anastpaul · 1 month
One Minute Reflection – 23 May – '… Alas! what an immense number of souls are excluded from Heaven through your fault …’
One Minute Reflection – 23 May – Pentecost Thursday– Acts 8:5-8; Luke 9:1-6 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “And He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God …” – Luke 9:2 REFLECTION – “Since I came here, I have had no rest. I have been from village to village and every child not yet Baptised I have Baptised… But the children would not let me say my Office or eat or rest until I had…
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Then, is it really the self-consciousness that you don't realize you are? It's not like forgetting yourself and being absorbed in your own desire for nature. That may also be a great aspect of human beings. Big business, deep research, inventions, discoveries, all hard work. However, that alone does not mean that a person has found his true self. This is the true self at the moment when you become a true self beyond the desire of natural nature, and then pass by yourself, which is the center of nature, and you do not realize that you are yourself. It's in the neighbor. A true self that can only be found in neighbors. The smallest thing, the meaninglessness that is very unconvincing to me. Neighbors who are the neighbors who are given to them and who are unreasonably disgusting. Without being dragged by my feelings of dislike it, I silently sink myself into the meaningless bottomless mud swamp. It does not mean that you can overcome yourself or that you are well trained. The person who is the most unpleasant to me, who is not very convinced, swallows me and eats me up. There is nothing left to be my face. After all, one's personality is not something that people usually feel as themselves. On the contrary, it is on the side of the neighbor who is not himself. But even so, does God's devoted feelings for himself really come from such neighbors? This is a matter of faith. God's love and compassion for people really works on people in their daily lives. As long as you believe in God and his church, you cannot doubt this. The omnipotent and omnipotent god created and ruled this world. It is God's providence. Furthermore, God is the Son In Jesus Crist, the Son of God calling for the salvation of love Christ suffered for the salvation of mankind and disappeared on the cross. As long as this is true, one cannot doubt God's love. Of course, humanity is a mysterious body headed by Christ. Therefore, there can be no disjointed love between individuals or salvation of only one person. But again, the love of God was just stunned You can't think of it as human love or philanthropy. Jesus Christ sends his disciples to the whole world. To "make all the people disciples" (Matthew 28; 19). This "making a disciple" is not the only thing. Follow the Lord's bet, "If anyone wants to follow me, abandon yourself, bear your cross, and follow me" (Mark 8; 34). This is not the command to "gather". It is a heart-to-heart call to each and every one of us. "This is not just for the disciples specially selected by the Lord. Following the current paragraph 34, salvation is said. "Those who want to save their lives lose it. Those who lose their lives for me and for the gospel will save it." This sentence was applied only to selected disciples. It's not a thing. In other words, I'm not just calling out to a specific person, "I don't care about other people, I want you to do it well." Not just the disciples. If anyone wants to save his life, he must first become his cross and lose his life for the sake of the Lord and the gospel. This is the point. Here is the heart-to-heart contact between God and man. But why is something like a cross a heartfelt love? Here the cross can be considered from two sides. One is a neighbor and the other is a place of living. Either way, the end result is the same. This is because the place of life in which each person is placed is built around the neighbors. Christ has repeatedly called on everyone to carry and obey their own crosses. According to the Gospels, the Lord has revealed in advance to his disciples that he should suffer and die (Matthew16; 21-28, Mark8; 31-9-1, Luke9; 22-27). .. But what did you do that for? The Lord first talks about the suffering, death, and resurrection that he should suffer after going to Jerusalem. On the other hand, his disciples disagree. "There can be no such thing" (Matthew 16; 22). However, Christ reacts violently to this. "Saturn, withdraw." Then, following this, he can state his own thoughts. This is the previous word that everyone must take his cross and abandon himself, and he must give up his life for the Lord, not to spare his life to save. Under these circumstances, Christ did not reveal his suffering in search of sympathy and comfort from his disciples. For his disciples, he must have been surprised because Christ, who had relied on him, was told something difficult. Like Petro, everyone has no choice but to blame the Lord, "Is there such a thing?" "Petro pulled Jesus aside and began to cry" (Mark 8; 32). This sentence often expresses the unexpected feelings of the disciples at that time. After all, what did the Lord foretell his disciples of suffering? It is a call to his disciples. Petro is not the only one who has blamed the Lord. All the disciples. This is called suffering and death on the cross. It is a fluttering human heart that cannot be convinced or endured by this mysterious eerieness. Why should that be the case? Christ wasn't the only one to blame Petro. "Jesus scolded Petro, looking back at his disciples" (Matthew 8; 33). The Lord urges everyone, this time, not about his suffering, but about everyone's salvation. Anyone who follows Christ must bear his cross, suffer his suffering, and be finally prepared to give up his life. It's a pretty funny story because I'm going to die in Jerusalem, everyone must have tried to blame me if it shouldn't be. But I'm not the only one who has to die on the cross. If you really want to follow me and save your life, don't spare your life, take your cross with each other, love your enemies, become their friends, and give up your lives for them. Must. It is known where I have clung to my life in this world. Only by abandoning the life of this world for friends can we live in the life of God and bear 100 times more fruit. It doesn't matter how long I've lived on my own. Mostly a lonely and miserable life. In the end, I have no choice but to give up my life for my friend. The one who follows me and gives up his life for his friends, I will revive without leaving any. "My father's will is that whatever he sees and believes in his child will have eternal life, and I will bring him back to the last days" (John 6; 40).
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rachelsiwafan · 4 years
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Good morning 🇹🇿🇬🇧🌏#cupoftea☕️Sending Out the Twelve 1 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. 3 And He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey, neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money; and do not have two tunics apiece. 4 “Whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. 5 And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” 6 So they departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. 7 Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all that was done by Him; and he was perplexed, because it was said by some that John had risen from the dead, 8 and by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again. 9 Herod said, “John I have beheaded, but who is this of whom I hear such things?” So he sought to see Him. 10 And the apostles, when they had returned, told Him all that they had done. Then He took them and went aside privately into a deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida. 11 But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing. 12 When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, “Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding towns and country, and lodge and get provisions; for we are in a deserted place here.” 13 But He said to them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we go and buy food for all these people.” 14 For there were about five thousand men. Then He said to His disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of fifty..#Luke9:1-62#PraisetheLord#WordofGod#wordoftheday#versesoftheday#bibleverses#biblestudy#qoutesoftheday#prayernetwork#dailyinspiration#beblessedShalom#anzanamiBwanaYesu#biblia#NenolaMungu#Nenolaleo#Luka#barikiwa🙏 #eastafrica#tanzania🇹🇿 #asubuhinjema#chai#Coventry🇬🇧#lifestyleblogger#vlogger #mswahili🇹🇿#rachelsiwa🙏🏽❤️☕️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CG13RNzneUg/?igshid=1cqrqt7y8jug9
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anastpaul · 1 year
One Minute Reflection – 1 June – ' ... Alas! what an immense number of souls are excluded from Heaven through your fault ...'
One Minute Reflection – 1 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” – Pentecost Thursday – Acts 8:5-8, Luke 9:1-6 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “And He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God …” – Luke 9:2 REFLECTION – “Since I came here, I have had no rest. I have been from village to village and every child not yet Baptised I have Baptised… But the children would not let…
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anastpaul · 1 year
One Minute Reflection – 28 March – ' ... Leave behind earthly sandals. ...' St Ambrose
One Minute Reflection – 28 March – Tuesday in Passion Week and the Memorial of St John of Capistrano OFM (1386-1456) Confessor – Wisdom 10:10-14, Luke 9:1-6 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “Take nothing for your journey, neither staff, nor sack, nor bread, nor money; neither have two tunics.” – Luke 9:3 REFLECTION – “This is a great vision. But if you wish to see it, remove the…
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anastpaul · 2 years
Quote/s of the Day – 9 June – 'Take nothing for your journey ...'
Quote/s of the Day – 9 June – ‘Take nothing for your journey …’
Quote/s of the Day – 9 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart” – Pentecost Thursday – Acts 8:5-8, Luke 9:1-6 “Take nothing for your journey,neither staff, nor bag,nor bread, nor money;neither have two tunics.” Luke 9:3 “You are the salt of the earth.” Matthew 5:13 “It is as a matter of absolute necessitythat He commands all this.Why must you be salt?Jesus says in effect:“You are…
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anastpaul · 3 years
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – How, otherwise, was it, that twelve unlettered men attempted things of this importance?!¬
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – How, otherwise, was it, that twelve unlettered men attempted things of this importance?!¬
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – “Month of the Seven Sorrows of Mary”- Readings: Ezra 9: 5-9; Tobit 13: 2-4, 7-8; Luke 9: 1-6 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. … Luke 9:1-2 REFLECTION – “The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and the weakness of…
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anastpaul · 3 years
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – How, otherwise, was it, that twelve unlettered men attempted things of this importance?!¬
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – How, otherwise, was it, that twelve unlettered men attempted things of this importance?!¬
One Minute Reflection – 22 September – “Month of the Seven Sorrows of Mary”- Readings: Ezra 9: 5-9; Tobit 13: 2-4, 7-8; Luke 9: 1-6 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. … Luke 9:1-2 REFLECTION – “The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and the weakness of…
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anastpaul · 5 years
One Minute Reflection – 25 September - He sent them out to preach and to heal.
One Minute Reflection – 25 September – He sent them out to preach and to heal.
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One Minute Reflection – 25 September – Wednesday of the Twenty-fifth week in Ordinary Time, Year C, Gospel: Luke 9:1–6 and the Memorial of Blessed Herman of Reichenau/the Cripple OSB (1013–1054) “The Wonder of his Age’
And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. … Luke 9:1-2
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anastpaul · 2 years
One Minute Reflection – 9 June – ' ... Leave behind earthly sandals. ...' St Ambrose
One Minute Reflection – 9 June – ‘ … Leave behind earthly sandals. …’ St Ambrose
One Minute Reflection – 9 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart” – Pentecost Thursday – Acts 8:5-8, Luke 9:1-6 “Take nothing for your journey, neither staff, nor sack, nor bread, nor money; neither have two tunics.” – Luke 9:3 REFLECTION – “This is a great vision. But if you wish to see it, remove the sandals from your feet. Remove every chain of sin. Remove the chains of the world. Leave…
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