#luisa 💖💖💖
sparkagrace · 2 years
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Luisa! 🥰️ I realized you accidentally sent this to my main, so I'm answering this way for you. Thanks so much for the prompt! I was talking to @cable-knit-sweater when I saw this photo of Seb with Andrew Rannells and Matt Bomer and commented how Matt and Seb could easily play brothers. And thus this little ficlet was born!
Thanks so much for your prompt, @its-tortle. (ps I couldn't think of new names so I'm using Andrew and Matthew for this, but in this au Matthew Barnes is Bucky's older brother).
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tags: outsider pov, bucky and steve are in denial, friends to lovers
There's no way that it's not going there With the way that we're looking at each other There's no way that it's not going there
Meeting your fiance’s family is nerve-racking enough. Andrew already threw up on the flight from Chicago to LaGuardia and accidentally told his future mother-in-law that her food was too salty. Matthew Barnes had unhelpfully snorted out his white wine, but later assured him that Winnie wouldn’t take offense and he needs to relax a little. 
Thank god Bucky was around. Matthew’s younger brother has been up to Chicago a couple of times to hang out with them and so Bucky’s a good person to hang around with when Matthew’s a little busier.
“We’re going to a club later if you wanna hang,” Bucky tells Andrew and Matthew as they clean up from dinner. “You’re welcome to hang out here, but mom and dad are going to watch the news the whole night and they’re going to want to talk to you guys about it. I’m just saving your skins here.”
Andrew glances towards Matthew. He wants to make a good impression on his in-laws but he can’t deny a Brooklyn club would be much more fun. He breathes a sigh of relief when Matthew nods and he and Bucky make plans of when to leave. Matthew and Andrew do some polite after dinner conversation while Bucky goes ahead to meet up his friends. 
It’s an excruciating two hours before Matthew’s phone pings with a location and the two of them make their excuses and head out to the club where Bucky and his friends are. 
The music is pumping and there’s far too many people already inside by the time they get there. Andrew realizes that at 32, he might be getting too old for clubs when he looks at some of the attire his fellow club-goers are wearing. He was wild in his youth, but even he didn’t wear plastic pants and doesn’t understand why anybody would. 
Matthew decides to get drinks before seeking out Bucky in case they can’t find him again, and Andrew sticks close by, trying to nod along to the music but not really enjoying whatever the DJ is playing. Honestly, he might be too old for clubs. He mentally strikes off ‘wedding DJ’ from the list of to-dos. 
Then he spots Bucky out by a table across the room with someone’s arm around his neck and leaning in close to talk in his ear. Bucky is laughing and his thigh is pressing up close to his blond companion as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“You didn’t tell me your brother was into guys,” Andrew nudges Matthew. Matthew frowns as they wait by the bar for their drinks. 
“He’s not.” Andrew gestures towards where Bucky and the blond guy are (and, honestly, Andrew approves). Matthew clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. “Oh, that’s just Steve. They’re best friends.”
Now it’s Andrew’s turn to roll his eyes and snort because what? That is not best friend behavior. That is very much ‘I want to get up on you’ behavior. 
“No, I think that they’re wildly in love.”
“Baby, I’m tellin’ you, they’ve been like this forever. They met in pre-school, they’re like joined at the hip most of the time.” Matthew launches into a story about how Bucky and Steve were BuckyandSteve around their neighborhood. They went to the same school but eventually were put into different classes because they kept getting themselves into too much trouble.
But Andrew can see the way Bucky’s hand rests on Steve’s thigh all possessive-like. A clear warning for strangers — for people like Andrew who have just walked in and don’t know them — that they’re taken. Do not approach. The club is loud but Andrew doesn’t think there’s any need for anyone to be sitting that close unless there was an ulterior reason behind it.
Steve’s fingers have moved from around Bucky’s neck to wind through his dark hair instead, and Bucky seems to be enjoying it from the way his mouth has dropped open a little. 
“Let’s go say ‘hi’,” Matthew announces as their drinks arrive, and they make their way to the pair.
Bucky lights up when he sees them, and if they were trying to keep whatever was going on a secret, it doesn’t seem to matter because both Bucky and Steve seem unfazed by their arrival. Steve’s hand drops to rest around Bucky’s shoulder as he’s introduced to Andrew and then he starts talking to Matthew about a baseball game he went to last month. Apparently most of their friends already left, leaving Steve and Bucky behind to close down the night. 
“So, how long have you known Steve?” Andrew asks Bucky, who grins and begins telling him almost everything there is to know about his best friend. 
Bucky might already have a good buzz going, but there’s no mistaking the reverence and love that comes from the way he speaks about Steve. Andrew has never heard so many superlatives come out of someone’s mouth about one person.
“The best person I know,” Bucky finishes and grabs Steve by the neck, ruffling his hair and pulling him towards him. Steve protests through a laugh and finally straightens, pushing his hair back. Andrew doesn’t miss the way that Bucky tracks the movements and the lazy smiles they exchange as they stare at each other.
The DJ starts playing a song with a pounding beat and Steve asks if anyone wants to dance. Bucky’s beer is drained and he grabs onto Steve’s wrist, urging him to the dance floor before it gets to the best bit. Matthew and Andrew let them go ahead and are content to keep their table occupied. 
The dance floor is full of sweaty bodies and people grinding on each other, and it’s reasonable for the two guys to join the fray and find people to dance with, but they seem to only be wanting to dance with each other. Andrew doesn’t even think it’s intentional; Bucky and Steve start with a sizable distance between them as they find free spaces within the crowd, but it seems like their bodies just gravitate towards one another. 
Steve’s head is tipped towards the ceiling as he sways and one of Bucky’s arms finds its way to rest over his shoulder, watching Steve dancing with a grin as they find a rhythm. There are other people — so many people — around them but it might as well just be the two of them. A girl attempts to get between to dance with Steve, but Bucky tightens his grip and pulls Steve closer to him so that they’re practically chest to chest. 
Even from a distance, Andrew can see the way the sweat is forming on everybody’s skin and it must be intensely hot under those flashing lights that pulse a rainbow of colors over the crowd. Bucky is smiling and Steve looks at him, a grin of his own spreading across his face as he takes Bucky’s face between his palms and rests their sweaty foreheads together. 
When Andrew looks over at Matthew, he’s looking intently at his brother and his best friend, as if he’s just understood something. 
“I think this is how they always are,” Matthew says again. 
“There’s no way that it’s not going there,” Andrew replies and takes a swig of his beer.
(He’s proved right three months later when Bucky and Steve come to visit them in Chicago for New Year’s Eve. When Andrew kisses Matthew at midnight, he catches sight of Bucky shyly pressing his lips against Steve’s as the cheers ring out. Steve rests his head against Bucky’s shoulders and wraps his arms around him as they both grin stupidly into each others’ coats under the fireworks that burst above them.)
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sketchncanto · 2 years
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Feliz Cumpleaños to themmmmm!! 🎉💕✨
I know yesterday was Fèlix’s birthday but I made a joint bday pic bc 1. I have a LOT goin on rn and 2. Their bdays are 3 days apart so why the heck not lol
I HC that the family throws them joint birthday parties every other year and they don’t mind at all. I feel like they’d brag about having birthdays so close to each other and I wholeheartedly believe that a lot of their relationship hinges on that fact— that and having the most muscle density out of everyone in the family 😂
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First Wrecker, now the Ninth Sister.
I may have a type. 😳
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luisaenjoyer · 3 months
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Luisa's out here beating the bad sister allegations 💖
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tkdrawz · 1 year
Some of the TMNT fandom (and, frankly, society) really ain't shit.🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
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[From left to right: Princess Fiona (Ogress Form) (Shrek) Eep (The Croods) Gloria (Madagascar) Dijonay Jones (The Proud Family) Luisa Madrigal (Encanto) April O'Neil (TMNT Mutant Mayhem)]
These ladies are female protagonists in their respective franchises. All of them have different body types that contrast from the default thin, petite body type that we're used to seeing. And all of them are BEAUTIFUL! 💖
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Three of these ladies became love interests that ended up in healthy relationships with partners who love them for who they are. Also, four of them are women of color. (idk if Fiona counts. While she is green, she started off white so... 50/50? 🤷🏾‍♀️) That part is especially relevant to this post because Twitter got me EFFED UP. I'M ON ONE, ON TWO, ON THREE TODAY!
So the concept art of Mutant Mayhem's April O'Neil was revealed by James A. Castillo, an artist who worked on the movie.
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And people are DRAGGING HIM LEFT AND RIGHT! Being disrespectful to both him and April's design. I can tell you right now not even a third of those quotes aren't positive! There is a vast difference between criticism and insults:
💛"I do not like this design. Besides the color yellow and her red/ginger hair, she simply doesn't read as April O'Neil." That's criticism. This expresses disproval of the design without any vulgarities.
💔"Rethink your entire career. "Artist" my ass! This shit is garbage! She looks like she sleeps in a van and smokes so much weed she reeks of it. You failed." That's disrespect. And I don't think I need to tell you why.
Normally, I tend not to discuss such sensitive topics on my blog (religion, politics, discrimination of ANY kind, etc.) for my sanity and out of respect for others with opposing views. But today, I will make an exception.
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I would love to include Luisa, who alongside April was mocked and disrespected heavily for her appearance, but I wanted to speak on this matter from the perspective of a plus-sized African American woman. Luisa comes from an completely different background whose culture and standards I am not entirely familiar with. I can't speak on what I don't know. Respectfully.💜
In the black community, women are faced with colorism, texturism, constant comparison, and body image negativity on a daily basis. And a good amount of it comes from our own community! Our shade, our 4C hair, our weight, our attractiveness, our lifestyle! It's brutal out here!😭😭😭
However, in terms of media a plus-sized black girl is seen as ghetto, loud, and undesirable with a side of attitude. The best example I can think of is Dijonay from The Proud Family.
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This is the show I grew up on! The theme song, the characters, the Suga Mama, ICONIC! I love Dijonay to pieces, but as I grew up I realize that she was, in some aspects, a negative portrayal. She was always chasing instead of being "the chase". She was a horrible friend to Penny. And she sucumbed to a lot of negative stereotypes with barely any redeeming qualities. And this was very disheartening considering that she was the darkest one in the group. And the heaviest. And as a little chubby wubby in the 2000s with THIS as my representation? I have to give the writers a bit of the side eye. Was she any better in The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder? To that I would say.... meh. I love her in the reboot, but they could do so much more with her in my opinion. I still haven't seen them address the issue of colorism. 👀
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While she is not a human, Gloria is voiced by a black woman (Jada Pinkett Smith) and imitates the sass of a black woman so... yeah. She's included. Gloria was persued by two men. One was the suave, flexing hippo Motto Motto. And the other was her friend/neighbor from her childhood Melman. She chose the latter for good reason of course. Now in Madagascar, Gloria wasn't mocked or criticized for her weight. In fact, hippos are known for their weight. However, she was seemingly fetishized for it. By Motto Motto to be exact. And being fetishized is NOT better than being ridiculed.
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Unlike Dijonay, April was the chase, a love interest for Leonardo. I admit, I was SHOCKED that she was gonna be persued. Let alone that the writers wanted to try another Turtle/April pairing considering how April and Donnie went...😬. Now her backlash was on a completely different level. One that I wasn't even prepared for....
While Gloria and Dijonay are original characters, Mutant Mayhem's April O'Neil is a different interpretation of the character that has existed since the 80's. The same can be said for the Turtles, Splinter, literally everybody else! Every show and movie for that matter! And with every story, she changes. Design, motivation, relationships/dynamics, even race as of lately. All of it changes. And change isn't bad. In my opinion, it keeps things fresh and interesting instead of spoon feeding us the same story and concepts over and over again. Change challenges us. Change motivates us. However, some people don't like change nor want to accept it and adjust. And that's life. That's just the way it is. But change is necessary in order to progress.
She wasn't bad in the movie AT ALL. I absolutely adored her! And the dynamic between her and Leo wasn't akward or uncomfortable at all. It was handled really well. Ayo Ediberi did an incredible job bringing her to life! (GOD, I loved her in The Bear! Shameless plug lol)
That being said, I understand some of the sensitivity that fans have when a character changes so drastically you can barely recongnize them anymore beyond the bare minimun. (See also Sonic Boom's Knuckles) But the blatant discrimination, rude comments, and the boldness, THE AUDACITY, that some of these nasty Twitter fingers with their dirty fingernails have to type such disrespect to the artist that I can't repeat up here was wild af. Like, I can't believe we have to share a planet with some of them! Uggh!😷(But that's Twitter 24/7 so what's new?) Her and Rise April don't deserve the hate they get. You don't have to like them. Art is subjective. But to insult and harrass the artists and the people who look like the characters, then mask it under the umbrella of "tHaTs mY oPiNiOn" is 🐱. I said what I said. And I will say that shit again.
Also, just because she's black doesn't mean we can't have another white April O'Neil ever again. We know goodness well they could make another iteration of TMNT and make her white if they wanted to. Heck, I encourage them to explore other races and cultures too! New York is full of them! And it's not like all the other versions of April up and vanished. You can watch them anytime on Hulu, Netflix, Paramount Plus, etc.
One more point I'd like to make is that I am an African American woman who is currently on a weight loss journey. As a plus-sized girl, I had incredibly low self-esteem and picked up toxic, unhealthy eating habits from starving myself to overeating BECAUSE I starved myself. Also, I have experienced both sides from being disrespected and made fun of to being complimented and persued. I was at my biggest weight 2 years ago and I have made incredible progress to lose weight since then. People can lose weight. It is achievable! I went to school with some people who were way bigger than me that lost the weight by senior year! Just because she's big in this movie doesn't mean she can't lose weight by the sequel. Like I've said before, it's not wrong to encourage health and fitness!💪🏾 In life, they call this a glow up. A "remember how you treated them in high school" type of comeback. People can, and are allowed to, change. And it's not wrong to embrace your body and the skin you're in. It's all relative!💖
This post isn't to convince you to change your mind. And it won't make the bullies go away. I can't change the world overnight, nor am I trying to. At the end of the day, you're the consumer. It's your choice. Your prefrence. I can't tell you how to think.
I just wanted to spread a bit of awareness that plus sized people exist. And they will always exist. Everyone is deserving of representation in media in all facets. No matter their shape, size, shade, or sexuality. There are so many people from different walks of life who deserve to be seen and on screen. And the amount of visibility for black girls this year alone is amazing! And I want the same for other women of color, too!
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Be good to one another. Take care.
💙 -TK
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
I saw your Hobie x latina going going to the club para perrear and I loved it😭🤞🏼😩
Imagine Hobie going to a cantina with a mexican reader and just drink and hear corridos tristes (el video del vato que dice "porque que te quiero" y le meten el micrófono a la boca😭💀) or rather going to a cantina goes to her house and her family is making carne asada and drinking beer and there's literally a band in the party (soy norteña perdoname😭) and he is like "this food is bussing bussing" because he is British and their food is just "no good💖". At first he is nervous like he doesn't know what to do and at the end he is somehow riding a horse or he is playing with the band, he just loves it, the vibe and the food
(Love how you write 😭💖)
Hobie Brown meeting latina!reader's family <3
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Masterlist <3
Ay hermana, soy chilanga we don't have horses up in this bitch😭 I tried to make it more general like Bee meeting your tías and primos but def adding the whole carne asada deal. (For my non-mexican readers, we call people from the city "chilangos" and northern people "norteños" and while we're from the same country, our experiences can be very different!). Also, tysm my dear, hope u like<3
-First off
-Giggling and kicking my feet 🤭
-Bro was persistent in meeting your family, and while you weren't exactly reluctant, you did have to warn him
-"Why not!? I want to meet your uncle Luis or- or Saúl!" He exclaims, recalling the stories you've told about your family members. "I'm not saying no, mi amor. I-It's just-" "What?" He grins, knowing you don't really have a solid argument. He kisses your pout and walks over to your room to get ready as you sigh, defeated by your pretty once more.
-Of course you wanted Bee to meet your family! But we all know how it can get at those big family gathering.
-One thing was meeting your parents, (which went by spectacularly, by the way) but him hanging out with your older tíos and younger primos was a whole other deal
-They aren't bad people, you love them dearly. It was the soft (hard and relentless) teasing (borderline bullying) you were worried about.
-It was easy to understand their humor when you grew up with heavy jokes, but Hobie would be new to all this. Plus, he was the first official boyfriend you'd introduce to the family! They were protective and honestly not afraid to show it.
-"Buenas tardes, Hobie Brown. Mucho gusto" you say slowly as you're both on the way to your tío's house, he repeats after you with a horrible accent. "Roll your r's!" You giggle, looking at him intently while softly showing him how to pronounce.
-He's really trying for you bestie </3
-Yeah he went blank after your aunt opened the door and dismissed his polite handshake with a bone-crushing hug.
-"Ay mija! He's so tall, I can barely hug him right. Pásenle, pásenle, Luis is in the garden with the kids. Welcome Hobie!"
-Bee just smiles and it widens when a horde of kids comes running down the hall and bolt towards you, saying hello to their favorite aunt and the strange bato she brought along.
-"Tía Y/N/N who is this?" Luisa (the youngest) asks, eyeing Hobie up and down with the sass of an old lady, making him suppress a laugh "Es tu novio?" now questions one of the boys, looking up at him amazed. "Hello brats" he smirks, high-fiving each and every one of your nieces and nephews excitedly.
-"You didn't tell me you were a tía already..." "Some of them will be by the age of sixteen, so I'm no rare event."
-Hobie is hard to lose on a crowd; all spikes, leather, chunky boots, and piercings
-Your nephews are thrilled.
-Asking all around about what his pins mean, if he finds it hard to walk with those boots, if he's not too hot with his jacket... you know, the type of questions kids ask.
-You laugh at him, trying to answer one question at a time patiently, and walk over to the table outside where your tíos, tías, primos, primas, cuñadas and some sobrinos were.
-"Y el novio mija?" Asks one of your tíos, already in a deffensive tone "He's inside con los niños, tío. Ahorita viene" you smile and promptly, Hobie walks through the door after the kids.
-The smokey scent of the carne asada filled his nostrils as soon as he walked outside, widening his eyes at how good it smelled. You walk over to him, grabbing his arm and smiling widely at your family
-"Les presento a Hobie, mi novio" you beam and your tíos can tell he truly makes you happy. "Yo no te di permiso, Y/N" one of them jokes, making everyone laugh and Bee follows after you translate for him.
-And he didn't like it but he really cared about their opinions
-He didn't give a single fuck of what other people had to say, but this was your family!!! He knew he was close and for the first time, strived for perfection
-The next few minutes were him trying really hard to memorize all the names, having a hard time pronouncing your aunt Rocio and Rosa's names.
-Everyone laughed at his attempts
-You sit between everyone at the large table, one of your tíos approaching you as you're too busy catching up with one of your cousins. Bee squeezes your hand to catch your attention, but you don't turn back to look at him, instead just squeeze back.
-He nervously places his hand out, and contrary to before, your uncle welcomes it. "Buenas tardes, Hobie" (oubi😭con acento mexa) "Buenas tardes, señor". God, did he rehearse that on the way...
-Your uncle seemed to appreciate him at least trying to talk to him in your mother tongue. He gave him kind of a smile and asked "Wanna help me with the asador over there?"
-Oh this was a test
-"Sure thing" he nods confidently even though he's shitting himself at the moment
-When he saw the carne asada let me tell you
-His mouth watered, heart eyes all over and he swore he was about to do that floating thing he's seen spider pig do
-Your tío taught him how to turn the steaks at the right time, after some aceite jumped and burnt him a bit :( your uncle could tell he was trying hard so he took it easy on him
-Personally? You fell in love all over again when he contained his tears the best he could at the smell and spice of the chiles floating so close to his nose <3
-You slapped his ass playfully when serving the food and he just smirked as your uncle side eyed you HARD
-“Bloody hell this shit is fucking amazing babe!” He almost moans when he bites into the taco of asada you made for him
-Your family might or might not know english but they know how bad words sound lmao
-They couldn’t blame him tho, not after he proved to love asada as much as them with the eight tacos he ate ☹️💕
-Him playing with the babies of your family bro :(
-He's so good with kids too
-I'm talking playing with them, having full conversations no matter how silly they got, following their train of thought and even making sure they weren't up to some stupid shit
-Girl, if you don't rail him stupid after that-
-He got along with your older cousins too!!! After all, they shared a similar taste in music and films so there was plenty to talk about
-Your tías chismeando with you about how handsome he is
-Let’s wrap it up, I got carried away and this is too damn long 😭
-He’s talking to one of your tías when the banda arrived at around 9 p.m
-My man is so confused please help him
-His spidey sense went off before the whole fucking commotion started lmao
-When he realized it was a live group playing and singing traditional music he lost his shit
-Asked you all about it!!! “What is that piano thing!?”, “What is he singing about?”, “Can I learn how to play that?”<3
-Eventually (and with no alcohol needed since he refused to risk doing some stupid shit with your family) he ended up dancing with your tía, her patiently teaching him how to move
-He had a hard time with his big ass boots but somehow managed!!
-Hobie was so happy when you went home ☹️ almost asking when you could come back and if you could cook some carne asada the same way your uncle (his best friend, he called him) did
-“Yo te amo mi amor” He smiled big, kissing you softly before falling asleep “Thanks for letting me meet your family… meant a whole lot y’know?” “‘Course corazón, seeing you there with everyone filled my heart with a joy I have rarely experienced”
-And with that you fell asleep, Hobie dreamt of asada and banda<3
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
Luisa in a doll outfit! 💖☁️💪
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yayyy she’s finally here!! this was the outfit that had most votes on instagram so yeah!! I think it’s very much luisas vibe with the soft colors and sparkles! could definitely see this as one of her workout outfits aha! Added a ribbon in her hair ofc 💘🎀 this was a really fun project!!
isabela mirabel dolores
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f1-giuki · 6 months
hey giu it’s wizzz can I request from your Drabble thing, if u feel like: obsessed by Olivia rodrigo, and the pairing is carloscar 👀🍊🌶️
my lawyer will be in contact soon, it is illegal in every country to give such good prompts and make me scream into the void!!!!!!!! THE SONG AND THE THEME AND THE PAIRING IS SO GOOD!!!! i added gratuitous and freaky smut for you 💖💖💖💖 hope you like it darling it ended up being quite long!!💖💖
obsessed - prompt post
“Lando, mate, how was your ex called?” Carlos asks one afternoon.
They’re lazing on the sunroof of Ferrari’s hospitality in Spain. Lando doesn’t know why Carlos brought him there, but he’s not going to complain. He loves the sun on his skin and a tan won’t hurt him.
“Luisa?” Lando answers, absent-mindedly.
Carlos looks at him and furrows his brows. He is sure Lando is lying, but he doesn’t know how he knows. It may have something to do with Charles’ wild party after his first Monaco win. He’s sure Lando told him something about regretting breaking up with someone, he just doesn’t remember who.
“No, last week you said someone else, at the party, remember?” He asks again.
“Shit, Carlos, what have I said? I don’t remember…” Lando says, taking his eyes off his phone and looking at Carlos. The Spaniard is not buying it.
“It was a dude, O-something, I don’t remember the name,” Carlos digs.
“What? Olivia, maybe?” Lando says, going back to his phone and the sun.
“I’m not stupid, and I don’t care if you fucked a guy…” Carlos points out, a bit whiny.
Lando shakes his head and puts his sunglasses on, hoping the conversation will stop soon. Carlos lets the subject drop, externally, but he keeps on thinking about it. He’s not interested in Lando. That bit is sure. He doesn’t like guys, he tried once with Charles and he didn’t like it. If it doesn’t happen with Charles, then everybody else can’t count. He’s just curious. There’s this feeling inside of him that wants to know and get his hands on that specific and deep piece of knowledge about his friend, and he can’t stop.
While Lando is napping under the sun Carlos takes his phone out and starts texting left and right, asking if anybody knows the identity of Lando’s ex. The first ten texts he receives are all disappointing, but the eleventh is something strange. It’s from Max and it just tells him a simple ask Oscar :).
Lando is asleep, so Carlos leaves him there, under the hot sun of Barcelona. He walks down the stairs of the hospitality, greets a few people and steps into the Mclaren building. Nobody questions him, he was family, and he impeded Oscar twice in the latest session of free practice, he can hide behind the falsehood of an apology. He walks the way of the driver’s rooms and spots Oscar’s easily. That was his, after all.
He opens the door, without knocking, and finds Oscar inside, in a comfy papaya hoodie and jeans. He looks like he’s about to leave the circuit. Oscar looks up at the sudden invasion of privacy and raises an eyebrow.
“Well? An apology?” He asks, tiredly.
“Not here for bullshit.” He says and Oscar rolls his eyes. Expected. “Who was Lando’s ex? I’ve been told you know it.” Carlos continues, slamming the door shut.
Oscar looks at him and rolls his eyes to the sky. Again. “What is wrong with you?” He asks, flat and not really interested.
“He told me, I forgot, we were drunk, and he won’t say anything now. You know, so tell me!” Oscar grins, a bit sadistically. He’s enjoying the desperation on the Spaniard’s face. It suits him, eyes wide like a hurt prey in imminent danger. Carlos locks the door as if to prove a point and Oscar laughs. He’s going to have so much fun.
“I am…” Oscar says, simply, looking at Carlos straight in the eyes.
The revelation comes crashing onto him. Oscar. Oscar Piastri is Lando’s ex. Now that’s a situation he needs to explore, map out with utmost care and detail. He must know all about it, he needs to know all about it, he must soothe that obsession of his. And he will do it, but there’s a more pressing problem. A problem pressing against his jeans and straining his underwear.
“Does knowing the fact that I used to fuck Lando excites you?” Oscar asks, with an amused little smile.
Carlos shakes his head but Oscar can see right through him. It’s making him go feral.
Oscar simply sighs. He gets up from his couch and takes the two steps separating him from Carlos. The Spaniard steps back until he’s squished against the locked door. Oscar doesn’t do anything strange at first, he looks into those big brown eyes, and then sinks down on his knees, slowly, keeping eye contact with Carlos.
He unbuckles the Spaniard’s trousers and drags them down against his thighs. Carlos shivers and whimpers pathetically, slapping a hand over his mouth to keep quiet. He’d like to tell Oscar to stop, to get the fuck away from him, but he can’t. His dick is so hard.
Oscar hooks a finger underneath the elastic band of Carlos’ underwear and drags them down too, breaking eye contact just to look at the dark hair around the base of the cock in front of his eyes. He doesn’t say anything, he just looks back up in Carlos’ eyes and starts sucking the tip, implicitly gloating when the Spaniard has to bite his hand to keep quiet.
It’s humiliating, all it takes for Carlos is for Oscar to deepthroat him in one swift motion, and then he’s coming down his throat unannounced. Oscar doesn’t say anything, he milks him dry and then releases him, licking his lips.
Carlos looks at him scared and speechless and drags up his underwear and jeans in one go, as fast as he can, praying to God that he closed the zipper too and that nobody heard him before he leaves, not saying a word.
“Freak,” Oscar mumbles, cleaning cum from his lips with his fingers, as Carlos slams the door open and runs away.
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gingerbear2 · 1 year
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First Portrait
I absolutely adore The Baron (both versions) 😘and I always thought it was so sad that his partner Luisa was separated from him 😭
So I wanted to make a family portrait that imagines them forever together! 💖

Prints can be found here!
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pseudowho · 3 months
wishing you a good sunday, mrs. haitch 💖 is there a character from jjk or anywhere else you relate most to?
Hiiiii! Happy Sunday to you too...
I think personality wise in JJK, I'm not very close to any of them, personality-wise. I think I relate most to Higuruma.
Hummm, I feel like the characters I am most like, or relate to strongly personality-wise are (in no particular order):
Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice
Luisa from Encanto
All Might from MHA
Rengoku from KNY
Eleanor from The Good Place
In no sort of arrogant way, and not in a way that I think I'm "special" or "unique" or "different", I don't meet many people that I think I'm genuinely like.
I'm quite a social chameleon, and while I'm quite good at making other people feel comfortable or with a sense of belonging, it doesn't necessarily mean I feel wholly able to be myself.
I'm okay with that. I don't think I'm "different" as such. Just...yeah.
-- Haitch xxx
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mmollymercury · 2 years
Just read the Encanto art book! Now, here's some pages that I NEED TO SHARE AND TALK ABT
Pedro used to have glasses like Mirabel! Idk why but this makes the "he sent me you" comment resonate so much more😭😭
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My marriage is a WHAT!?!
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LOVE Dolores' awkward smiles. AHHH she's so cute😭😭💖
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Luisa's room concepts. Look at her little puppy🥺🥺🥺‼️‼️🤧🤧
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Modern problems require modern solutions😤😤
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Casita is like: girl, you BEST BELIEVE I am not letting you leave the premises looking like that-
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I'm crying again😔
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He's like: sooo, you come here often?😭
Also, looked like his hair used to be way longer, it stops at his waist here. That would've been cool to see!
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craftymakerland · 1 month
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Why the wait?
A Luisa x female oc
I had just turned 19 last week and didn't really celebrate it, but the only person that actually cared was my best friend Luisa. We have known each other for a while now and my parents don't even know I talk to her. I like to keep my social life More private.
"AVA!” My mother called.
I slowly took a deep breath, and made my way downstairs to see my mother in frustration. She waited for me in the kitchen with a cigarette in her hand and a spoon in the other. I just happened to see my dad on the couch while walking by.
"What did you need, mother?" I asked.
"I need you to go out and get some food for tonight, it doesn't matter what, just make it good." My mother replied.
She gave me a list of other things that she needed besides what she wanted me to get.
I hurried to slip on some shoes and left the house without a sound. I could feel my mothers eye staring at me as I made my way out. Without looking back I walked out with a smile. I made my way down to the village where the market was located, it was my go-to place for anything. I peacefully go about my day and I couldn't help but hum a sweet toon. It was one that Luisa always hummed towards herself while she worked. It was so peaceful that I had always listened to it and over time I learned it, not that it's stuck, but it's something that always calms me. While making my way, I heard a familiar voice.
"Hey I recognize that hum from anywhere." You turned around to see who was talking behind you. I was so happy to see it was my dear friend,
I was relieved that it was here, because she was the only person that I knew and she was the only one who knew that hum. After all she came up with it. I did jump a little when she approached me though.
"Luisa, you startled me, how have you been?" I said with a smile.
Something about Her smile made every problem disappear, it was nice.
"Haha, well so far my days have been alright, but working all the time gets really boring and tiring and boring. Now that you're here it's so much better!"
Luisa screamed with excitement.
"woah someone's in a good mood."
I saw her smile to herself when I made that comment, it was cute when she did as such. I continued my walk and loved that she started to follow me.
" Yeah I don't know, ever since we rebuilt castita, my life changed somehow and I like it a little more!"
I liked seeing her so happy, it's been some time since I've seen her in such joy. Seeing her beautiful smile and laugh was enjoyable to watch. I couldn't help but smile at her, it's like problems have drifted away when she is around. I snapped out of my train of thought from her voice.
"So what are you up to?" Luisa curiously asked.
“You've been following me and yet have no clue what I'm doing?” I laughed
I watched as she giggled to herself.
“Well if you must know, I'm going to the market.” I answered
"Oh fun, do you mind if I join you? No, not at all." Luisa asking and answering her own question.
“It's not like you were following me or anything.” We both laughed.
We were about there at the market, it was just a few blocks down. The whole time we laughed, talked and had such a wonderful time together. After a bit, we finally made it, and I pulled out the list first so I wouldn't forget anything that she needed, then I was gonna get some things for dinner after. I went over to grab a basket and Luisa saw me grabbing the ingredients for pasta.
"Hmmm, looks like you're gonna make something good, what kind of pasta are you making?" Luisa said while leaning over your shoulder.
"It's pesto, I'm making something for my family, it's something that I would like to do. Usually happens on every Wednesday.” I Answered.
“They must be lucky, cuz I heard that you're an amazing cook.” she smiled
“Yeah, lucky.” I whispered to myself.
I paid for the things, but had to wait on Luisa. She wanted a mango to snack on. We then both left the market and started to walk some more.
“Hey I still have some time left, do you maybe wanna hang out some more?” I asked.
I know that I was pushing how long I was out but I couldn't help myself.
“Yes! I have some time. How about we go to the lake and chill there?” Luisa said with excitement.
“Yes, it will Be fun.” I replied
With my basket in hand, we make our way towards the lake, located where the two moutians split.
"Well here we are." Luisa said as she was walking towards the lake.
It was a beautiful sight, let alone really peaceful. I sat my basket down and and went next to the water. There I saw luisa lift her dress just enough to put her feet in the water, ofc she had taken ber shoes off before hand. I decided to do the same thing. Taking my shoes off, I stood right next to her along with relaxing my feet in the water. I looked at the sunset and close my eyes, the sun felt so warm agiant my face.
“This feels nice.” Luisa spoke.
With my eyes still being shut, I agreed.
“You wanna know something?” Luisa said with a smile.
She took my hand and we sat down near the water.
“I used to come here all the time, for peace and for the lovely view, very few people came up here, which is why I found myself very calm.” Luisa spoke
She started to face me and gave me a warm smile. I felt my face getting alittle warm by her embrace towards me. I got alittle closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder.
“You always found a way to keep me at peace, I don't know how you do it, but when with you I feel, loved.” I said with a smile.
She looked at me and I could see her eyes wide opened and her cheeks a rosy red. I raised my head up from her shoulders and I couldn't help but have the same reaction. Silence filled the air, I leaned in without a second thought. She leaned into me, lips inches apart from each other. There was one thing that I wanted to do, and I felt that she wanted the same. I hurried to stop myself though, I had completely lost track of time, and I had to stop the moment that we had. I could tell that she wanted to continue.
“It's getting really late, I have to go before my parents get worried.” I said in a panic.
“Hey, hey, it's okay, I'll walk you home so you don't have to worry About Any Creeps bothering you.” She laughed off.
The look that they had after, had my stomach drop. I didn't want to stop what we were doing, but there's a reason why I had to and I don't wanna Lose my friendship with her.
We both grabbed our shoes and took our feet out of the water. I saw that she had grabbed the basket for me.
“you Don't Have to do that.” I said with a smile.
“But I want to.” She gave me an even bigger smile.
I couldn't help but get so red from her. We both walked down to the village, and it had gotten quite dark, we really did lose track Of time. It took about 20 minutes to get back, usually it took a lot sooner, but we couldn't help but talk and take our sweet time coming back.
“Well here we are.” I was beside my house as she handed me the basket.
“Hey, I really had fun with you today.” She grabbed my hand and kissed it.
“And I can't thank you enough for it.” She smiled at me.
I looked at her and sat there in silence. She hurried to let go of my hand and panicked.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!” She spoke worryingly.
Tbh I didn't hear a word she had said, I was Mostly thinking about what she had done. She turned around with a slight frown and started to walk off. I snapped out of my train of thought, and hurried to grab her arm. She turned around towards me in confusion.
“Is everything okay-”
I pulled her down to me and gave her a kiss. She was in shock, but in a good way. It took her a little bit to comprehend what happened. She finally caught onto it and kissed back immediately, she wrapped her Hands around my waist and pulled me In. I didn't want this moment to end.
After a moment we broke the kiss and all we did was look at eachother, so I couldn't help but go in for another. This time just a quick peck.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” I said Happily.
I rushed towards my house and went inside. I could tell that she had the biggest smile on her face. When I went inside I heard A big yelp of joy from outside, it made me giggle a little.
“Hey mom, I'm sorry it took so long, but I got the things that you wanted and food for tonight.” I spoke.
“Thank you baby, and don't worry about fixing anything, I'll make it.” She responded.
“Is everything okay, you love it when I make dinner.” I asked
“Yeah, everything's fine but there's something that we need to talk about.” She said with a frown on her face.
My stomach dropped when hearing those words from her mouth, usually when she ever had anything to tell me and she had to sit me down for it, it was never good.
“I'll go ahead and tell you now while your father is out. We both know that you're an adult now, and well your father doesn't like that you're not married yet.” She spoke.
“Wait, what are you saying?” I said as I could feel my stomach starting to drop.
“Your father had arranged a marriage for you.” She said very disappointed in herself.
“WHAT?!” I was furious.
“He doesn't have the right to say who I get to marry.” i was modified about all of this.
“Calm down hun.” She spoke gently.
“ I am Calm!” I spoke out of rage.
“Who is it that I'm getting married to?” Even though I didn't want to be in an arranged marriage, I still wanted to know who it was. I was interrupted by my father barging Into the room.
“So I'm assuming that your mother had told you what's Happening yes?” he spoke to me.
“Sadly, but why don't I have a choice who I get to marry? It should be my decision, not you!” I yelled.
He grabbed my face and looked at me with a glare.
“Well that's too damn bad, you're going to meet him tomorrow and you are gonna like it.” he jerked my face back and left the room and went back out to wherever he was before he barged in here.
I couldn't look at my parents anymore, so I ran up to my room and refused to look or talk to them for the rest of the night.
The Next Day…
I couldn't sleep at all that night, all I kept thinking was what my mother had said as well as my father. sitting Up from the covers I see a dress hanging up from my door. I couldn't even look at it, I will say that the dress was quite pretty, but the Occasion for it is what made it ugly. I heard my mother knock then slowly opened the door.
“Good Morning Ava.” My mother greeted me.
She leaned against the door with her Arms crossed.
“Look I know that you don't wanna do this, and frankly I don't want you to either, but your father is old fashioned and the man of the house, so whatever he says goes.” She said sadly.
“I know.” I felt a tear run down my face. I felt my mothers fingers caress my cheek.
“ Is there someone else? Might I ask.” She questioned.
“Well I wouldn't say that but, getting there.” I said quietly.
She gave me a little smile and nudged My shoulder.
“So who is he or she?” My mother chuckled.
“How would you know it's a she?” I said in a panic.
I felt her hand on my cheek.
“One thing that you must always know is That a mother always knows, no matter how hard you try to hide it.” She smiled.
I was at a loss for words.
“I'll tell you what, how bout you do this “date” with this boy, just to make your father happy and we will see what happens after, and I can see what I can do to try to get you out of this marriage.” She spoke.
I had to give it some thought, but she was right, I'm gonna do this just to get it out of the way and go from there.
“Ugh fine.” I replied.
“That's my girl, now hurry up and get ready, he should be waiting outside in 30 minutes.” she hurried to tell Me.
She went out of the room and made her way down stairs.
I screamed into my pillow to get everything out before having to get ready for this stupid date.
The dress was a pink strawberry dress, with a long v-neck in the front and with puffy sleeves. I did love it. I won't lie about that. I put the dress on, and let my hair down, it looked really good on me. With the dress I decided to wear my black slip on with it. Now I was ready, I stead of thinking about wearing this for some date, I decided to think of it as wearing it for Luisa. Now I started to feel even prettier now.
“AVA!” My mother screamed.
“He's here, hurry!” She yelled.
“I'm coming!” I yelled back.
I ran downstairs and really wasn't ready to open the door.
“Hello.” The man spoke out to me.
I looked at him with an uneasy look.
“Uh, hi.” I responded.
I didn't like this not one bit.
“You ready? I asked.
“Oh, I'm sorry, lady's first.” He said politely.
I will say he was nice but I already had my heart set. We both walked out and I just walked alongside him, not really Making conversation. He was quiet the whole time. It was kinda boring. From a distance I saw Luisa doing her everyday chores. I wanted to say hi to her, but I didn't want to ditch him. Yes I didn't Want to go out with him, but I wasn't gonna leave him stranded. I was raised better than that, so I just went about my day with him. As the day went on, we actually had a good time together. His name was Alex. He was fun to hang out with, he acted more like a brother that I never had before. We went to the Cafe that was a couple of blocks away from my house and sat down for coffee.
“So, what do you think of all of this?” I questioned.
“In all honesty, I never agreed to this, let alone I already have someone in mind,” he replied.
Him saying that gave me hope. Maybe if our parents found out that he already loved another girl then this can be all over and done with. I was way ahead of myself.
“Can you keep a secret?” I asked
“If it deals with murder then no.” he laughed.
“Nothing like that.” I laughed alongside him.
“ What If I told you that I had someone in mind as well?” I replied.
“oh?” He sounded curious, but in a good way.
“Alright here's the deal, if I tell you who mine is, you have to tell me yours, deal?” he pointed out.
“deal, now tell me!” I snapped excitedly.
He grabbed my shoulder and pointed my head towards where his love was at.
“ do you see that person, in front of that big blue house over there?” he asked
“ The one that's holding a flower?” I questioned
“Actually it's the one holding the shovel,” he corrected.
“Omg, you like him?!” I said with a grin.
I watched as he started to sink down the seat.
“Oh, so it is.” I teased.
I watched as his face turned red.
“Well in that case.” I told him to rise up on his chair to where he was sitting. I got a little closer and grabbed his shoulder like he did mine.
“You see that girl over there?” I asked.
“Which one?” Alex questioned.
“No, the girl, that is, picking up the church.” I said with excitement.
“Oh you're talking about Luisa.” He teased me.
“You know she's one of my friends and she does not stop talking about you.” He spoke.
“Wait, she does? What does she say about me?” I questioned.
“She tells me how cute you are, how pretty you are, how smart you are, like there's a whole list of things she says About You, like yesterday, she wouldn't stop telling me how much she wanted to make a move on you.” He said.
I sunk in my chair as he did before and covered my face with my hands.
“She did Ahhhh.” I whispered.
“What did She do??? Tell me everything!” He questioned.
Well before She Took me home, I wouldn't say she made the move, I did, I grabbed her arm and we shared a kiss.” I replied.
“That is way too cute , omg!”
“And speaking off, Look who's coming over this way now.” He teased me.
“Oh shut up.” I shushed him.
“Hey Ava! And hey Alex, whatcha you both up to?” Luisa questioned.
He turned around towards her.
“So you know that arranged marriage I was telling you about, yeah, she's the person that my parents wanted me to marry, this was her first time knowing about it.” He explained.
I looked down In shame for not immediately telling Her about this.
“My father kinda forced me to do this, and I'm stuck and don't know what to do.” I tried to hold my tears back.
“How about I go over there and talk to him while you and Luisa spend Time together.” Alex kindly interrupted.
“That sounds really fun.” I started to cheer up.
“Then you two love birds should Get going.” He spoke.
And with that me and Luisa went off together.
“So how are you handling all of this?” Luisa questioned.
“To be honest, I don't Like it at all, but, can we focus On the moment between us both?” I didn't want to be rude, but the marriage thing was really bothering Me and I just wanted the moment to be between us two.
“I completely Understand, and in that Case you should Follow me.” Luisa said in understandment.
She took my hand as she ran into the woods with me. It was a place where me and her could be together without anybody bothering us.
“Alright, now close your eyes.” She whispered.
She helped me walk wherever she was taking me.
“Now open.”
It was so beautiful, the sunset was shining from the water and everything was the best lighting.
“It's so beautiful Luisa, omg it's a perfect spot.” I looked at the sun.
“So uh, wanna try that kiss again?” She said teasingly while grabbing my Waist.
I wrapped my arms around her neck as she tightened the grip around my waist.
“I would love to.” I giggled.
We embraced each other as we shared a long kiss. Out of surprise she Picked me up in bridal style and kissed me once again. She kept swinging at me as she giggled her heart away.
The kiss broke and we looked at each other with such compassion.
“I never want to let you go.” She said with a smile.
“ I want you to be mine.” She blushed.
She kissed me all over the face and stopped once again to look at me.
“I've been Wanting to ask you something for a long time now.” Luisa said.
I looked at her as she put me down. She placed her hands on my cheek.
“Ava, will you be my girlfriend?” Luisa spoke in a shy tone.
A smile crossed my face without hesitation and I jumped onto her causing her to tumble to the ground.
“yes, a thousand times yes!” I screamed out. I kissed with passion and we laughed in-between kisses. Nothing could be better than this.
Time had passed and it started to get dark. We laid under the moonlit light with our hands locked together. It was a beautiful night and very peaceful.
“It's getting late, shouldn't You be home by now?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to hang out with you for the rest of the night.” She pouted.
“You'll see me tomorrow though.” I said in a loving voice.
She rolled her eyes while laughing.
“I guess you're right.” as she still pouted. It was too cute.
She got up and helped me up from the grass. I was a little itchy from it, but it was worth it. She twirled me around as she helped me up, and caressed my face. She looked at me one last time before we had to part ways. I kissed hers before we left.
On my way home I kept on repeating that night over and over again. I felt blood rush up to my face. It was the best feeling ever. I finally made it to the house and took a deep breath upon Entering.
“Hi mom you would never believe-”
“Mom?” I called out.
I looked around wondering where she was. It was unusual to not see her in the house, it was rare that she ever left. I started to get worried and searched the whole house, not a sign of her. There was one more room that I haven't checked yet, and it was their bedroom. I was never allowed in there but I was desperate and didn't know where she was. I knocked and to my surprise The door opened, as if someone opened it for me. There I saw my father sitting down on the bed, with a look that was sinister look, he look furious.
“He-y, dad.” I struggled to say.
“Is everything okay?” I asked again.
“How was your date?” he Asked In a calm, demanding way.
“It was fun, we had a lot in common.” I tried to lighten the vibe.
He got up from the bed and looked me dead in the eyes.
“So you really had fun, didn't you?” he said once more.
I couldn't tell where he was getting at but I didn't like it.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, from the fear of him doing something if I did.
“Where are you getting at?” I managed to say.
“I think you know.” He said with an unsettling Smile. I watched as he grabbed his belt off the bed. He grabbed my arm with force and pulled his other hand back where it looked like he was gonna Swing at me. I screamed for A short second, and hurd the front door slammed open. He hurried to let go to see what the noise was. Only to back up when seeing a 6ft figure on the wall. He started to back up even faster when it looked like the figure was charging at him. There were too many things going on at once so I backed up alongside him. I ran into a corner and put myself into a ball, covering my eyes and holding my head close to me, hoping that whatever it is that's coming would soon leave. I heard muffled screaming, which sounded like my dad. So I still continued to curl up, and not look up. I heard my name being called from a distance.
“Ava, Ava, AVIANNA!” someone called.
I looked up to see Luisa bent down towards my level. She had tears rolling down her face, and my first instinct was to hug her. I didn't know too much of what was going on. All I could think of is that my mother was gone and I kinda went bat shit crazy on me. Luisa broke the hug slowly and looked at me to make sure that I was okay.
“Dolores hurd everything and alerted me as fast as she could, so I sprinted down here in seconds. Dolores and the others are still making their way down here.” She said in a worried tone and she was trying to calm herself from all the tears she was producing.
“I'm okay, don't cry, I'm okay.” I hugged her once again as she hugged me right back but slightly tighter.
“I think they are in here !” a voice called.
I looked to see the whole room filled with her family making sure I was okay. Luisa let go of the Hug once more.
“Why didn't you tell us that your father was doing bad things to you.” Dolores asked.
Luisa looked at me even more worried.
“He did bad things to you?” She turned back to dolores.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Luisa said a little More upset.
“I didn't know what to do.” Dolores said in shame.
“Hey everything's okay, I'm okay, look at me.” I demanded gently.
I had gotten Luisa to calm down Bit. I then saw her mother come running towards me.
“Are you okay, are You hurt?” her mom questioned.
“I'm not hurt, it's fine.” I said in a calm voice.
“Come on, let's get you up.” Felix and pepa came to get me up and standing once again.
They all left the house and on the way out I saw my father tied up to a chair and mouth covered with tape. I left him there, he put me through Hell my entire life. I held Luisa's hand in front of him and kissed her in such a loving way, her family was In awe at the scene and my father Looked furious. The whole family walked back to Casita and I hesitated at first but walked Alongside them.
As we walked in, the whole family gathered around me to make sure that I was okay and if I was hurt in any way. After a little bit they went off to bed after it was so late, and Luisa held my hand and guided me up the stairs into her room. As the door opened, it was massive, there was a huge Bed, I was in complete shock.
“Do you like it?” she asked
“It's huge.” I giggled a little to myself.
I could tell that what I had said put a big smile on her face. I went to sit down on her bed and kept replaying what happened.
“here.” Luisa had given me a shirt and sweats to sleep in. I took them and went into her bathroom to get dressed.
I knew they looked big when she gave them to me, but I didn't know it was this big. I went out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom. All I could see was her blushing and laughing at the same time. She thought that it was overly cute but hilarious at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh with her. After she had calmed down she looked at me with a huge smile.
“Did you want to borrow some of my sister's clothes? She asked.
“I should be good, I'm gonna go to sleep soon anyways.” I laughed to myself.
“ Well if you change your mind, her room is down the hall from mine, she should still be awake.”
she spoke.
She went into her bathroom to get changed. After a bit she came out with a surprised look on her face.
“So you decided to change huh.” She smirked.
I do admit that Isabella’s clothes fit better and we're more comfortable than Luisa’s. She made her way to the mirror and I watched her take the red ribbon out of her hair. It was so long, it's been a while since she had taken her hair down, it was pretty. I came up from behind her and combed my fingers through her hair.
“That feels good, don't stop.”
I smiled at that remark, she liked the feeling of my fingers through her hair, it was relaxing. She loves head rubs even more. I have her a kiss on the cheek
And made my way towards the bed, I watched as she laid right next to me and hugged me from behind. I could feel her big arms around me, I felt so warm and safe in her arms. And with that we slowly drifted to sleep.
Hours Went By…
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Ava♥️! Luisa 💖!
Made little portrait of themm,
I really hope that you like it 🥰!
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rmd-writes · 5 months
Hey I'm looking for a LS fic. It was like a 5+1 I think. About TK meeting Carlos's sisters.
I remember one of the scenarios was TK answers the door to the condo thinking it is the food delivery guy, but it is actually Ana or Luisa (can't remember which sister it was). Carlos happens to be in the shower at that time.
It's all I can remember right now about this. Would you happen to know which fic I'm talking about here?
Thank you in advance.
Hey Nonnie!
I do know this fic, it’s Think It Over, Think It Under by the wonderfully talented @liminalmemories21 whose missing moments fics are some of my faves 💖
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luisaenjoyer · 6 months
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How Luisa walks vs how Dolores walks 😭💖
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allastoredeer · 5 months
Hello! It's the Archangel anon again! I finally found the time to type out some "general" headcanons I have about the Archangels! Also, I'm sorry that even when trying to keep things short and sweet, I still ended up writing a damn novela🥲
Okay! A quick refresher first! Before he fell, Lucifer was an Archangel, along with his father (the Metatron) and his five siblings (Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Zadkiel). We see, presumably, the other six Archangels during Lucifer's brief flashback in episode 5. I headcanon that the two angels with the biggest, most ornate halos are the Metatron (the leader of the Archangels) and Michael (the Metatron's second in command). The Metatron is on Lucifer's right, and Michael is on his left.
There! Nice and refreshed! Now for the others. The angel standing directly behind Lucifer, I feel, is Zadkiel. The angel on Michael's left is Uriel, and the one on his right is Gabriel. This means Raphael is the tall angel standing between Zadkiel and the Metatron.
Now for more detailed general headcanons. These are all a hodgepodge of actual attributes I found after researching the Archangels, along with ideas I liked and thought would work. To keep from going on and on about their personalities and stuff, I made lists of characters that reminded me of the siblings. Hopefully, that will give you a quicker idea of what I think these guys are like.
Michael (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Warriors (also chivalry, the sick, the poor, the suffering, and tradesmen ((grocers, bakers, fishermen, etc.))
Characters I associate with Michael: Zuko (AtlA), Hunter (The Owl House), Alucard (Netflix's Castlevania), Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney), Donatello (Rise of the TMNT)
Associated color: Royal Blue
Primary weapon: Shortsword
Tells everyone his favorite instrument is the harp
(it's actually the accordion)
(Lucifer is the only one who knows this)
Raphael (He/She/They): Patron Archangel of Healing (also travelers, lovers, the blind, and children/young people)
Characters I associate with Raphael: Katara (AtlA), Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch), Willow Park (The Owl House), Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)
Associated color: Green
Primary weapon: Pike
Favorite weapon: Bo staff
Favorite instrument is the bugle
Is the "wine mom" sibling
(Keeps a secret flask on them at all times)
(Uriel is the only one he shares his booze with)
Uriel (She/They): Patron Archangel of Wisdom, Truth, Purification, and Devine Flame (also the arts and sciences; ALSO also, was assigned by the Metatron patronage over "Light" after Lucifer's Fall)
Characters I associate with Uriel: Garnet (Steven Universe), Luisa Madrigal (Encanto), Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role: Campaign Two), Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Associated colors: Red, Yellow, and Purple
Primary weapon: Claymore
Favorite instrument is the lyre
Gabriel (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Messengers, Postal Services, Communication, and Communication Services (👈 remember this one, I'm gonna send a separate ask later, going into more detail...😈)
Characters I associate with Gabriel: Literally every single blue character Ben Schwartz has ever voiced, specifically Rise of the TMNT's Leonardo (I don't know why, but I feel in my bones that Hazbin Gabriel is a Ben Schwartz Blue Guy™️. Maybe it has to do with the association I have between Gabriel and the Greek messenger god Hermes?🤷)
Associated colors: White (and light blue)
Primary weapon: Glaive
Favorite instrument is the trumpet
Lilies are his favorite flower (likes to wear them in his hair)
Stamp collecting is a secret hobby of his
Zadkiel (She/Her): Patron Archangel of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Freedom (most well known for being the angel that stopped Abraham from killing his son Isaac)
Characters I associate with Zadkiel: Luz Noceda (The Owl House), Keyleth (Critical Role: Campaign One), Jester Lavorre (Critical Role: Campaign Two), Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)😊💖🌈
Associated color: Violet
Primary weapon: Dagger
Favorite instrument is the drums
Goes by the nickname "Kiki" (Keekee, the cat is named after her)
Second most skilled Archangel at hand-to-hand melee combat
Out of all her dad's siblings, Charlie clicks with her Aunt Kiki the best
Pre-Fall Lucifer, aka "The Light-Bringer" (He/Him): Patron Archangel of Humility, Music, and "Light" (both literal and metaphorical)
Associated colors: Gold and Pink
Primary weapon: His FISTS (the most skilled Archangel at hand-to-hand melee combat)
Favorite instrument is the violin (he calls it a fiddle to annoy Mike)
Loves all his siblings but is closest to Mike and Kiki
In the event of a prank-war, he can either be your greatest ally or your worst nightmare
Can always get his siblings to smile and laugh no matter how down they are
Is his father's second biggest mistake
And that's the six siblings down! All that's left is the Metatron. But, to be perfectly honest, that piece of work is gonna need an entirely separate ask dedicated solely to him. Plus, I have another separate headcanon ask about Gabriel that I desperately want to type out first. So I'll have to get back to you about Old Man Meta at a later date.
I will say this, though, out of all the shitty dads that exist within the Hellaverse, the Metatron is on a completely separate level all his own.
Oh! Also, he and Roo have MAJOR beef with each other. The Metatron and the Root of Evil go way, WAAAAAY back🙂
Whoa O.O That is...that is indeed a lot.
I am writing them down. I might not use all of them, but they seem like a very good foundation to build on. I like all the little tidbits and fun facts about them too XD And specific relationships they have with each other.
Also, everytime I see Metatron I read it as Megatron and I'm surprised by it each time. What are Transformers doing in the Bible. Hahah, but yeah, I didn't even know of the Metatron until "Good Omens." Very interesting that he and Roo have some beef that goes WAY back.
It makes sense, in a way, but still 👀 I like it.
Thank you for these!!
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musette22 · 6 months
minnie!!! i hope you are well (and so is lily) and you know that you are loved <33
Luisa babyyy!! 🥰💕✨️ Hiii, I've missed you! I'm doing well, thank you so much, and so is Lily, and so is little Maisie (my newest pup!) Here they are playing together 🥹 I was training Maisie to walk off leash, hence the long line, and she's doing so so well!
I hope you're doing amazingly yourself, sweetheart 💖 May your sheets always be soft and your pillow always be fluffy, you deserve only the best things in life ✨️ Lots of love and hugs from me and my girls! 😘😘
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