#love this guy i should draw him more
clingyduofan 4 months
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itzsubz just standing there. who cheered
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dovewingkinnie 9 months
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phone guy with no phone?!
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puppyeared 7 months
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liauditore 2 months
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he is so so tired please get off his lawn
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nova-andromeda-kun 1 year
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chibi otasune
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iknaenmal 3 months
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guys i drew gojo satoru are you proud of me
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chalkscrub 5 months
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rare wip of a new guy - anyone else take shitty photos of stuff they鈥檙e working on to stare at on their phone or just me?
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raptureshots 3 months
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Uhm.Uhh. Yeah !
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gothic-mothic 1 year
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NARRATOR BY @solardistress EVERYONE LOOK AT HIM RN!!!!! He鈥檚 so hamsum isn鈥檛 he?
Lovebug/misc art dump :3 (bloody/suggestive content warning)
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allastoredeer 6 days
so let's see... flapper luci - 15000+ likes and a lot of fan art with it immediately. flapper al - 2000+ and no more.
says everything you need to know about fandom. there's too many people who's look at al and somehow see muscular dark daddy and of course how can they see him slim, dorky and in a dress? oh no it's only for lucifer 馃檮
I looked up flapper dresses cuz I want to draw a flapper Alastor and MY LAWD
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I want to draw Alastor in ALL of the dresses. I am saving so many of them. How can people not being drawing Alastor in these???? They were literally in his time period, it's his aesthetic - which I guess is why they would dress Lucifer in them, but my god, Alastor would look amazing. His slim as fuck waist, his long legs, his hair could totally be done up in one of these hairdo's
I'm in love. Now that flapper dressers have been refreshed in my memories, I can't stop thinking of Alastor in them, and yes I WILL be drawing him in them. Multiple of them if I can.
It is such a fucking crime there is not a lot of fan art of him as a flapper girl. I feel so robbed right now. Wronged. The injustice is overwhelming. This is my villain origin story.
Be still my beating heart. I'm swooning. I am swooned.
I am 100% going to be drawing Alastor in a flapper dress, but I also need to see more art of him in them, PLEASE HELP A STARVING ALASTOR FAN AND SEND ME ALL THE FLAPPER ALASTOR ART!
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brother-emperors 7 months
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if you've ever wondered how long something can sit in my WIP folder, this one is probably the idea I've been kicking around the longest
so. you see. what happened was.
last year I was reading about socratic dialogues in the renaissance right. only at one point, I got it confused with platonic discussions, and when you start reading about platonic discussions of love, you run into marsilio ficino, and I just kind of. stayed there until I ran out of books to read, and finally decided to finish this up!
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Plato's Persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Humanism, and Platonic Traditions, Denis J. J. Robinchaud
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veveisveryuncool 7 months
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just finished thr new moomin series i think im in love with them
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beaulesbian 8 months
absolutely love this weird luck or instinct that zoro has, that even if he gets completely lost, or is going in the wrong direction, he ends up where he needs to be (*cough*and usually close to luffy)
in the sabaody archipelago arc, this was really my favorite subplot, of just zoro being lost (enjoying his walk in a completely new place where he can't attack anyone who hurts him or others, and can't draw too much attention to him) but ending up at the place they all were moving towards:
they docked the ship at grove 41 and decide to meet there after finding what they needed to find.
zoro decides to go for a walk
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and all he has to remember is the grove's number. easy enough, right? well...
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because something in their universe really wants him to end up at a different place, so he sees only #1 instead #41.
later when camie gets kidnapped and then after some time the rest of the strawhats, who are scattered around the island, know the information that she would be at grove #1, zoro still doesn't know that - he just knows he needs to get to grove #1 bc he thinks that's where their ship is.
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they're all just separately hurrying to the location, while zoro's asking for directions and then searching for the wrong (right) grove.
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and ofc the person that he meets first from their crew is luffy, flying on the fish, about to wreck into the building
(i saw the anime version too, but i really like the fast pace of this part in the manga)
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it's just so funny that luffy and zoro met before this building, the grove #1, and luffy yelled at zoro to hold on and they both crashed inside.
zoro still not knowing why he isn't at the place where the sunny should be, but at a completely different location - but still a location that he needed to be at, at the right time right place with this whole crew (and just before things get much worse).
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aqqleshiqqing-archive 10 months
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heheheheh the lovelies 馃挌馃挏
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kinos-fortress-2 7 months
Also i think Sniper and Saxton should hang out. Like have sniper get thrown around like a dog toy a bit.
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he does that to everyone tbh
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jadelemonadee 1 month
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what do you want, burr?
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