bmarvels · 4 years
Our Soulmate Chapter 2!
It’s finally here. If I remember correctly, forgive me if I’m wrong, but I believe @doginshoe @mccnfairy @kaychawrites @shadyhydrathesnekqueen had requested quite eagerly for the continual and now here it is. Hope you lovelies enjoy!
For the first part you can read it here on Tumblr or check out my AO3!
Gray and Natsu set the blonde, Lucy, on her feet and try to steady her.
“Umm...what exactly did you mean?” Natsu was the first to ask.
Lucy looks down at her feet for a curiously long time, then takes in all the sights around them, including the numerous people forming a crowd around them to see the girl that came to life from a statue.
“Yeah… And how exactly are you alive right now?” Gray adds on as the blonde seems more interested in the sights than what either man has been asking.
“I suppose I should explain, shouldn’t I?” Lucy muses to herself before her eyes widen and shimmer with glee.
Before either could ask her anything more, Lucy bolts to her feet and hurries past the pair, through the crowd, and towards the landing as she leans over the granite railing. Her pale, slender hand covers her eyes from the glaring sun as she looks out over the city.
“Incredible!” she breathes, scanning the horizon. “So much has changed and there are so many people!”
Lucy spins around, the white silken drapes of her dress billowing out around her like an angelic deity as she faces the two men with shimmering, amber eyes. 
“What’s the time here?”
Natsu and Gray look at each other with baffled expressions until Gray peers down at his watch.
“Just after 3...why?” he asks.
She giggles, holding her hands in front of her mouth to muffle the melodious sound.
“No, silly. I want to know how long it’s been since I was last here!” Lucy turns back around with a soft sigh. “Time sure has changed, nothing is as it once was.”
The men walk up to either side of her to see her soft, pink lips quirked into a small smile.
“I never expected it to be this beautiful when I woke up, though.” Her eyes smile before her lips stretch further, blinding them with a dazzling smile. “And I have you two to thank for that!”
“Wait… you mean to say you’ve been sleeping for over 2,000 years?!” Natsu exclaims, his jaw dropping.
The maiden just shrugs nonchalantly. “It’s a bit more complicated than that, but I guess essentially...yes.”
Gray rests his back against the stone railing and faces her. “So, what happened, then?”
Her smile softens as she turns to face him, her eyes losing a bit of their shine. “Let me tell you a story.”
Long ago, there was a country ruled by two kings who happened to be the best of friends. One bore a daughter and the other a son. There had been hope that the two would grow close in their younger years and blossom into a fruitful relationship which would change their government as they knew it, but for the better. However, that was not to be the case. 
The prince had no care for the young, whiny princess just as she didn’t care much for the haughty toddler. So, their parents never pressured the two and carried on in their own districts.
As time went on, the princess became one of ethereal beauty and grace. Everyone who crossed her path fell captivated by her. Her beauty encapsulated her entire being, inside and out. She excelled in all her studies, ruled with love and kindness to her people, and had the strength to never falter. Even the prince could not dispute or escape the princess’s influence. He watched from afar and soon made it his personal goal to obtain her.
However, the princess fell into a deep love with one of her warriors. What had started out as flirtatious glances across the courtyards and training fields turned into longing, passionate passes, unable to separate. It was then they realized they were destined to be together, that fate had tied their souls together.
The king and queen were overjoyed at their daughter’s announcement of finding her true love, her soul mate, but there was one who did not look as kindly on the pair. Someone who had wished the king to forbid the relationship and favor one that paired his daughter with someone else of royal blood, a prince.
He made pleas and logical arguments to their highnesses but they could not be swayed. They looked on at the prince with pity and wished him well to rule justly alongside their daughter and her chosen king-to-be just as they had done so for many years with his parents.
Enraged, the prince stormed out, cursing under his breath and determined to get exactly what he wants or be sure no one would leave happy. He would make them all suffer if they chose to not oblige him. So, he made a deal with a witch.
One evening, the princess and her warrior laid bare together in her chambers under the brilliance of the moonlight. Light and happiness filled their hearts with love shining in their eyes. Surely, nothing could be better than this moment, but they both knew a future together would hold more precious moments than they could ever imagine. A future they didn’t know would be taken from them.
The skies turned red as if the world was bleeding as the princess held her lover. Stabbed through the chest from behind, staining the front of her the same dark red as the sky. She sobbed into the night, promising to see him in the afterlife, but the prince would make sure that would never happen. If he couldn’t have her, then no one would. A curse was placed on the lovers, the warrior’s soul split in two and the princess turned to stone to watch over her precious land. She was commemorated and remembered forever, frozen in time unless reunited with her true love. But what were the chances the two pieces of one soul could find her at the exact same time?
Natsu’s eyes widen in amazement at the story. Her telling enchanted him as if the scenes were playing before him like a movie. Nearly speechless, he leans back and looks towards the bright blue sky above them.
“Wow…” is all he could manage, but Gray is more skeptical.
“Hold on. Are you trying to say that you’re that princess and that your past lover’s soul was split in two and now inside us?” Gray asks incredulously with a raised eyebrow.
Lucy gives him a soft smile, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Remembering the day she lost him still feels fresh as if it happened mere minutes ago and not thousands of years.
“You know, I didn’t believe in the mystical or supernatural either until that day. And all I’ve told you is my story. If you two are the ones who broke the curse and revived me from stone, then I can’t help but believe you’re him.”
Her voice nearly breaks as tears fill her eyes, but her smile never wavers.
Natsu elbows Gray hard in the side and glares at him. “You didn’t have to make her cry!” he hisses.
Lucy chuckles, the sound ringing like soft bells to their ears. She wipes at her eyes before the tears could fall. “No, he didn’t make me cry,” she sniffles, looking up at them with shimmering cocoa eyes. “I can’t tell you just how happy I am.”
 The two men smile at her and extend their hands towards her.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat, and maybe some better clothes to change into,” Gray offers.
“Yeah, you must be hungry after being a statue for over a thousand years!” Natsu beams at her.
Lucy feels the tears well up in her eyes again and nods as her smile grows. “I would love that.”
Taking their hands, she walks between the pair as small electric currents travel up her arms from their connection. Never did she think she would be reunited with her warrior once again, and now she is.
Gray and Natsu, however, didn’t know what to think about their new situation just yet. What they were beginning to realize, though, is having Lucy between them feels more natural than they could’ve imagined. They might not fully believe in the old tale, but something in them wants it all to be true because somehow it just felt right.
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satyrykal · 6 years
Check out my Stories on Fanfiction.net!
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Boiling Point - Fairy Tail - Nalu - Lucy and Natsu have known each other for years, facing crisis after crisis as the bond between them grew stronger. With the fall of Alvarez, life has finally begun to settle down and there's no impending doom to distract them from how much they've changed. When bottled up feelings no longer have an excuse to hide, it's only a matter of time before they reach their boiling point. Post-Alvarez Resolution Fic.
Sugar, Spice, and All Things Ice - Fairy Tail - Gratsulu - A collection of interconnected snap-shots in an alternate canon-verse starring Lucy, Natsu, and Gray. It goes through their lives as they come together and grow into a family, overcoming their demons as they carve a new future. Post-Alvarez AU Pairing.
The Edge - Fairy Tail - Nalu - For as long as Lucy can remember, she had been warned about the Others who lived beyond the Edge. Dark and fearsome creatures, the Others are able to enthrall anyone foolish enough to approach them. Then one night, when such a man is dragged beaten and bloodied before her, she can't help but forgo the warnings. Dark AU based on Beauty & the Beast.
Helix - Fairy Tail - Nalu - As their nation is threatened by outside forces, a soldier and a spy make a reluctant alliance when they are discovered to be a helix pair. A hex mutation in their genetic code gives them the ability to harness untapped potential - but it requires synchronization with a compatible partner. Unfortunately, working together was more than either of them bargained for. Enemies to Lovers Sci-fi Future AU. Cover Art by Fainttwinkling!
Departure - Fairy Tail - Nalu - Natsu has been by her side for years - her faithful guard and the man she was never supposed to fall in love with. Lucy is bound by duty and custom, promised to another - yearning for freedom outside the confines of her grandfather’s court. So when the drums of war throw the kingdom into disarray, they make their move – consequences be damned. Star-crossed Lovers Fantasy AU. Cover Art by Semi-o!
Once Upon A Dream - Fairy Tail - Nalu - In a world where soulmates can manifest in each other's dreams, Lucy has known her other half her entire life. He appeared in her fantasies as a child, a figure blanketed in shadows but she'd never seen his face. However, visions are seldom what they seem - and when she finally meets him in person, she realizes his eyes hold a familiar gleam. Soulmate Dream AU.
Miraculous - Fairy Tail - Nalu - In the daytime, Natsu is the rambunctious son of a mechanic while Lucy is the elegant daughter of a world class art curator. She is in love, but he is oblivious. At night, they done their masks - fighting side by side to protect the streets of Magnolia. He is crazy for her, but she rebukes his advances. They are best friends. They are strangers. They are Lady Bug and Chat Noir. Super Hero Crossover AU. Cover Art by Nanashiart!
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silly-fairy-tail · 6 years
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tfw u try to keep up with ur athletic friends and fail miserably
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siriusly-random · 7 years
It’s 2AM and I needed to write something and this happened. 
In which Natsu is in Delta Force and Lucy can’t sleep (but Gray can)
“Why are you still up anyway?” he asked five minutes into their 3am phone call. 
“Why are you up?” she countered, a hand casually running through her hair. She really needed to shower tomorrow. 
“Good point,” he let out a breathy laugh and she smiled, able to picture him clearly, hair pulled back in a short ponytail and eyes slightly crinkled as he smiled. She wished she could play with his hair, he almost seemed to purr when she did. 
“I’ll be back soon. It’s only a few more days,” she sighed, wishing a few days would be over by now. He’d been gone too long and they could feel it. There was a piece missing. 
“I know. But you know Gray, he gets so sulky,” she whined, glancing over at the dark haired man on the bed beside her, sound asleep. She swore he could sleep through an earthquake.
“I know you too, Lucy. You should get some sleep. Don’t you have that big interview tomorrow?” he was trying to change the subject and she knew it. Those two always found it hard to express how much they loved each other and found their own way to do it. And talking wasn’t one of them. 
“Just promise me something?” she asked, biting her lip and moving her hand to stroke Gray’s hair instead. 
“Come home. We need you,” she whispered, barely able to keep herself together. 
There was a silent pause and Lucy held her breath. 
“I love you, Lucy. Tell Gray I love him too, and I’ll see you both soon.”
Promise, she thought, pleading in her head and heart. She just needed to hear it. 
“Natsu-” she started, holding back a sob until he interrupted her.
“I promise.”
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gratsulu · 7 years
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iconicallygay · 6 years
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i’m right, don’t argue with me
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Lucy: Natsu, do you ever want to talk about your emotions?
Natsu: No.
Gray: I do.
Lucy: I know, Gray.
Gray: I'm sad.
Lucy: I know, Gray.
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fullyrealisedlegend · 7 years
For the pairing thing - Lugratsu (I LIVE for lugratsu!) and number 34. OR 22. Thank you! :)
34. “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.” - Lugratsu (warning for probable smut suggested or otherwise lol)
It was late. So very, very late. The sun had gone down hours ago. Gray had been away for a week; an incredibly busy week on some job with Juvia and Gajeel, and had only just gotten back in town. And he was so goddamn tired. The bed in his own home called to him. Or, it did, until he walked in the front door and became instantly distracted.
The first thing that happened was that a blonde blur launched herself at him, clinging to him like a koala and burying her face in his neck.
“Hey, Lucy. Good to see you too.”
She looked up to meet his gaze, an intense fire burning in her eyes that sent blood right to his cock.
“Bedroom. Now.”
Oh. Well then.
A chuckle had him looking over Lucy’s shoulder to see Natsu lounging on the couch. Shirtless, arms stretched behind his head, and watching him with a sultry gaze and the hungry grin of a top predator.
If Lucy had set his blood on fire, Natsu was sending his whole body up in flame. If he had fire powers like the Dragon Slayer did, that would probably be literal. As it was, even his ice powers were going a little crazy, dropping his body temp to the point where Lucy shivered, still wrapped around him. And then Natsu spoke and Gray just about lost his mind.
“You heard the lady; it’s time for bed. We’ve been waiting for you all week.”
Natsu’s eyes slowly dragged over Gray’s wrecked body. He was beat up, he knew. Bruised and bloodied from a hard-won victory. Not that it seemed to put Natsu off at all, in fact, it only seem to make him worse. His grin faltered and Gray was sure Natsu was holding back a whine. Or maybe that was him... Or Lucy...
Gray wasn’t entirely sure he could speak right now, but he did his best to growl out a response.
“If you keep looking at me like that, flame brain, none of us are gonna make it to the bed.” Lucy wasn’t helping, having taken to kissing and nibbling his neck in her impatience.
Natsu simply barked out a laugh and propped himself up on the couch some more.
“Go on then, Gray.” Lucy surprised him by whispering seductively in his ear. “Sooner rather than later would be nice. He’s been torturing me all week. You need to punish him for me.”
And, well, Gray wasn’t about to deny her a request like that.
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lockandk3yfiction · 8 years
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Requested by @lucy-shining-star This took me two hours to finish and Natsu is a complete blanket hog. I would say this is one of the cutest drawings I've done by far. Have some cuddling mages!
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gruvia-is-bad · 7 years
I bet you're one of those Natsu fags. Natsu is shit. Nalu is shit.
im gray actually, and don’t call me a fag, even though it’s a word i can technically reclaim, i don’t like applying it to myself. natsu’s not perfect, but no one is, and i personally love him, so please keep natsu hate away from me, it pisses me off. nalu as most fans interpret it and as the canon presents it is kinda shit, yeah - better than gruvia, but still pretty ugh. that’s why im fond of lugratsu. nalu, graylu, and gratsu are are pretty okay ships, but when you mash em all together you get something that could actually work.
so in other words, nalu’s shit because it implies i wouldn’t be part of the picture. now go be needlessly hateful someplace else, asshole.
- mod gray
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lineffability · 7 years
Nalu and gajevy smut as in a foursome not happening at the same time in different rooms orrrrr lugratsu kinky as shit smut????? (This is a special queen as you absolutely must answer it cannot be avoid)
omfg ok since i dont rlly like lugratsu i’d go with the gajevy/nalu foursome :’D
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satyrykal · 7 years
Seriously Though....
Just look at this sequence! Look at them working together in perfect harmony!!!!
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Lucy wielding that whip like a BAMF!
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Gray’s got her back.
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Oh snap! Look at that mountain of ice!
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And guess who just scaled up it?
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Explosion in true Natsu form!
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They are so adorable and precious and have grown so much! It’s second nature to work together even after so long apart!
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silly-fairy-tail · 7 years
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natsu discovers the consequences of eating taco bell twice in one day
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siriusly-random · 7 years
"God you always make me blush so damn much." - Gratsulu
Wow sorry I’m horrible for taking so long to get to this!! I hope you like it!! I ended up completely starting over so many times, but I think I finally got something good!! 
Gray didn’t know what to do.
In all honesty, it was something he should be used to by now, but whenever he saw his boyfriend and girlfriend getting a bit… frisky, shall he say, on the couch, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. They had all been dating for a few weeks now, and this was definitely not the first time Gray had walked in on them in a compromising position, and he couldn’t stop the heat from rising in his cheeks (and other areas).
“Honestly you two,” he began, walking further into the room and standing in front of them with crossed arms and a smirk on his face, “don’t you save any of this energy for me?” He bit his lip while turning the smirk into a pout, hoping they felt slightly embarrassed for his sake.
“Aw Gray,” Natsu purred, sitting up slightly from underneath Lucy, shifting his weight to his forearms with a smirk on his own plastered on his face, “is someone jealous?”
He heard Lucy giggle as she flicked her fingers against Natsu’s forehead in a chiding gesture. He wasn’t very surprised when she didn’t say much; he knew all too well how turned on she got from their bickering.
Gray huffed in response, sitting on the edge of the sofa they weren’t occupying, “as if flame brains, what could possibly make me jealous of you?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Natsu teased, Lucy shifting so she was facing Gray with a smile while still on top of Natsu, as Natsu got into a sitting position, “maybe the beautiful girl sitting in my lap?”
Gray’s eyes locked with Lucy’s, grin appearing on his face as he reached forward and swiftly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap while licking his lips at her flushed expression. “Looks like I fixed that,” he leaned into Lucy and placed a soft and slow kiss onto her lips, then moved his lips to her jaw as she lowly made his way to her shoulder, then to the dip beside her neck, sucking lightly, taking pleasure in the soft sigh Lucy let out.
Pulling back slowly, Gray moved his eyes to meet green ones, a half smile forming at the sight of the slight pink in Natsu’s face. “So? Jealous yet pyro?”
Natsu growled before standing up and grabbing Lucy’s hand as he stared into Gray’s eyes with intent and lust. “Get up, we’re going upstairs,” Gray heard him mumbled something else, and not wanting to pass up an opportunity to tease his pink-haired rival-turned-lover, asked him just what exactly he said.
“I said,” Natsu started, exasperation clear in his voice, “why do you always have to make me blush so damn much?”
Gray’s eyebrows shot up, a jolt running through his body as he grabbed Natsu’s other hand to rush the trio upstairs.
Laughter suddenly exploded from the blonde haired girl, and Gray and Natsu stopped in their tracks to looked at her in bewilderment. “What’s so funny?” Natsu demanded. Gray wondered what went through her head sometimes.
“You guys are just so…” she raised her finger to her lips, a thoughtful look crossing her face, “so cute. Yeah, cute.”
Gray paused for a second before chuckling, giving Natsu’s hand a light squeeze as their eyes met, an idea forming in his head. He let go of Natsu’s hand, moving in front of him and kneeling on the ground before he beamed at Lucy.
Without hesitation, he felt Natsu climbed onto his back, head toward the staircase with Lucy laughing behind them.
“Cute enough for ya, Luce?” Natsu laughed, the sounding reverberating through Gray, and he couldn’t help the joy that took over.
He loved their little trio.
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are you planning on writing anymore lugratsu? would it be the same au as bhawwp or would it be a different au if you did wrote more?
Hey nonny! I do actually have something planned, but seeing as it’s a one shot and I am S O behind on legit everything else, it’s sadly on the backburner. But it is part of the beach house au, and fluff! Promise!!
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fullyrealisedlegend · 6 years
1 and 8 for the fanfic day meme?
1. What is your favorite fic you have under your belt? 
I don’t know if I can pick one lol I think I have a lot of pride for Teeth and that series (an older lugratsu fic). Looking back, it’s not as good as I could write now, but at the time it was def one of my best written, about a subject and ot3 I adored, it got popular, and most of all; I finished it!
I’d be more proud of some of my newer, klance fics if I ever manage to finish them, but We Are Not Monsters is special to me, as is Cigarette Smoke in a Back Alley.
8. How often do people catch onto your little details?
It’s hard for me to tell, honestly? I don’t get a lot of feedback of that kind. But also, I’m not all that subtle. I’m not at the level of planning and detail where I have foreshadowing and careful clues and the like. Maybe one day lol
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