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zeroloop · 3 days ago
DF DIGITALFOTO Mini Snoot Ottico: L’Accessorio Essenziale per la Fotografia Creativa
Se sei un appassionato di fotografia o videomaking e desideri aggiungere un tocco di creatività alle tue immagini, il DF DIGITALFOTO Mini Snoot Ottico è l’accessorio che fa per te. Questo snoot ottico si monta facilmente su luci da studio e ti permette di concentrare e personalizzare la luce, proiettando figure uniche e accattivanti per effetti scenici professionali. DF DIGITALFOTO Mini Snoot…
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the-door-of-my-heart · 2 years ago
Confondo spesso la destra con la sinistra, ho bisogno di qualche momento per collegare e capire quale sia la destra e quale la sinistra
Conto con quasi sempre con le dita
Ci metto molto a leggere l’orologio con le lancette, l’ho odiato per moltissimo tempo e spesso lo odio ancora. Odio fare shopping e spendere soldi in abbigliamento anche se amo la moda
Quando so di dover uscire per andare a comprare qualcosa consulto il catalogo online e mi salvo gli articoli che mi interessano per essere sicura di non dimenticarmi niente e non stare troppo nei negozi.
Amo i detersivi per pulire al limone, il mio preferito è il Napisan, lo uso almeno una volta al giorno su tutte le superfici di camera e casa
Dormo in posizioni surreali Odio l’idea di fermare per strada persone conosciute per chiedere loro foto o autografi e non capisco chi lo fa, la trovo una situazione imbarazzante e irrispettosa 
Ho periodi in cui piango per anche le cose più ridicole e periodi in cui anche la peggiore della giornata non mi tocca, dove posso vedere video commoventi senza provare un minimo di empatia. (Piango per i si a Italy’s got talent) 
Non amo la carne in generale, anche se mi piace moltissimo la carne alla brace o stile roadhouse. Amo i ribs alla salsa barbecue del readhouse
Sono quel tipo di persona che per ogni ristorante o locale ha il suo primo, il suo secondo o il suo gelato. Sono un’abitudinaria prendo sempre se solite cose. 
Odio la gente che urla, che ha l’abitudine di insultare, dire la parolacce perché mi viene difficile instaurare una relazione o conversazione sana
Amo i gli abiti d’epoca anni 800 e 900
Le mie catene di ristoranti preferite sono: McDonald, roadhouse e old Wild West
Non amo il Burger King, non amo l’american dinner per il cibo anche se amo il locale e il servizio.
Amo i ristoranti e le catene di ristoranti giapponesi, sono stata poche volte in ristoranti cinesi o altri ristoranti etnici anche se mi piacerebbe molto provarli. 
Amo le macchine da scrivere antiche, amo la storia, amo conoscere il perché delle cose e il come 
Amo la Marvel e la Disney
Amo il Natale e tutte le feste in generale, amo i dolci 
Amo parlare dei tabù come il sesso,  sessualità, maternità, gender gap, politica, morte, religione. Mi aiuta a capire la persona che ho davanti e il modo in cui pormi. 
Amo i picnic
Amo il bungee jumping
Amo l’amore e tutto ciò che lo rappresenta, amo verona, parigi, san Valentino, i musei dell’amore,  le lettere d’amore, i regali come cioccolatini e peluche e in realtà tutte le feste perché nel natale, nella pasqua, nelle feste dei nonni, festa della mamma, festa del papà c’è sempre l’amore 
Amo i murales e i graffiti che hanno lo scopo di valorizzare un posto, una zona o un edificio. Odio i murales/graffiti che non hanno questo scopo o che ne hanno quello opposto.
Tra baci e abbracci preferisco gli abbracci, li amo ci starei ore 
Amo le coccole, soprattutto quelle a voce sussurate all’orecchio
Odio i litigi di qualsiasi tipo, anche quelli costruttivi vorrei fossero limitati al niente per dare spazio a delle discussioni civili
Amo il mare, le onde, l’odore del male e camminare sulla sabbia
Amo le luci a led 
Amo i ritratti, tutti i tipi di ritratti, da quelli realistici a quelli fumettistici o più simpatici
Mi piace molto ballare e cantare anche se sono stonatissima e inguardabile 
La materia più temuta a scuola era la matematica 
Amo stare sveglia la notte, potessi trasformerei la notte in giorno 
Mi piacerebbe vivere due volte il giorno del mio compleanno facendo quei viaggi tra fusi orari diversi, esperienza divertente 
Se potessi avere un superpoteri vorrei il teletrasporto, non mi interessa lettere la mente, l’invisibilità, volare, mi teletrasporterei in giro per il mondo
Non mi piacciono Pio e Amedeo
Amo Roberto Benigni e i suoi monologhi
Sono a favore dello ius soli, ius scholae, del matrimonio equalitario, dell’eutanasia, dell’autonomia energetica, dell’aborto
Vorrei leggi più severe e controlli più severi per quanto riguarda lo sfruttamento e la violenza sugli animali, sul femminicidio o violenze di genere, violenze sui minori e in generale sui figli o più indifesi, sull’hate speech, cyberbullismo, bullismo, catcalling e molestie di qualsiasi genere 
Amo le lettere scritte a mano e il lettering
Amo l’arte e i musei
Amo il make-up, la Skin care e hair care
Sono pro agli interventi chirurgici
Non ho paura di morire 
Mi piace moltissimo camminare, nella maggior parte dei casi non è un’attività che mi stanca ma che mi da carica 
Amo l’Interior design, i miei stili preferiti sono industriale, etnico e contemporaneo quello che vorrei in casa mia è in misto tra questi in chiave minimal
Sono stitica da tutta la vita, non so cosa voglia dire andare di corpo una o due volte al giorno. Mi capita se va bene una volta ogni una o due settimane. 
Amo la montagna, gli chalet, la neve e mi piacerebbe molto passare un natale in montagna con la ciocolata calda, il plaid, con la neve, il pupazzo di neve, i mercatini di natale e i film delle feste.
Amo il natale, gli addobbi natalizi, lo spirito natalizio
Non guido la macchina per paura di far male 
Amo le fattorie e gli allevamenti in cui gli animali vengono trattati con rispetto e amore
Amo le uniformi e divise, ho un debole per le uniformi Trenitalia, Alitalia, Qatar Airways,  Vietnam airlines e in assoluto le mie preferite Emirates e Hainan air.
Odio il disordine e lo sporco
Odio i negozi tipo primark perché c’è troppa roba, troppa gente, troppo disordine e non so dove guardare e dove trovare le cose. Ci sto 5 minuti di numero in cui fingo di sapere cosa sto facendo e esco subito per non avere attacchi di claustrofobia. 
Amo la Coca-Cola Zero 
Amo le tecniche di autodifesa o l’autodifesa come kongfu 
Amo la discoteca e i concerti 
Amo tutti i generi di film, amo i film horror ma non riesco a guardare film come La notte del giudizio o Truth or dare, mi danno fastidio 
Non mi piacciono i film che promuovono modelli tossici
Vorrei fare da volontaria in qualche canile, andare con plastic free o sea shepherd. 
Mi fanno paura le persone a cui non si vede bene la faccia che hanno una maschera di qualsiasi tipo o il casco oscurato.
Amo le maratone di film e non trovo mai nessuno che le faccia con me.
Amo i documentari e i monologhi
Non amo la classica comicità, non mi fanno ridere programmi come Zelig, Colorado o LOL.
Non mi piacciono i film con Cecco Zalone, Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo o i soliti idioti. 
Mi fa molto ridere Angelo Duro e mi piace Crozza e la satira politica. 
Amo studiare in compagnia.
Per studiare utilizzo le flash card
Mentre preparo gli appunti e gli schemi delle lezioni sono molto lenta e mi distraggo facilmente
La mia vita è un procrastinare
Non ho il desiderio di diventare mamma e non penso di avere l'istinto materno.
Ho paura di tutto ciò che è in mio controllo, affiderei la mia vita a chiunque probabilmente e sarei in grado di fidarmi. Quando si tratta di me faccio molta difficoltà.
Ho sempre i dolori alle ginocchia, caviglie e polsi. A volte il dolore alle ginocchia non mi fa camminare, ma quello ai polsi è quello più frequente e fastidioso.
Mi sarebbe piaciuto lavorare nel settore estetico come parrucchiere, estetista, make-up artist, nail artist o figure di questo genere.
Non so usare programmi come excel anche se ho poco più di vent'anni.
Ho fatto due corsi di primo soccorso, al secondo durante la prova di rianimazione cardiopolmonare non riuscivo (nonostante ci andassi sopra con tutto il peso) a rianimare il manichino. Scusate, mi allenerò e sarò più forte per tutti voi.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months ago
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There are new reports that Sophie Turner is slated to play in a new series of Tomb Raider as the legendary Lara Croft. According to Deadline, the creator of Fleabag, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, is to adapt the action video game into a live-action version, and the star of Game of Thrones is on board. The news indicates that Turner is in talks to lead the show, just last month, it was rumored that she is in a race to land the role with Lucy Boynton, who stars in Bohemian Rhapsody. This project is a significant priority for Amazon, being its first collaboration with Waller-Bridge since the writer and actress joined the company in 2019 on a reportedly $20 million per year deal. Speaking about this exciting project that was announced, Jennifer Salke head of Amazon Studios said:. "When we look at a long-term commitment to a creator like Phoebe – we're so happy now that we retained her because she's obsessed with and grew up playing Lara Croft/Tomb Raider," Salke shared. "So the fact that she's the creator and bringing this character to life, we think it's going to be a huge franchise for us." Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Waller-Bridge is writing but also an executive producer on this series. She co-created Fleabag, on which she also starred, after that series went huge. Waller-Bridge has dipped her toes into behemoths with roles in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and co-writing on No Time to Die, Daniel Craig's final outing as James Bond. In an interview conducted with Vanity Fair in 2023, she admitted to being eager to play in the action genre. "The opportunity to have … a female action character … Having worked on Bond and having worked as an actor on Indy, I feel like I've been building up to this," she said. "What if I could take the reins of an action franchise, with everything I've learned, with a character I love, and also just bring back some of that 90s vibe? " Waller-Bridge also hinted that the series would bring something "dangerous and exciting" to the table, making the project even more appealing to fans of action-packed adventure. The actress has portrayed the character of Lara Croft twice in the past, Angelina Jolie, and now 2018 sees Alicia Vikander in a reboot. More recently than this is Hayley Atwell's voice in the Netflix animated take, but this live-action version seems poised to be forward-moving onto new paths which the debonair archaeologist adventurer will be embarking on in this incarnation. Turner is best known for playing Sansa Stark in the fantasy series Game of Thrones. She has kept busy with appearances in the X-Men franchise as the character Jean Grey and the crime drama The Staircase starring Colin Firth. She was last seen in the lead of ITV drama Joan, based on the true story of Joan Hannington, and next set to appear in the thriller Haven, described as a heist film with plenty of suspense. The series has already created a huge buzz for this novel take on the classic character, and Waller-Bridge is bound to give a more profound tone to Lara Croft. This Tomb Raider adaptation may become one of the most awaited projects from Amazon. Fans await with bated breath to see how Turner will play the character through this ambitious new series led by the genius hands of Waller-Bridge. Read the full article
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Esercito scopre carcere 'vip' con discoteca e piscina in Ecuador
L’Esercito dell’Ecuador ha scoperto un’area ‘vip’ all’interno del carcere di Cotopaxi. Il video pubblicato sui social network l’esercito mostra una postazione di sorveglianza e controllo degli agenti penitenziari trasformata in una sala Vip per i detenuti. Nella sala c’erano letti matrimoniali, luci ad incasso, abiti firmati, una piscina e una discoteca con luci a led, oltre che costose…
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agrpress-blog · 1 year ago
In occasione del 145° anniversario de "Il Messaggero", un'emozionante illuminazione scenografica ha preso vita presso la storica sede del giornale, l'elegante palazzo situato all'angolo di Via Del Tritone. Un vivace spettacolo di luci colorate darà vita alle facciate del Palazzo in sincronia con un coinvolgente videomapping che si svolge ogni sera sulla parte centrale dell'edificio, narrando la storia di 145 anni del giornale. Dalla prima pagina del 16 dicembre 1878 fino agli ultimi eventi riportati in tempo reale su IlMessaggero.it, verranno raccontati i momenti più significativi della storia italiana attraverso pagine iconiche, firme illustri e immagini rappresentative degli eventi con le loro descrizioni. Grazie alle tecnologie all'avanguardia di Enel X, basate su sistemi led di ultima generazione e comunicazione wireless tra i dispositivi audio-luce-video, sarà possibile esaltare l'architettura del Palazzo, offrendo uno spettacolo coinvolgente che consentirà di rivivere passaggi cruciali nella storia del Paese e nella vita di ciascuno di noi. L'appuntamento è ogni sera fino al 31 dicembre 2023 presso Via del Tritone 152, un'opportunità unica per catturare un selfie con la storia insieme al "Messaggero", un giornale che a Roma "si condivide" dal 1878.
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tecnowiz · 1 year ago
10 incredibili prodotti smart per rendere la tua casa più intelligente
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La casa intelligente è una realtà sempre più diffusa e accessibile, grazie alla disponibilità di dispositivi elettronici che si connettono alla rete Internet e si controllano tramite smartphone o comandi vocali. Questi prodotti smart offrono numerosi vantaggi, come il miglioramento del comfort, dell’efficienza energetica, della sicurezza e dell’intrattenimento domestico. In questo articolo ti presentiamo 10 incredibili prodotti smart che puoi usare per rendere la tua casa più intelligente.
Scopri 10 incredibili prodotti smart per trasformare la tua casa in un ambiente intelligente e connesso.
La casa intelligente può migliorare il comfort, la sicurezza, l’efficienza energetica e il divertimento degli abitanti. Ma senza perdere altro tempo andiamo avanti con i prossimi paragrafi e vediamo quali sono i prodotti smart che non possono mancare in una casa intelligente.
1. Termostato smart
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Un termostato smart è un dispositivo che regola la temperatura della tua casa in modo intelligente, adattandosi alle tue abitudini, alle condizioni climatiche e alla tua presenza o assenza. Puoi controllarlo da remoto con il tuo smartphone o con i comandi vocali, impostare programmi personalizzati e monitorare i consumi energetici. Inoltre, un termostato smart può integrarsi con altri dispositivi smart, come le valvole termostatiche, i sensori di movimento e le telecamere di sicurezza, per creare scenari automatizzati. Tra i termostati smart più popolari ci sono il Nest Learning Thermostat e il Netatmo Smart Thermostat.
2. Lampadine smart
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Le lampadine smart sono lampadine LED che si connettono al Wi-Fi o ad altri protocolli di comunicazione wireless, come Zigbee o Bluetooth, e che puoi accendere, spegnere, regolare e cambiare colore con il tuo smartphone o con i comandi vocali. Le lampadine smart ti permettono di creare atmosfere personalizzate, di risparmiare energia e di simulare la tua presenza quando sei fuori casa. Alcune lampadine smart possono anche sincronizzarsi con la musica, i film o i videogiochi per creare effetti luminosi dinamici. Tra le lampadine smart più famose ci sono le Philips Hue e le LIFX.
3. Assistente vocale smart
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L’assistente vocale è il cuore della casa intelligente. Si tratta di un dispositivo dotato di altoparlante e microfono che risponde ai tuoi comandi vocali e ti permette di controllare gli altri dispositivi smart, fare ricerche online, ascoltare musica, impostare sveglie e promemoria, e molto altro. Alcuni esempi di assistenti vocali sono Amazon Echo, Google Nest e Apple HomePod.
4. Altoparlante smart
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Un altoparlante smart è un altoparlante wireless che integra un assistente vocale, come Alexa, Google Assistant o Siri, e che ti permette di ascoltare musica, podcast, radio e notizie con la sola voce. Ma non solo: un altoparlante smart può anche rispondere alle tue domande, aggiornarti sul meteo, sul traffico e sulle notizie, impostare sveglie e timer, gestire il tuo calendario e le tue liste, fare chiamate e videochiamate, tradurre parole e frasi e controllare gli altri dispositivi smart della tua casa. Tra gli altoparlanti smart più venduti ci sono l’Amazon Echo, il Google Nest Audio e l’Apple HomePod mini.
5. Telecamera di sicurezza smart
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Una telecamera di sicurezza smart è una telecamera che si collega alla rete Internet e che ti permette di vedere in tempo reale cosa succede nella tua casa o nel tuo giardino dal tuo smartphone o da altri dispositivi. Una telecamera di sicurezza smart può anche registrare video in alta definizione, rilevare movimenti e suoni sospetti, inviarti notifiche e allarmi, attivare sirene o luci e comunicare con le persone o gli animali presenti grazie al microfono e all’altoparlante integrati. Alcune telecamere di sicurezza smart possono anche riconoscere volti, veicoli e animali domestici e integrarsi con altri sistemi di sicurezza smart, come sensori di porte e finestre, sirene e allarmi. Tra le telecamere di sicurezza smart più apprezzate ci sono la Arlo Pro 4, la Ring Spotlight Cam e la EufyCam 2C.
6. Aspirapolvere robot
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Un aspirapolvere robot è un robot che pulisce autonomamente il pavimento della tua casa, aspirando polvere, peli e briciole. Un aspirapolvere robot si muove in modo intelligente, evitando ostacoli e cadute, e torna alla base di ricarica quando ha terminato o quando ha poca batteria. Puoi programmare il suo funzionamento, scegliere il livello di potenza, il tipo di pulizia e la zona da pulire tramite il tuo smartphone o con i comandi vocali. Inoltre, alcuni aspirapolvere robot possono anche lavare il pavimento, svuotare il contenitore della polvere e creare mappe della tua casa. Tra gli aspirapolvere robot più avanzati ci sono il iRobot Roomba i7+, il Roborock S7 e il Neato D10.
7. Frigorifero smart
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Un frigorifero smart è un frigorifero che si connette alla rete Internet e che offre funzioni intelligenti e innovative, oltre a conservare i tuoi alimenti. Un frigorifero smart può avere uno o più schermi touch che ti permettono di accedere a ricette, app, video e musica, ma anche di scrivere note, fare la spesa e controllare il calendario. Un frigorifero smart può anche avere telecamere interne che ti mostrano cosa c’è dentro senza aprire la porta e che ti avvisano quando scadono i prodotti. Alcuni frigoriferi smart possono anche produrre ghiaccio, acqua frizzante e caffè. Tra i frigoriferi smart più spettacolari ci sono il Samsung Family Hub, e il LG InstaView Door-in-Door.
8. Serratura smart
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Una serratura smart è una serratura che si apre e si chiude in modo intelligente, senza bisogno di chiavi fisiche. Una serratura smart può essere controllata dal tuo smartphone o da altri dispositivi, come smartwatch, braccialetti o badge. Puoi anche impostare codici PIN temporanei o permanenti per dare accesso a familiari, amici o ospiti. Inoltre, una serratura smart può registrare lo storico delle aperture e delle chiusure, inviarti notifiche in caso di tentativi di effrazione e integrarsi con altri dispositivi smart, come videocitofoni, telecamere e sistemi di allarme. Tra le serrature smart più sicure e affidabili ci sono la Yale Linus, la Nuki Smart Lock 2.0 e la August Wi-Fi Smart Lock.
9. Tapparelle smart
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Le tapparelle smart sono tapparelle che si alzano e si abbassano in modo intelligente, seguendo le tue preferenze, le condizioni ambientali e la tua presenza o assenza. Le tapparelle smart possono essere controllate dal tuo smartphone o con i comandi vocali, impostare programmi personalizzati e scenari automatizzati. Le tapparelle smart ti permettono di regolare la luce naturale, la temperatura e la privacy della tua casa, oltre a risparmiare energia e a simulare la tua presenza quando sei fuori casa. Per rendere le tue tapparelle smart puoi usare dei motori elettrici che si installano facilmente sui cassonetti esistenti, come il Somfy TaHoma Switch, e il Nice Era Inn.
10. Robot smart
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Il robot smart è un robot che si collega al tuo assistente vocale o al tuo smartphone e ti offre diverse funzionalità divertenti e utili nella tua casa. Puoi interagire con il robot tramite la voce, il touch screen o il gesto, giocare con esso, fargli fare delle foto o dei video, fargli insegnare ai tuoi bambini o aiutarti nelle faccende domestiche. Il robot smart è dotato di intelligenza artificiale e può apprendere dalle tue abitudini e preferenze, adattandosi alle tue esigenze.
Portare la tua casa nel futuro è semplice, con questi fantastici prodotti intelligenti. Dagli assistenti vocali alle lampadine smart, dai termostati alle serrature intelligenti, puoi trasformare ogni ambiente e rendere la casa più comoda, efficiente e sicura. Scegli i dispositivi smart giusti in base alle tue necessità e preparati a vivere una casa davvero high-tech!
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida. 10 incredibili prodotti smart per rendere la tua casa più intelligente. Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, Per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e Tumblr, per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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orizoncontrols · 2 years ago
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In questo video vi verranno mostrate alcune delle peculiarità di un sistema domotico Crestron, a partire dal sistema di controllo generale fino alle piccole tastiere multifunzione connesse. Potrete notare come ogni dettaglio è stato studiato e installato accuratamente per preservare l'arredo e l'architettura, ogni componente tecnologico si sposa al 100% con l'ambiente in cui è stato installato e non rovina in alcun modo l'equilibrio del design.Nel video potrete osservare alcune funzioni base delle tastiere multifunzione Horizon, il controllo dell'intrattenimento tramite i telecomandi connessi della serie HR-300 di Crestron, il controllo luci e scenari LED RGB, i meravigliosi pannelli touch screen TSW-1070 di Crestron e la diffusione sonora a filo muro per ottimizzare gli spazzi e il design dell'ambiente.Come per l'interno villa, anche l'esterno è stato curato con altrettanta precisione e intelligenza artificiale, a partire dalle tende motorizzate, i riscaldatori a soffitto, gli speaker a bordo giardino e piscina, insomma una villa ricca di tecnologia per una gestione intelligente e connessa.Noi di Orizon siamo Official Elite Partner di Crestron in Italia, e siamo una società leader di progettazione, fornitura e installazione di sistemi domotici Crestron, se alla fine del video hai qualche informazione da chiederci in merito alle meraviglie del sistema domotico professionale, non esitare a contattarci!Buona visione.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHy8veBWAVM Credit: Brandon Doyle Read the full article
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usergif · 2 years ago
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anonymous asked 💬 hi! i know you guys already made a font rec but can i request a font combination rec?
USERGIF FONT PAIRING RECS 🪄 PER MEMBER Here are some of our members’ favorite font pairings! Check out our previous FONT RECS and our #typography or #fonts tags for more inspo! TIP: On mobile, slide your finger over the gif to slowly scrub through frames.
CREDITS: — retro video game backgrounds: [one] [two] — all fonts & links listed below the cut
nik @sith-maul: – shrikhand + kiona – neon bines + neon led light – california sun + im fell dw pica
yash @wakandasforever​: – nouvelle vague + avenir – engraver’s old english + im fell dw pica
kate @zoyanazyalensky​: – golden hopes + biotif – hamstring + aemstel 
jennifer @antoniosvivaldi​: – reggy black + sevastian inside
lucie @van-eck​: – excelorate + momcake – hellios + dream avenue – rattani + felixtowe
ives @jakeyp​: – bigfat script + karla – bohemian typewriter + made tommy – california + moon
abbie @midnightsdlx​: – nouvelle vague + intro – amalfi coast + avenir – buffalo script + abril fatface
v @shangs​: – nagita + gotham – blacksmith signature + gotham
cim @itstruthtime​: – glow better script + garnet
treena @jeschastain​: – billy ohio + tw cen mt – crimson foam + nouvelle vague
luz @lemoncupcake​: – breathing + avenir (all caps) – quickpen + montserrat
hella @kathrynshahn​: – donitta + kiona – flood + futura – amalfi coast & bebas nueue
natalia @usersmidnights​: – losta masta + the artisan – bougher + faminela – georgia script + headwind
elio @djarin​: – nouvelle vague + lemon milk – doctor glitch + lemon milk – I tell you all my secrets + the bold font
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zeroloop · 11 months ago
Godox Light:  Utilizzare le Luci LED Godox SL150IIIBi e SL60IIBi tramite l'App Godox Light
Le luci sono fondamentali per la creazione di video di alta qualità e la fotografia professionale. Con l’avvento delle tecnologie LED, la precisione e la versatilità nell’illuminazione sono diventate più accessibili che mai. In questo articolo, esploreremo come sfruttare appieno le potenzialità delle luci video Godox SL150IIIBi e SL60IIBi, utilizzando l’app Godox Light disponibile per dispositivi…
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the-archiveology · 2 years ago
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Series Title: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Genre: Action Anime, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Are you a fan of Cyberpunk? Or maybe a fan of sci-fi-fantasy action anime? Or all of the above? Well, here’s the perfect netflix anime series for you, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Before we proceed, we would like to give you a huge disclaimer and warning that this review will have lots of spoilers so if you’re planning to watch the series and you don’t want to know any spoilers, then I suggest you stop reading right now.
Anyway, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is an anime series based on the video game Cyberpunk 2077. It takes place in a Night City overrun by corruption, crime, and cybernetic implants. There you’ll meet David Martinez, the protagonist, who is a rebellious, impulsive yet smart street kid. He lives with his mother in the slums of the city. His mother, Gloria, worked as an emergency medical technician (EMT) and sells high-priced and rare Cyberware she took from the corpses to edgerunners. An unfortunate car accident happened to David and his mother which took her life away. From then on, David changed and decided to be an edgerunner. 
The emotional trauma David experienced led him to a drastic physical change in his body. This is also because he’s an edgerunner. Per episode, you can see that David upgrades his Cyberware until the very end. The more he upgrades, the more he makes use of Cyberware that is too much for his body. However, this doesn’t mean that he’s a different person. Let’s relate it to the concept of change. Change is constant. In the last episode, you can see that David’s cyberware body was enhanced, enlarged, and had a lot of implants similar to Maine’s in order to defeat Adam Smasher. He also used an experimental exoskeleton which couldn’t be reversed once implanted. David didn’t care whether or not his body gave up on him. It was mind over matter. All he had in mind is to protect his loved ones (edgerunners team) and avenge those who he had lost on the way (his mother, Dorio, Maine, Rebecca) and that was enough for him to try to survive. He is willing to risk it all like sacrifice his body (matter) just to make sure that he will be able to avenge the loss of his mother and protect his remaining loved ones and friends that he considers as his family.  It was also shown in previous episodes that David was more of a mind over matter person since he was impulsive and did things to get his way, no matter how much damage it can cause to him, Because for David, he believed that he was going to die soon. He already accepted that, that is his fate. David died with honor and in his moments of death, Lucy was the only person he had in his mind. 
In connection with this, David Martinez is mostly related to the theory of self as body, self as consciousness since as mentioned earlier, he’s a mind over matter person. Even though the theory states that there is a linkage between the body and mind, the latter has more control over the body. Just like David, he follows his mind more than his body. He doesn’t have much care for his body which explains his impulsivity in upgrading his Cyberware. Thus, leading him to his demise. 
If we were asked what theories of the self a Filipino resembles, we’d say the theory of self as passion and desire. At a young age, most Filipinos already have a vision of who they want to be in the future. Some already picture themselves as athletes such as future professional basketball players or boxers while others view themselves as professional singers or dancers wherein they are more than willing to give their best to achieve their dreams or to become what they want themselves to be in the future because it is their passion, it is what makes them happy, and their talents are their weapons to get out of poverty. Just like in the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, wherein the majority of the people wants to become edgerunners since they live in a city wherein the people are obsessed with technology and body-modification and those who have money are the only ones who have the right to put food on their table, to enjoy healthcare, and experience fair law.
And that would be all for now, Chooms!
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linkiamici · 2 years ago
Merysse - L'Ambizione video ufficiale
Fuori ora il nuovo videoclip di Merysse L'Ambizione Testo e voce e video : Maria Teresa De Pierro in arte Merysse Arrangiamenti: Michele Bertasi, Lelio Maira, Michele Righetti Mixaggio e master: Michele Bertasi Musica: Michele Righetti (Alpha Records & Sony Music Publishing) Bianco e nero. Luce e buio. La canzone pone l'attenzione sulla dualità dell'essere umano. Un qualcosa di bello può offuscare la mente e diventare ombra. L'ambizione non è altro che "un disturbo" o "un segnale interrotto" che si pone in un percorso. Maria Teresa De Pierro in arte Merysse: "Vi racconto un po' di come è nato questo videoclip, poiché è grazie a questo lavoro che mi è stato conferito questo riconoscimento. Alla canzone "L'Ambizione" volevo abbinare un video che ne esprimesse il senso a pieno. Non è stato semplice poiché già di per sé è molto complessa nell'ascolto, quindi volevo qualcosa che comunque non disturbasse l'ascoltatore con troppi elementi. Nessuna location esterna che potesse distrarre, nessun altro elemento se non le emozioni. Nel singolo viene messa in evidenza la dualità dell'essere umano, un intreccio emotivo nella lotta con sé stessi in una alternanza di luci e ombre. Vanità ed emozione si scontrano in un delicato equilibrio che mette in evidenza la fragilità dei sentimenti umani in una perenne lotta tra bene e male. Con un gioco di luci e ombre ho cercato di esaltare la differenza tra le due me. Regia, riprese e montaggio video li ho realizzati completamente da sola, con una luce puntata di fronte a me (prima una calda e poi una più fredda) ed una fotocamera fissa. Con le sole espressioni del viso ho cercato di trasmettere il senso e le emozioni che ho provato nell'interpretazione. Durante il montaggio, poi, ho messo in evidenza ancora di più la differenza dei colori lavorando molto con effetti e saturazione e gli ho voluto regalare anche uno stile un po' vintage. Il disturbo e la distorsione del segnale, non sono altro che delle allusioni a quello che l'ambizione potrebbe segnare in un percorso non rendendolo lineare. Tecnica: Videoclip girato su un cavalletto fisso con una macchina fotografica Fujifilm X-T3, con obiettivo 18-55, illuminazione ottenuta con la combinazione di due faretti led con lente sferica. Dimensioni: Risoluzione in Full HD, 1920 × 1080 pixel, con rapporto dell'immagine di 16:9
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btzone · 3 years ago
B-T fan returns to Japan 2015 - part 4: pilgrimage to Gunma
I’ve wanted to do a pilgrimage to Gunma since 1990 or 1991, ever since I heard about you can catch a cab and ride around to see Buck-Tick related landmarks. But the years went on and on and I went to Japan less and less and always to see family so no time to go to the countryside to see Buck-Tick’s humble origins. My friend was busy so I went alone and hopped aboard some local trains, as opposed to the bullet train (much cheaper!), and arrived in Takasaki. Immediately in the train station you are greeted by a big daruma doll (dharma), which is what Takasaki is known for.
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Takasaki is the hometown of the rhythm section, the Higuchi brothers, U-ta and Toll. I looked around the shops and found a Gunma tourist shop so I bought a small thing to remember Gunma by. Then I went off to trace the band’s footsteps. Not too far from the station, there are some notable locations. (This trip was before they opened up a Tower Records in Takasaki.) First, Club Fleez where the side projects have played. Toll has played there with his side project The Blue Sky. U-ta has played there with his side project Wild Wise Apes. Hisashi has played there with his side project Lucy.
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Also nearby is Gunma Ongaku Center (music center), where Buck-Tick have played.
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If you own the Picture Product 2 video from 2003 then you know that Toll visits his hometown and takes photos in the same spots as photos from his childhood. Here is Toll visiting his childhood school.
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I decided to walk by his elementary school. The yard is quite large. I had forgotten how big school grounds can be.
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A major landmark in Takasaki is the temple devoted to the goddess Kannon. (Where Canon camera gets their name from.) There’s a big statue of Kannon and you can go inside and see some Buddhist shit and get a view of the city. I had the monk write in my little temple book. It’s a thing. I’m not Buddhist but I enjoy doing little things like that sometimes. I almost missed him because he had to go pick up his child. I guess I was expecting a chaste monk so that surprised me a little bit. Anyway, here is a photo of Toll as a child and as an adult at the same spot. You can see how it’s changed over time.
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Takasaki over. Time to move on to the neighboring city of Fujioka since that’s where the rest of the members are from. I was thinking of taking a taxi to the train station so that I’m there in time to catch the next train as there’s only one per hour. But. I. Can’t. Find. A. Damn. Cab. I’m in a decent part of the city. There’s a lot of stores and traffic. I never see a taxi. I decide to walk towards more shops and hope to spot one there. No. Nothing. This is insane! Even in Okinawa, I could catch a cab easier than this and to me Okinawa is the countryside. Mind you, in my head I’m thinking this is the big city if the girl I met from Maebashi said they would go to Takasaki to have fun. It must be really bad in Maebashi! Eventually, I just walk to the train station but I grow impatient waiting. Maybe after 20-30min, I just catch a cab at the train station and have it take me one station over to Fujioka. Hisashi’s parents owned a store just across from the station but when I walked it, it felt like it took forever. The years of anticipation have all led up to this.
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I know his parents have basically retired but back in the day, this was THE place to be if you were a Buck-Tick fan. I’m really hoping I can see inside. “Gomen kudasai!” Someone answers. I go inside. I take pictures.
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I chat with the old lady a little bit. I start to take out a small present because that’s what Japanese do. I can’t show up without a gift. That’s when the old lady starts to start yelling towards inside the house and I get confused for a moment. Then another old lady comes out and offers me tea and snacks. That’s when it hits me. I was talking to Hisashi’s aunt and now his mother has come out to do her hostess duties. So I think we’re just sitting there, watching tv, drinking tea, and eating snacks. She tells me I’m not the first foreigner to arrive. Um, I didn’t say I was a foreigner but that’s OK. I expect that always. Anyone not 100% Japanese is foreign. I say something like, isn’t it amazing that people have come from other countries to visit here. She gets this attitude like of course they would! My son works so hard! I was blown away. I’ve never seen Japanese parents praise their children. (Except perhaps when old ladies get together to gossip about how great their kids are doing.) She gives me a small souvenir to remember the shop. I say to myself I will never lose this. I think I lose it not too long after completing my trip. A reason to return! She asks me if I’ve taken a taxi tour of the other parents homes yet. Er, no, I haven’t. And that’s still possible? Oh yeah, there’s always taxis at the store nearby, go there. 
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I go to the store. But. I. Can’t. Find. A. Damn. Cab. What is it with Gunma and the lack of taxis? I go inside the store and ask an employee about catching a cab. They said there should be some passing by. Never. Eventually they call one for me. The driver asks where to and I say that I want to see Buck-Tick shit. He’s like hmmm, I think I know where but let me call the office to confirm. So he’s on the phone with dispatch and they’ve telling him all the addresses to take me to. He’s like, “oh yeah! that place!” on the phone. He asks if I want to see Boøwy places too. No thanks, just Buck-Tick, thanks. So off we go!
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Atsushi & Hisashi were in one grade in high school. Hide & U-ta in the grade below them. It was an all boy’s high school. They all graduated except for Toll. Toll quit after 3 months but I’m not sure which high school he went to. Their high school is no more. The buildings remain but have been repurposed as the Fujioka City Sogo Gakushu Center, or comprehensive learning center. You can rent some of the classrooms if you want to teach Buck-Tick 101.
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Hide’s family had a store (dilapidated building on the left) and they used to live above it and behind but now the Hoshino family lives in the house next door. The store has long closed but nearby you can see the discarded sign for the parking area for the store. A couple years after I visited, they have cleaned up and thrown away the sign as well as demolished the old store.
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Final stop was Atsushi’s family home, which has since been rebuilt. The taxi driver was daring me to go up and ring the doorbell. This muthafucka gonna get a BiTch in trouble. Just get me back to the train station so I can catch the next train back to Tokyo.
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On the ride back, the train stopped at some station longer than usual. It was some kind of break. I was thirsty and didn’t buy anything to take with me. Usually there are vending machines or small stores at train stations but I couldn’t see any through the window and was getting nervous about how long the train was stopped. I didn’t want to leave the train to buy a drink only to have the train take off without me. So I asked a passenger nearby if he knew drinks are for sale at this station. He was kind of surprised I talked to him because Japanese don’t talk to strangers. He thought surely this station has drinks! But he also looked out the window and was thinking this is the one station in Japan lacking beverages. The train starts moving and we start chatting. Turns out he’s retired but sometimes does a little work and so that’s what he did today. Now he’s heading back home. He knows this route. He asks what I’m doing on this train so said I like this band and went to go visit their hometown. Then he tells me his celebrity encounter. Once Whitney Houston was eating at the same restaurant in Japan and he was a big fan but couldn’t bother her. When she left, he kept her chopsticks. He still has them. So cute. (She died 3 years prior to me talking with this man.) He thanked me for making this trip enjoyable and more memorable than the usual return home. Thank you sir, me too. Normally I don’t chat up strangers but maybe I should break out of my shell more often for moments like these.
Thank you all who made my trip so memorable. All the people I talked to really made it the most interesting time I’ve ever had in Japan and I used to live there so thank you for helping to change my mind from let’s bully and ostracize people to let’s have real conversations and good times.
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thecaffeinebookwarrior · 4 years ago
Monster of the Week: A Writer’s Guide to Vampires!
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The Basics: Vampires From Around the World 
Almost every culture has its vampires, and they go way beyond Dracula and Nosferatu. 
There are obviously too many to include in one post, so here are a few especially unique vamps to get you inspired and interested in learning more! 
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The Penanggalan, Malaysia - Literally meaning ‘to detach,’ the Penanggalan is an exclusively (apparently) female creature. 
By day, she masquerades as a normal woman (and let’s be real, don’t we all.)  But by night, her head detaches from her body and floats around, entrails hanging like tentacles -- which they nightmarishly use to entangle their victims -- and preys on pregnant woman and babies.  Lovely. 
Creepily, the Penanggalan gravitates towards day jobs such as midwifery, so she can get closer to her prospective prey. 
The Manananggal, Philippines - Much like the Penanggalan, the Manananggal has an unfortunate habit of detaching parts of her body to fly around.  Described as an “ugly, hideous woman” (mood), the Manananggal can detatch her whole-ass torso to fly around like a bat. 
Like the Penanggalan, she preys on pregnant woman and unborn babies, with, creepily, her incredibly long tongue.  Some, however, prefer to seduce and prey on men -- preferable, to be honest -- in which case they appear young and beautiful.
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The Upir, Eastern Europe - Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Romanian, and Czech cultures all have mythos around this abnormally bloodthirsty vampire.  Not only do upirs drink the blood of their victims, but they bath and sleep in it.  They eat the flesh of their victims as well, and are especially partial to the heart.  In a uniquely sadistic detail, the Upir is thought to consume the children of a family and then the parents. 
The Alukah, Judaism - Literally meaning “horse-leach,” the Alukah is one of the earliest vampires, originating in the Bible.  
A fixture of Jewish folklore, and sometimes described as a demon or witch, the Alukah is unique in the fact that she is not undead but a living, shapeshifting being (according to the description in Sefer Hasidim.)
She can fly by unfurling her long hair.
The Brahmaparusha, India - This nightmarishly extra vampire will drink the drained blood of its victims from a skull (which it carries around at all times), before noshing on their brains and wearing their intestines as necklaces and crowns.  Worst of all, this vampire has an unusually ravenous appetite, and consumes several victims per night.  
The Callicantzaros, Greece - In Greece, children born between Christmas and Twelfth Night were thought to be bad luck (?) and susceptible to vampirism.  The Callicantzaros was considered to be egregiously unpleasant, equipped with devilish talons with which to tear victims to shreds.  Their first victims, post-transformation, were supposed to be their own siblings.
Unfortunately, this led to a degree of mistreatment and hostility towards children born during this period, as parents watched for signs of their progeny’s prospective vampirism.  In order to ensure that they didn’t become Callicantzaros, the children’s feet were dangled above a fire, like a reverse Achilles.
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Vampire weaknesses: 
Garlic - This one’s not just particular to Western mythos.  Southeast and far Eastern vamps like the Manananggal are also vulnerable to garlic. 
Salt - The Manananggal is vulnerable to salt, as are vampires from most cultures in which salt is considered holy or purifying. 
Silver - A holy metal.  The origin of the “vampires can’t see themselves in mirrors” myth is because it used to be a component in mirror-making. 
Vinegar - Again with the Manananggal. 
Daggers/stakes/sharp objects - Especially through the vampire’s heart.  In many cultures, burning the heart is also advisable.  Be careful, though: sometimes, staking an upir will only bring them back to life stronger. 
Dismemberment and fire - Most vamps are susceptible to this, including the Penanggalan.  The only sure way to kill an upir is to decapitate them and burn the remains. 
Counting - Much like the Count of Sesame Street, vamps can’t resist counting things.  If you scatter some small, countable objects on the ground, the vampire will have to stop and count each one. 
The tails of stingrays - in the case of the Manananggal. 
Sunlight - Obviously.  Though not universal, this pops up in vampire mythology around the world, including the Manananggal. 
Detachment - when the Penanggalan and Manananggal detach their heads and torsos, their discarded torsos and lower bodies are vulnerable.  In the case of the Manananggal, sprinkling the discarded legs with garlic and salt.  The Mananggal will not be able to return to its lower body, and will perish with the rising sun. 
Starvation - The Alukah can be starved if she’s prevented from eating for long enough. 
Stupidity - In the case of the Penanggalan.  If you turn the Penanggalan’s body upside down, she’ll re-attach backwards.  I’m not sure what the purpose of this is, except the exhilaration of punking a vampire and making them walk around on their hands all day like a jackass.
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Thorns around windows - Thorns will keep the Penanggalan from harassing you or your unborn children. 
Strings of garlic - Just make sure SOME IDIOT doesn’t take them down (RIP Lucy from Dracula.)
Pots of uncooked rice, ash, or salt - Repellent to the Manananggal.
Running away and hiding - Basically the only method of recourse against the Brahmaparasha.
Eating bread infused with an upir’s blood - Sounds kinky, to be honest. 
Stay on sacred ground - I.e. graveyards and churches.  Just be sure you’re not trying to avoid the kind of vampire that dwells in graveyards if you go for the latter.
Holy water, crucifixes, silver, et cetera - Anything sacred or holy.  Varies based on culture.
Imbibing the ash of a supposed vampire’s burnt heart - I’m not even going to joke about this one, since people actually did this during the vampire scare of New England (my homeland.)  I learned about it from a book about local vampire encounters at the Newport Public Library at age twelve, and it scarred me.
Dangle your baby above a fire - Actually, no, PLEASE don’t do that.  But that’s what seventeenth century Greeks did to prevent their kids from turning into Callicantzaros. 
Age of consent laws - Specifically for Edward from Twilight.
Don’t get a welcoming mat - Counts as inviting them in.  Duh.
Ways to Become A Vampire:*
*Ask your doctor if becoming a vampire is right for you.
Biting - Obviously.  Though if you read Dracula and early accounts of vampirism, it was more of a slowly progressing illness than a sudden transformation.
Reject Christianity - In the case of upirs.  More specifically, the church buried non-believers outside of graveyards, leading them to rise as servants of the Devil.  Honestly, I feel like the church kind of brought that on themselves. 
Be born between Christmas and Twelfth Night - At least if you’re in seventeenth century Greece.  
Be influenced by the Devil while dying - Another version of the Upir origin.
Be a demon possessing a corpse - One prospective explanation for the Brahmaparusha.
Making a pact to obtain eternal youth and beauty that involves not eating meat for 40 days and then breaking it like some kind of an IDIOT - One version of the Penanggalan origin myth.  I shouldn’t judge, my self-control isn’t great either.
Get startled by a man while meditating in a bath and jerk your head so hard that it flies off and at the interloper in fury - Another prospective version of the Pennangalan origin. Relatable, honestly. 
Be so bitter and jealous of couples that you go on an insane killing spree of pregnant woman and get publicly executed by being ripped in two - The Pennangalan, again.  She makes the Kardashians look tame. 
Chanting an incantation, anointing yourself with oil, and purchasing a black chick - In the case of the Manananggal.  The black chick reportedly lives inside the Manananggal, eating its innards while also acting as its life source.  Honestly, after all the drama of the Penanggalan’s origins, this seems reasonable.
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Other Sources
Video Essays: 
The Power of the Vampire Myth - A superb sociological dive into the cultural significance of vampires. From the post WWI antisemitism of Nosferatu to their ability to subvert the Hays Code, vampires tend to reflect the shadows of every society. 
Dracula: A Brief History of Eternity 
CREEPIEST Vampire Legends from Around the World 
Vampires: Folklore, Fantasy, and Fact
How did Dracula become the world’s most famous vampire?
Vlad the Impaler: The Real Life Dracula
Influential Vampire Fiction:*
*That I’ve read/seen so far.
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Dracula - Duh.  The greatest adaptation of which is, obviously, Dracula: Dead and Loving it.  
Nosferatu - It’s good to be aware of its antisemetic overtones, but it’s still revolutionary at evoking dread.
Varney the Vampire - A penny dreadful series that helped popularize vampires in Victorian England.  It gets bonus points for sounding like a children’s show. 
Camilla - The ORIGINAL lesbian vampire, predating Dracula by decades.  Became an adorable webseries and movie, which I recommend even more than the original novel.
‘Salem’s Lot - Serves as a study of what makes vampires scary in the modern era.   
Underworld - Aside from serving as a badass alternative in the Twilight era, it merits inclusion exclusively for causing my Sapphic awakening at age twelve.
What We Do In the Shadows - Has a unique understanding of the cultural significance of vampires, and why they appeal to societal misfits.  Also has vampire “children” who eat p*dophiles. 
Vampires in the Lemon Grove - The titular story is one of the most unique interpretations of vampires that I’ve seen in the modern era.  Beautiful language that evokes a powerful emotional response.
Twilight - Exclusively because it gave us Rosemary clocking shop in a wedding gown.  And the baseball scene.
The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters
From Demons to Dracula: The Creation of the Modern Vampire Myth
Vampires and Vampirism: Legends from Around the World
New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend
Mummies, Cannibals, and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine
A History of Vampires in New England 
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Happy Halloween, and happy writing, everybody! 
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cajunquandary · 4 years ago
New Year’s and Supernatural 600 Follower Challenge
Come one, come all! To those of you who have been here-- why? (But THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU.) To those of you just tuning in, welcome to my corner of the Internet. You are welcome and you are valid, no matter your labels. We’re all family here. This challenge is all-inclusive and hate-free. After a year like 2020, we could all use a little pick-me-up. 
Are you a writer, gif-maker, art enthusiast, musical magician, candlestick maker or Misha Collins?? Then check it out--I’m doing a thing! Below you will find some rules and prompts, but most of all, have fun.
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Must be following me (it is a follower celebration after all)
Please list your warnings and tag them when you post. 
Add a “Keep Reading” if your post is over 500 words. 
You can pair this challenge with anything else, and I don’t mind if your entry is part of an established series! 
No word limit. Have more of a headcanon? Okay. Have a 500k word novel? Okay. 
You may write or create whatever you wish, but due to personal limitations, I will only read:
Reader inserts/ofc paired with Sam, Dean, Castiel, Benny Lafitte, or Gadreel
Ships: Sabriel, Sastiel, Destiel, DeanBenny, Saileen, Megstiel, anyone with Donna <3
Non-pairings and vintage Winchesters or Castiel are okay. (Tell me about a thing that happened when they were growing up)
Threesomes and moresomes are good as well
Things that make me squick: degradation, a/b/o, wincest, underage.
Things that make me happy: Winchester sandwiches, crack fics, dark fics, Destiel, sex pollen, and MOTW. 
“Overused” tropes are welcomed and encouraged! (Looking at you, @thinkinghardhardlythinking) Remember, they are popular for a reason--people like to read them. Lay your weary insecurities to rest my wayward peeps. 
This can be as fluffy, smutty, angsty, cracky or as dark as you want it to be (please tag for trigger warnings!)
It doesn’t have to be a fic. It can be any kind of art! Digital, Traditional, Musical, Video, etc.
WRITE AND CREATE WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Even if it’s not my jam, you are valid and welcome here! ALL entries will be reblogged and included on the masterlist.
Send an ask with the following: 
Your new year’s resolutions (if you want to share)
Choose one situation and one song OR lyric from the lists below. Up to two people per prompt.
Inspired by a few things? Why settle? You can send multiple requests. Please send a new ask with each new selection. 
Tag #cajunsuper600challenge within the first five tags. If I haven’t reblogged it within 3 days, submit it to me and/or shoot me a message!
To be a part of the Challenge Masterlist, please post and tag me on or before Mardi Gras! (Tuesday, February 16, 2021)
Singing in the Shower @anaelsbrunette
Fixing up the Car @utopia-winchester​
Wrestling Match
Drag Race
Kicked out of a Library @ilysm-mybabybrother
Learning to Drive @katelynw93​ @gia-25​
Supply Run
Movie Night @scoobydean
Game Night @mercurialkitty
Patching up after a hunt @msmarvelouswinchester
Fishing @wonder-cole​
Monster of the Week @carryonmywaywardcaptain
First Encounter @chevyharvelle​ @writethelifeyouwant​
Awkward Coffee @thinkinghardhardlythinking
Ramble On- Led Zeppelin
Back in Black- ACDC
Tuesday’s Gone- Lynyrd Skynyrd @graciehams
The Chain- Fleetwood Mac @scoobydean
Born on the Bayou- Credence Clearwater @wonder-cole​
Heaven and Hell- Black Sabbath
When the Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin @writethelifeyouwant​
Houses of the Holy- Led Zeppelin
The Unforgiven- Metallica
Dream On- Aerosmith
**Bonus: 11. House of the Rising Sun- The Animals (@wonder-cole, you devious heathen I love you) @anaelsbrunette
“Hold the day/ Oh we pray/ To make it through the night”
“Even the fires on the road/ Trying to get away/ And all the stars seem on a roll/ Out of control today”
“I wear this crown of thorns/ Upon my liar's chair/ Full of broken thoughts/ I cannot repair” @ilysm-mybabybrother
“Blastin' out to Johnny Cash/ Headin' for the highway/ Baby, we ain't ever comin' back”
“I saw the light in the sunrise/ Sittin' back in a 40 on the muddy riverside/ Gettin' baptized in holy water and 'shine”
“There'll be no value in the strength of walls that I have grown/ There'll be no comfort in the shade of the shadows thrown/ But I'd be yours if you'd be mine” @thinkinghardhardlythinking
“I wrestled long with my youth/ We tried so hard to live in the truth/ But do not tell me all is fine/ When I lose my head, I lose my spine”
“I can’t drown my demons/ They know how to swim” @carryonmywaywardcaptain @msmarvelouswinchester
“I stand on the ash of all I've ever loved/ Memories of a broken heart/ Now I'm alone in the dark.” @chevyharvelle
“Weep not for roads untraveled/ Weep not for sights unseen/ May your love never end and if you need a friend,/ There's a seat here alongside me” @mercurialkitty​ @katelynw93​
(NO Pressure Tagging)
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lanottediamsterdam · 4 years ago
Allora partiamo già dal fatto che l'altro ieri ho visto il video di un mago/comico che ad american idol estrae dal cilindro una pompa per ingrandire il pene e adesso amazon me ne butta li una ogni tanto come se passando tra luci led, mobilio cheap, ed elementi d'arredo mi domandassi "eih simo ma perché non hai mai pensato di gonfiarti il pisello come un palloncino?"
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Ma continuiamo ancora peggio, no amazon non mi serve che arrivi per san valentino il mio estrattore, non me ne faccio assolutamente niente per san valentino, mollami eh, non farmi parlare.
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nyfacurrent · 5 years ago
Announcing | NYC Women’s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre Recipients
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The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) Awarded a Combined $2 Million in Funding to 94 Projects.
NYC Media and Entertainment Commissioner Anne del Castillo announced today that the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) awarded the second round of NYC Women’s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre to 94 music, theatre, film, and digital media projects led by artists who identify as women or coming from a female perspective. These grants total $2 million and are designed to help artists complete their projects. This year, MOME added $500,000 to support music projects. 
The NYC Women’s Fund is a $5.5 million three-year program that is administered by NYFA. The groundbreaking initiative is intended to address the underrepresentation of women in film, music, digital media, and theatre, and New York is the first city in the country to provide direct grants to women working in these industries. During the Fund’s first round, MOME awarded a total of $1.5 million to 63 film, digital, and theatre projects, up to $50,000 per project.
With the addition of music to the list of eligible categories, MOME is further increasing its efforts to target gender inequity in male-dominated industries. One recent report from the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative found that from 2013-2019, just 10% of GRAMMY nominees were women, and from 2012-2018 only 22% of artists, 12% of songwriters, and 2% of producers of 700 popular songs from the "Hot 100" year-end Billboard Charts were female.
“Women are more than half of the population, but they are still woefully underrepresented in music, theatre, film, and digital media industries,” said del Castillo. “We are proud to have increased the number of awardees by 50%, as we take gender equity head on by helping female-identified artists get their projects over the finish line.”
“Last year, only 20% of all directors, writers, producers, executive producers, editors, and cinematographers working on the top 100 grossing films were women,” said Deputy Mayor Housing and Economic Development Vicki Been. “New York City is the media capital of the world, and we have a responsibility to address inequality not only in the film industry, but also in music, theatre and digital media. Congratulations to this year’s grant recipients, I cannot wait for their works to debut.” 
MOME awarded grants to projects in the following categories:
20 Popular Music - each received up to $20,000
15 Classical/Jazz/Experimental - each received up to $20,000
16 Theatre Productions - each received up to $50,000
8 Documentary Features - each received up to $50,000
4 Fiction Features - each received up to $50,000
9 Fiction Shorts - each received up to $25,000
8 Documentary Shorts - each received up to $25,000
7 Fiction Webisode/Webseries - each received up to $20,000
7 Documentary Webisodes/Webseries - each received up to $20,000
The projects selected cover a broad range of topics including: a bilingual album that features women’s voices in the Mexican and American folk genres; an EP that combines Afrobeat, jazz fusion, and Afro House music with lyrics that address female empowerment; a theatre production about an Iranian-American women’s anti-war dinner party that goes off track; a documentary webseries that follows the lives of five people through the world of dance; a fiction short about two Puerto Rican women from the Bronx who go on a dangerous Las Vegas adventure; and a fiction feature film about family, survival, and sexual assault.
“We’re thrilled to one again partner with the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment on the NYC Women’s Fund for Media, Music and Theatre, and are honored to help support projects that reflect the voices and perspectives of all who identify as women as the administrator of this important fund,” said Michael L. Royce, Executive Director, NYFA. “We’re especially excited that music recordings or videos are being recognized this year, which increases the fund’s depth and the impact into new creative spaces,” he added.
In total, 1,357 applications were evaluated by a panel of 48 industry experts including: Betsy Morais, Managing Editor, Columbia Journalism Review; Lana Lin, Associate Professor, Film Theory and Digital Cinema, The New School; Viktoria I.V. King, director, writer, and actress; Easmanie Michel, director, writer, and curator, Immigrant Festival NYWIFT; Lucy Mukerjee, Senior Programmer, Tribeca Enterprises; Efe Kabba, director, producer, writer, editor; Suzette Porte, Manager, Plan Services, Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers; Miya Masaoka, Director, Sound Art Program, Columbia University; Suzzy Roche, singer/songwriter; and Jennifer Justice, music and live entertainment executive.
The full list of awards and panelists can be found here and a complete listing of the guidelines for the grants can be found here.
“New York City needs to be a place where diverse creatives can thrive. But if you’re in the arts, you know that the hardest part is finding enough money to get your projects off the ground,” said Faye Penn, Executive Director of women.nyc, an initiative at New York City Economic Development Corporation that helps women succeed in their businesses and careers. “It’s exciting to see so many female-identified creators who are finally able to share their songs, movies, plays, and web series. We hope that the world will be seeing a lot more of these artists and leaders.”
Find out about additional awards and grants here. Sign up for our free bi-weekly newsletter, NYFA News, to receive announcements about future NYFA events and programs. 
Funding for this program is provided by the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME).
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Image: Courtesy City of New York Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME).
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