#lowkey highkey i do of course ship it
weepynymph · 2 years
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This is so bad. I’m sorry.
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alivinghorrorcomedy · 21 days
Pretty pretty please more Richie and Grace Headcannons if you have any (together or on their own) you lowkey very highkey got me into this ship. YOUR FUALT THEY'RE IN MY BRAIN‼️Thank you:3
heheheeh my plan is WORKINGGGGG heheheheh >:3
more headcanons!!
Richie and Grace once had at date at the park, it was supposed to be a nice.. relaxing.. romantic date. Nobody checked the weather and it started raining as soon as they got comfortable.
they never try dates outdoors now unless they are a 100% sure it won't rain
of course they still had fun on their date.. who wouldn't enjoy running in the rain with their beloved??
richie ALWAYS calls grace some sort of pet name (dear, honey, baby..) or just gracie
grace isn't big on pet names, the few times she does call richie so sort of pet name, richie feels like a giddy anime school girl
grace cannot paint nails to save her life.. thankfully richie will happily do any color grace asks, sometimes grace even asks for a little hearts or flower or polka dots, richie is happy to do them. He can hold grace's hand longer!! how sweet :3
I have sinking suspicion I made some grammar mistakes buuuut its 3 am so I don't..
I don't care (ー_ー;) /silly
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streaminn · 1 year
I have a question regarding the new viper adaptation in the streamer Enid au. This is inspired by some of the online response I’m seeing of a show I’m watching.
So, it’s established that the original adaptation was really bad, and fans of Wednesday’s work didn’t like it (especially Enid). Of course this leads to the new adaptation spearheaded by Wednesday herself. Now, with every adaptation comes tweaks and changes to better fit the medium of film, meaning not everything is translated one to one. With every fandom comes diehard followers of canon, some being more vocal than the rest, which can lead to complaints about every change and how things aren’t exactly right.
Which leads to my question(s), what are things that certain fans complain about? And how does Enid in particular feel about those vocal few? I assume Enid knows that any change that occurs is needed and that Wednesday knows what she’s doing, but perhaps it’s one of those things where sometimes all the nice things can feel overshadowed by a few negative comments.
Sorry for the long one, just a bit frustrated is all. I am curious though on audience reaction to the new adaptation in general, because sometimes “fans” have very absurd opinions on adaptations, even when the author is directly involved in the process.
Probably? The fact that everything is gay asf. I was going to say lowkey but the tension is way too obvious that it's highkey instead
In the books, while obvious in writing, can easily be brushed off by most to simply Viper missing Helios and vice versa. It makes sense after all, it's not the first time Helios dissapeared and Viper panicked
But in the show? It's show not tell and Wenclair really be showing how affected they are by the loss of the other
It's been talked about before that Wednesday has been accused of queerbaiting imperial gold (the ship name between Helios and Viper) because it was never confirmed that they were dating or in love but there was a shit ton of subtext that say otherwise.
So Wednesday took those criticisms and decided to show how in love they are in the show
Because they are.
Both in the books and irl, Wednesday just didn't see the point in saying those three words when there are others ways that she has done so
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ace-in-the-author · 6 months
Never Nothing To Talk About!
Reader lowkey-highkey hates couples mb
As with all my writing, the reader is somewhere on the spectrum, both the aroace and autism spectrum. Allistics can still read this though, because I don't think it's a prominent detail? I'm unsure.
Alastor is DEFINITELY ooc in this, I think. It's probably me projecting how I want to have silly friendships with unimaginable horrors of which reside only in the deepest, darkest corners of Hell.
| •<~ *~. . ~*.•.*~ . .~* ~>• |
The venture to my and Alastors favourite park was peaceful; or rather, it was as peaceful as it could realistically be in Hell. Conversing with each other about how we’ve been, how our day went, and what we’ll be doing later had made the distance between the hotel and ‘our’ park seem significantly shorter than it truly was.
Before either of us had realised it, we were making our way into the entrance of the park.
“We’re already here? Wow, either we started walking faster, or our memories got worse. I swear the park was further away last time!” I chuckled, “No matter, Al, are you ready to see the horrors of which are… couples?!” I dramatically gasped.
Alastor, ever the drama queen, played along not missing a beat. Drawing his hands up to hold his face; which had his eyes widened, smile shrunken just enough to form a farce shocked look. “Oh, the horrors! I shall face my fears and venture into this horrifying park alongside you!” He places his hands upon his hips, “These face-sucking terrors have no chance against two of us!”
A large smile granted itself solace upon my face, muted laughter breaking out through my nostrils in the form of breath. Soon enough, I gather my resolve and lend my arm out to Alastor; patiently waiting for him to interlock his arm with mine.
As we walk toward our favourite quaint gazebo —wooden, kept safe from modern renovation, many trees behind it, surrounded by beautiful grass and a few benches along the way.— Alastor snaps his fingers and the wonderful gazebos center is given a matching table with two chairs. A nice table covering spread over it, a delectable meal (not flesh!) you both thoroughly enjoy, and of course the tea set; in place and prepared.
“Mm, just as lovely as last time!” I thanked Alastor, skipping up to the gazebo with him, unlinking our arms to sit in our respective seats. Placing my forearms on the outer-edge of the table, I clasp my hands together to lean my head against, “So… Mind sharing anything that’s happened at the ‘princesses peace project’? I will say, I’m utmost curious, do tell!” and near instantaneously, Alastors eyes literally glow in excitement.
“I’d be glad to satiate that curiosity! She has received her first pathetic demon wishing to enter Heaven! I believe his name is… Sir Pentís? No, no, it’s Sir Pentious.” He quickly corrected, before continuing, “He had shown up again six hours after blowing our front wall off with a poorly made cannon in his poorly made ship. Ha ha!” He waved his right hand up and down in amused disbelief.
“Only six hours? and he was let in? She allowed him into the hotel? I swear, she has placed an unreasonable amount of faith onto the sinners here!” I comment in astonishment, enthralled by the information. Alastor details, “Not only had the princess let him in, but she had reprimanded Angel Dust for rightfully questioning his intentions!” He paused to sip at his tea, leisurely observing the unimportant demons also residing in the park currently.
I followed his gaze, bearing sight to a… rather shameless couple of demons on one of the periodically placed benches near our precious gazebo. “This is improper of me to say… But have they no shame? Why in the seven rings must couples do… That?” Deciding to jest my thoughts more I mimic the two, “It’s as if they think ‘Mm… lets go outside and play tongue twisters on each other for everyone to see! mm, oh, soo hot!’ As if we already don’t get romance, even Hell knows we need not to see that.”
Alastor nods slowly, turning away quickly with disgust present in his ruby eyes. “It is an unpleasant and grotesque display, yes.” He shakes his head, “Though, I’m relieved to know you have common sense, my dear.” He tries to rid that scene from his mind by closing his eyes, before snapping them open again, caught off-guard by my following sentence.
“What if… We twist their intestines instead?” Excitedly, I pondered aloud to him. “...” He stares at me for a moment, “Pardon? I may have to retract my previous statement, dear.” Covering my mouth with one of my hands, “My apologies,” I laughed, “I’m feeling a smidge hungry for violence, is all. Surely, you can agree? Perhaps, my revulsion has surpassed yours after all?” I tease as I near the end of my explanation.
Alastor gives another gracious sip of tea, responding back, “Ha, ha! I doubt that.” then serves the jambalaya in serving size for the two of us, his mothers recipe; of course. “As much as I agree with you on the… ‘Situation’ over there, I have yet to finish recounting the hotel's newest addition!”
“Oh yes, I nearly forgot!” Weary of the temperature, I spooned up a portion of the delicious jambalaya, “And you’ve brought the best food to go with this story! Your mothers recipe, I presume? You are one phenomenal cook, Al.” At my compliment, Alastor metaphorically perked up again, ego stroked and heart warmed nicely. Taking a bite of the astronomically delightful dish, I usher him to continue on with his story.
By the time he had completed telling ‘the drama’ to me, we had finished our bowls of the wonderful jambalaya; resorting to commenting on the other demons in the park, making jokes about each of them.
Suddenly, one of the hellborn children we were observing, had idiotically ran straight into a tree headfirst, then got back up only to trip on a large stick! I must admit, I do not regret wheezing at the sight. “Holy Hell-” Interrupting myself with more laughter, “The- they fell twice! Oh, Satan, my day could not possibly get better than this!” All the while, Alastor had simply chuckled, breaking into his loud ‘radio-man laugh’ as I named it, after my commentary.
“HA HA HA! You weren't lying about your itch for chaos today, were you!” Alastor pats the table before standing, “Alas, our outing is unfortunately coming to an end, my dear. Would you care for a parting dance?” Holding his gloved hand out to me, he gleefully adds, “As per our ‘tradition’, of course!” And I immediately grasp his hand, standing to follow him out to the grass nearby our gazebo.
Bringing both of my hands into his, I ask, “Are we gonna do ya’ swing dance, or my style this time?” Smirking, Alastor pulls me into a 180° spin, “Neither, only a quick dance to bid each of us a good afternoon!” He grinned, spinning me back around to face him and side-skipping to the right, as I skipped to the left.
We turn swiftly to face each other halfway and switch places, grasping the other's opposite hand and pulling ourselves closer that way. Circulating in the opposing direction, I quickly place both of my hands into his, moving farther away again. “The great spin, hm?” I casually jested, my left hand disbanding from his right, finishing the dance after a few minutes and dramatically bowing.
“It was a wonderful experience dancing with you once again, my friend.” He bowed back, “But I am afraid we must depart now. Will I be seeing you in Cannibal Town with Rosie overmorrow?” He asked, lifting his head before the rest of his upper body followed. I nodded my head in confirmation, “You will, and I wish you a good afternoon, Alastor! I will see you in Cannibal Town!”
And with that, we walked out of the park and to our respective jobs, all but impatiently awaiting our next outing alongside Rosie.
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what r miu’s relationships with all the sakamakis :0 ?
I actually have a post about her relationships with canon characters here! But it's a bit outdated, so I'll add some more about it in this ask.
I had actually planned on Miu and shu being together instead of subaru and Miu at one point. But that was such a lie. Anyways.
In canon:
Miu wants to see him as an older brother. She kind of likes that he's low maintenance, fairly lazy and keeps to himself.
When instructed to or really just whenever she goes around his areas of the house, she'll tidy up after him.
She likes to talk music with him every now and then, and she finds it a little entertaining to see and hear his reactions to certain more modern songs that aren't classical.
Shu is one of the only other Sakamaki boys who she can find comfort in. Shu is just pretty chill. She's just glad he isn't always chasing after her like the triplets or moving her things around. She has some respect for him because of it.
Miu and Reiji are actually in my plans as a side ship.
In canon:
Reiji was the one who made the ultimate decision that she could stay at the mansion when she first arrived. Because of that, she has a not-very-correct view of him being a very kind and hospitable person. Of course, the Reiji that we know from the games is not so kind as Miu thinks.
Because he allowed her to stay, she's kind of put him on a pedestal. She feels like she deeply owes him and is quick to answer to his requests and commands. Of course, she's not doing everything. Subaru is quite possessive.
She often does a lot of the chores around the house because of Reiji asking her to do them.
He thinks she has lousy manners, but there was always improvement to come.
He will chastise her for forgetting to knock before entering his lab or room or leaving something out that should be put away or the way that she eats sometimes.
Miu takes fascination in his library and his knowledge. She often asks him about books and if she can borrow any. If he allows her to borrow one, she takes upmost care not to damage said book in the slightest. She treasures it.
Sometimes he reminds her about her dad, but not in a triggering way.... for the most part. His scoldings sometimes leave her with a bad feeling that happens to be too familiar for her liking... at least this man doesn't hurt her in the same ways.
I headcanon that Reiji pities her for having so many scars, and thinks her "addiction" is kind of stupid.
I also think after a while of her staying with the 6 brothers, that he would grow to think of her more positively and maybe he would be open to the idea of seeing her as a little sibling. Of course, that's a giant maybe.
Ayato and Miu don't entirely get along. But in certain verses/aus, they are able to.
In canon:
Miu is lowkey(read: highkey) afraid of him. He's like those mean popular guys in novels that are total jerks to her.
He teases her all the time, like taking her things and hiding them around the mansion, ripping up papers she's worked on just for the fun of it, and of course calling her names. He' a total bully.
She doesn't think she would ever be able to be friends with this guy or even see him as a brother at this point.
Some of the things Ayato has said have been a bit cruel and sometimes they hit too close to home. She doesn't like it one bit. Especially with how cocky he is.
She does secretly take pride in how much smarter she is than him academically. Bro's grades are atrocious compared to Miu's, and she had the most absences of her age group. She missed a lot of school because of her home life, yet she's always been quick to learn. She doesn't think she's better than him in general, but she does think she's a bit smarter at the very least.
She honestly thinks Ayato might be the worst of the triplets. But deep down, she does want to have a better relationship with him. At his core, he doesn't seem like a bad person. He just annoys her so often that it's hard for her to remember that he's really not too different from her and that he's not entirely bad.
Not a lot to say here tbh.
In canon:
Miu doesn't entirely feel safe or comfortable around him. Nothing against him, he just has some sort of vibe to him that she doesn't like.
He's made comments about her in passing and has called her inappropriate names before that she very much disliked and she thinks he's just a bit too much.
She hates how easily he can make her feel small and like a piece of meat with just one look or "joke". A lot of his lewd comments are either completely lost on her or they get her so uncomfortably flustered that most of the time, she just tries to ignore him.
She really wishes she didn't judge him so much, because again, this is her found family and she wants to see the boys as older brothers, but in the beginning she's not very well liked.
But she thinks Laito plays too much, and she hates being alone with him. It's just a vibe she gets from him that can sometimes end up making her nauseous.
Later on, she grows to love him as a brother and think some of his jokes would be funny, but that's about it.
Kanato is kind of a hit or miss just in general. One wrong move and then you're probably dead before you know it.
Miu enjoys sweets and likes stuffed toys. She's glad one of these boys has similar tastes. However, she is lowkey terrified of him because of his hot and cold nature. And how easily his mood can change for the worse.
She feels like she has to be careful around him all the time. She does her best to stay on his good side. She can't predict anything about him, so she's almost always a little on edge around him.
She does her best to cook sweets for him, but she's not the best cook. Normally, she can do very well just by following a recipe, but when she messes up, she almost has a breakdown just thinking of what Kanato might do to her.
Because of this, she takes her time when cooking and triple-checks everything before proceeding.
She knows how to sew and often comes up with little clothes for Teddy that are not always appreciated, but she tries to be as friendly as possible. Mostly because she wants Kanato to like her.
She has heard some cruel things from him before about her scars, though. So whenever she's around him, she makes extra effort not to show any of them to him by accident.
She wants him to like her at least. That's for sure. She thinks he's cute, and she can tolerate him very well. She does her best to show him support when she can and tries to at least act as some kind of friend, even when it's not very easy.
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ssaalexblake · 5 years
the relevance of Adam in caos s2 was like, Really Obviously just commentary on abuse and willfully ignoring that his inclusion was to tell a story about abuse that actually places the victim front and center and examines its effects on her and her potential for healing that has added historical context added to it by having it be a guy named ‘Adam’, and then implying that everybody who takes something from said story are just boring hets (or worse) is just... the opposite of woke.. 
i mean, even aside from all of the above, he was fridged, his only relevance was to prop up lilith’s story, he had little to no personality, we know basically nothing about him, not because of poor writing, but because we don’t need to know, the plot never had anything to do with him. 
and i’m not meta-ing about said abuse because honestly i’m not anybody’s mother, but there are missives that could be told about it and how lilith reacts to him and why she would react in such a way, but honestly, Yikes. He was not plot relevant as a character, at all, he was an exposition tool used as nothing more than a way to prop up Lilith’s story, it wasn’t about either him nor Mary, when what they wanted to say was done, he was just, unceremoniously killed off to further her plot. 
A plot about abuse she’s suffered and taking her own power back, not anything else. 
Adam was not a character, he was exposition. And totally frankly? It wouldn’t have been nearly as thematically poignant had it come from anybody else but a dude called Adam. And I honestly much prefer the idea of them using That specific plot on a man Anyway, considering the implications of what happened in said plot had it not been a man. 
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A Little LOKI Theory Post
I am loathe to admit that I love the new LOKI TV series, mainly because of the Mobius/Loki dynamic, the interesting sci-fi plot, and just... I so far surprisingly like every episode. This was the show I had such low expectations for, because I didn’t really like LOKI – I felt he was the Moriarty of the MCU, overused when they didn’t need him, and making me annoyed by an actor I love.
EXCEPT I’m also a sucker for character-driven, psychoanalysis stories, like all these D+ Marvel shows are, and it’s leaving me super shocked about me liking characters I didn’t before. I’m fully invested in all these characters now.
I think the only reasom I really wanted to see this show for was because it ties directly into the next Dr. Strange movie, so YEAH, I’m in love multiverse and time travel things, so it was inevitable that I would enjoy this show, I think.
AND of course, I’ve theories and speculations because there’s a lot to work with, and I LOVE stories like these, so I decided I would take some time out and stretch out my meta-writing grey cells. And I wanted somewhere to have my theories/ideas written out before they come to fruition, because DAMNIT I have headcanons and hopes and dreams.
So here we go, spoilers below cut. Please note I know nothing about the comics aside from what other theorists and reviewers have mentioned:
The TVA are “the bad guys” but I think it goes deeper than that... Like the whole Timekeeper thing is really sus. I think it’s only one Timekeeper, who is Kang the Conqueror, who maintains the Sacred Timeline to ensure that he stays in power to PREVENT the Multiverse War which I think he knows happened to stop him. I also think Renslayer is behind all of this suspicious thing; I learned that in the comics Renslayer is a love interest for Kang, so like........... SUS.
AND I think Multiverse War they talked about in the beginning of the show IS the Multiverse War they’re ABOUT TO HAVE. This is a show about non-linear time, and there’s hints about multiverses in the next Spiderman, and Dr Strange is LITERALLY called “Multiverse of Madness”. Wild Theory: Maybe Doctor Strange IS one of the Time Keepers following the Multiverse War.
Loki initially wants to learn the enchanting that Sylvie does for his own selfish gain, and I think he was lying about breaking the TempPad so he would force her to open up. HOWEVER, I think he had a sudden change of heart after learning about the TVA’s Variant Staff; we already see him sort of fond of both Mobius and remembers Casey’s name, so I feel like that he will end up using this knowledge he gained very differently.
Further on this point, they established in Ep 3 that TVA agents / staff need actual real memories to “manipulate” them. So, I think Loki will use this power he learned from Sylvie (I mean, she explained to him how to do it, and this show is really good at using the “Chekov’s guns” given to us) to bring Mobius to “his side”, and TOGETHER they take down the TVA and make it what it should be. Mobius is very dedicated to the TVA, so I really do forsee that it will be Loki “freeing” Mobius as the catalyst to swaying to siding with Loki until the end. He’s a good man with a big heart for humanity, so I think he will totally side with freeing everyone else.
On that note, I think the reason Mobius is fascinated with the nineties is because he’s a variant jetskiier pulled from the nineties. I suspect in his original timeline he probably had a jetski accident and died, but in the Variant timeline, he survived, and out of pity I think Renslayer “saved” him and recruited him. The TVA wiped his memories after he couldn’t cope with the fact that he was SUPPOSED to die.
ALSO still on Mobius, I think every time he keeps questioning too much, he gets his memory wiped, which would explain why he never remembers leaving the cup stains on Renslayer’s table.
I think there’s more to Miss Minutes than meets the eye. Another theory I had was that she was similar to VIKI in iRobot, essentially running the company to her programmed “laws” after the TimeKeepers passed on. So like there’s no TimeKeepers at all, but there was at one time, and Miss Minutes was left to her own devices.
Another theory similar to this, is the Doctor Who episode, The Long Game, where everyone wants to be promoted to “Floor 500″ because it’s rumoured to be a paradise and is the top floor no one has ever returned from; It turns out it’s run by an alien that feeds on the human or something similar, and the people who went to the top floor ended up frozen husks of who they were. Not saying it’s this exact thing, but more the idea that everyone thinks what’s upstairs is a magical wonderful benevolent corporation looking out for what’s best for everyone, but instead it’s one evil thing doing stuff for their own purpose. Eh.
Another rogue theory: Mobius IS a Loki variant, which is why he’s obsessed with Loki himself, knows Loki better than Loki knows himself, and either knows and omitted it, or DOESN’T know but naturally is intrigued by the Loki Variant and him always finding out the truth is WHY his memory keeps getting wiped, and why everyone is always squeamish about having a Loki around. Mobius mentioned that Loki is the one Variant they have stopped more Lokis than any other Variant....
On that thought: IF Lokis are the most common Variant they capture, I think a LOT of the TVA are Loki Variants, trapped in the forms they were presenting as when they were brought in, and because magic doesn’t work in the TVA, they CAN’T turn off the glamour, had their memories wiped, and in turn could now be Codenamed Casey, or Mobius, or B15........ An abstract theory, but I think it’s interesting.
And another, since I learned that it is in the comics: Mobius is a clone drone. This one saddens me and I really hope he’s not. Because I love Mobius.
I think Sylvie was a Variant who worked for the TVA, but somehow had an awakening and wants to free everyone else... the only thing against this theory is her seeming surprised that her magic stopped working when she arrived at the TVA. If she was an agent, she would know that magic doesn’t work within the TVA.
And I think this series will inevitably – if the rumours of a Season 2 are true – have the Mobius / Loki dynamic solving Time Crimes... a.... Holmes and Watson if you will. :D HAHHA.
So yeah. This list will change obviously for the next 3 weeks, and I had a lot of fun with this so I will probably keep it up.
Some things I hope happen by the end:
A giant “probably not going to happen because this is Disney”: I hope they pay-off the “bisexual” confirmation by the end of this... highkey with Mobius (damn it I ship them okay), but lowkey just even a passing remark about anyone LOL. I really ship Lokius, okay. I need this dynamic in the MCU
I’ll be really honest here, I will effing GROAN and be a not-happy Steph if they do the ship that I think they’re gonna do: Sylvie x Loki. Which is weird to me that Disney would be okay with self-love, but the OBVIOUS initial dynamic of Loki x Mobius is too much, “look we gave you bisexual Loki, aren’t you happy enough??” Just. I dunno. It’s weird / a pet peeve of mine that a lot of online reviewers are bitching about “woke” Disney the one time they ACTUALLY FINALLY let a title character say they’re queer, but are all “UWU SYLVIE AND LOKI ARE GONNA GET TOGETHER BECAUSE LOKI LOVES HIMSELF UWU”. Even though Loki spent legit more screen time with Mobius, and literally did everything he told Sylvie that he wouldn’t do around people he doesn’t trust around Mobius ALREADY?? It’s like they already forgot about the first two eps. LEGIT the whole dagger=love metaphor LITERALLY happened in the previous two episodes, but alright chiefs. Anyway. Sorry, it’s stupid to be bothered by it. 
We’re gonna get that heart wrench moment that the other two shows had, and I TRULY BELIEVE it’s gonna be between Loki and Mobius when Loki tells / shows Mobius the truth. LOOK I JUST WANT MORE OF THEM OKAY. And I need my heart ripping moment in this show within the next two eps LOL. We got one in WandaVision. We got one in FATWS. GIVE ME ONE IN LOKI. MAKE ME LIKE LOKI.
Anyway, so that’s my rambling. Thanks for taking time out to read all this. I miss theorizing, and this show is perfect for me to do it. I’m not AS good at these shows as I was with Sherlock, but it’s still fun, because it’s new and my brain is full of headcanons and idea things. I’ll write again after Ep 4, I think. <3 Thank you lovelies for letting me do this!
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Hi! What’re your thoughts on the vampire academy trailer?
Sooooo I have a lot of concerns about this lol
The trailer in general doesn't look great. I'm not going to judge anyone's acting because there was pretty little to judge it off of; a lot of action shots, very little lines. And tbh, I can see fans dogpiling on Sisi as Rose from spaaace and like... I don't think that has... fuck all to do with her acting. But in general, the trailer looks like a pretty dry, dated, 2008-2010 era moment. Like when people were trying to copy Twilight but make it more of a "world" and "actiony" because they thought that this!!! Would get them the asses in the seats!!! Kissing vampires sure but also ACTION!!!! FOR THE BOYS!!!
When, speaking as a hardcore Twihard from back in the day, nobody gave a fuck about the action. Twilight was successful because it gave the teen girls (and some boys and nbs) what they wanted--forbidden love, guys with their shirts off professing their undying devotion, boys fights over a self insert, and of course, the MASSSSIIIIIIVE virginity tension, both literal and metaphorical. Like, our girlhoods were trembling, and not for the meager action sequences. And few people got this, which is why shit like The Mortal Instruments flopped, and many YA follow ups that tried to go BIGGER! BIGGER!!!!! have had less of a lasting pop cultural impact (see: The Hunger Games movies--everybody and their mom knows Team Edward versus Team Jacob, but the pool of people who know Peeta and Gale beyond "the Josh Hutcherson one and the Liam Hemsworth one" is more limited).
So yeah, it looks very dated on that front. And to be fucking frank--I read all those books, and the Adrian/Sydney spinoff series. I wasn't picking all that shit up for the action. The fighting added stakes, but everyone was hanging on for the relationships. It's that fucking simple, and I wish more people got that.
But I'm also concerned because Julie Plec can't run a show to save her life, picks (usually white) actors to favor, and is honestly pretty fucking racist and a protector of right wingers like Matt Davis, which makes me think she is probably lowkey or highkey a sympathizer. So I'm super worried about how she's going to handle this. I fucking know she's gonna promote this show expecting a pat on the back because Sisi is playing Rose, Andre is playing Christian, etc. I'm for that myself. But do I think Julie Plec will sensitively navigate Rose being Black instead of white? Lmao no. Tbh, Rose does play what is really an explicitly, societally subservient role to Lissa. While I honestly don't know exactly how Daniela identifies beyond being Venezuelan (and Google has not given me anything), she's at minimum white passing in a way that Sisi never could be; so watching Sisi play a guard who's supposed to lay down her life for this princess is like...? Not great to me? Shades of Bonnie being expected to lay her life down for Elena and Caroline and Damon and everyone?
But also, to be frank, the books succeeded in a way that I honestly think people would be up in arms about today, and I don't really know how that hurdle is going to be covered. A part of the big appeal of that original series was shipping--and Rose/Dimitri was very popular (a ship I totally supported, lol). In the wake of Buffy/Angel it wasn't like... as weird, I think? But Rose was 17, he was 24!!!! Literally her teacher!!! And like, I think we'd be fucking lying if we said that the taboo element wasn't part of what kept us hanging on. You can't do that today. Fuck, you really probably can't do the "Adrian and Sydney get married even though she's like all of 18" shit from the spin off books either.
It's just. I don't know. I feel like the time to adapt the series has passed, they tried it already, and if it was going to happen everyone would probably need to be real cool with some shit I know they aren't cool about, and also get rid of Plec.
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Ello ello here to bother you again but is there any slashers or horror characters you lowkey/highkey ship w yourself?? And also if u do... headcanons w them? :0 -💥
Huuuh lemme think about it-
Kinda Vincent/Brahms/Jason, but I really dk :p
So imma go with them with a very shy and anxious S/O (totally me)☺️☺️tysm for the ask 💥nonnie💕
Vincent Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire and Jason Voorheese with a shy and anxious S/O:
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Vincent Sinclair
At first he’s really worried about you, but with some time he’s a little less…
He’ll always worry about you, though, even if you tell him not to or that you’re okay.
He’s shy too! He can kinda control it, so he’ll try to help you deal with it, although it’s clearly not easy. He won’t force you to do anything you don’t like or you’re too stressed/anxious about 💕
But if your anxiety is too much to bear, he’ll always be with you 24/7. He won’t always be by your side, but he’ll still always check on you at least every couple of hours.
You’re having a panic attack?? He’s all in to hold your shaking body against his strong frame. Or if you don’t want to be held, he’ll make sure you’re comfortable and will put some relaxing music while he tries to help you through it..
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Brahms Heelshire (⬆️this gif is the definition of anxiety)
At first he’s not really worried about it, because this Brat obviously thinks that he’s the most important.
But after, oh boy will he be.
He’s kind of shy with new people, but he’s mostly really outgoing and an easy talker. But he won’t make you do anything you don’t want to!
He will even go as far as wrapping you in his cardigan and carry you around the mansion in his arms :)
He’ll tone it down a bit if it makes you anxious/shy, but he wont stop.
Actually loves taking care of you(even though you can take care of yourself), since he’s always been the one taken care of.. that doesn’t mean you’ve got to stop taking care of him though <:(
You’re always alone, except for Malcom of course, so you don’t really have a reason to feel super shy, and he’s happy about that. Happy Brahms=good boy Brahms
If Malcom makes you anxious in any way, he wont hesitate to make him go away, or will directly attack him. The latter might not really happen if you make him understand that you need Malcom because of the food and everything
Jason Voorhees
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He’ll always be worried when you tell him, or when he realizes. Even if you weren’t anxious or shy, he would still be I think..with that though, he just got 1000% protector mode.
He was shy and anxious when he was a kid , so he kind of understands, even if it’s not for the same reasons.
Better reason to protect you by keeping you seated in his arms, on his laps, wrapped in a blanket. You’re never getting out of his hold, so you’ve gotta tell him to let you go
If you tell him that he’s too protective and/or to tone it down, he’ll feel really bad and will try to make it up to you, plus will give you some more space.
Felling shy? Okay love, he’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want. He’ll come back to check on you though.
Later in the relationship, he’ll be less clingy and will mostly act normal, although he’ll still take precautions and maybe get you one of those sheet that reminds you to breathe if you’re having a panic attack, in case he isn’t there…
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hyena-frog · 4 years
I’m in a sharing mood so I’ll confess that I lowkey highkey ship Diomedes/Cassius. They have a delicate balance of parallel and contrasting traits which really appeals to me.
I support any and all ships under the #GiveCassiusABoyfriend movement. Cassius deserves happiness and the fandom deserves undeniably canon bi Cassius content. I’ve seen several boyfriends touted; Apple, Colloway, but above all, Screwface/Cassius (Screwssius) is the prevailing ship. I do like it; I’m more and more fond of it every day, and if it does happen, I’m behind it 200%.
But if I’m being truly honest, I have the softest spot for uhhh Diomessius?? Sure, let’s go with that. There isn’t much, if any, evidence in the way of canon basis for it. I just think the current set up as of the end of Dark Age has the most delicious potential, you know? What happened between the Bleeding Place and Cassius’ return in Dark Age, exactly? How could their relationship develop if Diomedes were to switch sides?
Romulus and Dido are already this series’ parallel to the Romeo and Juliet star-crossed lovers “two households, both alike in dignity” trope. Both stories ended in tragedy, under wildly different circumstances, of course, but the parallel is there. Iron Gold built up hints that maybe Lysander and Seraphina would be the next Rim/Core romance, but this time maybe ending happily, by uniting the two factions. Dark Age thoroughly subverted this expectation. This series doesn’t need the “happy Rim/Core romance aids in unification efforts” concept by any means, but I do like the idea of it. And what if it was gay? Diomedes and Cassius. Think about it.
I know there’s an extremely vaguely hinted romance between Diomedes and Aurea but I think the “royal falls in love with family sex slave” trope is too simplistic for this series. This particular dynamic squicks me out the same way Quicksilver and Matteo’s relationship makes me uncomfortable. I really hope there is more to Aurea than that.
At this point I’m rambling. This isn’t a serious topic anyway. I will end this by saying there is one (1) fanfic on AO3 and that is a crime.
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billiewena · 3 years
naomi/crowley for the ship opinion ask. i dunno what their ship name is. naowley?
screaaaam, okay. first, confession time…I am a lowkey naomigirl. just kidding, I am a highkey naomigirl. she’s sooooo evil but she’s so smart about it, like she is the ultimate gaslight gatekeeper girlboss, the master of manipulation, but also she is truly doing it to protect and preserve heaven and the angels (and even realizes when she's let her personal motivations get in the way of that mission.)
anyways, I think them being exes is so perfectly delicious and I wish the show unpacked that or had that dynamic impact the storyline more (since they're basically the main people in charge of heaven and hell in s8.) there’s the usual lovers-to-enemies appeal of “I know so much about you that I can use against you” of course. but also the fact that she gives lobotomies to angels that rebelled and needed to be fixed, like... it’s clear she’s ashamed that she ever was with a demon, let alone the king of hell their truest enemy. it’s basically the equivalent of finding out your gay conversion therapist used to be in a gay relationship. like, it’s hard to imagine any other angels under Naomi know about this secret of hers and I'm sure she's worked hard to keep it that way. maybe she sees it as a moment of weakness on her own part something she had to fix too.
anyways, they truly are a match in hell. they’re both just so incredibly evil and do horrible things (in season 8 especially) but in very strategic, clever ways. both are very self-preservative and resourceful too. I don’t think they could ever last together because they would just destroy each other, but it adds a lot of layers to naomi and man is it juicy gossip.
send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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eremin0109 · 3 years
OMG I literally thought it was just me 😭😭 Like all these metas I'm doing has got me shipping K and Yo-han.
Who would have thought... not me 😭❤️️
But I can't help it! Not only is he undyingly loyal to Yo-han but you lowkey feel for him because it's like an unrequited love story.
The true love triangle in this show is really between: Yohan, Ga-on and K.
Girl OF COURSE. How could I not notice the blatant subtext there? I mean it's practically text how K is super protective over Yohan, and be views Gaon as a threat to him(no matter what Yohan says). I think Gaon is the only subject that K would actually disobey Yohan on and go "handle" on his own to protect his Boss/Master/Saviour.
Please K is rapidly jumping ranks of my list of top 5 TDJ characters. I feel for him too, gosh he's got a messed up past (that seems to be the running theme of the show though) and a possibly unrequited attraction/love for Yohan. I really hope he doesn't get killed, gosh let the boy find some happiness.
I think it's a love square--with Soo Hyun and K sort of acting as foils to each other as in having unreturned feelings for Gaon and Yohan respectively while being VERY suspicious and highkey hating the fact that their crushes are so fucking obsessed with each other.
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Poly 2Hong~
Anon asked: Idk if I can request this but I'll ask anyway, so Joshua and Hongseok are my ults, can I request a dating poly! With them please?(Idk if this is possible because they are from different groups, but thank you)
A/N: Arms and Abs at it with the poly ship lmaooo I was gonna call this HongShua then I remembered Joshua’s last name is Hong too 
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☆ did someone say muscle boys
☆ wowie
☆ if ya wanna get fit, these are ya boys
☆ they have similar smiles
☆ I just keep looking at these gifs and had to point that out
☆ Honk’s lips are bigger but they’re similar
☆ ok hcs
☆ they’re super loving
☆ especially physically
☆ so. many. hugs
☆ idk about y’all but i wanna feel those arms wrapped around me
☆ they will 1000% just attack you with affection
☆ like they’ll just grab you and hug you at the same time
☆ peppering your face in kisses
☆ wow
☆ you’re lowkey kinda spoiled
☆ but like highkey
☆ Honk mostly does this
☆ he likes to get you little gifts that aren’t really little and v expensive
☆ he’ll get pouty if you don’t take it
☆ Shua does this too but less frequently
☆ but like imagine going to the gym with them
☆ that’s hot
☆ okokok Max is in a mood today I need to chill
☆ wear their clothes
☆ just do it
☆ they’ll be so happy
☆ they’ll think you look so cute
☆ cheek pinches and kisses for you
☆ imagine living with two amazing singers
☆ wowowow
☆ getting serenaded by them would be an experience
☆ Shua would definitely sing you to sleep if you asked
☆ these two would be so heart eyes for their s/o
☆ they’re both lowkey teases too
☆ they like to play around and have fun
☆ late night karaoke 
☆ late night dancing at home
☆ amazing concepts that I can see them participating in
☆ overall, cuties
☆ wow muscle boys are cuties
☆ now for the dirty dirty ~
☆ Shua - switch leaning towards soft dom
☆ Honk - dom
☆ some kinks woop
☆ marking, praise, voyeurism/exhibitionism, bondage, choking
☆ sensory deprivation, temperature play, anal
☆ tbh not terribly kinky
☆ but still very hot
☆ Honk is a real tease
☆ he’ll even tease a bit outside the bedroom to get you riled up
☆ Shua will tease too 
☆ but he’s less obvious with his teasing
☆ he’s more about words
☆ Honk is about physical teasing
☆ they both wanna be marked 
☆ but Honk has more of a preference for marking you or Shua
☆ he likes looking at his art on your skin
☆ dp will happen from time to time
☆ if you’re down of course
☆ sex with them is usually rough but middle speed
☆ they know how to be soft though
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h1kari · 4 years
heyyy if personal ships are open may i have a haikyuu male one please? i’m nadi, i’m a girl with black hair that’s bleached underneath, tan skin, and brown eyes. i’m 5’1 and i make up for my lack of height with a kind of tough personality. i don’t have a filter and i can be brutally honest. i love teasing everyone and everything but that’s just how i show my affection (literally no one is safe). i’m pretty impulsive as well, and i’m always willing to sneak out to go do random things (going on a walk/skateboarding at 2 am?? yES). i’m not really sure what my aesthetic is, i just wear what i want to wear (which is a lot of baggy clothes and little shirt+ big pants fits). i skateboard, write, sketch/paint, and do stick and pokes. i also play guitar, ukulele, and cello and i sing. i can and will make oddly specific playlists for people. my comfort anime is attack on titan lmao and i love horror movies so much just because i love picking it apart until it’s a comedy. i’m a setter in my volleyball team (which is just my friends and i) and i’ve been playing since i was 11. i have a god awful sleeping schedule and spend way too much time simping over 2d characters and sending shitty memes to my friends. i’m also kind of blind when it comes to people liking me?? i always think that they’re my friends and i joke around with them but sometimes they’re flirting and i honestly can’t tell nor can i reciprocate because i simply do not know how to flirt. i’m an enfp, a slytherin, and a cancer. thank you so much for reading this long ass request ily for it <<33
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(the gif would be him being confused about Feelings ™) OKAY so this one was kinda hard to choose ngl, i was between tsuki, nishinoya or yamaguchi (idk, the whole soft boy x badass girl seemed cute) but the winner is 🥁🥁🥁 tsukishima!
Alright, let’s get to it: tsukishima at first would be pretty aloof and mean, i mean of course he’a gonna throw salty commenta your way, he’s the tsukishima kei!! However you don’t take them to heart, you even tease him back, and this whole bickering and teasing back and forth starts to be a...consistent thing, sort to speak. It’s in your blood to flick tsuki’s glasses and it’s in his to use your head as an armrest. Though, something ‘weird’ starts happening to our dino boy, he starts craving to see you more, talk to you besides poking fun, actually getting to know you more. He keeps it to himself ofc, if he told his brother he’d implode and embarass him. And telling his team is an absolute nono. So what does this dumb fuck do!! He represses his feelings and pushes you away (excuse the angst) which leaves you confused as fuck and in the process makes you realize that FUCK YOU LIKE TSUKISHIMA KEI, so you’re processing that and get tired of waiting so YOU👏 TAKE 👏ACTIONS👏 one day after a series of events, those being tsukishima ignoring you even if it pains him, you go up to him and just ask him “what’s your deal lately?” His mind is “????????” And he just mutters “nothing” (wow tsuki, so convincing) so you with your pair of lady balls say “alright, then if it’s nothing will you hang out w me this weekend?” Inside you’re losing your shit but trying to keep them nerves inside. Your mans speechless what have you done “..sure” so YAY NOW YOU’RE GOOD
alrigh angst is over im sorry 😭 sO i feel like tsuki is head over heels over your teasing, tough and impulsive nature. Sure he will most defenitely act as if he’s annoyed most of the time but he lowkey highkey loves it. You get him out of his comfort zone, taking him to late night 3am adventures like going up some hills to see the stars, buying snacks, making random ass picnics at the dead of night, etc. Now he’s confused if he doesn’t get at least 1 late night adventure with you. And when you’re not out exploring, you stay at home in your pjs and watch movies, he’s pleased at how you laugh your ass off at terrifying scenes lowkey finds it hot 👀 He also really really loves your honest self, he’s 100% a no bullshit type of person, he can rely on you, and he doesn’t question your feelings for him as much as he thought he would. He needs someone who can bring him down of his high horse, but also help him up when he’a feeling like trash, and no better person than you
DATE IDEASS WHOOP (besides the midnight adventures) you teaching him how to skateboard 🥺🥺 he’s like no❤️ but ofc you convince him so he’s kinda scared at first but trying not to show it, you hold his hand and even if he’s embarrassed he loves being babied from time to time 😭💞 if he falls you’ll fix him up with dino bandages✨ ALSO ya’ll love making playlists for each other and listening to them together, or making one you can share and playing it while you cuddle and talk or study. Okok so this doesnt count as a date but imagine you both going to each other’s volleyball matches!!! Him wearing your jersey number and/or flag/school colors!! And you doing the same!!! He’s just so proud of you, he feels like he’s glowing (“you’re way better than the king”) imagine you seeing him smile proudly when you guys score!! Bro this mans just so impressed w you like how could he not??? You do art in visual AND musical form?? You’re beautiful and have a stunning personality?? You love volleyball just like him?? You help and support him?? Dream come true
I hope you liked it!! Thank you so much for the submission and i hope you have an amazing day/night (also ily2🥺) try not to stay up too late lovely!!🥰💞
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ressyfaerie · 4 years
Hi ressy! I have a ficlet prompt for you <3 I'd love to read a bit about my OT3 Kai/Takao/Hiromi hanging out having ice cream (I headcanon ice cream to be the one thing that gets Kai to do almost *anything*). Takao and Kai always argue about the favorite flavor, while Hiromi just chuckles and goes for something disgusting (to both of them - neither like fruity flavors) to spite them both.
This is my last ask aaahhh so I’ve been thinking about it ALL DAY. Disclaimer: I have never shipped an OT3 but like lowkey highkey I’m living for this one? I sorta changed the prompt juuusstt a bit because my creativity got away from me, i added in some RESSYFAERIE FLARE so I hope I didn’t mess with your head cannons too much! Then it got a little bit… Uh-*sexy* so I’m plopping it into a read more. Anything in * are Hilary’s thoughts! Sorry I’m a ho-
The best time of the week was Friday. 
Friday was ice cream day. Kai would meet Tyson and Hilary at the dojo taking a break from his studies. They would walk to the shop down the street and get their favourite flavours. 
Would Kai ever admit how much he liked ice cream? No, but they knew. They knew him better than anyone. 
They flooded the shop with their glowing demeanour, all smiling and happy to see each other after the long week apart. They stood back and studied the menu board. 
Hilary wondered why they always checked the menu, they got the same thing every time. She generally stuck to fruity flavours as much as she loved chocolate. The boys didn’t like fruity flavours so it kept them from eating hers, she used this tactic for other things too, it saved her from Tyson stealing her food many times. 
Tyson got vanilla like always, *just like his personality* Hilary thought. 
He continued outside with his cone mentioning as he passed ‘it’s a bit busy in here!’. 
Hilary looked at the menu, she wasn’t feeling very fruity today. She turned her head to Kai. He looked good, just got off of his last university class, he looked tired, but attractive. 
“You look good today.” She tried to hide a smile when she complimented him. 
“Thanks, you too.” He smiled on purpose, “You go first.” He gestured in front of him. 
Hilary lightly brushed his hand with hers as a way of saying thanks, he liked little touches like that. 
When she looked over the flavours she made a quick decision. 
“Can I get the rocky road please?” 
*Kai’s favourite- I shared some with him last week and I really liked it, and you know what? I deserve it.* 
She got hers in a small cup with a spoon, she didn’t like cones that much, and neither did Kai; Tyson was the odd one out, always getting a cone and munching it down loudly. 
Hilary got hers and left to meet Tyson outside, grinning at Kai as she left.
Kai was next and asked the worker for his favourite: rocky road.
“Oh I’m sorry! That was the last bit we had-”
“Oh different!” Tyson pointed out as soon as he saw the chocolate in the cup.
“Yeah! I really like chocolate actually, so I decided to change it up a bit.” 
“Can I have some?” He moved his face closer to hers trying to sneak a bit off the small spoon in her hand.
“No! Back off you have your own!” She giggled playfully trying to push him away with her shoulder. 
She had eaten so fast by the time Kai emerged from the shop she was almost finished.
Tyson frowned sensing the disappointed emotion in Kai. 
“What the hell is that?” Tyson pointed to his cup with purple ice cream.
“Yuck! I hate blackberry.” Tyson stuck his tongue out. 
Kai shrugged and nodded towards the dojo. 
“Should we head back?” 
Tyson nodded and they walked as a duo with Hilary following behind, she stared into the bottom of the paper cup. 
She had one small bite of ice cream left. 
*I really want to eat it- But I should give it to Kai- but he has it every week!* 
They got back to the dojo and the last bit was almost melted. They sat on the edge of the hardwood looking over the clearing. The pond was glistening in the hot summer weather. 
She decided Kai wouldn’t want it anyways since it was melted, and shoved the rest on the tiny spoon and ate it. She kept the spoon in her mouth absorbing the last of the flavour and noticed both boys staring at her. 
Tyson widened his eyes, “I can’t believe you stole Kai’s ice cream.” 
She took the spoon out of her mouth, “I didn’t steal it! I didn’t know it was the last one!”
Tyson gave Kai a look, Kai grinned back flirtatiously, he directed his attention back to Hilary, “No you definitely stole my ice cream.” He sounded serious, but his face showed a silly expression. 
“I didn’t steal it!” She whined. 
“You didn’t even give him any either, what a bad girlfriend.” Tyson teased and licked some of the vanilla of his cone. 
Kai clicked his tongue while judging her silently. 
“Fine! I’ll buy you more tomorrow.” Hilary slammed the empty paper cup and spoon beside her on the hardwood floor. 
“Now she’s grumpy- What are we going to do about her Kai?” Tyson laughed off the slight threat. 
“Well, we definitely can’t give her too much attention.” Kai looked away from her off into the distance in the complete opposite direction.
She hung her jaw in disbelief. 
“I agree.” Tyson copied Kai’s glance. 
“H- Hey!” Hilary complained, not that she wanted to be the center of attention, she just didn’t want to be ignored.
“Hey Kai, want some of my ice cream?” Tyson pointed the cone in his direction. 
“Of course.” Kai grinned and locked eyes with Hilary. 
He started from the bottom and licked all the way to the top still keeping eye contact.
Hilary’s jaw hung lower, and she blushed a bit. 
“Hey there’s some on your lip Kai-” Tyson poked Kai’s cheek with his finger.
“Is there? Can you get it?” 
Tyson giggled, “sure.” He gently kissed him, cleaning his face up perfectly. 
Kai kept his eyes locked on Hilary, relishing in her jealousy. 
When they first started doing- Whatever it was they were doing, they didn’t really have a label yet- Hilary had predicted many things, some were true and some were very, very wrong. One of the things she assumed was that Tyson would be the tease, and he was, but she wasn’t prepared for Kai. 
Kai was the real tease in this relationship, and she loved it.
Tyson went back to licking his ice cream, and Kai- like always, upped his game. 
He started licking it too, shooting side glances to Hilary, he stopped briefly to rub his forehead on Tyson’s.
“It’s a shame we're ostracizing Hilary, she would love this.” Kai’s eyes were slightly squinted as he gifted her another one of his looks. 
Hilary pouted, giving him an angry glare. 
“She stole your dessert, this is a punishment.” 
“Such a shame, she���s usually-”
“Our dessert.” Tyson pointed out nonchalantly. 
“You guys are driving me crazy!” Hilary pushed herself off the hardwood floor and launched herself towards them.
Kai tried to push her back and Tyson angled himself away trying desperately to protect his precious ice cream. 
“Hey, hey! Guys watch my ice cream!” He groaned when Kai and Hilary fell in a pile behind him. 
Kai had trapped Hilary with her back on the floor, he loomed over her, she blushed at the familiar sight. 
“I’m sorry-” She apologized without making eye contact. 
“It’s okay. I’m not really angry.” Kai leaned a bit closer. 
“What’s going on here?” Tyson tried to sandwich himself between them but only managed to lay on his side closer to Hilary. 
“You should get more flavours other than fruit- if you want.” Kai mentioned it while checking out Tyson beside her. 
“Yeah Hilary, you can get chocolate flavours. It’s all ice cream.” Tyson brushed back her hair gently. 
Hilary giggled, “I guess you’re right. I really like the chocolate ones-” 
“What flavour was it again Kai? Chocolate…” 
Kai thought for a moment. 
Kai expertly let his body fall and kissed Hilary.
Kai grinned, admiring her blushing face. 
“Rocky road.”
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 years
smtiv for the shipping meme please :3c
@chidorinnnnn thank u for the ask!!!!!!!!!!
lowkey otp
okay this is a weird one but i REALLY love gaston/toki. i have a few ideas ive been kicking around for it for awhile and i just am totally invested in how they come from totally different backgrounds and lives but they have a sort of distinct understanding of each other. toki basically calls out behaviors in gaston that she *also* has, and thats part of what makes her character shift, which is fascinating to me. a lot of what they've been through is similar, and i feel that they can really resonate with each other.
highkey notp
nanashi/asahi absolutely, like, i get what they were going for ingame and such but it just does not click for me in that way and whenever im producing content its something i super duper ignore for the most part.
[softly] don't notp
nanashi/hallelujah just reads like every other typical red/blue ship to me and i get preeeeetty bored with it. i love hallelujah but shipping him with nanashi just does not interest me at all.
highkey otp but i'm scared of saying it because it's not a very popular choice
hallelujah/asahi, god do NOT even get me started im obsessed with them. i have an au that exists where them getting together after a time skip is like, integral to the story's plot progression. leader of the ashura-kai + the new leader of the hunters is just great. they have a really sweet dynamic too, i really love their interactions ingame and i can easily see them bonding.
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it
nanashi/flynn and past!flynn/akira, just, in general. reincarnated soulmates who need each other to reach victory. the two ships have different dynamics imo (of course the past stuff is all headcanon lmao) but i love them both a LOT. i love the concept of two people carrying a heavy burden together, who play the same role while approaching it from different directions.
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