expositicn · 2 months
❛ This is stretching my stride-taking abilities. ❜
➛ @lovethcrn && zoe hart
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"then start doin' some lunges." wade grins, hands perched on his hips. "it ain't that big a trek if you think about it... in smaller pieces. the math maths."
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fatesurvived · 2 months
❝ I know what Bart and I proposed wasn't what you'd want for your senior year, Serena. ❞ Lily acknowledges her daughter's resentment towards their family conversation the previous night at the dinner table. ❝ It is for the best honey. You've almost graduated, it's time to start acting like a young adult. ❞ @lovethcrn
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wantsforever · 10 days
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✉ → "i think eventually i got so used to the chaos and the pain and the toxicity i began to look for it." / @lovethcrn
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brooke listens to her best friend idly, sat at her vanity with a puffy makeup brush in her hand that's patting powder into her freshly moisturized skin. it only stings slight, just slightly, that she can't relate. she knows better than possibly anyone on the planet how tumultuous nathan and peyton's relationship is, but at least peyton had someone who wanted to commit. nathan scott is an asshole, but brooke can't help but wish ( just sometimes ) that she'd gotten to him first. assholes are her type, but usually those assholes don't want to get into a relationship even if it's toxic.
"that's depressing," brooke remarks, smacking her dry lips together and abandoning the brush in exchange for her lip gloss.
she puckers them as she applies it, and then slightly parts her lips to even it out. it makes her lips shine with a light pink, glitter included. satisfied, she rubs them together and tosses her arm over the back of her chair to turn her body to where peyton sits on her bed.
"really, peyton. can you ever be positive? screw nathan scott by screwing someone else. there, problem solved. you're welcome."
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wantdead · 2 months
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" sam and i used to do this all the time ... " things had changed the past few months. he reminisced as he sat beside his friend, waiting for the comets that would reportedly pass through earth that same night. / @lovethcrn [ lana collins ]
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maimedaffair · 2 months
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i know it’s crazy but you're the one i want. / @lovethcrn + rachel
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❛   that is crazy. ❜ arms cross as jesse eyes her , gaze narrowing slightly. ❛ i mean , everyone wants me. that part isn't crazy.   ❜ a slight smirk breaks his otherwise serious expression. a sigh escapes him as his eyes softens. ❛ how many times do we dance this dance , rachel ? one of us is bound to get hurt. again.   ❜
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crowsandmurder · 2 months
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Grey's Starters // Derek for Lexie // Accepting
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Derek had a ton of sisters. He could practically have a Ph.D in dealing with sisters. All of his sisters were completely different. Then, there was Meredith's sister and Meredith had come a long way with Lexie but she still wasn't perfect. Meredith still kicked him out of bed for Cristina and sometimes, he had to camp out in bed with Zola, as many people as lived in the house, sometimes.
He never knew if Lexie and Mark were off or on, well he knew Mark had Julia, so he was pretty sure they were off. But, he noticed when Lexie did things like eat or looked at Mark longer. They both tended to mope about each other. He'd given her a minute the other day, so he decided to try again. He could listen, even if he tended to just think that Mark wanted Lexie but he was Mark.
"You know if you need me to be your big brother again, I could give you a few minutes..."
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mastermicd · 2 months
@lovethcrn liked for a starter (still accepting).
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blonde tresses shook at the side of her face as quinn rolled her eyes, the latest gossip girl blast lighting up the phone in her hand. she'd usually try and ignore it, but sometimes they were just so absurd that she couldn't help but laugh at it. "apparently there can only be one blonde in this whole city." she told serena, flashing the phone at the other to explain where her comment had come from without actually having to say so. "we're going to have to go to war. gossip girl says so." her tone of voice was playful. "two blondes enter, one leaves. everyone in the comments is putting their money on you, if that makes you feel any better."
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gleebitch · 2 months
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"are you still pouting? i hear pouting."
@lovethcrn liked for a starter.
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unitedleader · 28 days
i guess we'll have just have to believe each other. / s4 rachel! | @lovethcrn | MEME | accepting !
there’s too much history there. part of finn tried to remember that they were now at different points in their lives, seeing how acclimated rachel was in New York and the other part of him feared and knew that that’s how it would eventually be. that he’d no longer fit. finn wanted to be happy for her, and he was, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was out of place. he would be super naive to think that he could show up and smooth it over and everything would slowly fall back into place, but that would be just like him; wouldn’t it? rachel wasn’t the same girl he knew just months ago and even Finn wasn’t the same person he was when he left Lima. surely, she understood and realized that, too.
being in the army for two weeks and then getting discharged really fucked with his head. backpacking through georgia was just another stepping stone to help him realize how lost he felt again. “ right, “ he acknowledged with a slow nod of his head. they had to learn to trust each other all over again and he knew that she was likely having a hard time trusting him, and he’s not far behind her. a sigh. “ look — I’m really sorry about the way things . . . happened, “ over explaining himself was something he couldn’t not do, especially when he felt the need to. “ I didn’t want them to happen that way, y’know? then they did and it’s just … I didn’t know what to do. I knew that I couldn’t come back right away. I already felt like a failure. part of me I guess just didn’t wanna see you, or even Kurt finally living out your dream and be reminded of how much I suck. turns out, it’s a lot easier to feel sorry for yourself, “ he got out with another breath. “ so you wanna be mad at me … fine, I get that, I figure I kinda deserve that for the whole not calling thing. “
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halfrust · 1 month
for : @lovethcrn , lana collins .
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" i didn't know who else to call. " that wasn't entirely true, there were others she could call --- but there was a comfortability that lana brought, a trust, and her thumb had scrolled until it clicked on her name and hit dial. " not with this anyway. " stumbled upon more than she bargained for ... not just a simple haunt.
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expositicn · 2 months
➛ peyton & lucas @lovethcrn
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"forget it. it's stupid." peyton swiftly becomes the first person in history to rescind a birthday card, tucking it back in her bag with the haste of a teenage boy caught with a magazine he shouldn't have. instead of tits, however — the cards contents are far more revealing. hand-drawn with a stupidly heartfelt message inside that she'd felt confident about for approximately one second at 3am.
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unitcd · 2 months
@lovethcrn liked for an unhinged thing.
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"Clark Kent? Um, I wish i could help you, but I THINK you might be looking in the wrong place. Didn't you say he works for the Daily Planet? You're in Central City. . ."
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fatesurvived · 2 months
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“I’m bleeding. This shouldn’t be happening, right?” @lovethcrn
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Normally, the news that the woman you love is carrying your child is one of the best periods of your life but she'd already had complications. Complications that scared Lucas. He was barely holding on to a thread as it was, constantly worrying about her. Her newest statement did little to ease his mind. ❝ Peyton... ❞ Stepping closer, he pauses not wishing to start another argument. ❝ Balls in your court, Peyton. We can stay here and hope it goes away or we go to the hospital and... and see what we need to do. I won't lose you. I won't. It's not an option. ❞
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n0velaes · 3 months
@lovethcrn, veronica mars required a one liner from wallace fennel.
" i didn't sign up for this detective stuff. "
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tofeelthecold · 1 day
@lovethcrn hit the heart.
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"Yeah you're car is fucked," Weevil said as he worked under Logan's car. "I don't know why you brought it to me anyway, you have money you could take it anywhere."
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mastermicd · 2 months
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@lovethcrn : ❝ i'm just mad as hell 'cause i loved this place. ❞
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"listen up, p. sawyer ––" a nickname reserved for only brooke to use, that the brunette did so with precision, one that called on their memories from growing up, reminded them of their collective history in the space of one name. and she wasn't about to let her friend go down without a fight, if she could help it. "you can't let one thing ruin your whole perception of this town." sure, it might be more than one thing, but brooke was quick to focus on the now, on the one instance that had pushed her blonde bestie to the very edge that she was now teetering on the side of. "you can be mad, we all get mad. but that doesn't mean you have to be mad at everything. and besides, we can get that rage out –– didn't one of those rage rooms open up just outside of town? wanna go and smash up some old appliances?" she always did try to reach for the silver linings if she could.
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