say what you want and he'll get it done asap. Hugs? Sure, he'll awkwardly wrap his arms around your small form and it'll take his damned Father's miracle for Mammon (and possibly Leviathan) to survive his wrath if he dares steal a picture or laugh at the view.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Ah, to have become his greatest pride. He'd prefer to make romantic relationship as private as possible but with Diavolo's nosy involvement coming from Asmodeus' gossiping mouth it'll be over the RAD newspaper and every published article ever for at least a century if only you'd allow it; since as much as he'd like to refuse, his overwhelming pride gets in the way and for the first time in possibly his entire life, it's for a perfectly good reason.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He'd fight with you if you strongly will it. Despite his selfish wishes to keep you safe away from him, hide you somewhere far from harm, he'd agree if you ask to fight by his side.
He respects you more than he can say or show, his heart swelled when you called his name and offered assistance; and you can tell his love for you only intensified when you stood next to him in the battlefield. He's definitely unstoppable now because with you by his side, he's blessed by the certainty of victory.
You're his greatest pride.
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C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He'll cuddle with you as if it's your last breath in his arms. Be prepared for an an ambush of kisses all over your face and everywhere, actually; he's truly an affectionate guy, you know.
He can be quite a pervert while at it (groping here and there) but in such endearing way you wouldn't even mind.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
We all know how tsundere Mammon is. He wouldn't admit his true feelings without a fight, and it can be frustrating; especially if you're the "don't beat around the bush" type, it can take a long time adjusting to his stalling. Just force him, please - he's just shy.
Sometimes it takes a minor injury (let's say an accident) to make him spill his truest words. Imagine yourself accidentally tripping down the stairs and there's Mammon up there screaming his sincerest love song while sobbing his way to your side.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He gets extremely shy, (and he's dying in feels deep inside) but he'll proudly hold your hand anywhere and everywhere with the shameless proclamations of "Ya better be proud, human! The great Mammon is holding yer hand!"
He'd pretend he's cheeks aren't in flames, he'd try to deny the alarming sweating of his palms, there's the suspicious vibrating of his body (if he's his demon form, much better because his wings would be fluttering like crazy) blaming the embarrassment on you instead.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Mammon's ready to mutilate whoever dared lay a hand on you, it's actually way worse than Lucifer's reaction; his brothers and probably more so of the Devildom knows not to mess with his "treasures" unless they seek slow, painful, and gruesome death - nobody's gonna stop him, Lucifer wouldn't attempt getting in his way and certainly not even Diavolo can stop him.
If it's from an accident he'd give you the worst "Tf, are you for real?" look while blatantly insulting your clumsiness and stupidity but he'd impulsively patch you up until you resemble a mummy, possibly with an overdose of ointment, too.
If you ask him for a get-better kiss he'll speechlessly comply, he'd definitely cry about it later too ngl.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Mammon's often the butt of the joke but you're his personal victim - you have no way out so just give in and jump into his arms joining the jovial laughter and merry mood. His jokes are light-hearted and fun, they're never offensive.
He wouldn't really prank you once you're finally in an established relationship because he tries to the best man for you (aside from the never-ending "Hmm, love Goldie more~" innuendos to get your attention, perhaps hoping you'd get jealous?) but be wary of his vicious tickle attacks, his playful affection increases tenfold behind closed doors.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Soft, gentle but lingering. He can just press his lips on yours and he'd happily stay there forever.
No funny business afterwards if he may be honest. Your lips on his? Heaven.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He'd do anything and everything for you. Mammon's proud to be your first, and if it means he has to die first and rise from the ashes to prove his love, he will. (I don't even have to explain more.)
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you is his worst fear, most definitely. Now that you've effectively become a part of his life, he can't imagine you without it anymore. He'd sometimes get lost in the worrying thoughts of what-ifs which would make him unresponsive to everything else and he'll be quite frightening to look at.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He'd move mountains to see your smile again. He'd collect all the stars in the universe just to stop your tears, replaced by a look of amazement. He'd gladly push Lucifer down the stairs to hear your laugh, as scary it may be - the entire House of Lamentation better prepare for battle because once Lucifer's risen from the bottom, he'll behead everyone in his way (and that's only part of the fun, you'd be laughing in no time!) involving all his of brothers in attempt to cheer you up.
You're never upset for long with him around, that's for sure.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?
He'd flamboyantly catwalk you down the streets on your way to a restaurant, twirl you around in one of Diavolo's prestigious parties, scream your name from the highest tower for the entire world to hear.
He's proud of you in every way imaginable. You're his human, his love.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He'd fight for you without second thoughts, there's no other option at all.
You definitely ain't moving from that safe spot, lovely doll. He won't hear any of your cries about being able to fight, wanting to be by his side, fighting for him; no, he'll fight for you, for the both you, so shut up and watch the Great Mammon slay his foes in the battlefield.
Move a muscle away from that spot and he'd lose his mind, it's guaranteed; he'd basically teleport next to you and just throw you over his shoulder, run the hell away from there because he'd rather take all of the shame later than expose you to harm now, yeah.
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M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Believe it or not, his favorite memory is when you first met. The church bells rang violently in his head forcing him to visualize your eternal union even without you knowing his name yet; that's how intense it was for him, and he'd make you understand how he felt if you ask.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
"Perfect" by One Direction. He genuinely believes he'd be on the sidelines most of the time.
But hey, if you want to do something extraordinary you can't do with anyone else - go to him. He'd be perfect for you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud of you (and very much so) showcased in such playful, teasing ways.
You'd always be bantering about it, how he parades you around with cheerful announcements like you're a circus' special treat, or how he'd shove it to everyone's faces how you're his absolute divine intervention, because you pulled him up from the depths debauchery, that you're his karma; and in a sense (considering he's the famous King Solomon with numerous wives and concubines?), it's actually very true.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He'd lean more on the "I'll fight for you." side, considering he'd show (almost narcissistic) confidence in his abilities; he'd be teasing about it, and it'd most likely annoy you to agreement.
But it's actually because he can't afford you getting injured, so please just stay put wherever he's left you, or just stay close to him - if you're not already tied to his waist with a leash or something.
If even a single hair on your head's missing once he's returned he'd worry to no ends, vow eternal vengeance to the perpetuator; it might cloud his judgement and leave you to pursue his newfound enemy, you'd have to calm him down before he goes batshit crazy.
Thank you for reading! ♥️
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Thank you for doing the soft mammon hcs they made me soft wjjsjscwvwsj and I loved it thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️
i just saw this hfksjaks im glad you enjoyed them, thank you for the request!  ❤️
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
(brothers only)Hey can I get a match up? I'm infp-t in my free time I like drinking black coffee& listening to music(preferably classical or indie)& I LOVE dogs & crows I love the ocean & thunderstorms I dont show my true feelings at all & am kind of a tsundere when I like someone I'm also a huge fashionista During exams I tend to push myself to my limit that I don't even eat or sleep for a whole week I try to prove myself to everyone I don't trust anyone easily but I'm very loyal Thank you😊😊
Thanks for sending this in!! I pair you with:
You’d work with pretty much any of the brothers, but you’re similar enough to Lucifer in the quieter aspects of his personality that things can kind of just, fall into place. You help to ground Lucifer.
He falls into a habit of brewing your coffee when he’s preparing tea for himself, making sure it’s exactly how you like it. Music is playing constantly when you’re with him, whether it be in his room or in the secret study.
He’d rather you not be around Cerberus alone, but if he has free time he’ll take you to see him, watching you like a hawk the entire time because Cerberus is huge and, even when he’s being affectionate, one slip-up could cause an injury. He leans against the door frame, and when Cerberus drools he chuckles heartily. The sight is certainly something he could get used to.
He has a soft spot for crows. Good luck getting him to admit it, though. When you point them out, the two of you walking to RAD together, his gaze lingers on them.
Lucifer doesn’t care much for tsundere behaviours - he sees enough of that when Mammon gets attached to people. He’ll tolerate it, knowing he’d be hypocritical to criticise it too much, not one to be open with his own affections in front of anyone he doesn’t fully trust. He can probably relate to you in some ways because of this.
The two of you are unhealthy when it comes to work. He’d been meaning to try to get better, and now he has a reason to - a strict schedule is set for both of you, and he expects you to stick to it, to eat and rest on time and to be with him when you’re scheduled to spend time together. It helps him a lot, and he hopes it helps you too.
I hope this is alright!! Honestly if you hadn’t said brothers only I think you’d match up with Diavolo pretty well, but I’m hoping Lucifer was a decent choice :D Take care!!
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
That angst hit me right in the feels 😭😭😭😭 but great job karma (is it okay if I call you that? I don't want to make you uncomfortable) it was well thought out and really summed up how the brothers would feel without just jumping from oh no he killed you? Haha sorry. So I really really loved it! Thank you so much for doing my request and have a good day/night ahead❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Y’all can absolutely call me Karma :D
Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun writing it and thinking about why they wouldn’t react visibly to the situation past “it’s because they’re demons and don’t care” ^^ Thank you so much for the interesting request 💙
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