#luan skeleton
yelek-galleries · 2 years
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Ando practicando...y por la cabellera de lady gaga, luan eres re linde basta
Cómo dato:
• Luan es ex de Elliot el camarógrafo
• Luan es una persona No-binaria :D
• tiene un tatuaje en el ojo izquierdo
• Luan tiene un temperamento algo cuestionable, pero va a terapia pará arreglar eso 👍
Wardtale - @wardtale
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themagicmistress · 9 months
There is something wrong with Shen Qingqiu.
There has been as long as Liu Qingge’s known him, but it used to be that he spoke with the too-sharp syllables of a young master and liked to smack his fan in his palm like he was thinking of stabbing you with it. Now, the genre of ‘wrong’ Liu Qingge associates with Shen Qingqiu has more to do with the way he takes his youngest disciples for rides on Xiu Ya and keeps a specific teacup for Liu Qingge’s visits.
Can a qi deviation change one’s entire personality? Down to the way they speak?
“See, shidi?” Shen Qingqiu tilts up the scale of their latest catch with his blade. Underneath glitters a hard, reflective surface. “They’ve got two hides! Ah, only complete noobs scrape it off without clipping it from the skeleton.”
Liu Qingge doesn’t know what a noob is.
“Is it more valuable that way?” He says.
With a flick of his sword, Shen Qingqiu snatches out the top scale.
“It’s about pride! Are you cultivator or an idiot with a sharp object, hacking down everything in your path?” Shen Qingqiu grumbles. “This is good loot.
Shen Qingqiu is much more serene in viscera up to his forearms than at the Peak Meetings, Liu Qingge notes. He thinks doing this–the complaining as much as finding the creature itself–might be where Shen Qingqiu is at his most content. This is the man who grins behind his fan when Shang Qinghua spills tea in his own lap.
He raises an eyebrow at Liu Qingge. A curved, silver carapace balances in his one hand, a stack of silver scales piled inside. All finished, then. Liu Qingge offers him a hand, but Shen Qingqiu’s already risen to his feet.
Liu Qingge lowers it, but Shen Qingqiu’s already taken it with a mildly amused look on his face.
“I think we’ve moved past these sorts of formality by now,” Shen Qingqiu… wiggles Liu Qingge’s hand? He rattles it up and down and Liu Qingge doesn’t really know what’s happening. “But sure! Good job to both of us today.”
He lets go after a few seconds. Liu Qingge puts his hand down, his skin faintly tingling. Internally, he notes that in certain situations, if he gives Shen Qingqiu his hand, Shen Qingqiu will clasp it in his own.
He’ll have to pay attention to what times it would be appropriate to do it again.
“We were efficient,” Liu Qingge says in what he hopes is a normal voice. He’s fine. He clears Shen Qingqiu’s meridians all the time. “Your knowledge of the Five Mouth Mountain Pangolin is impressive.”
“Please,” Shen Qingqiu waves a hand dismissively. “If you don’t know about their three acid stomachs, you’re hardly a scholar.”
“Don’t forget the second hide,” Liu Qingge says.
Liu Qingge drops his sword for them to ride and Shen Qingqiu grins.
“Don’t quote my words to me!” Shen Qingqiu bats his shoulder with a hand, stepping onto Cheng Luan, “Eventually I’ll run out of things to tell you. Shidi, you don’t have to listen to me rambling so closely. I’ll get self-conscious.”
“I’ll make sure to forget everything you said by next time,” Liu Qingge says.
Cheng Luan sprints into the sky and Shen Qingqiu laughs. It sounds nothing like his laugh. It sounds beautiful.
Yes, there is something wrong with Shen Qingqiu. Deeply. Intrinsically. But Liu Qingge doesn’t mind so much. The parts that are wrong are his friend. And someday, more than.
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nina245 · 4 months
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Collection of npcs and knights.
This started with the idea of doing stickers of Luan holding bananovan (?) and end up adding more and more characters.
Once I'm free, I want to do a second round with more npcs to give them some love since I rarely see fanarts of the skeleton squad for example :').
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Also tried with Vograce to turn it into stickers, pins and keychans and the quality was really good! :D
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And 2 of my favs from the collection
(I like to think that the skeletons npcs have a group where they know each other and are all friends where Master Argus is the old man protector of Scarlet and Red as Gall is there too hshsh)
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acim-ed-ortsac · 10 months
me and the devil, walking side by side
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What is the meaning of life? To enjoy it? To live it? Or perhaps the true question to be asked is how to enjoy it. If that’s the case, then you’re going to raise chaos and hell in this new world you were reborn in.
What’s truly stopping you from causing chaos? Humans? They’re mortal like you, putting up ethics and boundaries to ensure the safety of not only other people, (they say), but mostly ensure their own safety. Living is finding happiness, contentment, and satisfaction. Others will say it’s living your life to the fullest!
Now that you thought about it, were you even human anymore? Now that you were reborn, you noticed that you don’t fully have your humanity…but what exactly is humanity? Something that makes one human? Then what does it mean to be human? To be more evolved than animals? To have advanced intelligence? But humans have always retained their animal instincts, causing what humans call ‘Monstrosities’ and ‘Crimes’. If this is truly human, following your instincts and wants, then perhaps you’re the most humane creature ever to exist.
You looked at the ghostly warrior cultivator in bland indifference, head tilted in some interest. Liu Qingge was certainly beautiful, with a delicate, almost feminine face that contrasted with the bulky physique of his body. His lips turned upside-down into a scowl as he looked back at you.
Underneath him is a skeleton with tattered clothes, his actual physical sword, Chen Luan, laid untouched for years.
Your lips quirked as you let out a mocking croon from the back of your throat, circling the ghost. “How very…interesting.” Your foot kicked at his bones, making him snarl at you in return. “How is it that the Famed Warrior of Justice, the famous War god of Baizhan, is the first one to die amongst the Qing generation of Peak Lords?”
When you completed the circle, you smiled at him with your teeth. “Especially that ‘Scum’ Shen Qingqiu—“
“Don’t call him a scum!” Liu Qingge made a hand for his sword, only to realize he didn’t have his spiritual sword with him.
You raised a brow in bemusement, “Why? Isn’t that what you called him all these years?” You taunted, following him when he made a turn away from you. “ ‘The Lecherous Shen Qingqiu’, ‘The Scum Lord’, ‘The Lazy Lord’, isn’t that what you called him in all your years of living in Cang Qiong?”
The man made a sound of gritting teeth at your continued mocking.
Delightful sadism bubbled in your chest as a hollowed laugh reverberated in your chest, “What of the change of heart? War god Liu Qingge?”
His fists, which were clenching the whole time, suddenly released as his shoulders slumped. In a quick second, his whole demeanor becomes one of defeat and guilt. Your interest peaked again, your smile growing wider.
“I…was wrong.” Liu Qingge finally said after those long minutes of silence. “I was wrong about him — everyone at the sect was wrong. But I never thought of seeing the full truth.”
You sneered at him, walking in front of him. “None of you did,” Your fingers twitched in rising irritation as the topic came to this. “You Qing generation just loved to gossip and snark at the latest rumors that you all never tried to investigate the truth. For all your talk about righteousness and justice, you are the last person to be talking about that in this current situation.
As a man in another world said, ‘If a man looks for the sin of other people, then that man has sinned.’”
You stepped back from the ghost, looking at him with narrowed eyes and head tilted back. “Thanks to your martial brother and sisters nonsense, you effectively gave that old coot from Huanhua leverage to use against your sect. And as a result, you lost your strategist.”
“You don’t have to say something that I don’t know.” Gritted the ghost.
You scoffed, “So, tell me what changed your mind?”
“…” Liu Qingge glared at you with all his irritation and anger before spitting out “I followed him after I died, to make sure he didn’t do anything, and finally saw what he actually is like.” At that, his voice became softer, as if the realization still made him in disbelief. “He doesn’t go to the brothels for sexual pleasure, he goes there to sleep. The workers there welcome him as if he was their brother…and he teaches them how to write, paint, and music.”
You clasped your hands behind your back, “So you were wrong about him being a lecher.”
“All of us were,”
“Well, not all of us.”
You grinned after huffing a laugh, “This will be fun.”
Liu Qingge glared at you, “What will—“
“If I restored your body, will you follow me to explore the plains?”
The ghost looked at you wide-eyed, shocked at your proposal. “What…”
Your lips quirk, “I’m planning to meet the Heavenly Emperor along the way, and possibly fix some wrongs that need to be right.”
At the end of your sentence, your voice became lower and there were hints of garbled sounds beneath it. Liu Qingge looked at you warily, as if getting the hint that you’re not fully human. “Who are you?”
“Ah ah,” You smiled while wagging your finger, like a teacher scolding a student. “The correct question should be,” Your eyes changed color and pupils, ink changed from the moisture that was rolling down your cheeks, and your smile became wider until it was cheek to cheek. “What am I?”
You took delight in the ghost’s horrified and morbidly astonished reaction, retreating your finger before your features rippled back to your human form. “Now, about that offer…”
“Ah, it seems more dreary than I imagined.”
“What are you talking about? Have you been living under a rock?”
“Don’t blame me, It took me a while for me to manifest my physical form.”
“A form that’s ever-changing and inhumane.”
“At least I have a human form.”
“Who was the one who gave you the body again?”
Your lips curled into something similar to a simpering smile, “Don’t frown, that’s just gonna make you unapproachable…well, more unapproachable at this point.”
Liu Qingge huffed, turning away. His body, which you rebuilt with dust and bones, was brand new. His skin didn’t have the scars he had obtained when he was alive, much to his discomfort but to your indifference. Muscular but his stance suggests the experience of fighting. You rolled your shoulders back as you took in the scenery as you made your way to the Huanhua palace.
Where Luo Binghe is, and possibly, Shen Jiu and the harem.
You being a reader of SVSSS, knew of the original timeline and what happened there. You wonder how far in the Post-Original are you; perhaps Shen Jiu is dead right now after swallowing Xuan Su shards…maybe. You haven’t wandered around long enough to go to the villages, your first destination was Cang Qiong since it was the nearest place where your body spawned. 
The rest of the time, you were a watcher over Shen Jiu because come on…he deserved better.
A nudge shook you out of your thoughts, making you see the entrance of Huanhua territory, which was the forest of Bailu. Where Tianlang-Jun is sealed. You wonder if his body is still intact or if it decomposed along the events. 
You hummed for a moment before pulling Liu Qingge away from the territory. “Hey–!?” The man resisted your hold but proved to be futile. “I thought you were gonna see that demon spawn and save Shen Qingqiu!?”
“I will,” you replied, “But first, let’s go to a nearby village to eat and rest. Your body is still getting used to being alive right now, so take it slow before you get into any scats.”
“I practice inedia so eating is unnecessary–” the warrior urged.
“And you’ve been a ghost for how many years? With no physical body?” You shot back.
Your bickering continued until you made it to a village and went to an inn, you paid for the rooms. Later you watched as Liu Qingge practically inhaled three bowls of congee while you were still eating your one bowl, you grinned smugly. “See what years of having a body does to you? You get to taste food again!”
“Shut up,” Liu Qingge grumbled before downing an entire of his third bowl.
“Liu Qingge, manners.” you chided the warrior, taking a sip from your congee bowl. As you ate, your ears tuned in on the conversation of the residents of the inn, which was a mix of humans and demons.
“The crops are going good this year…”
“Hey, who are the beauties over there?”
“Isn’t that the Baizhan War god!?”
“I thought he was dead–”
“Killed by Shen Qingqiu, in fact!”
“Were they wrong?”
…you thought that they wouldn’t recognize Liu Qingge after being dead for years, yet they surprised you wrong. 
“Wonder if this will reach the emperor’s ears…” you muttered before drinking your tea. Liu Qingge let out a satisfied exhale, with four bowls piled up on the side. You deadpanned before exhaling, fishing out your pouch of money. “Be thankful I can pay for this.”
The revived man let out a grunt.
After dinner, you two went to your rooms to retire for the night. It’s been a while since you last slept, having been a transparent spirit for the rest of the journey of the original PIDW. It wasn’t until some entity had granted you abilities that were inhumane, some were familiar with characters that were antagonists from certain entertainments in your old world. And because the ‘story’ ended and you have no system, you could now do anything you wanted in this world!
First, you’ll have to bring Liu Qingge to the palace of Luo Binghe and let him clear up what happened in Lingxi caves and in the brothels, being a witness and all. 
Luckily for you and Liu Qingge, you didn’t have to go to the Palace. Luo Binghe and Liu Mingyan came to you…with fucking guards. It caused quite a commotion in the village, they bowed down and looked away in fear with some demons in awe. You and your companion had just exited the inn when the emperor himself and one of his wives entered the village.
You now had a stare-off with the freaking Emperor Luo Binghe himself and his wife, Liu Mingyan, who was looking at her very much alive brother in disbelief. “Brother?”
The said man only glared at her in response making her falter. Ignoring the rising tension, you decided to take a look at the couple. Liu Mingyan was as beautiful as her brother, you could tell as much even with her veil covering her face. Her robes were purple with red which matched her overall aura and color scheme. 
When your eyes moved to Luo Binghe, you were almost startled at how he was staring at you, red eyes shining with interest, whether it was your unique appearance or perhaps he sensed that you were not completely human either. Still, he is as beautifully handsome as described in the novel and drawn in the illustrations.
Your attention was grabbed when Liu Qingge shouted, “Killed!? Shixiong tried to save me!”
“What!?” Liu Mingyan stepped back, surprised at the outburst from her brother. You took this as a sign to move the sidelines, as this conversation had nothing to do with you.  Still, it doesn’t stop the sadistic glee when watching the faces of his sister and Luo Binghe morphed into shock and disbelief at the reveal.
Though seeing the crowd you were gathering, you pulled Liu Qingge’s robe to get his attention, “I think we should do this in a more secluded.” You then looked at Luo Binghe, the main man of this finished ‘story’. “Perhaps Junshang would be benevolent enough to let us discuss this in his palace?”
The ride to the Huanhua palace was tense, but you ignored it since it didn’t bother you that much. You walked with casual grace when you entered after Luo Binghe and his wife, Liu Qingge followed you with a look that can bury someone 6 feet under. The doors opened for the four of you and demons and humans gathered around with curiosity at the newcomers.
You smiled lips closed at the audience you gathered. Some of Luo Binghe’s wives have also come, one of them being Qiu Haitang…
Perfect for the reveal of the ‘Scum Villain’.
Junshang then sat on his throne with his main wife at his side, on the other side came the famous Sha Hualing with her barely covered and jingling bells. Liu Qingge’s face went from red to green beside you, much to your amusement. 
“So,” Luo Binghe said from his place on the throne. “What do you mean by my shizun trying to save you?” He says the word shizun with so much venom you wonder if his words were made of the actual stuff.
“It’s the truth,” Liu Qingge stepped forward, determined to right the wrong he had made. You let him. “As the victim, I’m here to say that Shen Qingqiu didn’t kill me.”
Whispers grace your ears, astonished at the proclamation of the supposed dead Baizhan War god. Your smile soon became full of teeth. Liu Mingyan was unconvinced, “But brother, You and Shen Qingqiu have been bitter rivals for the longest time–he even tried to kill you in that one mission!”
Before they could agree with the supposed evidence, you stepped up laughing. “Well, rumors and pieces of evidence have to be thoroughly investigated before confirming. If you’re willing, will you bring Shen Qingqiu to the throne room, Junshang? Or did you already kill him out of anger?”
The lack of respect towards the Emperor had people looking at you in disbelief, readying for the Half Heavenly Demon to attack you, but as you stared down Luo Binghe, with all glee, joy, and some sort of wrong excitement that made the man wary of you, Luo Binghe relented. “Bring Shen Qingqiu.”
Your smile widened until it was cheek-to-cheek as rounds of gasps sounded in the court. Your veins thrummed at the stirring chaos you’re about to ensue. Soon, the called man was carried in a jar, long inky locks of hair flowing over the jar with limbs cut, and sickly pale skin but the same acid green eyes glared at Luo Binghe. Those same green eyes then looked in shock at the very much alive Liu Qingge.
Immediately, the warrior kotowed in front of the disabled man in the jar, shocking all who were present. “Shen Qingqiu, I have done a great sin by accusing you over and over without understanding the situation. I have run your reputation through the mud and made it a weapon against Cang Qiong. As payment for this sin, I will do anything to—”
You kicked Liu Qingge in the butt, “Apologize later, there will be more to apologize when I show you all later.”
Liu Qingge, for his part, whipped his head and was about to explode over your disrespect when Qiu Haitang screamed from where she was. “ What is that villain doing here!?” her eyes held mad fury.
You just glanced at her with disinterest, “Why, to clear his name, of course.”
You raised a brow when she stomped up to you, “What is there to clear!? That man–” she points at Shen Qingqiu, who looks at her with conflicting emotions while holding his poker face. “--who was a slave taken in my brother and my fiance, had killed and burned everything I had! He’s a monster! A heartless fiend! An immoral—”
“Ah, but that’s the best part, little A-Tang.” you stepped forward, hands clasped behind. “For Shen Jiu did you a service of getting rid of your disgusting family.” Her face grew red when you insulted her family with vitriol. “How dare—”
You laughed at her face, “Oh, poor, sweet, coddled, naive A-Tang. You truly thought your brother was as honorable as he seemed?” You batted your eyelashes mockingly before grinning with sharp teeth. “Oh, how wrong you are. But first…”
You turned away from her to Shen Jiu, walking up to him before kneeling. Slashing your arm, you said to him “Open wide,” before grabbing his jaw and forcing him to open his mouth. Shen Jiu struggled as blood from your arm poured into his mouth, making him drink. You watched him struggle against you before deeming the amount he drank enough, healing your arm before smacking the jar with a loud twang. The jar broke into two, much to the shock of the people, letting Shen Jiu squirm in pain on the floor. He gasped and made strangled noises from his throat.
“Shen Qingqiu!?” Liu Qingge rushed forward to his fallen shixiong but was stopped by you. “What did you do—”
“Just watched.”
Those who were near retreated back when the first limp sprouted out of the nubs where his arms were, shrieking and screaming in horror and fear. The next three limbs sprouted the same manner, flesh from the nubs splattering away and into the people in its path. The moment he had all four limbs back, you willed a nearby cloth to morph and form into a simple robe to wear to cover Shen Qingqiu’s modesty. 
You looked down at Shen Jiu, who clutched his head in pain, drool dripping down his chin as his eyes went to you. “What did you do to me!?” His eyes were now lime green with slits for pupils, his skin now deathly pale, fingers sharpened to claws, and when he opened his mouth teeth were sharp as canines.
You ginned down at him, “I suppose in another world, you would’ve been called a demon. But in this world, you would be an anomaly.”
He rasped in response, “Hungry…”
You hummed before turning to a nearby servant, “Get some human meat.”
A slam brought your attention, and you turned to Luo Binghe who looked at you with burning eyes “What are you!? And why would you need human meat!?”
“Junshang, I am a cryptid at best, and as for the human meat…” you tapped your chin. “Well, that would be Shen Jiu’s diet for the years to come in his new species. The creatures I turned him into consume human blood to gain power and sustain their life. Although the demon blood here could also be used for his diet.”
Liu Mingyan’s face drained of color while Sha Hualing wrinkled her nose in disgust. Luo Binghe gritted his teeth.
Liu Qingge drew his sword, “I trusted you! And you made him into a monster!”
You raised a hand at the warrior, “Calm down you brute, it’s up to Shen Jiu if he’s willing to eat it. There are alternatives, but it depends on his will to not eat humans or demons alike.”
Seeing that the human servant hadn’t moved one bit, you took their arm and ripped a wound on it that made them scream in the process. The sound and smell of blood had Shen Jiu whipped to look and drooling at the bleeding mortal. Against the struggles and sobs, you pushed the bleeding arm towards him. “Well, you have a choice A-Jiu. What will you choose?”
The man now turned demon anomaly struggled to retain his wits and common sense, eyes shook with pure hunger while his teeth gritted. You stared at him with patience, waiting for his answer. Finally, A-Jiu turned his head away from the sight of blood. Satisfied, you let go of the sobbing servant’s hand and healed it. “Strong will retain, I see.”
“Don’t ever do that again!?” Shen Jiu snarled.
“I promise,” you smiled before looking at the audience. “Now, shall we get started?”
Luo Binghe watched from his throne as the creature that is you summoned thousands of mirror shards to form one shard in place, big enough for all to see.  What are you… he wondered as you held that grin that seemed so carefree. His shizun stood up, his legs shook from the long overdue of being used. His formerly dead shishu helped him.
The Emperor wasn’t sure what was a cryptid, but he knew that you were powerful. Powerful enough to make his shizun into a whole new species. Powerful enough to resurrect his Liu Qingge from the dead. And powerful enough that Meng Mo advised Luo Binghe to not provoke you before this all goes down.
The mirror changed color before it showed a scene, a shack that looked polished and well-built. Once looked inside, it showed a young man in elaborate robes beating a young child that couldn’t be nine years old. A gasp from Qiu Haitang and the resemblance to her confirmed that the young man is in fact her ‘honorable’ brother. Or as ‘honorable’ could be when the emperor watched the blatant abuse that was brought down on the boy. A flash of green from those eyes made Luo Binghe’s gut sink. No…
“I didn’t ask you for this…”
You glanced at Shen Jiu, who looked away from you. Liu Qingge stood beside him, ready to catch him should he be unstable again. You narrowed your eyes, “You never tried to defend yourself, even knowing your reputation was in ruins.” A flinch from the warrior. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ll stand for it. You’re not wholly at fault, there have to be faults revealed for the true picture to come whole.”
The anomaly gritted his teeth, “But to display my past for them to see—”
“In other realities, your past would revealed to them at your trial in the Water Prison,” you said with eyes on the shard that displayed how Shen Jiu Qi deviated and killed all the men in the Qiu estate but saved the women and children. “I hate misunderstandings. I hate lies, and I hate pretentiousness. I longed for the faces of the false to despair when they are revealed.”
Shen Jiu didn’t respond when he saw your eyes burned with anger despite your passive and calm disposition, a fire that burned like the one shown in the shard. Sometimes, your form flickered during the storm of emotions in you such as a drip of ink from your head instead of sweat, or when your eyes change color from white to black. It befuddled Shen Jiu before when you were just a mere apparition that appeared before him one night when he was still a slave in the Qiu house.
A glance at Qiu Haitang showed the horror dawning on her face like the sunrise.
A slap resounded.
You sneered down at her with disgust and indifference as a master would to a servant or slave. “Impudent brat.” You said with vitriol.
You then grabbed her by the hair, wrenching a shriek of pain from the woman. “Since you love your ‘dear brother’ so much, I’ll have you reunite with him.” 
Crack from the ground before the center of the Throne room started to split into two, from the crack was hellish red light along with arms of bone and rotting skin. The smell assaulted the nose of every human and demon, the screams and shrieks of the dead wailed into the ears of every living creature…
Except you.
Then, amongst the screams and shrieking, a voice that stood out amongst the dead—a coherent voice that could speak—reverbated from the pits of hell. “Qiu Haitang! Bring me Qiu Haitang!” The voice of her brother demanded.
You watched in delicious delight as all the color drained form her face when she realized what you’re about to do. “No…no please! Please! Anything but—“
Ignoring her pleas, you drag her to the crack that opened to hell itself, Qiu Haitang screaming and struggling for her life. Alas, it was futile as you threw her down, her screams echoing in the room, a spectacle that made you known as the Judge and Executor.
As the crack slowly mends together, you grin in satisfaction. “One down, one more to go.”
“Where are you taking me!?” 
The Old Palace Master, bound by immortal coils, was forced to walk with Mobei-Jun behind him. Luo Binghe was behind you along with the Little Palace Mistress, who was fuming with rage and would’ve whipped you if it weren’t for her husband’s blood parasites, and Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge. Nature made way for you as the Bailu Mountain forest responded to your call.
You ignored the complaining and threats from the father-daughter duo, grinning in pleasure at the sight of a familiar deformed half-snake and half-human creature. “Zhuzhi-lang! It’s been a while!”
The snake who was relax when greeting you, tensed up and went into a defensive position upon noticing the newcomers with you.
You chuckled, rubbing his head in reassurance. “At ease, General. Your cousin along with his wives, shizun, and shush are here for the trial of the old palace master.”
A doubtful look crossed his glazed eyes. You rolled your eyes as you imbued demonic qi into him, letting him transform into his human form. Gasps behind you as you take a leaf from a tree to reform it into a simple robe for the snake general to wear.
“Many thanks, Yichang dashi.” The reserved general bowed in gratitude. You waved dismissively, “Now now, where is your uncle?”
“A visitor by the Great Yichang themselves? Have you gotten your physical form already?”
You walked towards the source where Tianlang-jun's head was sticking out of the mountain, the rocks formed around his neck and multiple talismans slapped around him. “Ah, Tianlang-Jun. It’s been a while.”
“Why it has,” his smile sharpens to one of viciousness and well-hidden anger. “And it seems you have guests.”
You spared a glance at them before  you lookin back at him. “Well, your son with Su Xiyan survived and declared himself Emperor for one.” A strangled noise from Luo Binghe while the Old Palace Master was foaming with rage “Now we’re here for the trial of the Old Palace Master for his crimes against Jianghu and you.”
“What crimes!?” The old geezers daughter shrill voice hurt your ears. “My honorable father never committed any crimes!”
“Hah, that’s where you’re wrong. Brat number 2.”
Palace Mistress’s face contorted into something unpleasant till you interrupted. “First case of order,” you smiled as you walked towards the old master himself, looking down on him with sadistic intentions. “The lechery of the old palace master.”
Gasps from the few servants you brought along with you were heard while protests from his daughter. Shen Jiu furrowed his brow but made no attempt to stop you, Liu Qingge seemed surprised at the accusation.
“What lechery!?” Palace mistress cried.
“His lechery towards Su Xiyan,” you explained. “He had—and still is—lusted after his former head disciple and was driven with jealousy when he found out that she was romantically involved with the Southern Emperor of the Demon Realm, Tianlang-Jun.”
“So that whole thing about overthrowing the human realm was a lie…” Liu Qingge glared viciously at the Old Palace Master. “You had the whole cultivation world seal Tianlang-Jun because of your unrequited love!?”
The said master growled like the animal he is. “You believe the words of this fiend!?”
“I believe everything they said over a lecher!”
You sniggered before looking at Luo Binghe, “I suppose you could say that the Old Palace Master is the reason you ended up as an orphan.”
You spotted his fist shaking.
“Jealous, he imprisoned your mother in the palace while the cultivation world sealed your father. It wasn’t till the Old Palace Master gave her the choice to drink poison that’ll kill demons so she’ll see Tianlang-Jun. By the time she came out…”
“He was already sealed…” he finished hollowly. He then turned to the man who he thought was a family figure now turned into a monster. 
Old Palace Master, who saw that everyone believed everything you said, snarled, “How did you know of this!? How—!?”
“I’ve watched,” you replied. “I was also the reason why Su Xiyan was able to deliver Little Luo Binghe safely.”
The old man gave a wild cry and tried to lunge at you but was held by Mobei-Jun. You looked at him with building anticipation, turning to Tianlang-Jun. You walked to his imprisoned state before placing a hand on a seal. Cracks and ridges then formed before the stone around the heavenly demon crumbled to dust. A touch of your hand on his now free body and demonic qi flooded in him, renewing his temple and replenishing his strength. When the dust cleared, his eyes of red released hatred and anger that was directed to the old man in binds.
You placed a hand on his chest before he could move towards the Old Palace Master, “Now now, let me exact his judgment before you can have your fun with him.”
A hand on your wrist and a devastatingly handsome face near yours, “You better make it fast, Yichang.”
Giggling, you turned to the audience around you. “By the crimes of lechery, false accusations, and the death of his own disciple. The old palace master is found guilty. “ You smiled with your teeth, “Usually the punishment would fall on his person…but…”
You turned to his daughter instead, “Perhaps his daughter would like to endure it instead?”
Immediately, she made a move to grab her whip but from the trees, humanoid creatures appeared and grabbed hold of her.  Their ethereal beauty did nothing to deter the palace mistress to try to escape, yelling and screaming. “Let me go! You demonic creatures! Foul beasts—“
“Ah, how rude,” you sneered at her before grabbing her chin and made her look at you. “Now, let’s see how you’ll die.”
Upon looking you saw she was crying tears, wailing in fear. Behind you, her father screamed in rage. Your eyes turned into a gray kaleidoscopic vision to behold, locking her gaze in place as her dark eyes soon turned gray and kaleidoscopic as yours.
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Her posture relaxed into something of defeat and a smile graced her lips. Letting her go, the dryads and you, you watched as she turned to her father with a smile. “Father, it’s beautiful.”
She then took out her whip and wrapped it around her neck, strangling herself with it.
Her father cried in horror as she continued to commit suicide, anybody who made a move to help were stopped by you. You saw the horror, fear, and shock at what’s happening. It wasn’t until the palace mistress turned blue and collapsed did she finally die. Blood spilling from her neck.
You ignored the father who turned insane and glanced at the three Heavenly Demons, “Do as you like with him.”
Luo Binghe twitched uncomfortably at your presence, Xin Mo in your hands as you inspected the blade. Surprisingly, the demonic blade seemed to respond to you quite well, and you don’t seem to be affected by it at all.
Though, while uncomfortable and uncertain of your abilities and whole inhumaneness, he’s certainly grateful for you unveiling the truth.
He learned that he was loved by both mothers, and his father wasn’t as evil as he thought. Though he can’t believe how utterly silly he is. His cousin was easy to tolerate, timid yet deadly when needed.
And there was an ongoing healing process between him and his shizun, monitored by you. You supervised these “Therapy sessions”, as you called it, and became the middleman between them. He got to understand his shizun more and his shizun started to lower his wall of shards. Though you told them it will take a long time before the both of them could fully heal.
Liu Shishu and his sister decided to travel to reconnect and a journey of self-healing. The harem is disbanded but Sha Hualing is still one of his generals.  
Mobile-Jun, on the other hand, seemed to take a liking to you. The Emperor doesn’t know if it’s the repeated fights between the two of you or it’s because you interact with him a lot.
Luo Binghe didn’t like that. At all. And he could tell his shizun felt the same. You were the one source of love and safety they ever had and being an orphan and a street rat, they were greedy for that love.
Though, watching you swing Xin Mo experimentally, Luo Binghe decided that it might not be bad if you held Xin Mo instead. It lessens the headache in his skull.
“Have you heard of the Judge? They came out of nowhere. They aren’t human nor demon. They’re an anomaly. They say they’re a king of hell, others say they’re chaos incarnated. But really, cucumber-bro, I imagine that they’re the devil themselves.”
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vinildiscky · 11 months
Okay guys, check it out, I have a One Piece AU that takes place in Brazil — Bahia during the 2000s. It is based on theater; taking piracy, in this case, as the crime of selling films illegally, as a metaphor for; pirates, navy, revolutionaries. This in a peripheral context, where young people perform street theater, the navy is represented by the military and civil police, having a hierarchy, now, the revolutionaries are Protestants, but they are not limited to the army itself presented in the anime and manga, as this it involves political ideology, and most of the characters are radical leftists, anarchists or communists. The starting point is that, Shanks, or in this case "Sérgio" since all the names were adapted to the Portuguese language, since he was little (between 12 and 14 years old) was an accomplice in a large piracy scheme organized by Roger "Rogério" , that's where he met Buggy, at the time just "Bruno" as he gained this nickname later when, after being caught in his scheme, Roger ended up being taken to prison, so, the boys with nowhere to get money from, made their his own plays, not to say 'amateur films', this one specifically, in which the protagonist was a clown, gave him his nickname, "Buggy"; Currently, among the Straw Hats, there is Luan Lucas (Luffy), a second year high school student, a child neglected by his grandfather and basically cared for throughout his childhood by Shanks, along with his brothers Ace and Sabo, Ace is even part of the project of theater that Buggy and Shanks have! they are basically like a divorced couple who got back together... well, there are also their friends; Zé Ramalho (Zoro Roronoa) Sandro Valandares (Sanji Vinsmoke) Fernanda — 'Nanda' (Nami) Ulisses (Ussop) Francisco (Franky) Nicole Roberta (Nico Robin) and Antônio Carlos — 'Toninho Tornado' (Tony Tony Chopper) of which he is a real child! but younger, 13 years old. Their names in Japanese, those presented in the anime and manga, are nicknames within the AU! This is because Ulisses runs a tabletop RPG about pirates, which follows Oda's story, so each one is nicknamed by the name they chose for their characters within the RPG; Bento (Brook) in this case, is not a skeleton, but a ghost, which was summoned by Roberta and Leo (Law) during a gothic game, where Roberta is trying to convince her skeptical friend about the supernatural, so they met Bento, a revolutionary Protestant who died during the period of military dictatorship, seeing all his friends being tortured. It would take a long time to explain each person's stories.
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pomegranateteeth · 2 years
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Monster Mash | Link
Spooky holiday special edition! Halloween Party Music! | Track list under the cut
This may change since I do use this play list for irl Halloween parties
This Is Halloween - Danny Elfman // Monster Mash - Bobby Pickett // The Purple People Eater - She Wooley // I Put a Spell On You - Scremin’ Jay Hawkins // Lifetime Achievement Award - Lemon Demon // Thriller - Michael Jackson // Weird Science - Oingo Boingo // She Blinded Me With Since - Blue Fashion // Fed My Frankenstein - Alice Cooper // Every Day is Halloween - Ministry // I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters // A Gorey Demise - Creature Feature // I Was A Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps // Werewolves of London - Warren Zevvon // Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran // No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo // Trick or Treat - Ghost Town // Baby You’re a Haunted House - Gerard Way // When He Died - Lemon Demon // Dead! - My Chemical Romance // Spooky, Scary Skeletons - Andrew Gold // Skeleton - Ghost Town // Disturbia - Rihanna // Scary Monsters - David Bowie // Ghost - Mystery Skulls // Ghost Town - The Specials // Grim Grinning Ghosts - Ghosts // Ghosts ’n’ Stuff - deadmou5 // Sweet Bod - Lemon Demon // Cannibal - Ke$ha // Consume - Chase Atlantic // Haunted, The Cartoon Heart - Bear Ghost // Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie // Ghuleh /Zombie Queen - Ghost // Zombie - The Canberries // Zombies - Childish Gambino // Dragula - Rob Zombie // Dead Man’s Part - Oingo Boingo // Remains of the Day - Danny Elfman // Big Spooky Salvi - Hot Dad // The Evil Dab - Voicians // The Legend of the Spookyman - Destery Smith // Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell // Dont Fear the Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult // Pet Sematary - Ramones // Halloween - Misfits // Pumpkin Patch Murders - Blitzkid // Tell Me It’s a Nightmare - Kim Petras // beatlejuicebeatlejuicebeatlejuice - Life After Youth // Mothman - Skickick // My Wife and My Dead Wife - Robyn Hitchcock // Hotel California - Eagles // Pet Sematary - Starcrawler // Terrified - Childish Gambino // You’re Dead - Norman Tanega // No More Vampires Remain in Romania - King Luan // Vampier Ska - Horny Toad // Vampire - MAI LAN // Blood - My Chemical Romance // Banshee Betty - The Toilers // Witchy Woman - Egals // Season of the Witch - Donovan // Adams Family Theme // Ghostbusters theme // Stangers things theme .. Toccata an Fugue - Bach // Come Little Children - Erutan // Lullaby - The Cure // Bela Legosi Is Dead - Bauhaus // Monster Smash - Windy Crankage // My Girlfriend is a Witch - October Country // Everyday - Ministry // Tenebre - Claudio Simonetti // Ghoosbumps theme // Edward Scissorhands theme // ALEEN HOWL - Ulver // Friends in Low Places - Worthikids // Halloween - Japan
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lord-of-the-prompts · 2 years
(Please note that while I have included a variety of creatures, there are many many others that I haven’t been able to mention here. Had I listed every legendary/mythological/supernatural creature, I’d probably still be writing this post because let’s face it, there are thousands of badass mythological beings. Please also note that there are quite a few creatures that overlap in various categories. I hope that you all enjoy reading and that this helps with your writing!)
birds (bird people, caladrius, griffon, harpy, hippogriff, luan, phoenix, roc, sirin, strix, thunderbird.)
canines (amarok, cadejo, cerberus, fenrir, hellhound, werewolf.)
felines (demon cat, griffin, merlion, sphinx, tigris, underwater panther, white tiger.)
fish (hippocamp, undine, water spirit.)
primates (bigfoot, yeti, yowie.)
reptiles/serpents (basalisk, dragon, feathered serpent, hydra, loch ness monster, rainbow serpent, sea serpent, wyvern.)
aether (angel, demon, devil, elemental, elf, fairy, nymph, spirit.)
darkness (black dog, bogeyman, ghost, grim reaper, hellhound, vampire, werewolf, wild hunt.)
earth/subterranean (dwarf, earth dragon, gargoyle, giant, gnome, goblin, hobbit, ogre, troll.)
fire (dragon, hellhound, phoenix.)
light/rainbow (light elf, rainbow serpent.)
metal/gold (griffin, gnome, leprechaun.)
thunder/lightning (chinese dragon, cyclops, thunderbird, valkyrie.)
water (chinese dragon, drindylow, loch ness monster, mermaid/merman, nymph, pisces, water dragon, water spirit.)
cave/underground (dwarf, european dragon, gnome, goblin, troll.)
celestial/heaven (angel, feathered serpent, pegasus, grim reaper, swan maiden, valkyrie.)
desert (amphisbaena, chupacabra, cockatrice, ghoul, oliphaunt, sphinx.)
woodland (bigfoot, elf, unicorn.)
lake/river (chinese dragon, hydra, kraken, nixie, lake monster, ondine, rainbow serpent, warlock.)
mountain/hill (dwarf, griffin, hippogriff, hobbit, mountain giant, yeti.)
sea (dragon king, fish people, leviathan, mermaid/merman, sea monster, sea serpent, shen, siren, water dragon.)
polar/ice/winter (abominable snowman, jotun, yeti.)
urban/house (banshee, boggart, jinn, vampire.)
underworld/hell (cerberus, cyclops, demon, devil, earth dragon.)
human skinned (brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, giant, gnome, gremlin, jinn, leprechaun, nix, nymph, pixie, siren, valkyrie, vampire, vetter.)
monster skinned (banshee, boggart, centaur, demon, ent, goblin, imp, manticore, mermaid/merman, orc, siren, sphinx, troll.)
monstrous (baba yaga, boogeyman, cyclops, gargoyle, ghoul, giant/giantess, goblin, hag, jotun, mummy, ogre, oni, orc, titan, troll, yeti, zombie.)
part human (angel, centaur, fairy, faun, gorgon, harpy, horus, meduza, mandrake, manticore, mermaid/merman, minotaur, siren, sphinx, tenju, triton, winged genie, werecat, werewolf.)
non-human (basilisk, capricorn, cerberus, chimera, griffin, hippogriff, merlion, pegasus, typhon, wyvren.)
Shapeshifters: (animagus, demon, kelpie, merpeople, nix, werecat, werehyena, werejaguar, werewolf.)
Undead: (banshee, ghost, ghoul, frankenstein, headless horseman, mummy, poltergeist, skeleton, spirit, vampire, wraith, zombie.)
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chamberofrp · 7 years
hi hello! this looks amazing! would you be willing to give some alternative fcs for luan, please? :)
Thank you, anon! And yes of course, I’d love to see an app for Luan!
Timothée Chalamet
David Lambert
Josh Hutcherson
Landon Liboiron
Miles McMillan
Tom Holland
I hope one of these interests you and if not I can always try to provide more!
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maverickflare · 2 years
Hi David my friend David can u tell me specter knight things
some specter things tht i like in no particular order <3
not tht long ago they gave him a new animation in pocket dungeon for when he drinks a health potion (see he gets damaged by health potions) to be like a visible cringe which is rlly funny to me. 
actually hes kind of my favorite to play as in pocket dungeon for obvious reasons but also cuz his Bit is tht he gains health back from killing enemies and is hurt by potions bc hes yknow. a lich. but it makes certain areas a lot more dangerous for him to be in since enemies damage u back and all so the amount of times ive wiped out as him at the lich yard is higher than anywhere else i think. specter cant even hang out in his own backyard.
when hes underwater in the iron whale, he doesnt produce air bubbles like the other player characters do. cuz. yknow.
at the end of shovel of hope hes showing playing monas mini game which implies to me tht they are friends or at least know each other which is So Funny to me bc they r both the characters ever.
theres a character who calls him ‘spectre knight’ cuz they talk w a british accent. 
if u have him do his cold shoulder emote in front of one of his skeleton sentries a bunch of hearts appear over the skeletons head. skeletons just love this guy. 
has a cat. or at least can pet a cat. he double checks to make sure no ones looking at him bfore doing so. 
when he like ‘dies’ his cloak dissolves. it doesnt do tht as donovan tho. magick cloak <3
can do at least 4 different skateboard tricks.
you get the luan, reize, and specter knight joustus cards from playing joustus against specter in king of cards. which means u have to beat him like 3 times to get all the cards which makes me think no wonder specter hates king knight so much hes just stealing the cards w specters family on them. rude. 
and lastly. specter perches on things. as evident by this image.
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circuslollipop · 7 years
me: has homework to do
also me: but what if.......loud house spooky au
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Loud House JoJo Stands List
Hello all, recently a found a list of potential Stand Names for members of the Loud Siblings from Nickelodeon’s hit show, the Loud House! In response, I’ve composed a list of Stands for each of the siblings in response to the list, with some tweaks here and there. The name origins and list may not be mine, but the Stands are my original creations, please let me know if they interest you, and I’d be happy to let you use them!
Everybody Clap Your Hands!!
Lori Loud
Stand: [Telephone]
Stand Type: Distance Irrelevant Artificial Non-Humanoid/Phenomenon Hybrid
Physical Description: [Telephone] has two key forms of manifestation; it's primary manifestation is a pair of cellphone-themed headphones, with its second manifestation being a pure Phenomenon with no physical cue.
Power Description: [Telephone] is a perpetually active eavesdropping Stand, and a rather vicious one at that, as whenever Lori is conscious, [Telephone] is active. [Telephone] allows Lori to hear EVERYTHING within in its range, from physical sounds, to mystical events, to even thoughts, whether she likes it or not. Her hearing is so keen, she can even hear and react to an attack that by all accounts should be undetectable or unavoidable, almost lazily dancing out of the way. Using [Telephone]'s headphone form is really meant to act as a controlled state, allowing her to turn the sheer cacophony into muted background noise whilst music plays in her head, enabling her to selectively choose what sounds she's responding to at any given moment.
Taking off the Headphones causes her to hear the sounds pouring into her head at full blast, but also enables her to utilize her greatest ability; weaponizing her sounds. Currently, she can either transform an enemy into a living receiver for her sounds, forcing them to share the sheer volume of noise she experiences while also using them as a filter to reduce her headache, or release her sounds as a physical force against her foes.
Leni Loud
Stand: [Blondie Girl]
Stand Type: Close-Range Natural Humanoid/Phenomenon Hybrid
Physical Description: [Blondie Girl]'s true form is that of a sentient phenomenon that answers to Leni's will, but due to her accidental misinterpretation of what Stands are initially, [Blondie Girl] now manifests as a sea-foam green mannequin with Six arms, an emoji themed face, and long, cord-like whips extending from her head in imitation of hair.
Power Description: [Blondie Girl]'s power, fitting for a savvy fashionista like Leni, is that of Fabrication. She can literally convert anything around her into fabric, weave it into different shapes, forms, or states, and revert it back, with the material taking on the characteristics of the form she gave it.
Personality: As a fully sentient Stand, [Blondie Girl] has a will and personality independent of Leni; [Blondie Girl] in spite of her valley-girl speaking style, is highly analytical, intelligent, and focused, often serving as Leni's exhausted personal assistant, constantly working to keep Leni both on task and aware of what's going on, in addition to her primary goal of protecting and aiding Leni however she can.
Lucy Loud
Stand: [Creeping Death]
Stand Type: Artificial Non-Humanoid
Physical Description: [Creeping Death] takes the form of a highly morbid and gothic death of cards; each card is blank, and the deck has no limit to the cards it contains, but the cards will invariably shift to accommodate Lucy's needs, with a section of the deck always being composed of analogous cards to a deck of Tarot cards. The most prominent aspect of [Creeping Death]'s card designs is the backing of each card being a bloodshot eye held within the jaw of a fanged skull, presumably a vampire skull.
Power Description: [Creeping Death]'s powers can be summarized as being weaponized occultism; whenever Lucy encounters an enemy Stand, or just a Stand that is not a confirmed ally, she will instantly gaining a card giving her the Stand's name, statistics, and Type, as well as the ability to absorb and store a single instance of that Stand's powers into the card. The absorbed power is less than half the strength of the genuine article, but it grants [Creeping Death] an incredible versatility on its own. [Creeping Death]'s truly unique power is the ability to create supernatural phenomena based on the beliefs, experiences, and fears of her enemies and allies, represented by new cards containing pieces of those qualities inside, which she can then combine, materialize, and attack with however she chooses; the only real drawback is that she only gets a single copy of each card, and to get it back, the construct it has been used in either has to be dispelled or destroyed.
Personality: [Creeping Death] has limited personal will, but whenever it's powers are used to create constructs based on living or intelligent beings, those constructs will possess individual personalities and behaviors, united only in their linked consciousness and absolute loyalty to seeing Lucy live.
Luan Loud
Stand: [Origin Prankster]
Stand Type: Artificial Humanoid
Physical Description: [Origin Prankster] appears as a bright yellow puppet themed off of a court jester, save for it's bird head. [Origin Prankster]'s left arm is extremely large in comparison to the rest of it's body, with a large mirror set into the palm of it's glove-like hand. [Origin Prankster] is approximately two and a half feet tall when standing on the ground, with it's left arm being a full two feet all by itself.
Power Description: [Origin Prankster] possesses the ability to send the powers of other Stands into rebellion, turning the unique powers of a Stand against it, as well as the Stand's user. The cue showing this power has activated is the sight of the mirror suddenly showing the image of the affected Stands. For the power to work, Luan has to know what the Stand actually does, and if she doesn't, [Origin Prankster]'s mirror cannot engage, whether she likes it or not. How the rebelling powers manifest is dependent on how they initially manifest to start with; if she used her power on [The World] for example, it would instead freeze DIO and his Stand in time, rather than freeze everything else.
Personality: While [Origin Prankster] is incapable of speech, it is very much intelligent, albeit twisted. [Origin Prankster] is often referred to by the rest of the Loud Siblings as being the embodiment of Luan's obsession with getting a laugh, no matter who gets hurt as a direct result of it, finding anything that can be viewed as humor funny and bursting into raucous laughter in response, from the cheesiest pun, to the most drawn out and elaborate of jokes, to even the cruelest and most callous of pranks. The one thing [Origin Prankster] does not find humorous is anything that is at Luan's expense; seeing Luan hurt, mocked, or belittled will infuriate the Stand, and can even provoke it into using it's powers independent of Luan's wishes. [Origin Prankster]'s inability to contain its laughter is an effective way of revealing its presence, as it will burst out in laughter at any joke, no matter how bad, breaking any cover it has managed to gain. Despite its twisted humor, [Origin Prankster] is capable of great kindness, often using its nature as a Stand to perform elaborate tricks and illusions to delight and entertain children, and will often wipe away the tears of those experiencing sorrow or hopelessness.
Luna Loud
Stand: [Hard Rock Hallelujah]
Stand Type: Bound Artificial Non-Humanoid
Physical Description: [Hard Rock Hallelujah] manifests itself in whatever guitar Luna has on hand, and will always transform the guitar into its preferred state: a dark purple electric guitar with a skeleton design, and an eye-shaped crystal inserted into the neck.
Power Description: [Hard Rock Hallelujah]’s power is the ability to telekinetically control any non-living thing within audible range of Luna’s playing. What she can control is dependent on the nature of the song she is currently playing, how well she is playing, and for how long. Attaching [Hard Rock Hallelujah] to an amp converts that amp into an extension of the Stand, not only expanding the range of her control, but also allowing her to control esoteric forces and concepts in addition to objects, though direct control of living things is still a no-go.
Lana Loud
Stand: [Eating Everything]
Stand Type: Range Irrelevant Phenomenon
Physical Description: None.
Power Description: [Eating Everything] allows Lana to absorb and store the valuable traits of any genetic or biological material she ingests, which she can freely integrate into her body whenever she wishes. The only sign that Lana is using [Eating Everything] to acquire new samples is that her teeth transform into an exaggerated version of those of a carnivore’s in the eyes of Stand Users. By offering her blood to other beings, Lana can grant them any of the traits she herself has access to, such as granting ‘human traits’ to her family’s pets, turning them into Anthropomorphic Guardians for her and her siblings. The longer Lana is using the traits she has stored, the more severe and prominent the changes in her body from using them become, and her behavior grows progressively more animalistic and wild. However, Lana will revert back to normal when exactly 23 hours and 51 minutes have passed after integrating her traits.
Lola Loud
Stand: [Going Far Witch]
Stand Type: Phenomenon
Physical Description: None.
Power Description: [Going Far Witch] allows Lola to designate a target, and all those who see the target will be unable to look away from their position, even if looking at the target would require their body contorting or shifting in ways that are ordinarily impossible, or potentially harmful, if not fatal. The designated target grows in strength, speed, and physical durability for as long as the ability is active proportional to the number of people looking at them. When Lola makes someone else the target, if something happens to the target that is humorous, dangerous, or embarrassing, the effect is increased. When Lola makes herself the target, usually when she needs to fight, having those same things happen weakens the effect and can even dispel it. The effect can only end for the target if Lola releases them from her Stand, or Lola loses consciousness or falls asleep.
Lynn Loud
Stand(s): [Ms. Badguy]/[Champion]
Stand Type: Range Irrelevant Bound Artificial Non-Humanoid
Physical Description: [Ms. Badguy] and [Champion] share a form, that of a gold medal hanging around Lynn’s neck, but with one key difference; [Ms. Badguy] displays a mocking leer, while [Champion] displays a group shot of Lynn’s family.
Power Description: Lynn’s Stand has two forms, representing Lynn’s unstable mental image and self-identity, each with their own powers. [Ms. Badguy] represents Lynn’s insecurities, her lack of faith in her own abilities and over-reliance on luck, and her obsessive need to put on the mask of a feral jock who no-one will mess with; as a result, [Ms. Badguy]’s power manifests as weaponized misfortune, in which anyone who has crossed Lynn or defeated her in some meaningful way will experience increasingly bad luck and fate working against them, with Lynn growing stronger and faster in proportion to how long [Ms. Badguy]’s power has been active.
[Champion] represents Lynn’s good heart, her care for her friends and family, and her desire to use her skills to support them, and her unshakable determination in whatever goal she sets for herself. [Champion] is essentially a functional inverse of [Ms. Badguy] in that Lynn grows more powerful proportional to the difficulty of her current goal, obstacle, or opponent, with enemy Stand powers growing less and less effective against Lynn the longer [Champion] is engaged.
Both powers grow stronger in response to Lynn being cheered on or given emotional support in some way during her fights. Which Stand is active changes depending on her current motivation; if she is fighting out of her personal pride, ego, desires, and such, [Ms. Badguy] will activate, whereas if she is fighting on behalf of another and supporting someone she cares about, or for a noble cause she believes in, [Champion] will activate.
Lincoln Loud
Stand: [Fortune Sun]
Stand Type: Close Range Natural Humanoid
Physical Description: [Fortune Sun] appears as a white, orange, and gold humanoid with a muscular physique and a Rabbit-like head, the image of a sun emblazoned on its chest, and ten golden orbs rotating in a ring around it.
Power Description: [Fortune Sun] possesses great physical strength, enough to rip through reinforced steel without too much effort, but little fine control of its force. It is also incredibly quick, capable of covering its maximum range in under a second, and able to respond to attacks before Lincoln knows that they’ve happened. 
[Fortune Sun]’s greatest power, and its greatest threat to enemies, lies in its golden orbs. When activated, for ten minutes, Stand abilities cannot be used, even if the Stands themselves will remain in place; physical augmentations or alterations to individuals as a result of Stands will remain in place, but they cannot change in any capacity, i.e. someone who is stronger or faster as a result of a Stand will not gain in strength or speed, but they won’t lose it either. 
After each minute passes, a golden orb will turn black, and when all the orbs have turned black, all those who had their Stands both active and within twenty meters of Lincoln, including Lincoln himself, will lose consciousness and have their Stands automatically dispelled, and will remain unconsciousness for another ten minutes without fail. Once this power has been engaged, Stands cannot be dispelled, although they can be activated if they weren’t already. After using this power, Lincoln must wait ten days to recharge it.
Lisa Loud
Stand: [Weird Science]
Stand Type: Close Range Artificial Humanoid
Physical Description: [Weird Science] appears as a tall, robotic figure, with a gas-mask shaped face, covered in a long medical coat. Beakers, test tubes, and flasks are screwed directly into its body at several points scattered about.
Power Description: [Weird Science] allows Lisa to break down and change the elemental and molecular components of anything [Weird Science] touches, combine them into new substances and chemicals that she can use at her leisure, and transform them back from whatever state they end up in after being exposed to [Weird Science] whenever she pleases. [Weird Science] also allows Lisa to establish a “laboratory” to conduct her experiments; those that enter cannot leave without her express permission, and she must grant it willingly. Rendering Lisa unconscious or killing Lisa will not dispel the Laboratory.
Lily Loud
Stand: [Lick My Art]
Stand Type: Phenomenon
Physical Description: None.
Power Description: [Lick My Art] allows Lily to create hyper-realistic portraits of anyone or anything. Any alterations or adjustments Lily makes to her pictures will be reflected in real time on the subject. Alterations Lily makes to the picture itself are not harmful in any way, but they are certainly not cosmetic; if she gives a picture of someone extra arms, they will gain those extra arms and they will function exactly as arms should. However, damage done to Lily’s pictures are a different story; tearing a picture will cause the subject’s physical form to rip apart along the tears, burning the picture will reduce the target to ashes, soaking it in water and watching it fall apart will cause the subject to dissolve like acid, and more. If Lily erases the entire picture, all alterations will cease and be reversed.
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drago-redfox08 · 7 years
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This Demonic Little person is Sincal she's a clone made from the ink, Luans DNA and a small fraction of Sans's soul, if you have any questions about her please do ask
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dishonoredrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, NAY! You’ve been accepted for the role of THE LOVERS with the faceclaim of ASHLEY MOORE. Admin Cas: I think we can all agree that The Lovers is a difficult concept to pin down. It’s a task in itself to balance the devotion they have for The World, her world, while not sacrificing who they are at their core. But, Nay, you were certainly up to the task. There’s something so lovely about Prudence, so beautiful and admirable, but something hungry. So much of her life revolves around The World, but that does not mean that Prudence doesn’t have a story of her own to live out. I particularly enjoyed the way you likened her story unfolding to a caterpillar grows into its chrysalis; to become a butterfly or moth, either is possible. I can’t wait to see what you do with her!
Please review the CHECKLIST and send your blog in within 24 hours.
NAME: nay 
PRONOUNS: she / her
AGE: twenty-two
TIMEZONE, ACTIVITY LEVEL: gmt + 5 ; and i’d say my activity ( especially with quarantine, still ) is at a 7/10. lately, i have been trying to write every day, and that means at least a reply every day – even if posted through queue after being written on a better writing day. 
ANYTHING ELSE?: i wrote this way too quickly, because i suck at being patient and didn’t want to wait a week to turn in an app, so forgive me for the sinful typos committed in my haste! this definitely isn’t as polished as i wish it were. also? there are possibly too many insect-facts in this and if that shit squicks you, i am so sorry.
SKELETON: the lovers
K E Y W O R D S 
UPRIGHT: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices
REVERSED: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
| source: x
NAME: prudence “prue” luna lockhart
P R U D E N C E / “intelligence; discretion, foresight; wisdom to see what is suitable or profitable;” also one of the four cardinal virtues, "wisdom to see what is virtuous;" from Old French prudence (13th Century) and directly from Latin prudentia “a foreseeing, foresight, sagacity, practical judgment,” contraction of providentia “foresight” (see providence). Secondary sense of “wisdom” (late 14th Century) is preserved in jurisprudence.
L U N A / “the moon,” especially personified in the Roman goddess answered to Greek Selene; also, an alchemical name for “silver”; from Latin luna “moon, goddess of the moon,” from PIE *leuksna- (source, also: of Old Church Slavonic luna “moon,” Old Prussian lauxnos “stars,” Middle Irish luan “light, moon”), suffixed form of root *leuk- “light, brightness.” The luna moth (1841, American English) so-called for the crescent-shaped eye-spots on its wings.
L O C K H A R T / Scottish: of uncertain origin, probably from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements loc 'lock', 'bolt' + hard 'hardy', 'brave', 'strong'. English: occupational name for a herdsman in charge of a sheep or cattlefold, from Old English loc 'enclosure', 'fold' + hierde 'herd(er)'.
| sources: x & x
FACECLAIM: zendaya coleman ( or ashley moore or natali litvinova — in order of preference! )
AGE: three-&-twenty for zendaya / four-&-twenty for ashley or natali
→ BIRTHDATE: fantasy-equivalent of july 8th; the most cancer baby there ever was!
DETAILS: it took me forever to find a skeleton that made me feel the enduring love i’ve been searching for beyond the ability to see a story, and as it always, unfailingly, tends to happen for the rare occasion where i opt for a softer character, it caught me completely off-guard. initially, surveying the tags, i was leaning towards the skeletons of the wheel of fortune, the hierophant, the devil, the hermit – all of whom, in my opinion, are characters who have been shaped by a darkness, be it inherent or inflicted, that’s rendered them with shadows or edges. with the lovers, that’s not the case. they are tender: like a paramour’s kiss, or a bruise, or an overripe peach you can sink your fingers into. and maybe it’s my unflinching desire to subvert the stereotypical presumption of what it is to be soft, the fragility noted in their skeleton does not translate to weakness or meekness to me; i enjoy that they are both tender, and possess the ability to be chaotic, and manipulative, and impulsive and desperate and vindictive and defensive. what i love most about this particular skeleton is the sheer humanness of them.
that, and their love for THE WORLD. for a moment there, that was definitely what drew me to them; this idea of love as religion had my mind reeling like a siken poem, rhapsodising about a love so powerful, it can alter a person. this is partially because i am the most hopeful and shameless of romantics, and partially because love, its nuances, and its powers and vulnerabilities genuinely, deeply interest me. however, working my way deeper into this application-form, that changed.
it is the love that the lovers — or prue, to me, now — holds for THE WORLD is one that attracted me. it is her own potential for growth that’s kept me in her clutches, besotted, wishing to tell her story. hers is a tale, i believe, of metamorphosis: a question i posed in a later section, as well as what lurks in my mind, is whether that metamorphosis is one that leads to a moth or a butterfly. did you know it is moths who come from cocoons, but butterflies who come from a chrysalis? moths, who are drawn to light. butterflies, who drink nectar, also help spread the seeds to grow more of the flowers. both which come from a caterpillar, whose first meal is typically the egg they come from. what i enjoy is the ambivalence that presents itself — or, as i like to call it: potential. there are several directions that prue’s story could go in, several choices that could define her, and it’s all up in the air until it isn’t anymore.
i wish i could tell you that my EUREKA! moment wasn’t insect-research, but i can’t, because that would be a lie. i’m not even sorry. 
☉ CONTENT WARNING(s): infant death, stillbirth, body horror imagery, insects
come, dear reader, won’t you settle in? let me spin you a tale—a tangled web of one, indeed—about a girl who smells sweet as white roses and is as satiny to touch as her gossamer-thin garments. this girl is just a girl; she has never been the girl. even so, this story is her story, and though she is not equipped to be the heroine of a story, or so she believes, she is the heart of this one. like a heart, she is swollen with the fullness of blood: thus, let me etch this tale into parchment with the blood of love, in crimson-ink of metallic-reek. 
it comes in three parts: a beginning, a middle, an ending; it is for you, dear reader, to decide which is which. 
let us anoint this tale the title of METAMORPHOSIS –
i. THE EGG ;
before there is the girl, there is a man and a woman who live in faerûn by the sahrnian sea, bound together by a contract that is decidedly not the forest-fire love faerie-tales herald. yet that is not to say that love never comes, just because love comes after. when it does, it is a calm love, a steady one; a love that has never cost one to lose one’s mind, and has been grown, meticulously, over the passage of time and the trials and tribulations have littered the path of a match made by those who are older and have witnessed so much more life than them. it is not for years that the woman feels nature stirring within her body’s vessel, and when it does, it is with the undying bestowing upon her a gift that makes up lost time. 
when the girl comes, she comes from a belly more full than most. it makes sense that it is so, for there were meant to be two of them: a boy, and a girl. one might suppose that, in the end, there still were, yet only one in the way it mattered. 
( you decide, dear reader: which is which? ) 
she is born — and it is days, and days, before her time. no matter, a name still awaits her. prudence, they call her. pierce, he would have been.
from the beginning, she emerges from the ruddy cave of her mother’s womb incomplete. a greyish pallor remains where life ought to be warming her skin; it is as if he leeched enough life from her for him to choke on, and she siphoned her brother’s death through the connection only womb-mates share – and this is what she will hear in later years, when she asks about him. 
she will wish she hadn’t.
( when you feel unforgiving, dear reader, remember: it is a caterpillar’s job to eat; without an abundance of consumption, it cannot survive. it is this abundance of consumption that allows for the production of silk. it is this same abundance of consumption that is its undoing. )
years do not care if one is ready to bear them; they come, when they must, as they must. and so comes to pass the childhood that tries to swallow prudence lockhart whole, over and over and over –
as an infant, blood is filtered out of her body and fresh blood poured into her veins. it helps, some. it does not help enough, yet there is nothing more to be done; her parents must take her home, and pray to the undying god for the rest. they pray, and pray, and pray, as two people of noble blood and lucrative business-dealings rarely stoop to, for lack of need to need it.
as a child, prue is still a frail slip of a thing, with bones jutting out against taut bronze flesh in protest. fill yourself up, her mother pleads. you must survive, beloved. she offers her savory meals and sweet decadence twice, and anything she takes a suggestion of a liking to just as many times more — and it works; it takes time, but work it does, and prue’s cheeks round some and at times flush rosily, some weakness giving way to the minute miracles that are her tardy signs of life. it is not much, but it is enough, isn’t it? it is to the mother who has warred for her existence. who still combats for prue’s survival. 
when does the girl begin to feel that it might be her that her mother is fighting, when every frustration about her lessness, her inherent lessness, begins to steal the breath from prue’s lungs – for is it not her who is all poetry & rot, wisp-thin & about as flimsy? her heart fills with hot, vital blood then: it beats loud and clear as a belltower’s toll, cutting through all else with the potency of its truth. this is as much as i am, she beseeches in turn, as her mother had once done, except not, for graceless tears roll down her cheeks in impassioned rivulets and the voice that thickens with feeling.
how will you survive the world, beloved? her mother implores.
i might not, prue knows. i might not, she accepts.
it is the caterpillar’s destiny to unbecome –
– unbecoming takes time.
it takes long enough that both mother and daughter grow used to it, initially, and then around it, ultimately. 
there is, after-all, the distraction of warfare engrained in the backbone of their precious faerûn. there is the journey to tyrholm, the settling into the dregs of hightown – not quite lowtown-bound, and not-quite-not. it fazes her parents to not be profound upper-echelons of society; her father, a man used to running the business inherited by the men in the lockhart family, and her mother, who had spent all of her time worrying for prudence and never had to about wealth. but prue, for her part, is accustomed to the notion of not-quite-right / not-quite-enough; the feeling might not be home, per se, and yet she recognises the walls of the house all the same – could walk its rooms in the dark, if she had to.
it is circumstance that calls the lockharts to castle tyrholm. 
it tears at her parents: her father believes in not squandering opportunity, and her mother would rather squander anything but prudence. even THE EMPRESS sees it, does she not, when she cants prudence’s head and observes her fragility? the king’s reputation precedes itself; would a heart as true and innocent as hers survive a court like his? within minutes, it is too late to ponder it any longer. within minutes, it is no longer a choice, but a deal already struck. just like a match: it cannot be unstruck. one can endeavour to douse a fire, but it is not the same as un-starting it.
for a time, the castle is one more place prue does not feel she belongs; it is alright, she tells herself. you are alright, she says – because her mother is no longer by her side telling her anymore, is she? silken thread ensnares the girl when THE WORLD knocks on her door one evening; it is lilly-white, the radiance of their smile. prue does not understand why, then; she is nothing exceptional, she flounders for the right thing to do, and even then, she gets it wrong so much more often than she ever gets it right. perhaps, she will never understand why – why they are so kind, why they make her feel seen, why… 
and still, this once, there is no question of whether it is enough. they are more than enough.
for the first time in her life, prue discovers what it is to be warm.
tell me, dear reader – is this a butterfly’s or moth’s metamorphosis?
❂ “love, for you, / is larger than the usual romantic love. it’s like religion. it’s terrifying.” – richard siken  
see, i told you: siken’s poetry reeling through my mind. religion is a really interesting ideology to link the notion of love to, because there are so many boundaries one crosses in the name of faith. at times, we call it the lesser evil. other times, we say it’s letting the end justify the means. we’re all trying to be holy. 
this is where i want to start discussing potential plots for prue — but i want to, first, preface it by saying that though THE WORLD is very much at the centre of her story, it is because prue’s unparalleled love for them is central to her life-story; i treat it like an experiment, where prue is the dependent variable and her love for THE WORLD is the independent variable that incites action & reaction, placed in different situations. it is, that said, the most potent of variables, and can hardly be called controlled, despite how desperately prue herself attempts to keep it to the corner-alcove they hide the truth of their love in. this love is not a selfish love; it is strong, and all-consuming, and maddening – more than a soldier’s swearing fealty to a kingdom, it is the most devout of prophets bowing their head at the altar of the divine deity they put their faith in. that’s pretty intense stuff, right? i want to see what it elicits.
this can be a double-edged sword, and in fact, i’d be rooting for it to be. on one hand, i want to explore how this love has made prue strong. i want to see how it has made her braver, and more resilient. i want to explore that she took THE EMPRESS deeming her fragile-seeming, and how she’s donned it as armour, because it is that same delicacy that has made THE WORLD love them. i want to explore it through interactions with the royal family foremost — THE WORLD, of course, but THE EMPRESS, THE EMPEROR, THE CHARIOT, and if it works out, maybe even septimus himself. it’s rare for prue to not let things slip, and roll off her back, but that is when it comes to her. her love for THE WORLD makes her want to protect them, fiercely; it lights a fire in her soul that has never been lit before. and fire? yes, it warms – but oh, it burns, too, doesn’t it? it has the power to ruin. and i don’t want to limit that exploration to just the royal family; i want to explore it with the animosity-potential between her and TEMPERANCE as well, but that’s one plot i’ll talk more about further down. 
there are little ideas floating around in my head that i would love to explore with the respective players, but i could imagine a friendship between prue ( probably due to her sweet-tooth luring her, too often, to the kitchens ) with THE HANGED MAN – and to explore a bond, that could further be complicated, potentially, by prue not being able to talk about what she and THE WORLD share. or, more chaotically: for her to share it, and for THE HANGED MAN to let it slip to THE DEVIL? how far would prue go to protect this? and would she, if it presented the opportunity for the future where she and her love get to be together is pushed closer by it? how selfless is her love? how powerful would fear be against it?
i’m honestly just a firm believer that, when our backs are against the wall, that’s when we find out who we really are. and that’s the main storyline i want to explore with prue, more than anything else, because i think that she has never been pushed to that edge and, because of it, she’s never copped up to her own identity. she met and fell in love with THE WORLD at such a young age, so quickly and wholly, that it has shaped so much of what her ideal self is. i want to see how her ideal self would differ from the reality of her. and i want to see her confront it.
❂ “you are going to break your promise. i understand. and i hold my hands over the ears of my heart, so that i will not hate you.” – catherynne m. valente
very recently, someone put forth an idea to me: love is a promise. that’s what i want to talk about here. there’s a sense i got — both from the lovers’ skeleton, and THE WORLD’s — that both of them know that there is a time-limit on their relationship. or, at the very least, whatever room there is for prue in their future, it isn’t a room where they share the bed. but i also get a sense that they know it, and neither of them talk about it. i think a part of prue feels like the amount of good that THE WORLD has brought her will last her a lifetime, and i think that isn’t true, so much as she’s hoping it is? i want to see the two of them talk about it. i want to see prue wanting them to fight her love. i want prue to admit she wants to be chosen over duty, or a marriage with someone who isn’t her, or fear, and i want to see what something like that would do to their relationship. or hell, i want someone who has power over THE WORLD, like THE EMPEROR, or THE EMPRESS, or THE CHARIOT or THE HIGH PRIESTESS to find out about the true nature of their relationship and force that choice once they even start talking about, so the situation can force their hands even if they don’t force one another’s.
there’s so much between the two of them i want to dissect and play with, it apparently needed to separate quotations. oops?
❂ “all things truly wicked start from innocence.” – ernest hemingway 
we all have the occasional ( or perhaps more, no judgement! ) propensity for wickedness. i feel really passionately about softer people not being safe from cravings for chaotic behaviour, even if they might, in prue’s case, justify it through the innocence of intention. a lot of her initial effusion is of a heady amalgamation of sweetness and delicacy; i want to see her display a dash of something that takes leave from that, and surprises even herself. now, though not at all set-in-stone and totally up to be discussed with the respective player, i could easily see it rearing its head in the dynamic between herself and TEMPERANCE. how many times will she be shooed away from a room with a beautiful woman and the love of prue’s life? it terrifies prue, the idea that THE WORLD will slip out of her fingers like the sands of time, so much sooner than she is ready for. i’m curious: would there be a moment where she would not leave? where she would make the nature of their relationship known? would she ever snap back, or continue to smile tenderly, bow her head, and listen?
i’m also dying to explore the potential plot brewing between the lovers and DEATH. part of this is a total shot in the dark, so bear with me, but – imagine this: there is a darkness in them that tugs at the darkness in her; they are hungry, and she is a starving-thing, and what a pairing they could make. imagine prue venturing into lowtown with them, and for the alternative reality DEATH’s hunger dangles that could open a door to an actual future with THE WORLD? i want there to be temptation — towards darkness and chaos, yes, because i am a sucker for moral ambiguity, but also for the loyalist that prue is to be lured by the revolt. 
❂ “you cut up a thing that’s alive and beautiful to find out how it’s alive and why it’s beautiful, and before you know it, it’s neither of those things, and you’re standing there with blood on your face and tears in your sight and only the terrible ache of guilt to show for it.” – clive barker
it is difficult for even me, as i delve into prue’s psyche, to be a wordsmith adept enough to encapsulate the sheer magnitude of her love for her lover. let me tell you this, though: it is love that is devout enough that prue would sacrifice herself before it. she would shirk what she believes she knows of herself to fight for THE WORLD. but there is little in the universe free of the shackles of consequence. it feels inevitable to me that, at some point, sooner or later, prue will commit an action or reaction in the name of love — and then, she will have to live with it. it’s even better to me for her to go beyond her limits for this love that is everything to her, and then find herself turning to them to sacrifice for her as freely as she does them… and for them to, perhaps, not be able to. or perhaps, for it to turn prue into a person she herself can no longer recognise. there was a part of me that wanted to already cook something up, and to toss it into the writing sample portion, but i decided otherwise. if i get to write this character, i want to start in a place that is different, and develop my way towards a darker pasture, so to speak.
a darker pasture, however, is where i want her to at least visit. in a setting such as this one, i don’t think it can be helped, truthfully.
❂ “each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” – anaïs nin
while i was trying to knit this application together into one whole piece, a recurring concern for me has been that i want this character to have its own story, and the lines of that can get awfully blurry when the character is one the feels as intensely as prue lockhart does. she is such a hypersensitive creature; more than anything, it is her interactions that penetrate her, and alter her, and cause the discord between the sides that are wont to tug at her, who stands in the most Lawful Neutral of spots. i’ve decided to lean into it, though, because i genuinely believe that it poses an intriguing dichotomy between her inherent nature and the nurture that moulds it beyond the obvious, magnitudinal parental hand in it. that said, there are actual several different potential connections i want to toy with here. ( one of which is THE HANGED MAN, but i already mentioned that above, and didn’t want to be repetitive! )
THE MAGICIAN / listen, prue is so used to being the Softest. but this little baby is even softer than her, and every time they flinch, she just wants to help. she tries, at every turn, to be kind and i really want to see her become a friend / confidant for them? maybe learn about their magic. to maybe give them a secret of her own back ;) gal pals, gimme. i need something wholesome; it can’t all be agony & ecstasy, god damn it.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE / it is pure coincidence that throws the two of them together as often as it does. but prue is the sort to believe the best in people, and is never too arrogant to admit where she’s been wrong. this bond is where her feelings towards magic first begins to see development, and i am so, so, so interested in toying with it. even more so when you throw in their bond with THE EMPEROR — does faze prue a little — and his relationship with THE WORLD in there. such potential for growth and drama.
DEVIL / for years, every time prue has seen them, she has walked in the other direction. otherworldliness is unnatural enough as it is, but the proof of what they can do scars them with evidence of it – and so, out of genuine fear, she’s evaded them. and yet, coincidental interactions with the WHEEL OF FORTUNE has made prue think twice. a look at the haunting in their eyes has made her think thrice. i want to play with that dynamic!!!
THE MOON / hers is the only magic that does not scare prue, i think. it is the only one she is not too intimidated to ask questions about, because she truly is extremely curious when she takes an interest in something, and a lifetime of listening in the background has given prue a taste for stories. i feel like she could bring out something adventurous and wild within prue? a part which prue never got to explore, because she grew up with a very, very cautious mother who kept a very close eye on her and treated her like glass because prue really does look fragile. i want a bond to make her feel stronger!
THE STAR / if there is one thing that prue has grown up to be, it is a true romantic. it makes him something of a kindred spirit; something in her could reach out to something in him, creating a kindred bond that makes her feel seen in a way that only THE WORLD has ever given her.
THE TOWER / because she was raised right by it, the sea is where prue feels most at home, and she always has. i could see there being something about THE TOWER’s stories making her feel warm inside, and thus, her braving a friendship with them. i think she could use the wisdom of someone older? and there’s just something about them that made prue shyly scuff her toe at the ground, like – an oliver twist moment of, “can i have more, please?”
THE FOOL / stories talk about princes and princesses. the dragon’s fire, the nobel steed. prue looks at him, and she wonders: where are the stories about them? the princess’ lover, and the king’s soldier – those who fight for the crown, without wearing it. it could make for such an unlikely bond, but such an intriguing one, i think? i got the idea, and i just could not shake it. humour me!
and 0f course, there is potential with literally every other character, too, but i honestly ran out of time before i could come up with something for them too. i’m down to flesh it out~
❂ “we grow. it hurts at first.” – sylvia plath 
at the start of her story, prue starts off as a fragile underdog. she turns blossoms into a lover, and it turns her fiercer – which is not the same thing as being fierce, but it’s a start. what i want for her — what any writer wants for their muses, i reckon — is growth. i want prue, who has grown up sheltered and protected, to experience pain and hardship. i want her experiences to call into question what she thinks she knows, flip it on its head, and make her think. i want her to think, and to change her mind, and to change it again. i want her to confront her fears, and her uncomfortable truths, and to experience all the tempestuous emotions she’s spent her entire life keeping at bay, having convinced herself they could shatter her. i want her to unearth her endurance, to test its limits. i want to explore her undoings and remakings. what i enjoy most about her is the volatility of her that most would not see coming, because volatile and tempestuous and emotional is what she is. she is all heart, all the time, everywhere. can you imagine how visceral that has to make every experience?
imagine the potential for growth if she let herself just feel all of it. if she opened herself up, and let the universe rush in, instead of walking on eggshells as she does. just imagine. that’s what i want for her.
CHARACTER DEATH: i could, of course, see prue meeting an end. in fact, there are a couple of circumstances that could make it deliciously poetic, even.
Writing Sample.
They match each other: step for step; right, then left –
Hardly anyone turns to look at the two of them anymore. The two of them, making their way down the hall, with their dark heads leaned close together, like two plants growing towards one another when the sun leaves them for too long. It might be more peculiar to see them apart. There is a strange pride that twists a corner of Prue’s mouth at the unshakeable knowledge of the fact – a hint of tremendous pride at the small, precious claim THE WORLD makes with the statement of their proximity. It is everything to her, and perhaps it is what lends to the smoothness of her gait as they move past the portrait-eyes that scrutinise it, as if they await another of the many stumbles they’ve already witnessed. Prue floats beside them.
Her heart is gone, long-since pressed into the palm of their hand. Does it weigh them down? She could pretend it is why she keeps their fingers curled into the crook of her elbow, helping them carry the heaviness of the heart she’s given away to them; Prue holds fast to that touch with her own hand covering their fingers, unwilling to give up those four pressure-points that burn her flesh through the silk of her sleeve for anything, enough to shield it with the dome of her palm.
“ – Prudence?”
Their hand flinches at the same time as Prue’s grip on their fingers tightens. As if a chill blew in, and froze the marrow in her bones, the girl stills in place. It is not because she recognises the voice. It is because she ought to have done, for what the cant of her head finds is a woman whose gaze mirrors her own: amber-warm, almond-shaped. It is her same mouth that speaks the syllables of a variation of her names that does not belong to her, not as Prue does.
“Mama –” she says, her voice so quiet, she fears it might not reach her.
She is too far away now. Even mere footsteps away, she is too far.   
✦ INSPIRATIONS → anne shirley cuthbert – from anne of green gables; tiana – from princess & the frog; missandei of naath – from game of thrones; margaery tyrell / house tyrell – from a song of ice & fire;  madame lebedeva – from deathless; effie trinket – from the hunger games series; jack pearson – from this is us; patroclus – from the song of achilles; 
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julex93drawings · 7 years
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Skeleton Luna lml, las proximas a dibujar serian Luan y Lucy con sus atuendos.
Skeleton Luna lml, the next ones to draw would be Luan and Lucy in their outfits.
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This was the shoulder complex week. We learned all the bones that are part of the shoulders structure: Clavicule (which transmits force from the arm to the skeleton), humerus and Scapula. In this class (and at the most classes of the feldenkrais module), I have noticed that my scapulas are more prominent then the scapulas of the others students. They are almost like wings in my back (I do not know exactly why, but the teacher told me that this is not a bad thing). Besides that, we meet the main shoulders muscles --- the 3 deltoids, the rumboids (where I have a lot of tension), the picturalis and the trapezius --- and the elbow structure.
Let’s focus on the shoulders movements. You already know that my favourite kind of dance is Urban Dances, right? So, there is type of urban dance that use a lot of the shoulders joints, that we call waacking. Waacking is a very strong and fast dance that abuse of the movements of rotation, adduction and abduction of the shoulders and elbows. To dance waacking we need to have very strong muscles in the elbows (biceps, to flexion, and triceps, to extension) and shoulders (to rotation, adduction and abduction). Look at this video of a little waacking improvisation by me, Luan, the Brazilian (I am not so good in waacking, but a really love this dance style).
Did you see the work on the elbows joints? And the movements of my shoulders? I should really do some push ups to improve my muscles, so I have to go now. See you in the next post (spoiler alert: we will talk about the last avenger’s movie! Ok, I’m lying, it will still be about anatomy, but I promise it will be very nice!!!)
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trio-of-fate · 7 years
Luan was floating through the lich yard, noting all of the defenses being put up by the boneclangs. Unfortunately for Luan, the poor man didn’t know a work of Latin, and had to rely on Spectre knight and Red to translate for him whenever he needed. It was long before the phantom found HIs and Spectre knight’s hide-out, descending down into the small underground dwelling and past the super skeleton.
He floated down the ladder, Looking around before calling out to his partner. “...Donovan? Are you in here?”
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