#loving the “double trouble” vibe so far
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dollishmehrayan · 12 days ago
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# “I BETTER WATCH MY FIVE FOOT TWO MOUTH? FIRST OF ALL” ── .✦ ( batboys w a short!reader ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ )
dollish note ⋆౨ৎ: as a girl who’s about 5’10-5’11 I might’ve fucked this up but we shall have hope and trustt && also I have about like a lot of inbox requests I need to get too so that’s that but this is in honor of my pookie @cup-of-doodles 🙂‍↕️ tags: (batboys x reader)
© dollishmehrayan — ( all rights reserved to me. These works cannot be reposted, translated, or modified. Thank you for understanding dollies! )
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"Fun-sized? More like FUN-UNSTOPPABLE."
Dick lives for the height difference. He’ll 100% rest his elbow on your head like you’re his personal armrest until you glare at him, and suddenly he’s apologizing with puppy eyes.
Picks you up constantly. Not always for a reason. Sometimes you’re just walking next to him and boom you’re airborne.
“Dick, what the hell put me down?!”
Jokes about getting you a “baby seat” for his car. You respond by threatening to hack the GPS and set it to only play the most annoying sound on loop.
When you try to kiss him and can’t reach, he dramatically gasps, crouches down, and says, “My bad, m’lady. How rude of me to be so tall.”
“Half my size, double the trouble.”
At first, he doesn’t comment on your height. Then one day, you can’t reach the top shelf, and he LOSES it.
“You want me to install a ladder here? Or...should I just carry you around on my shoulder?”
Loves how perfectly you fit into his side when he throws an arm around you. Calls you “pocket-sized rage” when you’re mad.
Teases you relentlessly but deadass threatens anyone who tries to make fun of you.
One time you tried to push him out of the way during an argument and he didn’t budge. You almost fell before he caught you but looked up at him, and he just went, “Gravity’s a bitch, huh?” “JASON PE-“
“Do you think if I put you in a hoodie, people would mistake you for a sack?”
Will absentmindedly hand you his coffee cup from the top shelf without realizing you can’t reach it.
You: “Tim, can you help?”
Tim, turning around: “Oh-oh my God, I’m so sorry.” (Immediately grabs it for you and then spends five minutes apologizing.)
You once climbed onto the counter to grab snacks and he caught you mid-typing something on his laptop. Stood there like: “Should I help or see how far you get?”
He finds it absolutely adorable when you wear his oversized hoodies. They drown you, and he’s obsessed.
“Tt. You are…compact. Efficient for battle.”
At first, he acted like your height was irrelevant. Then he caught you glaring at a shelf that was too high, and he silently handed you the item. No comment. But his smirk? Loud.
Calls you “miniature” during arguments. You kicked him in the shin once for it.
LOVES how easy it is to pick you up and physically move you when you’re in his way. You tried to fight back the first time but realized it was easier to just vibe.
Secretly thinks you’re the cutest thing on the planet but will deny it forever. The only time he slipped was when you fell asleep curled up on his lap, and he whispered, “You’re like a kitten.”, “What?” *cue damian acting clueless like huh?👁️👄👁️*
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bestshipsmackdown · 2 years ago
Did you like the ending ?
Oui oui
I kinda am a little bit tuckered out on save the world stakes so now I’m watching Toradora! because they took Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun off of Netflix and this was a suggested anime for people who liked GSNK. Also one of my besties likes toradora! so I think it’s a worthwhile endeavor.
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GSNK is my very favorite thing tho 💕
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imperiuswrecked · 1 month ago
Castlevania: Nocturne thoughts that keep me awake below the cut
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1. I don't know why I've seen people act like Mizrak only just met Richter and Maria in S1, like it's pretty clear from their first interaction they know him and he knows them. Tera, Maria, Mizrak, The Abbot all lived in that town for years, probably their whole lives as far as we know for Maria, The Abbot, Mizrak. While Tera and Richter lived there for years. Which means that Mizrak knew Richter and Maria when they were kids. I bet Maria used to show up just to find someone to play with at the Abby, like the Chruch was a central point of focus for community in those days. Mizrak could have been like a older brother/cousin to her when she was little, and he was younger. He could have been patiently sharpening his sword, while she made a crown of flowers and placed them on his head. He probably would try to teach her Bible verses or encourage her and Tera to attend church, but gave up after a while. Mizrak pulling little Maria out of scrapes, or taking her home when she got into trouble. Then one day she shows up with her cousin and he has double the work of keeping them out of trouble and he's like a 20 something monk knight. So now he has like 2 kids trailing around him, asking him endless questions, making fun of his serious nature, he practices in the courtyard and Richter begins to copy his moves. So he ends up teaching him how to sword fight so he can protect Maria and Tera when Mizrak isnt around. Like why was there even monk knights to begin with in a small town. The Vampires. He and his brotherhood of knights were the towns protectors, the Vampires werenr many but it was enough for people to want there to be knights, to give money to the church to house and feed and cloth them so they could focus on their work. He'll, I bet Mizrak's heart nearly exploded when he first catches the cousins taking down a Vampire in the woods he was hunting. He then sometimes teamed up with them on the occasional hunt. Mizrak has no issues just falling into the group dynamic and he even takes up the role of provider, getting them safe shelter, clean water, and hunting food. Like that is a man who took on the older cousin/brother role to Richter and Maria years ago but no one really noticed because it felt so natural, and Mizrak is a quiet guy who doesn't talk much, or show his emotions, he tries to be an example to them through his morals and character and faith.
2. Just because The Abbot, Emmanuel, is a cowardly bitch in current times doesn't mean anything. Tera literally said how she was shown kindness when she got to the town. As a speaker witch who lost her whole family, her sister, being an outcast and hunted probably, a normal nice guy would have been catnip. They probably had a love affair but the Abbot was younger too, he probably was like "we can't have a child out of wedlock, etc" like it's very The Scarlet Letter vibes: Outcast woman lives on the edge of town with a baby girl, no one knows it's the priest whose the dad, the priest suffers internally for years and tries to repent but whatever they do it's not good enough to make up for the fact that they are a coward. The Abbot's moral failing didn't start now. It started years ago when he chose his priesthood over doing the right thing for his child, and the woman he loved. Maria killing him for being a deadbeat dad is all the excuse she needs, even without Emmanuel giving up Tera to Erzsebet. It's why Tera tried to appeal to him even till the end, because she spent years still in love with the young man who was kind to her once, a long time ago, and she thought she could still reach him, not knowing his moral decay and fervent belief that he was doing God's Will had crushed that once kind man.
3. The same theme runs true for Drolta. A priestess corrupted over time, until the end goal she was working towards for so long is so far removed from where she started, but she is so deep into her centuries long belief that what she is doing is right, and it's what her Goddess wills, that no matter what path she takes, what means she uses to reach her end, it's all worth it because she is her Goddess's most faithful servent. The confusion at the end when she's confronted by Sekhmet and reality comes to rip down her entire being blindsides Drolta. It's very tragic because Drolta did start out as a healer too, she wanted to help her people, to serve her Goddess, but life is not kind, and she chooses her dark path every step of the way, leaving more and more of that once good woman behind. The road to hell is paved with good intentions is something both Drolta and The Abbot shared once. Was Drolta aware at some point she had lost her path? Did she care? Did she grieve her former self? Or did she ignore and rip out all those soft emotions because she had spent centuries trying to bring her Goddess back and to admit it was all for nothing meant her corruption was for nothing? Like it got to the point she genuinely believed that she was the only person worthy of becoming Sekhmet, but only after she was sure she would not die like all the others who tried, only after Erzsebet's use was over, and Drolta was a powerful NightCreature did she dare to take that power. Cowardly in a way that she didn't want to give up her immortal vampire life to try and be Sekhmet's vessel.
4. Olrox's time in S2 really felt like the writers didn't want to let him go, but they didn't know what to do with him, especially compared to how much his character was a force that pushes Tera, Richter, Annette, and Maria to confront the Abbot and his main character arc (other than not romancing but really romancing Mkzrak) since stepping off the ship in France has been to see what the fuck is really going on. He's too old to fall in line and worship the latest power hungry Vampire lord/lady wannabe but he needs to see what sorta threat is he up against. The instant he's off the ship, he tells them he'll be along, and goes off on recon. He knows Mizrak's name the next day and abiut the Night Creatures, which mean he probably spent that first night toying on the Abbot and the Monk Knights. He was intrigued by Mizrak and thinks to use him as his source for more information but didn't expect to fall in love with him, but does as time goes by. However you do see he still has his own thing going on, he lurks around the dungeons, he finds Edouard, he finds the book, the machine, he is playing a dangerous game with Dolta and Erzsabet. His character arc is tied to The Machine which was not destroyed in S1, and the main characters even forgot about in S2 because they are young or prehaps they think without The Abbot it can't be used, but Olrox is a very focused Vampore and he doesn't forget, he destroyed the book, but The Machine is still there and he has no means of destroying it or sending it back to Hell. Olrox being a shadow that dances around the main plot and trying to get people to focus on the real issue in S1 vs how little he does in S2 is a glaring difference, but if there is a S3, Olrox and The Machine needs be addressed otherwise it's a waste of perfectly good character and plot build up. I do hope we also see more of Olrox's history in S3 because he is such a great character. Even if we just get him talking more about his past, I'll be happy. I seriously think with how long he's lived, what a morally grey character he is, that creators could do an entire spin off show based on his past. And can we PLEASE get a name for his past lost love?
5. Erzsabet is like the perfect main villainess for the show, she is everything the revolution is fighting against. She's a noble born lady who used her power to prey on theninnocrnt while she was a human and then later continues to do so as a powerful vampire. The fact that most of the Vampires are, the Aristocracy who are the "blood sucking leeches in charge" males so much sense in terms of the setting of the show. They are draining the kices out of the oppressed working/peasant class. Erzsebet is not smart or cunning like Drolta. In fact she is quite lazy as a character, expecting everything to be done for her because she was born and raised in that life of privilege, she expects and craves worship and adoration as her due, and believes Drolta every step of the way because Drolta does know how to manage her. Erzsebet doesn't even try to control the Nughr Creatures instead waits for Drolta to come back to deal with it. This doesn't mean that Drolta groomed or tricked Erzsebet, no, Erzsebet was already this way when Drolta met her, and in fact it's because Erzsebet is a stupid, lazy, power hungry nonle woman with no care for who she hurts to satisfy her own wants, that makes her the perfect tool for Drolta's own goals. Erzsebet never sees Drolta's betrayal coming because she truly believes herself to be worthy of being Sekhmet. It's why she breaks in the final battle because she can't comprehend the fact that she is just another rich woman who doesn't get what she wants, and reality smacks her down and shows her that all that power and strength means nothing. Honestly??? It's really refreshing to have a villain character who doesn't know everything, I think I'm so used to villains always having a plan, always know what the heroes will do next or being smart enough to counteract them, and especially villainess's have to be twice and smart etc to prove what a threat they are, but Erzsebet is like "I should have everything I want because I deserve it, but I will let my servants do all the work because what do you mean I have to work to achieve my goals? It's enough that I've proven myself by not dying." Like zero awareness, just a beautiful dumb villainess who thinks 'might makes right". It really is refreshing to have someone like Erzsebet because she is still a major threat.
6. Annette really carried all of S2 and it's perfect, it's beautiful, her getting a lot more spotlight felt only natural and I loved seeing her journey, I'd do wish they hadn't kept her and Edouard away all seasons that's like my main issue because they were friends and we didn't get to see that again until the end and the same holds true for Edouard in that zi feel they didn't know what to do with him this season like Olrox, they couldn't let Edouard fade into the background because he is important to Annette, but they could have had Edouard turn the Night Creatures against Erzsebet and Drolta imo. Still Annette's arc was the strongest of all the characters and very well done. I'm only sad because I wish we had more episodes to explore her journey.
7. I really hope we get to see more of Tera in S3, I do think she wasn't utilized well in S2 when we had the promise of he becoming Erzsebet's faithful servant at the end of S1 which would have set it up nicely for some heart breaking moments between Tera and the others. And while I know Richter is the main character, I don't really have any thoughts for him because he's not a character type I particularly enjoy or find interesting wnough. He's ok to me.
8. I hope Alucard and Juste get to stick around and raise Maria, even if there's a time skip and S3 has Maria an adult, it's fun to think about. Her arc was really good in S2 as well!
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factual-fantasy · 1 month ago
Heya Factual! Hope things are going as good as they can on your end! Sorry it's been a bit since my last Ask, I got sick AGAIN and have been out of commission for a while now. But at last I have returned! Sorry to see your still having some technical troubles- really hoping you can figure it all out!
Also, I wanted to thank you! While I was sick, inspired by your art, I decided to give Sky a try on mobile (just got a new phone), and while I'm still super early in the game, it seems really cool! I'm not sure how linear the game is, but I figured I'd ask, as a veteran, do you have any advice or pointers for a beginner? Anything of interest I should check out or invest in? (Oh, and also, sorry about the color swap disappointments, sounds like a real bummer!)
And lastly, unrelated, I really liked the Pomni and Gummigoo art you did a few days back! I really like both of them together, and would love to see more of their story later down the road! Though I was wondering, you mentioned Max and Chad both stuck around in your AU too! Any cool redesign or story ideas for those two? Do they stick with Gummigoo, or have they branched out over time into the other friend groups?
(Color swap disappointment post) (Pomni and Gummigoo post)
Hello! Oof, sorry to hear that you got sick again <:(( But I'm glad you seem to be feeling better! As for my tech issues I have gotten a new chord for my tablet and have downloaded a fresh FireAlpaca. So far none of the screen glitches have come back and FireAlpaca is working perfectly! :))
Also thank you! :DD I'm glad you liked it!! :}} And while Chad's ref sheet is done, Max's is still in the sketch stage. I just haven't gotten around to finishing him <:/
Now their friend groups.. I was thinking that not many circus goers really vibe with NPCs all that much. So the number of people who they can make genuine friendships with is limited.. that being said I think Chad and Max would find a solid friendships with Gangle and maybe Zibble and uhhh... Ms. Wiggles..? Maybe? :0
Gangle has a soft spot for NPCs thanks to Bella and respects them more than others. So out of the 3 I think their friendships would be strongest with her.
Now sky.. ohhh boy prepare for a wall of text <XDD (Note there is a little spoiler for something in Golden Wasteland!)
Alrighty, so when I got this ask I sat down and made a list of every little nugget of sky advice I could possibly think of. Until eventually I took a step back and realized that a lot of it wasn't really solid advice or pointers <XDD so I cut the list down into somethings that I either wish a veteran would have taught me when I was a moth. Or things I found out too late and missed out on something or anything like that. Plus some advice I've tired really hard to beat into other moths heads for their own good but they never understand me in game <XDD
First off. Seasons, reoccurring events and non reoccurring events. Its important to know the difference between the three for this advice.
Seasons are limited-time themed events that come with the option of purchasing an Season Pass, which allows players to access extra Cosmetics and Expressions during the Season in exchange for an in-game purchase.👇👇👇
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Special Events (also called Holiday Events). These are limited-time events introducing new cosmetics themed around real-life celebrations. Most Special Events recur annually. Some of these events take place in the Secret Area, accessible from the Vault of Knowledge. They are separate from, but may overlap with, Seasonal Events and Double Currency Events.👇👇👇
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Non-recurring Events (or Short Events). These events are special or unannounced events that do not repeat or return due to their special characteristics. This list also includes events that have not been confirmed to return nor have a history of recurrence.👇👇👇
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Alrighty, got that all processed? I hope so <XD Now onto my advice.
1: Collaborative in app purchase items (items you need to buy with real money) will never return. Let me explain.
In sky there is a reoccurring event made by sky called days of fortune. (Its basically a Chinese new year event) Its going on right now actually! :0 This event has come back once a year every year. And the cosmetics that you need to purchase with real money have come back every time too.
However, the Cinnamoroll collaborative event? That event and all of the items it brought with it will not reoccur.
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You have to be careful and check every event and make sure its one that will return. If its a collab season like Cinnamoroll and you don't buy the items? They will vanish and you wont have the chance to buy them ever again :( I learned my lesson the hard way when I didn't buy the fox plush and the yellow scarf from season of the little prince years and years ago. 😔 Up to this point the little prince's in app purchase items have not returned since.
This goes for collaborative seasons as well. Season of the little prince, season of aurora and season of moomin, etc, will not have their in app purchase items return. Be careful to know which is which during the event/season so you don't regret anything!
Another note about non returning items: While individual spirits that you can relive the memories of, can return as traveling spirits once every 2 weeks.. any items that the guide of that season offers will be unavailable after the season ends. 👇👇👇
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Also speaking of traveling spirits, here's some advice I had to figure out myself. As someone who has every single traveling spirit in the game? As long as you have 200 candles, 40 hearts and 20 ascended candles? You will be able to afford all the cosmetics from ANY traveling spirit that shows up. If you keep a nice candle run schedule this wont be too hard to keep up with!
Also note about traveling spirits. They can take a looong time to return. When I first started playing I bought out half the items a traveling spirit offered before he left. I knew he would come back so I wasn't upset. But it took 2 REAL LIFE YEARS. 2 WHOLE YEARS for him to FINALLY come back. So this is why I advise you be really careful with the 200🕯️,40💝 and 20🧨. It would suck a lot if a spirit showed up that you really liked!.. Only for you to not afford it and have to wait a year or two to see it again <XDD
Now currency. Sky tries to make out that ascended candles are the most valuable currency. This is a load of bologna. By far the most valuable and sought after currency is hearts. You can go and get ascended candles by yourself all you want. But hearts have to be given to you by other players in one way or another. Which makes them EXTREMELY hard to get for some people. My advice is to hoard those things like your life depends on it. Try to have a stock pile of at least 30 to prepare for any temporary and expensive items that may come your way. Don't go and blow them all on the home spirits like I did <XDD
Now candle runs.. a lot of players will tell you you have to do a candle run through the ENTIRE GAME to keep up with sky's bonkers prices. Which is sometimes true... However, I have recently discovered this candle run route on YouTube that has helped me loads! I modified it a little and don't do the turtle thing, but if you're worried about runs that take hours this could be very useful to you! About a week or soo of keeping up with it and I'm almost at 400 candles! :)))
Another thing I want to advise is the whole ultimate reward thing in the home constellations. (Random google images)
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The game will tell you that if you ascend all the spirits in a realm constatation, that it'll unlock the "ultimate reward". Which is that question mark in the middle. Typically this means you just gotta buy every single item from every single spirit in that constellation and the reward will be unlocked.
THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE!! You do NOT have to buy the VERY EXPENSIVE tier 2 capes that some spirits offer. Just everything else. So repeat you buy everything the spirits offer, but you DO NOT have to buy the super expensive tier 2 capes in order to unlock the ultimate reward. Save your hearts, you're welcome! XDD
Now the Golden Wasteland advice. As a veteran I NEED to teach you HOW to burn down this plant in wasteland.
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This plant is in the last area before the temple in wasteland. Not to be confused with the GIANT PLANT that's in the area infested with Krill. This is the smaller one after it. And there has been DOZENS UPON DOZENS of times a moth has come by to help me burn it down and not known how to do it. I've sat there for 20 minutes each time trying DESPERATLY to communicate what order to burn the plant down but they never get it. So I shall teach you!
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Hopefully that little comic got my point across! XD
Another word of advice is to check out nastymold on YouTube! She is a very sweet and soft spoken YouTuber that plays the beta version of sky. She gets all the updates early and makes short videos explaining everything you need to know about any events or seasons. If you're ever confused about anything or are afraid you may miss out on something in an event, just check out her channel! No doubt she's already covered it and explained it for you so you don't miss nothing!
Now my last word of advice for you is this. Take the game slow. Really soak up your moth days and take your time playing it.
Many veteran players are heartbroken that they let another veteran drag them through their moth days and didn't really get to explore or experience anything naturally for themselves. And other veterans just miss their moth days in general. When the game felt huge and there was so much to explore and so many things to save and grind for.
I don't think I'm like that personally, I'm way more relaxed as a veteran knowing I understand how the game works and I'm not missing out on anything. But I can understand missing those moth days feeling like a kid running around and seeing all the beautiful things for the first time.
So just take things nice and slow. Soak up the game at a nice pace. if there's an event that you'd like to partake in but don't understand it just watch nastymold. She always has a sweet little video that tells you all you need to know without really dampening your moth experience. You can only be a moth once.
Well that's all the actually practical advice I had on my list. I hope you find some use in this wall of text XDD thanks for reading and see you in the skies! 💞🕊️
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stuckinmymind22 · 3 months ago
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i feel like music would be a section of ace’s personality, like he loves it and listens to a lot having a wide range but mainly focuses on alt/indie loves small artists.
ace is a 5sos fan and that's final, this one is even more so based off of vibes tbfh. he also knows how to play guitar no arguing.
this is the one i had the most fun making so far and had to stop myself from adding too much (it's still over double the length of the other ones 😭)
see the other one piece playlists
songs on his playlist
well some of them
babydoll dominic fike - it just is on his playlist, song practically screams his name
f2f sza - the song's just a banger how can you not recognize it
bad omens 5SOS
st. paul's deaf havana
female robbery the neighborhood
story of another us 5SOS
starting line luke hemmings.
lost in your love coyler
505 arctic monkeys - would be on a sex playlist
panic attack halsey
i miss having sex but at least i don't want to die anymore waterparks
i knew you were trouble taylor swift
wonderless pierce the veil
me and your mama childish gambino - this song progresses beautifully and compositionally is interesting so i think he’d appreciate that a lot, probably also just likes childish gambino bc who doesn’t love donald glover
something in the way nirvana
all out of luck jet black alleycat - slightly out of his normal scope but song's a banger tbh (my bf said he’d love this song)
no good kaleo
bonus: favorite albums (in no real order)
5sos5 - 5sos
AM - arctic monkeys
the great impersonator - halsey , recognizes this for the fucking masterpiece that it is!!!!!! but probably only vibes with like half the songs
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lovelytayforce · 4 months ago
Random character ask; TF Prime Soundwave!!
1. Canon I outright reject The boring face they gave him in the comics, idk it always felt so boring for a mech as mysterious as Soundwave. And I've entertained a silly thought if you take his visor off, he has his OG red visor underneath; no optic reveal baby! 3. Obscure headcanon That he's one of the oldest Cybertronians upon the Nemesis; he'd seen the great war with the Quintessons and depending on my moods; met Alchemist Prime. Listen I just love old man Soundwave. Need more "I'm so old; I saw the sun burn alight" type vibes from him. I'm gonna add a couple more cause I never get to talk about these hcs lol He loves Vaporwave and has listened to every sample of the original as well; my boy is cultured. He's just as much of a nerd as Megs; it's why they get along so damn well one likes cartoons and SW is the old head who is stanning idols from the 80s. I've used Akina Nakamori for a few RP muses for him before. He joined the Cons first for his hatred of the Prime(s) and how they allowed their world to fall into the hands of functionism. All Loyalists have to start somewhere. 😎 6. Worst personality trait His silence, as cool as it is I feel like it'd net him a lot of trouble in terms of communication because using someone else's words can go so far. I guess it's less his worst personality trait and more a double-edged sword. 9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character I'm easily pleased as a Soundwave fan so like the first time I saw him, I JUST KNEW HE WAS ICONIC; I didn't enjoy TFA's Soundwave at all at the time. Just wanted my cool bro back and TFP delivered and he only grew on me more as time went on! 13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done Let Starscream go about his tomfoolery but outside canon and in my own roleplay I had bro running a whole new planet of a revived Cybertron like looking back. Dang bro go take a vacation!!
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ozma821 · 5 months ago
All the pricefield drama aside, what is Life is Strange: Double exposure trying to say?
Looking back through the franchise, the first life is strange is a bold exploration in young adult lives and taboo subjects like suicidal teens, internet bullying, societal divide etc. While not entirely unheard of in media, all these issues being so front and centre in a mainstream video game is definately rare. Not to mention Max and Chloe's relationship, a pair of sapphic women that are respected and loved, which is even more of an oddity in 2015 social climate, where queer relationships are either ridculed or relegated to side characters or just hidden away,out of sight out of mind.
LIS 2 and True colors follow suit in exploration and discussion of these topics. LIS 2 bring us to Sean and Daniel, victims of police brutality and racial profiling, in a game that further explores hardships of people of color and societies living on the fringe. True colors meanwhile tethers its emotional anchor onto Alex and Gabe, two kids who suffered from domestic abuse and the horror that is the american foster care system, and further delves into the emotional and societal hardship faced by a younng,queer person of color.
I'm not gonna claim that this franchise has represented or explored all these issues perfectly. But all these themes are integral to the plot of each games and crucial to the identity of the franchise itself. I'd argue that more than any characters or relationships in any particular entries, that willingness to explore to discuss what is still under-represented not just in video games but for society at large is the biggest draw of the franchise, at least to me.
So…we've now seen two episodes of the newest entry, double exposure, and what is it trying to examine, exactly?
There's nothing in the game, so far, that suggests it wants anything to do with representing or discussing anything, in my opinion. Max's backstory is too different in either choice, so much so that they have to force Max and Chloe to split to reinforce the same theme of isolation and trauma that can be merged into one neat narrative pathway. But even then, the lack of specificity in Max's emotional response to the choices in LIS means there is no in depth exploration into her psyche, but rather just a general 'vibe' of despair and loneliness that comes with grief. Its setting is not much better either. Compared to Blackwell, the people in Caledon just seem…bland. Might be because we don't know much about them yet, but so far, again, the side characters really do seem just like they're just fulfilling the roles of murder suspects, with different mysteries and intrigues that mostly just serve as side missions ans red herrings, and not much else.
Nothing in this game so far really sticks out to me as something the writers/developers want to explore or examine. There's not a compelling enough theme or underlying commentary that ties the game together like in previous entities. Compared to how unapologetically the last few entries (LIS and LIS 2 in particular) are about their overall themes and exploration of social issues, how nothing this game feels in terms of commentary or themes, instead entirely dedicated to nostalgia and retreading familiar topics via Max, a familiar protagonist, is very troubling.
As much as I hate what they have done so far with pricefield, I really hope I am proven wrong about this particularly when the game finally drops. A Max sequel where they arbitrarily break up Max and Chloe for plot is stupid and disappointing, but a Life is Strange game with nothing to say would be truly horrific.
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jasminerva · 2 months ago
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Jasminerva's Updates
Happy New Year everybuddy~!
Just to post a quick update (in case anyone was wondering)!
I'm alive! I've been busy with life, priorities, and "me time", but I am of the living!
I did manage to find time to watch the first two eps of SakaDays - and boy was it ever fun!!! A rushed rush, if you will. Sad we won't get to see Officer Nakase. I hope we get to see Sakamoto fight tooth and nail for Hana-chan's backpack though!!!
Been having trouble with cloud8 motivation! Writing in general, really! The muse, it escapes me, but I won't force it lol. Can't get nothing done if I force myself.
But otherwise on the plate:
cloud8 chapter 5
Gaku NSFW request (just need to make a satisfactory ending)
I have several asks I need to answer - my sincerest apologies for the delay!!! I'll get 'em out soon~ I hope 🙏 wish me luck! orz
A Shinful surprise ;3c
I'm planning on publishing my old stuff on AO3. Thankfully I hoard keep meticulous records. The Lunaescence migration to AO3 will only have post-2015 stuff, and all my stuff is pre-2015 so I may as well! They're all unfinished lmaooo but I figured I'd share. I do want to finish up a couple old projects (both in memoriam my late Tumblr best friend @mochisato).
Hoping 2025 is another fruitful year for me and to all y'all~! Whether it's with your studies or your professional and/or personal goals, I wish you all the love and all the best~!
I would like to write more this year but I'm realistic and happy enough to write what I can, when I can~! (Comments may help lol but I can't force you.)
Womanifest it~! 💅✨
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Personal updates under the cut (don't wanna bore you~ but I wanted to share in case you were interested in my excuses for being busy / interested in me tootin' my own horn - gotta share the wins and positive vibes 💪 #empowered women empower women)!
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Looking back on 2024
✧ I wrote 21k words in published AO3 SakaDays fanfiction. A few more thousands I'm sure if you include all the Tumblr-only stuff. It's not much, but it's honest work! Considering I just came back to writing after 8 years in July 2024, I'd say I did purdy darn good!
✧ My LinkedIn Rewind (with some deets omitted):
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✧ Last year, I did a huge canyon swing by myself! Maybe this year I'll bungee jump or sky dive. Or both.
✧ Was part of several peace forums for Palestine, Sudan, and more. Still shaking my head at the yt people at the table. It's like talking to Trump's nonexistent wall.
✧ I also represented Canada at an international UN conference in New York. Same issues where I'm shaking my head so hard. At least I met some like-frustrated people.
✧ Did 3 talks (2 compensated, 1 global, 1 national). Looking forward to doing more this year!
✧ Took on a new mentee - another woman of colour with huge aspirations!!!
2025 so far
✧ My first policy advocacy letter was selected for International Development Week! I got paid AND they'll publicize it for all to see!!! Hopefully the dang government not only sees it but listens. I did their job laid out all the groundwork for them, so they better!
✧ My new job is about a double income boost. But we'll see what that actually is like after taxes lmao. I don't plan on buying another house, so I'll be buying experiences (travels, food, more food). I've been riding the zero waste / anti-capitalism movement for a few years now, so I'm going to buy minimal merch (I say this now). KonMari that shit.
✧ I'm looking forward to snowballing on my achievements, but not to the point of burnout (again lmaooo god we shall see orz).
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Here's to an amazing 2025~! For those who have struggled thus far, I have been there! You got this~! 💪
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“It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it, that matters.” - Epictetus
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dustedmagazine · 18 days ago
FACS — Wish Defense (Trouble in Mind)
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FACS lurches and spasms, finding an irregular way forward amid clanging, pick-clawed bass notes and guitar harmonics that ping against the void. Words come in bursts, then subside into quiet, a hollowed out, discontinuous poetry. This is the Chicago punk band’s sixth full-length album and first since original guitarist Jonathan von Herik returned to play bass, replacing erstwhile bass player Aliana Kalaba, and it is desolate, powerful stuff.
It begins in clanking dissonance as von Herik lays in slithering menace while drummer Noah Leger’s beat alternatingly bunches and elongates, like a slinky coiling down the stares. Brian Case, as always, finds space in the echo-laced mix, letting the white space between phrases stretch to abyss-like lacunae. “Love…this weapon is absolute…the safety of custom…and history…you can’t refuse.” Periodically the guitar turns lighter and more lyrical, providing a lift in the music that’s like light streaming in through the skylight of a dark place. But overall, the vibe is dank and glowering, alienated and inscrutable.
There is often quite a lot of negative space in FACS’ impacted, complicated grooves, but “Ordinary Voices” starts uncharacteristically in a blurring firehose of tone. Guitar notes bleed into each other in radiating bursts, while sticks on cymbals slur and slash in continual agitation. The song resolves, as FACS cuts often do, in a slouching ritual beat, the drums making a slow heartbeat rhythm, bum-ba-dum, bum-ba-dum. The music pulses and seethes, finding a doom-y propulsion.  
Case says that Wish Defense is concerned with the duality of man—the disconnect between the way we are and the way we’re perceived—and the title track puts this thesis forward most directly. “Enter the mirror / Double walker / An intimate / Wish defense / Is it real? / You beside me / The detail / Terrifying / Abject self / Your grief / A public / Performance,” he chants, against a lumbering riff that pulls up short, like the light just turned to red. And then, more agitatedly, he shouts, “I’m not here” and “Are you real?” repeatedly, in a frenzy of existential inquiry. Musically, too, the song butts and rears against invisible constraints; it’s not comfortable with itself. No, this is a desperate dance self-preservation, limned in bass and guitar and drums, boxy like the Ex or certain iterations of the band E.
You may have heard that FACS was the last band to record with Steve Albini, and this album captures their prickly agitation with remarkable clarity. After Albini passed away, between recording sessions, they finished with John Congleton, and if there’s a difference between the sound and aura of the two sets of tracks, I, personally, am unable to hear it.  
What I do hear, however, is a precise and focused form of musical anarchy, an assault that is tightly disciplined but unfettered by guardrails. FACS has been a monster band for a while. Wish Defense may be their best so far.
Jennifer Kelly
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kanerallels · 7 months ago
apparently there’s a three sentence fic ask game? idk but I do have an ask—Kanera school au where they’re actually teenagers instead of adults (that’s literally all I see when I try to find modern aus)
(There is! It's from a while back and I just forgot to post it but this is an IMMACULATE prompt and I loved writing it. Also honestly fair there aren't nearly enough of those?? It's probably because they're very parental vibes and also the age gap but who cares have some fan fic)
Technically speaking, Caleb did his best to stay out of trouble in school. It wasn’t his fault there were jerks who needed to get punched sometimes. But his mother had firmly informed him that he was supposed to stay away from fights and focus on learning.
So Caleb was doing his best. It had been a couple weeks, and he was kinda proud of how focused he’d been staying. It wasn’t that he was bad at school by any means. But he hated seeing kids get picked on for no reason.
So far, he hadn’t run into any other incidents. He was minding his own business and doing just fine—
“Give it back!”
The sound of a girl’s furious voice caught his attention, and Caleb glanced down the hallway he was passing, and nearly groaned out loud.
In the middle of the hall, two kids were facing off with Ozai, one of the worst bullies in the school, who was holding up what looked like a notebook. One of them, a boy, was shrinking back, and looked almost near tears—not that Caleb could blame here.
But the other was standing facing him, hands on her hips, a fiery glare in her eyes. “Give. It. Back,” she growled.
“Or what?” Ozai sneered, hefting the book. “What’s a tiny little kid like you gonna do about it?”
Well, kriff good intentions, I guess. Dropping his backpack, Caleb started towards the incident with no clear plan in mind other than possibly punching Ozai’s face in. But the girl moved first.
Faster than Caleb would have expected, she slammed a fist into Ozai’s gut, and the boy doubled over in pain. Snatching the sketchbook from his hand, the girl shouted, “Run!” at her friend, and took off down the hall. Straight toward Caleb.
He saw her gait falter as he moved forward, and knew she was getting ready for a fight. Holding up his hands, he said, “Third door on your right is unlocked. Hide there. I’ll distract him.”
Her eyes widened—striking green eyes, like Caleb had never seen before. “Thanks,” she said, flashing him a smile that quite efficiently stunned him speechless. And then she and her friend were gone.
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realkolyagogol-deac · 10 months ago
I give my some mutuals a songs based their vibe^0^!!!!
@theonlyrealdazaiosamus-blog - 3S'-Mindless Self İndulgence. NO NEED COMMENTAR!!! " İM STUPİD SADİSTİC AND SUİCİDAL!!??🗣️‼️ "
@sonics-atelier - Prettygrungemwav - Artrmas , AHH THE LYRİCSS " SAİD YOU NEEDED LOVE, BUT YOURE ONLY HERE FOR SEX, AND İM DYİNG TO BE NEXTT..😍🙏🏻 "
@ladyrashelougai - You Don't Own Me - SAYGRACE, G-Eazy You give me such a feminine vibe!!! " I'm young and I love to be young I'm free and I love to be free to live my life the way I want to say and do whatever I please!!!💃🏼 " This part reminds me of you!!!^^
@fyodordostoyevskevy Billie Was a Vampire - Selofan IS THERE SERIOUSLY NEED TO EXPLAIN? " his skin was always pale...dark shadows on his eyelids...His body far too frail... " The lyrics of this song were literally written for you!!😭😭 (I know the person behind the blog this goes for him too!!!!^^)
@teddymochi - Plus Danshi - Matsushita I THINK THIS SONG IS SO SWEET JUST LIKE YOUUUU (BUT I HEARD RUMORS THAT YOU ARE A WITCH...??) Anyway!!! YOU STILL GIVE A SWEET VIBE!!! I wish I knew Japanese so I could sing this song😩!!
@freedomclown I Fell Like I'm Drowning - Two Feet I saw how you were abused by Fyodor... it was terrible!!!😕 " I feel like I'm drownin'.. I'm drownin'...my life's okay, yeah, just when you're not around me !! " I think this describes you .-.
@creatorbiaze Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez " ALLL THEE BESTT PEOPLEE AREE CRAZYYY!!‼️!‼️!!!! " I DON'T KNOW, I JUST GET THIS VIBE FROM YOU AND YOUR DRAWINGS!!!>0<!!
@im-a-chunky-potato DOUBLE TROUBLE - Odetari EVERYONE SEES YOU AS DOUBLE TROUBLE !! 😭 But at least it's a fun trouble!! ^0^
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girlreviews · 10 months ago
Review #172: Bridge Over Troubled Water, Simon & Garfunkel
Simon & Garfunkel have always been hilarious to me. They are such massive goobers. Goobers with huge egos that dated/married/divorced beautiful women. Both insufferable in their individual specific ways. But also they make the most precious and beautiful music together. They know how good they are but lack self-awareness about literally anything else (like that they’re goobers). Everyone likes it though. You want to not like it because your Mom likes it, but you cannot deny its pull. You like it. It’s good. Have you met anyone that hates Simon & Garfunkel? I haven’t.
It really is good. It opens with the title track, which is a big, gorgeous vocal performance that keeps getting bigger. The accompanying music gets bigger too, without drowning out the vocals. The sentiment of the song is just so lovely too: I’m here for you, you’re my friend. It’s nice not to have an entire album of love songs.
Cecilia could be a love song, I suppose, but it’s really about a man who is desperate to reconcile with a cheating partner who sounds pretty toxic. I’d love to hear Cecilia’s side of the story. I really would. I think about this all the time. Especially because they are both such GOOBERS. It’s a really fun song though. When they do upbeat, they really go for it. See also: Keep The Customer Satisfied, Baby Driver (it has a sax solo, c’mon!).
These Goobers know how to put together a damn fine arrangement that makes some of their songs feel deeper: El Condor Pasa has a really Spanish feel to it with the guitar (duh) and some flutes. It’s a whole vibe, that matches the lyrics. Would I rather be a sparrow or a snail? A forest or a street? A hammer or a nail? These are the big unanswered questions in life, right? No, but it feels like it in this song because it’s mysterious and philosophical. This whole vibe thing is also successful in The Only Living Boy in New York. It sounds like what it’s about, and it’s so beautiful. But totally different to Bridge Over Troubled Water and El Condor Pasa. The slower more ballad-y songs on this album sound like a damn Bob Ross painting.
The Boxer is maybe (???) the most well-known song on this album, but that’s based in absolutely no fact whatsoever on my part. I have no idea. It just seems like most people know that one. Like it got more radio play or something. I like it a lot, but there’s low registering repetitive sound running through it that has always just sort of bugged me. Possibly because I just cannot identify what the instrument is? What is that sound? It could be a cello/double-bass, or some kind of horn, or honestly even a percussion type thing. But I don’t know what it is. Honestly it kind of sounds like a duck to me. I’ve even wondered if it’s a kazoo. I haven’t looked it up, but I could. But will I? I’ll just forget about it until the next time I hear it: Sometimes (often) the duck kazoo is all I can focus on instead of the rest of the song which is pretty fucking pretty.
For a really soft, folky, gentle record made by two goobers, I would also definitively state that it’s somehow full of straight bangers. I could elaborate further on that but I’d suggest you listen to it yourself and you’ll see what I mean.
ETA: it’s a damn BASS HARMONICA. I honestly wasn’t that far off with the kazoo. Also, The Boxer took over 100 hours to record. This blew my mind.
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convenientalias · 21 hours ago
Korean Movies I've Watched So Far This Year
I've been watching an insane number of movies the past couple months. Usually I don't post on here much talking about movies I've been watching unless I possibly include them in a year end roundup. But at this rate, if I wait until the end of the year, I'll be talking about like 50 movies. Which is too many.
So here are a few movies I've watched in January and February, and whether I recommend them!
The Age of Shadows - 1920s spy/resistance movement story. Contains Song Kang-ho, Gong Yoo, and Lee Byung-hun, so off the bat it has some great actors. Maybe a bit too action focused for me, didn't quite compel me. Recommended moderately. 7/10.
A Day - A dude is stuck in a time loop of a couple hours in which his daughter dies in a car accident. Fairly simple and fast-paced thriller movie with a happy (more or less) ending, an easy watch. You could watch it if you wanted a short movie to waste your time. 5/10.
Master - Lee Byung-hun is a big time fraudster, and Kim Woo-bin is the dude betraying him to the police. A fun movie but I wanted to strangle Kim Woo-bin bc even if he's a villain, why the fuck would you betray Lee Byung-hun???? Recommended to see Lee Byung-hun looking like a silver fox but not really for any other reason. 4/10.
Masquerade - Lee Byung-hun in a double role as a king and his emergency stand-in. It was pretty funny and had good intrigue. But also, this is basically Prisoner of Zenda with less kidnapping (and why would you take a plot and remove the kidnapping?). Recommended as a solid period flick. 8/10.
Moonlit Winter - Quiet story of a woman meeting her first love after many years apart. Also a mother-daughter story (the daughter is scheming to get her mother to meet said first love haha). Also, the first love is a woman! That's right, they're lesbians. But mostly I just love the snow and the mellow vibes. Recommended if you just want to relax and be gay. 10/10.
Night in Paradise - Solid mix of a gangster film and a melancholy man-meets-woman-and-they-bond-over-their-troubles type of story. Refreshingly, not really a romance! The vibes are impeccable; also nearly everyone dies. Recommended for whump, angst, and m & f friendship. 10/10.
Officer Black Belt - Along with Master, this movie really taught me I don't love Kim Woo-bin. But honestly, would it be possible for ANY actor to make me care about a probationary officer beating people up (especially when his whole schtick is that he loves the aspect of violence)? Hard to say. Decent fight scenes and whump but the characters annoyed the hell out of me. 2/10.
Perfect Number - Adaptation of Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino. I'm not even slightly an objective reviewer of this bc I love Devotion of Suspect X and so I can't help but be over-critical of all the changes made from the original plot. But it did maintain a decent level of homoerotic tension and I loved the female lead. Recommended with reservations, as in: honestly just read the book but if you're not going to, you might as well watch this. 6/10.
Seo Bok - I was so down to watch Gong Yoo have a bromance with a young, naive and traumatized clone dude. But I'm not quite sure it hit for me? There are some good scenes but the whole human-and-non-human-bonding aspect felt a little rote, and I always wanted more. Recommended if you're low on Gong Yoo content and need a fix. 6/10.
The Suspect - This is just a Gong Yoo action film! No need to make it complicated. Just watch it for the car chase scenes, honestly, speaking as someone who usually hates car chases, they're gold. 7/10.
Overall: I would super recommend Night in Paradise and Moonlit Winter!!! Otherwise, all of these films are fairly good except Officer Black Belt.
I will be watching more movies this month, no doubt, so stay tuned lol :D
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call-me-double-trouble · 22 days ago
Sorry it took me so long to get to this! I have had ZERO free time recently.
I want to talk about WrongTrouble, AKA, Wrong Hordak x Double Trouble. It was the first DT ship that I liked, and I think it has really cute potential. As another Tumblr user put it (can't remember their username, sorry!), WrongTrouble could be like the Roger and Jessica Rabbit of the SPOP universe. I know a lot of people like this ship, as well, so let's get into it!
Long post under cut.
Aside from how cute they'd be together, I think a big reason a lot of people ship them is because Wrongie and DT are among the only of the cast that don't pair off with anyone at the end. Adora gets Catra, Glimmer gets Bow, Perfuma gets Scorpia, Mermista gets Sea Hawk, and even Hordak gets Entrapta! Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio have a polycule situation going on, Huntara is PROBABLY living her best lesbian life, and Swift Wind is a horse. There aren't many hot singles available in their area after the finale.
However, Wrongie and DT don't have a "there's no one left, so you're my last resort" vibe, even if that may have influenced their pairing for fans. There's just something people love about the trope of a dopey, silly guy pulling a suave sex-bomb with how genuine and funny he can be. He doesn't have to match their rizz, he just has to make them laugh, and I think Wrongie could be a refreshing relationship for DT.
Wrongie has this naiveté about him which makes him charming and cute, but he does genuinely want to be helpful and did his part to take down Horde Prime after being freed from the hive mind. I think we're also able to avoid the "born sexy yesterday" trope here because DT is not the first or only person Wrongie knows, so he does have people to compare them to, and DT is far from a generic, bland self-insert for the audience.
I think Wrongie would be an easy target for manipulation by DT at first, that maybe they'd trick him into saying something embarrassing in a meeting or pulling some pranks with them. I feel like the other SPOP characters might even warn Wrongie to steer clear of DT, but something about them draws him back in. They're just so much fun, even if it may be at his expense sometimes, and they're so clever and attractive, so it couldn't hurt to keep spending time with them, right?
DT enjoys their new toy, and he's pretty easy on the eyes, too. But he's just someone to use, nothing more, nothing serious. Ok, so his smile might be contagious, but DT is too much of a professional to fall for someone, especially someone as gullible as Wrong Hordak. He's a real peach, for sure, and they do value their friendship with him--he's made staying at Bright Moon a lot more entertaining--but that's all this is, just a platonic companionship. Definitely. 100%. ...
Wrongie gets feelings first, but he doesn't know what to make of them. He's never experienced such an emotion before. Why is his heart palpitating when he's near them? Why did a tingle run up his back when they leaned against his shoulder at the meeting? Why does he get sweaty when they hold his hand while they run away together from the scene of a prank? Why does he value the sound of their laugh more than anything in the world?
He seeks answers from the person who's taught him the most--Entrapta. Luckily, in her studies of people, she's able to find the answer he seeks. She explains attraction and romantic inclinations to him in a scientific manner, and this helps him understand better. Entrapta tells him he can make his feelings known by "flirting." Wrongie isn't sure if he can do that correctly, but he'll try!
His first attempts make him look more foolish than anything, and they don't really read as flirting. Perhaps loudly declaring that DT's jokes were, "VERY COMEDIC! DON'T YOU AGREE, BROTHERS?" at dinner wasn't the best move, nor was telling them that their scales were "SMOOTH AND GREEN, MUCH LIKE NOURISHING AMNIOTIC FLUID!" once again, loudly. Holding the door open for them worked the first time, but then when he insisted on opening EVERY door for them, including to the bathroom, they told him to go "help" someone else for awhile.
He wasn't going to give up, yet, but he needed to ask someone else for advice. His friends were all so good at loving relationships; surely they could help him! He confided in Glimmer and Bow first, who were shocked he'd fallen for DT. Glimmer tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't hear it. Bow actually thought it could be a good idea to give DT some entertainment that wasn't at the detriment of others. He felt that Wrongie could be a good influence on them, and that they probably were a little lonely since their bestie, Catra, had been spending more and more time with Adora and less and less time with them.
Now, if you asked DT, they wouldn't admit to being lonely. No, they were doing perfectly fine! They had themselves--the best company they could ask for--and their darling Wrongie. They didn't need that lousy Kitten--they didn't even MISS her! She wasn't paying their bills anymore, anyway, so she didn't matter to them anymore. Why are you giving them that skeptical look? They swear, darling! She's dead to them! So, why are they staring at her and Adora with jealousy? Erm, no reason. Just collecting blackmail--spy stuff, you wouldn't understand. Now scram.
Wrongie got some good advice from Bow on how to go about expressing his feelings. DT had caught onto his sad attempts at flirting, though, and decided to flirt back just to tease him. After turning his face bright red and short-circuiting his brain, Wrong Hordak blurted out that he wanted to take them on a date. DT laughed, but eventually decided, "What the heck?" and agreed.
The date went so well that DT ended up asking him on a second, and they had a mini-crisis about it. Them? Falling for someone? Impossible! But he was such a charmer, in his own way, and they hadn't ever been with someone who was so genuine. It was a refreshing change of pace, and even though they hated being wrapped around anyone's finger, they decided it may be worth the risk for Wrongie.
They started dating steadily, and though DT denied it for awhile, they became an official couple. As soon as DT stopped letting their pride get to them, they were the worst perpetrator of PDA, constantly nuzzling and hugging and pecking Wrongie every time they saw him. Wrongie was just happy to make them so happy. They worked together surprisingly well, and Wrongie did end up being a positive influence on DT and kept them out of trouble...well, out of catastrophic amounts of trouble. No one can contain their chaos.
Thank you for the ask! I really appreciate it!
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the-fandom-abyss · 1 year ago
Hey hey! May I please have a male vampire diaries or originals matchup?
Personality: I’m super chill until you mess with someone I care about or I feel overwhelmed. I’m a nerd when it comes to history (I’m a former history teacher), cultures and music. Although I’m not shy or have that much trouble making friends, I’m kind of a loner. To the point that I’ve moved to other countries by myself and often travel alone. I’m pretty adventurous and I’m an ENTP. I also try to stand up for what’s right and try to be understanding of those different from me. I’m pretty chill on the outside despite me having anxiety and I’m generally friendly to everyone which can get me in trouble sometimes when it’s looked at as flirting. I can be really impatient and easily bored when it comes to romance. I’m pretty independent too. I can talk to anyone but I have to recharge and sometimes that can take hours or sometimes days of me being alone. Im also sort of a tomboy. I’ve been told by men before that I have BDE and some have even called me daddy hahah.
Appearance: I’m a 28 year old black woman with locs where half are dyed purple. I sort of have a rockstar style but I also can look like a whimsigoth. I’ve been compared to a fairy as far as my features go since I have high cheekbones, look young for my age, feminine with sharpish features and expressive eyes. I have a really smirky smile as well. I’m also genderfluid and can dress pretty androgynous at times. I also have tattoos and a nose ring.
Interests: I love listening to music, I play bass guitar, love traveling and experiencing other cultures. I also like being in nature, roller skating and crocheting. Depending on the vibe and who I’m with I can be both a partier and a homebody.
Quirks: I’m clumsy, sometimes stutters when my thoughts are too fast and my mouth can’t keep up, I can’t hear all that well either cos of the concerts I’ve been to and loud music I listen to
Thank you!
I ship you with Lorenzo St. John!
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So let’s start with the obvious, shall we? He loves music, you love music, it’s a match made in heaven. He would play the guitar while you created silly lyrics to match the tune. He would tell you how beautiful you sound, even when you’re off pitch. You would compliment his taste in music and melt at his dance moves that you couldn’t help but film.
Enzo has been around the block a few times, he has become well adjusted and self aware to his own feelings as well as others. He knows when to give space and when you need him the most. When you need time to recharge, he’ll make sure the space is well equipped for your needs throughout the time you need. When you’re ready, he’ll be back in a heartbeat.
You say that you’re a homebody and I feel that Enzo would match your vibe. Enzo will make the most out of any situation and always up for an adventure if you ever change your mind.
You love nature? Enzo will find the best lookout in the area, create a beautiful picnic and teach you what he has learnt over the years.
“Breathe, love” he’ll say when you become overwhelmed and trip over your words. He’ll take his hands in yours and rub calming circles until you calm. He’ll allow the time and space for you to fumble and be in the moment, listening intently no matter what.
Now we all know that vampires have super hearing so what you lack, he makes up for in double. If you require sign language, visuals or beats, he’ll make sure he knows it all to make you feel welcomed and comfortable
You know who would love BDE and support it? Enzo. He would be on your side cheering you on, encouraging this side of you and building you up. He would proudly say “they’re mine!” and enjoy every minute of it.
Clumsy, no worries! Enzo has that speed, he’ll catch you before you even know you’re falling. He’ll give you a cheesy pick up line like “Are you falling for me, love?” or “Do I make you weak at the knees, pet?”. If you are the type of clumsy that knocks things over, he’ll either replace the item that broke or save it all before it touched the ground.
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avizaishi · 1 year ago
my favorite placements on my friends
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2nd house libra venus @ 15°
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i really like her libra venus placement. libra is ruled by venus, the planet of love, beauty, sensuality, pleasure and harmony. she’s very kind and has a big heart. she’s very beautiful as well, the way she talks can get her in trouble because she be talking people out their pants because of how flirty she comes off. she’s a pleaser but not in a toxic way, she just wants you to feel good if you’re one of her close people (duh me). her having her venus placement at home or ‘domicile’ is just so fitting i feel. venus is a very feminine planet and it being in the house of values, the 2nd house implies she has strong values and enjoys the finer things in life. she’s all about her kate spade yk. venus attracts effortlessly and it being in the 2nd house suggests she’s practical and down-to-earth. her venus being in libra means libra energy can roam freely and is very potent. it being at a gemini degree, 15°, it deals with a lot of ‘twos’ or double and i think it goes well with libra because it’s not only both air signs but libra is represented by the scales that has two sides that balance out. she’s a lover girl so the fact that she has this placement really suites her so well.
1st house aquarius sun @ 18°
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i thought i didn’t vibe well with aquarius suns until i met her fr. aquarius is ruled by saturn and uranus; saturn is the planet of order, maturity, restriction, and discipline while uranus is the planet of brilliance, rebellion, uniqueness, and technology. i’ll tell ya, if i’m not seeing a certain perspective, she’ll tell me! :D aquarius is an air sign, so strong mental abilities, lots of ideas and very creative people. i can concur! she’s so intellectual; i’m actually learning a lot about astrology and tarot from her! very spiritual, very intuitive. she’s very good at sharing the knowledge she possesses. i love learning from her. aquarius is a fixed sign, they’re stable and determined, goal-oriented i feel. when she sets her mind to some short term goal, like doing six readings in one day, she’ll see thru to it as best as she can and so far, she’s delivered and done so efficiently. being in the sun tho, it’s in it’s detriment which is sort of at a disadvantage. they tend to focus on rationality and objectivity with the influence of their traditional ruler saturn, appearing more detached and aloof. at a virgo degree, 18° she’s a helper! she loves helping people. i love her aquarius sun because she just has this duality to her being different and original yet reserved and humble about it.
1st house sagittarius rising @ 28°
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i’m lucky to have met her, or to even have a place in her life. sagittarius ascendant! sagittarius is ruled by jupiter which is the planet of expansion, luck, and abundance. being the first house, which is all about your physical personality such as appearance, temperament, behavior, and first impressions, she’s a free spirit and needs space to roam around and do her own thing. sagittarius is a fire sign, which is passionate and she’s very passionate alright. #number1 iykyk. sagittarius is mutable sign which are thinkers and they know change is on the horizon; they’re quite flexible and open-minded. and lemme tell ya! she’s so open-minded and so understanding. at a cancer degree, 28° she gives a very motherly vibe. and the fact that her jupiter is in cancer too is so cute to me. she does have a very nurturing energy and aura about her, very mother of her. even though she wants no children which i find so funny. this cancer degree really gives that feminine touch to her aesthetic. i really like her sagittarius rising because it’s reminds me of warmth and being around her makes me feel so warm and fuzzy because the love is just there :)
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but yeah! obviously i love all these girls to death like i know there are other placement in their charts that make them multidimensional. this was fun to do tho :3
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