#lucifer (oc)
hazbininlove · 7 months
Hopelessly Devoted
Lucifer x OC
Summary: When the Divine created his angels, it was no secret that Lucifer, his Morning Star, was one of his favorites. It also was no secret that Lucifer was lonely. And so he crafted another, a half, crafted in the light of that same star. This was Esther, the Evening Star. They were two halves of a whole, balancing and completing each other perfectly. They were a pair always seen together.
Until they weren’t.
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Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light: Angels that worshiped good, and shielded all from evil.
Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation, but he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways.
What most versions of the Story of Hell fail to mention was another angel, created together with Lucifer. She was Esther. Where Lucifer brought light upon the angels, she signaled the dark. Together, they balanced each other. They were created for each other! Esther loved to listen to his ideas, even encouraged them, but also grounded them and helped tame the more nonsensical. When they were together, he seemed like less of a troublemaker, and she seemed brighter and more approachable.
From the dust of Earth, angels created Adam and Lilith: equals as the first of mankind. They were crafted in the idea of Lucifer and Esther, wanting mankind to begin with a couple properly balanced. Where they failed was in not knowing that personalities could not be easily recreated. Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the garden.
Drawn in by her fierce independence, much like his other half’s, Lucifer found her.
Here again, the true story of Hell differs, changed over time by Hell’s denizens who only knew what they saw. Lucifer and Lilith found a friendship forged from rebellion and dreams. They talked about their hopes for this new world, and together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the fruit of knowledge to Adam’s new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted.
But this gift came with a curse, for with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin, and the order Heaven had worked to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his friend into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked.
Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream, but Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And left alone back in Heaven without her light-bearer was Esther…
And as the numbers of hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision; that every year, they would send down an army and extermination to ensure hell and its sinners could never rise against them.
But Lilith’s hope remained, and her dream was passed down to her’s and Lucifer’s precious daughter, the Princess of Hell.
”Oh, shit! Did you hear all that?” Charlie asks awkwardly, looking back to see her girlfriend Vaggie.
”Uh, yeah, I was right there.”
“Sorry, I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. This story helps.”
”I know. Don’t worry, I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay?” Vaggie asks, a soft reassuring smile on her lips as she moves to sit across from her girlfriend.
”I’m fine, just thinking about, you know, family stuff… Did you know my parents never really married? Mom never really found anyone she truly loved and Dad well… he lost his. They were friends! Still are, I think. They had me hoping maybe love would spark between them but it just never clicked, I guess. But I mean, love doesn’t always have to be romantic! And-“
“Charlie,” Vaggie starts, cutting off her rambling. “I get it. You don’t have to justify anything to me.”
“I know, I just…” Charlie sighs, leaning her shoulder against Vaggie’s. “I love my parents, and I know they love me! And I know they loved each other in their own way! I don’t know, part of me wishes that they’d loved each other a little more, or married someone they truly loved! Except now Mom’s been gone for seven years and if Dad hasn’t been able to move on from someone who he was with before the Earth and Hell were even created, I don’t think he’ll ever be able to! I mean, he gave up on his dreams but not on her?! Talk about devotion!”
“It’s kind of nice though, isn’t it? Or bittersweet, I guess, to know that you can love someone so unconditionally, even after centuries apart?” Vaggie asks, trying to lift the mood.
Charlie looks up at her from her spot on her shoulder and smiles back, feeling a warmth fill her chest as she looks into her love’s eyes.
”Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Just the prologue!! I promise this won’t just be a rewrite. I just wanted to use the story Charlie tells in the beginning to highlight the background of this plot.
This is NOT a cheating plot. I am not a fan of those, nor of making Lilith or Lucifer the bad guy in this situation (ironic, I know considering they’re the king and queen of Hell). Also I do what to eventually write a story about Lilith and Lucifer with a third but that’s not this story.
Lilith and Lucifer’s relationship in this story is strictly platonic. They love each other, but as friends, and they both acknowledge that. Idk but after watching the show, I know it’s implied that Lilith left 7 years ago but it feels like their relationship was already on the decline even in Charlie’s childhood and it felt like having her was almost like a way to try and salvage their relationship, which ultimately failed.
Anyway this idea came from that, and the fact that the Morningstar refers to the planet Venus, which is ALSO called the Eveningstar. And the same way Lucifer is means “the shining one” or another name for the morning star, Esther also means “Star”.
And well, as a libra ruled by the planet Venus, representing love and balance, this felt very fitting.
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profanepurity · 1 month
Who is Lucifer spouse
Lucifer has many spouses. He met most of them when he was still in Heaven. Baal (Beelzebub) was the Dominion of Temperance who Lucifer admired deeply for his solicitous in his supervision over the lower Choirs of Heaven. Asmodeus was a Virtue of fire and love whose beauty captivated Lucifer the moment he laid eyes on him. Belial was a high ranking Power, second under Michael, who was assigned as Lucifer’s personal and extremely protective sentry. Lilith risked stepping outside of the boundaries of Eden to offer Lucifer food and water when he was wounded and hostile towards her. In exchange, Lucifer cared for her when Lilith was exiled in the desert.
The five of them married each other after they were reunited in Hell. Their marriage is open. Lucifer has taken other lovers as well. Demons like Paimon and Belphegor fell in love with his mind. They will sit with Lucifer for hours to hear him talk, and they will spend double the time reading letters and documents he’s written over and over. Leviathan is obsessed with the light of the Morningstar. Every time Lucifer visits the shores of Hell to see him, Leviathan fights the urge to drag the angel down into the dark depths so he can light up the sea like he does the land.
With so many lovers, you can imagine the amount of broken hearts there are when Hell is filled with the pained, lamenting melodies of the seraph.
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stardatez3ro · 4 months
hello lucifer fandom !!! i come bearing gifts >:)
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this is thuriel !!! they used to be my good omens oc but i started watching lucifer recently n decided to recycle them :3 shes basically heavens secretary (?) n keeps track of all the souls that enter etc so shes uh .a bit stressed !
(click on the img for better quality // reblogs appreciated!!)
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triple-pupil · 2 years
What if Dice was an angel.
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He would be a Cherub, a versatile type of angel with four faces and two pairs of wings.
He can take many jobs, but his role is mainly being a servant of other angels. He always found discomfort on this, but after turning into the first angel to be given free will by Lucifer (Who at the time was the only living creature who had it) he became rebellious and hated being told what to do by others, only serving Lucifer from then on out of respect and gratitude. Working as his assistant and right hand, as well as being a friend and partner who kept The Judge company.
Maybe they even formed a very close bond, because with each other, they didn't have to pretend like they worshipped The Lord more than they loved themselves, among other reasons. (TLDR; Excuse for Devildice).
But then almost all, if not all angels were given free will and that caused differences in opinions, which then led to a war.
And yada yada, people die in wars. Especially the bold or stupid.
Cómic from after said war, resulting on Lucifer's fall.
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"So-uh... We got you out of that Ice Cage, right? Well, I basically organized the whole rescue mission so uh... I don't know if you could uh- gimme a prize for it... Maybe some benefit-"
(Meanwhile the Devil just keeps murmuring "The eternal cold" over and over)
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"My right hand! Where is he?! Bring him to me! NOW!!"
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"Wh- That butler of yours? Dude, he died on the war! Michael killed him!"
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"ugh... Uh- Just listen to me, ok? Just a sec-"
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(The Devil starts chanting the "Our Father" prayer in Latin)
"Wait, no! Don't enter a prayer fit! You can't pay me while praying!!"
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amitiel-morningstar · 2 months
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Robert, Amitiel, and Killian - Truth and Desires
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luduan · 2 months
I did my first full body piece!!
I am so proud of myself. I have learned so much and I can't believe that *I* drew this and gave life to my Lucifer...my Sami. My dark circus au sweet prince that deserves so much better.
I wanna color him, too 💕
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My concept art for VOMC Chapter 1-3 (SPOILERS) some of this art is old, but was used in our current chapter!
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Also (SPOILER ALERT) for a couple characters upcoming in the current chapter we are working on! Helel/Lucifer and Savannah!
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VOMC is currently availible here on Webtoon!
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sh0w--t1m3 · 6 months
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I made my version of Lucifer for the silly cult series! His human form is native american!!! (Cherokee tribe) I drsw his face eventually (I got mad because I couldn't get it right 3: )
His feather headband (a type of native hairdress) is made with his own feather before he fell.
He got the native cherokee jewelry from Maurice, who got it from his mother. Maurice is part native (also cherokee) and French :3333
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deathmimedream · 11 months
Mystery super rare
That’s right ghoulies, the one, the only, the delightfully sassy-sweet Morningstar himself!
He’ll be a rare appearance muse, considering he’s very OP, But can be requested and interacted with like any of my other muses.
:::::Headcannons in play::::
He is a fallen archangel.
He has three sets of wings, but rarely shows them off or uses them.
He has two glamours of choice. One shows off his horns and a few black crystalline scales under each eye, and the black and red makeup. The other only has the makeup. (He prefers to show off the horns. Most people think they’re part of a costume!)
He’s big on consent. Unless you have severely pissed him off, he will always ask permission.
He likes when you’re polite.
Soft spot for papas, their ghouls, and a few of his fallen flock.
Has multiple bastard half demon or ghoul children, but only one with a human mortal. (He was drunk, and lost a bet, but he’s so damn proud of his earthborn child!)
Occasionally visits the ministry in disguise, and shields his presence so hard no one can tell its him unless he wishes otherwise.
He’s a redhead, since not only in some mythos is red hair a symbol of the supernatural, it’s also symbolic of Dawn, and he IS the Morningstar.
Can be sassy, gives people nicknames, kind of a silly goober at times, but he’s really only scary if you make him angry.
Snazzy dresser, and despite loving all colors, primarily wears black.
Luci’s makeup:
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Luci’s glamoured look:
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profanepurity · 1 month
Amazing art as always. Lucifer my beloved. You know i can kinda turn away from the hate and anger and resentment from my father. I accepted that he's a manchild. That he knows he has problems and still let it hurt his family. I take solace that one day he won't exist anymore. How does Lucifer deal with it?? His dad is God!
I'm happy you're able to find some kind of comfort in your situation with your father, anon. Dealing with a family member like that is never easy, and I wish nothing but peace for you 🖤 As for how Lucifer deals with God, he refuses to refer to him as 'father' like he once did. God is his 'creator', but even that level of attachment to the entity on Heaven's throne makes him seethe. He has no father, and that is how he'd prefer to keep it. He considers a parental figure in his life unnecessary, as that period in his existence is long gone. Instead, Lucifer remains close to his lovers. He focuses on being a good spouse, teacher, brother, and leader. He takes comfort in those who are close to him since they are what prevent him from being swallowed by his own anger and bitterness. When Lucifer fell, he was embraced by Hell itself, Abaddon. He was the entity that 'adopted' him, in a sense. At the very least, he and Baphomet helped Lucifer back on his feet and accepted him among their other sons. Abaddon is someone Lucifer seeks out for advice and values his knowledge and presence, but he has never called him his father.
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noblemansdemon · 1 year
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I am currently rewatching Lucifer with my beloved, so I got a little thing for the lucifer fans out there. A fun doodle, of my new Lucifer OC, Astara, though the definitions of doodle may very a bit. But I did finish it in two hours and I'm pretty happy with it.
If you like it, consider liking and subscribing.
It'll support me and offer me a chance to post more consistent content.
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patchqork · 1 year
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magical artist !!!
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jplupine · 2 years
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Streamed 5-6 hours just to finish this- I was DETERMINED
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insanityxofxmuses · 2 years
Profile of Akashka
Face Claim is Danielle Rose Russell
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Akashka is a Succubus like vampiric demon, born of Satan and Agrat bat Mahlat, she thrives on fear and blood. 
● ● ●  ( BASIC )
( full name ) Akashka 
( nicknames ) Ka, Vamp, (Dear. Darling) - specific for Lucifer, My Love(specific to Dream the Endless)
( age ) Unknown
( species ) Demon
( gender ) Female
( sexuality ) Bisexual, more hetero tendencies. 
( date of birth ) unknown
( place of birth ) Hell
( current living situation ) Hell or The Waking World.
● ● ● ( PHYSICAL )
( height ) 5′
( weight ) 122 lbs
( hair ) brown, long, ponytail. wavy. 
( eyes ) demon form: Crimson, a bit of a gold glow sometimes, bleeding, human form: green eyes that sometimes glow gold.
( scars ) battle scars all over, even on her wings. 
( tattoos ) in human form: on her right arm she has Dreams hand print hidden under a large leather band. she originally wanted it on her throat but he refused, saying they needed to keep it hidden.
( jewelry ) she has a silver chain with what looks to be a replica of his own ruby on it. the only difference is that is it much smaller. 
( clothing ) depends on her mood. sometimes she likes tight and fitted clothing, to show off her body, but other times she likes wearing bagging nonrevealing clothing. or just simply her armor. 
● ● ● ( PERSONAL )
( mother )  Agrat bat Mahlat
( father ) Satan
( brother ) many
( sister ) many
( husband ) she has many lovers, and depending on which verse she is in she either has Lucifer as a love interest, or Dream the Endless. Mazikeen is a bit of a lover too in both verses. 
( children ) she has no children at this time.
Lucifer Verse: ~I Bleed for You, My Lord~
- Akashka is a demoness who is Lucifer’s bodyguard just like Mazikeen. she came to the mortal realm with Lucifer and Maze, and became a bartender at the night club they started. she would have flings here and there with Maze, and always wanted to be with Lucifer himself.
she fell Jealous when Lucifer started interacting with Chloe Deckard, and found herself wishing the Archangel looked at her in the way he did with the detective. so she decided to spy on the detective and found herself being attracted to her also. once even threatening the woman to keep away from Lucifer. Mazikeen praised Akashka for that threat and put in a good word to Lucifer, and eventually Akashka had her chance with Lucifer. but she had to share him with Chloe, especially after chloe was found pregnant. 
The Sandman Verse: ~I Dream of You, Dream Lord~
- Akashka is a Bodyguard of sorts to Lucifer like Mazikeen. she was sent to the Waking World a few times over the Millenia to retrieve demons going rogue. 
One of the times she was in the Waking world, she had fallen asleep and encountered none other than the Dream Lord himself and instantly fell for him. she wasn’t sure what drew her to him but their relationship grew deep, and even when she was back in hell, she dreamed of his visits. he had given her gifts and she willingly gave him information when they were alone. but when in the presence of others, she would outwardly show no affection towards him, refusing to let Lucifer know of her feelings and hurt her or Dream for it. 
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artfilenotfound · 9 months
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Gotta make bad art for good art and lord know my side views need the work lmao
But if I wanna legit make a comic next year I gotta get comfortable with the bad
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