#love the second outfit too our lovely little model
hey-cringelord · 9 months
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these are all over my twitter for some reason. pretty lil model
34 notes · View notes
lymtw · 2 months
The frustration that Satoru feels when he completely stops seeing you as just one of his best friends.
You’re so pretty, modeling the dress you’ll be wearing on your date with some guy who probably dims in comparison to you. Suguru says you should try the outfit without the cardigan, so you take it off for a second and do a little 360 for the trio. Shoko gasps when she sees the lacy details that were hidden by the coat and Suguru claps in validation. “You’re so gonna get some.”
Satoru just watches, cheek resting in his fist as he half listens to the little debate between Shoko and Suguru. It’s all a blur as he focuses on the one glowing in front of him.
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“Satoru?” You wave your hand in front of him.
“Hm?” He blinks up at you, acting like he wasn't zoned out while staring.
“Tie-breaker. Coat or no coat?”
He had heard what Suguru said when you took the cardigan off. 'You’re so gonna get some.'
He doesn’t want that.
“You should stay layered. You might get cold later.”
Suguru groans in disapproval, falling back into the couch cushion, while Shoko grins, smugly, at her small victory.
“Coat it is.” You smile, running back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.
“You like her, huh?” Suguru asks as soon as you’re out of sight, a squint of betrayal in his eyes.
“Pfft, nah. What makes you think that?” Satoru defends.
“She asked for our opinion on the dress and you went silent," Shoko says, throwing a knowing smirk at Satoru.
“You don’t want her to get laid or something? Why’d you vote for the granny cardigan?” Suguru adds, arms crossed over his chest.
“I want to see you take care of her when she’s sick. I did it last time, and she was unbearable. Also,” he turns to answer Shoko’s remark, “what can I say? I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“A lot of her on your mind.” Suguru nods over at you.
Satoru turns, a lucent gleam in his eyes when he sees you.
“Alright, guys. I’ll be back before-“
“Don’t rush!” Shoko says, giggling at the dopey look on Satoru’s face.
There’s a smirk tugging on Suguru’s lips. “Have fun.”
“Call if you need me to pick you up," Satoru blurts, sitting up straight on the lounge chair he was seated in.
Shoko gasps and Suguru’s eyes go wide for a second.
“Uh... sure. Will do. Love you guys, bye!” You walk past your friends, opening the front door and shutting it behind you.
Your perfume had some effect on Satoru because for some reason his heart was racing and he was unable to calm it down.
“What?” Satoru asks when he notices the way his friends look at him. “I’m the only one with a car here.”
“Uh-huh, let’s put it that way," Shoko says, sharing a menacing look with Suguru.
You did end up having to call Satoru. Your date was the most annoying, insufferable person you had ever met and you weren't going to pretend like you were enjoying your time with him for the rest of the night. How can someone be so different the moment you’re alone together? You couldn’t stand him, so you excused yourself from the table and went to the restroom halfway through your meal.
You called Satoru, hoping he wasn't kidding about calling him if you needed a ride home.
“Hey, uh, I know this is really inconsiderate of me, but can you come pick me up from the restaurant? If you can’t it’s totally fine. I’ll stay.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. It turns out I can’t stand this guy.” You chuckle, your hand reaching for the sensor beneath the water faucet, the cool water running through your fingers. "He's gross and just... I don't know."
“Did he do anything to you? Are you okay? ‘Cause, you know, I can kick his ass.”
“You already asked me that, 'toru. I’m okay. He’s just…” you pause, a sigh filling in the silence, “...different from what I remember. I don’t know this guy.”
Satoru is already sitting in his car. The moment you asked him to pick you up, he grabbed his keys and headed for the car.
“Give me ten minutes.”
“It takes twenty to get here.”
“Too bad. I’m running a few red lights. Sit tight.”
The call ends and you’re left staring at the contact photo you have for him. You turn your screen off and stare into the mirror. You don’t know if you should stay in the bathroom until Satoru gets there or if you should go back out to the man waiting for you.
“So, Satoru likes her, huh?” Shoko says, leaning back in the lounge chair Satoru sat in before.
“Who would have guessed? We’ve all been friends for years and he’s never looked at her like that.”
“We should invest in some noise cancelling headphones. Who knows what could happen after tonight?”
Suguru furrows his eyebrows in confusion, so Shoko grins and demonstrates. She rocks back and forth in the old lounge chair, the chair creaking and squealing.
“Oh.” Suguru’s face further scrunches. He didn't need the image of his friends doing that together, in his mind.
Your phone vibrates on the sink, and Satoru’s name appears on the screen when you flip it. You quickly answer the call.
“Hey, i’m outside.”
“How do I walk out of here without seeming like a bitch? I didn’t think this through.”
“First, walk out the restaurant doors. Then, get in my car. It’s pretty simple, honestly.”
“We haven’t paid the bill.”
“Fuck it. Let him pay.”
“That’s just wrong. Alright, i’ll be out in a bit. Bye.”
You sum up all the courage you have and walk out of the bathroom. Once you reach the table, you pull out some cash you have just laying around in your purse, like forty-something bucks, and set it down in the middle of the table.
“Hopefully that’s enough to cover half of it.”
“Where are you going?” Your date asks.
“To keep it polite, I have to go. Have a good rest of your night.”
You walked out of the restaurant, immediately spotting Satoru’s blue Camaro.
The second you get in, you make yourself comfortable, removing your heels and taking down your hair from its updo.
“What’s wrong?” Satoru asks, when you don’t say anything.
“It’s fine. This guy just wasn’t the one.”
Satoru’s chest feels tight now that you’re in the car. The smell of your perfume has returned and you’re glowing in the moonlight. It makes him think of the effort you put into looking the way you do, and how you ended up having to hide in the bathroom.
“Do you wanna go home?”
You’re looking in the sun visor mirror, bobby pins in your mouth as you fix your hair so that it’s not in your face once Satoru starts driving.
“Mm… whatever you want to do,” you say, muffled by the pieces of metal pressing into your lips.
It wouldn’t be whatever he wants to do, though. All he wants to do is kiss you, right now. Do something to soothe the ache you must be feeling.
“Why are you acting like this?” He asks, watching you as you place another pin in your hair.
You laugh through your nose, a bobby pin still between your lips. You put it in your hair before answering.
“Like what?” You look at him while you put your seatbelt on.
“Like this doesn't bother you. You don't have to put up a front, you know? I'm not gonna laugh at you."
The metal clicks, and you fold the sun visor back up. “Because it didn’t bother me. I’m not gonna settle for someone I hate being around."
Part of Satoru wanted this to go well for you. He wanted to see a brilliant smile on your face when you got home. So, the fact that it didn’t end up that way strangely caused some heartache for him.
“Don’t look so down.” You give him a kind smile and pinch his cheek. “I’m okay. Really.”
He tries to distract himself from the warmth that seeps into his cheeks from your quick gesture. “Well, I don’t want to go home. Is that okay, with you?”
“What’s up with you?” You ask, bringing one of your legs up and folding it comfortably on the seat.
You stare at him until he breaks out his contagious smile and laugh.
“Really, nothing. I just want to spend some time out tonight. Shoko and Suguru want to stay home and be couch potatoes."
You see your date walking out of the restaurant, phone against his ear. He doesn’t look too defeated, but you don’t want him to see you with Satoru and make any bold assumptions.
“Okay, that’s totally fine, but can we go?” Your leg goes back down, meeting the floor mat and you turn to face the window.
Satoru analyzes your behavior and your expression. Your arms are crossed, you refuse to look in his direction again. It’s weird compared to how you were acting two seconds ago.
“What?” Satoru turns to look at whatever made you shrink, and as soon as he sees him he rolls his window up. “Really?” His eyes are lidded in disappointment. It’s not in you as a person, but in your lack of respect for yourself, choosing someone so far below your league.
“He was nice when I first met him.”
Satoru puts the gear in reverse, backing out of the parking spot. “He looks stupid and on top of that he acts like it, too? God.”
“I know, I know.” You lean against the car door and stare out the window.
“What made you think you deserved him? Honestly, I can’t wrap my head around how low this is for someone like you.”
“I don’t know.”
Your responses to Satoru's interrogation kept getting shorter and shorter and he realized he was beating a horse that was already down.
“You know I care," he mumbles, breaking the heavy silence. “I don’t mean to tell you who to date and who you should be with.”
“I hate this conversation. You’re not my dad, Satoru. It’s fine.” You sit up, back against the seat and face forward. “Where are we, anyway?”
“I just followed a random road to see where it would lead. I don’t wanna go home, but I also don’t want to know where I am.”
“So, we’re lost.” You laugh.
“Hey, as long as we have phones with enough battery, we’re not really lost.”
“Right.” You grin, continuing to watch the road. You look over the steering wheel to see how much gas the car has. It’s two marks below the bold F.
“Can you tell me something?”
You turn to Satoru, giving him your full attention. He’s been more serious than you know him to be since you left the house.
“What’s up?”
“I’m not trying to rehash this father-like conversation, but as one of your best friends… what were you thinking when you accepted a date with this guy?” He glances over at you for a second. “What went through your mind when you said 'yes' to a date with him?”
“Potential love, dates, butterflies. All the stuff that goes into getting to know someone as more than an acquaintance or friend.” You fidget with the extra hair tie on your wrist.
“You want all of that?” He asks, glimpsing at you again.
You nod, silently.
“You’re pretty enough to fuck around with whoever you want, you know? I know some people who wanna do some pretty... vulgar things with you."
Your eyes go wide at how far south the conversation went. You cracked the second you looked at Satoru though. He looked somewhat proud to be friends with someone who could get some anytime.
“That’s… good to know, I guess.” Your mind stumbles over the part where he called you pretty enough.
“You’re not interested in that, though, are you?”
You wince, jokingly. “It’s just not my cup of tea. I want something more long-term.”
Satoru grins, almost like he wants to talk about himself.
“That’s not your cup of tea, is it?” You reciprocate the grin.
“No, no. Believe it or not, the last relationship I was in lasted a whole two months.”
You slapped the car door dramatically. “A whole two months?!”
“Stop it. It’s nothing, really," Satoru jokes, grinning with faux pride.
“Hey, i’m not shaming you. You’re not down with commitment and that’s fine. We're young. There's no need to rush."
“I haven’t found someone I really want to commit to. I'm not stupid enough to ignore the fact that people are really only attracted to my body. They can't stand when I open my mouth, so I figured it’s better to fuck around than to put my heart into something that won’t last without sex.”
Satoru's personality was for people with acquired taste. On the other hand, Satoru's physical appearance was for anyone and everyone. The people who could appreciate all of him would be in for the most amazing ride, because even as his friend, you could confidently say that there is no one like him anywhere in the world. You can only hum in acknowledgement of how romantically lonely he must feel.
“What?” You ask when the car stops. Satoru puts the car in park before turning it off. “We’re not out of gas, so what’s the problem?”
He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to face you, one leg bent on the seat. He’s met with a breathtaking sight. You look stunning in that navy blue dress, and that shade smeared over your lips was calling his name. He can see part of your thigh from where your dress rides up.
“Can I talk to you about something?” The tension behind the question was enough to make your ears go red.
“Of course you can. You’re scaring me, but go on.”
He smiles, trying to lighten up the mood. He knows better than to just dump information like this on you so heavily, but he can't go home tonight without telling you how he feels. He already doesn’t expect much to come of telling you this, but it's been eating him alive and he can't keep it in anymore.
“You've been on my mind a lot, lately." He sees your slightly furrowed eyebrows. They match the unintentional pout on your lips. You’re confused and for some reason you feel nervous, like your heart might escape your ribcage.
“What does that mean?” You ask, wanting a clearer understanding. He could be worried about you in a totally platonic way. He could be wondering about what you've been up to lately. You're having trouble assuming there's romantic notes to his statement after the brief discussion you just had.
“It's exactly as it sounds. I've been thinking about you." He's not smiling, he's not laughing yet this still sounds like a joke that he’s running to mess with you.
“You done with your jokes? We could both be home right about now," you say, not intending for your words to come out as sharp as they did. His hand is suddenly cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing away a speck of glitter from it.
“You say goodnight to me in the sweetest way—like you won't see me in the morning. And the soft smile you give me before you shut the door... it lingers in my mind. I dream of it from time to time."
You're trying so hard not to lean into his touch and nuzzle your cheek into his palm, but you make no effort to push his hand away. “What are you talking about, Satoru? Don't you think you're reading into it a little too much? I do that for all three of you. Ask Shoko and Suguru.”
His hand has been on your cheek for a while now, and he’s still looking at you like he has things to get off his chest. “I know you don't say it the same way to them as you do to me." He stops, a little sigh leaving him. He’s probably making you dizzy with all of this news, based on the look on your face. He retracts his hand and rests it on his thigh. You look stunned, so he cuts to the chase. “To be even more clear, I don’t see you as a friend. It doesn’t seem right to see you that way when I can picture us doing more. Being more."
“Doing more?” You repeat, cheeks growing warm.
“Holding hands, kissing, being alone together—more.”
The heavy silence returns, both of you nervously avoiding eye contact.
“I..." you huff. "I need some air.” You unbuckle yourself before exiting the car. Your scent remains in the car even after the door shuts behind you, leaving Satoru to wonder if things are screwed with you.
Your back is against the door, your hands interlocked in front of your eyes, shielding you from the gentle moonlight. You groan, irritated by the conflicted thoughts that came with Satoru's revelation.
It’s not long before Satoru comes out and joins you, leaning on the side of his car. It's cold and he doesn't want you to get sick again. His heart could barely handle your involuntarily weak display the first time.
“I didn’t stress you out, did I?” He asks, turning his head to look at you. You shake your head, your hands still covering your eyes. “There’s really no part of you that can envision an us between me and you?”
You chuckle, a sound that makes his heart pang. “It’s funny... you know, a long time ago it was all I dreamed about.”
Now this was baffling news to Satoru. How long ago was a long time ago? A couple months ago? Last year? Three years ago? And why didn’t you say anything?
“I considered you a pursuit that was out of reach. You had—have— all these girls just throwing themselves at you, and I couldn’t be one of them, so I befriended you instead.”
“How long ago was a long time ago?” He asks, nervous to hear the answer.
“Like last year in March. It was during your phase where you would never come home.”
He feels like an asshole. Especially since not too much later, he developed similar feelings for you that he endlessly denied.
“You liked the me you never got to see?”
You both chuckled at the rhyme of his words, your broken senses of humor adding some lightheartedness to the conversation.
“I guess you not coming home was more calming because I didn't have to be nervous to see you.”
You crossed your arms. The cardigan protected you, but not enough. The cold wind was starting to nip at your cheeks. Satoru notices and moves closer to you.
“Let’s go back inside, yeah?”
You didn’t want to. You were nervous being “stranded” with Satoru already, but minimizing the space between you was even more nerve-wracking. He was your greatest temptation before, and you could easily create those labyrinths that guide him into your mind again if you got close enough.
“I’ll be fine," you say, looking straight ahead at the field of weeds in front of you.
“You’re gonna catch a cold. Get in the car," Satoru prompts. He thought back to the tired look on your face as you laid in bed sick, waiting for him to bring you warm soup.
“No," you insisted, turning away from him.
He inched closer, not wanting to look at your back. “Please, get in the car." He thought of the gracious look on your sick face when he brought you another blanket to keep you warm.
“I said no, Satoru. I don't want to get in the car with you."
You were being stubborn as hell, and something about it made Satoru’s blood boil to the point where he did whatever his mind told him to do. You were suddenly pinned to the car, your hands on Satoru’s chest to keep some distance. He blocked every gust of wind that threatened to bite at your skin, and enveloped you in his warmth. You don’t know how, but in this freezing temperature, Satoru’s hands felt like sunlight on your cheeks. His face was centimeters away from yours, his bright eyes searching for a loophole in your feelings for him. Your eyes spoke with an infinite amount of possibility, and some of it didn't make sense, so he kissed you in hopes of translating what you were trying to say.
You didn’t have any fight left in you. Not when you felt so secure in this close proximity. Now, all you wanted was to be in the car with him, alone.
The kiss was released with light breaths from both of you, a look of feeling complete on Satoru’s face. “Will you get in the damn car,” he whispers, his arms caging you against the car.
“Say please," you say in the same intimate volume as him.
“Please," he complies, allowing his eyes to flit between your eyes and your lips.
“Pretty please?" you push.
“Pretty please," he says, the corners of his lips twitching.
“How about pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“Get in the car," he says through a laugh.
You chuckle, shoving him lightly before opening the door and entering the car. Satoru gets in the drivers seat and suddenly it all feels strange. Strange, but in the best way.
The tension from before returns. There's no wind blowing to fill in the silence when you both stop talking.
“Do you ever think of me when you're alone?” It was a weird question to be asked by him, especially since you had already told him that your feelings for him were left behind.
“Never," you reply, a softness in your tone that held memories of when all you thought about was Satoru.
He's somewhat disappointed, seeing as though there's a chance he might be too late.
“Do you think that will change after tonight?” He seems to be getting closer, or at least his hands are. Your skin is irresistible and he wants to feel how soft you are. He's been craving you for so long, and you're right there.
“There’s no way to tell.” You can see how slowly his hand is traveling. A minute ago it was on his lap, now it’s on the armrest between your seats. You can’t wait any longer. The suspense might make you jump out of the car again, so you grab his hand and put it on your thigh, where your dress rides up.
“I’ll throw the question back to you. Do you think of me when you're alone?” You ask him now because he won’t give you some bullshit response at a time like this, when he’s getting everything he’s wanted for who knows how long.
“All the time,” he responds so quickly. “When I wake up, before I go to sleep, in the shower, while I brush my teeth.” There’s this foolish look on his face, like he would give anything to never lose the ability to have you on his mind all the time. "You're in there, organizing the shrine I made for you," he admits, with a grin. His thumb presses into your thigh, massaging the plush skin. It makes you nervous as hell, but you like it.
“Have you told Suguru and Shoko?”
He chuckles, remembering the conversation he had with them after you left. “I’m positive they know."
Once again, you're left staring at each other in silence, drowning in the tension you’ve created within yourselves. Satoru has yet to move his hand away from your thigh, not letting up even when he feels goosebumps spread on your skin. He tests the boundaries you have set up, finding no resistance from you when his hand reaches further up your dress.
“You’re not gonna tell me to stop?” He asks as his fingers are met with lace, a texture that makes his heart thud rapidly in his chest.
You shake your head, leaning back in the seat. His fingers ghost over the front of your panties, finding a satin bow just below the elastic band.
“Were you going to let that guy touch you? Is that why you wore these?” He hasn’t even seen them, and yet he can tell they’re the cutest thing ever.
“Maybe," you mumble, looking away in slight embarrassment.
“Can I see them?” He asks.
You nod, allowing him to slowly pull up your dress. Your heart drops when you hear him gasp.
“God, no way," he says, sounding defeated. His ears slowly turn a bright shade of red as he observes the material covering your intimate area.
“Stop,” you whine, feeling flustered by his reaction and the way he stares.
His hand returns to its previous spot, continuing to play with the part of the elastic that sticks to your hip.
“You wear these types of panties on every date you go on?”
You nod, biting your lip as his fingers move just to feel the fabric. His touch is still ghost-like—light, barely there, but it’s working you up anyway. There’s barely enough friction, yet you can feel your wetness begin to ruin the garment.
He sighs. “You know, no one deserves you.” His tone is smooth and he smiles at you, an angel taking control of his features. “Not even me, but I can make up for the one who missed you tonight.”
He spares his attention to the spot in the middle of your panties, only smiling when a breathy moan involuntarily leaves you.
“God..." you groan in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands. "I can’t with myself."
His thumb rubs up and down your clothed slit, applying pressure when he reaches your clit.
“Don’t be shy. Make as much noise as you want,” he says, luring a gasp from you.
You look away again, red-faced, feeling embarrassed beyond belief.
“What?” A low chuckle follows. His hands settle on your thighs as he leans in and tries to look at your flustered face.
“This is weird.” You look out the window, too nervous to look at Satoru.
“How come?”
You giggle. “I can’t stop seeing you as one of my friends. It’s strange to experience something like this with you.”
“I would hope Suguru and Shoko aren’t touching you like this.” His hand splays on your thigh, kneading softly. “Are they?” He asks, after a pause.
“Of course not.”
He seems satisfied with that response because he’s trying to hold back a smile, but the corners of his lips are twitching. His fingers snap the elastic band of your panties against your skin a couple more times.
“Is it too weird to go on?” He asks.
You consider the facts. He already touched you, he confessed his feelings for you before he touched you so you know he wasn't lying about his feelings for you and he doesn’t just want sex. You had those feelings for him before, but claimed to have lost them with time.
Your overwhelming thoughts are enough to put an end to what was going on. You pull down your dress, hiding the evidence of his touch, and sit up straight in the seat. “Maybe we should head home before we do something we might regret later.”
He hums and smiles, not an ounce of disappointment in his features. “No argument from me."
Satoru put his seatbelt on and watched as you did the same before starting the car. There was no need for him to set up the GPS because all he did was drive straight, so all he had to do was drive back the other way.
You didn’t expect the car ride to be so quiet. Maybe he did want things to go further. You couldn’t bear to look back at Satoru, even though you could feel him side eyeing you as he drove. There were a couple times where he turned his head to look at you when you stopped at red lights, but you knew you couldn’t look back until you had something to say. You were overthinking everything that happened until that point. What can you say when you just went through an entire roller coaster of emotions with someone you call a best friend? Someone who has now seen you in a vulnerable position.
“Did you at least eat?” Satoru asks, finally breaking the heavy silence that engulfed the car.
“Uh, yeah. I was able to get through my meal," you respond, glancing at him quickly before turning back to face the window.
He nods in acknowledgement. You see the stop sign at the end of your street, signaling the closeness of home.
Satoru parks the car in the driveway, and you finish removing your shoes. You enter the house, expecting to see Suguru and Shoko up waiting for you guys, but to your surprise, the doors to their bedrooms are shut.
“Goodnight, Satoru," you say. “Thanks again, for picking me up.”
“Yeah, no worries,” he responds. “Goodnight.”
You can’t shake the void left in your gut after your time with Satoru. You sit on your bed for a moment thinking of the intimacy that occurred between you and him. The gentleness of his touch, the lack of judgement from him when you basically told him that you dress your best even for scumbags. Something inside you was begging you to tell him how much you wanted him to sleep in your room—in your bed. And that’s exactly what you aimed for with this rush of adrenaline that surged through you. You rose off the bed quickly, and made haste to reach his bedroom.
You knocked, calling his name once. Once was all it took for him to leap to open the door.
“Can you help me with something?” You asked, hoping he held no ill will towards you and that he wouldn’t deny you.
“Sure. With what?”
You motion for him to follow you to your room, and he does with no further questions, following your bare feet as you lead him to your room.
“I tied the knot for my dress a little too tightly." You let out a quiet chuckle, your nervousness imbued into it.
“Oh, I see," he says, stifling a grin. "Turn around.” His finger circles in the air.
You turn your back to him, facing the mirror on your vanity. You can feel his knuckles grazing your lower back as he takes the time to slowly loosen the knot, the straps that once sat wrapped around your waist dropping loosely.
“There,” he murmurs, still standing behind you, looking at you through the mirror.
“Thank you,” you say so quietly that it’s almost a whisper.
Normally, that is the cue for someone to leave, but there was this branch of electricity connecting him to you. He couldn’t find a reason to step away from you, so instead he stepped closer. His arms encircled your waist, his hands interlocking above your lower abdomen. Your stomach swarmed with butterflies—blood thirsty ones that knew all too well that they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, so long as Satoru was in your room.
He leaned in to kiss your shoulder, an act that brought goosebumps to your skin. "You look really pretty." You give in to the feeling, tilting your head to give him the entire canvas of that side of your neck. He wondered if you would be upset if you saw his kisses on your neck in the morning.
He stops and looks for your approval first because he has arrived centimeters behind the line between friends who are really comfortable with each other and something deeper. You have to let him know that it’s okay to cross this line.
“It’s okay,” you say, squeezing the hands that rest on your lower abdomen. “Don't stop."
That’s the green light he needed in order to move on. He did not hesitate at all in pulling back his arms and undoing the knot that held your dress up. He watched as the smooth velvet cascaded down your body, pooling at your feet, leaving you in nothing but those precious lace panties. You felt vulnerable with your bare chest out, but made no attempt to hide yourself.
He was frozen for a second or two, speechless at the sight before him.
“No one deserves you,” he finally says, his arms snaking around your torso. His lips start leaving behind their marks on the other side of your neck. He drags his kisses down your shoulder, biting once, then twice, resulting in a couple giggles from you.
“Close the door, please,” you say, realizing Shoko and Suguru would see what was happening if they opened their doors.
Satoru releases you only to close the door, locking it for safe measures. As soon as he’s back, he’s wrapping his arms around you before pushing both of you towards your bed. He starts stripping his clothes off, until he's left in just his boxers. His eyes never leave yours, a lovestruck smile on his face.
“You will never know how many times I’ve dreamt of this scenario."
“Stop.” You giggle, withstanding the sting of his lips on more than you neck. It’s heat on your chest and on your stomach now, his hands holding your waist so gently. You’ll look like some abstract piece of art by morning with the endless waves of kisses that Satoru gives you. He wants you so badly. Devastatingly so. He wants to prove that he is the closest to deserving you by the end of the night.
Your heartbeat is inconsolable in your ribcage. The eye contact brought some reality to the situation. He chuckles at the doe-eyed look on your face before refocusing on his task. He's nearing the elastic band of your underwear, those cute lacy ones he got to touch in the car. His touch is already affecting you, the evidence being a wet spot reemerging in the middle of your underwear.
"You're so warm and soft, and..." he sighs, your body making his mind cloud. He couldn't have ever accurately imagined how stunning you would be with just the golden street lamp's light shining through your window. "...you smell really fucking good." His hands go beneath the elastic band of your underwear, dragging his dainty fingers through your slit enough times to earn a small gasp from you, before pulling his hand out. "Bet you taste amazing, too," he says, wrapping his lips around his glossy digits. "Mhm..." he practically moans when your taste coats his tastebuds. "Sweeter than I could have ever imagined."
You don't think you'll get over Satoru saying these explicit things to you.
"More. Fuck, I need more." There's so much he wants to do to you, so little time in the night despite it only being 11:30. "God, you're so..." he cuts himself off and kisses down your stomach, impatiently—desperately. "...so pretty. So—fuck— so pretty. Gonna make you feel so good."
"Okay, 'toru, make sure to breathe," you tease, running your fingers through his soft locks as he nears your throbbing core.
He drags his nose up and down the wet patch of your panties, audibly inhaling your scent and exhaling through shuddered breaths. He sounds feral, his aching cock creating its own pool of arousal in his boxers. The tip of his nose was covered in your slick, the remnants of you on his skin driving him absolutely crazy. Once he absolutely couldn't take it anymore, he yanked your underwear down, almost tearing the pretty fabric and tossed it onto the floor. You were soaked at the sight of his pure lust towards you. Those eyes were darker than you've ever seen them before.
He tries to be slow and gentle for you. You're the one thing he's wanted for the longest time and now he has you. You're not guaranteed to be his forever, after this, but at least the night is secured and he has this one chance to prove that he would do it right with you. That he could handle your body with a tenderness and loving that would make you weep. Everything you want in a lover will be given to you in one act of demonstrating how undeniably in love with you he is.
His attempt at slow sensuality never reaches you. His arms are hooked tightly around your thighs to prevent you from squirming away from his greedy mouth. He wants everything you give him to never end. The melodic sound of you moaning his name, the sweet nectar that just keeps drooling out of your cunt, the sting on his scalp from the firm hold you have on his hair and the tugging. He's in heaven. If the possibility of this reoccurring is nonexistent, he wants this moment to loop. For there to be a glitch in real life that allows him to replay this scenario as many times as he likes, like a story with multiple endings.
"You taste so good. So fucking good, princess. Wanna give you a taste," he rambles. He unwraps his right arm from your thigh and uses his forearm to pin it down so that he can use his fingers on you. He bends all his fingers down except for his index and middle fingers. Your slick is already streaming out of you, ready to be collected, but he can't resist the urge to dip his fingertips into your pulsing hole. "Oh fuck, you're so wet," he utters in awe, quickly tossing the idea of just his fingertips going in when his long, lithe fingers sink into you with ease.
"Satoru," you choke out, a sharp gasp following. The pads of his fingers brush against that spot within you that forces you to bite your lip. Your heart is racing. What if you get caught? How would you explain what's going on to your friends and would the dynamic of your living situation change because of it? You care, but clearly not enough to second guess this moment again, like you did in the car.
"Mmm..." he moans against your clit, his lips smacking after releasing the now throbbing bundle. "So sweet." He pulls his fingers out of you and admires the glaze that drips down to his knuckles. He wants to be selfish and put them in his mouth, but his need for you to know how good you are to his tastebuds overpowers those thoughts. "Open, pretty," he says, tapping his wet fingers against your lips. He watches with parted lips as you take his slick coated digits into your mouth, shutting your lips around them to completely suck off your essence. "Good, huh?" A pleased grin appears when you nod. "Yeah... I want it back." He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and puts them on your right breast, smearing your saliva all over your nipple until it pebbles.
All you can do is say "huh?" before your lips are enveloped by his. The kiss starts out slow— he's taking a moment to appreciate how perfect your lips feel against his. For a minute you can feel the way he innocently wants you. You have butterflies in your stomach all over again.
His hunger for you grows with every sharp breath you release and the squirming beneath his unrelenting hands on your chest. Your heart has been pounding in your ears since he slipped his tongue into your mouth and you have goosebumps from all the rubbing, brushing, and tweaking he offers your nipples, the throbbing in your cunt only intensifying as you withstand it. He thinks the whimpers that seep into your kisses are the cutest sounds ever and he doesn't want them to stop, so he glides a hand down your abdomen and gives you the touch you're missing.
You break the kiss, throwing your head back into the pillow at the feeling of Satoru rubbing your clit. He watches through gleaming eyes the way your jaw hangs and allows the sweetest moans to spill from your kissed up lips.
"Feeling good?" He asks, grinning when you respond with a moan that makes you clasp a hand over your mouth. "Yeah? That's an answer, too." He chuckles, watching intently as you crumble beneath his touch, not some zero's who made a fool out of himself.
You uncover your mouth, your sounds amplifying and flowing freely. "Satoru," you gasp. "Oh, fuck– S-Satoru!" The last words you manage to cry out before you cum without a warning.
You look way too pretty arching your back off the bed and chasing friction from his hand. Your neck looks palpable like that, exposed for him like you want him to mark it up and take a few bites.
"Let me make you feel good, pretty girl," he coos, drunk off the cute sounds of the heaves and sobs that wrack through your chest, your little whines shining through them. Lustful, lidded eyes watch as you try to wriggle away from his touch.
"P-Please," you huff out, your trembling thighs working to shut around his hand. It's too much, your peak has passed and now you're left to bear the overwhelming feeling of his unstopping fingers.
"I know, I know. It's terrible..." he murmurs. His tip is leaking so much at the sight of your body jerking and your eyes welling with tears. He really loves the way you've surrendered yourself to him. "You're so pretty." He sighs, dreamily. He stops and wiggles his hand out of the tight embrace of your thighs. You take a deep breath and blink away tears, focusing on the comforting movement of his hands caressing your thighs. He can see the way you look at his body. His chest, the sculpted muscles of his abdomen, the pale happy trail that leads to a part of him that you are unfamiliar with.
He crawls over you, his lower body wedged between your legs. "Don't be scared to touch," he says, his tone sultry. He grabs ahold of your hand and places it on his chest, initiating the contact for you. You take control and allow your hands to roam his body. Like you're in a room full of random unpressed buttons, you explore the different reactions you get from touching different parts of him. You discovered that his nipples are sensitive. He groaned into your neck when you palmed at his pecs and borderline whimpered when you focused your touch on his peaks. He shuddered when you traced along his ribs, but once you neared his stomach and waist, things got hot for you all over again. Your heart raced as he breathed into your neck due to the feeling of your nails gently scratching along his abs. He was rutting his clothed bulge against your cunt, desperate, low moans leaving him with every graze of your nails along his waist.
"F-Fuck, I can't wait anymore. Please, let me in." He whips out the cutest puppy eyes you've ever seen, and though they're unnecessary, you're not opposed to him having to resort to those means.
"Y-Yeah, okay," you breathe, feeling the throbbing in your cunt intensify when he stopped rolling his hips against you.
He's rushing, his movement stuttered and his hands shaking with desperation as he works his boxers off. He's impressed with the amount of precum that went into them, but he doesn't waste time admiring the mess any longer once he frees his achingly hard, drooling cock. It's sensitive to the touch. He'll cum if he doesn't play his cards right while lathering his length with the essence that beads at his tip. With that taken care of, he comes close to you again.
"This is gonna be the slowest start ever," he says under his breath, eyeing that sweet little smile on your face, like you understand the turmoil he's going through with just trying to get inside you. His tip nudges your clit, spreading some of his precum onto the nub as he guides it up and down your slit a couple times. He's working himself up to sinking in because he knows how wet you are. After a few more strokes, he presses just the tip in, nestling it into your warmth with a groan. You gasp as he slowly drives himself into you, the stretch his girth induces proving to be immense. He tries to steady his stuttering hips as he pushes more of his length in.
"Little more, just a liiittle more," he says through soft breaths, more to himself than you. Once he glides the rest of his length in, he feels like he's going to explode. He's throbbing so hard and you're not helping at all with the brief, inconsistent spasming of your walls. "Oh fuck... shit," he whimpers, thrusting only halfway into you. "Sorry—fuck—s-sorry... I can't-" He gasps when he thrusts the rest of the way in, spewing his load as he just grinds against you.
Your eyes widen as you watch him, his eyes shut tightly, his jaw hanging ajar to release shaky breaths. His cheeks, neck and chest are blazed, bright color smothered over his pale skin.
"Shit..." he rasps, still taking deep breaths.
You can't even ridicule him for this when he looks so fine. The laugh he let out was enough to make your thighs twitch.
"It's alright, Satoru. It's getting pretty late, anyway."
"No-the-fuck it's not," he says, looking down at you with the smallest crease between his brows. He's wanted this—wanted you—for way too long and he can't leave your room without showing you just how badly he desires you. It's a need, at this point.
A chill runs down your spine and your heart drops at his response.
"I mean, i'm not tired. Are you?" He asks, softening a little after coming in so hot with his last response.
You're not and even if you were, it's those eyes... They compel you to want to do things for his sake. They're so soft and you feel wanted beneath their force. You feel everything he said to you in the car when you peer into his eyes.
"No. I'm not tired either," you respond, which instantly puts a smile on his face.
"Good. Let me try again."
Neither of you mentioned any of what happened within that quick span of time. No mentions of him spilling the second he got inside you or you trying to end the night to save him the embarrassment, and it turned out for the better. No awkwardness once he recovered and went back to proving his love for you. He went straight into it, thrusting at a slow pace to start you off. He held onto your hips as he leaned in and kissed all over your chest, sucking your delicate skin to leave little reminders of him for you to see in the morning.
He groans, muffled by your warm skin, when you scratch the back of his head, guiding your nails through the short hairs of his undercut and down the nape of his neck. He's purring like a satisfied cat, the soft breaths he lets out through his nose grazing your neck.
With all these good feelings comes Satoru picking up the pace. His hips meet yours a little more quickly and suddenly both of you get a little more courage to make more sound.
"Fuck," you whimper. "Satoru... S-Satoru..."
"I know..." he grunts. "I know, baby. I feel really good, too."
You just look so damn pretty, with your starry eyes and your messy hair, and the way you keep moaning his name. He has to kiss you again. Each time he kissed you before was accompanied by fireworks. This time... who knows? He certainly won't unless he gains the courage to do it once more.
He leans forward and stares deep into your eyes. The level of intimacy has doubled down and you feel like your heart is trying even harder to lurch out of your chest. He's not stopping, you can feel his breath on your lips as he pants through the exertion of his hips. Then, once again, with a whimper as he closes the distance between your mouths, he kisses you. It's not fireworks this time, it's an entire fire and you kissing him back like you need him just as much is fanning the wild flames.
"Love... you," he disperses the words through his kisses. He doesn't only say it once. He says it multiple times as your lips are moving, making those pauses purposeful. "Fuck– I love you," he repeats, breaking the kiss when you don't say anything. "Come on," he chuckles. "Say it back."
"Satoru..." you say, softly.
"You say it all the time to us. What's another time?"
You bite back a laugh when you see those brilliant eyes again. He knows the effect they have on people and uses them to his advantage.
"It doesn't..." he groans, cursing under his breath when you suddenly clench around him. "...have to mean anything more than it usually does."
You're hesitant, but figure that as long as he doesn't take it as more than what he's used to—at least until things are talked through—there can't be any harm in saying what he wants to hear.
"Love you, 'toru."
The words are way too sweet, too gentle on his ears. The smile you offered as you delivered those words was devastatingly beautiful. You've said this a million times, each time so friendly, so lovingly, the meaning never feigned or faded with its repetition, but in that moment, he felt the words more than he ever did before. Your plush thighs are pressed against his hips, your hands are on his chest, and he can still smell that perfume you spritzed on your skin before you left. He's never heard you like this before, so sultry that it almost seems like an invasion of privacy.
"Again... say it again, p-please." With the scene that is playing out before his very eyes, he wants to imagine you meaning it as a term for lovers.
"I-I..." you let out a sharp gasp, your words cut off by the feeling of his cock brushing against that weak spot within you. "I love y-you, Satoru."
You're saying it to him only, right now. It's not 'I love you guys', it's 'I love you, Satoru', and he's drowning in it all. Your voice, the words, the blissed out look on your face. He's weak.
"Yeah?" He laughs, sounding almost delirious from how good he feels and how he's trying so hard not to cum.
"Mhm," you respond.
"T-That's good to know," he says, breathily. He's picking up the pace again, almost knocking the wind out of you with that first thrust in the change of pace. You're scratching up his back, wrapping your legs around his waist while he moans into the crook of your neck.
"G-Gonna cum, gonna fucking cum, again."
"Please... cum inside," you babble, nonsensically.
"Yeah? You want it inside again?" He asks, grinning when you hum and nod in confirmation. Who is he to deny you of such a simple want?
With a few more harder thrusts, he's filling you to the brim again with his warm cum. He's breathing heavily into your neck, mouthing at your skin sloppily as your cunt flutters around him. He's babbling on and on asking you if you came and if you feel good, while you're trying not to cry out too loudly from how hard you did. It's only until he unsticks himself from your tacky skin that he sees the aftermath of your orgasm. Your lidded eyes, the rapid rise and fall of your chest, the sound of your shuddered breaths brushing past your lips. He's thinking about it again. No one deserves you, but clearly, he was the closest.
He tosses himself beside you once you both come down. Your blanket is shared between the two of you, it reaches just above your chest and above Satoru's hips.
He sighs as he turns over to face you as you stare up at the ceiling. "You think they heard us?" He asks, voice low and intimate, yet a mischievous smirk that tells you he wouldn't care if they did, plays on his lips.
"Not sure. I guess we'll find out tomorrow." Now it's your turn to sigh. You don't even want to think about how weird breakfast might be in the morning.
"Hey," he calls for your attention. You turn onto your side to face him, keeping the blanket close to your body. "It's gonna be fine. What's the worst that could happen? They tease us or call us dumb?" You give him a soft smile. Normally, you're the one calling him dumb while the others agree. "Don't know about you, but I don't mind. They don't know the story, anyway. Right?"
Time slowed down in that moment. You both just stared at each other in silence, thinking about what just happened. You were comfortable together, lying there, satisfied with your decisions. He pulled you closer by your blanket covered waist and pressed kisses into your cheek, enough to make you giggle until you started returning the kisses. To anybody, this would be considered a sight of two lovers taking care of each other after a night of intimacy. The whispered words, the quiet laughter between kisses, the gentle drags of fingers on harsh marks—it all points to love. You think things might be okay, after all.
It took a while for you and Satoru to untangle yourselves from each other. Eventually, he got up and dressed into everything but his messy boxers. You weren't going to get back into your dress so you laid back for a while and watched as he collected himself.
"Well... I'll see you in the morning." His hand is on the doorknob and he's looking at you, shamelessly raking his eyes over your body as if he's trying to memorize you all over again within the short span of his goodnight to you.
"Mhm. Goodnight."
He pulls the door open, still not detaching his gaze from you. "Goodnight," he says, his voice low, yet warm and brimming with love. He spares one more soft smile for you, before walking out and clicking the door shut behind him.
You think you finally understand why he's so hung up on the way you say goodnight.
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saytrrose · 9 months
Can we see More about your racing AU please?
Looks so amazing and i love It so much
I do suppose I could share the character design line up!
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I really just need to finish designing all the go karts, (atleast most are done!) and then I can make proper cards for them and really get into the written details.
To be honest it’s a little hard to just ramble about info and details without specific questions to go off of, so I’ll try my best hhh
for starters, the tent? Not a tent!
It’s actually a stadium, the amazing digital race!
And rooms? Sort of tweaked, they are more like each character owns a personal garage, a large open space where they store their vehicles and then have a loft above that showcases their cozy safe havens. Bed, entertainment, basically a small room in a much larger one.
I haven’t revealed Ragatha, Zooble or Gangles karts yet but I’ll go ahead and just talk about all of them!
Caine has a motorcycle, specifically one inspired off of the motorcycle I’m saving up for this summer, a Kawasaki Eliminator. It’s a cruiser, I’m thinking he has a 600cc model but considering Bubble is his right hand man and operates as the races pit crew- he’s definitely tinkered with Caines bike, making adjustments and improving the engine. God only knows what the little psycho did, but it’s a damn good bike that’s not supposed to rev as loud as it does.
Her kart is inspired off a Volkswagen Beetle, seemed very VERY Pomni to me. Her car mimics her outfit design a lot, I might do some color changes to be honest but it will be super minimal, it’ll be final when the cards are done! She definitely stops at the pit the most often despite her placement in a race, are my tires okay?? Do I need my oil?? I know you just filled it but it went down- is anything damaged?? Sweetie you did one lap..
Jesus Christ he has a giant supercharger on the hood of his car, and he is absolutely one of those annoying mfs that reva their engine OBNOXIOUSLY loud all the time like he’s super cool. If you’re wondering who most of the skid marks on the track are from, that’s also Jax. Hes the best as drifting, and he loves to show that off. His car isn’t based too much on an actual vehicle?? I stared at Mario karts and pieced it together, but also gave it a very sports car look, the wing on the back fr fr I think Jax would dig that.
OHHSOSK I was so creative with his little wagon,,, it’s castle shaped!! And the best part? Operates like a rocket. In the back past the battlement (the crown looking thing you see atop castle pillars) ARE GIANT exhaust pipes and yes, they do spit fire !! Operates like a rocket. It’s very cool! (Also he has a great muffler because unlike Jax he’s considerate of others hearing 💔) Oh also, he has one of those silly horns, I forgot how to describe it but you can just look at how I drew it on his kart and you’ll know heheh!
Our second motorcyclist, owns a trike! If you don’t know what that is, picture a bike with training wheels but super badass. 3 wheels! It’s inspired off the Harley Davidson freewheeler, I like that design a lot but it’s def not actually a Harley because istg when you buy those bikes your just paying for the fancy name brand- expect it to be in the shop all the time, smh not good- BUT ANYWAY!! The looks are inspired off it though and I can’t wait for this one because it’s just as crazy kooky as Zoobles design is.
Her kart is based on my favorite car, classic style but not too cool because you can bet she has anime stickers on the back and a decal that says “please let me merge before I start crying.” It’s similar to a karmann ghia convertible, 1963. Cherry red (so so pretty) She always has the top down, unless competing because damn you gotta go fast. That car itself is really slow, top speed normally is 68mph, however people have modified them enough to get up to 120mph. Thats still pretty slow compared to others, but her kart only reflects the appearance of the ghia! It’s much faster and I assume Bubble works on all their vehicles if asked to.
Lastly, Ragatha:
Our 3rd motorcyclist. 4 Karts, 3 cyclists. Her bike is a futuristic style, if you want a good idea then look up “icare bike”! Not so much a straight forward posture, she leans over ofc, you’ll likely get the idea when you see her bike. I’ll be honest, I haven’t gotten too into her design yet because I haven’t started drawing but!! Dark blue leds,, everywhere yes yes so cool ❤️
Sorry that’s so much 😭 but yeah! Just need to finish 3 kart designs for you guys and I can make official ref cards 👀
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huntiesworld · 2 months
Shower Time | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Warning: Reader in shower naked.
Requested: Nope!
Notes: I don't know if anyone has done this, I haven't been on Tumblr in a while.
Pink: Reader
Blue: Chris
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Chris's fingers tapped eagerly on his phone screen as he dialed Y/n's number. He was brimming with excitement, and the day's shopping spree had been a successful one. After a whirlwind of trying on different outfits and browsing through racks, he had picked up a few new pieces he couldn't wait to show off. It was one of those days where every little thing felt like an adventure, and sharing it with Y/n was the cherry on top.
On the other end, Y/n was enjoying a relaxing shower. The bathroom was filled with steam, and the sound of running water created a soothing background. She had just started lathering up when her phone buzzed. As she reached out to grab it, she saw Chris's name flash on the screen.
“Hey, Chris!” she called out, slightly muffled by the steam and water. She answered the call and held the phone in one hand, carefully balancing it on the edge of the sink.
“Hey, beautiful!” Chris’s face appeared on the screen, his grin as wide as ever. “I’ve gotta show you what I just bought. I know you love fashion, so I couldn’t wait!”
Y/n laughed, her smile evident even through the misty bathroom. “Oh, really? I’m all ears. Just give me a second to get out of the shower.”
“Wait, don’t go yet!” Chris protested. “I’ve got a plan. How about you just watch from the shower while I model my new stuff for you?”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, amused. “You want me to watch you from the shower? That sounds like an interesting way to multitask.”
“Exactly!” Chris said, holding up a shirt and winking at the camera. “Trust me, it’ll be fun.”
As Chris began to show off his new clothes, Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiastic poses. He twirled and strutted in front of the camera, dramatically modeling each outfit. The first was a sleek leather jacket that he paired with an exaggerated tough-guy stance.
“What do you think?” Chris asked, his expression a mix of hope and mischief.
Y/n tilted her head, pretending to ponder. “Hmm, very James Dean. I like it, but you might need to work on your serious face.”
“Noted!” Chris said, changing into a trendy graphic tee next. He made a point to show off every detail, from the pattern on the front to the way it fit his shoulders.
“Nice choice,” Y/n commented, nodding approvingly. “That looks great on you. The color really brings out your eyes.”
Chris’s grin widened at the compliment. “Thanks! I was hoping you’d like it. And last but not least…” He pulled out a new pair of sneakers, their bright, neon soles practically glowing in the room's light.
“Whoa, those are cool!” Y/n exclaimed. “They look like they’re from a sci-fi movie or something.”
“I know, right?” Chris said, bouncing slightly on his heels. “I had to get them. I just knew you’d appreciate them.”
“I do,” Y/n said, her eyes sparkling with genuine excitement. “But you know what’s even cooler?”
“What’s that?” Chris asked, tilting his head.
“Seeing you happy and excited about your new clothes,” she said warmly. “It’s like we’re on a little shopping date, even though I’m stuck here in the shower.”
Chris chuckled, his face softening. “Well, I’m glad you think so. I missed you today. It feels like you were right here with me, cheering me on.”
Y/n reached out to the phone, her hand brushing against the screen. “I missed you too, Chris. Next time, let’s make sure we have a real date—no showers involved.”
“Deal,” Chris said, his eyes locking with hers through the screen. “Can’t wait for our next adventure together.”
As the call ended, Chris waved one last time, and Y/n watched as he disappeared from the screen. She finished up her shower with a smile, feeling grateful for the simple joy of sharing moments with someone she loved, even from afar.
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sh4wty18 · 13 days
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girl of your dreams - chapter two.
one. | two. | three.
pairing: hockeyplayer!chris x figureskater!reader
summary: chris keeps getting distracted at practice. then he invites his rival to a party.
cw: rivals to lovers, angst, first person POV, language
word count: 1.2k + not edited
tags: @joeshiestyslover @chrissbluehat @h3arts4harry @wompwomp-1 (if you want to be tagged, comment!)
dividers from @plutism
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Chris’s POV
All week at practice I’ve been getting distracted by Y/n. What? It’s not my fault she’s so fucking hot. And that attitude of hers, shit. I’m lucky she’s never been to one of my parties, even though I want her to come. Me plus her plus alcohol equals disaster. I think the second a drop of alcohol enters my system around her, I’d kiss her. 
On the hockey team, I play center. I’m supposed to be scoring all the goals and leading the team to victory, but this week I’ve been missing the puck left and right. Every time I glance over at the women’s figure skating team, I catch a glimpse of Y/n landing some insane trick. Like right now, she just landed two three sixty turns in a row perfectly on one foot. I don’t know what that move is called, but I know she looked incredible doing it. She looks up, and for a second her gaze meets mine. I look down at the ice, and I can practically feel her sarcastic eye-roll burning into my skin. If looks could kill, I’d be dead a hundred times over. 
“Sturniolo! Come on, get your head out of your ass!” Coach Carter yells across the rink. “Less ogling the girls, more scoring! We got a game on Monday.”
A few of the guys on my team snicker as I awkwardly make my way back to my starting position. “Sorry, coach,” I mumble. One of the wingmen passes me the puck, and I maneuver it up the rink and swing. It flies past the goalie and into the net, and the horn blares out above us. 
“Fuck yeah!” I shout, and turn to look at the figure skaters. Sure enough, Y/n is staring at me. I shoot her a grin, and I swear, I catch her starting to blush. But before I can confirm it, she looks away. 
It’s this little game we play. We pretend to hate each other, or at least, I do. She might actually hate me for all I know, although I hope she doesn’t. Really, we’re just rivals in the academic sense. I can tell she gets mad that I like to party and can still pull good grades. Great grades, even. Grades as good as hers. I don’t try as hard as her, and I know it. The professors love me, the girls love me, and I know how to get what I want. In Model UN, we’re co-presidents, and sometimes I like to debate her on purpose, just because I know I get under her skin. I know that makes me a dick, but so what? She’s a dick to me, too. We’ve had this rivalry since freshman year, and maybe that makes us immature. Going on four years of petty arguments, scowls, and sarcastic remarks. I can’t help it. She’s insufferable. But fuck, she’s so hot. 
I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere between freshman year and now, my feelings for her elevated to include not only reluctant toleration and annoyance, but also pathetic pining. I want her– bad. But she also makes me so angry. With her stupid preppy outfits, her try-hard, kiss-ass attitude, the smug looks she gives me every time she beats me to answering a question in class. She’s enraging. And yet, she’s still who I think about every night when I’m trying to fall asleep. God, what is happening to me?
“Sturniolo!! Alright! Go the hell home– all of you! We’re done here. Come back on Monday with a clear mind. It’s obvious you don’t want to be here right now,” Coach Carter yells.
I don’t move at first, none of us do. He’s never kicked someone out of practice before, let alone the entire team. And it was all my fault. 
“What about Saturday practice?” a guy named Charlie asks.
“Canceled.” We all stare in awe. He must be really mad. “Well? Get the fuck out of my rink!” 
We all scramble to glide off the rink and towards the bleachers. As we pull off our skates and make our way into the locker room to get changed, everyone is giving me dirty looks. I have no defense. I ruined practice because I was thinking about fucking my rival. Who am I? She probably doesn’t even feel the same about me. 
To make it up to the boys, I quickly made an offer. “Alright, guys. I’m sorry about today. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I’ve been having an off week. How about we chill at the ADPhi house tonight? I host, free alc, on me?”
A few guys laugh and smile. One of my friends, Jackson, claps me on the shoulder, “Sorry? You saved us from Saturday practice! We gotta get you in trouble more often!” He laughs, and I do too. “Yeah, man, we’ll see you tonight.” 
I smile and continue changing. It’s good to know not everyone is mad at me. The last thing I want is to let my team down. We all collect our things and make our way back out to the rink, where most of the figure skating team is grabbing their stuff to head out, too. Both the coaches have left at this point, so I feel completely comfortable shouting, “Hey! Hockey-figure skating double party tonight! ADPhi house! You all better fuckin’ be there!” I smile and wink at the women. Most of them smile back and give me nods of affirmation. Except one. 
Y/n keeps her head down, continuing to throw her belongings into her bag as if I didn’t say anything at all. I let out a quiet huff. I sit on the far end of the bleachers until the majority of my teammates and the figure skaters have left, and it’s just me, Y/n, and a few stragglers remaining. I slowly make my way up to her, leaning down to meet her line of sight. 
“What do you want?” she asks like she could not give less of a shit about anything I have to say. Like I’m just the piece of meat standing between her and the library. I hate how much it turns me on, to hear her that pissed off at me. Fuck.
“You coming tonight?” I ask, even though I know the answer. I just want to hear her say it.
“Chris, you know I’m not.” 
I chuckle, “I know you don’t like having fun. I shouldn’t have even asked.” 
This throws her for a loop, and she lets out a shocked sigh. “I do like having fun.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask, giving her a lopsided, cocky smile. “Prove it.” 
Her face flushes, and I pretend I don’t notice. “I don’t have to prove anything to you.” 
“You’re right, you don’t. But think of how good it would feel to show me up. You’re always trying to prove me wrong. Isn’t that like, our whole thing?” 
“We don’t have a ‘thing’,” she says. Ouch. 
“Come on, Y/n. Haven’t you ever wondered what it feels like? To break the rules. Do something no one would ever expect of you.”
Somehow, this is the thing that makes her consider it. I can practically see the gears turning in her head. “Fine.” 
Yes! I smirk. “See you tonight.”
i love this and i cannot wait to write more chapters of this fic! tysm for your patience :)
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boom-boom-boyx2 · 3 months
HQ headcannons bc i need a life!
- he has 4 siblings, this man gives such older brother vibes but at the same time older sister vibes so idrk-
- i’ve decided he has 2 older sisters, and 2 younger siblings (brother & sister)
- this man can’t go a day without out cussing. i’m fully convinced that he doesn’t cuss a lot, but when he does it’s only the word ‘fuck’ and it’s usually said under his breath and ever so hostile.
- when he went to college he would ask the underclassmen to watch over his younger sib’s when he wasn’t in town.
- Yachi would make stickers and keychains and stuff for Kiyoko & Tanaka’s gym and would mail them to Daichi every time a new design came out
- his sister labels all of his sweatshirts with his name on the tag
- when tsukki found out he started to check the tags randomly and would make fun of him
- kags sister plays in a band for fun and they do gigs on the weekends at bars n stuff, so every once in a while the team goes to eat after a game and will listen to her play!
- hinata was trying to figure out why kags hated his hair, and yachi told him “it’s probably bc he’s allergic to oranges!” and now hinata won’t let him live it down.
- kageyama has a couple random things in his room that he bought purely bc they reminded him of his friends, no one knows this tho
- in his sisters phone his contact is “little yama” eng
-in his phone his sisters name is “big yama”eng, but everyone thought is was a typo for ‘big mama’ and daichi hit him on the head bc he thought he was calling his mother fat.
- he knows how to play a little guitar, but only bc his sister told him she wasn’t gonna play volleyball with him anymore and he still wanted to hang out with her.
- when he was younger he was obsessed with fashion and when he saw a pretty outfit or smth, he was asked people about it but once he hit age 10 people started getting scared and running away and that’s how he got his whole “i’m scary and ugly looking” complex
- he once lost a bet in second year to nishinoya and dyed a strand of his hair purple, it was an under layer so you couldn’t really see it u less he pointed it out.
- noya felt bad and dyed his bleached part purple too
- asahi has a younger and older sister, and knows how to do fancy braids and other hairstyles!
- he actually grew out his hair bc his sister wanted/is now a cosmetologist, and wanted to deal with a real persons hair but hers was to short😭
- he used his mom as a mannequin in college for summer projects, but when he became a famous designer he has his mom model his first few designs and his newest designs for a show.
- the videos of that show blew up on yt and tiktok bc everyone was saying “our favorite designer showing that even famous, you can still love your parents!” and on live someone read him that comment and he bursted out laughing and said “plenty of people love their parents even when famous, you just don’t see them as often”
- he was wheezing the entire time trying to explain himself
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much ado about nothing chapter 2 - eren x reader - 18+!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
welcome back to the much ado universe for our second installment! this chapter is just a lot more yearning and getting to know everyone in the uni, fleshing out the mysterious eren a little more, but there's a treat at the end ;)
@toxrez was kind enough to make some LOVELY fan art of this chapter, please find it linked here i am so appreciative so go send her some love!!!!
specific cws: tee tiny pinch of smut, drug/alcohol use, swearing, historia plotting on your downfall like the meddlesome best friend she is
“O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?” - Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Act II, Scene 2)
A solid week or two passes and…nothing. You chastise yourself for being disappointed at Eren’s radio silence, especially since you hadn’t exactly given him a way to contact you. He knows Historia has your number, but he hasn’t reached out to get it from her. And why should you expect him to? the annoying, self-doubting voice in your head corrects you every time you dare to hope, you’re not exactly his usual type.
It’s true; since your run-in, Historia’s been busy doing reconnaissance on anything Eren-related she can pick up from the rumor mill. His dating history is a near-blank, but his “hoe history” as Historia lovingly dubs it, is colorful, full of rave girls and bar rats and Instagram models. You’d drank enough that night that it was entirely plausible you had imagined the excited sparkle in his eyes as you rambled on about misrepresentations of theme in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He had come to Scout’s to work after all, not on the prowl for a sex-starved literature student who couldn’t hold her tequila.
The fact was, he wasn’t interested, cemented after your night out to Scout’s on Halloween. Historia had gone to the trouble of dolling you up in an appropriately slutty outfit on the premise that It’s like, one of the biggest party nights of the entire year. There’s no way he’s not going to be there. But, the bar had been devoid of intoxicating cologne and green eyes, and you’d gone home empty-handed and far more drunk than you’d intended to.
The surprise comes a few days after.
You’re sharing a cup of tea with Historia as she paints your toenails on the couch, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly and enjoying the pampering. As you're moving your thumb to like Sasha's Instagram post, Historia reaches for her phone suddenly and knocks the nail polish bottle over, spilling it all over your– again, hand-painted coffee table. After four years with her, you can only contrive a semblance of annoyance; you’re surprised the table even lasted this long with no major casualties.
“Stor!” You scramble for the bottle, righting it, but Historia’s typing madly on her phone, muttering under her breath.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!”
“What?” You can hardly contain your impatience, trying to quell the hopeful flutter rising in your chest. Historia bites her lip, grins wickedly at you.
“I told you. I told you.”
“Told me what?”
In lieu of an answer, Historia turns her phone to you. You squint to read the texts through the recently-cracked screen.
> Pregame at my place for min’s birthday tn u in?
> for sure! what time?
> 9ish u know the addy?
> yep! we’ll be there.
> See if ur friend wants to come too.
“Your friend?” you scoff, pushing her phone away in painfully feigned disinterest when in reality, your heart is pounding in your throat.
“That’s you,” Historia wiggles her eyebrows meaningfully, as if you weren’t already aware of the fact.
“I resent that,” you say, picking up your phone to continue your mindless scrolling until Historia snatches it from you, fixing you with a pointed look. “What? He can’t even use my name? What a douchebag.”
“That’s just how boys text,” Historia swats your concerns away. You bite back your scathing reminder that Historia has been a loud and proud lesbian since her teenage years and has no idea how “boys text”. Sure, you might be grasping at straws to hate him, resist the temptation rising in your throat, but you’re determined. He humiliated you once, and he won’t get the chance to do it again.
“We’re not going,” you say at the same time as Historia talks over you: “We’re going.” You scowl.
“We have to,” Historia shakes your shoulders, “he was all over you at Scout’s, not to mention that mysterious eight inch claim.”
“He’s had more than a week to reach out, and this is how he decides to do it? Summoning me through you?”
“Maybe he was too shy,” Historia shrugs, returning to painting your last few toes.
“Eren doesn’t strike me as a guy who’s too chicken to ask for a girl’s number, especially after everything you found out from Ymir.” Historia’s girlfriend may have been a bit on the anti-social side, but she somehow knows everyone and everything. Despite her bristly demeanor, Ymir possesses the god-given art of pulling the juiciest gossip out of complete strangers, and it isn’t a talent any of you have let go to waste over the years.
“He might surprise you,” Historia looks up at you through her lashes, “this is all just to get you laid anyway, so don’t think too much into it.”
You bite your lip, allowing her to work on your toes as you slip into thoughtful silence. If you’re honest with yourself, like, really honest, you’re not the best at “just getting laid”. In college, you were always the one stuck on the giving end of a one-sided situationship, and your only solution when it would inevitably fall through was to start anew with an equally terrible guy.
As you’ve leaned into your graduate years, you’ve been able to avoid your past pitfalls, sleeping with guys who are far enough away from your type to avoid heartbreak but cute enough to catch your interest, a category Eren should fall into. Something about him has you trapped, though, the same way you used to be. He makes your head spin, renders your normally pin-sharp thinking null and void, makes you say stupid, stupid things. Things like:
“Okay, fine. But an hour, max.”
You reflect on your stupid mistake as you stand on Eren’s porch with Historia and Ymir, in another cute-but-not-cute-but-not-trying-to-look-not-cute (or, at least, you think that’s the criteria) outfit of Historia’s choice. Historia had insisted on bringing her girlfriend to leave you free to “couple up” with Eren, but you realize all that means is you’re arriving to a party full of strangers as a third wheel. Great.
As Historia knocks, your stomach erupts in a bout of nervous grumbling. Not only have you forgotten to eat, but you haven’t been to a drug dealer’s party since you were probably nineteen. It’s actually quite a cute little house, homey brick with a red door and a well-kept lawn, not the trap den you’ve been envisioning all afternoon. The scene is eerily quiet, no LED lights shining in the windows, the low hum of music at a reasonable volume bumping through the walls. It’s not what you expected, but then again, you’re still on the wrong side of the door.
“Coming!” A voice— a feminine voice— echoes through the inside of the house, and one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen flings open the door. Just fucking great. “Hi, you guys are…?”
“Historia,” Historia chirps, not thrown off in the least. You smile timidly, trying to absorb some of the confidence that rolls off of her as she introduces Ymir and then you. The girl eyes you in particular but not threateningly, a hint of a smile playing on her face.
“Mikasa,” she opens the screen door, letting you inside, “Eren mentioned that you were coming.”
“Really?” Historia’s friendly grin grows devious, and you pinch her arm behind your back. “Ow!”
“You okay?” Mikasa frowns over her shoulder.
“Yeah, just stubbed my toe.” Historia scowls at you.
You round a corner to the source of the music, feeling a little like you’re going to puke, but you’re pleasantly surprised by the scene in front of you. It’s not a rager, and there’s nothing suspicious out except a handful of red solo cups and a couple of expertly-rolled blunts being passed around hand-to-hand.
Armin offers you a small wave from where he’s parked on a loveseat beside a striking, intimidating-looking blonde woman, failing miserably to flirt with her. Mikasa falls into an armchair beside another pretty brunette who’s wearing some sort of work uniform and an apron; her name tag reads Hitch<3. You faintly recognize the guy hitting the bong, his name might be John, and the dude beside him is one of Sasha’s best friends, Connie, who’s been posted on Barstool an impressive four or five times.
Eren comes strolling out of the kitchen with a half-eaten piece of pizza hanging out of his mouth and holding his phone, which he’s squinting at, away from his face like an old man. He looks so ridiculous you almost snort.
“Would you just get some glasses already, dude?” John coughs, waving the smoke out of his face and passing the bong to Connie.
“‘On’t need ‘emph,” Eren’s words are muffled by the pizza as he disproves his point entirely, moving his phone back and forth in the air until it seems he can finally see it. When he finishes his text, he takes notice of you, pulling the pizza out of his mouth with a crooked grin. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you try to come off nonchalant, but it doesn’t work, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“This is—“
“I introduced myself while you were stuffing your face,” Mikasa waves him off, leaning in to look at something on her friend’s phone. Eren scowls at her, moving along.
“Hitch,” he points to the name tag girl who offers a friendly wave, “Annie,” the blonde girl beside Armin on the couch, “Armin— well, you know Armin. Jean,” the mullet dude who’s still coughing, “and Connie.”
A chorus of greetings sounds off from around the room.
“Thank god we’ve finally got some more estrogen around here,” Hitch says to your little group, “these guys are insufferable with anything less than an equal ratio.”
Historia laughs, bouncing over to make further conversation and dragging Ymir behind her. You want to throttle her as she situates herself on the leg of the armchair (that’s already squeaking under two people’s weight) because now you’re left alone with Eren, who ducks into the kitchen and returns, holding something out to you.
You recognize the label of the local beer you’d been drinking at Scout’s the night you met, raising your eyebrows in surprise.
“You drink this, right?” Eren squints at the bottle, examining it. “I thought I remembered, but there was a million others at the store that looked just like it.”
“It’s my favorite,” you admit, accepting it from him with a little flutter in your chest. He grins again, toothy and pleased with himself.
“Good. Well, get comfortable, sit wherever, smoke whatever. I’ll be right back,” he holds up his pizza crust meaningfully, and you stifle a laugh. Eren Jaeger, the intimidating drug dealer apparently known around campus for his giant dick, doesn’t eat his pizza crusts. The thought eases your nerves; he may be the gorgeous, bad-news guy you’d flirted with a couple weeks ago, but he’s also a real person.
You follow his instruction, sitting beside Connie, not so close as to give the wrong impression, but close enough to invite a conversation. He offers a friendly hand.
“You’re Sasha’s friend, right?”
“Yeah,” you shake it, “Connie?”
“I’m surprised you remember. I’ve been backpacking through Thailand for the last eight months, thought everyone would’ve forgotten me by now.”
“Backpacking through Thailand?” You’re impressed.
“He’s only bringing it up so he can talk about it some more,” Jean grunts, shooting Connie an annoyed glance.
“I’d love to hear about it,” you say honestly, “I’ve never traveled.”
Connie launches into a detailed story of his flight over, being crammed between two families with crying babies, the different cities he visited, his bout with food poisoning on a twelve hour bus ride on his side trip to Cambodia. He’s funny and energetic, and it soothes you, lets you relax into the couch a little as you listen intently, asking a question here and there. You’re so caught up in his antics you don’t notice Eren sauntering over, plopping down beside you on the couch.
“Are you talking about Thailand again, bro?” Eren groans, wiping a hand over his face. Connie’s face flushes pink as he frowns.
“That’s what I’m saying!” Jean directs his red-eyed glare at Connie.
“Don’t stop him,” you argue, feeling bad as they dogpile on their friend, “I’m listening, Connie.”
Connie smiles gratefully, continuing on as if he hadn’t been interrupted. Eren sighs, resigned to his fate, and settles into his seat to your left, throwing an arm carelessly over the back of the couch, and, coincidentally, around your shoulders. You feel awful because now you’ve lied; you’re not listening to Connie at all, too encapsulated by both the physical and the emotional weight of Eren’s arm around you. No, you reprimand yourself, he’s just getting comfortable. Don’t read into it.
The hour you promised Historia flies by. You’re thoroughly entertained by Jean, Connie, and Eren’s dynamic; Jean seems like a bit of a hothead, bickering with Eren at every opportunity, but Connie balances them out nicely, providing comedic relief at the perfect moments. When you finish your first drink, Eren’s quick to offer you a second and eventually a third, heading off for the kitchen and throwing your one-hour rule right out of the window. One more won’t hurt, you think, especially since you’re actually enjoying yourself. With the lack of distraction, you’re now free to look across the room where Annie, Armin, Historia, Mikasa, and Ymir are all huddled in a circle around a phone. You hear Historia’s drunken giggle and decide to interfere.
“What are you guys doing over there?”
Historia and Ymir exchange an inspired look that makes you sick to your stomach as Eren returns, throwing his arm back over you and peering at the screen in Historia’s hand. “Is that that Truth or Dare app?”
“You know it?” Historia’s eyes sparkle; you can feel it in your bones that’s she’s just concocted a fresh form of torture for you.
“Sort of.” Eren scratches his head, unwitting to the plot you can see unfolding right in front of you.
“Play with us, then!” Historia smiles innocently, beckoning you over. You know better and start to hesitate, but Eren smirks at you.
“What? Too chicken?”
You scowl at him childishly, and turn back to Historia, gesturing to her to bring the game over to the center of the room. You all get re-settled with the new focal point of Ymir’s phone as Historia explains the rules: the phone will pass from player to player, and whoever is holding the phone gets the opportunity to read a truth or a dare prompt to someone in the circle. Simple enough, you think, relieved that Historia won’t have the creative liberty to think of anything humiliating.
“We’re playing the spicy version,” Ymir smirks, “hope you guys don’t mind.”
Fuck. So much for that idea. You try to stay calm under Eren’s arm, praying he doesn’t feel your body tense up.
Historia goes first, daring Connie to reveal his body count. The phone moves to Armin, who has to dare Annie to kiss him on any body part of her choosing, a pink stain erupting on his cheeks when she leans in to peck his nose. The dares progressively get worse until you’re all in stitches laughing at Ymir and Jean tentatively touching tongues, Ymir retching into her hand dramatically afterwards.
“Okay, I’m not that bad,” Jean frowns, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“I have an aversion to men,” Ymir hisses, narrowing her eyes. Historia pets her girlfriend’s hair soothingly.
“Down, girl. Go, Armin!”
Armin presses the little rolling dice icon on the screen, and the game chimes as it arrives at its decision. Wide, blue eyes meet yours, and he says your name, asks the question.
“Truth or dare?”
You want to pick truth, take the safe route, but after a couple of drinks and Eren calling you a chicken, you can’t convince yourself to. See, Eren? I can be fun.
“Dare,” you answer confidently. Historia winks at you; you ignore her. Armin reads the screen, the corner of his mouth curling up mischievously.
“It’s daring you to sit on Eren’s lap.”
You blanche. The lap-sitting dare’s already been called several times: Armin himself is reading your dare out from where he’s perched on Hitch’s thighs. But Eren? Surely, Historia rigged it; you look to her in a panic, but her face is simply split into an anticipatory grin. You’re frozen for a beat until Eren shuffles around beside you.
“C’mon then,” Eren grunts, hooking you under the armpits and scooping you up onto his lap, wrapping his arms around your stomach so your ass is pressed firmly into his crotch. You look over your shoulder at him, positive that your eyes are comically wide in surprise; you’ve been able to feel the ripples in his arms through his hoodie all night, but you hadn’t expected him to be so strong. Eren shrugs from behind you, an impish smile on his face. “‘S just a dare. I don’t bite.”
“Don’t believe him,” Mikasa deadpans from across the table, “he’s got rabies.”
That lightens the tension between you, and you exhale an easy laugh, wiggling around on Eren’s lap until you’re comfortable. You hear Eren suck in a sharp breath behind you, low enough that only you catch it. 
“You okay? Am I too heavy?”
Eren meets your eyes, almost looking a little startled that you heard him. “No, yeah, m’fine.”
There’s a strain to his voice that wasn’t there before, but you opt to ignore it, hoping you aren’t making him uncomfortable. You have to force yourself to focus on the game and not the heat of his hands sinking through your shirt, unmoving from their station on your hips. The game continues amidst several roaring rounds of laughter: Jean has to “slide his hand up Armin’s thigh suggestively”, Mikasa has to lick Hitch’s neck, Historia has to tell everyone her favorite sex position.
Hitch gets dared to kiss you next, standing and walking to where you sit on Eren, giving you a chaste peck on the lips full of tipsy giggles. Jean, Connie, Eren, and Armin are rendered silent, much to the girls’ amusement.
“Hello?” Mikasa waves a hand in front of Jean’s unblinking eyes; he swats her away irritably. You peek at Eren to see a perverted grin splitting his face; he looks happy as a clam. You pinch his thigh, making him jump.
“Ow! Damn, what was that for?” He rubs his thigh, voice wounded.
“Being a creep,” you say, but the smile twitching at your lips betrays you. Eren’s eyes grow imperceptibly darker, in a private way that feels like it’s just meant for you.
“If you think that’s bad…” he trails off, shaking his head and wrapping his arms against your stomach, snuggling you into his chest. You kick your feet in protest, laughing as you try to shove him off, but Eren’s got you pinned to him, eyebrows raised in amusement at your struggle. He sneaks a hand to your ribcage, digging his fingers in to tickle you. “C’mon, you’re not even trying!”
“Stop, Eren- fuck, that tickles!” You manage to choke out around your furious giggles, worming around in his iron grip.
“Can you lovebirds cut it out?” Jean shoves Eren’s shoulder harshly, nearly knocking you both off the couch. You slide off of his lap, already having fallen halfway off in the struggle, cheeks burning as you come back to the room full of half-strangers and out of the little moment you’ve just had with Eren. You can feel Historia’s eyes burning a smug hole in your forehead. “It’s almost eleven, if we’re going out we need to get moving.”
“Shit, really?” Eren’s still catching his breath, pulling his phone out of his back pocket to check for himself. Sure enough, 10:57 is glaring white on the screen back at him. The past week hits you, and suddenly you’re so tired, unwilling to face Scout’s or wherever they’re planning on going. “Scout’s or Devil’s Paradise? What are you guys in the mood for?”
You feel the permanence of the few drinks you’ve had and the lack of sleep this past week setting in, eyes heavy. “I think I’m probably just going to head home.”
You’re met with a resounding round of protests from the group. Only Eren is there to come to your defense, swinging an arm around you and pulling your ear to his mouth. “Want me to take you?”
He’s only had one beer, safe enough and far preferable to stumbling through the cold streets half-drunk and alone. You nod; you’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the exhaustion, but your eyes flutter, and you lean into his embrace. 
“I’ll meet up with you guys later,” Eren says, waving his friends out the door; his tone leaves no room for argument. Ordinarily, you’d be embarrassed at the way he speaks for you, but you’re grateful for it now, legs draped over his while the rest of your party files out.
“Text me when you’re home!” Historia calls, she and Ymir making up the caboose of the line that files out of the door in search of more fun to be had. You’re not worried about missing out, content with the warmth of Eren’s body against yours. Once the door shuts, you two sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, Eren scrolling on his phone and you drifting dangerously close to sleep, curled into him.
“Ready?” Eren’s inquisition isn’t pressing; he actually sounds more than happy to let you lay here for the rest of the night, let you take advantage of his status as a personal space heater and cuddle up for the next few hours.
“Ready,” you reluctantly sigh, allowing him to pull you to your feet and out the door. You let him practically carry you, leaning on him heavily until he buckles you into his obnoxious muscle car. Eren starts the engine only for metal music to come blaring out of the speakers.
“Fuck!” Eren jumps, scrambling to turn it down. “Sorry.”
You’re so tired you’re barely phased, laughing sleepily and pulling your knees to your chest, making yourself comfortable in the seat. “S’ok.”
The red LED lights lining the accents of the leather inside soothe you, the movement of the car rocking you softly as he pulls out and onto the street, driving you home. This is far too comfortable for a potential one night stand at best, but you’re too exhausted to care, little tidbits of Elizabethan English literature rocketing around in your tired mind. The car ride is short, your head bobbing against the cool windowpane as you watch the streetlights pass by. When you arrive, Eren places a hand on your knee, warming your skin through your jeans.
“Sure you’re okay?” You don’t miss the note of concern in his tone, smiling to yourself.
“Yeah,” you answer, shaking yourself awake as best you can, “I’m fine. Just tired, s’all.”
Eren looks dubious, searching your face. “You don’t seem like the type of girl to fall asleep at the pregame.”
“It’s school,” you admit, “and work. I’ve gotten like six hours of sleep in two days.”
 “Want me to walk you up?”
“You don’t have to.”
“That’s not what I asked.”  The authority in his voice isn’t something you’ll soon forget, feeding the flames in your core.
“I’m a big girl, Eren, I’ll be fine. I just have to hop through that door,” you point at the illuminated door in the parking garage, “into the elevator, and then third door on the–”
“Left. I remember,” Eren finishes for you, leaning onto the center console. He’s very close to your face, close enough for you to graze your hand over his cheek, which, you do, curiosity and beer outweighing your common sense. Your eyes are wide open now, studying him. You know you’re staring at his lips, too forward for your relationship as it stands, but you’re tipsy and far beyond tired and you can’t help yourself. In the low lighting of the parking garage, he’s gorgeous, eyes almost glowing.
You’re not sure who leans in, but you feel your lips brush together, tentative and shaky. He leans into you further, pressing his lips fully against yours. His mouth is even hotter than his hands were, searing as he kisses you deeper. You can feel his hand come up to caress your cheek, cupping your face and pulling you closer to him. You hate yourself for it, but a little whimper escapes you, pouring into him. Eren takes advantage of your open lips, swipes his tongue against your teeth, and before you know it, he’s pulling you over the center console to straddle in his lap.
He’s not too rough with you, but he’s insatiable, his hands traveling up your back, one landing on the back of your neck to hold you firmly to him and the other gripping your ass through your jeans, drinking you down like he’s a man starved. You nip at his bottom lip, wide awake now and grateful for the slight tint to his windows. Your hands run through his hair, nails scratching against his scalp, and it earns you a throaty groan from deep inside his chest, making you smile against his lips.
“You sure you don’t want me to walk you up?” Eren murmurs, mouthing at your jaw. The sound of his voice grounds you a little, and you giggle breathlessly as he brushes over a particularly ticklish spot. 
“Told you I’m a big girl,” you whisper, “what do I need you for?”
Eren smirks, dark and dangerous. “Might need me to protect you. Who knows? There’s all sorts of awful guys who would love to take advantage of a pretty little thing like you.”
“Is that so?”
“Mhm,” Eren’s half-hooded eyes flick down to your chest and back up to your eyes, making your regretful response twice as difficult to get out.
“I need to go to bed, and you need to go with Armin’s birthday thing,” you sigh, leaning back against the steering wheel. You’re well aware you don’t have the willpower to turn him down to your lips inches away, but it’s late, and you could use the sleep. Not to mention the 8:00 am lecture waiting for you first thing in the morning. “Isn’t he like, your best friend?”
Eren groans dramatically, throwing his head back against the headrest.
“Armin won’t mind, I mean,” he traces a hand up your body, fingers grazing you from hip to chest, “just look at you.”
“What?” You cock your head playfully. Eren rakes his gaze over your body, stopping in a few choice places, something wicked pulling at the corner of his mouth.
“Really gonna make me say it?”
You smirk down at him. “Maybe.”
“You’re trouble,” he tackles you again, pulling you into another kiss that’s all tongue and teeth and giggles. Eventually you find the willpower to shove yourself away from him, knocking your spine into the steering wheel with a short honk that makes laughter spill from both of you.
“Okay, really, unless you would also like to wake up at 6:30, I should get going.” You dab at the little tears pricking your eyes, trying to catch your breath. “Plus, you’d be a bad friend if you didn’t head back out for Armin’s birthday.”
“Can’t have that,” Eren agrees, regret flickering over his face. He reaches for his door handle so you can climb out on his side, but he changes his mind, withdrawing his hand and going for his phone instead.
“What is it?”
“Before you go,” Eren slides his phone open, tongue caught between his lips— God, he’s so fucking cute, “lemme get your number.”
You can’t help yourself, crossing your arms over your chest. “Oh, so now you want my number.”
Eren frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Could’ve asked Historia all week.”
An indignant flush rises in his cheeks. “I’m a man. I wanted to ask you myself, in person. Plus…”
The rest of his words taper off into a quiet mumble that you can’t quite catch. “Plus what?”
“I was nervous,” Eren raises his gaze to meet your eyes sheepishly, cheeks now bright red. Your heart thuds in your chest; he really is beautiful, with his long dark lashes and strong nose. You can hardly conceptualize the fact that he’d just kissed you- twice. A teasing smile tugs at your mouth.
“‘M not exactly your type, am I?” You can barely hold your laugh in, remembering your own cyclical, self-disparaging thoughts over the last few days.
“Give me that.” You snatch his phone and type your number in, handing it back to him with a smile. “Okay, I really should head up now.”
Eren concedes, throwing his door open for you to clamber off of his lap, stand in the doorway of his car, look down at him. Eren stares at you for a beat, running his eyes up and down your body. You start to step back, bid him goodnight, when he breaks out into a boyish grin, raises a hand to flick two fingers at you in a come-hither motion.
“Get back over here.”
You dissolve into giggles, feeling light as air, leaning back into the car to indulge him in one- no, two, or maybe three more kisses before you’re pushing yourself off of him with a quiet moan. “Eren, I need to go to bed, really, I do.”
“I know,” he sighs, leaning back into his seat. If you dare to look down, you can see where his pants are starting to tent, a thick bulge behind the zipper. You swallow hard; maybe he’ll end up living up to his impressive reputation after all. It takes every ounce of nerve in your body, but you step back from the car and wave meekly.
“Goodnight, Eren.”
“I’ll see you,” Eren smiles, shutting his door. Before you can even make it through the door, your phone buzzes, and you pull it out with a knowing smile.
> nice ass ;) sleep tight
It's so crude it makes you laugh out loud, turning around to see Eren snickering to himself childishly in his car. You toss him your middle finger as a response, only making him laugh harder. You don't hear the roar of his engine until you're already stepping into the elevator. The ride up feels long, exacerbated by your exhaustion, and you lean heavily on the wall, nervous butterflies dancing in your stomach as if you’d just had your first kiss. Your phone buzzes again, and you know who it is before you even unlock the screen.
> make it home safe? it’s ok if u don’t answer bc ur wrapped up in bed with ur boy toy ;)
Historia’s text would have ordinarily annoyed you, but you’re so giddy and love-drunk you giggle to yourself, thumbs trembling as you type back.
> he just dropped me off. he’s heading back to u guys now
> what???? nothing happened?
> i don’t kiss and tell
> aha! so u DID kiss him
> maybe…
Your phone buzzes close to a dozen times after that, but you pocket it, figuring you can just fill Historia in in the morning. You want nothing more than to collapse in your bed, but the lingering taste of Eren on your lips is distracting you. All throughout your skincare and your tooth brushing and your changing clothes, it still feels like his hands are ghosting over your body.
When you finally tuck yourself in, you slither a hand down your body and into your pajama shorts, rubbing mindlessly until you cum with the memory of Eren’s mouth and everything it might be capable of on your mind and his name on your tongue. You feel a lick of hot shame as you throw your shorts into the hamper, but a rush of elation follows it up. Eren wants you just as badly as you want him, and now, you’ve gathered enough evidence to do something about it. One good fuck, you decide, and he’ll be out of your system. Just one.
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ncityprincess · 2 years
sweet like candie 💻🍭
loser jae x cam girl oc
a long overdue sequel to the peeping jae. our favorite engineering student found himself in a pickle a few weeks ago. as mortified as he was, he quickly discovered a new side to himself. let’s see how he handles this newfound boldness.
not proofread 🤷🏾‍♀️
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xocandiegirlxo has logged on
jaehyun's heart was racing, eagerly waiting for the fun to begin. 8:00 pm had quickly become his favorite time of day, because that’s when candie, his new favorite cam girl, did her solo shows.
the engineering student spent all of winter break locked in his bedroom with the curtains closed and his laptop on. ever since that incident happened last month, jaehyun’s head was polluted with the filthiest thoughts imaginable. he desperately needed an outlet for them.
he pleasured himself way more than he ever had in his life. every time he closed his eyes, all he could think about were the raunchy images of y/n and johnny fucking each other right before his eyes. as freaked out and embarrassed as he was, it piqued his interest in sex even more. it’s not like he had much access to women, as he wasn’t exactly a ladies man. his lower head started to do all of the thinking for him, and eventually he found a way to get his foot into the door.
he turned to camgirls.
jaehyun, the extremely intelligent but generally nervous college student, had discovered a cam girl site not too long ago. being that he wasn't the type to approach a girl in real life, he decided to take his shot with a beautiful cam model. separated by a computer screen and however many miles, it was a safe way to practice being comfortable with women. tonight, he had transferred a few hundred dollars from his savings account to book a private session with his favorite cam girl, candie.
candie was perfect in his eyes. she was sweet, stunningly gorgeous, had the brightest smile and this distinct twinkle in her eye. she was an angel. and sure, she had a way of making men feel special. it was her job after all. but when candie spoke, it was as if she was speaking to jaehyun and only jaehyun.
the video chat was connecting, each agonizingly long second made jaehyun's pants tighter and tighter.
candie finally popped onto the screen, looking as beautiful as ever. she wore a pink lacy lingerie set, and tied her long locks back with a matching pink ribbon. her lips were plump and kissable, which was exactly what jaehyun wanted to do to her right now.
"hi baby, i didn’t get to see you during the last few shows", candie said with a pout.
"hi candie...sorry, my family came over and i wasn’t able to log on. i missed you so much” jaehyun said sincerely.
"aww, I missed you too baby boy. my show wasn’t the same without your sweet comments in the chat"
jaehyun scratched the back of his head shyly.
"mmm, so, what kind of fun are we gonna get into tonight, handsome?” candie said in her pretty, flirty voice.
"...umm, hmm, uh..." jaehyun bashfully stuttered.
"don't be shy baby, we always have such a good time when we're together, isn't that right?"
"yeah, yeah we do"
"we sure do! go on, tell me, what do you wanna see me do for you?"
candie let her hands roam across her voluptuous body, sensing that the shy man needed to relax a little more.
"do you like my outfit baby? I put it on just for you. it's my favorite color, pink!" candie said with a giggle.
"it looks lovely on you, but could you maybe...stand up. so I can see it better?"
"hehe, you want me to give you a little spin, baby?"
"please" he said eagerly
candie giggled again and slowly stood up from her bed. she tilted her webcam so that jaehyun could see all of her. she ran her hands up and down her body, spending a little extra time on her bra clad breasts. she let out little soft sounds of satisfaction. jaehyun leaned a little closer to his laptop screen, finally starting to get into a lusty haze. candie turned around slowly, bending over slightly so that he could get a good view of her plush ass. jaehyun ran his hands up his legs, slowly unbuttoning his pants.
candie turned back around and faced the camera.
"did you like my little fashion show, baby?"
"yeah" he grunted
candie tossed her hair over her shoulder. “what should i do now, handsome?”
jaehyun collected himself and gathered enough courage to speak his true thoughts.
“i wanna see you play with yourself…. if…that’s okay with you?”
“i thought you’d never ask. i’m sooooo horny baby. i’ve been dying to touch myself all day. how should i do it?” candie purred sweetly.
“uh…take your clothes off first, then touch your boobs please”
candie giggled at jaehyun’s polite demeanor. she could tell he was someone who didn’t get out much. but unlike the guys she normally got requests from, jaehyun still remained respectful, even in a dirty situation like this. he actually treated her like a human being.
jaehyun got harder and harder as he watched his favorite cam girl strip out of her lingerie. he felt like he was watching some sort of goddess enchant him.
candie followed his instructions and began to fondle her perky chest, running her hands over her hard nipples. “mmm baby i wish you were here to do it for me” candie moaned out.
“yeah, me too candie. would you let me kiss all over your boobs if i was there?”
“yeah” she breathed out.
“n-now can you maybe touch your pussy?”
candie’s hand moved down her stomach and stopped at her wetness, allowing it to coat her hand. she moved her hand in small circles on her clit, moaning softly at the friction.
“mmmm baby i’m so wet already, need you to help me make it better”
the neediness in candie’s voice made jaehyun shove his hand into his boxers once and for all. he groaned as his hand gripped his shaft, giving it a light squeeze. his ministrations became more focused as he heard candie get louder.
“baby i want you so fucking bad. wish you were in my mouth right now. i’d take you so deep in my throat if you’d let me. would you like that?”
“fuuuck yeah i would” jaehyun’s hand was working overtime moving up and down his length. he couldn’t believe he had a pretty girl in front of him doing whatever he wanted. he watched her slip two fingers inside of her glistening hole and she laid back flat onto her bed, giving him a perfect view of her pussy.
“wanna be your little slut for you babe. i’d let you have me whenever you wanted. you wouldn’t even have to say a word. i’d just lie back and let you have it. you’re so fucking sexy” candie moaned.
jaehyun didn’t even care if she was laying it on thick or not. her words were getting him exactly where he needed to be. he was so close to cumming, but he didn’t want the moment to be over so soon. he couldn’t keep his hands off of himself though. it felt too good to stop now.
“fuckkkk. fuck yourself really fast now. and rub your clit too. i’m so close baby.” jaehyun was surprised by the sound of his own voice. he had never heard himself sound so gruff and husky before. it was starting to give him some newfound confidence.
“ahhhh. i wanna cum so bad baby. make me cum make me cum pleaseeeee” candie whined. jaehyun’s eyes were lazer focused on her hand moving frantically in and out of her body. each motion made her breasts jiggle. he was so close he could taste it.
“fuck, let’s cum at the same time, yeah?”
“please baby i’ll do anything. just wanna cum.”
jaehyun started a countdown from 10 all the way to 1. he heard candie let out a sexy, drawn out wail as she came. immediately after, he shot out a hefty load all over his hand and boxers. he let out a guttural groan as he milked himself dry, overstimulating himself just how he liked it.
a few moments passed and jaehyun grabbed a kleenex to wipe off his hand. he felt his ears get red and had a bashful look on his face. he couldn’t believe he just did that. but he didn’t regret it one. bit.
“hehehe, i had a lovely time tonight, handsome boy. we should do this again sometime.” candie said sincerely and she grabbed her discarded lingerie.
“of course! you made me feel so good baby. you’re a perfect gentleman” candie smiled at him softly.
jaehyun smiled and scratched the back of his head. “oh! let me send you your tip. you were amazing, as usual. i really hope we can do this again soon candie.”
jaehyun sent $300 to her profile, and candie smiled widely.
“you are so sweet! thank you for your generosity. will i see you again for tomorrow’s show, handsome?”
jaehyun wanted to see her every single night for the rest of his life.
the end 😁
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aswho1estuff · 4 months
I love it, my designer
EP #2
Dior for I adore, Versace I can't stay away
Plot- Taylor feels understood, cherish, and quite frankly loved the problem is her husband isn’t anywhere in the equation. The root of the problem is the model her husband assigned her to photograph.
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"Lemme lock this up and we're out" I say putting my keys in my purse. "Not the silent treatment" I announce laughing. Looking up I follow Diana's gaze to meet Hyunjin.
"Oh, hi Ms. Carter, and ?" Hyunjin says walking over."Hey this is Diana my friend, what are you doing here today?" I say shaking his hand after Diana "Well I'm moving my activities under this company and need a stylist soon, So everyone told me come to you".
"You should definitely work with Sasha then, she's one of the best assets here" Diana jumps in poking me forward. "That would be wonderful actually" Hyunjin grins at Diana. Pushing her I say "Don't mind her, when do you need the outfit".
"I'll need them in two weeks actually, one for the carpet and another for the after party" he lets out low. I sigh laughing "I'm gonna need all your time these two weeks then no debates". "My lips are sealed" Hyunjin whispers.
"We should take him to lunch with us then" Diana says quickly almost giving me whiplash "you know for business and time management and stuff" she lets out sheepishly.
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"And that's when she came with me up to that school id never seen those girls so scared before" Diana cackles at the retailing making me and Hyunjin laugh. "You've always been so caring huh" he says leaning over.
"she has don't let her tell you otherwise, that's why I'm glad you were able to care for her yesterday" Diana says softly she's always worried about me even though I'm older. "It was my pleasure really, I enjoyed every minute truly" Hyunjin states smiling.
"did something happen that day though before I came? if I can ask of course" Hyunjin asks low. "It's alright it was just my anniversary that day and it didn't go how I planned it would" I elaborate.
"I didn't know it was your anniversary I would have got you something" "Hyunjin you don't have to do that, it's alright" I cant fathom the thought that he and Diana would be the only ones who'd actually given me a gift.
"Well if not for your anniversary then I should get you something for our anniversary yesterday was the first day we met. You became my photographer and now stylist I think our relationship will be a long and beautiful one" Hyunjin says smiling. "Oh sorry y'all, my rides here gotta head back to the office but have fun" Diana says grabbing her purse as we wave her off.
"let's get to business then, your manager has messaged me with your brand deals so we can hit up a shop nearby for inspiration" I say muddling through my purse grabbing my wallet. "No need I've already got it" "you sure?" I ask "I want to".
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Ohh this purse is cute wait look at those shoes. "You should try them on, a little pleasure with business is okay" Hyunjin slightly smiles. "I couldn't.... maybe just for a second" I say grabbing the shoes from him. Throwing my shoes off I put them on "wow okay she's cute" I say pointing to the shoes "indeed she is" Hyunjin adds laughing.
"okay let me take em off before I get attached" gigging I sit down reaching for the shoe Hyunjin stops my hand "you don't want them?" He asks confused. "I shouldn't Ive got enough shoes really you know" I reply slowly pulling off the shoes. These are gonna live in my dreams for weeks "but you can never have too much of what you like" Hyunjin says helping me up.
"well I think daniel would disagree and he's right I do have too many shoes, I probably wouldn't wear them often anyways I'm more of a purse girl" I say putting them back.
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"You've got a package" Daniel says putting it on the bed. "Thanks?" I tell him as he walks out closing the door. Versace? This can't be I think Opening the box to find a note.
"I got the black purse so you can switch with the white one you have. Our first anniversary of many years to come I hope." - Hyunjin
<-Ep. #1 Ep.#3->
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glamgirlkayla · 2 months
How to Be a Girly Girl: 7 Tips of How to Be More Girly
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So, how to be awesome? Well, opinions are divided. There are some that think being feminine is old-fashioned, while others see it as an advantage. Honestly, it’s all about your personal preference. If you are drawn to girly things like dresses and makeup and flowery accessories, then embrace it. If you’re more laid back and like to dress like a tomboy, then go for it. Don’t force yourself to change for anyone else. Accept yourself the way you are.
However, if you are willing to break outside of your comfort zone and embrace change, we can offer you some advice on how to be more of a girly girl. However, you don’t need to be a delicate feminine flower to be happy. You have the power within you. You simply need to be willing to embrace it.
How to Be a Girly Girl: Key Tips
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If you wonder how to be happy, it starts with loving yourself. Yes, love yourself the way you are. And never, ever change yourself for anyone else. Always remain true to your heart.
And being feminine doesn’t mean you have to wear frilly dresses, sport a strand of pearls, sit at home baking and knitting all day and wear high heels 24/7. You can find jeans, skirts, slacks and blouses that are feminine, as well. And cute flats and platform shoes can be just as cute as heels. Not everyone can walk around all day in 6-inch stilettos. So, take this article with a grain of salt and pick what works best for you. It’s also all in the way you carry yourself and in your mindset, as well. Hopefully, some of our tips on how to be a girly girl can get you started!
Keep Up with Current Fashion
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You don’t have to wear designer clothes or attend Fashion Week, but it can’t hurt to keep up with current trends. Check out fashion magazines and fashion bloggers online to stay informed about the latest trends. You don’t have to spend a lot of money either. You can always pick clothes on sale. It can’t hurt to add a pretty dress or skirt to update your wardrobe. You don’t need to dress like a runway model, but it would be nice to up your game and dress a bit more feminine.
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Girly girls love their accessories. A cute pair of heels, a hat, a purse, some lovely earrings, a bracelet or necklace. A fun feminine accessory can really spice up an outfit and will make you feel more feminine. Treat yourself to that nice purse that you’ve been eyeing for weeks. Throw on some hoop earrings and pull those kitten heels out of your closet. A little bit can go a long way when it comes to accessories!
Experiment with Makeup & Hairstyles
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One of the best things about being a woman is the ability to experiment with different hairstyles and makeup. There is a huge variety out there today, from funky colors to daring haircuts to fancy makeup styles. There are plenty of tutorial videos available online for both hair and makeup ideas, so go to town and have a blast playing around with different looks. Embrace the playful young girl inside you and try that bold new look!
Don’t Forget the Fragrance
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Traditionally, there are fragrances that are considered masculine or feminine. Specifically, musky scents are more masculine, while floral and fruity scents are more feminine. Stay away from heavy musky scents and become a girly girl. And don’t wear anything that’s too overpowering. Spritz just a little behind your ears or on your wrists.
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If you really have trouble getting into the right mindset, read some “chick lit,” or watch some “chick flick.” Read some magazines that are issued for women. Also, don’t be afraid to express your emotions. That is, don’t be overly sappy, but don’t be cold either. Girly ladies are a bit more open with their feelings. Smile and laugh more and bat your eyelashes sometimes. Toss your hair over your shoulder and cock your head to one side. A little innocent flirting can go a long way! If you act the part, it will soon be your second nature!
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Be confident, but not cocky. Girly ladies are also easy going. Have some faith in yourself and carry yourself with some attitude. Embrace the girly lady inside you and let her shine through.
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Always be polite and courteous. Say please and thank you and make eye contact. Let a man hold open a door for you or hold your bags. Just because you are a strong independent woman doesn’t mean chivalry is dead!
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mishasminion360 · 2 years
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I saw your response to my comment earlier and I thought of a request!
Our sweet bean Javi Gutierrez and plus size female reader. Reader needs a body confidence boost from a bikini they bought on a whim and he helps them feel more confident and comfortable. Just absolute fluff. Thank you!
Oh, my dear @twistedboxy, it would be my pleasure to complete such a request! Please enjoy 😊
More to Love
Javi Gutierrez X plus size fem!reader
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Warnings: Angst; body insecurities; self-deprecation; hurt/comfort; fluff; Javi G being the perfect and supportive boyfriend we know he is.
Summary: When a new outfit isn’t as flattering to your full figure as you’d hoped, your man makes certain you never doubt how beautiful you are again.
A/N: As a plus sized gal myself it’s high time I wrote a fic giving full figured gals some much deserved love. (Full figured fellas are beautiful, too!) A lot of this was written from my perspective, the way I view myself, so this was a rather cathartic process.
Large, dimpled thighs, a second chin eclipsing the first, a stomach that sags and a pair of breasts that match. These are the first things you see each and every time you look into the mirror; where your eye (and everyone else’s) is immediately drawn to. These features overshadow the rest.
Sometimes, some days you don’t think you look so bad. Other days, days like today, moments like this one, you can’t stand the sight of yourself.
No matter which way you turn, no matter which angle you see yourself at, it doesn’t hide or at least lessen the impact of the painful truth: the bikini was a bad idea.
You love the beach but loathe the attire. Whenever you dare go out to soak up the sun you hide as much of yourself as possible under baggy shirts and cutoffs that fall just above the knee. You’d bought the yellow polka dot bikini on a whim. You’d spotted it on a clearance rack practically crying out for attention, and a little voice at the back of your mind had said, “now’s your chance! Step outside of your comfort zone. Get a little something special to make yourself feel sexy.”
But appraising yourself now you feel anything but. The two piece is just too itsy bitsy, too teenie weenie. And you’re….not. And that horrid realization brings you to your knees. You’re struggling not to completely crumble when you hear a soft tap at the bathroom door.
“Bonita, everything okay? I thought you were going to model for me.”
That’s right. Another reason you’d gotten the ludicrous idea to purchase the suit. You had hoped it would be a confidence boost, that it’d make you feel attractive. Not just for your benefit. You wanted to look good for your significant man friend. For Javi.
Rich, successful, charming Javi. Who could have his pick from a sea of busty, beautiful, doll-like woman who toss themselves into his path. But instead, for reasons you still don’t understand, he’d chosen you. And you can’t even be beautiful for him.
“It doesn’t fit,” you whimper from the solitude of the bathroom.
“Are you alright?”
“It…doesn’t f-fit.”
The door opens with a soft click and the next thing you know Javi is kneeling before you, his comforting hands squeezing your arms.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?”
“What’s wrong? Javi, look at me!”
“I am,” he says gently. “There’s no one I’d rather look at.”
You scoff and wipe at your eyes. It’s hard to be so down when Javi is so easily able to lift your spirits.
“I should have known I couldn’t pull off a bikini.”
“Then forget the bikini,” he says casually. “We can go skinny dipping instead.”
“There’s nothing skinny about me, Javi,” you snort. “Just once I wanted to look pretty. For me. For you.”
His hands slip from your arms to your cheeks. “Honey, you are beautiful.”
“No. No, I’m not. I’m huge.”
He breathes a sigh through his nose as he chews on his lower lip. He hates it when you get this way, you know he does. He doesn’t like it when you speak ill of yourself.
“You’re not huge,” he insists. “You’re a little bigger than most gals, but you have to be.”
“What? Why? What do you mean?”
“Well, you have to be a little roomier to contain that big personality of yours.”
A laugh bursts forth—a sound from the depths of your soul—and Javi cracks a smile.
“On the day we met, do you know what the first thing I noticed about you was?”
You pinch a roll of skin between your fingers with an inquisitive look.
“No,” he chuckles. “Your eyes.”
“Really, really. One look into those peepers and I was over the moon. Then I heard that laugh of yours and I knew I was a goner. I never stood a chance.”
He really is too good to you. You can’t even stay upset with yourself when he breaks out that smooth talk.
He helps you from the floor and pulls you before the mirror as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“I have never once thought of you as anything less than perfect,” he says kissing your cheek as he holds you tighter. “But the size of your hips can’t hold a candle to the size of your heart. The package isn’t nearly as important as the contents.”
You allow him to kiss the few remaining tears from your reddened cheeks as his fingers nimbly work out the knot tied at the back of your neck and the bikini top tumbles away.
“And trust me when I tell you that the only problem with this bikini is that you’re still wearing it.”
“You still want to go skinny dipping?”
“Not without you, I don’t.”
With a smirk you tug off the bottoms and let them join the top on the bathroom floor.
“Then you’d better lose those clothes, Mr. Gutierrez. Can’t race me to the pool with your pants around your ankles.”
He yanks his shirt over his head and discards it with your swim suit.
“Oh, yee of little faith.”
@grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @lv7867 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @pascalsky @pascalpanic @heythere-mel @healingstardust @delorena @pedropasxal @caesaryoulater @kiizhikehn-cedar @hellovanessax-deactivated202209 @fangirling-alert @fromthedeskoftheraven @axshadows @dragon-scales88 @spacepastel-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @pbeatriz-blog @hauntedmama @mswarriorbabe80 @horton-hears-a-honk @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @a-trial-run-on-paper @oonajaeadira @foli-vora @dhadiirah @felicisimor @practicalghost @luz-introvertida @amneris21 @hb8301 @tanzthompson @littlemisspascal @dobbyjen @supernaturalgirl20 @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed @trickstersp8 @neganwifey25-blog
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discluded · 2 years
inspired by your post, i scrolled through that YSL collection and the thought of Apo in the silk cummerbund shirt will haunt me forever. it was made for his waist and we'll never see him in one, pure devastation. anyway, if boc saw the light and hired you as MA's stylist, who else would you dress them in?
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lol remember when our biggest problem with how ugly that Dior fashion show outfit was. oh to go back to the devastating problems of... 2 days ago 🤣
I'm a little afraid to answer with my fashion brand thoughts since the last time I did it, I mentioned this Celine jacket for Mile (on Sept 4), and I'm a bit worried I manifested it (vs. Vogue gala Sept 21) at the expense of Cannes, but like...at this point literally what worse thing can happen? Them wearing a sexy shirt that I think would fit their style!? Going to another fancy event dressed up all sexy?! Going to another international film festival that's not Cannes?!
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I think Celine and Tom Ford are great classics choices. To the second anon, they do look good in Ralph Lauren too!
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RL is kind of preppy for my taste (as someone who had to suffer going to high school in America with people who were dressed in preppy RL clothes), but I think they look great in them. I think an equiv is probably Burberry which they did for their Central Embassy video shoot
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One unexpected choice I'd love to see is Versace! @nattaphum was skeptical when I mentioned that when we chatted about it in Sept (and as an Italian who has to look at Versace ... they do have a reputation!) But the way they dressed Apo was so lovely and bold for NewGen Fashion Awards. I'd love to see Mile in some color, and while I can't say I want to wear Versace, I appreciate their continuous choices in bold textures, patterns, and materials.
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In terms of just styling, I thought that of LVMH's properties, alongside Celine, Givenchy was a good fit for them style-wise. However, Givenchy is a lot lower of a profile brand than Dior or LV, LVMH's main two fashion houses...so financially Dior was the better offer.
Another designer I would love to see them collaborate with is Nagara, who is considered the preeminent Thai haute couture designer and has designed pieces for the Thai royal family. Apo has actually walked in a number of his shows.
Nagara is also one of those curates-follows kind of IG user, and he follows Apo back! Definitely more than 200 models have walked for him, so you know how special our boys are, always winning the hearts of the professionals around them 🥺
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Nagara's specialty is Thai silks and bold patterns. I actually think he does bold patterns more elegantly than any of the top western fashion houses, which are both wearable and visionary.
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I really enjoyed this write-up about his work that's now almost 8 years old! I came across it the first time I was doing research about Apo's time as a runway model and had noticed he walked in a number of Nagara shows and that the artistic vision of those shows were top-notch!
Anyway, Dior has...won my good graces back for now, but lord I do not like Kim Jones' Dior.
thank you to the closet wizard for the IDs!
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brainyxbat · 7 months
TG. Venus Fun Fact: She has an Inferiority Complex
"And now, introducing our special model!" Venus feels her heart drop at her boyfriend Usopp's announcement after Brook. He can't be talking about her; she's not special. "A sexy girl that steals the hearts of all men!" Definitely not her. "Our brainy, curvaceous navigator... Nami!" She stays quiet, while the redhead struts down the staircase, as if she's hot shit.
"Nami-swan~!" She hears Sanji gush.
"Makes sense, seeing as I'm so refined!" Venus rolls her eye at that. How vain can you get?
"May I see your panties?!" She hears Brook's voice.
"Never!" She grows a small smirk through her oncoming tears, but it disappears again at the next announcement.
"Next, a mysterious and cool beauty!" That certainly didn't describe her either. "An archeologist who seeks the mysteries of history, and the user of the Hana Hana No Mi! Nico Robin!"
Robin walks down the stairs, and demonstrated her power. "I'll show you history with these hands."
"Robin-chwan, you're so cool~!" Sanji swoons.
Venus squeezes her hands together, as the cook is up next in his dominantly dark purple outfit. She isn't letting tears come out; not now. Through Franky's turn, she contemplates the idea of making herself scarce; she can't go out there, while on the verge of tears. Not after Nami and Robin were so bright and confident. Should she just leave?
As the urge to cry grows stronger, she then makes her decision. "Next up is a person... well, he's not really a person." During Chopper's turn, Venus tunes everyone out, as she discretely heads for the other side of the ship. She holds herself, as she walks, fighting her tears and quivering lips. She only hopes no one would notice her sudden absence; despite the show just being for fun, she just doesn't have the confidence to participate anymore. She isn't tall, or busty, or pretty like the navigator, and the archeologist. The show would surely be better without the homely witch wrecking it with merely her presence.
She enters her boyfriend's workshop branch office, and quietly shuts the door. She peers out the window, feels relieved when no one seemed to notice, then sits by the bench.
Little did she realize... she slipped away a little too early.
When she was out of earshot, the next model after Zoro was announced. "I know as presenter, I shouldn't play favorites," Usopp laments, hand over his heart, "It's not fair to everyone else, but... gah, I just can't help myself!" As he dramatically smacks the railing, the others have a strong feeling who was next. "Second to last, but certainly not least... the most beautiful witch I have ever seen! And trust me; I've met a lot!" He winks, gaining laughter from the others. "She longs to be the best at her craft, and I'm confident she will be someday! She's short, has long green hair, and a green eye that shines like an emerald in the sun!" They can almost see the hearts floating around his head at his corny, yet sweet description. "She hails from the city of the mermaids! She began gracing our lives in Loguetown! She puts others before herself, always! She supports all dreams! Oh, I'm such a lucky guy!" He swoons, hugging himself.
"Our adorable spellcaster, and the user of the Majo Majo no Mi! The dark, lovely, magical angel who stole my heart years ago! The love of my life: Tempeste... G... VENUUUUUS!!" He hams it up for her grand entrance... but she doesn't come out. He stays in his pose awkwardly; maybe she was spacing out, and not paying attention? "VENUUUUUS!!" He tries again after a few seconds, with just as much enthusiasm. Still nothing. "Venus?" Now confused, he peers in the room; he only sees Luffy, who glances around, then simply shrugs with a hum of obliviousness. Where was she? He frantically turns to the audience, as the captain bursts out. "She's not in there!"
"What?!" Everyone clamors over in concern. They don't get it; she was in there with them earlier! What changed?
"What happened to Venus-chwan?!" Sanji exclaims worriedly.
"We're not docked, so she couldn't have just left," Zoro points out.
"This ship's big; we should split up into groups to look for her," Nami proposes.
"Brilliant as always, Nami-swan~!"
"Split up!" Sanji, naturally, goes with Nami, to search the lower deck, alongside Franky and Brook, Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper scale the second floor, while Robin and Usopp join together to search the other side of the upper deck.
All the while, everyone calls out in concern for their missing crewmember.
"Venus! Where are you?!" - Nami.
"Venus-chwan!" - Sanji.
"Venus, it's your turn!" - Luffy.
"Venus, this better not be a prank!" - Zoro.
"Little sis! Please come out!" - Franky.
"Venus! You better not be dead!" - Robin.
"Venus! You're up!" - Chopper.
"Venus-san!" - Brook.
"Venus! Are you okay?! We're all worried about you!" - Usopp.
Robin peers into the window of the sniper's workshop, and spots a green-haired figure sitting with the face hidden behind the knees. She recognizes the blue outfit, and black gogo boots; Venus. "Usopp!" She alerts him. "She's in here!"
Usopp runs over like mad, and slows down to walk in with Robin. At closer inspection, they hear Venus sniffling, and notice her shoulders shaking. They can't see her face, but they can tell that she's crying. "Venus?" She kneels down in front of her, as Usopp silently gestures to everyone that she's been found. "What're you doing in here? It's your turn."
Venus shakes her head. "I'm not going."
"Why not?" As a surprised Robin asks, Usopp sits next to his girlfriend, and puts his arm around her shoulders.
"Because, I..." She trails off, and hugs her legs tighter, as her boyfriend's words from earlier ring through her mind. 'Special model. Sexy girl. Brainy. Curvaceous. Mysterious and cool beauty.' Anyone could see that she was none of those things.
"Because...?" Robin repeats patiently. By now, everyone is gathered outside the room; they're relieved that she's unharmed, but at the same time, are concerned about her sudden somberness.
"LOOK AT ME!!!" Venus' head shoots up, surprising everyone with her shout. She's a mess; her pale cheeks and small nose are flushed, the one marred with black mascara trails, and her eye is red. She takes a deep, shaky breath to calm herself. "'Cause... Robin, I'm not like you, or Nami."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not tall like you guys, or cute. Or pretty. And I'm not..." She awkwardly gestures towards her rack. "B-big here, either."
"Well, not everyone is blessed with those things," Nami says without thinking it through. "We just got lucky."
As Venus stays quiet, and hides her face again, Usopp and Zoro turn to the navigator with death glares, while everyone else, sans Sanji and Luffy, give her disapproving looks. "Go keep the stage warm," Zoro orders sternly, and she walks off with bafflement, oblivious to the impact of her words.
"Venus, it doesn't matter if you're different," Robin assures, with a gentle hand on her knee, "Your unique traits make you who you are, and we all love you." She doesn't say anything, but she does lift her head back up, so her eye is above her leg. "Don't listen to Nami; she doesn't always think before speaking."
"Ain't that the truth," Usopp mumbles, as he rubs her back.
"And you think you're not cute? Of course you are; alongside Chopper, you're the cutest one here." Venus raises her head up more, and wipes her tears, leaving watered-down mascara on the back of her hand, and spreading it on her cheek. Robin frowns in concern. "You want me to get your makeup wipes? You're starting to smear a little, and it could get in your eye." Venus nods in slight embarrassment. "Okay, I'll be right back." After gently patting her knee, she straightens up, and heads to the bedroom she shares with the witch, and the navigator. "Let's leave them alone," She advises the others, and they file away to the stage.
When they're alone, Usopp rests his temple against his girlfriend's. "Robin's right, you know. You're amazing just as you are, V." She looks up at him silently, as tears keep welling up, and creating more dark lines. He lovingly strokes her ponytail, draped over her left shoulder. "It's why I fell for you; I love everything about you. You're sweet, adorable, and the most beautiful girl on the ship." She silently leans on his shoulder with a small sniffle. "Can you smile for me?" His heart breaks when she tries, but can't muster it up. "And uh, just because I said those things about Nami and Robin, doesn't mean I have feelings for them. Robin's more like a mother, or a big sister, and frankly... Nami scares me." He doesn't notice the tiny smile briefly growing, as he glances outside. "Here, I'll tell you a little secret." She looks up a little more. "Nami made me say "special model" about her," He confesses.
That doesn't surprise her in the slightest. "Figures."
"You know how she is. If it was up to me, I would've said it about you. Because I love you, and only you. You're my special model." When she grins up at him, he happily returns it. "There's that lovely smile." He turns his head, and kisses her hair. "Were you not able to hear my introduction for you earlier?" He asks curiously, just as Robin returns with the wipes.
"N-no," She mumbles in embarrassment.
"No? Well, he was practically singing praises about you. Close your eye, and keep your brow up." As Usopp holds his girlfriend's bangs up, Robin whips one out, and starts wiping her messy makeup away, along with her tears, with motherly gentleness. Her black moon beauty mark soon becomes visible. "You look a mess right now," She says delicately, "But you're starting to look better already."
"S-sorry I disappeared like that," She sniffles, "I just couldn't go out there like this."
"It's okay, Venus. Just don't scare us like that again; we all were very worried about you." She finishes wiping, and uses another on her hand where the dark smear is, as Usopp lowers his own hand; but not before quickly kissing her forehead. As stated earlier, Venus looks better than before, without the black smears. "Do you want to go participate? You'd be second last, right before the captain."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Usopp adds. He knows he'll be disappointed at having to leave his beloved girlfriend out of the fun if she says no, but he wants to respect her decision simultaneously. He smiles when she nods. "Awesome. Do you need a minute, before we go?"
"Do you want your makeup redone?" Robin offers. "Or would you rather go without it?"
"Um... without," Venus decides, snuggling up to her boyfriend.
"Okay then, I'll leave you two alone," She stands up, "See you on stage, Venus. Kill it up there." With the encouragement, she walks away to rejoin the others.
"With or without makeup, you're always beautiful." Usopp kisses her temple, as he tucks her shoulder-length, loose chunk of hair behind her ear.
"Thanks," Her shy smile grows. "Usopp?"
"Yes, darling?"
"Everything really does look good on you," She refers to his self-introduction. "You look amazing."
He chuckles bashfully. "Thanks, V. You do too." He leans in, and holds her cheeks, as they share a kiss for a few seconds. "You'll be the prettiest girl in the whole show."
"Thanks." She snuggles into his neck and shoulder. "The coolest and manliest is the presenter."
Usopp keeps his arms firm around her. "Only the best for you." He turns outside, where the others waited at the opposite side of the ship. "You ready to head over there?"
She nods. "Yeah." They stand up, and walk together, hand-in-hand.
Once she's ready to go, Usopp returns to the transponder snail he has for a mic. "Alriiiight! Let's try this again, folks!" Everyone watches with respectful silence, as he repeats his introduction for his girlfriend, word by word. Venus smiles widely, tears of joy now in her eye, as Luffy grins behind her.
"Don't run off again," He jokes and chuckles, as she giggles.
"I won't; no worries."
"The dark, lovely, magical angel who stole my heart years ago! The love of my life: Tempeste... G... VENUUUUUS!!" Usopp finishes.
Feeling a huge boost of confidence from the sweet introduction through Brook's jamming, Venus marches over, and walks down the staircase, as everyone cheers. She stands with her left hip out, her hand over her blue skirt, and produces an energy ball with her free hand, as everyone cheers enthusiastically. "I'll cast a spell on you."
"Venus-chwan, you're wonderful~!" Sanji gushes.
"Sorry, Sanji," Venus smiles with sympathy, "This witch is taken." She blows a kiss up to Usopp, who happily catches it. She walks all the way down, and joins the others for the finale.
"You were great up there," Robin praises.
"Yeah, you were super~!" Franky adds.
"Thanks, guys," She giggles shyly, then perks up when Brook plays more enthusiastically, "Ooh, here comes the last one!"
"And naturally, he'll be the one to close the show!" Usopp announces. "The user of the Gomu Gomu No Mi! The leader of the Straw Hat Crew!" Luffy twists his arms into spirals. "He wants to find the great treasure One Piece, and become the Pirate King!" He stretches his legs, and poses confidently with his slinky arms. "Monkey D. Luffy!"
He launches himself up to the top. "I will be the Pirate King!"
That night, after a long day of battling Marines, getting patched up, and retrieving a misplaced Zoro from Hand Island, the Straw Hats prepare to turn in for the night, with Franky on the first night watch shift. "Goodnight, little sis!" He calls out when he spots the young witch clad in a black nightgown.
She giggles, and waves. "Goodnight, big bro!"
Before she gets to the bedroom, a pair of arms wrap around her waist, greatly startling her. "OH!" She yelps, but relaxes when she spots the familiar, blue and white striped wristband. She feels his chin on her scalp. "You scared me," She laughs.
"What?! What scared you?!" Usopp pretends to shield her from an imaginary threat, and glances every which way cautiously. As he holds her closely, one of his arms is over her mouth. "I'll protect you, my angel."
She giggles, and gently pushes his arm off her face. "It was you who did, you goof," She jokes.
He chuckles, and rests his chin on her shoulder. "Wanna take turns pushing each other on the swing before bed?"
"I would love to, but I'm beat," She regretfully says, as she nuzzles her head on his, "Tomorrow, before lunch?"
"It's a date."
She smiles, and kisses his cheek. "I may had been sad about it at first, but the fashion show was fun."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," He holds her closer, "And I'm sorry you felt so down about yourself."
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault."
"Well, if we do it again... you can go first."
She smiles, and nods. "Thanks. Sounds like a plan."
She lets out a big yawn, making him chuckle again. "Sounds like you should turn in, sleepyhead."
"I would be in bed by now, if you hadn't snuck up on me like that," She playfully chides him, as he soothingly pets her hair.
"You love being with me," He coos.
"I do," She giggles, adjusts herself, and pulls him in for a goodnight kiss, with her hands on his cheeks. "I love you, Usopp. Goodnight."
He smiles wider when she kisses his long nose. "I love you too, Venus. Sweet dreams."
He goes to give her a last one on her forehead, when a strong hand yanks him away. "Come on, loverboy," Zoro orders, "Less kissing, and more sleeping."
The couple pouts from their sudden separation, but go to turn in regardless.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
Sister⇔Change!: Chapter 3
“narumi sena” gets to work, and...
previous part (chapter 2)
next part (chapter 4)
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Mona arrived at the job site and—
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Alright! I’ll act just like Narumi Sena does!)
Journalist: Good morning! I look forward to working with you today.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Th-the pleasure’s all mine~!
Journalist: Huh? Are you feeling unwell today, Sena?
Mona (in Sena’s body): Eh?! Why’d you ask…?
Journalist: I feel as though you’re usually more cheerful than this. Sorry, it’s probably just my imagination.
Mona (in Sena’s body): H-haha… Well, I may be feeling a little nervous…
Mona (in Sena’s body): (That scared me…! I thought that the jig was already up.)
Journalist: There’s no need to get so worked up. You can just answer me with your own words like you always do, Sena.
Journalist: Well then, let’s get this interview started, okay? First of all, has there been anything that you’ve been hooked on these days?
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’ve been hooked on this indies band lately, but…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Big Sis wouldn’t ever give such an answer.)
Mona (in Sena’s body): Umm, I guess I’ve been hooked on sweet stuff these days~?
Journalist: You’ve been hooked on sweets? If you have any stores to recommend, please share them!
Mona (in Sena’s body): U-um… There’s ice cream from the convenience store… maybe?
Journalist: The convenience store, huh. Well, they sell lots of delicious foods these days, don’t they…
Mona (in Sena’s body): (The mood got kinda weird…?)
Journalist: Do you have any beauty tips to recommend to our readers?
Mona (in Sena’s body): Lemme think~... I’d recommend taking baths, I guess?
Journalist: Are you talking about half-body baths?
​​Mona (in Sena’s body): Y-you think so~? Ahaha…
Journalist: You’re unexpectedly more vague than I’d expected, Sena. I’d thought that you’d give more precise answers than this.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Y-yes, I’m talking about half-body baths! Be sure to sweat with all you’ve got in them!
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Acting like Big Sis is harder than I thought.)
Journalist: Next, I’d like to ask you all about love. Is there an ideal romance that you long for?
Mona (in Sena’s body): A-an ideal romance?!
Mona (in Sena’s body): (These questions are getting increasingly incomprehensible…!)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (But… if the topic’s about love… My image of what love would be like is…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): I think it’d be fluffy and sweet, just like a piece of candy~.
Journalist: Ooh! A piece of candy, was it?!
Journalist: That answer was so cute! It’d be the perfect headline for the feature.
Mona (in Sena’s body): G-glad to hear it.
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Will Narumi Sena’s reputation be okay…?)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (But still, I’m really happy that my answer was praised.)
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Mona (in Sena’s body): (Next up’s a photoshoot for a fashion magazine, huh…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): I look forward to working with you today!
Cameraman: Let’s work hard, Sena. You look super cute today too!
Cameraman: Well then, I’ll get on with the shoot~.
Mona (in Sena’s body): Got it!
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Should I pose like this?)
Cameraman: You look kinda stiff. You can just strike really energetic poses for today’s shoot, okay?
Mona (in Sena’s body): (Really energetic poses, huh…)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (If that’s what he wants, that’s my forte! Alright! I’ll pull ‘em off perfectly as Narumi Sena…!)
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Cameraman: Good work, Sena! You were really cute! You managed to get back into your usual groove in the second half of it, yeah?!
Mona (in Sena’s body): Thank you very much!
Cameraman: I just knew that you’d be able to make expressions like those. Didja develop a new charm point or something?!
Mona (in Sena’s body): Ahaha…
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I’m a little concerned about whether I managed to pull it off as Big Sis… But modelling was really fun! I got to wear so many outfits…!)
Mona (in Sena’s body): (I wonder how it’d feel like to live as “Narumi Sena” from here on out—...)
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Colorful Black
We're taking a short break from our foray into the Junzhe Extended Universe to come back to our own. A little less exciting, perhaps, but just as cute!
This fig set includes Gong Jun dressed in his Mujosh endorsement finery, complete with orange-tinted lenses:
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Looking good, Junjun! I'm bummed out his Mujosh partnership is over - we sure got some great looks out of it. I also got some really nice eyeglasses frames out of it too. Very nice quality!
Zhehan's looking absolutely gorgeous in this photoset here:
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Why his sweatshirt has "The Age of Stupid" on a laptop screen is beyond me, but Zhehan doesn't control what stylists put him in!
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No matter, he's incandescently beautiful.
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Here's our two adorable figs from this set, and I love them. Absolutely love them. Zhehan is so soft haired and sweet looking, and Junjun's rocking his shiny leather jacket and will very soon have some rockin' shades. I'll do the pics without the sunglasses first, and then with them.
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You might notice here that Junjun has a groove in the side of his head there above his cute little ear. What this is, is the most brilliant notch for his Mujosh sunglasses! As someone who has struggled mightily with fig glasses of all kinds, this is a godsend. The little stems fit right into it and they don't fall down his face!
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Classic that we have Junjun all fancy and Zhehan all casual wearing socks with slides! I love it.
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It never fails to make me laugh when we get to this angle and see the relative proportions. I love JZP fig makers so much.
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May I also just say how much I love Zhehan's hair in all incarnations. I'm so happy he's done so many things with it over the course of his career - we get so many awesomely varied hairstyles with him.
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Junjun's hair, on the other hand, is generally a variation on his usual medium-short length, but even then fig makers add a little flair to it somewhere! Usually his bangs. Which of course, has nothing to do with this angle.
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You can see the matching groove for the sunglasses here by Junjun's ear.
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The shininess of Junjun's coat is fantastic. I like when the fig makers play around with texture for the figs, adds so much great interest. Hehe, Zhehan's slides look particularly good (?!?) here!
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Top down is often a bit uninteresting, but I like this one! We get the style-y hair parts and the relative look of the outfits all in one go.
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This photo took me aback for a second when I went to go crop it, I thought, what piece of styrofoam did I get on Zhehan's shorts! But no. Zhehan's shorts tie is just at an awkward place. I scrolled back up to the photo inspiration, and whoa, yep, what do you know. I wonder if you know what, I'm just gonna stop here and not try to figure out the photographer's mindset. Moving right along!
Please notice the red heeled soles on Junjun's shoes, so nice! This is also a great opportunity to check out the modeling, and see the relatively wider looking face they gave Junjun and the smaller, little rounder face for Zhehan. These figs are so well done. Believe it or not, these are actually some of my favorite figs, I just love them.
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Alright! We got some cool shades for our Cool Boy. Here's an extreme closeup of the hair grooves and the matching tabs on the sunglasses.
On to the pics with the glasses! Yikes, I gotta watch my photo count since we're definitely hitting the max 30 on this post.
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So handsome, Gong Laoshi!
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The glasses are sturdily on, thanks to the grooves! Speaking of sturdy, these figs do stand fairly well. No balancing issues with mine.
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Here's the back of the box cards, along with the an optional add-on for some stickers.
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Wow, I barely managed to stay at the photo limit! I did want to show the artwork on both boxes. When I read the quotation on the first box, I was like, oh ho ho, this fig seller has an opinion on who fell for the other first! I got so excited to read the other box quote and see what it said, and then I realized it was just the same. Bummer! I've read a lot of fan fictions that have one or the other falling in love with the other first (and plenty with both at the same time, of course), and frankly, they're all fantastic. I could read them daily hourly every minute and not get tired of them!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 328
Scene Count: 24
Rating: My personal opinion is at the same time, myself.
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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darklovecat · 2 years
Tomorrow's outfit 🤍
Tomorrow our university's med students will do their yearly celebration. It's my first time participating in this sort of event and I am excited to join the celebration with my friend whom I haven't seen in such a long time, I am excited to finally meet and talk with her again, and we will have the chance to meet some of our distinguished faculty members. I also have a few friends that I haven't seen in a while and I am looking forward to seeing them again.
A simple white lace blouse.
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I love this lace blouse, it is very feminine and it looks even more stunning in person. The fabric looks very delicate and like it will rip with just one abrupt move but the fabric is quite stretchy. The sleeves are transparent and I can't show my arms for religious reasons, so I'll just wear a white long-sleeved leotard underneath which is VERY convenient because I have a Pilates class tomorrow morning and I can just get changed within seconds. It will also be a little chilly tomorrow so the extra layer will provide me with enough warmth to get through the day. It's a dainty blouse and I just got it but I know that I will get a lot of wear out of it since it is so versatile and I know of a million ways to combine it.
A dark navy skirt.
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My absolute favorite, I wear this almost every day along with my black pencil skirt. It's a staple in my closet, I throw this on and I look super polished with absolutely no effort. I always get compliments when I wear this even though there's nothing special about it but it fits me perfectly. My grandma bought me a ton of A-line skirts a while ago and I hate to say it but they are somewhere at the back of my closet now because they are the most uncomfortable skirts in the whole world and they restrict my movement, I always end up ripping them because I can't walk properly in them. This pencil skirt, on the other hand, is a whole different story - the material is extremely stretchy (it is 100% polyester) and it is pretty much impossible to rip, it fits me perfectly and enhances my body beautifully while still being modest. The skirt rides up so I'll have to wear sheer stockings underneath them and I have to go over it with my lint roller to make sure there is no fuzz.
A lilac chiffon hijab.
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Most of my hijabs are chiffon, it's my go-to material because I like how flowy and lightweight it is, chiffon is very easy to work with and there are a million different styles. I have found a style that frames my face beautifully and suits my face shape perfectly and I do my hijab the same way pretty much every day. This color is muted and has a grey undertone and it looks very beautiful in combination with navy blue. My dad got me some silver hijab pins, they're a small detail but make me look a million times more put together, I need 4 pins to do the usual style and only 2 of them are visible so I just take the needles and put them to secure my scarf and make sure it stays where it is for the whole day (it never does). I will be wearing silver jewelry with this outfit so they're a nice touch and give me a more cohesive look.
Silver Jewelry.
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All the clothes in my outfit have a cold undertone, so naturally I will wear silver with this ensemble. I will stack the Cartier Love Bracelet in Silver (thin model) with a basic diamond bracelet. I thought about adding Just un clou but I think that would be a little too much and it will not match the blouse. I am not really a big fan of Guess, and I don't own much from the brand but I love silver, I love butterflies and I am beyond obsessed with anything that is cute and classy and this watch ticks every box and it looks so adorable in person, I love it. I also wear earrings with my hijab whenever I can, they always need to be extra long to be visible over my scarf and I love the way they add some sparkle to my face, and how they swing with my every movement, it makes me look more vibrant and lively.
Lacoste Concept Zip Tote Bag. Tommy Hilfiger Ballet Flats.
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Lacoste Tote Bags are ridiculously spacious, they fit everything you can think of but the handles are extremely thin so I am very hesitant about carrying some of my heavier stuff with me, I wouldn't trust it with my laptop or heavier books but it is extremely wide so it fits a lot of binders and notebooks with no issues and it does not damage the corners due to its width like my other bags, and you can just throw things and it is a convenient bag. The Tommy Hilfiger Ballet Flats are from Spring Season 2014 but you can't tell, they look like I just brought them out of the box and it's one of the reasons I love thrifting, you can find great prices for very low prices and they are of such great quality, the ballet flats are real leather and they do not look dated because it's a classic and timeless style.
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