#lucifer and michael being identical twin brothers
kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
*Charlie was surprised when Emily messaged her to say that Heaven allowed Charlie to come and have a sleepover with her, it was even more exciting ever since she found out that Emily was her cousin, after seeing some of the sights that she didn’t get to see the last time, they arrived back her home, it was very nice but seemed rather sterile like Sera herself, though Charlie didn’t have that positive of an opinion the leader of the Seraphim Council after what Adam had said about her, she looked up and saw Emily come from the kitchen with homemade chocolate chip cookies*
Emily: How is Adam doing on his rehabilitation?
Charlie: Honestly it is going great, for someone who used to say Hell is forever, he has really taken quite well to the hotel and most of the residents there. I heard he used to babysit you when you were growing up.
Emily: He did, dad picked him for the job because of his experience as a parent and since dad trained him to be a warrior, he saw Adam as someone he could trust. Mom didn’t like it because of his taste in music and as she put it, his corrupting attitude. But when he was with me, he was really sweet. We would play with dolls and he gave them funny voices and I was able to convince him to let me paint his nails pastel pink even though I knew he didn’t like the color. He basically became like an older brother to me and I miss him.
*Charlie liked hearing about this kinder side in Adam that she didn’t realize existed until he had to become a guest at the hotel, he came a long way from the man that used to frighten her, Charlie was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the door open, the man that walked in made her jaw drop, his angelic robes were in the dark colors that only warrior angels were allowed to wear, but what shocked her the most was his face, this man looked exactly like Lucifer and he even had the large red circles on his cheeks which Charlie had also learned was the mark of an archangel, the angel even had Lucifer’s height and thin frame, the only differences were that his eyes were blue and he didn’t have fangs*
Emily: Daddy.
*Emily got up and ran towards the man to hug him, the stoic look on this man’s face softened and he gave Emily a gentle smile, Emily then led the man to Charlie*
Emily: Charlie, this is my dad, Michael, the leader of the archangels and commander of Heaven’s armies. He is the greatest warrior angel in all of Heaven.
Michael: Hello Charlie, it is very nice to meet you. I look at you and see so much of my brother in you.
*if another angel had said that to Charlie, she would have thought that they were insulting her, but Michael seemed to be actually complimenting her*
Michael: How is my brother doing?
Charlie: He is doing quite well, for a long time he had been depressed because mom left him. But he is doing better ever since Adam came to the hotel.
Michael: I never liked Lilith all that much and I told him as much when he told me he was helping her leave Eden. But she did mother a good kid from what I can see. I should get dinner started.
*Charlie didn’t know what to say, she felt like she should defend her own mother, but she could see why Michael wouldn’t like the woman who convinced an angel to leave Heaven*
Emily: Daddy never talks about Uncle Lucifer, but I can tell he misses him and it was brave of him to ask you about him.
Charlie: He doesn’t seem to like my mom at all.
Emily: No, aside from the whole leaving Eden, Lilith was cruel to Adam and told lies about him that persist to this day.
*Charlie was taken aback by hearing this, Adam never mentioned these things about Lilith, her mom always seemed kind to her and it seemed like she was seeing a newer side to her mom that was kind of dark, but then again she always wondered why her mom just left her and her dad like she did and if she even missed them*
Charlie: I love my mom very much, but I don’t know how a loving mother did those things I hear about her doing and if it is wrong for me to still love her, but I also think it might be for the best for her to not return. I am even now thinking that Adam is a better romantic partner for dad since he understands loneliness and I don’t think he will leave him even after he becomes an angel again.
Emily: There is nothing wrong with feeling conflicted. I love my parents dearly, but I wish that they would publicly acknowledge me as their child.
*in the kitchen Michael heard everything that was said and placed his face in his hands knowing that Emily was right, it was unfair, but no one knew how the rest of Heaven would feel about a pair of angels making a child when angels were usually created, he feared how some orthodox angels would react since Lucifer was banished for acting upon his unorthodox beliefs*
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bloogers-boogers · 5 months
Hi, I'm the one who sent you the Forbidden Power AU and I did Intentionally send it to you because I love you're art I must have clicked be anonymous by mistake because I was rushing to finish before work sorry. And this AU was supposed to be Michael giving into his Desires Has he been keeping suppressions sins the day he was made....so what if he used that power to bring Adam back but the edon Adam, and it was so easy to that it makes Michael question what was the point in everything Edon Adam the sweetheart was doing his best to make his angel happy by telling him about animals despite the Sorrowful realization at least he has the Adam in his true form.
I also made you a Michael to use it's not done but he looks like how I think you wanted him One of the main things I did was made him different from Lucifer, not a Clone or twin
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Thank you!!💖💖💕
I can imagine Eden Adam being so confused because he's with among the angels while being a simple human. I wonder if Michael shelters him even if heaven is safe, he's like "I need someone to keep an I on my human while I work/go to a meeting" then looks at Gabriel and tosses him the responsibility with the threat of his life "you were once the angel to guide humans, now I want you to guide Adam through Heaven and back to my palace. If and only IF you fail I will evaporate you on the spot. No brother of mine deserves to live a eternity of paradise if they're unable to keep one soul intact." I do feel bad for Eden Adam, like imagine just being created cause an angel couldn't let go of you... It's also kinda sad from Michael's part... What's the lore on this? Like did he loved Adam from the very beginning? Or was Adam originally interested in Lucifer to notice Michael?😭😮‍💨
And about your design, I Love it!! Soo— I actually have various versions of Michael it's literally depends on the au, so far I have four (the crazy one, the sweet but flirty/tease one, the fallen one, and the nervous/tired/ stressed one!) I literally went to my folders to see how many drawings I have of him and was surprised to find plenty ajbswkhsiwshwi but yeahh, depending the au I change Michaels but they're always similar to Lucifer cause I'm just a sucker for them being almost identical
So I made yours a added addition to my folder thank u!! I love many versions of Michael. I dunno why but I have a feeling your Michael is waaaaaay more taller than my Michael (and technically Lucifer)
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anonymousewrites · 7 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter Five
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Teen! Reader
Chapter Five: I’m Still Pissed At You
Summary: The real Lucifer makes a visit.
            “So you’re telling me that my dickhead twin showed up on Earth, assumed my identity, and then wreaked all sorts of havoc on my life?” said Lucifer, eyes narrowing as he recapped what Amenadiel had explained to him.
            “That about covers it, yes,” said Amenadiel. “But he also ended up in a fight with (Y/N), and he’s…pretty angry that it didn’t go his way.”
            “Serves him right, trying to hurt my kid,” said Lucifer, fury rising within him at the idea of (Y/N) being injured in any way, least of all by his brother who had tried to be him. Taking a deep breath, he glared at Amenadiel. “And you came down here to tell me this, why? Just to torture me? Though this is the appropriate place for it.”
            He couldn’t leave Hell. As much as Lucifer wanted to fly up to Earth and hold (Y/N) and protect them from all harm, he couldn’t leave Hell without a warden. That would put (Y/N) in just as much danger.
            Amenadiel coughed. “Yeah, is there somewhere else we can talk?” He glanced awkwardly at the man crying in the circus cage, some bizarre Hell-torture-tactic.
            “I don’t like having private conversations in the hallways, and Kenneth doesn’t mind, do you, Kenny?” said Lucifer.
            Poor Kenneth rocked back and forth. “It’s not funny. It’s not funny!”
            “No,” said Lucifer. “No, it certainly isn’t.” He scowled. “My slopey-shouldered brother is pulling a prank hardly worthy of Saved by the Bell in order to humiliate me.”
            “This isn’t about you, Lucy,” said Amenadiel. “Michael threatened Charlie. He threatened (Y/N).” He knew that would do it.
            Lucifer froze. “I thought you said they had a fight.”
            “They did,” said Amenadiel. “But I confronted him afterwards. He threatened to tell Heaven about Charlie and (Y/N) being part-Celestial so they would be taken to the Silver City.”
            “Michael’s…He’s always been all bark and no bite,” said Lucifer, mostly to try to comfort himself.
            “He tried to hurt (Y/N). I think we both know he’s moved beyond that,” said Amenadiel.
            Persing his lips, Lucifer nodded. Amenadiel was, unfortunately, correct. Michael had stepped over a line. He had actively put (Y/N) in danger.
            “Well, then, give him a good kick in the pants, too, and he’ll stop,” said Lucifer. “He always goes and sulks after that.”
            “That’s not going to do it this time,” said Amenadiel. “Things have…changed up in Heaven.”
            Furrowing his brow, Lucifer gazed at Amenadiel as his brother continued.
            “Last time I was there, Michael had managed to seat himself at Father’s right hand,” explained Amenadiel.
            “So…Dad’s talking to him?” Lucifer blinked.
            “No,” said Amenadiel. “No, he’s talking to Father, but he’s the only one. Nobody else in the Silver City has a line to Him. Nobody, and Michael has seen to it.”
            “Michael? Weaselly, cowardly Michael?” said Lucifer. He scoffed. “Now suddenly the power behind the throne?
            “Without being able to speak to Michael, who know?” said Amenadiel. “But he is stronger than you think, Lucy. His fight against (Y/N) proved that, even if they did well. Michael’s become—” he shook his head “—untouchable in the Silver City.”
            “If I didn’t want (Y/N) as far from the Silver City as power, I’d say to let them loose up there to see who’s untouchable,” said Lucifer, heart aching at the idea of getting to see (Y/N) in their chaotic moment. He cleared his throat. “But he’s not in the Silver City now, is he? So…” He squared his shoulders and made his decision. “Excuse me while I go touch him.”
            Amenadiel started. “What?”
            “It’s a poor choice of words, I know,” said Lucifer, heading towards the door.
            “Wait, where are you going? Hell needs a warden,” said Amenadiel.
            “You can hold down the fort while I’m gone,” said Lucifer.
            “I don’t know how to do that,” said Amenadiel. “Lucy—”
            Lucifer turned on Amenadiel and narrowed his eyes. “Michael threatened my child. I’m going up to check on the situation and them.”
            Amenadiel nodded quickly. “Right. Got it.”
            Lucifer left the room and slammed the door shut behind him.
            The penthouse elevator doors opened, and Lucifer stepped out. He looked around at the unchanged—other than a replaced table from (Y/N)’s fight with Michael—rooms. It was still his and (Y/N)’s home. He smiled.
            “Holy shit.”
            Lucifer turned and saw Em. They were standing, eyes wide, in the hall leading from (Y/N) and Em’s floor.
            “You—How—What—” stammered Em. She knew it wasn’t Michael, not after what (Y/N) had done to him. This was Lucifer.
            “I’m here,” said Lucifer. “Amenadiel is keeping an eye on things.”
            “…(Y/N)’s not…They’re pissed,” said Em.
            “Well, I imagined they would be,” said Lucifer, grimacing. He was…scared to face them. (Y/N) was terrifying, and if (Y/N) didn’t forgive him…Lucifer wasn’t sure what he’d do.
            “I’m going to leave until you two talk it out,” said Em, walking into the elevator. “Tell (Y/N) I’m not coming back unless they actually talk to you.”
            “They won’t want to hear that,” said Lucifer, eyes widening.
            “Your problem,” said Em as the doors shut.
            Well, she’s spent too much time around (Y/N) and gotten their attitude, thought Lucifer. Em’s loyalty was with (Y/N) more than their King of Hell now.
            Squaring his shoulders, Lucifer walked down towards (Y/N)’s room. He was scared of their anger, scared of their disappointed, but he was eager to see them again. He’d take any wrath as long as he got to see them again. (Y/N) was his kid. That was what mattered.
            He knocked on the door, and it swung open.
            “What is it, Em—” (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they let go of the door handle.
            “(Y/N).” Lucifer felt pure joy upon seeing (Y/N)’s face. His kid was here. He was with them. He didn’t need anything else.
            “It’s…It’s actually you,” said (Y/N). He had no scar. This was really Lucifer.
            He smiled, and the gentleness of his gaze made it true. “It’s me.”
            “You—How?” said (Y/N).
            “Amenadiel is keeping an eye on things,” said Lucifer. “I think that’ll work for a bit.”
            (Y/N) stepped back. “So you’re leaving again.”
            “I have to,” said Lucifer. “For you.” It broke his heart to admit it, but he spoke the truth to (Y/N). “But…I’m here now.”
            “Why?” (Y/N) was filled with anger and sadness, but at Lucifer’s honesty, at his true care and affection, anguish won out, and tears collected in the corners of their eyes.
            “Because Michael hurt you,” said Lucifer. “And I needed to know if you were alright.”
            “I won the fight,” said (Y/N).
            Lucifer stepped forward. “Yes, but are you alright?”
            (Y/N) let out a small sob, and tears began to fall down their face. Instantly, Lucifer reached out and pulled them into a hug. (Y/N) wasn’t alright.
            “I thought it was you,” sobbed (Y/N). “And then I thought you didn’t care that you left. You didn’t care that you abandoned me.”
            “I care. I swear I care. It hurts so much when I have to be apart from you,” said Lucifer, holding them. “You’re my kid. You’re my child. I love you so much.”
            (Y/N) sobbed, and their knees buckled. Lucifer caught them and guided them to the ground.
            “He kept trying to be you, and it just felt so wrong, and I was so angry, but then I knew it wasn’t you, and it hurt so much more because you really were gone,” cried (Y/N), rambling.
            “You’re alright. You’re alright,” soothed Lucifer, holding them tight as they cried. Anger flashed through them, but his concern for (Y/N) was his immediate focus. However, as soon as possible, he’d make sure Michael never went near (Y/N) again. He’d regret hurting them so deeply.
            “I don’t want you to be gone. Please don’t leave again,” sobbed (Y/N), holding onto Lucifer.
            He hugged them back, and his heart clenched. Lucifer so deeply wanted to remain by his kid’s side from now on, but he couldn’t. Hell still needed a warden.
            “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” said Lucifer. “I swear, I’m always thinking of you.”
            (Y/N) curled up in his arms. “Every day I come home and wish you were here to talk to. It’s…It’s too much. It’s all too much.”
            “Please, remember, there are so many people here for you,” said Lucifer. “The Detective, Emeranne, your friends…they’re all here. Even if I’m not here, they are.”
            “They’re not my dad, though,” said (Y/N) quietly, sobbing turning to hiccups.
            “No,” said Lucifer. “But they love you, too. Just as much as I do.”
            (Y/N) smiled slightly through their tears and sniffed. Lucifer smiled gently and wiped their tears, hugging them again.
            “I love you so much. And even when I’m not here, I want you to remember that, alright?” said Lucifer.
            “But you’re here for now…right?” said (Y/N) softly.
            “I am,” said Lucifer, squeezing them gently.
            “Okay,” said (Y/N), closing their eyes. They squeezed him back. “I’m still pissed at you, though.”
            Lucifer chuckled. “I know. I wouldn’t expect anything more from you.” He had hurt them. But, hey, this was his kid. He could take a little anger.
            (Y/N) smiled. The ache of loss still pulsed within them, but for now, they’d just lie there in their dad’s arms.
            They’d make sure to make him grovel tomorrow.
            Or not. This was nice.
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truearchangel · 22 days
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   As with most angelic beings born at the dawn of time, Michael is technically above gender normacies. He does identify as male and has the parts for it, however if he ever wanted to he is capable of changing his gender. He just doesn’t. He is comfortable with who he is and he doesn’t see the purpose of adjusting his physiology. 
As chastity is one of the holy virtues, he does not have a high sex drive.
   Lucifer and Michael are twins born from the same stardust at the dawn of time. Because of this they are nearly identical in appearance. However, after Lucifer fell and was corrupted by Hell, where Michael retained their angelic traits the more demonic ones that settled on Lucifer is what sets them apart. He doesn’t have those bright, unnatural, rosie cheeks or the pointed tail / hooves / horns. Michael is completely human shaped and he prefers to be clean shaven. His wings are pure white with a blue shimmer to them and his halo is bright gold. He doesn’t keep his wings and halo out all the time, he can freely hide them when he chooses to and he will when he’s visiting Hell. 
   Seeing as he is an angel, he is prone to the same problems as the others. His wings molt, they give him a few problems and preening them is frustrating. Heaven does have medical places that can do that for him, but given how often he is working it’s rare he takes the chance to actually deal with them until it becomes a problem. He doesn’t pay his own feathers much attention but the mess they make when falling out is frustrating. 
   He does have a scar on his back from the fight with Lucifer on them, a small bald part of his wings where the feathers won’t grow back. It’s on his left middle wing close to the base of them, where he had turned his back at the wrong moment and his brother managed to land a hit. He can’t see it himself, so he doesn’t think about it much. 
   Michael is one of the most powerful Archangels in Heaven. He is God’s right hand, the person closest to him in all aspects, and he has the skills to back that up. It also means he is completely pure in angelic power. Which circulates through his blood like sunlight, stardust, and electrifying energy. The amount of power in his body is equivalent to a supernova that is teetering on the edge of exploding. 
   It makes his blood dangerous to consume. 
   Angelic blood has many natural good properties to it. It can be used to heal anyone gravely injured or bring someone back from the brink of death and give a powerboost. It can also be used when cooking to tone down the most extreme of the effects of consuming it straight from the source.
   It is also incredibly addictive to consume. The power that the blood gives, the taste of it alone can consume the person indulging in it and make them just continue to want more. Until it’s the only thing they’re thinking about every second of the day needing another taste of it. 
   When consumed by a sinner there is a large chance that Michael’s blood will just outright kill them with the angelic power that runs through it.
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kitsune024 · 7 months
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SPN x MCU fics
Two Lives, One Soul by Spnfandom8 I Chapters: 10/10 I Completed dean & jason todd are twin brothers,Child Neglect
The Walking Dead
Crossroads by DeathScribe I Chapters: 20/20 I Completed Family, Friendship, Violence, Supernatural Elements, Family Drama
Delicious Intrigue by heretoday898 I Chapters: 3/3 I Completed funny fic, Dean being Dean, Pre-Will/Hannibal AU- Canon Divergence, Murder
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Inheritance of a demon by WoodiestComic I Chapters: 22/? I read at own risk Dark fic, Alastair & Dean, Stockholm Syndrome, Dean Has Powers, Dean in Hell, Torturer Dean Not All Good News by @trevelies I Chapters 52/? I Canon until 14.11, Michael Possessing Dean, angel!dean 10 Years Gone by cayuga I Chapters 10/? I Apocalypseverse Michael Possessing Dean, Castiel/Dean (lightly implied), Episode: s14e11 Damaged Goods, Future Fic
mad and dead as nails by EclipseWing I Chapters: 9/9 I Dean as Michael, Michael as Dean, Archangel Dean, Possession, Identity Issues Occam's Razor by cosmic_medusa I Chapters: 18/18 I Teen Dean, Teen Sam, Abusive John, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Psychological Trauma, Protective Dean On the Wings of War by @AlchemyAlice I Chapters: 29/29 I Castiel/Dean, Apocalypse, Body Horror, Transformation, Wingfic, Biblical References Jai Guru Deva Om by Sharlot I Chapters 14/14 I Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Pre-Series, Stanford Era, Cults, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Hospitalization, Hurt Dean, psychedelic drugs Balance And New Beginnings by Hekate1308 I Chapters 1/1 I long series in one, Castiel/Dean, Season 12 AU Fallen from Grace by WoodiestComic I Chapters 6/6 I Fallen Angel Dean, Dark Dean, Child Dean, Lucifer Rising, Brothers united The Ones Who Have Gone Over by reapertownusa I Chapters 4/4 I Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Dean, cult, brutal whipping, Graphic crucifixion
Bookmark Series
The Bell Tolls by Miss_Indecisiveless I Part 1 - 2 I Dean/fem oc, Injured Dean, Amnesiac Dean, Mechanic Dean, Police Officer Dean The Providence Verse by Nova42 I Part 1 - 3 I Deviates From Canon, Time Travel, Action/Adventure Adventures in Babysitting (Apple Pie Life) by alexjanna91 I Part 1- 8 I Completed (has a sequel) kid fic, Parental Dean, Dean Has Powers, BAMF Dean, Angel True Forms, Humor, Protective Dean, ocs
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kerwinthefrog · 10 days
OOC Post:
I'm running a SPN blog for writing class, and I'm covering 4 topics. I haven't fleshed them out yet, but I have a basic overview.
1. Chuck lost his soul
2. Crowley and Rowena's relationship
3. The character assassination of Lucifer
4. Chuck booting Gabriel from the story
Here's what I have so far:
Gabriel was a minor antagonist pretending to be an entity called The Trickster. After being revealed as Gabriel, he died. Later when he was revealed to be alive and getting tortured in Hell, he sacrificed himself to save the boys. Many speculate that Chuck intentionally excluded Gabriel from the narrative because he cared too much about Cas and the Winchesters, interfering with his narrative. Gabriel was the wild card. He went MIA, leaving Heaven to live among humans. Unlike Chuck, Lucifer, Michael, and Raphael, Gabriel adored humanity. And he especially loved the Winchesters (had a crush on Sam). There are numerous episodes where he tries steering them away from what Chuck wanted, especially when it came to Lucifer. Gabriel was a danger to Chuck's narrative as his true self. So Chuck wrote him as The Trickster and regulated him to a "character" that only came into their lives three times at that point in the narrative. But then the Winchesters uncovered his identity, so Chuck was forced to allow him to be Archangel Gabriel. The devoted youngest son that searched endlessly after God "vanished". That's why Gabriel dies a few episodes after the reveal. Chuck needed Gabriel gone, as he'd already started convincing Cas and the brothers not to kill Lucifer.
Ok, so a big trigger for the brothers turning on Chuck is they find out all their trauma and stuff was purposely caused for Chuck's "entertainment" because he sees humanity as toys and characters for his "story”. When they suddenly made Chuck a villain with zero hints or foreshadowing, making his personality do a 180. So in Supernatural, you can lose your soul and live. Sam, Jack, and Crowley are examples. When you lose your emotions and sense of right and wrong (All three were able to recover their souls in various ways). During the fight against Amara, Chuck refused to kill his twin. She had no such reservations and destroyed him. This left Chuck powerless and slowly dying (the fucking SUN was going out because of this). Amara made amends and restored his power and they took a vacation to learn to get along (didn't work). The theory states that after Amara hit him so hard, she destroyed Chuck's soul.
He had a really cool redemption arc/antihero plot line until the writers fucked him up. Lucifer low key good dad for Jack until the character assassination. Lucifer wasn't evil until he took the Mark of Cain to help Chuck seal away his twin sister Amara (The Darkness), then he got infected and turned. He also felt Chuck loved Adam and Eve more than him. Michael and Chuck locked him in a Cage in Super Hell. The Winchesters released him and all he did was fight with Michael so hard the world was almost destroyed (but I count that as both Michael and Lucifer's fault). He got out again using Cas as a vessel (Casifer) because he was needed to seal away Amara again. He had a really good talk with Chuck about how he took the Mark for Chuck and Chuck just locked him away once the Mark changed him. Then he gave Cas his body back and possessed the President so he could lose his virginity and have Jack. Crowley and Cas died trapping him on a destroyed earth in another dimension so he couldn't see Jack. Lucifer literally gives up his Grace and goes through Hell to get to Jack. Jack actually really liked him when they met on Apocalypse World, and Lucifer helped get everyone back onto the good earth. But the Winchesters trapped him there again and lied to Jack saying he died. From then on the writers ruined both Lucifer and Chuck and the finale.
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marcuspierce · 3 years
back in 2018 i had this idea where the case of the week is a kid who got killed by his (abusive) father and lucifer, for once, projects on the victim and that is angsty enough as is (regardless of how many hugs lucifer gets by the end of the "episode") but now it just hit me that by adding michael into the equation i can double the angst. love it here <3
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hauntedwizardtree · 2 years
You know what would have been funny in season 5 of Lucifer? instead of Michael being a complete bastard to his identical twin because he’d an evil dick, he’s actually just trying really, really hard to reconnect to his brother, but he doesn’t understand emotions or humans (or his siblings) at all and goes about trying to get Lucifer’s attention in all the wrong ways (all those times that some disaster happened that Lucifer was blamed for? actually Michael).
So, like, in that fight scene at the precinct in season 5 (i think, haven't actually got there yet) Lucifer demands to know why Michael caused all these problems and Michael completely sincerely and with an adorable confused head tilt asks “How else was I supposed to get your attention?”
Cue Amenadiel and Lucifer dragging Michael to Linda for some much needed intervention.
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
*Lucifer walked into Heaven’s Embassy for the meeting one week after Extermination Day and was surprised to see Michael there instead of Adam, Michael was considered one of Heaven’s greatest warriors, he was also Lucifer’s identical twin brother, though he still had blue eyes while Lucifer’s changed, Michael wore dark colored robes of a warrior angel*
Lucifer: It is quite a shock to see you here brother, I was expecting to see Adam.
*Michael summoned his angelic sword and gave Lucifer an emotionless look*
Michael: Extermination Day was disappointing this year, less than half of the annual quota. I told Adam if he refused to do Extermination Day or didn’t live up to my expectations I would kill you. No hard feelings brother, but I must kill you. I should probably present your head to Adam so the two of you can be reunited.
*Michael launched himself at Lucifer as the former Angel of Light took a defensive pose, back in Heaven Sera waited until she saw Michael enter the room and threw a decapitated head at her, she let out a cry of horror when she saw that it was Michael’s head and when “Michael” looked up she saw it was Lucifer wearing Michael’s robes to get by Peter*
Lucifer: Both you and Michael seem to forget that I was forged from the same star as him. I am just as much of a warrior as he is.
Sera: How is it that you are here?
Lucifer: I am just as shocked as you are, God must have approved of me being here. I just stole my brother’s clothes to get by that gatekeeper, I look just like my brother if you don’t look too closely. Now you are going to tell me where Adam is.
*Eve looked at Adam huddled under one of the trees, he had been like this ever since he came home trembling telling her that Michael was going to kill Lucifer for the poor performance on Extermination Day, she grabbed a knife when the door opened and standing in the shadows was what looked like Michael, she didn’t care if she died or was damned, she was going to kill Michael*
Lucifer: I know how it looks, but I am not Michael.
*Eve let out a sigh of relief*
Eve: Where is Michael?
Lucifer: His body is still in Hell, but his head is in Sera’s office. May I see Adam?
Eve: Of course, he is out under an orange tree already mourning you.
*Lucifer nodded and found Adam with his legs pulled up to his chest and his face on his knees, it hurt to see the usually proud angel look so broken*
Lucifer: Adam.
*Lucifer worried that like the others Adam would just see Michael, but Adam looked up he instantly recognized Lucifer in spite of the fact that he was wearing his brother’s clothes*
Adam: Luci………
*Adam quickly got up and pulled Lucifer close to him, Lucifer’s sobs joined Adam’s, it had been so long since Adam called him Luci and he missed it, he didn’t realize how much he still meant to Adam or how painful it was that he thought that Adam had hated him, he wanted to go back to Eden before everything was messed up because of his actions, there was so much he missed, but what he missed most of all was Adam, without really thinking Lucifer kissed Adam on the lips, he was expecting Adam to push away and call him gross or something like that, but Adam pulled Lucifer closer to him as he deepened the kiss and opened his mouth so Lucifer could insert his tongue inside of Adam’s mouth, Lucifer was internally freaking out, he was a married man and he was kissing his wife’s ex husband and enjoying the kiss more than any kiss Lilith gave him, it didn’t matter that she had left him a year ago he had hoped that Lilith would return, he just touched Adam’s cheek when they pulled away, he didn’t see the angel that killed so many Sinners, he saw the man that that he met in Eden*
Lucifer: Did Michael really hold my life over your head like that?
Adam: Yes.
*he shouldn’t have been all that shocked, Michael was the one who had no problem with throwing Lucifer down to Hell, but he wished that he could kill Michael again after seeing Adam like this, he hated himself for laughing at Lilith’s snide remarks about Adam’s appearance in the past, he sat down under the tree and pulled Adam close to him, there were these new feelings towards Adam forming in his chest and he wasn’t going to let anyone take Adam from him*
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bubblyani · 3 years
The Scar
(Michael Demiurgos x Reader)
A Michael Demiurgos One Shot
Summary: It’s 4 am, and a daring act causes you to confess something important to Michael Demiurgos, Lucifer’s twin brother. All because of that scar.
Genre: Fluff (its worth it, trust me)
Word Count:
Author’s Note: @real-michael-demiurgos​​​ you genius! This post of yours somehow suddenly made me think of a scenario, which finally evolved into this fic of feels. Look what you made me do, Thank you! And Michael fans, hello again! And Enjoy y’all!
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Temporary. The highs, the peaks or the climaxes of almost anything in life is quite short-lived.
The same applies to the atmosphere in a night club. Crowds congregate, energy created, dollars spent and sparks caused between known folk or mere strangers. But come a certain time, it all slows down, alcohol wears down and exhaustion creeps in. And the lingering folk would find shelter in the available seats of sofas and bar stools in the premises.
That was LUX at around 4 am.
The floors may not have been dirty and sticky as the other clubs. Yet the atmosphere was quite similar to the rest. And there you were, sitting on the barstool you’ve made home for several hours, watching a certain Angel refill his lowball glass.
And no, it was not the infamous Angel who owned this establishment. But his twin, the one who owned a recently “gifted” scar.
The scar. A hint of sadness crept over you, which you shook away at an instant.
“I swear, my kidneys won’t last a WEEK if I keep up with you” You exclaimed. “So you always tell me” Michael grinned, proceeding to clink his 15th glass of vodka with your 3rd.
In hopes of being a hospitable human, and a supportive friend to Lucifer, you went out of your way to befriend his twin brother Michael a few months earlier. Despite the short period he intended to remain on earth, you vowed to show him the positivities of living amongst humanity and to prove how it changed Lucifer for the better. You hoped through this, he even consider being a better sibling to both Lucifer and Amenadiel, making amends for the damages caused by stealing Morningstar’s identity leading to sabotage.
In honesty, Lucifer found your faith in his brother quite futile, and he never failed to mention in to you every now and then.
“Darling, he’s the ‘pooper’ to my ‘party. The ‘kill’ to my ‘buzz’. I certainly don’t see what good will come of him being here” you remembered his distinctive response from one time.
Amenadiel as expected, admired your generosity. “I know you’re not that religious, but I hope you know my father would be proud to see humans such as yourself here on earth” his soothing timbre was just as comforting as his pat on your back. Yet, it did not stop him from warning you about his brother’s deceitful nature.
Michael on the other hand, found your attempt of bonding quite uninteresting at first. Similar to a teenager reacting to their parent’s futile attempts of humor. However, once drinks came into add flavor to the conversation, a friendship was formed. Your attempts were strengthened when he found some interest in your line of work. Thus, enabling you both to work together. Only after you succeeded in convincing your boss in the Law Firm.
“A Consultant? Ah just like his brother, Lucifer” “Well, a Special Legal Consultant, Joseph” you remembered correcting your boss as you introduced Michael to him. The older man was impressed to your relief. 
“Wow! This is a treat. Justice certainly runs in the family, isn’t that right, Mr. Morningstar?” “Demiurgos, actually. Not Morningstar” Michael corrected whilst clearing his throat. “Oh, I’m sorry” leaning to you, “is that a pseudonym?” Joe inquired in a whisper. To which you just shrugged, “Not sure. Maybe it’s cause he’s not a fan of nepotism? You know with Lucifer at LAPD-” “Ah! Of course” clapping his hands out loud, Joseph extended his wrinkled hand, “I admire your principles… Mr.Demiurgos” he stressed, shaking his hand. The pleased and acknowledged look Michael wore was unforgettable in your memory.
Flash forward to the present, he still wore the same expression. And you could not be more proud of him. With the insecurities he braved enough share with you over alcohol, it was a development to find him more confident and in his element and providing service to humanity.
Even if that meant protecting justice via conquering mountains of paper work.
A song of a slow yet moderate rhythm began to play, And in contrast, Maze surprised you both by slapping her hands on both pairs of shoulders.
“Hmmm…Weird” she said.
“Guilty!” To which you and Michael both replied in sync, leading to chuckles. Maze however, was not amused. “I mean, Weird to see YOU here so late” the demon stressed, squeezing between both stools, “What about the ‘oh, no no. I’m too old. I have work tomorrow’ excuse, Miss Associate Attorney?” “First of all, great impression of me” you replied, “But tonight, WE are celebrating…” “…on closing the case”  to which Michael finished with pride. Maze’s eyes widened: “ You mean, THAT case?” She inquired, receiving both your nods of agreement.
A certain domestic abuse case caught your attention a few weeks back through a social worker contact. While trying to raise her son, a mother struggled with survival trying to save her job and not get permanent bedridden by the violent harassment of her estranged husband. It surprised you how Michael and even Maze grew quite sensitive to this case, thus enabling them to use all of their energy to help to make a legal case.
“Thanks to you, Maze, we found that S.O.B of a husband” Michael began, raising his glass to her. Now it was your turn to widen your eyes: “Did…Michael just use the word S.O.B?” Maze cackled, “Looks like the nerd is learning” Offended, Michael’s eyebrows lifted, “Nerd? Excuse me?” “Oh, Come on! Mr.I-love-Paperwork? Like that’s any cooler ” “I think we found your new Pseudonym, Michael” you laughed, watching him shake his head at you very amused, “And tomorrow, thanks to the BOTH of you” you added, pointing at them, “I… can actually take a Bray off-I mean… a Day off. Hah!” You could not help but laugh at your slurring, “Whoo! Someone’s tipsy” you said, trilling your lips as you pushed your drink away.
Agreed. As careful as you were to slow down your intake throughout the whole night, you finally were feeling the effects. Being more light footed than usual, for example. Those first steps of intoxicated whimsy.
“Alright!” Maze volunteered, finishing the rest of your drink, “Lemme know if you need a ride home, Missy” she said to you before looking glancing upon Michael, “See you, Weirdo”
Scoffing, the angel watched her return to a group of eager women in the corner sofa. “First nerd, now Weirdo?” Michael inquired, very much confused. “Well, isn’t it obvious?” You both jumped upon hearing Maze’s response from afar, “Scar-face!” She added with tease. The Scar. A sense of sadness came over you. Especially when you noticed Michael hunching all the sudden.
He sighed, “Once a torturer, always a torturer” he muttered to himself, resting his weaker right arm on the table, looking at his glass. It was evident he caught his own reflection in the glass, especially the reflection of that mark on his face.
“Awww, don’t mind her” you said, turning to him fully, “She’s a big softie but doesn’t even know it” you added, in attempt to change the subject. He chuckled: “Unbiased” he looked at you, “You’ve not changed a bit, Thank you” warmth carried in his tone. For he meant it.
Nodding to each other, you both fell into silence staring into their glasses. Just then, you realized.
“Michael…” you turned in your stool towards him once again, “I hope you know, I wouldn’t have been able to go through so many cases in such a short time if it wasn’t for you, Thank you”
Which made him stare at you with surprise,
“Why are saying all this all the sudden?” He inquired.
“Well, I just realized you’re going away soon” Jaw dropped, it seemed Michael also just realized it, “Of course” he scoffed, “How could I forget?” Smiling which seemed not as enthusiastic.
“I just hope you know that, you helped a lot of people while you were here. You did good. And… I’m proud of you”
Heaviness existed in your heart all the sudden uttering those words. The realization that one day, he will offer you one last look, wish you well and fly out of your life, possibly forever. You will definitely miss him. More than you could imagine. Sitting straight up once again, Michael flashed a soft smile: “Well, You’re very welcome” Your heart felt a slight warmth. For it was a smile that suited him. A smile he did not have months before. A smile that softened the hardness brought on by his scar.
“Your Scar!” Those words left your mouth so quick, Michael almost spat his drink, “…do-does it still hurt?”
And there it was, that hunched posture of his had returned. Your heart grew heavier. It could have not been helped. Ever since you met him, you swore yourself you would not dare engage in that topic with him. Yet, tonight.
A slower song began to play in the club. Averting his eyes for a few seconds, Michael looked at you only to scoff: “Please!” He began, looking back at his glass, “You make it sound like it hurt in the first place” And there he was, in denial. “Ugh!” You rolled your eyes, “Pride doesn’t look good on you” “Oh yeah? Wait-What are you-” Nothing could prevent you from sliding off your bar stool. And certainly no force could have prevented you from cupping his face. Just so you could take a proper look at it.
“Whoa!” You breathed, “That demon blade is no joke, huh?” You inquired, your fingers running through his dark, messy hair just to push it back. Michael cleared his throat: “It’s fine I-” “No, it’s not” Your insistence doused with hurt, was stressed as you looked at him straight. Taking a deep breath, you went: “Deserved or not, it definitely must have hurt. And that’s important to acknowledge that”
How could you not have talked to him about this before? If you did not, who would have?
The mere thought could tempt you towards tears. A side of you felt liberated. As if you could feel sorry for him without any bounds. Syncopated with the rhythm of the song in the background, your fingers longed to trace the scar. From his forehead, over his nose and towards his right cheek. You longed to be gentle. To be inquisitive. Your fingers, that were. Posing the important queries: Did anyone ever care about this? Did anyone really not ask him? Before your heart could feel heavier, you craved to permit your lips make contact with the broken skin instead. Posing different queries: Did it take long to heal? Did not a single soul bother to tend to this wound when it was still fresh? No one around to provide him the comfort he needed when he screamed? You longed to press your lips on it, making a silent prayer for him.
“Whoa! What’s this?” Maze’s inquisitive words caused you to blink. You gasped.
For there you were, cupping Michael’s face, not only to imagine tending to his scar. But to have done it in real time. Your longings were not longings at all, but real actions. It was evident by the surprised expression in his face. Along with Maze, and most folk lingering close by.
Cheeks heating up, your airways began to feel clogged up. “I-um-” hands leaving his face in flash, you looked down, “excuse me-” With your heart beating in high speed, all you knew was that you longed for some air. Before you suffocated to death.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Linda! I know you’re sleeping right now. Unless you’re feeding Charlie or something but-whatever! I'm sending this cause… I need to talk to you later. I uh-I think I did something kinda crazy. It’s…it’s about Michael, actually. Just-call me when you see this in the morning”
Pressing the SEND button on your phone, you looked up. Deep breaths were all you could take as you stood outside. Your exhales appeared in the form of white fog in the narrow and dark alleyway just few blocks away from LUX. With very little people outside at the time, you had space to recollect and realize what on earth you just did.
You only hugged Michael once in all the 3, 4 months you knew him. And even then you were aware he was not the biggest fan of it. Yet, then again it was quite early on. You had promised yourself if you were ever to hug him again, it only would be when he eventually leaves earth. Or when he felt ready to indulge in it.
But what could have possibly driven you to go this far?
All the sudden, you were very much aware of the chill in the air tonight. Shivering, you held onto your forearms to rub them. With eyes closed, you leaned against the cool, brick wall. The mere thought of touching his face brought you goosebumps. Not to mention planting your lips on his face. Pressing your lips together, you attempted to recall the feeling of his skin. Hypnotic was all you could remember. The manner in which he let out a soft gasp then at that moment, forced a heavy sigh out of you. Did you by chance ruin everything? Did you embarrass him with vulnerability? Will he never show his face to you again? Will you never hear his voice?
“THERE you are!”
You jumped, upon hearing Michael’s voice just then. Opening your eyes, there he stood before you with a look of pure, innocent relief. As if he had found something he had lost in desperation, “What are you doing HERE?” He inquired.
“I-uh” with a nervous chuckle, you shrugged, “Just needed some air-Wait!” You paused, “Were you…looking for…me?”
Michael threw you a look, as if you had lost your mind, “Of course I was” he cried out, “You left so quickly I had no idea where you’d gone”
And that was when a query in you, was answered involuntarily. All the while you watched this Arch Angel go out of his way to explain his desperate search for you: 

“I was looking for you everywhere. In the toilets, the office rooms. Hell! Even at Lucifer’s Penthouse, and you KNOW how I am not invited there anymore. But thankfully he wasn’t there…”
Warmth trickled down your heart and soul when all your inner queries received answers. Answers that had been living in you, dormant for some time. And you knew you did not need to wait for Linda’s opinion anymore.
“And finally! I came out to look. And who knew there was an alleyway or whatever you call them-” “Michael…” His name was soft on your lips, silencing him in an instant.
Even more so when you were brave enough to take a step towards him.
And cup his face once more. His tone matched up to yours when he uttered your name in return. Except with confusion. Gulping deep, you let out a shaky breath:
“I think…” you shook your head, “not think-I KNOW…” nodding with certainty, your eyes searched for his, taking another deep breath: “…that I have feelings…for you…”
Those beautiful orbs of his, they widened. With liberation taking over your system, you gazed at them deeper. Lips parting, Michael’s confused, tense face began to loosen at last: “So…what happened at LUX a few minutes ago-”
“Impulse move” A sad smile formed on your face, “An impulse move, planned for a long time” you scoffed, “A part of me didn’t wanna admit it. More times, actually. I told myself I was being delusional. But with every case we did, I realized time is short for a human like me. And I-” you paused, “I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting it” your left thumb touched his scar, “I care about you, Michael. Very much” you said, when the thumb began to trace down the healed skin, causing his eyes to flutter, “I don’t care if I was the first or the millionth one to say that to you, I don’t” you breathed with affection, listening to his shivers, “I care for you regardless” the more you spoke, the braver you began to feel. And his look of genuine surprise was the cherry on top, “I care enough to love you like any lover would do and more, Or…” gulping, you wore a sad smile, “I care for you enough to just stay friends, if that is what you choose” Tears were a certainty in a few seconds when the worst scenario came to mind, “And care enough to leave you alone forever, if I had ruined this for the both of u-”
Until all the sudden, your tears were on hold. 
When Michael hushed your lips, with his very own.
Waves of shock traveled through you, for the mere thought of his lips touching yours was nothing but a fantasy. Pulling away, you looked at him with wide eyes: “What-” you mumbled, “…that was?-”
“An impulse move” he breathed, his nose brushing against yours before his softened eyes locked in with yours: “… planned for a long time”
Complete disbelief took control of you for a mere few seconds, until happiness, until euphoria poked its head in. Until it entered and convinced you, this was the first ever time you felt this amount of joy. And set your heart to dance to the fastest, grooviest song ever. That acknowledgement, his acknowledgment rang in your ears longer than it should.
“Well…” you whispered, hands still holding his face, “do you wanna make that move again?”
“YES-” Michael’s enthusiastic response was the fuel to the little spark he caused in you, creating an absolute fire when both lips reunited in a fully fledged kiss.
Passionate, lips fed each other as if the kiss was a fine meal after being starved for days. As if the kiss was water after thirsting in a scorching desert. All for an Angel who was never given the love he once deserved, and a woman who badly longed to provide him that said-love. Except both never dared to admit it all.
Until now. Hidden desires had seen the light.
Despite your greed to linger in his lips forever, you yet managed to pull away, only to place a trail of hungry kisses over his scar. From the top that rested on his forehead, through his nose and ending with his right cheek, each kiss was long and warm and assuring. Moans left your lips when you sensed Michael’s hungry mouth began to feast on your jawline and neck til then. Deprivation of love, or the self denial of it leads to great frustration. And this was the result.
“Oh, Michael-” you cried, before attacking his lips once again. Kissing back, the angel held you tighter. Even his right arm seemed to have forgotten its ailment. This time, his tongue made it’s eager debut. But so did yours. Enveloping tightly, they deepened their kiss, causing the two to lean against the brick wall for support. For you felt weightless, with endless flight of butterflies going mad in your stomach. So mad, the heat, the fire had traveled down to the region between your thighs. You wondered if it was the mere celestial effect, or the intensity of your attraction with Michael that led you to this level of arousal. You were certain fire would literally engulf you, if it was not for the loud taxi passing by, causing you both to pull away in shock.
“If-” Michael panted, “if this is you…asking me to stay back a little longer-” “I am” you answered breathless, “But, only if you want to-” “I want to…”
His quick response, that enthusiasm, seemed more precious to you than all the money in the world at that very moment. The morning chill had no effect on you, all the sudden. Running your fingers over his scar once again, you took a deep breath:
“When I said I have feelings for you-ah!…” you gasped when his lips kissed your hand, “…it’s…it’s not only for one side of you, it’s not only for your good, your virtues. It’s also for the bad, your sins, intentional or accidental” you whispered gazing into his eyes. Breath shaking with emotion, his lips formed into a soft smile:
“You mean it?” He inquired.
Smiling in return, you kissed the tip of his nose, “Every… single… corner of yourself…” you confirmed, pressing his hand over your chest, “…they have my heart .Y-YOU have my hear-”
Passion had zero patience when Michael’s lips crashed into yours once again.
“Do you-” he breathed into your lips, “ …wanna go back inside?” He inquired, motioning towards LUX. You shook your head.
“No, I wanna go home” you answered, tugging at his turtleneck collar while biting your lower lip, “But only if you come with me…”
Sheer longing, and sheer lust was evident in your tone, and also in your eyes. Not to mention every cell in your entire body. You needed him tonight, in more ways than one. And like a sponge, Michael absorbed it all, sharing your sentiments exactly when his eager lips swooped in to agree, while his wings flapped open to fly with purpose.
And he had his scar to thank.
Check my other Michael fic : Vent HERE
Tagged: @ladyofwalpurgis​​​​​​ @kittenlittle24 @aberrant-annie​​​​​​ @ellimcgiseler​​​​​​ @therealcap​​​​​​ @valentina15 @sunflowersglowing​​​​​​ @jellicorn05 @sailor-earth-1 @xxbeckybeexx-blog​​​​​​ @shittylittleweirdo​​​​​​ @blessedherondales​​​​​​ @tangsweet​​​​ @literallyshawn​​​​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​​​​​​ @panicattheeverywherekid​​​​​​ @kittengirl998  @wonderwinchester​​​​​ @real-michael-demiurgos​​ @fanfictionsilove​​​​ @rogertaylorismycar​​​ @stephv213​ @chipster-21​ @thatfictionalwh0re​ @tea-effect​ @brittbunny123
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Dato curioso: Lucifer Michael y el tema de los gemelos
Los gemelos fueron muy mal vistos en algunas culturas antiguas. Estas culturas decían que un gemelo era hijo de otro padre ( frecuentemente un dios, como Zeus). En cada mito, a veces un gemelo mata al otro, a veces sin querer. Creo que algo así pasó después de Lucifer s06, Michael está deprimido y se suicida. Otra cosa es que hay una estrella, o mejor dicho, una constelación de estrellas,  para los gemelos. Creo que mi headcannon es que Michael uso la materia y Lucifer encendió las estrellas para que ellas fueran un reflejo de ellos, siempre juntos ( esto sucedió antes de la Rebelión).  Lucifer es la Estrella de la Mañana, que se conecta con Venus. Venus fue conocida por los griegos como la Diosa Afrodita, la más hermosa de todas las Diosas, la que despierta los deseos en todos los hombres. Esta es la deidad más cercana a Lucifer. Michael, por otra parte, puede ser dos cosas: Ares o Athenea. Creo que Athenea la queda mejor a Michael, ambos son deidades inteligentes,pacientes y estrategas, pero con un temperamento feroz. 
Pero por otro lado, me molesta que algunos cargadores de Deckerstar digan que Lucifer y Chloe son almas gemelas… porque Michael es el alma gemela de Lucifer. Me encanta Deckerstar, pero una pareja no te hace completo. El concepto de alma gemela tiene tantos matices y quien mejor para tenerlos que los primeros gemelos del Universo. 
Otra cosa es que en algunas culturas,dicen que los gemelos son las almas renacidas de amantes desventurados que jamás podrían volver a estar juntos, porque ahora son hermanos y de estar juntos, eso significaría incesto.
Translation by Ivquinnauthor (all errors mine)
Curious Facts: Lucifer, Michael, and the Theme of Identical Twins
Identical twins were seen poorly in ancient cultures. These cultures said that one of these twins was really the child of another being (often a god like Zeus, himself). In these stories, sometimes one twin killed the other, often without love/heartlessly. I believe that something like this could happen after Lucifer Season 6, where Michael would be depressed and take his own life. Another thing is there is a star, or it is said, a constellation of stars for identical twins. I believe in my head canon that Michael creates the stars and Lucifer lights them for these constellations/star creations function as a reflection of the twins, always together (as the constellations were made before the Rebellion). Lucifer is the Morning Star, which is connected to Venus. Venus was recognized by Greeks as Aphrodite, the most beautiful of all the gods, the one who aroused and awakened desire in all men. That’s the deity closest to Lucifer. On the other hand, Michael could be two different ones: Ares or Athena. I think that Athena fits Michael better: both are intelligent, strategic, and patient, but with a fierce temper. But on the other side, what does bother me is that some Deckerstar fans say that Lucifer and Chloe are soulmates (literally here “soul twins)…but Michael is the soulmate for Lucifer. I like Deckerstar but being a couple doesn’t [necessarily] complete you. The concept of a soulmate has many nuances, and who is better [to fit that] than the first twins in the universe? Another thing is that, in other cultures, they say that twins are reincarnated souls of separated lovers that never could be together, for now [in this life] they’re together and are brothers, but this would signify incest.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Brothers as Angels of Virtue
My Brain: Stop thinking about the Angel!Brothers. The Angel!Brothers aren’t real. Like, they’re even less real than usual.
Me: But they are real!! *puts hand over heart* They’re real to me… in my heart…!
My Brain: “Your heart” ain’t in the canon but whatever, good luck with your delusions…
Me: Oh yeah?? Well I’ll show you, Brain!! I can FORCE this to work with the canon!!!
Brain: Nani!?!
Angel of Humility, Lucifer
Lucifer obviously wasn’t the first angel, Michael and Gabriel were there before him so those two had the most hand in “mentoring” him as he grew up.
Lucifer was always Michael’s favorite from the beginning. He was a very mild-mannered and studious kid from the get-go, even if he could be a bit blunt... 
He seemed to always be willing to learn something new and even after he would all but master whatever he practiced, he’d never forget to give credit to the people who taught him along the way. His willingness to step out of the spotlight, despite his many talents, eventually earned him the virtue of “Humility.”
Lucifer was around his pre-teens when Mammon was finally created, slightly too old to be able to grow up with him super closely, but still young enough to be more approachable than Michael or the others when he needed help.
Lucifer loved little Mammon with all his heart and would try to give him advice when he could, but since Michael would keep him busy helping him on most days Mammon was left with little people to socialize with… at least until Levi came along anyway.
As time passed and he grew even older, more and more siblings became added to the family. Lucifer never ignored or forgot about a single one of them. While Michael and others concerned themselves more with the day-to-day work, he’d be the one to check in on everyone and be sure they were alright.
Michael would arrange for a lot of “family activities” while they were all still together and Lucifer would actually enjoy participating. He’d usually volunteer to be the person who’d help the youngest at the table learn how to play a game since he wasn’t very competitive himself. A lot of the goodwill his family still has for him comes from these kinds of memories… No matter what happened afterwards.
Angel of Charity, Mammon
Mammon came around a fair amount of time after Lucifer so he was the youngest angel for quite a while. 
This led him to grow up a little… wilder than the others because he used to do things to get attention. Not big things, but like break a rule here or there to get people noticing you know?
Despite his “problem child” tendencies, no one ever considered Mammon a bad apple or anything. He probably had the most compassionate heart out of all the angels, the kind of kid who offers you one of their toys when they see you’re upset, you know?
As more siblings came into the picture, Mammon had a nasty habit of spoiling them silly. Especially Levi, who was much closer to his age, and ultimately got most of the toys when they would play together and gifts afterwards. Mammon’s selfless attitude towards giving gave him the virtue of “Charity.”
Over time, Mammon began to get more and more dissatisfied with how nice the lives of angels were compared to those of humans and he started making secret trips to the human world to help out the less fortunate. Since this was tiptoeing dangerously close to meddling with human lives, Lucifer was brought in to give Mammon a different outlet for his frustration...
Lucifer placed Mammon in the guardian angel program, allowing him to pick one human whom he could help as much as he liked, so long as he followed the rules. As it would turn out, Mammon took to guardianship swimmingly and stayed in the program right up until their eventual fall… and sort of afterwards too if you think about it.
Angel of Kindness, Leviathan
After Levi was made, Mammon was SO excited to have someone close to his age around that he became his main playmate.
Levi adored Mammon back then, the two were practically inseparable when they were young. The other angels would find them running around together, the more extroverted and lively Mammon leading the way for his his shy, but sweet brother in for whatever they were doing.
When Mammon would come up with any big project ideas, Levi would be the first person he’d ask to be his “partner-in-crime.” Unfortunately, it was still very much one of those “they’re a pair, but they have two braincells between them” kind of dynamics so things would always go south quick.
One day, Mammon was determined to make breakfast for all the other angels so Michael could take a break, so he pulled in Levi to help him. Because neither of them actually knew how to cook, the kitchen turned into a disaster and they both were covered in eggs and flour when Lucifer found them...
As Levi grew up, he more or less became of the unofficial helper and confidant to all the other angels, his siblings included. In time, because he was always so willing to lend a hand with everyone else’s projects, he became pretty skilled at a lot of things as a result. People eventually took note of Levi’s good-nature and named his virtue “Kindness.”
When Mammon started acting up more and more, the other angels would try to discourage Levi from associating with him as much but he’d always be the first to stick up for his older brother. No matter how much he bent the rules, he knew that he had a good heart and always meant well in the end. That, unfortunately, wouldn’t always hold true down the line...
Angel of Chastity, Asmodeus
There was another gap between Levi’s creation and Asmo’s so yet again there was a young angel without anyone their age to play with…
Unlike Mammon’s situation, however, Asmo was at least fortunate enough to have older brothers who understood what that felt like and tried their best to play with him when they could. Lucifer did this in particular because he was worried that Asmo could start acting out like Mammon had all those years ago...
Because of the extra attention, Asmo took to Lucifer very quickly. He saw him sort of how Luke sees Michael for quite a while and wanted to help him as much as he could. Sometimes people would even joke that Asmo was like his shadow, because the little angel would follow him around and mimic whatever he did.
Because they were together so much, Lucifer did a lot to shelter Asmo from the less savory things in life... It wasn’t so much out of prudence as it was brotherly concern for the boy, Mammon was still quarreling with him about the state of the human world and he didn’t want Asmo to go down a similar path... Due to this, Asmo had a very sheltered view on life and his perpetual wide-eyed innocence earned him the virtue of “Chastity.”
After he got a little older, he started wanting to find his own identity apart from Lucifer and that was around the time that the twins were made. 
Though everyone adored the twins, Asmo loved them both most of all! He took on the role of their babysitter and wouldn’t hear anything to the contrary, though he was a much more relaxed guardian than Lucifer had been to him (mostly because he was just so soft for their cute little faces).
Angel of Temperance, Beelzebub
It was a big deal when the twins were created because it’s very rare for two angels to be made so close together, on the same day no less. Beel came first when the sun rose then Belphie second after it fell. 
Asmo was ecstatic to have a younger sibling at last and all of the other brothers were equally delighted. Though Asmo did a lot of their babysitting, Beel was still more closely drawn to Lucifer whenever he would watch them. During those times, he would notice how tired Lucifer would be whenever he got to play with them… this would come to affect him later on.
The twins were always close to each other, naturally, but there were still big differences in their personalities even back then. Beel had always been known for his even-temper and awareness of both others and himself. If Mammon was the kid who’d give you his toys, Beel was the one to listen to your problems (even if he didn’t understand them, like at all).
From a young age, Beel would quietly watch those around him. The Celestial Realm was a demanding environment and a lot of angels had a good deal of work to do... Beel connected the dots that doing all this work all the time led to a lot of stress early on.
Being a caring soul, Beel used this knowledge to intervene when he saw his brothers getting overworked and helped remind them of their limits. This would apply especially to his twin (who was pretty much his patient zero) and Lucifer, who eventually grew to rely on Beel’s advice so much he  made him part of his personal guard. His guidance and insight beyond his years eventually gave him the title of “Temperance.”
Though Beel was protective of everyone, Belphie often got most of his attention because of his tendency to push himself farther than he needed to. It was his desire to see his twin take more breaks that led him to asking Mammon if Belphie could start going to the human world and well… We know where that ends up.
Angel of Diligence, Belphegor
As the younger of the twins, all the other angels considered Belphie to be the baby of the family and treated him as such. Asmo adored him because he was just so cute, so he got coddled A LOT when compared to everyone else.
Belphie differed from his brother by being the more active of the two. While Beel would be comfortable to sit back and watch then lend a hand, Belphie always felt more better just getting up and doing whatever needed done himself, usually with a smile in the process. He would actually have to lean on Beel quite a lot because of this, since his twin could remind him to rest and take breaks.
Combine his cheerful attitude with his cute face and “baby brother” status and Belphie could always get away with quite a lot, even back then. Of all the boys, even Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to be too hard on him. That didn’t really become a problem until he got a little older though...
Beel was worried that Belphie wasn’t getting enough rest, so he convinced Mammon to start taking Belphie out with him when he went to the human world as a guardian angel. He figured that if Belphie was away from work, then he had to rest, right? Mammon agreed and that’s what sparked Belphie’s fascination with the human world to start with.
After getting to go a couple times, he would start working extra hard in order to suck up to Lucifer, Michael, or whoever he could so he could go again. When the other angels started getting concerned that he was spending too much time there, they tried to put a limit on it to keep him home. However, that just lead him to sneaking out and leaving notes for Beel on where to find him if people started noticing...
Beel tried his best to curtail his twin’s trips, but even he couldn’t really tell Belphie no when he needed to hear it. By the time Lilith came around, Belphie was already making regular trips there and back and well… That’s how the story goes.
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jonbinary-archive · 3 years
Sees you have headcanons for gender in the devildom/celestial relm. My eyes do the anime glasses thing dispite not wearing glasses.
YES YES thank you for asking abt this uhhh i have been dying to post something about it but i wasn't sure if other people would be interested ? since it's fairly niche but uhh apparently you would >.>
under the cut so as not to utterly flood people's dashes with my ramblings but! click if you'd like some unnecessarily in-depth discussion of 1) how the different realms in obey me deal with gender/gender identity and 2) my personal gender headcanons for the obey me characters. this is mostly pieced together from one night when i went all pepe silvia in discord but hopefully its now somewhat digestible. thanks for your patience! 
ok so first of all: all three realms interpret and approach gender differently. i don’t think any of them are inherently wrong or bad, it’s just unique ways of viewing the same concept. i prefer the devildom way of looking at it but to each their own :] it maybe goes w/o saying but trans people are supported in every realm, no matter how they view gender !
obviously, the human realm in the om! universe views gender pretty similarly to how our world does. this is sort of like our baseline, where humans generally view gender on a male/female binary. (tho i do like to think that this version of earth is more welcoming to nonbinary and trans people, just cuz i do like a bit of escapism <3)
ultimately gender in the human realm is the most simplified version we will see. i actually have a small headcanon that MC, regardless of gender, is referred to with they/them because this simple gender structure doesn’t translate over well to the other realms
with that in mind, we can talk about how the celestial realm views gender. this gets into the whole ‘what is the gender of angels/god’ which is probably outside my expertise to talk about, but i will anyway! 
the celestial realm views gender as, ultimately, unimportant. what matters about a person is who they are, like one’s willingness to help others. most of the angels present masculine and use he/him, as in the image of their Father. there are some who choose to use she or they or present feminine (or any combo of pronouns/presentation), but they arent necessarily ‘boy’ angels and ‘girl’ angels. 
it’s basically like this:
so what are you?
i’m an angel!
no, i mean, what’s your gender?
i’m a messenger of our Father
ugh, that’s not what i meant. what’s in your pants?
oh, so that’s where my halo went!
transitioning, for lack of a better term here, is pretty rare in the celestial realm, but it does happen occasionally. michael will update the records with their new name if they so choose, and celebrations are thrown heavenwide in honor of the angel!
now, on the flip side, the devildom almost...reveres gender? since they’re the polar opposite of the celestial realm, demons tend to hold gender up into the spotlight instead of rejecting it. this is why we see so many demons presenting as men but having feminine aspects (like asmodeus wearing pink off the shoulder tops or the demons’ painted nails). 
for angels who Fall, this difference can be very jarring and hard to deal with when they become demons. expression is important in demon culture! while angels see all others as made in their Father’s image, demons emphasize the things that make them different from one another. fluidity of identity is particularly celebrated!
now here’s the fun part, which is how i interpret these characters! feel free to let me know your own headcanons, i love seeing how others view the same characters :] 
LUCIFER: sure, he’s a demon now, but he still somewhat aligns with the celestial view of gender. to him, a person’s character is much more important than how they label themself. he’s just...lucifer. (agender man, he/him) 
MAMMON: has always considered himself a man! one of the rare instances of someone transitioning in the celestial realm. lucifer helped him pick his name :] (trans man, he/him)
LEVIATHAN: levi my beloved <3 ive shared some headcanons on levi’s gender in this post, as well as in the tags of this post. i think he really likes the freedom of demonic gender identity, and is very fluid (genderfluid, he/she/they/it)
SATAN: looooves fucking with gender, particularly if it irritates lucifer. he’s read a ton of gender theory and would love to have discussions about human gender with MC if they want. feels a connection to masculinity, but not to actually being a man (transmasculine, he/they)
ASMODEUS: loves fucking with gender even more than satan does. had gender with your mom last night ;) super gender non conforming, though most of the time you can’t even figure out what gender he is! basically the definition of ‘gender is a performance’ (nonbinary, he/she)
BEELZEBUB: probably doesn’t think too much about his gender. he was told he was a man so he just kind of goes with it. it’s really important to him to align with a healthy form of masculinity! doesn’t seek out pronouns beyond he/him, but wouldn’t mind she/her or they/them (nonbinary man, pronoun indifferent)
BELPHEGOR: similarly to beel, probably doesn’t think too much about his gender. he knows he enjoys being a brother and a twin, but doesn’t care much beyond that. he used to ascribe pretty heavily to celestial gender theory, but after Falling he’s shifted from gender apathy to like. seeing that feeling as his gender identity itself (agender man, he/him)
DIAVOLO: literally just a guy. like hes just a dude but in a slightly fucked up demon way (nonbinary man, he/him) 
BARBATOS: literally look me in the eyes and tell me this dude isn’t a he/they.  he’s not a man, he’s a butler (agender, he/they)
SIMEON: really subscribes to the celestial view of gender/believes that who you are in other people’s eyes is just as important as who you are in your own! doesn’t really identify w gender in any way since angels don’t technically have a binary to deviate from, but in human terms he is (nonbinary, mainly he/him but she/her ok too)
LUKE: also transitioned in the celestial realm! the brothers tease him, but if anybody misgenders the chihuahua, they should be prepared to eat shit (trans boy, he/him)
SOLOMON: started out as a sorcerer while trying to alchemize testosterone. he’s been living as a man so long that sometimes he forgets he’s trans in the first place (trans man, mainly he/him and occasionally they/them)
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The Game of Us
Rating: T (gen, no warnings)
Chapter 5: Michael
“Well, First of Heaven?” Death raises his eyebrows, mouth twisting into a subtle smile. “Still your Father’s creature?”
Read below the cut, or on AO3
Death awaits him at the surface.
“It seems my confidence in your powers of persuasion was justified.” From his perch on the wall beyond the entrance to the temple, the Horseman appraises Michael as he ascends the stairs and regains level ground. “The lightbearer has a long path ahead of him still, if he’s to find what he seeks. But that’s his business.”
He stands, leaning his weight atop a cane tipped with tarnished silver. Michael can see him clearly, now, the form he has taken solid and familiar as a well-worn glove. Tall and gaunt, attired chin to heel in the sable vestments of an undertaker. He beckons, and Michael falls into step at his side.
“And, perhaps, yours as well,” he amends. “What will you do, viceroy, with no title and no sovereign to serve? I suspect you will find the capacity in which Heaven requires you quite unlike what you have come to expect.” Michael is silent, but his companion doesn’t appear to expect an answer in any case.
As suddenly as it had begun, their path ends. They find themselves in the center of a garden.
The flora here is the same rich black as every other feature of this landscape, and yet as Michael studies it, it seems to hold more. Colors that creep into the ultraviolet, hues without names in any human tongue. The surroundings no longer reflect light back to him, he realizes. His form has shifted again; he no longer wears his brother’s face.
He wonders what he looks like now.
As if sensing his thoughts (and perhaps he can, Michael muses), Death inclines his head and smiles. “It is time. You have a decision to make. And I believe you’ll find that you know how to make it.”
In the center of the garden two springs of water await. A dais has been built up around them, and Michael steps up onto the platform to peer down into the depths.
To his left, murky water swirls ponderous and thick. The surface swallows greedily such light as there is, and beyond a muddy outline he casts no reflection in it. Were I to touch it, he thinks, would it pull me in too?
“Ameles potamos,” the quiet voice from behind him supplies. A steady hand rests on his shoulder. “Lethe. The wellspring of unmindfulness, river of forgetting. That is an option, lad, should you truly wish it. You may leave the sting of betrayal behind you, the bloodshed you’ve seen. Go on as you always have. However...” His posture shifts minutely, frame adjusting to face the pool’s twin. “... there’s always the alternative.”
Michael twists to face the other pool.
Oh. I remember.
Lucifer’s form, his first form, had been the embodiment of dawn, diamond-bright and burning. Plants bloomed as he passed, when the Earth was new; his brother had shone as brilliantly as the sun. But that was Lucifer’s identity. Examining his reflection now, relief and a kind of unfamiliar contentment take root and blossom in Michael’s grace.
Here at the end of the path, he no longer needs to define himself by Lucifer, or by Chuck, or even by Adam.
Michael’s reflection stares back at him out of the only face that has ever been his, and his alone. Eyes the deep honey-gold of sunlight in amber. Forehead high, cheekbones broad and fine. A face made for both the solemnity of duty, and the easy laughter of quiet joy. His own first shape: the form he had taken to walk with Lucifer among the first humans, dusk to his brother’s dawn. Adam and Eve reaching out to him, curious, taking his own strong brown hands in theirs, so much closer to them in likeness—if not in spirit—than his shining twin.
A gleam of grey catches his eye, and he sighs in recognition. There you are.
Nestled into his hair is a circlet of steel, polished and flashing like a beacon in the pool. He reaches up to touch it, running the tips of his fingers over it delicately.
“Your other choice,” Death interjects, shaking him loose from his ruminations. “The river of memory, sacred Mnemosyne. Keep your pain, and what it has taught you. Remember, hurt, learn. And become someone new.”
Michael glances back, once, at the hypnotic roil of Lethe. He closes his eyes. Reaches into that clawing, bleeding place inside himself that he knows will never truly be unbroken. His Father, his family, the Cage; abandonment, absolution, fear and destitution and reclamation and loss. All of this tangles inside his grace, a shard-edged ache. He reaches for it, and he grasps it as tightly as he can. Hefts the weight of it. Allows himself to feel it all.
Then he exhales. Opens his eyes.
“Well, First of Heaven?” Death raises his eyebrows, mouth twisting into a subtle smile. “Still your Father’s creature?”
The archangel Michael smiles back. Raises his hands to his head, pulls the crown he wears free of twining umber curls. Sets it at his feet. It glimmers for a moment, steely against the blackness, then dissolves away into nothing.
“No,” he says softly, kneeling at the edge of the sparkling clear waters of memory. “I don’t think I am.”
“What, then?”
He dips one hand into the water, and brings it to his face.
“I don’t know. But I intend to find out.”
Saturday marks the fourth day in a row of wind and frigid rain. Sodden earth clings to Adam’s feet, trails in muddy footprints past the entryway to his apartment. He shakes off his boots beside the front door. Flicks away the crinkling orange leaves that stick to the hem of his pants. The trees had turned early this year, a riot of red and ochre like a sunrise outside the exterior door to his apartment complex each morning for weeks now. But the last of the leaves are rapidly coming down under the weight of the constant drizzle, and he brushes them away with fingers numb at the tips.
He hasn’t been properly warm in days. Or—if he’s being honest with himself—since last November.
Shrugging off his jacket over the back of a chair, he heads for the bathroom.
He’s in the midst of rinsing his hair, idling in the steam in an attempt to will warmth and feeling back into his hands, when the building shudders around him.
An earthquake? In Minnesota?
He lurches forward, flails at the handle to turn the water off. The shaking builds rapidly, and he drops to the ground and braces himself against the wall. Then there is a resounding crack like breaking glass, loud enough that he slaps his hands over his ears, wincing. Whatever it is seems to have been the apex of the disturbance. The shaking abruptly ceases, and in the quiet that follows he can hear dogs barking and car alarms blaring up and down the length of the block.
He winds a towel around his waist, and opens the door to the bathroom. Strides out into his living room, intending to investigate the source of the disturbance, and pulls up short. Sprawled out across his floor is a man Adam has never seen before.
The stranger raises his head, and meets his eyes.
“Adam,” he rasps. His eyelids flutter. Adam takes one halting step toward him, two—
—then Michael slumps back, unconscious, and Adam is alone with his questions.
(Chapter notes:
If you're still here, I love you. Thank you for reading. <3
This fic was created and published as part of tumblr's SPN Archangel Week 2021 event. You have no idea how happy it makes me that, even now, there are so many people who care as much about these characters and their stories as I do. Special thanks to the people in the Archangels discord server, who are uniformly lovely, and inspire me every day.
As the epilogue indicates, there is at least one sequel to this story (Michael and Adam, my beloveds). I was hoping to have that ready for this week as well, but life happened. I'm hoping to get to it next week, so check back in a bit for that.)
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Hello, hope you are doing well. If you don't mind, I just wanted to ask is the japanese student id for the brothers + side boys the same as the english one?
Hmm ok well let’s see what we’ve got!  It’s not TOO different, but since Japanese writing is by nature more condensed than English, it seems that a few extra bits of information fit into some.
I bolded the parts that are different or missing from the English version.  I didn’t mark things that just got worded differently.
Lucifer: Famous in the Devildom for acting as Diavolo’s right-hand man and close friend. The eldest of the seven brothers, he brings his unconventional younger brothers together through brute force.
Mammon: The scummy second-born who is greedy for all the money in the world. The witches have dirt on him, so he’s always made to be their errand boy.
(Also, Mammon’s dislike is specifically “work” as in putting in effort, not occupations.  So it seems like he doesn’t mind having a job as long as it isn’t demanding.)
Levi: The negative and deeply envious young otaku who stays in his room.  His goldfish Henry is his (only) friend.
Satan: Usually very rational, but he is the Demon of Wrath of whom it’s said that once you anger him nobody will survive. He hates Lucifer and is in the midst of his rebellious phase.
Asmo: The Demon of Lust who can charm people just by locking eyes. He himself holds “Asmo Parties,” where he invites people who he wants to drink with and they create an uproar, a few times a month.
Beel: A growing demon who is always eating something. When his stomach is empty, his loses control like a starving wolf. He loves his younger twin brother, Belphegor.
Belphie: The youngest, most selfish, cheekiest, and most cunning of the demon brothers. Up until a certain incident took place, he respected Lucifer the most out of his brothers.
Diavolo: The only child of the Demon King and currently the true most powerful being in the Devildom. A noble being who rules over all demons, and also acts as the President of RAD’s student council.
Barbatos: The impeccable butler who follows Diavolo like his shadow. He has the ability to see the past and future.
Luke: An angel under the Archangel Michael, and an exchange student representing the angels. Since he’s been given the nickname Chihuahua by Lucifer, he’s teased.
(ffsdfhs the word they use for tease is かう [買う] which in hiragana is exactly the same as the word for “keep as a pet” [飼う].)
Simeon: An angel under the Archangel Michael, and an exchange student representing the angels. Gentle and smiling no matter the time, but he’s a peculiarity with a sharp intuition. He’s hopeless with technology.
(They use 曲者 to describe him, which can mean a wide variety of things from an expert to a thief, but I went for something between the meanings of peculiar, more than they seem, and troublesome.)
Solomon: An exchange student representing humans. His true identity is the world’s most powerful sorcerer who is called the “Wise Magician” and subdued 72 demons.
Thanks for the ask!  I wouldn’t have thought to look at these otherwise.
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Ah! I forgot to ask what you think of the Angel event. In my opinion, it's not a bad event, but god was it weird. Maybe I'm just weird and I think people being super nice is too suspicious (considering I am STILL sus of Simeon). I think I would have liked it more if the ending wasn't the party but instead them turning back and we get to tell them that we like them just the way they are
I have pretty mixed feelings about this. I didn’t like the actual content of the event but I did like the potential hints of a backstory that you can dig outta it. Hear me out;
How they were lied to and forced into the clothes and into their roles during this event
How uncomfortable, angry and scared they initially all were
How this was more or less rather cruelly making them live through their past trauma (for a party?????) not to mention digging up Satan’s identity issues
How this was essentially brainwashing because the brothers’ personalities did a complete 180 and didn’t even seem to notice it when in reality, we were previously told there weren’t any major personality changes between their time as angels and demons (for example as angels, Lucifer was still arrogant and prideful, Mammon was still a troublemaker, Asmo was still vain and Belphie was still lazy)
It casts a very black and white image on what angels and demons are like when om! has proven countless times before that it isn’t like that.
So on the surface level this event was messed up, but like what if it was supposed to be messed up? Maybe I’m looking into it too much but this event gives a beautiful view on what the actual angels and celestial realm is like. This event, to me, states three points:
1.     The event itself is meant to be perceived as messed up:
The devs went to the extra trouble of adding scenes where Solomon and Luke are distinctly uncomfortable with what is happening and Solomon even calls the magic used ‘scary’, they didn’t have to waste time doing this if the event was supposed to come off as endearing and lighthearted. It’s also distinct that it’s Solomon saying this given that he’s ancient, has pacts with 72 demons, and the game hints at his meeting with Asmo being similar to Asmodeus and Solomon’s biblical meeting which was messed up and dark af. So I think it’s safe to say whatever he sees as wrong and scary would not be an exaggeration
2.     The Celestial Realm has a set black and white view of what demons and angels are like, and the bangles are supposed to make the wearer act opposite to the Celestial Realm’s view of demons, even if the wearer’s actual personality is not actually like that view
One main storyline hint for this is from lesson 40, where the voice in the light (presumably Michael) says that given how much the brothers like MC he would have expected them to be wicked, EXCEPT while yeah the brothers do heavily show their sins none of them are outright evil?? Like if they are pissed they’d attack but overall in general they’re all just kinda…chill? If anything given their personalities it would make more sense for them to be attracted towards someone who accepts and loves them for who they are than they would be towards someone who was wicked. But Michael just assumed ‘demons = evil so someone they like would also be evil’
The biggest hint at this within the event is MC’s interaction with ‘angelic’ Mammon cause he says a bunch of things that go directly against what has been established so far.
a.)   Mammon apologizes for the way he treats MC EXCEPT he’s being by MC’s side since like a week after meeting them? He makes a pact with them even though he just as easily could have just grabbed Goldie from them given that he’s the fastest. He never steals from them and later actually starts working legit jobs to earn money when he wants to buy them something, which is apparently fairly often. He bandages their wrist even though he told them he wouldn’t go out of his way to help them. He agrees to their stupid plans even though he knows he’ll get in trouble. He goes against and stands up to Lucifer for them despite being scared of Lucifer. He forgives them almost instantly after they lie about Belphie and all of this is just from season 1 cause the man’s even softer for MC in season 2
b.)   Mammon talks about selling his things to provide for human kids EXCEPT this is something he already does? One of the main reasons he’s always in debt is cause the Witches take advantage of him and the fact that through them he’s providing for a homeless orphan human child.  
3.     It paints a picture of the Celestial Realm as a controlling, ‘this and only this is the right way’, ‘we’d do anything for our notion of peace and order’ kind of world and it’s something the game has hinted at before:
The Celestial Realm decided to execute Lilith for loving and healing a human, while the Devildom (Diavolo) just reincarnated her and let her live amongst the humans
While in Celestial Realm the twins and Lilith had to sneak off to the human world while Diavolo straight up just brought two humans to the Devildom so he could bring about peace between the realms
The angels seem to be raised to view the demons as evil without any evidence to support it (Lucifer as an angel refusing to even look at Diavolo, Luke’s whole initial attitude towards demons) while as far as we know demons don’t really do this (Diavolo’s pov of his meeting with angel lucifer, lots of the background demons seem to just view Luke as a cute puppy)
Lucifer’s obsession with needing to follow the rules, needing to bend over backwards for Diavolo, being strict with his brothers, being this calm and collected, perfect always in control being. We learnt in the Celestial Realm that Lucifer was more callous and outspoken, and given that he rebelled against his father and started a war probably had less regard for rules and authority figures. The reason why Lucifer is the way he is in the Devildom could be due to him blaming himself for Lilith’s death because not only did he let her break the rules but he broke them himself which then led to the war
The celestial Realm was willing to do this whole magic bangle with which is highly amoral for a party? That’s like peak control freak, and as someone who is very much 100% a control freak I feel like I have the right to judge
So yeah, overall while I don’t like the actual event I like all its implications and the irony that the event with the angels is one of the darker events
Hated the ending though, I’ve more or less made an outline for a personally more satisfying ending for this event based around the magic ending almost immediately after the last chapter and a lot of hurt/comfort, angst and talking through feelings, their sense of self and their actual life in the celestial realm between all the characters but my work ethic is shit rn so :/
Obviously this is just my interpretation but I’d be more than willing to talk about this with you guys!
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