mantelirouhe · 3 months
First post!
Hello, hi, greetings! I'm Manteli, and I'm fairly new to tumblr and very new to bjd tumblr! ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙
I've been in the bjd hobby since 2011-ish, but I did take a break around 2017 until late last year. I sold my first resin crew a long time ago, because I thought I'd grown out of the bjd ''phase''. In 2019 I got my current oldest doll in a trade, and she sat in the closet until something compelled me to pick her up last autumn. Something clicked, and here I am again, very, very deep in the bjd rabbit hole. Since then my bjd group has grown from 1 to 4 at home and 2 more on the way... (´ ∀ ` ;) I'm a big diy and crafts fan, and I make pretty much everything for my dolls. Clothes, wigs, eyes, faceups and lately I've been practising shoemaking! I also plan on making some room boxes for my bjds, but currently I don't have the space for that (T^T)
I hope the bjd community here is still alive and well, and that I'll meet some friends~
(I'll try to post some pictures/info on my current bjd family next week :3)
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