#lucir is one of my fav characters to go on about she has such depth in her
pulledrosepetals · 6 years
Lucirae during season 1?
“I shouldn’t have accepted the task.
When Aeliarth brought my letter to me, read the senders name and first two paragraphs as I was taking off my gloves. (From working on the Dragon Chaos Magic corruption purification project on risen parts. Not so glorious work but it has it’s good sides in results)
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The way she sounded excited, so curious, so confused, affected me a great deal too. Even just getting a letter from The Lion’s Arch council was a big deal, but they were specifically asking for me for the job. I squinted at the name back then, Ellen Kiel. I think back then the results of the voting hadn’t reached my camp in Orr yet. But to be fair, even I liked my job, I was rather eager for a change like others. Aeli’s excited cheer made me even more sure I would take a break from my current project. It had started to look like something what would clear itself up more with time.
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The fact they needed me, made the pride in me swell. Was she familiar with my work? I wasn’t sure so that evening I wrote a letter back to her. Next day evening, I was ready to leave for Lion’s Arch. To study Thaumanova Reactor’s accident in The Fractals of the Mists…
Even we succeeded at the task. All the knowledge got sucked into me. Making me ever so large curiosity for mystery grow bigger and bigger. I had heard of Scarlet Briar before. All her chaotic accidents reaching up to Orr too. Who wouldn’t have had heard of her campaign by then? But then suddenly , I was involved in the task taking her down. It felt like a big mystery, and I was in solving it. I had to know more. It was like a fun game where I felt like an investigator. Even though Marjory Delaqua was the expert of the field, even she contacted me for what I had found out. She called me a commander, pointing at my work. How could I turn down her request when we both were studying the same person?More and more I learned about the red leaf sylvari, more I felt like stuck in the void of finding out more. I couldn’t stop.
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Even all the headache I got from Scarlet studying her footsteps and deep source of her own research, it was nothing next to when I found out who she used to be. I knew her. Ceara. She was also a secondborn like me. Even she was one of the few who I related to during the time I spent in Grove. She was not the same person. But I felt some weird sense of pride, and envy in me. How much she had accomplished. How brilliant she was. If there was still Ceara left in her, I would love to speak with her. What all about is in her mind? What she saw? What more she knows? I want to know too. What else she was trying to reject besides Pale Tree…? That questions my mind to the brink of madness. I feel so related to her but what is with her?
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Junhart was having none of this. He got mad, really mad. I haven’t seen such look in his eyes before. After I spoke to him about how geniuses like Scarlet know so much by herself only compared to others. How brilliant she is and even a sylvari like me. She is like me. I relate to her in such odd level. I haven’t felt like part of anything in such a long time. He growled at me. Glaring at me hoping I would leave these thoughts. Like my life depended on it. He said I was losing my mind with this project and I should drop it that moment. He truly hurt me. But I was not going to sit there and let him yell at me for losing myself. This was my field of expertise and I was called for it.
I do regret it now. I said things I shouldn’t have. I haven’t seen him since. For years we have been working together. Seeing each other almost daily basis for work or just because he likes to drag me out. But now… Life feels so much emptier without him. What he said, that I need to get other friends, is.. perhaps true now. I don’t think I have any anymore.
But that aside. Tomorrow Majory Delaqua has requested to have a hologram call with me. Priory has sent the resources to her to Divitiny’s Reach. She wants to hear my word and theories, connecting the dots between all what Scarlet has been doing.I have work to do. I am going to finish this project. I cannot rest until I find out the truth. I am not sure do I call this fire in me an obsession or passion, but either way. Scarlet is going down and she is not taking her secrets with her.“
–Lucirae’s Diary, 1327 AE
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Sorry this took a while! I had to look closely more into LWS1 to get some parts right since I didn’t play the game back then. Glad there is this amazing video on youtube to recap the whole lws1 story!Also thanks for @derpgarden for letting me borrow Aeli! She’s one of Lucir’s oldest and dearest friends even she’s such a mom friend to her haha
That to a side, instead of a scene I wrote a part of her diary, her battling with herself and her thoughts by herself before the worst is to come in Scarlet’s campaign. Explains more what was her role during the whole season, since she wasn’t a big of a commander back then. But slowly growing into one. I hope you all like it and sorry for the lenghty text :D I sorta get carried away when writing her diaries. They’re so much of fun!
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