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germanpostwarmodern · 2 months ago
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Lukaskirche (1957-61) in Ludwigshafen, Germany, by Otto Heinrich Vogel
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andmaybegayer · 1 year ago
Last Monday of the Week 2024-03-18
Next I have to go see the Dresden Dolls in Vienna
Listening: Went to Vienna Teng's Dresden show over the weekend. It was so good. More discussion here.
She's so skilled. Her music is often about some Shrimp Emotions that people have but don't really talk about. Stray Italian Greyhound is about the horrible pit in your stomach you get when you have settled into a kind of mid life and then suddenly something good comes along.
The Hymn of Acxiom is a love song to you from the perspective of the Facebook Recommendation Algorithm. She performed this live using a vocal shift synth which is so spooky.
Grandmother Song, a country hoedown where your grandmother tells you not to waste your time on your silly music career.
Green Island Lullaby, a Taiwanese folk song, as a finale which she performed unamplified and unaccompanied(!) into the middle of the Lukaskirche. Astounding thing to experience.
Yeah. I'm very normal about all of these songs. You should listen to Vienna Teng.
Reading: Among other things, finally got through the back end of Ted Chiang's compilation Stories of your Life and Others. The Absence of God is a wonderful little tragedy, and Liking What You See: A Documentary is a very well executed epistolatory even if I feel like the ending lets it down a little.
Watching: Dune Part 2, with the friends. Extended notes on that here but I am glad they managed to get that much Dune in there, even if they cut a lot of the more fun to talk about parts.
Playing: Not much this week, although I put Dwarf Fortress on my laptop so hopefully I can curl up on the couch with that once I have my printer under control.
Making: Rejiggering the printer until it works, I had misunderstood how hotend assembly works and had to clean up some leaks and fix that, but it should all be good now, I just need to run some calibrations and then I can do the last part of my server case. Excited to run PETG hotter now that I have an all metal hotend.
Tools and Equipment: I do not like Ken Rockwell his photography sucks ass but the man does understand online auctions. I just won a reputable-looking auction for a Quest 2 headset for like $160 by following the recommendation:
4.) Bid only at the last second, and bid the absolute maximum you would ever want to pay. You'll win, and only pay a couple of dollars above the second highest bidder's bid, regardless of your bid amount.
This is not rocket science but it is the correct way to maximize returns and avoid getting into a bidding war.
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manusmichaschwandtfanpage · 5 months ago
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Micha's 69. Geburtstag am 4.11.2016 in der Lukaskirche in Dresden
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dougrobyngoold · 2 years ago
Eisbachwelle & More Beer - Munich, Germany
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This morning we received a message from Rachel that she had tested positive for COVID, so we decided that we should move out of our current Airbnb (as it was a shared space) and check into a hotel room. We packed up and made our way into the city, stopped for breakfast at the little cafe pictured above - they had vegan options, which was a nice find - and ate our breakfast on a bench in Karlsplatz. Our destination for the day was to check out the area on the Isar River where the locals surf. We wandered that direction slowly, as we were carrying our packs and it was already a warm day!
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Town Hall - beautiful building on a busy square!
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Eisbachwelle - the surfing area on the Isar. They stand in line to ride the waves for less than a minute. They are really moving after they fall, the water is fairly shallow, but they have to pull themselves and their boards up on to the concrete wall out of the water - looked like a hard task to me! They made it look pretty easy!
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Lukaskirche - an evangelical church along the Isar River.
We got checked into our hotel and unpacked. It was really warm and we had no air conditioning and no fans. We headed out for dinner and to stay cool. We stopped at Augustiner-Keller and enjoyed a good food and beer in the shade of the beer garden. Our waiter was entertaining and recommended that we end our evening with a bit of their liqueur....not sure what all was in it, but it was delicious!
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missrose1989 · 2 years ago
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{🎶Die 3Highligen in der Lukaskirche Dresden 🎶} 30 Jahre die 3Highligen und das feiern die drei Musiker Dirk Zöllner, Dirk Michaelis und Andrè Herzberg mit einer Tour und ich konnte sie heute Abend live in der Lukaskirche Dresden erleben. 😊 Neben vielen Hits wie Idylle im Krieg, Käfer auf dem Blatt, Stilles Dorf, Inge Pawelczik und Heiligenschein aus Phospor war auch der wirklich berührende Titel Dem Tod von der Schippe gesprungen auf der Setliste. Ein wunderschönes Konzert in einer tollen Kirche, immer wieder gerne. ❤🎶❤ #diedreihighligen #dreihighligen #dirkzöllner #dirkmichaelis #andreherzberg #Konzert #Lukaskirche #lukaskirchedresden #Dresden #konzert2023 #live2023 #musik #music #musicismylife (hier: Lukaskirche Dresden) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnX0kuorBvz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rheinkreiszeitung · 6 years ago
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Kaarst: „Klima-Tisch“ in Holzbütten Kaarst-Holzbütten – Nachdem die ersten beiden Bürgergespräche in Kaarst und Büttgen stattgefunden haben, lädt die Initiative „Kaarster for Future“ für Donnerstag, den 12.
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scizlor · 6 years ago
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Chiesa di San Luca, Monaco di Baviera. #Lukaskirche #SanktLukas #StLukesChurch #Mariannenplatz #church #chiesa #kirche #église #iglesia #München #Munich #MonacodiBaviera #Bayern #Baviera #Bavaria #Germania #Germany #Deutschland #Europa #Europe #nofilter #nofiltro (presso Sankt Lukas München) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxDHMRLnHQC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lvn0uqknjf39
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chrisjohndewitt · 3 years ago
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West Berlin Stresemannstrasse June 1986. The tower of St. Lukaskirche on the right, below it a sign for Marlboro cigarettes.
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pshilka · 8 years ago
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По #мюнхен можно гулять, гулять и гулять! На каждом шагу красивые места😍 Мюнхен мне напоминает #вена и #санктпетербург Какой-то микс из этих двух городов, моих любимых городов! ❤️на фото изображена крупнейшая протестантская церковь в Мюнхене #lukaskirche или церковь Святого Луки, ещё Ее называют der Dom der Münchener Protestanten (at Munich, Germany)
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germanpostwarmodern · 8 months ago
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Lukaskirche (1965-67) in Mannheim, Germany, by Carlfried Mutschler
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lesser-known-composers · 6 years ago
Johann David Heinichen (1683 - 1729) Lamentio I für Tenor, zwei Traversflöten, zwei Oboen, zwei Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo
Peter Schreier, Tenor Virtuosi Saxoniae Dir. Ludwig Güttler Quelle: Sächsiche Landesbibliothek, Dresden Aufgenommen 1987 im Studio Lukaskirche, Dresden
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manusmichaschwandtfanpage · 5 months ago
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Michas 69. Geburtstag am 4.11.2016 in Dresden in der Lukaskirche
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fineartinsilver-blog · 6 years ago
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FINE ΛRT IN SILVER . Lukaskirche im Schlosspark Planitz , Zwickau . . Tipp : Schlössersafari auf Burg Posterstein Fotoausstellung noch bis zum 12.05.2019 (Werbung) Mit dabei: @sosfernweh @vogtlandzauber @chillerunterwegs @silentfotografie_simone @franksfotografie @vogtland_prinz @burgposterstein . . #SchlösserSafari #Ausstellung #exhibition #posterstein . . #castles_oftheworld #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #instadaily #picoftheday #photography #fotografie #architecture #sun #shadow #trees #bnw #BlackAndWhite #darksky #schwarzweiss #noir #lukaskircheplanitz #architecture #monochrome #foto_blackwhite #foto__blackwhite #church #zwickau #kirche #zwickautopia (hier: Lukaskirchgemeinde Planitz-Rottmannsdorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwUNE8rACXi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fc2m82rtqkp0
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missrose1989 · 2 years ago
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{🎶📚Erste Veranstaltungen in Jahr 2023 safe📚🎶} So, nun habe ich meine ersten Tickets für 2023 sicher... Heute Abend geht es zu den 3Highligen *Dirk Zöllner, Dirk Michaelis und Andrè Herzberg* in die Lukaskirche Dresden und am 21. Januar geht es zu Flake erzählt und liest mit Lea Streisand im Alten Schlachthof Dresden. ❤ #Konzert #konzertliebe #konzert2023 #live2023 #Lesung #diedreihighligen #dirkzöllner #dirkmichaelis #andreherzberg #Lukaskirche #lukaskirchedresden #alterschlachthof #alterschlachthofdresden #Dresden #flake #leastreisand (hier: Dresden, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXNnc0L4G5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gutachter · 3 years ago
Sanierung dringend nötig: Münchner Lukas-Kirche bröckelt vor sich hin 
Sanierung dringend nötig: Münchner Lukas-Kirche bröckelt vor sich hin 
München: „…Die Fassade wurde bereits saniert: Umso mehr fällt in der Kirche St. Lukas das Bröckeln der inneren Pracht auf. Kosten in Millionenhöhe sind eingeplant. Imposant ragt die evangelische Lukaskirche am Isarufer in den Himmel. Alles am „Dom der Münchner Protestanten“ (Altstadt-Lehel) wirkt majestätisch: die große Kuppel, die prächtigen Rosettenfenster, der hohe Kirchenraum vom Reißbrett…
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junglerolf · 4 years ago
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St. Lukas / Lukaskirche / St. Luke’s church (1893) in city center, Munich, by Praterinsel & Kabelsteg bridge #múnich #munichlife #münchen🇩🇪 #bayern #bayernliebe #bayernerleben #bavaria #river #isar #isarmünchen #praterinsel #praterinselmünchen #kabelsteg #lukaskirche #stlukechurch #stluke #stlukes➕ #stlukes #stlukas #stlukasmünchen https://www.instagram.com/p/CHC0voVJRka/?igshid=1163d5x5qbwfi
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