#lovely Nancy
skyloftian-nutcase · 9 days
oooih Twi giving great hugs! For the stick figure adventures
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Twilight doesn’t know his own strength sometimes (RIP Legend)
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I realized we reblogged each other's febuwhump at almost the same time and busted out laughing.
Thank you for that! i needed a good laugh
Oh haha we traded XD you’ve got some good stuff, good soup <3
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silvrash-797 · 2 months
The light inside the bottle dimmed suddenly as a large hand wrapped itself around their prison. That was all the warning they received as the bottle was lifted swiftly into the air, pinning Four and Hyrule to each other at the bottom of the glass. Whoever was holding them stopped moving with a jerk; Four found himself weightless for a short eternity before gravity reclaimed its hold, slamming him back down onto the unforgiving floor.
Coughing breathlessly, Four picked himself up, checking himself and Hyrule for any new injuries. He scrambled to the side of the bottle, trying to see what was going on.
The only opening left him a good view of Boss Rulow's smug, malicious grin. Shouting finally echoed through the bottle, but he still couldn’t understand what was being said.
The sunlight returned as the hand disappeared; Four had one brief moment to appreciate the extra light before he processed what it meant.
No matter how many times he’d fallen or jumped from a high place, the weightlessness that tugged at his stomach never got more comfortable, and that was when he had a way to catch himself. Now, terror filled his tiny body as he fell – five and a half feet at Minish size might as well be miles – trapped and utterly helpless, unable to do anything to stop their descent.
He found his terror reflected back from Hyrule's eyes, and the two tiny heroes clasped hands, bracing for the impact that would almost certainly kill them.
how about this for the DvD commentary if you don;t mind, since it's so lovely and all
Ooohhh, I like this piece!
So first off, this chapter almost didn't exist. I put the boys through the horrors and made it to the art, then almost hit a wall. What happens after the art I wrote the fic for? How do I sew up the loose ends I still have? What loose ends do I still have? I went back to @hyah-lian 's original post and saw the note "help can't come fast enough," and figured I could run with that.
I've written Hyrule a few times, but this fic was my first true time writing with Four, and I learned he's stubborn, independent, resourceful, and caring to a fault (which, now that I write it out, isn't a bad description of his four Colors). I like the hc that Four can hear the Colors in his head, but I was trying to keep to Jojo's canon for this fic, so I couldn't use the Colors themselves to get inside his head. Fortunately we share analytical overthinking and observation skills, so it wasn't too hard 🫠
In this section, Four is worried. He doesn't like the lack of control, he doesn't like the unknown, and he hates being helpless. He's got a brother with major injuries, in an unknown and unprecedented situation, so he's running on hyperspeed, logging and observing way more than I actually wrote out.
I tried to put myself in his place for the first paragraph. We already know that the soldiers don't really care, that they don't consider comfort when interacting with these heroes. I figured the Boss just leaned over and snatched the bottle up from the stump it was resting on, and it ended up feeling to me like one of those Tower of Terror or Robo-Drop amusement park rides, so that's how I wrote it. Only here, they don't have the safety harnesses that keep you safe from the g-forces, so they get shaken around a bit.
He scrambled to the side of the bottle, trying to see what was going on. The only opening left him a good view of Boss Rulow's smug, malicious grin.
Here, Rulow's strategically holding the bottle so Four and Hyrule are hidden from Wars and Legend, and vice versa. He knows he has the "high ground," so to speak, all the cards. This doesn't make Legend very happy, as we kind of hear in the next sentence: Shouting finally echoed through the bottle, but he still couldn’t understand what was being said. I didn't stress the 'still' in the fic, but I almost did. It's driving Four crazy that he can't prepare for whatever comes next!
Which brings me to my favorite part of the chapter. Light (or the absence thereof) is a bit of a motif for this chapter, since it's really the only sense Four has available to get information from the outside. As such, when the drop begins (and before gravity takes hold), he's just happy to be able to see again.
Then he realizes what's happening and rightfully freaks out. In Minish Cap Ezlo acts as a sort of paraglider. Four also gets Roc's cape at some point. But he doesn't have access to either of those items right now, and they wouldn't work regardless with him stuck inside the bottle. He's tiny, helpless, and essentially falling from 22x his current height (if I did the math right, that's like us falling from the 13th story of a building). And even if his items or Rulie's wings did work, there's the shattering glass to take into account. As far as they are aware/concerned, this is the end for them.
Which makes the next sentences in the fic all the more jarring and effective:
The impact came. But it wasn’t hard, shattering, deadly. It was gentle, cushioned, safe.
Finally, help came. Finally, they can be free.
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starwolfie · 2 months
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Thank you for the Pandahugs, they are so lovely 🥰🥰🥰
You’re such a lovely person!
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yeehawpim · 3 months
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plistommy · 3 months
One of the reasons why I love Steddie is how sweet Eddie was with Steve in the forest scene. That’s what got me into this ship. It was nice to see someone being patient and kind to Steve like that and it coming from someone like Eddie who viewed Steve so differently means a lot.
I loved how he told him how much Dustin looks up to him, making Steve smile and even after that wanting to joke around a little to make Steve laugh as well.
It was such a nice change, because all the other scenes we just see him bickering with someone or people making him seem stupid when he asks questions. Eddie didn’t make fun of him for not knowing Ozzy like he probably would have prior to things and instead let it be and called Steve cool. I love them.
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grungeprincess2 · 6 months
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Bat eyes
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scramratz · 2 months
My fandom take about your comics are that they're canonically part of the Nancy Comic Universe and that your self-insert is her direct descendant
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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mombin pt 9!! it's been too long i'm sorry
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ornithorynquerouge · 2 months
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Wonderful Nancy Sebastian. 1974
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kidovna · 1 month
Could I ask for another Ronance fan art?
I need more Ronance art these days.
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s5 ronance for the soul
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
If it catches your interest I'd love to see Ordon family getting caught hanging out with a Wolf and trying to get out of the situation without causing a panic.
It was a good thing Rusl was an extremely proficient liar.
Link rarely transformed, but sometimes he would do so to play with Colin. The boy was growing, his kidnapping and time in Kakariko having matured him greatly, and it seemed Link wanted his little brother to still have some childlike fun and joy in his life, so every once in a while the two would go off to train and then end up playing in the woods. More often than not, they’d play wrestle and splash in the sacred spring, but sometimes Link would take his canine form and let Colin ride on his back.
It was harmless, really. Rusl had stumbled upon the pair once while he’d walked through the woods, and he’d played with them both as well.
Today it wasn’t quite so harmless.
Nothing had gone terribly wrong, necessarily. But when Mayor Bo had decided to take a stroll to the sacred spring and inadvertently run into Colin riding a wolf, things had gotten a little more complicated.
Rusl was lingering near Link’s house when he’d heard the yelp of alarm. Mayor Bo’s eyes were wide as he stared at Colin and Link in his wolf form. Rusl’s eldest looked nearly terrified, ears peeled back, posture somewhat submissive but tense, ready to run if needed. Colin was an outright mess, stammering and trying to figure out what he should say or do.
The mayor put a hand to his chest, letting out a heavy sigh. “Spirits, Colin, you scared me to death. What are you even doin’? Where did you get such a massive dog? It looks near like a wolf! That’s dangerous!”
“He’s a wolf hound,” Rusl supplied easily, heart racing, voice calm. “Gift from Princess Zelda, but he mostly prefers being on the edge of the village. Link takes care of him. He doesn’t like people too much outside of us.”
“Ah! Well, that’s too bad, he looks like a cute fella,” Mayor Bo commented, smiling at Colin and Link. “I bet the kids would love him. And Ilia too!”
“Maybe someday,” Rusl offered with little meaning behind it. Whether Link chose to share his secret with anyone was up to him. Although… if he ever decided to pursue something with Ilia…
Rusl wiggled his eyebrows at his canine boy, smirking. “He might take a liking to Ilia, though I’d wait on that.”
Link’s posture relaxed a little, but he let out a boof of protest, sounding nearly exasperated. It took every bit of control Rusl had to not laugh at the teenager. Colin seemed to be calming down as well, his panicked expression morphing into something more akin to mild anxiety.
Rusl took pride in how his words helped settle his boys. He directed his attention back to the mayor, who held a brief conversation with him about the weather before walking back to the village. Colin slid off the wolf, who walked into the spring and shifted back into the boy Rusl knew and loved.
“Sorry, Pa,” Link muttered, cheeks flushed. “I should’ve… I’m usually better at hiding from others.”
Rusl hummed, crossing his arms. “You do need to be more careful, Link. And Colin, that goes for you too - don’t goad your brother into such activities in broad daylight like this.”
His boys looked sufficiently schooled, so he eased off, continuing, “I trust you two practiced sparring today, because I’m fairly certain that if you’ve just been frolickin’ in the woods I can beat both of ya.”
Link and Colin both brightened, the younger eager while the elder smirked competitively. They followed Rusl back to the clearing just outside of Link’s house, quickly grabbing practice swords, and the three sparred into the night, laughter rising into the air. The crisis was blessedly averted, and the day ended with a delicious dinner made by Uli. Rusl smiled at his boys, happy and relieved.
But Spirits, it was a good thing Rusl was an excellent liar.
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jonathanbyersphd · 4 months
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Oh, it is OVER for the Wheeler Siblings
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silvrash-797 · 2 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!!!
Five is a LOT for first thing in the morning on a day when I didn't sleep well bbbbbbbhhhhdld
But that's okay. It means I need this even more!
I love my eyes. Blue-green with a many-pointed star pattern around the iris 😊
I like my attention to detail. I know it's probably something we all put on our resumes, but I worked Quality Assurance for five years before we moved. I Notice things
I love feeling my baby move inside me, and that I'm healthy enough to keep him happy and strong
I love being a sounding board and listening ear for others
I love my love of reading, learning, and words in general
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fifthnailinstevesbat · 6 months
steve “cant get out of bed till middle of the day, barely leaves his house or is never home, isolating himself from everyone, never takes time for himself anymore, depressed and is slowly losing more and more of himself every single day” harrington post 1986’
robin “i know you loved her, and it must’ve killed that she wouldn’t take you back, but nancy is happy steve and she still loves you. she’s not the only one out there for you, and you’ve gotta get over it. we miss you” buckley post 1986’, trying to help her best friend
steve “…this isn’t about nancy” harrington.
robin “wha-?… oh. oh steve.” buckley.
he still wears the vest.
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flowerytale · 1 year
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Nancy Mitford, from The Pursuit of Love
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