channelping · 2 years
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🎧Channelping.com | DJClub.io✨We love to share your posts. Let’s spread the music! @lovra @lovranews DJProducer⭐️LOVRA⭐️TEN TONNE SKELETON📀Family Affair (Dance For Me) - OUT NOW❗️ @beatport @spotify #stream #playlist #channelping#dj#musicproducer#lovra#berlin#germany#housemusic#techhouse#techno#melodichouse#dance#podcast#hardstyle#trance#edm#nightclub#electronicmusic#radio#undergroundtechno#clubbing#psytrance#beatport#recordlabels#soundcloud#soundtrack#music#musicfestival#spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOyjYduOAR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imdoingsortagay · 9 months
I’ve never seen her so focused on a tv 😭😭😭 she’s a silly gal
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lovra974 · 1 year
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Hellooo ! Welcome to my masterlist ! English is not my first language, sorry for the potential grammar mistakes, I'll try to improve it.
Here's the link to my Reading list.
You can call me Lovra.
I'll try to update this page as soon as possible, when I post something.
🌧️ Angst
🌞 Fluff
🌝 Smut
Have a nice day! ☁️
Fic :
A ghost in my heart : Part 1 ;
Being Bakugo’s close friend 🌧️ : Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 🌞
Bakugo's son ; Part 2.
Another Barbarian Bakugo : Part 1 ; Part 2🌧️
Bakugo and Fashion designer reader 🌞
Isekai (multiple characters)
Bakugo as a teacher Pro Hero : Part 1
Idea Dream Match
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newsnoshonline · 27 days
Spada vichinga con iscrizione "molto rara" scoperta nella fattoria di famiglia in Norvegia Scoperta una Spada Vichinga “Molto Rara” in una Fattoria Norvegese Un uomo norvegese ha fatto una scoperta straordinaria mentre lavorava in un campo della sua fattoria: una rara spada dell’era vichinga, datata circa 1.000 anni fa. Una Scoperta Inaspettata Øyvind Tveitane Lovra, l’afortunato scopritore, stava preparando un campo inutilizzato da anni per la semina quando ha trovato l’antica arma. Dopo aver inizialmente pensato si trattasse di un pezzo di ferro senza valore, Lovra ha poi notato i dettagli che rivelavano la vera natura della scoperta e ha immediatamente contattato gli archeologi locali, come prescritto dalla legge norvegese. Un Ritrovamento di
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buzzmaxsports · 29 days
Arsenal eyeing duo of Kustosija talents
Arsenal is currently on the hunt for two rising stars from Kustosija. Lovra Chelfi, a 17-year-old forward, and Niko Tomašević, a 16-year-old midfielder, are reportedly top picks for the Gunners. Arsenal had scouts watching the duo closely during Kustosija’s final match of the Croatian Junior League season against Hajduk Split. And it seems they weren’t the only ones with an eye on these young…
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Let's see if I remember Over 100 characters names of mine ! ._.''
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Way too many but there's a 105 , I'm a 100% sure there's much more somewhere o-O
Kagaku-sha (project 036)
Midnight (Project 1.1/2)
Flamez ( Project 1.2/2)
Richard ( Project 2)
Project 3
Sam ( Project 4)
Alexander (Project 5)
Sprinkles (Project 6)
Kate ( Project K 007)
Leefi (Project 032)
Mr Knight
Glitches ( King of the Blue golden eye clan)
Mellow (aka Space Goddess)
Insanity (Sarah)
Nameless (aka War God )
Avarie (Soul eater)
Eyesoul (aka Ancient god of everything weird)
Poker King (PK)
Pixel ( Gamer Dude)
Orange ( Comb man)
Inter ( Interijensu aka God of information)
Akuame ( Cult leader of the red eye )
Zack ( God of all bad choices)
Zehn ( God of all good choices)
Miss White blood cell
Mr Red blood cell
DR Atom
Evil DR John
Uni (Unicorn)
Cotton Candy Fairy
Cookie Princess
Sir Oat Prince
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muznew · 6 months
The Dance Carly Wilford
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- Artists: Carly Wilford DATE CREATED: 2024-01-15 GENRES: House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Deep House, Melodic House & Techno Tracklist : 1. Carly Wilford - The Dance(Extended Mix) 2. Jammer, Skepta, Powazs - Slingshot(Original Mix) 3. Riordan - Needle On The Record(Extended Mix) 4. Eldeanyo - Give You Up (Carly Wilford Remix)(Extended Mix) 5. Kungs, Victor Flash - You Can Have It(Extended) 6. Jasper James - Keepon(Original Mix) 7. LOVRA - The House of House(Original Mix) 8. Jammer, Skepta, A$AP Nast, Deki Alem - Time(Original Mix) 9. Harry Romero - Revolt(Extended Mix) 10. CASSIMM - Wanna Feel Something(Extended Mix) 11. Matt Guy - Raindrops(Ready To Fly) 12. Carly Wilford - The Awakening(Extended Mix) 13. Shadow Child - The North Quarter(Extended Mix) 14. DD Watermelon - Any DJs In The House?(Original Mix) 15. Hotswing - Feel It(Extended Mix) 16. Claude VonStroke - The Rain Break(Original Mix) 17. Read the full article
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zekepants · 9 months
Back on tumblr trying to put a little stop/pause/switch-up on my typical modes of cataloging thoughts and memories.
Feels good.
This summer was complex as fuck. There were countless momentous occasions: my wedding, the purchase of my first home, a new dog, a promotion, my sister’s wedding. And with all of that came the responsibility tied to each blessing.
Now, it feels like we’re settling. And in that settling I am reflecting more than I had the time for during all the transitions and challenges of this summer.
I’m looking at myself, and admitting, and accepting that I really never be able to heal away my past. I will never rise to the valor of my idols, because all idols are false. I must hold my own courage, my own beauty, my own imperfection.
This admission allows for me to more freely prioritize my actions. As I had to do once with my old pal alcohol. I am admitting I am powerless over ego.
I must freely examine the intentions behind my actions: what I choose to share and how, where I am spending my time, and what I am doing in that time.
If my actions do not align with my values and goals then I am not meeting my highest purpose for my highest good which is love and light for all people. This also comes with continuing to practice the repeated acknowledgment that through these actions I align with my purpose, it does not move me closer to the status of those I idolize.
Idols are false. No one is perfect. Progress is not linear. Ego is the enemy.
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channelping · 2 years
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🎧Channelping.com | DJClub.io✨We love to share your posts. Let’s spread the music! @lovra @lovranews DJProducer⭐️LOVRA🥳Tonight 11/19/2022 1-3 AM @virgopresents New York, NY | 5-7 AM @misbehave.live Brooklyn, NY #newyork #brooklyn #nyc #newyorker #letsgo #channelping#dj#musicproducer#lovra#housemusic#techhouse#techno#melodichouse#dance#podcast#hardstyle#trance#edm#nightclub#electronicmusic#radio#undergroundtechno#clubbing#psytrance#beatport#recordlabels#soundcloud#music#musicfestival#spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKwJYysrci/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imdoingsortagay · 1 year
Literally I wish it was acceptable to start swinging on men who fuck with me at work cause 😭😭😭 some other dude walked up to be and was like "how are u tonight beautiful" 🙃
There needs to be a law where woman can throw a brick at any creepy men
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shb-music · 11 months
Last episode of the month! This week, playing tracks from Anish Kumar, CINTHIE, Kolter, Demuja, Sound Support, SHEE, Street Player, The Ones, LOVRA, Larse, Robo Rat, Catching Flies, myself and many more. Schöne Woche an alle! #DeepTureAdventure
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
REMIX DER WELTEN-CUPRA erneut offizieller Partner von Parookavillle
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CUPRA geht bei seinem Engagement in der Musik- und Festivalszene einmal mehr einen unkonventionellen Weg. Die Challenger-Brand setzt bei der zweiten Kooperation mit dem Parookavillle Festival neue Impulse und lässt reale und virtuelle Erlebnisse zusammenfließen. Dadurch entsteht ein „Remix der Welten“: Mittels modernster Technik und mit über 24 internationalen DJs erzeugt CUPRA ein immersives Erlebnis für Augen und Ohren. So können die Besucher*innen des CUPRA Wacky Shack unter anderem live bei der Premiere des Music Hero – eines virtuellen DJs und seines Holo-Gigs – dabei sein. Darüber hinaus findet auch dieses Jahr das Finale des CUPRA X Spinnin' Records DJ Contest im CUPRA Wacky Shack statt und wird erstmalig im Battle-Modus ausgetragen. Das Parookavillle Festival in Weeze gehört zu den Highlights der Festivalsaison und ist Deutschlands größtes Festival für elektronische Musik. Vom 21. Bis 23. Juli werden etwa 225.000 Besucher*innen und über 300 internationale DJs auf dem Areal am Airport Weeze erwartet.
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Das Parookavillle Festival in Weeze gehört zu den Highlights der Festivalsaison und ist Deutschlands größtes Festival für elektronische Musik Hugel haucht „Music Hero“ Leben ein Ein Erlebnis der speziellen Art wird im Inneren des Wacky Shack im Rahmen eines Holo-Gigs geboten. Dazu lässt CUPRA eine immersive Bühne entstehen. Mittels spezieller LED-Beleuchtung und State-of-the-Art-Technik können die Besucher*innen Teil der Premiere eines virtuellen DJs – des Music Hero – sein. Das Aussehen des Musik-Helden bestimmt die Community: Ein neuartiges Musiktool analysiert die persönliche Musikliste der User*innen auf Spotify und entwickelt auf Basis dieser Daten eine visuelle Darstellung des Avatars. Die Community kreiert also anhand ihres Musikgeschmacks das Aussehen des Music Heros. Die Bewegungen des CUPRA Markenbotschafters und weltbekannten DJ Hugel gehen dank Motion Tracking auf den virtuellen DJ über und erwecken ihn dann zum Leben.
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om 21. bis 23. Juli werden etwa 225.000 Besucher*innen und über 300 internationale DJs auf dem Areal am Airport Weeze erwartet Auf der eigenen Bühne der spanischen Challenger-Brand werden zudem über 24 internationale DJs an drei Tagen auflegen. Darunter international bekannte Künstler*innen wie Chico, Rose, Lovra, Lumix, Lari Luke oder Eskei83. Außerdem veranstaltet CUPRA gemeinsam mit dem Plattenlabel Spinnin’ Records einen DJ Talent Contest. Dazu wird es einen neuen Battle Modus und einen Spinnin´Contest mit Ambassador DJ Wave Wave und Vorjahresgewinnerin Merow geben. 
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Ein Erlebnis der speziellen Art wird im Inneren des Wacky Shack im Rahmen eines Holo-Gigs geboten Musik transportiert Emotionen Für CUPRA ist Musik ein wichtiger Baustein in der Entwicklung der eigenen Markenidentität. Die spanische Challenger-Brand setzt dabei auf Kollaboration. Zusammen mit Partnern wie dem Parookavillle Festival steht die Marke für Inspiration auch jenseits der eigenen Branche. 
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Mittels spezieller LED-Beleuchtung und State-of-the-Art-Technik können die Besucher*innen Teil der Geburt eines digitalen DJs – des Music Hero – sein #CUPRAmusiclabs Ihr besonderes Engagement im Musikbereich zeigt die Marke auch mit den CUPRA Music Labs. Die CUPRA Music Labs sind ein Dach für alle Musikaktivitäten der jungen Marke. Mit einem hochmodernen Aufnahmestudio im Herzen von Frankfurt am Main setzt CUPRA dabei neue Maßstäbe. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Producer Team von Stefan Dabruck (SDM Management) können hier junge Talente ihre Kreativität ausleben. Dem Gewinner oder der Gewinnerin des DJ Talent Contest winken ebenfalls spannende Tage in den CUPRA Music Labs, wo gemeinsam mit SDM Management ein Song produziert werden soll.
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Dabei bestimmt die Community das Aussehen des Musik-Helden Read the full article
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gtaradi · 1 year
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rabideyeartist · 2 years
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New show out now ! #danceitout link in bio or https://1000tinymagnets.wordpress.com/2022/09/09/1000-tiny-magnets-show-394-september-9-2022/ Artist, Track LUM!X, Club Sound, DVBBS (Feat. MKLA), Love Till It’s Over, Win and Woo (with Louis the Child), All This Motion, Lena Leon, Spiral, Martin Garrix, Something, Ryan Shepherd, Waste My Love, LOVRA, Ready For Racing, Wade, Pan Jabi, Slushii, Push It, Nostalgix, Heat Rush, Hardwell, LASER, CHANEY, Needless, ManyFew, Body Rock, ^Track Listings^ KIDDO, Superstars, St. Lundi, Nights Like This, Black Panda, Ohnana 5G, Robin Schulz, Sun Will Shine, Ariana and the Rose, Cosmic Lover, THEMBA, Stomp Your Feet, Punctual, Castles, Mat.Joe (Feat. Issa), Magic, Lvl1, DERR1TETE, (at Qathet Regional District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiT3CjUrHiV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
No one told me I could just make a bunny lady in cc without having to play the actual game. wth 🐰
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muznew · 7 months
Beatport The Shortlist: Bass House November 2023
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-11-29 GENRES: Tech House, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Wax Motif, ZHU - Better Recognize(Extended Mix) 2. Mike Cervello, Curbi - The Funktion(Original Mix) 3. Dillon Francis, MARTEN HØRGER - On A Trip(Extended Mix) 4. Neon Steve, Kaleena Zanders - RUMBLE IN THE DISCO(Extended Mix) 5. Jop Govers - 808(Extended Mix) 6. ZEZART - Taking The Lead(Extended Mix) 7. Vato Gonzalez - Twisted Riddim(Extended Mix) 8. PAJANE - DNA(Extended Mix) 9. Gobbs - Do It(Original Mix) 10. BRANDON (DE), Lackmus - Ravers Bounce(Original Mix) 11. D3BONE - Gang Shxt(Original Mix) 12. Teri Miko, Xenon Phoenix - Darksider(Extended Mix) 13. Tujamo, TV Noise - Ravers(Extended Mix) 14. Spin Off - STALKER SYNDROME(Extended Mix) 15. Bobby G, Lefris - Slip n Slide(Original Mix) 16. HÜGGØ - Sleepless Night(Extended Mix) 17. Cat Dealers, Lukas Vane - Everybody(Extended Mix) 18. Pegboard Nerds - ZENITH(Original Mix) 19. LOVRA - My Body(Extended Mix) 20. Read the full article
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