#luke pearce fanfic
phoenixriley · 2 years
Diabetic!Reader Headcanons (Tears of Themis Edition)
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♡ Characters: Artem, Luke, Marius, and Vyn
♡ Warnings: gender-neutral, mentions of alcohol, blood, dieting for health, needles, and other medical supplies, not proof read
♡ A/N: Okay. So this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile. Full disclosure, I have not touched this since I first started playing the game and I didn’t bother going back and edit it. So I do apologize for any possible ooc-ness. I wrote this shortly after my original post  and before the second post for the Obey Me cast so... yeah. 😅 Like last time, I did write this with type-1 in mind, but this should also work with type-2 as well. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about anything!
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Artem’s reaction to your diabetes depends on how long you’ve had your official diagnosis.
Diabetic or not, Artem naturally slips into an caretaker role when it comes you. He wants you to be at your best and he will do everything within his power to get you there.
Artem sometimes goes overboard, especially early on in your relationship. He does relax some the longer he spends time with you. He still worries, but definitely becomes more rational about it. 
He personally sees that both his office and the firm’s pantry stays fully stocked of foods that you like and that are good for stabilizing your blood sugar.
He keeps an eye on you when you work, making sure you don’t over do it and put yourself in danger.
He keeps spare alcohol wipes, napkins, and more in his car just for you.
Artem will reassure you anytime you go to an some type of party that it is okay to refuse drinks. Drinking too much alcohol will effect your blood sugar dangerously after awhile after all.
If you don’t listen, drinking out of an sense of obligation, he will swoop in and lighten the load... if not completely. Please take care of him. Artem is an lightweight.
He may overdo it at times, but he has your best intentions at heart and you really appreciate it. Just be gentle if you need to tell him to dial it back. 
Luke worries about you a lot in general, but especially your health. So naturally, he is on top of everything in regards to your diabetes.
Low blood sugar? He’s got snacks.
High blood sugar? He’s got the spare insulin you keep at his place.
Need someone to help you change your insulin pump? He’s got you. He’s practically a pro at it.
You’re passed out and need your glucagon pen? He’s got you.
Luke keeps an emergency kit just for you at his apartment and regularly renews items within the kit if they’ve expired. So if you were to ever leave your home accidentally without grabbing your necessities, he can quickly bring you the supplies he has.
He always asks you if you’d like to join him for his jogs and other regular exercises. When you go out with him, he slips some snacks into his pocket or bag just in case. While you don’t want your blood sugar to be high, definitely don’t want it to be too low.
Luke is prepared for the worst case scenario and it has helped you out on a few occasions. 
♕ MARIUS (cw: possibly suggestive scenario?? I don’t think it is, but just in case)
Marius is one of the more relaxed about your condition. He knows you know more about, not only diabetes, but your body than he does. So he lets you take charge 99% of the time. You’re probably nearly about to pass out or something during that 1%. 
He asks Vincent to keep an decent size supply of any of the products you will need while you are with him both in the office and at his home. He doesn’t want you to stress out about it when you’re with him. 
If you are self conscious of the light bruising that is sometimes left over from all the times you’ve had to prick your skin, he will pepper kisses in those areas and tell you how beautiful/handsome you look, bruises and all.
He tries his best to learn as much as he can so if the occasion arise to where he does need to step in, or someone else, can get you the help you need.
Much like Artem, his reactions are based on how long you’ve had your diagnosis.
Vyn is mostly hands off when it comes to you, only stepping in to help when you ask or things seem to be going into an dangerous territory.
Along with Luke, Vyn does well with all the needle work you have to deal with. So any help you need with changing your insulin pump, for example, is no problem. 
Much like the others, he will keep various of supplies you might need around his place. You guys spend most of your free time going out, but there are occasions when you either go to your apartment or come to his. So it’s good to be prepared just in case.
He brushes up on his diabetic knowledge when he started to get closer to you, wanting to be able to care for you if an emergency came up. 
He quickly picked up on the physical signs you give when you are either high or low. If you haven’t checked in awhile and you are showing those signs, he gently asks if you have checked in awhile. 9 times out of 10 he has been right. 
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actualbird · 17 days
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🧃wordcount: 3.2k complete oneshot 🧃ship: marius/luke 🧃kidnapping, comedy, protective luke
NEW MARILUKE FIC!! and this one’s a silly one: marius gets kidnapped by idiots it’s a ridiculous ordeal all around. give this fic a read if you wanna see the World’s Most Incompetent Kidnappers, marius being a little shit, vyn’s short but striking cameo appearance, and badass luke being all protective and shit.
read here: 👉 https://archiveofourown.org/works/58667470 👈
likes, reblogs, kudos, comments, and tag rambles are welcome!! i hope somebody out there enjoys reading this :3
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fuyuu-chan · 1 year
A Dream That I Hope It's Real
Genre: Fluff at the start & Angst at the end
TW: I will hit you where it hurts lol
fuyuu-chan: Sorry for not posting in a while :( ... But I hope you will Enjoy this Imagine! :) ... This is also not Proofread hehe ... You can also Imagine this on whoever characters you like <3  (This is also my first time writing an angst so I hope you like it!)
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After watching the sunrise, you head to the restaurant near the beach and ate breakfast there together, you both talk to each other while eating, talking about work, life, and hobbies.
You and Him planned to spend a whole day and just have a fun time together, you were so excited to see him.
He picked you up from your house and head to the nearby beach to see the sunrise together and take a walk together there side by side while holding hands together with him.
When you both are done eating breakfast, he decided to bring you in a park, you both walk, talk, and took some pictures, after that he recommend that you both should ride a bike together and maybe after that ride some boat in the lake that is also in the park
After all the things you both have done in the morning, you both go to the mall and eat some lunch there, after that you both shopped for a while and the both of you go to an amusement park that is very near to the mall, and that you can just walk to get there.
You both go to some rides and buy some stuff there and eat some snacks, that's where the both of you spend the rest of your afternoon at.
After all of that you both decided to get some food from some drive thru at some restaurant, and after that he parked the car at where you both can watch the sunset together.
He sets some picnic blanket and you both sat there to eat dinner while watching the sunset at the best view.
After a while of talking under the moonlight, you both called it a day, and right now you are both in the car listening to some songs while he was driving you back to your house.
As you both have arrived at your house, you don't wanna leave but you know you have to go, so you thanked him for driving you back home and as you get up to go exit the car, he grabbed your wrist and kissed you in your forehead, you blushed a bit for the sudden affection he gave, but you smiled at him softly and bid him good night.
As you are now standing outside of his car you waved him goodbye but as you do that, you felt warm and it feels like the sun is shining at you.
As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room, you slowly opened your eyes.
You blinked a few times and you rise from your bed to sit.
You rethink of what happened..... Oh..... So it was just a dream huh? You thought to yourself..... right of course it will be just a dream cause you've never been in a relationship before and he is not real, he was just your favorite character, he was just a fictional character that you loved so much.
But the realization brought tears to your eyes, your heart is aching, you felt some connection with him, even if only in your subconscious, but you loved him so much to the point you thought that he is real and you even dreamed about him.
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fuyuu-chan: I write this Imagine because I listened to this One Song and it inspired me to write this ... so yeaaa hahahaha ... I also didn't get to add the others in the tags because apparently it has limits 😔
Please Do Not Copy, Translate, Repost to any other Social Media Platforms, Thank You
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moonstruck-writing · 2 months
Shared Breaths on Damp Pillows [Luke Pearce x Rosa]
Title: shared breaths on damp pillows Pairing: Luke Pearce x Rosa | Tears of Themis C/Ws: Mutual pining, sharing a bed (but tame), angst and feels (bc it's those two), reminiscing of the past, based on events from the 1st or 2nd year of the game, so they aren’t a couple yet, wounded Luke. Summary: Rosa and Luke are back at his house, and the wound on his arm shouldn’t be a problem—or so he says—but she decides to stay the night and take care of him while he sleeps. Or at least, that was her intention. Word count: 1.6k A/N: I wrote this like 2 years ago and it has been sitting in my drafts since then so that’s some context. is2g at some point in the main story (I think, maybe it was a card or whatever) Luke got a wound in his arm. This was based on that.
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Rosa hadn’t intended to fall asleep so fast. She had to take care of Luke and stay on guard in case he developed a fever or had any other symptoms that meant a visit to the hospital was urgent. But even when his proximity started affecting her with something more than worry, the exhaustion was stronger than her nerves and resolve.
Luke had wanted to treat it as a mission. He had been trained to be able to sleep next to anyone – although he had to control himself to not fall into a deep sleep – and he knew that he would never be safer next to anyone but Rosa. So, he had simply turned around, telling himself he was only doing that to keep his injured arm from being in contact with the mattress.
He could still feel Rosa behind him as he focused on slowing his breathing to fall asleep. However, while his muscles started to relax and the tension of the day fell from his body, a memory resurged fresh in his heart. At first, he had thought it was a déjà vu, his mind playing tricks on him. But he could feel that memory in his bones. The sensation of having Rosa sleeping next to him was imprinted so deep inside him, that even if more than a decade had passed, the feeling remained unchangeable.
In all that time, every single cell of his body had changed. They say it only takes months for some cells to die and be reborn, for others, years. After a decade, there wasn’t a single cell in his body that had lived in his childhood. He was an adult now. He wasn’t the child or the teenager who had spent most of his time with Rosa. And yet…
He knew he couldn’t keep the doors of his heart closed forever. He knew the secret he kept inside got bigger and stronger every time he saw her, talked to her, touched her, breathed her. And now, the secret was raging inside of him.
Luke squeezed his eyes shut, trying to contain the feelings he didn’t want to experience. Or rather, the feelings he thought he couldn’t experience because he wasn’t worthy of experiencing. But those feelings didn’t relent. They pushed against his heart until all he could do to distract himself was to turn around in bed, laying face up.
He felt Rosa stir in her sleep – his movement had probably reached her through the mattress. Luckily, she didn’t show any signs of having woken up. Luke breathed out slowly and allowed himself to turn his face towards her. She was facing him, half of her face buried in the pillow. Some strands of hair were covering her features, and Luke felt the urge to brush them away for her.
A gentle smile graced his lips before he could realise it. She wasn’t the Rosa that lived in his memories anymore. For one, her hair was longer. He wondered when she decided to let it grow past her jaw down to her shoulders. Had it been right after he left? Had it been during her years at university? And why? He couldn’t deny that she looked beautiful with that style, and it made some darker feelings arise on the outer walls of his heart.
Had it been because of someone else? Had she been complimented by the person she liked, and decided to keep that length and never go back to having shorter hair? Luke wanted to punch himself. If she had had someone she liked or dated while he wasn’t around, that wasn’t any of his business. He had also done things he knew he would never tell her, and even if most of them had been during missions…
They had a past that they shared, and one that they didn’t. Those 8 years hung heavy in the air, and he could feel them filling the short space that separated them, lying together under the covers. The broken promises, the secrets… they were barbed wire that coiled around the edges of their bodies, preventing them from getting too close.
But Luke was ready for those wounds.
He had told himself before that it was better to keep his distance, that he didn’t want to hurt her, but now he was ready to receive the damage for the both of them. He knew that it was impossible and selfish, but the lies he used to tell himself weren’t as effective anymore.
Not when she had welcomed him back into her life. Not when it seemed that he had never left. But he had, and things had changed even if he trod carefully around Rosa like everything was the same. Except, he never had to tread carefully around her before. He never had to be careful to not show her too much of himself before. He wanted to go back to that time, but it was impossible. The only way was forward.
He had forgotten he didn’t set the pace. Time marched on incessantly, destroying every single hope his desperate heart tried to fuel.
A surge of pain cut through him, leaving Luke breathless. It wasn’t the fresh wound on his arm, but an old one aimed at his entire body. Panting, he moved slowly to get off the bed. He knew he had a cover now if Rosa woke up, he could explain his state with a convenient lie, but he didn’t want to worry her, much less keep lying. He scrambled for the pill box, quickly opening his night stand drawer, and popping the needed amount into his mouth. The water bottle Rosa had left for him still felt cool to the touch, and he pressed it to his face after he had swallowed the medicine.
It would still take some time before the pain subsided, but knowing he was “safe” helped his breathing slow down from that panicked panting to a regular inhale and exhale. Still, he didn’t dare go back to bed just yet.
He sat down with his back to the side of the bed, leaning against it. Now that his body was in the process of calming down, he needed his mind and heart to follow. Instinctively, he turned his head to look at the key lying on the night stand. Sometimes it felt like it wasn’t the key to his precious box of memories, but the key to his heart. He knew who it belonged to, but he didn’t dare give it back to her yet.
He took the key between his fingers, caressing every ridge and indentation. He put it back on, and feeling the weight around his neck made him let out a sigh of relief.
“Luke?” Rosa’s voice sounded worried even through the sleepiness. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”
He turned around and saw she had woken up and was now approaching him, sliding through his side of the bed.
“Don’t worry, I’m okay.” I’m not in pain anymore, he had wanted to say. But seeing her worried eyes didn’t exactly calm him.
“Then what are you doing there? Come back to bed, you need to sleep.” She touched his shoulder, prompting him to return to bed, to her side. “Or did I wake you up? Is it difficult sleeping with me? I’m sorry if I was taking too much space…”
Luke didn’t reply, he simply kept on looking at the changes in her features, from worry, to fear, to embarrassment. There were still times like that when he felt he could read her like an open book, and he wanted to treasure the moment.
It is difficult sleeping next to you, he wanted to say. You don’t even realise how nervous you make me feel, but I am so glad you can let down your defences around me, and I’ll never say anything to make that change. But I want you to take even more space, and I want to take more space in your life too. But I can’t. I shouldn’t.
“There’s plenty of space for the two of us.” He settled for those words, and with that fraction of his heart, he finally stood up from the floor. Rosa went back to her side of the bed, letting him have enough space to lie next to her.
“I know I shouldn’t be saying this because you’re injured, and I should be taking proper care of you, but… Sleeping next to you is soothing, Luke.” They both were lying face up, only their faces turned to each other, like two sunflowers searching for the light of their lives.
Luke reached for her hand under the covers and intertwined their fingers as if saying I am here now. The touch was familiar, and it reminded her of lazing around during the summer holidays until they both fell asleep at nap time. There was a time when falling asleep next to Luke had been as natural as sleeping with a teddy bear. The innocence and peace of childhood soaked her bones, making her heart swell.
“Goodnight, my dear Rosa.”
The affection in his words brought tears to her eyes, and she closed her eyes, ready to hide how much of her childhood memories, of her heart and soul, belonged to him. He made her life better, and the comfortable weight of his hand against hers whispered it’s okay now. Luke had come back, and he was never going to leave again. Like a mantra she used whenever she needed comfort, the words echoed in her mind again and again.
Clinging to each other’s touch, they walked towards Morpheus' arms. Luke hung onto the last remains of consciousness, making a silent promise to Rosa. He would fight with everything he got to stay by her side until the end.
A/N: Interactions, tags and comments mean a lot and they help me keep writing <3 Anon feedback is also welcome!
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
[Luke Pearce x Reader] Series
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Ch. 5-10 [Luke]
Previous | Masterlist | Next
—His Escape | Word Count: 2,590
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—March 16th, 12:23 AM
[[Recent message: I can’t help but peek into your room to see if you came back secretly.]]
Unbeknownst, the 100th sigh has now erupted from your lips as you fiddled with your lunch half eaten.
Peanut perched beside your plate occasionally pecking the dried figs you set for him.
“Peanut, you must miss your dad right? I miss Luke very much too.” Your pointer finger strokes the birb somberly as he peeps quietly.
“How many days has it been since he was gone? hmn, 4 days.” Laying your arms and head across the marble countertop your phone opened up to Luke’s one sided conversation.
Groaning you release your phone and bury your head between your outstretched arms.
“What to dooo, Fridays were our game and movie nights… ughhh! Luke you jerk! Maing me wait for you to come back like some military wife!! Give you a good scolding when you get back!”
Straightening your body and your resolve, you reach your finger out for Peanut to perch on and head upstairs.
“Apologizes Lukey, but I’m rummaging through your stuff.” Throwing his door open you find his usual messy desks and bookshelves that line the wall. His bed look haggard like he has been living here, in which, he really hasn't.
“Haizz, as always. Super messy Luke” Your sigh was so fond, one might’ve mistaken you as a wife whose waiting for their husband on an abroad trip across the world.
—March 16, 12:27 AM
[[Sent: Do you mind if i clean up a bit]]
[[Sent: I wont touch your important papers]]
Stuffing your phone in the back pocket, you roll up your sleeves to get to work. “Luke admires Sherlock Holmes to such an extent that he even matches Sherlock’s messy workplace.” Despite the grin on your face, the heavy document lifting will be a huge workout.
“If only you had arms to help me Peanut.” He tilted his head at your call while staying out of your way on the far window sill, his favorite sunbathing spot.
Piles upon piles were stacked against a corner you cleaned beforehand. Moved out of the path so access to other areas was easily accessible. Many of the papers were covered, with a label tag—simple to comprehend for the correct file in any case.
They stood tall so thickly that they rivaled your throat width solely in how many pages they contained.
How Luke actually managed to write up and read that is beyond you. The real hassle in detective work is the paperwork that research brings.
Even just a smidge, do you understand all of Luke’s sleepless nights you have caught him with his room light still shining bright. You had scolded him once while he apologized profusely. You were pretty sure he still managed to find a loophole and kept up with his late-night work hours. And you couldn’t say anything then, since you were studying up till sunrise.
One unfortunate chance was when Luke and you thought of sneaking into the kitchen for a quick snack and perhaps some caffeinated tea. Catching each other on tip-toes in pajamas, you making tea, and Luke getting snacks, was a fun core memory. Both of you ended up sitting in the living room working side-by-side. Till one of you would fall asleep on the other then eventually night passes then you and Luke wake up snuggled close.
Warmth had spread to you from cherished memories of a family you held dear. Wherever Luke may be, you just hoped he comes back in one piece, breathing and smiling bright.
Papers all stacked and on the side,you get to sweeping some of the discarded trash. Crumpled papers that— if unraveled, were rushed thought processes of a detective onto an exciting new lead.
His favorite juice boxes littered around his small trash can, as if his aim was terrible and he missed the trash with every new juice box.
Leftover craft materials were present only beside his bedside, which seemed like wood shavings, a dull carving knife, and cut-out paper. It seems you needed a vacuum for all those.
Floor now all clean and vacuumed, you reach Luke’s desk and bookshelf behind it. Many spaces on the shelves were free so packing the documents away in them was alright to do. You can just sort them for him and label each shelf with the contents. You had done this for Luke once in his other office. It wasn't as messy as his room is now, but Luke really enjoys your neat and tidy file sorting. He’s called it, “[Name]’s personal file service! Luke's only V.I.P service, right?~”
You giggle to yourself as you hear his voice through those words.
Unable to reach the higher shelves, you decided to save those for after every other thing that needed to be cleaned. His desk was just for area mapping, entry and exit routes to suspected buildings. Shifting them in a pile to the side of the table you hesitate if you wanted to peer through his desk cabinets. Personal or not, you would prefer if you had his permission first-hand.
Though i guess you were already invading his chambers without consent.
“I’m so sorry Luke. I will confess all my sins to your punishments when you get back, let me indulge in your personal affairs just this once.”
Shutting your eyes tight, you feel Peanut flap his wings and perch on your shoulder, eyes intently locked on the cabinet handle you were clutching. Opening one eye to watch Peanut you open the first drawer and crouch down to look closer.
The bottom is lined with thin files, scribbled notes, unopened letters, and craft utensils like the carving knife you found earlier. Not at all work-related, you could tell by the decorative ornaments that littered the box. Some were beads, pieces of jewelry, and preserved rose petals. Nothing matched Luke in this cabinet.
These were for you.
Luke has made many of things for gifts in the years spent together, you can recognize his crafts anywhere. And these were meant for you. This cabinet was all of you.
“..maybe I really shouldn’t have.” Peanut seemed to notice your surprise, shame and guilt. He chirped and flew down into the drawer hopping on the beads and letters as if finding something in that stack. “Peanut??! Hey hey, get out of there.”
His chirping grew persistent when spotting something in the far back of the cabinet. Dragging the item out with struggle, Peanut chips for you to help, so you worridly comply. Peanut would only do things on his own accord if, it was benefiting Luke, or, to embarrass Luke. You can’t tell which this is just yet.
Taking the wood block that Peanut dragged out to show you, you gap at the wood block.
It was a carving. A blooming rose so beautifully detailed and outlined down to the thinnest carve marks. A bird just like Peanut was the centerpiece in the rose, it sat at the middle in an angled side view as its wings raised to fly. You could tell it was unfinished because these types of carvings needed a thick coat of paint, and this was not at all painted just yet.
Dragging your hand across the carefully detailed and hard carve marks, you felt marks on the other side of the block when your hand moved. Stunned, you turn it around and freeze even further. Peanut tweeted and sat on your knee awaiting your final reaction. The back of the block was empty besides the small word carving on the bottom corner.
“Congratulations on your Graduation!!” A small sticky note wrote, “I always knew my Watson could push forth through the intense studying to earning your degree!! I’m really proud of you.” A small heart that was drawn in the corner of the sticky note was very light, as if he was hesitant to include it.
A bubble of sad inducing emotions threatened the peace and tranquility in your facade these past days. It prodded in your throat as your mouth was in a trembling frown, tears near slipping.
Peanut could feel the anguish radiating off you and chirped worridly, hopping closer to your face and rubbing his body against your skin. Fingers hardening against the wood, careful not to ruin it, you swallow the despair down and hold yourself.
“Luke…you silly boy….my graduation isn’t till about month from now.. You didn’t have to prepare so hard. Thank me in person if you’re so proud of me. That’s all I want..” The repeated words as if you were in a trance, were on the tip of your tongue but you didn’t dare speak those 3 words ‘I miss you.’
Inhaling deeply and exhaling you sniffle the rest of the sadness away and get up off the floor ready to finish the late-spring cleaning you started.
Peanut who still sat on your shoulder tilted his body at you. Patting his head and cooing at how good Peanut was in revealing Luke’s secrets, you hide the wood carving back in the drawer with your name basically plastered in it.
“Cleaning really helps cure some sadness.” Because a distraction was what you needed.
Getting that stepladder for dusting the bookshelf that you put off before, you reached the top shelf and make your way down. Pushing aside books so every corner was dirt-free, you notice Luke has a lot of thick detective books.
You snicker when you spot one light novel that you lent Luke because you thought he could brush up on modern romance stories. Luke said he lost the book in his bag, turns out that the book actually sat dust-free on his top shelf. ‘If you liked that light novel so much I would have gotten you the whole series Luke!’
Somehow you found that the second level of the bookshelf was dust-free, while even the bottom first shelf was super dusty. Strange. You didn’t find any of the books or locked files to be much interesting so you let that go. It might’ve been the case Luke is pursuing at the moment.
Sadly finished with the whole spring cleaning in Luke’s room, you watch the room as you exit and close the door in front of you slowly. It was high-time you study instead of reminiscing memories in your roommate/childhood friend/best friend’s room.
—April 13
A hefty sigh rumbles through your throat into a groan.
“A new bestie is in order. What kind of person doesn’t even attend their best friend’s graduation ceremony? Peanut! Your father is absurd.” Same as normal, you sat in your room sighing and complaining to the Myna bird.
Peanut could never exactly escape this weekly routine every time your studying was complete and you had time to relax but that time was spent going crazy with the bird.
Though you had a reason to do so. Peanut hasn't been responsive as of these weeks, only when Luke was mentioned he would chirp quietly and stomp around to show aggravation. He has also gotten slimmer, without Luke who indulged Peanut in snacks way too much, Peanut ate only a necessary amount. No matter how much packs of dried figs—his absolute favorite snack—you bought, Peanut would eat four max then just sit on top of the bag.
Holding in another incoming sigh, you got up and stretched your arms above your head. “Come on Peanut, let’s go out today. Fresh air will free our shackles.” Swiftly slipping into your shoes at your front door, you call to the bird.
Peanut flew up and settled on your head, cozying up to your fluffy hair.
You both exit the apartment and out onto the lively streets. The bustling of people and chatter felt so distant. Only when a person is walking around and talking to another do you not notice how odd it is when you lose that company and instead walk alone hearing just the idle chats of random lives.
Perhaps Luke was feeling the same thing at this moment. You wish you could be connected to him like this.
The goal of movement was… unknown at the moment. You didn’t really know where to go when you suggested a walk.
“Parks are normally where people take strolls, right? Aghh…I’m talking as if I’m not normal and trying to BE normal..” I guess talking to yourself—and talking to a pet bird– isn’t very ordinary in the first place.
After arriving at the park and down a path towards the large constructed lake, you found a bench to rest on while Peanut happily ventures somewhere close by.
Sounds of the breeze and paces of people either jogging or walking past calms your mind of the occasional fog it gets on days like this with nothing to do but worry.
A guy riding a bicycle passes by but he doesn’t even leave your line of sight yet before the guy tumbles off the bike. You jolt up and rush over to help him up.
“Are you okay sir?!?? That was quite a tumble.” Holding a hand out as he sheepishly takes it and thanks you.
“Ah yes! Probably just a minor scratch on my knees, thank you for helping. I was in too much of a hurry to deliver these.” He rubs his neck then points towards the folded papers in his bicycle’s basket that have now spilled all over the grass.
“Oh, let me help!” You bent down to gather the papers and your hand freezes.
“I’m really sorry for having you help me twice like this! I’m grateful that you are so nice!!” He rambles on while grabbing the papers and stacking them back in the bicycle’s basket. “...and like–today was really busy so—work’s been piling up on me—...” Your ears couldn’t focus on the words and blocked out what he said. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears instead, the ringing of your mind engulfed your senses.
You were too fixated. On the front page of the newspaper.
“...what. What is this news report from.”
The stare you gave the guy was so intense that he falters for a moment. “Uhm, I work at the North Stellis newsletter station. Ah well, as a newspaper boy, so not really AT the news station ahha..” He sweats under the intensity of your shock but a question floated to his head.
“Oh? Do you know Mr. Pearce?! I heard of his work. Think he’s been at North Stellis for a month now.” You bit your lips hiding at the ecstatic smile and feelings that was bubbling up.
“I actually do! Can I take one of these newspapers home? I want to read it closely.” A relieved and joyous expression overcame your form as you held the paper close to your body.
The newspaper guy nodded with a smile, “Of course! Not much of a thanks for helping me, but if you need it then you're welcome to take it.”
“Ah! I need to get going now though. Thank you for helping me!” He hopped on his bike, waved a farewell then peddled away just as Peanut got back from his grandeur adventure.
Perching on your shoulder while you giggled in glee, Peanut chirped—albeit a chirp with much life unlike his usual quiet chirps—questionably
“Peanut! We’re going to see Luke!!!”
Peanut’s bewildered chirp was the last thing you heard before you went bolting home.
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Synopsis-> Luke the one who has always been by your side throughout school years. The one who wouldn’t hesitate to run back home to get you something you forgot and really needed. Luke who smiles so-so fondly at you when your smiles pierce through his bad days. The same Luke who thought running away from you would be beneficial for you.
It however, only served to push you out of your way to find him. Seeing your surroundings in an entire different city, you are in search of Luke by tracing his detective trails. His name plastered on the newspaper one day by accident, served you to find him quite quickly. Now by his side, the works of detectives and secret agents left you both to conquer swiftly.
Joining his line of work after thorough debating and arguing, he reluctantly let you invade his dangerous lifestyle. Of course–only with him by your side at all times.
aUgh,, this took awhile to finish🙇‍♀️
Lukey-boy, you will be in for a surprise😌😌
YAH. The next chap will take another decade since we will now officially start this series💀
Tags. @neigesprincess @crucnhice @backintomykpopphaseagain @kazedaka @little-aruma
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ameribell · 4 months
I wanna write some, but don’t expect daily things!
Anyways, here are my rules:
Things I will not write:
Character x character
Character x oc
Smut (I’m not too good at it lol)
Things I will write:
Any gender reader (I don’t mind writing male, but keep in mind I’m not too good at it)
Fandoms I write for:
Percy Jackson
Fairy Tail
Avatar the Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Mystic Messenger
Tears of Themis (I will not be writing for Vyn, I’m sorry lolol)
The OC
(Open for more, just ask and poke around a bit)
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NXX Turns Into Cat - Part 5 (Rosa-nyan)
NXX members turning into a cat. Such fun!
Last part in the series. Sorry for the delayed posting, eheh...
Previous chapters
Pt 01 - Meowrius | Pt 02 - Vynyaa | Pt 03 - Lukemeow | Pt 04 - Nyaartem
Piercing green cat eyes warily peered at the doctor, from the shadows.
“Rosa?” The doctor called out to her, his voice low and soothing, as if he were addressing his (secretly) beloved colleague. “I am not going to hurt you…” His hand remained outstretched towards her, letting the cat decide whether to approach him or not. “Rosa…come here?”
“ Mrowr ,” came her reluctant meow. She tentatively approached the doctor, until she was close enough to brush his fingers with her nose. “Nya.” Vyn carefully bent his fingers to rub her chin, but the small, affectionate gesture earned him a firm bite on his hand. Wincing, Vyn stamped down his reflex to pull his hand away, not even to remove it from her small yet feisty jaw. “Go ahead, bite me all you want,” he murmured, his lips twisted in a wry, pained grin.
“Hah! Serves you right,” Marius chuckled at the painful sight of teeth digging into Vyn’s flesh. “Missy Kitty hates you. Aw. Aren’t you sad?” The thick layer of schadenfreude was unmistakable.
“Fuck off, Marius.” Vyn said, his voice still as placid as a quiet stream; his soft, gentle smile still pristine on his face. 
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pastsaoi · 9 months
my gift to u...
merry christmas happy holidays......
once again i am back from the dead....
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Headcanon: Singing With Luke
(Definitely not edited)
Okay, I hurt a lot of people with my last Luke headcanon, so here's a little bit of a fluffy one to make up for it. On a side note related to this headcanon, are we just not going to talk about how the blossom chapters don't mention any of the other guys? Like Artem is Rosa's partner AND boss which should mean that there should be an interaction between any other male lead and Artem at some point, right? RIGHT?
Moving on. This idea made me think: what would they do as a group that wouldn't break anyone? Hiking? No, that would end like the Lost Gold event. Escape room? Rosa and Luke would carry everyone while the two doctorate holders would argue about whose doctorate(s) is better. Karaoke? Wait-
Basically, I was thinking about how Rosa basically grew up practicing many instruments based on the Marius SR card with the guitar, so she probably at least can stay in tune for singing, right? I shouldn't assume that, but I think it would be really cute to think that Rosa knew how to sing since she would be able to sing lullabies. Alright, enough talk; let's get to the writing.
For the timeline, the character has to be Rosa (rip), but we can imagine that this before first anniversary. Essentially, you aren't dating anyone, and you've been in NXX long enough to have a decently close group of people. Also, this would be in Luke's stories, so the men will back off from you for Luke.
"Karaoke?" Vyn questions, looking up from his laptop confused. Your offer seems to catch everyone's attention, but this reaction definitely didn't match what you had going through your head. However, you nod carefully, placing a small smile on your lips.
"I guess it would be nice to take a break after our most recent breakthrough," Artem mutters, suddenly starting to weigh the decisions. While you didn't completely solve the case, you guys all managed to figure out a key piece of information to the case. Marius nods, agreeing with Artem's line of logic.
"Miss, where would you like to go?" Marius asks, casually opening his phone as if expecting you to choose an expensive spot to go.
"Karaoke?" you offer after taking a moment to think. The entire room looks over at you in shock, surprised with your choice. Considering the group had the CEO of Pax in the room, it was surprising to hear an offer so cheap. Although no one would ever actually try to take advantage of Marius's money, they still would've chosen something like dinner. Realizing their behavior, they all seemed to look away and take glances at each other.
"I mean it would be fun to do karaoke," Luke whispers from beside you, his voice somehow amplified by the awkward silence of the room. The other guys all mutter their agreement although they were taken aback from your offer.
"Miss, were you planning on singing?" Marius asks, slightly curious to your sudden offer. Vyn and Artem look at Marius curiously, seemingly finding out new information about you.
Before you could respond to him, Luke cuts in, "You should sing; your voice is pretty." When you look over at him, his eyes pierce into yours, making you freeze for a second. With the world around you slightly fading away, you miss the three pairs of eyes looking between the two of you. A forced cough suddenly pulls your gaze away from Luke, making you notice the six curious eyes looking at you in anticipation.
Swallowing your pride, you answer in a small voice, "I guess I'll sing." You watch Marius's eyes gleam with excitement while the other two can only nod, interested in what they're about to see next. While Artem and Vyn seem ready to work some more before leaving, Marius starts packing up a bit, making you all look at him.
"Oh come on. You don't want to hear our Rosa's voice?" Marius asks, making everyone shrug in response. Artem's eyes scan the room, and you can tell that he's trying to reason his choice, but before he could reason why they should work some more, Vyn's voice pipes up.
"Let's humor him this once," Vyn sighs out as he stands to pack his items. You stare at him in shock as everyone else shrugs and follows along. After a moment of hesitation, you turn towards your bag to pack up, only to see Luke already slinging your bag over his shoulder.
"Luke, I can hold my own bag. Give it-" you start, reaching for the bag strap against Luke's shoulder. His quick instincts to grab your wrist catches you off-guard, making you look up at him. His usually warm eyes stare coldly into yours, making you freeze in your spot.
"I'm holding it. End of story." he tells sternly, his tone rendering your reactions to just nods. His eyes immediately soften up into his signature eye smile with your reaction, and his other hand reaches to pat your head, making the strands slightly out-of-place. When he lets go, everyone else in the room can only process the scene as they follow Luke out of the building.
With the awkward walk to the local karaoke building, you all finally make your way to a room. For a moment, everyone could only sit in the room, making small eye contact with one another before Marius stands up to break the silence.
"How about we start guys?" Marius awkwardly laughs, picking up the microphones from the table near the TV. He immediately hands one to you, but before you can refuse, he already grabs the remote for the TV. "What are you going to sing, miss?" Marius asks, looking up from the screen. As you are about to answer, Luke grabs the tablet from him, immediately searching something up. As you look at the screen, you recognize the song that he is searching.
"Luke, I can't-" you start, but the instrumental already plays in the speakers of the room. The others glance between the two of you as you nervously grab the Luke offers you. Marius snickers a little before trying to cover his reaction, earning a small smack from Vyn. Everyone returns the attention to you as you hold the mic to your mouth and start singing. All of the guys except Luke are shocked by the tone of your singing voice, eventually relaxing to the sound of your voice in the speakers.
"Luke, she's a really good singer," Artem whispers into Luke's ear, making Luke smile widely. He turns towards Artem to answer.
"I know," he answers back as he admires your voice and figure. "She used to sing me lullabies when I first moved in with her family, so of course she's good." All the guys glance at each other, watching the smitten Luke stare at his childhood crush. Before Marius could get the chance to start teasing the detective, Vyn cuts him off.
"I'm going to take everyone to get food since we'll need a lot. We'll be back," Vyn whispers to Luke. Before Luke could even get the chance to nod, Vyn is out the door, dragging Artem and Marius with him. Confused, Luke returns to enjoying the sound of your voice.
Once the door shuts behind them, Vyn releases the two men and sighs. The group begins walking towards the entrance to order food, and Marius starts the conversation.
"Why'd you drag us out? I wanted to enjoy the voice of our miss attorney," Marius whines, pouting slightly. Vyn and Artem can only sigh at the childness of their youngest member. Although they both knew he was the CEO of Pax, they decide to just deal with it because of his age.
"You all saw how they were acting towards each other," Vyn explains. "I made the call to let them have alone time with her." Despite knowing that every guy in NXX had some sort of feelings towards you, he knew that they would lose to Luke in an instant in this war of love and feelings; it would be better to see you happy with Luke than try to make you love someone else. They all sigh together, reaching the same conclusion.
Artem's voice rings through the hallway as they get to the entrance, "Then, he better make a move."
Okay, I'm cutting myself off here. Will he make a move or not? We'll never know. Anyways, this isn't my best work, but I need the warm up lol. I hope you still enjoyed this, and I'll see you in the next one!
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svartish · 1 year
sweet afternoon tea
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surely i can beat writing block by just writing more. this one is directly inspired by the sweet afternoon tea and garden home day events combined into one fic. i know there was a lounge event before the garden one, but i decided to not address that project here. the dialogue from the very end is directly from the sweet afternoon tea event!
vyn centric. vyn grappling with the impending nxx found family. long; 3.2k words.
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The NXX Headquarters garden has been, to put it simply, forgotten about. Vyn, at least, never cared much for it, never sparing it even a half of the consideration and devotion he put into his own garden back home. This indifference of sorts was how he always regarded the lackluster manor, and it had never been shaken until a more recent incident involving the pesky and infuriating yet reluctantly endearing team members he shared the building with. 
The headache began about a week ago with the arrival of young Marius von Hagen barreling into the meeting room, papers nearly spilling out from his arms and a ferocious twinkle in his violet eyes. His palms made an obnoxious smack noise as he slapped everything down against the table, grinning widely from ear to ear. Vyn could feel a headache blooming already, and he hadn’t even begun talking yet. Rosa came trailing in behind the purple menace, an eager smile on her face as she joined Marius where he stood. 
“Guys, listen up,” he began, waiting for the other three members to give him their attention. “I just had the best idea. The garden out back has a lot of free space, and we could turn it into a lounge or something. I’ve got some ideas here already.” 
He slid the papers to spread out around the table enough where each member could peer down at one of them and see what he was planning. Vyn would never admit it, but even his curiosity was piqued, and he looked over the rims of his glasses and the mug in his hand at the sketch covered paper. 
Most of the drawings were simple, though not lacking in artistic flair. The main inspiration was obviously creating enough space for each of them to have room to unwind alongside something enjoyable without forsaking the beauty a plant-filled garden can offer. Most of the differences between each design consisted of the layout of where objects like a table with five little seats or a small pond with fish would go. 
“Well…” Luke started.
“It’s not a bad idea,” Artem interjected quietly, holding one of the designs while comparing it to the others.
“Marius and I thought of it the other day,” Rosa piped up with a room-warming beam on her face. “We thought it would be a good team bonding activity, and could make this place feel a little more like home.”
“Does it need to feel like home?” Vyn and Artem asked together before glancing at the other.
Rosa seemed to falter for a second, but it didn’t last long as her shoulders straightened and her conviction grew. “It doesn’t need to feel like home, but it doesn’t need to feel like just another office either! It’s not good for you to spend your time in places like that! You of all people should know that, Dr. Richter!” She wagged her finger at him admonishingly, and he felt himself wither ever so slightly under her gaze. 
“You’re… right. My apologies,” he acquiesced, backing down from his stance ever so sheepishly. She was right, technically speaking, though he was still a bit wary of creating a more personal communal space with others to begin with. 
Marius grinned proudly as he reached out to tap the paper in the middle of the table. “This one’s my most recent design. It’s got enough space for everybody while still leaving plenty of room for all kinds of plants. It even makes use of that big tree already out there too.”
“It’s certainly doable…” Artem mumbled, his finger rubbing absentmindedly along his bottom lip as he thought. The slight twitch in his brow was enough to alert the others that he was already attempting to envision the most productive way to capitalize on what Marius created. 
Luke looked over the more recent design again before looking back toward Rosa, a soft smile lighting up his cheeks. “Yeah, I’ve really got no objections either. It actually kinda sounds like a good idea to me.”
Rosa clapped her hands in glee as she surveyed over the room again and shared an excited look with Marius. Her eyes only stopped when they landed on Vyn, who was still thinking quietly to himself where he sat. 
“What about you, Dr. Richter? What do you think about the idea?”
Vyn was silent for a moment, golden eyes glancing one last time at each of the sketches critically. He paused before sighing slightly, silver lashes fluttering over his eyes for a moment. 
“I have no objections either.” 
He felt a slight joyful lurch in his heart at the way Rosa’s grin got somehow even wider as she and Marius rejoiced, turning to give the other a double high-five. Even the other members who had no real stake in the matter seemed to smile a bit, looking relieved as if they had been holding their breath while awaiting his answer.
“Great! Okay, okay,” Marius spoke, turning back to look around at each of the members. “Miss and I will finalize the layout plans. Artem can start picking out furniture. We could even try to put something up on that upper deck above the garden if you find something good. Luke, you look for the tools we need to plant things or build the furniture. And Vyn can shop for the plants. Sound like a good idea?”
Everyone seemingly content in their roles, the team burst into enthusiastic chatter, attempting to flesh out some of the design ideas they’d need. Vyn alone stayed out of this discussion, merely observing from his seat and sipping quietly on his tea. The most notable thing was the excitement each and every member seemed to have, obviously entranced by the idea of working together to create something for them all to enjoy. The notion was a little foreign to him, as he hadn’t felt the desire to build something with another for a long, long time. He closed his eyes ever so softly with the most imperceptible shake of his head, a defeated action contradicting the unfamiliar warmth pooling behind his ribs. Only the mug of tea rising toward his lips was able to hear the affectionate scoff he let out.
A part of him he didn’t care to examine found himself more eager than he ever would have expected. While he left that previous meeting unenthusiastic about the idea (or at least, as he described it to himself), barely two days had passed before he found himself standing idly in one of the many rows of his usual gardening goods store. In one hand he carefully balanced a petunia starter while the other lifted to examine the tag on an impressive bonsai. He flipped the tag around a few times between his slender fingers as if considering buying it, but the decision was already made up in his mind. He sighed in resignation as he carefully let go of the little tag and turned to eye some of the spades and watering cans on a little shelf nearby. He knew Luke was in charge of the tools… but he couldn’t help the innocently eager feeling creeping up inside him to do more to help out.
He shook his head at himself as he took note of each of the plants he wanted to purchase. All of them together would never fit in his car, so he decided instead to have them delivered to the NXX manor on the day they agreed to begin working. He checked out only armed with small bags containing transferable starters he’d take home with him now and tend to until it was time to move them to proper soil. He resisted the urge to purchase new tools to dedicate solely to the NXX manor garden, but made up for this by buying more flowers than he had initially meant to get. 
Vyn, still trying to forcibly reenter the headspace in which he totally didn’t care about the project, had exited the store and started to slowly make his way toward his car, bags in hand, when he lifted his head and fatefully came eye to eye with the store across the street. The store, charmingly quaint compared to the urban scape Stellis boasted, caught his attention with the sight of high-quality looking appliances visible through the large glass window. He looked down at the bags in his arms and looked back across the street before slumping his shoulders in defeat and turning trail to peruse what this new store had to offer as well. 
Getting lost in a moment of shockingly, uncharacteristically lacking willpower, he wandered around the store aimlessly, merely taking in everything around him. Nothing was in poor quality, though the high prices were an obvious drawback. Not like that was an issue for him anyway. Before Vyn knew what he was thinking, he found himself picturing how each appliance would look lined up in the manor’s kitchen. His traitorous thoughts delved even deeper to resurface the memory of them all crowded around the kitchen attempting to form rice balls together. 
That silly endeavor had to be about, what, two months ago now? For whatever reason, Vyn found himself struggling to recall the more minute details he would have usually been able to picture in perfect crystal quality. He couldn’t remember who formed the best rice ball or the idiosyncratic manner of each member’s hands as they lovingly shaped each ball like he normally would have. Instead, the memories he was able to brush off instead were wracked with a scarily unfamiliar sense of… warmth. He could remember the way they had all smiled and laughed together. The way Luke’s lopsided smile bore only one dimple or how Artem’s cheeks bunched up joyfully like an old grandma’s when he laughed, truly laughed, for what felt like the first time around them. He could remember how Marius loudly boasted about his being the best but suddenly grew almost endearingly sheepish when everyone agreed and complimented his work. He could remember Rosa’s cheerful laugh filling the room, not left out in the slightest despite having to stand at a different table from the rest of them. And most of all, he could remember the sinking feeling in his chest when it finally grew time for everyone to leave that night. 
Silver eyebrows rested in a deep slant as he thought. His vision slowly grew unclouded from the memory as it faded back into his mind, his eyes slowly focusing on the stand mixer resting on the shelf in front of him. His lips were pinched unreadably into something more complex than a frown. The store was filled with loud chatter, yet he never felt so alone. Was this store always so cold?
A soft click of the tongue, unheard by another, marked the making up of his mind. Vyn turned away from the shelf, a new shopping list in mind, marked by oddly domestic tools like ovens and mixing bowls. He merely needed to stop by a qualified attendant to order the items for delivery. Pale fist clenched around the handles of his bags, he grew determined to chase that warmth he felt for even a moment more. 
Even if he had been ever so slightly eager in ordering new appliances last week, there was no going back now. All of the NXX investigation team had arrived, each clad in clothes suited to set up a cozy garden furnished to their desires. In a strange way he wasn’t at all used to, he felt something he unfortunately had to describe as embarrassment when he thought of sharing the news of the now more optimized kitchen, and bit back the confession like it was bile. He couldn’t understand why he would possibly feel embarrassed, as he thought he had nothing much to lose if the project failed anyway. 
To the young doctor’s chagrin, it wasn’t like he had much time to ponder anyway. He was quickly grabbed away by the others, Luke piling tools into his arm and asking for help holding the legs of the new table steady while he screwed them together. If he lifted his head a little, he could see Artem already clearing space on the upstairs patio, and Marius could be seen moving boxes (and something Vyn suspected was an easel) onto the wooden deck. He could hear Rosa humming behind him as she arranged the plants, all still comfortably in their starters, into whatever order she found most aesthetically pleasing. The courtyard was, for the first time, rife with the energy and camaraderie of others.
Whether or not he was a fan of manual labor didn’t seem to matter today. Vyn didn’t find himself dredging through the project, nor did he find himself feeling embarrassed at any apparent lack of skill. He moved about helping arrange the garden table for a while before practically instructing all the others on the safest way to transfer plants into the soil. The garden was growing into something beautiful and personal all at once, something Vyn had to admit he never pictured happening. The worst part, which he would never speak aloud, was that he seemed to actually enjoy every minute of it. If he even noticed the dirt smeared on his khakis, he didn’t care. 
Before he knew it, he was sitting on the stone steps, chin in hand, as his eyes absentmindedly followed Rosa around. His thoughts were consumed by grappling with his devotion to never grow close to others and the enjoyment he reaped from partnering up on such a sweet passion project. Perhaps the change in this garden reflected a more personal change in him. 
“What’s got you so lost in thought?” Luke asked, peering down at him, squinting from the sunlight in his eyes.
“I did not realize that the manor's garden could be so well decorated,” he simplified. 
“Huh?” Marius half yelled from across the courtyard, marching forward with his hands extended in mock annoyance. “Did you forget who designed the layout?”
Vyn didn’t respond, merely looking over his glasses at the younger man. He didn’t feel the need to extrapolate on his deeper thoughts and personal revelations, and his silence was filled instead by the approaching Rosa’s exasperation.
“Not this again…”
“I think everyone played a part,” Artem soothed as he approached, his hair surprisingly messy for once but his expression light. His blue eyes darted over to Rosa as if expecting her to build upon what he stated.
“Right, right! We finally finished decorating the garden, so let's celebrate!”
Luke grinned widely, an eagerness radiating off of him in waves brighter than the sun that afternoon. “Awesome! We’ve been at it for a long time, so we should take a break.” 
“Miss,” Marius tilted his head toward Rosa, a hand shielding his eyes from the sun, “got any good ideas?”
“Hmm… it’s still pretty early in the day. Let’s prep afternoon tea together!”
Artem nodded, also shading his eyes. “That’s a good idea.”
Sucking an unnoticeable puff of air in between his teeth, Vyn lightly pushed up the corner of his glasses. He supposed it was now or never.
“It just so happens that after our previous rice ball experience...I ordered a set of kitchen equipment that may be of use. Everything is already in the lounge.”
“Like?” Marius drew out his vowels obnoxiously.
“Such as an oven, a mixer, a digital scale, and a blender, among others…” Vyn could feel that creeping feeling of embarrassment beginning to prickle the back of his neck, though he was determined to play it off cool. The childish grin spreading across Marius’ face was making that task no easier.
“Since when were you such a housewife?” Marius teased, lips curled up in something not made entirely of childish malice, but something deeper Vyn couldn’t decipher. Surprisingly, Vyn didn’t feel the regret and humiliation he expected to, though he wasn’t sure what he was feeling instead.
Rosa’s hands clapping together cut through the air sharply to draw their attention back to her. “Well then, let’s split up the tasks!” Luke smiled and crossed his arms, nodding his head in a confident manner.
“Since the appliances are all ready to go, I’ll blend all our cold and frozen drinks. I've worked as a bartender while doing detective work, so I'm good at that stuff.” 
“I’ll make coffee and hot drinks. I learned how to make latte art during my spare time on the weekends.” For some reason, the entire group found themselves picturing Artem working dutifully over his kitchen counter as he practiced his secret latte art. 
“I will bake the cakes,” Vyn offered kindly, his eyes filled with warmth mirrored in his smile. “Their flavor will not disappoint.” 
“Then I’ll get someone to send over the ingredients we need, and I’ll take care of plating and decorating. Let me know which fruits you like,” Marius punctuated his sentence with a little wink aimed toward Rosa. “I guarantee you a happy tea time, Miss.”
Smiling from cheek to cheek, Rosa nearly pumped her fist in the air. “Looking forward to it! I’ll bake some cookies and help you all out. There’s no time to lose. We better get started!”
If Vyn had been told about two weeks ago that he would enjoy working side by side with his work partners on something personal, he would have scoffed. He wouldn’t have believed it for a moment. Yet, he now found himself standing in the kitchen he chose to properly furnish, working hard on a cake he actually planned to share with others. The kitchen was again alight with a familial enthusiasm, conversations and laughter overlapping from all over. Even when he wasn’t the one speaking or prodding at another, he could feel a light smile dance upon his lips like a whisper. 
Tea time was something generally sacred and private for Vyn, the time where he could unwind while enjoying his dearest sweets. There are very few people in the world he would ever conceive sharing that time with, but he still found himself setting the cake he labored over onto the center of the table to share. He found himself cutting the slices carefully, evenly, and oddly holding his breath as he waited for the others to take their first bites. He knew he was a skilled baker, yet he felt the remote pang of fear that somehow, for whatever reason, they wouldn’t like it.
All he was greeted with were smiles and praise from the others, soothing his untoward anxieties in a single fell swoop. While he responded with a simple “As I expected. I am pleased that it suits your liking,” there was a giddiness bursting inside of him. He felt strangely excited to be sitting with these people, people he wouldn’t consider his friends at all, sharing something so uniquely important to him. 
He breathed in the clear afternoon air, the sunlight warming his face as he tilted his head back ever so slightly. He could hear the chirping of the birds in the trees nearby and hear the water stirring in the pond across the courtyard. He could hear his coworkers chattering, just as they had in the kitchen, mouths filled with food this time.
He took a sip of the sweetest tea he’d had in a while. 
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actualbird · 2 months
“Marius…why did you come here?” “Is it really so hard to believe that I came here because I care about you? Because I was worried?” Marius sighs, dragging a hand down his face. Luke laughs humorlessly. Sharp like razor wire, warding off anybody who comes too close. “Caring about me isn’t good for you.” “Then give me a real, solid reason to believe that you’re okay. That you’ll be okay.” Marius looks at Luke head on, searching his gaze for something, anything to hold onto that’ll give him some semblance of hope. Luke doesn’t answer. - Main Story 12 Spoilers ahead. My take on the missing scene in level 12-12 where Marius visits Luke in the hospital.
HELLO I BRING NEW FIC. am i satisfied with this fic? debatable. did i desperately need it out of my system anyway? absolutely.
i hope someone out there can enjoy this!
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Hey! I got a matchup a while back, and lately I have been craving another one😭 so if it's alright could I get romantic matchups for tears of themis, genshin, and atla? If not that's fine ofc💕
I use She/her pronouns but I've never really cared very much, I'm Bi but I'd like Male matchups for this one if that's alright (I love women but idk none of the women in these fandoms are like my type??? Idk)
Not sure if you use looks to pick, but I'm 5'7, longish brown hair and brown eyes, kinda chubby I'd say, and I wear glasses!
Ok so for the good stuff, I'm an enfp and a virgo and I have gad and adhd so I am very all over the place lol, I'm usually very energetic and loud (got called a human pep rally once) but every once in a while I take a hard turn the other way and do absolutely nothing lol.
Taking thing seriously is kinda hard for me, idk why but I'm very much the deflect and cope using comedy kind of person.
Personal life wise I'm the oldest of four (love my siblings) so loud is kinda the default in my life so I'm pretty comfortable in loud environments, but if I get a chance at peace and quiet I am JUMPING for it.
I have a few plants, I bake quite a bit (I make BOMB brownies), I'm very much a nerd lol, I love comics (fandom request gave that away tho), I play dnd, I love video games (rdr2, mk11 and mass effect are the current ones), I watch cartoons and build legos, and I'm learning how to draw.
I'm big into flowers and flower language, and I play guitar, alto saxophone, steal drum, and I have a violin I'm gonna start working on soon.
This turned out alot longer then I thought so the speedrun of the rest is although I dont often, I really like putting work into how I look (I just got a treble cleft claw clip with some dangly thingys and I like it I just wanted to mention that), no clue how to to makeup tho, I'm planning on going into communications, and uhh my favorite colors are pink and blue.
Thank you so much if you get to this
Hi Abby! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Tears of Themis, I match you with...
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If there’s one thing that drew Luke to you, it’s the fact that you enjoy peace and quiet. He loves being in your presence when it’s quiet around. He just finds it soothing.
Definitely understands you using humour to cope. He does the same so he knows when it turns from just making jokes to coping and will check in when needed.
Please invite him to do gardening together some time. He likes being able to do something where he’s creating and nurturing life. It’s a good change from what he usually does.
Flower language is a big part of your relationship. I see Luke as someone who’s well versed in flower language so every bouquet he gives you has a hidden meaning behind it.
He also enjoys drawing so it’s not uncommon for you to find a sticky note beside your bed with a little drawing on it when he has to leave early in the morning. If you return the gesture, he’ll keep all your drawings in a safe place so he can look back over them.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Itto are both the definition of human pep rallies so when your powers combine, no one can stand in your way. You can both be a lot sometimes but you get along well.
He also struggles to take things seriously so he’s a lot more understanding in that regard than others are sometimes. You just get each other.
In a modern au, Itto would be a huge fan of cartoons. He’s a firm believer than cartoons aren’t just for kids and still loves watching all those “childhood” shows.
In the same vein, he also loves Lego. I can’t see him being a big fan of tricky sets but he enjoys all of the bright colours. He’d love to make a set or two with you sometime.
I can see Itto being a fan of D&D as well. I think it might take him a bit to get his head around the different types of rolls and doing so much maths but he loves the roleplay elements and thinks it’s great fun. (I actually wrote this while playing a D&D session!)
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, I match you with...
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You’ve got to be a certain level of energetic to keep up with Sokka’s plans. And you certainly meet that criteria. Sokka loves being around someone who can match his energy.
In a modern au, he’s definitely a fan of comics. He’s the type of person who buys two of every comic, one to read and one to keep in pristine condition.
For all his self-awareness, Sokka does have a tendency to deflect so he can easily recognise when you’re doing the same. He hopes you know you can rely on him if things get too much.
When he does run out of energy, there’s nothing that Sokka loves more than relaxing while listening to you play music. He finds it soothing both because of the music and because of your presence.
Please do lots of baking for him! Sokka will never admit it but he does have a soft spot for snacks, especially if you’ve made them.
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samsspambox · 1 year
He sticks to what he knows: Giann had enemies, he had fanatics, and the Pax Civil War was effectively over so the tabloids had nothing to talk about. Not that it stopped them.
He's fine, though. He doesn't have any meetings for the next couple of weeks. Well, he shouldn't have any, but the snakes inside the company wouldn't pity him for long.
Marius is Fine.
or alternatively: marius is not fine, he punches someone, and there's new information on the case. not in that order.
hi hi new fic i wanted to get out before my goblin brain starts to focus on the ficathon prompt!!! kjbsfkjsbfk
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lukevonhagen · 1 year
He extends a baton he pulls out of his other pocket and smacks it against the wall while he clicks to the title slide. In the most obnoxiously big, red bold letters (in the Comic Sans font, no less), reads: “Why We Should Have Sex in Public.” Luke immediately starts choking on his own spit, and Marius valiantly holds his smile while he’s trying not to show how smug he is. Luke tries to recover from the episode, and his voice sounds strained when he finally speaks up. “What the actual hell is this?”
hey there beautiful world and all who inhabit it, here is my first ever mariluke fic that i ever published to ao3 that gives me secondhand embarrassment, so i haven't read it beyond the first time i proofread it. lol. marius is an exhibitionist (at least he is to me) and i felt it would be a neat idea for some kind of silly smutfic. i hope you enjoy, thank you and goodnight
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
🔎Sherlock & Watson🔐
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[Luke Pearce x Reader] Series
Synopsis-> Luke the one who has always been by your side throughout school years. The one who wouldn’t hesitate to run back home to get you something you forgot and really needed. Luke who smiles so-so fondly at you when your smiles pierce through his bad days. The same Luke who thought running away from you would be beneficial for you.
^Continuing—It however, only served to push you out of your way to find him. Seeing your surroundings in an entire different city, you are in search of Luke by tracing his detective trails. His name plastered on the newspaper one day by accident, served you to find him quite quickly. Now by his side, the works of detectives and secret agents left you both to conquer swiftly.
^Continuing—Joining his line of work after thorough debating and arguing, he reluctantly let you invade his dangerous lifestyle. Of course–only with him by your side at all times.
Genre tags-> Luke x reader, partners in crime, detectives, partners to lovers, mystery, suspense, action, adventure, mutual pining, comfort fluff, angst, hurt, NXX, childhood friends, luke is meant to stay in that trope imsorry, reader is rosa, but not really, sorry rosa ily😓
Warnings-> Fraud, swearing, abuse of power, corruption, sabotage, weapon trafficking, identity theft, psychological horror, mentions of body horror, crimes against humanity, forgery, organized crime, treason, theft, toxic friends, bullying, messed up relations, desperation leads to crime, mentions of sex, libido, depression, guilt, treason against human morals, gangs, death, muder, obsession, self-hate, self body shaming, mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assault, harsh language,
(Criminals brought to justice by Luke♡)
Inspirations-> Themis main story line + Event stories/card stories; Enola Holmes movies, Charming the Duke of the north, tba. . .
Status-> Was discontinued but might start it up again.
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>>>[Name]~Ch.1–5 “Her Revival”
~Ch.5–10 “His Escape” [Luke]<<<
Chapter X (10)-> Finding Luke + 15 year long trial
Chapter XI (11)-> Reader agent recruit + mission abroad
Chapter XII (12)-> Underground Renaissance socialite world murder
Chapter XIII (13)-> To be added. . .
Chapter XIV (14)-> Tba. . .
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[Taglist] Always open!!
@neigesprincess @crucnhice @backintomykpopphaseagain @kazedaka @little-aruma
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pearcinglyours · 2 years
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「25 lives in which i’ll find you」
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🗝️ luke pearce / mc
🗝️ general with a sprinkle of romance?
🗝️ based off a comic titled “25 lives” by tongari!
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ao3 link to this fic here
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"ah, but I don’t blame you; i’ll never burn as brilliantly as you. it’s only fair that i should be the one to chase you across ten, twenty-five, a hundred lifetimes until i find the one where you’ll return to me."
alternatively, something like a short overview of luke's emotions over the course of the time he knew rosa ?? but in pretty words.
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The very first time I remember you, you are blonde, and you don’t love me back.
He felt a gust of wind past his shoulder, and something in him told him to look back. A familiar silhouette- he could recognise it even with his eyes closed. He knew exactly who it was, then he remembered that he shouldn’t run to it. He really shouldn’t- run and what he’s been planning for the past three years would all be in vain.
As much as he couldn’t bear to take a second look, he knew something felt different.
The next time you are brunette, and you do.
He woke up, startled by the faint buzzing he felt on his sheets. 4:02 a.m., the time reads. Through blurred eyes he could see that there was an incoming message- grabbing a handful of water from the glass by his mattress, he rubbed his eyes vigorously with his wet knuckles to wake his mind up a little more.
The phone reads: Luke, what are your training plans for the team today? Is it possible for you to clear out the afternoon for a group training session?
After scanning the message a few times, he shakes off the dizziness in his head as he lets out a soft sigh. It wasn’t her. But why would he want her to text him when he’s been forcing himself to ignore her texts for the past six months?
I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, I wish that I could kiss you every morning, that I could give you the warmest hugs that are enough to melt the snow away. But I know this is for the better of our relationship; the better of you, he thinks to himself.
He tried going back to sleep, but with every turn and flip of the blanket was his head telling him time and time again that she could be his first and last sight of his day. Frustrated, he throws the blanket aside and took a cold shower.
After a while I give up trying to guess if the colour of your hair means anything. Because even when you don’t exist, I’m always in love with you.
Luke doesn’t dream often, but when he does, it feels real. In the dream, a woman was sitting on his lap, warm breath dancing across his face delicately as she looked at his lips in a half-lidded gaze. He doesn’t know who the woman is, but he does find it strange that he remembers every single detail about the woman. The way the corners of her emerald eyes crinkled when he brushed his thumb across his cheek to the way his name rolled off her tongue in a barely audible whisper.
“I like you.”
He didn’t find it hard to say it back. She’s so near yet so far; so familiar yet so foreign, as if the lingering warmth of her hand on his chest was real; so real that it’s tangible. How does one remember every single detail about a person they’ve never met in their entire life?
Their foreheads parted, so did their hands. And he felt like he was drowning; sinking into the depths of her eyes, until the world around him was pitch black without a sliver of light.
I remember most fondly those lifetimes where we get to grow up together,
He fondly remembers a brunette haired girl through the glass panelled windows of their neighbouring houses. The weather was always pretty; the curtains were always pulled to the sides. It wasn’t uncommon for her to see an orange haired boy with his elbows against the table; face against palm as he pursed his lips to hold a pencil between, eyes gazing into the distance.
She’s known that his name is Luke for the longest time ever. So did he know hers
when you share your secrets and sorrows and hiding places with me.
I love how you play along with my bad ideas, before you grow up and realise they are bad ideas.
The thought that these years spent in the NSB would be lonely has never crossed his mind before he left. He had a hard time growing close to people, because the girl next door has always been his muse since young. It’s almost like his world was a secret that only the two of them knew; no one knew him the way she did, nor did anyone know her the way he did.
“Companionship is something we really take for granted, huh,” he muttered under his breath, amber eyes fixated on the screen that displayed the last picture the both of them had taken together. Her eyes were like crescent moons, delicate edges pushed upwards from the ear to ear smile on her face, while his hand was gently placed on top of hers that was wrapped around his shoulder. “Because I should’ve told you that I appreciated your companionship… that I liked……”
He paused. All of a sudden it’s like his hazy thoughts had been fathomed into constellations he could see; it was her all along. The word “you” never left his mouth.
“But was it really a bad idea to not tell you? It’d be so stupid and selfish of me to tell you this right before I’m supposed to leave to study abroad…”
(And in those times together I have many many bad ideas.)
Some things are better left unsaid, after all.
When we meet as adults you’re always much more discerning. I don’t blame you.
It’s only fair for you to distrust me because I was the one who walked out of your life without an explanation. But I’m cursed with the knowledge that if I ever attempted to say anything to you, I wouldn’t be able to hold back; it’s as if the weight of the past 8 years and of the times we could’ve spent together would come raining down on my shoulders; my weight crushed beneath it. No matter how thoroughly I was trained for my missions, nothing prepared me to bear the weight of all the guilt and shame and all the other emotions that come with it the second I look into those pretty emerald eyes that I fell in love with a decade ago.
Yet always, you forgive me.
“I’m sorry.”
She doesn’t respond. She looks at him pensively, eyes scanning his face several times over as if to confirm that it is indeed the same boy who she once loved many, many years ago.
And yet, once again, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to her. It felt as if she cast a spell that twisted his tongue and trapped all the words he would’ve said inside his chest.
As if you understand what’s going on, and you’re making up for all the lifetimes in which one of us doesn’t exist,
So instead, he takes a step closer to her. And another step, and another, until he can feel her warm, tangible breath on his face. And he holds her arm with the gentleness of a warm sun on a rainy day, and he saw her eyelids flutter shut gently with every millimetre he closed the gap between them.
Is this the moment?
Wait, no. Wasn’t he supposed to stay away from her at all costs? But their lips touched, and he anticipated the soul-crushing weight.
The weight never came.
Instead, it felt like they were standing, embracing each other amidst a rain of a thousand feathers- everything felt so fleeting; so ephemeral. His heartbeat never felt more real.
and the ones where we just, barely never meet.
Through tears, she pleaded, “Never leave me again?”
The answer he wanted to give was a firm, solid no. But he couldn’t bear to tell it to her, not when his emotions had the better of him, not when he knew he wanted this just as much as she did.
For once, he felt like he was selfish. He nodded slightly, his eyes wavering.
(i’m sorry that i’m making promises i know i can’t keep.)
I hate those. I prefer the ones in which you kill me.
But even after all the times we talked and we dated and we kissed and we spilled our hearts out, and even after you knew the truth, you still loved me all the same.
Every now and then I still have those self-dejecting thoughts- that you shouldn’t be with me. I think you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who will be with you through all the walks of your life.
Time and time again, you choose me.
I may never believe you when you say that you’ll never love someone else like you did me, but the truth is that I feel the same way. I’ve felt love once, and I don’t think I can go back to a life without you in it.
But when all is said and done, I’d rather surrender to you in other ways.
Even though each time, I know I’ll see you again, I always wonder
I hope that this engagement ring is a stamp that seals our promise; that fate will never separate us again, and even if it does, it’ll reunite us time and time again. You’re the one I love in every lifetime and in every universe; not even death can do us part.
Is this the last time? Is that really you?
It’s always been you. I’m sure of that.
And what if you’re already perfectly happy without me?
I’d rather not think about it.
Ah, but I don’t blame you; I’ll never burn as brilliantly as you. It’s only fair that I should be the one to chase you across ten, twenty-five, a hundred lifetimes
He’s running, and it feels like his legs are burning. It’s like Icarus had legs for wings.
Where to? Her heart, of course. And he’d do it a thousand times over.
until I find the one where you’ll return to me.
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