#lovelink flag
rabidbatboy · 3 months
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LOVELINK: an otherlink subterm for when one’s link is influenced by a correspondence to their partner or attraction
a lovelink could be:
- linking an object your partner is objectum for
- linking a character that your introject/kin/link/etc partner is dating/paired with in the media
- linking a character that is dating/paired with a character you are attracted to in the media
- linking a character that your f/o is dating/paired with in the media
- linking an animal because your partner is kin/link/hearted with that animal
- linking a character that you yourself are attracted to due to being on the autospec
lovelink can refer to romantic, sexual, queerplatonic, tertiary attraction etc
TAGGING: @kin-flags @alterhumanprideflags
template and symbol:
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revenant-coining · 1 month
Can possibly request a Taylor, Ben & Aiden (school bus graveyard webcomic, part of the main character group) lovelink flags? /Nf/gen
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aiden, ben, & taylor lovelink flags!
tagging; @radiomogai
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corgibae · 2 years
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They leaked the cowboy!!!
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csmicletters · 2 years
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Treasure Hunt
Kaia receives a mysterious gift at her doorstep; in hopes to see the guy she's in love with once again, she ends up at a camp, but things get much better than expected.
Skylar Quinn/Original Character - Lovelink
1500+ characters
This was a work for the Summer Vibes Event for r/LovelinkFanfics on Reddit from last year.
I would like to thank my friends Alice and Amanda for all the help and support while writing this, and Amanda, especially for beta reading it for me. I love you guys. You two are just precious to me.
It was after ten when I found myself sitting in my now dark apartment. It seems like today was another day when I've buried myself so deep in work that I've forgotten about the world around me.
As I closed my laptop and started to get up, memories began to flow through my brain like they do every night, reminding me why I've been hiding behind the screen. It's a warm and delightful memory, but at the same time, it's too painful to remember him, his blue eyes staring into my soul, his silent cry for help. It also reminds me how powerless and useless I felt, not being able to help Skylar when he needed the most.
I allowed myself to take a deep breath and stand up, turning my light on low and heading towards the bathroom, wondering whether a long bath would be helpful or not.
Truth is, even though Skylar told me not to worry nor blame myself, I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that if anything happened to him after he disappeared, it would be my fault, since his grandmother was using me to get to him. Not having news from him was killing me inside.
Suddenly loud knocks on my door pulled me away from my bad thoughts. When I opened the door, I found, to my surprise, a small box, with no mention of the sender.
I picked up the box and walked to the couch with it in hand, grabbing a pair of scissors on the way, and sat down to start opening it.
Inside I found a smaller wooden box, and, when I carefully opened this second box, the contents both surprised and confused me; there was a puzzle of some kind, which right away filled my heart with hope that it was Skylar's, but it also frightened me that it could be someone else's. There was also an anonymous letter saying that I need to go to a remote area in the woods in a few days, containing the exact location of the spot and the directions I needed for me to get there, as well as camping gear, which would supposedly make things easier; but it also asked me to go alone, causing the red flags in my tired and overwhelmed brain to go crazy.
I put the boxes aside and decided that I wasn't up to dealing with this today; I need to keep my head clear. So I resumed my previous plans and went to take a long bath, going to bed soon after.
A few days later, I parked my car in a very remote area, alone, hoping for the best, and with my best friend on speed dial, already aware of the situation, in case I needed it. My heart was hopeful, but my mind was screaming at me for being reckless. I had studied my little treasure hunt so much that I knew it upside down; so I took a deep breath, turned off my car and got out, grabbing my backpack and the rest of my stuff, finally leaving my comfort behind and heading into the woods.
I followed all the directions given to me for my hike and started to find some treats along the way: like the beautiful sky, the breathtaking landscapes, some paths with my favorite flowers, the fresh air; even the breeze was perfect for the day. But the closer I got to the location described to me in the mysterious letter I received, the more I could see an already set up camping site and a small fire pit. But a few moments later, I lost my breath as my eyes met his ocean blue ones as he left his tent and started to walk towards me, making me do the same thing and run into his arms.
As I left the tent I'd pitched a few hours ago, I met Kaia's amber eyes for the first time in so long, they looked like pools of gold; reminding me why I fought so hard to get out of my grandparents' house. Everything I did and went through to get here made sense as she ran into my arms and gave me the sweetest kiss I could imagine. She was worth it all. Her smile, the look in her eyes when she first saw me was everything that I needed.
This treasure hunt was a long shot, I wasn't sure if she would come or if she would just freak out, but I'm glad that she chose the former; that I have her here now in my arms, looking at me like I'm the most precious treasure she has ever found in her life, and in my heart, the was the same.
She looked at me again and said: — You have no idea how happy I am to see you or how much I've missed you. I was scared to follow the instructions in the letter, that someone might be trying to kill me in the woods; but any slight hope that it could be you was worth it. — She smiled and hugged me tighter, allowing me to smell her hair, trying to imprint that moment forever in my memory, and I whispered in her ear: — I'll never get away from you again, baby. And I’m glad you made it, I just couldn’t stay away any longer.
She put her hand on my face, kissed my jaw, the tip of my nose, without ever looking away from me, and said: — I was so scared of them trying to hurt you to keep your mouth shut, of never even finding out about anything they might have done to you. You need to tell me how you got out of there.
I looked back at her, kissed her forehead and whispered: — And you'll hear every detail. But for now, I'll just say that I've found strong evidence against my grandmother, bad enough to threaten her that if she tries to get close to any of us again, I'll throw it all out into the open. Now, can I please just enjoy your company? I have a surprise for you. — I took her hand and led her to the little picnic I had set up in hopes of her showing up.
We sat around the picnic basket I’d gathered with some fruit and snacks. We ate a little, and lay down under the stars after, enjoying each other and this moment.
Kaia made some s'mores and I had some toasted marshmallows, until I asked her if she could stay here with me for a few more days until my getaway crisis eases a little and I feel safer to return home with her.
I was enjoying my s'mores when Skylar asked if I would like to stay here with him for a few days. Although I'm not an outdoor person, I couldn't leave him now that I just got him back. So I turned on my phone, texted my boss and my best friend, telling them that I would be unavailable for the next few days, but I assured my best friend that I was okay, and that I would save battery so I could text her daily, reassuring her that I was safe.
As we lay under the stars, admiring its beauty, Skylar turned to me, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight, and said: — You know, thinking I would lose you and not be able to see you anymore made me realize that I've been better since I met you; made me realize that I was nothing before you, and I would be nothing after. Also, it made me see just how much I actually love you. So, Kaia, I want you to be officially my girlfriend. Would you be mine? Would you let me try to make you the happiest woman alive?
I felt the wetness run down my cheeks and I hugged him, answering as best as I could: — I've been yours for a while, Skylar. But there’s nothing I’d love more than making it official. — I smiled, ear to ear, and we stood up, holding each other's hand as we walked back to our tent.
We entered the tent and I saw that Skylar had decorated it with fairy lights and flower petals. My heart warmed to know that even in the middle of the woods he went out of his way to make this the most comfortable and romantic experience possible for me, even after what happened to him.
We undressed slowly and made love all night long; expressing through our bodies our feelings for each other and gratitude for being reunited.
A few hours later, I put on his shirt and we cuddled, ready to sleep. I looked at him again and I said: — I love you, Skylar, and I'd do anything for you. I hope you know that. I can’t wait to start our lives together. — I kissed him gently one last time before settling for the night, slowly falling asleep as I listened to his heartbeat.
We spent the next few days living in our little bubble of happiness, cuddling in the starlight and moonlight, enjoying our waterfall and lake baths, disconnected from the outside world, and just being here, in the present, grateful for what we have.
But then it was time to go back to reality. And this time we were refreshed and ready to face any challenge that life brings us.
I hope everyone enjoyed it. Any kudos, comments, and feedback are very appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
xx Rafa
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ratanslily · 3 years
Lovelink icons masterlist
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for easy access, lol. the tag eats my posts so yeah
Albert Bishop
Austin Russo
Bex Michel
Calum Keys
Clementine Hill
Clementine Hill part 2
Damien Jones
Dr. Vile + non-binary flag
Elizabeth Baker
Emmalyn Roberts
Emerson Grey
Eve Rockwood
Eveline Van Dyke
Fei Wu
Felicia Fatale
Franz, Ingrid
Jade Adisa
Jamie Grant
Jamie Grant (Bouquet Cg)
Jamie Grant tux (yes im a jamie simp)
Jonathan Hayes
Julia Greene
Garret Brown
Min-Jae Lee
Nina Hawk
Noah Cruz
Nori Cove
Raphael Becker
Ruby Thomas
Sage Foster + Vittoria Voznesensky
Sage Foster
Skylar Quinn
Tiros Darkmane
MISC (fav female lis: ruby, emmalyn, felicia, julia, rose,eve)
..more to come!
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suoirallesalta · 4 years
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A Masterlist of all @suoirallesalta edits!
Every edit is tagged under #suoiredits. edits are sorted acc to their books! enjoy
click here for my art masterlist!
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Making Sabina in the Character without using Character’s assets style (edit challenge
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Kepler, in only the harness. 
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Jen in her dress including the lingerie
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Simon Montjoy in Ava’s dress
younger Mitzi Montjoy
AVSP MC as on the cover
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💫 Nia Ellarious
the perfect pair? (Nia x MC in an AME crossover)
Goddess of the Sea (Nia x Sunkissed edit)
Nia and Imtura with... moustaches
Nia with TE Alma’s hair and MTFL Ava’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Nia as Neisha (new avatar)
Starry Nia (#BladesAW)
Empress of The Shadow (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Kamilah (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Rheya (#BladesAW) 
the pretty young girl next door (#BladesAW)
Quartermaster Nia Ellarious (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as TE MC (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as Shreya (#BladesAW) 
Nia Ellarious in her dress including her lingerie
nia ellarious hot goth girlfriend
The Priestess (GIF edit) (Nia in RC outfit)
Tyril Starfury
cold and broody™ vampire elf (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ bodyguard (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ elementalist (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ orc (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ designer; feat. f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
Tyril with f!Blaine’s hair (#BladesAW)
rogue-ish Tyril Starfury (with a beard)
The Mage (GIF edit) (in RC outfit)
Scream(o)s from the inside (Kade album cover edit)
Bald-ur (#BladesAW)
Damn those elves and their magicks (Mal - Aerin hairswap)
Modern Rogue-ish Mal Volari (with a beard)
Blades of Lust and Sensuality
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Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
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Duke Richards in the banana mascot outfit from Platinum.
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Charlie Smith
A relaxing day at the waterfall! (edit inspired by Charlie Premium Scene!)
Quartermaster of the Dreadlord (DSAW)
Quartermaster of the Flotillan Pirates (DSAW)
Siren of The Light (DSAW)
Charlie as Atlas, Eli and Shreya from TE (DSAW)
Maggie! M-Maggie? (MM and DS Maggie Crossover)
Maggie with HC Hazel’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit. (#suoirandom request)
Oliver Cochrane
Oliver Cochrane as Luke Hemmings
oliver cock rain (DSAW)
f!Oliver (DSAW)
Distant Sores (Charlie x Edward face swap)
DS MC using BaBu2 sprite (DSAW)
Distant Couture // Hot Shores (DS x HC crossover, DSAW)
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Ayna Seth
student!Ayna and professor!Ayna
Ayna as Imogen from ILB
buff ayna
Ayna as Jackie in the Open Heart 3 CG
Ayna Seth
Ayna Seth as a Lovelink Match
Ayna Seth as Robin Tora
aynia ellarious
TA meets TA (Ayna - Aiyana Midthunder crossover)
Blaine Hayes
m!Blaine in f!Blaine’s dress
f!Blaine as m!Blaine
Blaine with PT Raleigh’s Hair and MOTY MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Blaine Hayes edit inspired by @aestheteasteria’s icon
Tatum Mendoza
John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
Tatum in Ayna’s dress / Tatum as Ayna
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
MC with ATV Pax’s hair and TNA Robin’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Ayna x MC
Bodyguard Murphy (lmao)
Murphy Icons <3
I think I got the address to the wrong Murphy
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Skye Crandall x Gerard Way
Dark Mage Ajay (choicedits challenge)
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Power Duo (Luz x MC)
Bridgette Gardner with TRH Cedric Vescovi’s hair and PM Hayden’s Outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Luz Estrada in her dress including the lingerie
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Noah Marshall in the banana outfit (edit request)
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Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in the TNA MC’s Golden Dress)
A bit younger Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in casual(?) outfit)
Aislinn Tanaka
Aislinn Tanaka in QB Poppy’s outfit and diff black hair
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend 2
aislinn tanaka girlfriend
aislinn tanaka’s v short hair
Gabe and MC as Mal and Nia
Babe Ricci with long hair
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The Boys
Ava as Britney from ILITW
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IGHT (NB face swap)
MC with TE MC’s hair and BB MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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bryce.. lahela .. and,, uh.. bryce sterling..
Rookie Ramsey
Rookie Varma
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Raleigh Carrera
Raleigh Carrera with AME Mackenzie’s hair and VOS Naomi’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
An exclusive sneak-peek at Raleigh Carrera’s fuck-the-stereotype Vinyls look that has got the fandom in meltdown!
Raleigh Carrera with BOLAS MC’s hair and THM Eris’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
A Very Wilshere Christmas! (Album Cover)
The Hottest Couple of the Industry (Avery x MC)
Poppy is just angry Avery
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Zoey Wade
“Besties!” (mc and Zoey as Mc and Ava from MTFL)
priestess zoey wade
zoey in floral
zoey in floral (beach-wear edition)
TA Zoey Wade
Zoey Wade as Atlas Ernhardt
Zoey Wade in TE MC’s gala outfit
zoey in the dress she gave to mc in the first chapter
Ina/Ian Kingsley
Ina Kingsley with TF Becca's hair and BB Kamilah's outfit. (edit request)
Ina Kingsley with TNA Sam’s hair and WT MC’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Veronica with TNA Sofia’s hair and ACOR Sabina’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
MC with BP Courtney’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit.
how (ridiculous) mc would look if she actually wore that ligerie under that dress
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📰 Robin Tora
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#2)
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#3)
Robin as Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
Robin in an oversized baggy shirt
wait, wrong Robin- shit (Sofia TNA edit)
Robin Tora as Robin Tora and Robin Tora as Robin Tora
Robin as Cassian in Witness
Robins at the beach
robin hood
asian f!robin tora as blaine hayes
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Flame the Crow & Me : One Boob (TC&TF face swap)
Annia Adairious (TCTF AW)
orc!Val (TCTF AW)
Kenna Rys with NB Katherine’s hair and HSS Principal Rivera’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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🌙 Atlas Ernhardt
Atlas Ellarious
Atlas, the adventurous elf
Queen of Vampires, Atlas, of Clan Ernhardt
Vampire Queen Atlas (edit #2)
Atlas, the Snow Princess
Atlas, the Moon Princess
Atlas in genderfluid flag colors!
m!Atlas in f!Atlas’s Gala dress
f and m!Atlas swapped
☀️ Eli Solaris Russell (my mc)
Eli’s first (accidental) spell cast!
Eli’s momentous first day at Penderghast
⚙️ Beckett Harrington
“Small dapper Beckett… confirmed.”
Beckett as Connor from Detroit: Become Human
Shreya Mistry
Shreya “Wonder Woman” Mistry
❣️ Pend Pals
“All dressed in black.”
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#1)
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#2)
Magick Docs (OH crossover)
Pend Pals in Belvoire attire
Pend Gals on a night out after the Amorelia Day Gala (faceapp faceswap edit)
The Elementalists - Across the Dimension (2D art crossover)
💞 Shreya x Atlas
“your eyes, they shine so bright”
“Hey Shreya.. Marry Me”
“Wedding Day!”
💞 Beckett x Eli/MC
Beckett and Eli in a western setting
Eli x Beckett face swap
Eli x Beckett in Robin x Sofia art (lmao)
🌟 Double Trouble (Eli/MC + Atlas)
Hydrobreath (Eli + Atlas)
“my younger twin sister” (double trouble x mtfl edit)
Blood of the Sun (a spinoff movie poster)
Coolness of metal and water-atts (meme)
Alma with FA Dionne’s hair and D&D MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton and Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton with BB Serafine’s hair and TCTF Val’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Sofia as Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil
the cake on sofia’s skirt works as floral print
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John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
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Vampire Harlenay
Flynn o’Malley in fem VOS characters’ hair 
Flynn o’Malley in fem outfits
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Anna Koishi
Anna Koishi, at the club, with short pink hair
Anna Koishi with TE Atlas’s hair and PT Avery’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Anna Koishi as Atlas Ernhardt
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
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Asian f!Dakota with Hispanic f!Dakota’s hair
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Daenerys, the mother of dragons (using TRR mc)
TRR mc as Daenerys (edit #2)
the greatest witch of our time (BB mc as Hermione Granger)
me before you (poster edit with TRR Mc and AME Adam)
Aquaman (ft Cassian and Ava)
Wolf Bride wolf in Poppy’s outfit
Imogen Dragons
rip fallen books
The Crew (DSAW)
Wizards of Waverley Place (THOBM edit)
omg a hit tweet (pb meme)
Choicedits Challenges
ACOR Sabina without using her assets
OpH Jackie without using her assets
Harry Potter and Hermione Granger using Choices assets
Priestesses of the Light
Coldplay’s Higher Power album cover using only Choices assets
Asian Wolf Bride MC as TE MC
Lovelink Edits
Nicholas Adley in Pirate Outfit
Jamie Grant in multiple outfits from HERO
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cahhdmus · 4 years
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Commission to the amazing @summericedcoffee
She asked me on Reddit to do an icon with the bi pride flag of the hottie Skylar of lovelink! So here it is!! 
I hope you like it!!
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