#low vibration
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selfpunishedboy · 4 months ago
After getting high my boyfriend put a vibrator in my on the lowest setting and after an hour or so I was a completely mess. He said “ I love my dumb & fucked boyfriend..” before falling asleep not too later. Now I’m trying to make myself dinner with this toy buzzing in me and I can’t figure out how to make something as simple as ramen.. I can’t think.. all I can do is sit on a stool and grind into the toy all blissssed out.. it feels so fucking good to be so fucking dumb & fucked..
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novy2sirius · 5 months ago
High vs low vibrational
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neither is “bad” when there’s balance. to feel the positive feelings of the higher vibrations more intensely we must know what it’s like to feel the lower ones. just like the chakras when one is active, but not the others, it creates imbalance. we are meant to feel highs and lows as humans. feeling low vibrational is normal. when feeling low vibrational for a long period of time though it can damage someone spiritually and cause them to spiral and struggle with things like happiness, manifestation, and enlightenment. this doesn’t mean you can’t heal from being low vibrational long term though. life is all about healing and bouncing back. when i say a person will take on the negative traits of an astrology/numerology placement if they’re low vibrational it doesn’t mean they will take on those traits forever. people can heal and change. that’s why recently i prefer the term low/high vibrational when speaking about astrology rather than “evolved and unevolved” because you don’t just evolve one day and stay that way forever. we aren’t like pokemon. how our spiritual placements manifest is of course dependent on where exactly we’re at in life. regardless of your beliefs about spirituality though, even scientifically, we all have a frequency that is constantly changing and energy that exists in the quantum realm constantly changing its vibrational state
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truthinlifetarot · 9 months ago
What Are You Ashamed Of?
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How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!
Gif credit: @hermit-frog and @losingbenni
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Pile 1: Something from your childhood. This could have to do with your development, where you feel like you weren't cared for enough and/or had to constantly hide your true self. For some of you this negligence and abuse led you to take a long time to know your sexuality or be at peace with it. You are ashamed of never truly being safe.
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Pile 2: You are ashamed of always having to be strong. I'm remembering Reesa Teesa when she said she wanted it to finally be her turn (in reference to romance). You could have had to be alone for quite some time while having fears around that fact. The shame comes from not feeling complete all by yourself.
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Pile 3: Not being able to follow up on your words. You could have talked about plans that didn't/aren't panning out. Your shame comes from not knowing everything you need to know while constantly feeling like you need to move. Due to this, a victory never really feels like one.
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this-antisocial-crank · 1 month ago
Life Lesson
That "saviour complex" will cost you dearly.
Your love for them cannot fix them.
It is better to dodge that bullet than to let it explode in your face.
Misery loves company, remember that.
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wayti-blog · 7 months ago
The end is near fear.
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thecosmicangel · 2 years ago
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Message: Pay attention to the music you consume. Pay attention to the lyrics and the message it’s giving out. Do you want that engraved in your subconscious? Are what the lyrics saying what you want to manifest for yourself? What you listen to consumes your energy. Just because a song is catchy or trending doesn’t mean you should be listening to it! A lot of these artists are putting low vibrational music out. The same God you pray to is not the same God they praise. This generation has became too over sexualized it is not normal to have sex in your head or for it to be all you think about 24/7. It’s low vibrational and it’s the devil trying to get you to his side. It’s affecting the young kids and not letting them have a healthy childhood. I see little kids singing along to over sexualized songs or about drugs and killing and people think it’s cute or normal. It’s not, it’s the devil working! It’s an attack to the sacral chakra which is (sexual energy) and very powerful energy it’s your creative power its what you can birth/ bring into life. When your sacral chakra is overstimulated then you have no control of that sexual energy and low self esteem and energy levels drop. It also affects your mental state so Stop giving your money and energy to artist that only produce low vibrational music and that have contracts with the devil. Them selling their soul means they are not in control of their creativity or the music they want to produce. They gotta do what their boss, the devil tells them to do. They are slaves to the devil, they want to catch your soul and keep you trapped, they want to keep you in bondage to the low vibrations. Wake up! & GET OUT of that low vibrational energy !! Stand up to the devil and say “No more! I’m not letting my energy get harvested and used for evil.”
There is many talented and creative artist out there that sing and produce music from a place of love so go out and find some high vibrational music to listen to instead of what the media wants you keep consuming! Most of you won’t see what it’s doing to you or that they are trying to do this to you, because we have been programmed since we are born to believe other wise, it’s been in our face since day one. They don’t want us to evolve and grow spiritually.
This also goes out to everything you consume not just music, it can also be what you consume on social media and what tv shows you watch or what the news and media is feeding you! Don’t believe everything they say because everything is not what it seems!
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tonymccabe · 1 month ago
Low vibrational people vs. High vibrational people
They’ll try to mimic your light, but low vibrational energy can’t fake high vibrations for long. Authenticity isn’t something you can imitate—it’s felt, lived, and radiated. Stay aligned, stay elevated, and let them reveal themselves.
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my-self-reflections · 3 months ago
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ninepentz · 4 months ago
Our misguided anger
One thing I learned from constantly being forced to experience problematic people through out my life, even being one myself sometimes, is that when people get caught up in the pettiness of things.
The passive aggression, revenge, projection, bait/trigger, evil eye whatever it is, that mostly tells me they haven't reached the point of evolving past that phase onto "I'm ready for peace phase" so to me it let's me know that person is still immature mentally/emotionally, not thinking of their future self, not self aware, not on the road to healing. It also shows that they aren't really organized internally.
Like for me I'm the worst person to be around when I'm doing bad, when problems are stacking up. I'm most problematic when there's something crappy going on in my life or I'm having some issue in one area that won't go away.
So when people are stagnant in the phase of pettiness, they are mostly dealing with something and coping with it by taking out that frustration on others. Idk why but I've noticed some people just love being in drama.
So knowing what I know now, I associate that with someone who hasn't outgrown a certain phase of misguided anger.
Sometimes that anger we throw onto others is our unhappiness with ourselves, unmet goals, health issues, failures, all types of personal things. That's the root of those problematic behaviors..
Immature phase=
Pettiness, passive aggression, bait/trigger, revenge, prob starting.
Mature phase=
Self reflection, observing your own triggers/anger before acting out, not easily trigged anymore, not taking things personal (important), accountability, self control.
It's similar to how a baby eventually matures into a full grown adult, even our emotions, intellect, has it's own phases of growth, and if you're lucky you go through each phase and master them. Me currently I haven't mastered my anger but I'm seeing growth and maturing little by little. Handling things way better than my past self :) if you're reading this and you relate, I hope you get to experience how peaceful it is to be unbothered and in your own lane. And when coming across people who haven't healed yet, seek to understand and observe, instead of react. I feel like that is a healing experience within itself, maybe even by you not adding to the fire you extinguish their bitter flames in the process too <3
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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divinefem333 · 4 months ago
Bullies Are Insecure. You Remind Them of What They Lack.
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saturdaysentiments · 9 months ago
Veils Removed
Be above the attempts to operate in low vibrations. Let wisdom keep you grounded in Spirit and Truth. Listen beyond the words and feel what energy is trying to reach for your soul’s attention. As always my beautiful people, stay prayed up.
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novy2sirius · 9 months ago
if u want to be at a higher vibration don’t drink alcohol
alcohol sounds similar to the arabic word “al-ghoul” which translates to “body eating spirit” or “beast” in english. consuming alcohol can create a separation between ur body and ur soul. allowing other lower vibrational spirits to have access to ur body. this is why alcoholics tend to either be very aggressive or unpredictable. this is why some ppl refer to vodka as “spirits” and why it’s called “gin” which sounds the same as jin (demons) - this is also where jinx comes from (it means bad luck)
drinking is not good for u spiritually or physically and can put u at a lower vibration
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ben-alsyght · 11 months ago
Is it really low vibrational if you enjoy it?
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this-antisocial-crank · 14 days ago
Life Lesson
Your promiscuity stems from your trauma.
You shouldn't look for others to validate your existence.
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djrennessy · 1 year ago
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divinefem333 · 6 months ago
Nick Cannon Tells Dr. Bryant How He Manipulates Women
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