#luke x rosey
quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 days
Run to You - lh43 - timeless
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summary: in which y/n’s first boyfriend is not a big fan of Luke and does one of the unspeakable acts to y/n. y/n needs luke.
warnings: TW! TW!: quick mentioning of significant other (almost) hitting other significant other, a lot of dialogue (I mean A LOT), soft luke, cursing, wrote this while half asleep and while at work sorry if it’s not my normal writing :(
word count: 1.7k
note: you are responsible for your own consumption of content on the internet. anything you interact with on my page is at your own discretion. this is piece of fiction. please do not take anything in this to be an accurate representation of anyone who is a real person to be literal. :)
time in life: senior year of high school
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Rosey's heart raced as she walked down the sidewalk, her sneakers scraping against the concrete. Her thoughts were all jumbled up. She couldn’t understand what wrong and when it wrong. She was having the hardest time wrapping her mind around the fact Jason had just broke up with her. He was her first true boyfriend, and she thought he loved her. He said he loved her. Jason had given her a choice, him or Luke. She didn’t want to choose and she wouldn’t choose.
He lost his temper with her, his voice raised and eventually so did his hand.
Rosey dodged out of his reach just in time, if she hadn’t, his open hand would’ve connected across her cheek. Terrified of the man standing in front of her, she managed to blurt out a few words to him and charged right out his front door. Now she was walking toward the Hughes's house, struggling to keep herself composed.
Luke. She needed him now more than ever.
Jason lives two neighborhoods over from where her and Luke’s neighborhood is. It’s a quick drive from one place to the other, that is when you drive. Problem for Rosey is she was dropped at his place. Leaving her in a predicament of needing a ride home or to do exactly what she was.
Rosey didn't dare stop her trek, too paranoid Jason might be following her. She was approaching the Hughes’s house when she was brave enough to look behind her. Nothing. She slowed down enough to catch her breath. When she got close enough, she caught sight of Luke's figure through their living room window. Just the sight of him helped her relaxed. Jim and Ellen were out for the day with Quinn and Jack for one of their hockey games and she knew he'd be alone.
Rosey flung open the front door and raced into the house, slamming the door behind her. "Moosey!" she gasped, her voice echoing through the empty entry way. "Luke, I’m sorry for just barging in but I" Rosey couldn’t finish her sentence before her cries broke out as she entered the living room.
When she laid eyes on him and she knew she was safe in his presence, she couldn’t choke her emotions back any longer. Luke practically lunged off the couch, collecting her into his arms.
"Hey, sweet girl, what's wrong?" he asked, taking one of his hands to gently smooth across her hair. He paused halfway as she tensed then quickly relaxed.
"He..he almost smacked me," she sobbed, her voice breaking when she choked on her cries. "Jason, he just..” She paused, having to take a moment to catch her breath. “He got really upset with me when I told him I wouldn't stop being friends with you."
His eyes widened in disbelief. "He did what?" Luke’s question was rhetorical, he heard what she said to him, but he wanted to believe he didn’t though. He did his best to keep his tone even, he didn’t want to make anything worse.
"He was going to hit me, Moose.” She repeated, her face buried in Luke's hoodie. "He said I had to choose, him or you."
Luke's jaw tightened, the veins in his neck becoming more prominent. "That's such bullshit, Ro. Listen to me. You don’t have to choose.”
She didn’t say anything back to him, only squeezed his torso a little tighter and moved her head to where her forehead pressed against his chest so she was now staring at their feet.
Luke moved the two of them to sit down on the couch. He wanted to go over to Jason’s and take care of him, but his first priority was Rosey.
Rosey scooted closer to Luke leaning over onto his shoulder. In the most natural movement Luke moved her to where she was in his lap and he was cradling her close to him. “Listen, I'm here for you, no matter what. Always. The only person allowed to dictate who you are and aren’t friends with is you Rosey.”
"But he was my first boyfriend, and it isn’t fair.” Her body slouched in his arms, officially showing signs of being defeated.
Luke’s ears perked at the word was.
“What a way to ruin my outlook on relationships right?” If the way she entered the house wasn’t enough to shatter his heart the humorous laugh that just came out of her did for sure.
Luke started to rub her mid-thigh soothingly. “Ro, don’t let him ruin your view on relationships. Most people go through a shitty one, do you remember Mia? She basically killed me last summer, with how she chose to end things, but I got through it because I had you.”
Rosey scoffed at him, for the first time since the two had moved to the couch she turned her head enough to look at him. “Yeah, but you’re you and well. I’m me. You could have literally anybody you wanted if you tried.”
“Except you’re wrong, I can’t have the one girl I truly want.” His mind was fighting his heart. He wanted to risk it all and spill his heart to her right then, but what happens when she doesn’t feel the same way.
Rosey sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "What, are you kidding me?" she asked, her voice still shaky and Luke shook his head. “Don’t worry about that right now, we’re focusing on you.” He pulled her back towards his body, his arms strong and steady around her. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, sweet girl.. I wish I could make it better." She buried her face in the side of neck. The feeling of her warm breath on his neck making it hard for him to steady his heartbeat.
“Do you need anything?” Luke asks her wanting to make sure he makes her as comfortable as possible.
She attempted to shake her head from where it laid on his shoulder. “I already have what I needed" Her voice trailed off as she tried to figure out how to say her next few words. “I came straight here because I needed you.”
“Needed me?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes. I know that you’re always going to be here for me whenever I need you and you make me feel safe.. Always.” Her words were soft spoken but said with such conviction he wasn’t sure what he was to do or say.
Luke’s heart rate had to be at an unnatural level. He had just been debating on whether or not he should go ahead and tell her why he couldn’t get the girl. And now the girl was telling him, he was ‘what’ she needed.
Was our relationship really just a friendship to her too? Or did she ever think of me as something more. Did Jason see whatever Jack and Quinn seemed to think they see all the time?
While Luke was reeling from everything that was going on in his mind, he hadn’t realized he had dropped out of the embrace that he had been holding her in. Rosey had removed herself from his and sunk into her self, playing with her fingernails worried that she’d said something.
“Luke?” She finally called out his name after a few minutes.
He cleared his throat, trying to pull himself to the present. “Yes, sweet girl?”
“You spaced out, look a bit terrified, and then you slipped away.. Did I say something wrong?
Luke remained silent, shifting his position on the couch.
“Oh.” Rosey’s picking, soon turned to hair twisting signifying the increase in anxiety. “I didn’t think it was a big deal to ne”
In one quick motion Luke was back in her personal space, Rosey was silenced by the shock of his sudden movement. He placed two fingers below her chin lifting her head to look up at him. Their eyes meet and a split second later their lips are connected.
Stunned, was an understatement of how she was feeling in that moment. Still she responded moving and wrapping hers arms around his neck, kissing him back. Luke moved back slightly, breaking their kiss almost as fast as he had initiated it. He placed a hand on her cheek to softly rub his thumb across her cheek. Rosey pulled him back to her. “It wasn’t long enough.” She whispered to him and brushes her lips back across his.
Luke pulled his body back. He pushes his hands through his hair and blows out a big breath.
“The girl Rosey. she’s you. I never wanted to say anything because I’d rather know I have you in my life securely one way than risk it all by admitting how I feel but I can’t sit here any longer.”
“Luke.” Reaching out to cup his cheek and giving him her soft smile.
“Just think if you had said something months ago, you could’ve been doing that any time you wanted to.” She teased him, pulling at his shirt to pull him to her. “Because, what if I told you that the feelings are mutual?” She was grinning at him, their faces inches apart, awaiting his reaction.
He looked at the girl who had his whole heart in the palm of her hands. The girl he’s had to suppress his feelings for by forcing himself to try to have feelings for other girls. The one girl he did have some feelings for, knew that he would never truly love anyone but Rosey.
“Rosey, I’m not joking.. so please.”
“Neither am l Moose. I never in a million decades thought I had a chance of being with you. So are we figuring this out or are you just never going to kiss me again?”
“Oh trust me. I’m definitely kissing you again, many many times again. But first we’re figuring out today’s situation, I am making sure you’re absolutely okay with what happened. I want to make sure that he’s taken care of too. He’s not getting away with nearly hitting you, and then we talk about us. You, your happiness, safety, everything about you has always been and will always be my first priority.” He kisses her forehead as he confirms her hopeful question. “I’m definitely going to get ‘I told you so’s from Jack and Quinn” He chuckled a bit.
“You? They’re going to tease me for crying to them about how I never stood a chance.
The two sunk into the couch cuddling into one another comfortably sitting in the silence that fell over them. Luke’s mind going over what to do about Jason, while Rosey’s had already moved on to thinking of what her and Luke’s time together would be like. Sometime after the two fell asleep cuddled up, nothing their families hadn’t seen before. Only somehow it’s as if Ellen just knew something had shifted between her two beloved babies.
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equallyshaw · 1 month
rutger mcgroarty x rose hughes au! | rut x rose au
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summary: famed sister of the hughes brothers, decides to come home after spending 10 years in canada; representing canada and furthering her career in hockey. what happens when she shows up to the lake house after declaring her placement at college?
⚘ fics: rose comes out. rose decides to stay in canada. (throwback) rose decides to forgo team canada for wisconsin.
⚘ blurbs: when they first met. the first time they said i love you's. the first time they kissed. world jr's 2023, canada vs usa. rutger jealous of connor? the one where she gets arrested.
⚘ thoughts: about rose hughes! rose's relationship with her brothers + reactions to her coming out! rose + connor bedards friendship! rose + rutger. rose's career/timeline.
⚘ s media: the annoucement. connor's draft.
⚘ random: timeline! pictures that remind me of them. ⚘
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candied-boys · 11 months
Luke's POV x F! Reader - Part 3
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Warning: Dark Content!
Including but not limited to references to prostitution, child neglect and abuse, war and death, PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, suicidal ideation, and historically accurate ages for relations. The dark content is almost entirely drawn from/same as Luke's route.
Themes: protection, hurt and comfort, mutual healing, learning to trust, letting yourself feel, and eventually giving into love. Everything is written from Luke's POV.
Part 2
“I've never had cake before!” she beams back.
It stings more that you're not surprised by this than the fact she's never tried cake.
“Luke! There you are! We heard you liked the girl at Rosey’s so much you took her home! Lucky son of a bitch! Where'd you get the money for that when we all work the same job?” one of your colleagues calls from across the room as you step in the building.
“Is that why you didn't show up to work yesterday? Too wrecked from all that fun?” another cackles, elbowing you in the ribs.
“Ah! You know he doesn't fuck and tell, mate. No point trying to wring it out of him,” a third one quips.
“Gonna bring her around sometime? Let us all have a go, eh?” the first jibes, the other two laughing as a few other men around the room join in and comment on what fun that would be.
It takes everything he ever taught you to keep calm and laugh it off while visions of murder dance in your head.
Y’ really shouldn't care ‘bout the shit they say, Luke.
Joke or not, it's not like she's important to y’.
In fact, she's completely useless.
Y’ only brought her back on a whim…
Right. The sooner she's on her way the better…
Despite reciting this internal monologue daily, you find yourself coming home earlier after work than before. You used to stay out and drink. Not that you particularly enjoyed the company of your colleagues, but keeping informed is essential to your mission and gossip is a good source.
More than anything, it was a distraction from the dark memories that haunt you at all waking and sleeping hours. But now you can talk with her, which is far more pleasant than forcing yourself to pay attention to your drunk comrades.
Especially so when the conversation is over a hot homemade meal. Though you didn't ask her to earn her food and shelter, she's taken to preparing dinner for the two of you every night. Her skills can't compete with yours, but she's also never seen most of the ingredients your pantry is stocked with.
You avoid the subject of her home life because you don't want to talk about yours, but you notice from the things she can and can't do that her childhood was similarly neglectful. Unlike you however, a deep seeded fear lurks in her cautious actions. One obviously instilled by years of abuse.
Because she thinks she doesn't deserve anything but such horrific treatment she's easy to spoil. After her feet healed, the first thing you did was take her to the cobbler. You made an apron and a coat for her not even a week after the kirtle. This time with a matching handbag.
Her apologetic and sheepish reactions to being given things of her own is gradually shifting to grateful smiles and thank yous. The brightest smile you've seen so far has to have been last night when she tried cake for the first time.
When you aren't off at clandestine anti-royalist rallies, most nights after dinner you've been teaching her to read and write so that she has something to keep herself occupied while you're at work. She struggles, but she's a bright enough girl that you know she'll be able to enjoy books soon. Most importantly, if she can read and write she'll be able to secure a good job and find a place to live where she can be free and safe.
For now, you've been working through a cookbook because the vocabulary is familiar and the instructions are short and simple. That's how you ended up baking cake with her late into the night.
“Wow!! This sounds so yummy!” she squeaks after successfully reading through the recipe.
“Nonnettes, huh? I remember they were popular where I grew up. Gingerbread spices, rye flour, honey, eggs, and jam. I think I have everythin’. You wanna try makin’ ‘em?”
“No, no! I don't want to bother you, Luke! I'm sorry I said anything! Please forget it!” she babbles, wide-eyed as she waves her hands dismissively.
“Stop it, Honey,” you chide and grab her wrists. “I suggested bakin’. If I didn't wanna do it, I wouldn't have offered. I love sweets and y’ know I'll eat everythin’ with honey in it. But more importantly, y’ need to learn that it's okay to ask for things y’ want.”
“Really? Are you sure it's not too much trouble…?” she queries hesitantly, shoulders curling up to her ears now that you've arrested her flailing arms.
“Yes. It'll be fun and we get to eat it all afterwards too!” you smile at the thought of fresh pastries.
“I've never had cake before!” she beams back.
It stings more that you're not surprised by this than the fact she's never tried cake.
“Do y’ like spiced things?” you ask knowing not everyone enjoys cinnamon and ginger.
“I don't know… We could never afford anything but salt…”
“Guess we'll find out then, won't we,” you smile and stand to fetch the ingredients from the pantry.
“I have lots of honey, but what kinna jam does the recipe call for?” you ask over your shoulder as you gather up little boxes of dried spices.
“It says or..or…”
“Yes! Orange mar..ma..lade, or fruits like ap..ri..cot.”
“Oranges are for the bourgeoisie. Can't buy ‘em at market, so marmalade is out. I have black currant jam though.”
“Sounds delicious! We also need butter, rye, water and spices.”
While you measure out the spices, she warms the honey and butter to mix into the leavened rye dough you always have handy. In the days after you brought her here you picked up extra dishes and cutlery, so at least you have bowls to bake and eat with now.
With the jam tucked into the centre of each little cake you set them over the coals to bake, and return to her writing practice as the next hour or so passes. Though your eyes linger on the wobbly shape of her letters you aren't really seeing the ink. Teaching her basics like this reminds you of all the ways he looked after you.
You know he took special care of you to ensure you'd be a well-equipped pawn, but that doesn't change the fact that he did care for you. As manipulative and conniving as he is, he's gentle in some ways… and for better or worse, he did save your life.
If he saw me now, would he be disappointed?
Would he think me a fool for lookin’ after somebody so obviously worthless to my ambitions?
Would he think I've gone soft?
If he thought I'd lost my resolve, would he cut me down ‘cause I know too much?
Or would he be happy for me… like that time I told him I was getting along with the kids at the military academy…
“Luke? Luke!” she calls and waves her hand in front of your eyes.
Startling from your daydream you hum inquisitively.
“I think the nonnettes are done…”
There's a concerned look in her eyes when she tells you this, but you brush it off by ruffling her hair as you rise to fetch the baked goods. By the time you've each finished your first cake, her genuinely radiant smile has you enchanted and you've forgotten those worries.
Part 4
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fellulahh · 4 years
The Point of No Return - Part 6/???, Diavolo x MC x Lucifer
Read Parts 1-5 here!
“You needn’t worry about her, Lucifer.” Diavolo insisted, “MC will always be safe while she is in my company.”
“Yes, my Lord.” Lucifer nodded.
Although that wasn’t actually what he was concerned about.
Satisfied with Lucifer’s response, Diavolo nodded before smiling once again.
“Well if that concludes our conversation, I’ll go and seek out MC if she’s free.” He stated, walking toward the door.
Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. Instead, he frowned as he watched Diavolo leave the room. Pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, he muttered to himself as he turned back around toward his desk.
Worry filled his mind as he stared at his workload. The only thing that seemed capable of making Lucifer relax was MC and he could feel her slipping into the grasps of Diavolo.
As he took a seat behind his desk, Lucifer’s eyes fell on the blanket on the armchair that MC had been tucked under only mere hours ago. He wondered whether he should have stayed with her rather than go to his own room.
But just as quickly as the thought entered his mind, it soon vanished again. Shaking his head, Lucifer’s focus returned to his work as he rid himself of such pathetic thoughts.
How could it be that he’d grown so protective over MC?
Meanwhile, striding down the hallways, Diavolo had a cheery grin on his face as he made his way through the house. As he approached the stair case, his large hand gripped the bannister before ascending them.
Making his way toward MC’s bedroom, he could hear her voice as he neared it. And as he appeared in the doorway, happiness filled him when his eyes fell on the human.
Sat on her bed with Asmodeus, he and MC were gossiping to each other when they noticed the colossal prince nearby. MC was busy telling the demon all about her day at the palace when Asmodeus quickly shushed her; perhaps not very subtly.
Turning around from her seat on the bed, MC raised her eyebrows after seeing Diavolo stood behind her.
“My Lord.” She breathed, “is everything okay?”
Asmodeus watched the pair of them eagerly. As soon as Diavolo had arrived that morning, he sprinted to MC’s room to tell her. Ever since finding out the human had been invited to the Prince’s palace alone, Asmodeus has been very keen to find out what was going on.
“Yes, there’s no need to look so sheepish.” Diavolo chuckled, entering the room. “I came to see how Lucifer was getting on.”
“Ah!” MC nodded with an awkward smile.
Diavolo had never come to her room alone before and with Asmo close by grinning like the Cheshire Cat, MC was lost for words.
“I expect you’re wondering why I’ve come to see you.” Diavolo chuckled, as though he could read MC’s mind, “I know we agreed for you to arrive at the palace this afternoon but I thought perhaps now that I’m here, you’d like to come with me now? Providing you’re not already occupied of course.”
He had a smile on his face as he made his offer to MC. She reciprocated the expression, surprised by him.
“Of course, my Lord.” She nodded.
“Excellent.” He grinned, “I’ll be waiting in the entranceway.”
The room was silent as Diavolo left. It wasn’t until his footsteps could no longer be heard that Asmo grabbed MC by the shoulders and turned her around.
“Right you can’t beat around the bush any longer, MC!” He insisted, “Why does Diavolo keep inviting you to the palace alone?!”
MC laughed at how enthusiastic he was and desperate to find out the truth.
“He likes to watch me play.” She admitted quietly.
“Play with what? His dick?” Asmo furrowed his eyebrows.
“No!” MC playfully shoved him on the shoulder, “it’s nothing like that, As. He found out from Lucifer that I play the piano and asked me if I’d perform at his jubilee. He invites me over to the palace so that I can practice.”
“Since when do you play an instrument?” He scrunched his face.
“Since when did you start asking me so many questions?” MC laughed as she got up.
Walking across the room, she grabbed her bag from a nearby chair while Asmo remained strewn across her bed.
“I’ll see you later.” She spoke as she hovered in the doorway.
“Let me know if he plays with your keys, won’t you?” Asmo asked with a sly grin on his face.
Rolling her eyes, MC walked away from the door. “It’s not like that!” She repeated from within the hallway.
Once she reached the staircase, her eyes fell on Diavolo who was stood at the bottom. He had his arms folded as he stared at one of the portraits on the wall; observing the demon within it.
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, my Lord.” MC apologised as she quickly descended the steps.
Hearing her voice caused him to swiftly turn on his heel.
“Nonsense!” He beamed.
As the pair entered the palace, MC prepared herself to walk in the direction of the room with the piano in. Beginning to take off her jacket, Diavolo quickly stopped her.
“Here.” He spoke, assisting her with the sleeve.
MC blushed at his gesture, unable to believe the fact that Prince was the one helping her. “Is Barbatos not here?” She asked sheepishly as he walked toward the cloakroom to discard her outerwear.
“I’m sure he’s here somewhere.” Diavolo chuckled.
Returning to MC’s side, he smiled warmly at her; causing the human to feel even more nervous than before.
“Now MC, I have a confession for you.” He started, immediately worrying her.
“Is everything okay, my Lord?” She questioned quickly.
“Yes, there’s no need to panic.” He assured before pausing.
Diavolo had a content look on his face as he momentarily just focused on MC.
“Then what might be wrong?” She asked quietly.
“As much as I adore your talents I was wondering if today you’d like to take a break from playing for me.” He pondered, “tell me, MC, do you like flowers?”
“Flowers?” She questioned completely baffled, with a small smile appearing on her lips.
“Yes!” Diavolo grinned, amused by her confusion, “I’ve just had Barbatos touch up the palace gardens and wondered if you’d like to see them?”
MC’s heart completely eased having just thought Diavolo was going to drop a bombshell on her. She couldn’t help but smile at the goofy grin on the Prince’s face as he anticipated her answer.
Her skin grew warm as she met eyes with Diavolo.
“You worried me, my Lord.” She chuckled, “but yes, I’d love to see the gardens.”
“Excellent!” He beamed, “follow me.”
Walking through the palace, MC remained a few steps behind as she followed Diavolo. Her eyes never left him as she pondered over what was happening.
Surely the Prince should have other matters that need attending to rather than showing one of the exchange students around the gardens? Do Simeon, Solomon and Luke also get the same treatment?
Nevertheless, MC couldn’t help herself as she realised she enjoyed being in Diavolo’s company. And the thought that he didn’t only want her in the palace to play the piano for him made her heart flutter. She was beginning to see a much more genuine side to him and she looked forward to discovering more about the Prince.
“Here we are.” He spoke as they approached a colossal, golden framed door covered in windows. Turning the handle, Diavolo opened it and gestured for MC to pass.
“Thank you.” She breathed as she stepped outside.
She’d never seen the palace gardens before and it was everything she’d imagined and more. Diavolo could see the amazement in her eyes and felt a sense of satisfaction from it.
“Well, MC, you are my guest so please tell me: what would you like to see first?” He asked.
MC bit her lip as she thought to herself. She could already see masses of impressive topiary across the vast space in front of them. But, thinking back to the human realm, she turned her head to Diavolo.
“Do you have roses?” She asked.
“Roses?” He repeated, surprised. Usually when anybody was shown the gardens, they immediately expected to see the bush maze or vineyard, “yes, I have plenty of them.” He smiled.
Walking down the marble steps, the stones at the bottom crunched as Diavolo stepped foot on the path. Glancing over his shoulder, he held a hand out to MC as she carefully walked down behind him; trying to avoid slipping on the wet patches on each step.
As she looked up and saw Diavolo’s extended arm, her eyebrows raised.
“Not to sound rude but you look like a deer on ice.” He joked, “Allow me to help you.”
MC’s face immediately went red at Diavolo’s comment before she sheepishly lifted her hand and placed it in his large one. He gripped her gently as he steadied her body. With his support, MC made it to the stone path. The slippery steps were the least of her worries after the way she felt her heart thud at Diavolo’s contact.
“Right this way.” He guided as he let go of the human’s hand to direct her to the rose bushes.
The pair of them travelled around the side of the palace, with MC gawping at everything they passed. She’d seen gardens back in the human realm but none of them compared to Diavolo’s.
Remaining quiet as she absorbed her surroundings, MC let out a breath as they reached their destination.
“Roses: as requested.” Diavolo nodded with a grin.
MC smiled as her eyes fell on the rows and rows of various coloured flowers. They reminded her of home and how her Mother would always buy MC a bouquet every time she visited.
“They’re beautiful.” She gushed, stepping forward to appreciate them more.
Diavolo didn’t say anything as he watched MC admire her surroundings.
With his hands in his pockets, the Prince had rosey cheeks as his gaze never left the human’s wandering body.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!” MC spoke, causing him to laugh. “I wish my garden looked like this.”
Shaking his head, Diavolo chuckled to himself before his focus turned to one of the bushes that was beside him. Turning his body, he carefully pinched the stem of one of the white roses before plucking it from the rest. He made sure to pick the biggest, most beautiful one.
He slowly stepped forward to where MC was currently stood before holding out the flower to her. “Here.” He spoke, “one for you to take home seeing as you love them so much.”
MC turned her head and bit her lip. She admired the sight before her: Diavolo looking as handsome as ever with a rose between his fingers.
“Thank you, my Lord.” She smiled, accepting his gift. “You’ve been very kind to me.”
“It’s my job.” He returned the smile.
MC nodded sheepishly as her eyes fell on the rose he’d offered her. Meanwhile, Diavolo found himself staring at the human again.
Yes, he did enjoy her company. He enjoyed it very much so.
A/N: well Diavolo certainly showed his Princey charms in this chapter! I wonder if MC will tell anybody about the rose he gave her. After all, it’s purely a professional relationship they have, right??
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Update F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
 Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
 League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
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alystayr · 5 years
Playlist musicale 2019 (2/2)
Liste des chansons (playlist 2019 - part. 2)
Mise à jour : 31 décembre 2019
playlist 2019 (part.2), playlist 2019 (part. 1)
playlist 2018 (part. 2), playlist 2018 (part. 1)
playlist 2017 (part. 2), playlist 2017 (part. 1)
playlist 2016 (part. 2), playlist 2016 (part. 1)
playlist 2015
0-9 #
16 Horsepower - American Wheeze (1996)
AaRON - Blouson Noir (2015)
Abd Al Malik - Le jeune noir à l’épée (2019)
The Afghan Whigs - Algiers (2014)
Air - Alpha Beta Gaga (2004-2016)
Alabama Shakes - Don’t Wanna Fight (2015)
Alice In Chains -  Rainier Fog (2018)
Angels of Light - Dawn (2005)
Aphrodite’s Child - Rain and tears (1968)
Archive - Erase (2019)
Louis Armstrong - St. James Infirmary (1928)
The B52's - Planet Claire (1979)
The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (1967)
Beck - Saw Lightning (2019)
Belle and Sebastian - Sister Buddha (2019)
Bénabar - Y'a une fille qu'habite chez moi (2001)
The Beta Band - Dry The Rain (1997)
Björk - Declare Independence (2008)
The Black Keys - Go (2019)
Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper (1976)
Blur - There’s No Other Way (1991)
Joe Bonamassa - Lonesome Christmas (2016)
David Bowie - When I'm Five (1967)
Georges Brassens - Les copains d'abord (1964)
Jacques Brel - Mathilde (1963)
John Butler Trio - Bully (2017)
Cage The Elephant - Shake Me Down (2011)
Calexico - The Ballad of Cable Hogue (2000)
Calogero - En Apesanteur (2002)
Captain Kid - We & I (2012)
Johnny Cash (cover Nine Inch Nails) - Hurt (2002/1994)
Chloé - One in other (2010)
The Clash - White Riot (1977)
Johnny Clegg & Savuka - Asimbonanga (1987)
Eddie Cochran - Summertime Blues (1958)
Cocoon - Back To One (2019)
Cold War Kids - Passing the Hat (2006)
Chris Cornell - Seasons (from Singles) (1992)
Cypress Hill (feat. Chino Moreno and Everlast) - (Rock) Superstar (2000)
Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor (1980)
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence (1990)
dEUS - Instant Street (1999)
Dolly - Comment taire (2002)
The Doors - Love Street (1968)
Dr. John - Right Place Wrong Time (1973)
Bob Dylan - Hurricane (1975)
Eels - You Are The Shining Light (2018)
Eiffel - Cascade (2019)
Lisa Ekdahl (cover Betty Hutton) - It's Oh So Quiet (1997/1951)
Eminem - Venom (2018)
Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again (1983)
Mylène Farmer - Des larmes (2018)
Les Fatals Picards - La Sécurité de l'Emploi (2007)
Fine Young Cannibals - Johnny Come Home (1985)
Florence + the Machine - Jenny of Oldstones (from Game of Thrones) (2019)
Foals - What Went Down (2015)
Foo Fighters - Best Of You (2005)
Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks (2011)
Future Islands - Fall From Grace (2014)
Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey (1982)
Liam Gallagher - One Of Us (2019)
Jean-Jacques Goldman - Je marche seul (1985)
The Good, The Bad & The Queen - Gun To The Head (2019)
Kim Gordon - Sketch Artist (2019)
Gossip - Standing In the Way of Control (2006)
Gravenhurst - The Collector (2007)
Juliette Gréco (cover Léo Ferré) - Jolie Môme (1961)
Grinderman - Man In The Moon (2007)
Nina Hagen - African Reggae (1979)
Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite - The Bottle Wins Again (2018)
PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me (1993)
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (1967)
Kristin Hersh - The Cuckoo (1994)
Jacques Higelin - Paris-New York, New York-Paris (1974)
Interpol - The Weekend (2019)
Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus (1983/2019)
Izia - Hey Bitch (2009)
Julia Jacklin (cover The Strokes) - Someday (2019/2001)
JAY-Z - Marcy Me (2017)
Joy Division - New Dawn Fades (1979)
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law (1980)
Kaiser Chiefs - Don't Just Stand There, Do Something (2019)
Kings of Leon - Family Tree (2013)
Mark Knopfler - Redbud Tree (2012)
Mark Lanegan Band - Stitch It Up (2019)
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (1983)
Bernard Lavilliers & Catherine Ringer - Idées Noires (1983-2014)
Led Zeppelin - No Quarter (1973)
The Lemonheads - Alison’s Starting To Happen (1992)
Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit (2003)
Little Eva - The Loco-Motion (1962)
Luke - Hasta Siempre (2004)
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (1967)
Marcela Mangabeira (cover Michael Jackson) - Human Nature (2008/1982)
Loreena McKennitt - The Lady of Shalott (1991)
Marilyn Manson - God’s Gonna Cut You Down (2019)
Marilyn Manson (cover The Doors) - The End (1967-2019)
Massive Attack - Protection (1994)
Metallica - Seek and Destroy (1983)
Midnight Oil - Forgotten Years (1990)
Eddy Mitchell - Sur la route de Memphis (1976)
Modest Mouse - Lampshades on Fire (2015)
Gary Moore - The Loner (1987)
Moriarty - Isabella (2011)
Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy (1955)
The National - Hey Rosey (2019)
Nirvana - Come As You Are (1992)
Nirvana - Negative Creep (1991)
Noir Désir - Bouquet de nerfs (2001)
Les Ogres de Barback - Si tu restes (2019)
Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells (1973)
OrelSan - Dis moi (2018)
Vanessa Paradis - Ces mots simples (2018)
Charles Pasi - A Man I Know (2014)
Pearl Jam - Jeremy (1991)
Pink Floyd - Money (1973)
Pixies - Hey (1989)
Placebo - Battle For The Sun (2009)
Iggy Pop - Run Like A Villain (1982)
Portishead - Misterons (1994)
The Pretenders - Middle of the Road (1984)
Queens Of The Stone Age - Regular John (1998)
The Raconteurs - Help Me Stranger (2019)
Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) (1995)
Ram Jam - Black Betty (1977)
Red Hot Chili Pepper - Under The Bridge (1991)
Renaud - Fatigué (1985)
Calvin Russell - Soldier (1992/2011)
Saez - Germaine (2019)
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Constipation Blues (1969)
Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You (1992)
Seasick Steve - Hobo Low (2006)
Shaka Ponk - My Name Is Stain (2011)
William Sheller - Maintenant Tout Le Temps (1994)
Alan Silvestri - Retour vers le Futur (from Back to the Future) (1985)
Simon & Garfunkle - El Condor Pasa (1970)
Slaves - The Velvet Ditch (2019)
Smoke City - Underwater Love (1997)
Sonic Youth - Bull In The Heather (1994)
Joss Stone (cover The Dells) - The Love We Had (Stays On My Mind) (2012)
Alain Souchon - Presque (2019)
Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live (1994)
Supertramp - Give A Little Bit (1977)
Taj Mahal - Ain't That A Lot Of Love (1968)
Tame Impala - Patience (2019)
Tarmac - Tu semblante (2001)
Taxi Girl -   Cherchez le Garçon (1980)
Tindersticks - For The Beauty (2019)
Tool - Fear Inoculum (2019)
Tricky (feat. Marta) - Makes Me Wonder (2019)
The Twilight Singers - King Only (2000)
U2 - Mysterious Ways (1991)
U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love) (1984)
Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle (1992)
UNKLE - The Lost Highway (2019)
Volbeat - Still Counting (2008)
Tom Waits - I hope I don’t fall in love with you (1973)
Les Wampas - Ce Soir C'est Noël (1990)
Les Wampas - Chirac En Prison (2003)
The War on Drugs - Pain (2017)
Emily Jane White - Dark Undercoat (2007)
Jim White - Bluebird (2004)
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (1971)
Wilco - Everyone Hides (2019)
John Williams - Star Wars Main Theme (1977)
Shannon Wright - These Present Arms (2019)
Yodelice - Wake Me Up (2010)
Thom Yorke - Not The News (2019)
Zebda - Le Bruit Et L'Odeur (1995)
Rob Zombie - Dead City Radio And The New Gods Of Supertown (2013)
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Gone Wrong
A/N: An anon request for a JJ x Reader (she is on the team) where they are sexting each other and JJ accidentally sends one of the texts to someone else on the team, bringing up an awkward conversation.
Warnings: Sexting
If the two of you roomed together, you would be found out immediately. JJ was too beautiful for you to keep your hands off her and neither one of you were what you’d consider very quiet. Plus, you had no intentions of telling the team about your relationship just yet, so when you were away on cases, you always made a point of choosing different roomies, or no roomies at all. For today, JJ was rooming with Spencer and you’d taken the solo room. 
After hopping out of the shower, you pulled on a pair of black satin panties and matching bra and settled into the bed, toweling your hair to dry it. Once it was good enough you threw the towel on the floor. Damn, your hair looked good. Half dry, half wet, cascading in front of your eyes just slightly. 
Since you were alone, maybe it was time to have some fun with JJ. Grabbing your phone, you angled yourself on the bed in a way you liked and snapped a picture, quickly sending it to your lover. 
It took her about two seconds to reply.
JJ: Are you trying to kill me? I’m in the room with Spencer.
Y/N: I know. That’s why this is fun.
JJ: Well, the more you torture me now, the more I’m going to fuck your brains out when we get back.
Y/N: Is that supposed to be a threat? Because I’m actually in the process of thinking of what to say next. Do you have any particular way you’d like to fuck my brains out? I’m interested.
JJ: First, I’m going to finger you until you’re a sweating, cumming mess and then after that I figure I’ll do the same with my mouth. At least two more times. I want you shaking.
Goddammit. Maybe this was going to backfire on you. Now you were getting all hot and bothered. Actually...
Reaching down, you slid your first two fingers into your panties, gently massaging your clit as you thought of what JJ had said. While you imagined her lips against your slit, your breathing began to quicken, so your fingers did the same. Before you got out of control though, you hit the record button on your phone and let it capture the sounds you were making for about a minute, ending with breathlessly moaning her name. You purposely made the decision not to come to keep her on her toes. 
With a quick swipe, you sent the sound bite with a text that read:
Y/N: Might want to listen to that with headphones on. ;)
JJ: I’m going to kill you.
Y/N: You’re going to listen to it though. I know you.
JJ: You’re dead.
Smiling to yourself, you leaned back into the pillows and grabbed the book you were reading, waiting patiently for a reply.
About five minutes later you got a reply.
JJ: I thought you were just going to be talking. Moaning my name? Touching yourself? Whimpering? Ah! I’m sitting her squirming and Spencer is getting curious as to why. 
Y/N: Well then get better at controlling yourself. What am I supposed to do? ;)
JJ: Stop touching yourself and sending me soundbites!
As a joke you sent her another sound clip - this one of you making a silly noise. But you did tell her to listen with headphones on anyway. 
JJ: You’re a dork.
Y/N: You love me.
You waited for another reply, but didn’t get one for nearly 15 minutes, which was weird because if she was going to sleep she’d tell you.
Y/N: Babe?
JJ: Yea?
Y/N: I said you love me and you didn’t say anything.
JJ: What are you talking about? I sent you a reply right after.
You double-checked your phone but didn’t see anything. All of a sudden, you got a caps locked text. 
Y/N: How?
Oh fuck, this was bad. Emily wasn’t one to reprimand, but you weren’t ready to out yourselves yet. Plus, Emily could catch heat if two of her team members were dating. Fuck. Shit fuck.
JJ: We were having a separate conversation and I hit her thread on accident!
Shit fuck. Well, if the reply was innocuous, it wouldn’t matter. Breathe. Ask.
Y/N: What was the response?
JJ: It was this. “True, but for real, if I end up coming on the spot listening to you then you get to explain it to the rest of the team.”
They were out. At least to Emily.
Y/N: Oh shit.
JJ: Yea. I just got a text from her.
You closed your eyes and leaned back into the pillow allowing the material to cool your heated skin.
Y/N: What did she say?
JJ: It said, “I’m assuming that wasn’t meant for me, and given that you mentioned the team, my guess is that you’re seeing Y/N? Why didn’t either of you tell me?”
Y/N: What did you say?
JJ: Haven’t answered yet. What should I say?
Y/N: Tell her truth. We weren’t ready for our relationship to get out. We didn’t wanna get her in trouble. All that shit.
It took nearly 20 minutes for the next reply.
JJ: I told her why and she said that most of the team had an inkling of it already. We don’t have to actually admit it to the team if we don’t want to, but we could because it’s a shitty secret, and that we definitely have to notify HR.
Ugh. HR was going to suck.
Y/N: Okay, talk about it tomorrow? I’m exhausted.
JJ: Yea, me too. 
Okay, that was not how you had planned your night going, but at least Emily wasn’t mad.
The next morning, JJ texted you after her shower before you were going to leave for the jet. 
JJ: I was thinking about it last night. I think we should just come clean with everyone.
Y/N: Me too. It’s too complicated to be out to Emily and have to talk to HR but keep it from the rest of the team.
JJ: On the jet?
Y/N: On the jet. Are you ready for this? We’re out. This is really real. You and me.
JJ: We were real before. <3
About an hour later, everyone was officially coffee’d up with fast-food breakfast to fill your stomachs. You all made your way onto the jet and got settled, nerves rattling around as you prepared to tell the team.
“You do it,” JJ said.
“No, you do it.” “You.”
“No, you.”
“Oh fine,” you said, caving and standing up. “Yo! I have an announcement to make.”
Matt, Tara, Rossi, Spencer, Luke and Emily gave you their attention. Emily had a little smirk in the corner of her mouth. “What is it?” Tara asked.
“Through an unfortunate mishap, JJ over here sent Emily a text meant for me. It was...explicit in nature. We’re seeing each other.”
Tara snickered. “Duh.”
Rossi chimed in. “Yea, obviously.”
Matt and Luke said the same. “You two aren’t discrete about it.”
“Really?” JJ asked, standing up finally, entwining her fingers in yours. “Everyone knew?”
“We’re profilers,” Spencer said, finally adding to the conversation. With a smile, he peeled his attention away from the window. “You really think after this many years, we couldn’t tell that you two were doing each other?”
Everyone started cackling at his frankness. 
“Spencer just said ‘doing each other...’” JJ said, trailing off in amazement. “What kind of world are we living in?!”
“One where it’s really easy to tell you were seeing each other,” Spencer laughed. “Someone sure was in a bad way last night. What was she texting you?”
Oh fuck.
@unstoppableangel8 @coveofmemories @jamiemelyn @sexualemobitch @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @lukeassmanalvez @reddie-for-mileven @marvelfanlife @amarislestrange @obsessed5sosfreak @sonhadoraativa @1enchantedfantasy1 @ace-and-rosey @ay-nako @twelveyearoldchildprodigy @entelechysymphony @pugs-cats-bb-8 @davidr0ssi @sarahkay-19 @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue
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julez-the-great · 7 years
Frozen--Han Solo x Reader
“Have you talked to him yet?” Leia whispered to you. You shook your head and leaned against the wall, your weight making the mattress dip slightly. Leia hopped off of the bunk above you and sat beside you on your bed, looking over you.
“No, as a matter of fact, I haven’t,” you said, facing her and crossing your legs. She groaned your name, wondering why it was taking you so long to talk to Han.
“Why?” She quizzed, impatience beginning to thrive through her soul. She stared at you intently, looking through your tough facade and studying your weaknesses.
“I’m scared. Plus I see the way that he looks at you and I don’t want to make things weird,” you explained, resting your head in your hands, hiding your face. A soft smile came from Leia as she placed a delicate hand on your shoulder.
“First off, I know things won’t be weird–you two have been friends long enough for that not to happen. Secondly, if he made a move on me, I wouldn’t dare date with that scoundrel. I promise, the moment you do it, a relief will wash over you,” she explained. You shook your head before releasing a deep sigh and lofting your head.
“I’ll sleep on it,” you told her. She understand and climbed to the bunk above yours before shutting off told he lights.
“I mean it, (y/n).”
The next morning you woke up to the sensation and sound of the Millennium Falcon landing. You weren’t aware of where you were, but you knew it had to be important for Han to land somewhere.
Rising from bed, you stretched, noticing that Leia was already up and about for the day. Confused, you changed into your day clothes and walked out of the room and into the common area of the Falcon.
“Where are we?” You yawned. All four of your flight companions sat at the main table, rubbing their eyes and yawning along with you. You sat down on the end of the round booth–next to Luke.
“We’re on Hoth because the princess,” Han threw Leia a snarky glance, “said that there is a Rebel base here.” You let the information process as you sat there, thinking to yourself.
‘It must have been spur of the moment, I guess,’ you thought to yourself. Nodding, you stood and headed for your bunk to get on some clothes for the cold planet.
The cool wind nipped at the exposed skin of your nose as you walked along side you comrades, shivering to yourself. The white snow blasted all around you and the only sight was complete whiteness and the flashing lights of the base. Luckily for you, the base wasn’t too far from where the Falcon was.
“You couldn’t have found a better place to park?!” You yelled sarcastically at Han over the howling winds of the blizzard.
“They didn’t have room for us to park inside!” He retorted. Behind you walked Luke and Leia who both snickered and smiled to themselves, amused at the argument that you and Han were having.
“You should have made room!” You yelled once more, bickering with your pilot.
“Alright, well next time I’ll make sure to crash into the base!” All of you walked into the base to feel the relieving heat. You smiled as you threw off your hood and goggles and observed the surrounding tunnels and people rushing through the tunnels.
“The command center is this way,” Leia said, taking the lead and escorting you to the command center. The walls around you were all white except for the pipes that appeared in some spots of the walls. Unzipping your thick winter coat, you watched Han as he followed quietly, also looking at his surroundings.
“A picture lasts longer,” he said, feeling your gaze. Your cheeks began to blush, but luckily for you, you were just outside.
“But that means I’d have to keep it,” you retorted. Han smirked, about to reply when Leia piped up.
“And this is the command center where everything goes down,” she stated, walking over to someone and began having a conversation with them. You wandered off, exploring the area on your own to familiarize yourself with it.
After being shown around the entire base, the storm let up, allowing all outside activity to commenced once more. You shrugged on your jacket once more and grabbed your blaster, along with your goggles.
“Hey, Leia, I’m going to take a tauntaun out and go scope the area,” you told her. She nodded before handing you a radio.
“Alright, be back before dark and if you run into trouble, use this radio. Be careful out there,” she instructed. You smiled.
“I will. Thanks, mom,” you laughed before walking off to the port of the base. Here was where all of the ships and other transport vehicles and animals were held. Han was just emerging from the Falcon when he saw you walking in the direction of a free tauntaun.
“Where are you going?” He asked, curious about your suspicious movements. You turned to him, zipping up your jacket and flicking up your hood.
“I’m going exploring. Wanna come Solo?” You teased him. He shook his head.
“Be safe out there kid,” was all he said before walking inside of the base. You shrugged before walking over to the docile creature and giving it a soothing pet before putting a saddle on it and heading out into the frozen tundra, ready to explore this foreign planet.
You sat in the cold, shivering. Holding your legs to your chest, you tried to keep warm, but the shivering didn’t stop. The radio Leia had given you was nothing but static and snow was beginning to blow around at a moderate rate. The sun was setting and you knew that you were going to get into some problems. Reaching for your radio one more time, you pressed the button and said one simple word, hoping that someone would hear it and come to your aid.
Han paced the base, worried about your whereabouts. It had been hours since you’ve left and they say a storm was coming once more. He walked around the command center, waiting for any word of where you were.
“I’ve got something,” one of the technicians declared. Han hurried over and saw a little blip on a moniter. “Her radio signal is coming from here.”
Without a word, Han ran to the port and grabbed a tauntaun and essential items before dashing into the wilderness, hoping that you weren’t dead.
Meanwhile, you were now laying in the snow. You’ve lost feeling in your limbs and you were starting to become tired. You wouldn’t be in this situation if you hadn’t have gone out and if your tauntaun hadn’t have run off. Another shiver ran down your spine as your eyelids began to droop and vision began to unfocus.
'Maybe this won’t be so bad,’ you thought to yourself. Your lips were chapped and exposed cheeks were rosey. Your heart rate had gone down significantly and your body was beginning to get a warm feeling circling through it. Hallucinations were beginning to cloud your vision as you thought you saw someone running towards you. Your eyes then fluttered shut as you fell into a deep sleep.
Han had found you and the storm was beginning to come to strength. The sun had just about set as he halted his tauntaun and reached into his backpack, pulling out a small tent.
“Just hand in there a little longer,” he grumbled as he set it up quickly. The wind ruffled the tent as he pulled you inside. Once the tent was zipped up from the elements, he reached into his bag, pulling out a wool blanket and wrapping it around you carefully before pulling out a sleeping bag and laying you next to him in it. Zipping it up, the bath of you sat in complete darkness. Han held you, the human borrito, against him. He then took your goggles off and threw paced them down outside of the two of you.
“It’s going to be a long night, kid.”
You woke up in complete darkness. The wind was howling and the tent you were in was shaking violently. Warmth was radiating from your side and you saw none other than Han Solo sleeping peacefully in all his gear. It wasn’t a hallucination. You shifted yourself and felt the blanket that was also wrapped around you. Han’s grip on you tightened as you cuddled into his side, absorbing his warmth.
Grumbling, Han turned on his side, now facing you. Your face was now snuggly pressed to his chest and you could hear the steady beating of his heart through the windy tundra. The sound of his incoherent grumbling could also be heard and you smiled to yourself as another shiver ran down your spine. You entangled your socked-feet with his, making your digits warmer.
Relaxing once more, you rested your head on Han’s bicep, facing towards his body and using him as your heater. The warmth mixed with the soothing sound of the wind and the security coming from the layers wrapped around you, gently lulled you into a calm and peaceful sleep.
The next time you woke up, Han was awake, not having moved so he could make sure you were provided with heat. The moment your eyes opened, a look of relied flooded his features. He placed his hand on your forehead, feeling the temperature of your body.
“Still cold. How are you feeling?” He asked you, not moving.
“Warmer,” you chuckled, blushing slightly. “I should have brought someone with me though. This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t alone.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself. I should blame myself because I let you leave,” he stated, getting out of the sleeping bag. You followed suit, wriggling out of the blanket and throwing your hood up.
“Let me leave? You don’t control me, Han. I’m a free spirit,” you said, throwing on your boots and watching as he packed the stuff away into his bag.
“Well, I could have tried to stop you. You wouldn’t have almost died if I did,” he grumbled as he got out of the tent. You crawled to the opening, failing to stand. Han helped you up and onto the tauntaun who stayed put throughout the night.
“Well, thanks anyway for coming for me,” you said quietly. Han smirked, hearing every word as clear as can be.
“I’m sorry, come again? I didn’t catch that,” he said, taking the tent down and placing it in the bag. You groaned.
“You heard what I said, Solo,” you grumbled. He smirked as he got behind you on the creature and grabbed the reigns, making it stand and walk back in the direction of the base.
“Just thought I’d milk this situation for those few choice words,” he stated. The area around you was calm and not stormy like the night before. Han’s chest was pressed firmly against your back as you had leaned on him for support on this beast.
“Of course you would,” you said as you saw the base come into view. Standing outside was C3PO.
“Oh maker, they’re alive!” He excalimed as he rushed inside. You smiled at the droid’s actions. Han made the tauntaun go inside the station and you couldn’t be more happy to be there. He carefully got off and helped you stand on your feet.
“Can you walk yet?” He asked, no removing his hands from your hips. You stepped forward, only to stumble. Han side as he lifted you up, carrying you to what you asumed was the infirmary. You blushed as you passed other people through the narrow hallways.
“Now you rest up so we can leave this planet,” Han demanded of you as he set you on the bed in the infirmary. You shot him a glare before laying back and allowing a medical droid to take care of you.
“Well?” Luke and Leia asked expectantly as you sat up in the bed. The droid had cleared you to go after giving you some fluids that would help with the exhaustion you were going through, hence why you couldn’t walk.
“I didn’t tell him,” you said, standing on your feet once again. It felt good to feel the ground beneath your feet without the assistance of someone else.
“Why didn’t you tell Han that-” Luke began before Han walked into the room and cut him off.
“Tell Han what?” He asked, looking between the three of you. You glared a Luke as another blush came across your face, this time it wasn’t obscured by the cold–you’ve been warmed up in this room for the past few hours. Luke chuckled nervously before pulling Leia with him out of the room.
“What’s their problem?” He asked before moving to you. You shrugged your shoulders, the nerves beginning to bubble through your gut. “And what am I being told?”
“Well, y-you see,” you stuttered. Han’s gaze was fixed on you, making you even more nervous than before. Taking a deep breath you looked him in the eye as you said, “I have a thing for you.”
Han smirked as he looked over you, determining if you were joking or being genuine.
“You have a thing for me? Han Solo?” You nodded, preparing yourself for rejection. Han’s smirk turned into a smile as he gave you a tight hug.
“I know you do. Always have,” he said. Surprise filled you as you returned the embrace. “I was waiting for you to say something before making a move. Maybe tease you a little, bicker with you.”
“So that must mean you like me too then, right?” Han chuckled, planting a kiss on your forehead. You smiled brightly at the gesture.
“Sure does, sweet cheeks. It’s about time you caught on.”
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 2 months
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𝘥𝘢𝘥!𝘓𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘹 𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘌𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘺𝘯 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Authors Note: the original version of this AU is still posted down in the abyss of the blog, however this is the rejuvenated version 🌼
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Original Character Boards:
Run to You
Rosey Red
Social Media:
𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚕𝚜 - 𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚢
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 10 days
can’t deny those curls - insta
note: first post for the new revamped (new plot) for dad!luke au🥰
summary: snarky insta post made by rosey (reader) saying between Luke’s head of curls and their little one’s curls there is no denying she is his child
warnings: suggestive topic brought up, bullying towards rosey, rude towards child, Luke being defensive,
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rosey_yn has posted for the first time in a while!
rosey_yn 3m ago
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, elblue6 and others
rosey_yn: take a good look at my man’s head of curls…then look at OUR baby girl’s curls and try to tell me he isn’t HER daddy.
tagged: lhughes_06
edwards.73: baby hughes
njdevils: our favorite devil! emersyn of course, not the dad or her uncle.
↪️ rosey_yn: she’s definitely the biggest devils fan.
jackhughes: idk how you tame Em’s hair in a little under a year but Luke can’t in 21.
liked by rosey_yn, _quinnhughes, & trevorzegras
↪️ rosey_yn: well, you see it is lukey you’re talking about after all
dylanduke25: when am i going to get to see my niece again
↪️ lucafantilli: we already know emmy is yours and Luke’s we lived through the conception let us see her
↪️curtislazar95: emmy is the only confirmation that rusty is not a virgin.
↪️dylanduke25: can give plenty of firm confirmation that he in fact was not waaaay before pre-knowledge of emmy.
↪️_quinnhughes: dukers my mother can see this and i now have to bleach my eyes for seeing this about my baby brother and rosey
roseymorelikehoesy: lmfao if dark hair and curls makes luke her daddy, guess that makes luke my daddy too lhughes_06 daddy you left for milk so long ago :(
liked by 278 users
roseyposey_43: you and Luke make the perfect parents and the most precious child! emersyn is by far the cutest hughes - the long lived debate is officially over
↪️ lukeypookie: IF that baby IS Luke’s and y/n’s. she definitely didn’t get any of her looks from y/n. she is spitting image of a hughes and not a single mark of disgusting is to be seen.
↪️ hughesurdaddy43x2: only flaw she might have is her mother and that she can’t choose
lhughes_06: Everyone who has something rude, disgusting, or questioning to say about my girlfriend can leave her and her account alone. She is the mother of our daughter, Emersyn. Yes our daughter. There is no doubt that the perfect little girl is mine. Both of them mean more to me than I could ever possibly try to put into words. Seeing people who are supposedly supporters of myself, my team and my brothers make awful comments about my little family is frustrating and hurtful. So please stop and if you can’t remove yourself from the equation.
Thank you. - LH
liked by rosey_yn, bboeser, john.marino97, and 3,257 others
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 10 days
Rosey Red
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summary: quick blurb (rough rough rough writing) on how y/n got the nickname rosey.
notes: UPDATED 6/21!! Still rough writing im exhausted and i wrote through tumblr drafts but i fixed spelling errors and added some details. hoping to get the new word count when i get to my laptop top!!I will most likely rewrite this so it isn’t such icky writing when I’m not at work. I got asked to stay over :(
word count: unsure now that it’s updated
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This takes place around age 11, mid-January for it to be so cold.
It was the dead of winter, -4° Fahrenheit, and the three Hughes brothers were out in the street playing ball hockey. Having the time of their lives, or at least that’s what it looked like to those who caught a glimpse of them. The girl who lived directly across from the boys’ house, often watched them play from her living room window. Today was no exception to the rest, standing behind the window wrapped up in a cozy blanket while sipping hot chocolate she watched them run back and forth.
Despite the freezing temperatures she couldn’t help but be drawn outside by the boys' laughter and energetic game. Luke, the youngest Hughes, noticed her first. He paused, mid-swing for his shot with a wide grin spreading across his face, and he waved over to her. "Hey, want to join us?" he asked jogging over to her. Her eyes widened a little as she considered the invitation. Her and Luke were in the same class at school and knew of each other, but didn’t speak to one another unless they were grouped up. Their friend groups didn’t cross paths often, if at all. So the fact that Luke spoke to her, let alone invited her to join their game, it surprised her. After a moment of sheer shock shook through her, she nodded, setting her mug down on the porch railing. "Uhm sure, but I've never played before," she admitted, a bit embarrassed but excited at the chance to join her neighbors, and her classmate - the boy every guy wants to be friends with and every girl wants to ‘date’.
“Luuuuke! If she’s never played before we will have to explain everything.” Both of the younger children whip their heads towards the slightly older boy who was whining.
“Oh. If I am going to be a problem I won’t play. I can keep watching from my window.” Defeated she turned to go back into her house. Luke reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could grab her door knob. Luke was unsure what to say. He’d never grabbed ahold of a girl before with the intent to have her stick around. He acted impulsively. He knew that he was intrigued by her at school and he saw an opportunity to get to know her outside of school. A chance to be friends where their other friends’ opinions didn’t matter.
In the moment he says the first thing he thinks, “Wait.. Please? My brother Jack he is just so, well he’s all hockey and nothing else really and takes every style serious. He can play with Quinn and we can hang out?” He talked so fast he had to pause to catch his breath. “We could go watch a movie at my house or play a game or something .” He finished his offer plea and shifted awkwardly, silently pleading for her to come with him.
Her expression slowly shifted from upset that Jack had denied Luke’s invitation for her to join them, back to pleased.
“What do ya say Rosey?” He asks as she’d been quiet for quite some time. “Rosey? That’s… That isn’t my name.” She quietly mumbles, her cheeks darkening more than they were tinged from the blistering cold. “I know.” Luke chuckled a bit and shook his head. “I know that it is y/n, but I’m going to call you Rosey. Every time I catch you looking at me and smile back, your cheeks turn this Rosey red color.” Luke gave her a big cheeky smile. The kind of smile that crinkles the corner of your eyes. “Come on my mom has cookies and the best cozy blankets. I bet it’s better than the one you were bundled up in earlier. Plus your rosey red cheeks are giving you away for how cold you are”.
And from that day on, she was Rosey to the Hughes’s and to any one she was introduced to by Luke.
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note: hii thank you for reading this blurb about Luke and Rosey! keep in mind Rosey is intended to be the fem!reader. I wanted to try something different for this au/series. I wanted to be able to write with the female reader and luke as the main characters in the piece and not consistently use y/n every time someone speaks about her. I feel like it will flow better. When we get to the point where we have other people’s as the main characters or thoughts, depending on who it is, Rosey will be referred to as y/n.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 8 days
I know you said that your requests were open, so I would like to ask if you could do a blurb or fix on how rosey and Luke became a couple. Obviously, you don’t have to write this if you’re uncomfortable with it, and if that’s the case please ignore this. Thank you and I hope you have an amazing day!
hi! this is definitely coming!!🥰 I have the next three days off so my plan is to knock out quite a few of the building blocks to what would be current day 🧸🍼
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F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- Captain Ameria 2099 Ship Name: tbd
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Maria Hill Ship Name: tbd
- Mockingbird Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Billy The Kid Ship Name: tbd
- Saber prototype Ship Name: proto Saben
- Nero Ship Name: tbd
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken, Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you, Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heartfelt
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
- Gogo Tomago Ship Name: tbd
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
- Fran Ship Name: tbd
- Lightning Farron Ship Name: tbd
- Celes Chere Ship Name: tbd
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
- Cora Harper Ship Name: tbd
- Garrus Vakarian Ship Name: tbd
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
- G36 Ship Name: tbd
-G36C Ship Name: tbd
- M2HB Ship Name: tbd
- M590 Ship Name: tbd
Azur Lane
- Brooklyn Ship Name: tbd
- Phoenix Ship Name: tbd
- Pennsylvania Ship Name: tbd
- North Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Tennesse Ship Name: tbd
- Washington Ship Name: tbd
- Prince of Wales Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
 Street Fighter
- Chun-li Ship Name: tbd
- Rainbow Mika Ship Name: tbd
- Poison Ship Name: tbd
 Mortal Kombat
- Cassie Cage Ship Name: tbd
- Sonya Blade Ship Name: tbd
- Kitana Ship Name: tbd
- Mileena Ship Name: tbd
- Jade Ship Name: tbd
 The Walking Dead Game
- Molly Ship Name: tbd
 Original Character
- Aroar (ork warlord) Ship Name: tbd
- Shiara (created by theangelslittlecanary) Ship Name: The knight and her neko
 Magic The Gathering
- Knight of Sorrows Ship Name: tbd
- Doom Marine/Guy/slayer Ship Name: tbd
- Chell Ship Name: tbd
- Alyx Vance Ship Name: tbd
- GLaDOS Ship Name: tbd
- Mithrax the Forsaken Ship Name: tbd
- Mara Sov Ship Name: tbd
- Lord Shaxx Ship Name: tbd
 Parental & Platonic F/O’S
- Count Dooku (Star Wars) Relation: Father figure
- Kate Kane (DC Comics) Relation: Adopted mother
- Dick Grayson (DC Comics) Best Friend/Brother
- Damian Wayne (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) Friend
- Catherine Halsey (Halo) Mother Figure
13 notes · View notes
F/O List For My Wedding
Apart from wonder woman cause Im already married to her
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
(all depicted as 18+)
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name:
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name:
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
11 notes · View notes
F/O List
DC comics  - Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)  - Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love  - Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me  - Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl  - Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,  - Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart  - Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star  - Batgirl Ship Name: my bat  - Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance - Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me - Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk - Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen - Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts - Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart - Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva  - Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine  Marvel - Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers  - She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine  - Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma  - X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)  - Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick  - Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien - Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow - Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine - Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora - Amora Ship Name: Amoren - Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss - Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart  - Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia  - Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben - Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart - Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover - Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken - Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif - Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen - Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable - Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love - Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love - T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla  Fate - Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno  - Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener  - Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener  - Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner  - Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten  - Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred  Zelda  - Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen  - Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa  - Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda  - Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben  - Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek - Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena Star Wars  - Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka  - Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine  - Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra  - General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug  - Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart  - Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti  - Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi  - Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen  - Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden  - Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben - Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart - Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename - Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover - Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn - Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen - Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia - Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian - L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37 - Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff Voltron  - Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro  - Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura  - Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge  - Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen  - Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia  Persona  - Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!  - Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae - Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo Mario  - Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen  - Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙  - Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl  - Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl  Fire Emblem  - Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina  - Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen - Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love - Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma Bayonetta  - Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!  Metroid  - Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty  - Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen Nier  - 2B Ship Name: 2B URS  - A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers  - Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love Rainbow Six Siege  - Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving  - Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way  - Ash Ship Name: Ashen  - Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE  - Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart  - Pulse Ship Name: my pulse  - Twitch Ship Name: benitch - Montagne Ship Name: Benagne - Rook Ship Name: Benook - Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart - Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken - Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you - Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla - Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia - IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute - Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen - Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira - Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie - Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance - Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid - Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad - Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion - Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana RWBY  - Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose  - Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love  - Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen  - Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen  - Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen - Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan - Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter - Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden - Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco - Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses - Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen - Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen - Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you - Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched Metal Gear Solid  - The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine  - Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet  - Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl - Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart Full Metal Alchemist - Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love - Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye - Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi  - Lust Ship Name: lusting after you - Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love Overwatch - Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben - Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah - D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va - Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart - Sombra Ship Name: Somben - Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena - Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love - Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫 - Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine - Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei - Zarya Ship Name: Zaren - Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet Kid Icarus - Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart Legend of Korra - Korra Ship Name: Koren - Asami Ship Name: Asamien Disney - Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world - Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love - Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart - Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart - Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty Harry Potter - Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE - Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur - Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen - Tonks Ship Name: Benks Transformers - Arcee Ship Name: Acreen - Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts - Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende - Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker! - Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears - Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart! Final Fantasy - Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love - Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen - Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine - Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine - Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart Mass Effect - Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane - Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine - Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx - Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara - Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine - Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen League of Legends - Akali Ship Name: Akalien - Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien - Katarina Ship Name: Kataben - Sona Ship Name: Sonaben Doctor Who - 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm - 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love Assassin’s Creed - Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart - Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love - Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen My Hero Academia - Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen - Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen - Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen - Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen Borderlands - Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love - Lilith Ship Name: Lithen - Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love - Athena Ship Name: Athen Halo - Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen  - Linda 058 Ship Name: Linaben - John 117 Ship Name: Johnen - Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen X-Files - Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love The Witcher - Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald - Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty - Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold Red Dead Redemption - Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen - Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien Detroit Become Human - Kara Ship Name: Karaen - North Ship Name: Noren - Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren - Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken Resident Evil - Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress - Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire - Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich) - Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love - Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love Kingdom Hearts - Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua Just Cause - Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love  - Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien - Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen Titanfall (including apex legends) - Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd - Bangalore Ship Name: tbd - Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd - Mirage Ship Name: tbd
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Momentary Panic
A/N: An anon request for an Emily x Reader where the reader is pregnant but it’s very early on. She has to go to the hospital and Emily rushes over along with the team, and ends up blurting out their little secret.
After months of trying, it worked.
“I’ll see you later,” Emily said, taking your mouth in a heated kiss that said so much without saying anything. Ever since you found out, she’d been bending down to your stomach. “I love you.” She whispered to what was right now, a little bean-sized thing in your tummy that would be a full-grown person in less than a year. “Be good to Mommy, okay? No making her sick.”
The morning sickness had been a bitch, but you were almost through the first trimester, so there was hope that that would wear off. “Yea,” you said, peeling your shirt up to expose a sliver of your slightly-protruding stomach. “No making me sick today, baby.”
Emily pecked a kiss on your stomach before heading toward the door. “Em, when should we tell the team? They deserve to know their fearless leader is having a baby.”
“As soon as we pass the third trimester,” she said. “Since those are the trying months for miscarriages, I would feel better waiting until that passes.”
Shaking your head, you agreed and blew her a kiss as she flew out the front door and down the stairs to her car. She was already running late.
Emily could picture herself sitting on the couch right now, reading a book to your unborn baby even though babies’ couldn’t hear anything until 18 weeks. It was still a beautiful picture and she’d much rather imagine that then all the paperwork that was currently spread across her desk. There were stacks upon stacks, nearly burying the computer and the phone. Her picture frames had been knocked over - the little doodads courtesy of Penelope were also nowhere to be found. Yea, reading to you and the baby was a much better picture.
All of a sudden, she was knocked out of her amazing daydream by the phone. Scrambling, she pushed aside papers to find it and picked up in a huff.
“Is this Mrs. Prentiss?”
“Yes, this is she,” she replied, noting the use of Mrs. rather than Agent. “May I ask who’s calling?”
“Mrs. Prentiss, your wife, Y/N, was admitted to the hospital after falling down the stairs. She has a couple small bruises, but she’s okay.” What about the baby?
Before she could even ask, she stood up. “Tell Y/N I’ll be there as soon as possible.” The phone clunk down back onto the base loudly, the sound still reverberating as she pulled on her coat and ran out of her office door. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked worriedly. Emily’s face had gone completely pale. 
Without looking back, she ran toward the elevator. “Y/N fell down the stairs. She’s in the hospital.”
None of her teammates even bothered asking for permission, they just ran to her side, ready to accompany her to the hospital, and so Luke, Matt, Tara, JJ, Garcia, Rossi, and Spencer piled into the SUV, sitting in silence as Emily sped toward the woman she loved.
“She’s gonna be okay, right?” Spencer asked. Emily had hopped out of the car after barely parking it to run inside.
Emily wasn’t even paying attention. “They said she was okay, but I need to see. I need to see her with my own eyes to know that she’s okay.”
She barreled past every slow walker in her way and approached the front desk. “My name is Emily Prentiss. My wife, Y/N Prentiss, was admitted a while ago after falling down the stairs?”
“Ah, yes,” she said with a smile, “Mrs. Prentiss. Follow me. I’ll bring you to your wife.”
The rest of the team followed closely behind as Emily ran into the room. “Baby, are you okay?”
Lifting your hand up to caress the side of her face, you nodded. You could see the worry etched within each line of her face.
Just then, a doctor made his way into the room. “Did you give her a sonogram or an ultrasound?” Emily blurted out. “She’s pregnant. Is everything okay?”
“You could’ve just asked me,” you laughed, placing your hand gently on your stomach. “I’m okay. So is the baby.”
“Oh thank god.” She fell to her knees at your side of the bed and sobbed. 
After the relief washed over JJ’s face, she became ecstatic. “You’re pregnant? Oh my god! You’re gonna be moms! I’m so happy for you. How far along are you?”
“Two and a half months,” you replied, giving everyone a hug as they made their way into the room to give their congratulations. “I slipped down the stairs, but I grabbed onto the handrail to try and keep the brunt of it off my stomach. On the way down I twisted my wrist, so i knew I needed to come in for a sprain at the very least. I didn’t hit my stomach at all, but I wanted them to check anyway. Baby’s good.”
The look of relief on Emily’s face nearly made you cry. “Mommy loves you,” she said, bending down to kiss your stomach. “So much. And you, I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” you laughed. “And I guess our secret’s out.”
“I’d say so,” Rossi said. 
Penelope shoved her way between everyone else to get to your bedside. “When’s the baby due? When will I have another godchild to spoil?”
“October 21,” you said simultaneously.
Emily sat on your bed, leaning over you and placing her arm around you. “Fall baby. We still don’t have names picked out, because I know that’s gonna be your next question,” she laughed. 
After a little more small talk, you started to feel tired, your eyes barely staying open anymore. The team took that as their cue to leave, and said goodbye one last time, along with another round of congratulations. “You should go home,” you said, giving her a sleepy kiss on the neck. What you wouldn’t give to be home in your own bed.
“Are you not being released tonight?”
“They said they wanted to keep me overnight just to make sure everything’s okay with the baby. Although they don’t expect any complications,” you replied.
Smiling softly, Emily leaned her head on top of yours. “Then I’m not going anywhere. Move over.” You scooted over in the bed and grabbed her hand, placing it on your stomach as you both began to fall asleep. 
“You sure?”
“Definitely,” Emily said. “All three of us can go home together in the morning.”
@coveofmemories @jamiemelyn @sexualemobitch @unstoppableangel8 @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @reddie-for-mileven @marvelfanlife @amarislestrange @obsessed5sosfreak @sonhadoraativa @1enchantedfantasy1 @ace-and-rosey @tarciau @twelveyearoldchildprodigy @offbrandcursewords @entelechysymphony @milkandcookies528 @pugs-cats-bb-8 @davidr0ssi @sarahkay-19 @prentissluthor
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