@poetsprophecy liked for a starter
she's looking cady over, head to toe. she knew day one that cady didn't have much of a fashion scene ( even after 'the plastics' helped her ) but this... this was a choice and regina was trying to hold back a laugh. "what are you wearing?! it looks like a clown threw up on you!"
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@sharpsuite liked for a starter
it had been a rough day for quinn. she'd had a lot of those lately, but she wasn't one who liked to dwell on it or talk it out ( at least not usually ). "sometimes, you just need a little ice cream at the end of the day to make everything better." she muses, a light smile painting her features as she plops down on to the couch, spoon in one hand and the ice cream in the other. she scoops up a spoonful, glancing over at the other. "or... is that just me?"
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Should be to starters and replies today. Sorry for being mia lol
UPDATE: clearly that didn’t happen. We shall try again Monday after work lol
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LIKE for a starter from anna taggaro ( one tree hill ). seems like enough interest so i am going to test out writing her!
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If I were to add Anna Taggaro for OTH would people want to write with her?
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— sentence starters : labyrinth, 1986. content warnings : violence & death mention
"oh it's not fair!”
“well don't stand there in the rain, come on.”
“she treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story no matter what i say.”
"there's nothing to talk about."
"someone save me, someone take me away from this awful place!"
"say your right words."
"goblin king, goblin king, wherever you may be, take this child of mine far away from me!!"
"what is all that rubbish, it doesn't even start with 'i wish' "
"i wish i did know what to say to make the goblins take you away"
"i wish the goblins would come and take you away. right now."
"what's said is said."
"please bring him back, please."
"it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams."
"it isn't that i don't appreciate what you're trying to do for me but..."
"don't defy me."
"it's further than you think, time is short."
"excuse me, but i have to get through this labyrinth, can you help me?"
"well, what did you expect fairies to do?"
"do you know where the door to the labyrinth is?"
"how do i get into the labyrinth?"
"if that's all the help your gonna be, you can just leave."
"you know your problem? you take too many things for granted. take this labyrinth, even if you get to the center, you'll never get out again."
"you remind me of the babe."
"what kind of magic spell to use?"
"what a horrible place this is."
"she should not have gotten as far as the oubliette."
"she'll have to start all over again."
"i came to give you a hand."
"this is an oubliette, the labyrinth's full of them."
"oh don't sound so smart."
"if i thought for one second that you're betraying me, i'd be forced to suspend you head first in the bog of eternal stentch."
"how are you enjoying my labyrinth?"
"how about upping the stakes, hmm?"
"you say that so often, i wonder what your basis for comparison is?"
"how can i trust you?"
"well, let me put it this way, what choice have you got?"
"i said i didn't promise nothing, i said i would take you as far as i could go."
"please, can you tell......that is, i have to get to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, do you know the way?"
"the way forward, is sometimes the way back."
"you may not be much of a friend, but you're the only friend i got in this place."
"well i'm not afraid, things aren't always what they seem in this place."
"is that anyway to treat someone who is trying to help you?"
"which should we choose out of these two ugly characters?"
"i see...for one moment i thought you were running to help her, but, uh, no, not after my warnings, that would be stupid."
"i just noticed your lovely jewels are missing."
"oh, what did you have to go and do a thing like that for?"
"so much trouble over such a little thing."
"there's such a sad love, deep in your eyes."
"i'll place the sky within your eyes."
"as the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you. every thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all."
"i'll be there for you - as the world falls down."
"we're choosing the path between the stars."
"i'll leave my love between the stars."
"you can't look where you're going if you don't know where you're going."
"i shall fight you all to the death."
"i don't see why we have to be so quiet....it's only a goblin city."
"im not asking to be to forgiven, i ain't ashamed of nothing i did."
"they got through the gates, and they're on their way to the castle."
"i've had enough, i'm going to bed."
"how you turn my world you precious thing."
"you starve and near exhaust me."
"everything i've done, i've done for you."
"i move the stars for no one."
"your eyes can be so cruel."
"i have been generous up until now, but i can be cruel."
"let me rule you, and you can have everything you want."
"just fear me, love me, do as i say and i will be your slave."
"my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. you have no power over me."
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@dav1s liked for a starter
there was a pit in lucas's stomach. he hated fighting, well at least with his friends or people he cared about. getting into a physical fight, now that was a different story. it was hurting someone emotionally that really sucked and unfortunately he had been doing that a lot lately. which is why when he caught a glimpse of brooke after the game, he was running after her. "brooke, wait! come on. you have to talk to me eventually." or, at least he hoped she would. man, he missed middle school when everything was just a little bit simpler and it was him and haley against the world and he didn't mess up so much. "c'mon, please brooke!"
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@breakcut liked for a starter
she puts on a tough outer shell, and while she has slowly learned how to peel away the layers, it is still there. that cocky, stereotypical cheerleader facade. she narrows her eyes gazing at the other woman, her arms folding across her chest. "are you sure you want to do that?"
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she's leaning against the counter, staring at the glass of water in front of her. a finger tracing the rim of the glass. a few days ago, this was the last thing she would've expected to happen and in the span of 24 hours her boyfriend was stabbed, had surgery, a clean bill of health, and then suddenly he suffered a heart attack and was just gone. he was perfectly healthy, it just didn't make any sense. "i'm still just trying to wrap my head around it." nearly 48 hours without dex now, one day at a time. she didn't lknw how else to do it expect to keep moving forward. "it just sucks. i know you know that... why do people always have to leave us."
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he had things he knew he needed to talk to sasha about, but right now the last thing he wanted to deal with was his current situation. with his cup now filled with coffee he takes a long sip. a part of him was sort of hoping that the coffee wouldn't just help perk him up for the day, but also magically make all of his problems go away. he knew he had a long battle ahead. one he never saw coming.
"well, good. I'm glad." he knew as well as any other quartermaine how brutal tracy could be, at any hour of the day. "right!" he adds, slightly more enthusiastic. "in that case I hope that her cheerful mood lasts as long as possible. preferably through christmas cause, hey, at least you managed to help us have a real thanksgiving around here for once. although, i have to admit i really don't mind the pizza. it was about time we broke that curse!"
Just when Sasha thought her life couldn’t possibly get more complicated than the double whammy that Cody Bell was her paternal cousin and Robert Scorpio was her biological father, the universe had to go and throw her one more curveball by leaving her with a little souvenir from her messy, drunken one night with Michael. Keeping the truth from him certainly wasn’t the easiest thing she’d ever done, especially after she’d made the decision that she indeed intended to keep the baby, but she wasn’t about to put all of that on him, especially given what he was already going through with Willow and Drew.
“Hey,” she repeated his greeting back to him, warm smile on her face as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her right ear. It might have been early, but she’d decided to get a jump start on baking some Christmas cookies in an effort to keep herself distracted. Breakfast had already been cleared, and the majority of the house was either on their way off to work or school for the day, leaving her with too much time to think about too many things if she didn’t keep herself properly occupied. “Actually, it’s been surprisingly trouble free,” she confessed, fairly certain she knew the reasoning behind the lack of unnecessary commentary and unwanted opinions. “I think she’s been a little preoccupied with LuLu’s return, though, so that might have something to do with it.”
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"of course it is!" the blonde reassures. "and you know you are always welcome to stay with us." she knew sofia knew that, but she was always happy to remind her. "so what do you all need help with? do you have things with you? I can take a few hours to get you settled back at the house. unless you would rather get settled yourself. whatever you need sweetheart."
sofia was nervous about coming back home, she had made such a big deal about wanting to get away from seattle. that she wanted to make a name for herself, to explore somewhere new. but now she knew this was where she was meant to be. "it is?" she asked with a smile, though she knew her parents would be happy about having her close, they flew out as much as they could but it was never enough. not when they were all so close. "you know you have an eye for finding good apartments. do you mind if i stay with you and mom until i find a place?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.
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Give me more parent-child things!
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@luckhissoul liked for a starter
"are you sure you know what you're doing?"
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@ofmcck liked for a starter
she's sliding a slice of freshly made pie in front of the other, offering a warm smile along with it. "here, try this. on the house. should make you feel better."
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@story1ines liked for a starter
lucas's clean laundry was currently sprawled out all over his bed. he's slowly making his way through folding it and putting it away. rolling a pair of socks up he is quickly tossing it in haleys direction. "think fast hales!" a soft laugh escaping his lips as he watches his best friends reaction, finally grabbing her attention. "what's on your mind anyway?"
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@gaffns liked for a starter
charlotte was not a big fan of hospitals. not that many kids would be, but she had a few too many experiences. but nothing topped the reason she was currently laying in that hospital bed. she'd been shot. by her fathers girlfriend. sure, it was an accident but charlotte certainly was not seeing it that way and she didn't want anna anywhere near her. in fact, she didn't feel safe even there. the last thing she wanted was for her father to leave her side, and she took it personally that he wasn't there for her 24/7.
there was just a lot going on in the young blondes life. she might ride down the emotional roller coaster, but at least there was dr. frost. not only had he saved her life, but he was one of the few people that made her feel safe there and she let her guard down for him. "be honest with me doc, am i gonna have a cool scar or is it going to look dumb, 'cause i took a bullet so i feel like that deserves a cool scar. right?"
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I’m done reading about heroes. I want to be one.
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