#lucifer x eve
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divine0rdainment · 10 months ago
Lucifer: Being bi isn't a choice...
Lucifer, Holding up Lilith, Eve, and Adam with two hands: BUT IT IS A GAME AND IM FUCKING WINNING!!!!
Lilith: *Blushing*
Adam: *Sputtering at being lifted up with one hand*
Eve: *very confused what is happening*
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hydrajones · 2 months ago
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anonymouscheeses · 10 months ago
The Morningstar family :)
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First off, king of hell himself, Lucifer! I incorporated all of the animals he transformed into in the battle with Adam scene(goat, horse, snake, and duck but i wont include duck since hes obsessed already) Because I kept looking up what animals lucifer has been depicted as and was like, yeah nvm let's jst use this one scene and call it a day. His wings are black instead of white with black tips to further imply lil bro is a fallen angel. Made him doll-like to be similar to his daughter a bit but also they aren't freaking carbon copies of eachother, she is unique I swear guys. He's also not an all powerful being, he has limits, he gets tired quickly and his physical strength is LOW ASF he cannot throw a punch for the life of him. Personality wise, he is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful. But it's okay cuz he's silly 😐 /j he is super different, and it takes years for Charlie and him to be on speaking terms. He's trying, but is that enough?
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Lillith!!! The first succubi, from what I know. I didnt include succubi features because I'm an idiot and forgot that was a concept. Sure it may not be canon anymore, or at all maybe, but I would've liked to make it true ☹️ there's not alot known about her in the show and we don't know why she is in heaven (if that's even her tbh). So once we know I'll either rewrite that or keep it as it is, not sure. But this Lillith does own Alastor's soul, she knows that he is one of the most unusual and powerful sinner in hell, so once she flees to heaven she gains his soul to keep an eye on Charlie, in return she gives him influence over hell(being that she influences hell with her voice) The radio station and all, since that's pretty much all he wants. He gives her info on the hotel's progress and how Charlie is doing, she just wants to be there. Personality is uh, calm, ambitious, and generous, yet negatively she is strict and wants things her way. She is the one closest to Charlie and very dear to her, which is why Charlie always tries to call her instead of Eve or Lucifer. Even though Charlie knows now she won't pick up the phone anymore, maybe ever again. It still comforts her to call anyways.
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Lastllyy, Eveeee!! She's a pretty silly lil gal. She ate the apple of knowledge, so she was cursed to forever be reminded of it when she sees her tail. Oh yeah, they are also all married! Lillith's ring is under her glove. Anyway, she is pretty powerful despite her having no demon form. She already looks demon enough to fit in. So she does, she goes into pentagram city often and creates bonds with the people. Some know she is Eve and some just see her as a friendly yet powerful individual. Her magic is similar to Charlie's, she got the fireworks coming out of her finger from Eve, and they both can heal their body parts. Charlie doesn't know it because she hasn't needed to yet. Eve uses her charm to be friends with the people of hell, Lillith uses it to gain an army for the fight against heaven, Lucifer couldn't care less and coops himself up in his castle. Personality wise, she is very golden retriever, peaceful, and honest, yet also neglectful being that she spends time with demons rather than her own daughter. (She's barely there with Charlie even before she disappeared along with Lillith. But when they moved to the hotel she tried to make up for it.)
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She regretted the marriage. For years.
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The potential of Lillith angst is immeasurable, it's painful. Imagine being the first woman, forced into a marriage with a controlling man, falling in love with an angel, the other angels forbidding that, you both try to get Eve to join your relationship, she takes the apple but evil and such take over the world, and then because of your lover's dreams you are all sent to hell. Freaking horrible.
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Demon forms!! Charlie gained Lillith's demon form, but I may give her dragon wings to make up for it. Messy doodle I knowww *sob*. Eve doesn't have one because the elder angels stripped that away form her because they were terrified of all of them having stronger forms. They are also ALL cursed with different features. Soo uh, Lucifer has one red eye to remind him of his evil side, he also has all sort of animal details and doll features because he's a mess and a control freak! :3 Lillith has horns, hooves, and a tail because she joined the devil. Eve is blind, the angels ripped her eyes out because she dares to willingly see the devil and his bride, she has wings on each side of her head because she was also a fallen angel(it was hell, because she was unhappy in being Adam's wife, it was temporary as she made herself go to hell instead of being kicked out.) She has a snout and ears too, cuz goat, and a tail with a shape of an apple at the end. Eve was done the worse oh lawwdd 😭😭
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BABY CHARLIE!! She at one point HAD to have worn overalls. Right? PLEASE?? I don't know how to draw toddlers bear with me here.
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Emo Charlie! Yayy.... she got her period so now she's an adult. 💀 little does she know it's actually a trauma response to being neglected so she tries to get attention by being weird!! 😃👍 (I ruined emo Charlie now)
(I have no idea how to do aesthetics... I'm in pain.)
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When I said Lucifer is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful, I meant it. He's a horrible person. But he's trying to be better. That doesn't make him good nor excuse his behavior, he deserves the consequences. Which is why I don't like Lucifer in the show. He is NOT a good person but in one episode he is deprived from the karma of YEARS of neglect and shame. He just says "oh ill support you now" despite two episodes later the message is that actions speak louder than words which only applies to Vaggie for some reason. Why is Lucifer all of a sudden the exception? Oh right cuz he's a silly dad with depression so it's fine(Sorry but this genuinely pisses me off). And people in the fandom have demonized Charlie for being "mean" to him, when she is honestly so valid for reacting like that. The thing is, I don't hate Lucifer. Which is why I hate him if that makes sense. I hate that I like a character that shouldn't be liked yet. This should have been an arc for season 2. This scene should have been the start of the journey. The scene I drew out above is in ep 5 and it's the only interaction they get (it replaces the more than anything scene)
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Charlie has no idea how humans/sinners work. She likes to observe them but never quite gets the purpose of their actions. She's emotionally unintelligent like in the show. Which lemme just say, is a FLAW. Characters have FLAWS PEOPLE. If I see another person shaming her for indirectly hurting Angel in episode 4 I'm going to lose it 🥰 she doesn't get emotions, she doesn't understand how people work, because she's been in isolation her entire 200+ years of living maybe less. But still this is all new to her and she is not at fault at all for that (im projecting probably) 🙄 (this is before Vaggie is revealed to be a fallen angel ofc). She's so in awe at her people, it's like a new world and she just wants to understand. It's kinda creepy but y'know it's a Charlie thing. Vaggie also is emotionally unintelligent but that's because she never used to focus on relationships or bonding. Which causes bad communication and problems between the two, YAY DEVELOPMENT!!
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Idk bro I just wanted to draw her full demon form again. Uhh from the last time I drew I gave her... a new outfit, darker fur to match her skin, uhh, and dragon wings. Ya thas all but I like this one so much more already lmao. I got the fire hair idea because when she gets angry in the show(+pilot) her hair would defy gravity and it would remind me of yknow.. fire.
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They're first meeting went swell! Unlike Lucifer and Vaggie's... but that's for later. Emily grew up afraid of hell but especially Lucifef and turning out the way he did. She still is but she's getting used to having the monster of her bed time stories be a short gummy bear. (Takes place when Charlie and Lucifer are in... better terms I guess) Also, Vaggie and Lucifer's first meet? Not great. Let's just say... Vaggie replaced Alastor and it become "Hell's Greatest Pal" or somthn like that. But yeah, Lucifer didn't really like Vaggie, not because she's a woman n homophobia hellll no his wives are wives, but because he didn't think she was good enough for her. Being a sinner n all. He's a hypocrite like that 😭 plus, he knew Vaggie was a fallen angel but he's not a monster so he didn't say anything. Just passively jabbing at the fact she is in the song to make her scared.
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And one last doodle before I sign off!
These six bro... my absolute favorites <3 if you want please send in a request of them and their relationships I'm so desperate I love them sm (especially chaggily butttt lucifers stolen wives(that's the ship name I made 😭) too)
I hope you liked my rambel... my rewrite.... my redesigns.... and my stupidness... have a great day lmao
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gmuffinhead · 1 year ago
here me out
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thefrogswhospoke · 1 year ago
gotta be honest rn, the only ship in Hazbin Hotel that has a chokehold on me is Lucifer x Lilith, Lucifer x Eve, and Lucifer x Adam because it's hilarious to me that after bagging both the first and second women lucifer would think to himself "nah. Gotta go 3 for 3. Finish the set" and would then pursue the first man as well. Like, he would not stop until he got with all three of the original humans
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bloogers-boogers · 1 month ago
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The exes are shit talking again
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year ago
Some Forbidden Fruits headcanons cause I love them
It actually started with Eve and Lilith. They quickly developed a very deep connection because of their shared experiences and began just talking and taking moonlit walks together
Eventually Eve began talking walks with just Lucifer too, because they wanted to get to know each other better. As the second male she’d ever met, Eve was really curious about how different Luci was from Adam
Eve is the one who came up with the nickname “LuLu” for Lucifer.
Lucifer and Lilith came up with “Evie” for Eve in the middle of a jinx
Lucifer likes to joke about how he has two apples of his eye
Back in Eden, Eve would make drawings in the dirt of Lucifer and Lilith while they posed
Both Lilith and Eve can sing, but their voices are very different. Lilith’s is loud and powerful, while Eve’s is softer and sweeter. Lucifer finds them both utterly enchanting
In hell, Eve has tons and tons of sketchbooks full of doodles of Lucifer and Lilith
Not even Charlie knows, but Lucifer once made a rubber duck that looks like Eve. He doesn’t look at it much cause seeing it makes him cry
Lilith can never look at a sunset without being reminded of Eve. Sunsets have always been Eve’s favorite
The apple was actually an attempt at giving Eve enough free will to leave Adam for good to she could run away with Lucifer and Lilith and the three of them could be happy together
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chibiuniverse2000 · 6 months ago
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✨My designs for Eve and Angel Lucifer🌹
Currently calling this The Path to Retribution AU, it’s basically my own rewrite AU featuring a retelling of the creation of humanity, starting with Eve being Lucifer’s accidental creation and Lucifer never developing wings.
Eve’s Creation:
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hazbinrarepairs · 11 months ago
Rarepair Quiz Part.8
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cosmonadarovicarts · 1 year ago
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Eve when she fell into Hell
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oreoishii · 1 year ago
My brain everytime I see someone shipping Lucifer with Lilith and Eve and also Adam: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!!!!!!
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divine0rdainment · 9 months ago
Angel: So, who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Lucifer: Neither, I'm the bacon in a First Humans sandwitch!
Adam: *Bursts in to laughter*
Eve: W-wait, then what am I?
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themosthatedbeingg · 6 months ago
“Stop asking me if my wife is single .. you guys know I have a crush on her !!”
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thesupernaturalhouse · 10 months ago
What am I doing with lilith never in the hazbins fallen au?
Charlie: so like.....do you know where mom and momma went??
Lucifer: oh! Yeah their off committing war crimes against heaven, oooo was that??
Charlie eyes dart back and forth:....what??
Charlie:.....dad?? Dad what- what does that- what????
Lucifer has forgotten: what?
Yeah so, basically Eve is posing as Lilith so heaven doesn't get alarmed at her sudden disappearance, while Lilith plans.....something against heaven
Why they aren't worried about eve? Well, she's not as powerful as Lilith, therefore, less of a threat
They only really worry about Lilith for some reason; probably cause all the fear heaven has of hell is via Adam and so...well, bias
Now, why are they, well, tehcnically only Lilith, planning war crimes? I don't know. I haven't figured that out yet!!
One idea I had is that they threatened Charlie in some way, out of fear, so lilith/eve/lucifer didn't try anything on heaven ground hence why lilith only left once Charlie was an adult
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hazbininlove · 1 year ago
Before my brain caught up, I started working on the Lucifer x Reader!Eve x Lilith smut one shot and it’s turning out a lot more angsty than I originally thought so maybe this won’t be a oneshot.
Idk would you guys prefer a fic with a few chapters or a really long oneshot? Let me know.
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creamecream · 4 months ago
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Pose found on Pinterest.
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