#lucy mood is ever changing to i win go me to tell me what you of the otherworld to omg free gelato yay
emystic-a · 2 years
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    “FREE GELATO AHMYGAWD---I’m so good at this ‘talking to supernatural beings thing’ now. Big sis is gonna be so friggin’ proud, hurrah for me.”
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My 11th reference post 💀
These are all at.tumblr.com links until I can figure out how to fix that -_- So this was actually a pretty easy fix (see bold & three stars below) most of them should be good now, but one way or another I'll go back and fix them
Names between cultures
Staff post community labels
Staff: human moderators check blazed posts
Ghost stories 2000-2001 gifs
Horror movies for people who don't like horror movies
Party Girl Extinction
Lie Detectors are Bullshit
Every Horse Movie World Heritage Post
Strongly worded abortion post
FBI robbed security deposit boxes
Buzzfeed fed their employees Greyhounds
2 times I've been around that track and there is no queen of England
Ben Shapiro short stories
The two-headed calf poem's real meaning
Couldn't agree more and we're best friends now
Passive aggressive museum
How to reformat tumblr links ***
Spy X Family Loid thinks Yor Thinks
Writing research Google alternatives
Tom Brady's Witch Wife
Death of the Queen Tweets
Historical fashion resources and references doc
Quick and dirty laptop buying
BMI and weight loss scams
Loid sees yor looking a LITTLE bit sad and
British politics lettuce
Hundreds, perhaps billions lung expansion
"god gave us transness for the same reason he gave us yeast but no dough"
Elected fic of the year
Lone prairie traveller and their feathery steed
De-google your life
Child poets
Solid color guide
What main thing did you project onto your oc's
Navigating adult ADHD treatment shouldn't suck this much
Cop shows fuckhands the baby murderer
Tumblr folk stories
Soda cake
Death fetish
Elon musk isn't smart bought twitter dragWhat people have and didn't have in the middle ages
UBlock doesn't hurt YouTube creators
Lemon stealing whore lore (rats)
Chocolate guy food that looks like food
A class on what
Adobe Reddit gaslights you
Wish list for people who don't want anything
Fudgers->meaners world heritage post
Ringo Starr told me to fuck off story
Advice to get doctors to take you seriously
1947 anti-fascist video
The blue check debacle tweets
Are prisons obsolete
Changing people's minds
The grand unifying theory of the forger family teacups
Insight into the mind of Elon musk
Do people actually say things they don't mean when angry?
Anya being like "the fuck you mean we all like you?"
Crying world heritage post
Goncharov video synopsis
Contributions of Stephanie Meyer
Edward scissor hands (scissors when?)
Horrid dreadful atrocious sex scenes
3 yo learning to language
Trolley problem vid tom Hanks reaction 💀
Why can't Muslims tell other Muslims to stop killing people
SpongeBob movie is about coming out
Coward learns the futility of punishing evil comic
Water Biden catgirl
How I could tell the Twitter users were coming back after we were allowed to have tiddies again
The court of public opinion is inhumane
9/28/2022 Halloween Reference Post
Emotional Landscapes Audio
Red sniper dot porn
Try Guys Recent Nedless vid
"saw it coming/never trust a wife guy" discourse
On "you guys"
"and how can I ever thank you for this way home you've given me"
Doctors are almost all fatphobic
My sister's twin sister (Amber)
You win bitch
Happy rigamortis Wednesday
Pukicho asks "fake" internet culture
Natsu and Lucy Skipping Stones on a Lake
Typical dad polishing gun yor
Damian proposing to Anya spy x family
Nalu take that you fucking lake
Anya Damian balcony
Damianya typical dad polishing gun scene but it's Yor
Spy x family dog-owner mood
Healthcare providers are pretty much all fatphobic
The self-centeredness of bigots
Call-out liste
Spy x family chapter 72 predictions
I, an ADHD possible autistic person, am like mulan in my mind
Skin tag virgin
Tim omelet
"ban porn illegalize sex work" shut the fuck up
Laxus "small now go away
Franky & Loid best friends when Loid dressed him up as wife
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motownfiction · 1 year
rival team
In the eighth grade, Will’s least favorite class of the day is gym.
He loves the idea of spending an hour running around, jumping, and throwing things. That sounds like a lot of fun – like stuff he’s always been good at. What he’s not good at are organized team sports. And that’s all that a Catholic school gym class is really about.
It’s the middle of April. Today is Friday, and they’re at the end of their two-week soccer unit. Everyday is a new game, but everyday, the same guys win: the popular guys, the ones who dabble in every sport, even the ones they don’t actually play for St. Catherine’s, like Robby Blair and Nick Crosby. Will (and Daniel, his only true ally in the class) is on their team, but it still feels like he’s losing the game. Blair and Crosby do it all by themselves, a Starsky and Hutch for the junior high crowd.
They’re in the last few minutes before the teacher blows the whistle and sends them back into the locker room. Will’s done a pretty good job of avoiding the ball … until now, when Kevin Sheehan accidentally kicks it to him. Will looks up at Kevin with panic in his eyes.
“Will, man, I’m sorry!” Kevin says. “I didn’t know what to do! The ball never comes to me!”
But Will doesn’t say anything. He has the same instinct as Kevin, and he kicks the ball to the person closest to him … the person he feels the most comfortable with: Daniel.
There’s a gleam in Daniel’s eye that isn’t usually there. He never has to deal with the ball, either, but he doesn’t receive it with the same horror as Will and Kevin did. Instead, Daniel has this look like he wants to be a hero. It’s a look Will knows all too well because it’s a look he gets in his own eye. He holds his breath and watches Daniel kick the ball all the way down the field to score his first goal in eight years of gym class history … for the rival team.
The teacher blows the whistle.
The rival team wins.
Will knows it shouldn’t matter. It definitely doesn’t matter to him. He just wants to change clothes so he can go to lunch and have a few words with Lucy, who just finished up her French class. She’s always in a happy mood after French class. Unfortunately, the boys in fourth-period gym aren’t in the happiest moods, especially not Crosby and Blair.
Blair sneers at Daniel on their way inside. Crosby whispers something to Blair that Will wishes he never would have heard.
“He doesn’t know how to play because his dad left him,” he says, and he and Blair both laugh.
Will’s breath hitches. He looks around to see if Daniel heard. Luckily, he didn’t. He’s chatting with Kevin Sheehan about how pretty Steph Armstrong looked when she did the first reading at All Schools’ Mass yesterday morning.
Now Will can take care of this on his own.
He speeds up to Crosby and Blair – mostly Crosby – and kicks him in the back of the leg. Crosby falls to his knees and yelps, and Will can’t help but laugh. He’s pretty sure Crosby is exaggerating. But he’d love to think he could just lay him out like that … that he could humiliate him.
And maybe he still can.
He thinks about what he could say to stand up for Daniel. He wants to tell Crosby that it’s not funny to bully a kid whose father left; that it’s not funny when your parent doesn’t love you because all you ever deserve is their love. But just because Will feels it and believes it doesn’t mean he can get away with saying it. He’s a fourteen-year-old boy, and fourteen-year-old boys don’t talk about their feelings. It’s 1981, and they’re not supposed to do that if they want to make it out of school in one piece. Will looks down at Crosby on the grass. He knows exactly what he has to say.
“Fuck you, Crosby.”
Will walks away, and he knows Crosby knew what he meant.
(part of @nosebleedclub poetry month challenge -- day xvi!)
0 notes
arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Ahhh I love your writing sm!! Could I request how the brothers would react to an MC that's super doting and overly loving from the get-go?. Always insists on helping w cooking duty, brings the brothers coffee if they look busy, etc? pls & ty!
Tbh I don't really have a love language over than verbal but this speaks to me
In game I make my MC very much like this, overly positive and always wanting to help. Not because I have to, I could easily pick more honest or teasing options but when it comes to it. My first instinct/Response is those options because I like the idea of being helpful to people
It's only when people start using that for their advantage or make me help them out even though I'm busy or just don't want to do it. That's when there's an issue.
"oh~ Luci! You still working?"
You peered over at him at his desk, peaking from the space between the wall and the stair railing
He looked up at you with a tired expression, frowning
"I am, what do you need?"
you trotted down the rest of the steps, walking over to him with a bright smile
A tray in hand with coffee and biscuits and apple slices
"I made these for you, I know it isn't much but you're always working so hard... perhaps I can help?"
Lucifer wasn't too surprised, you were always offering your help whenever you could but it still surprised him you were so quick to offer
He didn't know how you had all that energy to face the day and then do more for others but he always enjoyed your company
"be my guest."
You grabbed a mini stool and sat beside him, you'd read over papers with him, massaging his hand whenever you noticed it cramped
He shared the snacks you got him and even revealed the mini snack draw he had in his desk
He put a finger to his lips with a smile
"don't tell my brother's, this will be just between you and me."
He showed you what he had and you picked whatever caught your fancy, happily eating as you looked over the papers
He wasn't use to Someone being nice to him so when you came along and offered acts of service - he was blown away!
Even over time he wasn't really use to it
Speaking of you and your acts or service; you were whistling a happy tune
A thick wallet in your pocket, you headed straight to mammons room
It was as if he could smell the money, he rushed to your side and started eyeing the wallet
"Stop peeking - it's a gift."
He looked at you confused but was grinning
"oh? The great Mammon can't refuse a gift!"
You placed the wallet in his hand, he let out a yelp at the weight of it
It was completely loaded!!! It was stuffed with money!
He couldn't believe it - it had to be a trick! There was no way you were giving him this much money!
"Are ya playing with me? Ha ha human."
"no tricks, you've been struggling with your debt to the witch's so I thought I'd help, I heard you've been getting in trouble with Lucifer more because of it so I wanted to help!"
He didn't even realize he teared up, he jumped towards you and hugged you close
Nuzzling your faces together as he hugged you tight
You patted his arm, laughing and it wasn't long before he was planning to spend a big splurge on you despite his issues with money already
He was shuffling into his room, headphones on and just starting to calm down
Today was hectic so he was happy to finally be back home
"Evening! Don't worry, I still used the secret password."
He threw his headphones off, face bright red
He should of known you were up to something, you kept humming whenever you entered his room
Talking about cleaning up after himself but he kept forgetting due to getting distracted
"I noticed it's gotten really messy so I decided to clean it for you but before you say anything, I know you hate when it's cleaned because you don't know where anything so I've labelled where everything has been stored if it's changed places."
He was still upset, he REALLY hated it when things are changed without him knowing first
But he looked around the room and sure enough, things were still in the cupboards and places he stacked them in and the labels were correct
Everything was completely organized! All the piled up ramen was even gone!
He exhaled a long breathe calming himself down, he was happy - really really happy
"Thanks.... just - can we arrange something next time? But I do like what you did! It looks nice - it's much better now!"
"of course, I'll ask next time - also~ I got you some special ruri-chan themed chips in hopes to make you feel better."
He moves before he knows it, hugging you tight
He's definitely embarassed afterwards and gets you out of his room before he makes himself look more like a love sick fool
But don't worry, he texts you wanting to hang out later
Satan has been locked in his room after having a big outburst earlier that day
He got overwhelmed from all the noises and threw a book at mammon
You waited awhile before going after him, wanting him to calm down and looked after mammons sore head
You grabbed the book he threw, making a nice calming tea and even made some Apple pie
When you knocked his door he freezed
"Who is it-?! Lucifer, I'm not in the mood for your scolding-"
"it's just me, I got you something!"
He opened the door for you, letting you inside
His room looked clean for once - you didn't doubt he continued his rage into his room and cleaned up to calm down
You offered him a smile, placing the tray on his bed
"I hope you like it, I made it myself."
He looked at the fresh apple pie, his stomach rumbling at the mere sight of it
"you did this...for me? Didn't I scare you?"
You hummed, sitting close to him
"yeah a little but everyone has their bad days, you having one doesn't change anything - though you do need to apologize to mammon."
He sat down by his bed, placing the tray on his lap
"you're right I do, thank you for not just seeing me as some angry creature....I didn't intend to blow up like that."
You patted his arm, still smiling
You two sat together, you read his book for him whilst he ate and drank
He was very bashful at how supportive you are but that was you, you've always been so quick to offer help or do things for people ever since you've arrived
You were good to him, he'll always appreciate that
His love language is affection and words
Yours is acts of service
It's perfect!
Though, when it was established you were quick to help and offer your service - prepare for MANY innuendos
He'll come skipping to you, draping himself off the nearest object and asking if you want to help him de-stress
Most of the time you just have spa days or lay around doing nothing
You decided to treat him today seeing as exams were stressing him out
"Asmo! Won't you help me? I have this lovely new-"
He's skidding as he appears in the doorway, ready to do whatever you want
But you just grinned, knowing your plan worked
You grabbed him and shoved him into a chair
Before he knew it; his hair was tied up and his jacket and scarf has disappeared
"oh? What's all this about? Does my love want some special care?"
"nope, I just want to look after you today~ you've been stressing over exams so much, I wanted to treat you like a prince."
He had the biggest grin on his face after that
And treated like a prince he was
You did his skin routine, brushed his hair and curled it
If he even mentioned being thirsty you were straight to getting him a nice refreshing drink
If you're able to - please carry him bridal style - he will love every second of it
"you treat me so well, I know I'm already a blessing to this demonic world but you're just pure light."
He's so love sick, an absolute fool in love
"nonsense, I'm just helping you like usual."
Which is true, you were always being helpful to him
Thats why he loved doing whatever he could for you
"Never leave the Devildom, I couldn't bare not seeing your beautiful face everyday."
You just laughed, massaging his face and gave him a quick kiss
Another person who does acts of service as a love language
Though, do forgive him if he forgets due to hunger - he'll immediately make it up to you
At this point he's become a subconscious challenge/game of service - always trying to one up each other
Currently, he was really anxious about his up coming game
It was the biggest one that R.A.D was having and was against a smaller school in the Devildom
The brothers all agreed to come watch him play and even made banners and levi brought glowsticks
You were no were to be seen
The weeks running up to the game you were always busy and whilst you still do some things for him here or there - you were mostly out of the house
But it was but a long lasting plan
You planned on supporting him the best way you could!
When he finally rolled onto the field he felt dread when he didn't spot you in the crowd
He couldn't stop frowning until he saw you, shaking pom poms and running with the cheersquad
That's right, you joined the cheer team to show your support for the lovely demon
He's so flustered and absolutely shining with joy under his helmet
As soon as he could he came running towards you and hugged you tight
"I was so worried I did something that made you drift away....you did this for me?"
"of course! I'm sorry I made you worried, I wanted to surprise you."
He had to take off his helmet after trying to nuzzle your face, you yelped when it bonked you
"This is the best thing anyone has done for me, thank you (Y/N)."
"you're welcome, now go win that game! Prove those losers that R.A.D is the best school around!"
It was no surprised that R.A.D won
The players all cheered and partied, inviting the band and cheerleaders to celebrate with them
But you decided to have a sleepover with Beelzebub, feeding him plenty of tasty foods as your own type of celebration
"Open wide."
You almost choked on the cake basically shoved in your mouth, laughing as frosting covered your nose and cheeks
You got your revenge but he happily licked what he could
This is the best celebration he could ever get
All because of you!
Even if your love language wasn't acts or service, you definitely got in the habit of doing it with this guy
He was spoilt from always being carried and pampered by his twin
He could get away with sleeping anywhere as long as he got things done and good grades
But you were always the helpful human, giving him snacks or fluffing his pillows
He's joked about getting a bell so he could call you whenever he needed you
That never happened
"Belphie!! You awake? I got something for you."
He immediately popped his head up and waved to get your attention
You showed him the cup of hot mocha you've recently made; sweet and delicious and has an extra kick to help with keeping awake
"Smells delicious, you made this?"
"yep! Now drink up, we got plans today."
He happily drunk it, feeling more awake with every gulp
By the end of the Cup he was absolutely overjoyed from the taste
Though you almost groaned in frustration when he yawned, so happy that he got sleepy
"you have anymore~? I could drink loads of these- make me more, you know how to make them, I'm too sleepy - it's your fault I'm sleepy."
You flicked his head
Reminding him to not act like a brat
But you did make him more and throughout the day you'd give him a large cup
You needed to do studies and make sure belphegor kept his grades up - Lucifer's orders
But he was already a star pupil regardless so you weren't sure why you had to
But spending time with your favourite demon was never an issue, regardless of his attitude
"We need to do this more, I love it when you look after me."
"I know, now write your answer, I need proof you're working so I don't get strung up."
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sondepoch · 4 years
Chapter 4
Written in the Stars (Lucifer x Angel!Reader)
Four thousand years is a long time. In the absence of your most cherished friend, it feels even longer. But when a certain student exchange program in the Devildom reunites you and Lucifer, things aren't the same. Because four thousand years of separation is a long time. And the love you once felt for Lucifer has changed into something different—something forbidden. But that might not even be your biggest problem, because with each passing day, your holy wings are turning blacker and blacker.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | ✔
Your D.D.D has an awful battery life.
That, or you're using it too much.
In fact, the latter is much more likely—given that, over this past weekend, you haven't gone over two hours without video calling one of the brothers—but that's hardly your fault.
The entire Devildom is in a frenzy right now, every demon going wild with anticipation.
The time has finally come for people to properly prepare for school, either mentally or physically, and the countdown has officially begun: not even twenty-four full hours remain before the first bell will ring, and everyone you know is buzzing about doing last-minute shopping. Neither the House of Lamentation nor Purgatory Hall are exempt from that, and the only reason you're not out of the dorm right now is because Simeon took pity on you and sent you home ahead of him, agreeing to buy the last of the items on the school supply list himself.
Such an angel, you think with a giggle, entering your room.
You waste no time in flopping onto your bed and plugging your D.D.D into its charger, flitting to Lucifer's number.
You don't even bother to take your Celestial cloak off, too preoccupied with the device's ringing to do anything other than use the garment as a blanket while you roll onto your stomach and place the device on your pillow.
This isn't quite your best angle, but Lucifer won't mind, right?
A smile blossoms on your face when you see the video call go through.
"MC, how many times have I asked you to text me in advance if you need me?" Lucifer sighs, acting stoic as he speaks. You can tell he doesn't mean the words, though.
"Aw, what kind of best friends are we if I need to set up an appointment to see you?" You laugh, biting back the sick feeling you get when you say that. Best friends. You still haven't forgotten how Lucifer almost kissed you two days ago when you came to him, crying. And you're certain you'll always remember how he chose not to.
Perhaps, if you hadn't been so focused on your own sorrow, you might have noticed the way Lucifer's eyebrows furrowed momentarily at the words, the demon disliking the label as much as you.
"Very well, then. What need have you of me this time, MC?" Lucifer leans back in his chair, angling his own D.D.D on his desk such that he doesn't need to hold it up.
"Um, just wanted to chat?"
Lucifer groans. "You said the same thing this morning, MC. And at four in the morning, when you called me saying you couldn't sleep—"
"Hey!" You protest. "It's not my fault that the Celestial Realm and the Devildom are in different time zones—"
"And the night before that," Lucifer continues, ignoring you entirely. "And in the afternoon before that, when you called me asking if I thought chairs had feelings."
"It's just such a tragic life, you know?" You ask, heart heavy at the thoughts that had run through your head yesterday afternoon. "They spend their entire lives serving, and people just sit on them. No one even says thank you!"
Lucifer massages his temple with one hand, closing his eyes in frustration. "We are not getting into this again."
"Fine, fine," You agree, pouting. "I just wanted to talk. What's up, Luci? Has Mammon caused any trouble for you since we last spoke?"
"Surprisingly, it's been Levi who's been an issue. Apparently, he ordered all his school supplies online, and they've still yet to come, so he's dragged the entire household out with him to buy the required goods in-person."
You laugh lightly. Even in the Celestial Realm, Levi had always preferred the indoors; imagining him braving the demon crowds of last-minute shoppers is quite the picture.
"Moreover, no one has seen Belphie awake since the last time you came over, so we're not sure if he even has everything he needs, but…"
"They'll manage," You say, interrupting Lucifer with a smile. "Don't stress—your brothers can handle themselves better than you think."
"Maybe so," Lucifer murmurs. "But what about you? How are you faring in all of this?"
You sigh.
Every single time you've called Lucifer these past two days, that's been the one question he's never failed to ask. He does it out of love, you know. He cares, and he simply wants to make sure that things haven't gotten worse.
But in truth…
"I haven't even looked at my wings, Luci." You laugh drily, staring at your pillow instead of Lucifer. You can already see the crestfallen look on his face. "I've been bathing in the dark and switching to my human form as often as I can so that I don't need to see them."
"MC…" He murmurs. You know that if he were here right now, he wouldn't hesitate to wrap you in a warm embrace and kiss your forehead between soft whispers that everything is going to be alright.
"No, you don't need to tell me. I know it's not the right thing to do." You put a hand up, halting him from starting whatever lecture is flitting around through his mind. "It's just...easier, this way."
Lucifer sighs.
"Let me see them," He murmurs. "We have to know if it's gotten worse."
"That's…" That's the reason why you don't want to look at them.
You swallow, suddenly acutely aware of how readily your tears had sprung forth the last time you stared at your reflection. The sight of your wings turning black at the root was too much to bear, and you doubt it's gotten any easier. At the same time, though, you don't want to cry to Lucifer. Not again.
"MC," The demon begins, voice gentle. "You don't have to look. But I need to know if it's gotten worse. Satan had some...theories, but I can't be sure about any of them until I look at the pattern of the growth."
It's a moment before you respond, but his words finally win you over in the end. You release some of your magical power, shifting back into the form you were born in. Burying your head face-down into the bed, you don't watch as your wings spread on your back, so great and majestic that they even push your Celestial cloak away as they rise to their full form.
You feel them flap once, then twice, as they stretch.
Staying silent yourself, you wait for Lucifer to make a comment, for him to say something about them. You just want him to look at them, take whatever notes he needs to, and then tell you you're good to shift back into your human form. You don't even care what they look like at this point; you just don't want to see them.
But when the demon continues to remain quiet, you can't deny that your curiosity is piqued.
"Lucifer?" You ask, peeking up with one eye. You avoid looking at the bottom left circle where your own reflection is, opting instead to stare at the shell-shocked expression on Lucifer's face. "What's wrong, Lucifer? Luci?"
You shift, moving your face up so that you can stare at him entirely, fear beginning to set in as you wonder what your wings could look like to have shocked him into such silence. "Are they…" Your voice trembles as you speak, terrified that you might have the truth of it. "Are they completely black?"
Your question startles Lucifer into alertness, and he blinks before a bewildered smile appears on his face. "No!" He responds, almost too quickly. He double taps on the screen, zooming in on your image. "MC, your…" He hesitates, as if he himself doesn't believe what he's seeing. "Your wings are completely white."
Your eyes widen, darting down to the small bubble where your own camera mirrors yourself back at you and, sure enough, the feathers on your back have turned snowy once more—all the places that were once pitch-black now looking as fluffy and pristine as the clouds of your homeland's sky.
"Let me…Let me check," You murmur to Lucifer, stumbling out of bed to your full-length mirror. It's uncomfortable, because your Celestial cloak is still awkwardly bunched around your shoulders, but there's no doubting it: your wings are white.
You hear a relieved sound come from your phone, bordering on laughter as a wide smile spreads across Lucifer's face. And that same smile comes to your own lips as you twist your body around, even the feathers closest to your back turned whiter than the pearls of your teeth: divine, holy, and angelic.
"We have to celebrate," You say, turning to Lucifer with a beaming grin. "I'm coming over, and don't tell me not to! This is amazing!"
Lucifer chuckles, folding his arms in contentment. "I wouldn't dream of it. My brothers will be delighted to hear this news," He taps on the screen, checking the time. "Meet you in ten minutes?"
"Perfect! I'll see you soon!" You exclaim, practically pouncing on the bed to end the call so that you can run over to the House of Lamentation.
Instantly, you revert to your human form, knowing that it'll offend the demons passing by if you leave the house with your holy wings on display, but you don't waste a moment in yanking your D.D.D from its charger and darting out of the doors, giddy with excitement.
All the pain you felt at learning your wings had turned black is converted to excitement, and you feel like you're floating on the clouds as you skip to where you know Lucifer is. You feel like this is what it must be like to be high, to be so unabashedly happy that nothing feels like it can ever compare—as if nothing can turn your mood sour.
But the universe has never been kind, has it?
Rather, the world loves to give you happiness and then steal it; just like it gave you the Morningstar and then banished him, casting your one source of joy out of reach.
You should have known when your D.D.D began ringing that it wouldn't be good news. Heck, if the fact that someone is calling isn't enough to let you know something is up, you should be doubly on edge when you realize that it's Lucifer's contact who's lighting up your screen.
But in the end, it's the utterly defeated voice of Lucifer that brings you down from your high, halting you in your tracks as he tells you to stop.
"What?" You ask, suddenly concerned.
"Stop, MC." His words come out slow, as if it brings him pain each time he speaks. "Don't come over."
"W-why?" You stammer out, not understanding. The House of Lamentation is within eyesight, you can literally see it in the distance. "Lucifer, what's wrong?"
"You can't come over," He mumbles, and you hear a light clanging over the phone—as if the demon kicked something and it came crashing down. "Just…" He almost chokes, voice thick with emotion. With anger. With sadness. And with something else you can't quite place. "Just don't come."
With that, he hangs up the phone, probably expecting that you'll heed his words and return to Purgatory Hall. But when have you been one to mindlessly follow the orders of others, when your heart is screaming to disobey?
Your footsteps as they bring you to the House of Lamentation are a lot of things: slow, concerned, distressed. But they're not hesitant. There's not a single flicker of indecision in your feet as they move forward, growing faster and faster as Lucifer's drained voice replays in your head.
Never have you heard the demon sound so miserable, so upset, so frustrated.
And you're not going to leave him alone.
It takes nearly a minute of banging on the front door before he finally opens it, trying his hardest to maintain a frown as he looks down at you.
"I told you not to come," He mutters, stepping back. It's not an invitation inside, though. You can't help but feel like it's a strange attempt to create distance between the two of you, but enter regardless.
You remain silent, your lack of words a very question in itself. Rather, it's an inquiry that demands a response, and you won't say a thing until Lucifer explains what has caused his sudden mood shift.
It must be an entire minute before he finally speaks, voice low as he stares at the ground.
"It's me."
You gaze at Lucifer in confusion, not quite understanding. "What?"
"It's me," He repeats, crossing his arms. "I'm…" He hesitates, dark red eyes flitting up to yours, two rubies that never fail to leave you entranced. "I'm the reason your wings are turning black."
"What are you talking about, Lucifer? That's nonsense." The words leave your mouth as soon as you process his words, not even waiting a second to contemplate the truth of them. At your blatant denial, Lucifer chuckles, but it's a sad sound.
"MC." He says your name slowly, as if he's holding onto it. "Your wings turned black for the first time when you came to me, and they've returned to being white after a weekend of separation."
You scoff at his words. "That's so circumstantial, Lucifer. You, of all people, should know that—"
"No." Lucifer's voice is firm. Dejected, despondent, and melancholic, but firm. "MC, this is how it's always been. You're the only angel in all the realms who absorbs light instead of giving it off. You're...you're the child of light. Light nurtures you."
Lucifer pauses, waiting for you to say something, but he continues when you're silent. "My light used to be positive. I could always feel you pulling at it in the Celestial Realm—absorbing it, equalizing it. I forgot what it felt like, but you've been doing it here as well. But I'm…" He clenches his fist. "I'm a demon, now. The light I give off is dark, and it's been corrupting you."
"No," You murmur, the same pain painted on Lucifer's face spreading across your own. "You're wrong, Lucifer. You're wrong!"
With a trembling lip, you let your angel form manifest, trying to show him that your wings are white, but he won't even look at you.
"Leave," He whispers, gesturing to the door that's still open. "Leave now, MC. Before I turn your wings black a second time."
"No!" You exclaim, slamming the door with your foot, moving forward. "It's not true. It's not!"
"Stop," Lucifer warns, a flicker of anger lighting in his dark red eyes. Every footstep you take forward is met by himself retreating, desperate to maintain the distance between you two. "Do not come closer," He cautions you, and you can feel the rage building up as you blatantly ignore his words, dead set on marching forward until he's forced to acknowledge you. "This is for your own good—leave me!"
But you keep walking forward, trying to get closer to him, drawing nearer and nearer to his figure until the deep red eyes are lit aflame with wrath and the man has turned into his own true form, wings and horns sprouting in an attempt to intimidate you.
"Get out," He seethes, hands clenched into fists.
But all you do is reach forward for his hand.
"Stop!" He shouts, angling his body away in a desperate attempt to stop you from touching. "Don't you see?" He roars. "Your wings—they're already turning black!"
But you don't care about that anymore. With that single comment, you remember—you have wings—and all it takes is one flap for them to send you flying forward, wrapping your arms tightly around Lucifer as he breaks your fall.
The two of you collapse on the ground on in a tangle of limbs and feathers, Lucifer continuing to try to push you off of him when all your efforts are directed towards holding onto the demon as tight as you can.
"Your wings," He chokes out, watching as the feathers change colors before his very eyes. It was different before, when one of you were always masking your true appearance with your human form. But now that you're both in your natural states?
There's nothing to obstruct the flow of magic as it flows through your bodies, out of your bodies and into each other. You can feel Lucifer's darkness pumping through your veins, tainting everything from your wings to your halo black with his aura.
"I'm ruining you," He hisses, still trying to shrink away.
"I don't care," You whisper, burying your neck in his shoulder. You hold him tighter when he finally gives up on pushing you off, allowing you to cling to him as closely as you want. "I...I thought my wings were turning black because I was turning into a monster. But if I'm not changing, if this is just my body absorbing your light—then I don't care, Lucifer. I don't want to leave you."
"You're a fool," He spits, ignoring the way you laugh his words off. "You're an angel. You—you don't belong here. Go back to Simeon and Luke. Their light is still pure."
"And then what?" You ask, pulling back so that you can look Lucifer in the eye. You hate the troubled gaze, the raw anguish that spreads across his face as he glances behind you to stare at your wings. From your peripheral vision, you can already see the blackness spreading, but you're true to your words.
You don't care.
"I'm surrounded by demons. If I don't absorb your light, then my wings will turn black because of them, all the same."
"MC," Lucifer chuckles mirthlessly. "None of these other demons were born to be harbingers of light. You forget, I'm the Morningstar. The energy I give off is enough to throw an entire realm out of balance. Other demons can't sully your purity, but I...I defile you with my mere presence."
You're quiet, still holding Lucifer tightly as you remain collapsed on top of him. His hands still rest on the floor, unwilling to taint you with his touch any more than is necessary, but you can see the way his fingers twitch.
He wants to hold you the way you're holding him.
"What if I'm okay with that?" You whisper, gazing hesitantly into Lucifer's eyes. They widen briefly before he masks the surprise.
"You're too much of an angel, MC." He glances away, and this time, you notice the way his throat bobs as he swallows thickly. "You do not understand the meaning of your words. A demon hears them differently."
"What if I do?" You repeat, gently cupping Lucifer's cheek and bringing his gaze back to you. "What if I do understand what I'm saying?"
"You do not." You cannot, he means. Lucifer hasn't been in the Celestial Realm for four thousand years. He doesn't know that angels are no longer the sort of beings to innocently go about, unaware of the effect they have on others. Eons ago, you may not have understood the loaded connotation behind everything you're telling the man. But now?
You know exactly what your words mean.
"You're wrong, Lucifer. I know what I'm saying." You let your head lower, bowing low until your lips are mere inches away from Lucifer. You gaze at his lips, making sure he can see the way you're looking at them before you finally lift your eyes to his own. "I'm okay with being corrupted, Lucifer. As long as it's you."
"You…" His voice shifts, the demonic urges he's been trying so long to resist finally surfacing at your words. You can't be any clearer than that, and the demon finally understands that his feelings aren't one-sided. That you don't look at him as a mere brother. That you want this as much as he does. "You don't know what you're asking for," He whispers, but now his own eyes are locked onto the plumpness of your lips, unable to look away.
"Then show me," You whisper.
That's all it takes for the last of his restraint to vanish, the palms that were once pressed against the floor lifting to hold you close as he captures your lips with his own, connecting your bodies in the most intimate way either of you have ever known.
You can feel everything in him, as your lips meet.
The beating of his heart, growing faster when you wrap your arms around his neck.
The tensing of his shoulders as he shifts upward, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap, ever closer to him.
The rhythmic pulse of his light as it floods into you—and despite having your eyes closed, you know that the edges of your wings have turned fully black, filled to the brim with the essence of the Lucifer.
As your body continues to absorb the waves of light and power radiating off his body, you feel your back burst with power, the Celestial cloak you had on breaking and being ripped off your shoulders as your wings spread even wider, shining the richest shade of black you've ever seen.
"Your wings," He mutters against your lips, leaning his forehead against yours as he slides a hand onto your cheek, rubbing soft circles into the skin. "I've corrupted them."
"No," You murmur, smiling softly. For the first time, you don't hate the ebony color of the feathers, smiling as you gaze upon them. "They're beautiful." You let them flap, entranced. Your eyes dart between your wings and his, pulling his body closer until your wings are touching. "They match with yours."
They match with yours.
Those had been your first words of surprise when Lucifer showed you your reflection in a mirror, on your second day alive in the Celestial Realm. You'd spent nearly every waking moment gazing at the six glorious wings on Lucifer's back, vaguely aware that you had feathers to match but never realizing that yours were just as beautiful.
You slide your hand down to Lucifer's, beaming at him as you intertwine your fingers in his. At last, the two of you are matching once more—no longer separated by the visual differences of angel and demon.
"Are you certain you want this, MC?" He asks. He brings a hand to your hair, a gesture of comfort that he doesn't forget even in the heat of this passion. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything with me. It's not too late to take back what you've said."
But you shake your head, an assured smile appearing on your lips.
"I told you, didn't I?" You ask, a light giggle slipping out. "I'm okay with being corrupted, as long as it's you."
And this time, you don't just mean your wings. You're truly okay with every demonic thought flitting through Lucifer's mind as he stares at you, mouth agape in awe of your sweet confidence. 
He chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
For the moment, he doesn't even need any of that. You've given him permission, but all he wants is to continue locking your lips with his own, kissing you over and over again until you're both lost in the sensation of each other.
He can feel you pulling on his light, reveling in it the way he's basking in your affection. It's a feeling so blissful only an angel as perfect as you could ever give him such a sensation, and Lucifer feels that there's nothing he needs from the world but you.
For the first time, you're both perfectly in sync, giving in to the emotions that have been hidden in your heart for millennia. It matters not that your wings are black, that your halo is shrouded in shadow, that you're both making out on the floor, of all places.
If anything, it feels like all those little things are what has made this moment so infinitely perfect: like the stars have finally aligned, and nothing can pull you apart now.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | ✔
Word count: 4.0k
Notes: I was on my run this morning and i saw a deer and i just casually glanced behind me and it was just like. really ominously walking in my direction >.> i screamed and began sprinting away (like holy SHIT i did not know i still had that energy in me, i had already run like 2 miles and i was p tired but that was wild). anyway, looking back, i dont think the deer was actually walking toward me i think it just happened to be vaguely coming in my direction, but still that gave me heart palpitations wow im still a mess over it
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Next Update: 6/02/20
I do not own the rights to Obey Me! or any of the characters within it.
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secret-engima · 5 years
I’m sick currently - any rambles or snippets for TttW or FiF? Or any of your verse characters meeting the spitfire that is Sola? (Especially bby!Sola who is pretty much like bby!Cor but with all the possessiveness of a dragon going MINE that hasn’t been somewhat calmed with age)
Welcome to the sick people club! Hope you feel better soon! I do have one snippet left of FiF and then I’m out, but no snips of Thrown to Wolves, sorry.
     Weskham treated Clarus’s injuries with antiseptic and the remaining two potions, then reheated the tea and coaxed Clarus and Princess Regina to her sprawling bed in the other room, as it was one of the only comfortable pieces of furniture to escape the rampage —he ignored the impropriety of sitting on the Princess’s bed with her, this was not that kind of situation and Clarus did it often enough to remove any awkwardness—. He stiffened despite himself in surprise when Princess Regina nudged him to the right side of the bed with his back against the pillows and headboard and then curled up beneath his left arm, her legs wrapped around one of his, her head resting over his heart, and her hands clutching her cup of tea. Then Clarus flopped down at Regina’s back and began running the fingers of his free hand through her wavy hair while he sipped on the tea with the other.
     Weskham accepted the positioning with grace and opened the book he’d snatched out of the demolished pieces of bookshelf. He paused when he realized it was the Cosmogony, then inwardly shrugged. If she didn’t like it, Weskham could always get up and get another. He tilted it so that she could see the sprawling illustrations and began, “Titan, the Archaean, steadfast as stone. Ramuh, the Fulgarian, sharp as lightning. Shiva, the Glacian, gentle as snow. Leviathan, the Hydraean, relentless as tides. Bahamut, the Draconian, unbending as iron. Ifrit, the Infernian, fickle as fire. Since time immemorial, they have watched over Eos…”
     He read for what felt like hours. Stopping only to sip on his own tea to keep his throat from rasping. With the same gentle tones and lilting rhythm he remembered from his own childhood, Weskham worked his way through the beginning of the Cosmogony, all the way to the Prophecy of the Crystal. The princess, who had been dozing throughout the last chapter, suddenly snapped awake and alert again, something shivering through her magic that made all of Weskham’s hairs rise and he scrambled to figure out what he had done wrong. Instead of crying or pulling away, she asked softly into the silence, “The Prophecy … is it true?”
     Weskham blinked, considered that, “My family believes so, though not many people do anymore. The Prophecy has stood for two thousand years, since the very foundation of Lucis. Most believe that if it hasn’t been fulfilled yet, it never will.”
     Princess Regina mulled over that for several long seconds, something old in violet-tinted blue eyes, “Prophecies don’t work on human time. Just their own.”
     Weskham shrugged, sipped on the dregs of his long-cooled tea, “That is true. The Prophecy was laid down by the Draconian, and he is immortal. I doubt time is much of an issue for him.”
     “So that means someday a ‘Chosen King will be born, with magic untold and the Crystal in his soul, to purge the world of endless night’?”
     Weskham mulled over his answer, wondering why the Prophecy had grabbed her attention so thoroughly. But then, a mystery and a fantasy was better than screaming grief, “Yes, I believe so.”
     Regina sat up a little more, eyes sharp and inquisitive as she glared at the pages, “How will he do that? How much magic will he have compared to me, or any of the past kings and queens?”
     Weskham floundered just a bit, “I … don’t know. The Cosmogony doesn’t say.” At her dark, thoughtful look, Weskham took a chance and murmured, “We can go down to the royal library if you wish, I’m sure there would be more information in there than in this book. This is the cosmogony for the general public, not for scholars or those with more questions than the basic ones.”
     He could see her debating silently over it, then she settled, “Tomorrow,” she hummed. “We’ll go down and look tomorrow.” I’m comfortable right now, when unspoken but so clearly heard it might as well have been his own thoughts.
     Weskham nodded agreeably, going down to the library tomorrow would give the servants a chance to replace all the furniture without having to come near the princess they now feared and would distract Princess Regina from … everything else, “Alright. Do you want me to keep reading?”
     “No.” She curled up more firmly against him, “I want to sleep.”
-Sola is in a bad mood when she stumbles across the bookshop. Nobles causing trouble over the royal princess in the glaive, despite the fact that she’s been there for a year now and is quite obviously not leaving no matter what the old fogey’s say. She isn’t sure why she goes into the shop, she’s not looking for anything to read, but it looks like a place to hide and its on the outskirts of the Little Galahd district, so she thinks she’ll probably be safe from the media finding her.
-She steps (stomps) into the shop and pauses at the atmosphere of the place. It’s very quiet. Almost peaceful. There’s an old, mysterious air about it that feels more like it should be in a storybook setting than a real location. Momentarily distracted from her bad mood, Sola eyes the shop with its overfilled shelves and vaguely arcane-shaped armchairs and wonders if a creepy old man shopkeeper with a cane is going to come out and spout nonsense at her.
-She hears the tap of a cane, but instead of a creepy old man, it’s a young woman with black hair and blue eyes so dark they’re nearly black. The woman pauses at the sight of Sola and Sola braces for the bowing and scraping and “your highness”ing that always comes when recognized. Instead the woman just sighs and leans on her cane, “You look,” she comments “Like someone who just had to deal with very annoying know it all for a few hours.”
-Sola blinks. The woman takes it as an affirmative, “You can read any book you want, but if you aren’t going to buy it, make sure to put it back where you found it. I have multiple blends of tea if that is your thing, I do not sell coffee. There are cookies and pastries for the hungry, though my flavors change every week. Currently I have lemon cookies and chocolate croissants.”
-”Who are you?” Sola asks, blunt as ever, because something about this woman seems familiar and its driving her crazy.
-The woman just scoffs and moves to the nearest armchair to sit down, “Cyra. The owner of this shop. Now, what kinds of things would you like to read?”
-Sola ends up spending the afternoon there with a cranky shopkeeper and a lot of good books about ancient sword techniques that she suspected might be hold enough to be illegal. The woman never comments on Sola being the princess, and Sola never outright asks why the woman feels so familiar. The woman mentions having a husband in the Kingsglaive, then just laughs when Sola asks which moron she was unlucky enough to marry. Cyra winks and tells Sola to take a wild guess sometime, who knows, she might guess right. Sola leaves with three ancient books to read and a bet to win.
-She goes back the next week only to find that the shop is gone. She never does figure out which glaive the woman claimed to be her husband. Sometimes Sola wonders if the woman was real at all.
... One more ramble!
-There is a tiny child trying to her absolutely hardest to murder him.
-She’s very cute.
-Now if he could just figure out how she’s here and why she has magic, that would be great. Oh wait-
-Nox calmly looks up at the Cor who just burst into the room with his sword in hand, not bothering to react to the tiny child trying vainly to pin his arm and maybe bite through his long sleeves, “I think,” he greets politely with a flicker of blue LC magic to prove his identity, “That I am in the wrong Citadel.”
-Yes, it turns out he is in the wrong Citadel, and that the small child trying (still) to murder him is named Sola. She is Noctis’s big sister. Cute. The Regis of this dimension does not find her attempted fratricide nearly as cute, possibly because he's worried of how Nox will react and forcibly picks her up and holds her out of reach. Nox introduces himself with magic again, Regis goes pale at the discovery that in another dimension he had a child out of wedlock. Still, he DOES look like Regis and he DOES have LC magic, they have no reason to disbelieve him.
-The girl, who’s name is Sola, pauses in her attempts at murder during the conversation of where Nox will stay till this matter is sorted and goes, “He’s a brother?”
-Regis grimaces, “Yes, Sola he’s ... a brother. Of a sort.”
-And Nox watches in fascination as a switch goes off in the girl’s head and she stops flailing and instead stares at Nox like a baby dragon that just spotted a shiny, “I have two brothers?”
-Cor sighs like he knows where this is going, “Not specifically-.”
-“I have two brothers.” And that appears to be that.
-Nox spends the visit with Sola basically glued to his side, alternating between rabid overprotectiveness of the sibling she is SOMEHOW convinced is still her younger brother despite being much taller than her and trying to get him to teach her fighting tricks.
-Nox is gonna miss this scamp when he goes home, he just knows it.
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bensakindofmagic · 5 years
Chapter Seventeen
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A/N: here we go again, enjoy :)
Warning: pure, unadulterated fluff
w/c: 2.3k+
Chapter Seventeen
“So he said he loves you?” Savannah asked. You were sat in the middle of a bustling, hipster coffee shop in West London, nursing your mismatching mugs with stupidly small handles. You nodded. 
“Have you talked about it since?” 
You winced, “I tried to bring it up the other day but I chickened out. I knew he’d ask me if I loved him too.”
“And you don’t?”
“I definitely don’t not love him,” you pondered. 
She scoffed, “That sounds promising. You two are so shit at communicating.” You began to protest but she just laughed, “You know I’m right! Look at how long it took for you two to get together ‘cause you couldn’t bloody talk to each other.” 
Your face was heavy as you frowned, “This isn’t helping.” 
“I’m sorry,” she conceded, “Tell me what you’re worried about.”
“I don’t know. I keep thinking about how I thought I was in love with Matteo, but when things got tough we fell apart, how do I know the same won’t happen with Ben? The shoot’s about to end, we’ve only got a week left and then everything’s going to change. I’ll be off on another project and Ben’s going to be back and forth to LA for a little while.” You sighed, “It’s just been so easy up ’til now, since we got together I mean. Even when it came out we were dating everyone was fine with it.”
“Apart from that arsehole Josh, right?”
“Yeah, well he’s shut right up now. I don’t know what Graham said but it worked. Anyway, I feel like we’re getting to the hard bit now. It’s gonna make it so much harder if I decide I love him.”
“That’s not exactly how it works, I don’t think you get to decide.” 
You rolled your eyes, “You know what I mean.”
“You’ve got commitment jitters, that’s all.”
“How can I be scared of committing to Ben when I basically fell in love with him the second I saw him?”
She placed a comforting hand on yours, “You just need to give yourself time. It sounds like once you two finally got going everything moved pretty fast. It’s been a while since you did the whole ‘serious relationship’ thing, cut yourself some slack.”
“Ugh Savvy, how do you always know what to say? You’re so wise.”
“I know,” she smiled kindly, “Besides, you think you’ve got commitment problems, Chris keeps talking about having babies!”
The last week of filming went by frighteningly quickly, and all too soon it was the last day and you were at the wrap party, drink in hand and talking far too loudly. Ben had his arm around your waist, announcing to everyone that you were his. He had been delighted since it had come out that you were dating and despite your nerves, it had been a relief to you too. A few people had been skeptical at first, throwing judging looks at you, but as soon as they’d seen you together they could tell you were serious about each other. You were grateful that you didn’t have to hide, and even more so that Josh ignored you apart from throwing you the odd bitter stare. 
“Can you believe that only four months ago we were playing ‘Never Have I Ever’ to get to know each other?”
“I know, it’s been the longest four months of my life,”  you said with a grin. “I can’t wait to get rid of you lot,”
“No way, you’re gonna miss us. I bet you’ll wake up every morning and cry at the thought of me being on the other side of the Atlantic,” Joe protested.
You sighed dreamily, “There’ll be a whole ocean between me and your dad jokes.”
“I’m gonna text you one every morning.”
“Then I’ll definitely cry,” you scoffed. 
As much as you joked and bantered with the guys, your heart was heavy. In fact, the teasing was mostly to keep the mood light because you sensed that you were in danger of getting far too emotional about the whole thing and breaking down into tears at the thought of not coming into work every day and seeing their idiot faces. 
“Well it’s fine for you and Ben,” Gwil interjected, “You guys will see each other all the time.” 
“Actually I’ve only got three weeks until I’m off to Scotland for nearly four months for a film I’m doing up there. And then we have just over a month before Ben goes to Italy to start on his next film.”
“Ouch, I don’t envy you guys. It’s hard enough being in a relationship when one of you travels, but both is going to be tough!”
You didn’t need the reminder. “Plenty of couples do it.”
“You guys are basically going to be long distance for most of the year.”
You muttered under your breath, “Yeah, and who knows for how long after that.”
From the way Ben’s arm tightened around you you guessed he had heard, but made no mention of it.  
“I’m more worried about me and you, buddy,” Ben interjected. “How’re we going to continue our bromance across continents?”
“It isn’t a bromance, it’s a full-on love affair,” you laughed. 
“You’re the lucky one Y/N/N, at least you’ll be in the same country for a while.”
You challenged, “Babe, Scotland is a different country.”
“What?” cried Joe, “I thought it was like different states.”
“Christ, I hope you’ve never said that to a Scot.”
Through the course of the evening you danced a little and drank a lot, and cheered with your whole body when Rami and Joe dueted ‘Under Pressure’, but mostly you soaked up every second of all being together. The job had been such a joy and you could hardly bear the thought of it being over, so mostly you drank and joked to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help getting a bit contemplative as you and Lucy watched the guys play beer pong — Brits versus Americans. 
You leant against a counter, glass in hand, as Lucy sighed, “God they’re idiots, the lot of them, but I am going to miss them.”
Joe had just performed a particularly distressing celebration after getting the ball in Ben’s cup.
“Are you worried?” you said suddenly, turning to face her. “Rami’s going back to the States, you’ll be in London…”
“No,” she said lightly, “I’ll be over there a lot for work anyway and Rami’s going to visit me here when he can. Anyway, We care so much about each other, we’ll find a way to make it work.” 
“God, I wish I was that confident.” You turned back to see Gwil miss.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, darling. If both of you want to be together, which you do, then you will. Ben adores you, we can all see it. You just need to have a little faith.”
You smiled and nodded, conceding that she was probably right and that fifth glass of prosecco was making you paranoid. 
Once the game finished Ben came up to you and pulled you close, linking his fingers behind your back and pressing a firm kiss to your lips.
“Congratulations on winning,” you grinned.
“Thank god, hey? Otherwise Joe would have been insufferable.”
“Oi Y/N,” Joe shouted, “Stop hogging my boyfriend!” 
You laughed loudly, “I could say the same to you!”
Ben nudged his nose against yours before nuzzling into your neck. “You’ll always be my number one, angel.” 
By the end of the night you were all singing ‘I’ll Never Forget You’ by the Noisettes at the top of your lungs, holding back tears (some of you more successfully than others), and finished on ‘We Are the Champions’ just in case there was still a dry eye in the room. It was with great reluctance that you parted in the small hours of the morning and when you got into bed with Ben you held onto him tightly, determined to make the most of him while he was still at your fingertips.
Those three weeks you had together were bliss: with neither of you having too much work — just a few bits of research and the occasional meeting between you — you seemed to have the world at your feet. Days passed in lazy contentment, waking up late, spending an hour or two in bed (morning sex was usually involved, it being a new practice since the early starts had not previously allowed for it), taking Frankie for a walk in the crisp winter air, then cuddles, tea, Netflix, often more sex. Dinner dates, coffee dates, cultural dates dragging Ben around art galleries (despite his being an actor, you didn’t believe him for a second when he assured you that he loved it). You spent most of your time at Ben’s, only going home when you needed clean clothes and to wash your hair. You took it in turns to make dinner, and occasionally Ben would walk to the nearest bakery to buy you fresh pastries for breakfast before you woke up. You wasted time watching Ben play with Frankie, your heart swelling as you saw how much he loved her, and daydreamed about what a great dad he would make. It felt like bliss, like your life was a movie with every detail perfectly executed; you were in heaven. 
As excited as you were to start your new job, by the time you were due to leave the next morning, the thought of tearing yourself away from Ben all but broke your heart.
“Can’t you stay?” he whined, ignoring the old rom-com that was playing on the telly, mostly just serving as background noise by then. “I’m sure they’ll manage without you.”
You scoffed, “What a rousing indictment of the value of my work.”
He glanced at you from where he lay on the sofa, Frankie curled up on his chest, snoring softly.
“Come on, it’ll break Frankie’s little heart if you go,” he whispered, covering her ears to shield her from the truth.
“When. Not if,” you said firmly. “She’ll be sad for a day and then forget all about me.”
He became distant as he whispered, “It’ll break mine.”
You snuggled down the sofa, squeeing yourself between him and the cushions and cooed, “No, it won’t. I’ll text you everyday and we’ll FaceTime and send each other dumb memes. And I’ll come home whenever I can.”
He cocked his eyebrow, “Home? Does that mean here?”
You smiled, “I guess it does.”
You turned back to the film but could tell Ben was distracted by the way his eyes roamed about the room, and he kept taking a deep breath in as if to speak, only to release it and retain his silence. Eventually you reached over to the remote and pressed pause.
“What’s up, Benny?”
For a while he was silent, composing his thoughts, and when he spoke he didn’t meet your eye. 
“You know that thing I said a while ago,” he ventured, “when we were talking to Graham…”
You knew exactly what he was talking about and instantly felt your heart rise to your throat. You were nervous, partly because you feared he would be upset that you hadn’t said it back, and partly to hear him say it again. But mostly you felt adrenaline rushing through your veins; the rush of love. “Yeah,” you hesitated, your chest swelling like a ballon, full of anticipation.
“I meant it.” He distracted himself scratching behind Frankie’s ear. “I’ve been trying to bring it up over the last few weeks but it never felt like the right time. You always seemed so happy and I didn’t want to ruin it in case you weren’t ready to say it back. And don’t feel like you have to, I don’t want to rush you but I just need to say it, you know-”
You interrupted his rambling by placing you hand gently on his cheek. 
He sighed, finally meeting your gaze. “I’m in love with you.”
His eyes were so round, so wide, so full of innocence and fear and hope. You could see the whole world in those eyes.
And all of a sudden it felt like you were floating, a balloon carrying you high above yourself. You smiled, a laugh bubbling sweetly from you. “I love you, too.”
Then you were both grinning like naughty children and he kissed you with absolute certainty.
He dropped you off at the airport the next morning and you were close to tears as you said goodbye. 
“Text me when you land, okay?” he asserted and you assured him you would. In return he promised to give Frankie a kiss for you. 
You thought you saw a watery hue in the green of Ben’s eyes but you blinked and it was gone. He held you closely, resting your cheek on his chest and his face buried in your hair. He kissed the top of your head, then your forehead, and you sighed heavily. You tried to take in every detail of his face — you almost felt silly, really, because it wasn’t like you were off to war and might never see him again. In fact you had already arranged to come back in six week’s time and you knew you’d FaceTime him almost everyday. Still, you absorbed the curve of his jaw, the roundness of his nose, his big lips, dimpled on each end, green eyes so pale in the morning light, the few golden curls peeking out from below his beanie. You memorised every detail as best you could.
“I’ll see you soon. I love you,” he purred, his tone soft but strong.
You smiled; it felt right hearing those words. It felt right to say them. “I love you, Ben.”
With one last kiss you turned away from him, stealing a glance before you headed to security only to see him watching you leave. You waved, and he raised his hand in reply, subdued, resigned. And you rounded the corner and he was gone.
taglist: @anikatcmh​ @queen-turtle-boiii​ @orchideax​ @rogerspoison @my5secondsofneverland​ @mrsmazzello​ @ixchel-9275​ @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @devin-marie​ @rogmeddows​ @mercurycrowley​ @spaghetittiesbcimgay​ @valeriecarolinaw​ @saint-hardy​ @caborhapch​ @stephanie-everlasting @coldmuffinpartycloud​ @drowse13​ @shhhs3cret​ @blind-melon-taylor​ @ohsososophisticatedd​ @malfoybaby​ @littlepanda-love​ @leezie​ @shesakillerquueennn​ @borhapgrande​ @stfxlou​ @vangogh-groupie​ @dep-thx​ (just ask if you want to be added to the tag list! sorry if tumblr won’t let me tag you)
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 years
what are your favorite musicals?
Hi, thank you so much for the ask! This could go on and on because goodness, I’ve got so many and my favorites really change depending on my mood. 
Some of my favorites though are:
Falsettos 2016 Revival - Honestly, it’s great. Such a powerhouse of a cast, amazing and funny songs, a very deep and sensitive story that will leave you in love with each of the characters and probably in a puddle of tears.
The Cher Show - I’m really into Jukebox Musicals, okay fight me. This is a telling of Cher’s rise to fame in the form of three Cher’s representing different parts of her life ( Babe, Lady and Star) from Sonny and Cher, to her Oscar Win,and to her older days as an independent woman and it tells the story in ba-dam!!!! CHER SONGS! Need I say more? If not, look up Stephanie J. Block who plays Star. She’s AMAZING AND I LOVE HER.
Jersey Boys - Alas, another Jukebox. This one is Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Each act is told by a different member of the band, depicting the rise of the band in the 60′s and the struggles of travelling and family. VERY GOOD. Will touch the heart strings. The movie is a good rendition of the musical if you ever want to see it. 
The Prince of Egypt - Okay, okay, this one was just released like a week ago and I’ve been listening to it non-stop. Stephen Shawartz added new songs to the originals from the movie, like ‘Footprints on the Sand’ telling of Moses want to leave the world changed and different and comparing himself to his brother, the soon to be pharaoh, Ramses. OR OR OR ‘For the Rest of My Life’, a requiem Moses sings after the plagues have hit Egypt and speaks of the guilt he feels as a man, performing these tasks in the name of God. I’m not religious at all, but DAMn. This goes hard. 
Across the Universe - Not actually a musical, but is a musical movie. A jukebox musical using Beatles songs. All the characters are named after Beatles songs. ( Like, Jude, Lucy, Sadie!!!! ) Please, just WATCH IT and come talk to me. Ya girl has a crush on Jude and Max.
The Book of Mormon - Satire, poking fun at Mormon’s. Created by the guys who made South Park. Andrew Rannells, Josh Gad. Need I say more? If you don’t find satire about religion offensive and want a good laugh, this is a good musical. 
Legally Blonde - Yeah, you know the movie? GIRL POWER. 
Something Rotten - Let’s make fun of Shakespeare !!!!! In a series of BOPS!!!! 
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 26 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N:  Just wanted to thank you guys for being understanding about the once-a-week posting schedule.  Also, as always, your canon questions are really fun to answer, as are your comments about the chapters!  Feel free to keep them coming.
Hope you enjoy this chapter because the next two focus on the playoff series with the Bruins and we all know how that went L O L (I’m still not over it).  
When Bee walked into the Scotiabank Arena Monday night, ready for the Leafs to face the Florida Panthers, she already had Aryne and Alannah waiting for her impatiently.  Bee hadn’t gone to the game against New York on Saturday because she was…tired.  From work.  At least that’s what she told them.
She knew that Fred and Tyler wouldn’t say a word to anyone about the fight.  She trusted them.  On Saturday, when the Leafs faced New York on Hockey Night in Canada, Bee just wasn’t up for going to the arena.  She was still emotionally drained from the night before, and even though she and Morgan had a long talk that morning, resolving a lot of things, she didn’t want to be around people.  She didn’t want to be around hockey.  He respected that.  The Leafs ended up losing in overtime, but when Morgan came home, he wasn’t in a bad mood.  Instead, he took off his suit, threw on his pajamas, and held Bee in his arms for the whole night.  He kept telling her how much he loved her; she kept telling him the same.  He kept kissing her tenderly and apologizing; she kept saying there was nothing to apologize about anymore.  He kept telling her how he wished he could give her the world, the moon and the stars – anything her heart desired and that she wanted in life; she kept saying she’d throw it all away – every bag, every shoe, every book, every moon and star in the universe – because all she wanted was him.  
He asked if she would move in before the playoffs; she nodded her head and said yes.  Morgan could have cried.
“We missed you on Saturday night,” Alannah said as she and Aryne hugged Bee.  “Was everything okay?  You haven’t missed a Saturday night game in a while.”
Bee shrugged her shoulders.  “It was…um…”
“We know it wasn’t work,” Aryne put air quotes around the word, giving Bee a look.  “Did you and Morgan have a fight?”
Bee bit her lip.  “We did, but it was resolved before the game.  I was just…I don’t know…emotionally drained, I guess.”
“What was it about?” Aryne asked.
Bee shook her head.  She loved Aryne, Aryne was one of her best friends, but she didn’t want to get into it.  She didn’t want to air her dirty laundry with her boyfriend to the wife of a member of his hockey team, regardless of how close they were.  “The fact of the matter is that we talked about it and solved it.  And, um, I’m moving in.”
Both Alannah’s and Aryne’s jaws dropped.  “Um, please hold,” Aryne raised her hand dramatically.  “You’re moving into Morgan’s place?!  When?!”
“Before the playoffs,” Bee revealed.  “He’s wanted me to move in for a bit now, and, well, I finally agreed on Saturday night.”
“Bee, this is huge,” Alannah commented with a giant smile on her face.  “I mean, especially if he’s wanted you to move in for a while.  What was stopping you?”
My own fear?  She couldn’t say that out loud, at least not to them, so she settled for another shrug of her shoulders.  “I guess I just wanted to get a job first before making such a big life decision,” she said.  “I mean, it’s still technically not even a year since we met.  We’re just reaching our six-month anniversary.  No relationship I’ve ever had has ever gone this…fast.”
“Yeah, but you and Morgan, like…love each other,” Aryne said.  “Like, I don’t think I’ve ever met a couple as on the same page as you guys.  Morgan looks at you like you put the stars in the night sky, and you look at Morgan with this glimmer in your eyes and the softest smile on your face…and it honestly makes me sick,” she joked, garnering a laugh from both girls.  “But I’m serious.  You guys just sort of have this way about you, as if you’ve been together forever.  You guys get each other.  That’s the most that anybody can ask for in a relationship.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile.  “And that’s why it feels right,” she said.  If Aryne could see it – if the outside world could see it – then it must mean something, right?  “It might be…you know, quick for some people, but it feels right to us.  It feels like the natural progression of our relationship.”
“Well, I’m so happy for you,” Alannah said.  “You’re over his place so much as it is.  Why delay the inevitable?”
“That was his reasoning.”
“Aryne!” a voice called suddenly, interrupting their conversation.
Aryne spun around to see who called, and when she recognized the two people waving, she squealed and outstretched her arms to hug them.  Alannah was smiling as well but Bee had no idea who they were.  Soon, Aryne turned back towards the girls with a giant smile on her face.  “Alannah, you guys have met, but Bee – these are my in-laws!  Barb, Joe, this is my friend Briony McTavish!”
Bee’s face immediately lit up when she learned who they were.  “Mr. and Mrs. Tavares!  It’s so nice to meet you!” she shook their hands.  
“Aryne has told us so much about you!” Barbara smiled.  “Are you excited for the game tonight?”
“Very,” Bee smiled.  “Gosh, you guys must be so excited to become grandparents!”
“Our first grandbaby!” Joe smiled, looking down at Aryne’s bump lovingly.  “Barbara can’t wait to be a babcha.  She’s already got a makeshift nursery set up.  Even took out some of John’s old clothes to see if they can be given some new wear.”
“I think I’ve been shopping enough to cover that,” Aryne winked at Joe.  “There’s also still the baby shower.  Maybe just take out that classic Leafs toddler jacket you bought him for one of his baby photoshoots.”
“Oh my God, I’m going to completely melt if I see that,” Alannah quipped.  “It’s like when Hank has his little Leafs onesie on.  I totally become a pile of goo.”
“Briony, Aryne tells me this is your first season with the Maple Leafs,” Barbara said.  “How have you taken to hockey so far?  Do you like it?”
“I like it when we win,” Bee joked, getting a laugh from everyone around her.  “To be honest, I’m still learning and getting used to it.  Especially the line changes.  Now I have to learn about the playoff format.  It never ends!”
“It really doesn’t,” Barb shook her head.  “John’s…what?  28 now?  It’s been 25 years since we started hockey and I’m still learning things.”
“Just wait till the game starts, Barb.  Bee knows all about the offside rule,” Aryne wiggled her eyebrows, garnering another round of laughs from the group.  Aryne turned on her heels and waved at the group to follow her.  “We should get to our seats before puck drop.”  
Something must have been in the air at Scotiabank Arena that night, because by the end of the 1st period, it was already 4-2 for the Leafs.  John had scored two goals, with Patrick and Jake scoring the other two.  Aryne, Joe, and Barbara were going crazy, cheering him on and clapping, and the Sportsnet cameras shot to them to show their celebration.  With the way they were sitting – Alannah at the end, then Bee, then Aryne, then John’s parents, Bee was definitely caught on camera.  And she only realized this because Angie decided to send her the video, already uploaded onto Sportsnet’s Twitter account, of them all celebrating John’s two goals.  Bee’s Rielly jersey definitely gave every viewer an indication of who she was there for.
“I have to go to the washroom,” Aryne mentioned as John’s parents were being interviewed by one of the Sportsnet personalities.  “Will you come with me?”
“Of course,” Bee said as they both got up, letting Alannah know where they were going.  
Bee began to walk up the stairs but Aryne walked down.  When Aryne noticed Bee wasn’t beside her, she looked up.  “I don’t want to walk up all those steps,” Aryne grimaced, putting a hand on her bump.  “Let’s just go to the regular ones.  I’m so tired.”
Bee could only acquiesce as she followed Aryne to the regular bathrooms, not the ones located in the friends and family section high above them on their special level.  They waited patiently in the line, and although they kept a steady conversation, Bee noticed some long stares coming their way.  She wondered if Aryne noticed them too.  When a free stall came up, Aryne bolted inside, leaving Bee to wait for her, scrolling through her phone and reading all the updates she wasn’t able to read earlier in the day because of work.  She checked her Instagram, as always, and saw a new barrage of notifications.
You have a new BFF in the Leafs squad every week.  First Lucy now Aryne.  Must be because they see how desperate you are and want nothing to do with you.
how do i become a wag like u can u help
Wearing Mo’s jersery so u can let everyone know ur with him.  Ur a joke.
The desperation R E E K S off of you!  You are never going to be as pretty as Cassie or Steph Lachance or any of those girls so quit while you’re ahead!  AND GO TO THE GYM FFS!!!!!
I know you’re not trying to be like the other wags.  That’s very noble of you, I guess.  But do you really think this crusade of yours is going to last?  There are only so many comments Morgan will be able to take about how fat you are before he finally sees it and dumps you.  You’re only getting fatter and fatter and it’s embarrassing for you and for Morgan.  Why would you put him through that?  You will never be part of the inner wag circle because of the way you look.  That’s just how it is.  That and the fact that you are bleeding Mo dry of his money.  
“I’m telling you, that’s Briony McTavish,” a louder than anticipated whisper broke Bee out of her thoughts.  She looked up from her phone quickly to see three girls standing near the entrance, one with a phone in her hands directed right at her.  The second they noticed that Bee was looking at them, the girl holding the phone lowered it dramatically and put it in her purse.
Bee sighed.  “You guys can approach me, you know,” she called out to them.  “I don’t bite.”  The girls’ mouths gaped open, like they didn’t know she could speak.  She smiled politely to try to get the girls to calm down.  “I mean it girls, I don’t bite.  Did you want to speak to me?”
The girls shuffled over, looks of fear mixed with worship and complete shock adorning their faces.  Two blondes, one with straight hair and one with short curly hair, clearly couldn’t believe what was happening.  Their brunette friend – the one who had the phone in her hand – was able to find her words first.  “Sorry, we just think you’re really pretty,” she said.  “It’s nice to see a wag who isn’t a skinny blonde.”
“Well, thanks,” Bee said, unsure if she should be grateful for the compliment.  “You could have asked to like…take a picture of whatever.  I wouldn’t have minded if you had asked.  I would just appreciate it if you didn’t take creeper shots of me.”
“Sorry,” straight-blonde-hair-girl said.  “It’s just…well, we know that Morgan uploaded that picture of you on his birthday, but you’ve just been all over the blogs online--”
“The blogs?  All over?  What do you mean?”
“You know…like, people are talking about you on the bunny blogs!” straight-blonde-hair-girl clarified, like it was the best thing in the world to get talked about online.  “We know they’re bunny blogs and we should take everything they say with a grain of salt, but like, there was that whole thing where you were in Cassie’s New Years video that basically blew up all of Leafs Tumblr and the bunny blogs, and then the Vancouver pictures and then Morgan’s birthday pictures--”
“Seems like a lot of people are stealing a lot of my pictures,” Bee said sarcastically.  
“It wasn’t us, we swear,” the brunette jumped in.  “Everybody is just, like, wondering who you are.  That’s all.  There are like, the mean girls who start rumours about you, but nobody listens to them.  I guess because you aren’t as open as Cassie people just want to know more.”
“Why aren’t you as open as Cassie? ” the one with the short curly blonde hair finally spoke.  
Bee couldn’t believe she would ask such a question, but she also knew that these girls were going to write into those same bunny blogs the second this conversation was done with, so she had to watch what she was going to say.  “Morgan and I are just private people.  Especially Morgan.  He’s super private and super protective.  And we want to keep it that way.”
“Did Morgan help you get the job at Scotiabank?”
Bee’s body stiffened.  “How…how do you guys know I work at Scotiabank?”
“Well, like, someone Googled your name I guess, and it was on some website,” the young blonde said.  “It’s been all over the bunny blogs.”
A shiver ran up Bee’s spine.  She couldn’t believe how much information was out there about her, that they managed to find and steal from her, yet these girls still wanted to know more.  Should she just come out with her blood type?  What her favourite movie was when she was five?  Her DNA configuration?  What more could they want from her?  “No, he didn’t help me get the job.  I have a Master’s in Financial Economics.  I got the job all on my own.”
All three of the girls smiled on cue.  “Told you so!” the brunette said to the straight-blonde-hair girl.  She turned her attention back towards Bee.  “Sorry, it’s just that there was this huge thing online about whether or not you quit school when you met Morgan or if you had just finished your program, and there was this whole thing that Sydney Esiason said in a comment on Insta but everyone thinks it’s about Cassie, and some girl claiming to be from your program was all like ‘We’re just done, Briony’s one of the top students in the course’ but someone else, also apparently from your program, was like ‘She quit the second she started going out with Mo because all she’s ever done is aspire to be a wag and all she used to talk about was bagging a Leafs player’ and it was all--”
“Please don’t believe everything you read on the Internet,” she interrupted.  The girl hadn’t taken a breath since mentioning everything that was happening online – it seemed like she lived her entire life there.  More shivers ran up Bee’s spine.  To think someone in her program was engaged in this – that they even had the time to engage in this – was beyond her.  “I’m just a girl trying to work and I happen to have a professional athlete boyfriend.  That’s all I am.  There’s nothing special about me besides my Master’s degree.”
“Morgan definitely thinks there’s something special about her, and I do too,” Aryne’s voice interrupted their conversation as she made her way out of her stall.  She looked over at the girls as she washed her hands; again, their jaws dropped at the sight of John Tavares’s wife.  “You can write to all those bunny blogs and tell them Morgan’s never gonna get with them, so they need to stop,” she said, her voice strict.  “You can also tell everyone that the DMs Bee gets are hilarious and pathetic all at the same time, and we laugh at them over bottles of sauvignon franc at restaurants those girls could only dream of eating in.”
The girls’ eyes went wide.  “It’s not us--”
“I know it’s not you.  It’s all those Toronto party girls who like to cause shit and it’s the Instagram model girls who wouldn’t be able to get a contract with any legit agency if their life depended on it, but be the messenger,” Aryne winked, though her voice still strict and curt with them.  “I don’t care what you say about me.  Call me a bitch on every single bunny blog on the internet – I really don’t care.  But anybody who goes after Bee is gong to have a problem with me.”
“Will do,” the brunette smiled, a feisty look in her eyes.  “Are any of the younger Leafs single?”
Bee’s eyes went wide at the abrasiveness and audacity of the girl.  Her friends slapped at her arm as she was in a staring contest with Aryne.  “They’re not into jailbait.  But I’m sure you’ll just go and befriend Cassie to see.”  Aryne looked at Bee and grabbed her hand.  “Let’s go.  The period’s about to start and I want to actually watch the game.”
Aryne linked her arm with Bee’s, and when they were far enough away from the washroom, she looked at her.  “Don’t ever think that you need to speak to those types of girls ever again,” she warned.  “They’re not worth your time.  Everything you just said is going to go on all those bunny blogs.”
“You don’t think it will clear stuff up?” Bee asked innocently.
“It never clears stuff up,” Aryne countered.  “Rumours are still going to spread about you.  Remember when we watched the Isles game at your place and I told you that you have your priorities in order?” she asked.  Bee nodded her head.  “You still do.  But keeping them in order is harder than having them in the first place.  And those girls…their only priority is either hooking up with a hockey player or making it seem like they’ve hooked up with one.  And if they’re not trying to hook up, they want to make it seem like they’re inside their circle and friends with the wags.  They don’t even have morals.”
Bee knew that she needed to listen to Aryne.  She didn’t have a clue about any of this and she was so in over her head that she didn’t even know where to begin, what was right and what was wrong, what was appropriate and what was not.  It was a mystery to navigate this minefield; every step she took, she felt like she was going to explode, or that she’d set off something that would get the sirens ringing and the armies rushing the battlefield.  “Let’s go watch some hockey,” Bee announced, resolved to not giving it another thought.  What was more important than what those girls told her was being spread online was that John was on the verge of a hat trick and Morgan was on the verge of approaching seventy points.  
“Atta girl,” Aryne wiggled her eyebrows.  “Now let’s go watch my hot husband dominate Florida.”
Dominate John did.  Only six minutes into the second period, he completed his hat trick thanks to a rebound from a shot by Morgan.  It rained hats in the arena as Bee, Alannah, Aryne, and John’s parents danced, cheered, high fived, and hugged each other in celebration, the cameras panning to them and showing them on the jumbotron for the fans to see.  The assist by Morgan meant that he was on his 69th point, and Bee wanted so desperately for him to get 70.  
Then the magic happened.  Only four minutes into the third period, John scored a fourth goal.  Aryne went nuts, as did John’s parents, and rightfully so – it was his first four goal game for the Leafs.  Barbara even began to cry as the fans kept roaring their applause for their hometown boy.  Like a cherry on top of a perfect ice cream sundae of a Monday night, Zach scored the seventh goal for the Leafs, with an assist from Morgan, gaining Zach the distinction of being a 20-goal scorer and getting Morgan to a 70-point season.  Bee teared up as she hugged Alannah after the goal.  She knew he was having a career season, but he blew his previous points total out of the water – by almost 20 points.
After the game, Bee waited for Morgan in the usual spot, eagerly anticipating his arrival.  Media was taking longer than normal – she figured because of the night John had.  She checked the usual Twitter accounts for Sportsnet and TSN to see what they were saying and uploading onto their feeds.  She checked her Instagram to see more DMs, but only read Angie’s who sent her a compilation video Sportsnet had uploaded of the group celebrating all four goals.  Then, for the first time in her life, she Googled ‘puckbunny blogs tumblr’ to see if what those girls were saying – and what Aryne told her – was actually true.  Automatically, what seemed like hundreds of links popped up for her to click on, and she clicked the very first.  Right at the top of the feed, she saw her name.
I met Bee McTavish (Morgan Rielly) at the Leafs game tonight in the washroom of all places lol.  She’s a sweetheart.  Super super nice.  Doesn’t like that all her photos got posted everywhere bc she is trying to remain super private and says Morgan is super private too.  She was in the washroom with Aryne (John Tavares wife) who was much ruder.  Oh and she has a Master’s.  Never quit her course when she met Morgan. It was all lies ☺ bye!
Aw thanks anon!  Good to know!  We all knew Morgan would go for someone just like that!  It’s too bad a lot of people won’t respect their wishes.
Bee McTavish is bigger in person but pretty.  Maybe it was the jersey.  Saw her at the Leafs game tonight sitting with Aryne Tavares and John’s parents.  Went crazy after Mo got his 70th point.  I know Sportsnet showed her a bunch of times but she was on the jumbotron too after John’s fourth goal and it was really cute.  Small applause bc the crowd recognized John’s parents and wife.
I guess Mo doesn’t mind her size anon.  Thanks for the update!  She must be really close with Aryne if she sat with her and John’s parents?  Did she know them from before and that’s how she and Mo met?
Bee McTavish is lovely.  Everybody needs to get off her dick.  If you watch the videos from Sportsnet she’s so genuinely happy for Morgan and the team when they do well.  Whenever I see her at games she’s one of like, the only wags – esp the young wags – who is always paying attention to the game instead of being on insta.
Thanks anon!  Seems to go with what a lot of ppl are saying.
Those people saying Bee is nice are probably her friends she’s sent to say stuff about her.  She’s honestly not that nice.  A TOTAL social climber.  Pretends to be all cute and innocent but she’s been on the Toronto party scene for a while and was stalking Leaf players before she got with Mo.  Rumour has it she slid into Auston’s DMs (what Toronto girl hasn’t lbr) and even Willy Nylander’s before she landed Mo.  Shows how much of an idiot she is bc Willy wasn’t even in Toronto till December!!!!!
Wow ok anon thank u!!!
Whoever sent in that last ask is so incredibly dumb lol yeah she’s a known Toronto party girl yet her whole instagram feed when she was public was books, her coursework from her Master’s, and food she’d cook???  Try doing ur research next time sweetie you sound so jealous!  Ur probably trying to hook up with Mo even though he’s taken.  Just makes u a slut.  Not to mention a homewrecker.
I just post all my asks.  Not necessarily what I believe.
Bee couldn’t help but snort as she swiped to delete the tab.  There was no way she was going down that rabbit hole.  She stuffed her phone back into her pocket and waited impatiently for Morgan.  When he finally came out, with John, Zach, and Tyler in tow, she couldn’t help the giant smile that appeared on her face as he walked towards her.  
“You ready to go?” he said, extending his hand towards hers.
She grasped onto it tightly.  “Come here.”
When he was close, she stood on her toes so she could reach him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders before giving him a long, lingering kiss.  “You wanna talk about it?” she whispered.
“Talk about what?”
She smiled slightly.  “Mr. Seventy-point season.”  A smile crept upon his lips as he closed his eyes and shook his head – his version of ‘I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.’  But Bee was going to make a big deal out of this.  “I’m very proud of you,” she whispered quietly, so only he could hear.  “I’m so, so proud of you.”
Morgan bent down to kiss her again.  “That’s all that matters,” he whispered.
“That you’re proud.”
“I’m always proud of you.”
“I know you are, but it’s especially important tonight.”
“Because you hit seventy points tonight?” she giggled.
“Stoooooppppp,” Morgan buried his head into the crook of her neck.  “Stop saying it.”
“Stop saying what?  That you hit seventy points this season?” she smirked, moving away slightly so she could look at him again
“Noooo no no no ,” he shook his head before bending down to kiss her again.  “Is that the only way you’re gonna stop saying it?”
“Mhm,” she nodded her head.
“Am I gonna have to kiss you all night?”
“You tell me Mr. Rielly,” she pecked at his lips.  “What do you mean ‘it’, anyway?  Do you mean the fact that you got sev--”
He kissed her again, dragging her quickly towards the door.  “I gotta get you home quick.”
“Okay, I can help carry all the garment bags down.”
“I’ll follow behind you with the box of handbags.”
“I’ve got the shoes.”
“Make sure all the books are taken.  We may need to take two trips.”
“Naz, you can just sit there and look pretty.”
“HEY!” Naz yelled in protest to Morgan’s comment.  John, Jake, Mason, and Tyler laughed at the scowl on Naz’s face as Ashley stuck her tongue out at the boys.  “Are we forgetting these guns can b--”
“Do not brag about how much you can bench press right now or else I’m going to punch you in the throat,” Jake grimaced.  “Can we just move all this stuff to Morgan’s?  Because the quicker we do so the quicker we can eat Chinese food.”
“Yes please, because baby’s hungry,” Aryne rubbed her belly.
The boys grabbed their designated boxes of Bee’s things to bring down the moving elevator, and the girls grabbed the various garment bags and made their way down the main elevator’s to Lucy and Aryne’s waiting SUVs in the parking garage.  Once they loaded everything in, Bee and Angie drove with Lucy to Morgan’s apartment, while Ashley hitched a ride with Aryne.  The boys ended up taking a second trip up to the apartment to get the remainder of Bee’s things before packing everything into Naz’s SUV and driving to Morgan’s apartment.  They were lucky that Bee didn’t have a lot of things, comparably – no furniture to move, no giant ottomans or kitchen tools and accessories to pack away – just her half-bookshelf, taken from her old apartment, with its modest stack of books she’d added to sparingly during her time at Naz and Ashley’s apartment.  
When the boys arrived at Morgan’s apartment, the girls were already rearranging the closet to incorporate Bee’s clothing.  They shoved all his game-day suits to one side while they hung her work clothes on the top bar and her more casual clothes that still deserved a hanger on the bottom bar.  Angie called out to Morgan that it was time to invest in another shoe rack where his Jordan’s collection wouldn’t take it over.  Aryne was busy ordering the Chinese food.  Ashley rearranged the bathroom drawers so all of Bee’s products could fit.  The boys kept Bee’s bookshelf right next to the entertainment centre – he’d be buying bigger bookshelves soon, anyway.  They decided to set the table while the girls continued to work on the closet behind the closed bedroom door. 
“Did you consent to whatever’s going on in there?” Tyler asked as they all heard a loud thump coming from his bedroom.  “They could be painting your room purple for all you know.  They could be installing a Habs mural.  A giant picture of Randy from Trailer Park Boys on your ceiling.”
Morgan shrugged his shoulders.  Jake rolled his eyes.  “Even if he didn’t, what’s he gonna say?  She could paint the walls neon green and he’d nod and smile and say he loved it,” Jake said.
“Let’s not act like girls don’t run the world,” John commented with a chuckle.  “Our wives definitely run our lives.”
“You got that right,” Naz piped up.  “The other day Ashley had a craving for anchovies.   Anchovies.  Guess who had to go out to go buy anchovies at midnight or else her brain was going to explode.”
“That’s why I remain a bachelor,” Tyler said.  He turned dramatically towards Mason.  “Unless you have a sister?”
“Only a brother, dude.”
“And I reiterate, that’s why I remain a bachelor.”
Morgan’s phone buzzed, indicating that the Chinese food had been delivered.  “You girls have three minutes until the food is here!” he yelled as he shoved his phone into his pocket.  “Can you be a dear and come help me with the bags?” he asked Jake, who nodded his head.  “And can you guys go check on them?  Make sure they’re actually not installing a picture of Randy on my ceiling or throwing out any of my clothes?”
When Morgan and Jake came through the door again with the Chinese food, everybody was out in the main area.  Aryne was already sitting at the table while everyone else mingled about; Bee was grabbing something out of the fridge – probably a hot sauce – and Tyler and John were leaning up against the couch.  Aryne saw them first and she began clapping when she saw the food.  “It’s here!”
Everybody gathered around the table quickly.  Bee helped herself to too much Cantonese chow mein.  Everything was passed around – the chicken balls, the sweet and sour sauce, the chicken fried rice, the plain steamed rice, the spring rolls, the beef with broccoli, the kung pao shrimp and the Szechuan chicken.  Everybody’s plate and glass was full of goodness.  For a while everyone was even silent because they were stuffing food into their faces.  It was Tyler who broke the silence.  “Have you guys seen how well the Raptors are doing?  Their post-season is gonna be amazing.”
Everybody nodded their heads.  “Hopefully ours is gonna be equally as amazing,” Naz commented.
“You think we’ll be able to go to some games?” Aryne asked her husband.
“Aryne, are you aware of who your husband is?” Tyler asked, causing the table to laugh.  “He’s John Tavares.  He can walk into anywhere and get whatever he wants.”  
“Raptors tickets are gonna be the hottest commodity in town if they do well,” Mason commented.  “Good luck with that.”
“I’m sure Masai will hook up Kyle with something,” Naz said.  “Besides, Bee’s gotta go to her first Raptor’s game.”
The mention of her name gave Bee an opportunity to look at everyone – really look at all the people surrounding her – and she felt a pang of gratitude hit her chest.  There was excitement, of course, of moving in with Morgan – of knowing that, when their friends were gone, she wouldn’t have an apartment to go back to; that this was her apartment too now.  There was thankfulness, of course, for everyone helping her to move her things, despite how little she had and how quickly it took them to do it – she barely needed to bribe them with a Chinese food dinner before they said yes to helping.  But more than anything, gratitude.  Gratitude for them surrounding her.  Gratitude for their help and support.  
Gratitude that they were her family.
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PRESSing matters (Part 9)
Pairing: Ben x reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2058
Summary: Joe brings you and Ben to 7Eleven and it is heaven to your empty stomach. Then it’s time to party your asses off at the Vanity Fair afterparty and Pam has a little reminder for you at midnight...
Previous chapter: Part 8
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“Welcome to 7Eleven”, Joe said as the automatic doors opened and the three of you stepped inside. You had never been to one and in your hungry, slightly drunk state, it was heaven. “Joe, you have taken me to heaven”, you gasped and held on to his arm.
“Alright children, spread out, get what you want. Daddy’s paying”, he offered and gestured towards the aisles. “Hold my purse”, you said and pushed your clutch into his hands before you started your run for food. You immediately spotted the snack aisle and went there as fast as your heels would take you.
You were so hungry, you opened a bag of Doritos right there and started basically inhaling them while looking over the other items. You found some pretzels for Gwil and took a pack of gum to get the Doritos off your breath later.
While strolling through the aisles, you stacked package upon package on your arms, holding the little tower with your chin to keep it from falling over. You lost track of the guys and apparently of time as well.
“Oi, Y/N, are you done yet? We wanna go”, Ben called out for you over the aisles. “Don’t oi me, Ben”, you said as you came around the corner.
“Y/N, what are you doing? Are you really planning on eating all of this?”, Joe asked as he spotted you coming towards him in the aisle. “Listen, you don't know all of the food and joy I had to deny myself to fit in this dress, okay?”, you could barely look at him as you were trying to balance all the packets in your arms. “And you're planning to eat, all that you've missed out on, tonight?”, he asked in disbelief. “If that was true, we would have to stop at a pizza joint on the way back”, you joked, but actually, it wasn’t the worst idea.
“Hey, grab me a Coke too”, you said to Ben as you saw a bottle in his hand. He huffed, but turned around to get another one out of the fridge on the other end of the store. Beat it by Michael Jackson started playing over the speakers and you started bouncing your head to the beat.
You unloaded your snacks onto the counter. When Ben came back, he put the two bottles to the pile and the cashier started scanning the items. You kept eating the Doritos and just held it forward for a moment so the cashier could scan it too. You held the package up to Ben and he grabbed a few and put them in his mouth. “Oh wait, you got a few…there”, you said and automatically reached up to wipe away a few crumbs without thinking. Ben froze for a second and put his hand up as well. You quickly pulled your hand back. You felt your cheeks blushing.
“So, how’s 7Eleven?”, Joe asked and as you turned your head you found him recording a video on Instagram. “Not bad, huh?”, he asked as he turned to look at you. “Honestly, it’s the best”, you said while holding up your open bag of Doritos, playing over the fear that Joe might caught that wipe-away-moment on camera.
“You wanna say hi?”, Joe turned to the cashier, who just shook his head while packing your stuff into a plastic bag. “No? Okay”, Joe shrugged his shoulders. “Didn’t think so”, he said directly into the camera. Ben got out his credit card and paid. “You come from the Oscars?”, the cashier asked. You just nodded because you had your mouth full. “The Oscars, yeah”, Joe confirmed. “Was it good?”, was the man’s follow-up question. “Pretty good”, Joe nodded his head and looked at Ben. “Pretty good”, he agreed with a smile. If you could call four out of five Oscars just pretty good, then yeah, the night was pretty good so far, you thought to yourself.
“Thanks, cheers”, Joe said as the cashier handed over the bag. You mumbled a thanks as well and happily took the bag full of snacks. Joe was still filming when you walked away and Ben started dancing to Beat it, but Joe cut the video way too soon.
“Hey, I thought daddy was paying?”, you asked him as you reached for the last few Doritos in your bag. “Who’s your daddy now?”, Ben asked behind you, chuckling. Although it sounded odd to you, you had to laugh out loud. “Well, there’s a kink for you”, you just said the first thing that popped in your head and blushed immediately as your own words got to you.
Outside, you threw away the empty bag and took a sip of your Coke. You felt already better and were ready for the afterparty.
 A cab brought you to the Vanity Fair afterparty and while Ben and Joe walked the red carpet, you somehow managed to smuggle the bag of snacks into the venue. There was a booth reserved for the cast and team of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie. You met up again with the others and Lucy and Rami had arrived as well. Lucy was now wearing a silver, shining dress and looked better than ever. “I come baring gifts”, you said and put the snacks on the little table. Everyone immediately put their hands on it and ripped the packages open. Gwil smiling happily as he ate his pretzels.
A little later, Brian May and Roger Taylor came with their wives and also the director of the movie and you would all have drinks together, congratulations flying all over the place. “Let’s do shots for every Oscar we’ve won”, Roger announced. “I don’t know, babe”, his wife put a hand on his shoulder. “Love, this is the Oscars, we’ll never win another one. Live a little”, he said to her and handed her a shot from a trey that seemed to have magically appeared in your booth.
“Alright, what the hell”, she took it and the next moment, Roger Taylor himself handed you a shot and you took it without hesitation. Even Brian May and his wife had a shot in their hand and the next moment you all threw your heads back and knocked one down.
Ben was standing next to you as you turned to him. “Oh my god, I’m doing shots with Roger Taylor and Brian May”, you sort of whisper-screamed towards him, but freaking out mostly internally. Ben just laughed at you and handed you another shot. Thank god, you had the full bag of Doritos before or otherwise you might already be lying under the table.
Soon, Roger and Brian and the director left with their wives and it was back to just the cast, Jessica, Pam and you. You were impressed by Pam’s party stamina despite the fact that she was over fifty years old and you had never seen her drink that much.
As soon as it struck midnight, Pam handed you a glass of champagne. “This is it, darling. We’re done with the movie, done with the press tour. I think we did an incredible job and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner”, she told you and clinked glasses. You felt sad that this magical time had now come to an end. You really liked Pam, you had never had a boss as nice and as great as her. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol or just the fact that you had to say goodbye now, but you felt tears rushing to your eyes and one even making its way down your cheek. “No tears, darling. This is a time to celebrate”, she wiped it away with her finger. She then hugged you tightly. “I’m sure we will work together in the future and you know, if you don’t want to do that freelance thing anymore, you will always have a place at my agency”, she said as she let go of you. You just nodded, not able to speak at the moment.
Pam then walked around, saying goodbye to everybody as she was tired and knew when to stop drinking but the youngsters, as she called you, should have more fun, booze and a lot of dancing. Before she finally left, she gave you another hug. “You know that as ten minutes ago, you are no longer working for the studio. Which means you can have fun with whoever you fancy, darling”, she said and her head lightly motioned over to Ben, standing a few feet away, talking to Allen and Joe. She didn’t say it openly, but she wiggled her eyebrows and said it with a special tone in her voice.
At first, you freaked internally. She knew, oh god, she knew! But then you realized that she was right and it didn’t seem like she was going to tell anyone or reprehend you for anything.
When Pam was gone, you looked over at Ben, who, right at that moment, looked over to you and gave you a loving smile. You swallowed hard. You drank the rest of your champagne and put the empty glass down.
You motioned him with your head that he should come over to you. You quickly checked if everyone was occupied with talking, drinking and dancing, then you just took Ben’s hand and without saying anything, led him out of the booth. He followed you, but looked a bit confused. Of course, he didn’t know what Pam had said to you.
You walked away a few feet from the group and pulled him behind a giant plant in the corner. You walked backwards until you felt the wall in your back, a hand in his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. You tasted the alcohol on his breath, but most all you tasted him. Pictures from the weekend flashed through your mind as you felt his hands on your hips and his tongue in your mouth. This was the best weekend you ever had and probably ever will.
“Woah, not that I’m complaining, but where is that mood change coming from?”, he asked as you broke the kiss after a few moments. “I just had to, you look so good”, you said with a dirty grin on your lips. “Well, then I should get an Oscar for restraining myself all evening because you look absolutely stunning in that dress and I behaved”, he countered and licked his lips. You bit down on your bottom lip as you pulled him back down for another kiss.
The alcohol helped you in thinking that tonight hadn’t to be the end of whatever it was that was going on between you two, but the last part of your brain that wasn’t drunk, and it was a little part, reminded you that this was far from reality. And reality would hit you as soon as the plane touched down in London.
But now you were still on the Vanity Fair Oscar afterparty, not a thing you thought you would ever be able to say, and you would enjoy every single second of it.
You walked back first as you didn’t want anyone to see you two coming back together. You found Joe dancing with Lucy and joined them.
Purple Rain came on and you and Joe immediately looked at each other, remembering that night of karaoke in Japan. “Oh my god, are you okay?”, you asked overly dramatic. “I’m…okay, but I’m on the edge”, he said in a whiny tone and held on to your arm. You both looked over to Ben, who had no idea what was going on. Back in Japan, Joe had sung that sung, completely drunk, for Ben because he missed him so much and “invented” Cardboard Ben as a compensatory friend. Which still lived with Joe in his house.
It was an amazing night. You were taking pictures of each other, danced together and tried to drink away the fact that this was the end to the movie and the press tour. They would all still be friends of course, but would not be able to travel and be together in that capacity and for those long periods of time that were behind you. And you mostly drank over the fact that you didn’t know if you had any place in there at all.
Next chapter: Part 10
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@valentineash @the-limit-doesnt-exist @rogerspoison @rogermeddowstayl0r @i-am-sarah @unbound-chaos @goodiebluebox @the-borhap-boys @leeezie @kimberliinabox @anikatcmh
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oh-ranpo · 6 years
more than a pretty face. (3)
Pairing: Ben Hardy x OC AN: I almost have this story completely written, so it should get uploaded daily. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, because I’m loving writing this one! I lost some of my asks from the last part, so you may have to re-request being added to the tag list. Tags list is open. Let me know what you think!
“No, no way. I won’t do it,” Charlie crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.  
“Oh, come on. Please? Ben already said that he was bringing a date, and this would be the perfect way to come with us!” Joe pleaded. Charlie rolled her eyes. 
The fact that Joe even had the audacity to ask her to attend the Golden Globes as Ben’s date was beyond unbelievable. Ever since her and Ben had accidentally stumbled upon Sophia cheating on him, their relationship had gotten even more hostile. It was like Ben had been blaming her for everything that happened, and Charlie wasn’t about to sugarcoat things for him.  
“Did Ben actually agree to this?” Charlie asked warily, and she watched as Joe’s expression changed to one of apprehension.
“Not exactly… he just said that he didn’t want to so much as look at another girl for a long time, but he doesn’t see you like that so he might be okay with it!”
Charlie tried not to feel too offended over the fact that Ben didn’t even see her as an actual girl, and continued glaring at her friend.
“Joe, you know that’s a terrible plan, right? Ben can’t stand me.”
His face softened, as he took a step closer and wrapped his hands gently around her forearms.
“I know he’s been a little grumpy lately, but he’s just embarrassed. It’s nothing against you at all.” Charlie scoffed at this. “At least consider it, please. For me. For Rami!”
She groaned as Joe resorted to using guilt as his tactic to get her to agree. She knew that Rami was nominated for a big award on his own, and Joe knew that she would want to be there for him. It was a low and dirty move, but it worked.
“Fine. But only if Ben agrees! I don’t want to spend the whole evening with someone so grouchy that it kills the mood.”
Joe fist pumped excitedly, and wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug. She knew that this decision was probably going to come back to bite her, but she wanted to be there for her friends. Even if that meant going with someone who she couldn’t stand to be within ten feet of.
“But wait,” Charlie started, pulling out of Joe’s embrace. “Isn’t the ceremony in like, a week?!” Another sheepish look crossed Joe’s face, and she knew that he had been trying not to draw attention to the fact that it was so last minute. “Joe, I have nothing to wear!”
“We can fix that. Lucy said that she would go shopping with you because she still needs to pick up a few things as well. Besides, you look good in anything.”
Charlie’s head started to spin over the fact that her arranged date with Ben had been talked about with the whole group. The whole group except for her and Ben, of course. Joe, noticing the panicked and aggravated look on Charlie’s face, grasped her hands in his and gave her his most earnest look.
“Seriously, try not to worry about it. I know you and Ben aren’t the best of friends, but we all want you there.” His words about her and Ben’s friendship was a complete understatement, but she appreciated the sentiment. “Besides, Roger Taylor and Brian May are going to be there, and I know you’ve been dying to meet them.”
His last-ditch effort- throwing out the names of the remaining members of Queen. It was too late to back out now. Joe was already so excited, and she didn’t have the heart to let him down.
“I’ll get ahold of Lucy then. But you have to get ahold of Ben.”
Joe nodded eagerly, and gave Charlie one last quick hug before rushing out of her house. There was so much to do now in the last few days they were to fly out to California. Charlie felt a little nauseous over the circumstances, but she also couldn’t deny that she was excited. It was the first awards show she would ever attend, and she was not going to let her less-than-ideal date ruin it for her.
The first time that Charlie saw Ben’s face after Joe had talked her into attending the Golden Globes with him, she could tell that he was not a fan of the idea at all. They had all gathered for dinner the Wednesday night before they were due to head across the country, and Ben had made sure to choose the seat farthest away from her. Every once in a while, she would catch his eyes on her, but he would quickly look away before she could react.  
“I’m so happy you’re going to be there with us, Charlie,” Rami said happily, leaning over his chair and wrapping an arm around her. Charlie gave him her warmest smile and wrapped an arm of her own around him to reciprocate the hug.  
“What can I say, Joe can be quite convincing,” Charlie replied, shooting Joe a sarcastic glare. He only smiled. Ben, who was sitting next to Joe, scoffed as he took a drink of his beer.
“If he was so good at convincing people, he should be bringing you as his date, not mine.”
The table fell silent at Ben’s words, and Charlie’s brown eyes fixed on Ben in a powerful glare. Rami and Lucy shifted uncomfortably beside her, and Joe’s attention turned towards the blond man. This wasn’t the first time that Ben had voiced a distaste for Charlie, but it was the first time he had done it so publicly. In a way, it was a relief to her because it proved that she wasn’t the only one who was holding negative feelings.
“Believe me, you wouldn’t have been my first choice,” Charlie shot back, and Ben glowered at her.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough. Can’t we all just appreciate being in each other’s company for a night? I know you two have some sort of… issue with one another, but this is going to be an important night! Let’s not forget that.”
Charlie turned her attention away from Ben and back to Joe, who was trying to initiate some peace. Even though Ben had been the one to instigate the negativity, Charlie decided that she wasn’t going to feed into it. She had a lot better things to worry about than whether or not Ben Hardy liked her.
“You’re right, Joseph,” Charlie agreed, reaching forward to pluck her wine glass off the table in front of her. “Here’s to Rami winning best lead actor and Bohemian Rhapsody winning best picture. You guys deserve it.” She raised her glass in front of her and patiently waited for the others to do the same. A wide smile spread across Joe, Rami, and Lucy’s faces as they clinked their glasses against Charlie’s. Ben hesitated, but after a few seconds, he also joined in.  
“Here, here!” Lucy cried excitedly, and pleasant conversation filled the table once again. The previous little outburst by Ben went forgotten by most of the table, but Charlie could still feel his eyes on her every once in a while.  
It was going to be difficult being Ben’s date if he was going to continue acting the way he was. Charlie could only hope that when the night came, he would be able to overlook their differences and act civil.
Lucy had done a great job helping Charlie pick out her dress for the evening. It was a dark blue, sequin-covered dress that was the perfect complement to Lucy’s gold one. The only difference was that Charlie’s didn’t have sleeves. It was similarly low-cut, and there was as slit that went all the way up her thigh. It was truly beautiful- much prettier than anything Charlie had ever worn in her life. However, with this being a red-carpet event, it was only fitting that she wear a red-carpet worthy dress.  
When the group had flown out to California, Charlie was told that her and Joe were to share a room, while Ben and Gwilym would share, and so would Rami and Lucy. The fact that she had been partnered up with Joe and not Ben had been a relief, especially considering Joe had been the one to get her into this mess in the first place.
“I can’t wait to see you in that dress,” Joe gushed, as Charlie hung it up on the back of the bathroom door so that it wouldn’t get wrinkled. “Ben is going to absolutely lose his mind.”
Charlie and Joe had just checked into their hotel room, so they were unpacking some of their more essential items. Ben hadn’t spoken to her the entire trip, not that she was complaining. She hadn’t even thought about what Ben might think of the dress, only knowing from what Lucy told her; that it was going to go well with his tux.
“Don’t taint this beautiful dress by mentioning his name,” Charlie teased, only half-kidding. Now that she was here, only a day away from the ceremony, she couldn’t help but feel elated that she had agreed to come. Ben was only her ticket in. After that, she could enjoy the night and do as she pleased.  
“Oh, come on, Charlie. He’s really not that bad.”
Charlie’s eyes found Joe’s as he sat on the end of his bed. He was still dressed in his comfort clothes from the flight, and his hair looked slightly rumpled. There was an exasperated look on his face, but Charlie only shrugged and looked away.
“I have yet to see a side of him that I like.”
Joe sighed, but didn’t say anything more about it. He knew that it would make for a very long and uncomfortable stay if he tried to push Charlie into talking about Ben or anything involving him. Charlie continued laying out her accessories and other hygiene essentials as Joe sat and watched her. He wasn’t going to be getting his suit until the next morning, so when it came to necessities, he had very little.
“Do you think you’d be up for dinner tonight? I think the rest of the group was planning on hitting up this nice little Italian place not too far from here.”
Charlie had just finished setting out all the things she needed, and she turned to face Joe once again.
“I actually think I’m just going to hang out here. It’s been a long day already, and I want a chance to rest up before the festivities tomorrow.”
The truth was that she wanted a quiet evening away from Ben and his attitude before she had to deal with it all day the next day. On the flight in, she had done her research on things to do near the hotel and there was a little museum that she had been hoping to check out on her own.  
“Are you sure? I can stay behind if you’d like. I don’t want to leave you here alone.”  
Charlie gave Joe a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she walked past him, and then crawled into her own bed. She grabbed the television remote from the bedside table and flipped it on.
“I’ll be fine, Joe. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”  
Joe eyed her warily, but then nodded. Her mind had been made up. Joe glanced at the clock and saw that it was already a little after five.
“Well, I guess I should get ready then. I think we’re heading out about six.”
Charlie made a small hum in agreement, but continued flicking through the channels. Joe gave her one last look before disappearing into the bathroom to change. Her eyes wandered to the closed bathroom door, and she smiled to herself. A whole evening to herself in a new city doing what she wanted. What could be better?
Charlie spent the evening browsing through a museum, wandering through a vintage record store, and then grabbing a bite to eat from a taco truck. She had returned to the hotel room a little after 11:00pm, getting hung up by some street performers a couple of blocks away. She wasn’t that surprised that Joe hadn’t returned yet, knowing that going out for dinner also usually involved going out for drinks as well.
It was almost 2:00am by the time Joe returned. Charlie had been just about to drift off to sleep when the door swung open and Joe stumbled in. She could tell that he was trying his hardest to be quiet, but he was failing miserably. It wasn’t until he was sitting on the edge of his bed and one of his shoes clattered to the floor as he loudly whispered ‘shhhh’ to it, that Charlie finally let him know she was still awake.  
“Did you have a nice night?”  
Joe’s head spun around at the sound of her voice, and he gave his friend a sheepish smile.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he admitted, his cheeks going red in embarrassment. Or maybe they were already red from the alcohol. Charlie couldn’t tell.
“I wasn’t completely asleep yet. What kind of trouble did you guys get up to?”  
Joe’s smile grew as he slipped off his other shoe and pulled off his jacket. Charlie could tell that he really was feeling it, as he moved to crawl under the covers without changing out of his black pants and shirt.
“No trouble. We found a karaoke bar and tried to get Rami drunk enough to sing. I think the plan backfired though because Ben and I were the only drunk ones.”
Charlie rolled her eyes as Joe got comfortable. He rested his head on the pillow so that he was facing her, and folded his hands under his head.
“Why am I not surprised?” she teased, leaning over to turn off the lamp that she had left on for him.  
“He asked about you,” Joe murmured, a yawn covering up part of his words. Charlie froze, unsure if she had heard him correctly.  
“Who did?”
“Ben. He wanted to know why you didn’t come out with us.” Joe words were starting to slur even more now, and Charlie knew that he was only moments away from falling asleep. She chose not to reply as she laid on her back and stared at the ceiling above her. She would have figured that Ben would have been ecstatic that she wasn’t there. The mere thought of him wondering why she wasn’t there confused her.  
After several minutes of deep thought, Charlie brushed it off and decided that it was time to get some sleep. She had a long day ahead of her.
Permanent Tag List: @dreamer821 @haileylansley @aylinnmaslow @yourealegendroger @gotnofeelgotnorhythm @justgivemethekeys @mads459 @trickster-may @taylorroger-s @mercurys-bike @ksqueenie @musiccureseverythinglove @mespetitestortues @tomhollandsquackson @secretsweetscollectionblog @jennycidesstuff @ladycataztrophe @tini-monster @hoemazzelloo @ceeeece @discodeakyy @burt-macklin-fbi @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @theonlyone-meeeee
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thatyanderecritic · 6 years
Stolen: A letter to my Captor
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Title: Stolen: A letter to my Captor
Media: Novel, Written by Lucy Christopher
Yandere(s): Tyler “Ty” MacFarlane
Yandere Scale: 5/5
Criticism written by: Kai
Editor: Julie
The Review:
When Julie and I first got this story recommendation, we were admittedly terrified in what we would uncover. We were still recovering from the horrors that was Deathless...So, we were skeptical about any book recommendations we would get. But to our surprise, Stolen contained one of the best yanderes we have seen to date. We were both fascinated by Ty and fell in love with him. Truth be told, Ty now has the “#1 Yandere” trophy from ThatYandereCritic. It’s official y’all. Let’s review, Stolen: A letter to my Captor
Now then, if anyone wants to read the sparknotes for this story, you can find it here. I should warn you all that the creator of this sparknotes is a highly opinionated normie. So just read it for the straight up facts and ignore the snarky comments the writer likes to make in the summary. And for those who don’t want to read the sparknotes, here’s the TL;DR of the story. On a trip with her family to Vietnam, Gemma was drugged and kidnapped by Ty. He takes her all the way to a home he built in the Australian outback; miles away from the nearest city. Of course, Gemma goes ballistic and tries multiple escape attempts. But of course, she fails each time due to her stupidity or lack of ability to escape. And with each escape attempt, Ty is there to rescue her. Eventually, Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and Gemma falls in love with Ty. But ever suffering from Stupid Protagonist Syndrome, Gemma gets bitten by a venomous snake because she’s running around barefoot like a goddamn animal. Knowing that Gemma needs a doctor, Ty drives Gemma all the way back to civilization. Being a true MVP that he was, Ty even went with Gemma on the plane so that she isn’t lonely; taking the risk of getting arrested. Ty is convicted and sent to jail while Gemma is trying to get over her Stockholm Syndrome by writing Ty letters. Still mind boggling that an educated 16 year old doesn’t know what Stockholm Syndrome is till a psychiatrist told her. Weird flex but okay.
Stolen reminds me very much of the TV show You (that we reviewed awhile back). Both stories have fantastic yanderes but have the worst female protagonist. While Gemma wasn’t as bad as Beck, Gemma reminded me of a more tamed version of Beck. As Julie said, “The yanderes always fall for the stupid ones.” Seriously, Gemma doesn’t bring anything new to the table for “female protagonist in yandere stories”. The only thing unique was that she had Stockholm Syndrome but unfortunately that didn’t last long. Sigh… the normies strike again (I’m joking. Put down your pitchforks). From a normal person’s perspective, they probably view Gemma as a sympathetic character. Honestly, not really hard to imagine the message this book is trying to send. Lucy wasn’t exactly subtle with her message of “the blurring of lines and how an author can romanticize horrifying events.”  But here at ThatYandereCritic, we’re looking at this with the lenses of “yandere fans”. So let’s chuck that “rational” view right out the window! Let me take a moment to talk about Gemma. While Gemma might not be the worst female protagonist out there (Beck from You takes that cake), she is quite up there on the list. She’s a bit irrational at times, doesn’t act like an educated human being, and a bit overly emotional. Like, come on. Who walks around barefoot in a hot desert like a goddamn cretin? And it’s not like she has the excuse that she’s used to the area. She had a pampered life back in London for crying out loud! As a person who actually grew up in the desert, everything Gemma does isn’t logical for a matter of survival. And this isn’t information reserved for people living in the desert. Let me tell you, I can count the number of times I ran around barefoot outside in the desert. It isn’t fun and you’re quick to learn to wear shoes. You want to know what happens when you’re walking around barefoot in 100 degree weather? The skin at your feet start peeling a shit ton and you have actual burns on the base of your feet. It’s not impossible to walk but it’s like you have millions of needles under your feet and that you need to remove your skin to have some relief. Need I say more? So an elegant miss like Gemma would be freaking the fuck out running barefoot all the time. And she absolutely does not get a “dumb pass” because she’s still young. She’s 16. Not fucking 12. She should at least have a sense of self preservation and learn from her mistakes. Unless… education back in the UK is that bad? Hey UK fans out there! Is the schooling system that bad? I thought the US education is shit but this book is making me have some questions. Mind you, this was published in 2009. So the time period would be somewhere in the 2000’s. So this isn’t a scenario where you could say “It was a different time back then. Education was different.” But enough about Gemma, let’s finally move to the main dish: Ty. Ho ho boy was he a treat. He was an absolute sweetheart ever since the beginning of the book. First, it’s very clear that he’s lovesick. Ty stalked Gemma for six years, plotted her kidnapping for two years, saved her from almost getting raped, and more. When researching this novel, I saw several reviews state that Ty has “mood swings” but to be honest, Ty’s emotional responses were pretty rational. Gemma acted like a moronic animal and then Ty got angry at her actions. Seems pretty normal to me. But more than anything, what was telling about Ty is how he handled it. The way these other reviewers described his “mood swings”, I thought he would lash out at Gemma like a sadistic yandere. But nope! Ty handled his anger like a champ and put it into something productive. For example: Gemma was terrified shitless when she entered a dark room with Ty. Ty tells her not to panic and not to move till he turns on the light. You know what she does? She freaks the fuck out and makes a mess. Turning on the light, it’s revealed that he was painting in the room and Gemma ruined the painting Ty been working on for days. It was cleared that Ty was angry, but he never lashed out at her. Instead, he started crying and looked at the bright side of things by saying, “Well, I guess you made the painting even better since I love you.”
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Seriously, I know many artists who would fucking murder you if you pulled some shit like that. Ty was nothing but a sweetheart to Gemma and was trying to look out for her the best way he could. Ty is a prime example on how a character can be a yandere without necessarily being violent. Hell, Ty doesn’t even have a “Yandere Snap” moment but was still a fantastic yandere.  He was never violent with Gemma (besides carrying her around).  He was even willing to take her back to the city in four months if Gemma really hated the outback. I will admit he was a bit odd mentally… making me think he’s an Australian version of Tarzan. But it wasn’t bad. He wasn’t so far off that you couldn’t understand him. In fact, you’re able to sympathize with him, which was great. Ty isn’t exactly a Redeemed Yandere, but he is a Good Yandere. He was a yandere that doesn’t really change, but he has Gemma interest at heart. He was even willing to go with her even though he knows that he’ll get arrested. What a good yandere *cries*. I guess the only bad thing about Ty is the fact that he’s sort of a… pedophile? He’s 26 and Gemma is 16. He started stalking her when she was 6. Personally, I wished that he took her when she was 18 to make this less weird. But I guess you can’t win everything when it comes to yandere stories, huh? There always got to be something. But after Happy Sugar Life, I’m not even surprised anymore. Sigh...
To finish this review, I do want to say that it was neat that Gemma got Stockholm Syndrome. It’s rare to see that with yandere stories for us. But unfortunately, Ty never got his happy ending and Gemma didn’t lie at court. Drat *snaps finger*. But anyways, there’s the tea Stolen. Can’t say the story itself was good. While the second person point of view was a neat gimmick, Gemma’s monkey brain narration was unbearable. You can’t exactly enjoy Ty as a yandere with Gemma being so hostile tbh. I guess she becomes bearable once she gets stockholm syndrome but ain’t nobody got time for that. Reading the sparknotes was much more interesting since we got straight into the action and minus the bullshit. Bonus is that there’s a lot less snark compared to the actual book! Nice!
(Post edit: Julie here, I just want to say that Ty was a man that was after my own heart. As for Gemma...We could do better in terms of a female protagonist)
Overall Score: 8/10
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o-dasaku · 5 years
i was wondering if you could explain the descriptions on your fgc posts and how they relate to the characters? i'm v interested
oooo for sure
don’t you (forget about me) > don’t you try and pretend, it’s my feeling we’ll win in the end. 
this one’s kind of obvious, the back half of the lyric is my brot3 tag for blamtina - they’re altogether hopeful kids that go through some (a lot of) shitty times. they’ll come out on top in the end, they’re sure of it.
here comes the sun >  here comes the sun and i say, it’s all right.
it’s a metaphor!!!!!!!! dani’s the sun, you fools!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t want to say that santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany, but santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany. i have no doubt she hooked up with her fair share of beautiful ladies, but she definitely didn’t date - i don’t think it’s because she was waiting for brittany to dump sam (okay she was, but not so they could be together again), i think she genuinely just didn’t feel super comfortable with it - she never really dated brittany, they were best friends and then they were girlfriends too and santana doesn’t want to leap into that minefield for the first time with just anybody.
enter: daniella perea, struggling musician who picks up a job at spotlight to help pay the bills and gets along with everybody, which is fucking rare because 90% of that diner’s staff are broadway divas in waiting (and santana) so people take notice and santana doesn’t want to like her, but she does. she really does.
so moving on from britt is hard and it’s scary, but it’s alright. she has dani. they’ll figure it out.
creep > i want a perfect body, i want a perfect soul.
i almost picked like twenty different lyrics here because it’s a Very Them song, but i feel like this speaks very well to their characters: this lyric is rachel in a nutshell, she doesn’t just want to the best, she wants to be perfect. it speaks to brody because it’s the antithesis to him: he doesn’t care to be perfect, he just wants to be himself (who, lucky him, happens to be very talented).
sidenote: i think brochel really work on that level, rachel challenges brody to want to be better while brody can remind rachel that being less than perfect is perfectly okay. i’m still sad about how they treated him.
never can say goodbye > though i try and try to hide my feelings, they always seem to show.
listen, i hate to draw riverdale/glee comparisons, but quinn’s veronica lodge. you want fire, cheryl bombshell? sorry, but my speciality’s ice. quinn wants to be cold, wants to be this untouchable ice queen but-
she just isn’t (just like veronica, funnily enough). quinn fabray feels so much and isn’t that just the worst? i don’t think quinn wears her heart on her sleeve the way so many characters on this show do, but she feels things very strongly, much to her own annoyance. whether or not the world sees isn’t really up to her either, as much as she wishes it was.
(on the riverglee comparisons: santana is cheryl, puck is reggie and sam is archie. i know people cast finn as archie but ehhhh. i don’t have anything super solid on anyone else, but rachel is probably betty and kurt is probably kevin (i’m not saying that because they’re both gay, more “i exist solely to prop up betty/rachel when needed”). jbi is evelyn from the farm and i will hear No Arguments on that.)
being alive > i’ll always be there as frightened as you to help us survive being alive.
i’ll be honest, there is an infinitely more kurt line in this song (someone to crowd you with love/someone to force you to care/someone to make you come through) but um, this is literally one of my top 3 musical theatre songs and that lyric is one of my absolute favorite lyrics ever, musicals or otherwise. 
but this line does relate to kurt (and blaine, i guess- this song is clearly meant to implicate him- for the first time, i really know what it means) well enough. i know there’s a fuckton of kurt and death meta but i don’t claim to know him well enough to make sense of any of it so we’ll look at this very shallowly - i think kurt experiences life quite differently to the normal person, and we can owe that to his mother’s death or the long term bullying or whatever tickles your pickle, but he does seem a little... removed, i think. i don’t think he’s afraid to be alive, but i do think he has a long list of reservations about being alive. i think that’s where blaine generally works for him, because blaine is so alive - even if he’s scared to death about it (see: sadie hawkins, the slushie incident, literal depression), sometimes. 
i’m not here to shit on any ships, but i do wish i shipped klaine more. oh well. i’ll always have s2.
i feel pretty/unpretty > i was told i was beautiful, what does that mean to you?
i know this is a quinn line (and a very good one at that), but i find it interesting when i apply it to both of the girls. quinn and rachel are both very beautiful, though in clearly different ways - and they both have trouble believing that. or more accurately, quinn finds herself beautiful but not her self. 
anyway. i wonder if quinn’s parents ever called her beautiful, before she was quinn. they seem incredibly shallow, even if judy develops away from that - i have a headcanon that lucy was very close with their pastor (not...in a creepy way jdsdlaks) and he was pretty much the only positive interaction she had with any elders until after quinn was a thing but ANYWAY he always told lucy that she was a beautiful person but only tells quinn that she looks lovely. that informs a lot of this performance (especially this line) for me. anyway. whatever.
so to rachel: her brief interactions with her fathers make me think that she grew up being told she was beautiful quite often, but then her peers are always telling her differently - i have no doubt that places more esteem in her father’s opinions, but i’m sure that being told two different things would confuse the fuck out of a kid. quinn was likely spearheading the “crazy berry is ugly” craze in their freshman year, so. i don’t know. the what does that mean to you? is an interesting question for that line of thought.
being good won’t be good enough > i’ll be the best or i’ll be nothing at all.
please, she said emphatically.
everytime > every time i try to fly, i fall; without my wings, i feel so small.
listen. what a marley mood.
it’s all coming back to me now > there were things i’d never do again, but then they’d always seemed right.
rachel Fucks Up A Lot. we been knew. i do think she learns from a lot of her fuck-ups (not all, see: leaving nd for cabaret and then leaving funny girl for that’s so rachel), but she did genuinely think she was doing the right thing a lot of the time (see: telling finn about drizzle’s true paternity and robbing puck and quinn of that opportunity) and i don’t think she’d change much, if she had another chance - she just wouldn’t go repeating the bare majority of fuck ups.
hand in my pocket/i feel the earth move > and what it comes down to, my friends, is that everything’s just fine, fine, fine.
listen, considering this is their proposal song, i would’ve hoped for something a bit more meaningful. but i do think that there is something to the simplicity of this song, - brittany and santana are happy. they have no issues this season (outside of britt’s bridezilla tendencies) and as much as they’ve always been the type to get their feelings out via song (see: landslide, songbird, mine), they’re definitely at a point where they can just. talk about their feelings.
their song is simple because they are too, finally. what it all comes down to? they’re fine, fine, fine. :P
human nature > see that girl? she knows i’m watching, she likes the way i stare.
another song i almost picked like, five different lyrics for lmao. while the others spoke nicely to characters, this lyric is quite indicative of their mid-s3 relationship (mercy is still w shane, sam’s trying to push in on that) and uh, i think this is an unpopular opinion. so. hang tight, kids.
while mercedes and sam were certainly attracted to one another, i think there’s a few more things at play here: sam likes being in a relationship, knows that he and mercedes could be good together and he’s trying to recapture being sixteen again, so dating the girl he’d been embarking on something with is a pretty great way to do that. mercedes? i think she likes the attention, likes actually being noticed. she likes the way he stares, basically. (i’m dropping lyrics into explanations now, sue me.)
crazy/u drive me crazy (you guys are all on notice for letting this flop, btw) > tell me i’m not in the blue, that i’m not wasting my feelings on you.
marley’s spent all episode being warned against jake, but i think it’s interesting that she’s basically seeking him out here and asking are they right? his response leaves something to be desired (tell me i’m the only one you’ll see) but at least it’s a conversation they’re having? it does speak well to marley for the rest of the time she’s on the show - she’s best when talking her issues/concerns out (see: her eating disorder v her wanting to stay abstinent, neither end well for her but she seems more at peace with the latter) while jake is. jake.
(i love jake always!!!!!!!!!!)
and finally, need you now > guess i’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
i changed this like, twenty times. the alternative was their ship tag (and i wonder if i ever cross your mind/for me it happens all the time), but i think this speaks a lot more strongly for their characters than that does to their relationship. puck and rachel are both very all-or-nothing characters, but 99% of the time they’re going to pick all. it fucks them over a lot of the time, but i don’t think they regret it much.
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fall apart with me
Someday, years from now, every inch of her skin will be as familiar as his own. But for now, she is still so new and yet feels like home.
Or, a mid-2x06 missing scene of sorts. NSFW content ahead, part eight of standing in the same light, and also on ao3.
He's never been good at emotional connections, but this here is a damn mess even by his standards.
At least before… in the life he tries not to think about so much anymore, when things were good, before everything was taken from him… at least back then, he had hope. He forged a life with all the anchors one could ever want, and then it was brutally ripped away from him just as he was starting to get comfortable.
In contrast, Lucy is no anchor. If anything, she's a storm made flesh. So very different from what he knows, and all the more challenging for it, but perhaps this is what he needs right now. Perhaps, he thinks as they dance around each other in the hotel room from hell, this too will save him.
It already has, technically. Flynn doesn't exactly like remembering the aftermath of tragedy bingo, but the one bright spot in that horrible year was the strange woman who found him the very night he was most tempted to use his gun on himself. Some strange angel, sent from a lesser heaven to rescue him and give him new purpose. It was days before he actually read the book she gave him, but he knew within ten seconds that something lay between them.
Well, a future version of him and a past version of her. Technicalities. Whatever.
Point is, the longer this war goes on and the stranger it gets, the more Lucy looks like the human personification of his hope. He knows, though he won't admit it out loud just yet, that his past is locked and nothing he can do will change that. His future is here, with her, and it'll be a while before he fully accepts that idea but at least he knows.
Never mind that right now she's looking at him like she wants to wring his neck, despite the fact that he hasn't even done anything this time.
(Look, resting bitch face is a Thing and he's just as prone to it as she is but he's not enough of a person to interpret which side of the line is "bored" and which side is "vaguely homicidal" and he's not in the mood to outright test her.)
"How long do you think it'll take?" he asks, trying to refocus on the mission and failing.
"Probably another hour. At least." Lucy's eyes flit around the room, pausing a second too long on the bed behind them. Yeah, well, not a lot else to do here but argue with each other, might as well accept the inevitable.
"I really am sorry about-"
"Don't." Gods, the sight of her right now - back against the wall like that's her default setting in any given situation, arms crossed, glaring at him - might be the most perfect thing he's ever seen. "Whatever bullshit you're trying to fix, don't. I'll be fine."
He loves her, this woman who has so much determination and so little concept of how amazing she is. He wonders, sometimes, if he's the first person who's noticed how brightly she glows. Capable of so much, made of starlight, and yet at the same time so very human. It's been her fragile moments that have confirmed the state of his heart towards her, yes, but they are not all she is. Words are not enough for the complexities, what little he knows about her and how much he hopes to learn in the years to come.
Miracle of miracles, he wants a lifetime with her.
"I don't want to fix anything, Lucy. I just want-"
She's developing a habit of kissing him to shut him up, and he can't say he minds. The collision of her body against his is becoming familiar, the weight of her in his arms as he lifts her up just a little bit to make things more comfortable for the both of them. She fits, he can't help thinking - she's so damn small, but in a way that meshes so beautifully with him. All of this, so easy to get lost in her, so-
"We're getting predictable," she murmurs against his cheek, but it doesn't sound like she minds.
"Bed or wall?"
"We could not do this."
Shit, now he's screwed up. He has no intention of putting her down, but ruining her lipstick (gods, that was unnecessary theft but nobody's complaining here) is at least on pause.
"I didn't mean to pressure you. Just giving options. 'no' is also a valid one."
"I know. I don't… it just seems like this is what happens when we get bored. And that's a weird start for a relationship."
And so is lowkey trying to kill each other, he's halfway tempted to point out, but they got over that and they'll eventually get over this too. Until then, boredom sex is not the worst thing in the world. He can't think of many better reasons for two human beings to crash into each other, and the end results are good. At least on his end. Gods, he hasn't been sensitive enough, that's totally what this is, he did something she didn't like and now she's being passive-aggressive about it and-
"You can always say no, Lucy. And I'll remind you of that until you understand. This is not… I value you as a person, with or without this part of us."
She decides that's as good a time as any to start kissing him again, and who the hell is he to question that right now. At some point they're going to need to have a conversation about her issues, but this does not seem like the right time. No, not with hands wandering and blood rushing, not now at all.
He lays her down on the bed and it's like he's seeing her for the first time, glorious underneath him. Hell, this may be the only time they ever get to do these things on a decent mattress, he's letting himself enjoy the view and the details. The little noises she makes as he undoes her layers, too soft to count as whimpers but so content as she closes her eyes and trusts him. That detail, perhaps more than anything else, confirms how far they've come. It's been over a year sine the first time they had sex because they were stuck in a hotel room with nothing better to do, but the tone is so different now. She is no longer an enigmatic challenge he has to work around because he can't bear to actually get rid of her; no, she has blossomed into a flesh-and-blood woman he loves and fights alongside and she is so much better in that role than he could've dreamed.
There is no note-taking this time, none of the weaknesses he's let himself display in the past. Sure, there are still a lot of things he doesn't know about Lucy and her responses and a couple of scars he's not sure how to ask about, but they have time. Gods, he will sacrifice what little he has left if that's what it takes, he will-
"You still there?"
Amazing, how the balance has shifted and he is now the one who spaces out at bad times. He snaps back into the moment and wonders for a brief heartbeat if she would be okay if they hit pause here and just held each other. Certain parts of his body aren't exactly fond of that idea, but he has survived worse hells and-
"Yeah. Still here."
Screw it. She wants him, and he's responsive, and they can catch up on more innocent activities once they're back in their cage. While they're free, they should use that freedom well.
She is beautiful beneath him, beautiful as he kisses her and enters her and drowns in everything she is. So many mistakes led them to this moment, and so many more are yet to come - life with her will never be quiet, even after they win, but he has no desire for that anymore. Not when he could have this instead.
Lost again, he allows her to roll their bodies and lets her lead.
There will be countless nights like this, he tells himself as he kisses her neck. Someday, years from now, every inch of her skin will be as familiar as his own. But for now, she is still so new and yet feels like home and-
She crosses the edge so quietly that he barely notices until she collapses in the aftermath, and he follows in as similar a way as he can.
"You got me out of this dress, you're getting me back into it," she mutters, kissing him before getting up off the bed and retrieving her slip.
"Of course."
And as he pushes her hair out of the way and wonders if all the buttons are actually necessary, he doesn't mind at all.
All of this, given time, he will get used to.
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hannahberrie · 7 years
hi! love your work! can you write a fic where el and hopper learn to cook together?
Sure thing! 
Whenever You Need SomebodyWC: 1128
It started when El was digging through the cabin’s crawlspace, again.
Hopper had advised her against digging around in there, but then again, when had El ever really listened to anything he said? Never, evidently.
It’s a rainy, weekend night and Hopper is sitting in front of the TV, listening to the newscaster half-heartedly announce that the thunderstorms are supposed to continue throughout the night and well into tomorrow.
Hopper lets out a long, heavy sigh just as El comes to sit beside him on the couch.
“What’s wrong?” El asks curiously, hands behind her back.
“The damn rain,” Hopper grumbles in reply, motioning to the TV, “The river’s already flooded over enough as it is.”
“Oh,” El replies, voice light with indifference. It’s then that Hopper realizes she has some ulterior motives of some kind — it’s the only explanation for the way she’s biting her lip, rocking in place, and keeping her hands behind her back.
“Alright, kid,” Hopper smiles, eyeing her carefully, “What do you want?”
El gives him an excited smile as she reveals what she’s been hiding behind her back this entire time: a cookbook. It’s an old, weathered, sorry excuse for a cookbook, still covered in dust from being tucked away in the crawlspace for so long. It belonged to Hopper’s mother as some point, was given to Hopper and Diane as a wedding present, and was promptly forgotten once…everything else happened.
“I want to learn to cook!” El beams, holding up the book to him.
Hopper eyes the book with hesitation. “Why?”
“It’d be fun!”
“You’re getting sick of my Triple-Decker Extravaganza already?” Hopper questions, only half-joking.
“No!” El exclaims, “But…I want to learn more stuff too. I was at Mike’s house, and his mom taught me how to make some things. I want to learn more.”
Hopper considers trying to argue against the idea, but he’s spent enough time with El to know that it’d only be futile. Once she has her mind set to something, it’s essentially set in stone.
“Fine,” he sighs, begrudgingly pulling himself up from the couch, “What do you wanna make?”
“Pizza!” El chimes, following him into the kitchen.
“Pizza?” Hopper echoes, frowning.
“Mmm hmm!” El nods, already flipping to the corresponding page in the cookbook.
“It’s good!” El shrugs, “And our cabin is too far for the pizza-man to drive to, I checked.”
“Fine then,” Hopper gives in, pushing up the sleeves of his shirt as he prepares himself. He hasn’t cooked anything more elaborate than microwaves dinners, frozen waffles, and French toast in years, so he doesn’t have a good feeling about this, to put it lightly. Then again, El isn’t exactly the expert chef herself, so they’re kinda together in this.
El gets out the ingredients they need, and the next half-hour is a floury, tomato-y, cheesy mess. El rolls out the dough and tries to flip it in the air like she’s seen on TV, but that only results in the crust getting stuck on the ceiling. They only get it down when El uses her powers to lower it, blushingly apologizing the entire time.
By the time they finish assembling their pizza (a simple cheese one, nothing extravagant), their cheeks are smeared with tomato sauce and their hands are covered in flour. Despite their laborious attempts, they couldn’t get the dough rolled out into a perfect circle.
“I hope you like egg-shaped pizza,” Hopper says wryly, sliding the pizza into the oven.
El giggles, munching on a few extra remnants of mozzarella cheese as she leans against the counter. “It’s going to be perfect!” She insists, “Even if it’s shaped like an egg.”
“That’s the spirit,” Hopper snorts, walking over to her. He gives her hair an affectionate ruffle, consequently causing her brown locks to become dusted with flour.
“Hey!” El exclaims, raising her hands to cover her hair, but the action only causes her hair to become even furthered floured.
“That’s what you get,” Hopper jokes, “For getting dough on the ceiling.”
“I got most of it off,” El grumbles, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Yeah, most,” Hopper replies dryly.
El gives him a reluctant smile. As the rain continues to pour outside, her mood seems to darken accordingly. She glances over her shoulder, gaze piercing though the window and into the inky black night, evidently brooding over something.
Her change in behavior is so sudden, it takes Hopper by surprise. When she turns back to look at him, he notices the shadow that’s passed over her face, the sorrowful way she glances at her feet.
Something’s obviously not right.
“What’s wrong, kid?” Hopper asks concernedly.
“It’s just…” El begins hesitantly, “I feel weird.”
“Weird?” Hopper repeats, feeling slightly anxious. Jesus, where was this going? He’s starting to get an idea, since El’s a teenage girl, after all, and he knew this conversation would be popping up sooner or later, but he wasn’t expecting it quite so soon.
“Mike and I have been…arguing lately,” El mumbles.
“Oh,” Hopper replies, unable to stop himself from sighing in relief, because thank god, they’re not having that conversation yet. Then what conversation they’re actually having hits him, and he finds himself tensing up again. “Oh?” Hopper repeats, more strongly, more accusingly.
“We’ve known each other for so long,” El says ruefully, “But my heart is aching. I’ve been to shy to say it, but—“
“But what?” Hopper frowns.
“I’m worried,” El admits, “I feel like he’s getting bored of me.”
“Bored of you?” Hopper balks. The idea is completely ludicrous to him. Ever since the Snowball, Mike’s been trailing El around like a lovesick puppy. Hopper could hardly keep the two apart for more than two days at a time.
El seems oblivious to this as she’s still pouting in an endearingly heart-breaking sort of way.
“Listen, kid,” Hopper sighs, kneeling down so that he’s at El’s eye level, “Mike isn’t going to get bored of you.”
“Really?” El asks hopefully, glancing up at him.
“Really,” Hopper nods, “I see the way he looks at you, okay? He’s crazy about you. He’s never gonna give you up. He’s never gonna let you down. He’s never gonna run around and desert you. He’s never gonna make you cry, he’s never gonna say goodbye, he’s never gonna tell and lie and hurt you.”
El blinks up at Hopper, eyes filled with happy tears. Without a doubt, those are the most comforting words she’s ever heard. “Thank you!” She beams, completely 100%-ly happier.
She flings her arms around Hopper’s neck, pulling him into a hug, and as Hopper hugs her back, he knows that he’s the best dad ever and WTF this fic is a meme lol the end
If you are not ross: please please please for the love of god, reblog this. please pretend that this is a normal fic. I worked really hard on this prank and this is going to be amazing if Ross (strange-thangs) actually falls for it. please reblog it with some fake ass BS like ‘wow!!! this is so cute!’ ‘great job!’ ‘gotta love some el and hop fluff’ wHATEVER YOU WANT. JUST MAKE IT SOUND REAL. I GOTTA PRANK ROSS. 
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missjackil · 6 years
My Season 13 Opinion
I loved it! It’s in my top 5 seasons, along with 4,5 11 and 12. S12 is my favorite, having the least amount of episodes I skip on rewatch, the rest all share about 4 or 5 episodes not worth more of my time.  The Season in Review I remember the teaser before the season started said “Season 13 is their Lucky Number” And Im thinking OK lets do this! Lets see some positives for The Winchesters!! Lets see if we got them :)
Character Arcs Sam- Sam has definite changes from season to season. This one was no different. We had Sam last season being heavy on the confident badassery, while pining for a relationship with his mother, to Sam jumping automatically into a fatherly/mentor role for Jack. Meanwhile he’s troubled. suffering great loss, worrying about Dean, the fate of their mother, and his own struggles with his time in Hell and Lucifer.  I read a lot about you nay sayers, who think Jared has had enough, is ready to hang it up, but I have to say Jared nailed every facet of Sam’s life. His relationship with Jack, has been the single most precious storyline the show has come up with, IMO. The chemistry was there immediately, and Sam knew right away that Jack was worth saving. In the episode Patience, we see this relationship take root. Not long after, Dean warms up to Jack, and then Cas comes back and tries to slip into Father mode because he promised Kelly, and then Jack goes missing into the AU. and comes out with Lucifer bent on taking Jack from Sam ... but Sam kept it together.  Through all this, Sam deals with Dean’s depression, fails at trying to cheer him up, nearly loses Dean for good, because nothing Sam can do for Dean, gives him what he needs... which is a win.  In the 2nd half of the season, Sam falls into his own depression. He lost Jack, his mother, Lucifer is back around and causing trouble. We finally learn what keeps messing with Sam since Hell, and what causes his sleeplessness, fear and helplessness, and it’s Lucifers true face, which he discovers he shares with Rowena. (more on that in S14 I hope) we discover also, late in the season, that Sam would like to have revenge on Lucifer, but hes also seeing that revenge doesnt fix anything. Sam ends his season being brutally killed by vampires, resurrected by Lucifer who doesnt waste time with the taunts and threats, being regected again by his mother, who he should have told to go pound sand up her ass, but tookthe high road to come up with a solution. He could have spent the last 3 episodes fighting and arguing with Lucifer but he didnt. He swallowed it all and then forcefully left him behind in the AU. Here, is probably where Sam thought he got revenge. He looked happy and wonderfully content back atthe bunker. It was short lived because Luci was out in no time, with Michael in tow and now determined to take Jack.  Sam didnt go on a rampage to destroy Lucifer, but he called Jack to come back, and then stepped into protector role. What this got him, was Lucifer kicking him around, ad threatening his life once more... but when Jack tried to take his own life for Sam’s and told Sam he loves him. We know Sam won, that was best revenge he could have gotten. So when Dean came around, with Michael wearing him, Lucifer could get whats coming to him... in typical winchester fashion, Sam tosses the blade up to Dean that Dean catches no problem, and finally kills the devil!  Sam’s arc, as I saw it from beginning to end, was a lessen in patience. Dont rush, dont act on impulse too much, dont take everything personal. Stay focused and keep your head. As Axle Rose told us “Take it slow, it will work itself out fine, all we need is just a little patience” Dean: Our Dean started this season out in the deepest pit of dispair. This didnt start at the end of S12 but in the beginning when Mary walked out. This started Dean on a spiral downward, that gained momentum in spots. Once he killed Hitler, Dean didnt get anymore big kills, too much of the time he was the one being rescued. At the end of S12, he was nearly killed by Ketch, and Mom saved him. He got a win by curing mom of the brainwashing, but it was very short lived by her being lost in the AU. Dean suffered the biggest handful of loss he ever had. He lost mom, cas, crowley, and rowena, he fortunately still had Sam but he was preoccupied with Jack, who Dean saw as the main reason everyone was lost.  Dean lost hope in everything, and though Im of the belief that he wasnt trying to kill himself forever in Advanced Thanatology, as he had full intentions of coming back when Billie said “it depends on you” he wasnt in the mindset to argue with her if she wasnt going to let him go. But Billie told him to live, because he and Sam are important. (my theory on that later) so Dean comes back, and soon after, Cas comes back.  Dean is immediately upbeat because now he knows there is hope. It wasnt because he loves Cas more than Sam as some may assume, but Sam couldnt give Dean the win he needed to regain his hope.  Deans good mood went south once he learned Mom was still alive and being tortured in the AU. He was now a man on a mission and he was going to save her no matter what. But then they lost Jack too, and Sam went into his own depression and Dean was there for hm too. He wanted Sam to come out of the dark place he was in, but he knew that darkness was justified. But they both pressed on and kept at it... risking life and limb on the daily, Dean felt extra need to protect Sam so he side lined him in hopes to keep him safe. Sam wasnt gonna have that, they’re gonna live, work, suffer and die together, and thats all there is to it.  However when the vampire killed Sam before Deans eyes, and there was nothing he could do to save him, I have never seen Dean in a deeper pit. He was literally a walking corpse. I can only imagine Dean having less hope at that time, because they were in the AU, where the laws of their world dont apply. Maybe Winchesters dont have a reset button in a world they were never born in. Im fully convinced Dean was going back to the cave to lay down and die next to Sam, when Sam came walking in. Dean was so grateful to see his brother walking, that he didnt care Lucifer came too....” no need to be sorry Sammy... now hug me you little shit!” (paraphrased ;))  Things look up now, Sam comes up with a good plan for the survivors in the Au, and most are now safe and sound in the bunker. Jack is a good little hunter, Dean gets hope that maybe someday the world will be safe enough that they can retire. But thats short lived as well when Lucifer comes back and brings good ole Michael and all Hell breaks loose. When Sam gets blasted away with Jack and Lucifer, Dean’s self destructive co dependence comes out and theres just no other choice but to let Michael use his vessel to take out Lucifer. The fight ensues, Lucifer is too strong, and is about to kill Dean, but Sam comes through by tossing the blade to him perfectly.... and he kills the SOB.  Dean’s arc this season was a lessen in Faith. Faith in God, faith in Sam, faith in love and faith in whats right. It can get better Dean.... every day can get better.  Now we can go on to more fun things -
Best episodes IMO Im going to give that to Scooby for being the most fun and most original. But there were so many really good episodes, Patience, (Sams side of that) Advanced Thanatology, Breakdown, The Scorpion and the Frog, Varuius and Sundary Villians, A Most Holy Man,Funerella, Beat The Devil, Exodus and Let the Good times Roll.  Worst Episodes : By far was Wayward Sisters. The only one I couldnt bring myself to watch a 2nd time. Other’s werent bad, but boring, such as Tombstone, A Devils Bargain, and Good Intentions.  Best Sam Lines - “I know what its like to feel likeyou dont fit, to be afraid of who you are, and what you can do... but my family helped me through that, and now Im gonna help you, You’re not evil Jack”  “We are going to go to this place together.... and if anything happens, we’ll deal with it it together.... and if we die? We’ll dothat together too”  Best Dean lines : “Its a lizard Sam, it tastes like Lizard” “They took my brother, now Im gonna get him back”  “Im never gonna appologize for protecting you. Do you remember the last time we had front row seats to the Lucifer Michael fight? Because I do. You died Sam, and went to Hell! Now I dont care much about what happens to me, never did... but I do care about what happens to my brother” Saddest moments: When Sam couldnt bring himself to tell Dean about why he’s hopeless.  Dean’s dead mans walk to the camp and his tears when Mary asked where Sam was.  Jack crying and punching himself wondering why he hurts people. Happiest Moments: The brohug and the tension melting from Sam’s face Sam and Dean getting a toast in their honor. Jack telling Sam he loves him Sams face when he realizes Lucifer is dead Worst moments: Dean popping a cork when he found outbthere was no more grace.  Sam’s death... all of it Worst Storylines: Wayward Sisters, Asmodeus, Sister Jo (not Danneel hate, it just wasnt a good story)  Best Storyline: Sam and Jack  Interesting things we learned. Sam hates strip clubs, Dean buys Sam a lap dance, Sam has extensive hair care products, and Dean likes tentical porn Stuff I want to see more of next season: Michael!Dean but not for too long... we need real Dean.  Why does Sam have to kill Rowena? What did seeing Lucifer’s face entail? The Man Cave Daddy Sam!!!!!!! Lowkey predictions fro S14 We get a frantic Sam looking for Dean, not unlike S10 but he has help this time . The Angels die and all souls come to earth as ghosts and wreak havok. This along with Lucifer being dead, open the door for the boys to work towards retirement. Get heaven reopened, and the souls back in, maybe by draining the empty of angels, wth Luci dead, no need for Hell, close it up, everyone goes to Heaven. Start eliminating all the bad monsters from the world, sending good ones to Heaven and sending the bad ones to Purgatory where they came from. This wouldnt need to be a quick thing, it could take years to do it, or clean it up in one season, but it provides an end goal. The boys find out theyre important because theyre the only ones who can accomplish this.  In the end, Season 13 was their lucky one. Lucifer is dead. Now they can work towards a future. :)
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