#luckily I have this microwave thing that makes rice in 10 minutes so I don’t have to stand at the stove
myname-isnia · 7 months
Woke up feeling so fucking hungry despite the fact today I didn’t skip breakfast like I usually do, and somehow went down a pinterest rabbit hole of cooking videos and it just made everything worse bc I’m going to my grandma’s tomorrow and need to finish the chicken fillet she gave me so I can return the container but there’s only so much of eating the same shit over and over again I can take
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c-is-for-circinate · 5 years
C’s infinitely modifiable recipe for vaguely niceish dinner-including-vegetables 20 minutes after walking in the front door
Like many of us, my executive function is dead by the end of the day, especially if I’m tired, especially if I’m hungry, and figuring out How To Food when I need it most is hard as fuck, especially if my kitchen’s kind of messy and I stall out on needing supplies or space.
Also like many of us, I have a really hard time figuring out How To Vegetable, because I’m very afraid of buying fresh things that might go bad before I have the spoons to use them.  And IDK about you, but I get really tired of eating the same thing all the time, so the only way to actually make myself get excited about cooking and eating is to have the option for variety.
Luckily for me, I’ve nailed ‘many, many pasta dishes I would not be ashamed to serve my mother’ down to a familiar, easy formula that I can follow with whatever I have on hand in the freezer and cabinets.  Even better, knowing this formula helps me go grocery shopping, because I can buy specific canned, frozen, jarred, and refrigerate-able things knowing several different ways I can use them.
Maybe it will help you too!  Maybe not!  But it has made my life SO MUCH BETTER, so, as a gift from me to you, A Recipe (of sorts).
To start: Drop your shit by the door.  Get out one frying pan, one pasta pot, and a wooden spoon or plastic spatula or whatever you have to cook with.  It does not matter that the counter is a mess; all you need are two clear stove burners.  There are almost no prep steps to fuck with your executive function and block you from starting this process as soon as you get home.
Step 1:  Veggies Get some olive oil heating up in your pan on medium/low.  While it’s warming up, go to your freezer and grab any frozen veggie you own: broccoli, peas, sliced bell peppers, zucchini, spinach, mixed medley, whatever.  When the oil’s hot enough that a couple of drops of water sprinkled into it sizzle a bit but don’t spit, pour the veggies straight into the pan.  (About 1/4 to 1/2 of a bag is usually plenty for me to make dinner + tomorrow’s lunch).  If the oil is Way Too Hot, turn the burner down, wait briefly, and toss the veggies in anyway.  They’re frozen, they’ll survive.
Step 2:  Carbs If you’re doing regular pasta (or those great frozen raviolis they sell at the grocery store, for extra flavor/protein), stick a pot of heavily salted water on the hottest burner cranked up to high, slap a lid on it, and wait for it to boil. If you’re doing couscous or some other fun grain that cooks in 10 minutes or less, get that going however you usually make it. If you’ve got a bunch of leftover rice in the fridge from the other day’s takeout, wait until the veggies are mostly thawed and then toss it right into the frying pan.  Break it up with the wooden spoon and add a little extra oil to make sure none of it’s too dry. (Sadly, this recipe is not scaled for potatoes.)
(Optional: Seasoning #1 If you happen to have minced garlic in your fridge, throw that shit in the frying pan when the veggies are mostly thawed.  If all you’ve got is dried, that’s cool, wait for later.  Make sure you add the liquid soon after, b/c garlic burns fast.  This is also a good time to add ginger, if you have it on hand and the ingredients you’re planning to use work with it.)
Step 3: Liquid Grab a can of [black beans/tomatoes/coconut milk/crushed pineapple/literally whatever, use the condensed soup if you want, this recipe is ANYTHING GOES] from the cabinet, drain about half the liquid out of the can and throw the rest straight into the pan.  OR snag a jar of [pre-made pesto/harissa/salsa/whatevs] from the fridge, and spoon in a big glop.  (Use judgment here.  Save half a can of things like coconut milk instead of draining it down the sink.  If it all looks super dry you can add some a splash of broth, or juice, or milk, or wine, or whatever, but you shouldn’t need much--you’ll have pasta water for that in a minute, and your frozen veg probably produced a ton of liquid to begin with.)
Step 4:  Cooking Get that pasta in the water as soon as it’s boiling.  If you’re doing grains, check on them and do whatever you’re supposed to do to make the grains cook right. Turn up the heat on the stuff in the pan so it bubbles a little around the edges.  The wetter all the stuff in your pan is, the hotter you want the burner.  You’ve got a fair bit of leeway here; so long as you’ve still got liquid in there, and you vaguely keep an eye to make sure it doesn’t burn, this can keep going without damaging anything until your carbs are done.  (Sugary liquids like orange juice or the syrup from canned fruit are more likely to burn, so keep a closer eye on those and cook them a little cooler.) This is a good point to wash out a bowl to eat out of if you don’t have a clean one.  Shove just enough dirty dishes aside to make sure you’ve got enough space in the sink to drain the pasta.
(Optional: Meat/meat substitute We’re cooking fast tonight, so we’re going for precooked meat options.  I’ve used canned tuna, frozen Ikea meatballs, leftover grocery store rotisserie chicken, frozen shrimp, fancypants gourmet chicken sausages (which freeze very well), jarred pulled pork I made in my crock pot three weekends earlier...  Like everything else in this recipe, you can go as low-budget or as pretentiously gourmet as you like.  Microwave frozen things on 50% for a minute or two in the bowl you’re planning to eat your dinner in, then throw them right into the frying pan.)
Step 5: Season (for real this time) Taste the stuff in your frying pan and decide what it needs.  You can throw in dried spices or fresh or dried herbs, or splash in soy sauce or vinegar or sriracha, or anything else you use to season food.  Season heavily, because your carbs are going to stretch all the flavors out, except for salt--you can add that once everything’s in the same pan.
Step 6: Combine When your starch is mostly-almost-done, drain most but not all of the liquid, and dump the pasta or quinoa or rice or whatever-you’ve-got right into the skillet.  (Leaving in a little bit of pasta liquid will help thicken everything and stick it together.)  Mix it all up with your trusty wooden spoon or plastic spatula or whatever you’re using and let it all hang out for a minute while you get your bowl.  Here’s where you taste and add more salt if it really needs.
(Optional: Cheese If it’s been that kind of day and the stuff in your pan + the contents of your fridge offer up a tasty combination, turn the heat off and just dump a shitton of shredded cheese right into the pan.  Mix everything fast so it all melts together from the heat of the pasta and it all gets melty and a little stringy and delicious.)
And that’s it!  One Frozen Veggie + One Carby Base + One Wet Canned/Jarred Thing + a few minutes of cooking + some spices + optional meats and/or cheeses = dinner, fifteen to twenty minutes after walking in the front door, plus probably lunch for tomorrow along with it.
This is also very often my base recipe even when I’m working with fresh veggies or raw meat.  Chopping fresh veggies adds an extra 5-10 minutes at the front end, depending on how many different kinds of vegetables I’m using.  (Make sure any raw veggies go into the pan before any frozens, because they’ll take longer to cook.)  If I’m working with raw meat or fish, or I’ve marinated tofu and I want it to get brown and tasty, I’ll generally season my protein and sautee it in the pan before I do anything else, then set it to the side in the bowl I plan to eat dinner in and cook everything else just the same as normal.
Obviously this takes a little bit of flavor-matching when it gets to the seasoning stage, but the whole ‘match a frozen thing to a canned/wet thing’ part is surprisingly forgiving, particularly if you stick to individual veggies instead of trying to play with one of those mixed vegetable medleys.  
I generally season a few different ways based on my ‘wet’ ingredient:
Canned tomatoes --> tons of garlic, any vaguely Italian herbs like basil/oregano/fennel, mozzarella or Parmesan cheese
Black or red beans --> lots of chili powder, some garlic, sometimes other spices with a bite like paprika or ginger to round out the flavor for fun, usually cheddar or “southwestern cheese blend”
Canned fruit, orange juice or canned baby corn --> heavy ginger, some garlic, soy sauce, sometimes Chinese Five Spice if I have it around, no cheese
Coconut milk --> just ginger and garlic, OR something vaguely garam masala-like (cinnamon, cumin, cardamom, coriander, cloves, chili, plus also non-c spices like nutmeg and whatever else seems like it might be an okay idea), no cheese
Just broth --> any of the above, OR mustard and paprika, usually with cheddar (particularly if I can add frozen or fresh diced apples to a frozen veg like broccoli)
Pesto, harissa, salsa, and other jarred ingredients usually have tons of seasoning in them already, so I season lightly to enhance whatever they’ve already got going on
(Worth noting that I grew up on Italian cooking, so I think garlic belongs in everything and I’m very much not an expert on many flavor profiles--these are things that taste good to me, and a place that might work for you to start from if you don’t have a lot of ideas what you might like.)
Good luck!  Happy cooking!  
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no-reaction · 4 years
Mocha Bread - bread making at home during covid
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It’s been a while since I updated this blog. Well life’s been busy, when one has to be an adult... Last time I was here (June 2015?!), I just gave notice for my old job, and went back to school to complete my master’s degree in communications. A year later, I took on an events and engagement position at the largest charity foundation in Hong Kong. Another four years, despite the terrible hours and amount of (really meaningful) work, I am still with the company (with 2 promotions!), and I am glad to still be offered a new contract in times like these. 
Yes, the coronavirus... In Hong Kong, I’ve been working from home right after the Chinese New Year holiday. Luckily for us, after a short period of madness where people were hoarding TP and rice, things have *kinda* gone back to ‘normal’. It’s been a rather surreal two months (and ongoing) of work-from-home experience, but that also means I actually have the time to start playing with recipes again! 
Bread is not something I am very confident with, mainly because Hong Kong is rather hot and wet climate-wise. I always had trouble getting doughs to properly rise in “room” temperature. Three years ago, I actually purchased a mini oven with a dough fermentation mode, so that should solve the problem? Since I have plenty of time, I could even make bread in a leisurely manner. (Funny though, after all these years, I still have not caved in to get myself an electric mixer, because I really have no space for that. Someday my friends, someday...) 
Well, the bread recipe today in fact is not my first stay-at-home experiment. I started off with a yeastless recipe, Irish Soda Bread, just in time for St Patrick’s Day, then I went on to do an overnight pizza dough from the Smitten Kitchen (because I’ve actually never tried fermenting dough in the fridge). So officially, this is my third bake, the Mocha Bread. Again, I did part of the fermentation in the fridge overnight to see what will happen (hey, I did say I am experimenting!)
Mocha Bread (Makes 2 large-ish loaves)
375 g strong white flour
2 1/2 tsps instant dried yeast (I use Saf-instant Gold - it’s so much easier, no need to proof or dissolve, just throw it straight into the flour mixture)
55 g superfine caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt
20 g unsweetened cocoa powder
10 g instant coffee powder
70 g roughly chopped dark chocolate
50 g unsalted butter
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 tsp natural vanilla extract
90 g dark chocolate chips
185 mL warm water (around 40ºC)
Chocolate mixture - melt chopped dark chocolate and butter in a bowl, either over a saucepan of simmering water (don’t let the base of the bowl touch the water!) or if you are lazy like me, you can do it in the microwave in short bursts of 30 seconds, stirring in between). When fully melted, add egg and vanilla into the mixture 
The dough - combine flour, yeast, sugar, salt, cocoa powder, coffee powder, then add in the chocolate mixture. Use a large wooden spoon/spatula to combine the wet and dry ingredients, and mix until the coarse and sticky dough comes together. You can then start using your hands to knead the dough for another 5-10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic - add extra flour if necessary (If using a mixer, use a dough hook, and set to lowest speed to mix for 1-2 minutes, then increase the speed to medium and knead for another 5-10 min until a smooth dough is formed).
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Proofing - grease a large bowl and transfer the dough into it and ensure the oil lightly coats the whole dough. Cover in cling film and leave the dough in a draught-free place for 1-2 hours, or until the dough is doubled. 
[Here I placed my dough into the oven and tried the fermentation mode, which kept the temperature at around 30-ish ºC - half an hour later, the dough rose quite a bit already, but to experiment, I left dough in the fridge and went to bed. The next morning I took the dough out and left it in room temperature until the afternoon to continue the rest of the proofing and it turned out quite ok! Generally speaking, if proofing in the fridge, remove the dough from the fridge about 3 hours before you plan to bake it, to give the dough enough time to reach back to room temperature,]
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Shaping the dough - knock back the dough and turn it out onto a floured surface, and divide it in half. Flatten each half to around 1 cm thick and scatter chocolate chips onto it. Roll up the dough into logs and transfer them onto a greased baking tray. Use a knife to make three diagonal slashes across the top of each dough. 
Second proofing - cover the doughs with a damp cloth and leave them for an hour in room temperature, or until they double in size.
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Baking - preheat the over to 180ºC (350ºF). Bake the bread for 45-50 minutes. When done, it will sound a bit hollow when tapped. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. 
The bread turned out pretty well. Taste-wise it’s bittersweet though I wouldn’t mind a stronger coffee flavour, and it goes really well with a cup of coffee or tea in the morning or as a snack in the afternoon. Since I live with my mum, with two people, the bread could last quite some time. It freezes pretty well too, so I suggest slicing them after cooling, wrap it up and leave one of them in the freezer until you are done with the first :)  
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prisonrose · 5 years
Mea Culpa || 24 Hour Journal
A guard inadvertently wakes me up by shining a flashlight in my cell to make sure Craig and I are still present. 
After a brief pause to make sure the figure above me is truly asleep and not dead or a sack of potatoes serving as a decoy, he moves on.
I fall asleep shortly afterwards.
I force myself to wake up at this time every morning, about 10-15 minutes before the cells unlock. It was hard to get the timing just right since I don’t have an alarm at first, but most days I manage it based on my biological clock alone.
I relieve myself on the loo while Craig is still asleep, trying to be as quiet as possible. 
I brush my teeth, splash water on my face, and sit on my bed, waiting for the doors to open.
The cell doors finally unlock, and I make a beeline for the kitchen area of our cell block. Usually I’m the first to get there, but sometimes I’m unlucky. 
Today I have the first go at the microwave and heat up some oatmeal with peanut butter and instant coffee to take back to my cell.
I manage to get in and get out without being caught or harassed by anyone. Craig is gone by the time I get back. Likely at the chow hall or showers. I get to have a relaxing meal alone.
I show up for work in the laundry facility. A few of the driers are down for scheduled repairs.
I spend most of the day lubricating roller bearings, adjusting pulleys, and replacing drum rollers and dryer glides.
This is probably the most relaxing part of my day. It always feels good to be working with machines again.
Still, I can’t believe I only get paid 200 Pokedollars for this shit. Guess I’ll splurge and spend a whole day’s pay on some Fresh Water from a vending machine one day.
Wrap up work in time for count. Try to make it back to my cell without bumping into anyone.
Craig is already there in the room by the time I come in. I say a quick greeting to him and reuse the bowl I used for oatmeal earlier for a bowl of cereal and a box of UHT milk.
I rather miss having cold beverages.
“Five minutes til count time, boys. Be on your bunks and be visible! I repeat, be on your bunks and be visible for 12:00 count or you will get a ticket!”
There’s never any telling how long these things will last, so I get comfortable on my bed with a science fiction novel I used to read a lot as a child.
A guard comes by with a Boltund to check to see if we’re where we need to be. 
Count is mercifully short today. The doors unlock again, and most guys begin shuffling over to the Chow Hall for lunch. I say goodbye to Craig.
I wait until it’s relatively quiet in the halls before donning my shower shoes and taking my little plastic bucket of shower supplies down to our cell block’s communal showers.
Privacy is important during this vulnerable time. Most guys wash off either in the morning or just before lockup, but I prefer going in midday when most guys are either having lunch or out in the yard working out.
It’s never completely empty though. I try my best to creep to the other end of the showers opposite a loose group of men that probably had the same idea as me.
The showers are always disgusting. The floors are usually covered in a thick layer of grime, shaved body hair, and bodily fluids. The holes in the shower head I initially chose are so clogged in one that I have to go to another slightly closer to the other men.
This one works, at least, but the hot water is used up. Oh well. It really is a lottery most days. 
I hate these annoying timed press buttons. I hate everything about these damn showers. Showering used to be the most relaxing part of my day. I miss my flat so badly just for this alone.
I try to get in and out as quickly as possible since I have company. Maybe if I’m in and out before they realize who I am, I can avoid a scene.
No such luck. I’m small but not small enough to not be seen past the half-assed dividers supposed to offer a shred of privacy. 
They intercept me in the changing room. Thankfully, I still have my towel on.
The big guy says he’s heard of me. He asks if it’s true that I ████ █ █████ ████ █ █████.
I confirm that it is true. He’ll find out the truth either way, so there’s really no need to lie.
He ███ ██ ██ ███ ███ ██ ███ ███ █████ ███████. His buddies ████ ████ ██ █████ ██.
█████’█ ██ █████ ██ █████████ ███ ████ ██ ████ █████. ██████ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██████. █ █████. 
█ ████ ██ ██ ███ ███ ███ ██ ███. ████ ██████████ ███’█ ███ ██ ████ ██. ██’█ ███████ ████ ████ █████ ███ █ █████’█ █████.
I guess that’s the only thing I’m good for anymore. 
I get back to my cell.
Decide to take a nap since I’m not feeling so well.
Get woken up by a guard with a Growlithe banging on the cell door. Apparently I have a visitor and need to get processed for that. Time to put on my game face. 
Getting strip searched in front of the guards is the most humiliating thing ever. Probably even worse than getting undressed in front of other inmates. 
The female guard’s Espeon stares at me the entire time, its forked tail twitching slightly, possibly scanning the near future to see if I was a threat. The whole process of undressing, getting searched, getting redressed takes about 15 minutes. I’m led to the Non Contact visit area so that I can talk with whoever this is.
Another journalist trying to get the big scoop on my fall from grace. I’m exhausted by now by how many interviews these people keep subjecting me to, but I understand the appeal.
I smile politely and answer all of her questions, no matter how asinine. When she asks me how a well-to-do businessman is fairing in a maximum security prison, I tell her that I’m doing just fine. Part of me wants to believe it, too.
Visit is officially concluded. I thank the journalist for her time and go back to get searched a second time.
I take off each article of clothing individually and shake them out, then spread every fold and orifice of myself that might be hiding contraband as the guards search my clothes.
The Espeon is still staring at me. Part of me wishes I could have seen into the future for what was in store for me years ago when I begged for the harshest punishment possible.
Time for tea. Also the last time to get something from the Chow Hall before Lockdown in 2 hours.
My hunger gets the best of me, and I make a visit, despite how terrible the food is and how dangerous it is for someone like me. This place and the Yard are the sites of most stabbings and riots.
Today it’s what I assume to be some sort of beef (I think?) stew with tons of soggy, mealy potatoes and white rice. It looks like something already eaten, but that was par for the course.
I take my little tin of food and try to desperately find a seat at a table not already occupied. No such luck, so I sit at the opposite end of the table of two gents with my approximate skintone. 
Thankfully, they ignore me. I eat in peace. 
Go to the rec center to see if there’s anything worth watching on the telly. Maybe I can even catch a match.
My appearance prompts from jeers from a couple of men playing pool, but they leave me alone pretty quickly when I try to pay them no mind. 
No League matches are showing today, so I instead turn it to the news.
Apparently there’s some sort of catastrophic Dynamaxing incident playing out in multiple cities at once. I hope that some madman didn’t get news of my own experiment and try to do something similar…
Lockdown in 15 minutes. Head back to my cell, but Craig is busy on the loo. Walk back out again and respectfully wait as long as I can for him to finish up.
“Five minutes til count time and lockdown, boys. Be on your bunks and be visible! I repeat, be on your bunks and be visible for 18:00 count or you will get a ticket!”
I have to go in at this point. Luckily, Craig is now washing up. He nods at me and climbs back on his bunk for count.
When the cell doors close, there’s no opening them again until 6 the next morning, unless there’s some sort of emergency. So it’s best to get as comfortable as you can.
I begin reading my book again. There’s nothing else to do, really.
Last state sanctioned meal of the day. The small slot in our cell door is opened, and two paper bags are fed through. 
It’s a ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of crisps, and a box of milk for each of us. 
As per our agreement, I hand Craig my ham sandwich and my bag of crisps over to him as well. It’s hard not to feel hungry in here, but it’s a small price to pay for peace.
He hands over his box of milk, and I instead have my last bowl of cereal for the night. The extra box of milk is tucked away somewhere safe, and the bowl cleaned and ready for the next morning.
Back to my book. 
The lights in our cell unceremoniously turn off. “LIGHTS OUT!” the voice over the intercom booms. “QUIET IN THE CELLS!”
I sigh, sticking a popsicle stick into the pages as a makeshift bookmark, and stretch out to place it back on the desk for tomorrow. 
I lay down, staring blankly out of the bars, feeling more empty than I ever have in my life.
I’ve long since stopped wondering if my sacrifice was worth it, if this is the fate I deserved, if there’s any hope I’ll be remembered fondly in the future, or at all, even in the present day.
This is my life now. It’ll be my life until the day I die. As unhappy as I am about the notion, I’ve made my peace with it, and have adjusted accordingly.
I wipe away the hot tears rolling down my face with a soft sniffle, and roll back over to try to rest up and gather my strength to face this hell the next day.
And the day after that and the day after that and the day after that…
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jimlingss · 6 years
The Deli Diaries [6]
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 [Finale]
➜ Words: 1.8k
➜ Genres: Fluff & Cuteness, That good ol’ slow burn, Slice of Life
➜ Summary: Working at a grocery store deli is absolutely unbearable (and you’re also perfectly aware of how dramatic you are). But it seems like something, or rather, someone might make the job a bit more manageable.
➜ Warnings: Mundane-ness that might make you bored to death
➜ Notes: i swear the story is moving...just...very slowly.
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Your job sucks.   But it’s starting to suck less, especially when the microwave reads 2:00pm.   Right on the mark, you come strolling to the other side of the deli where your kind manager is putting away some of the orders that arrived a few minutes ago. “Hey, Serri. Is it okay if I go on my lunch break now?”   The old lady frowns in concern. “You haven’t eaten lunch yet? Yes, yes! Go right ahead.”   “I’ll be back in half-an-hour then, in time to package the chicken.” You’re ripping off your gloves and she nods, urging you to not worry about it and to go eat and refuel yourself. On the way to grabbing your bag, you wash your hands and rip off your hairnet, adjusting your black cap in the tiny mirror above the sink, trying your best to clean yourself up.   You nabbed a hat from your insane supervisor, having requested she order one for a few weeks now. The constant reminders annoyed her but it’s the only reason you have it now. For one, it’s completely free so why not. And secondly, you could hide your greasy hair and actually tame it from the long day of work. Plus, in this way, you can look less horrible for a certain someone.   “Hey, produce boy.” You run into that certain someone on the way to the staff room and he has his own bag slung on his shoulder. His brunette hair is ruffled, red apron clean, black shirt and pants appearing like it’s been ironed.   “Hey, deli girl.” Jimin smiles, still amused with the little nickname you gave him.   “Are you going for lunch?” You push the backdoor open for him and he says ‘thank you’ as he enters.   Mischief twinkles in his eye and he downcasts his head trying to hide the way the corners of his lips are upright. But Jimin can’t help himself and he steals another glimpse of you. “I am.”   “What a coincidence.”   Or more like the two of you have been syncing up your breaks every other day now.   The job was actually pretty nice now that you had a friend to share your meals with. It’s not like you could hang out with Yuna in the breakroom considering only one person at a time was allowed to leave the deli area. Plus, you found Jimin’s company surprisingly nicer than your phone or any youtube video you could scrape up using the shitty wifi connection.   “What are the odds?” He laughs and then opens the door to the room for you. This time, you’re the one saying ‘thank you’ as you enter and he follows behind.   “I know, right?” You giggle and then move to pop open the microwave, throwing the stolen chicken-pot pie into it and hitting a minute to heat it up. In the meanwhile, Jimin pulls out two chairs and begins setting up, putting a few napkins down on the table not to make a mess and taking out his sandwich that he always cuts into two nowadays.   Luckily, there’s no one else in the staff room, only one person who exits the washroom and beelines out, down the stairs, returning back to their job before time runs out.   As the microwave whirrs, you move towards the wall of postings, scanning each of them and looking for your center’s number. “Are you thinking of switching?” Jimin asks in curiosity, moving to stand beside you. “Bakery? Or are you gonna transfer to another store?”   “Psh.” You move away when you can’t find anything of interest. “Why would I leave this store when it’s literally a ten minute walk from my house? If I had to take the bus, I swear I’d be late and fired on the first day.”   He laughs and the microwave dings, causing you to open it and grab two plastic spoons from the dispenser. “Plus, I don’t think bakery is hiring for another two years,” you mumble as an afterthought. “Unless someone dies, they’re not gonna train anyone here. Those ladies have been working there for a loooooong time.”   “I guess you and deli are gonna be together till death do you part,” he teases while taking a seat and you take yours adjacent to him. You grumble at the thought of the deli being in your foreseeing future and he smiles, cracking open his water bottle to take a sip.   “Oh. I actually have something.” Your eyes light up when you remember and you dig into your bag, pulling out a ziplock. “It’s honey ham.”   “Again?” Jimin laughs, grabbing a piece to eat. “I thought you hated hams.”   “Yeah...but I cut too much for a customer earlier, so I took it with me.”   “Aren’t you going to get fired?” He questions while you pick up the half of his sandwich and take a huge bite of it. In turn, he grabs the spoon and begins to eat the chicken pot pie that you took.   “Maybe.” You shrug, not really caring if you get fired. At the moment, you’re more preoccupied with enjoying this food, unable to stop taking massive bites of Jimin’s sandwich. “Y’know, I’m not a big fan of sandwiches but this is pretty good. Did you make it yourself?”   “Yeah.” Jimin smiles, a bit bashful over the compliment. “It’s not that hard. I just have to toast the bread for a minute and spread a teaspoon of butter. I also spread some mayo on the other slice and I cut a tomato, put in a bit of baloney and sometimes egg. There’s some cheese and lettuce, pickles too….”   He admits, he might’ve upped his sandwich game ever since you started sharing a half with him.   “God, that’s already ten steps too much for me.” You steal another bite, appreciating the flavour more and more. “But how do you get it so it isn’t melted and squished in your bag.”   “Oh, I put it in the produce cooler when I get here.”   “Dude…..you’re awesome.” You flash a huge thumbs up, wholly impressed with how seriously he takes your lunches together. “I like how you think ahead. Meanwhile, I’ve had the same pot pie for four days now. I’m so sick of it.”   Jimin takes another scoop of the pie. “Why do you keep getting it then?”   “Well, you like it, don’t you?”   You say it nonchalantly but it hits Jimin and he tries to repress a smile, though failing to do so. “It’s not bad, but I’m really fine with anything.”   “You’re too nice, produce boy.”   He really doubts that, especially when he’s sitting next to you. But he doesn’t say anything about it. “How was work so far? Any cute kids? Any rude customers?” He takes another bite and swallows it down. “Any grease you want me to help pour out?”   You grin. “None yet….of any of that. But you might need to help me pour out some grease later. I call holding the door.”   “Deal.”   Really, it’s a deal that sucks on his end. Yet, Jimin insists he can pour the whole bucket of the icky liquid into the dumpster every time your shifts overlap. You don’t understand why he offers so much help to you.   Maybe he’s just an extremely nice guy.   “How about you?” You motion your head over to him. “Any people asking you grocery questions?”   “Yes.” He giggles and you can’t help but smile. “Many. At this point, I think I’m better at navigating the grocery section than some of the grocery people. Did you know rice pudding is next to the butter section? Who knew.”   You laugh with him, amused with all the times people ask him where things are and he has to navigate them through the grocery aisles that he doesn’t even know himself. Earlier you caught a senior citizen grasping at his arm instead of her walker, trying to find some almond powder. He flashed you one look and that’s all it took for you to start giggling while the customer in front of you thought you were absolutely insane.   “What time are you off?” You ask, dusting your hands off after finishing the sandwich and some of the pot pie.   “Six. You?”   “Six too. We can walk home together,” you note while standing, heading over to the fridge and freezer to take a peek. “Hey, want some ice cream?”   “What?” He looks at your mischievous expression when you turn around. “Sure. But does that belong to anyone?”   “No name.” You smirk to yourself, glancing at the front of the open box where there’s an absence of black marker labelling ‘do not eat’. “No name means a free for all. What flavour?”   “Any.”   You grab two at random, shutting the freezer door before tossing it to him. Jimin catches it one hand like a pro, putting on a smug expression when it was really due to luck and reflexes. You plop down in your seat again, peeling the wrapper open and discarding it.   Jimin watches as you eat and he backs up. “Wait. Hold on. You bite your ice-cream?”   “And you don’t?” You twist up your face as if you’re offended that he does something different.   “No, you monster.” His tongue pokes out, rubbing all over his cold treat which makes you scrunch your nose up in distaste. “It hurts my teeth too much.”   “It’s gross to lick it.”   “It’s weird to bite it,” the produce boy counters and you scoff. “What flavour do you have?”   “Vanilla. You?”   “Chocolate.” Jimin’s brow eyes light up in curiosity and his pupils flicker over to the treat in your hand. You can read him like an open book, already knowing what he wants before he asks. “Can I try?”
“Don’t lick it,” you respond immediately like it’s a reflex. But instead of placating you, the boy grins, his eyes crinkling into half moons, plump lips spreading into his chubby cheeks. He takes your hand, curling his fingers over yours and he pulls it closer to him, moving your entire body towards his direction. “Don’t! Jimin! Actually!”   But like the little shit that he is, his tongue rakes up the entire side of your ice-cream. He licks it with a laugh and pulls away. “It’s good.”   You narrow your eyes at him before leaning over faster than he can react. You bite the top half of his ice-cream off completely, and he cries out as fifty percent of his treat is devoured. You laugh evilly before screaming. Your brain freezes, aching painfully and it makes him hysterical.   Jimin folds in half, wheezing, as he watches you clutch your head in your other palm, gasping for air and yelling about how cold it is. Still, it was worth getting your revenge.
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5 Secrets to Eating Healthy as a Busy College Student
New blog post!
This post is generously sponsored by Straight From The Root
Whether you’re a college freshman, a grad student like me, a full time business woman or the parent of four, ‘tis the season for being busy. Holidays are coming, flu season is in full swing, and college finals will be here before we know it. So how are you supposed to eat healthy with limited time and energy?
Well, this gluten free college celiac is partnering up with Straight From The Root to share all of my healthy eating tricks and tips. As always, I want to remind everyone that I'm not a dietician, nutrition expert or meal planning guru. However, I've been cooking all of my own gluten free, healthy meals as a busy college student for over four years now...so I'd like to think I've learned a few healthy eating secrets along the way.
So, without further ado, keep reading to learn five ways I answer the elusive question of how to eat healthy in college!
1. Meal prep - but stick to versatile ingredients. 
Food prep is a major buzzword nowadays, especially when “Sunday” in involved. Sometimes, though, you don’t have time to spend four straight hours at the end of the week nonstop cooking. Not only that, but it’s also hard to know what you’ll feel like eating four days from now...and I don’t know about you, but “having” to eat food that doesn’t sound super delicious to me at the time is one of my pet peeves. 
My solution? Food prep...but only the most versatile ingredients, like plain protein (ranging from roasted chicken to beans), cooked grains and roasted veggies. I'll talk more about my approach to proteins and grains in the next section, but my veggies routine is simple: every two days or so, I spend 10 minutes cutting up veggies and tossing them in the oven until tender and browned. 
This is also where a company like Straight From The Root can come in handy. They offer a variety of cooked organic vegetables - ranging from sweet potatoes to zoodles to butternut squash - that are vacuum sealed for maximum freshness and cooked sous vide to maintain the most nutrients possible. You can eat the veggies straight from the bag or warm them up by boiling or microwaving the bag for 90 seconds. Add your choice of spices (since Straight From The Root's veggies are just that: veggies and nothing else) and dig in! 
Regardless of whether you cook your own vegetables or get help from a place like Straight From The Root, having a bunch of pre-cooked staples on hand will make throwing together a variety of healthy meals - from loaded baked potatoes to the ultimate vegan snack plate dinner - extra fast and easy. 
2. Your freezer is your friend. 
Another secret weapon of mine? My freezer! As I’ve shared in past posts, my freezer is always stuffed to the brim with gluten free goodies. Beyond my favorite gluten free breads and frozen veggies and fruits, though, I also cook a big batch of grains every few weeks or so and store them in the freezer. 
Freezing cooked brown rice and quinoa ensures that the grains stay fresh, and they let me throw together a killer stir fry or grain-based Buddha bowl in five minutes or less. I also freeze most of my proteins. When I have fish, I'll cook it as usual and then freeze leftovers for easy defrosting later on. I do the same thing with cooked beans, freezing them in one layer in a big plastic bag. 
Once I want a bean or grain packed dinner, all I have to do is break off the portion of grains (and/or beans) I want to eat, defrost it in a bowl in the microwave and add my choice of veggies, healthy fats and protein. Bona-petite! 
3. Trying to eat healthier? Don’t forget breakfast! 
Breakfast might be an even more important meal to food prep than dinner, depending on how crazy your mornings usually are. There’s something extra relaxing about waking up and knowing that your healthy breakfast - whether it’s overnight quinoa flakes or a pre-made smoothie bowl - is already ready and waiting.
Although it may surprise you, this is another healthy meal that's even easier with some help from a company like Straight From The Root! I actually whipped up several smoothies using some of their pre-cooked veggies, including sweet potato, beets and zoodles. (And if you love beautiful food, beets can create some of the prettiest pink smoothies). 
Want to make your own veggie-packed breakfast smoothie? You can look at one of the various gluten free smoothie bowl recipes on my blog for inspiration, but my usual formula is: some mild-flavored veggies (like zucchini, squash, sweet potato, beets or spinach) + sweet fruits (bananas, berries, etc) + enough liquid to blend (creamy vegan milk like coconut milk works especially well) + my choice of spices and superfood powders (like cinnamon, vanilla, cacao, acai, maca, spirulina, etc <-- affiliate links, FYI!).
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Struggling to eat #healthy w/ a busy schedule? Discover this #celiac's top 5 secrets to #healthyeating in #college! http://bit.ly/2xIh5UQ"
For a super easy healthy morning routine, make these smoothies in advance and freeze them in mason jars. When you want to dig into your vegan smoothie, just defrost your breakfast in the microwave (I usually cook mine for 4 minutes at 4 power), add a sprinkle of granola and dig in!  
4. Get creative with avocado, sauces and seeds. 
The easiest way to upgrade a simple bowl of roasted veggies and protein is by adding some healthy fats and flavorful sauces! Nowadays, I eat around half an avocado every day with dinner (and my hair and skin are thanking me nearly as much as my taste buds). Adding a sprinkle of nuts or seeds to your Buddha bowl - like with the almonds in my Happy Belly Roasted Veggie Salad - is another way to sneak in healthy fats and add another texture to your dinner. 
If avocado and nuts/seeds aren’t your thang, you can add a punch of flavor with sauces. I’ve shared some of my favorite gluten free sauce recipes on the blog before - like my vegan and nut-free pesto or my radish greens sauce - but you can also use pre-made sauces like BBQ sauce, store-bought pesto, hummus or whatever else is calling your name! One of the easiest ways to learn how to eat healthy in college or how to eat healthy for cheap is experimenting with different condiments. You’ll be amazed at how much a little bit of sauce can transform the entire flavor profile of a dish. 
5. Keep it simple and scrumptious! 
You’ve probably heard of the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. Well, I’m changing that to Keep It Simply Scrumptious!
One of the best parts about Straight From The Root is that, as I mentioned briefly earlier in this post, all their veggies are just that: veggies and their own juices. While they taste plain on their own, their lack of seasoning lets you personalize the vegetables for whatever meal you like. Since some of the starchier vegetables (like the chopped sweet potatoes and honey gold potatoes) are on the crunchy side of what I usually prefer, these would also work perfectly in a casserole or a cast iron skillet bake.
These vegetables are proof, though, that meals don’t have to be super complex to be delicious. Trust me. I’ve been eating roasted veggies, smashed black beans, avocado and Straight from The Root’s sweet and regular potatoes for dinner four nights in a row, and I have no complaints! Experimenting with complicated dinner recipes can be fun and super tasty; at the end of the day, though, learning how to eat healthy can be as simple as learning how to throw together a plate full of well-cooked veggies, starches or grains, proteins and fats.
How to Eat Healthy in College: The Bottom Line
As the end of my first semester of grad school and teaching a college class grows closer, my time (and motivation) to cook is going way down. Luckily, thanks to resources like Straight From The Root and the healthy eating tips I’ve shared above, I can keep eating delicious, gluten free dinners without spending hours in the kitchen. 
Because the only thing better than sitting down to a delicious dinner (or waking up to yummy breakfast) during a long day? Being able to whip up that tasty meal faster than you can say "finger-lickin' good"! 
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Struggling to eat #healthy w/ a busy schedule? Discover this #celiac's top 5 secrets to #healthyeating in #college! http://bit.ly/2xIh5UQ"
*I received samples of Straight From The Root's sous vide vegetables in exchange for an honest review. However, all opinions, pictures and recipes are my own. Thank you for supporting what supports Casey the College Celiac!*
What’s your top tip for how to eat healthy in college or during busy seasons of life? Have you ever heard of Straight From The Root? Tell me in the comments!
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2A1Uljg
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bestcbdoilshop · 7 years
J Is For Jambalaya
Jambalaya is a Louisiana Creole dish of Spanish and French influence. It is not only a fun word to say but is delicious too. Most jambalaya recipes call for either a fish and a protein or two proteins like sausage and chicken. However you make it, it is a real comfort food.
Most of the jambalaya recipes I reviewed not only have a variety of spices but also have ordinary ingredients like peppers, rice, onions, celery, and tomatoes. Look at the different pieces or "ingredients" of your life - pack kids' school lunches, make beds, prepare reports, go to meetings, feed the dog, and mow the lawn. So why blog about jambalaya? The reason is that no matter how you make it, the dish comes out spicy and who does not want to spice up their life? How about adding spice to your "ingredients in your life?" One idea is to jazz up the kids' lunches by cutting their sandwiches in different shapes or adding a unique un-lunch like item. You could also include a note or put a small treat like stickers in their lunch boxes.
At work, hold a walking meeting or hire a masseuse that does chair massages for your team. You can also bring in goodies like bagels or an Edible Arrangement. During some of your meetings that you run, don't speak at all. Tell your team that you are there to observe only and see the different ways they conduct themselves. When you do lead the meeting, use different types of visuals instead of the same old PowerPoint presentations. Start the session by asking them what super hero they would be and why. It gets people to open up about themselves and everyone gets a good laugh.
Even chores can be spiced up. No one said you can't dance while you dust or mow the lawn. Walking the dog with a friend cannot only be fun but healthy for both of you. For me, I am not a fan of unloading the dishwasher so sometimes when I have food cooking in the microwave, I try to see if I can get all the dishes put away before the buzzer goes off. Luckily I have not broken a plate yet.
Making a bed is also a mundane task. I always think of the Sound of Music when Julie Andrews lifts the sheet up during the rainstorm when all the children were scared. I admit I am the worst singer but who cares? "These are a Few of My Favorite Things" still is lively regardless of my voice and it makes the chore more bearable. My children may not like it and my cats may howl, but once the bed is made I stop.
Conducting a job search or writing a report are also things we dread doing. Try to "spice" them up by being more creative. Post a funny saying or cartoon at your desk to remind yourself that this will pass and you just need to plow through it. Also make sure you attach rewards to various tasks. Knowing you are going to have a delicious dish of jambalaya with a glass of wine, salad, and dessert when you are done is a great reward and it will keep you focused and on track!
Cajun Jambalaya
Recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse
Total Time: 50 min
Prep: 15 min
Cook: 35 min
Yield: 4 servings
12 medium shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped
4 ounces chicken, diced
1 tablespoon Creole seasoning, recipe follows
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped celery
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon hot sauce
3/4 cup rice
3 cups chicken stock
5 ounces Andouille sausage, sliced
Salt and pepper
Emeril's ESSENCE Creole Seasoning (also referred to as Bayou Blast):
2 1/2 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried thyme
In a bowl combine shrimp, chicken and Creole seasoning, and work in seasoning well. In a large saucepan heat oil over high heat with onion, pepper and celery, 3 minutes. Add garlic, tomatoes, bay leaves, Worcestershire and hot sauces. Stir in rice and slowly add broth. Reduce heat to medium and cook until rice absorbs liquid and becomes tender, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. When rice is just tender add shrimp and chicken mixture and sausage. Cook until meat is done, about 10 minutes more. Season to taste with salt, pepper and Creole seasoning.
[ad_2] Source by E. Elizabeth Carter
Original Post Here: J Is For Jambalaya
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onewheelneil · 7 years
Israel day 5
This morning I got up at the same time but this time the alarm woke me up. Going to bed at 1:30 am last night didn’t help much but it was worth it. Memories of dancing the night before still in my head I brushed my teeth and showered and groggily made my way to breakfast. I was one of the first ones there when it opened and they had a nice assortment of dairy products, fruit, and main dishes. Main dishes included hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs in the shape of a pancake, actual pancakes, potato squares, and croissant. It wasn’t traditional in any way but it seems the Israelis like their eggs. As people finished up breakfast also reminiscing of the night before we had to rush to get on the bus at 7:30. As we made our way a couple people whined about how tired/hungover they were. Today will be interesting. Our first stop will be the Israeli innovation center stationed in Tel Aviv. We are also supposed to be meeting some locals who will be joining our trip to Jerusalem as well as some beach time. Everyone is looking forward to that. We got off the bus for people to get coffee and then the bus drove off cause he was in the middle of the road so I forgot to get my unicycle off the bus. I was super mad cause we weren’t going to see the bus till 5 pm. Our first stop was the innovation center situated in the stock exchange in Tel Aviv. It was a room that showed all the important inventions that were invented in Israel including the waze traffic app and a water system called the genny. The genny took the humidity around it and created clean drinkable water from it. A small one you plugged to the wall could create 20 liters of water a day but there are also truck sized ones that could create 3000 liters a day. I also played with a virtual reality driving simulator that was pretty fun. It was very simple and you used a gyroscope steering wheel to control the vehicle in the game. After we learned about inventions of Israel we were corralled into another room to see a presentation about how Israel became one of the largest innovators in the world only behind Switzerland. It was interesting to hear that Israel is the leader of most startups per capita and only behind Silicon Valley for most start ups in total. It makes me think that maybe if I don’t find anything in America then I could try Israel. Then a guy came in from Ambon profit organization that helps startups expand in Israel. I could tell he did this presentation many many times because he did it so flawlessly. There was never a dull point or a bad transition which really made me appreciate it more. We learned about Israeli cultural traditions which included a play ground for toddler that looked like a junkyard. It had the shell of an old truck and an old radiator and microwave. Before he told us it was a playground he had us guess what it was and may people said a scrapyard and when he told us I heard a couple of gasps and one said “oh no”. It was interesting to hear his explanation that it was safe for the children and it actually allowed creativity to thrive because no one had told these kids how to play with these old tools. He also told us about an Israeli holiday that involved kids around the age of 10-13 building bonfires. Before they turn 12 the children are supervised but these kids take 4 weeks to get all the supplies ready for this bonfire day. He explains how these kids work like a company and try to avoid failure (being unable to have a bonfire). It was really interesting to think why these kids are allowed to play with fire but the things that they learn from this really pays off. The guy talked so smoothly and well I was never bored and forgot to take pictures. He answered questions and then we were ushered to our next activity which was to meet the 6 Israelis that would be joining us on our trip. We had about 5 minutes to meet each Israeli who were of the ages between 21-25 some of them were still serving in the Israeli military (the IDF) and some were done and were either working or heading to school. It was really really cool to meet true Israeli not used to be surrounded my Americans. They were all very nice and wanted to know everything about us. We learned stuff about them and we taught them stuff about America and our lives. We were in a rush to get to our next appointment at the independence hall. We quickly headed there freezing traffic on our route from our mass crossing the street. When we got there we sat in a big room with the other birthright group already there. We listened to a speaker talk about the Declaration of Independence of Israel in 1948. The place we were sitting was actually the place where the document was signed and had a stage set up where David Ben Gurion was talking and signing the document during the historical meeting. We heard a recording of the moment the document was signed and blessed by a rabbi. At that moment Israel became an independent state and started a historical moment in its life. As we listened to the recording our tour guide got very emotional and the other Israelis looked it too. The aura of the room became very heavy when the national anthem was played during the recording. The tour guide then told us that he’s been there 100s of times and always feels like shedding a tear so it really is a deep and unforgettable moment. After the presentation we were ushered into a room to learn more about how Israel started and grew so fast. The guide told us about Herzl and his impressions of the world after the emancipation of Israel. He witnesses anti semitism in France after a Jewish officer is wrongly accused of espionage. One guy asked how they know he was wrongly accused and the tour guide literally said “we learned this in tour guide school but don’t ruin a good story with facts”. I thought that was a little messed up but luckily one of the Israeli soldiers knew the actual answer that the accuser was found out that he wanted the accused’s position so he set him up. We watched a movie on the creation of Israel before we were free to get lunch. Once we finished the movie we rushed to lunch since we were starving. We all went to a shawarma place that the guide really recommended. I got the lamb wrap wth the works. Hummus, tzaztiki sauce, salad and onions and French fries all in a wrap. It was so delicious more than all the other shawarma wraps I’ve had since the start of the trip. After I inhaled this one as well (while actually tasting it) we waited for everyone to finish under some shade so we wouldn’t burn to death. The top temperature of today was 35 degrees Celsius so it was sweltering. Afterwards we all rushed to the beach to have some fun in the sun (and water). We were supposed to go to the market before the beach but everyone voted to just go to the beach. The beach was beautiful once again but this time we were able to just do whatever we wanted and the waves were much bigger than while we were surfing. Like 4-5 foot waves. It was incredible to body surf them and splash around with everyone. One of my favorite picture perfect moments was facing away from an oncoming wave but watching about 12 people swimming with the wave trying to catch it. I probably body surfed about 25 waves but I was wearing a shirt so I didn’t have to put sunscreen on my chest and back and it chaffed my nipples really badly. Then the salt water started making then really sting. I took off my shirt and hung it on the beach to dry and then went back in the water. There were some topless women that looked nice but apparently it is a 800 sheckels fine if you get caught so there weren’t that many. The water was also verrrrry salty and whenever it went up my nose or down my throat it stung for so long. The amount of people was a lot but it made watching the body surfing really fun. Once it got to 5 pm the life guards stopped working and we had to leave the water. Once we got changed and desanded ourselves (it was everywhere) we counted off to make sure we were all here and boarded the bus. An Israeli asked if I was extending my trip in Israel but I told him I was going to Romania and he started showing me pictures of Bucharest in January covered in snow. As we all started our drive to Jerusalem I had to go on the hot seat because I forgot my hat at the innovation center. I had to sing (I chose hakuna matata) everyone sang along and then I had to answer some personal questions as well. They asked me my most embarrassing date and if I could be invisible what would I do (I told them I’d mess with trump). It was fun and all in good fun. We got to the hotel and unloaded our stuff. The Israelis who joined us hadn’t seen my unicycle yet and the one that was rooming was like “what the fuck is that?” It made me laugh as I explained to him my unicycling obsession. After unpacking we headed to dinner at the hotel. I was not hungry so I tried to force food down so I wouldn’t be hungry. They had fried fish and a noodle dish and rice. It was pretty good and I filled my stomach as much as I could. Then we had a lecture on the political conflict happening in Israel and the surrounding areas. While we waited for the lecture to start a guy in the group was entertaining some of us with card tricks and he was really good at it. The guy started and everyone got quiet pretty quickly because this was such an interesting topic to most of us. I was absolutely exhausted so I was fighting to pay attention. He talked about the history of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. He told us how the surrounding areas of Israel all really don’t want the Jews to have their own state. Even though Israel was surrounded by enemies they were still able to fight back and win. Once they captured land that they needed which was pretty much just Jerusalem they made truces with those countries and gave back some of their territory. As he kept talking I was going in and out of sleep so I might have missed some but the results of Israel being a state still made terrorist groups come to fight and spread terror. Hesbollah was a big topic in the Gaza Strip and then isis became a big talking point as well. After all the talking ended there were a lot questions on the political opinions of parties in Israel. Some believe the Jews should control everything and some believe Palestine should control everything. Right Palestine is split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. After all the questions were done I quickly went to bed and passed out. Tomorrow is a fun day in Jerusalem so look out for that tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
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Chapter 7: Skadoosh
A loud, annoying noise shrieked from the alarm mounted on the wall. An orchestra of groans and moans formed in response, as the team slowly got out of their beds. One by one they got on their feet and walked to the bathroom like a horde of zombies. The bathroom was well furnished with multiple sinks, mirrors, showers, and toilets. Their feet tapped against the luxurious tile floor as they got ready for the day ahead of them. Pandu lazily brushed his teeth, combed his fur, and washed his face and quickly got out of the room. Soon, the others filed out of the bathroom with bags under their half-closed eyes. Like thieves in the night, they raided the kitchen and made breakfast out of whatever they could find. Apparently the cupboards had been magically refilled overnight, because Pandu found multiple boxes of Trader Flo’s Nuclear Sugar Warheads. The noise created by the commotion almost deafened Pandu as he barely made his way out of the warzone. He quickly snagged the boxes and sat in a corner, eating the dry sugary mess all by himself. He watched as the team waded in each other’s bodies as they tried to prepare breakfast. 
Pandu watches the chaos from afar. Noodles, was carrying a cup of instant noodles and almost tripped on someone’s ankle. He spiraled out of control for a good minute,  and as he recovered he remarked, “Hey! Watch it, will ya?” He shot a nasty stare at the mass of people as he made his way to his chair in the center of the room. One by one, they exit the hellhole which was the kitchen and stationed themselves around the room. For once, all was silent, as the people of Team NP ate their breakfasts. Pandu licked the excess sugar off his lips, picked up the pile of cereal boxes which lay next to him, and tossed them all into the recycling bin, which was located in the kitchen. Pandu returned to his corner once more and dozed off as everyone else began to finish their meals. The rest of the guys quickly finish their food, clean their plates, and place them in the sink. The rest of the group returned to their eating spots and stared emptily into space. They would occasionally make eye contact, exchange looks, and laugh to try to break the ice but their efforts were in vain. Pandu stared at the boring white clock which hung on the wall. It was as if time was slowing down. Pandu’s eyes grow heavy and his head drooped, but the noise of an unlocking door gripped his attention and shook him awake. Without explanation, the large metal door on the other side of the giant vault door opened and everyone was beginning to make their way to it. Pandu slowly got up, and followed the others to the door. Before he can see through the entrance, he was stopped by Lex, who was blocking the doorway completely. “Sorry, I didn’t explain this to you earlier, but I just want to let you know that the door to the training door opens during the day. You don’t have to come in with us, but really there isn’t much else to do around here.” Pandu nodded to show his understanding. Lex shrugged, and realizing he was blocking Pandu off, stepped to the side and said, “Sorry, didn’t meant to block ya, move along.” “Thanks.” Pandu said. He passed Lex, and was instantly stunned by the sight of the training room. Bright stadium lights filled his eyes with tears as his paws stepped onto the bouncy running track, which stretched around the room. It was like an indoor football stadium, and Pandu simply stood in the middle of the track, shocked by the absolute beauty it all. He looked around the room, and saw that everyone else was hard at work. Onett, Yolk and Pony’s footsteps echoed across the stadium as they ran around the track over and over again. In the middle of the stadium were multiple exercise machines, which were occupied by the rest of the gang. Patrick was strapped into some strange robotic stretcher, which seemed like they were almost tearing his limbs off; Ultra, and Freddy were lifting small dumbbells; and Carson was benchpressing 300 pounds as if it were nothing. He would’ve spent the whole day just standing there if Lex hadn’t confront him. “So, are you gonna do something or what?” He asked. Pandu snapped out of his daydream and laughed nervously. He hadn’t realized Lex was right beside him on the track. “Yea! Of course.” Pandu said reluctantly. Lex smiled and replied, “Cool! Alright I’m gonna go lift some weights, see you later!” Pandu watched as Lex jogged to do weight lifting area. Dread hung around his neck like a noose. Pandu sighed heavily and spotted a treadmill among the multitude of exercise machines which were erected on concrete which filled the empty space that the track surrounded. To be completely frank, all he wanted to do was stay home, eat Trader Flo’s Triple Deluxe Chocolate Wafers, and play Mausoleum of Monsters. Alas, here he was, in the middle of a training room, preparing for a cruel game of life or death for millions of people to see. He stepped onto the treadmill, and pressed the power button. Slowly but surely, his anxiety grew as he ran on the treadmill. Thoughts went and came as he did his cardio. Malicious, dark thoughts such as, “Wow I can actually die from this whole Red Warfare thing. Am I too young to die? Is this really worth it? A deadly lottery to see if I can sustain myself for the rest of my life?” He breathed heavily as he hopped from foot to foot. He looked down and saw the treadmill display screen, which gave Pandu an overview of his progress. Pandu read it aloud in between heavy breaths, “ Speed: 1/10, wheeze, Distance: 800 meters, pant pant, Calories burnt: 26.43, wheeze.” Pandu swiftly flicked the power switch off, and hopped off. He put his hands on his knees and stared at the ground as he attempted to regain his stamina. After a long breathing session, he straightened his back, and got back on the treadmill. He hated every second of exercise, but something inside of him pushed him to work harder and get stronger. He pushed the power button again, and started jogging again. As he began his run, he whispered to himself, “This is for me. This is for my future.”                                                             *** Pandu almost collapsed when he stepped back into the main living room. As he stepped from the bouncy track to the soft carpet, the door leading the exercise room shut immediately. Everyone else had come in an hour before he did. They all looked up from their dinners as they spotted Pandu. Pandu didn’t care what they thought of him. He didn’t care if they thought he was fat, or that he was dumb as a bag of rocks. For once, his walk had some confidence behind it, as he slowly made his way to his bed and laid on it, staring at the bottom of the bed above him, breathing heavily. After a few minutes, he got out and hit the showers. He walked like a zombie, slowly inching his way to the stalls. He grabbed the shower curtain, almost ripped it off, entered the shower stall, and closed the curtains again. Pandu turned on the hot water, closed his eyes, and smiled. He sloppily applied shampoo to his entire body as he enjoyed his five minutes in heaven. After he was done, he shut off the water, dried himself with a large, fluffy, white towel, and made his way to the kitchen to make himself some dinner. Luckily for him, he had the kitchen all to himself since everyone else had finished, so he made himself a feast consisting of Trader Flo’s Deluxe Triple Fudge Cupcakes, some microwave rice, and canned meat called PAMS. He applied some oil to the pan, and cooked the meat from a distance in order to avoid the searing hot particles of fat that flew off it sporadically. After a few minutes, it stopped sizzling, and he slid it off the pan onto a paper plate. A few seconds later, the microwave beeped, signaling that it had completed its job. Pandu opened the microwave door, took out the rice, and opened the lid, revealing the glorious starchy contents. His mouth salivated as he dumped all the rice onto the paper plate. He popped open a package of Trader Flo’s Deluxe Triple Fudge Cupcakes, and took one out of the box, and held it with his left paw, which was especially hard since he didn’t have opposable thumbs. He took his food, and sat on his bed, while everyone stared at him. Pandu took his chopsticks and began to dig in. His monstrous eating noises were the only thing that could be heard in the room. He shoveled down the salty meat, and the plain rice into his mouth until there was none left. He grabbed his cupcake, unwrapped the outside, and ate the whole thing in one bite. He smiled, and burped loudly as he tossed his dirty paper plate into the trash. He head straight for the bathroom, with a full, satisfied stomach. He quickly washed up for bed, sprinted to his bed, and slid under the covers. Before everyone dozed off, Lex quickly announced, “Looks like we are due for another member tommorow! Everyone be prepared!” Everyone nodded their heads. Pandu’s ears perked up at the mention of another member joining them. Lex flipped the light switch off and said, “Goodnight guys!” They all replied, “Goodnight Lex.” Pandu smiled at the thought of a new member. The anticipation would’ve kept him awake the whole night if it wasn’t for the deadly combination of vigorous exercise and a large meal. Before he knew it, he was fast asleep. Pandu entered the land of dreams, and it felt as if he were waking up in a new world, with a new life. He was still in bed, but the covers felt softer and the room was cozier. He rubbed his eyes, and sat up. It was still the middle of the night, but he was wide awake. He navigated through the dark, and found a light switch, which he flicked on. He took a second to appreciate the beauty of his own room. To his surprise, the room was lavishly furnished with mahogany wood dressers, soft cotton sheets, and furry carpets and blankets. A mini glass chandelier hung from the ceiling, and the rose red walls were intricately decorated with floral patterns. He walked to the window which was behind his bed, and took a peek outside. He noticed he was on the second floor of a house, and after more inspection of the exterior of the house, he soon realized he was in a bedroom of a luxury mansion. He turned away from the window and sat on his plush king sized bed. He took another second to admire his own bedroom. It was like living in an antique gallery, everything looked so expensive Pandu was afraid he was going to break something. After some time, he got bored and decided to go adventuring around the house. He hopped off the bed and landed on the panda fur carpet, which was stained red. “Must’ve been a grape juice spill.” He said to himself. He began walking to the door and before he could grab the knob and turn it, the lights began to flicker, until they suddenly shut off. He was plunged into darkness, and he began to stumble around wildly, attempting to find a source of light, but alas to no avail. He walked around blindly, knocking into things and tripping over his own feet. He began to panic more when he heard distance footsteps, approaching him. He felt around the darkness, found the door, and slammed the door to his bedroom shut. He groped around the darkness some more, until he felt his soft blankets. He hopped into it, and hid under the covers. He knew hiding under his blanket would do nothing, but fear overtook him and his muscles were frozen solid. He trembled and continually whispered to himself, “It’s okay Pandu, It’s okay.” His efforts were in vain, because the footsteps got louder, and louder until he couldn’t take it anymore and he shrieked in horror. Pandu woke up in a cold sweat. He was back in the training room, in his tiny bunk bed. He relaxed, and took many deep breaths to calm himself. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and went back to sleep. “Thank god that was just a dream.” He said to himself as he quickly fell asleep once more, as if nothing had ever happened.
0 notes
johnclapperne · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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ruthellisneda · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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almajonesnjna · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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joshuabradleyn · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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neilmillerne · 7 years
18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out
When you jump out of bed at the buzz of your 5:30 a.m. alarm for an early morning workout, eating breakfast might be the last thing on your mind. But after fasting all night, your energy stores are depleted — and the last thing you want to hear during a grueling workout is your stomach growl.
While simple carbohydrates found in sports drinks, energy gels and cereal provide a quick source of energy, they might not sustain you through a longer workout. Pairing these energy-boosting carbohydrates with a small amount of fat and protein is the best way to ensure sustained energy while working out. Adding in a dose of protein floods your bloodstream with amino acids right when you need them the most, allowing for muscle-building optimization. Healthy fats slow the digestion process, promoting a gradual release of energy throughout a longer workout.
The size of your pre-workout meal will vary depending on the length of your workout and your energy needs. Going for a long or high-intensity workout? Consider a more energy dense meal, but keep in mind it may take 3-4 hours to fully digest. A lower-intensity workout will require less energy. Aim for a small meal that can be digested in about 2–3 hours. But, if you’re working out early in the morning, you won’t have 2 hours to spare. Consider a blended option, such as a smoothie. They digest quickly because the blender has already done a lot of the work for your stomach. Another quick option is a 100–200 calorie snack (like many of the examples below); these will take you less than an hour to digest and won’t weigh you down.
Just can’t eat breakfast early in the morning? While you may be used to running on fumes, your performance may be suffering. Luckily, your gut can be trained to accept a light morning meal. Start small with a snack that will be easy on your stomach, such as a banana or a piece of toast. Gradually add onto this meal until your stomach can tolerate it. A little change in eating habits can make a huge difference in your performance!
If you’re ready to amp up your a.m. fuel, check out what dietitians eat before their morning workouts!
Fruit is a key RD go-to. (Are you surprised?) Tara Gidus Collingwood, MS, RDN, the sports dietitian for the Orlando Magic eats a half or full banana before she heads out for a morning run. Fruit, whether it is fresh, frozen or dried, has quickly digestible carbohydrates that can fuel a morning workout, and it offers a light option if you’re not an early morning eater. For a more filling alternative, Ashley Munro, RD, of A Pinch of Grace, likes to stuff 1–2 dates with 1 tablespoon almond butter “because it’s quick and easy on the stomach.”
If you’re heading out for a longer workout, you need enough fuel to sustain you. Pair a hearty homemade muffin, such as these Almond Butter Banana Oat Muffins, with a small smoothie or a fresh piece of fruit. Freeze these muffins and heat in the microwave or defrost on the countertop overnight for a grab-and-go breakfast.
You can’t go wrong with a classic bowl of warm oatmeal. Packed full of carbohydrates and fiber, oats will give you sustained energy throughout your morning workout. There are endless possibilities for mix-ins, including nuts and nut butters, dried or fresh fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Angie Asche, MS, RD,owner of Eleat Sports Nutrition, uses overnight oats as her go-to early morning pre-workout meal. Simply add oats, milk and a handful of berries or sliced banana to a sealed Mason jar. Place the jar in the fridge overnight for a quick breakfast in the morning. Need some inspiration? Give this High Protein Chocolate Banana Overnight Oats recipe a try.
Smoothies are both easy to make and full of the nutrients necessary for an intense workout. This Tropical Superfood Smoothie provides a boost of antioxidants from superfoods that aid in recovery from the natural stress of exercise. Smoothies can be as simple as a blend of fruit or can include protein powder and vegetables to provide nutrients from all food groups. Try adding Greek yogurt, chia seeds or nut butter. There are endless combinations to experiment with.
These bowls are similar to a smoothie except you can sit down and enjoy them with a spoon. Energy bowls are the perfect combination of energy-dense carbohydrates blended for easy digestion prior to a long workout. The easy preparation is an added bonus at 6 a.m. This Green Energy Bowl blends energizing carbohydrates with walnuts and chia seeds for sustained energy that provides a punch of protein.
Greek yogurt is ideal for athletes; it provides less added sugar (if you opt for plain) and is higher in protein than traditional yogurt, while also providing a great source of probiotics and bone-strengthening calcium. Parfaits are an optimal pre-workout snack that’s easy to digest while providing key nutrients from a variety of food groups. Try this Peach Parfait to energize your next early workout.  
Waffles are versatile and easy to prep ahead of time. Simply choose your favorite waffle base (such as bananas, protein powder or whole grains). You can even experiment with different types of flour, like coconut flour for a grain-free option. If you are gluten-free, check out these Gluten Free Blender Waffles. Freeze extras and pop them in the toaster on busy mornings.  
This breakfast staple can be made with a variety of grains to provide the carbohydrates needed to fuel your workout. If you don’t have time to sit down and eat them, they are easy to eat on the go, either plain or topped with a little nut butter. Check out this recipe for a Tart Cherry Greek Yogurt pancake that combines the recovery power of tart cherry juice with the protein boost of Greek yogurt. Jessica Levings, MS, RD, of Balanced Pantry, agrees. Her favorite pre-workout fuel is one homemade buckwheat pancake. “I make a big batch and freeze them so I can defrost a few at a time,” she says. “One gives me just enough energy for an hourlong run, plus it’s portable so I can eat it in the car on the way to meet my running buddy!”
This may sound like too much to handle in the early hours of the morning, but breakfast sandwiches are easy to prepare ahead of time, wrap and freeze. Don’t forget to add the veggies; this is an easy way to sneak in a handful of leafy greens or bell peppers. In the morning, simply unwrap your sandwich and microwave for 60–90 seconds.
Avocados in the morning? Yes! They are perfect to combine with whole-grain bread for long-lasting energy that won’t leave you feeling overfull. This Avocado Toast with Kale Sprouts adds the powerful nutrient boost of kale sprouts.
Have you seen this trendy new breakfast? Simply cut a sweet potato (round ones work best) into thin slices, then toast on high for 2–3 cycles. The sweet potato will be soft but not soggy and ready for your choice of toppings. Go sweet and add peanut butter, raisins or cinnamon. Or, try a savory version and top with an egg, avocado or cheese. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-workout pick because they are rich in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provide a boost of vitamin A.
Pizza for breakfast? Why not! Pizza has a carbohydrate-rich crust, and adding eggs, cheese and vegetables can make it a satisfying and tasty way to energize in the morning. Breakfast pizza can be prepared at the beginning of the week and portions can be reheated daily.
Energy bites are tasty and easy to grab if you are not a morning person. “I love energy bites before a morning workout,” says Edwina Clark, MS, RD. “They provide a little bit of protein and carbohydrate to fuel working muscles, without leaving you heavy and uncomfortable.” Have a sweet tooth? Here’s one of our favorite recipes for Cookie Dough Energy Bites.
Instead of swinging by the drive-thru for a fast breakfast option, why not make your own? Breakfast burritos are a quick and easy way to incorporate carbohydrates, protein and whatever else you would like into a hand-held, energy-packed option. They can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen, making them a convenient heat-and-go meal.
Make granola bars on the weekend then use all week. These Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Granola Bars are filled with lasting energy plus a recovery boost from the tart cherries. If you are a heavy sweater or do high-intensity workouts, you may benefit from the added sodium of these granola bars. To reduce your added sugar intake, try homemade granola. Grab a handful while running out the door, or add it on top of a yogurt parfait or an energy bowl. Here is a fun, breakfast-inspired recipe to try: Blueberry Muffin Granola.  
Cookies for breakfast? Don’t worry, these aren’t your typical chocolate chip treat. Breakfast cookies are typically lower in sugar and made with ingredients like whole-grain flour, oats, nuts and dried fruit to make a condensed, energy-packed snack.
Rice cakes topped with nut butter, banana and chia seeds are a complete and easy breakfast. This option combines all the good stuff dietitians love: whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein and fruit. “I always have two rice cakes with peanut butter, banana and a sprinkle of chia seeds about 45 minutes before a workout,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, of Bucket List Tummy. “It’s a great balance of carbs, with a tiny bit of protein to help sustain me but is easy on the digestive system.” She also adds 16 ounces of water.
To switch up your usual hot cereal routine, try quinoa instead. Quinoa provides the benefits of a whole grain with the added bonus of extra protein. It can be prepared similarly to oatmeal with your favorite add-ins, or you can get creative and try these Roasted Quinoa Stuffed Pears.
The post 18 Ways to Fuel for a 6 a.m. Workout: What Dietitians Eat Before They Work Out appeared first on Under Armour.
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opepin · 8 years
january: week two
09: i woke up when kevin got out of bed at around 10:30 am and then i stayed in bed until 12 pm. i made myself an egg mcmuffin (i’ve missed you) and then ate a kiwi. i organized all my receipts and my budget sheet, sent ashley a belated christmas present (so excited, zomg), paid off my chase credit card because the balance was annoying me, and then started applying to job again. oh, i called laura in the morning and she said there probably won’t be work until maybe march. so gg me. well, i’m okay for now and still motivated to look for another job. kevin got home a bit early, took a nap, and then i finished applying to a few jobs after my ms word updated. i looked for new recipes and looked at groupons while kevin made us sausage fried rice. i was worried about my part-time remote job as a mobile reviewer because i haven’t been notified of any tasks recently. i learned that i was supposed to check from now and yeah, luckily i had some and i did that after eating dinner.
we finally got to watch more supernatural. we watched three episodes! then kevin washed the dishes while i exercised. he showered and then started setting up this thing that turns your tv into a touch screen that he backe on indiegogo. it doesn’t really work so gg. we ended the night by playing ‘the witness’ together after i showered. we knocked out at 1 am.
10: lol i’m so behind on updating my tumblr. x__x; sigh. for some reason i couldn’t get up at a normal time today. i guess the lack of sleep and traveling from yesterday got to me. i eventually got up at 2 pm to make myself breakfast and then to figure out what i was going to do today. i mean there’s a lot of stuff, but i don’t feel 100% myself yet. i updated my tumblr, planned meals for the week, and wrote them out. then i did some cleaning and some tasks and munched on pork jerky. mmm. i took all of our luggage to the storage room and got ready to go grocery shopping. i missed bb and her smoothness while driving <3 kevin did too (he drove). we made all the stops: kam man, roche bros, and bj’s. we tried recycling all of our glass bottles at roche bros but they didn’t accept some so we had to throw them down the recycling chute at deco when we got back. we also spent too much time at bj’s (i thought we didn’t need a cart so kevin was holding 12 chicken thighs in his arms for way too long) because we couldn’t find the damn chia seeds LOL. 
we bought microwavable chicken masala and ate it with rice for dinner because it was kinda late when we got back. we watched supernatural and then i spent the rest of the night looking at recipes (michelle sent me a bomb af website; thanks, gurl) and talking to winston and ashley about job searching. winston might be able to refer me for a position so i’m excited. kevin and i went to sleep pretty late at around 2:30 am or 3 am because he stayed up gaming and i just stayed up because i could haha. 
11: i woke up at 12 pm again! woot. LOL. actually, i woke up at like 8 am and i felt good but it was too early so i went back to sleep. my stomach was also in some sort of pain so i tried sleeping it off. hmm. well, i ate some cereal and then went straight into applying for more jobs and did mobile review tasks. i actually got an email back from a company and i have a scheduled phone conversation for friday! i’m excited. (: i played some pokemon during the day and then went straight into my intense workout. it took me 30 extra minutes to do it because of rest time. my body is so out of shape right now :( it’s okay though because we just work through it again. your body won’t stay the same forever! haha. right after exercising, i started washing the dishes and cooking dinner. i made spicy coconut kale fried rice with sausage and red bell pepper all by myself today. it took forever to cut the veggies, but i have gotten better at cutting correctly! hehe. kevin got back when i finished prepping the veggies and then he went to shower while i finished cooking. it was a success! kevin did help put in soy sauce and chili sauce though :P
we watched two episodes of supernatural together and then he washed the dishes and went to play dota while i showered and then got a chance to do the book exchange thing on facebook, upload old af photos, and play some more pokemon before going to sleep. we munched on triscuits at like 1 am. x__x omg i need to stop snacking and maybe go to sleep earlier to prevent me from getting hungry! then we went to sleep at around 2:30 am again. haha we both need to start sleeping earlier, especially kevin because he has actual work. LOL. oh, vivian is planning to sleep over on the 28th and i also will skype with carolyn on friday! so exciting~
12: i was dead tired in the morning. i got up at 12 pm again. :P i ate cereal for breakfast, updated my tumblr, did mobile review tasks, and answered my messages on facebook for the book exchange. i was pretty productive. i applied to a few more jobs and filled the humidifier and then talked with some people on facebook and played pokemon for the rest of the day. it was nice. kevin got back early so we watched an episode of supernatural! then i did some cardio before heading out to deco’s trivia night in our lounge. we thought there was going to be real food but it was just snacks so i didn’t eat much. i also got this flavored sparkling water that tasted like alka-seltzer...never again. x_x kevin and i teamed up with two ladies who live in the apartment as well. our group name was floor 2245 and we won second place with 81 points to another group that had 84 points! one of our team mates had some kind of genius-level memory for shows and entertainment and actors and movies. it was crazy! hehe it was nice being kind of social today, but we still felt a bit awkward after the game ended.
we headed back and ate actual dinner while watching another episode of supernatural. then i did more cardio to finish off my workout and spent like 40 minutes to an hout stretching and foam rolling. MY LEGS ARE SO FLIPPING TIGHT :( my right quad hurt so much after and i think i made it worse because it started hurting when i bent my knee. i massaged it out more so it’s a bit better, but yeah, after stretching, i feel sore and in pain. i can’t wait for our massage on saturday. x__x i showered and then played some pokemon with kevin before heading to sleep at 2:30 am again LOL.
13: i actually woke up when kevin did and i was awake! i rolled around in bed until 10:30 am though. i got a message from apple saying someone was using my old email to sign into icloud...uhhh...so i decided to contact apple to close that account. it turned into a 2 hour conversation and i shared my screen and everything. he couldn’t verify me as the owner of the account through apple protocols so he said he would call me back tomorrow and see if adding my phone number does anything... i was going to call yahoo to deactivate my old email but then decided against another long af phone call and just turned off forwarding to my gmail account. then i did my daily tasks of applying to jobs, mobile task reviews, and updating my tumblr. i had a phone call with a potential employer at 1 pm and it went pretty well! the person i talked to was super nice and i could tell we connected over design and i felt excited about his work because he was really good at explaining his work and was pumped about it too. the next step is meeting team members next week (: i’m excited.
then i played some pokemon and watched some youtube videos until it was time to video chat with carolyn! i haven’t talked to her in forever! it was so nice just talking to her and updating her x__x there was so much to update her about my life haha. we bonded over apartment life, cooking, and just being confused about life right now. carolyn gets it when i talk about a simple outlook on life like living in a cottage in a small forest near a small cute town LOL. i hope i get to video chat with her more often now~ then i got a job referral from winston for ibm. thanks, bro <333 i hope things just work out in my career life haha. kevin got back pretty early and then i think we just ko’d for a few hours on the bed. we just both fell asleep?! our sleep schedules are so messed up... he really needed a nap. we woke up at like 8 pm and then cooked dinner. kevin made beef & tofu stir fry and we ate that while watching some supernatural. after sitting and playing pokemon for a bit, i decided to exercise. i just did arms and not too intense cardio because my stomach was really full. we took out the garbage after and i showered, played pokemon, watched ‘cooks vs. cons’ and we ended up sleeping at around 4 am. well, i ko’d before kevin because he had to wash dishes and shower. lol that nap really messed with us. xP
14: because we slept so late, we got up just in time to eat breakfast and get ready to leave for our massage! the apple advisor called me back and said it didn’t work and i just told him that it was alright...i guess haha. as we drove to the location, i noticed that the neighborhood got a bit shadier and shadier. the day spa was literally an apartment building and it was locked when we got there? but there was a candle lit and everything. x__x so we checked the alternative location, which was less than a block down but it said they relocated to the first location we went to. so we called and then i went into the next door store to ask, which was also pretty shady. it was like a family antique/thrift store... the owner eventually told me that she was there and she should still be there. after waiting 10-15 minutes, the masseuse opened the door for us and then told us we were supposed to be there at 2 pm? but then i told her that we had a 1 pm appointment for two people (one after another) and then she explained to us how she tried to contact us and rebook because her secretary double booked her...wut. -__-” it took me forever to book an appointment because i was basically playing phone tag with her for a month or so.
she felt bad and said she would come in tomorrow (they aren’t open tomorrow) and would upgrade us to hot stones. we agreed and then drove back and ate leftovers for lunch while watching two episodes of supernatural. then kevin went climbing and i decided to work out while watching ‘a series of unfortunate events’ on netflix. it was similar to the movie, but better in a sense. i feel like i need to get deeper into the series because the movie covered all of the beginning. i played pokemon after and then kevin came back, showered, and played on his computer for a while. then kevin started making the ratatouille spaghetti for dinner and i helped him after my shower. it turned out pretty good -- would taste better with mushrooms and more sauce though. we watched two more episodes of supernatural and then he went to play dota. i watched ‘cooks vs. cons’ while playing more pokemon. i got a call from the day spa earlier in the evening telling us that she can’t meet with us tomorrow due to insurance issues so we could rebook for february 18th -____-” uhhh.... she’ll call me back on tuesday to see if we want to do that, but i contacted groupon right away. they said that they can’t refund me, but i sent another email back demanding credit or a refund because they refunded another person on yelp! me and kevin are thirsty af for a massage so we’ll try booking somewhere nearby tomorrow and see. anyway, we eventually went to sleep at 2 or 3 am...
15: i set an alarm to wake up and call the thai massage wellness place we wanted to check out today. i did just that and we managed to get a couple’s massage at 5 pm (: woot! this place is also close by unlike the other one... we cuddled in bed a little longer and then we got hungry haha. i just ate cereal while kevin microwaved some leftover ratatouille pasta for brunch. we watched supernatural for a while and then kevin went to play some skyrim. kevin tried playing it on the steam controller with the tv, but it didn’t feel 100% right and he didn’t want to practice doing it so he left and played on the computer. i was playing pokemon and then i decided to work out before our massage. i did abs while watching ‘a series of unfortunate events’ and then i did cardio. i showered right after and ate a late lunch. kevin was in the middle of a dota game when it was 4:30 pm and i freaked because i didn’t want to be late and he said it would take 15 minutes to drive there...which it didn’t. LOL. he rechecked and told me it was 5 minutes, but he also still needed to change and eat as well. so he did that and then we were off!
this massage was in and out, but probably one of the best massages i’ve ever gotten. they were really quick and the ambiance was half-nice. it wasn’t cheap feeling like the one we got before with the groupon (when my massage table was cold af). kevin was breathing real hard and it wasn’t until the end that i found out that his masseuse was walking on his back o__o” he said his calves were weak after that. my masseuse did trigger point therapy (i believe) on my back. she took a long af time on my back because i guess it’s real messed up LOL. she like “popped” all these trigger points on my shoulder and they hurt but felt so good. we’re definitely gonna come back. (: i’m glad we finally found a couple’s massage spot that we both enjoy. after the massage, we went to roche bros to buy fruit, english muffins, and some snacks. then we went to kam man to get other fruit and kevin also bought snacks and some choya beverage. we got back, ate leftovers for dinner while watching supernatural, did laundry, kevin packed for san francisco tomorrow, and then i played pokemon while kevin played dota. we stayed up again but slept at 2 am. we were also super munchy. i think it’s because we stay up too long x__x; so we snacked a bit and then kevin watched an episode of ‘cooks vs. cons’ with me in the bed. oh! i also finally beat the elite four today. yay! i can finally get on with filling up the rest of my pokedex. i’m at 84% or less or something like that. hehe.
i think i’m a bit homesick? i miss going to places with my friends. even though going back to chicago was exhausting, i wish i had a bit of that here. the girls want to go to bombobar and at first i was like meh it’s whatever but i think it got to me because i think i’m really craving sugar and their company and just going out to places so i told kevin and he said that we can find a dessert place and go together too and snap them LOLOLOL. my boyfriend knows how to make me feel better...i guess? ahahha. <3
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