#love you dilan if you see this
userparamore · 5 months
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berryblu-ocs · 1 month
one of the notes i wrote on Dilan´s character design scribbles just reads "scrunched up long sleeve shirt under jacket like a MADMAN" akjsdhfhjsmdhfjm forgot i wrote that
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goldenchocobo · 4 months
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Here’s what I’ve been working on, it’s taken a month, but I’ve finally completed it!
All 13 14 Organization XIII members with flowers!
I did reuse some flowers; but I’ve been wanting to redraw those portraits for a while now, so I can cross that off the list too
Under the KEEP READING are the flowers included, along with why I chose them for that Organization Member.
- You've clicked the 'Keep Reading', so you're in for the long-haul; 14 flower analyses in one! Better get snug!
I. Anemone flowers (also called wind flowers) have a lot of meanings, more negative than good ones; the ones I singled out for Xemnas was death and loss. Flower meanings require a lot of context- like sentences, so in this instance, I’ve used ‘loss’ to mean ‘loss’ in a general sense- Xemnas lost his heart, his comrades, his emotions; and by the end of KHIII; even his motivation; saying he doesn’t really care for his comrades’ demises, and that after he’s gained any kind of sensation back; it’s regret.
II. Knowing Xigbar is keeping all kinds of secrets, and knowing them is his business, Snapdragons are perfect. White and purple denote the spiritual and mystic. Them covering his mouth means that he knows something you don't, and he won't tell you anything.
III. We don’t know much about Xaldin- or Dilan. But with how I interpret him and his actions; he’s someone who has been scorned before- or at least has a lot of jealous dislike towards relationships and is sickened by how love makes people act. Hydrangeas are a flower both used for some wedding bouquets, as well as denoting jealousy, especially in their purple-blue colouration, as it's higher pH that causes the flowers to be that colour.
IV. Azeleas are flowers of two halves. They can mean Temperance and intelligence, but also temptation and caution. This is why I thought it was perfect for Vexen. Not only does he give into the temptation of his (immoral) research- more than once, but also ignored the dangers of it. When he's recompleted, we can see that he's gotten rid of these temptations (or at least I hope so). I made them orange to deeper the 'danger' and 'caution' theme as orange is a colour in nature that denotes it- like toxic amphibians and insects.
V. Lexaeus is a quiet man; so I don't really know much about him other than that he's strong and wants to protect Ienzo/Zexion; as such gladiolus- a symbol of such strength and protection is perfect for him.
VI. Zexion is interesting because I kind of see him as a tragic two-sided character. His scheming, 'throwing morals out the window and toying with people' Zexion in CoM side, and his more naïve, innocent and caring Ienzo side we see in KH3. I gave him Begonias for this reason; the purple in one hand representing mystique and curiosity, whilst white being for a more innocent side to him. I specifically chose Begonia pavonina leaves because they look weird and mystic and kind of match his shimmering hair.
VII. I've already used yellow roses for Siax/Isa, in the same configuration as well; and the meaning remains the same. Yellow roses can sometimes mean jealousy- especially towards friendships. Siax got too into his head about Axel making friends. That was when his jealousy took over, and he was lead by it.
VIII. Axel has had Alestromeas before- as they usually mean strong bonds of friendship; something Axel and Lea has shown over and over again. Like with Siax, I chose to make them a crown to show that, that friendship and keeping those friends safe is what drives him.
IX. It was kind of hard to come up with a flower for Demyx. originally I had him with Geraniums as they can represent folly; but instead, I went with Daisies; with the adage, 'Lazy Daisy'- for obvious reasons. Daisies- or asters- come in a large variety and specie. For Demyx, I chose two for aesthetic purposes; common daisy for around his head, and leucanthemum daisy for his neck- for their size.
X. Finding the right flower for Luxord was difficult. I did originally just have him with clovers, but felt that they didn’t suit. I chose poppies instead, as while they’re known for being symbolic of war & peace, fallen soldiers and death, there’s an under-current of time meaning; time being passed while we sleep, the time we remember the departed, and time marching on until the grave.
XI. For the longest time, Marluxia was going to have roses- it’s his whole motif; there’s rose iconography everywhere. But I chose Magnolias due to their symbolism of remembrance. While not fully aware until the very end, Marluxia was always searching for his sister, not believing that she had gone. The yellow Magnolias represent the joys he shared with her, whilst the purple imply the dignity of being a Union Leader, and Lord of Castle Oblivion.
XII. Marigolds are pretty, but their meaning is not... sometimes. Out of their meanings, I've chosen their meaning for Larxene to be one of cruelty and coldness. Because that's what she is to everyone.
XIII. Roxas keep his Dahlias from his original flower piece. The meaning remains the same; That- even in the face of hardship and despair, he will remain kind, friendly and cheerful.
XIV. I was going to reuse the obvious choice of Forget-Me-Nots for Xion; but honestly, I felt intimidated by how small they are, and- if you've paid attention, kept a strict number limit on my flowers; so that wasn't doable. Instead, I chose a Cornflower, which has a similar meaning of not being forgotten, as well as hope, devotion and love.
The stones inlayed in the frames have no real significance other than that they match the character's colour scheme; Here's what each stone is: Xemnas: Pearl Xigbar: Smokey Quartz Xaldin: Amethyst Vexen: Emerald Lexaeus: (orange) Agate Zexion: Lepidolite Siax: Moonstone Axel: Sunstone Demyx: Sapphire Luxord: Hematite Marluxia: Rose Quartz Larxene: Topaz Roxas: Snowflake Obsidian Xion: Obsidian
OK- I lied a little; there's some theming between characters, but nothing majorly deep; I haven't really looked into gemstones and their meanings.
If you've read this much, congratulations! Flower Count: Xemnas has 13. Xigbar has 3. Xaldin has 1. Vexen has 7. Lexaeus has 5. Zexion has 13. Siax has 7. Axel has 7 Demyx has 20 (13 common, 7 leucanthemum). Luxord has 7. Marluxia has 5. Larxene has 5. Roxas has 7. Xion has 13.
The only outlier is Xaldin; but Hydrangeas are hard to draw and only had the motivation to draw one.
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goldensunset · 28 days
while I can't say I've encountered nearly as many Radiant Garden fans as you probably have in order for that to jump to mind, I actually did find myself really agreeing with your take on it. I totally thought I was missing some cutscenes for a while, like maybe I just hadn't seen something that was in the manga or in the DS version of 358/2 days, but no. people actually do just extrapolate off of nothing. and while that's fine for the most part, I never see this level of dedication being put in for female characters. as a huge Aqua fan it's frustrating that she has so many interesting qualities that I'd love to see explored but DON'T because most of the fandom would rather extrapolate from a guy with 4 seconds of screen time than even think about her. unless she's being shipped with Terra, I guess. I think the R.G. folks are just a microcosm of that bigger issue--they'd dig into the earth's fucking mantle looking for gold in an emo boy before digging six feet down for a woman
salt under the cut (i won’t make this a habit i promise)
adjdjcnsnxn that’s an incredible way to put it i might steal that phrasing… see like again i understand the ienzo thing purely from a life situation point of view. if a lil boy was an orphan raised by sketchy weirdos in a lab and then at the ripe old age of 8 had the whole losing-his-heart-and-growing-up-less-than-human-raised-in-a-cult thing. sure i’d want to explore that too! i’d read farther into it than canon. but literally where is the passion for aqua or kairi or skuld etc etc… i mean the girls have their fans but like no one is out here constructing an entire elaborate universe out of them. like i do my best but it’s hard work… but i mean that’s hardly surprising right. that’s how the story goes
honestly ienzo fans don’t even make me mad it’s more like i get annoyed when ppl obsess over like. aeleus and dilan.. because respectfully and i say this with love. there is *nothing* there. they didn’t even bother bringing back their vas in kh3. they are filler. why do all the shifty weirdo radiant garden men draw rabid fans but heaven forbid the ladies get love. hold on *approaches hornet’s nest with a baseball bat* i think there’s something about specifically adult fictional men that- ((i reconsider and stop myself))
but like. people are allowed to do whatever they want idk at worst it’s annoying when they start attacking others over alleged mischaracterization. yes i know in your fun and admittedly interesting fantasy he acts like this. but you cannot get mad when another fan portrays him the way we see him in canon lollllllllll
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phenixa · 11 days
machine heart (Ienzo & Even)
No, this wouldn't do.
Staring at the screen in front of him, Ienzo let another long sigh escape him. He had just spent the last day on this specific program, trying to run it smoothly, to no avail. It was as if the program was making fun of him.
And why wasn't he able to program something as simple as that ?
Human emotions were hard, sure, but some people were able to decipher them with one look at the other person's face, so why couldn't Ienzo be able to program something as simple as a program that would be able to decipher human emotions as easily as, say, Aeleus was able to decipher Ienzo's emotions ?
It wasn't fair, to be honest. Aeleus was able to discern every shift in Ienzo's look and understand what said shift was for. And on the other hand, Ienzo had been at a loss for words when Dilan told him that his words had been hurtful.
Emotions were hard. That was it.
Machines were easy to understand, at least. Their program was able to foresee every possibility available and predict a field of action. Sure, machines weren't able to understand what wasn't instilled into their program, but Ienzo was sure that if he was able to write a few more lines of code, his program could understand basic emotions.
And maybe love too.
This one would take more time to program, but the young man was certain that he would be able to code that. After all, his coding was what led Riku to Quadratum in the first place. And if he was able to send a teenager into a un-reality, he would be able to code something to decipher human emotions.
Right ?
Moving his hand to grip the coffee mug that Even had brought a bit earlier, Ienzo left his gaze wander from the screen in front of him. A five minute pause, that was all he'd allowed himself before diving back into this mess he lived through.
Emotions were hard. And maybe that has to do with the fact that he grew up as a Nobody. Maybe he truly was the master of the machines around him, the only one in this darned castle to really understand the beeping and the long lines of green on black.
Maybe he didn't need those emotions after all.
No. No, he couldn't think like that. Zexion died that day in Oblivion, he was what remained, or rather, what was recompleted after that faithful and horrible day.
"You're thinking too much," a voice rang, clear and composed. "I can hear you from the corridor." A cup of coffee was placed beside the one that Ienzo had been gripping like a madman. Great, now even Even was able to read him like a open book.
"What's on your mind, boy ? It's rare to see you struggle with lines of code." "It's just a small program of mine," Ienzo answered quickly, "something to pass time on when I'm not monitoring Riku." The lie sat heavy on his tongue, even if it was just a half-truth.
Even eyed him suspiciously, trying to read and understand the code in front of him, leaving Ienzo antsy. What would Even say if he suddenly understood what was the goal of that program ? Would the man make fun of him for how stupid the idea was ?
Because, let's be honest, the idea itself was pretty much stupid, even Ienzo knew that. A part of him knew that machines couldn't understand human emotions, but he still wanted to hope. Because asking for help would scream on top of the castle's roof that Ienzo was lost, so lost. It would be screaming that Ienzo had not evolved from childhood regarding emotions ; he was still a child on that subject. And Ienzo refused to acknowledge that. He was the child prodigy, the youngest apprentice of Ansem the Wise ! He couldn't show a sign of weakness in any department, that would be saying that he wasn't that child anymore, he wasn't that prodigy everyone admired back then anymore.
But he wasn't that child anymore, he had grew up.
"Stop dithering, boy." Even interjected, placing a cold hand on Ienzo's shoulder, bringing back the young man from his own mind. "If this program brings you to that state, stop working on it for some time. It won't fly away."
Emotions were hard to understand, that was a fact that Ienzo was painfully aware of. And this show of affection from Even, the young man had trouble understanding it. Even was as cold as the ice he controlled, so why was he acting that way ?
Why was it so hard to understand ?
That was the main reason why he chose to try running a program that could understand human emotions, because emotions were so hard to understand for him.
"Do you think I'm broken ?"
Even looked at him, puzzled. There it was, the feelings that were stuck in his throat all this time. Ienzo felt broken. Everyone around him seemed to understand emotions so easily, why wasn't he, the child prodigy, able to understand that as well ?
"You're not broken boy, far from it." Even moved from his side to behind him, placing both of his cool hands on his shoulders, relaxing Ienzo a little. "You're a great scientist, and we all have our speciality. If you struggle with something, just come to us, we can surely help you."
Ienzo smiled a little, his vision becoming blurry. Why was he crying now ? Was the small show of affection all he needed to become this crying mess of a person ?
"Why are emotions so hard to understand, then ?" He finally muttered, leaving a tear or two fall freely on his cheeks. The cold feeling on his shoulders was grounding, and he thanked Even for that in his head. "Why can't I understand them as easily as you all ?" "We don't really understand emotions. We live through them, but most of the time we don't understand them. Well, I don't." "What ?"
Even let a small laugh escape, applying more pressure on Ienzo's shoulders, calming the young man a bit more. Ienzo turned his head to face the blond, studying the ageing features of the man.
"No one really understand emotions, stop thinking about that." The blond started after a small while, "most of us just skim through life not understanding why we feel one way or another. We much less understand the emotions of others." The man marked a pause, turning his gaze back to the young man, "you're not broken for not understanding your emotions, Ienzo. You grew up as a Nobody, we instilled into you that you had no emotions, so living with them now can feel like a burden for you. And I'm sorry for that." "It's not your fault, you believed Xemnas' lies too. It's just, compared to Aeleus I feel like a child that hasn't grown up." "Aeleus is an empath, he struggle less than the common people on that subject. You're not under-evolved for not being at his level of understanding."
Ienzo nodded, understanding the older's words. The feeling didn't leave him in peace though, leaving the young man at a loss for words. Even just reassured him, why was the broken part inside of him not mended ?
"The more you will tergiversate on that matter, the more broken you will feel, take a breath and stop thinking about that. It'll do you more good than anything."
He nodded, standing up, and walked away from his computer, grabbing the cold coffee mug with one hand. He felt Even's eyes on him, following his every step. Once he was at the door, Ienzo turned his head towards where Even was still standing. The man was already looking at him, a small smile grazing his lips. Ienzo returned the smile, taking the doorknob in his free hand.
"I'm going to clean this mug. Do you want a cup of coffee ?" "I'm planning to work a bit, so I won't say no to a cup of coffee."
Ienzo smiled, before leaving the room, leaving Even alone in front of the open computer filled with lines of code. The man surveyed the lines in front of him, smiling at the future program without real reason. His eyes scanned over a specific line before they stopped on the next one. Grabbing a sticky note and a pen, Even scribbled something before placing the note on the screen, before he went to his side of the lab.
"There's an error on that line."
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ohhicas · 1 year
Hey dude, after seeing your last response to an ask, I also wanted to say your KH art was also my favorite when I was 13 (graduating high school next year). You give so much love to what are supposed to be background characters, they're all so full of personality, and the Radiant Garden characters (like Aeleus, Even, Dilan, etc.) became some of my favorites because of it. Keep doing your stuff, you're amazing!!
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ddhfhen?? dHN??MwN
I'm so happy!! Thank you! I love Radiant Garden a lot (even when I remove my silly headcanons and focus only on what Canon gave us), so I'm very happy I can make more people interested in them.
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catboymoments · 6 months
Ok- ehem hi!!! :D
I'm just here to leave two drawings that I made based on the fact that a few days ago I found your more adult version of Hunter and Hyacinth in Character AI and I proceeded to use two fanchilds who are not Huntlow, they are more like crackships of Hunter and Willow (in the context of the..eh…rp??- they weren't Hunter's or Willow's children, they were meeting Hunter and Hyacinth-)
Hunter made Dilan a palisman and Hyacinth proceeded to ask Carnation 10271 questions for being a vampire and it was really cute <3333
(The thing is that the fact that Dilan is a copy of Hunter with yellow eyes and a red magenta lock, and that Carnation has Willow's hair and eye color seems funny to me, I had to draw this😭)
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Stupid scenario that I thought of and I'm not going to draw because I spent two days doing those other two drawings:
Dilan: “…What are you two doing??-”
Carnation just lying on a table: “I'm going to let Hyacinth open me to see what's inside me!” (He can survive it-)
Dilan: “You WHAT”
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lunarcovehq · 2 months
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Your Council held a meeting after the Campfire Retreat. The meeting happened a week after the event on Friday, July 26th. The Council sat down together to discuss the following:
Poppy brought to the agenda the issue of Rangi hitting Altan as it was the one interspecies physical altercation that occurred during the event, not at a scheduled game.
(Known to the Council Only/Redacted from Public Records for Privacy Reasons) Aiyla brought to the agenda Billie being an ex-hunter and making a deal with the Catalyst. Billie was a hunter before coming to Lunar Cove and has been a loyal member of the town since. But, during the Fae Ball, Billie made a deal with the Catalyst to save some of her loved ones, offering up her hunter skills in return for them getting out safely.
(Known to the Council Only/Redacted from Public Records for Privacy Reasons) Aiyla would also bring up how Poppy and JC made deals with the Catalyst. Though, JC’s favor has already been fulfilled as JC offered himself for the pack to leave, trapping them all at the ball.
Aiyla also brought up the issue of Dilan pulling the knife on Rangi now that Dilan has left the Fae Court and is unaffiliated. Dilan pulled a knife on Rangi during the event when she was still a member of the Fae Court. Aiyla wanted to punish her for it as a member of the Fae Court, but Dilan chose to leave the Fae Court and become unaffiliated instead, which is why Aiyla is bringing up the issue of punishing Dilan to the Council.
The Verdict from the Meeting is as follows:
For Rangi Hitting Altan: Rangi will have 6 months of conflict resolution (with the option for a shortened period to 3 months after a 3 month evaluation by a professional for progress. If no progress is found, Rangi must finish the full 6 months). Rangi must also complete an anger management course, grief counseling/grief meetings and have monthly check-ins with the Council for overall progress. No further legal action will be taken. (While the overall votes from the Council were for a shortened punishment, Aiyla & Poppy both were for 6 months and Aiyla had the final say, deciding upon the above).
(Known to the Council Only/Redacted from Public Records for Privacy Reasons) For Billie being an ex-hunter and for those who offered favors to the Catalyst: Poppy disclosed what he favor was to the Council being an open favor saying that she would do anything the Catalyst asked in return for Linden getting a seat. If Billie and Poppy are reached out to by the Catalyst, they will be asked to come forward so the Council can create a game plan. The Council will also be issuing a statement to the town about not negotiating with the Catalyst.
For Dilan pulling the knife on Rangi: Given that Dilan pulled the knife while she was still a Fae Court member, the punishment that Aiyla tried to give Dilan will still be honored (majority of the votes was for this). Aiyla also was allowed to up it (with the Council turning a blind eye to whatever Aiyla decided) given Dilan tried to rage quit. Dilan’s punishment is: A year (12 months) of conflict resolution (with the option for a shortened period to 6 months after a 6 month evaluation by a professional for progress. If no progress is found, she must finish the full 12 months) and an anger management course. She will have to get sign off of her hours by those running the course. No further legal action will be taken.
The above is a record of the past Council Meeting. We will be posting records like these moving forwards so all of the members can see what went down in the meeting.
All Council members are in the know about all of the above, but as for non-Council members, you would be aware of all of the above except for what favor Poppy offered & that Billie is a hunter. After the meeting, the Council would issue a statement about not negotiating with Lorelai Cavanaugh if Lorelai reaches out.
Feel free to react to the above in any upcoming threads or starters you wish!
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scalacaelumxx · 1 year
Who are your top 3 favorite KH characters? ✨
I'm going to try not to ramble on this forever but thank you so much for sending this ask in! I apologize in advance for the can of worms you have opened.
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Vidar (Spoilers for Dark Road incoming) Probably the least surprising thing, but currently Vidar is my top favorite. I'm fairly new to the mobile games, and full disclosure, I did not like him when I first saw him. Eraqus was so upset by Vor leaving (even though it was her own choice) that I genuinely felt for him, and therefor didn't approve of Vidar "taking" her away. But continuing the story and learning that he and his friends were so close to achieving what they had been training for for years, only for it to end in the death of not one of his friends, but four of them. And he can't bring himself to strike down what caused their deaths, because Baldr is just a kid and he (presuming that one line was about Hoder) can't bear to face her if something happened to him after she died trying to protect him His character is interesting, he's got a killer design, you can tell how much he cared about his friends, and the tragedy of risking everything to save someone for your friend, only to die by that person's hand trying to protect the friends you have left. I could talk about him for 22 hours a day.
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Saix/Isa I know I don't post about him a lot, but Saix (or Isa) has been one of my favorite characters since my friend introduced me to Kingdom Hearts when I was a kid. If it wasn't for Vidar, he'd still be in the top spot! There's just something about how ruthless he was in kh2 and Days. How brutally honest and blunt his deliveries were, and how his boss fight involves catching you off guard with mechanics that don't seem to suit what you've seen of him until you really look at it and realize it does. His relationship with Axel is hilarious on surface level and depressing when you go deeper. His relationship of being Xemnas' right-hand man (next to Xigbar) while also plotting to betray him is so intriguing. And then seeing those sharp eyes and the barbed words and the ruthlessness in him and seeing those compared to the kid who made fun of his best friend and wanted to explore places he wasn't supposed to be in and help someone he had just met is heartbreaking. I loved his redemption in kh3, subtle in the background as it was, and I'm hoping to see more of him trying to be a better person and make it up to Roxas and Xion in 4.
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Zexion/Ienzo This one caught me so off guard. I had gotten back into the fandom after a long while and was replaying through the old games to get caught up and Zexion blindsided me in Re:CoM. He was secretive and quiet, but really held no animosity towards Sora or Riku. Which, compared to the rest of the Organization in the castle, stood out a lot. Considering this, he really didn't deserve the death he got, which is still pretty brutal for a Kingdom Hearts death. Then he comes back and immediately throws everything he has into helping the heroes. They were more of a means to an end before, rather than true enemies, and despite their reservations about him he has no problems spending all of his time and resources into helping them stop Xehanort. He was just a kid when he helped start the fall of Radiant Garden but he still feels so guilty and wants to atone so badly. Plus you get extra angst in the "didn't have a heart for 10 odd years and now suddenly has one and is feeling" department.
Runner ups include: Baldr, Vali, Xaldin/Dilan, Vexen/Even, and Terra!
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skellyflowers · 4 months
Royal Ball 4
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Vessel x reader
Sleep will be referred to as “Queen Jeinnv” 
Vessel will be referred to as “Prince Adrian”
II will be referred to as “Prince Roddric”
III will be referred to as “Dilan, Duke of Elderstock”
IV will be referred to as “ Edgard, Duke of Haverlem”
“Excuse me, my lady, would you like to dance?”
When I look to see who was talking to me I almost faint. Standing right in front of me is his highness Prince Adrian! I’m not sure if the room goes silent but it definitely feels that way. I look between his hand and face. My mouth goes dry.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked again, this time a little louder. Clearly thinking I didn’t hear him. I can hear whispers of the people around me.
“Yes.” I murmur while taking his hand.
The Prince leads me back to the dance floor. I hear the music again, maybe the orchestra did stop. As we bow to each other the music swells and he holds my right hand and puts the other on my hip and starts to lead me. Up close I can really study the mask he is wearing. It is stark white with the royal family crest on the top half. The bottom half is bright red and a delicate lace design.
“I do hope that the Duke of Elderstock didn’t force you to laugh at his awful jokes.” The Prince suddenly says.
“No your Majesty. He was a perfect gentleman.” I respond
“I think you might be the first to say that.” The Prince says. “You can be honest. He has never been very funny.”
“I’m sure he has some good jokes, my Prince.”
“If he does I have yet to hear them.” Adrian lets out a quiet snicker. It was nice to hear that the Prince and the Duke had a mutual relationship. Listening to them make fun of each other was cute.
“You’re a very good dancer.” He compliments me. I feel my face get warm.
“Thank your Majesty.”
Knowing that Adrian is studying me makes me nervous and I turn my head to look away from him. That was a mistake. I’m suddenly confronted with eyes. I knew people would be watching the dance floor but this is a new intensity. My heart is hammering in my chest.
Adrian notices my distress and speaks up. “Are you alright?”
“Everyone is staring at us.” I say, taking another ill advised look around us.
“Yes you’re right.” He confirms “Do you want to stop? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
I want to say ‘yes’ and run away from him. Instead I chose to be brave.
“No it’s okay.”
“I’m not sure if it would make you better, but please know that they are only staring because they are jealous of you.”
“Why would anyone be jealous of me?”
“You’re my first dance.”
Oh! Now everything makes sense. When the dance ends Adrian bows and kisses my hand.
“If I haven’t scared you away, I would like to have the next dance as well.”
I can’t stop the smile on my face.
“I would love to.”
The Prince has a nice smile. We chat a little more and Adrain reveals that this ball was Queen Jeinnv’s idea. Duke Dilan said he didn’t like parties but to know he has not had a hand in the ball at all was odd to me. I guess I always believed no one could command the Prince. No one but his mother it seems.
I’m not sure how long I have been dancing with the Prince but I have learned a bit about him. He is a lover of snakes, his favorite game is chess, he composes music and plays the piano. In return I talked about myself. My recent interest in watercolors, I told him how I learned to swim, my fear of crowds and that I also play piano.
“I should write us a duet.” Prince Adrian says excitedly. His excitement is really endearing.
Then the two of us are stopped when a hand is placed on the Prince’s shoulder. I look over to see that the hand is attached to the Queen.
“Now my son. You shouldn't ignore your other guests.” She says. I feel Adrian tense under my hand. “Princess Emerald of Espera has been waiting all night.”
Adrian lets go of my hip before turning to speak to the Queen.
“Yes mother. I won't leave her waiting.”
Prince Adrian separates from me but still holds my hand. He lets out a quiet sigh before he speaks again.
“Thank you for your time, Baroness of Hazelwood.” he is suddening very formal. He kisses my knuckles before walking away from me and towards who I can only assume is Princess Emerald.
The rest of the night is a haze for me. Prince Adrian doesn’t approach me again. That is for the best given my mother hounded me with questions the moment she got close. But at some point the ball ends and I am back in my bed.
I can’t believe I was the Prince’s first dance at the ball meant to find him a wife!
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kenxmatsui · 4 months
for: leyla @cantfightmoonlight location: hospital
He had not stirred from the chair he had sat in, muscles tense from no movement, but he couldn't. How could he leave her? But he did leave her. Alone for fucking Hande to find her, falling right into the trap that had been set, blinded by rage and shock, sense had not settled at any point as he thought he was keeping her safe, by volunteering, by asking Dilan to take care of her in case he never came back. It hadn't been easy to leave her, but the willingness to offer up himself came easier than breathing. Fucking lot of good that did. He tried not to think to last year, to the scene where anger had grown to a point where he felt nothing seeing her on the ground, seeing her fall out of the sky, the blood, the broken bones, it was like history repeating. He had done nothing to stop it, nothing to keep her safe, not then, and failed again now. Failed on a worse note too, the damage done to her wings broke him in ways he did not expect, the ones that made him fall in love all over again each time she unfurled cruelly and sickeningly cut to make way for a horrific message.
He watched the slow rise and fall of her breathing, monitors beeping and keeping him sane by telling him that he was alive at least, hope was not lost, but hope had ceased to exist a long time ago, what was the point of this? This was not the way it should've gone, not the way this should be. Fists clenched to keep temper in check, to not let it spill over, craving for a release that he could not allow himself. She shifted in that exact moment, and he was right there when her eyes fluttered open, "Hi sweetheart," he said, his fingers so careful with hers as he held her hand, "I'm here. You're ok- I got you."
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moonglowmagic · 6 months
Where: The Selvi House
With: Dilan + Leyla (@cantfightmoonlight)
Dilan finished putting on her white dress and walked out into the hall of her house to see Leyla’s door open. Walking into the room with a knock on Leyla’s door, she gave her sister a smile. “Hey,” She greeted the other as she moved to sit on the bed. “You here getting clothes or stopping by for a visit?” Dilan questioned with a laugh. “You know if you wanted to see me you could just have lunch with me again like you do everyday.” She teased. “So….” Looking down at her white dress that was like the elephant in the room. “Are you coming to painted love tonight?” Asking nervously, she started to fiddle with her necklace. “I was going to go since well I’m required and all.” Shrugging it off as if it didn’t matter. “Part of the whole event planner thing, you know?”
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
💔💔💔🥺🥺🥺😎😎😎 (which one do I use for your term paper? 🤨)
Please and thank you, my love 😘 💞🦛
hi my love <33333 (I promise to end it this week <33333 🥺)
now fics: even 10 sentences for soulmate au
Evan doesn’t know the answers to these questions but he knows Maddie loves him so much, even though she is the only person who does it. Or she was the one until today. Hopefully. Evan hopes he would feel his soulmate connection today, if they are older than him. He hopes so. He can’t imagine waiting for who knows how long to talk to them. And he hopes and prays and craves to feel them since today because he needs to be loved by at least one more person. He can live with only Maddie and his soul loving him, but he needs them to love him. As much as they could. To block out the fact that his mom and dad don't like him.
Tommy feels fic: (the moment in the fic based on the tags by @bewilderedbuckley <33333)
Several minutes goes by when he just stays in the middle of the room, looking at the empty bed, where he thought his boyfriend - ex-boyfriend now? - should have slept, half empty wardrobe that is still open. 
Moving to the bed he sees the note bright under moonlight on the nightstand and grabs it, turning on the lamp.
I’m tired of being your secret, Tommy. Do you know how hard it is to sit at home during your shifts and never have a chance to be the one someone would call and tell about your injuries? Do you know how painful it is to get a text you send me today and never have a chance to rush to the hospital to fuss over you? I love you, but I don’t think you’re ready and I deserve more. I want you to be happy, but it’s not with me. 
I let you be free from me, Tommy Kinard. And hope one day you will be free and in love how you deserve Love, Dilan
and fratboys for you <3333
“Come in,” Evan closes his wardrobe, turning to see Tommy near the door. The guy looks even better now with his biceps looking huge because Tommy crossed his hands, leaning on the doorway.
“Hey, Evan, my team just texted me about the party they plan tonight, wanna go with me?”  Tommy smiles at him and Evan loves how adorable he is with his nose scrunch. “As a captain I have plus one, but I don’t want to bring any girl tonight and I don’t want to go alone,” Tommy shrugs as if he didn’t just ask the freshman to the party of the cool guys. “I want to be free from too much attention and you seem like a cool guy so we can break some ice there. I mean we will live together for two years.”
“Yes, why not?” 
“Cool,” Tommy makes finger guns at him. “Be ready at 8.”
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theforsakenprince · 1 month
truly i think my most bitter hater characteristic is not understanding the radiant garden crew hype. like truly, to each their own, and i get the appeal of exploring underdeveloped characters but like. a whole bunch of sketchy grown men with very little characterization becoming full-blown angst vessels somehow. like i at least kind of get it with ienzo and such but truly who in this world is that obsessed with aeleus and dilan. who didn’t even have their voice actors called back in kh3. idk. where is that love for the girls!!! the main characters!! truly. i would not bat an eye at it if the fandom didn’t still suffer from so much sexism. glad people are having their harmless fun, genuinely, i will just simply never personally see the appeal in it or play along with said expectations in fandom. it just gets tiring when trying to say anything casually about certain characters and immediately you trigger the rage of a whole bunch of people who are making their entire characterization up. like excessive fanon crowds out room to breathe basically. it isn’t wrong it’s just really annoying dealing with it. this has been a petty stupid first world problem rant see you next time lol
NO YOURE RIGHT THOUGH I will admit I have a soft spot for Ienzo just because I think him as a concept is deeply hilarious but aeleus and dilan?? there's nothing there??
Like admittedly I'm not even a huge fan of Kairi but it's so annoying seeing other people brush her off because she's not "well written" in favor of the blandest male characters in the series that I'm very protective over her lol. you WILL look at her and find things to love and that is a threat
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dilansahin · 1 month
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(ASLIHAN MALBORA, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER) Oh, is that DILAN ŞAHIN? I heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is CAPTIVATING. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also STUBBORN. Makes sense seeing how they are a FOUNDER in the SOCIETY gang.
FULL NAME: Dilan Esra Şahin
AGE: Twenty-Eight
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Aslihan Malbora
HEIGHT: 5′6″
DATE OF BIRTH: February 18th
HOMETOWN: Staten Island, NY
AESTHETICS: fairy lights twinkling along a dark colored wall, & the feeling of silk sheets against skin
Mother: Defne Sahin † Father: Ahmet Sahin Older Brother: tbd Older Sister: tbd
CHARACTER HISTORY [tw: parental death, covid-19, injury, drug mention]
Growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth, it was no surprise that Dilan never had much want for anything. In Dilan’s eyes the fortune was a gift, one that supplied her with the chance to explore any brief interest for as long as she wanted. 
Her marks in school were good, but her love for ballet is what kept her excited throughout her childhood. Dilan had tried many hobbies growing up, from archery to chess and while she enjoys the extra skills nothing stuck quite like ballet. She liked having something that she needed to work for, devote her time to see herself progress before her eyes. Sure that could have been done with any old after school hobby, but she couldn’t get over how it felt to be up on a stage under the spotlight. 
It didn’t take her long to figure out the truth behind her family wealth, overhearing an argument between her parents on what to do about a certain ‘wild card’ and she was given a choice. Family was important, that much was even clearer as she got a glimpse into the darker side of what the Şahin name meant. She decided against it, unable to envision herself taking that kind of action — the thought of even holding a gun terrifying her for a long time. 
Her parents didn’t pressure her, but Dilan couldn’t help but feel like her father wanted her to be more of a presence. Still she pushed her thoughts away and continued her life as normal all throughout high school. Graduation rolled around and she decided to study ballet right at home with Marymount Manhattan College. 
The sudden loss of her mother during the pandemic hit her hard, but she was thankful for that last bit of time they were able to spend together. Dilan only wished it could have been more, that she could have done something to help, but with her constant training schedule she often found herself working past the point of exhaustion. 
Two weeks after her passing was followed by a big performance for Dilan, her mind completely in a different place as she tried to execute each movement and she rolled her ankle completely out of place. Her pride wouldn’t let her fall, finishing out the performance on an injury that she didn’t want to bother anyone with. The brunette went back to the books to invest some time in first aid, treating her ankle herself until it healed and the pain went away. 
She’s now in the midst of expanding her knowledge of medicine while balancing her passion for dance. Being one of the only Şahin’s uninvolved in the family business gets to her a lot, especially with her mother being gone. She can’t help but feel like she wants to do something helpful without, of course, crossing any lines so becoming a sort of “pocket healer” seemed like it would be a good enough effort, for now.
She met a man while dealing with her injury, one that knew his way around a drug or two allowing her to keep her spotless reputation clean and ease her pain at the same time. The only problem now is that the pain is gone and the drugs are still in her system. 
She loves getting the chance to be creative. When she got the chance to move into her own penthouse within her family’s hotel she jumped on the opportunity to get to decorate every wall to her liking. 
Dilan loves to shop, her closets being filled with everything from name brand clothes to having a closet completed devoted to shoes. 
Dilan was the last member of her family to talk to her mom and she whispered that she never wanted Dilan to lose her like caring sweet nature and their father witnessed this and with dealings of the business and loss of his wife he just stopped bringing it up.
One of he siblings is very protective of her, while another is a little envious that gang choice was up to her. She called the envious one when her mother passed, but they didn't answer the phone thinking Dilan was randomly calling to bullshit about something.
She's the youngest member of the Sahin family.
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veiledmeolody · 3 months
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my name is [ DILAN ŞAHIN ] … and i am from [ MANHATTAN NY ] and i’m a [ PROFESSIONAL BALLERINA ]. i lived in helltown for [ 6 MONTHS ] because [ I CAN’T GO HOME ]. i am [ 28 ] my pronouns are [ SHE/HER ] and i am [ METICULOUS, DISCREET, CREATIVE ] though some may say i’m [ STUBBORN, RECKLESS , SLY ]. i also hear i look a lot like [ ASLIHAN MALBORA] but, i don’t know if i see it. i’m here because [ I’M LOOKING FOR MY EX-BOYFRIEND TO GET HIM TO LEAVE ME ALONE ] but, maybe there’s more to it than that. you never know with helltown.
ABOUT DILAN: Every night I try my best to dream.
FULL NAME: Dilan Esra Şahin
AGE: Twenty-Eight
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Aslihan Malbora
HEIGHT: 5′6″
DATE OF BIRTH: February 18th
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, NY
mother: Dilara Sehin father: Adem Sahin older brother: tbd middle brother: tbd
Growing up in a noteworthy family within New York, Dilan didn’t have a need for a lot of things — her parents made sure of that. Her father inherited a multi million dollar chain of hotels from her grandfather and somehow a small town waitress (now) socialite landed him. 
Her older brother is first in line to take over and her father has been practically raising him for the role since he was born. 
She fell into the role of the background child, getting away with everything that didn’t affect the family publicly. 
Her parents drilled the importance of image and reputation into all of their children, informing them that something small could blow up in their faces and cost them everything. 
She figured being the baby of the family would help lighten their ideals, especially having two sons before she was born but Dilan was left living a double life — one where she wanted her name to mean something beyond the hospitality business. 
Her childhood love was ballet, from the age of 3 to now she’d found herself within the walls of a studio. She’d train during the week and left the weekend (Friday nights included) to secretly take on the nightlife with her friends. 
Dilan met her now ex boyfriend in a club, a man who didn’t know her as anything more than plain old Dilan. She felt like she could really be herself around him and he was the person that was always there when she needed someone. 
A few years ago she was there on center stage, playing Juliet in a small Broadway theater and her ankle went to give out on her. Her ex watched everything from the front row, her family didn’t catch it, but he saw the resilience in her eyes as she refused to let her body fall to the ground in front of a crowd. Once she got off the stage she could barely put pressure on her left ankle, still she didn’t let herself fall until she was alone with him in her dressing room. 
There was more than meets the eye to her boyfriend, he had a connection to someone who would allow her to keep her injury in the shadows. Sure under the table pain medicine wasn’t the most trustworthy thing, but it kept the public from seeing she had a weakness to prey on. 
Soon she didn’t need the pills at all, the injury healed, but that wasn’t enough for her to stop taking them. Though she never blamed her ex for the addiction, he was there with her every step of the way (also getting high) This made their relationship slightly unhealthy, but it was clear that the feelings between the two of them were real.
Her parents found out about the relationship and the ties he had to addictive substances and demanded she cut ties. The plan was to send her abroad and pay him to leave town — once he fled they found out the other side to their relationship and kicked Dilan out of her childhood home.
The girl did some digging and found out her parents had paid him to stay away and now he was demanding more or he’d go to the media and tell them everything he knew about the Sahin’s.
His trail led her to Helltown, Ohio. and she’s hoping she’ll be able to track him down and convince him to leave her alone.
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