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Feb 27, 2017 My February Book Haul!!! I got 6 books this month! I am so excited about Scarlet & Cress that I am in a reading funk because I really want to read those. I need to read my library books first! #brightandbeautifulfebruary #abookwormfebruary #tdffeb17 #bookworldlovin #loveatfirstpage17 #booksbemine17 #wishfulwonder #loveinfebruary #onceuponabookstagrammer #fictionfebruary #februarybooks #g3wfebchallenge #quoththeromanticbookchallenge #rfabfeb17 #watermelanerdsfebruary #bookishpetschallenge #cupidshuffle17 #bookishfebruarychallenge #februarylibrary17 #lostinthefebruarypaiges #pjmonthofmadness #28amlovechallenge #alliwantforfebruaryisabook #frenchiefantasyfebruary 📚📚 How many books did you get this month?? 📚📚 #bookstagram #bookish #bibliophile #bookworm
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How is it already Sunday? Catching up on challenges today! Chapter 14 for #loveatfirstpage17 ties in nicely with non tradition couples for #grimdragon. I simply adore WESPER. I also need to finish reading this book! But I'm dreading it, I've seen the reactions, the book hangovers, the FEELS. I feel like I just got over Wayfarer. What is the worst book hangover you have ever had? ☆ #bookstagram #fiercereads #CrookedKingdom #leighbardugo #thedregs #SixofCrows #yalit #februarybookchallenge #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookstagramit #bookishglee #bookishfeatures #booksandoldkeys
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So.......maybe I went a little overboard this month. Don't look at me 🙈. To be fair, I got almost all of these things on sale. I just can't resist a good coupon or deal. QOTD: what have you bought this month? . . . Day 27 ���� #sweetlittlewords17 One Word Title: there are several here, can you spot them? 💙 #winterbookishlove17 Favorite Ship that Didn’t Sail: Legolas and Gimli 😂 💙 #lilbookishsuperlatives Most Likely to Fill Up Their Camera with Selfies: Maui (see the Moana book tucked in next to Uprooted?) 💙 #februarylattesandwords Warm and Cozy 💙 #loveatfirstpage17 Red and White Books: you might not be able to see them behind the best, but The Night Circus and A Darker Shade of Magic are in there somewhere. 💙 #bookisheverafter Dreams Come True: the Disney princess pop life 💁🏻 💙 #febbookstagram Fave Austen Character: Mr. Darcy obviously 💙 #bookpartyfebruary17 Surprise Ending: Sleeping Giants. I won't say anything about it, but I highly recommend this book. 💙 #alliwantforfebruaryisabook February Book Haul #reading #reader #read #booklover #book #books #bookish #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookworm #bookaddict #bookaholic #booknerd #bookgeek #booksofinstagram #bookhaul #februaryhaul #funko #funkopop #pophaul #funkopophaul #februarywrapup
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Do you have a favorite cover? I don't really have a favorite color but I do love the ones for the Starbound trilogy by #amiekaufman and #meaganspooner. 😍😍 . ................... . #lilbookishsuperlatives Most likely to go skinny dipping in public > Tarver, especially if Lilac asks. 😉 #bookishrecs17 Recommend a sci-if #rfabfeb17 Signed book #loveatfirstpage17 Guilty pleasure http://ift.tt/2mATWxA
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Happy Saturday Bookstagram Fam! I will catch up on challenge photos this weekend. Eventually. After work. Day 3 for #loveatfirstpage17 #booksandcoffee and #bibliophilelove2017 #booksandmaps ☆ Weather is warming up here in Florida and it hasn't been raining! So Emma and I have been exploring and digging up artefacts and other things I've buried without her knowing. I love my little explorer! I'm off to work this morning though, what is everyone up to this weekend? ☆ #bookstagram #morningstar #piercebrown #howlerforlife #darrowauandromedus #leighbardugo #SixofCrows #CrookedKingdom #thedregs #EmpireofStorms #sarahjmaas #aelinashryvergalathynius #yafantasy #yasciencefiction #igreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookstagramit #bookishglee
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Day 2 Groundhog Day! Do you want more winter or spring? Florida doesn't have much of a spring. It will soon be so hot people melt upon stepping outside. I absolutely prefer our autumn/winter seasons to spring. I love my hot hot drinks and cozy reading time. #loveatfirstpage17 As for the other side of Groundhog Day for #GrimDragon , Books that felt like they would never end. Has anyone read the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan? Those middle books all bled into one story for me and I honestly don't remember much of what happens! I love how the series finally wrapped up. I think I might have been relieved it was over. #bookstagram #februarybookchallenge #winterreads #winter #thelunarchronicles #marissameyer #itsallinthedetails #corsetsandbooks #bookblogger #bookchallenge #winterandjacin
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Hello beautiful book lovers! For today's #loveatfirstpage17 prompt Unrequited Love. I immediately thought of Eleanor & Park. Even though they had a brief moment together, it was not enough! They never did get to find their happily ever after or discover what might have been. I keep holding out hope Rainbow Rowell will give us another story. I mean we are getting Always and Forever Lara Jean! A book lover can dream.... #grimdragon You shook me all night long: Book that kept you up. I read this in one day the first time. I could put it down! I think I read all of Rainbow Rowell's books in one or two sittings. I've read quite a few ARC'S this month that way too. There are some amazing books coming out this year. #bibliophilelove2017 Favourite bookstagram props! These flowers and branches are my current go to! I also have my favourite old keys and some bronze gears. I'm really digging this clean look with a lot of purple lately. What are your go to props? #bookstagram #eleanorandpark #rainbowrowell #yacontemporary #yaromance #booklove #booksandflowers #wovenpear #socks #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookishglee #bookstagramit #bookishallure #adventure #februarybookchallenge #unrequitedlove
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I am OBSESSED with the candle sampler from @themeltinglibrary These are absolutely amazing. Shout out to Summer @buttermybooks for always keeping a bookish friend updated. #loveatfirstpage17 #booksandcandles #grimdragon Oh, I can feel the tension rising! #tensescenes A Court of Mists and Fury is FULL OF THEM. One of my absolute favourites is the very end. I won't post spoilers. I just love the character growth and development in this book so much. Feyre is so badass. #bookstagram #februarybookchallenge #bloomsburypublishing #acourtofthornsandroses #ACourtOfMistsAndFury #bookswithmaps #itsallinthedetails #themeltinglibrary #thenightcourt #thecourtofdreams #velaris #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookstagramit #bookishglee #yafantasy #fantasybooks #bookishfeatures
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Niffler says hello! We are ready to tackle another crazy work weekend. Still catching up on challenge tags over here too. #loveatfirstpage17 #belovedfictionalanimal #bibliophilelove2017 Most Enviable #Bookishfriendship I love Newt and his love for his animals. He cares for their well being and they genuinely are his family. Especially Pickett. I love how he was so offended thinking Newt would really give him up. Newt is his home tree after all. I would not mind my own bowtruckle or thunderbird for that matter. I'm eagerly anticipating the release of Fantastic Beasts to bluray so I can throw that into my Potter movie marathons. Which might just slowly change into Wizarding World movie marathons. What is everyone up to this weekend? #bookstagram #februarybookchallenge #scholasticpress #niffler #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #newtscamander #originalfunko #hogwartsismyhome #wizardingworld #jkrowling #nomaj #muggle #thunderbird #ilvermorny #booksandflowers #allthethings #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookstagramit
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“And didn't they say that, although curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought the beast back?” ― Stephen King, Four Past Midnight . . • Getting ready for #mardigras2017 with some gold covers to match the mask. . • Day 19: Favorite Classic King (1974-99) Four Past Midnight was one of my favorite books growing up. I still remember waiting and watching the miniseries of The Langoliers with my dad. And I couldn't leave out The Stand. It's hard to choose one. #ConstantReaderChallenge @jobis89 @ab_reads . . • Anxiously awaiting a #KingCake 💜💚💛 #grimdragon @grimdark_dad @the_infinite_book_dragon . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all @wherethereadergrows . . • #squeakybookishlibrary @thesqueakycupboard @ladyofthelibrary @a_tad_bit_bookish . . • #lilbookishsuperlatives @lisa_lostinlit @lostinlit_becca . . • #bookishrecs17 @darkfaerietales_ @eden.hammond @novelheartbeat @cbookaddiction . . • #bibliophilelove2017 @oasisgirlmd @brumblewumps.books.and.plush . . • #loveatfirstpage17 @accio_all_the_books @vixenreads @pinkbookmark . . #constantreader #sk_fans #stephenking #stephenkingfan #fourpastmidnight #thestand #horrorlover #horrorhound #horrorbooks #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booklover #bookblog #booknerd #reading #bookaddict #booknerdigans #booklove #serialbibliophile #nocturnalreads #bookdragon
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Happy Caturday! Feeling so grateful today. I have made some of the most AMAZING friend's here in the bookstagram community. When Summer @buttermybooks introduced me to Benita of @bookbeau and her amazing shop I never expected to gain such an amazing friendship. Benita surprised me with the cutest custom beau for Galentine's Day! (And Emma now has a shopkins shw will NOT leave home without) I am obsessed with this print!!! Thank you again my kick ass friend! Who have you meet in the bookstagram community that you are now great friends with? Tag your favourite people below! ☆ #loveatfirstpage17 Favourite Classic Romance and #bibliophilelove2017 Most Romantic Couple go hand in hand here. Sense and Sensibility is one of my favourites and I love Marianne Dashwood and Colonel Brandon. I will forever picture Alan Rickman as that character. 💜 ☆ #bookstagram #bookbeau #bookbuddy #booksleeve #bookishmerch #bookishshop #booklove #classicbooks #februarybookchallenge #springflowers #itsallinthedetails #ntptnstyle #senseandsensibilty #janeausten #benitabotelloismyspiritanimal
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Day 13 (Ship you dislike) and Day 14 (OTP) of #loveatfirstpage17 work rather well for this photo. I have never liked Tamlin and I can't stand who Feyre is when she's with him in either book. But Rhysand? He's everthing. His patience, understanding and endless love for her, his trust and belief in what she can do is AMAZING. #bibliophilelove2017 Book that reminds you of your true love A Court of Mist and Fury. I only hope I could be so lucky in real life to find my own version of Rhysand. 💜 ☆ I also received my @themeltinglibrary library candle box and OH MY GOD. It is perfection! High Lady of the Night Court Pillow from @shopthepathtonarnia ☆ #bookstagram #ACourtOfMistsAndFury #sarahjmaas #acourtofthornsandroses #highladyofthenightcourt #shopthepathtonarnia #themeltinglibrary #weeklyfave #otp #shipyoudislike #bloomsburypublishing #thenightcourt #rhysand #feyreandrhysand #feyrecursebreaker #thecourtofdreams #itsallinthedetails #bookishmerchfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookishfeatures #bookstagramit #bookishglee
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Hello bookstagram! I have missed you all these past few days. It's the last rush for engagement season and the shop ISN'T showing any signs of slowing down. I may be a bit all over the place with my posting but I am definitely catching up on my reading. I have 3 reviews coming to the blog and some amazing recommendations coming your way. All the #loveatfirstpage17 challenge photos coming in this week are AMAZING!!! What are you reading this week? ☆ #bookstagram #lunalovegood #hogwartsismyhome #ravenclaw #hottopic #platform9andthreequarters #hogwartsexpress #idesperatelyneedmagic #letsbemagicians #itsallinthedetails #schoolbooks #candlewickpress #demiguise #funkopop #booksandoldkeys
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Feb 14, 2017 ❤️❤️❤️HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ❤️❤️❤️ My mom brought me cupcakes today!!! I couldn't pass the chance of using them in photos! 📚❤️📚 #bookworldlovin - book you love #watermelanerdsfebruary #loveanddiversityfeb17 #booksbemine17 #februarybooks #loveatfirstpage17 #fandomlovefeb #bibliobookishpagesfeb #februarylibrary17 - OTP - Wynter & Christopher, Kestrel & Arin, Kaz & Inej, Feyre & Rhysand, Celaena & Chaol. Yes I would have preferred her with Chaol... I need to reread the series. #wishfulwonder #bookentine17 #bookishpetschallenge #rfabfeb17 #lostinthefebruarypaiges #readfoldlove - Valentine's Day #loveinfebruary #theinfernalfebruary #frenchiefantasyfebruary - Bookish Boyfriend - Kaz, Rhysand, Chaol, Arin, Razi, & Christopher 📚❤️📚 #bookstagram #happyvalentinesday #cupcakes #hearts #books #bookish #bookworm #bibliophile #love #fantasy #read
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I love today's #grimdragon prompt, free for all! Check out my conversation hearts everywhere. I'm always reminded of a lot of the YA Contemporaries this time of year, especially TATBILB and PSISLY. I can't wait for Always and Forever Lara Jean. I always imagined Lara Jean would love conversation hearts and might actually make her own. They would probably be amazingly delicious and epically romantic. I might have to attempt making my own this year for Emma and I. I have few ideas.... #Loveatfirstpage17 ♡Love at first page ♡Weasley to my Granger ♡Let's go to the library ♡Bookstore Babes ♡ ☆ #bookstagram #bookchallenge #toalltheboysivelovedbefore #psistillloveyou #jennyhan #itsallinthedetails #alwaysandforeverlarajean #larajean #yacontemporary #romance #yalit #bookstagramfeatures #bookishallure #bookstagramit #bookishglee #bookishfeatures #conversationhearts #valentinesday #loveatfirstpage #bookishvalentine
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It always feels rather serendipitous when challenges line up. Day 4 #loveatfirstpage17 and #grimdragon Favourite Friendships. I will always love and adore what Luna Lovegood does for Harry and his friends. Her unfailing belief in the impossible, her unending hope for the best, she is one of the nicest characters. I also really love that JK Rowling didn't complicate things between Luna and Harry with an unnecessary romance. Same for Harry, Hermione and Ron. No unnecessary love triangles. I also really adore the kids in the Changeling series, Robin, Henry, Karya and Woad. They have been through so much in only 2 books and have grown stronger for it. I'm so excited for book 3!!! ( series available on amazon by @jamesfahyauthor read and then come chat with meeeeee) As for OTP for #Bibliophilelove2017 I have several. I am in love with love. Why else would I still be working in the wedding industry? Feyre and Rhysand. Molly and Arthur Weasley. Nynaeve al'Meara and Lan Madragoran. Are just a few. ☆ #bookstagram #hpcelebrations #hogwartsismyhome #thegoldentrio #harrypotter #hermionegranger #ronaldweasley #lunalovegood #otp #bestfriends #bookfriendships #itsallinthedetails #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookstagramit #bookishallure #bookishglee
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