#luis zapata
mikazuki-juuichi · 2 years
Diario de lectura.
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- El vampiro de la colonia Roma. Luis Zapata.
Cerca del final de la década de los 70, el chichifo ‘Adonis’ narra sus aventuras, desventuras y sueños en una serie de ocho cintas magnéticas a petición de un silente narrador. La vida de Adonis, abiertamente homosexual desde la infancia, es una colorida odisea que pasa por la adolescencia prematura, la presión social, la prostitución de lo más bajo a lo más alto, las enfermedades, el hastío — y una increíble constancia de vivir y de gozar la vida pese a todo.
Novela clave para la literatura gay, sea mexicana que latina o que universal. No fue la primera de su tipo en el país pero sí fue la que más popularizó el tema entre los críticos de la literatura dicha a secas. El reto de las cintas magnéticas (narración sin ninguna puntuación) y siguiendo el ‘stream of consciousness’ (esto es, la narración conforme se recuerda o fingiendo serlo) como técnicas literarias. Y la historia que se narra tiene la particularidad de ser a la vez todos y ningún homosexual de los tiempos previos a la aparición del SIDA. Aunque las enfermedades venéreas están siempre presentes, pero tan sólo como una de muchas molestias a sortear.
El personaje Adonis sigue las pautas de la literatura picaresca, que narrando con aparente desparpajo diversos tabúes realiza una certera crítica a la sociedad de su tiempo y entorno. Desde los medios educativos hasta la policía, por no hablar de las diferencias de clase y de prejuicios profundamente arraigados.
Una lectura sumamente importante y con la cual concluyo (con unos días de atraso) el mes patrio, la lectura de libros Mexicanos.
Y comienzo un mes de lecturas de terror.
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I hiked a section of the South Zapata Lake Trail in southern Colorado earlier this week…
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ladedicatoria · 5 months
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A la irresponsabilidad de mi vieja, a la siempre caprichosa conducta de la Belén por tener cosas y a esos raros con los que me crucé, me cruzo y me seguiré cruzando: 
“No podés comparar la vida con una película”. Eso se me dijo una vez. Fui incapaz de esgrimir una  respuesta a ese reproche por no actuar de manera realista. Desde mis adentros me convencí diciendo: “es imposible vivir sin ser atravesado por escenas, a las cuales suelo frecuentar, en  cualquier momento del día; en personajes que me enseñaron a cómo hablar en distintas  situaciones sociales, a espiar desde una ventana, a sostener el cigarrillo entre los dedos y,  también, a comprender que jamás voy a poder fumar como lo hace Belmondo en “Sin aliento””.  
Las imágenes siempre me impresionaron. Algunas de ellas me siguen acompañando en el  presente; imágenes que no entiendo, aquellas que no puedo contextualizar y menos aún  verbalizar. A pesar de esa falta, siguen siendo una parte importante de mí. También están esas secuencias desconocidas de películas que me persiguen cada tanto, las que no puedo encajar  con algún título o director. Esas persecuciones resultan estimulantes, me empujan a seguir  buscando; suelo perderme en la búsqueda para dar con el resto del cuerpo de ese pequeño  fotograma. Se siente parecido a emprender un viaje o a lanzarse hacia una aventura de unos  pocos minutos, con la posibilidad de que su prolongación desconozca de un fin.  
La satisfacción es desmedida cuando las encuentro, me invade el deseo de todo burgués, el de  poseer, por eso decidí materializarlas (puro fetichismo, lo sé). Primero en cd’s, de una en una guardaba; cuando conocí los dvd’s y me di cuenta que podían entrar más de una, la codicia se  apoderó de mí, cuatro o hasta cinco podía grabar en una hora y hasta veinte en un día. Mi  voracidad barría con todo límite, la felicidad era inexplicable. Por las tardes subía corriendo las  escaleras, hasta el comedor de mi abuela, antes había pasado a comprar un par de dvd’s; una  vez sentado, con los pendrives cargando las películas, le pedía la computadora a la Belén y declaraba el inicio de mi tarea. Todo lo que me gustaba o interesaba lo grababa. Luego lo veía 
esa misma noche o podía no ser visto nunca. Así pasé los últimos momentos de la adolescencia  y mis veinte. Un día, en plena pandemia, intenté armar la lista con todos los títulos, lo intenté  esa única vez, caí en la cuenta de que es imposible contabilizar lo pletórico. Cajas y cajas se  amontonaron en los rincones oscuros de mi casa, allí resisten, deformadas por el peso de la  quietud, me gusta pensar en ellas como fantasmas en reposo, a la espera de ser liberados. O, en  palabras de Abelardo Castillo, como en una familia espiritual, con la que uno se siente siempre  acompañado.  
Mi amor por el cine es anterior a los dvd’s, a las computadoras, internet, torrent’s o plataformas;  como toda historia, bien entendida, se trató de una construcción colectiva. En las primeras  noches calurosas de verano, donde las puertas y la ventana permanecían abiertas, pasado el  ciclo lectivo, mi vieja organizaba pequeñas tertulias con sus estudiantes, festejos privados para  aquellos y aquellas que habían logrado acreditar alguna de las matemáticas o físicas de la  secundaria. Encargaban pizza en la Mayo, alquilaban dos películas de terror y así se divertían.  Las veían en el tele de caja de madera de mi abuelo y las reproducían desde la videocasetera  que mi viejo, en un viaje al sur, que sólo dios sabe por qué había ido hasta Santa Cruz, volvió con  ese bloque negro que en su centro aparecía una boca que tragaba y escupía vhs. Mis primeras  fantasías y miedos provienen de esas noches festivas. A pesar de ello y de no poder entender lo  que sucedía en lo proyectado en la pantalla y las razones del porqué ese grupo de desconocidos  se reunía a gritar, reír y compartir silencios; la fascinación de observarlos y formar parte de esa  conjura de medianoche, era desbordante. 
El desborde por esa fascinación inexplicable tomó forma cuando pusieron un televisor frente a  mi humanidad. Una pantalla negra que se iluminaba al apretar un botón del control remoto. Con el dedo gordo de mi mano podía subir y bajar las veces que quisiera, por canales que me  mostraban todo tipo de contenido; pero el subir tenía un techo, construido desde el temor a transitar por los últimos canales de la grilla. El típico desconocimiento burdo fue superado por  el afán de conocer lo que me aguardaba en las alturas.  
Isat, Cinevisión, la programación de trasnoche en TNT, los especiales de terror conducidos por  Kuschevatzky y más canales y programas que no puedo recordar, todo eso permanecía  agazapado en las alturas. Esperaba con ansiedad que el reloj diera el salto sobre las doce, para  imbuirme en eso, en una amalgama pegajosa y confortante habitada por nombres de  naturaleza misteriosa, que resonaban constantemente en mi cabeza. Pasaba por sus películas, absorbiendo partes de un tipo de estilo, géneros, subgéneros, secuelas, trilogías de terror,  ciencia ficción, suspenso, acción y las múltiples y diversas vertientes de cada uno. En esas desveladas frente a la pantalla de colores incesantes, entendí las razones de las reuniones en mi  casa. La dinámica de ese goce era similar a un juego, donde se asegura la inexistencia del 
enfrentamiento real con peligros; cuando se experimentan acontecimientos extraordinarios, esos que hasta nos conducen a coquetear con la muerte como en la obsesiva investigación sobre  un libro maldito, a enamorarte de la vecina que vive del otro lado de la calle, a irte a pasar  unos días con amigos a una cabaña o a enterrar a tu hijo en un cementerio indio.  
El pasar y detenerme de a poco, cada vez más, en un canal extraño llamado Europa Europa llevó  a expandir mi conocimiento por otro tipo de cine: poder saborear gustos provenientes de la  árida desolación de la Italia de posguerra, la crueldad de la sociedad alemana, el cínico humor  antifascista de los españoles y las revoluciones cinematográficas en las calles de la Francia de  los años sesenta. Ver por primera vez la ruda belleza de Sofía Loren, boludeando a tipos que  querían pasar una noche con ella; a ese niño de pantalones cortos, llevando medias tres cuartos  tan amarillas como su cabello, de ojos celestes profundos, cargando con arrugas que marcaban todo su rostro ocasionadas  por la tragedia de su pueblo, mientras caminaba al ritmo de golpes que daba a un viejo tambor de hojalata. Maravillarme con las escenas de erotismo barroco de  Pasolini, interpretadas por sus bellas, crueles y horrendas criaturas, en las cuestionadas adaptaciones de Las mil y una noches y El Decamerón; y hasta hoy conservo la perturbación  sobre mis tempranas convicciones, cuando vi al Cristo de Ken Russel bajar de la cruz para tener sexo con María Magdalena. Muchas de esas secuencias fueron vistas sólo una vez, intento no  volver a ellas, así han ido tomando la forma de un mito. 
El acto de ver películas, en principio, lo hacía de manera solitaria. Lo consideraba como algo mío,  un momento privado, ajeno a todo lo que me rodeaba. En paralelo iba sucediendo otra cosa, el  acto de observar puso en movimiento el de conocer. En esa instancia el cine se convirtió en un  objeto de estudio. Debía saber el cómo y el porqué de una película o el de un director o directora,  el de un movimiento, de géneros y así. A su vez, empecé a tener el deseo de compartir y el cine pasó a ser un medio para vincularme. La trascendencia de mi amor por él me llevó a transmitirlo en una charla, organizando proyecciones y también a escribir. Pero por sobre todo a conocer personas,  algunas de ellas fueron espectadores curiosos que pasaron, otras se quedaron y se volvieron amigos.
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boomgers · 2 years
La verdad se oculta mejor a la vista de todos… “Horario Estelar”
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La historia sigue a Ramiro del Solar, un prestigioso periodista televisivo con una extensa trayectoria de coberturas reveladoras que ha logrado mantener su vida privada libre de escándalos mediáticos.
Sin embargo, cuando su amante muere durante uno de los encuentros de la pareja, Ramiro se dispone a ocultar su paso por la vida de la víctima, aterrorizado por todo lo que tiene que perder.
Cuando la investigación se complica, el periodista utiliza su habilidad para desviar los datos frente a la opinión pública e intentar salir impune, develando su naturaleza manipuladora e inmoral.
Estreno: 15 de febrero de 2023 en Star+.
Creada por Mariano Cohn y Gastón Duprat, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Óscar Jaenada, Dominika Paleta, Maya Zapata, Ela Velden, Pamela Almanza, Alejandro Camacho, Iliana Fox, Mauricio Isaac, Luis Arrieta, Juan Carlos Vives, Blanca Guerra y Silverio Palacios.
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queretarotv · 2 years
Diputado Luis Antonio Zapata Guerrero, entrega proyectores como apoyo de material didáctico al Cobaq Plantel 3, ubicado en el municipio de Corregidora
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. 27 de febrero de 2023. El diputado del Distrito VII, Luis Antonio Zapata Guerrero, integrante del Grupo Legislativo del Partido Acción Nacional en la LX Legislatura del estado, entregó dos proyectores y conexiones, al Colegio de Bachilleres (Cobaq) Plantel 3, ubicado en el municipio de Corregidora. Durante su participación en la ceremonia de Honores a la Bandera en…
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consistentsquash · 1 month
eldritcher showed up out of nowhere to drop a thesis on f1. i want to kiss them.
their f1 fics are beautiful works of art.
going to make a real rec later but dropping some of the queer books referenced in the series <3 because book recs are great!
How I Became a Nun by Cesar Aira Tengo Miedo, Torero by Pedro Lemebel All the Lonely People by David Owen The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst The Lame Pigeon by Eduardo Mendicutti Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami Barracuda by Christos Tsiolkas Affinity by Sarah Waters Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson A Famous Boy by Johannes Kneppelhout The Tree and the Vine by Dola de Jong Membranes by Chi Ta-wei Die Mitte der Welt by Andreas Steinhhöfel El vampiro de la colonia Roma by Luis Zapata
probably missed a lot. i fell in love originally with e's more lyrical/timeless prose. now love love love the softer/more modern prose of the f1 series with the literature density packed in their subrosa style. i am hyped for the finale <3
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty Spring: Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child – Sleeping Beauty" (1995 animated series episode)
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Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child was like an animated musical counterpart to Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre for children of the '90s. Each episode, narrated by Robert Guillaume, adapts a classic fairy tale or fantasy story with a star-studded voice cast, blending irreverent humor with sincerity. But what sets this series apart from any similar series is that each story takes place in a different culture. Highlight episodes include a Chinese Little Red Riding Hood, a Caribbean Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a Native American Snow White, African versions of Jack and the Beanstalk, The Frog Prince, and Beauty and the Beast, and Latin American versions of Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella... and Sleeping Beauty.
This retelling of the tale takes place in an imaginary Latin American seaside kingdom. The dialogue is peppered with Spanish words and phrases, and the voice cast consists entirely of Latino and part-Latino celebrities: Marie Barrientos as Princess Rosita, Ricardo Montalbán as King Carlos, Lucie Arnaz as Queen Maria, Paul Rodriguez as Jesse the Jester, Jacob Vargas as Prince Luis, Carlos Mencia as his squire Poncho, Carmen Zapata as the Seventh Fairy, Vanessa Marquez as all of the other six fairies, and musical theatre/opera singer Julia Migenes as the villainous fairy Evelina.
Apart from the Latin American setting, the plot faithfully follows the traditional story. King Carlos and Queen Maria yearn for a child, comforted only by the slapstick comedy of their clumsy jester, Jesse. But at last, Princess Rosita is born. To her grand christening – a fiesta with flamenco dancing, salsa music, and a feast of arroz con pollo and ropa vieja – the king and queen invite seven good fairies, portrayed as middle aged and elderly women with tiny wings. But the hideous old fairy Evelina goes uninvited because she shut herself away in a tower long ago and is presumed dead. Of course she comes anyway, and after expressing her offense a grand musical number, she curses the princess, but the pink-clad Seventh Fairy softens her curse from death to a hundred-year sleep.
Sixteen years later, as in the Cannon Movie Tales adaptation, the whole kingdom is dressed in rags and patches because no new cloth can be made without spinning wheels. Princess Rosita knows that spinning was banned due to an old prophecy, but doesn't know what that prophecy is. When her parents go out a tour of the kingdom, Jesse the Jester promises to look after her. But he promptly knocks himself unconscious on a column, so Rosita is free to explore unknown parts of the castle. Of course she finds a tower where Evelina waits with a spinning wheel. King Carlos, Queen Maria, and Jesse are distraught when they find Rosita sleeping, but the Seventh Fairy arrives and puts the rest of the kingdom to sleep too. Over a hundred years, a dense jungle grows around the castle.
At long last, Prince Luis and his nervous squire Poncho arrive. They've heard many legends about the old castle, but finally an old man tells them the true story. When they ride into the jungle, the trees miraculously part, and soon the prince finds Rosita and kisses her, breaking the spell. A fantastico wedding is celebrated with new clothes for everyone, Evelina "goes all to pieces" with rage (her tower explodes with her inside it, leaving just a smoking ruin), and everyone else lives happily ever after.
While the animation isn't the most sophisticated, its lively, colorful, stylized aesthetic is memorable and charming. It perfectly suits the balance between humor and heart that the script offers. As in most episodes of this series, there are two featured songs, the brief "Good Fairies' Song" and Evelina's "Que Es Esto" ("A party without me? Surely you jest-o!"), both infused with the local color of the setting.
I recommend not only this episode, but the entire Happily Ever After series to anyone who enjoys seeing fairy tales told with fresh, colorful new spins, and especially to children of different ethnic groups, who will enjoy seeing themselves in the classic tales.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @thealmightyemprex, @faintingheroine, @reds-revenge, @paexgo-rosa, @comma-after-dearest, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @thatscarletflycatcher, @fairytaleslive, @autistic-prince-cinderella
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luisvazquez91 · 2 years
La casita de las muñecas
<< Lo importante aquí es el drama y su eterna belleza >> - Hilda Krüger
La casita de las muñecas, obra de le mismísime Riggo Bega es una E-X-Q-U-I-S-I-T-A, suculenta, necesaria, justa y precisa, disección del tejido social, el cual, como ya sabemos, está en muchas partes más muerto que la carrera de mi a-dorado Nicolás Alvarado al decir que las lentejuelas de Juanga le irritaban no por jotas sino por nacas. Riggo además de ser multi-, inter-, supra- disciplinarie en diversos artes, poderes, oficios y profesiones dirige las luces y pone en escena (algo sumamente necesario y justo) todo aquello que muchxs pensamos, muchxs menos se atreven a decir y pocxs pionerxs se atreven a dejar plasmado.
No se trata de un acto de misantropía, ya que como diría Machado de Assis, “la misantropía puede tomar el aspecto de caridad, dejar la vida a otros, para un misántropo, es realmente aborrecerlos”. Riggo nos toma de la mano y presenta a un par de personajes entrañables, es a través de esta obra que nos deja en claro que la Lupe y Luna son dos personajes de cuidado y que cual lazarillxs, a pesar de vivir y desvivr una serie de eventos nunca sacian esa sed de superación, hacen honor a la divina decadencia: - el secreto para triunfar en esta vida - aprender a levantarse, sacudirse y divinamente seguir tu andar.
Este andar por la vida es de por sí complejo, mucho más para aquellxs olvidadxs que tienen que recorrer un camino más fregado que mis rodillas y más torcido que muchos de cierta "tribu que prefieren gozar en la oscuridad y vivir en un estado donde ignoran su propia debilidad … cediendo a la presión y al fastidio, metiéndose la moral por el culo y a puerta cerrada". Al deleitarse con cada uno de los capítulos (que por título llevan himnos a la soledad, a los malditos onvres y a la desgracia) recuerdo el exquisito estilo de Luis Zapata en El vampiro de la colonia Roma y su necro-fantástico estilo para el uso del cadaver fresco en su Autobiografía póstuma que fabulosamente sublima en La casita de las muñecas con un inesperado plot twist que involucra mucha sangre, verganza y arrepentimiento.
La receta del éxito, considero, es la creación de una obra que permanecerá vigente a través de cualquier época, la facilidad con la que al leer la obra pueda sentirse identificado con alguna (o muchas) de las situaciones y personajes, parte indispensable para el cambio es conocer la historia, nuestra historia, aprender de ella y de los errores, aprehender el conocimiento generado de las amarguras y sobre todo no olvidar. Gracias Riggo por el ejemplar, la oportunidad de conocer un poco más sobre ti y sobre todo el inmortalizar tu aportación a esta lucha a través de las letras.
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Hispanic Heritage Month: Literary Fiction Picks
It Would Be Night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo, Elizabeth Bryer (Translation)
In Caracas, Venezuela, Adelaida Falcon stands over an open grave. Alone, except for harried undertakers, she buries her mother–the only family Adelaida has ever known. Numb with grief, Adelaida returns to the apartment they shared. Outside the window that she tapes shut every night—to prevent the tear gas raining down on protesters in the streets from seeping in. When looters masquerading as revolutionaries take over her apartment, Adelaida resists and is beaten up. It is the beginning of a fight for survival in a country that has disintegrated into violence and anarchy, where citizens are increasingly pitted against each other. But as fate would have it, Adelaida is given a gruesome choice that could secure her escape. Filled with riveting twists and turns, and told in a powerful, urgent voice, It Would Be Night in Caracas is a chilling reminder of how quickly the world we know can crumble.
The Lost Book of Adana Moreau by Michael Zapata
In 1929 in New Orleans, a Dominican immigrant named Adana Moreau writes a science fiction novel. The novel earns rave reviews, and Adana begins a sequel. Then she falls gravely ill. Just before she dies, she destroys the only copy of the manuscript. Decades later in Chicago, Saul Drower is cleaning out his dead grandfather’s home when he discovers a mysterious manuscript written by none other than Adana Moreau. With the help of his friend Javier, Saul tracks down an address for Adana’s son in New Orleans, but as Hurricane Katrina strikes, they must head to the storm-ravaged city for answers. What results is a brilliantly layered masterpiece—an ode to home, storytelling and the possibility of parallel worlds.
Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea, Enrique Hubbard Urrea (Translator)
Nineteen-year-old Nayeli works at a taco shop in her Mexican village and dreams about her father, who journeyed to the United States to find work. Recently, it has dawned on her that he isn't the only man who has left town. In fact, there are almost no men in the village--they've all gone north. While watching The Magnificent Seven, Nayeli decides to go north herself and recruit seven men--her own "Siete Magníficos"--to repopulate her hometown and protect it from the bandidos who plan on taking it over. Filled with unforgettable characters and prose as radiant as the Sinaloan sun, Into the Beautiful North is the story of an irresistible young woman's quest to find herself on both sides of the fence.
Conquistadora by Esmeralda Santiago
As a young girl growing up in Spain, Ana Larragoity Cubillas is powerfully drawn to Puerto Rico by the diaries of an ancestor who traveled there with Ponce de León. And in handsome twin brothers Ramón and Inocente—both in love with Ana—she finds a way to get there. She marries Ramón, and in 1844, just eighteen, she travels across the ocean to a remote sugar plantation the brothers have inherited on the island. Ana faces unrelenting heat, disease and isolation, and the dangers of the untamed countryside even as she relishes the challenge of running Hacienda los Gemelos. But when the Civil War breaks out in the United States, Ana finds her livelihood, and perhaps even her life, threatened by the very people on whose backs her wealth has been built: the hacienda’s slaves, whose richly drawn stories unfold alongside her own. And when at last Ana falls for a man who may be her destiny—a once-forbidden love—she will sacrifice nearly everything to keep hold of the land that has become her true home. This is a sensual, riveting tale, set in a place where human passions and cruelties collide: thrilling history that has never before been brought so vividly and unforgettably to life.
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w0nderw0man-cinema · 2 years
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What I read in 2023
Tis The Season For Revenge by Morgan Elizabeth
Always Mine by Laura Pavlov
Her Way by Nicci Harris
His Pretty Little Burden by Nicci Harris
His Pretty Little Queen by Nicci Harris
The Piece That Fits by N.J. Gray
Heartless by Elsie Silver
Mile High by Liz Tomforde
Fresh Meet by Jasmin Miller
A Better Man by Carrie Elks
Suffer in Silence by Kelsey Clayton
Screams in Symphony by Kelsey Clayton
Our Thing by Nicci Harris
Cosa Nostra by Nicci Harris
Flawless by Elsie Silver
Consider Me by Becka Mack
The Right Move by Liz Tomforde
Play With Me by Becka Mack
A not so meet cute by Meghan Quinn
So not meant to be by Meghan Quinn
A long time coming by Meghan Quinn
A Photo Finish by Elsie Silver
Dirty Devil by Melissa Ivers
Keeping Denver by Sandy Alvarez and Crystal Daniels
Thorne Princess by L.J. Shen
Black Ties & White Lies by Kat Singleton
Rule Number Five by J. Wilder
Taste by Melanie Harlow
Tease by Melanie Harlow
Tempt by Melanie Harlow
Kiss and don’t tell by Meghan Quinn
Those Three Little Words by Meghan Quinn
Right Man, Right Tine by Meghan Quinn
Distance by Luna Mason
Glove Save by Teagan Hunter
Heat Haven by Sarah Blue
One Pucked Up Pack by Sarah Blue
That One Night by Emily Rath
Sleet Kitten by S.J. Tilly
Forbidden: Part One by Emilia Emerson
Pucking around by Emily Rath
Sinners anonymous by Somme Sketcher
Sinners consumed by Somme Sketcher
Sinners condemned by Somme Sketcher
Ever Mine by Laura Pavlov
Make You Mine by Laura Pavlov
Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score
Unperfect by Susie Tate
Finn by BJ Alpha
Oscar by BJ Alpha
Things We Hide From The Light by Lucy Score
Coach by Devney Perry
Their Broken Legend by Nicci Harris
Gravity by Tal Bauer
Pucking Ever After Vol. 1 by Emily Rath
Thrust & Throttle by Emma Slate
Sugar and Skulls by LM Terry
The Ritual by Shantel Tessier
The Sinner by Shantel Tessier
The Sacrifice by Shantel Tessier
Washed in Blood by Ashley Lane
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
The Mistake by Elle Kennedy
The Score by Elle Kennedy
The Goal by Elle Kennedy
The Legacy by Elle Kennedy
Venom & Vengance by Emma Slate
Watercolor Skulls by LM Terry
The Rescue by Julie Weaver
Roses and Skulls by LM Terry
Runaway Love by Melanie Harlow
Simply Mine by Laura Pavlov
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What I heard in 2023
Icebraker by Hannah Grace
Blindsided by Amy Daws
The Hardest Fall by Ella Maise
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata
Don't Kiss the Bride by Carian Cole
Power Play by Maria Luis
Sin Bin by Maria Luis
Twisted Love by Ana Huang
Twisted Games by Ana Huang
Twisted Hate by Ana Huang
Twisted Lies by Ana Huang
The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker
Wild At Heart by K.A. Tucker
Forever Wild by K.A. Tucker
Throttled by Lauren Asher
Focused by Karla Sorensen
Running Wild by K.A. Tucker
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher
Faked by Karla Sorensen
Forbidden by Karla Sorensen
Floored by Karla Sorensen
The Marriage Effect by Karla Sorensen
The Bombshell Effect by Karla Sorensen
The Ex Effect by Karla Sorensen
Home Game by Odette Stone
Puck Me Secretly by Odette Stone
It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey
All Rhodes Lead Here by Mariana Zapata
Under Locke by Mariana Zapata
Repeat by Kylie Scott
tattered by Devney Perry
timid by Devney Perry
Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey
tragic by Devney Perry
tinsel by Devney Perry
Until it fades by K.A. Tucker
Kulti by Mariana Zapata
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Zapata Falls Trail
The hike to Zapata Falls near Alamosa, Colorado is just 0.5 miles…
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Take a break during this crazy game to look at our Atalantini. 🥰🥰😍
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ladygagataiwan · 1 year
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🇲🇽 墨西哥超級新星 Peso Pluma 發行新專輯【GÉNESIS】 歌曲【LADY GAGA】獲得各大樂評廣大迴響!
當紅 24 歲墨西哥流行歌手 Peso Pluma 發行個人第三張錄音室專輯【GÉNESIS】,Peso Pluma 表示他為這張所有的「墨西哥音樂」花了一年創作,並製作了一段日子。知名樂評 Pitchfork 寫道:
🎤 曲目:
1. Rosa Pastel (ft. Jasiel Núñez)
2. Luna (ft. Junior H)
3. 77 (ft. Eladio Carrión)
4. Rubicon5. Carnal (ft. Natanael Cano)
6. Gavilán II (ft. Tito Double P)
7. VVS (ft. Darey Castro & Edgardo Nuñez)
8. Su Casa (ft. Luis R Conriquez)
9. Lady Gaga (ft. Gabito Ballesteros & Junior H)
10. Zapata
11. La People (ft. Tito Double P)
12. Nueva Vida
13. Lagunas (ft. Jasiel Nuñez)
14. Bye
其中最受矚目的新歌【LADY GAGA】是一首不插電民謠,與 Gabito Ballesteros & Junior H 合唱,歌詞創作借鑒了遊戲《GTA 俠盜獵車手》、社群軟體 Instagram 與網紅文化,為經典的傳統墨西哥敘事詩可利多(Corrido)注入了 Z 世代的風格,歌曲歌名靈感來自傳奇流行天后「女神卡卡 Lady Gaga」代言的頂尖的香檳酒品牌《香檳王 Dom Pérignon》,歌曲第一句為:
「Dom Pérignon Lady Gaga…」
Peso Pluma 在歌曲的故事中將自己比作一位戴著墨鏡的流行歌星,正在適應奢侈的新生活方式,並把自己比喻為【LADY GAGA】。它感覺就像一首悲傷的���方男孩的說唱歌曲,講述的是除了人與人真誠的聯繫之外,金錢可以買到一切。對於 Peso Pluma 來說,正在把 Corrido 複雜的歷史帶到拉丁音樂的最前線。
【LADY GAGA】理所當然的因為歌名「LADY GAGA」的影響力與話題性,成為專輯【GÉNESIS】新曲中在串流與數位銷售最突出的歌曲,【LADY GAGA】還被收錄在擁有 1,394 萬粉絲追蹤的 Spotify 官方播放清單《Viva Latino》第一順位,發行首日單日串流量達到 369 萬,登上:
- 全球 Spotify 排行榜第 8 名/美國第 4 名
-Top Song Debut Global 全球排行榜冠軍 (2023.6.23-25)
-墨西哥獲得熱烈迴響!當地 Apple Music 與 Spotify 皆獲得單曲榜冠軍!
【GÉNESIS】在 Spotify 以發行首日 2,280 萬串流的好成績,成為 Spotify 全球專輯排行榜,史上首日串流第 5 高的西語專輯:
1. Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti (1億4,580萬)
2. Bad Bunny - EUTDM (7,480萬)
3. Bad Bunny - YHLQMDLG (6,003萬)
4. KaRoL G - MAÑANA SERÁ BONITO (3,240萬)
5. Peso Pluma - GÉNESI (2,280M)
Little Monsters 小怪獸們如果對 Peso Pluma 這張新專輯【GÉNESIS】有興趣,整張專輯語歌曲【LADY GAGA】都已經在各大串流平台上架囉!
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💽 專輯【GÉNESIS】各大線上串流收聽
⚡️小怪獸們 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 按下「追蹤 𝐹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌」
🎧 獲得更多 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐆𝐀𝐆𝐀 最快最新的西洋流行資訊
@ladygaga.taiwan (備用)
▶ 🔘────── 2023:06:26
#女神卡卡 #女神卡卡臺灣粉絲團 #西洋 #西洋音樂 #音樂 #年度專輯 #年度歌曲 #拉丁音樂 #拉丁 #西語專輯 #墨西哥 #レディーガガ #레이디가가 #LadyGaga #Gaga #LittleMonsters #Taiwan #LadyGagaTaiwan #QueenOfPop #AlbumOfTheYear #SongOfTheYear #Spotify #AppleMusic #KKBOX #Music
#LatinMusic #GRAMMYs #PesoPluma #GÉNESIS #Mexico
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stateofsport211 · 1 year
Clay Season: Who Are You and What Have You Done with My Faves?
The Clay Challengers and Why They Matter
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Court Philippe Chatrier, the central court for the French Open/Roland Garros (📸 ATP official website)
Those who follow this Tumblr account know how frequent I (the user behind this) watch Challengers. Waking up at 6am for a clay Challenger match, double-screening or replaying while away just because a particular Challenger is on clay, or even watching her random faves trying to nail the clay court game. Even outside clay, it’s the same situation. However, the peak is here: the clay season.
Remember how Juan Pablo Varillas, who was a qualifier last year, took 2 sets off Felix Auger-Aliassime right in the first round? Or how Bernabe Zapata Miralles made it all the way to the fourth round, defeating John Isner (of all people) along the way? These are just one of the examples on how deep the clay Challengers are. They are widespread, not only the European but also the South American Challengers.
Now, how many clay Challengers do we have until this point, where are we at the time of this writing, and why following (even if just a little bit) these Challengers can be beneficial to your clay season tennis-watching?
Loaded with Clay: The 2023 (Notable) Clay Challengers
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The ATP Challenger Tour’s tweet to welcome the April clay Challengers (📝 ATP Challenger Tour’s official Twitter)
Starting last March, there were several notable European clay Challengers, indoors or outdoors, that took place. However, in April, the number keeps increasing except for South Korea’s own Challenger swing, which returns to April this year from last year’s September post-pandemic. One notable indoor clay Challenger last March is Szekesfehervar Challenger, where Hamad Medjedovic took the title after defeating Zsombor Piros in straight sets. When tallied, there are 35 clay Challengers scattered across Europe and the Americas (North and South), some of which are filled with people preparing for the French Open.
By the time this piece was written, for example, 3 of the Challengers scheduled for this week were held on clay (Barletta, Murcia, and San Luis Potosi). The spreading of these Challengers not only enabled the players inside the direct entry or qualifying zone to prepare for Roland Garros but also for the ranking range way below that. Furthermore, 8 Challengers offered the 2 highest points (125 & 175), which are listed as follows:
Mexico City Open in Mexico City, Mexico (125; won by Dominik Koepfer)
Sanremo Tennis Cup in Sanremo, Italy (125; won by Luca van Assche, who then ascended to the Top 100 upon his semifinal victory)
Elizabeth Moore Sarasota Open in Sarasota, Florida, United States of America (125; to be played in April 10-16, 2023)
Oeiras Open 125 in Oeiras, Portugal (125; known as Oeiras 3, to be played in April 17-23, 2023)
Aix-en-Provence Challenger in Aix-en-Provence, France (175; to be played on May 1-7, 2023, during Madrid M1000’s second week)
Cagliari Challenger in Cagliari, Italy (175; to also be played on May 1-7, 2023, during Madrid M1000’s second week)
Bordeaux Challenger in Bordeaux, France (175; to be played on May 14-20, 2023, during Rome M1000’s second week)
Turin Challenger in Turin, Italy (175; to also be played on May 14-20, 2023, during Rome M1000’s second week)
The depth of the clay Challengers not only enabled the players to prepare for the French Open, but its flexible availability throughout the season enabled them to grow their game even further. While it often takes time for them to grow their game off-clay, especially those who only have the clay court available to them, some showed they can go beyond clay with minor adjustments needed. Some of the players inside the Top 300 even started their journey from these clay courts, such as those from South America, where its impacts are currently felt across the general tennis circuit.
Legion Sudamericana and Its Impacts
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Legion Sudamericana (📸 Tenis con Ñ via Canal Tenis)
Throughout the season, even way before Roland Garros, South America has its own Challenger circuit called Legion Sudamericana (also known as Legion Sudam). This was initiated by Chilean tennis legend and former World No. 31 Horacio de la Peña in 2021, which aimed to create more opportunities for especially South American players at the Challenger level and increase their exposure throughout the region. As the circuit grows, they comprise not only the ATP Challenger level but also 12 male and female ITF World Tour Tennis tournaments each by its first year. Furthermore, they will involve the tennis legends across the region as part of their attempt to give back to their communities by running these tournaments, an idea they (and current South American players) also welcome.
In a chat with the ATP, de la Peña stated that the talk with the South American players and the necessity to grow the game there are the key of the Legion Sudam initiation. This was reflected in the inaccessibility of tournaments outside of their home countries, hence the chance to develop in the circuit from the conditions close to home. He also stated that Legion Sudam could also bring the South American tennis federations together (including but not limited to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia). Beyond clay, there are also several hard court Challengers, some leading up to hard-court Slams, such as the Temuco Challenger at the end of 2022 leading up to the 2023-opening Slam, the Australian Open.
By the end of 2022, in the ATP sector alone, Argentinean players won 23 Challenger titles, where 10 of them were won in Legion Sudamericana. Furthermore, while at the beginning of 2022 14 South American players partook in the Australian Open qualification rounds (in comparison to 7 in 2021), the number in 2023 increased almost three-fold than in 2021, where 20 South American players partook in the Australian Open qualifiers. Furthermore, some of them currently making their marks in the European clay Challengers, such as Mariano Navone, who broke through the Girona Challenger quarterfinals (l. Pedro Martinez). Interestingly enough, some also made their mark in the South American clay 250s, which included Tomas Martin Etcheverry, who reached his first-ever main Tour finals in Santiago (Chile) right before Indian Wells this year. Ranking-wise, as of the week when this piece was written (February 3), 12 players from South America are inside the Top 100, while around 25 additional players are ranked across the Top 300. Some also received wild cards through their home main Tour tournaments as a result of their performances here.
A true growth, which could possibly increase as time goes by, apart from a whole lot of discovery whenever one watches the South American Challengers (personal note: no regrets traversing the time zone here). Should be even deeper now, with more tournaments taking place nearby. What an impact for just their first 3 years alone, and this is far from over for South American tennis. It is just the start of something great there.
What Should We Expect in RG Qualifiers?
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The Roland Garros qualifying rounds (📸 Roland Garros official website)
Considering the depth of the field during the clay season, several things can be expected in the clay season: (1) A breakthrough/breakout from someone who has yet to go deep in the main Tour before; (2) A comeback coming from people who tried to rediscover their form during the clay season, and; (3) For those who hung on in the Challengers, an answer to the long wait of finally qualifying through a Slam. However, taking into account how only one Challenger tournament is available during the qualifying rounds of the French Open, it would make sense that everyone eligible will play in the qualifying round, hence increasing the chance of either three to happen during the early rounds.
Reflecting from the 2022 draw, Bernabe Zapata Miralles finally accomplished his clay breakout before being defeated by Alexander Zverev 7-6(11), 7-5, 6-3, defeating the 23rd seed John Isner in a five-setter in the previous round. Camilo Ugo Carabelli, even though he was eliminated in the second round after the preceding marathon, came from a long way thanks to his Legion Sudam runs way before (finals in Santa Cruz and Tigre 2 Challengers, for example, before heading to Europe afterward). Somehow, several Challenger frequents who in one way or another break through or hung on well, were also a qualifier last year, such as Giulio Zeppieri (who went on to two consecutive hard court Challenger finals in early 2023), Jason Kubler (who become a main Tour mainstay inclusive of his Australian Open doubles title with Rinky Hijikata), Chun-Hsin Tseng (who eventually made it to the ATP NextGen Finals at the end of 2022), Norbert Gombos, among others.
This year, the depth did not stop there as the likes of Luca van Assche already won 2 clay titles (one outdoor and one indoor) and Juan Pablo Varillas trying to make their mark, alongside Daniel Elahi Galan, who is currently competing in Houston (250). Even deeper when Ivan Gakhov clinched his first Challenger title ever (even though Gastao Elias had to retire by the end of the second set), signifying the chance is finally there when he is on; or Andrea Vavassori, who qualified for the main draw in Marrakech and now awaiting his second round match (due to unplayable conditions). This could be explored way down with several known people having their best games on clay, such as but not limited to Hamad Medjedovic, Oleksii Krutykh (who primarily played clay Challengers instead before he broke through in the Australian Open qualifiers), or even Zdenek Kolar (who bothered Stefanos Tsitsipas during the second round of French Open last year, when he is on).
To close this piece, a belated welcome to the clay season, where the depth of the field is always available to be explored. Watch, follow, and/or track Challengers, everyone, before asking ourselves “Who are they and what have they done to our (main Tour) faves,” which has been a recurring question every clay season, no matter what tournament it is before its peak in Roland Garros. They are a gateway through the main Tour (and Grand Slams), no matter if one is young and trying to break through, hung on in the middle, or those attempting to make a comeback, and they are here to stay.
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Heat OC Face Claims: Javi’s friends from Laredo
Below the cut, for anyone that is curious and interested in seeing my personal inspo/face claims for all my original characters in Heat, are the celeb/actors for each of Javier’s friends and acquaintances from back home in Laredo!
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Rich Jerimovich, Dave Hernandez, Ted Campbell
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Jaime Jerimovich (née Martin) , Tina Pewter (née Jerimovich), John ‘Manny’ Miranda
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Gabriel Santiago, Luis Zapata, Eddie Zapata
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