studio-star-quality · 5 years
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Noctis’ gaze keeps bouncing between a digital reflection of the current time against his fridge’s door, and the front door. He looks calm and a tiny smile sneaks to decor his exhausted CEO look; his hair is messy in a cool way and his stubble has grown long enough to cast the tiniest of shadows across his jaw. On the inside the tide has turned and his guts swirl like a vortex.
When was the last time he felt this nervous about a few drinks with a pretty girl? Too long, if asked from Gladio. Noctis is too excited to sit down to play games, or anything that is even remotely close to calming one’s pacing heart.
The doorbell rings unexpectedly, yet it suddenly feels like the sweetest announcement in the world. His phone vibrates in his pocket, informing of incoming messages —probably from Ignis— but he ignores them happily.
He opens the door, holding back his breath. His brain is already jamming and when he gains the glimpse of Eve he—
“Hey,” Eve greets with a shy hint of rose on her cheeks. He is way too smitten to notice the slight embarrassment of wearing her boss’ dress creeping up her neck, but it slowly dissipates as she notices his baffled reaction.
And his brain is cooperating no longer. Eve’s outfit is blue— or more like turquoise. Like a lagoon. It glimmers in the lights of the hallway like the sun casting its rays over the surface of an endless ocean. Noctis has seen that dress somewhere before, but he banishes the remnants of that thought away in a blink of an eye.
“Woah, you look—” the words keep getting caught in his throat and he keeps opening  and closing his mouth like a fish on a dry land.
“A bit too glamorous?” Eve asks and turns around so Noctis can get a better look at the dress. He has to remind himself to keep looking at the dress, even though his eyes would very much like to wander to study every curve and dip on her body.
“I was going to say stunning,” he smiles confidently.
Eve blushes and her smile widens slightly.
Noctis has to shake off his bewilderment and to do that−he casually ruffles his hair. But just enough so he won’t look like a mess.
“Where shall we go then?” she asks as she eyes Noctis from head to toe.
“There’s this nice drink bar. Afterglow. It’s peaceful enough for us to have a chat over drinks.” Noctis says and offers his arm like a gentleman.
Ignis would be so proud right now.
“Sounds nice,” Eve responds and curls her hand over his arm. If only slightly reluctantly; she isn’t too used to going on a date on her boss’ brother.
Next ≫
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sherniwrites · 5 years
Kyr’am: The Mandalorian
Fandom: The Mandalorian 
Warnings: Angst, character death 
Word Count: 500 
Pairing: Established Din x female 
Note: We’re just going to pretend like it hasn’t been almost a year since I last posted. Din Djarin owns my ass at this point and my brain thought that meant I could break my hiatus by writing angst.
When Din woke that morning he felt in his bones that something terrible would happen that day but as a Mandalorian one gets used to the feeling. So he brushed it off and continued on with his morning routine and with waking up to hearing the laughter of his partner playing with the child, how hard could that be? Her smile when she saw him walk into the cockpit and the child cooing for his father always made him feel like the luckiest man in the galaxy. Din tried to focus on piloting the three of them to another safe planet but he still couldn’t shake the feeling. If only he knew how quickly it would all change.
It was an ambush, a trap. They should’ve seen it coming. He should’ve seen it coming. They were cut off from reaching the Razor Crest and had to fight their way out. The child was safe with Cara but Moff Gideon had found them. And they had to fight for their lives.
Everything happened so quickly yet time seemed to slow down all at once. Din was surrounded and couldn’t see Gideon approaching from behind. But she did. And she jumped in front of his blade.
Din watched as Moff Gideon pulled the darksaber out, watched as she fell to the ground. Everything else faded away, all he could focus on was her stunned, pained expression, hands moving to hold her stomach, all he heard was her helpless cry. And then, everything snapped back into focus, he let out an agonized scream and moved towards the man to retaliate but he had already retreated. Din knelt at her side, hands hovering over the hole in her stomach.
“No, no, no,” he chanted, staring down at her with frantic eyes, “Why would you do that? That hit was for me!”
“The beskar wasn’t covering you there. I couldn’t let you get hurt, you can’t” she wheezed, her jaw clenching as pain coursed through her, “You can’t always be the protector, you would’ve done the same if” She couldn’t finish her words
“Hey, shh, don’t speak,” tears gathered in his eyes, blurring his vision, “I’m going to try to stop your bleeding okay? You’re losing a lot of blood.”
But he knows, he’s seen death enough times to know, she wasn’t going to make it. He tried, but the cold embrace of death already had her.
“Din, stop,” she choked on her blood, “you know,” it was getting harder for her to breathe “I love you Din, I’m sorry. Make sure our child is safe.”
“I love you,” he promised her, smoothing the hair from her forehead,” until the end of time, my love.”
Her lips quipped faintly, but it was the most she could give him right now. Slowly, he removed his hand from her wound and pulled her into his arms, holding her to his chest. Her breaths were sharp and quick, and the sound rattled in her throat.
He knew it was the end now, and slowly rocked her back and forth, face pressed in his neck, breaths shallow and tapering off until there was no more. Her grip on his shirt fell and her hands fell limp.
“Come back,” he whispered in her ear, trying to fight the lump in his throat, the hole in his heart, ”Please, please come back,I’m sorry, it’s over now, please wake up, don’t do this to me, you can’t, “ he begged, like if he said it enough times she would, but it was too late, he cut himself off with a loud sob and held her tighter, “Please come back to me.”
And it was in that moment that Din realized what it was like to die while his heart was still beating.
Tags: @theforceofdarkandlight @c-qcat @creative-frequency @lucianhuntress @luvleekaotix-imagines @toastronaut @singlebecauseofthechocobros @owldearest
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creative-frequency · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Happened to see this on my dash by @muse-of-nightmares so here goes:
Heart beating suspiciously fast, you rap your knuckles on the metal plating. “Cal? I’m coming in.”
You press the door open while balancing the tray on one hand.
Cal sits on the bed, just caught in the middle of a stretch, arms in the air and hair ruffled. He bends his neck to both sides and settles on looking at you attentively. There’s a cooler patch next to him and an opened pack of bacta gel strips.
Tagging: @droidrights @sherniwrites @lucianhuntress @owldearest @toastronaut @singlebecauseofthechocobros @pureloveforfandoms and anyone who wants to. Tag me if you do this!
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Merry late Christmas tto@lucianhuntress Sorry this is so late but I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for being so wonderful! You bring so much positivity to the group and it is incredibly refreshing! You have a 10/10 sense of humor and your writing is A++++! I hope you enjoy this and I love you <3
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#24 ravus x selene- “I hope you break your ass on that ice.”
Selene was faring much better on the ice than she anticipated. She was moving her feet slowly, balancing on her skates but still propelling herself forward while her hands were stretched out to her sides for stability. She might have looked comical to some but she had yet to fall on her ass and a small grin of triumph adorned her face.
This moment was shortly lived however when her husband glided past her at an impressive speed. His snowy white hair billowed behind him along with the ends of his scarf which were tightly wrapped around his neck. At his swift passing Selene felt a breeze left in his wake. She was not surprised he was so good on the ice because frankly what wasn’t Ravus good at? He was smart, strong, and ethereal and while it drove Selene to madness it also caused her heart to race. But it was also what he had grown up with.
This being her first winter in Tenebrae she was shocked to find they were as frigid as her husband’s first impressions. The sylleblossom fields were gone, now coated in a fresh coat of snow while rivers and lakes streaming among the land were frozen in place. The sky was grey most days and yet it never dimmed the beauty of the country. The trees were barren with leaves but now coated in icicles that dripped throughout the day when the sun was out but left to refreeze overnight. Selene had to admit, Tenebrae was a real winter wonderland.
“Do you need assistance dear,” Ravus called out to her. She could practically hear the sneer in his voice.  
“I'm doing fine thank you,” she answered matter of fact. Heading to the edge of the frozen pond, Selene collapsed on the snow, heaving heavy breaths as she splayed out on the ground starting up at the sky. Even without looking she could hear the sound of his skates approaching and soon felt the snow around her crunch with the impact of the Commander taking a break as well.
Propping herself up on her elbows she watched Ravus begin to unravel the scarf he was sporting. His hair fell down, unkempt around his face but there was softness in his expression, as though any sort of guard he normally had in place was currently absent and it was just him. His blue eyes glanced out onto the ice with deep concentration, like he was watching something play out. Perhaps a memory.
His shoulders moved up and down with every rapid breath he took in and let out. 
“Sure are breathing heavy,” Selene teased, “Out of shape?”
 Rolling his eyes he replied, “No. Unlike you I was actually moving out there. I’m tired.”
“Hey I was moving,” she rebutted, “Maybe not as fast as you but I was.”
“Hardly,” he chuckled.
“Hardly,” Selene mimicked in a childish tone, receiving a scowl from her husband. “Glare all you want Ravus. Those looks don’t faze me anymore.”
Raising a brow he glanced at her, “Is that so?”
“I don’t believe I stuttered,” she retorted. And then before she could even blink, he was on her; pinning her down in the snow with his hands on her wrists and his face inches from her. Selene went to gasp but stopped herself, that’s what he wanted. He wanted her to react, wanted her to do something. But she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
“Can I help you,” she breathed out coolly. But Ravus said nothing, rather he just stared at her, locking his eyes on hers and not breaking away. “I know what you’re doing Ravus,” Selene whispered, “But you can stop this now because it won’t work.”
He didn’t though. If anything his gaze intensified and Selene wondered how it was he could appear to be looking directly into her mind while also appearing to undress her at the same time. She hoped he couldn’t see past her own walls and into her deepest fears and secrets for the way his eyes burrowed into hers she was almost certain he might be gazing directly into her soul.
In turn however, Selene could see Ravus too: fearlessness coated in blankets of self-doubt shone behind his irises as well as admiration and affection. It was not much of course but Selene caught herself eyeing back in wonder.
“You’re a tough one to crack,” he mumbled, his eyes not leaving hers.
 “I like a good challenge,” she replied, “Probably why I agreed to marry you.”
The smirk that formed on Ravus’s face brought a small grin to her own. Freeing one of her wrists, he used his free hand to remove strands of hair from the princess’s face. At his touch Selene’s breath caught in her throat and sent shivers down her spine. Moving his face closer, she closed her eyes waiting but nothing happened. Pulling back, Ravus let go of Selene’s other hand and fell unto the snow beside her, beginning to look up to the sky as well. The two of them laid like this for a while, simply listening to the breaths of the other while letting the chilled air cool their faces.
“Why did you stop,” Selene asked, turning her head to him.  
“You said you like a good challenge,” he replied, “I’m curious to see how long you last till you’re practically dragging me to bed.”
Selene nearly chocked on her words as she sat up glancing at her husband, “E-excuse you?”
“It’s all in good fun,” he answered standing up and getting back on the ice, “Maybe this is for more of my benefit than yours.”
Selene could only imagine how red her face must appear in comparison to the white snow that was all around her but she couldn’t hide that or the stupid grin that appeared on her face at his suggestion. While she wanted to reply with something equally clever the only words she could muster were: “I hope you break your ass on that ice.”
The Crew: @creative-frequency @sherniwrites @bleucommelhiver @owldearest @promptoastandbutter 
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bleucommelhiver · 7 years
weight of water | mer!Nyx
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PROMPT: Day 2 - Crystal Clear RATING: SFW - T for mentioned nudity(?); future NSFW? WORDS: 1,167 NOTES: Mer!Nyx because we need it. My hand might have slipped, and this ended up with more plot than I intended. Oops. Chapter 2? Maybe, maybe not. Also yes, I know it’s technically the 4th day but I’m just posting day 2. Who’s not surprised this happened? ALSO, may be completely revamped before I post on AO3. TAGGING some enablers: @glaive-eve @lucianhuntress @singlebecauseofthechocobros @owldearest @promptoastandbutter @tamanamohain @notsoartistic @mildsoap-writes @unprofessional-writer @notellen @mourningprinces​
The scorching summer sun beat down upon her neck. Despite her summer dress, sheer enough to be nothing at all really, beads of perspiration dewed upon her skin faster than she could wipe them. Gods, she forgot how suffocating the summers in Galahd were — all thunderstorms and rain, as if to celebrate Ramuh in all his torrential glory, until all that remained was the blistering heat of a sun that she swore shone hotter than Ifrit himself. As much as she had missed her homeland, a diplomatic sojourn in the middle of its hottest month was not her idea of fun.
She heard it before she saw it, the deep crash of the ocean, wild and erratic as it beat against the shore like a drum. Shielding her eyes, she pushed the verdant vines away and sighed in relief. There it was, the lagoon that she used to steal off to many years ago as a child. It was as uninhabited and secluded as she remembered. Its water the brightest turquoise green, so crystalline in its brilliance she could see the coral reefs and the schools of fishes that flickered with the sunlight.
Assured that she was alone, she began to peel off her sweat sodden clothing. Once down to her undergarments, she hesitated and looked around again, just to be sure.
Hiking back in damp underwear wasn’t ideal…besides, there was no one around for miles, she was certain of it. Without further hesitation she unhooked her bra and slid down her panties, taking care to place them with her clothes on the rocks nearby to dry. Suddenly self-conscious of her nakedness, she jumped in.
As she pierced the surface of the water, she shivered from the sudden chill, nipples pebbling and goosebumps rising. But all thoughts of the cold left as she took in the view of the flourishing corals, gently swaying kelp, and the swimming sea turtle, ignorant of her presence nearby.
As she resurfaced she gasped and laughed with joy. The cool saltwater was a balm for her sore and heated flesh. She looked up into the cloudless sky as she treaded water, leaning back until she was floating. Relaxed, she closed her eyes enjoying the weightlessness of her body and the faint cries of the gulls, until something soft hit her head.
She jerked up and looked around, narrowing her eyes at the shoreline only to find it as empty had been minutes before, but looking down, she found a lone flower floating in the water. It looked like a hibiscus, except its crimson petals were translucent and swayed with the ocean like the sea life beneath her. She wondered where the sea flower had come from when she yelped at the unexpected feeling of fingers brushing along her waist.
She wasn’t alone anymore, that much she knew, but she wondered who had followed her into the lagoon. How long had they been spying on her? How much did they see?  
Seconds dragged into minutes as she waited for the perpetrator to surface for air. Had it been a figment of her imagination? Perhaps the wind had carried the strange flower to her. Except, the day was stifling as it was still, and she could not feel even the faintest of breezes.
Then, through the corner of her eye, she saw the flash of a caudal fin, aquamarine and gentian in its splendor, break surface and…splash her! She was about to laugh at her luck of encountering such a playful sea animal when, in place of the majestic fin, was a man with long umber hair, adorned with braids and twinkling shells, smiling at her with a predatory glint in his sharp canines.
“You!” she nearly screamed. If it were not for the necessity of staying afloat, she would’ve covered her nakedness, but as it were, modesty was secondary to survival. “You pervert! How dare you follow me here to spy—”
The strange man raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Follow? You’re the one who decided to intrude on me.”
“I was here first.”
He snorted, storm grey eyes twinkling. “Doubtful, as I live here and you’re trespassing in my home.”
“What? You can’t live here,” she said in indignation.
“Oh, can’t I?” he teased, the corner of his mouth curled in an roguishly handsome smirk.
In a blink of an eye, he closed the fifty feet of distance between them.
“Let’s start over. I’m Nyx and this is my home.”
“What?” she said again, softly this time, as she took in his form. In the distance, she had thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but up close she could see that he was the owner of the beautiful pair of fins.
“My home. This is it,” Nyx repeated as if she was daft.
“No, I got that, but you’re— you’re not human,” she said with a blush as her eyes trailed down his chiseled abdomen, past his belly button and Adonis belt, to find a tail where his, well, she thought, as her blush deepened, where his bits would be if he was as naked as her.
“Yes, and the ocean is blue,” he replied drolly. “For an offering, you seem surprised.”
“Yes, I’ve been waiting for so long,” Nyx supplied as he proceeded to invade her space, crowding her until she felt the sharp dig of the reef against her back. But instead of protesting, she let him, mesmerized.
Up close she could see that while he was of flesh, his skin had a sheen that glistened under the sun with the pearlescence of scales, and upon his neck, on both sides, were three long gashes that looked suspiciously like gills. Whatever Nyx was, he was enchanting and his presence made her forget herself — her worries, her modesty, her obligations.
“You’re so beautiful now,” he whispered as he brushed his knuckles across her cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Fragile, but beautiful. That’ll change soon, though”
She let out a breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding as he pressed his body against hers. His bare chest, inhumanly warm and slick against hers sent a frightfully thrilling shock of arousal through her.
He was now close enough that she could feel the feather-light touch of his nose against her neck as he said his next words. “There’s no turning back.” It was a statement more than a warning.
“No turning back?” she repeated, breath hitched and not quite understanding the words.
“No. Once you’re mine, it is forever.”
“You’d leave your world for mine? Leave your friends and family for me?”
“Yes. I don’t want you to be alone anymore. I’ll be with you forever.”
“You promise?”
“I promise! I’ll be back soon, Nyx.”
She pushed him off and raced to shore, moving through water faster than she’s ever had before. Picking up her clothing, she didn’t bother to stop or dress until the lagoon was far out of sight.
--- tbc?
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owldearest · 7 years
The End is Not the Answer
Pairing: Ignis/OC (Honoria)
word count: 1437
Warnings: Suicide attempt, mild blood
Suggested listening: The End is not the Answer- Three Days Grace and Never Too Late - Three Days Grace
Tagging: @bt7274, @glaive-eve, @bleucommelhiver, @lucianhuntress, @promptoastandbutter, @singlebecauseofthechocobros, @ffxv-ocs-unite
Honoria sat alone, twirling her hunting knife in her hand. Normally, she only used it to skin beasts for their meals, but after her failures earlier in the day… she didn’t deserve to be a part of the group.
No, she didn’t deserve to live. Tonight, her knife would serve a different purpose.
Her bad planning on that hunt almost got not one, but 2 members of the group she cared so much about killed. The red-head nearly watched her best friend, her sister, bleed out on the ground in front of her, barely enough energy to call for a phoenix down, no mana left to heal herself or another. Honoria nearly saw the man she had grown so fond of, whom she had started to feel things she wasn’t totally ready to acknowledge for, fall when a Bandersnatch's mate suddenly appeared, tail furiously sweeping at the bespectacled man. It caught him across the chest, blood splashing onto the ground in front of her.
She should’ve accounted for that. She should have known that there would be a mate. She should have been faster in rectifying the issues. She shouldn’t have gotten them hurt.  She was a Curatrix. She vowed she’d…
She laughed sardonically as she thought of what she promised she’d be, ever since she discovered the meaning of her family’s surname. Curatrix, Guardian… A promise to protect those she cared about…
Yeah, right. Failing my name and breaking my promise yet again. Go me.
She pressed the blade to her neck, feeling the sharp bite of the metal against the thin skin. A little more pressure and a pull, then hopefully, she’d be gone. Hopefully, she’d bleed out before anyone even noticed she was gone.  She pressed a little harder, then pulled the blade away, stabbing it into the ground in disgust. Why couldn’t she do it? Why couldn’t she slit her own throat? Why? Why? Why?
She heard footsteps behind her. She sighed. Of course, someone noticed. Why couldn’t she just die in peace? Why couldn’t she just be alone, left to fail only herself? Why did they have to make her face her own failures every day?
Why couldn’t she be perfect?
“Honoria? Are you alright?” The cultured voice asked, standing some ways back. If she was this unsettled, he didn’t know what she’d do if he were to reach out to her, as desperately as he wanted to do so. He watched her shoulders shake, knowing that she had to be holding back sobs. Honoria letting anyone see her cry when she was completely sober? Preposterous.
“I’m fine.” She replied coldly, doing her best to hide the thickness clutching her throat.
Ignis sighed at her response. Why couldn’t this bullheaded woman admit that she needed someone to talk to?
“People who are “fine” don’t hold knives to their own throats, Honoria.” He stated, stepping forward and joining her on the ground. He sat near her knife, ready to grab it if she tried again. She was a member of their little group, and if he had his way, they wouldn’t be losing anyone tonight.
“Y-you saw, huh?” Honoria said, embarrassment entering her voice. Ignis merely nodded in response.
They sat together for a time, staring out at the river before them. Ignis looked at her, seeing the sadness still crossing her features before he broke the silence.
“You know, we’d all miss you if you were gone: Noct, Prom, Gladio, and I. Not to mention Ahnya, Ellie, and Valariya.”
“Yeah, right,” she scoffed, “I’m just a failure who does nothing but annoy you and everyone else. I don’t deserve any of your sympathy.”
“If you were gone, who’d take care of Ellie and Ahnya?”
“They took care of themselves long before they met me,” she sighed, “Besides, they have Vee. She can watch over them.”
“What about Noct? He considers you a good friend, you know.”
“He has you and everyone else.”
“What about your family?” Ignis trailed off, seeing a new sheen to Honoria’s eyes as soon as the sentence left his lips. He watched fresh tears roll down her cheeks and heard the sob tear itself from her chest.
“The only family I cared about is dead, and what’s left would rather I not exist.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t decided to stay just to, what’s the phrase you always use, “Piss in their cereal” as it were.” Ignis replied, a gentle smile turning up his mouth as Honoria let out a chuckle.
“Still… I should just give up. I’m a failure,” Honoria sighed, resignation overtaking her brief joy. Ignis looked worriedly at her for a moment before summoning a dagger in a flash of light.
“Well, if you’re giving up, then I guess I should too.”
“What?! No! Iggy, Noctis and everyone needs you!” She exclaimed, trying to knock the dagger from his grasp.
“But, following your logic, because Noct, Prompto, and Gladio have gotten injured many times for doing what I’ve told them, then I must be a horrible failure as well.” He stood up smoothly, dancing out of her reach. Honoria did as he expected, standing and following, trying to get his dagger out of his hand, “Besides, I still can’t get Noct to eat properly.”
“Ignis, you’re wrong! You’re not a failure. You can cook the most gourmet of dishes while on the road 24/7, everyone loves you, you’ve never steered any of us wrong. You’re perfect.” Honoria stopped, her head turning toward the ground as she spoke. “You’re perfect…”
“That’s the core of the issue, isn’t it?”
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about. “
Ignis dismissed his dagger, moving to stand in front of her and resting his hands on her shoulders.
“Norie, look at me. You and I are different people. You can’t compare yourself to me. Honestly, I don’t know how you’ve dealt with the girls for so long.” Honoria looked at him. “You’re as important to the girls as Noct is to me.”
“No buts, just listen.” Ignis shushed. “Ellie and I are fine. We didn’t die, our injuries were healed with a potion. This, slitting your own throat, it isn’t the answer to anything.”
“But then there’d be one less person holding the group back.”
“But, we would be mourning the loss of a friend. Did you think about that?”
“You wouldn’t care.”
Ignis sighed in exasperation, “Honoria Curatrix, would I be here talking to you if I didn’t care? Do I seem the kind of man to do that?”
“You’d do whatever Noct or the other’s asked you to do.”
“Nobody asked me to do this, Norie.” His voice softened. Honoria looked into his eyes expecting to see his usual expressionless gaze, something to show her that he was lying, show her that he didn’t care. It was to her shock that she saw nothing but his desperation. His desperation to keep her alive, safe, and return her to the group where she belonged.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, stepping forward to rest her head against his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her holding her close as she began to cry again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He replied, rubbing up and down her back to soothe her, “Just, next time, come to Ellie or I or any of us. You’re a friend and comrade, Honoria. We care about you.”
He bit back the words that tried to follow. I care about you.
Her own arms found their way around his waist pulling him tightly against her as her body was wracked with sobs, sobs for the people she’d lost, people she’d failed, sobs for those she’d gotten hurt or had to hurt, sobs for her name, for the failure of what it meant.
“Come now, let us return to camp.” He tried to pull away, stopping when Honoria caught his hand.
“Please.” She whispered, squeezing it lightly. Without physical contact with someone, she felt she’d fall. He nodded his assent, squeezing back as comfortingly as he could. Honoria gazed up at him with a teary smile. “Thank you.”
“Never a problem, Norie.” He gave her one of his rare smiles, tender affection—Friendship, Honoria told herself, shining in his eyes. “Now, come on. Let’s try to get Noct to eat some vegetables, shall we?”
She nodded her approval, walking side-by-side with him to the others, feeling lighter than she had in weeks.
Curatrix, guardian, one who protects. That was her name, but…
Maybe she’s the one who needed a guardian. Maybe, just maybe, she’d found one in Ignis Scientia.
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lucianhuntress · 7 years
About Me
So, here is some cool stuffs about me in case you were interested to know who the hell is Lucianhuntress? Well, let me tell you something...
I mostly run around by the name Sakumartti.
I am 26 years old.
From Finland!
I’m not that venomous though. I’m actually pretty friendly.
Okay, most of the time.
I am a chef but don’t work as one. I love cooking and baking though.
Baking is love, baking is life.
Quite a music addict. I need to listen to music almost constantly.
I love games. Final Fantasy has been part of my life since the PSX.
Yes Cloud, I’m looking at you.
I have a cat: Lulu.
I’d describe myself as a weird, random and ultimately funny person. But someone might disagree. I mean, my jokes are terrible.
And then some random stuff about me as a writer:
I started writing fanfictions... like when I was 12? 13? Something like that.
And I wrote pretty random fictions that I hope to have vanished into oblivion.
I wrote a lot with @glaive-eve back in the day.
Good times.
Then I had a looooong break. Like seriously, a long break.
But then Dragon Age Inquisiton happened. 
I started writing again.
In Finnish. *disgusted shiver*
And eventually, I moved onto FFXV.
I wrote a bit in Finnish again.
But Finnish sounds so... nasty. So I started writing in English.
And here I am with my weird fanfiction and drawings.
I regret nothing.
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sakumartti · 7 years
5 Things Meme
I was tagged by @leafwrington
5 things you can find in my blog
Games, really. I love games.
Some stuff about tv-series. 
Memes and puns!
Fanfiction and fanart. Love them all.
5 things you can find in my room
I don’t have a room for just myself, since I live on my own. Well with a boyfriend. So this will be about the stuff I have in my living room.
Playstation 4 and my PC!
Some books, still waiting for me to assembly that IKEA bookshelf. Soon™
Got a secret stash holding some of my old drawings. They’re all horrible.
Board games!
5 things I always wanted to do
See more of the world.
Actually go to space. I know this is pretty much not going to happen, but it’s a dream!
Become an archaeologist or paleontologist. It’s been a dream career for me since I was a kid, heh.
Have a pet of my own. Thankfully I have a cat now.
Learn Spanish!
5 things that make me happy
My boyfriend and my cat (most of the time)
Now that I have a job,  so I can actually afford to buy stuff. It’s a shitty job, but I get paid.
Eating. Lol. 
Reading something positive about myself. It really does cheer me up.
Spending my time playing games or writing. 
5 things on my to-do list
Go buy some foooooood.
I should write.
I should play ranked in Overwatch.
Fix some stuff in @lucianhuntress‘s blog.
Publish a new post @lucianhuntress.
5 things you might not know about me
I lowkey love some finnish songs that suck imo. At least that’s what I tell people. It would be embarrassing to tell the truth. 
I act nice and calm around people, but when I’m at home I am like one raging bitch. I can get really angry at stuff and literally scream. 
I’m super insecure, even if I am acting overconfident at times.
I’m actually a chef. Though I don’t do it for living.
I wanted to be a police officer at some point. (Not when I was a kid)
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studio-star-quality · 5 years
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Preparing for the final scene has begun already when Eve returns. Selene is browsing a catalogue with obvious disgust and fury, the pages nearly tearing apart as she turns them. She keeps glaring daggers at her co-star, who is having a discussion with the director.
“I’m back,” Eve informs her mistress with a delighted exhale. Selene responds with a curt nod, but doesn’t look into her direction. Nor does she bother to question the sudden excitement in Eve’s undertone.
“Hopefully my brother wasn’t too much pain in the ass like he usually is,” Selene grunts. “I don’t know why he has to come here every goddamn day just to show off.”
“It was no big deal,” Eve says, her cheeks gaining a shade of rose and she’s lucky that Selene is more interested in murdering her enemy with the power of her intense stare. “I think he is doing a good job.”
Selene freezes, and Ravus notices her eyes drilling into his perfect marble skin. She quickly decides that the catalogue is quite interesting. Her heart starts racing anxiously and she feels like a piece got stuck in her throat.
“Good job?” she mutters and turns her back towards the icy pair of eyes. “You should probably take something from the catering table while it actually has something edible. We’ll start shooting again in five.”
“Alright. I’ll be in the back.”
She hopes for the time to stop, but five minutes are gone almost in an instant, and Selene has to find her role in the act again. Ravus stands in front of her, closer than before, looking stoic and emotionless as always. He glows of determination, but the rest remains a mystery.
For a moment she can feel how the air around them slows down as the camera begins rolling. There is just the two of them in that room.
It’s just her and the man she has always loved. How happy they are to be reunited once again.
Ravus wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her even closer, like it is an act from an old, cliche movie with no audio. He is so close that she can feel his warmth; not ice as she had thought. His lips draw closer and her mind is trying to focus on the character, but the fire that drives her is weakened and electrified.
Her gaze falls on his lips, perfect and beautiful, and hypnotizing. She feels drawn to him, or maybe it’s just the character she is? Selene is lost as their lips gently graze against each other, before they mold into one, sweet creation of desire. Butterflies flutter in her chest and her body prickles.
His lips taste of tea, and his clothes smell of sylleblossoms that grow almost on the other side of Eos.
“Aaanndd…. cut!”
The magic word is spoken from the distance. It’s like a brutal poke from far, far away, or like a cold shower raining from above. It causes Selene to jump back from Ravus’ hold. Her heart is still ramming against her ribcage.
His eyes are just as empty as always, but Selene notices that funny look he had before during the previous shoot. It passes through his stone cold expression like a shooting star. It may be brief, but it’s enough for the fires to roar again across her body.
The director is discussing with the assistant, but Selene isn’t able to understand their conversation. Her brain is jammed and all she can do is stare at her co-star. Only the words she dreads more than anything in her current state cause her to wake up from the bewitchment.
“Let’s re-shoot!”
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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The sound of an alarm, that pestering buzz, so early in the morning fills a pitch black bedroom. Noctis has never liked the sound, much less to wake up to it, but he knows the consequences of not going to work on time.
First, Ignis would make sure Noctis has woken up by starting a difficult conversation through a flurry of text messages. Yes or no answers won't cut it and he’s caught in an instant.
Second, it would be Nyx who rings the doorbell to pick him up. He has a spare key in case Noctis hasn't gotten up yet and is unable to open the door. He works in an unison with Ignis, so they both know if Noctis has no plans for waking up early.
The doorbell rings, just like always. It’s slightly early; Nyx usually gives him time to get ready.
“Coming,” Noctis groans and stretches his hands out. He puts on his pajama pants and drags his drowsy body across the apartment. His mind is still asleep.
He opens the door, not much looking into who’s standing there. “Nyx, you’re early let me just—”
Noctis blinks his eyes again. And again as the image sinks into his mind. Nyx is not standing behind his door. His new neighbour and his sister’s new bodyguard Eve stands there with an empty mug in her hand. She lets out a tiny shriek as she sees Noctis wearing only his pajama pants.
“I-I can come back later!”
Noctis stops her, unable to comprehend the situation. “Is this a dream?”
“A dream?” she lets out a slightly flustered giggle so sweet it makes Noctis question the reality of the situation even harder.
“Morning,” she says, “I uhh… didn’t want to bother you but all the coffee in Selene’s apartment is too… old.”
They stare at each other in slightly dumbfounded silence.
“Well, I’ve got coffee in uhh… in my kitchen,” Noctis clears his throat eventually. “Come in? I’ll make you some.”
Eve steps into his apartment, cautiously studying the interior. Even if it’s an old building, Noctis has made sure his apartment doesn’t lack any latest technologies.
Noctis leads Eve into his kitchen and starts brewing the coffee. Or at least he tries. He hasn’t made any coffee in a while, but at least Ignis makes sure nothing grows old in his cabins.
“I wonder how this worked again…”
“Let me,” Eve offers to help. She seems more used to coffeemakers than Noctis. He moves aside and lets her take the reins of the situation.
Not a single thought has managed to form into his mind before the doorbell rings again. “I’ll be back, I think my bodyguard is here to pick me up,” Noctis notes, hating for having to leave Eve for just a moment. She nods in acknowledgement.
This time Noctis isn’t surprised to open the door. Nyx Ulric, Noctis’ personal bodyguard, cocks an eyebrow as he sees his half-naked boss. “You’re still not ready?”
Nyx lets himself into the apartment with a heavy sigh. “You’re making coffee when you should be getting dressed?”
“I can expl—”
“You have a girl in here?” Nyx whispers, unable to hide his smug smirk, and walks further into the apartment.
They both enter the kitchen where Eve has already made two cups of coffee. Her face lights up as she notices Noctis and…
“She’s my neighbour!” Noctis shouts before Nyx manages to open his mouth and release all the filthy thoughts going on in his mind.
“Hey Nyx,” Eve smiles, “long time no see.”
“Eve? Is it really you?” Nyx asks. He’s surprised. Noctis is surprised.
Noctis shifts his gaze from Eve to Nyx. Slowly.
Wait what?
“I thought you wanted to stay in Lestallum,” Nyx says and leans against a kitchen counter, beaming with a rather inviting look.
“I got a job offer,” Eve says with a tiny nod, “I work for his sister.”
“Yes and she’s my neighbour,” Noctis stops the two from whatever it is they are doing. He never thought he would feel so mad at Nyx for stepping into his apartment. It is a weird feeling, and the glare Noctis gives him should make him back off.
Nyx rolls his eyes to the roof and mutters something about ‘boss’.
“Oh, thanks for the coffee Noct! I have to run! Selene is going to gym in an hour and I think I need to kick her ass up from the bed,” Eve suddenly says and slams the empty mug on the table. “I hope we see each other again, Nyx.”
“Yea we should catch up,” Nyx winks at her.
Why would she want to meet Nyx? What about me?
But the smile Eve flashes to Noctis makes him forget about his frustration. His heart stutters. “You can come over again— in case you run out of coffee.”
After Eve has left, Nyx gently elbows Noctis with that never-ending-smug-smile-on-his-stupid-face.
“Shut up Nyx.”
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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If he is going to request a retake just because his hair didn't look good, I will end him.
Her blood begins to boil in her veins. Her body tenses and skulking rage storms in her heart chaotically — only to disappear as soon as the director lets out a delighted squeal. Her anger is swiftly replaced with confusion.
“The bosses did well when they chose you two,” the assistant director sighs contentedly and nods her head rather rapidly. The director is speechless.
Selene's eyes find Ravus’, but quickly dart for more important spots to stare at. He still has a funny look on his face. Obviously a model wouldn’t recognize her talent, and she is pretty damn sure she outdid herself during the last take.
“I think we can move on from here. This take was perfect,” the director is finally able to tell. “You two were amazing back there.”
“Yeah. It felt like magic had walked into the room and exploded like a dozen fireworks,” the assistant director agrees, “you looked like a real married couple there.”
Selene tastes the crushing victory and lets out a loud laugh, while standing on top of defeated Ravus. Deep within her imagination. However, her satisfied smile doesn’t go unnoticed by the supermodel.
“Let's do the ending next, then retake a couple single shots. We can start prepping for the cancer one.”
The kiss.
The only scene Selene has been dreading since the day one. Normally she would kiss anyone she is supposed to during a shoot. No big deal. It isn't real. But this time it’s just a big no. The more she managed to look at Ravus’ emotionless, perfect face the more it made her body prickle.
“Can we just… hug or something?” Selene suggests, trying to sound casual about it. It works well enough to make the assistant director consider other options.
“Is my sister chickening out?” She hears a too familiar voice asking across the studio. Noctis walks in. Again. Nyx accompanying him this time and walking a couple of steps behind him.
“Why are you here again?” Selene asks, feeling how fire coats her body again as the fury creeps back in wondering why it had left in the first place.
“I forgot my shades,” Noctis answers nonchalantly, eyeing the room lazily. Selene squints her eyes and crosses her arms as she glares at her brother.
She hears Ravus silently sighing behind her.
“Really?” Selene asks, trying to ignore the frustrated model.
“Yeah.” Noctis scratches the back of his neck as he finds the true cause for his visit. “Oh, looks like I found them. They were in my pocket all along.”
Nyx appears to be completely done with Noctis and he's not the only one.
“Miss Selene? We should resume to keep up with the schedule—”
Noctis suddenly bursts into a knowing smirk. “Chicken.”
“I. Am. Not. A chicken.”
“I wasn't the one trying to change a kiss scene into a warm hug,” Noctis shrugs.
“Oh, I will show the fucking kiss of this century,” she shouts, full of determination. “And Eva, show this man where the door is!”
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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The tension grows thicker by the second. One could almost compare the moment to an old classic movie: the Leide outlaws. Selene still has a poster stored in somewhere; her uncle Ardyn played the villain in it.
The two would just stare at each other until one gives up, and Selene isn't planning to end up as the loser. Aranea doesn't seem too eager to let go either.
Eve finally gets tired of the murderous silence. “Sooo...” she asks cautiously, as if she was disarming a ticking bomb. Fortunately the tension dissipates as quickly as it had appeared.
“Okay, so do you have an apartment to stay in?” Selene asks, never stopping her eye contact with Aranea.
“Actually I—”
“Noctis said that he'll pay generously.” Aranea crosses her hands over her chest and determination flares up in her eyes.
“And I told him, multiple times: I don't want his money,” Selene responds, putting her innocent act on. She blinks her eyes with the creepy fake smile she is wearing. “So as I was saying…”
“He told me it won't be like last time,” Aranea cuts in stubbornly. Selene has a hard time keeping her smile up.
“The company can do well without my help. No is a no.” Selene’s voice is wavering dangerously. Eve sinks further into confusion.
The manager starts typing a text message furiously, giving Selene the chance to continue with Eve.
“I’ll live in a hotel until I can find an apartment,” Eve sighs. Her eyes keep darting back to Aranea.
Selene furrows her brows in thought. “No way I am going to let that happen,” she suddenly states. She won't take a no for an answer. Besides, there is a wardrobe with actual nice clothes in the apartment. “I can arrange a place for you until you can find a better place and—”
Eve has already opened her mouth to protest, but Selene stops her with a ferocious glare.
“I insist.”
“Noctis says he'll host the weekly dinner for three months,” Aranea interrupts again. Selene groans in frustration.
“Three? I want him to host it for five months.”
Aranea starts typing furiously again. Selene rolls her eyes to the roof, wondering why her brother is so desperate to hire her out of all the available actresses.
“He says four and a half.”
Selene lets out the most irritated groan anyone has ever heard. “Fiiiinneee. I'll look into that shitty script after I’m done with Ada here.”
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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Whoever wrote the script deserves a slap. Selene skims through the pile of papers, marking almost everything with a red pen. The commercial should be promoting the company’s health centers, but for some reason it has all sorts of unnecessary filth in it.
“Selene you can't change everything,” Aranea sighs as she keeps on peeking over the actress's shoulder.
“Watch me,” she snaps and draws a huge 'X’ over one page. “Garbage,” she mutters.
Making changes should be something she can do; she owns 49% of the Caelum Industries and Noctis is nowhere to be seen to overrule her commands.
She pauses for a moment, her pen hovering above one word: kiss. 
Whoever wrote this script deserves a trip to the hospital. The silver haired man shifts in his chair loudly enough for Selene to lose her focus and her frozen gaze falls off the paper.
Luckily, her sunglasses provide enough cover for her to eye her co-star. She has seen his face before. His well sculpted face has been in every possible fashion magazine. Selene knows that he’s a model — a person who literally does nothing else than looks good. Okay, stunning.
But models are heartless, they have no room for emotions and are like beautiful cyborgs.
“Here's your water,” Eve states and slams a bottle of fine sparkling water against the table. Selene doesn't bother to thank, she's too invested in glaring at the silver haired man.
What was his name? She feels a tiny pinch of a headache approaching as she tries to recall his name. Rudolf? Randy? Robert? It definitely started with an ‘R’.
“You will be wearing some of the newest Caelum fashion and also some jewelries from DNO. To promote the collaboration set between DNO and Caelum Industries!” A stylist explains in the distance.
“Oh, we need to take those promotional pictures as well,” another joins the conversation.
“I see,” the silver haired man replies a bit coldly. Just as Selene pictured. She grits her teeth and stands up from her chair.
Suddenly the doors to the studio slam open and no one else than the goddamn CEO himself struts in. He’s also wearing sunglasses, but he takes them off as soon as he sees everyone. Selene isn't the only one who is surprised; Eve looks completely dumbfounded to see her new neighbor in a studio. She drops a water bottle she had taken for herself, causing a huge bam to echo around the room.
“What are you doing here?” Selene shouts. “Shouldn’t you be elsewhere?” Noctis never visits any of the studios.
“Maybe,” he says and rakes his raven black hair coolly. “I just came to see how you're doing.” Noctis flashes a smug smirk, his eyes instantly darting over to flustered Eve. “And to see that your companions are well taken care of.”
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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Noctis studies the blonde woman standing in front of him. He’s both confused and hypnotized; she looks lost in an adorable way. He wants to know who she is and why is she trying to get into Selene’s apartment. The questions in his head make his lips curl into a tiny smile.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he says, trying to sound casual about it. “Did you just move in?”
“Uh, kind of,” she hurries to answer. “This is uh— this is where I live in.” She points at the door behind her.
So Selene found someone already? She’s fast. Must be Aranea’s doing.
“Welcome to the building then,” he says. “It’s been a while since I had a neighbor.”
She seems to muster her courage, yet Noctis can see a hint of nervousness in the corner of her eyes. “Thank you mister uhh—” she quickly takes a glance at Noctis’ door. It has stylishly written name: Gar. “Mister Gar?”
“Just call me Noct.” He hides a tiny chuckle behind a polite cough. “We’ll probably see each other around.”
“Yeah. I—,” Eve bites her lip shyly. “I am Eve by the way. Eve Leonis.”
He feels tiny fluttering in his chest.
“Anyways, I should probably go,” Eve points again towards the door into her apartment. “It’s late and I have work in the morning so—” panic conquers her features as she realizes the keys aren’t in her hands anymore.
Noctis notices this, and quickly kneels down to pick up her keys. “Were you looking for these?” he asks, unable to stop himself from smiling.
“Oh! Thank you! I’m so clumsy today!” she lets out a nervous giggle to hide her embarrassment.
He hands out the keys into her shaking hands. His thumb brushes her palm and she almost drops the keys again. She bites her lip again and lifts her gaze from the keys. There’s a hint of rose on her cheeks.
A yellow keyring figure hangs between her fingers. A chocobo. “Cute keyring,” Noctis notes. She nods and mumbles something incoherently.
Eve turns around to open the door to her apartment and Noctis takes a few steps towards his door. They open the doors simultaneously. Noctis works his keys slightly slower than usual; he steals glances at the blushing lady.
“Well, good night!” Eve exhales as she finally manages to unlock the door.
“Good night,” Noctis responds. His chest feeling uncomfortably tight after she has disappeared from the hallway.
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studio-star-quality · 6 years
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“Yeah, dad, I kno—”
Selene heaves a heavy sigh and spins her raven dark hair around her index finger.
“You have to be careful. It could damage the company’s image if photos like that spread again,” her father, Regis Lucis Caelum, lectures on the other end of the phone.
Selene sinks deeper into the white leather armchair she is sitting on, trying to come up with a perfect excuse to end the call. She has heard enough. In fact, she heard enough at the beginning of the call when her father’s cheerful greeting echoed from the speaker.
“Just think of how much work Noctis had to do that one time!”
It seems like her silent prayers are answered when she hears the door to her apartment unlocking and opening. She gets up and walks through her modern, dramatically yet knowingly decorated home. People often feel both intimidated and awestruck on their first visit. Every room is a delicate battle of dark and light and stays true to its mistress.
“Oh, looks like Nea is here. Gotta go. Byyyyeeee,” Selene speaks to the phone, completely ignoring her father’s ranting and ends the call. She places her hands on her hips, phone still in the other hand, and lifts a brow in confusion.
“Who is she?” Selene asks a tad coldly. Aranea never brings randoms into Selene’s home. Not even for a party. And this woman is definitely no one popular enough to just stroll into her home.
The silver haired woman sighs. Obviously she has seen this scene too many times to feel any kind of disappointment or frustration. “I just told you before I left. She’s your new bodyguard or did you already forget?” It is now just… exhaustion.
“Oh right, there was talk about that,” Selene ponders out loud and gnaws her lip as she studies the blonde woman, who followed Aranea into her home. “A bodyguard.”
The bodyguard’s outfit is what catches Selene’s interest first. No way she’s going to look like that if she’s accompanying me outside. “What did you say your name was?”
“Eve Leonis, pleased to meet you,” she replies with a tiny smile, unsure if she should try to shake hands with her new client.
“Well, I guess I have to give you the tour — and please don’t touch anything unless you really have to,” Selene says, completely disinterested in the situation and possible handshakes.
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sherniwrites · 4 years
Fandom: DC universe
Warnings: mention of death
Pairing: established Jason Todd x Reader
Notes: it is April 27th and you know what the means. It’s the death anniversary of Jason Peter Todd and he still deserves better. This is a little different than what I normally do and I’m posting from my phone. But I hope you guys enjoy and are staying safe. This also is mostly in thanks to @c-qcat feeding off of my hyper-fixations. 
Time passes in waves. You don’t remember the days. You don’t try to remember this day in particular but like a clock you always get hit with melancholy days before. You try not to let him see it affect you but you don't complain when he pulls you in closer. Nor do you question if it’s for your benefit or his. Jason goes harder during patrol. Taking his anger out. Patrolling crime alley and stalking for prey.
It’s the night before and you finished your patrol. You don’t need to call Jason to know where he is and head there. You end up in a trance. Reflecting on everything that’s happened since that ill fated day 7 years ago.
When you see him sitting in front of his grave, your heart splits a little more. When he died, there was a void in you. An emptiness that always reminded you that your best friend was gone. When he came back, albeit broken and scared, it filled again. But it wasn’t the same. Life had broken and shaped you both. When you see this side of Jason, the broken and scarred one, you’re reminded of that void. You don’t say anything in greeting and just sit next to him in silence. He needs this you think when you eye the bottle of whiskey in his hand. Hell you do too. You used to come here every week to talk to him and you didn’t realize how much life had changed. It must have been close to an hour of silence before you lay a hand on his and ask him to go home.
He instead asks you to stay. Stay with me, I don't know how to be alone right now. So you do, passing the whiskey between you two. The sun starts to peak over the horizon when the bottle finishes and he stands up, grabbing your hand and walking home with you.
After you two shower and change, you pull him into your arms for a short nap. But you lie awake for a few hours. His breathing is evened out and he’s calm. You pray that tonight doesn’t greet him with the same nightmares he’s had the past few days. Your hands are tracing his scars. One is on his back and the other is in his hair feeling the scars left behind by the crowbar. You feel the void in your heart grow bigger, the lump in your throat feels suffocating but you won’t cry. You’ve cried enough over the past few days. You don’t know when but you eventually drift off to sleep.
You wake two hours later, disoriented because Jason isn’t with you. You get out of bed and get ready. When you walk into the living room you didn’t know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the other outlaws and Jason’s brothers.
What’s all this? you ask. Jason turns to you with a smile but it certainly doesn’t meet his eyes
It’s my deathday babe. He’s a smart little shit but you know his ploy. Looking at his brothers you see it’s working. He’s deflecting so that others don’t pity him but he’s also keeping his loved ones close to ground himself. You don't question him any, and go along with it. You understand, so you laugh at his jokes with him, tease him along with his family about how much he jokes about his death.
But when they leave at the end of the night, you're the one who initiates, you pull him back to bed, you fold him into you, tuck his face into your neck, cradle him close, maybe it's just wishful thinking that you'd be able to truly fully protect him given the nature of everything he does and will continue to do, but for tonight, you’re gonna trace his scars and whisper love into them. You’re going to remind him that they show how strong he was. How despite what this fucked up universe put him through, he came back and he came back to you.
He's gonna fall asleep in your arms, and when he wakes in the morning, he’ll feel better than he has in a long while because he has you to support him and love him like you are and he knows he’ll heal. And when he kisses you in the morning with your favorite breakfast from when you were kids- you’ll feel that void close back up.
Tags: @c-qcat @creative-frequency @luvleekaotix-imagines @lucianhuntress @toastronaut @singlebecauseofthechocobros @owldearest @theforceofdarkandlight
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