#luffy singing
fanaticsnail · 10 months
It's getting out of control now 😳. AI music is really propelling fics to write themselves at this stage.
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luffysfakebeard · 2 years
Luffy my beloved you have many talents but singing is perhaps not one of them
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kerolunaticat · 5 months
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Happy birthday my mexican boy!!!
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silvermun · 2 days
i still think one of the funniest and weirdest things 4kids ever did was make an entire segment where a bunch characters from shows they aired sang the us national anthem
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sweetmctart · 2 years
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nami: he was a little hunrgy ):
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groove-27 · 2 years
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what luffy want, luffy gets.
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buff-muffin · 23 days
Thinking about ASL brother music tastes.
Sabo listens to classical music and can genuinely appreciate the skill that goes into it due to his family drilling it in, great study music and some of that shit genuinely goes hard. But I’m sorry sabo is also listening to the NOSIEST punk shit. He’s destroying his ears, deaf by 25. Ace would keep his CD’s safe if ever had to go home and would scream the lyrics at the top of his lungs. Dont trust him with the aux he does not care what you wanna listen too
Ace… well there’s the country joke, but I do think he would somehow always manage to find the actual best country song, not just “I got mah truck an mah gun.” I don’t know why but I feel like as a teen Ace went through a metal phase and still listens to some of the bands. But he’s also blasting Timber at full volume while he sings along. He LOVES 2010 pop though maybe it took learning some self love and breaking down some toxic masculinity before he gets there. He has the best vibe playlists
Luffy… I don’t know why but I really do pin him as the “I listen to everything” type. He loves listening to the music his friends like and making playlists of his favourites from their playlists. He likes songs he can sing to mostly or just have good vibes. But I also feel like he has a single batshit weird playlist of songs ranging from the koopa cape theme from Mariokart Wii to fucking piano man by Billy Joel. He wants to have the aux but he doesn’t organise ANY of his playlists so you get whiplash every time
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lamina-tsrif · 2 years
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girl help my brain is boku wa doctor
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belliesandburps · 11 months
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This is a poser sequence I did with Luffy last month on patreon. Figured since One Piece is all the rage these days, I oughta share this here too!
To see many, many more sequences like these, you can hit up my patreon's $2 tier, and now get your own solo posers or three panel sequences with my new $15 tier:
Shilling done. Hope y'all enjoy! :)
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luffysfakebeard · 2 years
his terrible singing makes me so damn happy 😭
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j0ss-4rt · 10 months
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doodles i did to cope with the mental anguish of water 7
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Pfft why can imagine the reader singing peaches to her crush 🤣😂🤣
Lucky: 🎶🎹🍑
The crush:🧍😳🧍‍♀️
Stawhats: 😳😱😭😡🤭
I don't know if you meant for this to be a request, but I was inspired. Absolutely none of this is canon to Lucky Break, this is straight up crack.
Can't Take You Anywhere
Yandere Straw Hats x reader x Smoker
1.9k words
warning for alcohol consumption
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"This is all your fault, you stupid love cook," Zoro seethed from across the table. 
"My fault? How is this my fault? Do you think I put her up to this???"”
“You did!” Nami butted into the argument, “Why the hell did you tell her to ‘follow her heart’ when she admitted to crushing on someone?!”
“I didn’t think she was referring to him!” Sanji gestured helplessly to what was disappointingly, the man of your affection. 
“She looks like you with all the dopey faces she makes every time she sees him! Who else did you think it was?!” Zoro slammed his fist onto the table, not having any of Sanji’s attempts to shrug off the blame here.
Sanji’s face dropped and he sniffled loudly, “... Me.” With that he dissolved into a puddle of tears on the table they were all seated around. Well, all but one of them. 
You were seated at the piano in the center of the restaurant, which you had commandeered by shoving the actual pianist off the bench and threatening to kick his ass if he interrupted you. To say that you had possibly had a little too much to drink tonight would be an understatement, but none of them thought to cut you off, and now they’re all going to suffer for it. 
Not one of them could have guessed Captain Smoker was going to make an appearance, and absolutely not a soul in this restaurant would have been able to guess what you were going to do about it. 
“I think we all share some blame here for not stopping her the second she stood up,” Robin’s face was in her hands, too ashamed to even look at what was happening. “Especially after she said ‘this one’s for my one and only true love: Captain Smoker’.”
Now it was too late. Now you were drunkenly belting out a love ballad to a fucking marine in the middle of a crowded restaurant and none of them were willing to go up there and stop you. Everyone was too embarrassed to go and associate with you when you were acting like this. Except Luffy who was happily taking advantage of your now unattended plate.
Their discomfort was nothing though, not in comparison to the absolute mortification on Smoker’s face right now. All he could do was stand there in abject horror as one of the pirates he’s been chasing for months loudly, and publicly, professed her love for him. His cigars had fallen to the floor after he had bitten clean through them. You were slamming away on the piano, not particularly well, and chanting Smoker’s name like it was a damn prayer. 
“If it weren’t for the fact that all of you are still seated, I would think this is the most genius idea for a distraction ever conceived. I’ve never seen Smoker stopped dead in his tracks like this,” Tashigi was standing next to their table, a mix of second-hand embarrassment and pity on her face.
Zoro glanced at her, not even caring that she snuck up on them, “You’re not gonna help your captain?”
Tashigi looked on at the drunken confession wearily. She doesn’t get paid enough to run interference on whatever the hell was going on over there. She cleared her throat and shook her head, “No, Smoker prefers to fight his own battles.” It was a lame excuse, but no one called her on it. None of them had any room to talk right now.
Just as she said that, they could hear you take a deep breath and scream out more of this weird song you came up with, “Captain Smoker, at the end of the line, I’ll make you mine!”
Finally, mercifully, Smoker snapped out of his stupor and launched himself forward. One arm wrapped around your middle and the other hand clamped over your mouth, thankfully silencing you. As he pulled you off the bench, his head darted around, desperately searching for the rest of your crew.
Tashigi waved him down, appearing to take mercy on her horrified captain. He marched his way over there, doing his damnedest to ignore the stares and whispers directed towards him. It didn’t help that you were wiggling around like a fish, not a care in the world for the scene you just created.
Smoker got to the table and unceremoniously dropped you into your empty chair. The second his hands were off you, yours were on him. You spun around and threw your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his exposed chest. Despite all the alcohol in your system, you were somehow strong enough to resist being immediately pushed off of him.
“Smokey~! Did you like my song? I sang it just for you!” You looked up at him, a love struck smile plastered over your face.
Gags resounded around the table at the cheesy nickname, and Smoker couldn’t help but grimace, “Do not ever call me that again.”
All that got him was some giggles, “Oh my god, you’re so funny! C’mon Smokey, we both know you love it! I mean look at you, your face is all red!” Not only was his face flushed, even his neck and ears were turning red. Smoker cursed over how pale he was.
Nami, who was seated next to you, was trying to pull you off of the marine, ”Lucky I am begging you to stop talking.” And singing. She would forget about your debt to her if you promised to never sing again.
You swatted at her while your other arm still clung onto Smoker, “Nuh-uh, you can’t tell me what to do! You’re just jealous that I found my one true love before you did!” Obviously the only reason anyone would disapprove of your current behavior was because they wanted what you had. What you and Smoker have, you should say.
Smoker took advantage of your loosened grip to rip you off of him, taking several steps back for good measure. The look you gave him was devastating, tears immediately welling in your eyes, “Smoker? Where are you going? Did you not like it?” Oh god, you were even starting to choke up.
As much as no one wanted you to be with this marine, they didn’t want you sobbing in the middle of the restaurant because of him either. Smoker was now getting dirty looks from not only the Straw Hats, but also the patrons in this establishment who no doubt thought they were witnessing some sort of lovers quarrel. He ran a gloved hand down his face, hating every second of this.
“Lucky, you’re very drunk. You need to eat something and sober up,” he tried to gently turn you around, but this didn’t work as you managed to weasel your way past his arms and clung onto his waist like it was a lifeline.
Sniffling pitifully, you asked again if he didn’t like your song, “Did you hate it? D-Do you hate me?”
Smoker looked at Tashigi for help, but she was refusing to make eye contact. He risked looking back at you, only to see actual tears starting to drip down your face. His heart panged at the sight and he internally cursed himself for what he was about to say.
“It was… fine. I don’t hate you, please stop crying,” he awkwardly patted your shoulder, hoping that would be enough to calm you down. 
“Really?” You immediately brightened up, much to his relief, “I knew it, I knew you would! I have more songs I can sing!” Relief promptly turned to horror as you attempted to get up and return to the piano.
Smoker forced you back down, swiped a bread basket off a tray from a passing by waiter, and shoved the whole thing into your hands. “No, Lucky, no more singing. Please just eat something,” he was practically begging at this point, wanting literally anything to help and absorb the alcohol.
You openly pouted, but did start ripping off and eating pieces of bread. There was a collective sigh of relief from the entire table.
“Tashigi, we’re leaving.”
“But Captain, the Straw Hats are right here! We should apprehend them,” she protested. 
“I am not dealing with the rumors that would be started by dragging this woman out of here after what she did,” his reputation would never recover. That, and he didn’t particularly want to deal with listening to your drunk ass all night.
Just as he was walking away, grateful that you hadn’t piped up again, he caught a look of panic flash across everyone else’s faces. He saw at least three of them spring out of their seats to grab you, and he took that as his cue to leave faster with Tashigi in tow. He put two cigars in his mouth, and debated on a third after the night he’s had.
“Lucky no! Don’t you dare!” Nami was holding onto your arms for dear life, having just barely stopped you from slapping Smoker’s ass as he walked away. 
Zoro hefted you up into his arms and deposited you into Luffy’s lap, “Hold onto her and do not let go for the rest of the night.” 
Luffy immediately coiled his arms around you, not wanting you to get up and do anything else. He propped his head onto your shoulder and huffed at the whole ordeal, “Lucky, why do you have to like a marine of all people?”
“The heart wants what the heart wants, you wouldn’t get it,” you sigh dreamily, eying up Smoker’s retreating form until he was out of sight.
“Can’t we just leave now? Please,” Usopp pleaded, slumped down in his seat to the point that only his nose remained visible. 
“No, we need to give Smoker a head start, we can’t risk Lucky spotting him again,” Nami immediately shot that idea down. It’s not like she didn’t want to leave, she absolutely did, but she couldn’t risk everything that just happened repeating.
This had to have been the worst hangover of your life, you don’t think it could get worse than this. The events of last night were blurry, but not enough to save you from the crushing humiliation of everything you did. Currently you were seated at the table on the main deck upon Chopper’s insistence that the fresh air would make you feel better.
Due to your head being buried in your arms, you don’t see who’s approaching. Suddenly, something is dropped on your head, making you groan from the contact. You lift your head enough to glare at the perpetrator, “Nami why?”
The smug look on her face was enough to make anyone’s blood run cold, “Oh no reason, I just thought you might want to look at the newspaper this morning.”
Oh god. The look on her face promised that you would NOT want to see it, but it was too late to ignore it now. You sat up faster than you thought you could in your given state and snatched up the paper, only to almost scream when you saw the cover story.
“Scandalous! Pirate and Marine have lovers quarrel in restaurant!”
Immediately beneath the title was a picture of you clinging onto Smoker with tears and snot running down your face. Truly they couldn’t have gotten a worse picture of you if they tried. Not that Smoker looked much better with the genuine panic flitting across his face.
“He’s going to kill me,” you say barely above a whisper.
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pseudopigeons · 2 months
pretend that Uta taught luffy some music fundamentals (slight volume warning)
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Was losing my mind over Zolu so naturally I started making a spotify playlist which somehow lead to me downloading 43 songs by crane wives and kiltro. And it all started with me seeing that mi capitain zolu animatic on YouTube.
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xjokesonux · 3 months
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kuroananosanji · 5 months
East Blue 5 band AU??
Nami: singer (and manager)
Zoro: lead guitar (pretty obvious, he has an extremely obnoxious looking three-necked guitar too)
Sanji: bass guitar, backing vocals (him and nami are the visuals💕)
Usopp: keyboard (also the one who fixes shit)
Luffy: drums (c’mon is it even a question)
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