mobunnyuwu · 4 months
Action/AdventureFriendship/LoveSlow BurnHurt/ComfortEmotional Hurt/ComfortEmotionally RepressedAvengers FamilyThe Avengers (2012) SpoilersHurt Loki (Marvel)Hurt Mobius M. MobiusLoki Needs a Hug (Marvel)Protective Thor (Marvel)
Tony stood, arms crossed, staring at the white-haired man. Mobius stared back with a smug grin; he could match Tony's energy. Steve Rogers walked in. "Captain." Mobius nodded. "Hi, Mr. Mobius," Steve said as he shook Mobius's hand. "He won't tell me about his little time machine." "Well, duh," Mobius said exasperatedly.  Steve glared at Tony. "We just wanted to ask you a few questions." "I'm sure Loki has told you everything," Tony rolled his eyes. "You want us to trust that he told us everything?" "I trust Loki," Mobius says smugly. "Gag me." Tony cuts in. Steve sighs. "Tony, not helping. Mobius, I want to let you know that you are welcome here until your team comes for you, but we do have to make sure you two aren't a threat. You will still be monitored. We can get you a room ready for the both of you." Mobius grunts as he adjusts himself. "Seems fair." "Ok, I will further extend my hospitality. I will help you fix your time machine?" Tony says enthusiastically.  "It's not a Time Machine, and I'd like that back," Mobius says dryly. "What don't trust us?" Tony says. Mobius gave him a look. "You're Tony Stark. You will poke and prod and probably figure it out, but I'm sorry, I can't let you do that right now," Tony eyed Mobius. "I know all about you, Mr. Stark, and you've downloaded the blueprints and running tests as we speak."
"So," Tony says, crossing his arms. "Trust me, if you go down that path, it won't end nicely for you." Mobius threatens. "Tony, a word." Steve gets up, taking Tony outside with him. "What!" "Tony, please tell me you're not considering time traveling?" Tony looked from the door to Steve. "And so what if I am?" Steve let out a deep sigh. "No, no, no, we're not doing this; first aliens, now you want to dabble in time travel. Can we deal with one type of science fiction at a time?" "But they can? Loki can have access, a villain?" "This Loki appears to be a decent guy. Tony, give it to them. We still need to deal with the aftermath of the invasion. I don't want to add another situation on top of that." Tony glares. "Give it to them, and destroy what you have of it." "When pigs fly. Who died and made you captain? FYI we are in my house; I won't have some old fart tell me what I can and can not do?" He spat. Steve glares. "I will intervene if this gets dangerous." Tony just winked and left. "Tony! Tony!" "Damn bastard," he cursed under his breath; he went back to the Mobius room. "Everything ok?" Mobius asks. "Yes, we hope for a speedy recovery while you stay. I will send Loki up." "Captain?" Mobius started. "It's important I get that back; I've seen what will happen if he continues," Mobius said seriously. "Care to share?"
Loki was laughing hard with Thor. "Ha ha, laugh it up, dear brother," Thor said. "I'm sorry I haven't laughed that hard in a while." Loki smiles fondly. Loki and Thor had the bar to themselves, and they've been catching up. The other three Avengers were sitting on the couch. They were in their own conversations and watching in shock and awe, hearing Loki and Thor catch up. "Thor, I missed you, truly," Loki says, sipping his orange juice. Thor had a goofy smile. "You weren't gone that long for me, but I do miss this. I miss having my baby brother. We haven't talked like this for ages." Thor trails off. "I wish you could stay." Loki's smile faded. "I can't stay." Thor ducked his head, picking at his waffles. "I know, but you don't have to leave right away, right?" Loki gave a small smile, his lips trembling. He turned his head quickly as he felt tears coming. Thor wanted him to stay. He felt like crying in his brother's arms like a little boy. Why did they drift apart? "Um, I'm going to bring Mobius some breakfast." He said, clearing his throat and sniffling. Thor chuckled, also hiding his own emotions. "Mobius, he seems like a great man." Loki nodded. "He's a good friend." Thor raised a brow. "Friend?" Loki gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I think of him as a friend. I think he thinks the same." Thor smiled. "What?" "Nothing."
Stark walks in. "Alright, kids, we are on clean up today." He said. Loki turned away from Tony. "Hey, Point Break, we need you too." Thor nodded. He ruffled Loki's hair, causing him to swat him away.  Loki smiled but frowned when Tony rolled his eyes. "Loki, you can go back to your owner." Loki glared. He sat up, straightened himself, and grabbed the paper plate of food. "Thank you again, Dr., for breakfast," Loki says as he walks by. "Bruce, you can call me Bruce." Loki gave a shy smile. "Thank you, Bruce," he said awkwardly, and he went. Tony made gagging sounds. "Call me Bruce." He mocked. "He got you too. Wow." Bruce sighed. "He's a great guy, Tony. He isn't the Loki we know." Bruce said. Tony just stared at him with mock disgust. "Just go." Bruce shooed him off. "Oh, you don't want to go with your new BFF?" Tony laughed.
Loki knocked on the door. He usually barged in, but he wanted to make sure that Mobius wasn't asleep. He didn't want to disrupt his rest. "Come in." Loki opens the door and puts on a big smile. "Hope you're hungry!" Loki says. "Oh, somebody's in a good mood," Mobius said. "And yes, I'm starving." Mobius hissed in pain. Loki was quickly at Mobius's side. "Oh, are you alright? Do you need more pain medication, or-" Mobius raised a hand. "Breathe, I'm fine. Geez, Mother Hen over here," Mobius chuckled. Loki gave a look. "Well, sorry for being concerned for your well-being," and handed him the plate of waffles, eggs, and sausages. "Ooo, this looks good." Mobius digs in. "mmmmm," Loki gave a short smile and watched Mobius eat. "What is it?" Mobius asks, noticing the stares. "Nothing." "Loki, I know that look; what are you thinking about? What's up?" Loki sighed. "Do you think the TVA is in danger? No one has come for us yet? Surely, they were able to catch him, right? There's more of them than him." Loki was speaking fast, but Mobius was used to it. Mobius was in thought. "The Dampeners were down for a bit, but the backup would have kicked in; as for him, I don't think he stuck around," Loki nods. "But he did something to a Tempad. I heard him say can't have the TVA follow him everywhere he went." "He is a variant of him. It's possible he rigged it, so he can't be traced." Mobius said in between bites. "There's something that's been bothering me. so when B-15 took me, I remember them setting a reset charge down." "Yeah, that's normal." "OK, but why wasn't it reset? When we came here, they were looking for me. They said I was gone for about 15 minutes." Mobius stops to think. "Are you sure we are in the same universe? We could be on a different branch. Let's say you escaped without the future Avengers intervening in this parallel universe." "So there should be another me here." "He could be hiding and lying low for a bit. If the TemPad weren't busted, we would know." Loki was quiet for a bit. "Something else?" Loki bit the inside of his cheek. "Before I went after you, he said, see you soon. I want to leave here before that happens." Loki was pacing. "I'd rather he come here while we have extra help," Mobius says.
Loki frowned. "We have the Avengers Loki, and they can handle him." Loki was quiet. "I don't want to be here." Mobius noticed the sadness in his voice. "Maybe you needed this," Loki crossed his arms. "I know what I did. I'm over it-" "You can say that, but from what I see, this is really bothering you." Loki rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. It's not bothering me." He said, turning up his head. "I'm just playing nice so we can get out of here quickly." Mobius gave a look. "Loki-" "End of discussion, we need to worry about you." Mobius sighed. "What about you?" Loki tilts his head. "Mobius, I'm a god. I'm ok." Loki scoffs. "I remember you getting hurt; you still have a busted lip, there are dark circles under your eyes, and you look pale." "I'm fine, Mobius," Loki says tiredly. "Loki, I can see that you're in pain-" "I'm fine!" Loki snapped. Mobius threw his hands up in defeat. "Ok, snappy, wow." Loki rolled his eyes.
In a different timeline, B-15 enters a room where Stark works on the stolen Tempad. "Sir, I managed to jam communications on the TVA's in, but it won't take them long to fix it and retrieve Loki and Mobius." Stark looks up from his work. "We have all the time in the world. I'm not worried about it. Soon, we'll pay Loki a visit. I want him to marinate in his mistake and break his mind," he said, resuming his work. "I have all the time in the world."
Loki jumps awake. He didn't know he fell asleep in the chair. Looking around, he saw Mobius was sound asleep. What woke him up? Loki looked at the time. It was 3 pm. They had breakfast around 10 am. He still felt tired, and his body was killing him. Mobius stirs. "Loki?" Mobius sits up. "Yeah?" Loki yawns while stretching. "Let's get something to eat," Mobius says. "I'll fetch some for you," Loki says. "No, let's go out. gotta drain the dragon first." "Pardon?" Mobius sighed. "I need to piss," Mobius grunts as he gets up for the bathroom. The gown was opened in the back. He just had plain boxers on. "Quit looking." Loki made a sound. "I was not-go." Mobius laughed as he closed the door behind him. Loki rolled his eyes. "Can't I use room service?" Loki says. "Nah, I want to stretch my legs," Mobius says from the bathroom. "You shouldn't walk around with your stitches." Loki singsonged. Mobius steps out. Limping to the bed. "How about we go get some shawarma? I heard there's one close to here." "Shawarma?" Loki looked confused. "Hand me those clothes over there."
Loki does and turns so Mobius can get dressed. "I don't think they will let us roam about, plus I can't go out showing my face." Loki rambles on, and Mobius grunts as he carefully pulls up his sweats. "Wear a hat and sunglasses. Who's gonna notice? Plus, Cap gave us the ok to roam about." Loki, with his hands on his hips, turns to Mobius. "I don't want to." Mobius was struggling to get his shirt on. "You don't want to?" "They hate me, Mobius. I'm sick of the stares and attention." Loki paused, noticing Mobius's wound; it looked horrible even though it was covered with a bandage. His whole right side was bruised. Mobius, having trouble with his shirt, snapped Loki back into focus. "Do you want me to find a button-down?" Mobius finally gets it over his head. "Nah, I got it. I thought you liked the attention." Mobius says smugly. Loki rolls his eyes. "Mobius, I want to go home." Loki whined, "We will soon, c'mon I'm starving. You know where the food is, right?" "Not really, they brought me the food. We can find Bruce. He could help." "Oh, I'd love to meet the Hulk," Mobius says giddily. Loki pouts as he opens the door and then pauses. "What?" Mobius asks. "Nobody was posted at the door." "Well, cap said we aren't a threat, so…" Loki raised a brow. "But Stark would have definitely had one of the assassins here." "Maybe they're on break. Loki, I'm starving let go." Loki sighs. "Follow me."
Clint sighs as he takes a seat next to Natasha. "Wonder what this is about? I'm running off fumes here," he says. "Tell me about it; if I have to hear one more thing about this time remote, I'm jumping off the tower." Clint laughs. Bruce walks in, looking upset, and Tony and Steve, followed by Thor, walk in. "Great gangs all here, Clint. How are our time-traveling friends?" "Asleep last time I checked." "Good, let's make this quick." He clapped. "We need to discuss what to do with Loki and Morphin time." "Mobius." They all said in unison. "Right, Mobius." "I thought they weren't a threat?" Natasha says. "They aren't, but we should keep tabs on them and study the Tempad." Steve rolled his eyes. "Tony, they have been cooperative; just give them the damn remote back."  "I agree," Said Bruce. "No," Everyone else groaned. "What? Let's vote, who thinks I should give it back." Immediately, everyone raised their hand. "Wait, let me finish; who thinks we should have this tech using it to fix problems like the invasion." nobody raised their hands. Tony looked offended. "C'mon nobody? Not even you, Legolas?" Clint sighs. "Look, I get it. but if you had this technology, then someone else would want it, it would get into the wrong hands, and we could be dealing with shit worst than the invasion." "Thank you!" Bruce claps. Tony rolled his eyes. "So we just give it back?" "Yes." Everyone looked up to the new voice in the room. "Please tell me you are not considering using the TemPad to travel in time?" Loki says, a bit panicked. Tony glared at Clint. "Thought they were asleep?" he shrugged. "No, I wouldn't use your old dusty thing. Why does it look like an 80s remote if it's so advanced? Whatever, I'm going to make my own. Make it more badass and give it style." Loki opened his mouth to say something. "Easy there, cowboy, we can't let you do that. You're going to have to trust us." Mobius says, "Agreed, Tony, this-" "Oh, can it, Loki!" Loki rolled his eyes. "Cool it." Steve says, "We voted, so now give it back." Tony glared. "Fine," he says nonchalantly, tossing it to Loki. "The scans you made of it?" Mobius says. "What scans?" Tony says, walking away. Loki gave an exasperated sigh. "Mobius, I'm this close to tossing him out a window again." Mobius chuckled. "Behave," "I am." Loki turns to the rest of the Avengers. "Thank you. We hoped to be out of your hair soon." Steve nodded. "Where you guys looking for something?" "Food," they said in unison.
Tony bursts into his lab, "J-A-R-V-I-S." "Yes?" "Please make sure all my files are double encrypted." "They are sir." "Good, please turn on my Discover Time Travel music." "Will do."  With music blasting, he begins to work. Bruce walks in. "What do you want traitor." Bruce mocked, shocked. "Traitor, wow, I'm the one that needs to talk some sense into you." "Yeah, yeah, what do you want." Bruce sighs, "I was hoping we could talk." "I'm done talking, Bruce; I gave up the TemPad. What more do you want?" "I want to know if my friend will do something stupid." Tony mocked, shocked. "Me? Do something stupid? C'mon, Bruce. And friends icky," Bruce gave a small laugh. "We shouldn't have that power, and you know it." Bruce continues. "I'll be very careful." Tony mocked. "Tony, I'm serious." Tony waved him off. "I get it. Was there anything else?" "Cap says you are on for cleaning up tonight; he wants you and Thor to see if you can cut the fleshy ships into pieces for better transport." Tony groaned. "What about you? We can use the green machine." Bruce chuckled. "Nope, keeping a lid on him for a bit." "You're no fun," Tony said, giving his signature smile.
Sometime later in the night, Loki looked asleep in his chair. Mobius tries to sneak out of bed. "Where are you going?" Mobius cursed silently. He was trying to ditch Loki. "I just wanted to get a can of soda." it was half the truth. He was bored and wanted to do something and get away from Loki. With every move he made, Loki was there asking if he was ok. Fussing over him. "I can get that for you." Loki insists. "Loki, I'm capable of getting my own drink." "But you're not supposed to move. They said one more day of rest, then you can get up." Mobius groaned. "Loki-" "Ah ah ah, now let me be a good friend for you and get that soda. You sit tight." Loki had a mischievous grin. He knew Mobius hated sitting around with nothing to do." "Fine." "Be right back."
Loki had the soda for Mobius when he heard a commotion down the hall. He decided to go and investigate. "Stark, calm down." He heard Steve say. Loki starts to listen to them. It sounds like they were in one of the waiting rooms of the medical wing. Why were they here? "You Calm down! I just want to talk to him," Tony shouted. "I'm with Tony on this," Clint said. His voice was laced with venom. Loki didn't want to stay longer to find out he went to leave, but he bumped into Thor. "Loki, you need to be out of Stark's sight," Thor whispered. "What-" "Oh, speak of the devil," Clint says, noticing the two. Everyone turned to see Loki holding his can of soda. "Spying on us?" Tony accused. "N-no- I went to get a drink for Mobius." Loki felt his heart thumping hard. Why was he scared? "Hey, let's go give it to him," Natasha said, going to his side. She was trying to get him out of his sight, too. But Tony was already making a beeline for Loki. "Loki, leave now-" "No, Loki, stay! Hang with us." Tony says, putting an arm around Loki and guiding him to the sitting area. Loki tried to protest. "Um, Mobius is waiting for me." "Aw, let him wait. This won't take long." "Tony, don't…" Bruce said with a worried tone. "Sit, sit," Tony forcible sits Loki down. He hissed in pain as Tony gripped his shoulder tighter. "Stark-" Natasha started. "shh shh! I want to talk to Loki since he's ya'lls best friend." Loki was terrified but tried to look calm.
Tony pulled up a chair and sat inches from him. "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" Loki looked to Thor. Thor was clenching his teeth, and his jawline muscles were showing. Loki says nothing, eyeing Tony cautiously. "What cat got your tongue?" Tony pulled out one of his holographic tablet and slid it to Loki. "Why don't you have a look," Tony says with a forced smile. Loki's heart was beating fast, and his breathing was getting quicker.  Loki looked from the rest of the Avengers, then back to Tony's wide eyes. "Wh-what?" "C'mon, take a look." he pressed on. Loki picks up the device, his hands shaking. What he saw made him flinch and drop the tablet. "No, I want you to look at it!" Tony says, picking it up and shoving it in Loki's face as a slide show of crime photos plays. It was the bus the Variant Stark talked about. Loki turned his head, closing his eyes. "What? what's the matter!" Tony was seething in anger. "Tony, stop this," Steve says.
"NO! We had to see this. We had to get them out, and he needs to see what he did." Loki closed his eyes tight but was still turned away. "So Loki, what do you have to say!" Stark never turned the tablet off. The images kept playing. Loki shook his head, "Huh!" Tony shouted. Loki flinched. "What do you want me to say," Loki whispered. "Hmm? What was that? Louder, please. What happened to all that bravado? What happened to all that yapping! Say something. Damn it!" Loki shoved the tablet away and stood up. "What do you want me to say! That I messed up. I know! I-" "This wasn't an oppsie. Stepping on someone's foot is an oops. Burning food is a mistake, But you killed these children! That was no mistake!"
Everyone was quiet, heads hung low. Loki was holding onto his left arm. "I didn't do that! I just opened the portal. It wasn't supposed to be like that-." Tony got into Loki's personal bubble. "How the fuck was it supposed to go! Loki? I don't care if you have some character development. You had blood on your hands when you opened that portal! I don't want your apologies! or good deeds. It won't bring those kids back, no matter what good you do! It won't make it right! You should be rotting alone!-" Loki cuts him off with a punch to Tony's face; it was sudden and a surprise. "This won't bring them back either! I didn't do this!" Loki shouted. Tony recovered quickly, and his Iron Suit glove appeared on him. He grabbed Loki by the neck. "I should end it right here, right now!" "Do it," Loki egged on, gasping for breath. Tony then pinned Loki to the table. "Hey, that's enough!" Steve said. "WE are all upset! but this is not how to go about it!"  "Why the hell not, Cap!" Loki struggled to break free; this was humiliating. Tony, who had his bad arm pinned behind him, pushed it up to make it hurt more. "Why are we allowing this murderer to roam free?" "I'm not the Loki you want!" Loki hissed. "But you are! It doesn't matter what Loki I got. The one who caused this, you." "Stark, release my brother!" Thor was ready to fight if he had to. "He should be dead," Clint says, his bow and arrow ready. Tony's other hand glows as he aims at Loki's head. "Hey, that's enough; you made your point!" Steve held on to the hand that was glowing. "Cut it out!" Tony was pushing Loki's injured arm further up. "Agh!" Loki winced in pain. "Let him go, Stark!" Now Steve had to hold Thor back while holding on to Tony's arm. Natasha was going to help but noticed Bruce was looking a little green. "Hey guys, can we put a lid on this now?" "Let him come out!" Tony shouted. "Shit!" Natasha cursed.
"What the fuck is going on?" Everyone looked to Mobius. Tony's grip loosened, and Loki quickly got away from Tony and stormed off past Mobius. "Loki?" Mobius limps to catch up. "Yeah, run off to your owner, coward!" Tony went to storm off, but Thor stopped him, "That was too far, Stark," he grated. "What can't accept the fact baby bro is a killer." he shoulder checks Thor as he leaves. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's call it a night." Loki ignored Mobius calling to him. He just kept going. "Loki, stop!" Mobius gasped out; it was hard to keep up with his injuries. Loki stopped. "Mobius, you shouldn't be out of bed." That snapped Loki out of it as he entered full caretaker mode. "I'm fine. I need to sit. What's up? What the hell happened." Loki helped Mobius to his room. "It's nothing you need rest." Mobius swatted at Loki. "Hey," he said, snapping his fingers. "Loki, what the hell happened?" "I forgot your soda. I will go get that for you; give me a moment." Loki's tone sounded like he was on autopilot. Mobius grabbed Loki's hand. "Hey, I don't need the damn soda! Talk to me-" "I will go get it. Please let me get it for you, Mobius." Loki's voice broke. "I'll make it quick." Loki never turned to Mobius. He kept his back to him. Mobius reluctantly let him go. "I'll be right back." "You better," and Loki left.
It wasn't long before Loki came back to the room with another can of soda. He opens it and hands it to him. Mobius doesn't take a sip. Instead, he studies Loki's face. He can see that Loki's eyes are red and puffy. "Loki-" "I'm going to get some fresh air." "Loki, dammit, sit down!" Mobius raised his voice. Loki turns and sits next to Mobius on the bed. "Talk to me." Mobius sounded desperate. "There isn't anything to talk about." Mobius sighed. "I can't help you if you don't talk. As your friend, talk to me. Please, I'm here to listen; you're not alone on this." this broke Loki, and he began sobbing and trying to talk simultaneously.
Mobius was taken aback and not sure what to do. "Why didn't you just reset me? Prune me for whatever it was the TVA did to Variants." "Because I knew the whole story, Loki, and they should know, too." Mobius's tone was caring. Loki was still sobbing. "No, that just sounds like an excuse. I still did what I did. I could've controlled myself. But I didn't. I took the easy way out!" Loki stood up, wiping his tears. "I am weak. I'm a coward! He's right. You all are right. I don't deserve happiness; I will always be alone; I deserve my fate at the hands of Thanos! I shouldn't be here! Odin should have left me to die." Mobius looked hurt. "Loki, calm down, please; I know you are a good person; I've seen you become a hero for your brother; you can be good." "But I'm not! I am a monster!" Loki was feeling dizzy. He sat back down next to Mobius. "Who am I, Mobius?" Mobius sighs. It was quiet for a moment, just the sounds of Loki sniffling and trying to calm his breathing. "You are Loki Laufeyson, and you are my friend and a damn good partner. After the events of the past few days, I trust you with my life."
Loki tried to smile, but his lips started to tremble. "I can't stop crying. I'm pathetic," Mobius chuckles. "It's ok, let it all out, I'm here." Loki suddenly hugged Mobius. "Ah, easy there, pussycat, still sore here." He winced. Loki didn't let go, and Mobius went with the flow and hugged him back. They sit like that for a minute. "Are we better?" Mobius asks. Loki shook his head no. "Are we close to better?" Loki nods. "Can I let go?" "Not... yet," Loki replies. Mobius chuckles. "My arms are getting tired, and my shirt is wet. I'm hoping with tears, not snot." "There snot," Loki says embarrassingly. Mobius couldn't help but laugh. Loki lets go, wiping his face with his shirt. "Sorry." "It's ok," Mobius said, sipping his soda. He made a face like he didn't like it. "There's no Josta here, but it says cola and has a fruit. I remember you saying it tastes like fruity cola," Loki says. Mobius smiles. "Close enough."
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imogenleewriter · 2 years
Chapter 1 Mood Board
You Can Hear It In The Silence
When Harry Styles got accepted into a post-grad degree, he could no longer afford his flat, so he had three options to choose from:
1) Moving back into student halls.
2) Becoming homeless.
3) Moving in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other friends.
He ended up choosing the third option. But it was a close race.
Shame one of his new housemates reminded him why he only has one friend.
If there was one that Louis Tomlinson couldn't stand, it was pretentious tossers, having grown up around enough of them. He was proper chuffed to move back in with his best friends and a couple of other lads.
That was until he discovered one of them was the archetype for a pretentious tosser.
In the interest of seeing out the twelve-month lease without killing each other, they both try (debatable) to get along despite being opposite in almost every way, each having the communication skills of a cucumber, and secrets that shouldn't be kept secret.
WIP - 50k words+
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
One Direction (Band)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry StylesLouis TomlinsonNiall HoranLiam PayneZayn Malik
Additional Tags:
Enemies to LoversEnemies to Friends to LoversAlternate UniverseAngstOpposites Attracthouse matesAlternate Universe - Roommates/HousematesOC-Characters - FreeformSmutunpacking sexualityAngst and Fluff and SmutKissingAnal SexRimmingBlow JobsFirst TimeDual Point of ViewDomestic FluffFluff and AngstGayGay PanicAlternate Universe - No BandComing OutSwearingCharacter DevelopmentIdiots in LoveSlow BurnWork In ProgressBut it will be finishedboth quite generous to each other
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Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️ #free candle with any online purchase over $85 ♥️ #slowbodycaremovement #liveslow #dreamslow ☁️ #loveslow ♥️ (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3bLebB4kk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ys5w904olx9o
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calligraphybymoya · 6 years
A card to accompany an engagement present ... sweet words, glam ink, what’s better? This is @royaltalensau gouache on @peterkinpaper linen finish envelope - a textured envelope like this means you need a light hand and a sturdy nib, but the effects can be a lot of fun! . A little birdy tells me @calligraphysuppliesaus is wondering whether to stock this gouache or not. What do you guys think? I found it really lovely to work with - very fine pigment quality, so it flows very sweetly through my pen. I’d definitely buy more colours! . (Workshop tickets in Melbourne and Brisbane are still available but going fast! Link in bio for details 😘😘) . PS - this video is sped up 2x!! I do NOT write this fast. #loveslow . . . #calligraphy #calligraphyvideo #calligraphyworkshop #melbournecalligrapher #australiancalligrapher #melbourne #brisbane #learncalligraphy #asmr #penmanshipporn #penmanship #cursive #handlettering #handwriting #tangibleskills #lovemyjob #engagementgift (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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gvs9000 · 6 years
🔥 in slow motion white high end high speed digital camera in 4K, soon to be 8K in 1000fps—————————————————- #slowmotion #slow_motion #slow_mo #slow #still #fly #screw #trade #screws #flying #screwing #land #loveslowmo #loveslow #capture #bestphoto #film #fast #highspeed #high_speed #videographer #gvs9000 #video #gvcam #gvstv #gvsf #hardwares #sf_insta #slowmotion #gettyphotography #fire #fireplace #leans (at San Francisco, California)
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dolxnroses · 8 years
If you wanna go, go fast If you're gonna lie to me, just say that If you wanna leave, then say so But if you wanna love, love slow @jacobwhitesides #arenberg #jacobwhitesides #loveslow #concert #loml (bij Arenberg)
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DIA 60: AMÁ DESPACIO⠀ ⠀ Hay gente que se enamora rápido y cuando todo termina se pregunta a dónde quedaron esos sentimientos. Hay otros que simplemente nunca se animan... pero están esos que lo van disfrutando de a poco. Como cuando comes tu plato favorito y queres saborearlo de a poco para que no se acabe. Para tener la certeza de que, si eso pasa, te vas a sentir lleno.⠀ Te quiero para reírnos fuerte y querernos lento...⠀ .⠀ Seguime en @undomingocualquiera.ok⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #amor #preguntassinrespuesta #love #corazones #accionpoeticafrases #frasessimple #motivacaoemfrases #frasesparacompartir #frasesepensamentos #frasesinstagram #frasesparalavida #sigofrases #frasesvida #frasesypoemas #frasesdelibros #frasesqueinspiran ⠀ #frasesmotivacionales #frasesversos ⠀ #love #frasesparareflexionar #frases #frasede #frasesemfotos #frasesdeamor #miradas #amor #loveslow #amadespacio https://www.instagram.com/p/B9QSmu2qGa9/?igshid=1st38qrc0tfk
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violetlmcdonald · 4 years
via Youngin Jay Gaming
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tinysclub · 7 years
@dianam1113 @tinysclub @freshandeasycolombia @tntsupernutrition @expofitnesscol @novafitoficial @smartfit_colombia @fiberofficial #naturelover #nature #naturkompaniet #horizon #land #scandinavia #nelo #inspiration #sea #beach #lucia #sky #snow #viking #cycling #cyclist #hardwork #oneleg #becyclist #sport6 #bestrongerthanyourexcuses #thezone #football #loveslow #socialenvy #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #cardio #healthy #instahealth ☄️☄️☄️💥💥🔥 (at Medellín, Antioquia)
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imogenleewriter · 2 years
You Can Hear It In The Silence
Chapter 2 mood board
When Harry Styles got accepted into a post-grad degree, he could no longer afford his flat, so he had three options to choose from:
1) Moving back into student halls.
2) Becoming homeless.
3) Moving in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other friends.
He ended up choosing the third option. But it was a close race.
Shame one of his new housemates reminded him why he only has one friend.
If there was one that Louis Tomlinson couldn't stand, it was pretentious tossers, having grown up around enough of them. He was proper chuffed to move back in with his best friends and a couple of other lads.
That was until he discovered one of them was the archetype for a pretentious tosser.
In the interest of seeing out the twelve-month lease without killing each other, they both try (debatable) to get along despite being opposite in almost every way, each having the communication skills of a cucumber, and secrets that shouldn't be kept secret.
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
One Direction (Band)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry StylesLouis TomlinsonNiall HoranLiam PayneZayn Malik
Additional Tags:
Enemies to LoversEnemies to Friends to LoversAlternate UniverseAngstOpposites Attracthouse matesAlternate Universe - Roommates/HousematesOC-Characters - FreeformSmutunpacking sexualityAngst and Fluff and SmutKissingAnal SexRimmingBlow JobsFirst TimeDual Point of ViewDomestic FluffFluff and AngstGayGay PanicAlternate Universe - No BandComing OutSwearingCharacter DevelopmentIdiots in LoveSlow BurnWork In ProgressBut it will be finishedboth quite generous to each other
Stats: (as of right now)
Published: 2022-11-20 - Updated: 2022-12-05
Words: 51,726
Kudos: 89
Comments: 97
Bookmarks: 28
Hits: 1252
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killakross52 · 8 years
Listen to FREEMAN- 911 (Remix)prod. by 2SC by STRT_TRBL #np on #SoundCloud
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phesyfee-blog · 9 years
#LoveSlow #PHESY #officialvideo @youtube #SoonerOrLater #TheyGonHearMe #Consistency #Patience #Faith #Timing (at Beltway 8)
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violetlmcdonald · 4 years
via Youngin Jay Gaming
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phesyfee-blog · 9 years
I BEEN BUILDING THIS BRAND FOR 7 YEARS!!! 7 IS MY NUMBER!!! IT GOTTA POP THIS YEAR!!! #LoveSlow #ITUNES #Amazon #PHESY #PhesyMusik #officialvideo @youtube #SoonerOrLater #TheyGonHearMe #Consistency #Patience #Timing
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phesyfee-blog · 9 years
OL PRUNE HEAD ASS NIGGA!!! #PHESY #LoveSlow #PhesyMusik #itunes #amazon (at Stafford, Texas)
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