#Luciel Choi x reader
erimeows · 3 months
In The Same Bed
You lie awake in bed, staring at your fiance as he sleeps away in your shared bed. 
Awake, Saeyoung Choi is energetic and loud and intense. Sometimes, when things are bad, he’s angry and sad, but still intense. It’s very rare that you get to see him peaceful, so you relish in it now. His eyes are shut, long lashes fluttering against his high cheekbones. His soft, pink lips are slightly open, deep breaths coming in and out of them. His curly red hair fans out across his pillow like a halo.
And, his palm is on top of your shoulder, because he always has to be touching you to fall asleep these days.
You smile. It’s nice to see Saeyoung so relaxed- getting good sleep for once. You remember the many nights he spent awake working for the agency. 
Life is different now.
Life is better.
But, it is past midnight and you can’t sleep even though the two of you have plans in the morning to meet the rest of the RFA for brunch. Alas, Saeyoung must have forgotten to put his phone on silent mode before bed. It sits on his nightstand, buzzing away. Again and again. Vibrating with no end in sight.
You assume the notifications are from the RFA’s chatroom. Zen and Yoosung are still terrible about staying up well into the night and early morning talking online, with Jaehee and Jumin occasionally joining in when they’re busy with work.
You don’t know Saeyoung’s phone passcode. He’s told you it multiple times, but it’s ridiculously long and impossible to remember. You’re honestly too lazy to write it down. It’s not like you need to use his phone very often, anyway.
You could wake him up, but then again… Saeyoung looks so peaceful like this. You’d hate to interrupt his sleep.
So, as quietly as you can, you sneak out of bed and go to the living room couch.
Hopefully, the both of you can get some sleep this way. 
Seven wakes up to a loud crack of thunder, golden eyes snapping wide open at the sudden noise. Rain falls outside, loudly splattering against the roof and the ground.
Heart beating hard against his chest, he reaches over for you. You always hold him when it storms, so he smiles at the thought of burying his face in your sweatshirt, having your arms wrapped tight around him, feeling your (h/l) (h/c) hair tickling him throughout the night, and smelling the remnants of your perfume from the day.
But, when his hand doesn’t immediately land on your chest or stomach, his brow furrows. Your side of the bed is cold, too, and he can’t feel you anywhere underneath the blanket. So, he sits up and looks for you. Panic runs courses through his veins at the same time that his breath quickens. 
You definitely aren’t there.
Seven tosses the covers to the floor and stands up, eyes darting around the moonlit darkness. You’re nowhere to be seen. His gaze flickers to the master bathroom that’s connected to your room, only to find that the door is open and the light is off.
You aren’t there, either. 
Seven can’t help but freak out. Ever since the two of you saved Saeran, you’ve slept in the same bed. Always. Every single night since that day, unless Seven was staying with Saeran in the hospital- and on those nights, he couldn’t sleep without you by his side. 
He listens closely to gauge any potential noises from the kitchen or the living room. Maybe you needed a drink of water, or a midnight snack- or maybe you had a nightmare and needed to distract yourself by moving to the living room to watch one of your favorite shows? But if the latter was the case, why wouldn’t you have woken him up…?
Seven quickly realizes that there is no noise.
In fact, the entire house is eerily silent. 
He reaches into the nightstand and grabs the pistol that he has hidden there for emergencies before quickly sliding out of the bedroom. He slowly moves through the hallway with his back pressed firm against the wall and his pistol loaded and gripped tightly within his hands, ready to shoot. 
Did you choose to leave? Pack a bag in the middle of the night and high tail it out to somewhere- to someone else? That’s probably the best outcome, if you’re gone. He doesn’t deserve you anyway, he supposes. Maybe it was too good to be true.
‘No, no… MC wouldn’t just leave without an explanation. But what else…?’
What could it be? An intruder- someone from the agency who wants to get back at him for leaving? Unknown- Saeran? No, Saeran is happily living with the two of you, along with Vanderwood. Surely if there were an intruder one of them would’ve noticed? 
Seven slowly but surely makes his way to the living room and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees you on the couch.
Your chest rises and falls with slow, steady breaths. Your face looks peaceful.
You’re fine. 
Seven lets out a sigh of relief. His vision is blurry as he comes down from the panic of waking up alone, but he manages to unload his pistol and make it back to your shared bedroom to lock it back in the top drawer of the nightstand. Then, he trudges back to the living room. With the anxiety and adrenaline leaving his body in waves, the uncomfortable sensations of ice cold air and exhaustion weigh on him and have goosebumps rising on his skin.
He gets in front of the couch and kneels down in front of you before placing a warm hand on top of your head and gently stroking your hair. 
“Hm?” You blink and sit up, your hair ruffled from sleep. 
You groggily rub your eyes.
“Sweetie,” Seven starts. He immediately feels guilty for waking you up over his own issues. He should’ve just let you sleep on the couch… “Sorry to wake you up.”
“Are you okay?” You question.
“Why’d you come in here?”
Though you’re clearly safe, Seven can’t help but fear that you might’ve come to the couch because he did something to upset you.
“Your phone kept vibrating- guess you forgot to put it on silent before bed,” You explain. Relief washes over Seven almost instantly. “I couldn’t sleep because of it. I didn’t wanna wake you up, so… I just moved to the couch.”
“I’ll turn my phone off. Can you come back to bed?”
“Yeah, sure,” You nod and start to stand up.
Before you can fully stand, Seven does so first and picks you up bridal style. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck to secure yourself as you’re carried to the bedroom. 
Upon returning to bed, Seven gently sets you down on top of the sheets and crawls into bed with you. He reaches over to where his phone is charging on the nightstand and turns it on silent mode. 
Though he feels much better now, he isn’t quite sure he can handle a panic like that ever again. 
“Sweetie… You can’t leave like that without telling me first.”
“Hm? Why not?” You ask, reaching over and gently resting a hand on the side of Seven’s face. He leans into your touch. “I just wanted to make sure you got good sleep.”
“You scared me,” He answers. “I thought- I thought you were gone. What if someone had taken you from me?”
“What? Saeyoung, no one is going to come in and take me. Do you know how insane the security system is?”
Admittedly, you have a point. Ever since Saeran and Vanderwood moved in, he’s only upped the abilities of his home security system, even laying out traps around the perimeter of his house for any potential intruders.
“I don’t know. I mean, I know it’s irrational, but what if you went to sleep in the living room and someone somehow got past it? They could just come in and hurt you, and I would be none the wiser,” Seven insists, only to realize just how crazy he sounds. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He’s crazy about you. So, of course he wants to keep you safe, but he also knows it’s insane to expect you to never sleep anywhere else. “No, I know I sound ridiculous. You don’t have to say anything. I’m not trying to be overprotective, I just… I love you, and I want you to be safe.”
“Saeyoung,” You reassuringly murmur and reach over to place a hand on top of one of Seven’s. “It’s okay. I’m okay, and I love you, too.”
“Okay,” Seven sighs, lays down flat on the bed, and pulls the covers over the two of you, but keeps his eyes trained on your face. You really are fine. You’re here, happy, and chatting with him like normal, all with that beautiful smile of yours. He feels somewhat embarrassed for freaking out the way he did now that you’ve managed to calm him down. “Anxiety aside, I can’t sleep without you anymore, anyway. I wake up all the time and the only thing that settles me back to sleep is feeling you next to me.”
“You’re so sweet,” You offer a soft smile, and then open your arms wide. Seven smiles back before accepting your invitation and allowing you to pull him close to your chest. At the sound of your slow, steady heartbeat, he immediately settles down and cuddles into you. “I sleep better with you around, too, y’know.”
“Then… Stay in the same bed with me forever, okay?” Saeyoung asks as his eyes fall shut. 
He can already feel sleep start to take over his body again.
“As long as you keep letting me cuddle like this every night,” You answer, to which Seven laughs.
“Of course.”
And with that, the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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whats-it-mean · 10 months
Period cramps? Never fear, the great 707 is here ☆
i just got my period and i am n o t having it and yknow what i want. i want someone to give me blankets and hot chocolate and tea and hsdksjdl. Also the mysmes brainrot is real so why not combine the two !! its a bit short today but im tired so whatcha gonna do
C/W - Reader is suggested to be AFAB (it's a period comfort fic, what did you expect) but no pronouns or specific gender
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
Although he ultimately struggled to express it sometimes, Seeing you all bundled up on the couch, face scrunched up in discomfort, he could feel his own mood souring. You had your nose buried in whatever manga you’d wrapped yourself up in this time, but your focus was all over the place with how much your abdomen hurt. There was no way to think straight through the pain, no matter how much you tried to ignore it, and it bothered him almost as much as it bothered you. It had been a bit since he had slipped out through the entryway with a promise to return soon, with the grin on his face that only meant he was up to something, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to pay too much mind to it.
After about a half hour of you sitting on the couch, stomach aching and barely even reading your book anymore, the jingle from the doorway ensuring your boyfriends return had you directing your gaze to the hallway that led to the door, where said red-haired boy poked his head around the corner, watching you for a reaction.
“Seven…?” You asked, confusion evident on your face as you stared at him, manga now forgotten as it lay abandoned at your side.
He smiled at you, eyes closed while he beamed. “I got you a couple things~” He said, reaching out a hand to showcase the full shopping bag that dangled from his arm.
“Eh--? Why did you--”
He strode over to you, sitting down on the floor next to the couch you sat on as he shushed you, before turning to open the bag. He seemed rather proud of himself as he pulled it open, reaching in and handing you a freshly bought, fluffy blanket in your favorite color, offering it to you with the cutest grin on his face.
“I got you a better blanket, some extra supplies, some hot chocolate…” As he spoke, he laid each item out in a pile, eyeing you from time to time to make sure you were watching him and his little performance. “I got you a heating pad too, Jaehee mentioned once that those are useful. Do you want me to make you the hot chocolate now, or wait a bit?”
You stared at him, completely still as you watched him stare right back, puppy dog eyes on full display. “W- What is… Why……?”
He grinned at you as if it was obvious. Leave it to Seven to make you feel stupid even on your period. “You looked uncomfy, so I wanted to help~ Is that okay?”
Well, how are you meant to say no to that?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  End
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zennryu · 1 year
In your care — 707 x reader
Note: Am I addicted to Saeyoung Choi and the sick reader trope? Yes. Yes I am.
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"Y/n?" was all that the members kept asking in the chatroom as they wondered where you went. You were in the middle of explaining the theme for the next party before you just...stopped replying.
"Shit." Seven muttered as he glanced at your passed out body from the cctv. Not even bothering to change from his pajamas and bed hair (or think about the consequences aka Vanderwood), he hurriedly drove to your apartment using the fastest among his babies.
"Y/n..?" he called out once getting inside Rika's apartment only to find your body still passed out in the same place he saw minutes ago.
He rushed to your side immediately checking your pulse and breathing. His moment of relief was short-lasting as he realized you were down with a heavy fever.
Carrying you over to your bed, he immediately looled around your kitchen for anything he could prepare for you before beaming at the sight of cup noodles (yes. thats the best you're going to get from his cooking skills)
"Saeyoung?" you called weakly as you caught a glimpse of a blurry red figure approaching you. "Oh good you're awake. Come on eat up." he motioned as he handed you your cup noodles.
Feeling too tired to eat, you immediately shook your head and covered yourself under the covers. "Agent 606 you need to eat!" he exclaimed.
"Come on~ The world needs your help agent! The plane is gonna crash!" The playfully exclaimed as he motioned the spoon of soup towards you like an airplane.
"Left them all die for all I care!" you whined. "Come on save atleast a few~" he insisted but you kept your mouth shut.
You felt his lips on your forehead and gaped at him in shock as you felt your jaw drop. Grinning to himself, Seven entered the spoon inside your mouth before lifting your chin to close it. "Mission accomplished agent 606! Good job!"
You felt your cheeks grow warmer as you swallowed the soup.
"I know you're busy Saeyoung. Thanks for taking care of me." you mumbled as Saeyoung lifted the blanket higher to cover your neck.
"You really are...pretty handsome.." you mumbled tiredly as you looked at him one last time before dozing off.
Seven felt his inner programming start to malfunction at your words and suddenly felt his cheeks heat up. Why is it suddenly so hot in here?
"It's cause you have a fever!" you exclaimed as you woke up to a heavily sweating Saeyoung by your side and checked his temperature.
"Wear a mask next time alright!" You exclaimed before letting him lay on your bed.
"Achoo! But then you won't get to see my handsome face!"
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Can i please request some headcanons for jumin, seven and Jaehee when they see their s!o being flirted with (tho they are kinda oblivious). Thank you 💕
Mystic Messenger Oblivious s/o being flirted with
Han Jumin
He's already known for being quite possessive of you, so him getting jealous is no surprise.
However, Jumin keeps a very professional front when he sees one of the guests trying their shots at you, and while he trusts that you wouldn't try to betray him... he still feels a bit insecure.
For the most part, you being absolutely oblivious to every one of their attempts chiseled a snort from him, before he decides to step in and greet you politely, smirking discreetly at the flirter when you place a sweet kiss on Jumin's cheek.
If he notices that you, as per usual, don't seem to pick up on the act of the flirter, and become visibly uncomfortable, he'll swoop in and save the day, placing a hand on your shoulder and pulling you slightly back against his chest, firmly greeting this creep with a stiff and slightly forced smile with a dark glint in his eyes, enough to scare off the flirter.
Kiss him at the end of the day to make him feel better. <3
Choi Saeyoung (707)
He visibly gets pouty and whiny, clinging near you more than usual. However, he's more lighthearted than Jumin's possessiveness.
As insecure as he may be about himself, he trusts you more that you'll choose him over that flirter any day, and that he knows you got his back as he got yours.
"S/o~ That guy was flirting with you, ya know? Don't make me jealous!" he jokes, as he smirks at your visible confusion. Heh, you only know when he's flirting with you unlike the other guy, his ego's boost just a tad bit with this fact. Obviously the "Space Station" pick-up lines always work! (Jk jk, I love you Seven, even without the cheesy pick-up lines and puns<33)
On the other hand, is Saeyoung sees you getting visibly uncomfortable with the flirter disrupting your personal space, clearly not buying any of their attempts, you'll find storming through to your way is a rare, serious Saeyoung who grasps your hand gently but firmly, bowing his head politely in contrary to his prominent glare before striding you out of the way, far from them.
"Are you okay?" he would ask worriedly. You smiled, "Of course I am, now that you're here." He smiles back. <3
Kang Jaehee
Jaehee doesn't get jealous easily simply because she has a lot of trust in you and doubts you would cheat on her for some random flirter.
Even then, she can be a bit protective over you, and she would visibly frown a little when she sees them trying to flirt with you from across the room. Of course, all their attempts failed, and you still remain polite and professional with the vivacious guest. She smiles reassuringly as she caters to all the other guests.
Unlike the other two men, when Jaehee sees that you get uncomfortable with the flirter, she'll walk over with a stern expression, before holding your hand and looking towards that guest with a firm look on her face. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I couldn't help that see that one of my members were starting to get a bit uneased with your behavior. Please do not make our staff uncomfortable."
She walks away with you, giving one last glare at the flirter before she pulls you two to a secluded area. "S/o? Did they do anything weird to you? Are you okay?" "It's okay Jaehee, I'm fine now. You were really like Zen in those movies where he acted as the knight and shining armor."
She smiles bashfully. "Oh stop..." <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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piscsprincsa · 3 months
“I think I breathe weird”
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WARNINGS/TAGS?: comfort, fluff, x g/n reader
KC NOTE: We’ve finally succeeded at life gang, I’m finally getting the rfa vip package. And in honor of that I’ve decided to give you guys this. I rarely write stuff like this, so please accept that this it won’t be too good!! I just hope it makes a little sense??? T-T
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t breathe,” the redhead sighs beside me.
I try turning my head slightly, not wanting to move it too much from his shoulder. “What? Why?” I ask. As he goes to grab my free hand, drawing hearts on my palm as he speaks.
“I think I just breathe weird, lol,” Luciel replies, his voice monotone.
“Anyways, it’s not that deep, so don’t try to look into it, lol.”
“Well, whatever you mean by that, Lucy, I like to think you breathe just fine.” I turn my body fully to him, making sure to look at him. Those golden eyes shinning as they usually do. “Actually, I really like your breath. Well, like I want you to continue to breathe. I think if anyone deserves the air they breathe. Well it should be you seven.”
He chuckles before looking up at me again. “You know, you’re way too cute for your own good.”
He takes a quick deep breath before pulling me closer. “Anyways, thank you, babe.” He places a small kiss on my forehead “I really want you to continue breathing as well.”
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ameribell · 4 months
I wanna write some, but don’t expect daily things!
Anyways, here are my rules:
Things I will not write:
Character x character
Character x oc
Smut (I’m not too good at it lol)
Things I will write:
Any gender reader (I don’t mind writing male, but keep in mind I’m not too good at it)
Fandoms I write for:
Percy Jackson
Fairy Tail
Avatar the Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Mystic Messenger
Tears of Themis (I will not be writing for Vyn, I’m sorry lolol)
The OC
(Open for more, just ask and poke around a bit)
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Characters + Their Toxic Traits ✨
Feat. Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, and V
Short headcanons inspired by this post I've made about My Hero Academia characters and their toxic traits x
! fem reader, brief mentions of sex !
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Insanely jealous. He's barely able to restrain himself from barking like a dog when he sees you talking to another man
- and he will come up to you mid-conversation and embarrass you in front of this man because Zen wants him to know who you belong to.
Has some mildly sexist views on women
- Speaks for you even if you're right next to him. Will order for you at restaurants without being asked. If someone asks you a question and Zen thinks he knows the answer he'll answer it for you as if you aren't capable of answering for yourself.
- Tends to believe that you're fragile and vulnerable and that he needs to protect you because you're a woman
- Will help you with chores but he believes it's your job to cook
- Doesn't ever let you take control during sex. He thinks that, as the man, he is supposed to be the one on top and in control. He's a pleasure dom but sex is always done his way because he never lets you take the lead.
Canonically homophobic
Lacks self awareness
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King of putting things off. Ignores problems in the relationship for as long as he possibly can until one day it all comes to the surface and he bursts into tears
Avoids conflict to the point of concern. He'd rather lie to himself that everything is fine between the two of you than address an issue in your relationship because he doesn't want to start a fight.
Struggles to make time for you. A lot of your dates are hanging out together while he studies in his room or at the library.
Shamelessly codependent
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Also terrible at making time for you
Always working. If she's not working under Jumin then she's always working on improving the coffee shop. She doesn't know how to function when she's not working 24/7 and under constant stress
She takes things so personally. She'll never tell you she took something you said personally but you can tell.
Lowkey a grudge holder. If you two get into an argument she'll bring up something you said to hurt her feelings two years ago.
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Wants to take care of you but "taking care of you" can mean doing things that are very controlling sometimes
- extremely resistant at first to the idea of you having a job or going to college since he can provide for both of you
- hates taking "no" for an answer if he thinks he knows better than you. If you're sick with a cold he'll go against your wishes and call a doctor no matter how many times you insist that you're fine.
- Never learned how to let someone else be in charge of something so he also never lets you take control during sex.
Resistant to change
Makes important decisions without you based on what he thinks you would want
Can come across as very apathetic at times. He thinks he's offering an objective point of view that will help soothe your emotions but instead it can feel like he doesn't care about them because you're being unreasonable.
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Has gotten into the habit of lying about the dumbest shit, so it can be difficult to tell whether he's being serious or messing with you
Doesn't help with household chores because he doesn't find them mentally stimulating
Gets really bad depressive episodes. He doesn't want Saeran to see him like that so he bottles everything up until he can't anymore and will take all his emotions out on you sometimes.
Has never had to communicate how he feels before meeting you, so he never learned how. A lot of the time you're relying on your intuition because he doesn't talk to you about it. Part of him still believes nobody cares about how he's feeling.
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Incredibly passive. Getting him to voice what he wants is like pulling teeth.
Codependent and in denial about it. Thinks he's just really in love with his wife.
Has a tendency to completely ignore how he's feeling because part of him is desperate to please you.
Tends to think in absolutes. Has a very black and white view on most things
Struggles to believe that he deserves you and that makes him crave validation, but he never wants to voice to you that he needs validation.
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ghstry · 1 year
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guess what i started playing
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rfaromance · 1 year
kissing Saeyoung's hands!!!
"It doesn't even hurt!"
"Please don't fuss over this!"
"I'm telling you, honey butter, I'm fine!"
Saeyoung's protests fell on deaf ears as you dragged him to the bathroom, where the lighting was better. You didn't care what he had to say; the cut on his hand looked nasty, and you weren't going to risk letting anything happen to your lover.
"Look, it's not even bleeding anymore!"
You snorted as you pushed him against the countertop. "Sit," you ordered, and with a grumble Saeyoung obediently plopped himself on the counter. "It is still bleeding!" you wailed in dismay, as you held his hand up to the light.
"So you can hear me."
"Saeyoung Choi!"
Hastily you dug out first aid supplies from the cabinet. As you searched for bandages and ointments, you could spot a dark hoodie shuffling out of the corner of your eye. "Don't even think about leaving," you snapped. "You are getting patched up here and now!"
The shuffling stopped.
Heaving a huge sigh, you returned to Saeyoung with supplies in tow. Carefully you reached past him to turn on the faucet, soaking and soaping a washcloth. You then turned back to Saeyoung and gently grabbed his injured hand. He didn't resist you this time, but rather tutted dramatically as you began to dab at the wound.
"Saeyoung... how in the world did you manage this?"
"One of my babies is in her rebellious teen phase."
"You mean there could be OIL in here, and you weren't going to let me clean it?" The horror and exasperation in your voice were powerful enough to make him wince.
"It's really not a big deal," he began, but you firmly squeezed his hand to shut him up.
After you'd wiped off the dry blood, you were able to see his injury clearly for the first time. A gash on the side of his hand, running from the bottom of his pinky finger to the top of his wrist. "This is the length of your palm," you fretted.
"Couldn't even tell."
His tone was different, somehow. He'd stopped arguing but also was acting less blasé. Now he just sounded... tired. Resigned. Hollow.
"It really doesn't hurt?" you asked softly. Carefully you put the washcloth in the sink, and you reached out to get the antibiotic ointment. "It didn't even sting when I washed it?"
"Not even a tickle."
You didn't want to believe him, but as you spread the ointment over his injury, he didn't flinch once. You gave his palm an experimental squeeze, wondering if he'd react. "Shoot!"
The pressure had opened the cut once again.
"I felt that," Saeyoung commented as you grabbed the washcloth again to dab at the edges of the wound. "It just... felt no different than picking up a shoe or opening a doorknob."
You reapplied the antibiotic that you had wiped off, furrowing your brow as thoughts raced around in circles in your head. Had his fingers always been this calloused? Had his knuckles always been covered with this many old, faded scars? Had his fingers, thin as they are, always been this muscular? Your own hands suddenly felt so feeble, so flimsy, as you began winding gauze around his hand, over and over.
"I can't afford to feel too much pain," was all he offered in explanation. "Not the way I've lived.
"Hands like mine don't deserve tender care from someone like you."
Having just put on the last stretch of bandages, you looked up at him with sorrow in your eyes. Much to your dismay, he was looking up at the ceiling, perhaps unable to meet your gaze.
You didn't know the full extent of the things that he had done to keep himself and Saeran alive; you didn't particularly care. All that mattered was that you knew he undertook those actions and made those choices in the name of love. He was a good person.
He had stopped trying to push you away, so why did he have to talk as if he was still damning himself? Did he plan to live the remainder of his life joyfully, but then spend his afterlife in flames? You didn't quite know or understand his feelings on that matter.
But you did know you loved him, and that he deserved every reminder you could give him.
"Your hands can't feel anything anymore?" you murmured, the lilt in your voice clearly prompting him for an answer.
"If only."
The detached, distant expression on Saeyoung's face immediately melted away, replaced by one of awe, caution, fear, and wonder, as your lips began to peck at each and every one of his knuckles. Then his fingertips. Then his (bandaged) palm. You even nudged the injured side of his hand with your nose, gently so as not to aggravate the wound. "Nothing at all?"
His tearful golden eyes met yours directly as he whispered, "Maybe there's something after all."
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juminsmysticmc · 1 year
How will de RFA react to them calling them husband/wife before marriage. I like your writing 🫶🏻
RFA reacting to a Mc calling them Husband/ wife before Marriage
I did it again - I forgot about my own blog. I am so sorry :( but here you are, cutie! Hope you like it just as much as I did!
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,,But really, I still wonder why the heck you guys got married so quickly,’’ Zen asked, sighting as he sat opposite you at the round table. 
The RFA wanted to meet up for a private meeting, organized by you. 
,,I can answer this,’’ Jaehee said, her eyes were on fire as she lifted up her lenses. 
,,Because our lovely Mc,’’ her palm directed towards you ,,in an interview named Mr Han ,,my husband’’ and guess who liked the ring of it,’’ she smiled, she was there when it happened. 
You answered a question and named Jumin instead of fiancé ,,my husband’’ but quickly corrected to ,,fiancé’’ - something Jumin disliked. 
He was proud and excited to be named your husband, he loved the moment so deeply and Jaehee still had his bright, happy smile in front of her eyes, as well as his facial expression when you corrected yourself. 
And since he liked the ring of his soon-to-be name, he wanted to rush things. 
Jumin’s hand was entangled in yours, remembering that day brought memories up and he truly felt blessed. 
Zen nodded at Jaehee’s explanation. 
,,Mc, were you even okay with it?’’ he asked you, wondering if you even were allowed to decide anything in that marriage.
,,Yes, Jumin wouldn’t let me sleep in his bed beside him, I was craving for more and so I was happy over the rush,’’ you answered, making Zen choke. 
Jumin - your husband - was even prouder now. 
,,Zenny, you are so cuteeee!’’ you laughed, you were laying on top of him, both of you cuddling and wrestling softly. 
,,You are my cutie, princess. But don’t name me Zen or Zenny, let me be your Hy-’’ 
,,Husband? Oppa?’’ you asked him, looking deep into his red eyes. 
Zen had to process what you just said. 
You named him Husband. 
His face turned red, glowing and burning. 
He was getting embarrassed but slowly smiled. 
Hearing that out of your mouth gave him a new ring, and he liked it. 
,,Oh, sorry, you wanted to say Hyun, didn’t you? Of course I will,’’ you smiled and gave him a kiss on his soft lips. 
,,Now I am embarassed that I called you like that,’’ you laughed, turning red on your own. 
You quickly hid your face between his neck and his shoulder and hugged him stronger. 
,,Please, just forget it,’’ you begged him, sighing.
But Zen couldn’t think of anything else than your words, than the meaning which was held into the word ,,Husband’’. 
And now you would name him Hyun… 
,,Hello, I called earlier, I am here to see your engaged rings,’’ Zen said the next day to the lady in the jewelry shop. 
No way he was going to make you call him Hyun instead of Oppa.
He wanted an upgrade now. 
,,Seven years,’’ Yoosung sighed, giving your hand a squeeze. 
,,Yes, seven years, I can’t believe, that we already have been married for so long,’’ you chuckled. 
Suddenly you remembered something ,,Remember, when I came to the hospital while lunch break and asked your co-worker about your whereabouts?’’ you asked him, of course, he remembered. 
,,Yes, you asked about your husband, even though we still weren’t married,’’ he smirked. 
And everyone was angry with me that I didn’t tell them I was married,’’ he told you, remembering how embarrassed but happy he was when someone finally found him and told him that you, his wife, were waiting for you, only to find you with a similar redhead. 
And in that very moment, Yoosung made a decision - as soon as he had his day off, he wanted to buy you a well-deserved engagement ring. 
It was a hard day, after a shift of so many hours on your legs, your head was empty. 
The shop was booming, of course both of you, Jaehee and you, were thankful for that. 
However, you still had your challenges to keep it up. 
It was almost closing time when your friends Yoosung and Zen entered the coffee shop, ready to eat the last pieces of cakes that wouldn’t be sold anymore - probably. 
Actually, Yoosung was going to bring some to his family since neither of you wanted to throw them away. 
When Yoosung wanted to give you at least a bit of money, you shook your head. 
,,Even my wifey said no, so take it!’’ you laughed. 
Everyone stopped breathing, Yoosung and Zen both looked at your hand, eyes glued on your ringless finger while Jaehee’s cheeks slowly turned red. 
,,Wifey?’’ she asked you. 
However, you didn’t realize what you just said. 
,,Wifey?’’ you repeated, making Jaehee turn even deeper in red. 
The four of you were laughing, while you were denying your own words, Zen and Yoosung tried to assure you, that you just named her your wife. 
And Jaehee was trying - of course in secret - to find out if she still had your ring size from the latest jewelry order to ask you to become her real wife…
If someone would have told him that he would have pushed you from the couch for saying something cute, he would have shown that person his middle finger. 
But he couldn’t because he was currently pressing a cold ice pack on your throbbing head while his arm was holding your waist. 
,,I am so sorry,’’ he whispered, little kisses on your wet cheek. 
You were crying because of the pain, but you knew, that he didn’t mean it. 
You were still in pain though. 
,,I will never call you Oppa or Hubby,’’ you groaned, giving him a side-eye. 
He smiled apologetically. 
,,My hand moved on it’s own, of course, I loved it when you named me ,,Hubby’’... 
But I was so embarrassed…I just wanted to push you lightly, I didn’t mean to make you fall,’’ he confessed. 
You rolled your eyes. 
,,I know. But I would like to get a pre-divorce,’’ you kept teasing him. 
Of course, the little pain you were having was gone in a few hours but still, Saeyoung kept thinking a lot and a lot about this incident. 
He was thinking of a way of preventing something like this again and his only way was making it real - he had to become your real-life husband.
21.05.2023 // 11:56 MEST
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zennryu · 1 year
Ramen — 707 × Reader
Note: Just a little drabble to ease the ABSOLUTE HEARTBREAK I EXPERIENCED IN HIS ROUTE.
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Tap. Tap. Tap.
I woke up to the same sight before my eyes before I closed them. Tiredly, I shifted my gaze to the clock. 3:12 am.
"Did you eat dinner?" I asked quietly while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
1 second.
3 seconds.
5 seconds.
"No." Seven replied curtly while continuing to tap away on his keyboard. Cold as ever.
I sighed before walking towards the kitchen without saying another word. As I switched on the lights, I couldn't help but feel that the kitchen remained sadly dim despite the light on the ceiling. I scrolled through my phone, messages from the chatroom immediately coming to my attention. I sighed as i closed my phone.
"Let's see..aha! Perfect!" I grabbed the pack of instant ramen and turned on the stove. I quickly grabbed a few eggs before stopping abruptly to glance at the pile of empty Honey Buddha Chips on the trash. "What am I gonna do with you.." I sighed before smiling.
"Eat up. It tastes best when its cold." I said quietly as I placed the hot bowl of ramen on his table and sitting back down on the couch not far away from him to talk to yoosung and the others.
The continuous rhythm of tapping on keyboards continue. I don't dare look up. Scared to find that Seven won't really eat it as usual. I tried to keep a neutral expression on my face as I felt my chest swell in pain remembering the bright moments me and Seven spent on the chatrooms that was now shadowed by the cold atmosphere as he stared at his computer.
Tap. I heard the tapping stop with a sigh as I abruptly looked up over to him. Hope filled my heart at the sight before feeling it crack as I watched him bring the plate to the kitchen and heard a series of clanks.
Is he throwing it away..?
Rage filled my senses as I stood up feeling fed up before halting in my tracks.
"You didn't eat dinner either." was all he said as he faced me with now two bowls of the ramen I cooked.
I stood there shocked, unsure of how to react. I watched as a hesitant smirk spread across his features.
"I guess the God 707 Defender of Justice does need his meals too."
And just like that, in a room where not even a single bulb was on, it suddenly shined brighter.
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natasha-in-space · 2 months
Take Your Breath Away
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Pairing: Saeyoung/afab!reader;
Notes: !Minors do not interact! This one contains smut! Set in RAE timeline, with you getting together with Saeyoung after RAE takes place. Lots and LOTS of pet names. This was a gift fic to a friend, so keep that in mind while reading, as the dynamic between you and Saeyoung was written in a very deliberate way <3
Summary: No birthday is exactly the same, no matter how many years go by in your shared life with Saeyoung. Catching a private moment with your husband can be a bit difficult when there's a whole group of dear friends eager to celebrate yet another year of his life. Which is why a little private celebration was in order.
AO3 link - 8k words (what);
Credit: Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
Despite your hushed footsteps against the smooth, wooden floors of your apartment, you knew Saeyoung probably heard you already. Not that you minded. While sneaking up on him was fun, you had nothing to hide from him anymore. The surprise was ready and waiting. And this was just the ideal opportunity to finally bring your plans to reality.
His birthday was finally today, the day you had been anticipating for weeks now. Though, to prevent him from being overwhelmed with too much attention, you kept your excitement mostly to yourself up until now. From what you could observe of him over the years, Saeyoung was still only getting used to actually celebrating his birthday properly, so you naturally assumed that doing something big and loud wouldn't be something he'd be very happy with. And your wish was for him to spend his birthday with a smile on his face. This year around, his birthday just happened to be on your day off work as well, so you two could spend the entire day together for the first time in a long time.
Given that the rest of the day was set aside for Saeran and the RFA, you made the natural decision to arrange a private surprise that was only for you and him alone. Plus, Saeran seemed to approve of this idea, even creating a small gift for his brother that he entrusted to you to give him. Whether it was due to bashfulness or something else entirely.
It wasn't unusual for you both to be fully awake at midnight. Night was a special time for you, and not just because of the stars now sprinkled across the inky black void of the sky above, twinkling dimly against the bright lights of the city bellow. It was a time when the world slowed down, grew quiet, peaceful. A perfect time for meaningful conversations and sweet moments hidden away under the comforting solitude the night would bring with it. Many of the precious memories you now cherished dearly were made during the night. You supposed that was only natural, considering you both just happened to be night owls through and through, as opposed to Saeran and his beloved, who were more like a pair of early birds.
It was just you and Saeyoung in a cozy space you now called your home, no one to disturb you, and no one to steal the attention back onto themselves. The apartment was a perfect mix of peace and quiet, a welcome reprieve from all the hustle and bustle of the day prior in preparation for the twins' birthday party tomorrow. The living room of your apartment was already decorated for the celebration ahead, with balloons scattered about and a small collection of gifts from you, Saeran, Saeyoung, and Saeran's  partner already waiting on the shelves to be opened.
So, you take your chance while you still can.
"...Happy birthday, love," you whispered at last as you leaned over the back of the couch with cake in your hands, a small smile playing on your lips in anticipation of the upcoming reaction from your husband.
Upon seeing him looking up at you, you gave him a small giggle, knowing that his evident expression of surprise was mostly due to the small cake you had in your hands. Saeran made it himself only a day ago, but you did provide some assistance of your own. You both made sure that Saeyoung was kept in the dark about it up until today, though. When Saeran sought your advice on what gift to give to his big brother, you both decided that a present made by hand would be the best starting point, though it wasn't anything extravagant or expensive.
But Saeyoung had more than enough money for all three of you, after all.
As you placed the small cake on the coffee table, Saeyoung blinked up at you and swiftly glanced back at the clock hanging by the front door, squinting rather adorably. Without a doubt, it was just past midnight. June 11th. Today was the day of his birthday. And the day he was now officially 29 years of age.
Almost hitting his 30's.
"...Oh," Saeyoung blurted out, sounding slightly embarrassed, and immediately you sensed a slight feeling of guilt rising within him as he looks down at his lap for a split second, almost as if he wasn't sure what to say or how to react to your quiet congratulation. Feeling melancholic on this day, particularly at night, wasn't something new to him. Regardless, he quickly shook it off, smiled up at you, and swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you down onto his lap with practiced ease. "You didn't have to-"
"Oh hush," following his lead, you settled on his lap, giving him a small, affectionate smile. "It's your birthday. I want to treat you. Even if it's something small and intimate. I figured tomorrow will be mostly about Saeran and RFA, knowing you. So I wanted to make a little something just about you."
Saeyoung was only able to produce a small 'urgh' sound and shake his head in amusement, but you just laughed and winked at him cheekily. The way you were able to read him like an open book could be borderline unnerving to him at times. But hey, occasionally, he needed to be called out. And you were always eager to do just that, keeping him in check when needed.
"Touché... You know me way too well sometimes. It's unfair," he whined with a playful pout, wrapping his arms more securely around you and leaning back against the couch with a long sigh. Giving your cheek a small kiss, he looked back down at the small cake again, now resting nearby on the coffee table. "You made the cake yourself?"
"Nope! Saeran did. I know you're not as big on sweets as he is, but giving you another box of Dr Pepper seemed kind of ridiculous. Sometimes some good old sugar is not so bad, I think. Saeran worked hard on this for you," you chirped, perking up a bit after hearing about the cake. As you glanced between the dessert and Saeyoung, you smiled and tried your best to observe his reaction.
Saeyoung's eyes widened as he stared down at the cake, a whole cocktail of various emotions filling his gaze behind his thick glasses. That's a reaction you well enough expected of him, just letting him take his time before responding. Even after all these years, he was still adjusting to not being the one who took care of Saeran in their relationship. Saeyoung would often find himself feeling choked up and overwhelmed with even the slightest hint of affection from his younger twin. Even so, he was improving year by year. And you could not be prouder of him.
Considering the time and ingredients that Saeran invested in this little project of his, you were very proud of what he achieved after hours of tireless crafting. Compared to your brother-in-law, baking was not your strong suit. But buying a cake was just not the right choice for you either. So, you delegated that task to Saeran, while you observed him from the side and acted as his inexperienced baking assistant.
The cake was not particularly large or grandiose. Just a simple homemade cake that was medium-sized and decorated with cherries and delicate flowers made of frosting. Though you were certain that there was more hidden meaning involved here than you were aware of. Saeyoung was the one who needed to figure that out, however. The cake was also decorated with a few candles and a traditional 'Happy Birthday' written on top with syrup. Simple, but endearing nonetheless. There was also a small, neat envelope tucked next to it. Something Saeran added there as a sort of bonus. Out of respect, you haven't peeked inside yet.
"...Wow. Yeah. That is definitely a lot more incredible than giving me more Dr Pepper. He really went all out with this... And for me nonetheless," Saeyoung said eventually, chuckling under his breath and gazing down at the cake with softened eyes. He carefully picked up a small cherry from the top and popped it in his mouth, chewing on it with far more care than was necessary. He ended by licking the syrup off his lips after swallowing it. You tried not to stare excessively. You tried even harder to resist kissing him right then and there, but you were interrupted again by his warm voice: "Mm, it's really good! You said Saeran made it himself... how many times did he have to mess it up until this one?"
"Oh, he got it right on first try. Compared to us, he's practically a pastry chef," you groaned a bit, leaning back on his lap comfortably. "If I was to try and bake you a cake myself, it'd take me at least a dozen of ruined cakes before I'd get to something at least decent enough to eat."
Saeyoung snickered as he shook his head when he saw your pouty face. It was obvious that he'll be bothering you about that comment later. That was not important right now, though. He looked at the small envelope next to the cake, raising a curious eyebrow instead.
"And what's that?" he asked.
"Oh, a small letter he wrote for you!" you grinned after following his gaze, looking back down at his face with a small, knowing twinkle in your eye. "-Yeah, yeah, I know it's a bit silly and cliché, considering you'll see him tomorrow morning. But I think it's sweet. Plus, it's something for you to keep and return to! The cake will be eaten, after all."
Saeyoung's expression was once again one of surprise before he reached out to take the envelope and study it.
"...Wow. You guys are... really spoiling me this year 'round. I didn't even hit 30 yet," he chuckled softly, looking back up at you. "Will I finally get a kitten next year, then?"
You only laughed at that, giving his shoulder a playful push, to which he shot you a cheeky grin of his own: "Don't get cocky."
This was the usual banter between you two, one that was familiar and comfortable.
Without further ado, Saeyoung carefully opened the top of the envelope and extracted the letter that was folded inside. He opened it and held it in front of him while quietly reading it fully, his expression changing occasionally as his eyes moved through the written words. You got closer, Saeyoung turning the letter to ensure both of you could read it.
Saeran did state to you that it was not particularly noteworthy. Just a written expression of his feelings, since he found it easier to express himself like this, instead of using direct words. You understood that perfectly.
The letter read: 'Dear Hyung. Whether you are reading this on the very day you were given this letter, or sometime later, I can stay assured that what I wrote in here remains true. I want to wish you a happy birthday. I never thought I would get a chance to say that to you like this, much less for so many years in a row. And not with us both now being adults. You were always my pillar of strength and my other half, as far back as I can remember. I used to be so full of anger at that... So full of anger, and of hurt, but I'm wiser now. In part, thanks to you. I know now that you were always there for me. You were always thinking of me, just as I was thinking of you. We were always connected. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, Hyung. And I'm grateful to be your twin. I wish to be your pillar of strength now. I want you to know that you can rely on me with whatever that may trouble you. There's no need for you to hide your true self from me anymore. Ah... It's tradition to make wishes on birthdays, right? I suppose I should wish you something... And I think I want to wish you peace, Hyung. You've fought long and hard for my sake. I want you to rest now, with me, and Y/N, and RFA. I wish for you to find your promise of happiness, as I did mine. Maybe we'll even share it, like we shared everything. Let's eat some ice cream tomorrow. I can't wait to watch the clouds with you - Saeran :) ❁ '
Saeyoung slowly placed the letter on his lap all while still observing the handwriting, his fingertips tracing over the scribbled words, feeling the settled ink under his skin. His expression softened significantly, his usual relaxed face now filled with a strange mixture of fondness and... something else you couldn't quite put your finger on. Something fragile.
"God... You two are going to make me cry on my own birthday..." he muttered quietly, raising his hand to rub a bit at his eye, on which you did not comment to avoid embarrassing him. With clear tenderness in his movements, he folded up the letter and placed it aside before wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your shoulder with a deep, shaky sigh. "He sure has a way with words, doesn't he?"
His voice was muffled by your shoulder, but you heard him loud and clear nonetheless, his words laced with familial affection you loved so much. Your stomach was fluttering at the precious moment between you. Seeing these brothers reconnect and rebuild their relationship step by step always made you feel incredibly happy for them both.
They deserved to live in peace.
You laughed softly, wrapping your own arms around his torso and giving him a small hug in return. Your heart was warmed by the knowledge that Saeran's words have truly touched him. You knew how important this was to Saeyoung, after all.
"Yeah, he sure does. But all he wrote in there is true, you know?" you hummed while tilting your head to the side to nuzzle into his hair, feeling the soft curls tickling your cheeks. "He want you to be happy. As do I."
Saeyoung sighed hesitantly, raising his head and pulling back slightly to gaze up at you again. His expression appeared vulnerable, almost teary-eyed. Although you weren't surprised by that, it still made your heart lurch a bit. Reaching out, you cupped his cheek tenderly, to which he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, making you smile.
"I am happy," he responded, his voice soft. "You make me happy. You and Saeran. You are my two angels I will treasure forever."
You giggled at that sentiment as you leaned in to gently rest your forehead against his, allowing him to bask in this moment of genuine affection he was still trying to adjust to sometimes.
"You're the angel in my eyes, love. Maybe all four of us are angels. Wouldn't that be sweet? A featherly family of four. Although, that would be pretty dusty."
Saeyoung laughed at that, letting out a couple of small sniffles here and there, and you let him, not saying a word. After a few minutes of comfortable silence have passed between you, you pull back and settle on his lap as he looks up at you. You gave him a more cheerful smile.
"-We just wanted to give you something that would show you how much we care. This is your day, as much as Saeran's," a sheepish grin tugged at the corners of your lips as you shrugged. "...And I won't lie that I didn't want to sneak in a small private moment, just for the two of us. I want you to be happy, too, you know?"
Saeyoung was quiet for a second, a somewhat pensive look now falling over his face... before he shook his head and leaned back against the couch with a small huff.
"Well... there is something I'm not very happy about."
You blinked and tilted your head to the side curiously.
"What's that?"
With a soft exhale and a growing smirk, he suddenly tightened his strong arms around your waist and pulled you in towards him: "...You're wearing too many clothes."
After a brief pause, you blinked once more and raised your brows incredulously. Well, that was random. Still, this wouldn't be the first time Saeyoung caught you off-guard. Far from it, actually. As you looked down at him with a knowing smile, you chuckled softly.
"...Aren't you going to try out the cake first? Saeran worked hard on it, you know."
You let out a small pouty sigh, quickly falling into step with a familiar game you two would play with each other whenever things got a bit heated.
Saeyoung raised his eyebrow at you and rolled his eyes with a playful whiff.
"Oh, I'll save it. I want to show it off to everyone tomorrow! Plus, it wouldn't feel right just eating it by myself like this. I want to do that with you and Saeran," he whispered, running his hand up and down your back while observing the cake with one last thoughtful look. And just like that, his attention was now fully on you, his golden eyes twinkling alluringly in the dim light of the nearby lamp. "...Not to mention, I'm not sure if I'll be thinking about the cake right now when I have something way better to bite into right in front of me…"
Despite his words and actions making your body shiver slightly, you giggled again. While still sitting on his lap, you rested your palms on his chest and gazed down at him, quite enjoying this view of him from above.
You could get used to this.
"Well, I suppose that's one way to start your birthday off," you mused playfully in an overdramatic show of reluctance, your voice dropping an octave or two, growing more hushed and sensual in nature, the tension between you two rising steadily. Like a small spark of fire steadily growing in size and shining brighter with every second.
With a radiant grin now plastered on his face, Saeyoung slid his hands down to grab your thighs and pull your body taut against his, eliciting a tiny gasp of surprise from you: "Get over here then, starshine."
You just smiled at that, enjoying the teasing sensation of his hands now trailing up and down your thighs. Then, unexpectedly, his palms slid around to grasp your at backside, making you jolt and squeak far louder than you would have liked to. A response that was clearly in his favor, judging by the burst of laughter that rumbled in his chest as you shot him an embarrassed glare. Before you could open your mouth to grumble, he interrupted you.
"-And, frankly, this is the best way to start off my birthday," you could feel the slight vibrations of his voice reverberating in his chest in your palms, the noticeably deeper tone of it quickly making your head start to get all fuzzy. "And also my favorite way."
God, you loved it when he talked like that.
With a gentle tug, Saeyoung grasped the back of your thighs with his hands, pulling you in closer and shifting your position until you were sitting more directly on top of his legs. He then gently rocked you forward, grounding you against the growing erection straining in his jeans, your fingers grasping at his shirt in response. The way your voices merged together into one intimate melody in the form of a shared gasp that left your lips' was truly dizzying, in the best way possible. He gently moved his hands up your sides and then slipped them under the edge of your shirt to feel the warmth of your bare skin under his fingertips, your back arching into his touch.
The way your body felt in his hands was something you absolutely adored, as if it was made to fit into his arms. His expert care left your body buzzing with the rising heat of desire that blossomed between your thighs as you shivered in his grasp. It was nothing new, Saeyoung was always a highly perceptive person. It was only natural that this trait of his translated into the bedroom as well. What he lacked in skill and experience, he would compensate with attentiveness to your body's responses and eagerness to learn. Over the years, he has truly mastered the art of making you come undone in so many wonderful ways. As you did with him.
As his lips glided across your neck, you closed your eyes and tilted your head to the side to give him more space to work with, sighing lightly. His lips left a heated trail of small kisses up the side of your neck, before pressing directly against your ear.
"I need you, buttercup," Saeyoung whispered in a deep, hoarse voice. "Right now."
"...Shouldn't I be the one treating you, though?" you contemplated quietly, raising one of your hands to comb through his curly hair, eliciting a pleased hum from him that caused you to shiver in turn. "It is your birthday, after all. Not mine. You should be getting all the attention tonight."
"Oh, you're more than welcome to treat me," Saeyoung murmured softly against your skin, his warm breath creating a tickling sensation on your neck as he moved his lips downwards, planting kisses towards the lower part of your throat, nearing your collarbone. "It's just that my favorite treat just happens to be you."
His hands firmly gripped your thighs again, gently massaging the soft flesh with growing greediness that always tended to come out of him whenever you two got intimate. A greediness you've always welcomed happily. Then, gradually, he moved up to your hips and settled on the small area of exposed skin between your pajamas shorts and shirt. His lips now touched your collarbone, leaving a trail of lovebites in their wake, then moved towards your shoulder, all while his fingers started to trace back and forth along the border of your shorts, gently touching the delicate skin there. It was impossible to focus on anything but his smothering presence overwhelming your every sense. Not that you wanted to. You would happily drown in his touch, each and every time.
"-Besides," he mumbled, his breath warm against your skin. "You're all I want, anyways. As long as I have you right here, with me, I'm good for the rest of my life, trust me on that."
Despite the circumstances, you managed to give out a hearty laugh at that.
"...You are such a dork," you said with an obvious fondness in your voice, shaking your head at him slightly. You glided your finger across his black button-up, tracing his chest where it was casually unbuttoned, the small shiver that ran through his body at your delicate touch making you grin to yourself. After all, he was just as affected by you as you were by him.
"Well you married this dork, thank you very much," Saeyoung smirked as his own finger trailed down your chest in return, mimicking your gesture. With a mix of love and longing in his eyes, he raised his head and looked up at you. "And this dork needs you bad, right now."
"Well, who am I to deny the birthday boy?"
With that, you slid down and gently cupped his cheek with the palm of your hand, pressing your lips against his at long last, tasting the sweet cherry flavor on his tongue with a pleased hum. A gentle sound of pleasure rumbled in the back of Saeyoung's throat as he immediately reciprocated the kiss with equal fervor.
You quickly molded your body into his as you shared a tender, lingering kiss that only grew in passion as seconds trickled by. Although he was clearly more than eager to move on to the next step with you right away, the affectionate and unhurried kisses seemed just perfect as they were. He slowly moved his hands up your abdomen, lifting your shirt as he went and feeling the warmth of your skin beneath his touch. You effortlessly lifted your arms for him, allowing him to smoothly remove your shirt from your body. Breaking off the kiss only for a moment, he swiftly did just that, discarding it somewhere on the floor, and then pulled you back in closer for another kiss, seemingly unwilling to be away from your lips for too long at a time.
Your seamless communication without any words being spoken was clear on display as you acted in perfect harmony with each other, your bodies moving as one. There was a certain beauty in that. To lose yourself in another's warmth and touch, letting yourself surrender and become a part of something special. A testament to the years of trust and experiences together.
Or maybe you were being a bit too sappy for your own good.
As Saeyoung pulled you closer for yet another kiss, your fingertips skillfully unbuttoned at his own shirt, gently brushing away the soft fabric to caress his warm chest, his skin smooth under your fingertips.
Saeyoung let out a soft moan into the kiss, feeling your hands trace over his muscles and scars reverently. By this point, you knew his body in all of its tiniest of details, as he did yours. Every freckle, every scar, every dip and crevice. You knew the stories behind all of his scars, shared in quiet conversations under the cloak of the night.
His scars were a reminder of his perseverance. And they made him that much more beautiful to you.
Meanwhile, his own hands eagerly explored your body, firmly grasping and squeezing in all the right places to make you jolt and shudder against him, as he explored the contours of your figure he already knew so well.
Saeyoung gently broke the kiss and looked back at you, his eyes now fully glazed over as you two panted, regaining your breathing from the heated exchange that just took place between you two. You shivered as you saw his lips, now plump and reddened as a result of your own actions, his cheeks dusted with a pretty shade of cherry-red that made his freckles even more prominent, the shade of his blush almost matching that fiery hair of his you loved so much.
He looked good enough to eat like that.
"You always know how to take my breath away, starshine..."
Saeyoung leaned up and gave you a gentle peck on the cheek that made your heart flutter in your chest. Then, he moved his hands lower to take hold of your ass again, but this time, with clear intention rather than a mere tease. He began to lift you up effortlessly, to which you only gave him a questioning look, but went along with it nonetheless, wrapping your arms around his neck and hooking you legs over his hips to help him out. He grinned at that, giving you another quick, appreciative kiss. This time, on the tip of your nose.
He carefully guided you off his lap and instead positioned you onto the coffee table next to the cake, settling you down with your back against the armrest of the couch and your lower body now resting comfortably on the edge of the table.
Your breath caught audibly as you observed his every movement with reverence. Your eyes were half-lidded, just as captivated by him and perfectly oblivious to everything and anything else in the room at this moment. You couldn't control it even if you wanted to; he was incredibly attractive, almost painfully so. Since that first silly selfie he sent to you in the chatroom all those years ago, you had always believed that to be the unrebukable truth. And even after everything you have experienced together over the past few years, he still managed to leave you utterly breathless.
His own expression was almost mesmerized and he smirked a bit to himself, taking in the captivating sight before him.
"Told you my favorite part of my birthday is already right here," he whispered softly while sinking down on his knees in front of you.
"Jesus, Saeyoung..." you exhaled shakily, your heart pounding all the way up in your temples, a mix of excitement and admiration gripping at your chest.
His hands rested on your thighs, his thumbs gently caressing the smooth skin there. Gradually, Saeyoung parted your legs, positioning himself between them, and lifting your legs to rest comfortably on his shoulders.
As he gazed up at you with amber eyes now darkened by desire, he formed a knowing smile that almost made you whimper from the sight of it alone.
Even though you tried your best, you wriggled impatiently on the coffee table while he touched you, kneeling before you in such a breathtaking manner. The mere sight of him in that position for you ignited a strong sense of lust within you, and it only intensified with every passing moment. However, you held off on the urge to rush him - as you usually do with him - even though you knew he wouldn't mind you being demanding with him. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Your knuckles turned white as you tightly grasped the edge of the coffee table, your breathing inevitably quickening in anticipation and making your heart beat ever faster, pounding against your ribcage and sending blood pumping to the growing knot of desire in the pit of your stomach.
"You look just like an angel like that, you know..." Saeyoung whispered, not at all helping with your growing state of lust-filled turmoil.
With that, he bent down to plant a series of kisses along the sensitive inner flesh of your calves, slowly moving up to your inner thighs, towards the aching spot between your legs where you needed him most. He firmly grasped at your thighs with his fingers, holding them open for him while he gently and sensually kissed up, nearing the edge of your silky shorts. The warmth and scent of you were driving him wild, intensifying his craving for more, to bury his face between your thighs and taste you on his tongue.
However, he, too, refrained for now. He made sure to spend enough time with you to savor you like you deserved, kissing you gently everywhere but where you really wanted him, until he breathed on the thin fabric covering your core.
"...Are you seriously about to eat me out on your birthday? Like I said, it should be me treating you, not the other way around," you murmured, your voice hoarse and breathy, a clear sign of your ever-increasing arousal.
"But you are treating me," Saeyoung said matter-of-factly, his breath touching your skin. "And this is the best treat you can give me, love bug, trust me."
He was driving you crazy, dear god.
You couldn't quite understand what had gotten into him today, but you definitely weren't complaining in the slightest. His every action caused your breath to catch in your throat and your chest to fill with nervous excitement for what would happen next. Seeing him in this state, kneeling between your legs, so eager and willing to taste you without you even having to ask...
Wow, you really hit the jackpot with him, huh? Though, it's not like you were unaware of that. But it was truly surprising to you that he was doing this for you on his own birthday. By all accounts, it should have been you pleasuring him, not the other way around. And yet, he was more than eager to focus on you instead. That damn lovable goofball.
Your breath was shaky, and your hand instinctively reached down to gently stroke his hair, wishing to show him some of your affection and gratitude, to which you felt him hum appreciatively against you, making your legs shake a bit.
Saeyoung moved closer, positioning his face directly between your legs now. He lowered his head and nuzzled his cheek against one of your thighs, taking a moment to just breathe in your scent and soak in your warmth. Then, slowly and deliberately, he turned his head and planted a firm kiss directly on your clothed core. He could feel the heat practically radiating from you by this point, and he made a soft sound of approval, closing his eyes for a moment to just enjoy the feel of you.
In a way, it was to remind himself that you were really here. Real. Even now, he would still find himself doubtful and paranoid of this fragile happiness you have built with him so generously. The mere fact that you have chosen to give your heart to him was a miracle he will cherish for the rest of his days on this Earth, of that, he was certain.
The least he could do was make you feel good like this. Show you his appreciation through his touch. Ravish you like you deserve.
Saeyoung leaned closer, pressing his face against you, sensing the dampness that could already be felt through the soft fabric of your thin shorts. He raised his head slightly to lock eyes with you, then trailed his nose along the curve of your hip, feeling the soft fabric of your shorts against his skin.
The eye contact was just too much.
"Can we please get these shorts off me?" you whined softly, uncertain how much longer you could handle being teased like this, even though you knew he wasn't doing it intentionally.
Saeyoung chuckled at your request, his warm breath tickling your skin. He obviously noticed how your body trembled with every movement, and it only fueled his desire to playfully taunt you with all that he had. However, right now, he only wanted to taste you, to make you come undone for him, above all else.
"Roger that, my lovely 606," he whispered in a hushed and raspy voice. "Lift up for me, starshine."
You complied without any extra guidance needed, raising your hips from the table all while taking in the familiar combination of nervousness and eagerness buzzing in your chest.
Saeyoung took a moment to appreciate the sight before him, admiring you in your vulnerable state. Your body was now fully exposed to him, laid out, and ready for him to enjoy. He slowly moved his hands up your legs, observing how your muscles responded to his touch, twitching and tensing in anticipation. With care, he hooked his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and smoothly pulled them down along with your underwear, discarding the soft pieces of clothing along with your shirt in a messy pile on the floor. As soon as you were completely bare from the waist down, Saeyoung moved closer and placed his hands back on your hips. Without much delay, he once again buried his face between your thighs, no more barriers getting in the way of his desire.
You trembled a bit, attempting to avoid squeezing your legs together around his head. A soft whimper escaped your mouth as you felt him finally touch you where you needed him most, your heart pounding in your chest, your pulse reverberating in your temples. You reached down with one hand and gently stroked his hair again, not tugging at it quite yet. Though it will probably happen eventually as the night progresses. His hair would always end up a mess after this. A very lovely looking, fiery mess.
As Saeyoung exhaled, his breath was hot and heavy against your folds, feeling the warmth and wetness now pressed directly against his nose. He had no shame in expressing his enjoyment of it all. He couldn't contain himself and let out a soft, eager moan as he savored the first taste of you, his tongue quickly getting to work as he swiped it between your folds in a painfully slow motion, savoring the feel of you against him.
He observed how your muscles tightened as a result of his ministrations, the sounds of your soft gasps going straight to his groin as he fought back the urge to squirm on his spot. This was about you. He'll get his share later. He gently glided his hands down from your hips to your thighs, encouraging you to relax.
"Relax, buttercup," Saeyoung murmured against you, his warm breath touching your core and making you tremble. "Just let me treat you..."
He turned and placed a few more leisurely, heated kisses on the inside of your thighs before diving back in, his whole mouth now fully on you, leaving nothing to imagination. He savored your taste with a deep, primal moan as he finally got what he wanted. His gentle pressure on your legs kept them apart for him, his hands holding you firmly while you twitched uncontrollably, keeping you exposed to him.
His tongue gently teased at your entrance, gathering some more of your juices, then moved higher to circle around your clit, his lips sucking on it gently, his gaze now fully focused on your face.
As you threw your head back with a needy moan, you realized that this was going to be a long night.
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Taking deep, unsteady breaths, you tried your best to soothe your pounding heart and the lingering tremors that were a stark reminder of your passionate lovemaking that took place only minutes prior. With you now resting on Saeyoung's chest, you both reclined on the couch, gradually regaining your composure.
You finally broke the comfortable silence by letting out a soft chuckle after a while.
"So... That's certainly one way to start off a birthday," you repeated your earlier words, your fingers drumming against his bicep lightly.
The sound of Saeyoung's breathless laughter quietly vibrated within his chest as you rested against him. He smiled at you, tracing delicate designs on your skin, his hands gently stroking your back.
"One of the best birthdays I've had, I'd say," he said with a slightly hoarse voice as a result of your previous activities together. Though, you loved how he sounded when he was like this. All breathless, a bit raspy, and gravely. Because of you.
He adjusted his position slightly, bringing you in closer to him, relishing in the messy sensation of your sweaty, naked body against his. He tucked his face into your hair, taking a moment to unwind and soak up the warm afterglow with you. This time, he was the one who broke the silence, his voice now being more gentle and contemplative than playful: "...Seriously, though, what did I do to deserve an angel like you, hm?"
You expressed your irritation by rolling your eyes and playfully bumping his bare chest with your fist.
"Hey, none of that. Especially on your birthday. Or I'll have to kiss you senseless to shut you up for good."
Saeyoung's eyes were quick to sparkle with lighthearted mischief as he grinned up at you: "...Is that supposed to be a threat, starshine? Because I'm afraid I won't mind that at all."
He reached out to gently hold your chin, tilting your head back a little, his lips hovering mere inches from your own.
"Maybe you'll give me a demonstration, my little alien? Shut me up, will you?" he whispered, his eyes filled with silent challenge for you. One that you took with not much thought.
"Gladly," you chuckled, leaning in and securing his lips in a soft, lingering kiss as the afterglow of your latest lovemaking washed over you in a pleasant, relaxing buzz in your achy muscles.
Your affection was immediately reciprocated, with Saeyoung emitting a soft moan and tightening his grip on your chin ever so slightly. Your lips touching his so gently and unhurriedly created a warm and contented sensation that has wrapped his heart in a soothing embrace he was unwilling to let go of. Gradually, he turned you both over, positioning your back against the couch, all without interrupting the kiss. His body now towered over yours.
Gradually, what started out as a simple press of your lips against his has escalated into a full-blown makeot session, with Saeyoung's tongue entering your mouth and savoring your taste all over again, never once getting tired of it. After all, he would often find himself getting insatiable when it came to you. He firmly grasped your waist with one of his hands, keeping you close to him.
His embrace made you tremble, as his passionate kisses caused your breath to get caught up in your throat all over again. However, you still retained enough awareness to pull back a bit, placing your hands on his chest, and gazing up at him with glazed over eyes and flushed cheeks. In this moment, Saeyoung appeared absolutely stunning. He was positioned above you, with the light from the ceiling creating a tinted shadow over his face, his skin glistening from the thin layer of sweat covering his body.
Now that's a sight for sore eyes.
"I can't get enough of you..." he murmured against your lips once he pulled away, his breaths shaky against your lips, his voice deep and husky once again. "Never could. Never will."
With genuine affection in your gaze, you gently stroked his cheek, letting out a soft, shaky giggle.
"I still want to be able to walk straight tomorrow for your birthday party, you know."
Saeyoung chuckled quietly at that, the sound resonating deep within his chest. Leaning closer, he was clearly enjoying the sensation of your touch on his cheek, even closing his eyes in contentment. At this point, he would likely be vibrating with his entire body, if only he could purr. A thought that made you laugh to yourself with amusement.
"Eh, can't promise anything, love bug," he whispered back with a slight playful smirk now playing on his lips.
His hand, which was previously resting idly on your waist, glided down to your inner thigh, applying gentle pressure and caressing the delicate skin there, but not doing anything more than that.
Nonetheless, you expressed your disapproval by lightheartedly rolling your eyes at him and adjusting your position slightly to raise yourself up onto your elbows.
"Come on, we do need some strength for tomorrow," you gave his cheek a gentle kiss. "Let's go start up a bath and go to bed for tonight. It's almost 2 am now, anyways."
Saeyoung gave out an overdramatic sigh, feigning disappointment. His eagerness for a second round was evident, maybe even a third, if you were willing to let him. Nonetheless, he did acknowledge that you both indeed needed some rest.
"You're right, you're right," he conceded. Before getting up from the couch, he gave you one last kiss on the lips. "I'll get the bath ready, you go get the towels, deal?"
He caught one last sight of you swiftly standing up after him and walking away to get the towels and spare clothes for you both. His eyes scanned over your body, appreciating your every movement and the way your skin glowed smoothly in the light of the apartment, noticing the small marks he had left on you. He sighed once more and then entered the bathroom to begin preparing for the bath.
Meanwhile, you retrieved some towels and pajamas for both of you to change into after the bath. Satisfied, you headed back to the bathroom with pep in your step, eagerly anticipating the simple pleasure of relaxing in the warm, soapy water, ending this already wonderful evening on a very positive note.
When you entered the room, Saeyoung quickly turned his head to look at you, flashing you a wide grin.
"You can set those on the counter!"
He pointed towards the towels while still adjusting the water in the bathtub to ensure the temperature was just perfect for you. After turning off the faucet, he stepped away from the bathtub and observed the gentle movement of the bubbly water against the sides.
Unable to resist, he stole another appreciative glance at you, his eyes fixating on your physique before finally speaking again: "...You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days looking like that, starshine."
With clear disbelief, you looked over at him and raised your brows incredulously.
"...I'm literally just standing here, love."
Your blunt response was clearly more than amusing to him, as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back against the counter: "Oh, I know. You just look angelic doing absolutely nothing, buttercup."
You entered the soothing bath with a slight snort and a shake of your head, exhaling a satisfied sigh as the fragrant water cleansed your sweaty body. The sweet scent of blackberry quickly surrounded you in a pleasant cloud of tranquility, and you even found yourself closing your eyes in pure bliss.
As you immersed yourself in the water, Saeyoung's eyes once again scanned over your body, observing your every move with warm affection in his gaze. Nonetheless, his attention was still directed towards the various marks he was the direct cause of: proof of his existence now scattered across your skin like a temporary tattoo. Small marks in the shape of his lips and fingers that were now turning a pretty shade of red thanks to the heat from the water. A familiar feeling of fulfillment rose within him at the sight, knowing that he had left his trace on you, that you were his in body and spirit, as much as he was completely yours in turn. He was even tempted to leave a few more, but he realized it was far too late in the night to bother you with that. You both needed to rest, and above all, he just wanted to hold you in his arms and feel your warmth.
"Hey, scooch forward a bit. I'm getting in," he said, tilting his head toward the water.
And that was exactly what you did, quickly adjusting your position in the bathtub and gazing up at him with a small smile of anticipation, waiting for him to join you at last.
Saeyoung stepped closer to the bathtub until he was right behind you, and then slowly lowered himself into it, taking a seat and wrapping his arms securely around your waist. He drew you in toward his chest, keeping you close and placing you snuggly between his legs.
"Mmm. Much better," he whispered to you softly, nesting his face into your neck and planting a few light kisses on your skin. "God, I love holding you like this, starshine."
As you leaned back against him, a gentle smile tugged at the corners of your lips, letting out a contented sigh. The delightful aroma of the soapy water and the affectionate touch of your husband had you in a truly happy mood. Taking a bath together was like shooting two birds with one stone: both cleansing yourself as well as finding solace in one another after engaging in some rather intense activities with him. You gently rested your hand on one of his arms, which encircled your waist beneath the water and kept it there, your thumb running over his skin in slow circles.
As he leaned back against the bathtub, Saeyoung felt the sensation of your warm skin against his chest, almost completely pressing against you. He slowly moved his hands down your sides, gently touching your skin while he buried his face in your hair.
"Happy birthday, Saeyoung," you said in a hushed voice.
His warm breath touching your ear, Saeyoung released a gentle laugh.
"You already gave me the best gift I could ask for," he replied, the tone of his voice deep and playful. He delicately held the lower part of your jaw and tilted your head upwards before planting a series of slow, leisurely kisses on your neck after shifting one of his hands from your side. "...You."
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wolfprincesszola · 11 months
"Do you want a kiss?" | 707 x Reader
I couldn't think of anything else for the summary because I wanted it to be vague. Have a first kiss scene that's so cute that it makes my teeth rot every time I read it. I smiled so much when I wrote it that people in my house started to ask me if I was texting an s/o (i'm single asf). If you are one of my irl mutuals who know about my obsession with 707, no, you don't see this. Scroll away. (candy fic just in time for halloween <3) ————– Summary: You offer Saeyoung a kiss and he gladly takes the opportunity.
Trigger Warnings: None
Content Warnings: Food (Chocolate), Light Swearing (only one) ————–
"Do you want a kiss?"
707 choked on the water he had been drinking, quickly putting the cup down and going to grab a napkin to wipe his mouth and the remnants of the water that had gotten on his clothes. His voice cracked as he turned to you with confusion, "What?"
"Are you alright?" You asked, staring at him with concern etched on your face.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." 707 brushed it off as he joined you on the couch, "I must've just heard you wrong."
Yeah, that was it. His lovely, innocent girlfriend wouldn't have suggested for them to share your first kiss right then and there.
"Do you want a kiss?" You blinked innocently, enunciating the words so that 707 wouldn't misunderstand you again. "What did you hear?"
Nope. He heard you correctly.
"I heard you correctly, I guess. I'm sorry, that's just such an odd question to ask when I'm drinking water."
"Why?" You raised an eyebrow, "It's something that people normally ask."
707 couldn't help but question the people you had been hanging around and debating trying to take you away from you friends without knowing the full story. Who had been asking you to kiss them and would 707 be able to take them in a fight?
"I don't know. I just never thought that you would be the one to ask me that first. I guess I also thought that it'd be in a more romantic setting than this."
You raised an eyebrow before glancing around the room, "Sitting in the living room together domestically isn't romantic enough for you? I guess I could present it down on one knee too..."
"No, no! There's no need." 707 laughed nervously, stopping you from getting down on one knee, "This is fine. This is romantic enough already."
"Besides, not everything we do has to be romantic." You hummed, smiling at 707, "What are you so nervous about? It's just me asking you if you wanted one. It's okay to say no."
Why weren't you freaking out about this? Why were you treating this like nothing? Had you done this before? Was he ready to make the move? What if he was bad? What if he was horrible and then you wanted to dump him? What if he messed things up because he had agreed to a kiss? Was he overthinking this?
Looking at your nonchalant face, he definitely was.
"It's okay to say no, Saeyoung." You repeated, "You don't have to say yes to make me happy. I don't care either way."
"You don't?" 707 raised an eyebrow.
It wasn't the earliest stage of your relationship together as the two of you had been together for more than half a year already. However, you still had yet to do many things. It took you two almost three months to start holding hands even because of the anxiety 707 held and the inability to make a move you had. You two were fine with the slow pace you were going at though. It was nice and a fresh breath of air from the constant whirling of the rollercoaster life took you two on.
"Of course I don't. Why would I?"
"Well because I just assumed that you never had one before, so this would be as big of a deal for you as it is for me." 707 admitted, "Are you telling me you have?"
You stared at 707 as if he was insane, "Everyone I knew has had one, especially in your elementary school days. Don't tell me you've never had one."
"Of course I haven't! You know me. I mean, you're my first girlfriend."
You raised an eyebrow, "What does that have to do with ever having a kiss?"
707 flushed, knowing that he had greatly assumed that if you had already had your first kiss, it had to have been from your previous boyfriend. 707 did not know a single thing about your ex, but wanted to strangle him for ruining the experience of you ever sharing your first kiss with 707. Great, you had officially turned 707 into a homicidal maniac, ready to kill anyone that got in the way of his relationship. "You're right, it doesn't."
"But you're serious about that? You've never had your first kiss?" You seemed appalled by the statement.
"Somehow I doubt that."
"What? You think I'm so likeable that people are just lining up to give me kisses?" 707 accused you.
"Well, yeah! You're the Saeyoung Choi. You're my boyfriend. If I like you, that means that there had to have been several friends of yours that have offered you them." You scoffed, "I mean, I'm not very much of a likeable person and I still had people offer them to me."
"Did you take the offers?"
"Of course I did! It was free kisses. Why wouldn't I?"
"You whore!" 707 scoffed, amusement clearly sparkling his eyes with no malicious intent to the comment.
He was surprised though. For someone who seemed very new and innocent to the relationship idea just like he was, you sure had a lot of experience if you had kissed many people. 707 felt a little jealous at the fact that he wouldn't be your first kiss, although he knew that his thinking was silly. You were his and would always be his for as long as he cherished you. He didn't have to worry about you accepting anyone's offers to kiss anyone while you two were together. There was at least that.
"What? You're telling me you've always refused it when people have offered them to you? I completely doubt that's true." You examined 707 for body signals to show that he was lying.
"They've never offered them to me." 707 admitted, "Unfortunately."
"You never bought any either?"
"Why would I? The booths are just overpriced for something I know I'll experience in time."
"Weirdly poetic for something as small as a kiss." You smirked, "Would you like to try it now?"
His heart started to pound. Was this really happening? Was he really going to kiss you for the first time?
"More than anything." He breathed out as he stared at you. "I just...what if I mess up?"
"Mess up?" You raised an eyebrow, "I doubt you can mess up at this."
"Says who?"
"Says me, who has gotten plenty of kisses in the past!" You giggled.
"Well, I've never had one before, so I don't know what to do."
You stared at your boyfriend before exhaling in amusement, "Alright, fine. I'll help you out. Move your phone, I'm going to sit on your lap."
"O-oh, okay." 707 cleared his throat as he moved his phone, trying not to show his flushed face. You straddled him, your legs in between 707's as you were facing him. 707 wrapped his arms around you to keep you from falling off. "How do I do this?"
"Just relax and close your eyes." You instructed.
707 did just that, feeling the darkness comforting him. He really hoped that you couldn't hear just how loud his heart was pounding.
"Open your mouth."
707 let confusion wash over his face as he emphasized every word to make sure he knew what you were saying, "Open my mouth?"
"Open your mouth." Your voice remarked as he could hear crinkling of something.
"Why would that be beneficial in any way, Y/N?" 707's voice had raised from confusion all the way to bewilderedness.
"Just do it, babe, before I force your mouth open. That's the correct way." You remarked.
"Alright, alright." 707 sighed before letting his jaw open, feeling you move yourself closer to him and his mouth. There seemed to be no more sounds of crinkling as something--your fingers--brushed against his lips. His heartbeat fastened as he was waiting for your lips to close in on his.
Then, he tasted chocolate.
Sweet, creamy, and velvety chocolate. It had the same distinct taste that Hershey's chocolate kisses had.
Oh...that's what you meant. His eyes fluttered open as he looked at you, smiling.
"How is it?"
707 burst out laughing, pulling you close so that he could bury his face into your chest in embarrassment. "Oh my universe. Y/N, you're so innocently sweet. Just like this kiss."
"What?" You laughed, pushing 707 gently off of you so that you could look at his face, "What are you talking about?"
"I thought you were talking about an actual kiss, not a Hershey's. I've had plenty of chocolate kisses before." 707 brushed a hair out of your face as he waited for the recognition to hit you.
"Huh? Oh-OH!" Your eyes widened as you burst out laughing too. "Is that why you were so flustered and nervous?"
"What else was I supposed to think when you just randomly offered me that?"
"The treat! I didn't think you would think of that!"
"Clearly not." 707 gasped for air as he finally finished the chocolate in his mouth before he could choke on it. He cupped your cheeks, "My innocent, sweet girlfriend."
"Shut up." You huffed, "So you're telling me you've had a Hershey's kiss before?"
"Yes, plenty."
"But not a kiss on the lips?"
"Nope. I've never been offered that."
"Then...do you want a kiss?"
707 stared at you, wondering if you were truly offering it this time. His voice cracked as he tried to ask you to clarify, "What?"
"Do you want a kiss?" You remarked, enunciating things the same way you had asked in the beginning of the situation. "It's okay to say no, babe."
"No, I want it." 707 gave a small smile, "How do I do this?"
"Just close your eyes and this time, close your mouth." You giggled as you cupped 707's face. Your chest was pressed against his and he could practically hear your heart racing at a hundred miles an hour. His heart was pounding almost the same speed as yours.
707 slowly closed his eyes as you leaned in, fully shutting them when he could feel your breath on his face. Your lips brushed together before finally, you gently pressed your lips against each other and then pulled away.
You tasted like Hershey's chocolate kisses and strawberries. Your lips weren't chapped, but instead waxy as only moments before you offered him a kiss, he had watched you apply your signature strawberry chapstick. He hadn't realized how much he had wanted to know what it had tasted like and how it was like to be so close to your lips until the moment he had gotten a taste of you. Maybe that was why your chapstick never seemed to last you long. It would dry out in hopes that the chapstick would once again touch your lips, becoming addicted to that sensation. Now that 707 had gotten a taste of his own, he knew that it would become an addiction of his.
"Was that okay?" You asked as 707's eyes fluttered open, staring at his girlfriend that was facing him with anxiety written all over your face.
All 707 did was pull you closer to him with his arms still wrapped around your waist before having his right hand travel to pull you face closer to his. He crashed his lips onto yours as an answer, desperately wanting another taste of your lips, of you.
You returned the energy as your hands traveled from his face into his hair. 707 could not care less about how you were messing up his hairstyle when you had your fingers in his hair while you were kissing him. Those combined together made the top ten list of his favorite things you did in that moment.
When you two separated--albeit only because you two were humans that needed to breathe--you pressed your foreheads together, whispering a feisty remark, "You never answered my question."
707 couldn't help the smile that spread onto his face, "It was more than okay."
You two stayed in quiet silence, enjoying each other's company. Even as you shifted off of 707's lap and onto the spot next to them, you took comfort in nestling closer to one another and holding each other.
The only thing that interrupted the silence was when you held out another chocolate kiss, "Do you want a kiss?"
"I'd love one." 707 replied as he pulled you closer to him for a kiss before grabbing the chocolate and popping it in his mouth. ————– If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging! Reblogging helps me a lot and it's just two clicks of a button (trust me, likes don't do anything to help me). Check out my masterlist for more, feel free to request any writings, and stick around if you want to see what other fandoms I like to write for! :)
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
Saeyoung - The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You
There were 3 moments for him. The first 2 were times when he, out of nowhere, just quoted a meme reference and without missing a beat you responded. 
But there was a moment he vividly remembered. 
It was at a party. They had decided to increase the capacity of the guest list, and though you never expressed it, there was a bit of pressure on your part as the planner. He tried his best to help but he was occupied with work and his brother settling in. 
You took it like a champ, but the nerves really set in on the morning of the party. 
He watched you that day clean, moisturize, and exfoliate every inch of your skin. Saeyoung didn’t dare bother you during the ritual. 
Finally, the party came. Normally, Saeyoung would drive you to the venue, but since his brother wouldn’t be attending, he wanted to make sure everything was in order before he left him. And so, you headed to the venue earlier.
When he arrived, the party was already well underway. 
His eyes searched the crowd for your familiar stature with a half-jesting apology already forming on his lips. 
He spotted you by one of the tables speaking to the owner of a small jewelry business. The woman seemed to enjoy your company. She was inviting you to the new store they opened in the mall. It was their first expansion and you looked just as elated as she did.
A younger woman was beside her. Immediately, your demeanor shifted. You were a bit cheerier, a bit less formal. She was talking to you about a dating sim you both played. You laughed at something she said. Something about tragic backstories and how writers knew how to hurt their readers.
And he found himself pausing at the sight… at the normalcy of the scene.
His midnight thoughts crept up in his moment of hesitation.
Perhaps this is what you really needed. Normalcy. Idle chatter about going to the mall. Playing video games to pass the time. It should be this and not…
Not waiting for hours on end to make sure he comes back home in one piece
Not dealing with sleepless nights because you got woken up by the screaming
And certainly not putting up with… him.
With his skillset, it would be a simple thing to disappear. To retreat into the crowd and wipe the entirety of his existence from your life. 
You got pulled into this life because of him and now that you’re with him…you’re even deeper.
No, you don’t deserve this. You deserve a normal life. A peaceful one. 
His mouth suddenly dried and the half-jesting apology dissipated on his tongue. 
He took one step back. And before he knew it, he was walking away from the scene… from you.
His heart hammered in his chest. Taking hold of his breaths. Thoughts ravaged in his mind.
He’s doing it again. He’s pushing you away. 
No, this is the right thing to do.
Wait, just… he has to calm down. This isn’t the answer.
But it is. The only thing he’s going to give you is trouble.
No, that’s not true. You love him. You’ll always love him.
But he doesn’t deserve that. And you… you don’t deserve all the shit he’s got with him.
No, it’s going to be okay. Just calm down.
No. Disappear. He has to leave right now. Before you fall in deeper.
No. Stay. Just stay.
No. Leave—
Arms snaked around his waist. His fight or flight instinct flared up. He fists clenched but before he could do anything else, a voice halted the torrent of his thoughts.
“Caught you!” you yelled with a giggle. 
He turned his head as you rested your chin on his shoulder. “H-h…hey,” he answered in a low voice. You smiled at him. His heart slowed at the sight of your face. “You look beautiful.”
Your eyes narrowed in a jesting glare. “If you think flattering me will get you out of trouble you’ve got another thing coming, mister. Don’t think I didn’t see you running away while I dealt with Mr. Dokgo. That was seriously cruel.”
His hands reached up to touch the arms holding him in place. “Sorry. I didn’t think you needed me.”
“And where did you get that idea? I’ll always need you and because of that,” your glare became sharper and your voice dropped an octave, “I will always find you.”
Something in those words and the jokingly ominous manner you phrased it unlatched something in his chest. And with it, a warmth washed over his stature and he felt his mouth spread to a grin. Then, catching onto your jest, he faked a sob. “There will be no escape for me. This is my life now. Trapped and helpless.”
“I’m glad you understand your unfortunate circumstances. As punishment, you are sentenced to feeding me honey buddha chips while we watch the best or arguably worst bollywood film I can find.”
He chuckled. “Okay.”
“And… and you have to buy me and Saeran our favorite ice cream flavors.”
“Roger that.”
“We each get one pint.”
“Hm. You’re really milking this aren’t you?”
“Oh! And you’re taking me to a cat cafe as soon as you’re available.”
He nodded with equal parts of sincerity and resignation. “Yes, ma’am.”
The two of you paused when you heard a sigh. In front of you, Zen stood with a bored expression. “I mean, I know you guys are in love but really? In front of the guests?”
A blush coated your cheeks. A real one. Not the kind that your makeup gave you. You released him immediately and the urge to distance himself has all but dissipated.
“It’s time for your speech,” Zen informed.
You gave Zen a mock salute before walking off. “Hey, I’ll catch you later, okay?”
He smiled. Softly. Knowingly. This was his life. It's you and him against everything. And he wants it for the rest of time. So he yields to his fate and answered, “I’ll be waiting.”
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ameribell · 3 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Hm, yeah I can kinda see the similarities of the song to the game… The upbeat sound to the super depressing type of lyrics, similar to how the game itself is…totally see the connection lolol!
As for being a new fan feeling nostalgic, I get it! I mean I didn’t actually play the game til years later (but I would watch stuff about it when it came out, I didn’t have a phone at the time to play it though), and even now I can’t hardly play til summer time…so I haven’t fully finished every route (but I’ve done most of the casual, and one deep) And I hope you continue to enjoy the game as every other player has!! Anyways, feel free to request stuff about your fav mystic characters! 💙
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chayhoo-ye · 2 years
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