#lover gifts
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 25 days ago
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You're just not toxic enough.
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knithacker · 3 months ago
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Hey Library Kids & Book Lovers, This Knit Vest Pattern Is For You - It's A Borrowing Card! 👉 https://buff.ly/4fTAIOm 📚
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swimmingruinsdream · 2 years ago
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Don't Be A Salty Heifer Funny Cows Lover T-Shirt
Salty Heifer T-shirt Funny Cow Gift For Farmer Tee. It's the perfect gift for men, women, dads, moms, sisters, brothers, sisters, and best friends who Love Cows. Cute Cows T-shirt, Cool Farmer T Shirt, Funny Farmer Shirt, Great Farmer Shirt, Proud To Be A Farmer T Shirt
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littlealienproducts · 9 months ago
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Oarfish Assam Tea Bag - Ocean Teabag by HoustonFrogs
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kness · 3 months ago
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Orca mug - porcelain
This piece is available along with loads of unique gifts, last chance for the holidays!
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joyousjoyfuljoyness · 3 months ago
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My portrait of Marie the grumpy cat!
It was a gift for one of my Instagram followers, who has followed me from the beginning! It was also to help build a portfolio of custom portrait paintings and practice.
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batfossil-fr · 4 months ago
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one of the many aethers I've finished lately
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ozgurkedi · 8 months ago
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isabeauwolf · 16 days ago
Trafalgar Law x Pregnant reader
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Chapter 2 - Somebody call a doctor?
"Could you be my doctor?" Jess snickers over the phone. She called you as soon as she got home. "Really Y/n?" She cackled even harder. "Girl, you want Dr Grumpy to be more than your person doctor." Pausing for dramatic effect and adding, "You want his daily dose of vitamin D sooo bad."
You knew she had that smug assed grin on her face as you rubbed your forehead. You knew she was right which made you even more flustered and embarrassed. "I know, I know, Jess." You groaned, "I wasn't thinking and it slipped out."
"You are way too cute for your own good." She commented. "You do know that right?"
"So I've been told." You muttered, laying down on your bed and hugging your snow leopard Build-a-Bear. It was an impulse buy you bought yourself for Christmas. It reminded you of Law every time you saw it and held it, wishing it was him.
"Do you need me to go with you to get your first ultrasound?" Jess asked, pulling out her pajamas from her closet
"Nah, be fine." You replied. "Plus Law will be with me."
"Let me know," Jess pressed. "Max considers you family." Max was Jess' big brother and owner of the coffee shop. The pair of siblings thought of you as their own baby sister, even if Jess was a year younger than you.
"Yeah, I know." You smile, "Thanks." You roll onto your side, facing the door.
You hear the tiny pitter patter of tiny feet running through the house and jingle coming towards you as Onigiri comes rushing into your room like a tiny rocket.
You laugh. "Somebody's missed me." You pat the spot beside your bed. "Hey baby, c'mere."
Onigiri. The tiny puppy with pure white fur and a huge black shaped triangle on his head, reminding you of rice balls.
And somehow of Law.
He runs around in a circle and jumps into your bed, barking and nuzzles into your side. Panting as his tail wags.
"I missed you too, my little cutie." You coo gently, petting him as he crawls underneath your blanket and cuddles against your belly.
Well, guess that explains why Onigiri seems glued to your side lately. Animals have a sixth sense of these things or so you've heard.
"Awe, lemme see, lemme see." Jess gushes into your ear, using her baby voice.
"Hold on, hold on." You turn on the camera to face yourself and angle your phone down so Jess can see the picture perfect sight. "There. Can you see him?"
Jess squealed, taking screenshots. "Looks like Dr Love's got some real competition for your love Y/n." She teases, grinning wide. "Onigiri and your mini me. Talk about a handful." Tilting her head, "Hope Doc isn't the jealous type."
"Why do you like to tease the poor man so much?" You ask, laying back down and petting Onigiri. "Are you sure you don't have a bully crush on Law?" You knew she didn't but you had to tease her back, biting your lip to stay composed.
It didn't work, you snorted as Jess grew defensive. Gawking at you and grimacing as if you just drop kicked her grandmother.
"What?! Hell no. Mister tall dark and emo drug lord ain't my type." Jess makes fake gagging noises, which causes you to giggle louder. "Besides, I like'em big and dumb."
"Bepo isn't Law's second in command for nothing you know." You pointed out, laying your head underneath the crook of your arm.
"Oh, you know what I mean " Jess waves you off. "He's so sweet, adorable and knows material arts, loyal, really, really tall." She sighs dreamily, falling into her bed. "Blonde hair, blue eyes... so shy."
"God help that poor, poor man." You give her a dramatic sigh and make the sign of the cross over your heart, "Corrupting poor Bepo's innocence and cuteness with your overly horny witch craft and voodoo magic. Jess for shame."
"Oh hell yes, I would!" Jess fires back. "Don't you judge me after pinning for drop dead gorgeous Dr Heart Stealer Y/n." She points her finger at you, setting her phone into her bed and pulls her shirt over her head, leaving her in her cute purple lacy bra. "I would bet two hundred beri's.. no five hundred that you've had as many sinful, dirty thoughts and wet dreams for Law as I've had for my bear man."
You grew heated. "Fair enough." You couldn't deny it.
"I'll take your silence as a yes." Jess countered in a single song voice, slipping into an adult panda man onesie and fell back into her pile of panda and polar bear stuffed animals. "I'm home my babies." She scoops an armful and cuddles them, smiling wide.
You were honestly thinking you both had a taste in odd men.
Then again, being stuck in the winter island all your lives does make the world feel smaller.
"Alright, I'm going to bed." You yawn, rubbing your eyes and turn your lamp off on your nightstand.
"Night night, love ya." Jess blows you a kiss. "Give me the details tomorrow sexy mama."
You laugh, smiling. "Night, Jess."
You both hung up.
You peaked underneath you blanket to find Onigiri fast asleep, "Night, Onigiri." You whisper softly and layed back down, hugging your snow leopard closer to your chest as you unlocked your phone, thumb hovering over Law's name.
You knew you'd see him tomorrow, and yet, you couldn't help but feel nervous. Seriously, why did you ask your crush to become your doctor? Were you that desperate? At least, he didn't flat out call you an idiot to your face when you gave him a heart attack this evening.
Law's question rang through your mind.
Are you going to put the baby up for adoption?
Sure, it would be the responsible and logical thing to do. You didn't make enough to have a baby right now. You were barely scrapping by as it is. You did have some saving saved up for a rainy day. You had heard of couples try to conceive for years and were unable to, waiting for a miracle that never came. It would feel nice to help someone like that, but the real question was: Could you?
You were honestly surprised Law would agree to seeing you so easily. Surely, he was busy and had enough on his plate as it is.
You felt your lips curl upward.
Maybe the stoic, ice cold and straight laced doctor had a kind heart?
Taking a deep breath you decided to message Law first, nicknaming him "Snow Leopard" in your phone.
You: Good evening Law, thank you for talking with me tonight. I appreciate it. I'm going to bed now. I'll see you in the morning. Good night. :)
Three dots appeared when he messaged you back.
Snow Leopard: It was no problem at all, Y/n-ya. I was the one who offered in the first place. I am glad that you felt you could confide in me.
Good night and sleep well.
Your smile brightened as you set your phone down on the nightstand. "Good night, Law." You closed your eyes as your heart fluttered in your chest and went to sleep.
On the other side, Law sat down in his reading chair after taking off his reading glasses and the book he was reading, sitting in his lap. His phone in hand as he sighed and rubbed his forehead with the back of his palm.
He frowned look down at the message you sent. The pregnancy test you showed him was positive, but you still needed to be seen for a medical checking up and ultrasound. If you wanted him to be your primarily care doctor, he'd do it. He'd support you, offer medical advice, anything within his power and knowledge to help you.
Law set his glasses on the coffee table, put a bookmark in the book as he was reviewing and revising any material he had on pregnancy, labor and child birth on his selves.
He'd seem you around kids. You were always so kind, offering other pregnant woman a helping hand to the door or to watch their little ones while their mothers had to use the restroom or take a call.
He knew you would make a great mother someday.
He didn't expect for it to happen so soon and with someone else, even a one night stand. The tiny, microscopic percentage that you would get pregnant while using both forms of birth control wasn't unheard of, but the odds were their.
He wasn't aware that you were looking for a casual partner or hookup. He might have offered, if he'd known. Then again, he didn't ask and you hadn't brought it up.
Out of all the men on who came passing through this winter island, it had to be Ace. Luffy's big brother.
Law had Luffy's number, knew it wasn't his place to inform the man that you were pregnant, it would be immoral and against doctor and patient confidentiality.
A tiny part of him hoped you didn't have any lingering feeling for the man.
The more he thought about it, the more his feelings he'd bottled up were festering. Jealousy, heartache and longing, to name a few.
Law never wanted you to think he was using his medical practice to coax you into anything you didn't want to do. Or for selfish reasons.
Setting the medical book down on top of the books he had littered and spread outs onto the coffee table. He glanced at it and decided to leave them and would pick everything up in the morning. He stretched and stood to his feet, turned the light off and figured he needed to shower and go to bed.
Law layed in bed, in the dark and stared at the ceiling. His hands tightened around the blanket, then relaxed. It felt dumb to be nervous about tomorrow, he's seen hundreds of patients, so why should tomorrow be any different? Scratch that. He knew why. It was you coming into his office, his new patient.
He scowled at the darkness, rolling onto his side, layed his arm underneath his pillow and slowly took in a deep breath and huffed it through his nose. Reaching for his phone, turning his head as to not blind himself when the screen lit up, glancing down at his lock screen of him and his adoptive father, Rosinante when Law graduated from medical school. Law felt himself smile as he unlocked it with the swipe of his thumb, oops, he forgot to close the text message with you.
He felt his cheeks burn in embarrassed as he backed out and returned to the home screen showing a picture of him, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and Ikkaku during his uncle Doflamingo's annual Christmas present that Rosinante had taken last year.
Now, that he thought about it. It wasn't long after that he'd met you that night.
He had to rush back to the hospital for an emergency surgery on a patient, after working hours until the patient was stable Law had decided to grab a cup of coffee on the way home. He'd been exhausted, irritable after no sleep, he wasn't looking his best, if he was being honest.
Law had decided to walk down to the local coffee shop since the line in front of the hospital Moonbucks was jam packed and he didn't want to wait. So he went down the street, it was busy but quiet which surprised him. He noticed Bepo, Shachi and Penguin were waiting in line as well, then he remembered they'd mentioned the coffee shop had better service and a more cozy atmosphere. Something about the waitresses were cute and the owner was friendly.
Law didn't really care as long as the coffee wasn't too overpriced or tasted decent, or worse, tasted like watered down bean water. He didn't realize he'd been scowling until a feminine voice called his attention, making him return to reality.
"Long night, I take it?" You smile at him, tablet in hand, waiting patiently. Your hair was in a braid with tiny golden Christmas bells woven into it and you wore a black, blue and white sweater with polar bears wearing scarfs on them. "What can I get you?" You repeat gently.
Law's eyes widened, feeling his heart skip a beat and thud hard into his chest. Inwardly shaking himself and cleared his throat. "Medium dark roast, double shot espresso and cream, please." He felt his skin warm as he pulled out his wallet.
You type out his order, repeat it as he inserts his card. "Will that be all for today, doctor?"
Law's silver gaze met your own. "How did you know?"
Your smile widened, eyes lowering as you giggled. "You're still in uniform doctor."
What? No, he wasn't... Oh. Law glanced down at himself, he was so tired, he forgot to take off his surgical scrubs. Well, that's embarrassing. Thank God, he wasn't covered in blood. The surgeon felt his face grow redder as he covered his eyes with his spotted hat. "Oh, you're right." He muttered to himself, meeting your beautiful gems after typing in his pin and you handed him his receipt. "Thank you miss."
"Y/n." You correct, offering your hand. "Doctor?"
Law readjusted his hat, took your smaller hand in his own and shook it. "Trafalgar Law."
"That's a unique name Trafalgar." You tasted his name on your tongue, made him shudder. "I've never seen you around before. Are you new around here?"
"Law." He correct softly. "Trafalgar is my Last name." He didn't know why he felt the need to correct you, a stranger. He usually didn't care if anyone called him by his first or last name before.
You blushed as you lowered your hand. "Oh, I'm sorry." You cover your burning cheek, giving him a cute sheepish and apologetic smile. "I beg your pardon Law."
It felt right, hearing you call his name. He liked it.
"None taken, Y/n-ya." Law left his lips curl into a slight smirk causing your blush to deepen.
"Y/n-ya?" Your brows furrowed as you stared at him in curiosity. "Is that a strange habit of yours Law?" You lower your hand from your face and half turn, writing his name in a clear medium sized plastic cup. "Or is it how you usually greet people Law-ya?" You tease, eyes sparkling with a teasing lit.
Oh, you were spunky too?
Law's gaze flickered to your hand writing it was neat and cursive, pretty even. His smirk grew into something smug and playful, "Something like that." He commented returning his card into his wallet and back into the pocket of his coat.
"Thank you, Law. Your order will be right up." You fully turn, walking to the coffee machine to make his order.
His gaze lowered to your backside in those tight, stretch black leggings and black boots. He felt himself swallowing, mesmerized by the sway of your hips before he shook himself, raising a hand to scrub his jaw as he glanced away.
Well, he was awake, flustered and horny now. Great, just what he needed.
Law shuffles awkwardly towards the pick up counter, waiting and pulling out his phone to distract himself when he feels someone sling an arm over his shoulder.
"Rough morning, Captain?" Shachi asked smiling.
"Rough night." Law grunts. "Some dumbass decided to fist fight Akainu and play with fire last night while drunk."
"Wow, seriously? On Christmas?" Bepo asks, appearing on the other side of Law.
"Who's that crazy enough to face that tight assed marine?" Penguins asks.
Law sighed, shaking Shachi off and pinched the bridge of his nose with his middle and index finger. "Monkey D Luffy, Garps grandson."
Bepo, Shachi and Penguin all parroted in shock, eyes wide. "Monkey D Garp has a grandson?!"
"Yes, apparently he's got three troublesome grandsons and Luffy, or StrawHat is one of them." Law admitted. "I talked with him and StrawHats mother last night in the waiting room. A reckless, stubborn kid was pissed off about Akainu insulting his older brothers."
"Law?" You called.
Law opened his eyes, lowered his hand and met your smiling face.
"Your order is ready." You lower his coffee onto the counter and scoot it towards him. "Careful, it's hot." You warned gently.
"Well, hello again gorgeous." Penguin purred.
"Captain, I didn't know you were hitting on this cutie." Shachi asked, wiggling his brows, covering his mouth to whisper into Law's pierced ear. "Go, cap. Did you get her number?"
"No, I'm not." Law bit out, gritting his teeth. "And get off." He shrugged him off, stepping forward to pick up his drink. His face softened as he sighed, already feeling mentally drained. "Thank you, Y/n-ya."
"Your welcome, Law." You replied, smile widening as you waved goodbye. "Have a good day and hope to see you again soon."
Law'a lips curled as he plugged his phone onto the charger and layed it down beside him. It figures that it quickly became a habit for him to have coffee at Max's shop from then onward. He had to see you again, even if, he wouldn't admit it at the time. Whenever Law was stressed or down, he thought of you and your smiling face.
Closing his eyes as he whispered gently, "Night, Y/n."
You arrived way too early. At seven in the morning. Folder in hand with all of your important paperwork and your purse as you walked into the hospital and towards the receptionist who greeted you with a practiced perfect smile.
"How many I help you?"
"Did Doctor Trafalgar Law schedule me an appointment for an ultrasound and blood work?" You asked, feelings your cheeks heat up. It would be super embarrassing, if he had forgotten.
She raised a brow. "I'll check." Her eyes returning to her computer, hands hovering over the keyboard. "Name?"
You give her your first and last name.
"Yes, Doctor Law has you scheduled in." She picked up a clip board and handed it to you. "Fill these out please and he'll call you shortly." Her gaze scanning you up and down.
Why do you feel as if she's low key judging you?
"Thank you." You smiled back, picked a seat and sat down. Opening your folder and wallet, writing down your information. You were on the last page when some walked through the door and called your name.
"Y/n L/n?"
You raised you head, smiling widening as you gathered your things and stood.
It was Bepo. The giant man was dress in bright orange scrubs.
"Bepo!" You walked towards him. You ignored the receptionist stare on your back. "It's great to see you."
Bepo leaned down and hugged you, gently. "Garchu, Y/n!" The giant blonde man nuzzled the top of your head in affection. "Law told me you would be here this morning, but he didn't say what for." He pulled away, frowning in worry. "Are you alright?"
You forgot that Bepo was a huger. "Garchu Bepo." You laughed, hugging him back. "I'm fine. Just need to run a few tests." Well, you weren't wrong.
"Don't be nervous." Bepo holds the door open for you and let you in first before leading the way with his own clip board in hand. "First we will do a standard physical and then Law will be with you shortly." Glancing down at the clipboard in your hand he smiled, "I'll take that for you when you are finished."
True to his word, Bepo took your height and weight, standard physical. Gave you a plastic cup with your name on it and asked you to use the bathroom across the hallway to pee in a cup.
It always felt awkward peeing in one of those tiny plastic cups. You were lightly haunted the one time you had to use one during a standard drug test and your were on your period. That was embarrassing as you had handed it to the guy with a huge blush on your face.
Shaking your head you took the cup, did your business, washed your hands and very carefully watched back to the nurses station to hand her the full cup.
She thanked you and took the sample with a gloved hand and put it in a ziplock bag.
You made a beeline towards the room you were in to finished your paperwork. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it!
You placed the clipboard onto the desk when you heard someone knock.
"Y/n-ya?" Law's voiced called behind the door. "May I come in?"
"Yes, Law you may." You giggle. You really couldn't help it. You walked back towards your seat.
Law opened the door and walked in, a brow raised. "Someone slept well, if you are think spunky in the morning."
You try to ignore how incredible-y hot Law looks in his glasses, lab coat and the stethoscope around his neck. Not to mention, the black button down he's wearing with a few of the buttons unbuttoned and his sleeves roll half up his arms. Jesus, did he not care about the hospital dress code?
You swallow, stealing a glance at his tattoos, not to mention the hint of muscle peaking though. Oh, how you wanted to trace the hidden pattern of ink with your fingers or tongue. Inwardly telling yourself to shut up you answered, "Something like that."
Closing the door behind him, Law went towards the sink to wash his hands, dry them and slip on a pair of latex gloves. "Other than yesterdays vomiting. Are you showing any other symptoms of pregnancy? Anything you can think of or might have missed?"
You hum, counting off your fingers. "My period being two weeks late, having to go to the bathroom more often, I have this weird craving for bbq and having cramps, but no period.... that's about it."
"Everything seems normal." He concluded, picking up your paperwork and skimming through it. "Do you remember what set off your nausea?"
"Yeah, pickles from Max's sandwich which sucks." You pout. "I love pickles."
Law glanced up and opened his mouth to say something when there was another knock on the door.
"Come in." Law answered without peaking over his shoulder.
"I'm coming to collect Y/n's paperwork and to give her this gown to change into." Bepo replied sheepishly, "Sorry." The poor man got easily discouraged and depressed.
"It's fine, Bepo." Law waved him off, handing him the clipboard, taking the blue dressing gown from Bepo and handing it off to you before he stood. "I'll let you change while I wait outside."
"Thank you again, Law." You smile causing the doctor to pause.
"Your welcome, Y/n-ya." Law gave a hint of smile then closed the door behind him.
You released the breath that you didn't know you were holding. Just think of this as a regular doctors visit, Y/n. Don't make it weird. Law's not here to be ogled and drooled after. You mentally scolded yourself, feeling yourself growing flustered. He's doing this job. Get those fantasies out of your head!
Ugh, why did Jess slip that stupid doctor romance novel into your email this morning?! You know she did it on purpose.
Didn't help that it had you hooked when you found out of the male lead was a grumpy doctor. Who had you immediately think of Dr Heart Stealer himself.
Holding your closed into the chair beside you on top of your folder and purse. You felt yourself shiver from the cold air in the room when you were completely naked, except for your fuzzy socks. You knew it would look stupid, but you knew the floor would be cold if you took them off. So you slipped on the hospital gown. Uh oh. How were you going to tie the back, if you can't see what your doing?
Okay, think about it as a bigger apron. That's all it is, yup... nope. Dammit.
You jumped as your heard another knock on the door. "Yes?" You sat down in your seat, on the white crinkly thin assed sheet of paper they always put on these seats. You knew it was for sanitary reasons, but you always hoped you never tore it.
"Y/n-ya? Are you decent?" Law asked.
"I.. uh.. I might need some help." You admitted, mentally groaning. "Can you help me, please?"
Law opened the door. "What's the matter?"
You pout and half turn while completely covering your ass, yet you felt the cold air hit your back. "I can't seem to tie it."
"Is that all?" He chuckled, step forward and slipping on new medical gloves. "I can always ask a female nurse to-"
You cut him off. "It's really no bother, Law."
"Alright." Law nods, slowly approaching as you fully turned and moved your hair out of the way. The man towers over you, reaches out, his inked hand hesitates before he helps you tying the hospital gown closed. His skilled fingers move with practiced easy. Gaze flickering down to your skin, noticing the map of goosebumps, It's from the cold in the room, he tells himself, even if, he secretly wished it was from him having such an affect on you.
With your back completely bare before him and being unable to see his transfixed and greedy stare as his cheeks warm and his heartbeats and thunders hard in his ears. He'd love nothing more than to trail feathery light kisses or his inked digits along the nape of your neck, press you closer into his chest and cause a new litter of goosebumps to pebble and rise.
God, Law doesn't know what he wants to do more. Hold you, tease you, kiss you or all three? Was this a bad idea or mistake having you as his new patient? A cute distraction that he didn't need. A temptation to test his patience as he forced himself to not act on impulse or his intrusive thoughts? Swallowing thickly, he lowered his hands. "There." He backed away to give you space as to not intimidate you. Law hoped you didn't think he was being a creep with how long it look him to tie the damned gown closed.
You fully turn and smile at him. "Thanks, Law."
"Your welcome, Y/n-ya." He meets your beautiful eyes. Once again, he found himself checking impulse after impulse with you, ignoring the yearning he felt or simply reach out to cup your face to run his inked thumb along the apple of your cheek.
Your gaze lowered dreamily to his lips. Would he taste like mint and coffee? Cinnamon, or spearmint?
There was another knock on the door, causing reality to come crashing back down, washing away the sexual tension and raw, burning haze from you both.
Yes, he's The Doctor and you as his new Patient.
Law's jaw clenches. "What is it?" He calls without glancing away from you before half turning to fully glare at whoever the hell was behind that goddamn door.
The door opens, Penguin peaks his head through and smiling sheepishly. "Sorry to disturb you but uh.... the newbies in training and interns are growing bored." His gaze flickers to you, his face and eyes brighten, apologetic smile turning smug. Oh, that's why Captains been fidgeting and antsy since he clocked in at 5am, secretly passing his office.
Law's heated glare turned seething, clicking his tongue. "Can't they follow simple orders or expect me to hold their hands?" Slipping his gloves off and throwing them in the trash as he storms towards the door, pauses and glances back at you from over his shoulder. "Excuse me, Y/N-ya." His face and angered expression softened a smidge, noticeable, but there.
"Don't worry." You wave your hand in a shooing gesture. "I'll be right here. "Don't be too harsh on 'em Doctor Law." You giggle.
Law nods again, giving his back to you. His eyes darken and his long legs making quick strides in Penguin's direction who immediately backs away to give his friend and boss more room. His inked hand tightens around the handle, the metal groans as he swung the door open, his frame taking up the full space as he goes off. "What the hell are you lot stranding around for? This is a hospital. A place of medicine and healing, not an amusement park or get away."
You hear apologies flying, feet shuffling at Law's command as if he's the God himself.
"Sorry Doctor!"
"Right away, Sir!"
"But I already finished my task."
"It's my break, Doc." Someone complained. "Been working since last night."
Law's jaw continues to clench and grind. "I don't want to hear excuses," he growls, causing all of them to take in their boss' demeanor. Sure, Law's a crabby, stick in the mud and can bark out harsh and cold comments, but... The Surgeon of Death looks more angry and close to snapping.
It's like he's a man possessed by the devil himself.
Bepo looks worried.
Penguin huddled closer to Shachi, whispering in his ear that you are here. The pairs shoulders shake, trying to keep in their snickers. "Caps, gone full territorial mode."
Of course, Law heard that. "What was that?" A tick mark formed on the corner of his forehead. "Are you volunteering for Clinic Duty this morning, Shachi?" He tilts his head, voice dripping in venom. "How kind of you. Now hop to it."
Penguin and Shachi flinch. Their eyes widening, meeting cold, liquid silvers.
"But Cap, it's Pen's turn.." Shachi correctly.
Law's eyes narrows. "Did I shudder?"
Shachi shuts up and followed orders.
Being left along, you were left with your thoughts and observing. You were reminded of seeing him in his blue scrubs the first night you two met.
Law seemed like the kind of angry and grumpy doctor who rarely smiled or glares and barks orders, a gorgeous asshole with a coffee addiction, clearly overworked and an insomniac.
It makes sense, that he's grouchy.
You will admit that you felt a spark rush through you when your eyes connected with his stormy, smoldering silver eyes. They're beautiful and overpowering.
You think that's the first time you've been Law's stoic mask crack into a murderous glower. Dare you say his angry expression was cute? Watching from a distance, he looked like a tiger stalking his pray, it should make you feel unnerved and scared.
You can't pull your gaze away from the scene.
Then again, this is the first time you've seen Law in his element, his work place and stomping ground. The growl and authority dripping from his deep voice causes your thighs to press together, his shoulders are tense as his inked hand tightens around the door frame, muscles flexing underneath his inked skin.
His demeanor is more intimating. His agitation vibrates through the chill in the air conditioned room, causing goosebumps to rise and spread across your skin and your nipples hardened as you bite your lower lip. Sweet mother and Christ, scold me and command me like that Doctor Law and I'm all yours. You feel your face grow inflamed as you mentally scold yourself again. Dammit, go away, naughty thoughts, go away! You yell inside your head and mentally waving your arms, growing more embarrassed. Stupid Jess! Stupid raunchy Doctor romance novel! I blame you!
Hearing the door close, your straighten your shoulders and try to act as if you weren't mentally arguing without self and thinking something kinky about your new, hot Doctor.
Law lowers his frame back into his seat, scooting it closer as the wheels roll across the tiled floor. He releases a huff, shoulders relaxing as he runs an inked hand through his dark, unruly tresses. "Apologies, Y/n." This close, you can see the faint dark circles underneath his eyes, become more pronounced as it brings out the color of his bewitching liquid metal orbs.
You swallow around the lump in your throat, mouth feels dry. "Can I have some water, please?"
"Of course," Law nods, standing to his feed, walks out to the nurses station and comes back with a chilled bottle of water. "Are you alright?" Offering you the water with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Yup, I'm fine." You take it and try to open it. Brows furrow as you try again. "What the hell?" Again, its not budging. "Did they glue this on or something?"
Law pressed his lips together to bite back a laugh. "Here, let me before you make a mess." He reaches out and gently, taking the plastic bottle into his hand, twisting it and like magic it opens with ease. Resealing it and handing it back to you, watching as you reach out and squeeze the offending plastic a bit too hard, not caring, if a few big, fat droplets fall and land on your thin hospital gown.
"What kind of bullshit is this?" You glare at the bottled water as you took a few gulps to quench your thirst. You blink, feeling yourself grow even more heated and re-screwing the cap. "Wow, these mood swings are seriously no joke. Oh, thank you by the way."
This time Law did laugh. "No problem, Y/n-ya." He cleared his throat while his shoulders shook as he grinned, it looks boyish and made him appear younger as he answered. "Loss of strength, hormonal changes, mood swings and fatigue are all normal during the first trimester."
"I can't exactly run to you every time I can't open a bottle of water Law." You replied, hand tightening around the bottle. "You are a busy guy. People need you."
"Yes, but I'm your doctor now and I always take good care of my patients. You are a top priority now, don't ever forget that Y/n-ya."
"Play favorite now are we, Doctor Law?" You tease, leaning back down onto the table.
Law was tempted to say yes, but kept his mouth shut as he pulled the mini ultrasound machine closer.
He takes what looks to be a white vibrating wond, if you've ever seen one. Slipping a condom over it, opening a bottle of lube and smearing it on the device. "Now, I want you to guide this to the opening of your vagina and I'll do the rest." His tone is serious, he isn't joking.
Your eyes widen. "What?" Your face reddening.
------ End of Chapter 2 ------
I know, I know, I'm late. I'm sorry! But I hope this makes up for it! The Cliff hanger was an impulse XD Gotta keep ya'll on your toes, don't I?
Happy Valentines Day, my peeps and Law!
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/isabeauwolf/774263209347710976/pregnant-reader-x-trafalgar-law-chapter-1-coffee?source=share
Chapter 3: Coming Soon!
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Tag List: @m0sigma7 @angelblueflame @pandora-writes-one-piece @short-honey-badger @supreme-burrito @fanaticsnail @turtletaubwrites @cherry-queens-blog @fairymama624 @mrstraffy @kira-scarllet @strawheart-pirate
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ash-elizabeth-art · 25 days ago
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Another flock of pigeons is on its way! As a reminder, these are handmade clay pigeons that are meant to bring a tiny bit of joy to your life! They are sent out at random, and each pigeon comes with a card telling you their name and a fun fact about them! There are eight available in this batch, so do mark your calendars if you'd like to take one of them home!
They will be available in my shop on Sunday, February 9th at 4pm EST!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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Assisting Acquaintance Acquired.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#Ignore how Wen Ning's hair looks here because I messed it up. Let's pretend he just sported a different hair style for a brief moment.#I am not exactly great at consistency but I am trying very hard to work on that (immediately messes up again).#Absolutely *love* how Wen Ning clearly remembers and admires WWX...who does *not* recognize him.#This is the best day for Wen Ning and it means *nothing* to WWX. A painful one-sided crush made worse.#It is bittersweet to realize that we care about someone more than they care about us. Sometime we pour love into a relationship-#-with someone who just can't reciprocate. It isn't always a conscious things either. Some people just aren't aware we care.#And painfully - so painfully - You can't make them aware. No act of kindness or gift or self sacrifice will make someone care about you.#You can martyr yourself for someone and they will continue on unchanged.#I think a lot about the parallels between WN and LWJ. Not foils - just reflections. A theme repeated.#People who give so much of themselves to someone who doesn't have the capacity to give any part of themself away.#I will die on the hill of 'Wen Ning would be the love triangle romance if that trope wasn't being avoided'.#And to be honest - thank the stars above that is the case. I do not know any good love triangles in media.#We are skipping some of the sad Jiang Cheng content because I really want to finish season 2 before May.#Sorry JC emo moment lovers...I'll deliver another time.
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somequeeralien · 6 months ago
Just showing my appreciation for your robot girl art. Love Galaxy!!! Love ya art! Followed! <3 <3 <3
AWWW OMG THANK YOU, YOU DID SO MUCH!!! I'm glad you love her, the feelings are mutual!
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swimmingruinsdream · 2 years ago
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Don't Be A Salty Heifer Funny Cows Lover Gifts Vintage Farm T-Shirt
Salty Heifer T-shirt Funny Cow Gift For Farmer Tee. Perfect gift for men, women, dads, moms, sisters, brothers, sisters, and best friends who Love Cows. Cute Cows T-shirt, Cool Farmer T-Shirt, Funny Farmer Shirt, Great Farmer occasion in the year such as Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, New Year, birthdays, anniversaries, parties, holidays, and Halloween.Shirt, Proud To Be A Farmer T-Shirt.
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geraskierfanficprompts · 8 months ago
Prompt 94
Geralt hates the way Jaskier dresses. Alright- That came out wrong- Just like it does every time he tries to bring it up to Jaskier. He's just trying to help, or bring up a reasonable concern, but every time Geralt opens his damn mouth, all it gets him is a hurt look in Jaskier's eyes, and a smile just too big to be truthful. Geralt doesn't mind the colors. He doesn't mind the lace, or the tulle, or the colors, or the corsets, or the unreasonable amount of buttons and clasps, or the colors. He just doesn't like that there's nothing to the clothing. They don't protect nor warm his bard. Thus Geralt spends all time away from Jaskier, whether for a week because Jaskier is at some bardic competition, or all winter when Jaskier is at Oxenfort and he is at Kaer Morhen, sewing. He reads book after book after book, and practices, practices, practices. Geralt will make his bard pretty colorful frilly clothing that also keeps him warm and protected.
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littlealienproducts · 1 month ago
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Springtime Snails Booksleeve by BookishAndCozy
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kness · 4 months ago
Wholesome vibes for November
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Hey there ! Thank you for following me !
I'm so excited to share my latest collection with you all! These hand-painted ceramics are made with love and care. Inspired by my favorite critters, I wish I could pet a puffin, I'm sure you'll find your favorite animal in there too. Bunny lovers I'm looking at you.
I hope they bring a little bit of joy to your home. Each piece is one-of-a-kind, so grab yours before they're gone!
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