#love the Neji’s fierce look
itamis-multi-muses · 6 months
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💚 The Fierce Love of Rock Lee💚
Rock Lee x Fem! Reader
“We did it! Neji, Y/N, we’ve passed the first test to become Chunin!”
An excited Rock Lee cheered with passionate fire in his eyes as the three of you exited the written exam hall. Neji had his usual smirk plastered on his face, whereas you were just happy to finally be away from that weird red-headed guy who kept staring at you like you were a piece of meat.
An involuntary sigh escaped your lips at the thought of the Sand Ninja and the way his piercing green eyes sent a chill down your spine.
“You again.”
Your E/C eyes widened at the familiar voice. No, it couldn’t possibly be him. Oh, but it was.
The three Genin from Sunagakure appeared in your field of vision, causing your heart rate and your anxiety to spike. The shorter, red-headed one named Gaara continued to scan you up and down in what seemed like disgust.
“You are Y/N, correct?”
Both Neji and Lee could sense that you were uncomfortable, but you stood your ground and nodded.
“Yes, I am. How do you know my-“
Before you could ask your question, Gaara scoffed and locked eyes with you.
“You’re really a Ninja? I find that hard to believe. You look so pathetic and weak… I should just kill you right now. I’ve been itching for some bloodshed and I think you could be the perfect victim!”
During the confrontation, Lee had been on edge. Not knowing anything about this guy and seeing how he glared at you just irritated him. But now he was degrading you and threatening you right in front of him? There was no way that Lee would tolerate that kind of behaviour, especially regarding his crush, you.
“Don’t you dare speak to her that way!”
Lee stepped in front of you and narrowed his round black orbs, ready for a fight. He knew that you could handle yourself if necessary, but that didn’t mean that he would let you take on this douche alone.
Gaara began to chuckle manically at Lee’s words, pissing the Leaf Ninja off even more.
“Why do you think this is funny? Y/N is an incredible Ninja and I am very grateful to be a part of her team. You do not know her like I do, so I respectfully ask you to shut your mouth before I do it for you!”
Your eyes widened at his words. No one had ever stood up for you like that before.
Lee turned his head to look at you from over his shoulder and grinned at you.
“Do not fear, Y/N. I will not allow anyone to speak badly about you. No matter what. It is an honour to be able to defend you.”
Temari and Kankuro, the older Sand siblings, glanced at each other with worry, knowing that they would have to intervene before the situation escalated any further.
“Hey, Gaara… Why don’t you, me and Temari go for a walk and prepare ourselves for the next round?”
Kankuro laughed nervously and pointed towards a small sweets shop that he had spotted earlier that day.
Gaara, without moving his devilish gaze away from you, merely nodded and sighed.
“Maybe there is a brain in that small head of yours, Kankuro. Let’s go…”
With that said, Gaara turned his back to the three of you and exited the building, his siblings trailing behind with relief.
“Well, that was certainly… Interesting.”
Neji piped up once the three had left.
You exhaled sharply and turned your attention to Lee, who was also now only focused on you.
“Are you alright, Y/N? I have no idea why that Sand Ninja was so rude to you, but don’t you worry… I’ll be here to protect you until the day I die!”
You blushed and looked down at your feet shyly. Lee has always been this way about everything important to him, but for him to be feeling and acting so strongly towards you just… Made your heart melt.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, Lee.”
Neji cleared his throat, reminding the two of them that he was still, in fact, very much there with them.
“I believe I left some of my ninja tools back at the training grounds, so… I’ll find you two before the second part of the exams.”
You and Lee nodded, waved Neji off and bid your farewells. You both were a little embarrassed about what had just occurred between the two of you with your teammate awkwardly standing there, unsure of what to do or say. Fortunately, you were now alone.
Lee grinned at you with a cheeky twinkle in his midnight coloured eyes and tilted your chin to make you look up at him.
“If it is alright with you, I would love to take you out on a date sometime. Is that… Something that you would want, Y/N?”
You swallowed the nervous lump in your throat and smiled back at him with a nod.
“I would like that very much, Lee.”
(Hello! Surprise, surprise! It’s not an Uchiha boy this time! Should I make a Part 2? Maybe with Lee and Y/N a bit older? Anyway- Thanks for reading my Bushy Brow fan-fiction! Love ya!)
- Itami 🌸
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Konoha 12 with Children Going Through the Same Trauma They Did
Tags/Warnings: Body Image Issues, Grief, Mental Health Topics, Reader Insert, No Reader Pronouns, Mild Physical Abuse (Sorry Sasuke would punt you)
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𓆃 Choji - Body Image
Easily the best at knowing what to say. He’s been struggling with his body image his entire life and has a wonderful grasp on what health specific to his clan looks like.
Choji strives to make topics surrounding weight and body shape normal and neutral in the household, so if you're asking about weight, it’s because some other stupid kid said something.
You are always reminded of your spirit, skills, and capacity for kindness rather than your looks.
Choji ensures that your home is a positive and safe place to talk about anything.
𓆃 Hinata - Finding a Voice
Hinata has always been a very patient person and knows how hard it is to break out of one’s shell. As a parent, she provides a space for you to be heard and to feel safe.
Hinata believes that you can’t force things when it comes to your growth and tries to nurture you until you have the strength to do it on your own.
Not to say that she doesn’t give a little push now and then. Hinata herself always regretted the amount of time it took for her to take chances and be vulnerable with friends, so she gives gentle nudges and reassurance when she can.
𓆃 Ino - Normalcy and Loss
A part of Ino always wanted to be a normal girl. There was a balance between civilian life and shinobi life that she couldn’t quite strike, especially when responsibility was thrust onto her so young.
She’ll want to go out with you often, whether it’s getting sweet drinks, getting your nails painted, asking for the friend-group gossip, or other fun activities. 
A part of her craves getting more of those experiences in her youth, but she very much wants you to have those experiences for yourself and to have a consistent parent who “gets you.”
She definitely tries too hard at times— it’s embarrassing sometimes— but she means well.
𓆃 Kiba - Bein’ a Guy
Kiba always had a loud bark, but when it came down to it, he didn’t meet all the goals he intended to meet. 
Being the energetic guy he is, he will be rooting for you from day one. Sometimes, you feel he gets more excited about projects and accomplishments than you. 
Kiba is always celebrating you and always bragging about you. He’s proud of you that you have goals— big or small— but more than anything, he wants you to live your life in a way that makes you happy.
If you’re happy, Kiba is dragging you out for celebratory ice cream.
𓆃 Lee - Bullying and Inadequacy 
Ehm. I mean, he means well?
You see, Gai took a very tough love approach with Lee meaning that Lee thinks if you push hard enough, you’ll find fulfillment... and that’s not for everyone. 
He’s also not great with his words. Every so often, he’ll say something encouraging, but sometimes he’s just emotionally clueless. 
If anything, you’ll always be celebrated for your uniqueness and what makes you you. 
Lee genuinely wants only what’s best for you; his pure intentions are always clear. 
𓆃 Naruto - Isolation
Poor Naruto, seeing you isolated would probably make him so sad. And angry, for that matter! Naruto isn’t above punting some jerk kid who made you mad (which probably isn’t great for the Hokage).
He’s a little goofy in the sense that he’ll probably take an over-interest in the things you enjoy. He’ll insist that you do things that interest you together.
He’s also really into pep talks and giving unsolicited advice (that probably isn’t really that great).
Naruto would totally give you pocket money to enjoy a meal if he’s busy.
𓆃 Neji - Unfair Family Dynamic
Well, first of all, Neji isn’t letting this happen. 
I’m struggling to write a headcanon because Neji wouldn’t allow this. He wouldn’t allow the secondary-branch stuff to happen.
He’d be a fierce advocate for you, even before birth. But Neji is such a grumpy dad. The affection is there; it’s just through action.
He’s also not very good with words, so the affirmation is straightforward, but he would go to war for you.
𓆃 Sakura - Inadequacy
Your two best friends are also gods, huh? Sakura knows how that is, and she’s probably picked up on it before you tell her. 
She’s reticent about things and always seems to tell you exactly what you need at that moment. Sakura is very encouraging, helping you problem-solve to figure out what your strengths and passions are.
She suggests that you pursue those, admiring your accomplishments, whether big or small.
𓆃 Sasuke - Having your family murdered in front of your very own eyes Going Down a Troubled Path
Yikes. Don’t go down a Troubled Path ™ while Sasuke is around.
I’m sorry. If you tried to leave the village, Sasuke wouldn’t be above punting you. I’m just the messenger.
Sasuke would be there for you, or at least try to, but as another shinobi who’s not great with words, he’d usually end up looming. 
Maybe there are times when he can see your anger, and you can achieve a nice, quiet moment with him, but Sasuke will drag you out of darkness no matter what it takes.
𓆃 Shikamaru - Losing a Sensei
Shikaku knew best, and that’s what Shikamaru does with you. He’s straight to the point, not very into hugs or anything like that, but he does have an eye on you emotionally. 
Shikamaru already knows, and he drives straight to the point, unarming you so that you have a space to feel your grief. 
𓆃 Shino - Losing a Sibling-like Person
Another quiet Dad. He just wants what’s best for you too. 
It’s all about the memories and the momentos. Shino would encourage you to cope and heal at your own rate but not forget the person important to you.
Shino would be there with you in your grief but ensure the focus remained on you. You would have space, and Shino would show his love and support through small gestures. 
𓆃 Tenten - Bein’ a Gal
Tenten stuck a nice balance in her life, and she wants to pass that on to you too! Maybe you’re not the flashiest ninja in your grade, but Tenten is already working with you on a strategy on how to improve that thing you like!
Never for a second has Tenten treated you like something to be overlooked. Anything you want to do, you do!
Zero hesitation. Mention one idea to her; she’s already helping you put it in motion. To her, there’s nothing worth overlooking in the first place.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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aurora-313 · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writers meme!
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? 🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom? 🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
From Once More To See You Again.
For context, Teen Kaien lost a bet at school. As a result his mullet is gone and he's got an undercut that's slowly growing out. This snippet takes place after his powers are restored and memories reawakened (just in time for Rukia to be kidnapped and SS arc to kick off luckily enough):
"Stop it, that tickles!" Kaien jumped, chuckling with a hand resting protectively over the fluffy scruff of his undercut (feels weirdly short since he remembered the hair being a lot longer as a Lieutenant.)
Nejibana blinked once. Then she leaned in, predatorial look in her eyes and it out Kaien on edge (dear god, he prayed she doesn't turn back into a dragon hollow again. Being bitten nearly in half once was quiet enough, thank you.)
His unease compounded into abject fear when mischief danced across that sun-kissed face. A look that reminded Kaien far too much of a younger Kukaku when she was on one of her pranking sprees.
"Ticklish, you say?"
"Nejibana..." Kaien warned reproachfully, but his Zanpakutou spirit already leapt into action.
"Neji-NO!" Next thing Kaien knew, Nejibana has him in a headlock and her claws ruffling his stubby do. "S-stop it-haha!!"
"Never~!" Nejibana trilled happily, Kaien squirming and laughing hysterically in her grip.
Most fics I read pose Nejibana as this prim and proper yet fierce woman to balance out Kaien's rough and tumble attitude. My Nejibana is a chaotic gremlin and Kaien's enabler/partner in crime. I've described her to my beta-readers as 'Kukaku-lite'.
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
My sister-in-law actually. When I wasn't even a teenager, a tween, my sister-in-law pointed my brother and I to this series as a fun monster-of-the-week story before we got hit with the Soul Society arc. We were blown away by Aizen's reveal as a traitor and it was so cool. Admittedly all of our interests flagged quite a bit, I stuck around until the end because of sunk-cost fallacy but my siblings+in-laws departed.
What got me interested again was the TYBW being animated. I was perhaps a bit too optimistic about how they might change it for the better (I'm sorry to say so far I'm not impressed.)
But as a magic system and a world, its an awesome sandbox to play in and the concept of your power manifesting as a life-long companion is romantic in a lot of ways. The idea of 'You will never be alone, whatever trials you face you will have a companion at your side, no matter what.' - it speaks to me.
The fandom itself has seen better days. The years since Bleach's abysmal unsatisfying conclusion has firmly split it down the middle.
Then again, that's most fandoms these days.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Not milestone so much as, I just want to write more content for a character I'm really in love with and was cast by the wayside in the canon.
I mean, think about it - the last we ever see of 'Kaien' is a psychotic Arrancar Puppeting his corpse. What thing to send him off on! What a horrific final impression to leave! I want to explore what the story would be like if certain scenarios allowed him to survive. Which spawned BB verse, OMTSYA (although he did die, he has reincarnated) and in other upcoming stories I have on the back-burner.
I think the potential relationship between Kaien and Ichigo would've been exactly what Ichigo needed throughout most of the story.
Although if I have to give a tangible milestone? I'd like to finish Part 1 of Black and Blue this year. But I'm running out of steam a bit on that one, so that might be pushed to next year instead.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Small Love - Chapter 17
Ao3 | First Chapter Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Abandonment issues were always present in Shino as Kiba, Hinata, and Kurenai knew. It would take a very long time for him to finally reveal exactly why that was, but in the meantime, they always did their best to ensure he felt included. Kiba often invited him on walks with Akamaru. Hinata taught him how to press flowers. Kurenai personally trained with him, as his own clan was often too busy to train with him like Kiba did with Hana or Hinata did with her father or Neji. They didn’t realize how much it meant to Shino.
While Shino enjoyed silence, especially when in his greenhouse, tending to his nests, he also enjoyed the company of another. While he was never well and truly alone, having hundreds of insects constantly with him, it in fact made him feel even lonelier. For as long as he could remember, he struggled to create companionship's. His mother and father could tell him every day, every hour, that it did not matter what others thought, only that he be himself, he could never shake the feeling of being feared.
Other's thought he was disgusting. As he learned to control his beetles in his early days of the academy, he would often have beetles crawling over his hands and cheeks, which other children recoiled at. Like most of his clan, he was quiet and reserved, and used that to block others out. Then his only friend, someone he looked to as a brother, was taken from him, and he truly felt alone. He felt abandoned, deciding he wouldn’t get close enough to anyone else again to avoid that feeling.
Team 8 broke that barrier quite swiftly. He remembered hearing his name come after Hinata’s and Kiba’s. He was alright with Hinata, though he feared she may be weak, but did not have a good impression of Kiba. He was loud, brash, rude. Always seeking attention, always looking to pick a fight. He had done his best to avoid that type of person, knowing he would almost certainly tell him how disgusting he found him. It’s not like the damn dog wasn’t gross in his own way.
Then, the next day, they sat together as they waited to be picked up. Silence hung over them as Kiba continued to interact with Shikamaru and Choji rather than he and Hinata. Hinata was too overly shy to initiate conversation and Shino didn’t care to try either. They were all caught off guard when Kurenai appeared, calling their names. Kiba and Hinata looked at her with awe, and Shino had to admit he was a quite impressed by her as well.
They had a rough time at first, but soon fell into sync as a team within weeks. He could already tell Hinata was quite a bit stronger than she first let on, and Kiba was quite a bit more sensitive than he let on, too. Fiercely loyal, he would call them. One day, while training, another team had stopped to watch Shino as he unleashed an insect type attack on Kiba, and with keen hearing, Kiba could pick up the insults they were telling each other about Shino. It was the first time he had seen Kiba truly furious.
“You wanna come over here and say that shit to us, fuckface?” Kiba suddenly spun around, ignoring Shino’s oncoming attack as he stomped towards the boys. Hinata gasped as she watched on, Shino feeling a little bewildered.
“Oh shut up, mutt boy.” One of the boys called, trying to walk away. Kiba bolted over, Akamaru in tow, and grabbed his collar, lifting him from the ground. The boy squirmed “-h-hey! Put me down!”
“If I hear you insult my friends again, I’ll put you down-in the ground.” He hissed as Hinata and Shino approached with concern. He shoved the boy back, causing him to fall. He scrambled up and ran after his teammate who had already taken off.
“K-Kiba? What was that?” Hinata asked as she stopped in front of him, peering up at his reddened, anger laden face. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, patting her on the top of the head.
“Nothin’. Just some cowards shit-talking.” He forced a smile at her before looking at Shino, nodding.
It was the first time Shino felt something like endearing gratitude. Hinata had never once spoken ill towards him about his beetles, and had even been quite amazed by them. And while Kiba had been seemingly a bit iffy about his bugs, he had proven himself a true friend that day, one that wouldn’t stand for bad mouthing of him.
From that day, Shino finally felt accepted. He felt like he belonged. To team 8.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to dump a kinda sad headcanon of mines onto you!
I was wondering about how the Naruto boy’s alphas would feel about being the protector of the boys. As an alpha they are there to provide and protect that’s just how they were raised. When they get with their respective omega I feel like they don’t feel like and alpha. They are insecure in their own abilities to provide for these omegas who look like they have their lives together. All the protecting and providing are up to the omega and they feel like they should be pushing out pups instead.
Sasuke is a warrior he lives to fight. That was his own calling and he follows it daily. His alpha ninja or not rarely sees him and isn’t able to protect him. Sasuke also isn’t your regular omega he is fierce and independent. So they feel like they have no reason to be there but to provide an heir for his clan.
Naruto is the hokage he was the strongest in his generation. His alpha feels like a wimp compared to him they were not the strongest and they are supposed to be the alpha. They watch him be great and bring home the big bucks while they try and catch up. They feel like a house wife/husband. It just makes them feel less alpha for their omega to be providing more than them.
Neji is not a ninja anymore but he is dominant with the decisions. He chooses what his pup does and how they live. How the house is cleaned and how it should look. He just has the aura that you wouldn’t think an omega would have. He makes his alpha feel useless and invalidated when it comes to their family.
Shikamaru is careless and rarely checks in with his alpha. He’s selfish sometimes and forgets about others feelings or pushing them aside so his feelings can be validated. His alpha is tired and rarely has the mental stability to allow their alpha nature to check Shikamaru(in a safe alpha way).
Lee is a cheerful omega and loves his alpha. But sometimes his alpha feels like Lee is giving them to much of something that they can’t give back to him. It breaks their heart that he tries to hard for them and they barely make enough to pay for groceries.
Kiba is a dominant omega as well. He tries to mansplain and tell his alpha right from wrong. His alpha feels less everyday because they let their omega run free and flirt freely too. They just feel invisible.
Sorry but I needed a little bit of angst today!
-Short stack
Oooh, this is an interesting (and angsty) take! @voodoogoul
It might make sense that, in a country that pushes a lot of toxic alpha ideals, that an alpha might get insecure (even if it was irrational) if they were obviously not the protector or the head of the house. Yes, it's a little silly, but I can understand why those sorts of feelings would creep up.
Sasuke's alpha would likely be one of the most affected. Sasuke doesn't really open up easily, he isn't extremely outwardly affection, he doesn't stay home with his pup, he leaves the village all the time for long periods. Also, I feel like some people in the village would make jokes about Sasuke coercing them to stay with him, which make the alpha mad and also feel infantilising.
Naruto is the Hokage, as you say, so that goes without saying, so I think he would be another one that could stir up emotions. Same with Gaara.
Neji maybe a less strong candidate, but I can see there being some small points of contention. I mean, the home is traditionally the omega's domain, so that probably would be okay. But Neji is so picky about his pups that it could cause problems. For example, if Neji's alpha brings home a plastic toy for their pups, Neji would... probably throw it out ngl. That could cause some issues.
Ooh, Shikamaru I could also definitely see. I think you're right, he's quite selfish, especially when he's younger, and that could cause some issues. He's a very independent person, which is fine, but he lacks some crucial communication skills to balance that out.
Lee is probably the easiest to quell the inadequate feelings with. He's very powerful sure, but he's nowhere near as influential as the other people on this list. He also probably does missions part time while his pups are small, so he's around at home quite a lot too. I think his alpha would have to be either very traditional (which I can't see Lee liking that much) or very insecure to feel so useless as an alpha. I imagine everyone would feel a little useless motivation wise though lmao.
And Kiba, yes, I could see the issues that you've mentioned! I think the crux of the issue could very easily be his clan. He's very close to his clan and they have lots of traditions that his pups will all be included in, but that his alpha might feel left out of. But yes, I could also see him being a little flirty and that could set off some serious alpha instincts that the alpha doesn't like.
Thanks for sending this in, it was so much fun to explore! 💓
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Are you going to make a part 3 for the Neji one where he has a crush on the branch member and ten ten and Lee find out. You don’t have to but I really enjoy it!😁
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Well it took me a lot longer than expected but I say that about all my work now, lol. Sorry everyone I’m a slow writer. But I hope you all enjoy the final piece to this fic. 
Part I  Part II
Welp! The secret is out, Neji: Part III
The look in Neji’s eyes of pure unfiltered irritation was a look that Tenten would never forget. The minute that you stepped out of the room, Neji had quickly fixed his glare on the two of them. His voice left a chill in the air as he told them to get out with the most even tone. Lee began to apologize, fumbling over his words in his stark surprise.
Tenten’s eyes had snapped way from the cup of tea Neji knocked over in Lee’s hands purposely while your back was turned. She couldn’t believe her eyes and her head was still trying to wrap around the events that transpired. She had to grab Lee to leave when she saw Neji’s fists tighten while he closed his eyes. She knew in that moment that Neji did not want any apologies. He was holding back his anger, so she made a quick getaway towing Lee with her, even while he was still apologizing.
Tenten could only hope that Neji would find it in his heart to forgive Lee for spilling the beans. She knew how private of an individual Neji was; especially, when it came to expressing feelings. She was afraid that this might be the last time he would trust them with his secrets. She sighed, knowing this was a delicate situation.
Lee was currently wailing about his woes while they waited in the training fields for Neji and their sensei.
“I can’t believe I spoke so carelessly.”
“It’s alright Lee,” Tenten tried to console, half-heartedly. “I’m sure Y/N didn’t catch on” at least Tenten hoped and she hoped Neji wouldn’t hold a grudge for too long about the incident either.
“How will Neji ever forgive me?” Lee continued to whine, but then jumped up at an idea. “I know! I’ll offer to do his laundry, or I could buy him some tea.”
“I don’t think Neji’s going to let you touch his laundry.” Tenten shot down, knowing Neji probably had a precise way of doing it and who’s to say if he would really let his whites be washed by Lee. “And… I don’t think tea would be a good gift after what just happened,” she mentioned thoughtfully.
Lee slapped his forehead and exclaimed, “Of course! Not tea! That would definitely remind him of my transgressions. But what can I give then? What can I do?”
“Well…” Tenten started but she was a little lost too.
Neji wasn’t much into sweets, nor was he really into gifts of any kind. Tenten had placed her hands on her hips and was continuing to think of what could appease Neji when he appeared on the training field. Both team members were surprised.
“Neji!” they both exclaimed but Tenten was the first to stutter out a response.
“You’re back so soon.” That had her worried. They barely rushed out thirty minutes ago.
“Yes.” Neji’s tone was flat.
“Is everything okay?” Lee asked, concerned.
“Perfectly,” He spoke shortly. His eyes sharp, but his expression was blank. “Lee shall we get started?”
Neji spoke so coolly that Tenten felt a chill run up the back of her neck. Lee easily agreed to start sparring with Neji; wanting to do anything to please him at that moment. However, Tenten could easily see that Neji was not at all at peace. His strikes were fierce against Lee. It was obvious that Neji wanted to pacify his anger and direct it at Lee. Training was the perfect guise for that.
Lee took everything that Neji had. He would block hits and strike with his own but there was a lack of effort on Lee’s part. He fell to the ground many times but kept getting back up to take what Neji had in store for him.
During their skirmish, Gai arrived and stood beside Tenten. He spectated his pupils with interest and noticed right away something was off.
“My intuition is telling me something is off between the two of them.”
“Your intuition is not wrong,” Tenten replied. Her brows were furrowed down in concentration. Her teammates were typically rough with each other, which is why she had little concern, but she was worried about Neji holding a grudge over them for a long time.
“Say you wouldn’t happen to know what this is about, do ya?” Gai questioned. “Neji’s attacks seems to be very targeted at Lee with blunt force and normally, Lee holds a better stance than that and seems to be putting in less effort as if he’s conflicted.” He reasoned, his voice calm.
Tenten sighed. “You’re not off point. Lee accidently confessed to Neji’s crush that he liked them. I don’t think Neji was ready to tell them yet.”
“Ah, yes. A young man’s love can often stir up the fire in his being,” Gai nodded to himself for a moment, stroking his chin. Then once he came to a decision, he patted Tenten on the shoulder and gave her a thumbs up. “I got this.”
She sweat dropped, not sure if her sensei would make things worse, but before she could say anything Gai was already breaking up Neji and Lee’s sparring session.
“Alright that’s enough. Lee why don’t you continue training with Tenten. Neji, come and walk with me,” Gai directed. He put a hand on Neji’s shoulder briefly to signal for him to follow, leaving Lee and Tenten to their own devices.
Neji followed out of respect. He was still feeling grim and annoyed on the inside. When the two of them were far enough away from his teammates, that’s when Gai addressed the issue.
“So, I hear Lee had spilled the beans to the one who has your affections”
“I think Tenten should not be repeating Lee’s mistake and learn to keep her mouth shut.” Neji’s eyes narrowed and his voice was cold once more. He knew exactly who had informed Gai about the situation and it annoyed him further.
“Tell me about the one that ignites the fire inside your being,” Gai prompted, not at all bother by Neji’s display.
“I rather much not talk about it. Especially after today's events,” Neji mumbled, his cheeks tinting slightly red. This was something he did not want to talk about with his sensei of all people.
Gai nodded, understanding Neji’s hesitancy and ignoring it. He understood how Neji operated after three years of training him and he doubt his other students meant to cause such trouble for him. Their intentions probably meant well but a small slip of the tongue probably left Neji in a very unwanted situation. Gai knew that the Hyuga clan which Neji belonged to highly respected privacy and lacked open affection.
His face was serious and did not scold or reprimand him in tone when he continued.
“When I was a young man, I found one such as you did that ignited the fire within my loins. They were beautiful and caught my eye. Not only was my eye caught, but others as well stared at their beauty. I wanted so badly to catch their attention like they caught mine, but alias, my rival had won them over before I could. Yet! I knew to not give up the chase and at least make my affections known.”
“And?” Neji asked simply, not sure where his sensei was going with this. “Did they return your affections?”
“No,” Gai answered and Neji deadpanned.
“Then what is the point of your story?” Neji asked a bit impatient due to feeling uncomfortable.
“That you never know how someone feels unless you try. The one who caught my affections never carried the same affection for me, but their affections were also not returned by Kakashi either. My courage in telling them (despite how they had felt about me) gave them courage to make known their own affections. One just has to come forward in order for any two to be together. You see what I mean Neji?”
“Yes…” He admitted.
“If you like this person, there will never be nothing more if you never tell them how you feel. You’re young and with the life we live, you never know when your last day is coming. It’s better to say all that is on your heart now, than to have it on your mind during your last breath,” Gai mentioned somber.
He stepped forward towards Neji and patted him on the shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile.
“Now why don’t you skedaddle and take a moment to reflect. Come back when you have settled what is in your heart. And try to forgive Lee and Tenten.”
With that Gai took his leave and vanished into the trees.
Neji took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He was still slightly annoyed but not so much anymore. He knew Lee didn’t mean to say what he had on purpose and he knew Tenten only wanted to help and make peace of the situation. His teammates were cavalier at times, but they were good and honest friends of his. What had really annoyed him was himself for not telling Y/N how he felt sooner and not knowing if you even felt the same.
He hated to admit it but Gai was right. He had no way of knowing how you felt unless he were to confess his own feelings first. He wouldn’t have been so bothered if he didn’t let the fear of the unknown keep him from revealing himself. He could never be with you, if he kept his feelings locked inside unless he had the courage, or you did.  
With that, Neji took a slow walk back to the Hyuga compound. He was stalling as he was mauling over what to say to you. He wanted to make things right for earlier as well. He had upped and dashed. He caused a spill you had to clean up. He felt guilty and rude for doing so.
He passed by some wildflowers on his way and picked a few white and yellow daises. He twirled them in his hand, wondering if that was sufficient as his mind ran. When he got to the Hyuga compound, he headed towards his personal corridors and went to his kitchen, looking for something meaningful. He grabbed a tray and started preparing an array of snacks on said tray. He then took an extra step to start squeezing some lemons to make lemonade for you since he knew you did not care for tea. Lemonade was your favorite drink. He grabbed two cups to place on the tray next to the pitcher and the flowers he picked for you neatly placed along the snacks.
When he was ready, he took the tray and headed to your quarters. He knew exactly where you resided. He braced himself as he stood in front of your door. He knocked, trying to steel himself.
When you opened the door, you took his breath away. You weren’t dressed up, but your natural beauty and lovely lavender eyes made him lose himself slightly. You had appeared in your normal attire that you were wearing before he left, your curse seal left uncovered. Your hair was down and cascaded round you.
“Neji?” You questioned, surprised to see him at your door holding a tray out to you. “What is this?”
“An apology for earlier.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to.”
“I do, because I had created the mess earlier when my teammates were here,”
Your eyes grew wide and your mouth formed an o-shape.
“But that’s not all,” Neji continued. “I wanted to do this for you because I like you.”
“I…” You were stunned and felt your heart flutter at the confession. “I like you too, Neji.”
“Would you like to have refreshments with me?” Neji asked more confidently, but there were still butterflies flying around in his stomach.
You smiled in awe at his gesture and were overwhelmed with joy. “Yes.”
With that you followed Neji out into the courtyard, where you two sat and got to know one another better and enjoyed the fresh lemonade he made especially for you. You were finally happy to have gotten answers, that the one you always admired had you written in his heart. Both you and Neji being grateful to his teammates for letting the secret out.
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
Asynchronous With You: Chapter 1
ship: naruhina
rating: teen (maybe mature later)
tags:  Modern Day AU, Foster Siblings, Family, Angst, Unrequited Love, Poor Communication
summary: An awkward journey full of self-denial and missed moments between two foster siblings. Perhaps their love will find the right timing someday.
(The way overdue long-form version of the Foster Sib AU I wrote for @szajnie for Secret Santa 2020.)
music: Asynchronous With You by burokkurubeats & my playlist
He wasn't the first child.
Somehow he had expected to be.
A girl his age, age six, and her older cousin had already been living here for a year now.
They had family, they were just… deemed unfit.
Maybe they'll take them back, when they get their act together. He doesn't know. He only knows he doesn't have the luxury of hope that they do.
Nobody was coming back to get him.
And he had nowhere to go back to.
The foster lady with the ruby red eyes showed him his bedroom.
At first, Naruto thought Hinata and Neji were close, so much so that no one could ever be closer.
Then he thought it was their tactic to keep others out, self-preservation in blood.
Hinata was nice enough, but she never strayed far from Neji.
That was because he never let her.
She wasn't just fiercely loyal to him. She was scared of him.
He tried to get Neji in trouble. Kurenai-obachan needed to know. But Hinata stopped him. She told him not to split them apart. That she didn't mind Neji bossing her around. She would never be okay if she didn't know where her cousin was.
So he tried. But it was hard. He still picked fights with Neji.
That didn't make Hinata happier, either.
He still thinks it's Neji's fault when she finally breaks down, telling them both off before running to her room.
He runs after her, but she won't let him in.
He goes to his room and talks to her through his wall. He has to press himself flat against it, straining to hear any sound.
Could she hear him, too?
"I'll leave Neji alone, okay?" It's a bitter promise, because it makes him feel like he's surrendered when he did nothing wrong. But part of him also feels tired of this pattern day in and day out. He'd rather spend his time better.
The silence stretched passed the point of comfort, and he pictured tomorrow, a tomorrow where Hinata may hate him. Enough to shun him in his own home. And would he really do what he's always done to others to her? Would he really go that far for attention?
His unconscious concerns spilled out, running through his fingers before he could stuff the words back in and swallow them. "Hinata… can I bug you instead?" He flinches and freezes, and he waits.
It's faint, but he heard her.
"Sure," she said.
His shoulders lowered as he slouched down the wall, the tension leaking from his body and he smiled.
Their early years would be shaped by a secret language shared between the two of them from that moment on, where a pinch on the arm and a retaliatory swat was a polite exchange in the morning. Where a "missing" item from their bedrooms was an excuse to search the house together, and where a stolen item was an invitation to enter each other's bedrooms. Hinata really liked to show him her new collection of pressed flowers, and he really liked to show her his latest Gachapon figurine. Whenever that happened, it was usually one of those new things that went "missing" shortly after.
It wasn't that Kurenai-obasan didn't spoil him as much as them, he could have new things all the time, too. But she hadn't been planning on taking him, she hadn't been prepared for him. If he wanted more things, Hinata would have to have less.
And the time he could spend with her was more than enough for him.
Halfway through their grade school years their secret games waned. Being in the same grade helped to keep them in touch throughout the day, but at lunch time she was Neji's, and after school she was Neji's. That's just how it was.
But they were maturing. Their experiences were expanding. They had so much to talk about.
But how could they? It had to be at bedtime. And because it had to be bedtime, they had to be quiet.
He got the idea to drill a hole into their bedroom wall so that way they could easily whisper and not get caught.
That was one of his first thrills: vandalism.
"I think you mean 'home improvement'," Hinata giggled.
He had to process that.
He never realized until then that he still hadn't considered this his home.
Thanks to Kurenai-obasan, he had food in his belly and a roof over his head. He had a bed, some video games, and a safe route to school.
Thanks to Neji, he had a model of masculinity. Not a role model, mind you, but a model nonetheless. Some things about Neji were cool, even admirable. And other things he would never do in his life. They were both abandoned, confused and alone, sure. But it was always annoying how Neji couldn't help but look back. Naruto always had to look forward.
Maybe the way they both did things was equally imperfect.
He smiled to himself, as this is where he had to thank Hinata, for she kept them both grounded and present. Because that's how she lives her life, like each day is a gift not to be squandered.
Who cares about being hurt yesterday? Who cares about what hasn't happened yet?
Right now, at this moment, he was home.
This was his home.
Girls at school always cupped their ears when they were eavesdropping. They cup their mouths when they're telling secrets or bad-mouthing others.
Hinata cups her ear around the hole in their wall when he's telling her stories. And she cups her mouth when she's telling him hers.
Her ears are sensitive, so he tries to watch his volume. He forgets himself when he gets excitable.
Her breath tickles and teases a memory from his brain, one that fills him with both sadness and relief.
When he tries to sleep, he searches for the root of this feeling.
The next day on television, there's a mother murmuring her baby to sleep.
He adopts that image as his own forgotten memory.
And the following night, Hinata's soothing whispers confirm that he had a mother once, and she used to sing him to sleep.
Hinata's a wimp.
He loves the girl, but at school she is a gosh damn trouble magnet.
He jumps in front of her bullies, fists blazing, and he loses.
A lot.
But he gets to pick fights again. He gets to be cool from time to time. And when he gets better, he becomes the best. He gets a reputation!
By the time they reach fifth grade, he doesn't even have to raise a fist.
A well-aimed death glare is enough.
When Neji's graduation forces the two cousins apart for the first time in their lives, the older Hyuuga undergoes a personality shift.
He expresses legitimate concern for Hinata.
Maybe it's been there all along.
They're both standing on the empty landing just outside of their elementary's gymnasium where the remainder of the proceedings were taking place. Neji's stare, heavy with expectations and ultimatum, bore down on his little shoulders.
"You're the only one I can ask."
"Yeah, don't worry. I got this!" Naruto flashed his patent overconfident grin, and this time not a hint of condescension passed across Neji's face.
His heart thumped wildly when he and Neji returned to the gymnasium, with Neji returning to his position amongst the other students in the center of the room. Family members lined up against the walls in foldable metal chairs, a spattering of pride and loss playing out across their faces; Their children were growing up.
When Naruto took his seat, he stole a glance at Hinata on the other side of Kurenai-obasan. Her gentle profile seemed to unlock something inside of him. Waves upon waves of warmth filled his body, pulling him in deeper into a languid pool of contentment.
He would be her protector from now on.
He would be her brother.
He never noticed how their paths lead each other further and further apart.
Their daily routines had remained the same.
Aside from a few exciting developments.
Like Kurenai reconnecting with a childhood friend. The man was a Marine and a chainsmoker, but he seemed cool.
Or how Naruto happened to find a collection of discarded skin mags behind the pool storage room at school. They now safely occupied the space beneath his bed.
There was also the neighborhood shrimp squad of grade-schoolers who loved to call him 'Boss' whenever he came over to play.
Or that time he was hanging out with Sasuke, and unusually the stoic lad had insulted a group of delinquents before he did at the local arcade.
Sasuke may have taken out four guys by the time Naruto took out one, but he still got the win.
But way, way before all of that something had really surprised him: Hinata becoming Deputy Class Rep to their own Haruno Sakura.
She was volunteered for the position based on her equally outstanding grades. Or, at least that's what they had believed.
Over time, it became apparent that they had volunteered Hinata to be Sakura's foil. Hinata was considerate and much more approachable. If the students wanted something, they went straight to Hinata first.
But then her unchanged nature became more detectable.
Like he's said before, Hinata's a wimp.
She crumbles at the slightest disapproval.
She implodes when she's convinced she could do better. When she thinks she's failing.
So halfway through their first year, she started to get abused. Girls and boys alike tried to strongarm her into making their lives 'better'. Making her fetch their lunches and dumping cleaning duty on her every day, then throwing her words back at her when she tried to complain. They'd say, 'But it's what you signed up for', and 'Isn't this your job? Don't you care about your classmates?'.
Somehow Sakura never noticed. He tried to tell her, but she didn't take him seriously. He tried to tell the teachers, but they acted like he had no evidence.
Liars! They just didn't want to get involved! What good are teachers if they don't help their students?!
Some weeks later, the following exams were posted outside the classroom.
Sakura was number two, just below Ino. They were always competing for the top, always unevenly dethroning the other.
Hinata was number three. Always suspiciously number three. And he was dead last.
Hinata could rise to the top, but she never tries.
He always tries, but he can never seem to rise.
He realized then that he hasn't been doing enough as her brother.
Compared to her, he has no future, no potential. It wouldn't be a waste if he took on her burdens.
He can take abuse, because during those first six years at a state-run orphanage, abuse was all he knew.
He realized what he had to do. Resiliency was one of his best traits, after all.
The following day, he took Hinata's place as the class slave. He fetched their lunches, got them drinks whenever they asked. The only thing they never asked him to do was their homework. Because… yeah.
Nobody knew they lived together.
If they did, well, he might've been forced to copy Hinata's assignments all the same.
He never noticed how their paths lead them apart, how their daily routines boxed them into two different social spheres never to overlap.
He was still her brother. Her protector.
But by high school, he'd also become the embodiment of trouble itself.
And he couldn't let that stuff disrupt her life.
Naruto’s sprawled belly-down on the sofa playing on his Vita handheld when Kurenai-obasan calls out to him as she’s emerging from the laundry room.
“Naruto, I’ve stared at this hamper for three weeks,” She drops the hamper at her feet with a weighty thump for emphasis. “Are you going to do it or not?”
“I just forgot.” He surreptitiously powers off his game and abandons his handheld on the sofa as he ambles off the couch.
He’s dramatic when he slouches his shoulders and drags his feet, head lolling backwards in anguish. He hauls the hamper back inside the laundry room. He doesn’t look when he opens the washing machine and dumps his clothes into the drum. But the pile is sticking up. He tries to smash it all down, but he can’t. It’s already full.
“Crap.” He scoops out his month-old laundry in four armfuls and disposes them at his feet. He reaches in to grab the damp garments sticking to the sides of the drum, then begins to throw them into the dryer. At least that’s empty.
He doesn’t notice the butter yellow hoodie with white polka dots on the kangaroo pocket. Or the frilly linen top that needs to be dried on the line. Or the no-show socks with rabbits on them.
Once the drum was cleared out, he hurled his fermented clothes into the washer and started up both machines.
He went back to his game for several hours. Kurenai had to remind him to dry his clothes as she delivered the dryer’s contents to Hinata’s room. This was because Hinata was at cram school.
As he moved his items to the dryer, he recalled how Neji had done cram school too before moving onto a prestigious high school deep in the city center.
Naruto never knew whether to be jealous or not. School work was utterly useless and he didn’t envy the workload of overachievers, but maybe that was only because he couldn’t handle it. Maybe if he were smarter, he’d appreciate it better. Or maybe he’d figure out more ingenious ways to skip it all.
He played his game in the laundry room, waiting for the final ding to go off. He used the same dirty hamper to gather up his clean clothes and dragged it inside his room, where he promptly dumped it all out on his bed. Fresh laundry was intoxicating and he didn’t fight the urge to belly flop into the softener-drenched warmth.
He deeply inhaled as he sank into the heat. His cheek felt particularly nice against this satin material.
His left eye opened a peek. Vanilla and lavender stripes met his eye, with a rose lace and ribbon trim along the waistband.
He shot upright, his face no longer hot from the laundry, but hot with horrified embarrassment. He stared at the garment like it might come to life, jump on him and eat his face. It hadn’t so far.
‘It should be fine to pick them up, right?’ He thought with his frozen hand stretched out.
Why was he acting weird about this? They used to mix their laundry up all the time when they were younger. It’s actually how Hinata acquired a love of hoodies in the first place, because she loved to wear the beige one Obasan got him. She can pull off softer colors, but he can’t, so it was easily hers from that moment on.
He plucked up her panties by their corners and held it away, like it were an envelope full of Ricin, and he gazed at it mindlessly. Somehow they were exactly what he expected Hinata to wear, they were girly and cute.
Pale skin flashed before his eyes, a taboo image of Hinata in these panties, lifting her pleated uniform skirt up had startled him and he dropped the undergarments with a yelp.
Did he really just imagine her that way?
Naruto tried to smack the stupid from his mind until his cheeks burned with physical pain, then with everything he could muster, he snatched up the pair and ran for her bedroom, adding it unceremoniously to her hamper of clean clothes.
He pretended to be asleep by the time she got home.
He ignored the sweet voice that slid through the hole in the wall until she gave up and stopped calling him.
There was simply no way he could hold a conversation with her after that experience.
And to think he had to rely on his skin mags to purge him of his sin.
Weightlifting was doing wonders for him.
For starters, it was taking his mind off of his libido.
For another, his physique was changing. He was starting to sprout up, too. Hinata’s former bullies were starting to learn some new feelings, like reluctance and fear. They eventually moved onto the freshman to enslave, leaving him alone to finally live his final year of middle school the way he always wanted.
The more he did weights, the more girls started to look his way, not just at Sasuke-teme.
Life was looking good!
Is what he thought when he was hanging out on the roof with Sasuke and two Ojou-gyaru types. One girl was straddling Sasuke while Naruto spooned the other girl from behind.
A dire thought hit him when he realized only six months remained until graduation. A choice he had been overlooking was rapping its knuckles against his temple, and he could hardly shoo it away.
“Hey.” Naruto turned his head towards Sasuke.
“Where are you going for High School?”
Sasuke turned his head up towards the sky. He was pensively silent. Then he shrugged. “I’m going to stay here.”
“So you’re going to Konoha Normal High?”
“Just like everyone else.” Sasuke said.
‘Everyone else’ didn’t include Hinata, and he was supposed to stick close to her.
How suspicious would it be if he chose to follow her to her high school?
What if he couldn’t? What if she was following the same path as Neji?
Neji would be there until her senior year. Was his responsibility to the both of them over already?
Naruto would later get a text from Obasan that she would be spending the night with Asuma.
K-Obasan: There’s curry udon in the fridge.
He narrowed his eyes at the text.
Just because you add noodles to leftover curry doesn’t make it a Naruto-approved dinner!
“Udon’s not even the same thing!”
His steps slowed in the school corridor. It was enough for his rooftop date to catch up with him.
“Your face looks weird when you’re glum.” She giggled as she poked his cheeks.
“Yeah, well, I just realized I’m about to go home and no one’s going to be waiting for me.”
“Oh?” She circled her arms around his own and leaned in close. “Good for us, huh?”
His eyes widened with realization. A goofy grin stretched across his face, the corners curling lasciviously.
‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘I’m owed this.’
Author Note: I'm forgoing the one-shot because I still don't have that kind of discipline. ;D I'll definitely try to finish this short story to the end. I had received some good title suggestions for this story, but I ended up going with another song name because I can't seem to do anything else. ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
I'm still going to try to adhere to the canon of the original fic to the best of my ability. I would totally declare this new canon, honestly, but then it'd be a Secret Dating fic with smut and it would never line up with what I already wrote. 😓
Anyways, I hope you liked this so far!
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borat123 · 3 years
NaruHina Analysis
Naruto Manga Part 1
Part 4
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Naruto is about to have his fight with Neji. He frets over everything he’s heard of Neji, and his power. He is scared out of his mind of fighting someone so powerful that he could barely sleep that night. He’s unable to be his usual hot headed and confident self this time. Naruto is actually insecure. He hides behind a bravado because it masks his vulnerabilty.
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We can see here how he tries to cheer himself up with his usual load confident-tough guy behaviour, but his fear of facing Neji and presumibly Gaara is too much for even that. His bravado is faltering and despair is taking over. He’s falling into an old self that he tries to desperatly ignore but his fear of the reality of going up against such fiercely powerful opponents.... its simply too much to keep it up even for him. His depression is coming back to him.
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He goes to the training grounds, probably to try and relive some fond memories of when he first became a ninja. Almost like visting dear places before one dies... Anyways he sees Hinata standing there and his first instinct is to ask if she’s alright now (so he obviously remembers her fight). Hinata is startled of his sudden appearance and hides behind a training pole for comfort.
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Naruto doesn’t wanna reveal why he’s here, since you know, hes depressed and scared over his upcoming fight and he doesn’t wanna show that. After his somewhat angry answer, Hinata looks sad and Naruto sighs because he realises he sounded mean and that wasn’t his intention. (But i feel like it was an exception for Hinata since she’s so calm and nice to him so he feels bad, if it was someone else he wouldn’t care or even open up more but continue his bravado). He asks her about Neji and if he’s powerful since she’s just fought him.
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Look at Naruto’s face after she tells him Neji is strong, extremly bothered and worried. Naruto tries to hide his emotions and screams out really loadly as a cover up for his despair. He’s worried that someone will see his weakness, that he isn’t as confident and happy as he seems to be on the outside. He pretends in front of her that he isn’t afraid and worried.
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Hinata confess that it was all thanks to him that she feels like she has changed. Naruto continues with his bravado to hide his fear, but he knows exactly what Hinata means about wanting to change. But in his current mood he’s unable to believe that she thinks that highly about him. This is very odd behaviour coming from the hot headed load confident Naruto.
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Naruto always tries to hide when he’s hurt or worried. He doesn’t want people to feel pity for him so that’s why he always acts tough and have this bravado behaviour. But his true emotions come out and he opens up to her that he might seem strong to her, but that’s only because he acts tough and in reality he’s frustrated because he’s a failure. This is the first time we see Naruto acting like his trueself in front of someone. We see him vulnerable and natural, speaking freely about his concerns and insecurities. Not in front of Sasuke, Sakura or Kakashi, no, all this in front of Hinata of all people. Why? Well, in universe because she’s able to make him feel calm and after what happend in her previous fight he started seeing her as a kindred spirit with similar problems as him. He feels comfortable to reveal something so personal and that is defiantly not usual behaviour for Naruto (atleast not this early in the manga). He hasn’t even been his true self in front of Iruka yet and that says something about what he feels for Hinata.
But Hinata, immediatly, dismiss Naruto’s words, And makes her ”Proud Failure Speech”, her first motivational talk to Naruto. But Hinata doesn’t just tell him what he wants to hear, she calls him a ‘proud failure’ and even tells him he’s not perfect. So, to all that antis who says Hinata is meek with Naruto, this proves they’re wrong. She tells him exactly what she thinks of him but not to please him but to encourage him and not let him sink emotionally.
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Hinata tells him that his true strength is his will to never give up and that she thinks he’s an incredibly strong person. This touches Naruto so much that hes speechless and mesmerised and even blushing. It’s a similiar reaction he had when Iruka acknowledged him.
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We see here that the first time he felt warmth and love was when Iruka gave him his headband and acknowledged him. So what do you think he’s feeling during her Proud Failure Speech? It’s certaintly something ’warm’ atleast, i tell you that ;)
She motivated him so much that he no longer feels depressed and feels GREAT now and it’s all thanks to her speech. Her words not only brought him out of despair but also helps him for his upcoming fight against Neji but also Gaara and probably all the other enemies in the story too. Hinata just taught him something incredible about himself he didn’t even think of. Hinata made him realize just how strong he really is and that his true strength is how he never gives up, something he already thinks very strongly of. Imagine what that must feel like for him.
We have seen him motivated by memories of Iruka, Sasuke, Haku,… but never through a direct speach, face to face, this was also the reason he showed his true power in his fight against Gaara, the Proud Failure Speech and these memories was the real reason.
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Naruto then has the honesty to tell her what he thought of her before but that he now really likes people like her. (Which is just a less awkward way of saying that he now adores her). He tells her she better come watch him kick Neji’s ass, since he will do it mainly for her. Dont forget that he also made that blood vow that he now has serious motivation to fulfill. Hinata is completly speechless, poor girl, she probably never expected someone to say that to her, the way she’s been treated by her clan, let alone by the person she admires the most.
Why would Kishimoto even bother to create this chapter? Because it’s not only foreshadowing of NaruHina, but also a character defining moment for Naruto. If it weren’t for her speech he would have most certaintly been killed by Neji. We saw how depressed he was. So that means Naruto dies In chapter 100, R.I.P Uzumaki Naruto. But also without truly knowing what his real motivation and strength was he wouldn’t be able to defeat strong opponents like Pain. It was his will to never give up that brought out his victory against Pain and that made him finally be acknowledged by the Village atlast. But without this speech he wouldn’t know it, he wouldn’t feel it as strongly compared to if someone that truly understood him told it to him.
Also about NH, this is the beginning of something. This settles the base of a future relationship. When you start a relationship with someone it is needed you like her/him as a person first, at least, all good relationships. And Naruto and Hinata have already achieved that. Also being able to open up to someone about your insecurities and worries, especially when you’re someone who tries their hardest to hide their true emotions like Naruto, and then being able to get out of despair by the other persons motivational words so easily (while looking like you’re about to melt), i mean this means something. It’s foreshadowing to Naruto and Hinata as eventual lovers.
Anyway that is all for this part, here are the previous parts
Next Part: Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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chalabrun · 3 years
hinata: a deep dive (meta)
As it can be expected, many girls in Naruto have development that often takes some number of deep dives to find. Hinata is certainly no exception to this rule, but with this meta, my hope is that I can suss out some of that hidden development and her accomplishments and list them here.
Hinata: A troubled past
As many of us know from canon, Hinata's past was troubled and fraught with difficulties. 
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Ch. 102, when Hiashi is engaging the toddling Hinata in a spar and manifesting bloodlust during.
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Ch. 78, wherein Hinata is officially disinherited from the main branch heirdom. 
Growing up as the main heiress of the Hyuga clan, and eldest daughter of the main branch head, Hinata was under tremendous pressure from her father to exceed. Compared to even her younger sister, her junior by five years, Hiashi looked down upon her. In chapter 102, in the above panels, it could even be implied that Hiashi was enraged by her, pushing a young Hinata to the point that her uncle Hizashi tried to interfere, but was punished for it when he activated the clan's juinjutsu.
Yet, this wasn't the only hardship Hinata faced. 
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Ch. 102
When Hinata was three years old, while Kumogakure's Head Ninja had been visiting Konoha on matters of diplomacy at the declaration of an armistice between both villages, she was almost kidnapped by this self-same ninja. What would eventually be known as the Hyuga Affair in Kumogakure would result in Hizashi dying in exchange for acting as Hiashi's body double as to satisfy the then nullified demand for Hiashi and his Byakugan that the clan's juinjutsu destroyed in Hizashi upon his death.
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First Databook, Head Ninja of Kumogakure (Scan & Translation)
This would go on to lead to a whole host of issues between Hinata and Neji that notably came to light during the Chunin Exams.
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Ch. 78, where Lee explains it in more detail.
As we learn from the exposition of others in chapter 78, not only was there existing turmoil between the main and cadet branches, but that it manifested in the rookies' generation as Neji and Hinata's one-sided conflict; of Neji blaming the main branch for both his father's death and being consigned to being a proverbial slave to the main branch.
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Ch. 80
And as Neji would go to to explain, all of the former would result in a girl bent and bowed by both the immense pressure of her clan, the strain of conflict in her own family, and the high expectations she couldn't yet meet. Neji even went on to describe it all in visceral detail during their preliminary fight.
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Ch. 78
As we can see from chapter 78, Neji manages to ruthlessly disseminate Hinata's character just by examining her body language and reflecting on her past, and while much of it seems brutally true, it doesn't mean that it's the whole truth, either.
Hinata: Growing from her pain
Despite all the clear hardship that Hinata faced, that doesn't mean she did nothing to grow. As we come to see in much the same arc, she faced these challenges in her own way.
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Ch. 79
Despite all the brutal things Neji said to Hinata, it wasn't enough to kill her confidence. Or, her courage and resolve to keep enduring. And, damn does she endure.
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Ch. 79, when they engage in close, melee combat.
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Ch. 79, when Kurenai reflects on the beginning of Hinata's changes.
Something I see criticized often about Hinata is that she's a hopeless fangirl much in the way Sakura supposedly was over Sasuke. However, something I think that should be clarified is that, coming from a nigh abusive home life that she did, Naruto was her source of hope. And frankly, I don't think it's a deficit to her character at all. Naruto helped inspired her, and her growth showed because of it.
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Ch. 79
As shown near the fight's climax, Hinata keeps standing up and trying to fight despite how seemingly hopeless the situation is. Even though Neji had debilitated her with severe injuries, some borderline fatal, she kept relenting because of her admiration and inspiration she found in Naruto. 
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Ch. 98
And as it would show in the period after Hinata's recovery, she made the full extent of her admiration known; and in doing so, she speaks not as some obsessive fangirl, but a downtrodden girl thanking her greatest source of inspiration so she could rise above it. Something I don't think makes her obsessive at all.
But as the series would continue on, the fruits of this growth shows the most in the second part.
Hinata: The lioness of the Hyuga Clan
As the future would come to prove, Hinata did grow into the inspiration that Naruto gave her, enough to do the impossible and attempt to save the boy she loved from an impossibly powerful enemy.
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Ch. 437, when Hinata faced off against Pein, one of the most powerful villains in the series after the likes of Madara, Obito, or Kaguya.
But, it went beyond that. 
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Ch. 540
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Ch. 632
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Ch. 526
As demonstrable throughout the war arc, by both her clan's reacceptance of her and fighting alongside Naruto, Hinata showed just how far she was willing to take a shared ideal in order to fight at the side of the one she loved and admired more than anything, that inspired her to be strong and endure.
Now, in terms of complete strength and excelling as a kunoichi, this brilliant meta by silalcarin proves that Hinata excelled in other ways, even more than her utterly gifted cousin, Neji.
Hinata: What the databooks say
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Ninja Registration Number: 012612
Birthday: December 27 (12 years old, Capricorn)
Height: 147.cm Weight: 37.9 kg Blood type: A
Personality: Shy, withdrawn
Favourite Food: Hors d’oeuvres, cinnamon rolls
Least favourite food: Crab, prawn
Interests: Pressed flowers
Graduated from Ninja Academy at age 12
Currently undertaking the chuunin examination
Mission Experience
D-rank: 5
C-rank: 3
B-rank: 0
A-rank: 0
S-rank: 0
Ninjutsu: 1.5
Taijutsu: 2.5
Genjutsu: 1
Intelligence: 2.5
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1.5
Hand Seals: 2
Total Ability: 3
Latent Potential: 4
Luck: 2
Hinata’s fighting ability was found lacking by the Hyuuga Clan. But her latent potential is quite conspicuous, so development is to be expected in the future.
“Because… This is my Nindou too”
The kind and gentle dancing fighter with feelings for Naruto
Although she is a heir to the renowned Hyuuga Main House, she is full of compassion, and dislikes competition and fighting: such is Hinata’s personality. Currently, her father has given up of her, and she is assigned to difficult missions as a Genin. Even being in that dire situation hasn’t broken her, she hasn’t lost that kindness of hers, and that’s because Naruto was there, inside her heart. And now, Hinata is strengthening herself, soundly and steadily.
Hinata is a shy and withdrawn person who can’t do anything in front of her dear Naruto. Something she’s been constantly wishing to change about herself.
Timidity and hesitation, unease and nervousness… An ebbing and flowing love story
Hinata is in love with Naruto, but regardless, she can’t take a step forward. However, she’s able to pluck up her own brand of courage sometimes, as proved by that “attack” of hers. Because that’s her Way of the Ninja…?!
She can’t even look Naruto in the eyes as she hands him the ointment to treat the injuries he’s received during the Chuunin exam, but she’s put all her strength into this…!
[Naruto and Herself]
There’s a definite reason behind Hinata’s passion for Naruto. She wants “to become like him”. Shackled by the strict laws of the Hyuuga clan, and further weakened by her inferiority complex towards her younger sister, Hinata is always seeking strength and power.
Hinata is never assertive about anything, something she tends to hate about herself.
When she was fighting Neji, no matter how many times she was struck down, she would think of Naruto and stand up…!
Hinata admires and esteems Naruto. But he is totally clueless about those feelings.
The one she admires taught her about the courage to stand up!!
Chuunin Exam: Third Preliminary Test
[Her fight against Neji]
The time had finally come to fight against Neji, from the Branch House, and hater of the Main House. Hinata disliked conflict, despite which she fought desperately in order to change herself. But as expected, she was no match for Neji, whom people refer to as the strongest in the Hyuuga Clan. [Missing sentence]
Naruto is throwing taunts at Neji. Hinata is able to draw courage from his cheering…
A scene where she even fights on par with the great Neji. The blood of the Hyuuga also flows is Hinata’s veins!
But she yields before Neji’s Gentle Fist, and gets wounded and beaten down several times over…
Earnest feelings are stronger than any weapon…
- First Databook, Hinata's entry (Scan & Translation)
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Ninja Registration Number: 012612
Birthday: December 27 (13 years old, Capricorn)
Height: 148.3 cm Weight: 38.2 kg Blood Type: A
Personality: Shy, withdrawn
Favourite food: Soft bean-jam, cinnamon Rolls
Least favourite food: Crab, prawn
Favourite word: Self-confidence
Interests: Pressed flowers
Graduated from the Ninja Academy at age 12
Promoted to chuunin at age –
Mission Experience
D-rank: 5
C-rank: 3
B-rank: 0
A-rank: 0
S-rank: 0
Ninjutsu: 1.5
Taijutsu: 3
Genjutsu: 1
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Stamina: 1.5
Hand Seals: 2
“I must…do my best too…”
Turn a pure heart into strength…
Hinata passively gave in to everything, but with the support of Naruto’s cheering, she had a fierce battle with Neji, and matured greatly. There is still a lot of her that is not sufficient as the child of the Hyuuga Main House, but indomitable strength is added to her original pure heart, and little by little, but steadily, Hinata progresses ahead… She wishes that she could move even one step closer towards the back of Naruto, her idol…
Hinata, always feeling the same towards Naruto. Will the day come when she can face him directly?
- Second Databook, Hinata's entry (Scan & Translation)
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- Third Databook, Hinata's entry (Scans)
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Fourth Databook, Hinata's entry (Scans)
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Hinata Hyuuga The Sunflower Who Hid Love and Admiration for Naruto in Her Heart, and Bloomed Beautifully
Hinata was born as the eldest daughter of the Hyuuga clan’s main house. Having struggled since childhood with the pressure of being “the next leader of a noble clan,” as well as with her own withdrawn nature, she admired Naruto’s “strength,” and decided to adhere to his nindou. Now, having matured as a shinobi and as a woman, Hinata’s feelings for Naruto cause her to shake… Before: Caption of panel of near-beaten Hinata from chuunin exams: I never go back on my word. Hinata resolves to adhere to the same nindou as Naruto…!! Caption of panel where Hinata uses hakke kuushou against the Juubi: She uses her juuken palm to release air pressure. This is taijutsu handed down by the Hyuuga clan. Caption of panel where Hinata uses hakke rokujuuyon shou: The secret juuken technique “hakke rokujuuyon shou.” She masters it with the courage to step out beyond her limits. “Byakugan” The rare “kekkei genkai” inherited only by the Hyuuga clan. It boasts a 360-degree range of vision and the ability to see clearly for hundreds of meters, and is able to see through opponents’ chakra networks. Caption for sketch of Hinata with activated byakugan: When her byakugan is activated, Hinata’s facial expression becomes sharper. Before: Hinata shows her byakugan in her death match with Neji. Feelings Towards Naruto Since her days at the academy, Hinata has been attracted to the “strength” that Naruto possesses. That admiration eventually changed into the desire to be by Naruto’s side, and also became the source of Hinata’s growing confidence. Before: Caption for panel from chapter 98: He unintentionally leaves her dazed with his impulsive “I like you.” Before: Caption for panel from 615: During the ninja war, Hinata grew into someone who could support Naruto in a predicament and stand as his equal. Art of Hinata Wedding clothes Caption at lower right: Headdress. Her hair is rolled up in a turban-like structure. Middle caption: An Ootsutsuki wedding dress, complete with a veil on her head. Left caption: Hinata wears a skirt while not on a mission.
- Seventh Databook, Hinata entry (Scan & Translation)
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Boruto Moviebook, Hinata's entry (Scan & Translation)
Hinata: Databook jutsu files
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- Kekkei Genkai, Supplementary, All ranges - User(s): Hyuuga Neji, Hyuuga Hinata
The heritage of the Hyuuga Clan, the white eyes that see through everything!!
The Hyuuga Clan is a distinguished family, and one of Konohagakure’s two brightest jewels, the other being the Uchiha Clan. The Kekkei Genkai that circulates within House Hyuuga is the Byakugan. Upon using Byakugan, the caster sees right through immediate obstacles, even catching a glance upon things situated remotely ahead of them.
But Byakugan possesses an even more astonishing ability. It can also distinguish the inner body’s acupuncture network through which chakra circulates, and the apertures through which it is released outside the body, the tenketsu. Because of that ability, the Hyuuga are praised as the clan which has the most outstanding ability. That said, this is also the reason why they have accumulated tragedies throughout their history…
When Byakugan is activated, it is so powerful it causes the veins around the caster’s eyes to protrude!
How exactly does chakra circulate inside the body…? If one has the power of the Byakugan, even such a thing can be understood just like that, with absurd ease.
- First Databook, Hinata's entry (Scan & Translation)
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- Taijutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, Close range - User(s): Hyuuga Hinata
Strong will held in the fists!! Its form is double lion heads!!
A secret high-level Gentle Fist technique, taught only to the Main House of the Hyuuga Clan. By changing the shape of chakra released from both hands, [the user] greatly increases reach and destructive power. The arms become entirely like lions which drain the chakra network of those they touch.
Because it will fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control, it is extremely difficult to learn this ability, which is a feat that requires the Byakugan.
It can be used to increase the power of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.
- Fourth Databook, Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists entry (Scans & Translation)
Hinata: Full jutsu list & stats, etc.
To add to this, the jutsu part of this list are from more than just the manga; they include the anime, movies, and games!
Barrage of Gentle Fists  
Chakra Transfer Technique  
Eight Trigrams Aerial Attack  
Eight Trigrams Aiki Palm  
Eight Trigrams Lion Palm  
Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven  
Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven: Sever  
Eight Trigrams Palms Twin Handed Back  
Eight Trigrams Palms Vacuum Heaven  
Eight Trigrams Sect Palm Wave  
Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms  
Eight Trigrams Spirit Sixty-Four Palms  
Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms  
Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack  
Eight Trigrams Vacuum Lion Palm  
Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm  
Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm  
Four-Corner Sealing Barrier  
Gentle Fist Art: Exorcism  
Gentle Fist  
Gentle Phoenix Spiralling Twin Lion Fists  
Gentle Step Spiralling Twin Lion Fists  
Gentle Step Tailed Beast Twin Lion Fists  
Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists  
Gentle Step Twin Palms  
Giant Insect Fang: Sixty-Four Palms  
Hundred Furious Palms  
Hyūga: Great Revolving Heaven  
Hyūga Great Combo Palm  
Mystical Palm Technique  
Palm Bottom  
Protecting Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms  
Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms  
Water Needle  
White Haze Heavenly Dance  
Wide Healing  
Hyūga Clan Secret Ointment  
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Missions completed: 
10 D-rank
14 C-rank
8 B-rank
1 A-rank
0 S-rank
Academy grades:
Taijutsu = A
Cooperation = A
Classroom attitude = A
Ninjutsu = B
Genjutsu = B
Positivity = F 
Closing thoughts
As I've tried to list in detail, Hinata not only has a lot of in-depth characterization, development, and growth as a kunoichi and member of the Hyuga clan, but extreme promise as a character and love interest of the protagonist. Yet, there's far more to her than her relationships, which I hope I've shown here (even though this doesn't even touch on everything, by far)!
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sloaners · 4 years
[spins the wheel on plausibly entertaining ships] TenTen/Haku? (I'd imagine it starting off as TenTen wanting to get a look at Kubikiribouchou and semi-stalking Zabuza for kenjutsu lessons, and Haku getting involved because This Is Dangerous, Konoha Girl, and then they both get sidetracked while Zabuza conveniently gets the hell out of dodge.)
first instinct reaction: beautiful, deadly, distressingly competent, they are here to Throw Down in Kiri with their Unstoppable Power™️
Tenten first notices Haku’s calm demeanor and more mature competency, but the staying power is Haku’s gentleness, his attention to detail and care for others, and his precision in his desire to aid others more so than hurt them, when he can. He’s clever, he’s kind, and he can put up a hell of a fight, if he chooses to.  
Besides that, at no point does he look down on her or treat her differently as a woman; he does not consider her weak for her designation at birth. In turn, she really admires that he sees no weakness or fault in exploring femininity and his own gender expression. To both of them, skill is skill is skill, and how you were born or how express yourself as does not change that.
But DEAR LORD, Haku’s feelings are quiet but intense. He ADORES a fierceness in the people he likes and admires like no other, and Tenten truly embodies FIERCE. Haku becomes so smitten with Tenten, SO SMITTEN. I like the idea that when he finally talks about maybe being her weapon, she takes it initially as, like, culturally different flirting (Kiri’s, well, Kiri, so she just assumes that’s what it is). But then she realizes that’s how Haku personally describes his devotion to others, his devotion to her, and how he wants to elevate and support her to the death. And she’s, uh, flattered, really, but more concerned about being equals with her hopeful boyfriend. So she’s all “no, babe... we’re BOTH each other’s weapons,” kisses him, and Haku’s just like “:O!!!”
(Neji, forced to overhear all of this happening: “...how is this at all romantic—” Lee, sobbing with joy for his teammate: “OH NEJI, HOW ARE THEY ARE SO COOL AND YOUTHFUL AT THE SAME TIME??? WHEN WILL I FIND THAT LOVE?????”)
Also Neji is suspicious of these missing-nin in general, and kind of miffed he got roped into overthrowing a Kage for Tenten’s new boyfriend, but he is starting to see that Tenten can take care of herself, and is, wow, pretty fucking intimidating with a giant sword. Lee is simply overjoyed by their youthful exuberance of love and village-conquer-ship as he roundhouse kicks one of the Mizukage’s guards unconscious.
(PS: Can you tell this is me also wanting Team Gai accidentally getting the Wave Arc Mission instead, and how supremely fucking incredible that would be for them down the line)
(PPS: Zabuza tries to dip but now he’s now sensei-in-law with Gai, so, RIP Zabuza hope you like the cowprint jumpsuit Gai makes for you)
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Naruto Arts School AU
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Reposting bc I love this post and bc I can lol
- major
okie nobody can deny that our main boy over here is a loud soul, however, he can also carry a damn good beat that compliments his band mates’ music really well. Tbh, he sucked at music to begin with and had trouble matching rhythms and listening to his band mates when they played, however he eventually became a really good rhythm maker.
-Guitar (lead)
He’d be assigned to the same band as Naruto, and that’s how they met. This boy is a damn good guitarist y’all, but has attitude problems™, and used to not be able to deal with Naruto’s haphazard beat making, thus perpetuating a rivalry between the two. He constantly feels overshadowed by his elder brother Itachi, a piano major.
- Dance
Ya girl fucking demolishes every single dance routine. Initially starting out with a focus on ballet (pre-shippuden in canon), our pink headed queen soon realized that she wasn’t getting the full experience of what it meant to dance. Her point shoes were her loves, however they hurt and nipped in places not just physical. She realized that she didn’t want to be pigeonholed into a genre of which she would be inhibited by standard, and rather to dance so as to forget technical perfection. Thus, what would partner with post-shippuden Sakura in canon, Art School AU Sakura got into hip-hop. And bitch, she goes hard. A lot of the other girls who she used to dance ballet with admire her for her absolutely BODYING her dance routines, but also for never sacrificing her femininity to dance and not taking BS for being a girl who goes so hard in a male-dominated genre. (Some people believe that hip-hop is heavy hitting and a little metaphorically “dark” so to speak, which Sakura is not. So obviously I expect a little disagreement regarding this, however if you look at people like Delaney Glazer or Kaycee Rice, that is how Sakura would dance).
- Creative Writing
Shy and bookworm-like, Hinata can write the best poetry, romance and adventure pieces out of all the creative-writing majors. She’s especially good at writing character relationships and development, and has such a subtle sense of intelligent wit in her writing, that if you blinked you would miss it. However should you catch it, you’re sure to chuckle. Her only struggle is that she tends to drag on in important scenes, stretching them against the regular flow of the rest of her writing. Needs validation for her writing through an IV drip.
- Drums OR Photography
Drums for obvious reasons (loud and obnoxious), although ruff boi looks good with a camera, too. Great at landscapes and street photography.
- Creative Writing OR Photography
I could definitely see Shino having fucking beautiful handwriting, and being a beast at writing anything within the sci-fi realm. I could also see him doing some journalism, and writing for the school paper. He’s very good at the logic of his sci-fi books and coming up with logical but enrapturing stories, that intermingle knowledge and mystery. He’s a very specific type of read, however, and may not appeal to all, however if you enjoy anything similar to Star Wars or Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, then Shino is your author. If this doesn’t float your boat, though, try photography-major Shino. He can get the best angles of bugs he sees, and has an extensive portfolio with entomology-related snapshots.
- Dance
Like Sakura, she, too, began with a focus on ballet, however began to branch out into contemporary ballet a little later than Sakura. This is another reason why Sakura switched her focuses, as she and Ino had always had a fierce rivalry for dieting (ballet dancers are pressured to be as thin as possible) as well as battling for technical perfection when they were ballet focused. As the two grew, Ino focused more so on contemporary, but can certainly do some hip-hop with Sakura every now and then, just as Sakura occasionally takes a contemporary class with her. The two still have a rivalry, however, just not to the previous extent as when they were actively competing against each other. They’re more like sisters.
- Guitar (bass) OR Creative Writing OR Architecture
Smart boy’s a tricky one. He would either be a bassist, a mystery and historical fiction writer, or, of his school offers it, be great at architecture. Idrk.
- ermmmmm….. maybe graphic design? Tech theatre (props)? Vocal???
Choji is hARD dwnccnpc (that’s what she said). I could see him behind a computer screen, animating and designing games/covers/posters or whatever. He could also do something in theatre, but I don’t think he would do anything up on stage. Something like props would suit him. He might do something in music, tho???? Can he sing???? Help???
UPDATE: Choji is a band kid. He plays tuba or some shit. Big boy got big lungs.
- Dance
Always has been, and always will be a hip-hop dancer. She wanted to be like Tsunade, a legendary dancer and followed in her footsteps, taking up hip-hop. (that’s why Sakura focused on hip-hop, too, because Tsunade mentored her and taught a few of her classes, too). Tenten is fast and can keep up with any beat. Not only is she a great dancer, but she’s also athletic, and does track and field (cross country), football, and softball at another school too, since the arts schools doesn’t offer it. Overall great dancer with styl. She’s really looked up to by some of her underclassmen for her cheery, but badass style and skill.
- DANCE (hip-hop, too)
It’s sweat. It’s burn. It’s energy. It’s Lee.
- Violin
First chair violinist in his freshman year for the school’s philharmonic orchestra. He be extra like that.
- Guitar (bass)
He had a lonely childhood with neglectful/abusive parents, and rock music really helped him with that. Emo music is emo and often made fun of, but the songs have messages and Gaara related, so self-taught himself the bass guitar to help cope, and bring him closer to the music that salvaged him.
Specifically sculpting. For obvious reasons.
- Acting
Girl can make you cry with some of her monologues. Total lead. Has a seriousness in her acting that makes her believable, however can falter on the less-serious roles. She may also double-major in whatever Shikamaru does. And she’s better at it than him.
Boy could play any etude at age 7. Performed at Carnegie Hall when he was 10. And no, he didn’t pay to play there. The hall invited him. Began composing at 9. Has perfect pitch. Owns international awards. If he’s not at school it’s because he’s traveling to play for crowds. He excels at classical and baroque, however has an ear for romantic, and enjoys playing/composing pieces either written or inspired by romantic pieces. Enjoys Schumann, Debussy, and Tchaikovsky. Hates modern classical music, though. Can only take cinematic pieces composed by people like Williams, however can’t stand Prokofiev at all. He does like modern music, though, so long as it’s outside of the orchestral/classical music realm. He likes R&B. He would have liked to do film with Shisui, particularly producing, however his parents pressure him with piano, so he helps Shisui with student films and projects outside of school (will probably pursue film after graduating, tho).
Fight me on this!!! THIS BOY IS SO GOOD AT CINEMATOGRAPHY MY FILMMAKING ASS CAN’T EVEN. AS SOMEONE WHO IS IN LOVE WITH FILMOGRAPHY, TRUST ME, SHISUI HAS IT™. THE IT™. HE’S GOOD AT EVERYTHING. CINEMATOGRAPHY. DIRECTING. SCREENWRITING. GRIP-WORK. EDITING. PRODUCING. HE’S SUCH A FILM NERD TOO, AND WATCHES OLD FILMS ALL THE TIME. HE’S JUST TOO GOOD AT IT. DOES STREET PHOTOGRAPHY TOO. HE’S OVERALL A GENIUS WITH CAMERAS. Does film with Itachi outside of school and teaches him, and the two are overall geniuses at filmography. They want to start their own studio together (they do, and it becomes huge). He becomes a leading director, while Itachi becomes a producer and directs sometimes too.
Sasori, Deidara, and Sai
- Saxophone
It’s the only thing that suits him and it suits him so well. Has suave.
Obito (omfg his arms y'all)
- Not to say drums or anything, but…. drums.
Narutard 2.0. But he also dabbles in other areas of music. Like, he can also play guitar and sing. He’s also pretty good at music production. Makes R&B sometimes. He wasn’t always the best musician but proved to be a late bloomer, and really harnessed his potential. Tries to be as suave as Kakashi and his saxophone. He isn’t.
- Vocal
Likes to belt.
- Piano
Total prodigy, but hates classical music. Once was accompanist to Hashirama for a solo vocal performance and hasn’t been left alone since.
- Viola or Cello
Some sort of string instrument and takes it very seriously. Probably plays cello because violas are violas and that’s lame (if you know, you know). Has almost as many awards as Itachi and Madara, but hates his usual piano accompanist, Izuna.
- Piano
Also a piano god. The uchihas breed them. Hates being accompanist for Tobirama. They’re secretly best friends though, don’t tell anyone.
- Tech Theatre.
Idk why. Probably started out with props and made her way up to TD (technical director) in senior year.
- Tech Theatre
Fucking hates theatre kids. Assistant TD. Karin hates him.
- Visual Art
Paints landscapes and nature. Really good with oils and gouache respectively.
- lmao Trumpet.
Met Kakashi since they both play brass, but boy he ain’t got that suave. That’s why he plays trumpet. Lmao he plays the fucking trumpet anjdwcnojdnn.
- Vocal
Sweetest voice and could also play the acoustic guitar when she sang. Died in a car accident junior year. Kakashi was at the wheel when they got hit by a drunk driver. Obito saw the whole thing.
- Visual Art
Can create dream like paintings that almost seem like illusions.
- Cello / guitar
Used to play cello because of his parents, but loves to play guitar. Can sing but his voice is raspy from smoking.
Who the fuck do you think teaches dance?
- Guitar (lead)
Used to major in lead guitar. Sucked at first. Probably has a couple, casual Grammy Awards (they’re actually not that hard to be awarded with, The Recording Academy award many people outside of mainstream media. My school has a few). Now teachers as head of the Band department at this school.
Legendary dancer. Probably toured with a few famous people. Now teaches. Mentored Sakura, and mentored Ino but for a shorter time.
- Idk, didgeridoo, or some shit
Definitely a wood wind. Flute maybe??? Teaches now but no one knows what he does. Pedophile. Has a thing for Sasuke.
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plutowrites · 4 years
neji reacts to his and tenten's daughter having a boyfriend
Hi! I’m really sorry for how long it’s taken to write this but I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for the request ♡
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Tenten has to stifle a laugh watching her husband pace in front of their door, waiting for the arrival of their daughter from school. 
“She’s late too.” Neji mumbles, checking the clock hanging in the hallway. Tenten walks over to him, places her hands on his shoulders and gives them a quick massage to ease him up a little.
“You shouldn’t have been snooping around in her room in the first place.” Tenten sighs, a growing smile forming on her face. She already knows about their daughter’s little secret and it was about time Neji found out too.
Just a few hours beforehand, he came running down the stairs shoving a crumpled up piece of paper displaying a love note written on it, in her face. Tenten was not shocked by the existence of such a note but rather its complexity and sophistication; it was beautifully written. Her little girl has good taste in boys, she has to admit.
“Why are you not acting as surprised as I am right now?” Neji demands, his eyebrows raising in suspicion. 
“Hm. No reason. I just think she’s old enough to have a boyfriend.”
“You already knew didn’t you?” 
Tenten doesn’t answer, only sheepishly grinning and that’s enough to give it away. Neji glares at her while wearing a frown but stops when he feels his wife’s arms wrapping themselves around his waist. She breathes him in as she gently places her head on his chest. She can hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. She loves being this close to him, and she knows he feels the same way too just by how tight his arms coil around her frame. 
“What’s wrong with a little teenage love? We sure had some, didn’t we?”
“You can’t possibly compare what we had to this-”
“Why not? She’s older than you were when you started to have a crush on me.” Tenten hums, she doesn’t have to look up to know Neji is blushing fiercely. She enjoys making him flustered just as much as she enjoys being in his arms. “I don’t remember you writing me any love letters though.”
“I did.” He mumbles, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “I was just too afraid to give them to you.”
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kankuroplease · 3 years
Miyako Sekiguchi: Her s/o is Gaara. She is twin sister with Tenten. She’s a nice, chill girl. Like Kakashi, she’s one of the very talented kunoichi, who made jonin at 13 and even joined the ANBU for a short period of time. Lightning and Earth User. She and Tenten grew much closer since they lost their parents at 8. She consoled Tenten after Neji died. The day Naruto and Hinata got married, they got together. Two years later, she and Gaara got married. Baki is the one that walked her down the aisle. A few years later, she and Gaara adopted a precious little baby son named Shinki (i love him sm) Several years later, she and Gaara have two more kids, Sunamaru and Anzu.
Saori: Her s/o is Kankuro (smh). Ooh where do I start?
She’s a fiery kunoichi! Bestie with Sakura! Baddest bitch in the leaf. Strict, serious, but actually a great person. Look like she could kill you, could actually kill you. Types to keep to herself. Her eyebrows furrowed deeper and twitches whenever she’s embarrassed and/or flustered.
She and Sakura trained together to be medical ninjas. She is also close friend with Ino. She had to scold them because they were fighting over Sasuke. Fighting over a boy is definitely not her cup of tea. She really takes after her mentor Tsunade but even she questioned Tsunade’s life choices such as blowing her money on gambling and drinking sake 🎰🍶
She is also a Fire style user and possessed the Sharingan (She is a non-Uchiha). She also knew many poison jutsu, taught by Shizune.
Once some guy grabbed her behind and she snapped and yeeted the guy across the room and put an instant end to his existence.
Met Kankuro at the chunin exam. Thought he was an idiot and wanted to punch him. But for some reason she put up with him. Three years later, she and Sakura saved Kankuro after his fight with Sasori. She was angry upon finding out he went against Baki’s order to chase after Sasori. She got flustered seeing Kankuro without his face paint and his damn hood on (lol) She’s like Sasuke, denying that she like him and resorts to calling him an idiot. He is, but the secret part of her that she allows no one to see, is that she looks forward to seeing him. Hates that they lived in different village. Gave in eventually after the war, after Sakura pulled a trump card, asking “okay well would you not mind if you see him with another girl?” Saori said, “Okay fine. 💢” Actually made a first move and clutch on Kankuro’s sleeve and said bluntly but quietly, her face red while looking like she’s mad though she’s not. “go out with me” Kankuro laughed and said he knew she would say that. Secretly happy about it although she won’t let it show. He grinder every damn nerves she has, but will be would not trade him for someone else. He’s an idiot but he’s her idiot.
Kankuro once said “It’s like dating a female version of Baki!” But absolutely enjoyed her fierce side. She’s actually kinda soft toward him when it was just him.
After finding out he nearly killed himself in a explosion after fighting that Otutsuki puppet guy, she is pissed 💢 Went in his hospital room with a murderous aura around her and gritted her teeth. Sharingan on, she said “Never. Do. That. Again!” She’d absolutely hate to lose him. She loves him, just never showed the mushy side.
Both are great but I love Saori 🔥😍
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thefairyletters · 4 years
Underappreciated beauties
Tbh I like all the female characters in Naruto. It's a vain fight if you were to compare beauty of one character with another. Each character reminds you of something and if you were to compare two characters who represent two different things, then...you should know you're dumb. (No offense. Don't pick versus wars here.)
To make myself clearer, here's some example:
Sakura, with her pink hair and bright green eyes, is the very personification of spring– or perhaps the earth goddess, because she also can destroy all things part of nature. Ino is like a fresh summer morning, the time when the sky is blue as her eyes and you can see sunshine in her hair.
Hinata reminds me of moon itself, especially her eyes. Haku may not be a woman, but he could be personification of winter itself with his gentle looks and cold hands. Tenten reminds me of autumn for her colors and relaxed vibes. She is warm, but not warm.
Temari is literally a wind princess, but she is more like an empress to me. Tbh, I would have rather Temari became the Kazehime than Gaara. She is a kind of person who can run a country with an iron fist. Karin is a...simply put, a succubus. Not in a negative way, but she is easily one of the most seductive characters (when she is not salivating over Sasuke) in Naruto. At least she could be if she puts her mind into it. But I like her sexy, bold and tsundere-ish so...meh.
Anyway, the point is, most females are absolutely stunning in their own way and one should not be able to one up the other nor anyone should try to.
Love all the ladies for who they are!
But there are some characters I particularly think are super pretty and are not appreciated enough for their beauty...
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I mean, just look at her eyes!! Gold eyes! How many Naruto characters have those, except Orochimaru? Those eyes that go so strikingly well with her skin color, coupler with her full lips and bright hair makes her so fucking beautiful!! And she got ear piercings too! All of it goes so well with her fierce personality.
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Mabui is one of the prettiest women in Naruto I've seen. Her facial attributes are stunning – grey hair, dark skin and blue eyes on top of it. She is exotic, like Sakura with her pink hair and green eyes. Not to mention, not that it matters much to me, if at all, this girl got voluptuous body too.
Nii Yugito
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Older sister/twin of C/Shi himself. This kunoichi has got this mature aura around her, it adds charm to her person. Her colouring is pretty boring – dark eyes and light blond hair, pretty standard if you ask me – but her character design is not. Her hairstyle is unique. Most, not all, Naruto characters either have their long hair down aka no effort at all (Hinata, Kurenai, Mikoto, Kushina... So on) or have a hairstyle in combination of multiple characters (Deidara/Ino, Naruto/Yahiko/Obito/Kankuro, Sasuke/Hayate/Utakata/Izuna, Mito/Tenten, Tsunade/Sakura, Yugao/Karin, Hashirama/Neji... So on). Anyway the point is, they actually made some effort with this woman's hair without making it just being several v cuts here and there or straight smooth waterfall of hair. I love Yugito's character design.
Comment below whom you think are underappreciated beauties in Naruto.
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nejitenforlife · 4 years
NejiTen Month 2020
Day 1 - Your Favourite Trope
(As soon as I read this, every trope I enjoy fled my mind, so I ended up doing the one suggested. Even then, it didn’t end the way I was expecting, but I suppose, when do my stories ever?)
Word Count: 1,704
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Tenten hadn’t thought her day could get any worse, and yet there she stood, her day considerably worse than a few short moments ago.
What had started out as a normal routine mission had quickly turned into one of the worst missions of her life. And now… now this? Did they expect her to sit quietly and accept it?
Tenten did her best to reign in her anger, but her voice still sounded short and clipped, even to her own ears. “So, you’re telling me that you don’t have any other rooms available? None at all?” Hell, she would take a dingy springy mattress in a room the size of a closet at this point. Anything but…
“I’m very sorry,” the clerk replied, sounding very unapologetic. “But we are filled to capacity. You were lucky to even find these two rooms available.”
Tenten turned her glare to her sensei who had the presence about himself to look sheepish. She had told him to book accommodations earlier, but he had been adamant they wouldn’t need them.
“Fine,” she said finally, turning back to the lady behind the counter. “Is there any other hotel in this town that might have a room for me?”
“I’m afraid all the hotels and motels are full due to the festival this week.”
Great. Just great. She turned again to her teammates, Gai and Lee looking uncomfortable with her display of anger—they were used to her getting annoyed with them, but she didn’t often get angry. Neji, on the other hand, was ignoring her temper tantrum altogether, his gaze fixed on the furnishings of the lobby around them. She suspected that it was taking every ounce of self-control he had to keep his gaze away, and she swore she saw the hint of a smirk on his infuriatingly perfect lips.
“Can I at least swap rooms with one of you?” she asked the two bushy-browed men before her. She would take having to sleep in the same room as Lee or Gai over having to share a space with Neji. Anyone but him.
Gai shuffled uncomfortably from foot to foot, his gaze darting away from her without giving an answer. Lee sent her an apologetic smile. “Sorry Tenten,” he said, “but Gai sensei promised to spend the evening teaching me the fundamentals to a new taijutsu attack.”
He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a whisper while his eyes strayed to Neji for a moment before finding hers again. “Also, Neji would not like if you shared a room with one of us.”
Tenten didn’t care one iota what Neji liked, not at the moment. She was mad at him and she wanted to remain that way—preferably as far away from him as she could get.
Before she could form a retort, Gai called Lee and the two of them made their way to what would be their room for the night. Tenten heaved a sigh, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get out of this, and resigned herself to the fact that she would just have to keep her wall of anger up. She would not let him break it.
“Are you ready, Tenten?” Neji asked, having made his way to her when she wasn’t paying attention. He watched her with his shrewd lavender gaze, and Tenten felt the urge to smack the smug look off his face.
She didn’t answer quickly enough for his liking, and Neji heaved a long-suffering sigh before grabbing her hand and starting towards the stairs that would take them to their temporary room. She glared at the back of his head, but his grip held when she tried to pull away from him.
“I didn’t give you permission to hold my hand, Neji. Let go.” She made sure her voice was stern, but still he didn’t even so much as loosen his hold on her. She gritted her teeth. He was insufferable.
Neji unlocked the door to their room and pushed it open, tugging her in after him as he walked through the threshold. Tenten wanted to bolt out the door, take her chances elsewhere—anywhere but here—but Neji was already closing the door behind them. Only after the door was shut and locked—seriously, did he have to lock it too?—did he let go of her hand.
It was late, their mission having had taken a lot longer than expected, and Tenten was exhausted. All she wanted to do was shower and crawl into bed, but the way Neji was looking at her made her realize he had other plans in mind. Plans she would not let herself get dragged into.
Before he could so much as step closer to her, Tenten held out a hand in warning, glaring at him. “Since we have no choice but to share this space together, we need to set some ground rules.” Her glare intensified when he opened his mouth to interrupt, and he promptly shut it again, arms crossing his chest stubbornly and his lips flattening into a frown. “First,” she continued, “no touching.”
This made his lips turn upwards into a smirk, and Tenten had to ignore the way it set her heart racing. “Are you afraid you will not be able to resist me if I touch you?”
“No.” Yes. He wasn’t fooled for a second, his smirk widening significantly at her unconvincing reply.  “Second,” she continued, “no talking. I’m mad at you and I don’t want to hear whatever excuses you have come up with.”
“How are we to clear up this misunderstanding if I am not allowed to speak?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Misunderstanding?” If Tenten weren’t so angry, she would have laughed. “Did I just happen to misunderstand seeing that woman all over you, and you allowing her attentions? I didn’t realize we were allowed to flirt with other people in this relationship. Maybe I should go down to the bar and find someone to flirt with as well.”
Neji’s once amused face instantly turned hard and he glared at her, a growl rumbling in his throat at her words.
“No.” Tenten held up her hand to stop him. “You do not get to be jealous right now, Neji.” No way in hell was she going to pander to his manly pride. “If you can flirt with other women then I have every right to do the same.”
Tenten could see him visibly trying to calm himself; his fists clenched and unclenched at his side and he inhaled deep breaths through his nose. Finally, he began to relax. “I am sorry that I have upset you, Tenten,” he said, his voice low. “But I promise that I was not flirting with that woman. I barely even noticed she was there.”
“Right,” Tenten scoffed, “because you couldn’t see the way she was flaunting her boobs in your face, or feel her hands touching you?” It made her sick to even recall the scene, and Tenten could feel her anger rising again.
“We were in the middle of a mission and I was collecting information on the enemy. I was focused on my job. If I had made a scene, I could have jeopardised my position.”
It made sense. Of course it did. Tenten knew Neji had gone in to spy on their target, having to use his byakugan to spy on where their target was having a secret meeting behind closed doors. They needed the intelligence as part of their mission—one that ended up going pear shaped, though they had succeeded in the end.
Neji took advantage of her silence and stepped towards her, reaching out to take hold of her hands. “Do you truly believe I would be attracted to another woman, Tenten?”
Tenten’s shoulders slumped and she felt water pool in her eyes, though she refused to let them fall. “No, of course not,” she replied softly. “But she was so beautiful and voluptuous and I’m, well… not. Sometimes I wonder what you see in me at all.”
She wasn’t planning on getting all deep and emotional with her boyfriend, but the insecurity had been weighing on her mind for some time now, and she couldn’t keep it to herself anymore.
Neji squeezed her hands, his eyes soft and no trace of amusement on his face as he searched her gaze. “Do you wish to know what I thought of that woman? I noticed a pesky fly buzzing around my head, nothing more. I would not be able to recall what she looked like even if I tried.”
He reached up with one hand to caress her cheek, chasing away a tear that had broken free. “Do you wish to know what I think of when I see you?”
“What?” Tenten asked, her voice barely a whisper.
“I see the beautiful, fierce, kind woman who I fell in love with.” He cupped her face in both hands, making sure she could not look away from him. “You are perfect for me, Tenten. I will only ever want you by my side.”
Tenten opened her mouth to say something—what exactly, she wasn’t sure, having just had the breath stolen from her by his words—but before she got the chance, he covered her lips with his. He kissed her passionately, one hand sliding around her neck and into her hair while the other circled her waist to pull her closer.
He pulled away far too soon for Tenten’s liking and rested his forehead against hers. “Am I forgiven?” he asked, using his arm to cinch her closer still.
Tenten knew she couldn’t stay mad at him, not after what he had just told her.  She smiled. “You’re forgiven.”
“Good,” he said, eyes shining with heat. “Because it would be a shame to waste the evening being angry when we could be doing other, more enjoyable things together.”
Neji walked her backwards until her knees hit the bed and she toppled onto it. She pulled him down with her, a mischievous smile on her lips. “We better not waste anymore time then, should we?”
“Definitely not,” Neji replied before devouring her mouth once more.
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missvgj98 · 4 years
Peace: a shikatema fanfic
Chapter One: Shikamaru
Since I was a kid, I was never the type to engage that much. I wasn’t adventurous or outgoing. I kept to myself and wrote stories as I watched the clouds go by. People never interested me. I didn’t mind going to school and talking to no one or even minded being the last pick for a game of dodge ball. Honestly, I would rather sleep more than anything.
           It always worried my parents so, they pushed me to play with their friends’ kid who was the same age as me. I met Choji. He was a… plump guy. Very friendly and had a big heart for butterflies. He’d always chased after them in attempt to get a hold of one, but it never worked out. When he’d get sad, I’d always treat him to his favorite BBQ chips and share a few good laughs. We were fast friends and soon enough he introduced me to his other friends.
           Choji was one who would get picked on a lot because of his weight. So, that would make it hard for him to make friends, but over the years, He eventually did have the luck of meeting some that excepted him for who he was…. Not the best choice at first, but still it was something.
           Naruto and Kiba were the loudest trouble-makers you could ever meet. I seriously thought they were insane and had a peanuts for a brains. The only reason you would find me late after school was because I was suffering the consequences of tagging along with them. But I can’t lie… I did have some great times with them.
           As we approached middle school, we met Neji and Saskue. I was grateful for them because for the longest time I was the father of the group. Neji and Saskue knew how to keep Naruto, Kiba, and at times, Choji in line.
           Neji and Saskue were both very intelligent but at times Naruto could bring them down a notch. I think his stupidity is at times contagious. Saskue had more of an anger issue more than anyone. Neji seemed almost perfect but, push his buttons right and you’ll get something out of him. For the most part he’s a bit like a stone wall.
           We’re an unlikely group, but I’m really happy to do life with them at least. We’ve gone through thick and thin. School fights (guess the two who started those), many detentions, festivals, Kiba’s breakups, supporting each other in sports: Saskue and Neji in Jujitsu (hence how they met), Naruto in Baseball, Kiba plays on the soccer team, and Choji…. After weeks of pestering him- respectfully! We convinced him to try sumo. AND IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF HIS WEIGHT!
           “Choji we’re not saying to go for it because you’re f-…..fluffly- I was going to say fluffy.” Naruto reassured. “We all just thought that you would be a good fit and a great talent for this sport.”
           “The guy even said He’d put you on the team easy.” Kiba contributed.
“No, you guys just think I’m fat!” Choji pouted.
“No-“Neji tried to console him but Choji’s cries over powered him.
           “Look Choji,” I said. “We’re in high school now. And if we want to get into K.U., sports look good our applications. We think Sumo is good for you because you got the proper build for it and out of everyone in this room, you’re the one with the greatest brute strength.”
           “Yeah… and you’re one hell of a bulldozer.” Saskue is speaking from experience.
           We all laughed and Choji finally joined the High School Sumo team. He loves it cause after every match they go to his favorite BBQ spot.
           As my first year of High school progressed it was time for me to the choose something. Which was a surprise for everyone cause I barley even run. I’m the Lazy-ass of the group. You can find me in the dorm room sleeping at any given time. School is a bit of a breeze from me since knowledge is my trump card. I carry an IQ over 200+ and have been invited to get into prestigious academic programs but turned them down. It’d be too troublesome in my book. And I like where I’m at right now.
My favorite teacher and personal mentor Asuma-sensei convinced me over a game of Shoji to take on Boxing. He’s the coach for the team and throughout the years of knowing me, he clams I could make it. I looked at him as if he was mental. I mean- sure my dad showed me some stuff throughout the years to stand-up for myself but, boxing…for real. I don’t know about all that.
           An incident that happened our second year of middle school is something he likes to use as backup to prove his point, always comes to mind.
           We (meaning the gang and I) were on our way home, taking our usual route before we have to split up, walking and munching on some onigiri from our favorite “Go-go” mini mart. And as we were on our way some guys from school had caught up and cornered us in a back ally. We had no idea what was going on until one of the kids spoke up and said:
           “Naruto you bastard, you better take back what you said!”
“ME! What did I say?” we all looked at him with a fierce look.
           “Guys, I promise I didn’t do anything.” He told us.
“Look, if this only pertains to Naruto. We’ll gladly be on our way.”
           “NEJI!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Nah, I think we’re good with pumbling all you assholes to the ground.”
           They all began cracking their knuckles with sinister laughs as they began approaching closer to us.
           Saskue and Neji assumed fighting positions. Naruto slowly grabbed a stick on the ground. Kiba pulled out Akamaru out of his book bag. Choji began to brace himself as I stood behind them simply standing. You could say I’m the eyes of the group in case something goes south.
           “Thanks a lot Naruto.” Saskue whispered.
“If I miss my piano lesson, your explaining this to my dad.” Neji hissed.
           “I don’t even know what that hell this kid is angry about guys! I swear!” Naruto said.
           With a shout they charged. It was four kids against us five. For a moment it was fair fight because I was just standing watch. Neji dodged one kid’s punches and then swiftly gave him an uppercut. Saskue caught the others foot in mid kick and knocked him on his butt by kicking his foot out from underneath him. Kiba sent Akamaru to charge and keep his attacker at bay as he went in with a running start to RKO the kid. Choji simply belly bumped the kid who charged up against him. And Naruto was having a hard time with his opponent as they were duking it out through various punches. The leader was getting more punches in than Naruto, but Naruto still could take it as he finally got the winning shot and knocked the kid off his feet.
           “Lets Go! Quick!” Naruto shouted.
And we were off. We ran out of the alley and made a break for it. Choji was a little behind so, I slowed down to his tempo. He was heaving as he then suddenly realized. “I think I dropped my inhaler back there.”
“Are you serious?” I said. We came to a halt.
“Hey guys! Choji dropped his inhaler. I’m gonna go get it!”
           The guys came back towards us.
“Don’t you think they’re still there?” Kiba asked.
“Well, you want Choji to die? It’s okay Shikamaru. We’ll stay with Choji.” Neji said.
“And I don’t think they’re still there. I saw one of them leave after us in the other direction.” Saskue said.
           “Alright.” So, with that I left and went to retrieve Choji’s inhaler. As I got back to the alley, I found his inhaler on the ground and picked it up. As I was about to leave, I found the Leader still there. I guess his friends left him. He looked at me as he held his chin in pain.
“What the hell do you want?” he shouted. “Come back for more?”
I lift my hands up to show peace. “I don’t mean any trouble. I just came-“
           “I don’t want your apology!”
“I did-“
           “And who needs those looser friends anyway! I just called for real backup! My brother’s coming to kick your ass.”
And not a second later a shadow overcame me. I slowly turned around to see a boy who looked a couple years older than me, with slicked back silver hair, red eyes, towering over me. I saw that he had the high school uniform on.
           “Is this the little shrimpy kid who kicked your butt, Hido? Wow! I can’t believe it.” He laughed.
I got nervous. Maybe I should’ve got Neji or Saskue to come with me. Dammit! What the hell am I going to do?
           “Look here kid, my names Hidan.” He crotched down to my level. “I don’t really appreciate anyone messing with my family. So, I want you to pay very close attention-“
           My eyes shifted to where his hand was reaching for. He had a knife in his coat pocket.
The guy looked as if her was only a year or two older than me- what the hell was he doing with a knife?
           At the sight of it I panicked and without a thought I went into a stance and gave a right hook to the center of his face. He was caught off guard and started falling backward so, to help him out I finished him with an uppercut with my left and ran as fast as I could.
           I never found myself in that type of situation before. Only in hypotheticals with my dad and even then, I wasn’t putting out full blows. Just pretend with my dad.
I ran as fast as I could back to the guys, not giving a single glance back no matter how many voices I heard shouting after me. The guys came back to my line of vision and as they saw me approach their faces looked frightened. I was about to call out but, then a hand grabbed my arm.
           “Hey, slow down there kid!”
I looked to see Asuma-Sensei. Where the heck did he come from?
           “Asuma?” I said. “Wh-“
“If you’re gonna fight, don’t do it next to my store.”
           That was the day I found out that after school Asuma-sensei ran/owned a convenient store. He allowed me to return Choji’s inhaler to him but, I had to go back and explain to Asuma what happened. I was the only one caught so, Naruto said to not rat them out. But Neji dragged him to his house to explain to his dad why he missed his piano lessons.
           When I returned to Asuma, he explained to me that I broke the kids nose and badly bruised his jaw with my punches. He only knew the other guys side of the story so, it looked like I was the attacker.
           “He was about to pull a knife on me so, I panicked.” I simply explained.
           We made it back to the incident and the kid was getting treated by one of Asuma’s workers.
“Is that so?” Asuma said. “Hidan!”
           The silver headed boy looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You got a weapon on you boy?”
           His eye filled with panic for just a split second, but he kept his cool as he covered himself up.
“No sir.” He said. “Look, I told you, my little brother called me saying he and his friends were getting jumped. So, I ran over here to help him. I get here and that little shit was still on a rampage and out of nowhere attacked me!”
           ‘Rampage’ was not the word to describe me. Asuma knew that. So, in a single movement he got the knife out of his pocket.
“You bring weapons to school?” Asuma questioned him.
           Instead of Hidan expressing an emotion of guilt, he starred at me with what felt like a murderous intent. I looked away quickly and asked Asuma if I could leave. But he was already making a call to the school’s deputy. When deputy came, he questioned us again and it all ended with Hidan and his little brother being put in the back of the cop car with handcuffs. Turns out they both had a pilling record on their heads. Soon after the deputy left another cop car pulled in. It was Saskue’s dad. He offered me a ride home but before I left Asuma said:
           “And before I forget. Nice right hook.” He smiled and waved as we drove away.
           He saw the whole thing.
So, my first year of high school I took on Boxing per-Asuma-sensei’s request. And… I don’t hate it. It’s a good stress reliever.
           As the year went on it was just me and the guys as usual. Doing our thing. Until… Ino.
           Ino was a girl I saw almost every single day since elementary school. I knew our parents knew of each other but, she had so many friends Choji and I never really mingled with her. Whenever I saw her outside of school it was a single “Hi” and “Bye”. I’d be lucky if I got one in school though.
           But the point is that whenever I saw her I knew that I liked looking at her and my friends could obviously tell. For the longest time they urged me to go and really talk to her but, I never took the shot. I was okay with just looking at her.
           I didn’t know much about romance and never thought about it ever but, when I saw her I tried to imagine what it would be like. She seemed nice…. That all I could get from her. The guys didn’t know much about her either- only that she was best friends with Sakura…. Who had a huge crush on Saskue. Sakura was an acquaintance of ours and was relatively nice but, she refused to let us know anything about Ino. She said something about paying respect to some stupid girl code. And Saskue refused to put anything on the line if it meant talking Sakura.
           Sakura and Ino were- for the longest time- and still are part of the ”Popular”s. Top of the social ladder and they liked their place there. So, going out with a guy like me or Naruto or Kiba or Choji meant Social suicide. Saskue and Neji made the cut because apparently their good looking but, don’t care for social status or people so they gave them the middle finger.
           But one day, after Biology class, Ino came to me. I was quite surprised she even knew my name when she approached me.
“I need your help, Shika- Shikamaru? Right?”
           “Yea.” I said.
“I’m failing this class and if I don’t pass, the teacher is threatening me with summer school. I heard you’re the top of our class so, do you think you could help me?”
           She asked me in a pretty straight forward way. No hair flip or puppy-dog eyes. She just simply asked. I could see the desperation in her eyes so, I agreed.
           She had already set days that’s she had free so that we could be able to meet up and study. Afterwards I met up with the guys at lunch and they claimed it was fate…. Well, Naruto and Kiba. Choji was happy for me and gave me a pat on the back. But Neji and Saskue simply nodded and told me to be careful. To them they took my liking towards Ino as quite a surprise. They said they didn’t see me with a girl like her but, weren’t gonna put up a fight with my choice.
           As time progressed and I tutored her. The time came to the mid-quarterly exam. She passed with flying colors and Thanked me. Nothing happened over our study dates. It was strictly Biology. But, at the end I got the courage to ask her to the Winter Festival but, she turned me down.
           I didn’t know that it got to me until my boxing match came up. I was up against some guy from Sound High. He was pretty good and in the beginning of the match he was landing a lot of good hits on me. But when the second round came in, he gave a nice jab that woke me up real good. After that I just lost it. I didn’t give him enough time to block or recover and I won the match with a KO.
           The day after, Kiba told me that I was the “Talk of the Town” saying that everyone was talking about my match last night. And a couple days later Ino and I had plans for a date.
           Our relationship happened suddenly, and I quickly got blinded by her. I only saw her and nothing else. I could care less about the popularity and all the people she had around her. I just wanted to know what she was about, her likes, interests, things that made her happy, or sad. Everything.
           I wasn’t one to show PDA at school and I made if very clear to her. She respected my boundaries and I respected hers. The only perk to all this (to Naruto and Kiba) was that we got into all the parties now. Choji used this opportunity to become more of a social butterfly. So, it was kind of a win-win situation because Neji and Saskue would sometimes attend those parties which made Sakura and a bunch of other girls happy.            
           Very quickly we were no longer losers. All in the span of our first year in high school. Choji went with the flow. Kiba loved it. Naruto was through the roof. Saskue could care less but, I do see the way he looks at Sakura at times. And Neji… I’m surprised he’s even still around.
           The beginning of Ino and I’s relationship was great. I had no problem. I didn’t really know how to do all this so, I was just following after her lead while also getting tips from the guys…. Which helped… more or less. Until one day, I asked Asuma.
“What do you see in Ino, Shikamaru?” He asked. “Why did you choose her?”
           I thought for a minute. “Well, I never really thought of girls until I saw her. I saw her and I thought she was beautiful. She was the first girl I ever saw that made me…pause.”
He nodded and then asked. “How did you feel when you kissed her for the first time?”
           “Pretty good.” I said.
He nodded. “Honestly, Shikamaru. I’m not surprised by your answers…. But, If you want my opinion. I don’t think Ino is a nice a choice… for you.”
           I stayed quiet.
“She’s a nice girl. All around personality with a face to match it. But if she’s the one you like- I can’t really tell you how to live your life. But I will I give you this advice: When you know you’re with the right person, it all just comes naturally. Without a second thought.”
Thank you guys for being so patient! It was so hard to get this out on time with school getting in the way. I hope you like the first chapter. The second one will be out soon! Where you’ll see a little bit of Temari’s back story. And art too!
What do you think about ShikaIno? How did this chapter make you feel for the most part? I’d love feedback.
Chapter Two: Temari
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