#lu guang nightmare
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miyamiwu · 2 months ago
The exit being green when it’s supposed to be the opposite color which is red, making it appear that it will grant Lu Guang some safety against Vein, who is represented by red
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The down arrow symbol that eerily reminds me of the unusual emphasis on the arrows on Lu Guang’s tie (+ the camera beside it) in YE1. There’s probably more to this, but what I have right now is that—reality or photo, things are going downhill
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Lu Guang falling down, and the exit is immediately blocked, signifying that LG can’t go back up (analogy of how he can only use a photo once)
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Down, LG is back in the reality that CXS is dead
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and what’s worse is that Vein is still out to get him
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Up or down, Lu Guang is doomed
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aashiyancha · 2 months ago
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lusguang · 2 months ago
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doublxpresso · 7 months ago
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「Your absence」
page 13 - 14
beginning << page 11 - 12 < . > page 15 - 16 [END]
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justpassingby-dontmindme · 7 months ago
More textpost memes but make it Link Click this time
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Part 2
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bithcisweartogod · 1 month ago
if someone tries to hit on cheng xiaoshi one more time i’m afraid lu guang will physically combust and drag all the timelines with him and so the universe will go back to its original state of chaos
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snorlaxlovesme · 1 month ago
it's too late in the arc for this but i really should have made a separate bingo card just filled with all the common fanfiction tropes i hoped to see in this season bc we are ticking BOXES episode after episode
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forgetmenomore · 3 months ago
Flashback to the time I asked my friend to draw Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang together like an old couple and they drew something. Something. That was. Was. It was freaky.
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psychopomp-namine · 1 month ago
yingdu episode 4 spoilers? maybe?
yingdu is fucking up the timeline so bad that I'm questioning the doudou case and the continuity of S1 and S2 being in the same timeline. so,
no nuanced third option, but feel free to explain or add nuance in the tags. check the op tags for why I feel confused about this.
*doudou as in S1 doudou, but if you think some other yingdu timeline doudou is getting kidnapped and it's not necessarily S1 doudou, feel free to answer yes if you want
**now as in the current yingdu timeline (YE4 as of this post)
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kuschelkissen · 1 month ago
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Saw someone say something about the new promo poster and now I'm...
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lu-guang-time-photo-studio · 2 months ago
Napping or reading?
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sgdlrthinker · 1 year ago
My fellow link clickers - Lu Guang being worried about Cheng Xiaoshi having nightmares is finally canon ☝️
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xia01i · 1 month ago
idk what's more heart wrenching: the fact that lu guang probably gets nightmares of cheng xiaoshi's death over and over again as he dives back in time to the point he sometimes feels like he's drowning with only punishment on the other side of it; a living hell waiting for him.
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or the fact that in these dreams and nightmares, the time on his watch is always 13th September 00:05, as if subconsciously accepting the inevitability of cheng xiaoshi's death, that he cannot be saved. the fact that every time, he chooses to dive back in time and look at cheng xiaoshi like its the first time, and act like he's okay, that he's alright. even if lu guang knows that death is an unchangeable point, he'll keep doing this over and over again for the very slim chance to save him.
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lu guang is literally playing single-player while the villains are in co-op
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mysterialistic · 2 months ago
Random thoughts from Yingdu episode 3:
-Lu Guang definitely has PTSD. Nightmares, hallucinations, triggers. It’s all there. That scene with Cheng Xiaoshi’s corpse was genuinely disturbing.
-Cheng Xiaoshi sleeping on Lu Guang’s shoulder and LG almost touching his head?? I’m DECEASED.
-Okay, so the timeline from the first Yingdu PV isn’t the same as the current timeline. Does that mean that the one from the PV was the original one? Such a cool little detail.
-I can’t tell if Lu Guang knows Liu Xiao or not. He seemed to recognize him)? I mean, they probably did met at the airport on the original timeline given how the first PV included LX. Guess we’ll have to wait.
-Xia Fei is… interesting. He’s a liar that never shows his true face to anyone (except Vein and LX, maybe). I don’t trust him, definitely not. He’s obviously not only a model, he also does some shady jobs for Vein and Liu Xiao, including befriending a couple of strangers to keep an eye on them.
-Related to the previous point, I can bet that the Xia Fei/Vein shippers are happy with the outcome of this relationship lol. Even I’m surprised at how close they are! Let’s just hope that Vein doesn’t kill him when he deems him useless.
-Also, Xia Fei was studying physics)? That’s so cool. My quick theory is that he’s actually VERY smart and has a small obsession with powers since in his music video he mentioned them.
-It seems like everything that is happening in Yingdu is completely set up by someone who knows exactly how it all must go down (Liu Xiao or Vein?) The airport fight, the library guy keeping and eye out for someone coming to look for that specific book, Xia Fei meeting them, Vein appearing right on time. There’s no way this is how it happened on the original timeline, back then it probably was spontaneous, but now? They’re manipulating the outcomes and that’s why Lu Guang is so confused with all the changes.
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qpjianghu · 1 month ago
Link Click Bridon Arc ep. 4 really up in our Ao3 search histories like #sickfic, #nightmares, #angst, #hurt / comfort, #emotional hurt / comfort, #passing out, #worried Cheng Xiaoshi, #hurt Lu Guang, #angst coma, #bedside vigil, #Lu Guang has PTSD, #Cheng Xiaoshi backstory, #Cheng Xiaoshi discovering his powers, #there were technically two beds but they turned it into one
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miyamiwu · 2 months ago
Red and Green; Up and Down
Red and Green are very prominent colors in the Yingdu Chapter. They are the two main colors in the OP:
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red and green album behind the camera; red and green basketball court
They’re even more obvious in the ED with the traffic lights:
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Red phone booth, green light; red and green lights (+yellow if you count XF lol)
But Miya, they are primary/secondary colors. Of course, they’re everywhere!
Okay, but look again at this frame in the OP:
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Red on the outside, and green on the inside.
Now, look at the same basketball court, but as shown before the OP in YE1:
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The colors are reversed. It’s now green on the outside, and red on the inside.
There is probably more to this discrepancy if we analyze the relevant dialogue in this scene for the pre-OP and in the lyrics for the OP, but I don’t have time for that right now. Let’s just take this as a signal from the animators to focus on those two colors.
Okay, so Green and Red are relevant, but what do they have to do with Up and Down?
In YE1, there was this scene where CXS passes the ball to LG, but it then unusually focuses on the camera and not on the ball:
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Our eyes can’t help but be drawn to the camera…which is pointing to the down arrows on LG’s tie. And what are those arrows pointing to?
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The green lane Lu Guang is standing on. However, this lane is red in the OP. Is it really pointing at the green? Or is it pointing at the red? And why focus on the camera first instead of just focusing directly on the arrows to get the message across more clearly? Camera + Arrows. What could they mean? This is something to think about...
Then in Lu Guang’s nightmare in YE3, Vein is chasing him in a green hallway, and he escapes into a green exit with a green down arrow:
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He then falls into a dark room full of red:
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The Green arrow from above is pointing down to the Red room.
So, does that mean Green is Up and Red is Down? I can’t say...
In the Bloody Storm PV, we have people descending green stairs:
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Only the steps are green, though. We can say that there’s green light shining from above to make it appear green. This green light can also be seen on the backs of the men.
It is also worth mentioning that @rainibao has pointed out that, in the flashes, the people are ascending the stairs:
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Moreover, the green light is lost here, and we’re left with a gloomy frame full of neutral colors against a plain red background. This also happens in the part of the song where the tension builds up and Vein is about to go crazy. This is definitely relevant, seeing as in the YE3 nightmare, Lu Guang finds himself in a red room and Vein finally catches him.
Something something about Green and Order (men obediently going down the stairs; Vein forcing Lu Guang down a green hallway), and Red and Punishment (men going up the stairs as the tension builds up, Vein catching Lu Guang in a bloody room).
Anyways… Is Red up? And Green down? Or, going by the green being light from above, then is Green up and Red down? I still can’t say...
Why does it matter what direction they are?
Because in Mandarin Chinese, time is viewed in a vertical fashion. The past is above you, while the future is below you. Knowing whether red/green is up/down can help us ground ourselves in this time travel show.
There’s also this:
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Red light on Lu Guang; Green light on Cheng Xiaoshi.
I’ve always found the color assignment here odd because in traffic light language, Green means go, while Red means stop. Shouldn’t CXS, who is already dead, be the one in Red since his time has stopped? They even made it a point to color him in cold neutral colors without the green light shining on him, as if to hammer in the point that he’s dead (in contrast to Lu Guang who is in warm colors when not under the red light). (It was too difficult to get a screenshot of this, but I remember seeing a draft of this animation sequence where CXS was clearly transitioning from grey to colored, while LG was more warm to colored. If anybody can find that again, please send me a link!)
Anyways, if Green Cheng Xiaoshi is Dead, then does that mean Green is Future/Down? Red Lu Guang would then be Past/Up, signifying him going back in time.
But this doesn’t align with the nightmare sequence, where Green is Up and Red is Down… But then again, it was a nightmare. Can we even trust it? Can we trust anything in this show???
Or maybe Red/Green is constantly cycling between Up/Down. Maybe one moment Red is Up and Green is down, while in the next it’s reverse. An indication of time being a closed loop in Link Click?
I don’t fucking know.
There are no conclusions here. I just thought I’d point this out so I can have more people be just as confused as me hehe.
Dumping this to you, specifically, @protect-namine
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