wolvefang · 2 years
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Let’s get this thing going again...
¡El Pozo cumple 11 años hoy!
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wolvefang · 3 years
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¡El Pozo cumple 10 años hoy!
Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.
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wolvefang · 4 years
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¡El Pozo cumple 9 años hoy!
Let us hope this drought ends soon...
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wolvefang · 4 years
Death is quite a social thing. At least all deaths I have come across. But we both now, you and I, I carry you here in my heart.
Sometimes less is not better; less is everything. Time and space disappear leaving behind just a loud loud noise. Condense it enough, close to a grain of salt. If you achieved this, see our love.
If it is true we live through others, immortality is yours.
For E.C.
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wolvefang · 4 years
I have to be immune
To all the chaos around me, to my inner demons fed by guilt, to all the repeated familiar constants, to all these hands -with damn good grips- trying to pull me down, to the pressure of uncertainty and responsability, to the memories of mistakes, to autodistructive inherited patterns, to apathy and selfloathing, to all the Wouldas, Couldas, and Shouldas, to all the reasons that lead me here.
I have to be immune to all this and more to come.
I have to rise.
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wolvefang · 5 years
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Time, time, time...
¡El Pozo cumple 8 años hoy!
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wolvefang · 5 years
Different despairs
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wolvefang · 6 years
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Años semi-catárticos como un río con hojas secas que en algún momento se deberán de acabar...
¡El Pozo cumple 7 años hoy!
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wolvefang · 6 years
Sombras de una misma figura.
Me desperte, en varias ocasiones, por el sonido de una dulce melodia. No era una obra maestra, estaba muy lejos de serlo, pero no tenia que. Me habia salvado de mis propios sueños, sueños en lo que: corría, huía, me atrapaban, fingía y todo para correr de nuevo. Sombras de una misma figura.
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wolvefang · 7 years
On: That one time I saw what should have remained unseen
I betrayed the trust. That is the first thing that it represented. My own desire for control took over and made me do it. I became the best and most voracious detective in the world. It is amazing what a simple password and some cunning can achieve. I looked for something and at first found nothing, so I kept looking. "No one can be this pure and clean!" I screamed thinking about my own vermin. I wanted to see my own sins reflected in that soul. I wanted it to be corrupted and malicious. I would not rest until proven that, but nothing appear to be wrong. Sin was nowhere near apparently incapable of inhabiting such a pure form of being. I almost gave up when suddenly I saw it. A minature at first but gaining size as I approached it, there it was. I had found the only piece of sin that could ever exist in this being, or least the only evidence that could be found. I was thorough with my examination as always, so I was sure this was the only existing bit of rot. I looked at it expectong some type of reaction, but nothing came at first. Lie. Something did come. Desire. A desire to sin with it in the same manner. A desire to posses that sin and add it to my own personal collection. A desire to strip it away from it previous owner who smiled arrogantly, so arrogantly it almost reminded me of myself. I would, with time, make that sin my own, but for the time being I determined to be the holiest of fathers and free that noble form of such a sin, for there could only be mine. I, holy Bible in hand, performed the sacred rites. Never before had I experience such joy. "Be free of this mortal sin, oh, fantastic being!" And with those words sin fell into oblivion. I was now in the presence of a perfect being, and it was all thanks to me. "Oh, how great and mighty I am!" "Beware, Ozymandias, I will show you fear in a handful of dust!" I had confirmed my superority to all the previous hosts, but still that one scene of lust haunted my memory. As is the nature of memoires, it was burning deep inside of me. As it turned out I had just sinned myself. Performing treason of the deepest kind and not founding guilt anywhere, the only penitence was to find that image eternally inside of me. I would gladly pay the price to ~ease my mind~ save her soul.
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wolvefang · 7 years
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¡El Pozo cumple 6 años hoy!
El tiempo, indudablemnte, nos comera a todos. 
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wolvefang · 7 years
On: A lost umbrella
I can only begin this theme by saying that right now I do not know if I will ever get it back. That umbrella was present in a lot of adventures and went numerous miles with me. It was a gift given to me by a loving and caring hand, an evidence of both unconditional and one-sided love. That umbrella is right now gone. How curious is an unexpected state of absence. Things can be gone in a heartbeat.
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wolvefang · 7 years
On: Loneliness
Feel. She told me to feel. Something I have avoided for this past months chunking in bottle after bottle, night after night, dancing until my feet hurt and my body was too tired for anything else. I have overused my body so much and so frequently in order to shut everything else out that I am completely alone. It is always easier to be empty than to feel. It is easier to keep putting everything inside the black hole than compress it again into its red beating form. So damn hard! So damn hard to feel lonely. This world is so corrupted and rigged. What is the point? When you least expect it, you find yourself inside a glass sphere in the middle of nowhere suspended in a dark void, falling, falling from and to nothing, and surrounded by the cluttered mind you left outside. Only that thin glass sphere protects you. But, it keeps everything out even the hands trying to reach you. You used to tell yourself you were a fighter. Are you? You are surrounded by people yet immensely alone -the eternal cliché-.  Keep on hoping everything will get better in the future and enjoy your “me” time.
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wolvefang · 7 years
On: Having a black hole for a heart
There is much I could say. This black hole is still beating, sucking everything right in. It is a commonly known fact that hearts sometimes implode so hard a black hole emerges in its place. In that moment, you collapse. Something changes and things get lost forever in a fire. And so, the hunger begins, hunger for something real enough to fill you. You become an excuse of your real self, a fair imitation of the tin man. A superhuman you are now. ¡Goodbye exhaustion, goodbye fear, goodbye anything that makes you feel! Be welcomed to the vastness of oblivion. Be welcomed not to pain nor joy.
Be welcomed
                   to an
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wolvefang · 7 years
On: Cats vs. Dogs
It’s a generally known fact that cats are evil. They are nothing like their counter parts, dogs. Cats show an attitude of arrogance treating humans as if it was their obligation to serve them. They ask for petting and without a warning decide it’s enough and scratch you.
Dogs, on the other hand, appreciate when a human feeds or pets them. They are always happy to see you and care about you. This dicotomy of attitudes can be traced back to the first days of men when wolves were slowly domesticated to serve and help. They continue doing that as police or guide dogs. Some other dogs improve the communities they live in by giving company to people with depression or some pshycological disorder.
Cats can be traced back all the way to ancient Egypt, domesticated a while after dogs. They did not improve the lives of men and were instead worshiped as gods. Cats nowadays flood the internet because of their “cuteness” and funny reactions to every day situations. Their most useful contribution to society is the enormous amount of memes and gifs we can share on the social network of our choice.
When given the choice of cats vs. dogs, the answer is easy. Ask yourself what a cat has done for you or society lately, and you will find the answer to this classic dilemma.
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wolvefang · 7 years
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wolvefang · 8 years
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