#love to see another dc veteran
fabulousmisfits · 2 years
hi! im sorry to burst in with such a sudden question but did you ever use an app called doodle club? your username just sounds very familiar to me. you don’t have to answer if you don’t! i was just curious.
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billowingangel · 3 months
America doesn't like Fireworks
Here's a headcanon/projection I have for America. I also thought I already posted this but I actually dreamt that…totally not a sign of #mentalillness
content warning: mentions of multiple real life deaths, great war and world war two are mentioned, mentions of ptsd/shell shock.
i'm not fully sure those need a warning but just in case I wanted to provide them.
At first America loved fireworks to celebrate the fourth of july. He had loved the display of colors and patronism his citizens showed! He was a freshly indepent nation when the fireworks began in 1777. He thought they were beautiful, amazing, spectacular, and a wonderful sign of what the future would hold.
He also greatly prefered fireworks to the guns and canons set off during the 4th and was happy that after 1812 that phased out.
When Independence Day became an offical holiday in 1870 he cried with joy. That year he watched the firework display with an intense feeling of pride in his heart.
But then it began to change for him. In the years between 1903 and 1909 there were 44 deaths due to fireworks and even more injuries. He began to feel a bit of unease over the citizen's love for fireworks.
Then the Great War happened...So many young men came back from the war shell shocked. Hell, America even had some shell shock for a while. That first year after the war and the fireworks going off, he felt all those men's fears and his own fear.
That was a major turning point for him.
It didn't help that between 1928 and 1942 there were another 56 deaths in factories and stores due to fireworks. And then after World War Two, the sound of fireworks began to make America's heart race.
After a few years America decided he would leave his big house in Washington DC and go to another one of his houses. This house was further away from any firework show the city was doing. He wouldn't feel anxious and would be able to celebrate his independence/birthday in peace and quiet. But by that time it was the 1980s and more people were doing fireworks in the comfort of their backyards. The noise and smoke that filled the street of America's suburban house terrified him. Were they under attack? He had rushed to investigate only to find people with fireworks and firecrackers.
America gave up, it was probably just him upset by this whole mess. Those who had shell shock probably got used to it by now, correct?
But then in the 2000s he began to hear more talk, more talk of veterans struggling with the fireworks. Dogs struggling with the fireworks. Pets, kids, many more people then he assumed were scared of the loud fireworks. And in a way it explained to him why at the turn on the 1900s he began to have a change of heart about fireworks, a feeling of unease and uncomfort. Because despite how much he partied or celebrated on July 4th he still just didn't feel right, that something was wrong.
Then more and more states began to ban the setting off of fireworks for personal use but that wouldn't stop the citizens despite the growing number of people who found discomfort with them. America wouldn't go anywhere in the South around the 4th of July mostly staying in States that had the strictest bans on fireworks. By this time his fear of fireworks had greatly decreased especially since he realized the cause, it wasn't all his feelings but Americans feelings as well.
He even began to host some birthday parties where you could see the city sanctioned firework show. Firework shows were different to him then just the random ones in someone's back yard, those were expected, well controlled, a professional was doing it.
America hopes that one day he'll be able to like fireworks again but that probably wouldn't be until people stopped doing it on their own or when people and animals stopped being upset by it. Both those cases seem unlikely, so America will just grit his teeth and accept the firework tradition.
I even used some sources for this *insert surprise pikachu* History of Fireworks Firework Accidents and Deaths I couldn't find out when it became the norm to do your own fireworks but I assumed at least by the 80s. I also believe states began putting in place bans/laws about personal fireworks in the early 2000s but don't quote me.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Maria/Steve Masterlist
Adjectives Assemble (ao3) - SugarFey M, 26k
Summary: Natasha wants to find that rare edition of The Master and Margarita before her rival at the Russian language bookstore does. Kate is distracted by the cute barista next door. Carol and Jessica dance around each other. Maria just wants to keep her business afloat without being bothered by pesky police officers or high school art teachers, no matter how polite they may be.
Another average day at Adjectives Assemble.
As Safe as Houses (ao3) - DizzyDrea T, 25k
Summary: Senator Steve Rogers (R, NY) is a decorated war hero who has a deep and abiding desire to serve his country, which may or may not include someday running for President. Maria Hill is a veteran Air Force pilot working in the private sector and bored out of her mind. When Steve finds himself needing a private security detail for a trip to France, he hires Shield Security and Maria becomes his constant companion. They grow closer as the trip progresses, but can they survive what's coming to find out if their Paris sojourn could turn into something real?
A Woman Of Edges (ao3) - tielan G, 12k
Summary: "I’m beginning to think you’re the most terrifying woman I’ve met." Learning to like, live with, and love Maria Hill.
can't carve a whistle (ao3) - irnan G, 3k
Summary: Maria Hill's never found it easy to explain why she became a SHIELD agent, but she knows why she stays one.
chiseled out of brick (ao3) - Anonymous T, 23k
Summary: He was a grown man, hell, he was a superhero. Asking a girl out for a drink wasn't that hard. It wasn't rocket science or espionage or math or divine intervention - it was just asking a girl a question. Out loud.
conversations with other women (ao3) - zauberer_sirin G, 9k
Summary: Steve still believes that someday someone is going to teach him how to dance.
Counterfeit and Counterpart (ao3) - Frea_O T, 28k
Summary: Five times Maria Hill doesn’t understand Natasha Romanoff, and why she might be better off that way.
Dinner In Other Languages (ao3) - tielan G, 3k
Summary: Maria can manage professional colleagues with Rogers, but she values her place in S.H.I.E.L.D more.
From A Certain Point Of View (ao3) - tielan G, 9k
Summary: Of friendship, love, and best-laid plans; small gestures and public displays of possessiveness; enlightenment, advice to young padawans, and the loyalty routines of JARVIS.
Gone But Not Forgotten (ao3) - Shorti G, 4k
Summary: They say that history is written by the victors of war, but a war fought amongst brothers has no winners. That's when you need a woman like Maria Hill to step in.
The one in which Maria and Steve are actually on the same side.
Holding Out For A Hero (Or Maybe Not) (ao3) - tielan G, 7k
Summary: The first time Steve Rogers notices Maria Hill is when she steps into the discussion about Loki's capture, and he realises nobody questions her right to be there. And that's just the start.
if time is all I have (ao3) - tielan G, 4k
Summary: Maria knows what that look means. She knows the mindset behind it. She's seen it in the resolve of agents who knew the odds of going in, heard it in field operatives calling for an exit in impossible situations, witnessed it in extraction targets who didn't believe that they'd actually make it out. And sometimes the odds were defied, the impossible happened, and everyone made it out in one piece. Sometimes.
To see that expression in the man they call the Winter Soldier....
I'll be There (ao3) - Lokisarmy0602 T, 2k
Summary: After DC Maria felt she needed to go see Steve in hospital. After dealing with the congress and Stark, she knew she could deal with an injured Super Soldier. Sam called to ask her to do the same thing as she had done in DC... press the button to send the missiles.
Look Clear and Calm (ao3) - Beatrice_Otter T, 13k
Summary: The Avengers need oversight, but Ross's plan is dangerous and unjust. Maria will have her work cut out for her, if she wants to stop it. Meanwhile, Steve has a question for her.
Maria Hill's Late Lunch (ao3) - tisfan E, 2k
Summary: Maria is cranky. Her lunch is late, her boyfriend is a jerk, and she has to deal with Secretary Ross. Could this day get any more torturous?
Yes, yes it could.
Radio Silent (ao3) - hecklesyeah M, 77k
Summary: "I shouldn't be doing this."
"What, stuff yourself with breakfast food for dinner?"
"I haven't even decided which pie to have for dessert. No, this," she says and gestures between them. "I shouldn't be doing this. And yet here I am."
- - -
Alternately: the one where Maria and Steve navigate a relationship and where Tony and Bucky figure out how to move forward from a murderous elephant in the room.
The Odd Couple (ao3) - tielan T, 8k
Summary: He's fast and she's weird.
Twice the Joy (ao3) - sbarmarj G, 3k
Summary: Maria spoke again after a moment. “There is a Swedish saying that shared joy is twice the joy, shared sorrow is half the sorrow. Maybe you felt normal because you could finally share your sorrow.”
At Tony's memorial service, Maria and Steve discuss the last five years, his impending time travel, grief and finding joy before he leaves once more.
Two Lies and A Bit of Truth (ao3) - igrockspock T, 3k
Summary: Maria Hill has a lot of back stories. One of them is even true.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
So I like the 90s Flash episodes with Nightshade in them and it's too bad the 2014 show never brought a version of him in.
So in the 90s Flash has Desmond Powell, a Korean war veteran who came back from the war only to realize that he wanted to do more for the people of Central City and the big mob/mafia problem the city was suffering under. As a black man and vigilante, he knew he'd need to hide his identity extremely well since between the enemies he intended to make and the racist cops who wouldn't appreciate a black vigilante stepping on their toes... he'd have a lot of people trying to stop him. With a vigilante name and protective suit to hide his identity, both he and his loved ones would be safer that way. So he became Nightshade and a hero to the people of Central City.
After his retirement from vigilantism, Nightshade faded into obscurity, so when Barry became the Flash he'd never heard of Nightshade. But he quickly came to feel like they were kindred spirits once he did meet Nightshade, when Desmond came out of retirement upon the return of one of his enemies.
I can just imagine Joe being a fan of Nightshade in the 2014 Flash, so on E1 Barry would have heard of Nightshade before meeting him as the Flash. It would have been a fun way to connect Barry to the larger history of Central City, by making him Nightshade's spiritual successor the same way E90 Barry was. And another fun tie between the two shows.
Nightshade doesn't seem to be based on a specific DC comics character - there is a Nightshade but Desmond Powell is very much not her - but he has elements of several different heroes reflected in him. His heroism took a great toll on his personal life and I could see him counseling E1 Barry that keeping secrets from his loved ones (Iris) could cost him dearly during S1.
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financialsmatter · 2 years
Saturday Rant…Broke Bank Bailout Bash
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The markets were mixed this week during the Broke Bank Bailout Bash between Wall Street and the District of Caligula. Cue up: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse and the ensuing banking crisis unleashed by the O’Biden Administration. And after puking from 32,374 on the DOW, down to 31,466 the markets recovered most of the losses from panic selling over the reality of a broke bank bailout bash. Today’s rant is from a 30-year veteran in the banking business who goes by the handle PrettyInPink. So, take it away PIP:   James, you’ve said it many times how the favorite lines used by politicians and professional liars – when caught lying – is “I’m Shocked, I tell you…shocked. Who could’ve foreseen this happening?” And that was never more obvious this past week as bank regulators shunned the real problem and denied any responsibility. The sad truth is most banks are clueless when it comes to risk management. If they were honest (they’re not) they wouldn’t have loaded up on long-term bonds during the peak of low interest rates. Instead, they ignored the risk and now, thanks to inflation, they’re paying the price of their greed/stupidity. What’s even worse is how this has become a double-edged sword thanks to the Neocons in Washington and their blank-check policy to Ukraine. And NO ONE is holding anyone in Ukraine accountable for where our tax dollars are being spent. The bottom line is we not only face a banking crisis from an imploding Sovereign Debt massacre, but we cannot control inflation while funding a proxy war with Russia. Broke Bank Bailout And now the financial panic in banks has forced First Republic Bank and PacWest Bank into a near collapse state only to be bailed out by JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. But lurking in the background is another elephant named Credit Suisse…trading at $2.02 per share. They’ve been on the ropes for years with all of their exposure to bad mortgages and long-term government bonds. If they go under it will set off an even wider banking panic. The other elephant in the room is now that DC doesn’t want to bailout the banks, they will force the banks into doing Bail-ins. Let’s just hope this doesn’t get worse than the 2008 crisis. You are soooo right when you say how history repeats because the passions of man never changes. BTW, I loved your newsletter article this month on Bailouts vs Bail-ins. …Keep up the great work. **********************************     Thanks, PiP It’s always great to get a perspective from a viable source other than the media Presstitutes. As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then please send it to us. You never know whose life will be affected by it. And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE). Remember:  We’re Not Just About Finance. But we use finance to give you hope. ***********************************     Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2023 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
adore you
summary // bucky and alpine enjoy their solitude, but the girl across the hall is slowly creeping into their hearts. (bucky x fem!reader)
words // 7.4k
warnings // diverges from canon & no major spoilers.
notes // just thousands of words of fluff bc that’s all i know how to write. maybe one day i’ll venture into anything else. fluffy bucky has my heart 
reblogs & replies are greatly appreciated!
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
The first time you knock on Bucky’s door Alpine wanders over curiously.
Bucky stares at the door silently urging you to go away. You knock again and Alpine begins to paw at the door before meowing loudly, which makes Bucky groan. “I’m coming.” He calls as he stands from the couch. He pauses the movie playing on his television, something ridiculous that Sam had insisted on. Alpine meows again and Bucky can hear you laugh through the door. 
He pulls on a hoodie that’s laying on his counter and stuffs his left hand into the front pocket. When he pulls the door open you smile brightly. “James!” 
The two of you had met briefly when Bucky had originally moved into the building. You had smiled the same bright smile in the elevator and offered up your name easily. Bucky had smiled tightly in return and told you his full name, a habit he had yet to break, and he deeply regretted it. Every time you passed in the hallway you called out a cheery James despite Bucky’s corrections. 
“It’s Bucky.” He mutters. Your eyes move over his shoulder and Bucky watches as you take in his very undecorated and barely furnished apartment. Bucky didn’t mind how seemingly empty his place was. He wasn’t home a lot and nobody but Sam spent time with him. Sam might think it was time to add barstools and a spice rack, but Bucky was content with how things were. 
Your attention is pulled to Alpine as he peeks out from behind Bucky’s legs. “And who are you?” You ask quietly as you squat down to meet his eyes. You hold a cautious hand out and Alpine only stares. You wait for a moment before he turns and moves back into the apartment. 
You don’t seem to take it to heart though. You laugh as you stand up. “He takes after his dad, huh.” There’s a teasing glint in your eyes and Bucky should be offended but the comment actually makes him smirk. 
“His name is Alpine.” Bucky says monotone as he watches you rock back and forth on your feet. “Did you need something?” 
“Oh!” Your eyes light up as if you had completely forgotten your reason for coming here in the first place. “I need salt! Do you have any?” Your eyes move behind him again as if you’re now suddenly worried the answer won’t be yes. 
“I have salt, yes.” He doesn’t move from his spot and only stares down at you. Your eyes flicker around the hallway before you smile nervously. “Can I have some?” You ask quietly. 
Bucky nods and makes his way into his kitchen. He expects you to stay and wait in the doorway, but he hears the door shut behind you.
“Didn’t want him to get out.” You say as you lean against his counter. Bucky’s a little put off by your brazen personality, but you don’t seem to notice his discomfort. “How long have you lived in DC?” You ask as Bucky moves to pull the salt out. 
“How much do you need?” He asks instead of answering. 
“Not much! A couple teaspoons.” Bucky’s stoic attitude doesn’t seem to deter you at all. He glances around the bare kitchen before deciding to just give you the shaker. 
“I don’t have anything to put it in, just make sure to return it eventually.” He shrugs as he slides it over to you. You grasp it in your hand but make no effort to move. Bucky sighs. “And I’ve lived here for a couple years now. I… I moved here after the Blip.” 
He wonders briefly if you know who he is. He’s not sure what happened in the years of the blip, if his name had been marked on one of those memorials. That had been before his pardon, so he assumes not. He wonders if Steve’s exhibit had been changed. He hadn’t been back since before the blip. Was he still in it? Had they changed it or was Bucky Barnes still dead in America’s eyes? His eyes find yours and then he wonders if you did know who he was, were you worried? 
You seemed fine around him. He hadn’t seen any recognition on your face when he had introduced himself all those months ago. A frown tugs at your lips. “Were you…” You trail off but Bucky knows the question. 
Bucky nods tightly and you take a step away and move towards his door, like you know he’s reached the limit on sharing personal details for the night. “Me too.” You finally say when your hand lands on his door knob. You pause. “It’s weird. Right? Coming back to a completely different world?”’
“Yeah.”  He nods. You have no idea, he thinks. He had just begun to figure out how to live free again and then he was gone. And when he came back, he was thrust into battle then lost Steve to a world Bucky was no longer a part of. “It’s weird.” 
You smile apologetically. “Thank you for the salt, James.” You say quietly. His eyes flash to yours but your face doesn’t give much away. 
He nods and the door slams shut. Alpine comes trotting out and rubs against Bucky’s shins. “Yeah, she’s weird.” Bucky reaches down to softly pet Alpine’s back. “Pretty though, huh?” 
Alpine pushes against his hand and Bucky takes that as agreement enough. 
Bucky liked helping Sam down at the VA. Handing things out, setting things up, and talking with veterans gave Bucky a sense of something. It gave him something to do when Sam and him weren’t away on missions. 
And he got to spend time with Sam. While it was something he would never admit to the man, he enjoyed his company. Sam had slowly become Bucky’s best friend. Not that Bucky really had any other close friends. 
“Thanks for helping out today.” Sam smiles as Bucky leads him through the hallway towards his apartment. “But you know, you can just come for a meeting. To talk.” 
Bucky nods. He did know that, really. But Bucky was okay with listening for now. Maybe one day he would share some of his story, but helping out now was helping him. 
Bucky stops short in the hall when he notices something sitting outside his door. He throws an arm out that Sam slams into. “Jesus, what…” He trails off when he notices what Bucky had seen. 
There’s a small brown box sitting on the ground. “Stay here.” He murmurs as he begins to move towards the object. Sam gives Bucky a look before following behind him. “Or not.” He glares. Both men kneel down in front of the box. There’s not much that gives anything about what’s in the box away, just his name written in fancy script. 
He reaches a hand out to touch it when the sound of your door opening makes him second guess and pull away. You were a little weird, but he didn’t want to blow you up. 
“James!” Him and Sam look over at you as you lock your door. You’ve got a red apron wrapped around your waist and your bag is slipping off your shoulder. Before Bucky can say anything like be careful, you furrow your brows at the men. “What are you doing? Do you not like cookies?” 
“Cookies?” Bucky asks as he glances down at the box again. Sam has already stood up and straightened out, but he’s still kneeling in front of the door. He can hear Alpine pawing at it, no doubt having heard Bucky’s voice, and he feels a little ridiculous now. “It’s Bucky.” He adds on now that he knows it’s not an explosive sitting in front of him. 
You nod slowly with a confused smile on your face. “Cookies. I made a bunch so I packed up the extra for you. When I knocked nobody answered so I left them, I wasn’t sure if I’d be home when you got back.” 
Bucky feels heat rise to his cheeks. He hastily picks the box up and stands. Sam laughs loudly and Bucky glances at him coldly. “Thanks.” He says quietly. 
You rock back and forth on your feet again. Must be a nervous habit, Bucky thinks. “I also made some cat treats. For Alpine.” Bucky recognizes the nervous tone in your voice as you stare at the box in his hands. “Thank you. For the help.” You say before spinning on your heel. You freeze and turn again, this time your eyes land on Sam. “Nice to meet you, Captain America, sir.” You look like you’re thinking of throwing your hand up in salute, but instead you turn again and rush down the hall. 
Bucky just stares after you until a muffled meow breaks his focus. He shakes his head before shoving the box into Sam’s hands and moving to unlock the door. “So.” Sam says with a poorly contained smirk as he follows Bucky inside. “She seems nice, James.” 
Bucky groans before snatching the box from his hands. “She knows I go by Bucky, she just calls me that to mess with me… I think.”
“And she knows Alpine?” Sam kneels down to pet said cat, but he jumps away and hides behind Bucky’s legs. “Come on, Al. We’ve known each other since you were adopted.” Sam stands up and rolls his eyes at Bucky. 
Bucky laughs softly at the cat. “She asked to borrow salt last night and kind of met him. Alpine didn’t really stick around to hang out with her.” He begins to open the box and notices a small note taped to the inside of the lid. 
He pulls it off hesitantly. “What’s her name?” Sam leans against the counter and pulls a cookie out of the box.
“Y/N.” He says quietly as his eyes skim over the note. 
Thank you for the salt. And the conversation. I hope you enjoy the cookies. I made some simple tuna treats for Alpine. 
Step One in getting your cat to love me. 
Bucky lays the note on his counter and looks into the box. His shaker is standing in the corner next to a small plate of cookies and a jar of what he assumes are the cat treats. Sam laughs and Bucky glances up to see him reading over the note. “Hey!” Bucky yanks it out of his hand and shoves it into one of the drawers in front of him. 
“Getting Alpine and you to love her, she means.” He laughs again and Bucky rolls his eyes. “That’s cute. I didn’t know you had a little flirtationship going on.” 
Bucky scoffs. “I don’t… What does that even mean? Did you see us in the hall? I don’t flirt with her.” 
Sam reaches for another cookie. “Really? Just felt like that’s how you would flirt. And you blushed so…” He trails off with a smirk. 
“I wasn’t blushing!” Bucky says defensively. He didn’t blush just because a pretty girl gave him cookies. He wasn’t in middle school. When Sam reaches for another cookie, Bucky yanks the box away. “Are you gonna order dinner or stand here and eat all of my cookies?” 
Sam throws his hands up in mock surrender and pulls out his cell phone. “Hey. No need to get defensive. Maybe it was just hot in the hallway.” He moves into the living room and flings himself onto the small couch. 
Bucky scoffs and looks down at Alpine, who has made himself comfortable at Bucky’s feet. “I wasn’t blushing.” He says quietly to the cat. Alpine just blinks. Bucky pulls a treat out of the small jar and holds it out to him. “You know I wasn’t blushing.” 
The next time Bucky sees you, it’s him at your door. He’s got a clean plate in his hand and is decidedly not nervous as he waits for you to answer. 
He lifts his hand to knock again when the door swings open. You’re standing in nothing but a sweatshirt and shorts that barely peek out from beneath it. Bucky swallows and forces his eyes up from your legs to your face. 
He gives you an apologetic smile when he sees your raised brows. “James.” You smile kindly as you lean against your door frame. “What can I do for you?” 
“Bucky.” He says automatically. He holds the plate out and notices your eyes catch on his gloved hands. “Figured you might want this back. I washed it.” 
You take the plate from his hands. “Thank you.” Bucky doesn’t move from his spot in the hallway. He’s not really sure why because he’s done what he needed to do. He just wanted to enjoy your presence, he assumes. You had begun to grow on him and your cookies were really good. Or maybe he had always kind of liked you. 
“Do you want to come in?” You ask. There’s an inviting smile on your face and he almost says yes. He wants to say yes. But he didn’t want to leave Alpine alone, he had already been gone for most of the day. 
Bucky gives you an apologetic smile. “I would… But I don’t want to leave Alpine alone.” You nod with a soft smile and Bucky watches for a moment before taking a step back.
“I’ll just…” He points over shoulder at his door. He turns and starts the short walk to his door. 
You laugh quietly. “Have a good night, James.” 
“Bucky.” He corrects. He takes a deep breath and turns to face you again. You’re still standing in your doorway watching him amused. “Do you want to… You can come to mine instead?” 
Your small smile transforms into something bright and excited as you nod. “That would be great. Let me grab my keys.” You hold a finger up and disappear into your apartment. 
As soon as you're out of sight Bucky slumps against the wall. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He thinks. His living room is bare except for the small, shitty couch Sam had persuaded him into buying. That and a lamp on an Ikea side table and his television. 
He imagined your living room was much homier. Probably decorated to fit your aesthetic and cozy. What would you think of his place? What did you think? You couldn’t mind it too much if you agreed to come, right? 
His nervous train of thought is disrupted when he hears your door slam shut. Bucky watches as you lock your door quickly. “Lead the way!” You look at Bucky with teasing eyes. 
Bucky smiles hesitantly as he turns towards his own door. When he opens it, he finds Alpine laying on the back of the couch and he stares confused at Bucky and the new addition to the apartment. 
“You remember Alpine.” Bucky says with a small smile as he beckons you further into the apartment. “It’s not much-“
“-It’s nice.” You cut him off. You’ve got a genuine smile on your face and Bucky begins to wonder why he had ever been nervous. You’d always been kind, he couldn’t imagine you having anything rude to say. “Hi, Alpine.” You say quietly as you step cautiously towards the couch. 
Bucky watches as Alpine looks up at you equally as cautious. “Nice to see you again. I hope you like the treats.” At the word, Alpine perks up and looks at you intrigued. 
Bucky quietly pulls a couple treats out of the jar. He moves as subtly as he can in order to avoid shifting Alpine’s attention. “Here.” He slips a treat into your hand. “See if he comes to you.”
You hold the treat out in front of you and Alpine sniffs the air. You don’t say anything, like you know trying to coax the cat to you might spook him. Alpine seems to appreciate it and moves towards you slowly. He snatches the treat from your hand before dashing away. He disappears down the hallways, but you don’t seem to care because you spin around to face Bucky with a happy smile. 
“Did you see that?” You laugh. Bucky swallows and nods. Briefly he thinks you have a beautiful smile before shaking the thought off. You take a seat on his couch and pull your legs up underneath you. “I’ll be his favorite in no time.”  
Bucky snorts. “I’m sure.” He says sarcastically. He sits next to you on the couch and moves to hand the remote to you. He lets a small smile be directed at you as he watches you make yourself comfortable in his home. It’s not much, but you seem to fit right in. 
When your eyes land on his gloved hands again, he thinks you’re gonna ask for a reasoning behind them. He’d have to come up with a poor excuse, not wanting to share the truth yet. But your eyes move from his hands to his face and you take the remote with a smirk. “You ever seen Legally Blonde?”
And, well. That’s that. 
The next time you and Bucky see each other, it’s in passing. He’s going out as you’re coming in. There’s a grease stain on your shirt and your red apron is barely stuffed into your purse.
Bucky hesitates for a moment. “Hey.” He says quietly. You spin around and slam backwards into your door. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.” He takes a cautious step towards you. His eyes trail over your face, your eyes are red and he can tell how exhausted you are. 
“It’s okay.” You say quietly. You take a few calming breaths. “I was in my head. It was a rough night.” 
Bucky leans against the wall next to you. “Wanna talk about it?” He’s grown so used to you just stopping to chat that this tense silence feels wrong. Normally he wouldn’t even have to prompt you, he would listen as you just launch into a story easily.
You trail your eyes over his outfit. “You look like you’re headed out.”
Bucky shrugs and doesn’t move from his spot. “Just a recap then. I have time.” He’s not sure what’s inspired him to do this. But he thinks it has something to do with this newfound fondness to your bright personality. He wants it back. 
You take a deep breath and nod. “Come in for a glass of water? Then I’ll let you go.” 
Bucky sighs in relief. “Sounds perfect.” He follows you into the apartment. It’s different from his. Bright, like you. You’ve got posters hanging neatly on the wall your tv is against. Plants sitting by your window. A large couch and soft rug. “Nice place.” He comments as he moves to sit on one of your barstools.
You laugh softly. “Thanks.” You drop your purse onto the counter and turn to pull two glasses out of the cupboard. “Where are you headed? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
Bucky glances at the time on your stove. “Oh… I help my friend out with meetings at the VA. I was headed to help him set up.” 
You slide a glass of water towards him. “You’re a vet?” He takes it with an appreciative smile. “I didn’t…” You shake your head. “Thank you.” 
Bucky shakes his head. “I’m not…” He trails off unsure of how to explain his status to you. Did you really not know who he was? “Tonight's topic is you.”
You roll your eyes and lean back against the counter. “Have you ever just had a bad day? Where nothing seems to go right?” Bucky nods and you sigh. “My master’s thesis, I’ve been working on it for months, I got back my draft today from my advisor and he tore it apart. Had a good cry about that. Got called in early to work, I need the money so I said yes. The diner was busy and we were short staffed. To top it off, my last customer of the night was a douche. He hit on me all night. When I told him no to getting my phone number, he threatened to take my tip away.” You laugh bitterly as Bucky sits in silence, listening intently. “And then when I walked away, he tried to grab me. So… Stellar night over all.” 
“Want me to kill him?” The words are out of Bucky’s mouth before he can think. He couldn’t imagine being forced to be nice to somebody who was just harassing him all night. In fact, he knows he wouldn’t be. And he knows you certainly didn’t deserve treatment like that. 
You let out a shocked laugh that turns into a full blown laughing fit. Bucky lets out an awkward chuckle as he watches you shake. 
“That’s…” You trail off and Bucky notices tears gathering in your eyes. “That’s really sweet.” You say wetly. 
“Hey.” Bucky stands up and takes a step towards you. He pauses, unsure of what to do, but when you start to shake again, this time with tears, his decision is made. “Hey. You’re okay.” 
He pulls you into him and you come easily. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist and rest your head against his chest as you let it out. 
Bucky rubs your back and tries his best to calm his rapidly beating heart. He hopes you can’t hear it because he’s sure it would break any kind of aura of nonchalance he had created. 
He glances at the time again. He really has to go. The meeting was starting soon and he’s sure Sam is worried about where Bucky is. He pulls back slowly, not wanting to let go. 
You look at him with sad eyes. “I’m so sorry. I have to go.” You nod dejectedly and take a step back. You don’t go too far, both of your hands still clinging to his jacket. “Can you watch Alpine?” He rushes the words out and he knows there’s a light blush rising to his cheeks. He just wants to make you feel better and he really does hate leaving his cat alone. 
You furrow your brows. “What?” 
“I mean.” He takes a hurried step back suddenly aware of you still wrapped in his arms. “I hate leaving him alone. And… You look like you could use some furry company.” 
A slow smile spreads across your face. “Are you saying your cat likes me?”
“No.” Bucky laughs. “But you are the only other person he doesn’t completely hate.” 
“I would love to watch Alpine.” You take a few rushed steps out of your kitchen. “I’ll change and head over.” 
Bucky lets out a relieved breath and nods. “Good. Cool. I mean-“ He shakes his head. “-my spare key is on top of my door. You don’t have to do anything but hang out with him. Don’t expect cuddles though, I’m not sure you’re on that level yet. Don’t give him too many treats.” 
You’re nodding like his instructions are even the smallest bit important. “I have to go.” Bucky says ago and takes another step towards the door. “I’ll see you later.” 
You nod and take off down your hall. Bucky lingers by your door for a moment.
“Wait!” You yell and come rushing out again. Bucky freezes and turns to look at you. “Thank you…James.” You smile brightly before spinning around again and disappearing. 
Bucky smiles to himself as he leaves. The bright was back. 
When Bucky gets home he’s more nervous than when he left. His palm is sweaty and all that’s on his mind is Sam’s constant teasing. 
Bucky didn’t have a crush. He just… Liked having you around. That didn’t mean he wanted to date you. Maybe he did think you were pretty. And sure when you had let him hug you earlier it had made his heart race. 
But it wasn’t a crush. Bucky was too old to have a crush. He takes a deep breath before opening his door. He can hear a movie playing softly before he even looks up. 
“Hey.” You say quietly from where you’re laying on his couch. You sit up hastily with an embarrassed smile. Alpine is laying on the chair across from you. “We’re friends!” You point to the sleeping cat. 
Bucky nods. “He actually stayed in the same room as you all night?” He asks doubtfully. 
You frown, but there’s a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. “Maybe not all night. But he came out like an hour ago. I think he gave up on waiting for me to leave.” 
You pat the spot next to you on the couch and Bucky moves as quietly as he can. “How was your night? Do you feel better?” He looks you over. You looked less tired and from the blankets piled on his couch it looks like you had taken a nap. 
You nod. “A lot better… Thank you. I really appreciate you letting me hang out with your cat.” You look up at him with a nervous smile. “He’s just like you. You two were made for each other.” 
Bucky glances at Alpine. “What does that mean?” 
You poke Bucky’s leg with your socked foot. “Hard exterior, secretly wants to be best buds with me.” 
Bucky snorts and gently shoves your foot away. “My secret plan has been outed. Make the girl from 4B my best friend.” You laugh and move to tuck your feet under his leg. It’s silent for a moment, and Bucky knows you’re watching him so he busies himself with watching Alpine.
“Hey…” You trail off waiting for Bucky to turn his attention to you. “I don’t want to upset you or anything.” 
“That’s always a good start.” Bucky says nervously as he focuses on you. Your hands are fidgeting in your lap as you watch him. “What’s wrong?” 
You shake your head quickly. “Nothing’s wrong! I just… Promise you won’t be upset with me?” Your eyes are pleading and Bucky can feel himself get anxious. What could you be so nervous about? 
“What’s wrong?” He asks quietly. You don’t say anything, so Bucky swallows hard. “I promise.” He nods slowly. 
“Okay.” You take a deep breath. Bucky watches your eyes shift around the room before landing on his hands clenched together in his lap. “I thought I recognized you. Like, your name is so familiar and then when I saw you with Captain America…” 
Bucky looks down at his hands and nods. He knew where this was going. “I…” He trails off. 
“I looked you up.” You rush the words out. Your voice is small and Bucky feels any hopes he had for this friendship shatter around him. 
“I don’t… I’m not any of those things anymore.” Bucky cringes. His leg is shaking anxiously, but he just can’t get it to stop. He can’t even get himself to look up from his gloved hands, didn’t want to see the fear or disbelief that would be painted across your face. 
Your toes poke at his thigh again and it forces Bucky to look over at you. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you watch him, but there’s no trace of fear or anger, you wear the same kind smile that you always did. 
“I know that.” You whisper softly. Your eyes move past him and Bucky follows your line of vision to Alpine, whose bright eyes are staring at him. Bucky smiles gently at the cat as he stretches out and hops off the chair. Alpine rubs against Bucky’s shins, a welcome distraction from the impending conversation. Your feet curve upward to poke Bucky in the leg again. He looks up hastily at the gesture. “When I asked if you were a vet earlier, why did you say no?” 
Bucky purses his lips to think. The truth was he wasn’t at all sure how to explain everything to you. He didn’t have to explain things to Sam or Steve, they knew. “My war was a long time ago.” He settles on saying. 
“That doesn’t make you any less a veteran.” You say firmly.  “And there’s not much online about the Winter Soldier-“ There’s ringing in Bucky’s ears as the words come out of your mouth. What had you found? And what were you thinking? 
“Hey.” You lean over and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “There’s not much online, but I didn’t read what there was because I knew that it was your story to tell me. When you’re ready.” 
Bucky inhales sharply as you look at him with curious eyes. “I… I did a lot of bad things. I… I worked on making amends and I… I was pardoned.” He pleads with you like he’s sure you’ll walk out if you know everything. 
“Okay.” The word is quiet and your hand is still resting on his shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I just wanted you to know that I’m your friend. Even with your super cool secret identity.” 
Bucky laughs at that. “It’s not a secret if you use your real name.” 
“Ah! You agree? We’re friends?” You say with a smirk. “Does that mean I get to see the super cool metal arm that’s always been covered around me?” 
Bucky shakes his head, but laughs. “Not yet.” You’re watching him carefully so he gives you a small smile. “I would say we’re friends though, yeah.” 
Suddenly, you’re always there. 
When Bucky has missions with Sam, you check in on Alpine for him. His spare key has moved from above his door to your keychain. 
You’ll come over with treats when he gets home from the VA. (Bucky likes to think you check for him when you hear the heavy footsteps in the hall and that’s why you’re always there right after he gets home.) 
He’ll bring dishes back whenever he sees you get home. (He does check the peephole when he hears footsteps.) 
You send him pictures of Alpine when he’s away. Alpine who still won't cuddle with you or even touch you, but who lays in the same room and has recently started allowing short pets. He sends you pictures of Sam and cities they’re in. 
And tonight, while he’s in New York, you’ve sent him a picture of you in his bathroom mirror with Alpine sitting pretty on the counter. 
He’s not supposed to be up there. 
All he gets is another picture in return, this time you have a thumbs up and Alpine is still on the counter. Bucky smiles. Sam notices. 
“Your girlfriend texting you?” He teases. 
Bucky scoffs. “She’s not my girlfriend… She just watches Alpine for me sometimes.” He looks back down at his phone. Nice. He sends back before stuffing it into his pocket and looking back at the man. 
Sam nods slowly. “Right. She just watches Alpine sometimes. And hangs out with you when she’s free. Don’t forget the treats she makes you and Alpine.” Sam lists off casually as he looks down at his fingernails. 
Bucky feels an embarrassed heat crawl up the back of his neck and looks down at his feet. “We’re friends. She’s a good friend.” 
When he looks up, Sam doesn’t have a teasing smile, but instead a genuinely happy one. Bucky thinks that this one is somehow worse when Sam grips his shoulder firmly. “I’m glad you have such a good friend, Bucky. Someone outside this super hero business.”
Bucky nods and swallows the lump in his throat. “Yeah. Thanks, Sam.”
“I’m serious, Bucky. You deserve it.” 
Bucky gives him a grateful smile unable to say anything else.
Bucky creeps into his apartment at four in the morning. It’s quiet, like usual, but Alpine isn’t sitting on the couch like he normally does when Bucky isn’t home. 
“Al?” He calls out quietly. The logical part of him is aware that Alpine may have fallen asleep in his bedroom, or underneath a piece of furniture. But there’s another part of him that panics at the routine being broken. 
Alpine was always there to greet him. 
Bucky would rather be safe than sorry. “Al.” He whispers again, already reaching for the knife strapped to his ankle. He bends slowly and lifts his pant leg as he scans his eyes under the couch and coffee table in search of the cat. 
He stands with the knife in his hand and moves slowly down his hallway. His bedroom door is ajar, Bucky takes a deep breath before pushing it open all the way. Alpine blinks at him from the edge of his bed. The knife slips from Bucky’s hand as he stands, shocked in the doorway. You’re asleep. Asleep on the bed that he never used. 
The knife clattering against the ground stirs you from your sleep and your eyes widen when you notice Bucky standing there. 
“Hey!” Your voice is raspy and low. You rub your eyes and Bucky can only stare at your half-asleep form. “I… I thought you were going to be gone until tomorrow night.” 
He nods. “Yeah. I mean, we got things done sooner than expected.” He explains. You lean over to flicker the light next to you on. Bucky doesn’t recognize the pillow sitting behind you or the blanket that’s thrown over your legs, he thinks you’ve brought them over from your apartment. You must have because his pillow and blanket was sitting folded in his linen closet waiting for the next time he camped out on the floor or the couch. 
You smile apologetically. “I’m sorry. I… I got tired of falling asleep on the couch.” You whisper. “And Alpine lays with me on the bed.” 
Bucky hastily shakes his head. “No! It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize. I should’ve told you to sleep in the bed. I didn’t even think of it.” I don’t really sleep in the bed. He moves further into the room. 
You scratch nervously at your cheek before freezing in action. He almost laughs at the annoyance that crosses your face. You had mentioned once that touching your face was a bad habit you had been trying to break for months. “I should go.” 
“You don’t have to.” Bucky opens his dresser drawer in search of sweatpants. “Stay here. You’ve already got yourself set up. I’ll crash on the couch.” 
You push the blanket off of your legs and Bucky has to force his eyes to stay on yours when he notices the already short shorts you’re wearing have ridden up your thighs from sleeping. “I can’t make you sleep on the couch, James. I’ll go!” 
“You know it’s Bucky.” He stops you with a hand on your shoulder. “It’s fine.” He stresses. “I… I don’t really sleep in the bed anyways. The couch is better.” 
Your eyes narrow. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.” He can tell you’re hesitant, but your rushed movements have paused. “My apartment is across the hall! I feel awful for invading your space like this already.” 
Bucky sits on the edge of the bed and watches curiously as you shift to sit next to him. Both your legs are dangling off, almost brushing his, and Bucky feels warmer than he had all week. “Doll, I’m serious. Beds are weird for me. I haven’t had one in so long that sometimes they’re just too overwhelming for me to sleep in.” 
He almost jumps when your head rests against his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t think of that.” 
“It’s good to see somebody getting good use out of this bed.” He leans into you slightly. “My ma would have thrown a fit if she saw how much this bed was. 800 dollars for a mattress... 800 dollars back then is like, thousands now.” 
You laugh softly. Bucky glances down again. Your eyes are closed and he thinks you’re almost asleep until you talk. “Do you… Would someone being there help you sleep in the bed?” 
You don’t open your eyes and Bucky’s almost glad for that because he can’t look away from you. “I… I don’t know. It’s only been Al and I.” His eyes follow the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe slow and calm. 
You finally look up. “You should stay with me. The couch isn’t comfortable to sleep on, I would know.” You elbow his stomach gently. 
He nods before he can even think about it. “If… If you’re comfortable with it.” He whispers. 
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t. I promise.” You move away from him and Bucky already misses the warmth you radiate. “I’ll let you change.” 
He leans against the bathroom door as soon as it’s shut behind him. “It’s okay.” He mumbles to himself. His nightmares had been getting better, but that didn’t mean they were gone entirely. 
They probably never would be. And he knew he couldn’t let himself be afraid of the bed for the rest of his life. He had bought the bed. He just hadn’t expected his attempt at getting over the anxiety to be with you. 
Why had he said yes? He thinks as he shakily slips his jacket off. He looks at himself in the mirror and sighs. It was a good question, why had he said yes? 
He slips into his sweatpants and just stands in the bathroom. He couldn’t change his mind now. 
Well, he could. He knew you would give him a kind smile and reassure him that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to. You were just that person. Kind and understanding and holding no judgement. 
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay.” He shakes his shoulders out and picks up his discarded clothes. He stops at the linen closet and pulls out his blanket and pillow. 
You’re already wrapped up in your blanket again when Bucky comes back into the room. Alpine has moved to lay the floor in front of his bed. You smile sleepily at Bucky. He feels himself smile back. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
(When his eyes crack open the next morning he finds Alpine curled at his feet and you curled into his side, he knows being with you wouldn’t be bad. It’s the first time he lets himself think maybe this really is a crush.) 
So, Bucky has a crush. Which is a little ridiculous because he’s over a century old and having a crush is so high school, but it’s there. When you smile in the hall and butterflies rush through his stomach or when his chest warms at a picture you’ve sent of you and Alpine. It’s so obviously there. 
“What are you staring at?” Your voice shakes him when he realizes he’s been staring at you this entire time. You’re sitting next to him on the couch, so close your legs are touching. “Do I have something on my face?” You reach a hand up to your cheek. 
Bucky shakes his head hastily. “No. Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts.”
“Penny?” You ask softly and Bucky furrows his brows in confusion. “Penny for your thoughts.” You clarify quickly. 
He thinks the smile that appears on your face is bashful and it makes Bucky feel just a little more confident. Maybe he made you as nervous as you made him. 
“You’re really pretty.” He says suddenly. Your eyes widen and you look away nervously. A hand scratches at the back of your neck and Bucky bites down on his lip as he watches you. Not exactly how he hoped that would go. “I mean… I was just looking at… how pretty you were.” He cringes at the words as they come out of his mouth. 
He used to be so much smoother than this, he thinks. He remembered having a new girl on his arm every week and a friend of theirs for Steve. 
Alpine meows loudly and Bucky just knows the cat is laughing at him. “Thank you.” You finally say quietly. “I… I didn’t think you thought that about me.” 
“‘Course I do.” He says equally as quietly. “Always thought you were pretty.” He glances at you and smirks, “Even when I thought you were weird too.” 
You gasp and turn to look at him. “You thought I was weird?” 
Bucky laughs and nods. “After you came in the middle of the night for salt? A little. And the fact that you keep calling me James when I’ve told you it’s Bucky.” He raises an eyebrow. 
You smile brightly. “You introduced yourself as James. Why would I call you anything else?” 
Bucky presses his tongue to his cheek as he tries not to laugh. “Yeah. I’ve regretted that every day since. Nobody’s called me James since the forties.” 
You scoff. “I find that hard to believe.” 
Bucky looks away. “Well for decades I was referred to as soldat.” He glances down at his hands. He’d stop wearing his gloves around you after you’d spent the night, even told you a little of his story the next morning. 
Sam thinks your relationship is weird. You spend the night sometimes and both of you find time to spend together when you can. It’s like you’re dating, but Bucky knows it’s not really like that. He thinks you both bring a sense of calm to one another. 
He’s not sure how to shift that, or if you would even want to, into a relationship. He glances back at you with a tense smile. “Steve always called me Buck. Sam calls me Bucky. Last person to call me James was probably my mother.” 
“I’m sorry… I never meant to-'' You take a deep breath like you’re preparing yourself for what you're going to say next. 
Bucky shakes his head. “It’s fine. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I was just pointing it out.” He tries to smile reassuringly. 
“I was just trying to flirt.” You say so quickly the words sound jumbled together. 
It takes him a moment to comprehend what you’ve said. “With me?” He points to himself. The words make his confidence rise exponentially. “You were trying to flirt with me?” 
“With you.” You confirm with a slow nod. You start laughing, but it’s soft and happy. “Of course I was! I wanted you to remember me! How could I do that if I called you what everybody else does?” 
“I don’t know. Anything else?” He laughs along with you. “I…” He shakes his head with a smile. 
You both settle and Bucky hears you inhale sharply. “The salt to come see you and talk, the cookies and treats for Alpine… I’ve had this huge crush on you since you moved in.” You say softly. 
Bucky nods, he could see it now. Then he starts laughing again. He feels you smack his shoulder. “I’m sorry… You… Sam said that those cookies and treats were you trying to get me and Alpine to like you.” 
You roll your eyes at him. “Keen eye. He saw I was flirting.” You tease gently. “Does it… Does it bother you? Or change anything? The fact that I was flirting?” You ask softly and full of nerves. 
Bucky smiles sweetly. “That depends. Do you still want to flirt with me?” 
You narrow your eyes, but nod. “I don’t ask just any boy to sleep in the same bed as me.” 
“Just me and Alpine?” Bucky nudges your knee with his. You nod softly and he inhales a deep, nervous breath. “It worked.” He says quietly. 
You nudge his knee back. “It did?” 
He turns to look at you again. You’re already looking up at him with hopeful eyes and Bucky feels his heart race. “Yeah. I like you a lot. I don’t... I haven’t felt this way in a long time.” 
A smile breaks out on your face. “I like you a lot too.” You whisper, like you’re afraid anything louder will break the moment. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers back. You nod excitedly and lean towards him. Bucky places a gentle hand on your cheek as shuts his eyes and leans in. 
His chest warms when your lips press against his tentatively, like you’re both still nervous it’s not real. Your lips are soft and Bucky knows his own are chapped, but he feels you smile against him and can’t stop his own smile from overtaking his face. 
You pull away, but you’re still close enough that your lips are brushing against his. He’s caught up in the moment staring at you when he feels something rub against his shin. 
It makes you pull apart. Alpine is rubbing himself against both your legs and purring softly. Bucky presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Think you won both of us over.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // what do you do when your midterm is an essay & gave you a headache? write bucky barnes fanfiction. thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it. ps i’ve seen some spelling mistakes promise to edit those in the morning!
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detshin · 2 years
Hi fellow DC veteran! I normally only lurk on Tumblr and have never posted anything, but, I saw that you kept apologizing about complaining about the latest chapter and where the story is at right now (and has been for many years), and thought I should send this. There is absolutely no need to apologize, as I know so many fans feel EXACTLY the same way, and I actually appreciate you putting that perspective out there among all the chaos. I have also spent my whole life following this story, and it breaks my heart to see where it is at right now, and the complete disregard for our amazing main character. I have been a fan of DC for 23 years now, and Shinichi has always been my favourite character, and always will be. I don't care how many other "cool" characters get added to the series, because he will always be number 1 for me. There is no one else like him <3 I don't care about ANYTHING that has to do with Akai, Amuro or all the other stuff/characters they bring along with them. I didn't mind when Akai was more of an actual side character, but now I can't stand how these characters that mean nothing to me are front and centre. Btw, I love your undying love for Shinichi and ShinRan. Your old posts about them make my day and remind me why I am still here after all these years. I am only here because I love them, and honestly, DON'T THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY ALREADY??
So, I was not expecting Kaito Kid to be in chapter 1100 either, though I knew it would be something disappointing. I don't care that Amuro is there and that actually makes things worse for me. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, I thought after we had the Mystery Train, Gosho said that he wouldn't involve Kid in the main plot anymore. I don't remember where I saw this, it was years ago.
It makes me sad when I go though old chapters and see the difference. I can't even get myself to read one full new chapter now. Anyway, I am so sorry about the long message and not really having a question. I just wanted you to know that it is comforting to still have fans who have been here so long, and feel exactly the same way. I cannot express how much I love your blog and your passion for Shinichi and ShinRan! Thank you for putting your thoughts out there.
Hi there! ✨ First things first, thank you soooo much for the kind message. This was lovely to read and it actually made me feel better lmao
I know that I shouldn't keep apologizing for complaining as you say, but you know... There's always people out there who could read what I say and get mad at me or something because of it, so I like to kind of get it out there that I don't like the fact that I myself am being so negative about this manga that I supposedly love so much.
Because I do! I love this manga, it has brought me so much joy and even if I move on to other things (which I am) I can't help but come back and have it in the back of my mind at all times. And that's what kinda makes it worse for me I guess? That's what makes me even more angry and feel like I need to say something.
I've talked about this with other people too. Like @letitrainasunnyday, who has the patience of basically hearing me complain every time a new file comes out. It makes me feel better that there's other people out there who also feel the same way than I do about the show, and who aren't being charmed by the spin offs and the senseless fanservice and plotless storylines. Don't get me wrong, if you enjoy the content we're getting recently then good for you. Great! But I feel like the ones who have always been here and are used to another type of content, the original type of story... All feel a little weird about it now. I just feel like I only come here to complain because the main characters don't feel like the main characters anymore, because the animation style of the anime is so awkward and weird looking, because the story doesn't progress at all, because they focus on things that I don't care about... It's a lot right?
And so some might say: hey! So why don't you stop watching? Just quit reading the manga!
And my answer is: for the most part I have. Like I have said plenty of times before... I don't remember the last manga file I've read completely. Now I only see what it is about on the spoilers we get and give up because I just- don't want to read. I am only in search for things that I'm interested in (the main plot, the main characters, period). Still, I mostly am just enjoying the fanon content (even if a small amount is of my taste now) and waiting for... Something. I don't know. But the point is that I can't give up the manga completely lmao I have invested too much time of my life to give it up (at least for now, we'll see in the future) and to not see where my favorite characters go from now on and what happens to them. I need to see what's of Shinichi. Of Ran. Everyone, you know?
So am I ever going to read the spin offs? No. Am I ever going to go to the cinema and pay money to watch one of the movies? Absolutely not.
That won't stop me from complaining and memeing about it! I guess it's how I deal with it hahaha Sorry but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️
Anyway I don't even know where I was going with this but thanks a lot for the message again. Keep on supporting our main guy and let's hope for something good and interesting soon, yeah?
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I want to talk about something that I think needs to be mentioned in the DC fandom (and really you can take this to other fandoms and apply it, but at this moment in time, this is for the DC fandom). Here’s what I want to talk about:
You get to love whatever version of the specific character you want, but you don’t get to tell someone else that their version is the wrong one.
Let me explain that: There’s a whole bunch of versions of DC characters, ranging from Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Dark Age, and the Modern Age (which is New 52 and DC Rebirth). That’s a lot of different versions of our beloved characters. Some are better characterizations than others, some are worse—we all have our preferences to what we like and how we view those characters. Some like Modern Batman, others like Golden Age Batman—no shade on either, they’re both versions of Batman.
That being said, you don’t get to stand on a pedestal and yell at somebody for preferring Hal Jordan or John Stewart for being retconned as military veterans over their original creations. You don’t get to get mad at someone for preferring Guy Gardner’s New 52 characterization over his original creation. You don’t get to yell at someone for preferring Batman be dark and gritty over goofy and a dope. You don’t get to be angry that someone likes Dark Age Jason Todd over New 52 and DC Rebirth JT. You don’t get to be upset that someone likes Modern Age Alan Scott over Golden Age AS. You don’t get to be enraged that someone likes New 52 Starfire over Silver Age Starfire.
You don’t get to be angry that someone likes a specific Age character that isn’t the one you like—that’s not how the world works; sometimes people have very different likes and opinions than yours and you need to learn that—because if you don’t, your life isn’t going to be enjoyable. You can rant and rave and scream about how a specific characterization goes against the very creation of that character all you want, do it—I implore you to write your feelings out if that’s what you want to do—but you don’t get to direct that at someone who’s just around to have some fun with a character they enjoy.
Some people like the earliest version. Some like the newest. Some like the versions only from the DCAU and/or live action. All versions are acceptable versions. They’re still the characters we love, just retconned differently to fit in with the new times and with the newer readers and joiners of the fandom who deserve to see themselves represented in those characters.
You don’t get to gatekeep characters for people. When you do that, you diminish the fandom size because you tell people their love of those characters is wrong. The fandom is supposed to be a fun place, not a place of hate and degradation. Being jerk-offs to one another because somebody likes New 52 or DC Rebirth or Golden Age more isn’t going to make this place fun to be in. And you know what’s left when you’ve shoved everyone out? A place where you stew in your own toxicity and hate.
So, crack a cold one, read your favorite comic age and salute your fellow fandom member for liking the characterization they do and recognizing that their liking isn’t any skin off your back.
We ain’t here for a long time folks—we’re here for a good time.
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littlepadika · 3 years
Calling Home (1) | Frankie Morales x Reader
Summary: You are a receptionist at the VA. Frankie Morales keeps calling. Yearning ensues...
Rating: M -> E in later chapters
Warnings: fem!reader, age gap (legal), praise kink, voice kink, discussion of addiction/PTSD/trauma, no use of y/n, no beta reader, reader is bad at Spanish, Frankie has a sexy voice 😩
Masterlist here
AN: My first fic. Pedro writers have inspired me to finally start writing again 🥺. Concept inspired by the movie RED. I hope you like it ❤️Set after triple frontier.
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Chapter One
The first time he called was an ordinary Thursday.
“Veterans Affairs, how can I help you?”
You had been working at the VA office for about two weeks. Fresh out of college you felt lucky to have a job in the first place. You went to school to be a writer but your big idea for 'The Next Great American Novel' had yet to present itself. At least here you had access to the most inspiring stories and interesting people. Men and women who had seen more and done more than you probably would in your entire life. You loved talking to clients on the phone. It was weird but something about only being able to hear people’s voices excited you. You would sometimes write little stories in your head about the people you'd talk to, filling in the details that were unknown.
Your desk accessories reflected your love of books and writing. You had your growing collection of books sitting on your desk sandwiched between baby pink bookends. Next to them was a matching desk organizer filled with your favorite sparkly pens and sticky notes. You had decorated the plain cubicle walls with posters of quotes from your favorite books. You also brought your favorite candle from home. Even though you couldn’t light it you still liked to lift it to your nose once and a while and smell it between chapters. When you weren’t on the phone or scanning documents you would read. You finished To Kill A Mockingbird in your first week on the job and were now halfway through Murder on the Orient Express.
You were starting a new chapter when Frankie Morales called the first time.
You picked up the phone on the second ring already mustering your chipper 'customer service' voice. “Veterans affairs.” You stated your name. “How may I help you?”
“H-Hi. My name is Frankie- uh-Francisco Morales." A deep voice answered you. "I’m calling because I have gotten my benefits check yet. It’s been a month. I was hoping you could tell me if it got sent?”
“Okay Mr. Morales." You flipped on the computer. "Let me check. Can you spell your last name for me?”
“Okay... let's see.” You clicked on his account. You were momentarily distracted by his picture likely taken when he graduated basic if you had to guess based off the uniform. He looked sweet. Sharp nose and strong jaw balanced by kind eyes and a shy smile. You could imagine how age would continue to soften his expression making him even more handsome. The image was a strange juxtaposition to the voice you were hearing on the phone which was much deeper and rougher. His profile said he was special forces. A pilot. The rest of the information was blacked out. Something you were used to seeing on many people's accounts but even his years of service were redacted. He must have been involved in some dangerous stuff, you thought to yourself. The dates that were not redacted were mostly in Latin America. You clicked over to processing requests. “Looks like the check got sent one week ago.” You informed him.
"I'll look again but I haven't seen anything-" It sounded like he was apologizing when clearly it was not his fault.
"No no. It's probably a mistake on our end." You interrupted. With how shitty and outdated the payroll interface was you wouldn't be surprised if there was a mix up. "I’ll go ahead and let payroll know to send another."
"Great. Thanks." He replied sounding relieved. The roughness in his voice gave way to a smooth baritone.
“No problem. I'm sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. We'll get it sent right away." You hoped he was not relying on this benefit check for anything important. While you could promise you'd fix the problem, the administration was notoriously slow. When he didn't respond you asked, "Is there anything else I can help you with today, Mr. Morales?”
“Uh-no" The roughness back in place. "Thank you." He paused before adding your name onto his thank you which made you smile. People usually never remembered your name.
“Alright. Have a nice day and thank you for your service.” You chirped before hanging up. The smile he put on your face lingered for a few minutes as you returned to your book.
The next time he called was exactly twelve days later.
“Veterans affairs” you answered, your routine greeting cut short as your eyes were still on your book.
“Hi- I’m calling because uh I still haven’t gotten my benefits check. This is Frankie Morales.”
“Oh Mr. Morales.” You recognized his voice even before he even said his name. You quickly shut your book, pushing your hair out of your face. Had you been thinking about him? No! Okay maybe you stared at his picture for a few minutes longer after he hung up. Yes, it was probably very unprofessional but you couldn't fight the curiosity. You were trying to rationalize the contrasting sharpness and softness of his features with his voice. How it all worked together. How one person's voice could change textures and colors so easily. You wondered what kind of things this man might have seen on the job. Most of the veterans you would help day to day did not have so many redacted missions and deployments. You were in the middle of Narcos season one so you immediately thought of drugs or something equally dangerous. After much pondering, you had come to the conclusion that Frankie Morales was both insanely attractive and insanely courageous. “Still no check, huh?”
“Nope.” He sighed the sound making the phone's shitty speaker crackle as you held it to your ear.
“Let me just check that it was approved...“ you found his profile again and scrolled to the status page. “Hmm... it says it was sent out last Friday after we spoke. That’s so weird...”
“Yeah. Really weird.” He echoed your frustration on the other end.
Typical payroll, you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes. “I'll get another one sent to you right away. I'll see to it myself.” You tucked the phone under your chin and typed out a short email to Mary in payroll letting her know you'd be stopping by her office to explain the situation. You realized he hadn't hung up yet.
“Sorry for the back and forth.” You said, trying to fill the silence.
“It’s not your fault." The earlier irritation gone. "You’ve been really helpful.” His voice sounded warm and reassuring. Less gruff than it was last you spoke. Instead it was that rich baritone that you caught of glimpse of last time.
You feel your face warm at his compliment. It was this annoying reflex you had. Praise always made you blush no matter what context but it was worse when it came from a (you assume) gorgeous stranger.
“And just to verify that your address is correct- you’re on Maple Lane in Miami, Florida?”
“That’s right.” He confirmed.
“Okay. Sent!” You clicked send on the email, which caused the window to close and reveal Frankie’s profile page again. “I was curious-" You spoke before you really made the decision to speak. You didn’t want to overstep but once again your curiosity got the better of you. Honestly, you were just searching for a way to keep him on the phone. The day had been so boring.
“Your profile says you were stationed in Costa Rica.”
“For a bit.” He replied after a moment. He didn’t sound too defensive but there was definitely some tightness in his answer that made you feel bad for asking. Like you were scratching a wound.
“Did you like it? The country I mean.”
“Are you planning a trip?” He sounds a little amused.
“Yeah- well- kind of. It's more a trip in my head right now. I’d like to go there one day. It looks so beautiful.” You sighed closing your eyes trying to imagine the heat on your skin.
“It is." He agrees. "Really humid though.”
“Mm that sounds nice.” You would kill for some warm weather after such a long winter in DC.
“It was too muggy for me at times." He grumbled. "If you do go, stick to the costal areas where it’s more breezy or else you’ll just be sweating the whole time.”
“I don’t mind a little sweat” you shrugged, still thinking of the awful east coast winter you were currently suffering through. The sexual connotation of what you said hit you hard as soon as you heard the statement in its entirety. You felt your face flush again, though the man on the other end would never know.
“I’m learning Spanish!" You announced loudly trying to move the conversation past your awkwardness.
“Wow. Muy impressivo.”
“Si” you replied but after a moment you admit “I don’t really know what you said.”
Frankie laughed loudly on the other end and you couldn’t help but join in, drawing dirty looks from the elderly lady, Donna, working in the cubicle across from you. You ducked your head behind a stack of papers to avoid her glare.
“Fake it till you make it.” He chuckled.
“Maybe you should help me out.” You took on an indigent but still playful tone. “You sound better than duolingo” Your smile widened when he laughed again. His laugh was what you hoped it would be, by all your assumptions from his picture. It was an unencumbered, unburdened, rich sound with only a hit of roughness from the air behind it.
“Tell me you’re not using that dumb app to learn.” he scoffed, saying your name in an almost scolding tone.
“I’m got my thirty day streak today.” You boasted.
“You’ll be a total tourist if you go by duolingo.”
“But the owl is so cute every time I get something right!” You argued your voice taking on a more childish cadence.
“That’s how they trap you, silly girl.” He teased right back. Usually such a condescending nickname would piss you off but something about the affection behind him using it made you feel very differently. You felt warm like you were proud to be silly as long as it made him laugh.
“Then you saved me just in time, Mr. Morales.” You bit your lip. His scoffing and laughter died down on the other end.
“Frankie” He corrects you.
“Frankie…” You repeated it, smiling at how well the nick name suited the voice over the phone. Honest, sincere, and not pretentious at all. Way better than the pompous guys you know with equally stuffy names like “Edward” and “Christopher.”
“So what do you want to know?” Frankie interrupted your thoughts. “Dime”
You started asking him questions in Spanish to the best of your ability. Granted they weren't particularly probing questions. What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite animal? What's your favorite book? I am reading Gone Girl. He answered them all with patience and amusement, occasionally interrupting you to correct your pronunciation or explain what a word meant. Every time you’d repeat the word back correctly he would say something like “good” or “there you go” or “you got it”. You hated to admit that his kind words and his praise was doing something to you. You didn't even realize you were clenching your legs together unconsciously, almost in anticipation of his next correction or next answer. His low voice so sweet and encouraging against your ear, more tangible when he was speaking Spanish. You just wanted to hear more of it. Would it be this sweet in other situations? Would it get huskier or rougher? If you closed your eyes it was like he was sitting right next to you. It would be all too easy to slip into that daydream and escape the dull office.
Suddenly out of the corner of your drooping eyes you saw a flashing red light on the phone console meaning another caller was waiting.
“Shoot- i’m sorry, Frankie- I have to take this call.” You shot forward in your chair, legs uncrossing.
“Of-Of course. I should let you get back to work.” He sounded a little sad or so you hoped. You felt bad for interrupting him after you both were having so much fun. You wanted to say he could wait on hold but he killed that idea when he said, "I have work too. Technically I'm five minutes past my lunch break."
Your pout turned to a smile. He was spending his precious lunch break with you? Get a grip! you snapped at yourself.
“You’re welcome to call again if you want.” You threw out the offer in a small voice, scared you would be rejected. You peered over the cubicle wall to see if you were still being glared at. Thankfully Donna was away from her desk. Probably out for a smoke. “It’s really boring here and usually no one calls.”
“Maybe I will.” He replied and you could hear the smile behind those words. You felt your heart clench weirdly in your chest like it didn't know how to process the sudden spike in emotions.
“Bye, Frankie.” You beamed.
This time the smile on your face lasted for hours. Frankie’s laugh echoed around in your head, taunting you, sending your mind to the gutter. His voice went from grit to molasses on a dime. You wanted to be the one to bring out those sounds. You wanted to hear his voice bend and stretch and strain as you fucked him. What the hell is wrong with me? you screamed internally. You had never been so depraved and with a stranger no less! You clearly needed to get laid fast because this much yearning would not end well.
Frankie got the second VA check a few days later and this time he didn’t even feel bad about ripping it in half. He was already reaching for the phone to call you.
Tags: Message to be added 💕 no minors please!
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
donnie\femreader tmntbayverse 14/16 the guys are 20+
*i do not own anything tmnt*
i didn’t proof read a damn thing😂(sorry)
my oc’s name is Blaze,Neptune Marie
military veteran
a black woman from the south side of washington dc
she’s 5’5
has light grey eyes
black wavy hair *bra length*
lets just say she’s the type of woman you’d see in king magazine. she fire 🔥
loves trap, the 90’s hip hop r&b as well as Jamaican country
chill & laid back, can twerk also
so there we stood, the purple masked terrapin & myself , blushing at one another looking dumb as hell
ehemm…..are you to okay? raph say’s staring at me & his brother with a sly grin on his face.
umm yea…..yea im straight, i say almost instantly snapping out of a trance, and perking up as if i wasn’t just imagining donnie kissing me all over.
donnie! you good? mikey asks
oh yea mikey im…uh never better donnie answered. obviously lying through his gap teeth.
i peep the scene and its hella awkward and stuffy even if being outside.
well guys, umm it was nice to meet y’all but i better get home,im jhi tired…
jhi? what does that mean? mikey asks with a slight giggle.
well in dc its slang & we use it to emphasize a few things but in this case it just took the place of the word really.
ohhhh wow thats so cool, i love dc slang its different
im glad you do mikey,
but guys i do have to get gone. i got work in the morning unfortunately. as i got my stuff in the car i pop back out an ask , umm do you guys wanna link up again or is this just a one time thing?
well idk, will you tell people of our existence? asked leo hoping right in face , a little to close but i guess this was his attempt at coming off threatening . which wasn’t working at all
i chuckle to myself as i slide a little to the left to get some space between us,
“nah man i wont tell a soul” thats my word.
he looks me over and huffs “yea well see”,
almost immediately they ascend back to the roof tops disappearing into the night. 
see later sexy chocolate!!! mikey yelled
shut up mikey !! the rest
them yell in unison.
………….time jump…..2weeks later
it was now friday 5:30pm finally free from the plantation i call work. while walking to my car i thought about a few things, like i loved my job as an SPO, working at Children’s hospital  but my real passion is fashion design and today my sergeant caught me drawing a few sketches while on duty and grilled me for it.
she can kiss my black ass and i mean it , i cant stand that old bitch it wasn’t even that serious to be honest .
walking out of the elevator and into garage towards my car all i could think about were those four unique brothers out of my head, Especially the tall one in purple.
now that i think about it i didn’t even get his number, shit i been out the game for a while , but its cool i’ll see them again one of these days….. right?
i sigh and push all those thoughts to the back of my mind. i threw my sketch books and gear in the car and drove off.
about 25 minutes later i sluggishly enter my cold apartment kick my shoes off,lock the door then proceed to my bedroom. i plopped down my lush king sized bed, looking at the ceiling lost in my thoughts of the full day i had and the next thing i knew i fell asleep.
i woke up around 10pm realizing i had fell asleep in my clothes, i reluctantly made my way to the bathroom where i ran the shower to get it nice and hot to my liking, while stepping in the air/steam relaxed me even more, damn this feels good, i needed this….
donnie pov
its been almost 2 1/2 weeks since we’ve seen blaze.
patrols have been the usual not alot of foot clan activity a few attempted muggings but nothing has really changed.
but i noticed that i couldn’t concentrate on any of my work since i seen that Beautiful woman.
i couldn’t get her out of my head, i mean i’ve been with other women before, yea they were mostly in the police department but still. hell i’ve even had a girlfriend once upon a time.
it was something special about blaze, and i honestly think its because she a black woman.
to be honest i i’ve always been with a white woman or latin or asian and i don’t know much about black women or culture for that matter outside of rap & r&b music that i listen to.
or what the media sometimes portrays but im not one to judge and everything is not what it seems so i don’t stereotype people. i mean i wouldn’t have room to judge anyways im a mutant turtle for crying out loud. i sigh slumping in my chair, i don’t know what to do.
you should go see her bro,im sure she’d be happy to see you again, she seems cool even though i didn’t think you’d go for her type say’s mikey
umm……mikey first off how long have you been standing there listening to me? and secondly whats my type?
long enough to know you got the hots for blaze…..look bro she likes you man.
i saw the way y’all looked at each other. she fine as hell but you know usually go for white skinny girls like april.
you know the runway “model type”. & blaze is the opposite she’s got body oddy oddy for days he said laughing.
you cant handle all that wagon she’s draggin ,but you better get on that and wife her up before i do… he says slyly.
oh please mikey she doesn’t want you , your to immature for a woman like that and plus her having a curvy body doesn’t matter to me in fact that’s actually what i like about her
yea ok Donnie, im not the one who needs convincing , you’ve fucked only skinny white, latin,or asian woman only . you sure blaze isn’t just some fetish for you bro?
what!! of course not mikey i’ve only fucked those other women because thats all thats around us, people usually date who’s in close proximity to them you idiot. if more curvier women lived around here black woman included then maybe i would date them.
umm bro sorry to burst your bubble big bro but the thing is, black woman mostly definitely are around, and there’s alot that work in the police department to . open your eyes dude and admit you have a type he says laughing and walking away
damn he got me stumped… i…i guess i do, well did have a type but obviously not anymore. i gotta see Blaze again.
turning to my computers i figure its time for some hacking and background checking.
(blazes pov)
after that lovely shower and hot meal, i decided to sit on my balcony with some wine to look out onto the city. as im sitting there, i think about my life and whats ahead,like how i love fashion and design, and my dream is to be big time designer. but how will i get there.
just as I’m pouring another cup of wine my phone starts vibrate uncontrollably then all of a sudden a greenish hologram of green bean Donatello pops up
“hey there, its ummm Donatello you know the turtle guy!?….anyways umm well i hope im not interrupting anything. i’m a bit of a computer whiz & nerd hence me hacking in your phone .  I just wanted to say that you seem cool and I would like to meet up again sometime if that’s OK with you?
that’ll be great donnie i don…..
all right all right!. sheesh give me a second , feeling a bit stupid because i thought it was a live conversation . (hits 1) “you’ve chosen number 1, please stand by for follow up text.” then like turning off a tv the hologram of him shut off
!Bing Bing Ding!
damn that was fast as shit donnie, you really wanna see my sexy ass huh i joke. i open my phone and the text read
hey blaze this is donnie again, im glad you said yes, if you can, please meet me at the same spot where we met at 7:30 pm 2 blocks away from the double take on saturday. well im looking forward to seeing you😂😅
i chuckle to myself at the thought of he’s such a nerd, but a fine ass one, and i’ve honestly been thinking about this for weeks now. not knowing what he wants to meet up for specifically i don’t know what to put on. I want to look good but I also don’t wanna overdo it. aw who am i kidding i look good naked, he’ll like me in whatever. plopping on my bed i drift off to sleep with the wonders of whats to come tomorrow.
mmmmm…. donnie!
(Donnie pov)
yes yes and hell yes!!! i screaming and squealing while fist pumping in my lab chair,
whoa i say getting overwhelmed i have a date, well not a date date. but we’re meeting up! got damnit its a date thats unofficially officially a date! 
omg omg omg this is amazing…
wheeeew,wheeeeeeew….calm down donnie this is not your first date, relax buddy i say to myself. its honestly not my first date but with a girl like her it might as well be. I wonder what we will have to talk about she’s so much different than girls ive dated before, down to her her body ,skin tone ,her lingo and where she’s from. sitting down on my bed, i sigh and lay back with only one thing on my mind, in the words of Tpain
…time jump 3pm next day…..
( blaze pov)
I don’t know why I’m so nervous this man has me sweating like a hooker in church, not wanting to do too much I just do what drake said. put my hair tied up and chill with no make up on. and if he really fucks with me like he says then he’ll see that I’m beautiful naturally. but in the meantime all this planning gotcha girl hungry I think a quick meal will suffice nothing too heavy though, probably like a BLT with some chips because i don’t want the bubble guts on the first meet up.
time jump 7:28pm saturday night
(donnie pov)
hopping on the roof, i stare at the city below me, i got here with 3 minutes to spare. blaze should be here any minute now. well i might as well sit and wait and sing.
(start singing his version of ushers “nice N slow” )
its seven o clock on the dot im on the root top, looking at the city,….i’ve got a real pretty pretty black queen that im waiting to see, when she pulls up, ill be anticipating, her good looks, damn she’s amazing, i got plans to my hands on her waist,looking up to see if she’s really feeling me!! let me take you to the park where its quiet, there ain’t no one there to attack us, i can feel the rush, cuz i just wanna get to know you more…… blaze tell me what you wanna do
(blaze pov)
pulling up to the same spot i almost got robbed at made me uneasy, but since donnie was meeting me here i knew i was okay. i do one last look in my rearview mirror to look at my hair and face. and like i said earlier, I kept it chill and i put on my favorite black juicy sweatsuit & my black & white Jordan 12’s and my hair was in a messy bun. and i couldn’t forget my mouskatool. getting out the car i start to text donnie to let him know im here, when i hear singing and beautiful singing at that, i slightly walk into the alley where i hear the melody an look up to see my green bean singing what sounded like ushers nice and slow song
i didn’t want to startle him so i let him continue, & what i heard next made a shiver go down my spine, not only could he sing well but if im not mistaken he’s singing about… well me!! at least i hope he is. unless its about another black queen. not wanting to waste any more time I shoot him a text.
you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you? 
(donnie pov)
hearing my phone go off I figure blaze is on her way but to my horror i see,
 **you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you?**
which means not only was she here but she’s been here and not only has she been here she heard me singing and not just singing but singing about her. naturally my heart went to my ass and i felt my stomach tighten immediately. im so embarrassed. then i hear blaze say
**YO Rapunzel let down your hair! she says laughing. c’mon down here song bird or should i come up there?**
ummmm no ill come and get you give me a sec. i flip down and see blaze staring at me smiling at me with those beautiful grey eyes and she has cute button nose. wait when did she get a nose piercing? has that always been there?. man does she look stunning , i mean she’s effortlessly beautiful, her hair was in a messy bun and she had a simple but cute track suit on that hugged that body of her’s sheesh. baby got baaayyyack . snapping out of it i realize she’s leaning in for a hug, OH SHIT HUG HER YOU IDIOT*
hugging donnie i say, damn i didn’t know you had pipes like that green bean, you sound amazing. you remind me of a 90’s r&b singer,i love that. noticing he’s in a daze i snapped twice in his face, hello earth to Donnie are you there? “oh my bad blaze, sorry i got distracted. can you repeat what y said please?
shaking my head laughing i repeat myself. donnie i said your singing is amazing man. and what did you get distracted from that fast?
honestly blaze….. well..i got distracted by…umm… y-your beau…hmp…. I GOT DISTRACTED BY HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE!!
going wide eyed by his raised voice and words , i just give a sly smile and say. like wise

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missjaystone · 4 years
Familiar Faces
Summary: Sam sets out to find his soulmate after his dream life wound up being just that, a dream. He just wants to find his happy ever after. Word Count: 3,930 Pairing(s): Sam Wilson x Reader Warnings: Death (mentioned), Smut, Rough(ish) sex
(This is the sequel to ‘Old Faces’, please read that one first)
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Sam didn't tell anyone what happened in his dream if you could call it that; now that he was awake and knew none of that ever happened, it felt like a nightmare or a cruel joke. He dug through old boxes for close to two hours before he found what he was looking for; a box with a handful of pictures from the time he spent with you and Riley before they shipped out. You'd sent the pictures to them not long after they left, he kept them along with the letters you wrote them in a little lockbox. He always kept the key for it on his keychain. He scrambled to look at different letters and pictures for your address, he knew it was on there somewhere.
Half an hour and a dozen groans of frustration and he finally found it! '3197 N 10th St, Washington DC', it was written clear as day and he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away; it was always a little slanted to the side and it was usually smudged in at least three places because your hand always ran across it when you wrote or went back to dot your i's and cross your t's. "FRIDAY, can you look up the owner of 3197 North 10th st in Washington, DC? And their contact information?" He called out to the AI. There was a confirmation sound before it answered in 20 seconds "it's owned by Richard and Owen Johnson." He frowned some "can you look up anyone named y/f/n y/l/n in DC?" Another sound before the AI answered him "there are two thousand four hundred thirteen people with that name." He groaned "how many of them went to the FBI academy in Quantico?" "None," the AI said almost immediately. "Open the search nationwide-no, global, then crosscheck it with anyone who served or actively serves as a special agent with the FBI or any of America's agencies," he ordered, he was getting nervous. His mind started to wander; what if something awful happened to you? The AI's voice broke him out of his thoughts "there is one person in the United States that fits that criteria."
"Where? Where is she?" Sam asked excitedly. "Records indicate she lived in New Haven, Connecticut the past year but a rental application for an apartment in Greenwich Village can be found as well, both dated within the past two weeks." Sam's hopes were quickly rising as he wrote the new address down. "Where's the closest VA office to her apartment?" Sam finally asked after debating. He couldn't just show up on your doorstep out of the blue, but showing up at the VA in the hope you'd go there like any other veteran wouldn't be so weird would it? He'd look the place up online and find a meeting schedule later, now he just wanted to go back to sleep for a bit.
After visiting the VA for two weeks, and no sign of you, Sam was beginning to lose hope and get worried again. Steve encouraged him to go out for a drink with him and Bucky if only to distract him for a night. Bucky all but dragged him with them when Sam said he'd rather not. On the car ride to the bar, Sam figured a couple of drinks wouldn't hurt, what's the worst that could happen. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a beer, looking around the crowded bar curiously. He'd only been there for ten minutes when he decided to get out for some fresh air, slipping away from his friends while they were briefly distracted. He didn't know where it was taking him but he followed the part of his brain that told him to walk down the street. Maybe he followed his mind, hoping the pull would somehow lead to you. He wanted nothing more than to believe that soulmates had a special bond that pulled them together, maybe that's just what he needed to think to stay sane.
He needed to believe all the stories he heard growing up about soulmates being pulled together, about how nothing could keep them apart from one another. He may have denied it initially but he was well past that. No other woman he saw made him feel the way you did; he knew they never could. He started walking past a park but stopped, not giving it a second thought when his mind told him to go in. With it being almost 9 on a weeknight, he wasn't surprised the park was devoid of kids and adults. Then he saw the figure sitting on top of the monkey bars and he smiled to himself.
"Little late to be out isn't it?" He asked when he stopped a couple of feet behind the figure. "Says the man who's also out at this time," was the reply, accompanied by a quiet laugh. "I had a dream you were here, you know," Sam admitted sheepishly. If it wasn't so dark out and he wasn't behind you, you would've seen his blushing face "I mean, not here exactly, I had a dream you were in New York. I've been looking just about everywhere for you." "Work keeps me busy, I've technically lived here for two weeks but I've only spent about three days in town," you answered. "Understandable," he said with a quiet, nervous laugh. A silence filled the space around you both. Sam knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say. He sighed quietly and bit his lip "I'm sorry I disappeared on you after we lost him. You needed someone to lean on and it should have been me. I shouldn't have let my own emotions consume me and leave you in the dust," he finally said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Sam, losing him was as huge for you as it was for me. I was never mad at you; your feelings were your own and you did what was best for yourself. I can't be mad at you for taking care of yourself," you told him, finally looking over at him. He started to argue but you knew what he'd say "I mean it, Sam. I don't ever want you to feel bad for taking care of yourself. You knew what you needed, I knew what I needed and that's that." "I thought you blamed me for his death though, I should've-" he started to argue. You shushed him "people always want to find someone to blame when things go wrong, even if that person is themselves, it's supposed to make it easier to accept I think, because if someone is to blame, then a bad thing didn't just happen, it had a reason behind it. There's nothing you could have done to save him, you were both doing your jobs. I know you think it's your fault but it isn't, Sam, and I never thought otherwise."
Sam smiled, he felt like a weight he didn't even know he carried had been lifted. He'd heard it before but it only ever took away part of the blame he felt. Hearing it from you made it feel true, you saying it made him believe it. He felt like he could breathe again. "You know, I didn't want you to be my soulmate," he said, eyes widening immediately in embarrassment. That's not how he wanted it to come out. "Ouch," you mumbled but held back a laugh. You'd seen him nervous before, it was usually a little entertaining. "I mean I did! Don't get me wrong, god I wanted it but I always worried I'd be too old for you, you know. I didn't want you to get stuck with someone old enough to be your young dad, I thought maybe you'd be able to find someone closer to your age, someone who wasn't friends with the guy who basically raised you," he rambled quickly.
You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh before leaning over the edge of the monkey bars until you were hanging upside down, face to face with him "why would I do that? I didn't have a bond with anyone else the way I did with you. Age be damned, I was an adult when we met, and I was and am more than capable of making my own choices." "Maybe I was just too scared of being rejected then. Do you know how much it's supposed to hurt when your soulmate rejects you?" He asked with a small hum, his hand gently coming up to cup your cheek.
"Oh please, who in their right mind could reject you?" You asked and flashed a small smirk. "God you're a pain," he said jokingly before stepping forward and planting his lips on yours in a gentle kiss. It had a passionate, longing feel to it, like it was something you'd both been waiting for ages for it. Your hanging upside down made it a little awkward but that didn't deter either of you. You tried to pull him closer, only to struggle; you lightly shoved his chest when he laughed. "So, I'm not getting rejected right?" Was the first thing he said when your lips separated. His tone was joking but even in the dark, you could see the nervous look on his face. "I'd never reject you, Sam; I love you," you told him, looking directly into his eyes so he knew you meant it.
He beamed a bright grin, rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone softly "I love you too, I wish it hadn't taken so long for this to happen, for us to finally end up together." "Me too, Sam," you were grinning from ear to ear as you looked at him. "Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?" He asked happily. "I'd like that a lot, maybe you can tell me what you've been up to and why two men are staring at us," you stated with a grin. When he gave you a confused look, you nodded past him where two men were stood at the park's entrance, trying (and failing) to look nonchalant and acting like they weren't trying to eavesdrop. "Shoo!" Sam yelled when he looked back at them. He let out an exasperated sigh and an embarrassed chuckle "just a guy who ripped my steering wheel out of my car while I was in it and another guy who likes to show off by frequently running past me. Don't worry, they're just lonely old men, I promise they won't always be around to watch like that." You laughed and grinned "well I can't wait to hear those stories."
When the blood rushing to your head became too much, you finally got off the monkey bars and stretched. You didn't hesitate to kiss him, this time wrapping your arms around him. His own arms were around your waist in an instant, drawing you close until you were flush against his chest. This one was sweeter than before, it was calm and comforting. "How about we go grab a bite to eat right now? There's a pretty good burger place open until midnight a block and a half away," he offered. "Then what're we still doing standing here?" You asked sarcastically, a teasing smile on your face as you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers together. "That's my girl," he laughed to himself and begin walking with you. "By the way, was that Captain America watching us?" You asked after walking in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. "Yup, unfortunately," Sam chuckled. "So you're either a superhero or some kind of terrorist now?" You teased. "Yeah, but if I tell which one I'd have to kill you," he said with a playful nudge to your side. "Right," you said sarcastically, both of you immediately bursting into laughter. Life felt right. You felt happy for the first time since your godfather's death.
The walk was quick and since it was almost 9:30 at night, almost nobody else was there so you got your food quickly. "So, we're fighting this guy in an airport, and I swear I don't think he's ever been in a fight before because he is so damn talkative. I mean it, he won't shut up. Anyway, he shoots this white substance at us, which in and of itself is unsettling and we're stuck on the ground. He's still talking and it's like a villain's monologue except it wasn't terrifying, it was annoying. I call in Redwing and he just launches this guy out the window and then Bucky says 'you couldn't have done that sooner' and I so badly wanted to smack him or at the very least send him flying through a window," Sam explains, rolling his eyes dramatically while you laughed, having to put down your burger so you didn't take a bite and choke. "And Bucky's the one who ripped your steering wheel out, right?" You asked, just to be sure. "Yup and every day with that dumbass is a test," Sam laughed and grinned. "Well, it's a good thing you have experience with dumbasses, huh?" You asked jokingly. "You know I do, baby."
You and Sam actually wound up staying at the place until they closed at midnight. Once you left, you two just began walking around, savoring each other's company and getting close again. "You wanna go back to my place? It's not that far from here," you offered with a smile. "Really? I thought you lived in Greenwich, I saw the apartment application online," he admitted before coughing and clearing his throat; he really didn't want to mention how much information he looked up online. "I applied to it but found a place here in Manhattan I liked better," you'd question him later about that little tidbit of information he had.
True to your word, the walk to your home was only fifteen minutes tops. "Sorry about all the boxes everywhere, I'm still unpacking everything," you apologized with a sheepish smile as you closed the front door behind you. "I've seen worse, baby, don't worry about it," he said with a casual shrug and a smile. Another silence fell upon you as you looked at each other. Even being together, there was still a pull and you both felt it. He gently pulled you to him and kissed you. This time, the kiss was desperate and hungry, consuming both of you. He held you by your hips, keeping you as close as physically possible. Your arm wrapped around his neck while your free hand cupped his cheeks as the kiss became more heated. It was like you suddenly couldn't get enough of each other.
When Sam finally broke away from the kiss, a small groan leaving his lips as he looked down at you with lust-darkened eyes "where's your bedroom?" "Down the hall, last door on the left," you mumbled, already dragging him down the hallway as you spoke. You'd taken two steps into the room when he picked you up and semi-gracefully tossed you onto the bed. He quickly moved to cover your body with his, caging you beneath him as he attacked your neck with kisses and a few soft bites. There was an urgency in both of your movements as you each hurried to undress the other while trying to keep as little space as possible between your bodies.
Soon, clothes were strewn across the bedroom; your bra was thrown over the lamp on your bedside table, his boxes landed in front of your dresser with his pants not far away. His fingers delved deep into your core and moved slowly, the little moans and gasps of pleasure spurring him on. The way his fingers repeatedly grazed over those spots you had trouble reaching even with your best toys had you melting underneath him. He watched with a proud, adoring smirk as he brought you right up to the edge before stopping and pulling his fingers out. He chuckled when you groaned in frustration, looking up at him pleadingly "Sam!"
"Hm?" He asked, a small teasing smirk on his face as he slowly licked them clean. You narrowed your eyes for a second before returning a teasing smirk of your own "either fuck me yourself or I'll use one of my toys while you sit in a corner." Sam tried to hide the way his eyes widened briefly "you wouldn't dare." You nodded with a smug smile on your face "well, my friend got me a new thrusting vibrator as a joke gift and I haven't had time to use it yet." You looked at each other in a silent staring contest, daring the other to do something. "God damn it, I can't tell if you're bluffing," he mumbled before crashing his lips to yours in a fervorous kiss which you were more than happy to return.
Sam haphazardly wrapped your legs around his waist and after impatiently lining his member at your entrance, he slowly thrust into you. You both let out groans of pleasure, your head falling back onto the pillow while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He started dragging his hips slowly, just savoring the feeling of being with you in a way so intimate he thought he'd only dream it. Once he got more comfortable, he set a slow pace, savoring the feeling of each slow drag of his hips. Your soft moans were music to his ears, and knowing that he was the cause made his heart swell. "I love you so much," your voice was soft and breathy, he could tell you were right there with him on cloud 9. You looked so peaceful as he slowly fucked into you and if he could take a picture, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Your eyes closed and lips slightly parted from the pure bliss you felt. If only your eyes were open, you'd have seen the switch that flipped in his mind when you softly moaned his name.
When he got comfortable, he slowly pulled his hips back until the tip was just barely in before slamming back into the hilt, smirking at the loud moan you let out. He moved his hips fast now, making sure to reach the innermost depths of your cunt with each stroke of his cock. "F-fuck, S-sam!" You almost screamed when he started roughly playing with your clit. He smirked down at you, eyes completely dark now as he asked: "yeah, you think a toy can do this? Can a piece of plastic fuck you this way?" He pinched your clit when you took too long to answer him, making your words hitch in your throat, his hips pistoning into you brutally. You quickly shook your head while your nails dug into his shoulders, a quiet 'no' leaving your lips as you shook your head. "Louder, I want everyone to hear it, I wanna hear you tell everyone who fucks you this good," his voice was becoming husky and his thrusts came harder, punctuating every few words.
"You, Sam! No-no toy can fun me like this!" You shouted, body beginning to shake as your orgasm quickly crept closer. "Yeah? Who's girl are you, huh? Don't you dare cum until I say so," He demanded, grabbing your jaw and making you look directly into his eyes. "Yours, Sam! I'm yours!" You choked out, a low whine following your words while a few tears of pure pleasure ran down your cheeks. "Who owns your cunt, baby? Scream his name so all of New York knows and then you can cum all over my dick," he demanded again, squeezing your jaw slightly. His own hips were stuttering as he did everything he could to hold back. "Sam!" You screamed his name like a prayer before being blinded by white-hot pleasure as you came undone beneath him. A strangled groan escaped his throat as he came, his face falling to your chest as his hips rolled slowly. He could hear your heart pounding in your chest before he reluctantly pulled his softening member out of you and collapsed next to you.
He watched your panting form for a few moments before he got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned with a damp rag, he moved the covers away and gently cleaned your combined arousal from between your legs, frowning some at the way your body jolted at his touch. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked nervously. You shook your head, sending him a lazy smile "no, no I'm fine, Sam." "Are you sure? Because I know I got a little rough. I have no idea where that came from, I just-when you moaned my name it set something off I guess," he rambled with a nervous frown still on his face. With a quiet groan, you made yourself sit up so you could look at him. You cupped his cheeks and smiled "that was the best sex I've ever had, I'm fine, just a little sore because it's been a while." "How long?" He asked curiously before he could stop himself. You laughed some "three years, like I said work keeps me busy." He smiled and laid down, carefully pulling you with him "that makes both of us, baby."
The way he slowly rubbed your back made you melt in his embrace, sighing happily. He planted a soft kiss to your temple and yawned "I love you so much, (y/n). There's no place I'd rather be in this moment, or ever again." "I love you too, Sam, so damn much," you whispered, eyes falling shut as you snuggled close to him. A comfortable silence filled the room but only for a minute before Sam spoke again "wait, are you on anything?" You shook your head "we'll deal with that in the morning, I don't have the energy right now."
He fell silent but you could feel his eyes on you. When you opened your eyes again to look at him, you couldn't quite read the expression on his face "what?" He bit his lip in thought, debating on whether to say what was on his mind "well, what if we didn't deal with it?" "What?" You asked him, your confusion evident. "I'm just saying, what if we didn't deal with it, y'know. What if we just let whatever happens happen?" He suggested sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "Sam, are you suggesting that we-?" You asked, your brain unwilling to find and utter the words. "Look, (y/n), I spent all these years without you and now I feel like I have to make up for lost time. Don't worry, I'll respect if you aren't ready or don't want that. I just want you to know that's where I'm at," he said softly, absentmindedly playing with your fingers.
You'd never given much thought to family life but thinking about it with Sam, having children and raising a family together, it sounded appealing. It suddenly felt like something you couldn't live without. You pecked his lips softly before resting your head back on his chest, closing your eyes "let's just go to sleep and see what happens in the weeks to come." You could hear the fondness in his voice when he spoke "if it's a boy, can we name him Paul after my dad?" "Obviously, now turn the light off and go to sleep," you mumbled tiredly, earning a tired, quiet laugh.
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oceanswill · 3 years
What I Wish I’d Seen In The First Half of TFATWS And What I Want to See in The Second
Like most people, I disliked Cap’s time travel thing. They could have just killed him off, and it puts his kiss with Sharon on a whole new level of ew. So far, TFATWS seems to work with him having died like Tony & Natasha, so for now I’ll just pretend that’s what happened.
I really like what they’re doing tackling racism in this show. Sam is treated like any black man, and then when he’s recognized as an Avenger, it’s as a novelty. He doesn’t get the money he needs, he’s asked for photos. He’s approached by the cops because they assume he’s harassing a white man. They open a discussion on, with Isaiah, how black men were used in eugenics programs. My one point is I wish they’d give Sam just a little more dignity.
I get it, it’s funny that Sam and Bucky just seem to hate each other on sight, but why? They were like that in Civil War too. Bucky seems to just hate everyone, which, mood as a trauma survivor, I love that he’s just a criminal brat, but did he ever actually do anything that’d make Sam react the way he does? The other Avengers were also troublesome at times. The couples therapy scene was done for comedy, but Sam’s a counselor. He led a veteran’s group. When Bucky revealed that intensely deep concern he has about Steve being wrong, why didn’t he address that? Not that Sam has to help him in any way, and I’d actually rather he not, but he could have had an “oh shit” moment, then directed it at the therapist pointing out the ridiculousness of the exercise, and then had the “okay, let’s get this mission done, then go our separate ways” moment.
And that’s my next point: that therapist. I do like most of what they’ve done with showing how therapy can be difficult, but I don’t like that a white woman intervened in a situation Sam could have figured out and I don’t like her “bullshit” moment. It would’ve worked to have her quickly de-escalate the conflict, get Sam out of his own head for a second, then have him resolve the situation for his own good. Instead it came off like her bossing him around, and she’s not even his therapist. Now, the “bullshit” moment rubs me all kinds of the wrong way. Is there going to be payoff for Marvel establishing she’s a veteran? I would have written the moment as “Peace.” “No, I think it’s more complicated than that.” It’s not bullshit that he wants peace, I think he genuinely thinks that’s what he wants, but that’s a surface level desire.
Bucky mentions his time in Wakanda. From what we’ve seen, he was comfortable and appreciated there. With Ayo showing up, we’re definitely going to get to know more about his relationships in Wakanda, and they’re going to be all level of pissed at him for springing Zemo, and he deserves it. So. My question. How exactly did Bucky get from thriving in Wakanda to miserable in his own apartment in DC with court-mandated therapy? What did he freaking do? I absolutely despise the implication that they just zapped his triggers away using black people science magic. That’s not how brainwashing works, that’s not how psychology works. Bucky so easily let himself just get frozen again, and that scares me. I want to see him spending more time awake and alive in Wakanda than in that tube. Because he was fucking suicidal. We already know how to help people with intense triggers, and while it takes time, it was more than generous for Wakanda to do it. Bucky doesn’t really deserve to have been there. A more realistic depiction would have been a formal pardon from both Wakanda and America, a recognition that he was framed for the murder of T’Chaka and a frank discussion on how guilty someone can be when they’re under duress. By American law, he probably at most could have gotten not guilty by reason of insanity.
A lot has been written by the fandom about how we need to be focusing on Sam, and I agree. I just don’t think I’m the person to do it. Bucky himself is tired of being everyone’s focus, but as a white person who was brainwashed and has a criminal record, because of that I’m always going to gravitate more towards him as a character. So that’s why I’m writing this. Because I have personal experience. Because I know what it takes to break the power of triggers, and it’s not some woo hand-waving and a cryotube. It’s fucking work, and especially because he got dusted, he simply hasn’t had the time to get there yet. I’d like to think his “that won’t work” when Zemo started his trigger words was a coping method, and it could have gotten worse had he continued. In Wakanda, he had things to do. Working with animals and being comfortable with children around, having a connection to nature, is in itself one of the best forms of therapy. I want to see why they’d allow him to be dragged back into battle after that, and how he got the nickname White Wolf.
There’s another point. Sam and Bucky both lost five years, in a sense. Sam’s a man just slightly out of time as well. They can bond over that, I think.
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financialsmatter · 2 years
Saturday Rant…Broke Bank Bailout Bash
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The markets were mixed this week during the Broke Bank Bailout Bash between Wall Street and the District of Caligula. Cue up: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse and the ensuing banking crisis unleashed by the O’Biden Administration. And after puking from 32,374 on the DOW, down to 31,466 the markets recovered most of the losses from panic selling over the reality of a broke bank bailout bash. Today’s rant is from a 30-year veteran in the banking business who goes by the handle PrettyInPink. So, take it away PIP: James, you’ve said it many times how the favorite lines used by politicians and professional liars – when caught lying – is “I’m Shocked, I tell you…shocked.Who could’ve foreseen this happening?” And that was never more obvious this past week as bank regulators shunned the real problem and denied any responsibility. The sad truth is most banks are clueless when it comes to risk management. If they were honest (they’re not) they wouldn’t have loaded up on long-term bonds during the peak of low interest rates. Instead, they ignored the risk and now, thanks to inflation, they’re paying the price of their greed/stupidity. What’s even worse is how this has become a double-edged sword thanks to the Neocons in Washington and their blank-check policy to Ukraine. And NO ONE is holding anyone in Ukraine accountable for where our tax dollars are being spent. The bottom line is we not only face a banking crisis from an imploding Sovereign Debt massacre, but we cannot control inflation while funding a proxy war with Russia.   Broke Bank Bailout     And now the financial panic in banks has forced First Republic Bank and PacWest Bank into a near collapse state only to be bailed out by JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. But lurking in the background is another elephant named Credit Suisse…trading at $2.02 per share. They’ve been on the ropes for years with all of their exposure to bad mortgages and long-term government bonds. If they go under it will set off an even wider banking panic. The other elephant in the room is now that DC doesn’t want to bailout the banks, they will force the banks into doing Bail-ins. Let’s just hope this doesn’t get worse than the 2008 crisis. You are soooo right when you say how history repeats because the passions of man never changes. BTW, I loved your newsletter article this month on Bailouts vs Bail-ins. …Keep up the great work. ********************************** Thanks, PiP It’s always great to get a perspective from a viable source other than the media Presstitutes. As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you’d like to share then please send it to us. You never know whose life will be affected by it. And if you want to see some NSFW rants then go (HERE). Remember:  We’re Not Just About Finance. But we use finance to give you hope. ***********************************     Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2023 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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dancingqueendc · 3 years
Shared from Bing: Weather Alert: Powerful Winds, Isolated Storms to Strike DC Area
It wasn't too bad....I went to do banking, pay bills and grocery shopping for the Lil kitties....they were so happy when I came home with foofoo for them! It sprinkled a lil bit, was unnaturally warmer than usual almost 70F mid-end of fall/Autumn as winter arrives 19-21December last full moon of Gregorian year 2021 it's just another Amazing Miracle day on the Lunar Calendar. We are ending series of struggle/difficult years into an heart/-mind phase that will transform our life if we choose the correct path that Creator-Creation has gifted us/blessed us to follow our hearts'-path to Be ONE LOVE union with Creator-Creation. It is yet even another chance/opportunity/fortune/blessing to live in LOVE/PEACE/JOY. I remember for 5years in early 2000s it was approximately 58F almost every day throughout the winter seasons, likely weather-modification experiments and early stages of geo-engineering, since I have photographs of Niagra Falls 2007Sept where they were spraying faux clouds formations in the skies. 2021-Dec19-21 magical-Love-miracle days Universe is blessing us, so please: Choose-wisely....~ Karate-kid, meditate on it from now Dec12-21. Be Conscious/Conscientious, Be Peace, Be LOVE, Be Joy.... #Gladitude thank Creator for all our blessings, experiences, sufferings, growth, to know the depths of what it is/means to be human.... #humanexperience #accept #learn #grow #envisionCreateTRANSFORM ©1993 ~ @dancingqueendc artist poet/writer/editor scientist engineer USMCR/USN MARINE MIDN4C Vanderbilt University 1993-94 Disabled Marine Veteran Scholar 1992-1999 student for life #humancondition #Spirituality #beliefs #understanding #forgiveness = #unconditional #LOVE = #abundance #joy #infinite #eternal #eternity #forever #iLOVEyou #iAMyou #we = #ew + #me #mirror #reflection of each other #twin #union end #dichotomousthink'ing #Singularity #LOVE power of #positivity When we return to our Creator-Creation/Existence/ itself=ourself there's no physical-whirled there's no material-realm body-eyes to see - we "see" by knowing/telepathy with our Mind/ONE-ness Collective-Consciousness and we know through understanding #pure unconditional #True Love #Truth and #accept #forgive ourself=each-other's mistakes truly repent/remorse to know/feel the depths of sorrow/broken-heartedness 💔 to know/understand our pain/suffering in order to grow/appreciate TRUE LOVE / UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AGAPE THAT WE HAVE FOR EACHOTHER=SELF=ONE-ANOTHER 1AND-OTHER=SELF what I have learned, is that I can be happy for you, and sad with you, to share all our joys and sorrows to truly deeply understand each-other=self-love, in order to be able to love you truly, that I must love myself truly, deeply from the bottom of abyss endless pit of our Heart/Mind/Spirit in order to know/understand to be able to truly Love= forgive self/each-other to truly be happy with self/each-other we must learn to know understand forgiveness/peace to truly know/feel Love for self/each-other through our experiences highest highs and lowest lows....and learning to find that happiness in the middle between life and death and rebirth/transformation.... "I know why the Caged bird Sings" ~ she knows when she was a free bird, wild nature, and being imprisoned in false sense of security, creature-comforts of food/water/nutrition and shelter, as opposed to fighting for her life, hunting for her own food/nutrition, and being free to fly wherever she pleases.... Because I am that free-bird #freeSPIRIT cannot be caged cuz she always knows her worth, her freedom, her hopes, her dreams, her desires.... To be and live freely for herself, not in bondage / not a prisoner of even love.... Her spirit is free. I am FREE SPIRIT, even if you cage me, I know who/what I am and in my HEART/MIND/SPIRIT I AM FREE..... I AM FREE.... I AM PEACE, I AM LOVE, I AM JOY..... I SING MYSELF HAPPY SONGS TO REMIND ME OF WHO I AM.....
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kjissexy1994 · 3 years
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WORDS OF SHAKESPEARE: The Return of a very Supa Occasion! (Special guest: Richard)
On the 19th of June 2021, my old friend, Maiwel alumni and acting veteran Richard and I went to the Supanova Comic and Gaming Convention at Sydney Olympic Park in Homebush Bay. The 2021 edition of Supanova was the first time in two years that it was held in Sydney as last year’s edition was called off due to “You Know What” alongside Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth.
To implement with the health and safety protocols, the layout of the convention was more smaller and laid out to comply with physical distancing measures as well as entering via a QR Code.
When I first entered the Dome Exhibition centre seeing all of the convention goers and Cosplayers of superheroes, sci-fi and anime. I kneeled down and proclaimed “HALLELUJAH!” as many of the convention fans from NSW were starved of a taste of a full-on convention since the world went upside down early last year (Outside of the smaller edition of Oz Comic Con titled OCC POP UP which was held earlier in March of this year).
Supanova contained a teeming amount of Cosplayers from DC Comics and Marvel Superheroes, Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who and Power Rangers, Cosplayers from anime such as My Hero Academia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto and Disney films including Mary Poppins, Mulan and The Little Mermaid, Cosplayers from Video games including Overwatch, Pokémon, Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Cyberpunk 2077, Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog and Undertale, Cosplayers from Web animations for instance including RWBY, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss as well as various furry Cosplayers and cosplays of my childhood such as Pingu. There was also a very innovative cosplay such as an attendee dressed up as a giant functional Nintendo Game Boy System! The costumes looked absolutely well designed and spot on as I asked kindly for photos!
A number of RWBY fans and Cosplayers noticed me wearing Jaune’s Pumpkin Pete Hoodie. I must admit, I’d make a pretty good Jaune cosplayer if I could get his armour, his “Crocea Mors” sword and shield and dye my hair blonde!
There was also the Cosplay stage across from The Dome where there was a competition for the very best and innovative costume, as well as seminars of the bigger name Australian celebrities.
Speaking of the celebrities, Due to the international borders being closed until either the middle of next year or when the majority of the population of Australia is vaccinated, Supanova relied heavily on home grown talent from our country for example (but not limited to) Manu Bennett, David Wenham, Josh Lawson, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Georgia Haigh, Nicholas Hamilton and frequent Supanova Attendee, John Jarratt who is famous for portraying the infamously ominous and frightening Mick Taylor from the horror movie franchise “Wolf Creek.” I still remember being scared straight to high heaven watching the movie when I was very young due to Jarratt’s portrayal of the heinous horror character next to Bill Skarsgard’s portrayal of Pennywise the clown in Stephen King’s IT Chapters one and two, but alas Jarratt was a very generous and friendly larrikin!
There was a lot of great activities to do including the “Black Widow Obstacle Course” where you had to complete a number of tasks within the time limit in order to win a prize, Star Wars Lightsaber demonstrations and tutorials and the “Battlecry” LARP (live action role playing) battle displays and demonstrations where you could fight your friend or one of the friendly Battlecry veterans such as Sammy Owen from the recent Medibank Commercial with a rubber sword or axe. This was a very great debut for my LARPING alter ego, “Boar-Head: The Sworded Brawler” and I am very interested in joining a Battlecry LARP group in the future!
There was a very colourful display of artwork, comics and prints at the Artists Alley, with various comic book artists from across Australia such as (but not limited to) Queenie Chan of Fabled Kingdom, Anthony Christou of Luminous Ages and Camillo Di Pietrantonio famous for illustrating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IDW comics.
The Fabulous Wonder Mama also made a guest appearance as she is a superhero representing the LGBT Community.
The Artists Alley also had tables of independent artists selling comics, prints, bookmarks and badges available. Looking at the artwork made me feel like I was at an Art Museum for the fans of pop culture!
For those who want to spend some dough, there were also stalls selling new and vintage comics and trading cards, Pop Vinyl Figures, Animation cells from cartoons and movies of yesteryear, Action figures and gaming consoles from the eighties and nineties, LGBT pride flags, rock and metal band t shirts and apparel and Plushies from Japanese anime and video game franchises such as Pokémon and Digimon. There were also games to play such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch so fellow gamers can smash their friends out of the arena! For the con-loving geeks who were hungry, Dominos had a stall selling various flavours of pizzas and garlic bread and the canteens in the Sydney Olympic Park Dome sold fish and chips, bagels, sushi and coffee. Byron Beef Jerky also had a traditional stall selling all kinds of flavours such as Teriyaki, Chilli and the infamous “Devil’s Doo-Doo!” (Not for the faint hearted!)
Whilst Supanova Comic and Gaming Con in Sydney was a fun event for the inner nerds, parts of the con had to be completely modified and or removed in order to be healthy and safe for example, the discontinuation of handing out free goodie bags containing the guidebook and map of the layout of the con and other cool things making both the map and guide digital exclusive via the Supanova Website.
Another notable absence was the Australian Wrestling Federation wrestling ring where the pro wrestlers of the aforementioned promotion would host a series of three wrestling matches per day and the wrestlers would hand out free autographs, this really kind of hurt me as a fan of pro wrestling for sixteen years but it’s better to be safe than sick. At least the Battlecry LARP displays and demos filled in its place!
For the seminars, gone are the days of staff handing the microphone to the audience for the Q&A’s as they have to lineup behind the microphone in order to ask an interesting question to the guests.
I also didn’t like how some parts of the convention was a bit squashy when you first entered, in the artist’s alley and in some of the stalls. Like I said, we are in a receding health crisis and we need to wear masks, be physically distant, wash our hands and get the much needed vaccine shot against the you know what!
All in all, Supanova had a amazing return to full flight in Sydney despite the scare earlier in the week and the lack of International guests. I was starved of a full on convention throughout the year of misery last year and as a person on the autism spectrum, cons are such an amazing way to make new friends and to show out your inner geek, nerd,fanboy or whatever via cosplaying, gaming, greeting guests, purchasing artwork and so on and so forth all in a very safe measure!
I give this year’s Supanova in Sydney a 7 out of 10. This edition was absolutely different compared to last year’s and I have strong confidence that next year’s edition in Sydney and abroad will have well known and beloved international guests back to the much loved Comic and Gaming convention next year, just in time for Supanova’s 20th birthday!
Next time I am in Sydney, I will be going to the Vivid Festival which will be in August so stay tuned for that!
Happy trails!
K.J (Kane)
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aros001 · 3 years
You ever have those times where you hear about an upcoming story from Marvel or DC and because you were lacking certain information you kind of misunderstood/misinterpreted what the story was going to be, and then when the story does come out you can't help but feel your misunderstanding would honestly have been the better story?
Like, the example I tend to always bring up first is Cyborg on the Justice League. This was back before I knew what the New 52 was and I was actually all for Cyborg being on the team. He's been the longest actively continuous member of the Titans and he was part of Dick and Donna's short lived Justice League team of the James Robinson run. Having the more iconic JL members return to reform the team but having Cyborg carry over from that prior team I thought sounded like a great idea. I'd love to see this Titans veteran interact with Superman, Batman, and so on and show off what he brings to the table with all his years of experience.
...Oh. No. Actually the New 52 is a reboot of the universe and the formation of this version of the JL is also Victor's first day ever being Cyborg. His entire prior history, including everything to do with the Titans, is just gone and now he just always feels like the out of place rookie of the team. Great...
Or another example, when I'd heard that Terry McGinnis had died and that Tim Drake was now filling the role of Batman Beyond. While I didn't want Terry gone (and I pretty much figured he'd be back), I was super excited for what they could do with this premise. Tim in the Batman Beyond universe was tortured and traumatized by Joker, killed him, forced out of the Robin role by Bruce, and even became the Joker at one point. Having him now need to step back into superhero role with Terry gone opens up so many interesting ideas for what he'd be going through, so many demons for him to wrestle with and overcome.
...Oh, it's...not that Tim Drake. It's a Tim Drake from another universe, one more in line with the New 52 version than the DCAU, who is taking over in the Batsuit, and the future he's protecting isn't really the Batman Beyond future but more of a loose approximation of it ruled over by Skynet-style Brother Eye. That's...neat, I guess.
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